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Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.


Teacher Patricia Froio


Unidade 1. Week 3
Vamos aprender um pouco mais com vídeos e textos em inglês para começarmos a “mexer e trabalhar” com
os seus ouvidos. Foco: Reading – Listening – Speaking:

Video Practice:

Watch the vídeo - Episode 1

❑ Watch and listen.

❑ Then, watch and repeat.

❑ Now, watch and answer a few questions:

Now, answer the following questions for comprehension:

1. Is she Rebbeca? _____________

2. What’s her first name? Her first name is __________.

3. Is it Ana with one or two “N”? _______________

4. How do you spell her name? ________________

5. What’s his name? _____________________

6. What’s her new adress? _______________________

7. Is it her new apartment? _________________________

Watch the video - Episode 2

❑ Watch and listen.

❑ Then, watch and repeat.

❑ Now, watch and answer a few questions:

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Check the vocabulary: Episode 2

• She is new to D.C

• Marsha is my (new) roommate.

• I know Marsha. She is nice.

• I have to go now = I gotta go now.

• Remember to call _______.

• Tell her you are here.

• Nice to meet you. ( you too)

Answer the following questions for comprehension:

1. Is Anna Pete’s teacher? No, she isn’t.

2. Is it her first time in Washington D.C? _____________

3. Is she from Washington? _______________

4. Where is she from? _____________

5. Who is Jonathan? ________________

6. What number is Jonathan’s apartment? ______________

7. What number is Anna’s apartment? ______________

Week 3 It’s my new place/home!

Introduce people: 1

Hey, Are you Patricia?

Yes, I am. Great!

It’ so nice to meet you!

You too.

Can I come in? May I come in?

Sure = of course! Come in and have a seat.

How’s everything? How’s it going?

Fine! Not much = the usual / kind of = sort of

Are you upset today?

Actually, I’m bored.

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Introduce people: 2
Are you also a new student?

Yes, I am.

And, what do you do?

I’m a designer. A professional one.

Are you here on vacation ?

No, I’m not. I live here now. I have a new home.

Do you like this place? Do you like your new home?

Yes, I do. I do. Yes.

Are you from Mexico? ( No, I’m not)

Where are you from? ( I’m from Brazil, actually).

Do you speak Spanish? ( No, I don’t. But I speak english).

Introduce people. 3
Welcome to my city.

Thanks a lot

Are you Patricia’s brother?

No, I’m not. I’m Patricia’s co-worker. That’s Patricia’s brother.

Where? (right over there)

Who’s she?

I think she’s Patricia’s neighbor / teammate / roommate / boss / colleague / friend. ( I don’t know).

Her name is Miss Sullivan / Ms. Sullivan / Mrs. Sullivan.

Is she married?

No, she isn’t, but she is has a fiancé (a man promised to marry someone)

Play Like A Teacher (PLAT): 1, 2, 3

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Possess something:

I have a car. It’s my car.

You have a car. It’s your car.
He has a car. It’s his car.
She has a house. It’s her house.
You have a house. Your house is big.
We have a house. Our house is big.
They have a dog. It’s their dog.
Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

1. The girl’s bedroom is messy

2. The boy’s a great student.

3. Bob’s car is new.

4. Jessica’s from The USA.

5. Marcos’ teacher is Ms. Froio.

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Now pactice. Extra activity:

1. 2.

3. 4.

Countries and Nationalities:

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Where do you come from? Conversation Practice:

Are they from around here?
No, They aren’t. They’re tourists. They live here now.
Where are they from? They’re from France.
Do you come from Brazil? No, I don’t. Where.....they come.....?
Are you single? Yes, I am. Unfortunately.
Do you have a Job? No, I don’t. I need a Job.
Do you have any job opening? Yes, I do – I’m a manager assistant.
I think I’ll apply for this one.
Great! See you tomorrow (next week), on monday...
Week/weekdays: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Weekend: Saturday, Sunday.

Review from TO BE verb: 1

1. Complete the text below with the correct form of the verb "to be":
Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Marcia _____from Brazil. She _____ 25 years old and works as a secretary at ZLS Computers,
in Dublin. She _______ very communicative and has a lot of friends. Two of her best friends are
Miguel and Pauline.

Miguel _____ from Portugal. He ______ 27 years old. Pauline _____ a very funny French girl. She
_______ 30 years old. Marcia and Miguel _______ single, but Pauline _________ . She
____ married to a doctor. She says they _______ very happy. Marcia says she wants to go back to
Brazil, but she ________ sure she _____ going to miss her friends.

2. Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verb "to be".
a. I ______ Portuguese. I ______ from São Paulo, Brazil.
b. ______ you from Spain?
c. Phillip and Susan ______ Americans. But their mother ______ Canadian and their
father ______ from Puerto Rico.
d. The dog ______ barking a lot today.
e. We ______ lawyers. We ______ doctors.
f. Ross funny? No, he ______ . Actually, he ______ one of the most boring person I know.

Questions with how old:

How old are you? How old is Patricia?
1. I am ___Years old.
2. He is ___Years old.
3. She is ___Years old.
4. It is ___Years old.
5. You are ___Years old.
6. We are ___Years old.
7. They are___Years old. I’m turning 33 (Dica).

Articles in english: Artigo indefinido:

a + consonant sound a car / a house / a restaurant
(Or) an + vowel sound an orange / an actor / an apple
P.S number: one car / a car
Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Articles in english: indefinido (exceptions)

• Quando a palavra começa com “h” mudo, ela tem som de vogal, então usamos o AN:
An honest boy
An honorable player
• Quando a palavra começa com ‘e’ ou ‘u’ e tem som de ‘y’ (soando como ‘you’):
A European vacation
A university (‘you’)
• Quando tem ‘o’ com som de ‘w’ (som de ‘won’) – tem som de consoante:
A one-story house (uma casa de um piso/andar)

Articles in english: DEFINIDO “The” a, o / as, os

• Quando falamos de coisas/pessoas específicas:
A boy
The boy from college.
• Quando algo já foi mencionado antes:
Do you want a banana, or an apple?
The apple, please.
• Quando é uma situação conhecida – o que acontece está claro:
I will drive to the airport.
• Coisas únicas:
The sun / The moon / The Earth
• Usado para representar todas as coisas de uma classe:
The car pollutes the air.

Text 1. Listen and repeat: “A LONG LIFE”

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Now, answer the questions:

a. What’s her first name? _________________
b. How old is Nancy now?_________________
c. How old does she want to live, in total? _________________
d. How old is Nancy’s father now? _________________
e. How old does he want to live? _________________

Text 2. Listen and repeat: “Buy a new car”

Now, answer the questions:

a. What’s her first name? _________________

b. Is her car old? _________________
c. Is her new car cheap? _________________
d. What color is her new car? _________________
c. Is her new car expensive? _________________

Make questions with DO or DOES in English: (in the present)

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

Do you / I / we / they go to work on Saturdays?

Does he / she / it go to work on ...?

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

Make affirmatives in English:

(in the present tense)
Do you / I / we / they go to work on Saturdays?
Does he / she / it go to work on ...?
I go to work on Saturdays.
He works on saturdays.
She goes to work on saturdays.

Make affirmatives in English: in the present – for VERB:

Add – s Add – es Add – ies

like likes go goes cry cries

work works do does fly flies
visit visits pass passes study studies
come comes wash washes

get gets watch watches

fix fixes
buzz buzzes

Make affirmatives in English: in the present – for things (plural nouns):

Add – s Add – es Add – ies
potato potatoes
actor actors hero heroes baby babies
box boxes
teacher teachers party parties
fox foxes
window windows kiss kisses candy candies
quizz quizzes
car cars watch watches
brush inbrushes
Make AFFIRMATIVE statements English: in the present – for nouns:
Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

1. My two _______ (car) are black.

2. She has three ________ (box) in her house.
3. He works with 3 ____________ (princess).
4. She has four __________ (watch).

Make affirmatives in English: in the present – for verbs:

1. He ______ (watch) TV.
2. She ______ (go) to school eceryweek.
3. He ______ (fix) broken bicycles.
4. She ______ (play) tennis.
5. He ______ (cry) everyday.

Make NEGATIVE statements in English: in the present tense: negative

do + not = don’t does + not = doesn’t

1. I go to work on Saturdays.
2. He works on Saturdays.
3. She goes to work on Saturdays.

Read the text: 3. “The school boy”

Hello! My name is Jeremy Thompson. I live in Newcastle, England. I am thirteen years old.
I am a schoolboy.
I love playing sports with my friends. My favorite sport is soccer. My favorite soccer player
is Wayne Rooney. I play soccer with my friends every day after school. But also I love
I love different books: adventures, fantasy and sci-fi. My favorite book is The Lord of the
Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. It is a very interesting book. I love reading about adventures of
Frodo Baggins.

Now, listen carefully and repeat: (audio 3) “The school boy”

Read the text: 4. “THE WINNER DOG”

Licensed to Leila Maria - - 003.618.000-96

Teacher Patricia Froio

I have a dog. His name is Buddy. Buddy is an English bulldog. We are best friends. We
like to walk in the street and play with a ball. Today we are walking in the park. There are
many people with dogs there. Buddy wants to play with the other dogs. We see a boy from
my class. His name is Gordon. He has a dog too. His dog’s name is Mr. Grabbs. It is a
very funny name for his little dog. Gordon says that his dog is better than mine.
Gordon says that his Mr. Grabbs is faster than my Buddy. I don’t agree. My Buddy is
the best! I say that my Buddy can run as fast as the wind. So Gordon and I decide to have
a contest. My Buddy and I and Mr. Grabbs and Gordon start to run. We run very fast and
win the contest. Gordon and Mr. Grabbs are very upset. I buy an ice cream and share it
with my Buddy. This is how we celebrate the win.

Now, listen carefully and repeat: (audio 4) “THE WINNER DOG”

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