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Class 11th Science

Subject: Biology

Max. Marks 20

Q.1 What is the main basis of classification in the five-kingdom system?

a. Structure of the nucleus

b. Structure of cell wall
c. Asexual Reproduction
d. Mode of Nutrition

Q.2 ICBN stands for _______.

a. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

b. Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
c. Indian Congress of Biological names
d. Indian Congress of Botanical Nomenclature
Q.3 Most primitive vascular plants?

a. Mosses
b. Cycads
c. Kelps
d. Ferns

Q.4 Flame cells are the excretory structures for

a. Annelida
b. Coelenterates
c. Platyhelminthes
d. Echinodermata

Q 5. Notochord occurs throughout life and all through the length of the body in

a. Cephalochordata
b. Hemichordata
c. Urochordata
d. Vertebrata
Q.6. Two Kingdom system of classification was given by?
Q.7. Name the smallest living organisms.
Q.8 What are lichens?
Q.9. Write economic importance of
a.heterotrophic bacteria
b. Archaebacteria
Q.10 Define taxon and basic unit of taxon.
Q.11. Write 2 key characteristics of phylum
a). Annelida
b). Reptiles
c). Arthropods
d). Aschelminths
Q.12. Write difference between gymnosperms and angiosperms.
Q.13. Describe alternation of generation with example.
Q14. Describe following terms
a) Protonema
b) Isogamy
c) Heterospory
d) Radial symtry
e) Closed circulatory system.

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