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Why Study Rizal?

Janet Espina-Clement
Geoffrey Rhoel C. Cruz

In the 21st century, the challenge for students is to understand the purpose of studying Rizal.
Scholars and academicians are one in saying that a mandated course on Rizal is a helpful as any
other course that teaches values that a student may carry for the rest of his or her life.

Studying Rizal in the 21st century helps students make sense of the present by looking back at
the past. For instance, Rizal’s illustration of 19th-century Philippines in his works may aid today’s
generation in recognizing the ills of present day Philippines.

With students exposed to many foreign influences, studying Rizal may remind and urge them to
understand the real essence of being a Filipino. Significant historical figures like Rizal help the
younger generation navigate Philippine history and understand why being aware of social issues
are important in the formation of one's national identity.

The practicality of studying Rizal in this day and age is seen in how Rizal’s experiences and
ideologies are instrumental in grasping the current context of Philippine society. The mandated
course on Rizal aids in developing the critical thinking skills of students. The different challenges
and delimmas that Rizal faced in his life teaches them to be aware of and not apathetic to the
issues happening around them.

And finally, Rizal, then and now, is a worthy role model and a constant inspiration to all
Filipinos. In every aspect of his being, Rizal is worthy to emulate especially in the ideals he held
as a nationalist. He was not only intelligent, he was also humane, creative, and innovative. As
an inspiration to the Philippine nation, Rizal will always be a valuable subject inside and outside
the classroom in understanding how the Philippine nation came to be.

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