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MCEN1000 Engineering Mechanics


Relative Motion
of Particles

Dr Marcin Wolski
Slides by: Dr Yu(Roger) Dong
School of Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Email: marcin.wolski@curtin.edu.au
1. Relative Motion (Translation Axes)

Absolute Motion
of Ball
with Fixed Collar

Relative Motion
of Ball
with Translating Collar
Previously the motion relative to fixed reference axes is considered which gives
the absolute displacements, velocities and accelerations (e.g. motion of ball to
fixed collar).

However, it is often convenient to measure the motion relative to moving

reference axes, resulting in the relative motion (e.g. relative motion of ball to
translating collar).

Example: Relative motion of two airplanes


vA •What is the velocity of A, measured

relative to B?

vB vA/B=?

•What is the acceleration of A,

measured relative to B?
Consider the motion of a particle relative to another, when both particles are
moving with respect to absolute (fixed) reference axes.

Let XY be the absolute reference A

axes for particle A and B Y y

Let xy be the translating
axes fixed to particle B

In the xy axes system, the position of A
With respect to B is

In terms of XY axes system, rA and rB define the positions of A and B

The absolute position of A can be defined as

r A = r B + r A/ B
Differentiate the position to find relationships for relative velocity and
d r A d r B d r A/ B
vA = = + or v A = r A = r B + r A / B
dt dt dt
v A = v B + v A/ B vA/B

Where vA/B is the velocity of A relative to B

Similarly for acceleration

d v A d v B d v A/ B
aA = = + or a A = rA = rB + rA / B
dt dt dt

a A = a B + a A/ B
aB aA/B

Where aA/B is the acceleration of A relative to B

These relationships are ONLY true if xy axes do not rotate

(i.e. pure translation)
Consider the motion of B with respect to A, then

r B = r A + r B/ A x
Combined with r A = r B + r A/ B rB/A

r B / A = −r A/ B rB

Similarly for velocity and acceleration

v B / A = −v A / B

a B / A = −a A / B
The passenger aircraft B is flying east with a velocity vB=800 km/hr. A military
jet travelling south with a velocity vA=1200 km/hr passes under B at a slightly
lower altitude. (a) What velocity does A appear to have to a passenger in B
and (b) what is the direction of that apparent velocity? (2/174 in M+K)

θ vA/B

According to the velocity vector diagram, the

relative velocity equation is expressed as

v A = v B + v A/ B

v A/ B = v A2 + v 2B = 12002 + 8002 = 1442km / h

vB 800
and  = tan −1 ( ) = tan −1 ( ) = 33.7  (In the direction of west of south)
vA 1200
Airplane A is flying horizontally with a constant speed of 200 km/hr and is
towing the glider B, which is gaining altitude. If the tow cable has a length
r=60m and θ is increasing at the constant rate of 5 degrees per second,
determine the magnitudes of the velocity v and acceleration a of the glider
for the instant when θ=15º. (2/191 in M+K)

β vB/A
θ vA

According to the velocity vector diagram, the relative velocity equation

vB = v A + vB/ A
The glider B undergoes the circular motion with respect to airplane A.
Since  = 5 / s (constant), (at ) B / A = 0 . Thus
  
v B / A = r = 5     60 = 5.24m / s = 18.8km / h
 180 
Note that the angle β can be computed from the geometry, namely  = 180 − (90 −  ) = 105

Using cosine rule v B = v A + v B / A − 2v Av B / A cos  = 200 + 18.8 − 2  200  18.8  cos 105 = 42299.8
2 2 2 2 2

v B = 206km / h
aA aA=0
aB/A aB/A=aB
θ θ

Airplane A has a constant speed v A = 200 km / h, then its acceleration

aA = 0

The relative acceleration equation can be simplified as

aB = a A + aB/ A = 0 + aB/ A = aB/ A

The acceleration of the glider B

v 2B / A 5.242
a B = a B / A = an = = = 0.457m / s 2
r 60
At the instant shown, cars A and B are travelling at speeds of 105 km/h and 75
km/h, respectively. If B is decreasing its speed at 2100 km/h2 while A is increasing
its speed at 1200 km/h2, determine the magnitudes of velocity and acceleration of
B with respect to A. Car B moves along a curve having a radius of curvature of
1.05 km.
From the velocity vector diagram, the relative
velocity equation

vB = v A + vB/ A 30º
Using cosine rule

v 2B / A = v 2A + v B2 − 2v Av B cos 30 = 105 2 + 75 2 − 2  105  75  cos 30 = 3010

v B / A = 54.86km / h

Car B faces the circular motion, the magnitude of total acceleration

 β aB/A
aB = (an )2B + (at )2B =  B
 r 
 + (at ) B
(at )B
  θ aB
Since (at )B = −2100km / h is given ( Note that negative

sign is due to the decreasing rate of speed), thus (an )B

 752 
a B =   + ( −2100) 2 = 5754.04km / hr 2
 1.05 
 (a n )B 
 = tan −1   = tan −1  5357.14  = 68.6
 (a t )B
and   2100 

The angle β can be calculated based on the geometry in

the acceleration vector diagram

 = 360 −  − (180 − 30 ) = 141.4

Using cosine rule

a 2B / A = a A2 + a B2 − 2a Aa B cos 
= 12002 + 5754.042 − 2  1200  5754.04  cos 141.4 = 45341536.46

a B / A = 6733.6km / hr 2

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