REading Text 1st Period Feb16

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The Lost Key

Once upon a time in the small town of Willow Creek, there was a young boy
named Alex who loved exploring the nearby forest. One sunny afternoon, Alex decided
to venture deeper into the woods than ever before. As he wandered among the tall
trees and chirping birds, he stumbled upon an old, abandoned cabin hidden in a

Curiosity piqued, Alex cautiously approached the cabin. The door creaked open,
revealing a dimly lit interior. He stepped inside, his heart pounding with excitement.
The cabin was filled with dusty old furniture and cobwebs adorned the corners of the

As Alex explored further, he noticed a peculiar-looking key sitting on a dusty

shelf. It was unlike any key he had ever seen before, with intricate designs etched into
its surface. Without hesitation, Alex pocketed the key and continued to explore the

Suddenly, he heard a faint clicking sound coming from behind a locked door at
the far end of the room. Alex pulled out the key he had found and inserted it into the
rusty lock. With a satisfying click, the door swung open, revealing a hidden room filled
with treasure chests and ancient artifacts.

Excitedly, Alex rummaged through the chests, marveling at the treasures

within. But as he reached for a glimmering jewel, he heard a low growl emanating from
the shadows. Startled, Alex turned around to see a fierce-looking wolf standing in the
doorway, blocking his escape.

Terrified, Alex realized he had trespassed into the wolf's territory. He slowly
backed away, holding his breath as the wolf stared him down. But just as the wolf
lunged forward, Alex remembered the key in his pocket. With trembling hands, he
pulled it out and held it up before him.

To his surprise, the wolf's demeanor softened, and it stepped aside, allowing
Alex to leave the cabin unharmed. With a newfound respect for the forest and its
inhabitants, Alex hurried back home, the key safely tucked away in his pocket.

The next day, Alex returned to the forest, but this time, he made sure to tread
carefully, mindful of the creatures that called it home. And though he never forgot his
thrilling adventure in the old cabin, he knew that some secrets were best left

Reading Comprehension Test

Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the best answer.

1. Where did Alex find the old cabin?

A) In the town square
B) Hidden in a clearing in the forest
C) Alongside the riverbank
D) At the edge of the meadow
Answer: B) Hidden in a clearing in the forest

2. What did Alex find inside the cabin?

A) A treasure map
B) A dusty old book
C) An abandoned dog
D) An intricate key

Answer: D) An intricate key

3. What sound did Alex hear coming from the locked door?
A) Whispering voices
B) A clicking noise
C) Footsteps
D) A loud bang

Answer: B) A clicking noise

4. What did Alex find in the hidden room?

A) A sleeping bear
B) A group of treasure hunters
C) Treasure chests and ancient artifacts
D) A secret passage to another world

Answer: C) Treasure chests and ancient artifacts

5. Why did the wolf initially growl at Alex?

A) It was hungry
B) It was afraid of him
C) Alex had taken something from the cabin
D) It wanted to play with him

Answer: C) Alex had taken something from the cabin

6. What did Alex do to calm the wolf down?

A) He offered it food
B) He showed it the key he found
C) He yelled at it to go away
D) He ran away as fast as he could

Answer: B) He showed it the key he found

7. How did Alex feel when he left the cabin?

A) Frightened
B) Relieved
C) Disappointed
D) Angry

Answer: B) Relieved
8. What did Alex learn from his adventure in the forest?
A) That wolves are dangerous creatures
B) That treasure hunting is exciting
C) That some secrets are best left undisturbed
D) That he should never explore the forest again

Answer: C) That some secrets are best left undisturbed

9. What did Alex do the next day after his adventure?

A) He went back to the cabin to explore further
B) He stayed home and watched TV
C) He warned his friends about the cabin
D) He returned to the forest but treaded carefully

Answer: D) He returned to the forest but treaded carefully

10. What was the main theme of the story?

A) Courage
B) Greed
C) Respect for nature
D) Curiosity

Answer: C) Respect for nature

Reading Comprehension Test
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the best answer.

1. Where did Alex find the old cabin?

A) In the town square
B) Hidden in a clearing in the forest
C) Alongside the riverbank
D) At the edge of the meadow

2. What did Alex find inside the cabin?

A) A treasure map
B) A dusty old book
C) An abandoned dog
D) An intricate key

3. What sound did Alex hear coming from the locked door?
A) Whispering voices
B) A clicking noise
C) Footsteps
D) A loud bang

4. What did Alex find in the hidden room?

A) A sleeping bear
B) A group of treasure hunters
C) Treasure chests and ancient artifacts
D) A secret passage to another world

5. Why did the wolf initially growl at Alex?

A) It was hungry
B) It was afraid of him
C) Alex had taken something from the cabin
D) It wanted to play with him

6. What did Alex do to calm the wolf down?

A) He offered it food
B) He showed it the key he found
C) He yelled at it to go away
D) He ran away as fast as he could

7. How did Alex feel when he left the cabin?

A) Frightened
B) Relieved
C) Disappointed
D) Angry

8. What did Alex learn from his adventure in the forest?

A) That wolves are dangerous creatures
B) That treasure hunting is exciting
C) That some secrets are best left undisturbed
D) That he should never explore the forest again
9. What did Alex do the next day after his adventure?
A) He went back to the cabin to explore further
B) He stayed home and watched TV
C) He warned his friends about the cabin
D) He returned to the forest but treaded carefully

10. What was the main theme of the story?

A) Courage
B) Greed
C) Respect for nature
D) Curiosity

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