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Deleterious Effects of

Mineral Salts in Stucco

The t wo most common problems rel ated to stucco materials are efflorescence and
their corrosive effect on anodized aluminum. By Mike Griffin

Eff lorescence is the result of mineral salts duced into the wall and when tempera-
tures begin to rise. The aforementioned
deposited on the surface of stucco, EIFS, concrete salt combines with this moisture and
leaches out onto the wall in the form of
or masonry. These deposits are typically harmless a white substance.
but can detract from the structure’s aesthetics. Stucco surfaces finished with acrylic
or elastomeric coatings can help reduce
Mineral salts may be found in the to be introduced to the material. To the chances of this occurrence.
materials used in making stucco. Even completely avoid this problem, use Efflorescence is not difficult to
the water used in mixing these materi- a pre-blended stucco product that remove. Often, efflorescence will
als may contribute to efflorescence. contains materials that are free of diminish during the surface’s life cycle
Typically, the more refined the com- contamination and packaged in such since rain will eventually flush the
ponent, the less likelihood salt will a way as to avoid contact with soil- residual salts from the wall. However,
be present. Care must be taken when based salts. staining can occur
handling stucco materials on the jobsite in the finish if efflo-
to prevent the unintentional addition of Removal rescence is left for
mineral salts. Efflorescence can be long periods of time.
Since soil can contain high levels a seasonal problem Darker colors tend
of salt, stucco sand should be kept off especially during to show stains more
the ground whenever possible. Even periods of rain or high readily than lighter
a tarp or plastic on the ground can humidity when mois- colors and may
reduce the chance for soil based salts ture gets re-intro- require painting.

18 | Walls & Ceilings | August 2014

Paints or any other coatings should is susceptible to chemical dissolution and touchup work will be required
never be applied over efflorescence. when exposed to salts and differing pH during or after installation. The good
The first option to remove efflo- levels. Both occur in wet stucco, which news is that both painted and anod-
rescence is to simply dry brush the is highly alkali and contains alkali ized surface damage can be easily
area to dislodge the surface deposit. salts. These salts react with the alumi- repaired if the damage is slight such as
Afterwards, wash the wall thoroughly num, causing the metal to weaken and a scratch or rub mark. Sanding anod-
to remove additional salts that may be lose its resistance to the elements. ized material before touch up is not
present just below the surface. There recommended. The anodized surface
are chemicals available to help remove Avoid These Issues is aluminum oxide, which is generally
tougher buildup. Consult your stucco Proper masking prior to applying stuc- harder than the sandpaper. Some rub
supplier for recommendations on the co to the wall is recommended. Ensure marks on an anodized surface can be
best chemicals to use and how they that the fully exposed surface of the removed with a mild abrasive pad such
should be applied. anodized metal is covered with no rips as the Scotch-Brits pad prior to touch
Weather resistance is always a top or tears in the tape. up painting.
priority when it comes to building Even proper masking does not Touchup paint is supplied in small
construction in general and window/ make a project immune to damaged aerosols or bottles with a built-in brush
door frames in particular. One pro- anodized aluminum. It is almost a for easy application and is to be applied
cess that helps these products become given that some damage will occur very sparingly. It is intended to cover
more resistant to the elements small blemishes or to touchup
is anodizing. exposed cut ends on fabricated
parts. It is not intended for use
Anodizing on large areas of more than a
Anodizing involves placing few square inches. The color
a sheet of aluminum into a will closely match the factory
chemical acid bath where quite applied painted or anodized
often acetone is used. The finish, however the finish is
sheet of aluminum becomes not as hard nor does it per-
the positive anode and the acid form the same as the baked-on
bath becomes the negative. finishes. After cleaning the
An electric current is passed area to be touched up, wipe
through the acid, causing the the area with denatured alco-
surface of the aluminum to hol to remove any moisture
oxidize (essentially rust). The or cleaning residue and apply
oxidized aluminum forms a the touchup per the finisher’s
strong coating as it replaces the instructions. Use caution as
original aluminum on the sur- excessive use of touch up paint
face and creates an extremely may void the original fin-
hard substance. isher’s warranty.
Although anodizing produc- If the damage is unable to be
es a very regular and uniform fixed with touch-up paints and
coating, microscopic fissures sanding, consult the manufac-
in the coating can still lead to turer for additional suggested
corrosion. Further, the coating methods of fixing. W&C

August 2014 | | 19

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