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Question 1 (Do not spend more than 25 minutes on this question.) 20) Write a composition (350 - 400 words) on any one of the following: (a) You were in charge of planning an inter-class cricket match. On the day of the match, there was heavy rainfall and your plan for the match was washed away. Describe how you felt, how you reacted and then tmade the event an enjoyable one for everyone concerned in an indoor stadium. (b) Write an original story that begins with the words: "He was the funniest man I had ever met. He would make everyone LaUgh...n..- (©) “Film music today is nothing but a loud noise” Express your opinion for or against the proposition (@) Recall time in your life when you were certain about something but were later proved terribly wrong. (©) Study the picture given below. Write a story or a description or an account of that it suggests to you. Your composition may be about the subject of the picture or you may take suggestions from it; however, there must be a clear conne jon between the picture and your composition. Question 2 (Do not spend more than 20 minutes on this question.) Select one of the following: U0) (@) Write letter to the Municipal Commissioner of your locality and ask him to support your efforts o setup a Covid -19 awareness centre. Mention the benefits of such a community centre for your locality and neighborhood. (b) Write a letter to your friend who fell sick and missed out on participating in a ‘National Seminar on Creative Writing” Describe how much everyone missed him/her, and how the seminar was beneficial in enhancing the writing sl Question 3 (545) (a) You are asked to put up a notice stating that all the award winners of the various competitions held throughout the year to collect their awards and prizes in the school annual function to be held that month (b) Write an email to your cousin inviting hinv/her to your school annual function, where you have to receive aan award. Give hinvher some details about your award, SHS/X ENG USET-A MT 20-21/Page 1 of 3 Question 4 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow, 20) Jane was remarkable for being the most absent-minded woman in Middlesex, I've really been unusually clever this afternoon,” Jane remarked gaily. as she rang for the tea. I've called on all the people I meant 10 call on; and I've done all the shopping that I set out todo. I even remembered to try and match that silk dress for you at Harrod's, but I'd forgotten to take the dress pattem with me, so it was of no use. I really think that was the only important thing I forgot during the whole afternoon. Quite wonderful for me, is it?” What have you done with Louise? asked her sister, Susan. "Didn't you take her out with you? You said you were going to.” "Good gracious,” exclaimed Jane, "Where have [left her? I can't remember ifthe Carrywoods were at home or if just left some cards for them. If they were at home, I may have left Louise there to play bridge. I'll zo and telephone to Lord Caywood and find out.” ‘She rang up Lord Carrywood and said, "I want to know; have you seen Louise?” “Louise, tame the answer, "is been my fate to see it three times." “Not the opera ‘Louise’ —my niece, Louise. I thought I might have let her at your house.” "You left cards with us this afternoon, I understand, but I don‘ think you left a niece.” "She's not at the Carrywoods,” announced Jane, returning to her tea: "now I come to think of it, perhaps 1 left her at the silk counter at Seliridge’s. I may have told her 0 to wait there a moment while I went to look atthe silks ina better light, and I may easily have forgotten about her when I found I hadn't your pattern with me “But you said you tried to match the sitk at Harrods," interjected Susan. "I am rather surprised that you can sit there making a hearty tea when you've just lost a favourite niece,” she said. ‘ou talk as if'd lost her in a churchyard, instead of having temporarily mislaid her. 'm sure to remember presently where I left her. I rather fancy she must have been with me when I went to Momnay’s. There, Malcolm gave me two theatre tickets. Ive probably left them at Mornay’, but stil it was awully kind of him to give them to me.” "Do you think you left Louise there?” Jane asked her servant, Robert, to ring up Momay’s, and ask if she had left two theatre tickets and one niece in their shop this afternoon, "A nicce, mata” asked the servant "Yes, Miss Louise didn't come home with me, and I'm not sure where I left er. “Miss Louise has been upstairs all the afternoon, reading to the second kitchen maid. I took up tea to Miss Louise at five o'clock, ma'am.” “OF course, how silly of me. I remember now, 1 asked her to read the Faerie Queene to poor Emma. ‘Anyhow, you can ring up Momay's Robert, and ask whether I left two theatre tickets there. Exeept for your silk, Susan, those seem to be the only things T've forgotten this afternoon. Quite wonderful for (a) Give the meanings ofthe following wards as used in the passage. One word answers oF short phrases will be accepted. 8) ip imerjected i temporarily ) fancy b) Answer the following questions briefly in your own words: {)_As per Jane, what important thing did she forget during the whole afternoon? (2) ii) What response did Carrywood give to Jane's enquiry? re ) State in your words what happened at Seliidge's a iv) What happened when Jane visited Momays? aI +) Where was Louise?” What was she doing there? eI ©) In not more than 50 words, summarise Jane's experiences at various stages. [8] SHSIX ENG VSET-A MT 20-21/Page 2 of 3 Question 5 (a) In the following passage, fill in each of the numbered blanks with the correct form of the word given in brackets. Do not copy the passage, but write incorrect serial order the ‘word or phrase appropriate tothe blank space. Example is A captivating conversation (0)___(beYtaking place about the future of artificial intelligence and what it willshould mean for humanity. There (I) (be) fascinating controversies where the world’s leading experts disagree, such as: AI’s future (2) impact) on the job market; ifwhen human-level AI will be @. (develop); whether this will (4) (lead) to an intelligence explosion; and whether this is something we should welcome or fear. But there are also many examples of (5)___(bore) pseudo- controversies (6)___(cause) by people misunderstanding and talking past each other. To(7)___( help) ourselves focus on the (8), (Gnterest) controversies and open questions and not on the rmisunderstandings. io) (b) Fillin the blanks with an appropriate word: 4 |. My family lives Mahatma Gandhi Road in Banglore. 2. Please, may I speak Disha? 3. Would you mind opening an account __me? 4, Sean laid down ___the grass and went off to sleep. 5, We had to force the pipe the tiny hole in the wall 6, Remember to place the napkin next __the plate while lying the table 7. After pouring the mix in the cake tn, place the tin___the oven 8, Joe fastoned his seatbelt, then put his head___the headrest and went off to sleep. () Join the following sentences to make one complete sentence without using and, but oF so. o 1. Bartha to ask for some money forthe coffe. He ha finshed al his money onthe tx 2. Te sun began to dip over the horizon The bins treo chi. 3. Homer was the shores person in the asktbl sam He scored the maximum numberof point in every 4. Lisa continsd to play. She fl pin in er ight am, (@) Rewrite the following sentences according tothe instructions given after each. Make other changes that may be necessary, but donot change the meaning of any sentence. 8) |. The teacher said tothe student, “Where have you been all d (Begin: The teacher. ) 2:They were very afraid and so they could not speak (Begin: Being ) 3. The business talks failed because neither side was willing to compromise. (Begin: Since ) 4.He left no plans untried (Begin: He. ) 5 Ful satisfaction o your money back (Begin: ) 6. The bulldozer brought down everyone's huts (Begin: Everyone ) 7. Her blisters were worse than mine. Begin: My. ) S.ldentifying the right ons isa daunting task (Begin: ) “A MT 20-21/Page 3 of 3

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