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Student’s Name: Myra D.

Professor’s Name: Lowelyn Quezada-Estoquia
Course: MAHET-A
Date: 09/27/23

Reflection Paper

The report of group 1 went well. They discussed about the Introduction to Research Methods
which includes understanding the research process, types of research in home economics, and
formulating research questions. The reporters were able to explain the topic clearly and
concisely. They also gave us some examples if needed to really make it easier for us to
understand. This opens my curiosity about the research that we will be conducting in the
future. But of course, I know there’s still a lot to learn about research which is why I must
wait for other reports to be presented for me to fully understand it.

Aside from that, their report made me miss my college life. It refreshes some memories of
discussions about research during college. While remembering it, I realized that I don’t just
miss the discussions but also the people I was with during that time and those are some of my
friends that I haven’t meet for months now or even years. It also makes me feel excited about
conducting research again since I was grouped to the people that is very familiar to me. We
were classmates in college and the thought of doing research with them makes me somehow
happy. How good it must be to be with your friends again and spend time together lifting
each other’s up & sharing different ideas for us to create good result for our research. I just
can’t wait for that time to happen!

In conclusion, I know everything that I’ve learned during the report of group 1 are all very
essential to create good research. And that all the knowledge I’ve gained from their report
will be relevant as well to my chosen profession and to my everyday life. I know in the recent
years the scope of home economics has broadened considerably but being able to have even
just the basic knowledge about research economics will surely help me in a lot of things like
workable household budget, planning & preparing nutritious meals, choosing a right fabric

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