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(Campus I: A-932 sector 11-A North Karachi, Campus II: C-113 sector 11-B North Karachi)
Grade: VI Subject: English
Learning &
Knowledge/ Textbook
S no. Lesson No. Topic/ Lesson Practice
skills Page No.
Worksheet No.
Page no
Daily Reading
1. 06_ENG_04_RC Reading 33-38, 06_ENG_04_RC
Comprehension Passages
2. 06_ENG_04_00 ------ Introduction ----- 06_ENG_04_00
3. 06_ENG_04_01 Writing Narrative Writing ----- 06_ENG_04_01
Preposition of time & place,
4. 06_ENG_04_02 Language ----- 06_ENG_04_02
Articles & Conjunction

Learning Objectives 06_ENG_04_00

By the end of the unit, learners should be able to:
CCSS.RL.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
 Read closely to determine what text says explicitly and make logical inferences from it.
CCSS.RL.6.2: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular
details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.
• Identify the theme or central idea of a text.
• Summarize the text.
CC.6.W.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.
CC.6.W.3a: Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context and introducing a narrator or
characters; organize an event sequence.
CC.6.W.3b: Use narrative techniques, such as dialogues and description, to develop experiences,
events and characters.
CC.6. W. 3e: Provide a conclusion that follows from the narrated experiences or events.
CC.6.W.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which he development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
 Write narratives that develop real or imagined experiences.
 Demonstrate the use of literary techniques such as dialogue, vivid imagery, and varied sentence
structures in their narratives.
 Include relevant descriptive details in their narratives.
 Create a narrative with a clear and logical sequence of events, including a well-defined beginning,
middle, and end.
 Demonstrate proficiency in grammar, punctuation, and spelling within their narratives.

Writing 06_ENG_04_01

Narrative Writing
It tells a story that can be factual (realistic) and fairytale (imaginative). It tells us about something that
has happened or experienced or It has problem and solution.

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4 2

How I Spend My Spare Time
During my spare time, I love to do many exciting things. One of my favorite hobbies is gardening. I have a
small garden where I grow colorful flowers and yummy vegetables. I take care of them every day,
watering the plants and watching them grow.
I also enjoy reading books. I have a cozy corner in my room filled with books of all kinds – adventurous
tales, funny stories, and even books about animals. When I read, I go on amazing adventures without
even leaving my chair!
Painting is another thing I love to do. I use bright colors to create beautiful pictures. Sometimes I paint
the garden with its flowers, and other times, I let my imagination run wild and paint magical lands filled
with dragons and fairies.
Whenever I have spare time, I have so much fun exploring these hobbies. Whether it’s nurturing (taking
care of) my garden, diving into adventurous books, or painting colorful pictures, my spare time is always
full of joy and creativity!

A Trip To A Beach
A visit to the beach was always an adventure. The salty air, the sound of
waves and the feeling of the cool sand between my toes filled me with
excitement. I remember the last trip to the Turtle Beach with my family. We
packed a bag with necessary things like; snacks, food, cold drinks and got
ready to spend the day exploring the beach. We searched for shells, built
sandcastles and played in the water. The warmth of the sun on my skin and
the coolness of the water were a perfect combination. I loved to watch the
seagulls flying overhead and the boats sailing in the distance, it was so
One of my favorite things to do was to go swimming in the water, the waves
were so big and it was so much fun to ride them. We also played beach games
like Frisbee and cricket, took ride on camel and it was so much fun to play with family.
I found pretty seashells and colorful rocks on the shore. Each one was like a special treasure. I collected
them in my little bucket, feeling like a beach explorer.
The visit always ended with a beautiful sunset, the sky painted with orange and pink color. It was such a
peaceful moment, sitting on the beach, watching the sun go down with my family. I always left the
seaside feeling refreshed.

Steps to write a Narrative Writing:

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 What/who was the topic about?  When did it happen?
 What was the setting of the event?  What happened?
 What did the writer think or feel at the end?
Write a paragraph on any “two” of the following topics, using the steps.
 A Visit To A Water park OR An Amusement Park
 My First Day At School  The Happiest Moment of My Life
 When I Got My First Present
Language 06_ENG_04_02
A preposition show the relationship of a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence.
For example:
 The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
 I am not going with my friends.
 He watches cartoons daily at 7 O’ clock.


Place Time Purpose Movement

Preposition of Place:
A preposition of place shows where something or someone is located.
on in under at over down behind across
to by above near with from beside off

Exercise: 01
Choose the correct preposition of place to complete the following sentences.
1. Sarah was lying _______________ the grass reading a book. (in , on)
2. Marie was sitting ________________ a tree. (above , under)
3. The coin rolled ________________ the table. (off , of)
4. Tina waits _________________ the bus stop for her friend every day. (on , at)
5. The villagers have built a bridge _________________ the river. (over , above)
6. The clock is _______________ the wall __________________ two paintings. (between , on , of)
7. The plant is ___________________ the window ___________________ the curtain. (next to ,
below , behind)
8. I sit _______________ my brother _______________ the stairs. (on , between , beside)

Preposition of Time:

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A preposition of time can express when something happens.
Uses of these preposition to express time is given in following table.
night / midnight / noon / midday the morning / afternoon / evening Sunday
(for specific time of a
exact time like 10:30 Any time of the month (in February) specific day)
e.g. on Monday morning or
on summer evening
bedtime (the) spring, summer, autumn, winter my birthday, holiday
sunrise/ sunset in 2013 or in the 1990s time
the weekend a (few) minute(s)

Exercise: 02
Complete the following sentences with the preposition of time at, in and on.
1. I love to go swimming at the beach _______________ summer.
2. My father goes to work ______________ weekdays, from Monday to Friday.
3. What time do your children usually go to bed ______________ night?
4. Next year, we plan to visit Murree ________________ September.
5. After I eat dinner, I like to watch TV ________________ the evening.
6. My first class at college begins _________________ eight O’ clock.
7. My birthday is in next week. I was born __________________ October 15th.
8. He has an appointment to see a dentist _______________ Monday.
An article is a word that modifies or describes the noun. It is used before the noun to show whether it
refers to something specific or general.

Types of Articles
The articles are divided in two types.
 Definite Article: To be clear, obvious or exact about something. “The” is called definite article.
 Indefinite Article: Something which is not clear, obvious or exact. “A” and “An” are called indefinite
Use of “A”
 It is used before a word or a number beginning with a consonant.
Example: A boy, a girl, a table, a year, a ten-rupee note, a hundred years, etc.
Use of “An”
 It is used before words beginning with a vowel or consonant with a vowel sound (‫ا‬،‫آ‬.(
(words like universe, university, one rupee note these are the examples of exceptional cases where we
don’t use an.)
Example: An airplane, an elephant, an inkpot, an MA (Master of Arts)
 It is used before words beginning with sound a when ‘h’ is silent.
Example: An honest man, an hour
Use of “The”
 It is used before a particular person or thing.
Example: a) Let us go to the park. b) That was the last train to Karachi.
c) Yesterday, I visited a nearby park. I saw a boy sitting on a bench. The boy was looking so sad…
 It is used before common nouns which are names of things unique for their kinds.
Example: a) The sun shines in the sky. b) The earth moves around the Sun.

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 It is used before the names of directions, the dates of months, the names of oceans, seas, mountain
Example: a) The sun rises in the east. b) I joined my job on the 10th of November.
c) The river Indus lies in the east of Pakistan.
 It is used before the superlative degrees of an adjective.
Example: a) Karachi is the most populated state of Pakistan.
b) John is the best boy in our class.
 It is used before the names of newspaper, religious books, famous buildings, ships, historical
Example: a) I read the Dawn newspaper daily. b) The Taj Mahal is famous for its beauty.
c) The Quran is the holy book of Muslim.
Exercise: 01
Fill the blanks with “a” or “an”.
1. His friend is _________ eye specialist.
2. She is _________ professor in Karachi University.
3. The toy would have cost him _________ thousand rupees.
4. How much does _________ dozen oranges cost?
5. He give me ________ old one rupee note.
6. A man booked into _________ hotel in London.
7. The train stopped at _________ station.
8. The man disappearance was ________ mystery.
9. She was holding _________ umbrella with __________ black handle.
10. He gave me ________ boiled egg but my younger brother said that he did not want to eat
________ egg.
Exercise: 02
Fill up the blanks with suitable articles (a, an or the) where necessary.
1. _________ boy, who had stood first, got the scholarship.
2. He is __________ M.A in Urdu.
3. All _________ boys of our class will go to Hyderabad.
4. It was __________ useful book.
5. __________ United State of America and __________ people’s Republic of China are two great
6. I at once understood that he was telling __________ lie.
7. It was not __________ easy task to arrange __________ picnic at such short notice.
8. __________ apple is healthier than __________ cake.
9. There is __________ ant in your cup of tea.
10. Shakespeare was __________ great author.
11. Sri Lanka is ___________ island.
12. Did you buy _________ watch from __________ shop at __________ corner?
13. She is younger of ___________ two sisters.
14. He is _________ honorable man.
15. My son wanted to buy __________ lollipop since he had completed his work.


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The words which join or connect other words phrase or clause are called conjunctions.

Conjunctions Uses Example

We use and to connect things that are alike or Ahmed and Ali went to get ice-
joined together. cream.
Would you like cake or biscuits
or We use or to offer a choice.
with your coffee?
We use but to connects things that are different I love to eat popcorn but I am not
or separate. hungry.
We use so to show a relationship between
so things. When it is used to combine two I want popcorn, so I made some.
sentences, you must put a comma before it.
We use for to explain reasons or giving
for explanations. When it is used to combine two I ordered a pizza, for I was hungry.
sentences, you must put a comma before it.
if We use if to express conditions and possibilities. If it rains, we will stay indoors.
We use because to show reasons or causes for He couldn’t attend the party
something. because he was sick.

Exercise: 01
Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions.
1. I wanted to go for swimming ____________ the swimming pool was closed.
2. I fell over _____________ bumped my head.
3. Would you like to go to the park ____________ play on your bicycle?
4. ______________ I study hard, I will pass the test.
5. I wanted to go to the beach ________________ mum said we couldn’t go.
6. He goes home ________________ he is ill.
7. I like to watch football ______________ I can’t play it.
8. We can’t go on holiday ___________ we don’t have enough money.
9. I wear these old jeans ____________ painting.
10. I want to call him __________ I don’t have his number.
11. We went by bus ____________ it is cheaper.
12. They can build a snowman, _____________ it snows tomorrow.
13. He apologized, _______________ he realized his mistake.
14. He practiced daily, and ______________ he improved his basketball skills.

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