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Dugan Hobbs

Professor Bunting

Enviromental Studies 102-450

20 October 2023

Weekly Reflection: Food Chains By: Sanjay Rawal

This week we were tasked with watching the film Food Chains By: Sanjay Rawal. This film

focuses on the horrible conditions of migrant and immigrant workers in the labor force. This film

begins by telling us about the horrible idea that the workers of these tomato farms are basically

forced to live an Impoverished lifestyle in cramped trailers. This idea that the workers that

provide for most of the population in their area are treated so badly and given so little to live of

after all their work is so disgusting. This treatment of such valuable assets must not be treated so

poorly but they must be given a fair chance at life. These people are called the “bottom of the

food chain” and are exploited daily for their work. The movie explains this so called “food

chain” as a complex idea of producers, consumers, and distributors. We are told that by

consuming and buying fresh fruits and vegetables we can eliminate the need for workers to be

exploited the way they are. The whole film has a deep impact on the people of the world and to

those who are concerned about environmental issues. This movie is an expression of the

environmental racism and discrimination of the people of Hispanic decent and immigrant

workers. These jobs are paid minimally and are given horrible conditions just so the big

corporate companies can make more and more of their product. In this idea, we see that the

system is set for failure for those working on the farm. They cannot pay rent, barely get by, and

have to go on strike to get the bare necessities that all places and workers should have. This
movie overall shows the power that the big corporations have over the market and their ability ot

manipulate the market to favor their profits over the betterment of their employees. This leads us

to a so what moment of what are we going to do to stop the abuse of the system by large

corporations. One option that is spread out for us is to stop funding these companies by buying

their products and instead buying locally. Another solution is to protest and stand up for the

betterment of the people. Lastly, we can lobby government officials to put down sanctions on the

companies till they comply with livable conditions and sustainable practices that are sustainable

for the workers and for the consumers.

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