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Man is a rational animal. When a person or one close to him is seriously ill,

both are affected emotionally. The greediness to live long and the fear of death, drives

humanity to rush for a care, in some safe hands for treatment. The main aim of this

research is to assess the attitude towards service quality of private hospital

getting treated in the private health care centers.

The findings illu

information is a multifaceted and complex task. Therefore, in order to provide certain

current study has proposed to assess the knowledge, attitude and associated factors

regarding treatment, safety and facilities in different private health care centres.

Further, the findings of this study may be used as an input for the ministry of health

and the administrators of private hospitals to make decisions regarding how to

District. For the purpose of this study, the survey has been conducted among 368

respondents, from private hospitals. The thoughts and attitude of the respondents are

given below. Moreover, this chapter also recommends a few suggestions to private

hospitals, for enhancing the quality of service and increasing the satisfaction level of


6.2.1 Socio-Economic Profile of the Respondents

The personal profile of the respondents narrates that the majority of the

respondents that means 58.7% of the respondents were female; 3.10% of the

respondents belonged to the age group of 26 - 35 years; 54.90% of the respondents

were married; 36.70% of respondents were Graduates; 42.40% of the respondents

were private employees; monthly income was up to

Rs.20,000; 59.80% of the respondents have nuclear family; 59.20% of the

respondents lived in 2 4 family members; 30.4%

Taluk was Tenkasi; 61.70% of the respondents were attendants to the inpatients; and

31.80% of the respondents were admitted in hospital accompanied by their parents.

6.2.2 General information of the sample respondents

The general information of the sample respondents discloses that the majority

of the respondents, which means 39.1% of the respondents take treatment from the

hospitals located in Tenkasi Taluk; 74.5% of the respondents had already visited and

availed the services of specified hospital; 59% of the respondents came to know of the

specified hospital by word of mouth; 46.2% of the respondents visited specified

hospital between 5 to 10 times; 70.9% of the respondents were admitted in hospital

between 4 to 6 days; 52.7% of the respondents were admitted for medical reasons

which mean any kind of ailment differing from surgery, maternity and emergency;

58.4% of the respondents have not taken any kind of medical treatment prior to the

current one; 39.2% of the respondents followed homeopathy treatment prior to their

current treatment method; Most of the respondents prefer allopathy for the reason of

Quick remedy (82); 36.1% of the respondents visited a particular hospital along with
their family members or friends; and 69.3% of the respondents were waiting up to 30

minutes for consultation of doctor.

6.2.3 Level of awareness regarding hospital services

The level of awareness regarding hospital services among sample respondents

illustrates that the majority of the respondents, that means 54.30% of the respondents

reported that, there are 2-4 clinics or hospitals located in their area; 55.7% of the

respondents said, the hospital/ clinic in their area was specialized for General practice;

49.5% of the respondents felt, the charges of hospital or clinic, located in their area is

Reasonable; 73.1% of the respondents considered the qualification of doctor before

getting treatment; 37.2% of the respondents considered the qualification of doctor

always; 53.5% of the respondents were not interested to take any kind of policy in

life/medical insurance; 43.3% of the respondents have taken insurance policy form

LIC; here, most of the respondents were not interested to take insurance due to Lack

of awareness (69), 59.1% of the respondents said that the hospital where they were

admitted does not come under the network hospital; 42.1% of the respondents were

not having the knowledge about their policy coverage.; 40.4% of the respondents

were moderately aware about their policy terms and conditions; The majority of the

respondents are extremely aware about the availability of Radiology/X-ray facility

(11.34) and also whether the hospital offered home nursing service (11.91) or not; and

the majority of the respondents were extremely aware the rights of, to seek the second

opinion from an appropriate clinician/ caregiver (7.55).

Educational qualification and level of awareness

private hospital based

on the educational qualification of the respondents is measured with the help of Chi -

Square test. The result reveals the level of awareness about service offered by private
hospitals depend on the educational qualification of the respondents. That means, the

null hypothesis of awareness level is rejected at 5% level of significance.

Nature of treatment and level of awareness

private hospital based

on the nature of treatment taken by the respondents is measured with the help of Chi -

Square test. The result reveals the level of awareness about service offered by private

hospitals depend on the nature of treatment taken by the respondents. That means, the

null hypothesis of awareness level is rejected at 5% level of significance.

6.2.4 Opinion on Hospital Management

The opinion on hospital management among the respondents reveals that the

majority of the respondents have given a positive or good opinion on the reception

service (4.36) in appointment service; Calm & quietness (4.24) in room environment;

the daily rounds of doctor (4.35) in diagnosing service; Nursing skill, knowledge and

efficiency (4.12) in nursing service; Availability of medicines (4.16) in pharmacy

service; Availability of latest technology (4.07) in supportive service. Registration

charge (3.85) in financial service; Accuracy of medical record maintenance (4.19) in

discharge service; Response of the doctor at emergency (4.17) in emergency service.

According to the above findings, the researcher concluded that the respondents have

good opinion on appointment service (70) among the aforesaid services.

In dietary service, 56.8% of the respondents obtained the food from their home

or home of a relative.

Gender and Overall opinion on hospital management

Overall opinion about private hospital based on the gender of the respondents

is measured with the help of Independent sample T test. The result reveals the gender

of the respondents does not significant difference in the overall opinion about private
hospital management, except Pharmacy service. That means, the null hypothesis of

overall opinion on hospital management is accepted at 5% level of significance.

Age and overall opinion on hospital management

Overall opinion about private hospital based on the age of the respondents is

measured with the help of ANOVA. The result reveals the age of the respondents

influence the opinion about services offered by private hospital. That means, the null

hypothesis of overall opinion on hospital management is rejected at 5% level of


Marital status and overall opinion on hospital management

Overall opinion about private hospital based on the marital status of the

respondents is measured with the help of Independent sample T test. The result

reveals the marital status of the respondents and their opinion on room environment,

diagnosing service, and nursing service are same. That means, the null hypothesis of

overall opinion on three services is accepted at 5% level of significance. The opinion

on remaining five services in hospital management differs from the marital status of

the respondents. That means opinion on Appointment, Pharmacy, Supportive,

Financial and Emergency service differ among the marital status of the respondents.

That indicates the partial part of null hypothesis of overall opinion on hospital

management is rejected at 5% level of significance.

expectation regarding Hospital management

The expectation about private hospital management among the respondents

illustrates that the majority of the respondents mostly expected Consideration of past

treatment and the disease of the patient (7.57) from the doctor; they highly expected

willingness to help the patient (6.94) from the nurses and they extremely expected

facilitating ATM and accepting digital payment (9.12) from hospital management.
Occupational status and Expectation from hospital management

ectation about private hospital based on the occupational

status of the respondents is measured with the help of Kruskal Wallis Test. The result

reveals the occupational status of the respondents significantly difference in the

expectation from private hospital management.That means, the null hypothesis of

expectation from hospital management is rejected at 5% level of significance.

6.2.6 Factor influencing the selection of private hospital

Factor influencing the selection of private hospital among the sample

respondents narrates that Cleanliness & healthy environment (18.51) is the main

factor, inducing the consumer to choose private hospitals.

Factor analysis is used by the researcher to extract the four main factors from

thirty one factors which was influencing the consumer to select private hospitals. The

result of factor analysis reveals the Cleanliness& healthy environment (0.984), Good

care of patient (0.985), Private room with full furnished (0.979), and Online/

telephonic booking system (0.916) these four factors mainly induce the consumer to

select private hospitals.

6.2.7 Consumer attitude towards hospital management

the majority of the respondents felt Employees of this hospital always respond to

customer requests promptly (4.31), then they like to use this hospital service because,

the behaviour of employees of this hospital instils confidence in patients (4.00), and

they believe, when this hospital promises to do something by a certain time, they will

do so (4.05).
Age and Attitude towards private hospital management

attitudes towards private hospital management based on the age

of the respondents is measured with the help of ANOVA test. The result reveals the

age of the respondents influence the attitude related to private hospital management.

That means, the null hypothesis of Attitude is rejected at 5% level of significance.

Educational qualification and Attitude towards private hospital management

attitudes towards private hospital management based on the

Educational qualification of the respondents is measured with the help of ANOVA

test. The result reveals the educational qualification of the respondents influence the

attitude related to private hospital management. That means, the null hypothesis of

Attitude is rejected at 5% level of significance.

6.2.8 Quality measurement of private hospital management

The quality of services offered by the private hospital was measured by the

Friedman test and found that the majority of the respondents felt that the following are

the high quality of services provided by the private hospital. Hospital knows what the

patient wants (4.13), Degree of convenient facilities (4.55), Degree of the feeling that

doctors would not make misdiagnoses (4.28). Degree of efforts for reducing

unnecessary procedures (4.20), Appropriateness of care service provided (4.93).

The majority of the respondents highly expected that, the following quality of

services provided by the private hospital. Explaining the details (4.66), Degree of

cleanliness of employee uniforms (4.67),

(4.53), Reasonable medical expenses (4.11), Degree of

disease prevention and service of free public lectures (4.99).

Monthly income and quality measurement of private hospital management

Measuring the service quality of private hospital based on the monthly income

of the respondents is measured with the help of ANOVA. The result reveals the

monthly income of the respondents does not influence the quality of service in private

hospital management. That means, the null hypothesis of measuring the service

quality of private hospital is accepted at 5% level of significance.

Gap Score

The consumer perceived quality of services in private hospital does not fulfil

their expectations.However, Polite attitudes of employees

Degree of convenient facilities (0.02) in tangible, Degree of the feeling that doctors

would not make misdiagnoses (1.06) in safety, Appropriateness of cost for medical

services provided (0.28) in efficiency and Appropriateness of care service provided

(0.25) in improvement of care service these attributes of service quality are perceived

by the consumer more than they expected.

6.2.9 Problems in private hospital

Lack of ambulance service (32.57) is the main problem faced by the

respondents while taking treatment from private hospital in Tenkasi District.

Gender and Problems in private hospital

Problems faced by the consumers in private hospital based on the gender of

the respondents are measured with the help of Mann-Whitney U test. The result

reveals the problem faced by the consumer in private hospital does not differ on the

gender of the respondents. That means, the null hypothesis of problems in private

hospital is accepted at 5% level of significance.

Status in hospital and Problems in private hospital

Problems faced by the consumers in private hospital based on the status in

hospital of the respondents are measured with the help of Mann-Whitney U test. The

result reveals the status in hospital of the respondents and problems in private hospital

are same except few problems namely Inadequacy of the space and seating facilities,

Lack of cleanliness of the hospital, Non-cooperation attendants and sweepers, Lack of

canteen facility/ provide low quality food, No proper explanation about prescribed

diagnostic procedure, Limited number of beds, Attendant not allowed to stay in the

compound. That means, the part of the null hypothesis of problems in private hospital

is accepted at 5% level of significance.

6.2.10 Suggestions specified by the respondents

Majority of the respondents have highly recommended the private hospital

management in Tenkasi District to (4.78) which helps to

enhance the quality of hospital management and also services.

Educational qualification and Suggestion

Suggestions to enhance the private hospital management based on the

educational qualification of the respondents are measured with the help of Kruskal

Wallis test. The result reveals the suggestions given by the respondents do not differ

significantly due to the educational qualification of the respondents. That means, the

null hypothesis of suggestions to enhance private hospital management is accepted at

5% level of significance.

Nature of treatment and Suggestion

Suggestions to enhance the private hospital management based on the nature

of treatment taken by the respondents are measured with the help of Kruskal Wallis

test. The result reveals the suggestions given by the respondents do not differ
significantly on the nature of treatment taken by the respondents. That means, the null

hypothesis of suggestions to enhance private hospital management is accepted at 5%

level of significance.


According to the findings of this research, the researcher recommends the

following suggestions to private healthcare industry in this study area.

6.3.1 Awareness about Service

Most of the consumers moderately aware about services offered by the private

hospital and the rights of patients. Based on these findings, the researcher suggests the

health care department to conduct awareness programme on consumer rights in

healthcare sector. Moreover, private hospital should give pamphlet or brochure to the

patients or their attendants at the time of admission which helps to know about the

services available in particular hospital, where the patients were given treatment.

6.3.2 Opinion on hospital management

After accommodating the patients in the room, a few hospitals do a lot of

stress such as adjusting the bed sheets and cleaning the room. Therefore, a

room in the hospital should always be kept in a state of readiness to patients

who are admitted.

Hospital should provide the facilities to the patients such as newspaper,

television and book that containing positive a comment which helps to reduce

stress and suitable environment should be maintained to enhance the positive

thinking among consumers.

The hospital management should take necessary steps to answering the

The nurses in private hospitals should provide their services to the patients

immediately and also caring with kind.

Almost the maximum number of hospital provides medicines to the patient

from their own pharmacy. Here, during OP hour the patients are waiting in

long queue for buying medicines. For reducing such problems the hospital

management should appoint adequate number of staff in their pharmacy.

In this study area, only few hospitals having scan and x-ray facility in their

own. Maximum number of hospitals allows the patients to obtain the service

from supportive service centre which was tie-up with the hospital rather than

nearby centre. Such kind of service centre makes delay in sending the report.

Hence, the supportive centre should issue the report in electronic format to the

patient who wants it immediately.

Ambulance service is available in a few hospitals in this study area. Otherwise

people have to use other private ambulance services, which charges heavily.

Hence, the hospital management should arrange the ambulance service to the

patient at reasonable cost.

When examining the opinion of consumers who do not use the ambulance

service, they spend large sums of money on physician charges. So, the private

hospital should reduce the doctor fees or make any concession which helps to

attract the consumers.

When patients are discharged from the hospital they received a consolidated

bill. At that time, they will consider the final amount only because, it is

difficult for them to understand the contents of the bill. Therefore, the hospital

management should take appropriate actions to describe the bill amount before
asking the consumers. In doing so, it paves the way for increasing the

credibility of the hospital among the population.

Most of the doctors do not explain the conditions of patients to their attendants

in emergency or critical situations. It leads to create a tensed situation among

consumers. So, the doctors or administrators should be kind enough to provide

proper information about the treatment.

In this study area, no hospital has a canteen facility. Thus, most consumers

face difficulty in getting food. Therefore, the hospital should provide canteen

facility with essential food items required by the patients at affordable prices.

6.3.3 Expectation from Hospital

compelled to take such a test again even if they have already undergone such a

test. Thus patients suffer physically and financially. Therefore, physicians

reduce the recovery time but also protects the patients from financial and

physical threats.

In many hospitals nurses only come forward to help patients who are under

their supervision. This makes it very difficult for attendants to approach the

nurse in some emergency situations. Therefore, the hospital management

should provide orientation to the nurses through training to help all the


The private hospitals should accept any one of the digital payment methods.

Moreover, they should arrange ATM centre in nearby location, which helps to

consumers to settle their payment safely and conveniently.

Most of the hospitals have reserved a small space for parking facilities. Also,

there is no parking space at the particular hospital. This situation affects not

only the consumers but also the general public in the area due to

uncontrollable traffic problems. Hence, the hospital management should

provide adequate parking facilities.

6.3.4 Recommendation by consumers

Private hospitals need to upgrade the outdated system. For example, the

hospital should replace the manual prescription with an e-prescription. Furtherly, they

use the latest software to maintain patients records. This not only reduces consumer

time but also allows for error free recordings.

6.3.5 Quality of Service in Hospital management

The hospital should give proper training to the employees for reducing the

mistakes in job and how to behave with the consumers.

The hospital should give proper security to advanced equipment and

dangerous part of hospital

6.3.6 Factors & Problems

Hospital management must arrange for an adequate number of ambulances to be

their own or Tie up with any other service centre, because access to the ambulance

service is a primary problem, and this prevents patients from choosing private


6.3.7 Attitude of consumers

The employees in hospital should create safe & secure as well as comfortable

zone to the consumers. Then only they have a feeling of safety.

Now a days some public hospital also have clean and healthy environment.

Hence the private sector should improve their hygienic conditions in and

around the building.

The hospital should utilize the latest technology of MIS which helps to

retrieve their past data.


It is needless to say that a person with a positive attitude always sees the brighter

situations, the positive attitude diminishes due to psychological reasons such as stress,

losing menta

selecting the right type of health care to undergo treatment in emergencies.

In most of the popular private health care centres, there are benefits and

drawbacks. The consumers, while opting for a hospital, are more concerned to get

adequate care at prices they can afford. At the same time their attitude is not to pay

high fees for the same medical service elsewhere. Public hospitals do not generally

render the better comfort and the most specialized way of treatment, which the private

hospitals provide. The vast majority of the consumers select private hospitals because

they are more comfortable and treated with latest technology, and a rich few of them

to their fear-psycho and immediate relief from pains.

For an every patient or attendant, while choosing the hospital, what occupies their

. In view of the foregoing, the researcher has

conducted this analysis,

private hospital management.

While doing so, the researcher has applied the principles behind the

HEALTHQUAL and has used ABC model of framework to conclude the attitude of
consumers regarding the quality of service in private hospitals. To enable this, a few

major indicators were identified and used in a well-developed questionnaire. The

questionnaire measured particularly the pre admission expectations and post treatment

opinions of the patients treated in various private hospitals. The questionnaire also

The results showed that though there is one to one care, less waiting time and

better comforts in private hospitals, the consumers expect the fees to be lowered. The

fostering a healthy environment in private hospitals. Conversely, certain

circumstances or facts lead to change the positive consumer attitude into negative

attitude regarding private hospital management, like high fees, lack of canteen and

parking facilities, lack of ambulance service, etc. It is further elaborated, in the

findings herein below, that even if the people think that a private hospital is better

than a public hospital, they feel less comfortable in interacting with the hospital

employees. They expect the cleanliness and hygiene of the hospital to be a little

better, as they spend more money for such services. In general, although the reliability

of the private hospitals is high, sometimes the hospitals are not be able to quickly

retrieve its records without error. This leads to a slight decline in the credibility of the

private hospital among the people. Therefore, the researcher makes certain

recommendations through this study, based on the result of this research work.

Finally, the researcher concludes that the mind and the body always go together.

Whenever health care centres try to develop positive attitude in the minds of its

consumers, the response to medicine and treatment is good and the recovery is faster.

Keeping this in view, the private hospitals should improve the services to meet the

pre-admission and post-admission expectations of consumers.


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