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YS% ,xldj ;=< úkh iïmkak

ck;djla ìyslsÍu i|yd

iudc jev ueÈy;aùu

ta'tÉ' bkaÈl ixÔj

mjq,a ixia:dj

– mjq, iy orejd w;r mej;sh hq;= úêu;a iudcdkqfhdack mámdáh ì`o jeàu
– ì`ÿKq mjq,a j¾Okh ùu
– újdyfhka miq mÈxÑh wkqj - mS;D jdisl" ud;D jdissl" kjH jdisl
– wêldÍ n,h wkqj - iudkd;au;djh" mS;D uQ,sl$ wêm;s;aj" ud;D uQ,sl$ wêm;s;aj
– uq;=kañ;a;ka fyda iïNjh wkqj - mS;D jxYSh$ msh fmarej" ud;D jxYSh$ uõ fmarej
– m%udKh fyda jHQyh iy mrïmrdj wkqj - kHIaál fyda ;ks mqoa., mjq,a" taldnoaO fyda
fkdfn¥$ úia;D; mjq,a
– mjqf,a idudcslhkaf.a in`o;djfhys iajNdjh wkqj - ffjjdyl mjq,a" {d;s if,days; mjq,a

YS% ,xldj ;=< iudcSh jYfhka mj;akd ;;a;ajhka

újdy ixia:dj
• l,;%hska$iylrejka ixLHdj - tal újdy" nyq újdy
• wêldÍ n,h - iudkd;au;djh" mS;D uQ,sl" ud;D uQ,sl
• újdyfhka miq mÈxÑh - mS;D jdisl" ud;D jdissl" kjH jdisl
• l,;%hka$iylrejka f;dard.ekSu - ksoyia f;dard.ekSu" újdyh b,a,d isàu" foudmshka úiska md,kh lrk
,o f;dard.ekSu
• f;dard.ekSfï moku - {d;S;ajh" l=,h" mka;sh" m%foaYh" wd.u
• újdyfha§ yqjudre jk oE - ukd,sh i;= j;alï" ukd,hd fjkqfjka ukd,shf.a md¾Yajfhka lrkq ,nk
f.ùu" iudk j;alï yqjudrej
• újdy jk jhi - uq,a fyda <ud újdy" újdy jk jhi m%udo ù isÿ lrk újdy
• újdy ne`§fï Yla;su;anj - ;djld,sl" ,sys,a Èlalido" Èlalido ùug wmyiq$fkdì`Èh yels
• kej; újdyùfï yelshdj - újdy fkdùu" wjir ,eîfuka kej; újdyùu" wksjd¾hfhka kej; újdyùu
• iylrejkaf.a iajNdjh - újdyh iy WmNd¾h;a;ajh$wkshï Nd¾hd fiajkh

YS% ,xldj ;=< iudcSh jYfhka mj;akd ;;a;ajhka 3

Sri Lanka Literacy Rate -
Historical Data

Literacy Annual
Year Rate Change
2017 91.90% -0.49%

2016 92.39% 1.21%

2010 91.18% 0.62%

2008 90.56% -0.25%

2006 90.81% 0.13%

2001 90.68% 3.90%

1981 86.78% 3.90%

Source:<a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/LKA/sri-
lanka/literacy-rate'>Sri Lanka Literacy Rate 1981-2019</a>.

Literacy Rate www.macrotrends.net. Retrieved 2022-08-16.

tfy;a udkj m%d.aOkhla f,i i,ld oekqï wd¾Ólh .e,mSfï f.da,Sh wOHdmk m%jK;dj wm rfgka bgq fkdfõ'
• rdcH wOHdmk wmfhdackh ^1931 isg 1947 olajd ^iS'ví,sõ'ví,sõ'lkakka.r& iy 1972
m%;sixialrK muKs ^wdpd¾h nÈhq§ka uyuq;"a wdpd¾h fm%auodi Wv.u" fla'tÉ'tÉ iqu;smd,&&
• wOHdmkh fufyhjk wdh;kj, wOHdmk wmfhdackh
• mdi, ;=< wOHdmk wmfhdackh
• mjq, ;=< wOHdmk wmfhdackh
• ckudOH wOHdmk wmfhdackh
• úoHq;a wOHdmk wmfhdackh
• úIhud,d wOHdmk wmfhdackh
• .=re wOHdmk wmfhdackh
• YsIH wOHdmk wmfhdackh

YS% ,xldj ;=< wOHdmksl wmfhdack ;;a;ajhka

source: Department of Census and Statistics,2021

Source: http://www.statistics.gov.lk/page.asp?page=Computer%20Literacy

Computer Literacy Rate by sector and province (during 1st 6

Similar Country Ranking Sri Lanka Crime Rate & Statistics -
Country Per 100K Historical Data
Name Population
El Salvador 82.84 Per 100K Annual %
Year Population Change
Honduras 56.52
2016 2.55 8.44%
Cabo Verde 11.49
Philippines 11.02 2015 2.35 -12.32%
Nicaragua 7.37 2014 2.68 -11.08%
Bolivia 6.30
2013 3.02 -8.89%
Mongolia 5.66
2012 3.31 -8.15%
Kenya 4.87
Kyrgyz 2011 3.60 -4.61%
2010 3.78 -31.00%
Pakistan 4.41
2009 5.47 -45.46%
India 3.22
Sri Lanka 2.55 2008 10.04 -3.41%
Myanmar 2.27 2006 10.39 66.44% Source: <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/LKA/sri-lanka/crime-rate-statistics'>Sri Lanka Crime Rate &
Statistics 2003-2019</a>. www.macrotrends.net. Retrieved 2022-08-15.
Kosovo 1.60
2005 6.24 -12.16%
Bhutan 1.13
2004 7.11 4.26%
Georgia 0.99
Indonesia 0.50 2003 6.82 4.26%
Crime Rate & Statistics
Crimes Against Intimate Partner
Women Violence
Experienced in domestic violence
Background Experienced any form
characteristic of violence daily
Urban 8.4
Rural 13.2
Estate 18.7
Trincomalee 34.9
Kilinochchi 28.3
Matale 27.1
Batticaloa 25.3
Nuwara Eliya 22.3
Mannar 6.0
Hambantota 4.2
No education 31.9
Passed Grade 1-5 33.7
Passed Grade 6-10 15.1
Passed G.C.E.(O/L) 10.2
Passed G.C.E.(A/L) 4.8

Level of Domestic Degree and above

Wealth quintile

Violence Lowest
Middle 9.0
Fourth 6.6
Source:Demographic and Health Survey - 2016, Sri Lanka Highest 6.0 9
Number of Rape/Incest Cases Reported – 2010-2014

Total Induced Abortion Rate-1993 to 2006/07

Rate 1993 2000 2006/07

Total Induced Abortion
Rate 0.035 0.147 0.087
Source: https://www.police.lk/images/crime/2019/race_and_religion.pdf

RACE AND RELIGION FOR SUICIDES - FROM 01.01.2018 TO 31.12.2018 11

Source: https://www.police.lk/images/crime/2019/disposal_of_grave_crime_policedivision.pdf

• ñ, l%uh uÕska b,a¨ï iemhqï n,fõ. l%shd;aul lsÍu
• fm!oa.,sl wxYfha wd¾Ól lghq;=j,g rch ueÈy;aùu
• rdcH jHjidhl;ajh hgf;a ksIamdok lghq;= fufyhùu

tfia jqjo wdodhï jHdma;sfha úIu;d YS% ,xldj ;=< ;jÿrg;a mj;S

YS% ,xldj ;=< uQ,sl wd¾Ól m%Yak úi|k wdldrh

• WoaOukh
• wdkhk iSud lsÍu
• úfoaY Kh yd fmd,S
• remsh, wjm%udK ùu
• wdkhk yd wmkhk m%;sm;a;Skj
a , ÿ¾j,;d
• md,khlska f;dr f;,a ñ,
• rdcH wdodhu iy úhou w;r mr;rh by, hdu
• úfoaY wdfhdack wju ùu
• iïm;a kdia;sh
• nyq cd;sl iud.ï iy rdcH iy rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkj, n,mEu
• wd¾Ól j¾Okh wvqùu
• foaYSh l¾udka; ì| jeàu

YS% ,xldj ;=< wd¾Ól úkh msßyS we;s wdldrh

Sri Lanka Poverty Rate - Historical Data
% Under US
$5.50 Per
Year Day Change
2016 40.40% -10.60%
2012 51.00% -4.70%
2009 55.70% -2.60%
2006 58.30% -9.70%
2002 68.00% -7.20%
1995 75.20% -5.40%
1990 80.60% -0.40%
1985 81.00% -0.40%

Source: <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/LKA/sri- The Official Poverty line at National level for December, 2022 is
lanka/poverty-rate'>Sri Lanka Poverty Rate 1985-2019</a>.
www.macrotrends.net. Retrieved 2022-08-15. Rs. 13,777

Sri Lanka Poverty Rate 1985-2022

Reasons for poverty:

Unequal distribution of wealth: A small percentage of the population controls a large portion
of the country's wealth, leaving many people without access to basic necessities.

Low levels of education: Many Sri Lankans lack education or job training, making it difficult
for them to find work that pays a living wage.

Lack of job opportunities: There are not enough jobs in Sri Lanka to support the country's
population, especially in rural areas where there is little economic development.

High levels of inflation: Prices for basic goods and services are often high in Sri Lanka, making
it difficult for low-income families to make ends meet.

Natural disasters: Sri Lanka is prone to natural disasters such as floods and landslides, which
can destroy homes and infrastructure, leaving families in poverty.
Reasons for poverty:
Ethnic conflict: Sri Lanka has a history of ethnic conflict, which has created economic
instability and hindered the country's development.

Poor health: Poor health and sanitation can lead to decreased productivity, increased medical
expenses, and a lower quality of life.

Gender inequality: Women in Sri Lanka often have limited access to education and job
opportunities, leading to a cycle of poverty for themselves and their families.

Insufficient social safety net: The government's social safety net is not sufficient to provide
for the needs of all Sri Lankans living in poverty.

Corruption: Corruption is a pervasive issue in Sri Lanka and can hinder economic growth and
development, making it difficult for those living in poverty to access basic services and
Reasons for poverty:
Lack of access to credit: Many Sri Lankans lack access to credit or financial services, which can
limit their ability to start businesses or invest in their education.

Poor infrastructure: Sri Lanka's infrastructure, such as roads and transportation systems, is often
inadequate, making it difficult for people to access employment opportunities and services.

Climate change: Sri Lanka is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as droughts,
floods, and rising sea levels, which can cause significant damage to the country's economy and

Expensive healthcare: Healthcare in Sri Lanka can be expensive, making it difficult for those
living in poverty to access essential medical care and treatment.

Lack of affordable housing: Many Sri Lankans struggle to find affordable housing, leading to
overcrowding and poor living conditions.
Sri Lanka Unemployment Rate - Historical Data
Year Rate (%) Annual Change
2018 4.40% 0.22%
2017 4.18% -0.19%
2016 4.37% -0.30%
2015 4.67% 0.27%
2014 4.40% -0.04%
2013 4.44% 0.56%
2012 3.88% -0.23%
2011 4.11% -0.83%
2010 4.94% -0.91%
2009 5.85% 0.63%
2008 5.22% -0.75%
2007 5.97% -0.53%
2006 6.50% -1.17% Source: <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/LKA/sri-lanka/unemployment-rate'>Sri Lanka
Unemployment Rate 1991-2019</a>. www.macrotrends.net. Retrieved 2022-08-15.
2005 7.67% -0.71%
2004 8.38% 0.16% 2021
2003 8.22% -0.54% Female 7.9%
Male 3.7
2002 8.76% 0.86%
Total 5.1
2001 7.90% 0.16%
Sri Lanka Unemployment Rate 19
1998 9.17% -1.43%
Sri Lanka Immigration Statistics - Historical
Migrant % of Total
Year Population Population
2015 38,706.00 0.19
2010 38,959.00 0.19
2005 39,526.00 0.20
2000 40,132.00 0.21
1995 40,841.00 0.22
1990 41,561.00 0.24
1985 494,578.00 0.24
1980 661,917.00 0.24
1975 885,875.00 0.24
1970 1,085,423.00 0.24
1965 1,026,891.00 0.24
1960 1,005,317.00 0.24
Source: <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/LKA/sri-lanka/immigration-statistics'>Source</a>

Sri Lanka Immigration Statistics

Sri Lanka - Historical Net Migration Rate Data
Net Migration
Year Rate Growth Rate
2019 -4.511 -2.590%
2018 -4.631 -0.340%
2017 -4.647 -0.340%
2016 -4.663 -0.320%
2015 -4.678 -0.340%
2014 -4.694 -0.340%
2009 -5.123 -1.970%
2004 -4.799 2.280%
2000 -4.870 -1.200%
1999 -4.929 -1.180%
1998 -4.988 9.240%
1991 -2.382 11.570%
1989 -1.888 15.050%
1984 -4.415 -13.580%
1983 -5.109 7.630%
1968 -0.653 -7.110% Source: <a href='https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/LKA/sri-lanka/net-migration'>Source</a>
1967 -0.703 -6.760%
•The current net migration rate for Sri Lanka in 2023 is -4.029 per 1000
1965 -0.804 -5.960%
population, a 2.89% decline from 2022.
1964 -0.855 -5.520%
Sri Lanka Migration Rate
1961 -1.186 -10.630%
1960 -1.327 -9.540%
foaYmd,ksl n,mEu

• foaYmd,k idCIr;djh wju ùu

• ld,Sk jYfhka fjkia jk foaYmd,k m%;sm;a;s
• rdcH m%;sm;a;shla fkdue;sùu
• cd;Hka;r foaYmd,k mQ¾jdo¾Yhka" wkqlrKhka yd n,mEï
• úksúoNdjhlska iy ksis wjfndaOhlska f;dr cd;Hka;r iïuq;Ska iy
.súiqïj,g t<öï
• jd¾.sl yd wd.ñl .eg¨j,§ .kakd ÿ¾j, uÜgfï foaYmd,k úi÷ï
• iajdëk rdcH wd¾Ól ixl,am fjkqjg hemqï rdcH wd¾Ól ixl,am
ks¾udKh lsÍu
• f.da,Sh wd¾Ól m%jk;dj,g iß,k úi÷ï bÈßm;a fkdùu

ixialD;sl n,mEu
isß;a úß;a
m%;sudk yd O¾u;d
mßfNdack rgdj
ikakf s õokh

Similar Country Ranking Sri Lanka Carbon (CO2) Emissions -
Historical Data
Country Name Kilotons of Co2
India 2,238,377.14
Kilotons of Metric Tons
Indonesia 464,176.19 Year Co2 Per Capita
Ukraine 227,299.00 2014 18,393.67 0.89
Egypt 201,894.02 2013 15,489.41 0.75
Vietnam 166,910.84 2012 16,032.12 0.78
Pakistan 166,298.45 2011 15,137.38 0.75
2010 13,263.54 0.66
Philippines 105,653.60
2009 13,175.53 0.66
Uzbekistan 105,213.56
2008 12,207.44 0.61
Nigeria 96,280.75 2007 12,354.12 0.62
Bangladesh 73,189.65 2006 11,976.42 0.61
Morocco 59,863.78 1980 3,410.31 0.23
Angola 34,763.16 1967 2,948.27 0.25
Tunisia 28,829.95 1966 2,662.24 0.23
1965 2,658.58 0.24
Myanmar 21,631.63
1964 2,273.54 0.21
Mongolia 20,839.56
1963 2,533.90 0.24
Bolivia 20,410.52 1962 2,563.23 0.25
Sri Lanka 18,393.67 1961 2,335.88 0.23
Sudan 15,364.73 1960 2,258.87 0.23

Sri Lanka Environment Impact

• wdodhï jHdma;sfha úIu;d wju lsÍug .; yels mshjr

– by< wdodhï ,nk whf.ka wkql%ñl nÿ whlsÍu

– wvq wdodhï ,nk wh i|yd rcfha j¾;k úhoï jeä lsÍu
– fiajlhka i|yd jD;a;Sh whs;sjdislï ,nd §u
– by< wdodhï ,nk whf.a mßfNdackh iSud lsÍu
– by< wdodhï ,eîu j<lajd,Su i|yd bvï iSud lsÍu" ksjdi iSud lsÍu
– iudc rCIKh ls%hd;aul lsÍu
– wvq wdodhï ,nk whf.a Ôjk ;;a;ajh k.disgqùu i|yd úúO ls%hdud¾. .ekSu

YS% ,xldj ;=< uQ,sl wd¾Ól m%Yak úi|k wdldrh

• iDcq ueÈy;a ùu (Primary Methods)
• jl% ueÈy;aùu (Secondary Methods)

ueÈy;aùfï l%u
• mqoa.,hd fjkia lsÍu i|yd
• mßirh fjkia lsÍu i|yd
• mqoa.,hd iy mßirh hk fowxYhu fjkia lsÍu i|yd

YS% ,xldj ;=< úkh iïmkak ck;djla ìyslsÍu i|yd

iudc jev ueÈy;aùu
• m%;sldrd;aul yd mqkre;a;dmk jevigyka
✓ ldhsl" udkisl yd fjk;a mqoa.,sl yd iudcSh .eg¨j,ska fmf,k whf.a tu .eg¨
úi|d,Sfuys,d m%;sldrd;aul yd mqkre;a;dmk jevigyka ilialsÍu

• ksjdrKd;aul jevigyka
✓ hï hï .eg¨j,g f.dÿreúh yels wh tajdhska fírd .ekSu ^Wod - u;a øjH Wjÿr&

• ixj¾Okd;aul jevigyka
✓ ck;djf.a hym;a cSjk ;;a;ajh jvd;a Yla;su;a lsÍu yd Wiia lsÍu ^Wod - fi!LH
ixrCIKh" jD;a;Sh mqyqKq mdGud,d" wOHdmksl yd mqi;
a ld, myiqlï&

YS% ,xldj ;=< úkh iïmkak ck;djla ìyslsÍu i|yd iudc jev
ueÈy;aùu -iudc jevlrejd isÿ lrk jevigyka
• m¾fhaIK ld¾hNdrh
• iudc m%;sm;a;s ixfYdaOkh lsÍug yd tajd ixj¾Okh lsÍug yjq,a ù wdOdr lsÍu
• iïm;a talrdYs lsÍfï yd iudfhdackh lsÍfï ld¾hNdrh ^Wod - fi!LH ixrCIKh&
• iudcuh ;e/õldr ld¾hNdrh ^wjYH;dj,ska fmf<k wxYj,g tajd imqrd,Sug iqodkï
wxY y÷kajd§u;a wjYH;d imqrd,k wxYj,g b,a¨ï md¾Yaj y÷kajd §u&
• wOHdmksl ld¾hNdrh ^úfYaI mx;s" foaYk" iïuka;%K" fCIa;% wOHhk jevuq`t" úfYaI
lKavdhï yd fm!oa.,sl yuqùï&
• wêjdpl ld¾hNdrh ^;udf.a fiajd,dNSka fjkqfjka fmkS isg Tjqka fjkqfjka
l:dfldg Tjqkag wysñ ù we;s yd ,eìh hq;= úúO fm!oa.,sl yd iudcSh ysñlï jrm%ido"
whs;sjdislï yd fjk;a m%;s,dN w;am;a lr§ug lghq;= lsÍu Wod - wdndê; mqoa.,hska

YS% ,xldj ;=< úkh iïmkak ck;djla ìyslsÍu i|yd

iudc jev ueÈy;aùu -iudc jevlrefjl=f.a ld¾hNdrh
• l%shdldÍ;aj yelshdj we;slr,Sfï ld¾hNdrh ^wjYH;d ms<n
s | m%cdjf.a wjfndaOh
l=`t .ekaùu" wjYH;d imqrd.ekSfï jeo.;alu" imqrd.kakd wdldrh ms<n s | is;Sfï
yelshdj m%cdj ;=< frdamKh lsÍu&
• p¾hdj fjkia lsÍfï ld¾hNdrh ^Wod - u;aøjH i|yd " iudc cd,d" CIKsl wdydr
i|yd weíneysùu&
• wjq,a úi|Sfuys,d ueÈy;aùfï ld¾hNdrh ^Wod - wOHdmk wmfhdackh&
• Wmfoia §fï ld¾hNdrh ^;udf.a ±kqñka yd wod< fCIa;%h ms<n
s | mq`t,a ±kqula we;s wh
u.ska ,nd§u&
• /ln,d .ekSfï ld¾hNdrh ^Wod - wirK jq <uqka jeäysáhka&
• mßmd,k ld¾hNdrh ^Wod - iudc iqNidOkhg wod, mßmd,k lghq;= - jevigyka
iïmdokh yd l%shd;aul lsÍu&

YS% ,xldj ;=< úkh iïmkak ck;djla ìyslsÍu i|yd

iudc jev ueÈy;aùu -iudc jevlrefjl=f.a ld¾hNdrh


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