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choice ity bodec

numben qua Enegy eregyycle,
HighEm tusng
impact to a
o bebco
Cormpased indoo
newabe total
cobLS. Embodiec life nutac
Bhanu makegials fosn tal a diGo0sal.
se Beltesn List the products
malentalsrmen duel to mateia
G be impact
alG Ginon qenenalton ? low fens cesSing
) rrakest can and and Enengu and ngg
locat matemials
ASSgoment-3 a
Sustainable envinonmental
cost a sne thooughout
cduced and enesngy ene
and local
cucleEmoodied . 40n5posntation,
waste matenial Embodied
natumal leCal 1ife
and Ermbodied 3)Conc9nel
ame Reduced mateial. ConGumed GlaS
Jo c0GonS: Natu9nalmatetal Guppot is Steel S)Pla
come Nokonol 3)Lowe Loue Eneng Hah
Chotce what Rs
hy (oo 9 S 5) a)
) a A
low Emboded EnesgH mateialS

a) Conk
3 Saw

5) Adobe
3. List tuwo ways 4os6il fvels, Contoi bute to
Com bon Sootpink thosgh the Constmoclion industay
)Enesay tob Matesjal pnodocBon : Fossi focls
One oten used to ertacl,ponocesS, ond tnspos4
Constnuction matenialG ke Cement, Steel and
bicks. he pnoduction o theGe matesials involves
ene3% penocess ,leading to Casbon emission
and Conti boting to the induskoy 's Canbon oot posiet.
) Const9uclion Equipmenl ond TonanSposmtation
Fossil fuels powesy heovy meachineog and Constsnciae
Vehicles, which 08ne esSential to9) Vaeibos Constuctio
0ctvites . he use of diesel and gasoline tn these
machines eleaGes Caobon dioide into the
Ctmospheoe ,adcing to the oVenall Calson
dootpoint of the Congtmuclion tndosty
4) How does the line slone mon lackusing pces
have a signß cant poobab,ltty of cousing Acidsain
A) Lime GBone is Ahe mosl pmevalent Boldng ma teia
obtained Lhnough miing.3t is Used as claddng materia.
8) Lirme Gtone is pniiaily (CalCiorn Combonate) is
Convemled to, quck Line (cal Ciurm oxde) Ahoough
psnolbrae d erposu9ne to high heat
3) 1hiG SemoveG woteo and Cogbon oom Gtone
and elease Cagbon diocide into the otmosphee
Go Qxidatinau
H, 50
No Didotion
Ho S o , H T +SoL
NHg +NHu
wet depoSition acid nain

50, ’ H $0 u

net depestion
Lst two vseG of alaium as a
moteial, List too y Ahe manotoctoing pg
incneases iS
of oluminiUm Cormbribules Lo an
embodied enenqu of aluninio
A) Constouclion mateal
UGeS of alurminiurn
as a
Stuclunal CorroonentS: AlUminiom is Used in 4
Consioucion inddoy Som ckooclumal Comporcnts
Such as bearme cakvens ood Sonarmes due to lgh
yet dunalale natusne.
Cladaing ond Roct ing Aumiaiom is also OSed tog
Cladding and sootnq matemials in Constonoction
poiojectS due to Cosrencio0 necistance and abilty
tt oith stond honSh wenthes) Condition.
he tuoo oags the manotoclusing pnocess t albmian
Contnibuts to an ncgnease in embocied enengy
I. Exknaction and Resaing:
The erhxa ction of auminium Jnom its o9ne
nvolves an enengy intensive ponocesS Known as
Bayeon poocess This poocess gequisnes Signisicant
eneng iputs Jon cmushing. gpsnding and srehinng
bouite into amina.
a. Smetting and castng once alumi na ig
ohtained it
Smelted USng eletoly5 to poodoce alurinium mela l. hs
Snelting pnocess nequibne high amount af enegy
and als0 Casting ot aluminium into vaoUS
Sosims al90 geyui nes eneTgY

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