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Impromptu Talk Rubrics Criteria

Understanding of the topic: Demonstrates a clear understanding of the topic and c

Content (20 Marks_ Key Points: Presents and supports key points effectively, showing depth of knowled
Relevance: Ensures that the content is directly related to the topic and stays focuse

Structure: Demonstrates a logical organization of ideas with a clear introduction, bo

Organization (16
Marks) Transitions: Uses effective transitions to smoothly move between ideas and streng
Clarity: Presents information in a clear and concise manner, making it easy for the a

Clarity of speech: Speaks clearly and articulates words properly, ensuring that the a
Delivery (16 Marks) Modulation: Uses vocal variation to maintain interest and emphasize key points. Av
Eye contact: Maintains good eye contact with the audience, creating a connection

Audience interaction: Encourages participation by asking questions, inviting comme

Engagement (16
Marks) Gestures and body language: Utilizes appropriate and purposeful gestures to enhan
Maintaining interest: Holds the attention of the audience throughout the talk, usin

Unique insights: Offers original perspectives or insights on the topic that demonstra
Creativity (12 Marks) Personal experiences: Incorporates personal experiences or anecdotes to provide a

Adherence to time limit: Keeps the talk within the given time constraints and avoid
Time Management
(12 Marks) Allocation of time: Effectively manages time for each point or section, allowing for

Fluency: Demonstrates fluency in the chosen language, speaking confidently and w

Language and
Grammar (8 Marks) Grammar and sentence structure: Properly constructs sentences, uses correct gram
Engaging language: Utilizes engaging and appropriate language for the target audie
U Tay U Pan
rstanding of the topic and can provide accurate and relevant information. (8 Marks) 0
, showing depth of knowledge on the title. (6 Marks)
o the topic and stays focused throughout the talk. (6 Marks)

with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.(5 Marks)

e between ideas and strengthen the overall flow and coherence of the talk.(5 Marks)
ner, making it easy for the audience to follow.(6 Mars)

roperly, ensuring that the audience can understand the message.(6 Marks)
nd emphasize key points. Avoids a monotonous tone.(5 Marks)
nce, creating a connection and engagement.(5 Marks)

g questions, inviting comments, or creating opportunities for the audience to engage.(6 Marks)
urposeful gestures to enhance the message and connect with the audience.(5 Marks)
e throughout the talk, using engaging techniques or storytelling.(5 Marks)

on the topic that demonstrate creativity and independent thinking.(6 Marks)

es or anecdotes to provide a relatable and authentic touch to the talk.(6 Marks)

time constraints and avoids going significantly over or under the allocated time.(6 Marks)
int or section, allowing for a balanced and well-paced presentation (6 Marks)

speaking confidently and without excessive pauses or errors.( 3 Marks)

entences, uses correct grammar, and avoids major grammatical mistakes.(3 Marks)
nguage for the target audience, avoiding overly technical or confusing terms.(2 Marks)
U Min U Thar Gyi Ko Yin Aung Aung


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