Technical Writing - Background, Purpose, and Characteristics

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Technical Writing:

Purpose, and
will I most
likely write in
my field?
Engineers may be asked to make several proposals, field reports, lab reports, system
design, prototype designs, technical feature summaries, client reports, and other
reportorial documents in the field.
Business-related professionals (accountants, marketing specialists, real estate agents,
entrepreneurs, hotel/restaurant managers, hospitality and tourism specialists) will be asked to make
a number of technical documents ranging from simple corporate reports to business proposals,
performance evaluations, analysis papers, feasibility reports, budget proposals, and a lot more!
Professionals who are in the field of liberal arts and education (psychologists, political scientists,
teachers, and social workers) will be expected to produce a wide array of technical documents such as
policy papers, analysis papers, lesson logs, case studies, summative reports, and other reportorial
documents significant in the field.
Health professionals (nurses, medical technologists, pharmacists) are highly expected to create
accurate reports about and for the clients/patients. Other technical documents include lab reports,
summative reports, case reports, health policy proposals, and other program implementation status
reports needed by a health facility or another health professional.
the power of
writing in the
communication is
oral and written
communication for
and about business
and industry. It
focuses on products
and services- how
to manufacture,
market, manage,
deliver, and use
Characteristics of
Effective Technical

- Sentence

Sentence Construction
Incorrect: The contract should be signed by Mr. Aguirre on the dotted line.
(Imagine, Mr. Aguirre is on the dotted line.)
Correct: The contract should be signed on the dotted line by Mr. Aguirre. (Now, the
signature must be done on the dotted line.)
Incorrect: As newcomers to our community, the merchants of ABC Company wish
to make available to you a variety of complimentary products and services. (Here,
the merchants are the newcomers.)
Correct: As newcomers to our community, you are invited to make advantage of a
variety of complimentary products and services offered by the merchant of ABC
Company. (Here, you are one of the newcomers).
Paragraph Coherence
Paragraph Coherence
Poor: As soon as we receive another shipment of
Bunawan crystal, your order will receive top
priority. We are doing everything possible to
restock our inventory. The 10-inch Agora vase is
presently out of stock. We appreciate receiving
your recent order for Bunawan crystal.

Better: We appreciate your recent order for

Bunawan crystal. The 10-inch Agora vase you
requested is presently out of stock. We appreciate
receiving you recent order for Bunawan crystal;
filling your order will be our top priority.
Poor: Our marketing director thinks that perhaps next week or the
following one, we will find ourselves in the appropriate position to
announce to the industry and to the public our newly developed and
inexpensive scanner, the All-Print Reader.

Better: Our marketing director anticipates that within the next two
weeks, we will be ready to announce our new, inexpensive scanner-the
All-Print Reader.

Poor: Please raise the top of the table another 3 inches.

Better: Please raise the tabletop another 3 inches.

Poor: The two twins work in the same department.

Better: The twins work in the same department.
A: “ I bought a dog yesterday.”
B: “Oh yeah! What kind?”
A: “St. Bernard”
B: “Full grown or puppy?”
A: “Puppy”
B: “Male or female?”
A: “Male”
B: “What color?”
A: “Brown and white”
B: “ Why didn’t you say in the first place that you
bought a brown-and-white male St. Bernard puppy
1. Clarity
2. Completeness
3. Conciseness
4. Consistency
5. Concreteness
6. Courtesy

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