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Student Name: Myra D.

Professor Name: Shennelou Ajos
Course: MAHET-A
Date: 11/05/23

Reflection Paper
In our last class, the reporters talked about Relationships and Communication within families.
They explained how these two things are important for a person's emotional and social
development, as well as overall happiness. When families have strong bonds and
communicate effectively, it creates a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes
positive mental health and resilience in all family members.
Strong family relationships provide a sense of belonging, security, and stability. They are the
foundation for personal growth, emotional support, and the development of social skills.
Overall, relationships and communication are vital for an individual's well-being and
development. They help with emotional support, identity formation, and socialization. Good
communication within families builds trust, resolves conflicts, and strengthens emotional
bonds. Parenting style, family dynamics, and external stressors can affect the quality of
relationships and communication within families. By prioritizing open and respectful
communication, families can create healthy relationships that promote individual growth and

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