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ISO 20022: A Deep Dive on camt.

056 &

ISO 20022

A Deep Dive on camt.056 &

JUNE 2021

In November 2022, two camt (Cash Management) ISO 20022 messages will be made available: camt.056.001.08,
the FI-to-FI Payment Cancellation Request, and camt.029, the Resolution of Investigation. The remaining camt
exceptions and investigations messages will become available in November 2023.

• The camt.056 replaces the MT n92 message. As with the MT n92 message, the camt.056 is a request
sent from the Instructing Agent to an Instructed Agent to cancel a previously sent payment instruction.
The message can be used to cancel a pacs.008, apacs.009 or a pacs.010 – the camt.056 supports both
the request for cancellation, where the instructed agent has not yet processed the payment instruction, as
well as the request for refund, where the instructed agent has fully processed the payment instruction
• The camt.029 replaces – and goes further than – the MT n96 message. The camt.029 is sent by a case
assignee (in this case, the instructed agent of the camt.056) to a case creator/assigner (in this case, the
instructing agent of the camt.056). The message is used to inform of the resolution of a case (Cancellation
Request), and optionally provides details about: the corrective action undertaken by the case assignee,
and information on the return where applicable. Ultimately, the camt.029 message will also be used to
cancel other camt exceptions and investigations messages once they are rolled out.

Typical camt.056 message flows

The below details a typical camt.056 message flow (see Figure 1). In this scenario we use the example of a
pacs.008 message, though the camt.056 can also be used for pacs.009 or pacs.010 messages.
1. Corporate Y initiates a credit transfer to its account servicing bank using a pain.001 message.
2. Agent A then takes this information and maps it into a pacs.008 message and sends to Agent B with an
indication of the settlement method (INDA).
3. In this scenario, Corporate Y then decides to cancel this payment initiation – doing so before Agent B
executes the settlement. To do so, Corporate Y sends a camt.055 message to request the cancellation (the
equivalent of the camt.056 but initiated by a corporate rather than a financial institution).
4. In response, Agent A sends a camt.056, based on the camt.055, to Agent B.
5. Agent B then sends a camt.029 message with a status that the payment will be cancelled to Agent A. Since
no settlement took place for the initial pain.001 message, this does not need to be reported into an advice of
credit/debit or a statement.

ISO 20022: A Deep Dive on camt.056 &

Figure 1: camt.056 – cancellation request with a positive outcome

The below details what happens when the pacs.008 message has already been settled (See Figure 2):
1. Corporate Y initiates a credit transfer to its account servicing bank using a pain.001 message.
2. Agent A then takes this information and maps it into a pacs.008 message.
3. Agent B executes the settlement on the pacs.008 message and forwards this on to Agent C.
4. In this scenario, Corporate Y decides to cancel this payment initiation – doing so after Agent B executes the
settlement. To do so, Corporate Y sends a camt.055 message to request the cancellation.
5. Since the message has already been settled, Agent A sends a camt.029 message with a pending (PDCR)
status, as well as a reason code, which in this case is “passed to the next agent” (PTNA).
6. The camt.056 reaches Agent C. If the funds had already arrived at Corporate Z, Agent C has no other
choice than to request a debit authority for the funds that were credited to its account.
7. If Corporate Z gives debit authority for this cancellation request, Agent C will initiate a pacs.004 message
(See our “Deep Dive on pacs.004 and pacs.002” for more details).
8. The pacs.004 message is forwarded to Agent A, who will credit Corporate Y.
9. Corporate Y will be advised of this return through a camt.054, which is an advice of credit on its account.

ISO 20022: A Deep Dive on camt.056 &

Figure 2: camt.056 – cancellation request with a negative outcome

Structure of a camt.056 message

The camt.056 is part of the Exceptions and Investigations (E&I) set of messages, which are based on the case
management principle.
A case is a file that records the progress of an investigation.
• Case creator: Each case has a creator, which will always be transported end-to-end. Usually this is a
financial institution – and where a case is initiated by a corporate, the financial institution servicing that
corporate will initiate the investigation on their behalf.
• The Assignor and the Assignee: For a camt.056 message, the instructing and instructed agents – as they
are known in the pacs messages – have another name: the Assignor and the Assignee. The Assignor is the
sender and is the equivalent of the instructing agent. The Assignee is the receiver of the case, and can be
considered the equivalent of the instructed agent
Each case must be assigned with a unique case identification that is valid for the whole lifecycle of the case itself. It
is also important to note that ISO 20022 stipulates that no bypass is allowed – meaning that E&I messages should
always follow the same route and go through the same agents as the initial payment transaction.
• Assignment block: a mandatory block comparable to the Group Header in the pacs.008 or pacs.009
messages. It contains the identification, which in this case is the identification of the camt.056 message; an
Assigner (mandatory); an Assignee and the creation date and time for the message.
• Underlying: a mandatory block with two components: the “Original Group Information and Cancellation”
which is not used in cross-border transactions, and the “Transaction Information”.
o The “Transaction Information” component contains –
 Cancellation Identification: identifies the Cancellation Request itself and remains unchanged
throughout the payment chain.
 Case: Identifies an Investigation workflow and will contain a Case Identification and the
Case Creator
 Original Group Information: contains the original message format and identification of the
message being cancelled.
 Original Instruction Identification: contains the original instruction ID (from
pacs.008/pacs.009/pacs.010), which is the equivalent to Field 20 of MT messages.
 Original End to End Identification: contains the original End to End Identification
 Original Transaction Identification: contains the original transaction Identification
 Original UETR: contains the original UETR, which is mandatory.

ISO 20022: A Deep Dive on camt.056 &

 Original Clearing System Reference: where applicable, this is the original reference
allocated by an RTGS system to a transaction that has been settled and sent to the direct
participant of this RTGS system.
 Original Interbank Settlement Amount: contains the original interbank settlement amount.
 Original Interbank Settlement Date: contains the original interbank settlement date.
 Cancellation Reason Information: this is mandatory and much more structured than what is
included in an MT292 or an MT192 message today and is explored in greater detail below.

Cancellation Reason Information

The Cancellation Reason Information block has three elements:

• Originator: i.e. the party that issued the Cancellation Request. Identified with a Name, Address and an
identification, such as an organization identification. Additional information can also be included, such as the
scheme, issuer, passport number and Bank Identifier Code (BIC).
• Reason: ISO Reason Codes are much more structured and richer than FIN MT These include:
o Cancel Upon Unable To Apply (CUTA)
o Cover Cancelled Or Returned (COVR)
o Duplicate Payment (DUPL)
o Fraudulent Origin (FRAD)
o Incorrect Currency (CURR)
o Incorrect Agent (AGNT)
o Incorrect Amount (AM09)
o Narrative (NARR)
o Requested By Customer (CUST)
o Technical Problem (TECH)
o Undue Payment (UPAY)

• Additional Information (2 X 105 characters): particularly important for the Narrative code,
which is used when none of the other codes meet the specific requirements. In this case, the
Additional Information field can be used to give more details on the reason for cancellation. It can
also be used in conjunction with other codes to provide additional information about the

Structure of a camt.029 message

The camt.029 message is very complex as it is used to answer all E&I messages – whether it’s a cancellation
request, a request for modification, an unable to apply etc. As such, the camt.029 contains a number of blocks of
information that relate to these different types of investigations (those listed in black below):
• Assignment
• Resolved Case
• Status
• Cancellation Details
• Modification Details
• Claim Non-Receipt
• Statements Details
• Correction Transaction
• Resolution Related Information

The blocks highlighted in blue are relevant in relation to the camt.056 message, and are explored in greater detail
• Assignment: similar to the Group Header, this provides the identification of the message, which in this case
is the camt.029. It includes an Assigner, the sender of the camt.029 message, as well as the Assignee, the
receiver of the camt.029 message. As with all ISO 20022 messages, this also includes the creation date and

ISO 20022: A Deep Dive on camt.056 &

• Status: the camt.029 message has three statuses, which represent the status the assignee sends to the
initiator of the camt.056:
• Cancelled (CNCL)
• Pending (PDCR)
• Rejected (RJCR)
Cancellation Details is a mandatory block, whereby the sender of the status will include additional information with
regards to the transaction that is being cancelled, including:
• Original Group Information and Status
• Original Payment Information and Status
• Transaction Information and Status (see more details below)
Transaction Information and Status
• Cancellation Status Identification: identifies the cancellation status.
• Resolved Case: contains the identification of the creator for the cases. This is mandatory and
covers the entire lifecycle of the investigation message.
• Original Group Information: gives information on the pacs.008, pacs.009 and pacs.010,
including the original message identification.
• Original Instruction Identification
• Original End to End Identification
• Original Transaction Identification
• Original Clearing System Reference
• Original UETR
• Transaction Cancellation Status
• Cancellation Status Reason Information
o Originator
o Reason (coded only)
o Additional Information (2 X 105 characters)
• Resolution Related Information
• Original Interbank Settlement Amount
• Original Interbank Settlement Date
• Assigner
• Assignee
• Original Transaction Reference

ISO 20022: A Deep Dive on camt.056 &
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