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a. Quaid’s direction “Peace within peace without”

b. Rapid changes in contemporary int. security environment are impacting Pakistan’s
National Security in diverse ways; creating challenges and opportunities.
c. Security is fundamental is the contemporary anarchic world.

2. Conventional Challenges

a. The neighborhood challenge:

Indian Factor: Explain as discuss in class
The Afghan factor:
b. The rise of Non-State Actors Post 9/11
c. Geo strategic location of Pakistan and Geo Political situation of the region
d. Economic Challenges
 26th largest economy in terms of purchase power parity.
 42nd largest in terms of GDP but
 140th in the world by per capita which is not encouraging.
 In adequate tax policy, inability to document sizeable economy makes the
country prone to excessive borrowing from external and internal lenders.
 This hamstrings financial security as well as delivering capacity of govt.

e. Internal Security

a. Militants, pseudo secessionist forces devastated the country in last decade and a

f. Civil Military Relation

a. Management of Civil military relations has been a persistent challenge for politics in

g. The Water Threat

a. Indus Water Treaty 1960

b. India has built and is process to construct big and small dams, hydropower projects
and reservoirs numbering as many as 67.
c. The importance of Kashmir is intrinsic for Pak survival, The dispute over water is
inextricably interlinked with Kashmir.
d. Govt. needs t own this issue and work on proactive solutions.
3. Unconventional Challenges

a. Food Security
b. Population explosion
c. Environment degradation

4. Counter Argument / Way Forward

a. Political stability, good governance democracy

 Pak is transforming into a potentially stable democracy and reinvigorated
democratic and state institutions.
b. The polity of Pak is politically conscious and desires a better future.

c. Positive Economic Outlook

 Growth rate 4.5% inflation lowered to 58%.
 FDI increased 1.6 billions $
d. CPEC and trade with central Asian States and Iran portend transformative

e. Internal Security
 Terrorism dealt with clear policy.
 NISP first ever security policy
 Successful Zarb-e-Azab.

f. Things improving in FATA, Karachi, Balochistan

g. Better Civil Military Relations

a. Tenacious balance with positive outlook has emerged in civil military relations.
b. The political and military leaders have been able to develop consensus on combating
terrorism, sectarianism and violence in country.
c. The communication between civil and military leadership is frequent and resulting in
greater cooperation and focus on result oriented policies.

5. Conclusion

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