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Classification: Internal

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Home » Content » 4895 » Myresults » 258328 » CMQ/OE: ASQ Manager of Quality/Organizational
Excellence - Full

CMQ/OE: ASQ Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence

- Full
You got 159 of 180 possible points.
Your score was: 88 %
Question Results
Score 1 of 1

Determine the APPRAISAL costs in the following:

$20,000 final test

$350,000 warranty
$170,000 reinspection
$45,000 inventory reduction
$4,000 incoming and source inspection
$30,000 rework






Score 1 of 1

Which of the following actions is NOT used to reduce process cycle time?

Classification: Internal

Setting priorities

Implementing activity-based costing

Reducing queue times

Analyzing current processes

Score 1 of 1

A team is frustrated by the difficulty of the project on which they’re working, and has asked
the sponsor to attend their next meeting. The sponsor should:
Please choose the correct answer.


Attend with a clear vision of the importance of the project.

Try to identify resisting forces before attending the meeting.

Attend and communicate a sense of urgency.

Decline, since the team needs to own the process.

Score 1 of 1

An internal quality audit should be designed primarily to answer which of the following


“Is the process effective?”

“How can the process be made more efficient?”

“What is the degree of management compliance?”

“What is the level of compliance?”

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

Which of the following reasons explains why an organization’s departments are



Department members have different pay ranges, based on the importance of their work.

An organization should have departments that are efficient and autonomous.

An organization should be a system with departments that support the organizational vision, m

The decisions of one department won’t affect other departments.

Score 1 of 1

The best tool for analyzing the relationship, over time, between quantitative data from two
variables suspected to influence one another, is a:
Please choose the correct answer.


Pareto chart

Interrelationship digraph

Scatter diagram

Affinity diagram

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following are methods for mitigating risks?

I. Eliminate the condition that may cause a loss to occur

II. Establish contingency plans
III. Obtain insurance to cover some of the potential risk
IV. Self-insure

Please choose the correct answer.


I and II only
Classification: Internal

II, III, and IV only

I only

I, II, III, and IV

Score 0 of 1

Staff members are asked to provide management information each time an issue affecting the
organization hits the newswire. How could the negative effects of these requests be mitigated?


Consider how information is communicated within the organization.

Create a template for collecting information.

Have managers submit reports on the issues so staff can continue to work on their jobs.

Study how decisions are made within the organization.

Score 1 of 1

A recent business volume increase created an imbalance resulting in increased internal errors
and customer complaints. The performance deterioration was incremental and was not clearly
visible until the customers called a performance review with the management team.

The management team questioned the effectiveness of the quality plan’s deployment that
should have provided timely detection of this situation for early mitigation.

Which of the following options would the director of quality select as logical step before
proposing any improvement change?


Evaluate if deployment of planning is occurring at core processes to ensure

satisfaction of customer requirements.

Evaluate if strategic quality policies may not have been properly linked with the
organizations’ strategic plan.

Audit and verify if operating level plans are properly understood and easily
accessible to the process owners.
Classification: Internal

Verify if planning documents are properly recorded for visibility and accuracy
to serve as guiding principles for users.

Score 1 of 1

After completing a yearlong project to establish a new quality management process for a
manufacturing company, a pos- project review is performed to make sure that what was set
out in the project plan was actually achieved.

To obtain the best possible information, the review should contain:


organization flowcharts for the new process.

relevant PERT, WBS, and GANTT charts.

relevant Pareto charts.

contracts for equipment needed to support the new process.

Score 1 of 1

Management is reviewing projects for the upcoming year. During which level does
management define and provide guidance on how a project is to be carried out?






Score 1 of 1

In handling a customer's complaint, the most important activity that a company can perform is

Classification: Internal

Track customer complaints on a statistical control chart to see there has been a significant chan

Ensure that the production staff is aware of the change in customer perceptions and hold them a

Listen to the customer.

Perform a Pareto analysis of the customer complaint types

Score 1 of 1

Your company has implemented a lean Six Sigma project to improve the volume of final
customer shipments processed from your warehouse to coincide with the October new sales
promotion of your line of snowboarding accessories.

Which of the following should be done to measure the effectiveness of this project?


Record actual shipments before and after the project.

Do nothing until the new year begins because the seasonal demand will have peaked and the sa
have concluded.

Shipment metrics should adjust shipment total for cyclical demand and a shift in variables.

Record the shipment totals for October and ask management if they are satisfied.

Score 1 of 1

The ISO 9001:2000 standard specifically requires a documented procedure for which of the
following activities?


Continuous improvement

Corrective action

Measurement of process performance

Classification: Internal

Analysis of data

Score 1 of 1

Traditionally, which one of the following is the main reason to break the partnership between
customer and supplier?


Supplier dictates to the customer what they need because many others can have the business if

Customer dictates to the supplier what they need because many others can have the business if

Customer cannot share confidential business with the supplier.

Both parties work toward mutual benefits.

Score 1 of 1

The quality levels of products and services purchased from suppliers must perform and
function as designed to meet customer expectations because the final customer views a
product’s failure to perform as:


An explainable failure because there might be several suppliers providing products for the final

A reason for a manufacturer to disclose all of its suppliers.

An opportunity to see how well the customer complaint process functions.

A failure by the final manufacturer of the product, not its suppliers.

Score 1 of 1

Your company is a well-established supplier of wiring components for lighting manufacturers.

A condition of selling to a new customer is ISO certification, which you believe will have
benefits for all customers, not just the new one.

How would you launch the training component of the certification process?

Classification: Internal

Determine gaps between current training practices and records and ISO requirements.

Determine which ISO registrar you want to work with

Identify a training company which can do the training that will be needed

Use a mix of classroom, on-the-job, and computer-based learning

Score 1 of 1

Rank order, from first to last, the following training design steps.

1. Prepare training materials.

2. Define training objectives.
3. Determine course structure and sequence.
4. Establish consensus on needs.


2, 4, 1, 3

2, 1, 4, 3

4, 3, 1, 2

4, 2, 3, 1

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following will most likely lead to corrective action and/or high cost?


Dealing with a large number of qualified vendors for a given item

Instilling a philosophy of low tolerance for error

Employing highly competent employees

Using automation when practical

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal


Company ABC services Customer XYZ’s multiple plants producing different product lines. The
overall on-time delivery metric exceeds the goal, so on the surface it seems customer
relationship is excellent.

The VP of Company ABC received a letter from one of the customer plants threatening to
discontinue business due to unsatisfactory service. The VP is surprised to get this message
and immediately assigned a team to investigate.

Which of the following would the team recommend as the immediate step for Company ABC to


Perform gap analysis of all the plants to benchmark requirements

Identify the customers’ requirements for the specific segment in question

Require clarification of standard metrics for all the plants

Clarify added value provided by the excellent on time delivery service

Score 1 of 1

Due to rapid business growth, the executive team decided to evaluate the existing managers’
span of control to optimize resources without additional hiring.

Which of the following would be considered by the team as effective criteria for extending the
managerial span of control with minimum risk during the growth phase?


Level of employee training and experience

Convenience of the manager’s location

Flexibility and cooperation of managers

Customer departmentalization

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following measures of a training program’s effectiveness is ultimately most


Classification: Internal

Post-training evaluation summary

End-of-training test

Participant opinion questionnaire

Business impact analysis

Score 1 of 1

One of your tasks is to do a preliminary evaluation of capital project proposals. In reviewing

the submissions, you find that the proposal with the fastest payback does not appear to
support any of the three major elements of the corporate strategy.

What would you do?


Reject the proposal and outline your reasons to the project proposer.

Challenge the assumptions which lead to the rapid payback.

Review the proposal with the project proposer and invite further discussion of the strategic sup

Do not include this proposal in your list of recommendations to management.

Score 1 of 1

A condition under which a supplier appearing on the customer ’s “OK to buy from” list would
not be issued an order would be:

I. Item needed is not available from any of OK’d suppliers.

II. Supplier ’s quality rating has dropped below acceptable standards on last two shipments.
III. OK’d supplier does not have the capacity to fulfill the customer ’s demands for the item needed.
IV. One or more factors from the selection criteria will not now be met by the supplier.

Please choose the correct answer.


I, II, and III only

I, II, III, and IV

Classification: Internal

I and III only

I and II only

Score 1 of 1

You are an experienced training and development manager and have recently been hired by a
not-for-profit hospital which has no formal quality training programs for its people.

What would you recommend?


Align the programs with the strategic and business needs of the hospital.

Use of before- and after-testing to measure understanding and retention.

Analysis of customer needs, instructional design, content development, and pilot testing.

A focus on design, delivery, evaluation, behavior change, and results delivered.

Score 1 of 1

An operator is to assemble certain parts without error. Each assembly may be different
depending on the customer order. Which of the following is the best example of error-proofing
for this situation?


When the operator is to put together an assembly, they are given a list containing only
the parts for that assembly.

When the operator is to put together an assembly, only the bins containing the parts
for that assembly light up.

Standardized work instructions are written and posted at the operations. These contain
instructions for all the assemblies.

Each operator is trained on which parts go into each assembly being made available to
Classification: Internal

Score 0 of 1

You are an experienced quality manager (Six Sigma Black Belt) who has just begun working at
a multi-site manufacturing company. Their biggest single problem is late deliveries.

What action would you take?


Introduce Six Sigma.

Conduct a benchmarking study to determine in which quartile your company falls.

Introduce Total Quality Management (TQM).

Introduce the Theory of Constraints to identify the bottleneck that is causing the late deliveries

Score 1 of 1

A chairperson may be a leader and/or manager, depending much upon the influence he or she
may have on an organization and the decision authority granted.

There are many roles a manager may perform. As an architect he/she:

Please choose the correct answer.


Embraces the principles, morals, and norms of the society in which organization impacts

Organizes, people, ideas and things to achieve the enterprise’s objectives

Imparts knowledge and teaches skills to others

Builds an enterprise structure that supports the strategic goals and objectives

Score 1 of 1

Theory of Constraints emphasizes starting with which of the following principles?


Identifying all the bottlenecks in the plant and eliminating them.

Classification: Internal

Forming teams to look at the way people work and figure out ways to eliminate wasteful practi

Optimizing each operation in the process in order to optimize overall production.

Identifying the bottleneck in the process, maximizing its use, and pacing production through it.

Score 0 of 1

The director of training is assessing previous training programs as he develops a new training
program. He asks his team to review the following questions and rank them from lowest to
highest for training effectiveness.

How would you order the questions?

I. What changes in behavior resulted?

II. What are the tangible results of the program?
III. What principles, facts, or techniques were learned?
IV. How well did attendees like the program?






Score 1 of 1

When creating a rating process for its suppliers, a manufacturer must include several critical
to quality metrics. For this rating process to be meaningful for both organizations, the most
important aspect of this rating process is:


The rating criteria are clearly defined and understood by both the manufacturer and the supplie

The process should be written from a legal perspective to protect the manufacturer from claims
products received from suppliers.

The process should be prepared from the perspective of the final customer, since customer satis
Classification: Internal

The rating criteria should be easily implemented into the supplier’s processes.

Score 1 of 1

A chairperson may be a leader and/or manager, depending much upon the influence he or she
may have on an organization and the decision authority granted.

There are many roles a manager may perform. As an ethicist he/she:

Please choose the correct answer.


Builds an enterprise structure that supports the strategic goals and objectives

Imparts knowledge and teaches skills to others

Embraces the principles, morals, and norms of the society in which organization impacts

Organizes, people, ideas and things to achieve the enterprise’s objectives

Score 1 of 1

Given a four-week project involving 22 tasks, a budget of $22,000, and a part-time team
(project manager and two analysts), which project management tool will most likely be used to
display project progress to management?

Please choose the correct answer.


Network diagram

Work breakdown structure

Gantt/milestone chart

Budget variance report

Score 1 of 1

Managers who take shortcuts, push employees beyond their limits, eliminate training, and
neglect equipment maintenance probably are:
Please choose the correct answer.
Classification: Internal


Striving for a promotion.

Tired and overworked.

Dissatisfied with their current salaries.

Evaluated against short-term results.

Score 1 of 1

Employee satisfaction is important because it generates:


Better productivity and quality

The groundwork for interest-based bargaining

The esteem needs of individuals

The elimination of organizational roadblocks

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following concepts may best exemplify a universal business rationale for
improving quality?
Please choose the correct answer.


Ishikawa’s “Total quality control”

Juran’s “Trilogy”

Deming’s “Chain reaction”

Crosby’s “Do it right the first time”

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal


Which of the following matched pairs show a strong relationship in the "House of Quality" for
an aerospace product?

The first term in the pair is the customer need, and the second term is the design requirement.


Low cost - Mean time between failures; High reliability - Process capability; Reproducible - Y

Low cost - Yield; High reliability - Mean time between failures; Reproducible - Process capabi

High reliability - Yield; Low cost - Mean time between failures; Reproducible - Size

Reproducible - Mean time between failures; High reliability - Size; Low cost - weight

Score 1 of 1

In reviewing requirements for a supplier quality plan, the quality manager determined that
many of the quality plan requirements relate to environmental issues.

The quality manager should consult which of the ISO standards to determine if the quality plan
requirements align with a quality environmentally focused management system?


ISO 14001

ISO 22000

ISO 9001

ISO 26000

Score 1 of 1

Appropriate communications methods related to project risk, feasibility, and priority should:


consider the different perspectives of the stakeholders when looking from outside the organizat
perspective of stakeholders looking from inside out to the community.
Classification: Internal

only be distributed to the parties responsible for doing the analysis and making the final decisio

remain as proprietary internal information and disclosed only on a need-to-know basis.

be written only from the perspective of project vertical alignment to make sure that performanc
lower-level processes support the measures used in higher-level processes.

Score 0 of 1

Attributes and variables data are best described as which of the following?


Visual features <----> Counted values

Counted values <----> Visual features

Counted values <----> Measured values

Measured values <----> Counted values

Score 1 of 1

The focus of a market planning and research system is to examine customers and competitors
in order to


determine requirements for long-term supplier partnerships

prioritize opportunities for or threats to the company’s offerings

identify trends for future pricing strategies

establish best practices in product and service design

Score 1 of 1

The training director is updating the professional enhancement training module for the middle
managers relating to the continuous improvement program. The previous program was
deemed ineffective and needed modification for practical application.
Classification: Internal

What should the training director propose?


Focus on strategic planning linkage with measurable initiatives

Develop a new module with a hands-on participation workshop

Develop criteria for the selection of participants for each module

Focus on the selection of the trainer with the most expertise

Score 1 of 1

A stakeholder analysis would:

Please choose the correct answer.


Determine the appropriate dividend amount to be distributed to shareholders.

Provide the basis to recommend the best strategy for dealing with pressure from a competitor.

Assess the feasibility of a partnership with a key supplier.

Delineate the outputs and outcomes needed by customers and regulatory agencies affecting the

Score 1 of 1

The roles of an effective manager include:


coaching employees to achieve excellence, and strategic planning to achieve corporate goals.

verifying each task performed by employees, and evaluating metrics against goals.

integrating disassociated people and processes, and taking personal credit for work performed b

attending training to learn job-specific tasks, and communicating information.

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal


The priority attributed to quality function is not based on size of the quality department. The
quality function is not:
Please choose the correct answer.


A prevention squad

Oriented towards defect detection

A screen or barrier to protect customer

All of these

Score 0 of 1

If a Quality Cost Performance Index (QCPI) is defined as:

CQPI = (Supplier Quality Cost + Purchased Cost) / Purchased Cost

The following are the QCPIs for for suppliers. Which supplier QCPI should be considered first?






Score 1 of 1

The most common method of presenting supplier performance elements to both supplier and
business customer management is:


Trend charting

Cost of quality formats

Classification: Internal

Control charting

Tabular tables

Score 1 of 1

A change in technology may affect an organization’s strategy formation by requiring the:


strategic plan to be distributed electronically because of the remote location of some workers.

CEO to create the strategic plan independently because it needs to be updated more often.

strategic plan to be written in more than one language so that employees in the United States an
aware of the plan.

review of the strategic plan two or more times per year, as opposed to once a year, because tech
so often.

Score 1 of 1

A manufacturing company meets their quarterly projected sales and profit forecasts by rolling
out new products and services. Which stakeholders are most affected by this?






Score 1 of 1

Which of the following is the most important step in the selection of a single-source supplier
for production components?

Classification: Internal

Having each prospective supplier perform a selfsurvey

Performing on-site quality system surveys at each prospective supplier’s facilities

Requiring copies of each prospective supplier’s quality manual

Evaluating sample products from each prospective supplier

Score 1 of 1

Your organization adopted Six Sigma several years ago. You are the organization’s only
Master Black Belt. You suspect that senior management has lost its enthusiasm for the

How would you proceed?


Schedule a meeting with the executive to show the benefits of Six Sigma.

Talk with the champion about your concerns.

Launch additional projects as a way of demonstrating the value of Six Sigma.

Continue with executing your project implementation schedule.

Score 1 of 1

Takt time:


Sets the pace of production to coincide with customer demand.

Is the total sequential processing time to produce one item in a work cell.

Is a measure of the time between each operation in a cycle.

Is another term for cycle time.

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal


When is stratified sampling useful for acquiring data?


When the customer requires 100% inspection be performed

When nonconformances randomly occur throughout a lot

When only a particular portion of a population is to be evaluated

When conclusions need to be drawn about an entire population

Score 1 of 1

B. Smith, the Operations Director, won the lottery and announced an early retirement after 15
years of employment. This put the company in an urgent mode for a replacement. B. Smith is
recognized both by management and peers to be a true organizational leader.

Which of the following qualities should the hiring team consider as the 'best fit' for an
organizational leader?


Knowledgeable on international and domestic business laws

Regulatory experience in multiple standards

Charismatic speaker with relevant experience and knowledge

Excellent document control skill set and writing skills

Score 1 of 1

A common approach to understanding and improving a process is to:

Please choose the correct answer.


Audit the process to the ISO 9001 standard.

Convene a focus group to study the process.

Classification: Internal

Form a cross-functional ad hoc team to map the existing process, then after analysis, map the p
appear after improvement.

Implement statistical process control.

Score 0 of 1

You have been given a completed multi-page process flowchart to review. Which of the
following observations would require revision of the flowchart?


There are two circles, labeled “A” and “B”, on the first page of the flowchart.

One box has three arrows entering and one arrow exiting.

There is one oval shape, which shows the start of the process.

A diamond shape shows one arrow entering at the top and three arrows exiting.

Score 1 of 1

All of the following are advantages that result from building customer-supplier partnerships


The customer can realize reduced inspection costs.

Prevention costs are shifted to the supplier.

Both partners can learn new approaches to teamwork.

The supplier is offered longer-term financial security.

Score 0 of 1

The customer concern (i.e., customer complaint processing) program deployed about two
years ago seems to be losing effectiveness. The root cause analysis, at times, is superficial
due to time constraint and other priorities.
Classification: Internal

Recurrence of issues is ongoing due to ineffective action plans. The quality director plans to
mitigate or, if needed, change the program to ensure continuing effectiveness and problem

Which of the following would the quality director consider as the first/primary focus of this
evaluation to mitigate or correct the gap?


Evaluate the quality audit program to determine if tightened frequency should be implemented

Evaluate if operating a level quality plan on customer requirements is understood and impleme

Evaluate if the customer satisfaction index is kept up-to-date and accessible to the process own

Evaluate if metrics for each core process is appropriate to provide feedback on the process perf

Score 1 of 1

During a management review meeting, the CEO diverted from the agenda and started a heated
argument with the vice president of operations. The rest of the management team felt
uncomfortable as they did not have a choice but to witness a confrontation.

From this experience, what action should the management team choose if similar incident


Ask the other attendees if they have any additional information that may help settle the differen

Wait for the argument to end and continue discussion of the scheduled agenda.

Participate in the discussion to diffuse the argument by changing the topic.

Reschedule the management review and allow the CEO and vice president of operations to disc

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following is an example of vertical communication within an organization?


Quality improvement team working on a cycle-time reduction

Classification: Internal

Cross-functional design team developing a new product

Field sales person notifying production scheduler of pending large order

Manager communicating the result of performance review

Score 1 of 1

In your company, the terms “education” and “training” are terms that are used
interchangeably. As the manager of education and training, you know that there is a big

What action, if any, would you take to correct this misconception?


Make sure every program for education or training contains definitions of these terms and state
question was intended to do.

Conduct a needs assessment to pinpoint the company's needs for both education and training.

Nothing. As long as the program is working, it doesn’t matter what they call it.

Develop detailed plans for education and training, and use these plans to show the difference b

Score 1 of 1

All but one of the following statements is true. Which one is not true?
Please choose the correct answer.


Nothing less than 100 percent inspection will suffice to ensure that good quality is produced.

Cost and quality are complementary rather than conflicting objectives.

The cost of quality is primarily the investment in obtaining and sustaining good quality.

When production output is less than free of all defects, people are being paid to produce poor q

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

The primary purpose of a supplier certification program is to:

Please choose the correct answer.


Reward excellent suppliers.

Shift costs of supplier management from appraisal to prevention.

Reduce the number of supplier audits.

Transfer responsibility for supplier quality to the purchasing department.

Score 1 of 1

Of the following core values and concepts, which would be the most critical to apply to a
newly mandated state emergency management agency?

I. Visionary leadership
II. Customer-driven excellence
III. Agility
IV. Focus on the future
V. Focus on results and creating value
VI. Management by fact
VII. Managing for innovation

Please choose the correct answer.






Score 1 of 1

To survive a downturn in the economy, a construction company needs to apply a three-year

strategic plan to take appropriate cost-reduction steps to survive. This plan includes re-
engineering business processes such as marketing, sales, branding, preconstruction, and
estimating in order to achieve the desired economic results.

Why is strategic planning important for this organization?

Classification: Internal


Organizations that use strategic planning are unable to react to volatile economic changes.

Organizations that use strategic planning don’t have to establish standards for measuring mana

Organizations that use strategic planning for reward and recognition are able to support the resu

The construction company will be able to better utilize its internal resources and grow the busin

Score 1 of 1

The customer service department of logistic company ABC is responsible for responding to
customer inquiries.

Sometimes this activity can be very hectic, especially if the customer is irate and looking for
an explanation for a missing shipment. The customer service manager requested the quality
department’s help in expediting responses to customers.

Which of the following approaches would the quality department recommend?


Tree diagram

Interrelationship digraph

Priority matrix

Affinity diagram

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following is the most appropriate sequence of events for administering a
customer satisfaction survey, from beginning to end?

I. Prepare the survey instrument.

II. Administer the survey.
III. Report the results.
IV. Identify survey objectives.
V. Analyze the data.
VI. Organize the data.

Please choose the correct answer.

Classification: Internal





Score 1 of 1

Which one of the following process specifications will need both customer and supplier to
work together for an agreement?


Shelf life requirement

Net weight of the product

Visual inspection criteria

The dimension of the product

Score 1 of 1

Given the following SWOT analysis for a restaurant, which of the following actions provides
the most potential (i.e., leverage) for improvement?

 Strength - Strong relationships with vendors who provide high-quality ingredients help
prevent running out of menu items.
 Weakness - High staff turnover increases the need for a lot of training and makes
customer service questionable as the new employees are being trained.
 Opportunity - Continuing to improve customer service will increase the likelihood of
repeat customers and eventually increase sales.
 Threat - A slump in the Michigan economy is reducing customers’ disposable income.
This could lead to fewer customers eating out.


Initiate a catering service targeted toward local automotive manufacturing companies during ho

Maintain customer service

Classification: Internal

Increase the number of vendors

Improve retention of high-quality employees

Score 1 of 1

Your task is to evaluate capital budget proposals and to make recommendations to senior
management. Which of the following well-accepted methods would you use?


Provide each department with the appropriate forms to complete, together with examples of a p
budget proposal.

For discretionary expenditures, rank projects on the basis of their projected rate of return and re
not meet the cutoff.

Rewrite proposals which do not conform to the organization’s capital budget guidelines.

Use SMART guidelines in combination with alignment with strategic objectives.

Score 1 of 1

As part of the continued evolution of their TQM philosophy, a company recently devised a
sophisticated gain-sharing program that allows all employees to obtain financial rewards from
improved organizational performance.

Which of the following is true?

Please choose the correct answer.


The company will see increased enthusiasm for their TQM efforts.

Quality to the customer may drop as improvement efforts become more focused on financial re

Management should ensure that the TQM effort also taps intrinsic motivation.

The gain-sharing program probably gives a greater proportion of the rewards to employees at h

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

A supplier identified seven critical requirements for the production and delivery of a new
product. The supplier determined that it was necessary to notify the manufacturer when


begins ahead of schedule.

finishes ahead of schedule.

finishes behind schedule.

finishes on schedule.

Score 1 of 1

The director of quality was part of the team tasked to evaluate the root cause(s) of the
significant increase in overtime by one of its centers located at Laredo, Tex. for the last six

Other increasing variables noted are customer complaints and rate of internal error reported
by the quality inspector stationed at Laredo. The company’s remaining 19 centers offering the
same business service seem to be performing well in comparison with Laredo.

Which of the following actions would the director of quality recommend as initial step for
evaluation by the team?


Verify the participation of supervisors in the execution of daily tasks.

Perform a time study of the Laredo center’s tasks.

Consider outsourcing the Laredo tasks to maximize productivity.

Verify the Laredo center’s compliance program with procedures.

Score 1 of 1

Tacos Everywhere tracks performance characteristics on their 25 vendors. Each characteristic

is scored on a scale of one to five, and then shared with the vendor.

In what stage of the supply chain would the process of sharing individual performance
information with a vendor occur?

Classification: Internal

Complaint handling

Desk audit


Post-award surveillance

Score 1 of 1

According to Juran, anyone is a customer of a product or service if that person


uses it

purchases it

is affected by it

produces it

Score 1 of 1

The development of a customer-supplier partnership can be a very involved process which

could require a significant amount of time to develop.

What are the critical activities which can signify that a customer-supplier partnership is now in


The supplier begins to receive longer term contracts for larger volumes of products and service

When the supplier selection process ends, and initial contract is given which includes the requi
an agreed-upon quality plan

Both parties work toward mutual benefits after a long-term contract and new product developm

When the customer invites the supplier to become involved in the early stages of a customer's n
development process
Classification: Internal

Score 1 of 1

A permanent team of employees empowered to manage themselves and their daily work, this
is defined as:


Natural work group

Autonomous team

Self-regulating team


Score 1 of 1

Project Delta has been problematic since its kick-off. After six months of mitigating the
operational issues, enough data has been gathered for a financial report.

Contrary to the positive productivity reports issued by operations, the financial analysis
showed a trend of lost margin. A lean-based steering team was assigned to evaluate this
situation to address the immediate issue with this account, as well as lessons learned for
future planning/account management.

Which of the following should the steering committee take as a first step in analyzing the


Develop a change management program to execute improvement plans.

Improve the measurement variables or metrics at all phases of operations.

Implement advance data analysis methodology (e.g., SPC) to provide timely feedback to opera

Define the problem and the organizational requirement.

Score 1 of 1

Designing effective training approaches must take into account:

I. The organization’s work system.

II. Organization needs.
III. Individual employee needs.
IV. Training assessment criteria.
Classification: Internal

Please choose the correct answer.


I, II, III, and IV

I, II, and III only

I and III only

I, III, and IV only

Score 0 of 1

The inspection team were sent to a training/refresher course as part of the personnel
performance enhancement. Management would like to use this program as selection process
for sending the most skilled inspector for training business partners performing the same

How would the training department help to achieve management’s goal?


Create a training program that will help the chosen inspector relay knowledge to the business p

Create a performance measurement criteria for pre-training and post-training

Widen the scope of the refresher course to include training the trainer

Help select the best inspector through a written test and focus on training the selected one

Score 1 of 1

A new warehouse manager trying to impress management in addressing the backlog inherited
from the previous manager, mandated a drastic change in the workers’ schedule to include
working on weekends without exception.

Non-compliance to the new schedule meant a reprimand or termination. Under this

environment, the productivity went up, but at the same time, the error rate doubled. Concerned
that the growing error rate may eventually impact profit margins, the vice president of
operations started to look into the matter.

Which of the following would be an effective action?

Classification: Internal

Show visible support of the warehouse manager’s decision in reinforcing the new schedule.

Do nothing and leave the situation "as is;" it will eventually resolve itself.

Involve the workers in creating a rotating weekend schedule during this transition.

Reiterate to workers the consequences of any violation.

Score 1 of 1

A company wants to improve the way it handles customer complaints. Management is aware
of the negative perceptions and experiences of customers and employees alike when dealing
with the employees that handle the customer complaints at the call-in center.

To create a positive change, the company needs to:


Ignore the customer complaints and reward the call-in center employees.

Provide negative reinforcement to the employees at the complaint call-in center.

Align employee empowerment and involvement with customer needs.

Have a board of director’s meeting to put new policies and procedures in place.

Score 0 of 1

Your company is receiving raw material from a new supplier. You want to monitor the
incoming quality for all types of nonconformities. Setting the sample size to be the same
amount, the proper control to use is the:


c chart

np chart

u chart

p chart
Classification: Internal

Score 1 of 1

Of the following options, which describes an advantage of systems thinking?


Allows top-level managers to make decisions based on their positional power without inputs fr

Makes understanding system-to-system relationships more complicated.

Allows top-level managers to make decisions based on their positional power.

Commits to one approach or best practice relevant to achieving the overall strategy of the organ

Score 1 of 1

Lean tools are primarily focused on:

Please choose the correct answer.


Reducing resources.

Eliminating waste.

Better workplace management.

Increasing customer value.

Score 1 of 1

A company has been very reactive in dealing with quality since it was started 19 years ago and
management wants to develop a more proactive organization.

Which of the following actions by top management would be most useful at the beginning of
the process of change?
Please choose the correct answer.


Define, communicate, and demonstrate proactive quality behaviors.

Reorganize into “small business units” that have a line of sight for quality problems.
Classification: Internal

Change the reward system.

Create a new position with the title “preventive action coordinator.”

Score 0 of 1

Businesses operate through a set of interrelated functions. Why are the relationships between
functions vitally important to the success of the organization?


So each department understands how its processes affect suppliers and customers.

So teams are able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve their processes.

So the business understands what products it can and cannot deliver.

So the business can accurately estimate order completion dates.

Score 1 of 1

The primary purpose of a project charter is to


provide management with a tool for selecting a project that addresses business needs

provide management with a tool to ensure that project deadlines are met

subdivide the project into smaller, more manageable components

provide the project manager with authority to apply organizational resources to project activitie

Score 0 of 1

The Green Belt program was created as part of a strategy by a logistics company’s CEO of
saving one million dollars by next year.
Classification: Internal

The sales department was tasked to “sell” the continuous improvement service to customers.
After nine months of trying to solicit interested customers, the program was a failure and did
not bring the anticipated revenue.

What would be the likely lesson that the management team learned from this fiasco?


The mission statement needs to be frequently revised to keep it dynamic and continually effect

There should be a greater emphasis on the tactical and operational plans.

External forces (e.g., customer requirements) must be part of the strategic planning.

The action plan was clear and should have been deployed effectively.

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following is an activity-oriented project management technique that provides

normal time estimates?


Critical Path Network (CPN)

Critical Path Method (CPM)

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)

Gantt charting

Score 0 of 1

Joint quality planning meetings between a customer and a supplier should include
discussions in which of the following major areas:


Design, quality, service

Production, scheduling, shipping

Economic, technological, managerial

Classification: Internal

Purchasing, marketing, sales

Score 1 of 1

The main advantage of having quality procedures online instead of in hard copy is that


all personnel can input changes to the documents

the current version can be the only one available

the documentation review process is simplified

an online document is easier to read

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following is the primary purpose of training?

Please choose the correct answer.


Improved operational results

Improved human resource capabilities

Improved technological capabilities

Improved employee satisfaction

Score 1 of 1

The purpose of the ISO 9001 standard is to:

I. Provide confidence in quality management systems by offering a common basis for assessments.
II. Provide confidence to customers and other stakeholders that the requirements for quality are being,
or will be, met.
III. Systematically pursue ever higher levels of overall company and human performance, including
quality, productivity, and time performance.
IV. Build loyalties and teamwork while encouraging and supporting initiative and risk taking.
Classification: Internal

Please choose the correct answer.


I, II, and IV only

I and II only

III and IV only

I, II, III, and IV

Score 1 of 1

Which statement best fits an optimized risk management process?


The plan is flexible enough to deal with risks.

Cost of resolution equals risk exposure.

Overall cost and risk are minimized.

Risk mitigation plans are rarely exercised

Score 1 of 1

In the late nineteenth century, many organizations adopted the Taylor system of scientific
management by separating


planning from execution

engineering from production

management from supervision

research from design

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal


Design of the information system, although enabled by new technologies, should be based on
the organization’s strategy, structure, and business systems.

The design of any information system should first consider which of these fundamental


Who is responsible for the accuracy of the data collected?

How should standard reports be delivered?

How does the system interface with local networks and the Internet?

What specific information is needed and by whom?

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following is not usually a role of a manager?

Please choose the correct answer.


Selects people to fill job vacancies

Organizes the work to be done

Mentors a potential candidate for management

Determines the legality of a supplier–partnership agreement

Score 1 of 1

You have requested measurements of the outside diameter of washers from the receiving
inspector on the next received lot to determine variation. The inspector gives you
measurements for 200.

What is the proper number of classes to construct the histogram?


Classification: Internal


Score 1 of 1

Company EZ tasked the newly promoted operations manager to develop the strategic plan to
win a customer bid by offering lower costs with a guarantee on best quality.

Ten months after the project launch, Company EZ has not met the net profit expected from the
project due to excessive internal failures and expediting costs resulting from the pressure of
customer dissatisfaction with on-time delivery.

The director of quality was tasked with summarizing the lessons learned from this scenario to
prevent recurrence.

Which of the following failure modes would the director of quality choose as the primary root


Failure in assessing capability vs. VOC requirement.

Failure in performing a tactical-level assessment.

Failure to consider environmental threats.

Failure to adequately assess various options for reliable outsourcing.

Score 1 of 1

The car dealer is:


an internal customer of the car manufacturer.

a supplier to the car manufacturer.

neither an internal nor external customer of the car manufacturer.

Classification: Internal

an external customer of the car manufacturer.

Score 1 of 1

How would you provide follow-up reinforcement/reference for a new procedure for assembly
line workers?


Provide job aids at each work station

Schedule follow-up training for each worker

Implement computer-based training

Audit employee compliance with the new procedure

Score 1 of 1

The quality manager wishes to monitor the quality of incoming raw materials. If the quality can
be measured on a continuous scale and is received infrequently, the appropriate control chart
to use would be:


X-bar and R chart

Individuals and Moving Range charts


Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) chart

Score 1 of 1

If data are plotted over time, the resulting chart will be a


Pareto chart

Classification: Internal

run chart

Poisson distribution

Score 0 of 1

The ABC Appliance Company has:

 $25,000 in cash
 $15,000 in accounts payable
 $5,000 in investments
 $40,000 in financed debt
 $27,000 in stock equity
 $30,000 in inventories
 $10,000 in payroll
 $150,000 in capital

What are the ABC company’s total liabilities?






Score 0 of 1

The performing stage of team progression includes which behavior?


Factions and choosing sides

Attempt to achieve harmony

Complaints about the organization and barriers to task

Classification: Internal

Constructive self-change

Score 0 of 1

Two processes have the same value of Cp.. Process one has a Cpk value of 1.33 and process
two has a Cpk value of 0.67. What can be said about these processes?


The first is not capable; the second is.

The first is centered; the second isn't.

The first is in control; the second isn't.

Both processes are capable and centered.

Score 1 of 1

Assessing and identifying exposure to risks should:


focus on internal issues rather than outside events.

start with analysis within the organization.

prioritize newly created processes.

obtain input from the executive level to get a wider scope.

Score 1 of 1

The assembly of Product A consists of multiple sub-assembly lines. The process has been
stable for the last few years.

No major issues were encountered until these last few days, where there has now been a high
reject rate at the last sub-assembly line. The quality engineer assigned to this sub-assembly
line immediately begins an investigation.

Which of the following should the quality engineer consider as the simplest starting steps?

Classification: Internal

Review raw material specification and contact the supplier.

Identify any change in the internal customer interfaces.

Reassess the process objectives and acceptance measurements.

Review the performance metrics' history for all the sub-assembly lines.

Score 1 of 1

The training department is preparing to update the training program for the new hires. The
quality director suggested the inclusion of lean principles in the training material so the new
employees will be more prepared to embrace the lean culture once assigned to their posts.

At what stage of the training program review would this suggestion be incorporated?


The evaluation phase

The analysis phase

The design phase

The implementation phase

Score 1 of 1

A manager of quality intends to use a training course to enhance customer service skills.
During what phase of the ADDIE model should pilot testing of the course occur?



Design and evaluation



Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal


Bottom-to-top communication techniques include all the following except:

Please choose the correct answer.


Employee satisfaction surveys.

Quality circles.

Performance reviews.

Employee suggestion boxes.

Score 1 of 1

For a bookseller that sells entirely through a Web site, managing the diversity of customers
would entail which of the following?

I. Adopting lean techniques to reduce cycle time

II. Continually developing new service features to take the place of services that have become “must
III. Responding to the needs of a diverse customer base
IV. Understanding and working closely with multiple publishers

Please choose the correct answer.


III only

I, II, III, and IV

II and III only

II, III, and IV only

Score 1 of 1

Changes in technology may impact an organization’s short- and long-term strategic plans by
requiring the organization to:


limit financial obligations.

Classification: Internal

consider the effect on business processes.

increase advertising product services.

increase organizational security plans.

Score 1 of 1

Typical tools used as aids in selecting members for a process improvement team are:
Please choose the correct answer.


DiSC and MBTI.

MBTI and process mapping.

Root cause analysis and fishbone chart.

Brainstorming and affinity diagram.

Score 1 of 1

A scatter diagram was constructed, with input variable A placed on the X-Axis and output
variable B on the Y-Axis. If all the values of B were approximately the same for each value of A,
what would you conclude?


There is a possible positive correlation between variables A and B.

There is a possible negative correlation between variables A and B.

There is some correlation between variables A and B.

There is no correlation between variables A and B.

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

A machine manufacturer wants to ensure the quality and integrity of the weld in the assembly
from its supplier. Which one of the following is the best option to accomplish this objective?


Require the supplier to provide the welding and inspection processes, which will be utilized as
ensuring conformance to the requirements

Ensure that the supplier uses only certified welders and maintains records to prove that.

Require the supplier achieve the ISO 9001 certification prior to awarding a contract.

The welding process should be developed by the machine manufacturer.

Score 1 of 1

Stakeholder input is critical to the development and establishment of an organization’s

strategic objectives. Identify an appropriate action in analyzing stakeholder groups and
interests with organizational objectives.


analyze organizational and stakeholder needs.

compare gaps between organizational functions and stakeholder needs.

focus on the entire set of stakeholder groups and their needs.

inform stakeholders of results of the organization’s planning meeting.

Score 1 of 1

When there is a slippage in quality, just-in-time inventory systems affect:

Please choose the correct answer.


Incoming inspection efficiency.

Production schedules.

Materials usage variances.

Classification: Internal

Product scrap rates.

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following situations is an example of the lean concept of pull?


The upstream operation sets the pace for the downstream operation's production.

Nothing is produced by the upstream operation until the downstream operation communicates i

The upstream operation’s production is synchronized to provide the downstream operation just

The upstream operation produces to the schedule provided by the downstream operation.

Score 0 of 1

Which of the following are good reasons for including workforce personnel on project teams?

I. Provide subject matter expertise.

II. Reduce the upper management time commitment.
III. Increase worker participation in the improvement process.
IV. Reduce the direct-labor allocation on over-budget product lines.

Please choose the correct answer.


I and III only

I, III, and IV only

II and IV only

I, II, III, and IV

Score 1 of 1

The main purpose of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is to:

Classification: Internal

Compete with the Deming Prize in Japan.

Recognize companies for business excellence.

Replace the need for ISO registration.

Get companies to take a systems approach to improvement.

Score 1 of 1

A company has just launched a new product line which has resulted in a 20% increase in
complaints and 20 different proposed modifications and improvements.

Without hiring additional resources, which of the following should the company use to
prioritize resources to work on both complaints and modifications?


Root cause analysis and Quality Function Deployment

Fishbone diagram and contradiction matrix

Assign some staff to work on complaints and others on modifications.

Interrelationship digraph and Pareto principle

Score 1 of 1

The 10 plants of Company Z performing the same processes are all under one quality program
with ISO 9001:2008 as the guiding principle. Process performance of each center is measured
using CpK values for ease of translating the overall performance into a measurable metric.

All the plants have six-month performance values of CpK >2 except for the Laredo, Texas
plant, which hasa CpK of 0.5. It is puzzling to management as the processes, procedures, and
training programs are the same or equivalent with the other plants.

Which of the following would the quality director choose as a starting point to evaluate the
issue so improvement plan can be created?


Review training records of the Laredo team to ensure competency.

Review the procedures and identify roadblocks causing failures.

Classification: Internal

Perform a quality audit of the Laredo plant.

Perform a workforce survey to assess input from process owners.

Score 1 of 1

As a rule, which of the following statements can be made regarding organizations that are tall
and narrow?


Communication channels allow for the rapid dissemination of information

They are less bureaucratic than many other structures

Many companies are trying to flatten them

They are typical for many small organizations

Score 1 of 1

Teams are typically formed based on the:


Level of team members’ responsibilities

Stages of team evolution

Work to be done

Personal relationships among team members

Score 0 of 1

When first established, team members go through a period of team growth often referred to as
forming. This stage typically includes the following behavior by team members:


Arguing among members, even when they agree on the real issue.
Classification: Internal

Establishing and maintaining team ground rules and boundaries.

Attempts to define the task and decide how it will be accomplished.

Questioning the wisdom of the person who selected the team members for the project.

Score 1 of 1

Organizational success is largely dependent on understanding what an organization is and

isn’t capable of. Prior to forming a strategic plan, which of the following questions should an
organization ask itself to help determine its capabilities?


Will employees receive a pay increase if the proposed changes are implemented?

Will the employees enjoy and support the proposed changes?

Will the organization’s leadership and management style support the proposed changes?

How many vendors do the organization’s competitors use?

Score 1 of 1

A medical device company recently introduced a new product line and expanded its customer
base to include international territory. With these changes, the board members voiced a
concern about the continuing effectiveness of the company’s overall strategic plan.

What action would the executive team take to address the board members’ concern?


Restrict individual functional areas from formulating their own different objectives to support t

Ensure that the span of the strategic plan is compatible with the changes.

Allow the process owners to drive the evaluation process; they are the subject experts.

Solicit input from all functional teams in the review process.

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

All organizations have limited resources and opportunities, and must allocate them so as to
best accomplish the mission with high efficiency. A possible solution is:

Please choose the correct answer.


To ensure that authority levels are clearly spelled out for typical situations

To have employees go outside the organizational walls

To communicate, communicate, and communicate!

To ensure the strategic and operational plans clearly indicate the priorities and strategies for the

Score 1 of 1

Company XYZ has multiple plants performing the same processes under one quality program
supporting the company’s strategic plan.

The quality program has encountered a stumbling block of inconsistent deployment

methodology from plant to plant, which is reflected by the VOC (voice of the customer) data.
The various plants differ slightly by the customer-specific requirements incorporated in the

Which of the following strategies should the director of quality choose first to increase the
effectiveness of the quality program?


Review the quality policy’s adaptability in addressing the company’s strategic plan.

Align performance appraisal measures with error rates to increase accountability.

Enforce the quality policy with increased accountability for non-compliance.

Schedule a tight audit plan to verify plants’ conformance to the quality policy.

Score 1 of 1

The European Excellence Award and the BNQP Awards are used to identify:


companies with large quality departments.

Classification: Internal

quality products and services through customer feedback.

companies that are financially successful.

good practices that others will learn from.

Score 1 of 1

Facts pertaining to which of the following would be critical in developing a system of supplier
performance measurement for an aircraft engine manufacturer?

I. Amount of technical support provided by the supplier

II. Supplier Cpk
III. Defective product reworked before shipment
IV. MTBF of product after installation

Please choose the correct answer.


I, II, and IV only

II and IV only

I, II, III, and IV

I and II only

Score 1 of 1

The mission statement for a quality function would best focus on:
Please choose the correct answer.


Reducing defects.

Assessing the performance of production workers.

Companywide and departmental activities that collectively result in product and/or service qua

Leading small teams that break down barriers and reach higher organizational goals.
Classification: Internal

Score 0 of 1

The control limits for an X and R chart were computed for a process that makes precision
spacers that are nominally 100 millimeters thick. Measurements for 12 subgroups, each of size
10, were recorded.

The control limits were listed as:

X = 100.067
R = 5.667
UCLX = 101.82377
LCLX = 98.31023
UCLR = 10.08726
LCLR = 0

Which value is incorrect?


Lower Control Limit of the X chart.

Lower Control Limit of the Range chart.

Upper Control Limit of the Range chart.

Upper Control Limit of the X chart.

Score 0 of 1

Company X recently acquired FDA approval for the manufacture of a highly lucrative medical
device. The CEO’s decision to shift to a product departmentalization-based implementation
instead of the company’s traditional functional structure was based on which of the following?


To focus on product technology and market introduction

To lessen redundancy in organizational hierarchy

To increase internal communication path

To maintain organization cohesiveness

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

Through grapevine communication, the warehouse manager is perceived as receiving priority

treatment from one of the top executives, resulting in discontent and resentment in the

Following the retirement of this executive, the replacement, aware of the favoritism issues,
determined to start fresh to rejuvenate the deteriorating workforce moral.

What should be a logical starting point?


Establish a performance review system based on merit.

Retrain employees on proper work ethics at the workplace.

Relocate the warehouse manager to remove any reminder of bad work ethics.

Terminate the warehouse manager for her abuse of power.

Score 1 of 1

A TV manufacturer has implemented JIT inventory management system with its largest
supplier. This supplier's manufacturing facility has been severely damaged by tornadoes and
is shut down.

Which of the following best describes the effect(s) this will have on the TV manufacturer?


The TV manufacturer will have to slow down or stop its production, and may have to reduce or

None. The TV manufacturer will have sufficient inventory to continue with its production and

The TV manufacturer may have to slow down or even stop its production.

The TV manufacturer will have to reduce or even stop shipping.

Score 1 of 1

Team development can be enhanced by making sure that team members have a basic
understanding of how to:


give and receive encouragement.

Classification: Internal

interact in positive ways.

achieve personal goals.

avoid difficult people or situations.

Score 1 of 1

A customer's purchase order requires receipt of material on the 15th of the month, +0/-3 days.
Which of the following would be considered conformance to this requirement?


Delivery by the supplier on the 11th of the month

Clearance through Customs on the 15th of the month

Arrival at the customer's dock on the 12th of the month

Shipment from the supplier on the 10th of the month

Score 1 of 1

Project status reports are issued to various levels of management and on different schedules.
Which of the following reasons is most important to project success?


To document progress for rewarding team members

To differentiate which team members are contributing to project success.

To adjust resources and priorities as needed

To justify project expenditures

Score 1 of 1

Employee performance is monitored monthly. Which of the following situations encourages

positive employee performance?

Classification: Internal

Employees spend a large amount of time submitting data in relation to performing work.

Employees submitting data with negative trends may or may not be disciplined.

Employees understand how their work is measured and links with management objectives.

Employees understand that the metrics used by management to measure performance and rewa

Score 1 of 1

A project manager implements changes to a project without prior authorization, adding to the
scope. What will be the likely impact on the project?


The project costs are passed on to the stakeholders.

Project cost overruns will need to be monitored at the end of the project.

The project costs start to exceed estimates of time and money.

Project shortcuts may be needed to enable deadlines to be made.

Score 1 of 1

Strategic planning may include all but which of the following?

Please choose the correct answer.


Scenario planning

A SWOT analysis

Hoshin planning and deployment

A seven-step problem-solving technique

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

Which of the following is most likely a limitation of SWOT analysis?


Situation changing over time

Lack of planned change

Lack of resources to do an analysis

Lack of objectivity in the analysis

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following are proactive sources of customer information?

I. Claims/refunds
II. Technical services provided as part of the total product package
III. Monitoring of broad market trends
IV. Observing customers using the product or service

Please choose the correct answer.


I and III only

IV only

III and IV only

II only

Score 1 of 1

In some organizations, lower-level employees are members of special-purpose teams. The

leaders of these teams are members of higher-level teams, and the leaders of these teams are
members of teams at the highest level.

This structure enhances team-to-team communications and is known as what type of team


Classification: Internal

Chain line of command

Multiple participation


Score 1 of 1

Just-in-time (JIT) procurement is normally preceded immediately by:


Multiple supplier procurement

A customer and supplier alliance

Ship-to stock (STS) procurement

A customer and supplier partnership

Score 1 of 1

A supplier is overwhelmed with the number of corrective action requests issued by the former
quality manager of Company ABC, resulting in delayed responses.

The new QA manager is reviewing the backlog of open corrective actions and has decided to
simplify and increase the effectiveness of the process.

Which of the following would be an appropriate option for reviewing the open corrective


Offer training to the supplier on the proper corrective action process.

Send a technical representative to help the supplier in the evaluation process.

Audit the supplier’s facility to follow up on open items.

Verify validity and perform a Pareto analysis to prioritize.

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

An objective of employee development is improving employee performance. Which of the

following actions is the most appropriate for improving employee performance?


Benchmarking employee’s base salary and awards.

Scoring an employee’s performance against predefined criteria.

Understanding employee skills and abilities.

Developing employee training plans.

Score 1 of 1

The recent RFID million-dollar project shows signs of instability primarily due to a lack of
resource and technical support. Which of the following could have had the most impact on
this situation?


The project was launched without consideration at the micro level of the financial statement.

The interdepartmental budget was not properly allocated to support needs.

The project was based on ROI and consideration of critical financial impact.

The project launching put an emphasis on “what sells to the CEO.”

Score 1 of 1

The new VP of Operations was given the task to redesign and improve the communication and
authority structure based on core design factors: complexity, formalization, and centralization.

Which of the following steps would implement these design factors?


Issue a new organization chart and quality management program

Develop a new management review program to monitor progress

Issue a new document control and internal audit program

Classification: Internal

Create teams to document gap analysis as benchmark

Score 1 of 1

You have been meeting every day for four days with the purchasing manager, trying to decide
the relative responsibilities of the quality and purchasing departments for dealing with
supplier problems.

Which of the following would likely be least effective at helping reach agreement?
Please choose the correct answer.


Spend more time listening than talking, in order to understand the purchasing manager ’s viewp

Meet in a conference room rather than one of your offices.

Wait several days before meeting again.

Write a procedure outlining how you believe the process should work.

Score 1 of 1

In what order does the following list most accurately explain the process for addressing risk in
organizational decision making?

I. Risk treatment
II. Risk identification
III. Risk estimation
IV. Risk description






Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal


If accuracy relates to the validity of a piece of equipment, then precision relates to which of the






Score 1 of 1

After getting no significant results from working with two other consulting firms, a diversified
business-to-business service company has engaged your firm to help them improve business

How would you approach the situation?


Benchmark current performance against that of similar companies.

Introduce lean Six Sigma methodologies.

Understand why the previous attempts were unsuccessful.

Introduce TQM.

Score 1 of 1

Which member of the Six Sigma team would be most optional?


A master Black Belt

A team leader
Classification: Internal

A project champion

Team members

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following is considered to be a good listening skill?


Since people can think much faster than they can talk, it is acceptable to multitask while the oth

To make the best use of time, work on shaping your response while the other person is speakin

As communication turns in a new direction, intervene with a summary of what you think you h

Bring the subject back to your area of interest so that the communication does not go off-track.

Score 1 of 1

Organizational components that not only support other internal functions but also support
external stakeholders are:
Please choose the correct answer.


Engineering and R&D.

Finance and customer service.

Marketing and quality.

Information technology and human resources.

Score 1 of 1

The training department has been tasked to submit a proposal to management on assessment
of training effectiveness for the operation’s most complex process. This department has been
retrained on the processes due to the fluctuating performance level of the workers.

What would the training department recommend to address management’s direction?

Classification: Internal

Evaluate if participants were satisfied with the training in meeting the objective

Evaluate measurement results of changed behavior expected pertaining to process, such as num

Assess improvement suggestion from participants in enhancing participant performance level

Assess participant satisfaction of the content of the training’s relevance with their tasks

Score 1 of 1

You are assigned to manage a multi-skilled, high-performance training system. What would
you review to measure the effectiveness of the training system?


Previous training assessment data.

Trainee satisfaction

Data to grade instructor performance.

Customer satisfaction

Score 1 of 1

Segmentation of a teaching hospital’s patient database would be:

I. Useful in allocating physical resources.

II. Helpful in balancing staffing needs.
III. Advantageous in the process of applying for additional funding to accommodate projected
demands on facilities and staff.
IV. Impractical because of the transient nature of the patient base.

Please choose the correct answer.


I, II, and III only

IV only

I and II only
Classification: Internal

III only

Score 1 of 1

A steel fabricator’s value-stream map indicated that out of a total lead time of 22 weeks, only
one week was spent doing true value-added work.

This steel fabricator found that a large part of the nonvalue-added lead time was identified as
“waiting for approval” during many stages of the order fulfillment process.

How can the lead time be reduced?


Increase the cost of the order to eliminate customers unwilling to pay for the item.

Develop a visual management system that shows the wait times for approval for each stage.

Mail an order confirmation to the customer to process the order more quickly.

Standardize the work procedures to eliminate the need for many of the approvals.

Score 1 of 1

Using Deming’s chain reaction theory, rank order the following events that will result from
improving quality, from first to last.

1. The company will stay in business

2. The company will capture the market
3. The company will be able to provide more jobs
4. Productivity will improve
5. Costs will decrease


1, 5, 4, 2, 3

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

5, 3, 4, 2, 1

5, 4, 2, 1, 3

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

A delay in a freight delivery caused a customer’s plant to shut down. Due to the severity of this
situation, the quality director initiates an investigation into the root cause of the failure.

What would be the appropriate ethical approach in determining the validity of the information
in the root cause investigation?


Issue corrective actions to all departments involved in the process stream that resulted in the de

Task those involved in freight delivery with investigating the cause of the delay.

Create an independent team to investigate the issue.

Regardless of the specific department that caused the delay, the entire company should be held

Score 0 of 1

Supplier assessment metrics that emphasize JIT (just in time) performance would include
which of the following?


Percent of orders over and under quantity

Percentage of supplied versus required certifications

Percent of rejected product out of total delivered product

Percentage of reported versus required quality information

Score 1 of 1

You have been appointed to lead a cross-functional team to solve a chronic problem which
has existed for years. How would you start your first team meeting?


Present a meeting schedule.

Ensure that the team understands the problem and why each person is on the team.
Classification: Internal

Outline the nature of the problem to be solved and how it affects your department.

Outline housekeeping items, including meeting times, locations, use of agendas and minutes.

Score 1 of 1

Assessing and identifying exposure to risks should:

I. Be done prior to investing in a major capital expenditure.

II. Be a continual process.
III. Be undertaken as part of the feasibility analysis prior to purchasing another business.
IV. Include financial, physical, safety, security, health, product liability, and proprietary information risk

Please choose the correct answer.


I, III only

I only

I, II, III, and IV

I, III, IV only

Score 1 of 1

It may work behind the scenes or be highly visible to followers. Through personal motivation
and power of persuasion, this leader gathers followers to a common goal, sometimes inciting
the followers to take physical action against a targeted group.

It is a:
Please choose the correct answer.


Opinion leader

Cause leader

Public leader

Organization leader
Classification: Internal

Score 1 of 1

Due to product failures during the first two months of product launch, the senior industrial
engineer for Company ABC was asked to evaluate the process and verify process compliance
with the product specification. It was confirmed that the process parameters are within the
tolerance limit of Company ABC’s internal procedures.

To determine why the products are being rejected, which of the following should the quality
director choose as the immediate cost-effective next step?


Verify raw materials are within the acceptable levels.

Verify alignment of customer requirements and process parameters.

Conduct a customer survey for each shipment.

Tighten final inspection to prevent defects escape.

Score 0 of 1

Drucker identifies four tasks of management Excluding:

Please choose the correct answer.


The task to make work productive and worker achieving

The task of managing within the dimension of budget

The task to managing the social impacts and social responsibilities of the enterprise

The task of economic performance

Score 1 of 1

One of the best tools for assessing the impacts of identified risks in the design of a
hydroelectric dam and power station is:
Please choose the correct answer.


Cost of poor quality

Classification: Internal

Mean time between failure

Failure mode and effects analysis

Reliability studies

Score 1 of 1

In a manufacturing company, the machine shop is what kind of customer in relation to the
human resource department?






Score 1 of 1

Which of the following items would be subject to a manufacturing company’s formal supplier
quality control?


Scheduled working hours for the general and administrative staff

Office supplies used by the company

The names of the individuals responsible for quality contained in the organization chart

Raw materials used to make the finished product

Score 1 of 1
Classification: Internal

The best use of the cost of lost banking customers is to:

Please choose the correct answer.


Compare this cost from one accounting period to another.

Use these figures to reprimand employees responsible for lost customers.

Compare lost-customer costs with costs to obtain new customers, and if the cost of obtaining n
greater, refocus efforts on customer retention.

Justify an initiative to contact lost customers and entice them to come back.

Score 1 of 1

The corrective action issued to one of Company ABC’s suppliers seems to be ineffective as
the defect keeps repeating. What would be the relevant effective approach to address this


Review root cause analysis with supplier.

Provide pertinent existing training modules to the supplier.

Audit the supplier’s facility.

Send a technical representative to assist the supplier.

Score 1 of 1

Of the many concerns in dealing with multiple customers is the privacy of customer
information. An effective strategy for dealing with this is to:


ensure there is consensus agreement between customers and suppliers that the security arrangem

ensure that the firm’s legal counsel has been involved in developing the security arrangements.

document each dealing with every customer so records will be available in case of litigation.
Classification: Internal

use locked file cabinets and password-protected files related to proprietary customer informatio

Score 1 of 1

What is the initial step of a supplier management process that a quality manager must review
prior to developing a supplier management process?


Product specifications

Raw material specifications

Analytical specifications

Delivery specifications

Score 1 of 1

Which of the following provides the best definition of what it means to be a leader?


Someone who people want to follow

Someone appointed to a position of authority

Someone who is responsible for resources

Someone with great organizational knowledge

Score 1 of 1

A mission statement should meet which of the following requirements?


It should address only issues of values, beliefs, and philosophies of the organization.

It should be clear and understandable to all of the organization’s personnel.

Classification: Internal

It should be of sufficient length and breadth to cover all aspects of the organization’s business.

It should be something currently unachievable, so that the organization will have to stretch itse

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