CLS MED 23 24 XIII Zoo Package 1 Level 1 Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) SECTION -A 4. Answer (3) Blood and lymph are fluid connective tissue. Bones and cartilages are specialised connective tissue. Adipose and areolar tissues are loose connective tissue. 2. Answer (3) The tissue that lines small intestine is avascular. Simple columnar epithelium lines the small intestine. 3. Answer (4) Calls forming this epithelium have centrally placed nucleus. Cells are cube like in shape and are organised into a single layer. 4. Answer (3) Collagen fibres are absent in fluid connective tissue. Blood and lymph are fluid connective tissue, These tissues do not have any fibres. 5. Answer (4) This epithelium is also present in wall of alveol. ‘Squamous epithelium lines the body cavity, alveoli and internal lining of blood vessels. This layer is primarily present at surfaces where diffusion of substances occurs. 6. Answer (1) Haversian system is feature of only tong bones of mammals, Lacunae surround cells of both bone and cartilage. Blood formation (Hematopoiesis) does not take place in cartilage. 7. Answer (3) This tissue communicates with different organs through nerve impulses. Nervous tissue is made up of neurons and glial cells. Neurons transmit impulse and coordinate the different. body parts in responses to internal and external stimu 8. Answer (3) A type of this tissue links and supports different tissues. Connective tissue is most abundant tissue in complex organisms. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 2) Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions of Assignment 9. Answer (4) ‘These muscle fibres taper at both ends. ‘Smooth or visceral muscle fibres are fusiform in shape while skeletal fibres are cylindrical 10, Answer (3) ‘These are non phagocytic cells Fibroblasts are the cells which secrete fibres in connective tissue. Chondrocytes are found in cartilage. Mast cells secrete histamine, heparin and serotonin. 11, Answer (4) This epithelium also lines pancreatic ducts Simple epithelium is sheet of cells involved in exchange of gases takes place by diffusion, absorption and secretion. Main function of compound epithelium is to protect against chemical & mechanical stresses. 12. Answer (1) These cells are not excitable in nature. Neuroglial cells provide insulation through myelin sheath 13. Answer (4) ‘These junctions allow passage of ions between adjacent calls. Communication or gap junctions allow cardiac fbres to contract as a unt 14, Answer (1) Gap junctions connect the cytoplasm of adjoining cells. Tight junctions (Zonula occludens) help to stop substances from leaking across tissue 415. Answer (4) This vital organ made up of muscle fibres showing intercalated dises. Uninucleated and fusiform shape are characteristics of smooth muscle fibres. Human heart has cardiac muscles fibres showing intercalated discs, 16. Answer (3) Cells of this epithelium are columnar but unequal in size. ‘Squamous compound epithelium occurs in the walls of blood vessels, alveoli of the lungs, lining of coelomic cavities. Compound epithelium is present in ski in trachea and large bronchi. 17. Answer (3) Myofibrils show faint light and dark bands. ‘The tissue shown in the diagram is cardiac muscle, made up of involuntary, branched muscle fibres, cylindrical in shape and exclusively present in the heart. 18. Answer (1) Tendons consist of parallel bundles of collagen fibres. Ligaments and tendons are types of dense regular connective tissue. 19. Answer (4) Tissues are organised in specific proportions and pattems to form an organ. ‘All types of tissues are present in organs such as stomach, heart, lung and kidney. 20. Answer (2) Glandular cells are specialised for secretion. ‘Some of the columnar or cuboidal cells get specialised for secretion and form glandular epithelium. , buccal cavity otc. Psoudostratiied ciliated columnar epithelium is found Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment ‘Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) 2 2, 23, 24, 25, 26. 27. 28. ‘Answer (2) Column like-cells with basal nuclei are present here. ‘Surface lining of stomach is composed of simple columnar epithelium, Answer (3) Defense against abrasion. Surfaces requiring protection are lined by multi-layered epithelium/compound epithelium, Answer (1) Elastic cartilage is present in tip of nose and outer ear joints. ‘Answer (3) ‘Smooth muscle fibres are involuntary fibres with cell junctions. Answer (2) Cardiac muscle fires. Intercalated discs are fusion points that allow the cells to contract as a unit. ‘Answer (3) These are skeletal muscle fibres. Cardiac muscle fibres show branched appearance. ‘Answer (2) These cells are enclosed in cavities called lacunae. Lameliae are found in bone only. Lacunae are common to both bone and cartilage. ‘Answer (3) Itis a hormone. ‘Sweat, sebum and saliva are secretions of exocrine glands i. SECTION - B they have ducts. Answer (2) Epithelial tissue is avascular as it lacks direct blood supply. Nutrients reach it by diffusion. Answer (3) ‘Transitional epithelium is found in renal pelvis, ureters and urinary bladder. Answer (3) Endocrine glands are ductiess and insulin is a hormone released by endocrine part of pancreas. Answer (3) ‘Skull bones are called dermal bones as bony material is deposited over the existing cartilaginous tissue. Answer (2) Muttipolar neurons are present in brain and spinal cord. Answer (4) Melanin is a pigment found in skin; Niss's granules are associated with neurons. Answer (3) Long bones of mammals have Haversian system. Answer (3) Ureters in humans are lined by transitional epithelium which is compound epithelium. Answer (4) Femur is a bone with non pliable matrix. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 3 4) Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions of Assignment 10. Answer (1) Most neurogial cells are ectodermal in origin except microglial cells. 11. Answer (2) Fibroblasts, fibres and macrophages are absent in blood, 12. Answer (4) Heparin is a secretion of mast cells and basophils which are found in areolar tissue and blood respectively. 13. Answer (3) ‘Smooth or visceral muscle fibres are present in wall of intestine. These are involuntary fibres. Hence they are riot under the control of our wil. 14. Answer (1) Mastocyte is a mast cell which is not phagocytic. They are granular cells, which secrete histamine during inflammatory reactions. 15. Answer (2) Ligament can connect bone to bone such as tibia to femur. Tendons connect bone to muscle, 16. Answer (2) ‘Sesamoid bone is formed by ossification of tendon; example is patella/knee cap. 17. Answer (2) ‘The given characteristics describe connective tissue called bone. 18. Answer (3) PCT has microvilli on cuboidal cells to increase reabsorption of nutrients. Columnar epithelium with microvili is found in small intestine. 19. Answer (2) Mucus is secretion of goblet cells which are unicellular glands while other secretions are those of multicellular glands. 20. Answer (4) ‘A’ is skeletal (skeleton) muscle fibre while 'B! is cardiac (heart) muscle fibre. Skeletal muscle fibres are multinucleated while cardiac muscle fibres are uninucleated. Communication junctions are predominantly a feature of smooth muscle fibres. 21. Answer (2) ‘Simple cuboidal epithelium is found in tubular part of nephrons where itis involved in secretion and absorption. ‘Squamous epithelium is involved in diffusion. Compound epithelium helps provide protection 22. Answer (3) Gap junctions are communication junctions that help in maintaining cytoplasmic continuity between cells when required. 23. Answer (4) Connective tissue is most widely distributed tissue in the human body. 24, Answer (1) ‘Areolar tissue is most widely distributed connective tissue present beneath skin 25. Answer (4) Nails have keratinized stratified epithelium and duct of sweat glands are lined by simple epithelium. 26, Answer (4) The structural and functional unit of skeletal tissue Is sarcomere, Sarcoplasm is plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fibre. 27. Answer (1) Pancreas is called heterocrine gland as it consists of both endocrine and exocrine part 28, Answer (2) Myelin sheath is absent at node of Ranvier while neurilemma is present in neurons of PNS. 29. Answer (4) Neurons associated with sensory organs are usually bipolar in nature. 30. Answer (1) Ependymal cells line the ventricles of brain and spinal cord. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment ‘Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) |//5) SECTION - C 4. Answer (2) Option (2) is the correct answer as neuroglia are part of nervous tissue. ‘* Neuroglia are the supportive cells of nervous tissue. They make up more than half the volume of neural tissue, Neurons, the unit of neural system, are excitable cells. ‘© Carllage and blood are specialised type of connective tissues. ‘© Adipose tissue is a type of loose connective tissue. 2. Answer (3) Option (3) is the correct answer because ciliated epithelium is mainly present in the inner surface of hollow organs like bronchioles and fallopian tubes. The function is to move particles or mucus in a specific direction over the epithelium, ‘Some of the columnar or cuboidal cells get specialised for secretion and are called glandular epithelium, Goblet cells are unicellular glands. Tendons are dense regular connective tissues. They attach skeletal muscles to bones Adipose tissue is a type of loose connective tissue located mainly beneath the skin. The cells of this tissue are specialised to store fats. 3, Answer (4) Option (4) is the correct answer as ciliated epithelium is mainly present in the inner lining of hollow organs. like bronchioles and fallopian tubes. Option (1) is incorrect as stratified squamous epithelium covers moist surfaces such as those of buccal cavity, pharynx and oesophagus. Option (2) is incorrect as simple squamous epithelium is found in the walls of blood vessels and air sacs of lungs. Option (3) is incorrect as simple columnar epithelium is found in the lining of stomach and intestine. 4, Answer (3) Option (3) is the correct answer as cardiac muscle fibres possess communication junctions (intercalated discs) at some fusion points that allow the cells to contract as unit, e., when one cell receives a signal to contract, its neighbours are also stimulated to contract. Option (1) is incorrect as smooth muscle fibres are uninucleated. Option (2) is incorrect as skeletal muscle fibres are multinucleated. Option (4) is i 5. Answer (2) Option (2) is the correct answer because statements (a), (b) and (4) are correct. © Bones are the hardest tissue of our body that support and protect sofler tissues and organs. ‘¢ Limb bones serve weight bearing function. © Adipose tissue is a type of loose connective tissue specialised to store fats. ‘* Option (1) is incorrect because statement (e) is false as tendons attach bones to muscles. * Option (3) is incorrect because statement (c) is false as bone marrow in some bones is the site of production of blood cells. ‘* Option (4) is incorrect because this option includes statement (c) which is false, 6 Answer (4) ‘© Option (4) is incorrect because intercalated discs are found only in cardiac muscle tissue ‘Smooth muscle fibres are non-striated and involuntary in nature and are present in the wall of blood vessels, uterus, gall bladder, alimentary canal etc. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 \correct as the wall of blood vessels are made up of simple squamous epithelium. 6 10. " 2, 2. 14 45. 16. 17. 18, 19, Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions of Assignment Answer (3) ‘Three types of cell junctions are found in tissues: ‘© Tight junctions stop leakage of substances from leaking across a tissue. ‘¢ Adhering junctions cement and keep neighbouring cells together. * Gap junctions or communication junctions facilitate communication between cells by connecting the cytoplasm of adjoining cells. Answer (1) Goblet cells of alimentary canal are modified from columnar epithelial cells which secrete mucus. Answer (2) Cuboidal epithelium with brush border of microvill is found in proximal convoluted tubule of nephron (PCT). ‘Answer (2) ‘The correct answer is option (2) because chondrocytes are not present in smooth muscles but are cells present in cartilage. Chondrocytes are enclosed in small cavities within the matrix secreted by them. Answer (4) ‘© Tight junctions provide a barrier which prevents leakage of fluid across epithelial cells. © Adherens junctions aid to cement adjacent cells to form a sheet. ‘© Gap junctions provide cytoplasmic channels to facilitate communication between adjacent cells. ‘© Synaptic junctions help in transmission of information through chemicals. Answer (4) Bronchioles and Fallopian tubes are lined with ciliated epithelium to move particles or mucus in a specific direction Answer (3) Nissi granules are present in the cyton and even extend into the dendrite but absent in axon and rest of the neuron, Nissl granules are in fact composed of free ribosomes and RER. They are responsible for protein synthesis. Answer (1) ‘Smooth muscles are involuntary, fusiform, nonstriated muscles. Answer (2) Columnar epithelium is present in the lining of stomach. © Tendon is dense connective tissue and connects muscle to bone, © Tip of nose consists of elastic cartilage. Answer (3) Gap junctions are communicating junctions in animals which facilitates communication between two adjoining cells by protein bridges for rapid transfer of ions, small molecules and large molecules. Answer (3) Bones and cartilage are types of specialised connective tissue. Answer (3) Moist surface of buccal cavity, inner lining of salivary ducts - compound epithelium. Answer (1) ‘A. Macrophages are irregular in outline. They have many elongated pseudopodia. Cells are attached to matrix fibres, Sue. Adipose tissue is a type of loose connective Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment ‘Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) | 7 B. Fibroblast are flat, irregular cells with branched stellate process fibroblast have flattened heterochromatic, ‘nucleus and small amount of cytoplasm with fewer organelles. C. Several collagen fibers (proteinaceous) in matrix of connective tissue, D. Mast cells are rounded or oval cells having filopodia. Nucleus is small and centrally placed. Cytoplasm contain granules of heparin and histamine. 20. Answer (1) Yellow elastic cartilage Is present in pinna, ear canal, eustachian tube, tip of nose and some laryngeal components. 21, Answer (1) Option —Tissue Location Function ‘A Columnar epithelium Intestine and stomach Secretion and absorption 8 Glandular epithelium Intestine Secretion © Dense regular connective tissue Tendons and ligaments Locomotion D Cardiac muscle cells Heart Heart contraction 22. Answer (3) ‘The epithelium consists of columnar cells that possess clia over their free surface. Cillated columnar epithelium occurs in respiratory tract (except terminal bronchioles and alveol), fallopian tube, parts of uterus and cervix and efferent tubules of testes. 23. Answer (4) Blood vessels contain a central lumen lined with single layer of flattened epithelial cells-squamous epithelial cells. The smooth surface of squamous epithelium minimizes resistance to flow of blood. 24, Answer (1) ‘Squamous epithelium is found in the walls of blood vessels 25, Answer (2) Ciliated epithelium lines the inner surface of hollow organs like bronchioles and fallopian tubes. 26, Answer (2) ‘Three types of call junctions are found in the epithelium and other tissues. 27. Answer (3) Extemal ears and pinna are made of yellow elastic cartilage. 28. Answer (3) Mast cells secrete histamine and serotonin, 29. Answer (4) Free surface of epithelium lining the intestine has microvili 30. Answer (4) In nerve cells the power of division and regeneration are absent 31. Answer (1) Skeletalstriated muscle fibers are long cylindrical unbranched thread-ike cells which show alternate light and dark cross-bands. These fibres occur in parallel bundles to form striated muscle. Most of striated muscles are attached to bones and accomplish a range of movements. 32. Answer (3) Spleen eliminates worn out or damaged red blood cells so spleen is often called graveyard of RBCs. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 8) Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions of Assignment 33. Answer (1) Endocytosis is a process by which material moves into cell. Pinocytosis is mechanism by which cells ingest. extracellular uid and its contents; it involves formation of invagination by cell membrane and which closes and breaks off to form fluid-filled vacuoles in cytoplasm, Pinocytosis and phagocytosis are both types of endocytosis. Pinocytosis is cellular drinking and phagocytosis is cellular eating 34, Answer (4) Inner lining of cheeks is stratified keralinised squamous epithelium. This epithelium is compound epithelium in which cells of superficial layer are squamous, /e., polygonal and flattened in outine. 35, Answer (2) Desmosomes are intercellular junctions, these are plaque-like areas which provides strong attachment between ‘wo adjacent cells with the help of adhesion molecules and filaments. Desmosomes serve anchoring function. 36. Answer (1) Stratum germinativum or stratum basale is a layer of columnar epithelium cells that actively divide and are responsible for regenerating epidermis, 37. Answer (1) Basement membrane is delicate non cellular layer made of extracellular material that lies below epithelium in contact with its basal surface, Basement membrane is made of two parts outer basal lamina and inner reticular lamina. Basement membrane provides elastic support and also anchors epithelial tissues to underlying connective tissue for obtaining nutrients. Basal lamina : Secreted by epithelial cells and formed by glyco-protein and mucopolysaccharides, Reticular lamina : Inner thick layer composed of collagen or reticular fibers of underlying connective tissue. 38. Answer (3) Cyton or cell body of neurons contain characteristic deeply stained particles called Nisst's granules. Nisst's granules are large and irregular masses of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum, 39. Answer (3) ‘The ground substance or matrix of cartlage is called chondrin. Chondrin is a bluish-green gelatin-ike substance, made of proteoglycans consisting of glycoproteins and glucosaminoglycans. 40. Answer (2) Tendons are made of white fibrous dense regular connective tissue and contain abundant fasicles of white collagen fibers. Tendons are inelastic in nature and connect muscle to bones. 41. Answer (3) Ligaments are yellow elastic fibrous (dense regular) connective tissue. Ligaments are elastic in nature where matrix is pervaded by bundles of elastic fibres and collagen fibres. 42. Answer (1) ‘When bone is kept dipped in dilute acid for long hours, then calcium, magnesium and potassium of inorganic part of matrix get dissolved but organic part remains intact. Bones become flexible if immersed in acid as calcium salts are removed from bone. 43, Answer (2) ‘Simple or unilaminal epithelium is a tissue that is made of single layer of compactly arranged cells all of which rest over a non cellular basement membrane. 44, Answer (2) Myelinated neurons possess axons enveloped with lipid-rich sheath called myelin sheath. Myelin sheath is present as spiral wrapping around axons of each neurons. Myelin sheath in neurons is not a continuous sheath. Certain gapsfintervals are present between adjacent sheaths of single axon, These gaps which are present between two adjacent myelin sheath are called node of ranvier. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment ‘Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) |//9) 45, Answer (2) Connective tissue is most abundant and widely distributed tissue in body of animals. Connective tissue consists of living cells embedded in abundant non-living intercellular matrix which connects different tissues of organs. Areolar tissue loose connective tissue and most widely distributed connective tissue in animal body. Stratified epithelial tissue consists of variously shaped cells closely arranged in one or more layers. There is litle intercellular material between epithelial cells. Striated muscles are made up of many long, cylindrical, fber-ike cells, arranged in the form of sheet or bundles. ‘The muscle fibers have no intercellular substances. Myelinated nerve fibers do not possess intercellular substances or extracellular material 46, Answer (3) Cyton or the cell body of neurons contain characteristic deeply stained particles, called Niss's granules. Niss!'s granules are large and irregular masses of ribosomes and rough endoplasmic reticulum. 47. Answer (2) Mast cells contain cytoplasmic granules of heparin and histamine. Heparin prevents blood clotting. Histamine produces inflammation, increases permeability of blood vessels and causes contraction of smooth muscles. 48, Answer (4) Epithelial cells are held together by intercellular junctions which serve as structural and functional links between them. SECTION - D 4. Answer (2) Simple squamous epithelia lining of blood vessels is endothelium. 2 Answer (4) Neurogiial cells are not excitable, microglial cells are mesodermal 3. Answer (2) Single unit smooth muscles are present in walls of visceral organs, They contract as one unit and bring about contraction of organ. 4. Answer (3) Bundles of collagen fibres are present in both tendons and ligaments. Ligaments have both collagen and elastic fibres. 5. Answer (1) Muscle is a specialised tissue of mesodermal origin. It is not a connective tissue. 6. Answer (3) Yellow adipose tissue has adipocytes with a single large lipid globule. 7. Answer (2) Protective epithelium is multilayered which is not present in tubular parts of nephrons. 8. Answer (1) Saltatory conduction takes place at nodes of Ranvier due to lack of myelin sheath. 9. Answer (4) Urethra has pseudostratified epithelium. 10. Answer (1) ‘The neuron is pseudounipolar, present in dorsal roots of spinal cord. 11, Answer (3) Epithelium gets its blood supply from underlying connective tissue. Perichondrium contains blood supply. 12. Answer (3) White fibrocartilage is without perichondrium. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 FO) Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) Solutions of Assignment 13. Answer (3) Longitudinal haversian canals, interconnected by Volksman's canals are present in diaphysis of long bones of mammals, 14, Answer (1) A sarcomere consists of two half isotropic bands and a complete anisotropic band while every isotropic band is divided by a z-Iine into two halves, each half lying in two successive sarcomeres. 15. Answer (3) Nodes of Ranvier possess cell membrane that is neurilemma but are without myelin sheath, 16. Answer (3) ‘Skeletal fibres are syncytial while cardiac fibres are uninucleate. intercalated discs are present only in cardiac fibres. Striated fibres show both aerobic and anaerobic contractions while cardiac fibres contract only aerobically 17. Answer (1) Endoneurum € Nerve Axi” perinesrian Epineurium Cross section of nerve 18. Answer (1) Fibroblasts secrete fibres and matrix. 19, Answer (4) In rest all options, muscle fibres differ from nerve fibres. 20, Answer (3) ‘Schwann cells and neurolemmocytes are name of same cells meant for synthesis of myelin sheath in PNS; Astrocytes act as blood brain barrier. 21, Answer (2) Cancellous/spongy bone do not have Haversian system, instead, they possess trabeculae. 22. Answer (1) ‘Sudoriferous/sweat glands modify to make mammary gland. 23. Answer (3) PMNL — Neutrophils, 24, Answer (1) Epithelial tissue is the protective lining of internal organs and it has fast repairing ability. 25, Answer (3) Rest all options are of single unit smooth muscle. 26. Answer (4) Oxalate withdraws Ca?* ions from blood. 27. Answer (4) ‘Submandibular glands are compound alveolar glands. 28, Answer (2) Al the options directly or indirectly affect the RBC production but cortisol also affect WBC count. 29. Answer (2) Substances would move most rapidly through squamous cells, therefore they are so thin. 30. Answer (2) Its the loose C.T. that connects skin to underlying tissues. Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456 Solutions of Assignment ‘Structural Organisation in Animals (Animal Tissues) |/44 31. Answer (1) Nucleus pulposus - remnants of notochord, 32. Answer (2) Each epithelial cell of a villus (intestine) on its apical surface has many microscopic projections or microvil, that are exposed to intestinal lumen. These finger-ike projections are vil 33, Answer (4) Ciliated columnar epithelia occurs in inner surface of hollow organs like fallopian tubes (oviduct) and most of respiratory tract. 34, Answer (1), Tight junctions do not allow leaking of substances across tissue. Plasma membranes in apical parts of adjacent epithelial cells become tightly packed together or are even fused to form tight junctions. 35, Answer (2) Hyaline cartilage occurs in larynx, nasal septum, tracheal rings and costal cartilage. In hyaline cartilage matrix is fibre-tess and glass-like (Hyaline) but translucent. It gives those structure a definite but pliable form, 36. Answer (2) Hyaline cartilage is most abundant type of cartilage. Hyaline carlilage occurs in trachea, the larynx of nose and ends of long bone where they from joint 37. Answer (1) Yellow elastic cartilage is found in external ear or pina, external auditory canal, eustachian tube, tip of nose, epiglottis and some laryngeal components. Elastin fibres in yellow elastic cartilage provide both colour and elasticity to cartilage. 38. Answer (1) ‘When bone is kept in dilute acid for long hours, then calcium, magnesium, potassium of inorganic part of matrix get dissolved, Organic part remains intact. Bones become flexible if kept in acid as calcium salt are removed from bone. 39. Answer (1) Mast cell contain granules of heparin and histamine. Histamine produces inflammation, increases permeability of blood vessels, activates blood platelets and causes contraction of smooth muscles. Heparin prevents blood clotting, 40. Answer (3) Both mast cells and basophils have cytoplasmic granules. Granules contain heparin, histamine and other inflammatory substances. 41. Answer (4) Fibrous cartilage has many collagen fibres and is found in intervertebral dices and pubic symphysis. 42, Answer (3) Biceps muscle is skeletal/striated muscle. Smooth muscle fibres are long, cylindrical unbranched thread like cells which show altemate dark and light band. Smooth muscles are voluntary muscles ‘Smooth muscle fibres are spindle-shaped with broad middle part and tapering ends. 43, Answer (1) Correct match to options are (1) Iris - Involuntary smooth muscles (2) Heart wall - Cardiac muscle @) Biceps of upper arm — Skeletal muscle fibres (4) Muscles in abdominal wall ~ Skeletal muscles, 44, Answer (1) Unipolar neurons have only one axon, but no dendron. Such neurons are found in early embryos. aqaa Corporate Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Phone : 011-47623456

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