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Edition 2.0
June 2023


10, rue des Gaudines – 78100 Saint Germain en Laye, France

Tél. +33 (0)1 34 51 70 01 –
International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
Association Internationale de Signalisation Maritime
Revisions to this document are to be noted in the table prior to the issue of a revised document.

Date Details Approval

Council 64
May 2018 First issue.
General Assembly 13

Council 76
June 2023 Edition 2.0
General Assembly 14

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P2

1 The function of IALA with respect to safety of navigation, the efficiency of maritime transport
and the protection of the environment.
2 Article 8 of the IALA Constitution regarding the authority, duties, and functions of the Council.
3 The “Agreement on the IALA Maritime Buoyage System”, (“the Agreement”) signed in Paris on
the 15th of April 1982 by accredited representatives of 53 nations or Marine Aids to Navigation
services to implement the IALA Maritime Buoyage System so initiating the harmonization of
maritime buoyage world-wide and that accredited representatives of other nations or Marine
Aids to Navigation services subsequently acceded to this agreement.
4 That the IALA Maritime Buoyage System described in the Agreement was superseded by IALA
Recommendation R1001 IALA Maritime Buoyage System Edition 1.0 published May 2018.
5 That the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea Chapter V Regulation 13 requires
Contracting Governments to take into account the recommendations and guidelines of IALA,
including the Maritime Buoyage System (IMO SN.1/Circ.297).

1 That the current IALA Maritime Buoyage System has been adopted by almost all Marine Aids
to Navigation authorities world-wide.
2 That the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has issued its Resolution No. 90 on
5th October 2018 adopting the principles of the maritime buoyage rules of IALA into its
“European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland Waterways”.
3 That the IALA Standard S1010 Marine Aids to Navigation Planning and Service Requirements
recognises the IALA Maritime Buoyage System as normative.
CONSIDERING the proposals of the IALA Aids to Navigation Requirements and Management

ADOPTS the Recommendation on the IALA Maritime Buoyage System, as described in the Annex,

INVITES Members and Marine Aids to Navigation competent authorities world-wide to implement
the provisions of the Recommendation,

RECOMMENDS that National members and other appropriate competent authorities providing
Marine Aids to Navigation services comply with this Recommendation,

REQUESTS the IALA Aids to Navigation Requirements and Management Committee or such other
committee as the Council may direct to keep the Recommendation under review and to propose
amendments, as necessary. Such amendments shall require General Assembly approval.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P3

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 7
1.1. REGIONS A and B ..................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF THE SYSTEM .................................................................................................... 8
1.3. METHOD OF CHARACTERIZING MARKS ................................................................................................... 8
2. TYPES OF MARKS ................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1. LATERAL MARKS....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1. Principles ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2. General Rules..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3. Description of Lateral marks used in Region A ............................................................................................................... 10
2.1.4. Description of Lateral marks used in Region B ................................................................................................................ 10
2.1.5. Preferred Channel marks ................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.2. CARDINAL MARKS .................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2.1. Principles ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.2. General rules ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.3. Use of Cardinal marks ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.4. Description of Cardinal marks ......................................................................................................................................... 13
2.2.5. Visual depiction ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3. ISOLATED DANGER MARK ...................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.1. Principles ......................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.2. General Rules................................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.3.3. Visual depiction ............................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.4. SAFE WATER MARK ................................................................................................................................ 17
2.4.1. Principles ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4.2. General Rules................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.4.3. Visual depiction ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5. SPECIAL MARKS...................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.1. Principles ......................................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.2. General Rules................................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.5.3. Visual depiction ............................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.6. EMERGENCY WRECK MARK ................................................................................................................... 20
2.6.1. Principles ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.6.2. General Rules................................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.6.3. Visual depiction ............................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.7. OTHER MARKS ....................................................................................................................................... 21
2.7.1. Lighthouses...................................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.7.2. Leading Lines or Ranges................................................................................................................................................... 22
2.7.3. Sector Lights .................................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.7.4. Beacons ........................................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.7.5. Major Floating Aids .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
2.7.6. Auxiliary marks ................................................................................................................................................................ 25
3. VARIOUS TYPES OF MARKS ................................................................................................................ 26
3.1. APPLICATIONS OF THE VARIOUS TYPES OF MARKS ............................................................................... 26

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P4

3.2. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 27

3.2.1. AIS AtoN........................................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.2.2. Marking of new dangers .................................................................................................................................................. 27
3.2.3. Port, harbour, inland waterway and other local marks ................................................................................................... 27
3.2.4. Synchronization of lights ................................................................................................................................................. 28
3.2.5. Retro-reflecting materials................................................................................................................................................ 28
3.2.6. AtoN in relation to Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) ................................................................................... 28
3.2.7. Sustainability of AtoN ...................................................................................................................................................... 29
4. DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 29
5. ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 29
REGIONS A AND B ............................................................................................................. 30
REGIONS A AND B BY DAY................................................................................................. 31
REGIONS A AND B BY NIGHT ............................................................................................. 32

List of Tables
Table 1 Description of Lateral marks used in Region A ............................................................................ 10
Table 2 Description of Lateral marks used in Region B ............................................................................ 10
Table 3 Description of Preferred Channel marks used in Region A .......................................................... 11
Table 4 Description of Preferred Channel marks used in Region B .......................................................... 12
Table 5 Description of North and East Cardinal marks ............................................................................ 13
Table 6 Description of South and West Cardinal marks .......................................................................... 14
Table 7 Description of Isolated Danger mark ........................................................................................... 16
Table 8 Description of Safe Water mark .................................................................................................. 17
Table 9 Description of Special marks ....................................................................................................... 19
Table 10 Description of a MAtoN .............................................................................................................. 20
Table 11 Description of an Emergency Wreck mark .................................................................................. 21
Table 12 Description of a Lighthouse ........................................................................................................ 22
Table 13 Description of Leading Line or Ranges ........................................................................................ 23
Table 14 Description of a Sector Light ....................................................................................................... 24
Table 15 Description of a Beacon .............................................................................................................. 25
Table 16 Applications of the various types of marks.................................................................................. 27

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P5

List of Figures
Figure 1 Lateral marks used in Region A ................................................................................................... 10
Figure 2 Lateral marks used in Region B ................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3 Preferred Channel marks used in Region A ................................................................................. 11
Figure 4 Preferred Channel marks used in Region B.................................................................................. 12
Figure 5 Visual depiction of Cardinal marks .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 6 Visual depiction of a Danger mark .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 7 Visual depiction of a Safe Water mark ........................................................................................ 18
Figure 8 Visual depiction of a Special mark ............................................................................................... 20
Figure 9 Visual depiction of an Emergency Wreck mark ........................................................................... 21
Figure 10 Visual depiction of a Lighthouse .................................................................................................. 22
Figure 11 Visual depiction of a Leading Line or Ranges .............................................................................. 23
Figure 12 Visual depiction of a Sector Light ................................................................................................ 24
Figure 13 Visual depiction of a Major Floating Aid (Light vessel) ............................................................... 25
Figure 14 Visual depiction of an Auxiliary mark .......................................................................................... 26
Figure 15 Regions A and B ........................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 16 Region A by day ........................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 17 Region B by day ........................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 18 Region A by night......................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 19 Region B by night ......................................................................................................................... 32

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P6

The IALA Maritime Buoyage System, often referred to as the MBS, is a guide to Marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN).
The purpose is to help all mariners navigating anywhere in the world to fix their position and avoid dangers without
fear of ambiguity. It is also to help competent maritime authorities to harmonize AtoN markings.
The MBS has served the maritime community well since its inception in the 1970s. World-wide consultation
indicates that the fundamental principles of the MBS should be retained, however, it has been reviewed considering
technological developments in the navigation environment.
IALA recommendations and guidelines provide information on planning, operating, managing, and implementing
the marks standardized in the MBS and can be found via the IALA website at


This section describes the history and development of IALA regions A and B described in the MBS.

There were previously more than thirty different buoyage The rules for System A, which included both
systems in use world-wide, many of these systems having cardinal and lateral marks, were completed in
rules in complete conflict with one another. 1976 and agreed by the International
It was thought necessary as a first step to define two main Maritime Organization (IMO).
systems, one using the colour red to mark the port hand side It was introduced in 1977 and its use has
of the channels and the other using the colour red to mark gradually spread throughout Europe,
the starboard hand side of channels. These were called Australia, New Zealand, Africa, the Gulf and
System A and System B, respectively. some Asian Countries.

The rules for System B were completed in early 1980. These were considered to
be suitable for application in North, Central and South America, Japan, Republic
of Korea and Philippines.
At a Conference convened by IALA in November 1980 with the assistance of
IMO and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO), Lighthouse
Authorities from 50 countries and the representatives of nine International
Organizations concerned with Marine Aids to Navigation met, the two systems
were so similar that IALA agreed to adopt a new combined system, known as
“The IALA Maritime Buoyage System”.
This single set of rules allowed lighthouse authorities the choice of using red to
port or red to starboard, on a regional basis; the two regions being known as
Region A and Region B.
The boundaries of the buoyage regions were also decided and illustrated on a
diagram annexed to the rules.

Unified and harmonized marking Evolution of the MBS

system The most significant changes in the 2010 revision were the
Ideally, a unified marking inclusion of Marine Aids to Navigation other than the floating
arrangement is desirable world- buoyage system. This is aimed at providing a more complete
wide, this can be achieved description of Marine Aids to Navigation that may be used.
through adoption of common This version includes the integration of electronic and mobile
characteristics of Marine Aids to marks.
Navigation in the respective Historically the MBS referred solely to buoys; it should be
regions (A and B). noted that this document describes a system of “marks” that
can be provided in a fixed or floating physical format or
electronically, both stationary and mobile.
Future evolution will reflect the continuing emergence of
shipping autonomy technologies which may impact on future
AtoN provision.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P7

The responsibility for safe navigation resides with the mariner through the appropriate use of AtoN in conjunction
with official nautical documents and prudent seamanship, including voyage planning as defined in IMO Resolutions.
The MBS provides guidance on the application of AtoN systems used world-wide for all users.
The MBS is comprised of fixed and floating visual marks and devices. This is primarily a physical system; however,
all of the marks may be complemented by electronic means.
Within the MBS, there are six types of marks, which may be used alone or in combination. Mariners can distinguish
between these marks by identifiable characteristics. As described below, lateral marks differ between Buoyage
Regions A and B, whereas the other five types of marks are common to both regions.
There are four AtoN applications:
 Fixed
 Floating
 Mobile (MAtoN)
 Electronic (AIS AtoN, radar beacon (Racon) and radar target enhancer)
Determining the proper application of a navigational mark or signal involves:
 balancing the benefits derived from new and advancing technologies against safety and security concerns;
 the impact on the environment and on international trade facilitation;
 the potential costs to the industry; and
 their impact on personnel, both on board and ashore.
Note: The MBS document does not include other AtoN, such as radio navigation systems (GNSS or DGNSS) or vessel
traffic services (VTS); the IALA NAVGUIDE, the IALA VTS Manual, and other relevant IALA recommendations and
guidelines should be consulted in this regard.


A mark is characterized by one or more of the following features:

 Colour and rhythmic character of light and/or illumination enhancement (e.g., retroreflectors) at night
 Colour, shape, topmark, and/or light (including colour and rhythm) during the day
 Electronic (digital) symbology, as a complement to physical marks
 Electronic (digital) symbology only



There are two international buoyage regions (Region A and Region B), where lateral marks differ. The geographical
divisions of these two regions are shown on the world map within this document.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P8
With reference to a “conventional direction of buoyage” (see, lateral marks in Region A utilize red and
green colours (refer to section 2.1.3) by day and night to denote the port and starboard sides of channels,
respectively. However, in Region B (refer to section 2.1.4), these colours are reversed with red to starboard and
green to port.
A modified lateral mark may be used at the point where a channel divides to distinguish the preferred channel, that
is to say, the primary route or channel that is so designated by the competent authority. Definition of conventional direction of buoyage
The conventional direction of buoyage, which must be indicated in appropriate nautical charts and documents, may
be either:
 the general direction taken by the mariner when approaching a harbour, river, estuary or other waterway
from seaward; or
 the direction determined by the competent authority in consultation, where appropriate, with
neighbouring countries. In principle, it should follow a clockwise direction around land masses. Numbering or lettering
If marks at the sides of a channel are numbered or lettered, the numbering or lettering shall follow the conventional
direction of buoyage. The protocol for numbering lateral marks, especially in confined waterways, should be even
numbers on red, odd numbers on green.
2.1.2. GENERAL RULES Colour
The colour of lateral marks must comply with the IALA MBS Regions as specified in Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4. Shapes
Lateral marks should be of cylindrical and conical shape. However, where they do not rely on a distinctive shape for
identification, they should, where practicable, carry the appropriate topmark. Topmarks
The following rules apply to lateral topmarks:
 Conical topmarks:
 The vertical height of a cone from base to apex should be about 90 % of the base diameter.
 The vertical clear space between the lowest point of the topmark and all other parts of the mark
should be at least 35 % of the base diameter of the cone.
 The base diameter should be 25 % - 30 % of the diameter of the buoy at the waterline.
 Cylindrical (can) topmarks:
 The vertical height of a cylinder should be one (1) to 1.5 times the base diameter.
 The vertical clear space between the lowest part of the cylinder and all other parts of the mark
should be at least 35 % of the diameter of the cylinder.
 In the case of a buoy, the base diameter of the cylinder should be 25 % - 30 % of the diameter of
the buoy at the waterline.
Note: It should be noted that when the use of topmarks is impractical due to weather or ice conditions, a competent
authority may decide topmarks are not to be used.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P9

Table 1 Description of Lateral marks used in Region A Port Hand marks Starboard Hand marks

Colour Red Green

Shape of buoy Cylindrical (can), pillar or spar Conical, pillar or spar

Topmark (if any) Single red cylinder (can) Single green cone, point upward

Light (if fitted)

Colour Red Green

Rhythmic character Any, other than that described in section 2.1.5. Any, other than that described in section

Supplementary (if AIS AtoN AIS AtoN

Racon Racon Visual depiction

Figure 1 Lateral marks used in Region A


Table 2 Description of Lateral marks used in Region B Port Hand marks Starboard Hand marks

Colour Green Red

Shape of buoy Cylindrical (can), pillar or spar Conical, pillar or spar

Topmark (if any) Single green cylinder (can) Single red cone, point upward

Light (when fitted)

Colour Green Red

Rhythmic character Any, other than that described in section Any, other than that described in section
2.1.5. 2.1.5.
Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN AIS AtoN

Racon Racon

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 10 Visual depiction

Figure 2 Lateral marks used in Region B


In Region A, at the point where a channel divides, when proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a
preferred channel may be indicated by a modified Port or Starboard lateral mark as follows:

Table 3 Description of Preferred Channel marks used in Region A Preferred Channel to Starboard Preferred Channel to Port

Colour Red with one broad green horizontal band Green with one broad red horizontal band
Shape of buoy Cylindrical (can), pillar or spar Conical, pillar or spar
Topmark (if any) Single red cylinder (can) Single green cone, point upward
Light (when fitted)
Colour Red Green
Rhythmic character Composite group flashing (2 + 1) Composite group flashing (2 + 1)
Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN AIS AtoN
Racon Racon Visual depiction

Figure 3 Preferred Channel marks used in Region A

In Region B, at the point where a channel divides, when proceeding in the conventional direction of buoyage, a
preferred channel may be indicated by a modified Port or Starboard lateral mark as follows:

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 11
Table 4 Description of Preferred Channel marks used in Region B Preferred Channel to Starboard Preferred Channel to Port

Colour Green with one broad red horizontal band Red with one broad green horizontal band
Shape of buoy Cylindrical (can), pillar or spar Conical, pillar or spar
Topmark (if any) Single green cylinder (can) Single red cone, point upward
Light (when fitted)
Colour Green Red
Rhythmic character Composite group flashing (2 + 1) Composite group flashing (2 + 1)
Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN AIS AtoN
Racon Racon Visual depiction

Figure 4 Preferred Channel marks used in Region B


Cardinal marks indicate where safer water lies in the area, in relation to a point of interest. For example, safer
navigable water lies to the north of a North Cardinal mark but may also have navigable water east and west of
it; the relevant chart should be consulted for further guidance.
Cardinal marks do not have a distinctive shape but are normally pillar or spar. They are always painted in yellow
and black horizontal bands, and their distinctive double cone topmarks are always black. Definition of Cardinal quadrants and marks
The four quadrants (North, East, South and West) are bounded by the true bearings NW-NE, NE-SE, SE-SW, and SW-
NW, taken from the point of interest.
The type of Cardinal mark indicates which side of the mark it should be passed by.
The Cardinal marks in Region A and Region B, and their use, are the same. Numbering or lettering
Numbering or lettering to identify the mark or the point of interest, may be used.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 12
The type of Cardinal mark is indicated by both topmark and coloured bands.
Cardinal marks also have a defined system of flashing white lights. The rhythms are basically all “very quick” (VQ)
or “quick” (Q) flashing, but each type of mark uses a different sequence. “Very quick flashing” is defined as a
light flashing at a rate of either 120 or 100 flashes per minute, and “quick flashing” is a light flashing at either 60
or 50 flashes per minute.
Note: When similar Cardinal marks are used in close proximity, dissimilar characters should be used.
The concept of three, six or nine flashes is easily remembered when one associates it with a clock face. The
long flash, defined as a light appearance of not less than 2 seconds, is to ensure that three or nine very quick
or quick flashes cannot be mistaken for six.
It will be observed that two other marks use white lights - Isolated Danger marks and Safe Water marks. Each has
a distinctive light rhythmic character that cannot be confused with the very quick or quick flashing light of Cardinal
marks. Topmarks
The following rules apply to cardinal topmarks.
For conical topmarks:
 The vertical height of a cone from base to apex should be about 90 % of the base diameter.
 For cardinal marks, the separation distance between cones should be about 50 % of the base diameter of
the cone.
 The vertical clear space between the lowest point of the topmark and all other parts of the mark should be
at least 35 % of the base diameter of the cone.
 The base diameter should be 25 % - 30 % of the diameter of the buoy at the waterline.
Note: It should be noted that when the use of topmarks is impractical due to weather or ice conditions, a competent
authority may decide topmarks are not to be used.
A Cardinal mark may be used, for example:
 To indicate where the deepest water in that area can be found.
 To indicate the safe side on which to pass a danger.
 To draw attention to a feature in a channel such as a bend, a junction, a bifurcation, or the end of a shoal.
Competent authorities should consider carefully before establishing too many Cardinal marks in a waterway, or
area, as this can lead to confusion, given their white lights of similar characteristics.

Table 5 Description of North and East Cardinal marks North Cardinal mark East Cardinal mark

Topmark 2 black cones, one above the other, points 2 black cones, one above the other, base to base
Colour Black above yellow Black with a single broad horizontal yellow band
Shape of buoys Pillar or spar Pillar or spar

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 13 North Cardinal mark East Cardinal mark
Light (when fitted)
Colour White White
Rhythmic character VQ or Q VQ(3) every 5 s or Q(3) every 10 s
Supplementary (if AIS AtoN AIS AtoN
Racon Racon

Table 6 Description of South and West Cardinal marks South Cardinal mark West Cardinal mark

Topmark 2 black cones, one above the other, points 2 black cones, one above the other, point to
downward point
Colour Yellow above black Yellow with a single broad horizontal black band
(1/3 of the height)
Shape of buoys Pillar or spar Pillar or spar
Light (when fitted)
Colour White White
Rhythmic character VQ(6) + Long flash every 10 s or Q(6) + VQ(9) every 10 s or Q(9) every 15 s
Long flash every 15 s
Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN AIS AtoN
Racon Racon

Note: The double cone topmark is a very important feature of every Cardinal mark by day and should be used
wherever practicable and be as large as possible with a clear separation between the cones.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 14

Figure 5 Visual depiction of Cardinal marks


The Isolated Danger mark is placed on or near to a danger that has navigable water all around it. Because the extent
of the danger and the safe passing distance cannot be specified for all circumstances in which this mark may be
used, the mariner shall consult the relevant charts and nautical publications for guidance.
Isolated Danger marks do not have a distinctive shape but are normally pillar or spar. They are always painted black
with one or more horizontal red bands. Distinctive double black spherical topmarks and Group flashing (2) white
lights, serve to distinguish Isolated Danger marks from Cardinal marks. Definition of Isolated Danger mark
An Isolated Danger mark is a mark erected on, or moored on or above, an isolated danger which has navigable water
all around it. Numbering or lettering
Numbering or lettering to identify the mark may be used.
2.3.2. GENERAL RULES Topmarks
The following rules apply to isolated danger topmarks.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 15
Spherical topmarks:
 In the case of a buoy, the diameter of the spheres should be at least 20 % of the diameter of the buoy at
the waterline.
 For isolated danger marks the separation distance between spheres should be about 50 % of their
 The vertical space between the lowest part of the spheres and all other parts of the mark should be at
least 35 % of the diameter of the spheres.
Note: It should be noted that when the use of topmarks is impractical due to weather or ice conditions, a competent
authority may decide topmarks are not to be used. Description of Isolated Danger mark

Table 7 Description of Isolated Danger mark

Topmark Two black spheres, one above the other
Colour Black with one or more broad horizontal red bands
Shape of buoy Optional, but not conflicting with lateral marks; pillar or spar preferred
Light (when fitted)
Colour White
Rhythmic character Group flashing (2)
Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN

Note: The double sphere topmark is a very important feature of every Isolated Danger mark by day and should be
used wherever practicable and be as large as possible with a clear separation between the spheres.

Figure 6 Visual depiction of a Danger mark

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 16

The Safe Water mark has navigable water all around it and does not mark a danger. Safe Water marks can be used,
for example, as fairway, mid-channel, or landfall marks.
Safe Water marks have an appearance different from danger marking buoys. They are spherical, or alternatively
pillar or spar, with red and white vertical stripes and a single red spherical topmark. Definition of Safe Water mark
Safe Water marks serve to indicate that there is navigable water all around the mark. These include centre line
marks and mid-channel marks. Such a mark may also be used to indicate channel entrance, port or estuary
approach, landfall, or best point of passage under bridges. Numbering or lettering
Numbering or lettering to identify the mark may be used.
2.4.2. GENERAL RULES Topmarks
The following rules apply to Safe Water topmarks.
Spherical topmarks:
 In the case of a buoy, the diameter of the sphere should be at least 20 % of the diameter of the buoy at the
 The vertical space between the lowest part of the sphere and all other parts of the mark should be at least
35 % of the diameter of the sphere.
Note: It should be noted that when the use of topmarks is impractical due to weather or ice conditions, a competent
authority may decide topmarks are not to be used. Description of Safe Water mark

Table 8 Description of Safe Water mark

Colour Red and white vertical stripes
Shape of buoy Spherical; pillar or spar with spherical topmark
Topmark (if any) Single red sphere
Light (when fitted)
Colour White
Rhythmic character Isophase, occulting, one long flash every 10 s or Morse “A” ( ● – )
Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 17

Figure 7 Visual depiction of a Safe Water mark


Special marks are used to indicate a special area or feature whose nature may be apparent from reference to
a chart or other nautical publication. They are not generally intended to mark channels or obstructions where
the MBS provides suitable alternatives. Numbering, lettering and or pictograms
Special marks may be lettered or numbered and may also include the use of a pictogram to indicate their purpose
using International Hydrographic Organization ( IHO) symbology where appropriate.
2.5.2. GENERAL RULES Topmarks
The following rule applies to special mark topmarks.
“X” (Single 3-D Yellow Diagonal Cross) topmarks:
The arms of the “X” should be diagonally contained within a square with length of side of about 33 % of
the buoy diameter at the waterline. The width of the arms of the “X” should be about 15 % of the length
of side of the square.
Note: It should be noted that when the use of topmarks is impractical due to weather or ice conditions, a competent
authority may decide topmarks are not to be used. Definition of Special marks
Special marks are yellow. They may carry a topmark, preferably three-dimensional to be visible from all directions,
and any light used is also yellow. To avoid the possibility of confusion between yellow and white in poor visibility,
the yellow lights of Special marks do not have any of the rhythms used for white lights.
Their shape will not conflict with that of other navigational marks. This means, for example, that a Special mark
located on the port hand side of a channel may be cylindrical but will not be conical.
Some examples of uses of Special marks:
 Ocean Data Acquisition Systems (ODAS) marks
 Traffic separation marks where use of conventional channel marking may cause confusion

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 18
 Spoil Ground marks
 Military exercise zone marks
 Cable or pipeline marks
 Recreation zone marks
 Boundaries of anchorage areas
 Man-made structures
 Aquaculture
 Mooring buoys
 Moving object / hazard (MAtoN)
Note: Mooring buoys are not usually considered to be Marine Aids to Navigation, although larger moorings are
often charted features. If it is considered necessary to increase their conspicuity (e.g., in or immediately adjacent
to a channel), they should be marked as a special mark, however the use of a topmark may not be practical and
measures should be taken to protect any light. Mobile AtoN (MAtoN)
A Special mark may also be utilized as a Mobile Aid to Navigation (MAtoN) in which a mark is attached to floating
objects which may be a collision hazard. A MAtoN has a defined light characteristic of three flickering flashes,
followed by two regular flashes. It should be noted that IALA Recommendation R1016 Mobile Aids to Navigation
(MAtoN), recommends that IALA members and relevant competent authorities liaise and cooperate with
appropriate authorities or providers for vessel traffic services (VTS) before a MAtoN is deployed in a VTS area. Special Channels/Areas
An important application for Special marks is to mark a channel/area of interest to a particular class of vessel, for
example, a specially dredged channel for deep draught vessels in an area where there already is adequate depth of
water for most vessels. In such a case, the limit of safe navigation for vessels generally will continue to be marked
by Lateral (or Cardinal) marks, but the channel/area of special interest will be indicated by Special marks with the
appropriate daymark shape. Description of Special marks

Table 9 Description of Special marks

Colour Yellow
Shape of buoy Optional, but not conflicting with Lateral marks
Topmark (if any) Single yellow “X” shape
Light (when fitted)
Colour Yellow
Rhythmic character Any, other than those reserved for Cardinal, Isolated Danger, MAtoN and Safe Water marks.
Pictogram The use of pictograms is authorized, as defined by IHO or a competent authority.
Supplementary (if When marking a moving object / hazard, see

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 19 Description of MAtoN

Table 10 Description of a MAtoN

Colour Yellow
Shape of buoy Optional, but not conflicting with Lateral marks
Topmark (if any) Single yellow “X” shape
To increase conspicuity, and if practical, the topmark of a special mark should be used
Additional marks For hazards with low profile/partly submerged and where visual observations are primarily
undertaken from the air, an additional mark, like a circular symbol, can be added, if
Position sensor If AIS is used, the electronic position fixing system (EPFS) in use, must be in accordance with
the latest version of ITU-R M.1371 - Technical characteristics for an automatic identification
system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile frequency band.
Light (when fitted)
MAtoN Rhythmic Flicker 1 s (5 Hz) Eclipse 0.7 s
character Flicker 1 s (5 Hz) Eclipse 0.7 s
Flicker 1 s (5Hz) Eclipse 0.5 s
Fl 1 s Eclipse 0.5 s
Fl 1 s Eclipse 3 s
Supplementary (if Radar reflectors - to increase radar conspicuity, and if practical, a radar reflector should be
any) installed.
Reflective markings, if any, should be in accordance with the applicable IALA Recommendation


Figure 8 Visual depiction of a Special mark


New dangers may be marked with an Emergency Wreck mark.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

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An Emergency Wreck mark has blue and yellow vertical stripes in equal number, with a vertical/perpendicular
yellow cross topmark, preferably three-dimensional to be visible from all directions and displays a blue and yellow
alternating light. Description of Emergency Wreck mark

Table 11 Description of an Emergency Wreck mark

Colour Blue/Yellow vertical stripes in equal number dimensions (minimum 4 stripes and
maximum 8)
Shape of buoy Pillar or spar
Topmark (if any) Vertical/perpendicular yellow cross
Colour Yellow/blue alternating
Rhythmic character One second of blue light and one second of yellow light with 0.5 sec. eclipse
Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN
Racon, displaying Morse Code “D” ( – ● ● )


Figure 9 Visual depiction of an Emergency Wreck mark


2.7.1. LIGHTHOUSES Definition of a Lighthouse
A lighthouse is a tower, or substantial building or structure, erected at a designated geographical location to carry a
signal light and provides a significant daymark. It provides a long or medium range light for identification by night.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 21 Description of a Lighthouse
A lighthouse is a structure of either traditional or modern design that may provide a daymark for identification by
day and a light at night. It may provide a platform for other AtoN such as a differential global navigation satellite
system (DGNSS), racon or AIS as an AtoN and other systems such as VHF and VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) to
assist marine navigation.
A sector light may also be incorporated into the structure.
The structure may be illuminated at night to assist identification, in accordance with IALA guidance.

Table 12 Description of a Lighthouse

Colour/Shape Lighthouse structures can be of any colour, shape, or material generally designed to provide a
distinctive daymark.
Colour White, Red, or Green
Rhythm Any number of flashes, is phase or occulting or as appropriate, to allow light to be readily
Supplementary (if AIS AtoN
Racon Visual depiction

Figure 10 Visual depiction of a Lighthouse

2.7.2. LEADING LINES OR RANGES Definition of Leading Lines or Ranges
A group of two or more marks or lights, in the same vertical plane such that the navigator can follow the leading
line on the same bearing. Description of Leading Lines
Leading Line structures can be any colour or shape that provides a distinctive mark that cannot be confused with
adjacent structures.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

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Table 13 Description of Leading Line or Ranges

Colour No colour significance. Competent authority determines the optimum colours to contrast with the
dominant background colour at the location
Shape No shape significance. Rectangular or triangular figures are recommended.

Light (when fitted)

Colour Any colour. Competent authority determines the optimum colour to contrast with the dominant
background colour at the location.

Rhythmic Any fixed characteristics, however, should be used sparingly, and the use of synchronization of leading
character lights can assist in overcoming background lighting/lights.

Supplementary AIS AtoN

(if any)
Racon Visual depiction

Figure 11 Visual depiction of a Leading Line or Ranges

2.7.3. SECTOR LIGHTS Definition of Sector Lights
A sector light is a fixed Marine Aid to Navigation that displays a light of different colours and/or rhythms over
designated arcs. The colour of the light provides directional information to the mariner.
Sector lights are usually used as lights of a lighthouse or a light beacon.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 23 Description of Sector Lights
A sector light may be used:
 to provide directional information in a fairway;
 to indicate a turning point, a junction with other channels, a hazard or other items of navigational
 to provide information on hazard areas that should be avoided; or
 in some cases, a sector light with a narrow sector of a single colour (directional light) may be used.

Table 14 Description of a Sector Light


Colour Not applicable

Shape None, light only
Colour If using to mark channel limits follow convention direction of buoyage for IALA region
indicated in Section 2.1. Lights may have oscillating boundaries

Rhythmic character As appropriate

Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN

Racon Visual depiction

Figure 12 Visual depiction of a Sector Light

2.7.4. BEACONS Definition of a Beacon
A fixed man-made navigation mark that can be recognized by its shape, colour, pattern, topmark, or light character,
or a combination of these. General Rules
The general rules for using beacons are:
 Can carry a signal light and in this case is termed a light beacon or lighted beacon.
 If not fitted with a light it is termed an unlighted or unlit beacon and provides only a day mark.
 As a leading line orange or conspicuous radar mark.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

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Table 15 Description of a Beacon

Colour Any

Shape As appropriate, including cardinal mark

Topmark (if any) As appropriate

Light (when fitted)

Colour White, Red, or Green

Rhythmic character As appropriate

Supplementary (if any) AIS AtoN


2.7.5. MAJOR FLOATING AIDS Definition of Major Floating Aids
Major floating aids include lightvessels, light floats and large navigational buoys. Description of Major Floating Aids
Major floating aids are generally deployed at critical locations, intended to mark approaches from offshore areas,
where shipping traffic concentrations are high. They may provide a platform for other AtoN such as racons or AIS
AtoN and other systems such as VHF and VDES to assist marine navigation. Visual depiction

Figure 13 Visual depiction of a Major Floating Aid (Light vessel) Supplementary aids (if any)

The supplementary aids that could be used, in conjunction with a major floating aid are:
 AIS AtoN
 Racon
2.7.6. AUXILIARY MARKS Definition of Auxiliary marks
Minor AtoN that have not been previously described.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 25 Description of Auxiliary marks
These marks are usually outside of defined channels and generally do not indicate the port and starboard sides of
the route to be followed or obstructions to be avoided.
They also include those marks used to convey information related to navigational safety. These marks shall not
conflict with other navigational marks and shall be promulgated in appropriate nautical charts and documents. They
should not generally be used if a more appropriate mark is available within the MBS. Visual depiction

Figure 14 Visual depiction of an Auxiliary mark



Table 16 indicates the applications of the various types of mark:

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 26
Table 16 Applications of the various types of marks

Type of Physical Virtual Synthetic MAtoN Racon New Numbering & Pictograms
mark mark (may (AIS) (AIS) Danger Lettering
include AIS

Lateral X X X X X X
Cardinal X X X X X X
Isolated X X X X X X
Safe Water X X X X X
Special X X X X X X X
Emergency X X X X X X


3.2.1. AIS ATON

An AIS AtoN can be implemented in three ways, physical, synthetic, and virtual (See IALA recommendations and
A physical AIS AtoN Station is an AIS station located on an AtoN that physically exists.
A synthetic AIS AtoN is transmitted to the location of the physical AtoN from an AIS base station or transponder
located remotely from the AtoN.
A virtual AIS AtoN broadcast is transmitted from an AIS base station or transponder for an AtoN that does not
physically exist. When a virtual AIS AtoN is used, the AtoN symbol or information may be available to a mariner on
ENC/ECDIS, even though there is no real AtoN such as a buoy or a beacon.
New dangers are newly discovered hazards, natural or man-made, that may not yet be shown in nautical
documents and publications. They will remain a hazard until the competent authority is satisfied that the danger
has been removed, or until the hazard information is sufficiently promulgated.
New Dangers should be appropriately marked using Lateral, Cardinal, Isolated Danger marks or by using an
Emergency Wreck Marking buoy. If the competent authority considers the risk to navigation to be especially high,
at least one of the marks should be duplicated.
For duplicated marks:
 If using a Lateral lighted mark for this purpose a VQ or Q light character shall be used.
 Any duplicate mark shall be identical to its partner in all respects.
 In addition it may be marked by a Racon, coded Morse “D” ( – ● ● ) In addition, it may be marked by other
electronic means, such as automatic identification system (AIS AtoN).
Port, harbour, inland waterway and other local marks should comply with the MBS wherever possible, in order that
mariners can achieve a seamless transition between different areas.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 27
Breakwaters can be marked using a combination of lateral marks. In many cases, a set of lead and/or sector lights,
or port entry lights, are installed to assist vessel entry and departure. Submerged breakwaters, or barriers, may
additionally be marked using special marks to show the location and alignment of the structure.
Breakwaters may also be marked using beacons and fixed lights with passages between breakwaters, or through
sections of submerged breakwaters or barriers, being marked using fixed or floating AtoN.
The unlit portion of the breakwater (in between AtoN) could present a hazard to navigation for mariners. Pathway,
or street lighting may provide a non-conventional means to maximize the area illuminated of a breakwater, thus
increasing safety for the mariner.
Various international and national bodies have adopted the principles of the IALA AtoN system as a basis, where
applicable to inland waters, (e.g., European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland Waterways (SIGNI)) The provisions
are defined in such a way as to avoid, as far as possible, any risk of conflict or confusion between systems of
buoyage (e.g., IALA MBS and SIGNI).
However, mariners should be careful to take account of any local marking measures that may be in place and will
often be covered by local regulations or by-laws. The boundaries between inland waterways and maritime
waterways, are determined by the competent authorities.
Before transiting an area for the first time, mariners should make themselves aware of local marking arrangements.
Local AtoN may include, but not be restricted to, marking of:
 Breakwaters, quays and jetties; leisure areas
 Bridges
 Traffic signals
 Other river, channel, canal, lock and waterways marked within the responsibilities of competent authorities
If appropriate, synchronized lights (all flashing at the same time) or sequential lights (flashing one after another) or
a combination of both may be utilized. See IALA guidelines.
The use of retroreflecting material on AtoN is becoming increasingly widespread particularly in the case of unlighted
aids where the projection of a light by a user (which may range from a hand-held spotlight to a powerful searchlight)
can assist in locating an aid and enhance identification of that aid. See IALA guidelines.
Some competent authorities provide only a “standard code” whereby an aid can be detected with a degree of
identification, especially for lateral marks. Others, such as the Scandinavian countries with complicated channels
and archipelagos frequented by small craft, provide a “comprehensive code” giving more detailed identification of
an aid. Mariners operating in areas where retroreflective markings are used, should ensure they are familiar with
the applicable markings or codes.
Current applications, marks and signals exhibited by AtoN as described in this document apply to all vessels,
including maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS). MASS operate with varying degrees of autonomy and utilize
AtoN based on the level of autonomy and type of technology used. MASS may use AtoN described within the
maritime buoyage system and there may be developments of AtoN that are tailored specifically for MASS.
It is the responsibility of the vessel’s command to ensure they can identify, interpret, and assess navigation signals
as designed in this reference document, so that levels of safety for life and marine environment are met.

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 28
IALA and its members recognize that AtoN provided as required by the MBS need to be sustainable and appropriate
for the environment in which they are placed. This should be considered when assessing the risk being mitigated
and marking required.


The definitions of terms used in this IALA Recommendation can be found in the International Dictionary of Marine
Aids to Navigation (IALA Dictionary) and were checked as correct at the time of going to print. Where conflict arises,
the IALA Dictionary should be considered as the authoritative source of definitions used in IALA documents.


AIS Automatic Identification System

AtoN Marine Aid(s) to Navigation
DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ENC Electronic Nautical Chart
EPFS Electronic Position Fixing System
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
IHO International Hydrographic Organization
IMO International Maritime Organization
MASS Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
MAtoN Mobile Aid(s) to Navigation
MBS Maritime Buoyage System
MMS Maritime Marking System
NE Northeast
NW Northwest
ODAS Ocean Data Acquisition Systems
Q Quick
SE Southeast
SIGNI SIGnalisation (des voies) de Navigation Interieure (European Code for Signs and Signals on Inland
SN/Circ Safety of Navigation Circular (IMO)
SOLAS International Convention on Safety of Life at Sea
SW Southwest
VDES VHF Data Exchange System
VQ Very quick

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Figure 15 Regions A and B

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Figure 16 Region A by day

Figure 17 Region B by day

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Figure 18 Region A by night

Figure 19 Region B by night

IALA Recommendation R1001 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System (MBS)

Edition 2.0 urn:mrn:iala:pub:r1001:ed2.0 P 32

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