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1)IGCSE Listening practice (ex. 5):


2) Unit 5B p. 50 (reading):

check out rear door unload Master’s degree last resort

personal trainer doctorate marathon acupuncture acupuncturist

3) IGCSE Reading practice (Seychelles):

4) Unit 5B p. 52 (listening)

5) Sports vocabulary (End-of-unit 5 IGCSE test) :


/bi təˈɡeðə(r)/
be together I want us to be together forever. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

/bɪˈkʌm frendz/
become friends When did you first become friends? Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
I find it hard to break up with
/ˈbreɪk ʌp/
break up phr v someone. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
He’s a classmate of mine – we take
classmate n maths together. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

/kləʊs frend/
close friend n Nina is a close friend of mine. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

colleague n James is a work colleague. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
How long have you and Wendy been a
couple n couple? Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
I had a text message from my ex
ex n yesterday. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

fancy v Do you fancy anyone in your drama class? Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

fiancé(e) n This is my fiancée, Heather. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

fiancé n This is James. He's Helen's fiancé. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
flatmate n Kevin is my flatmate. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Please get in touch when you are next in
/ɡet ɪn tʌtʃ/
get in touch town. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

/ɡet ˈmæri:d/
get married I’d like to get married before I’m 30. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Do you get on with your parents or do
/ɡet ɒn/
get on phr v they annoy you? Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

/ɡet tə nəʊ/
get to know I want to get to know you. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
How long did you and Nick go out
/ɡəʊ aʊt təˈɡeðə(r)/
go out together together? Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
You need to have something in common
/həv ˈsʌmθɪŋ ɪn ˈkɒmən/
have something in common with your partner. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
Don’t lose touch – let’s exchange
/luːz tʌtʃ/
lose touch numbers before you move. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
I find it quite difficult to meet
meet v new people. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
I live in a small house with my
partner n partner. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships
I want to propose to my girlfriend
propose v tonight. Vocabulary Banks - Relationships

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