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Ultrasound Diagnostic Scanner


Measurement Edition


Special Notes to Operators and Maintenance Managers

★ Before using this system, be sure to thoroughly read this manual and make yourself
familiar with this system.
★ After reading this manual, keep it in an easily accessible place close to the system.

Tokyo, Japan


Copyright © Hitachi Medical Corporation. 2008, 2010. All rights reserved.

This instruction manual is the separate volume "Measurement Edition" explaining about the
measurement function of the ultrasound diagnostic scanner EUB-7000HV. Please read the
instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic scanner about the equipment composition,
installation, maintenance and the operation procedures. Moreover, please read "Safety
Consideration on Operation" of the instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic scanner.

Trademarks and copyrights

• Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

• MainConcept Motion-JPEG Codec © 1999/2000-2003 MainConcept AG. All rights
• Other product and company names mentioned in this document may be the
trademarks of their respective owners.


• In this document, the Windows® XP operating system is called Windows XP.


Chapter 1 Measuring Functions ································· 1-1

1.1 Outline················································ 1-1
1.1.1 Basic measurements ································· 1-1
1.1.2 Available measurements on factory default ·········· 1-2
1.1.3 Available measurements imported from the
additional settings ······························· 1-5
1.2 Starting up Measurements······························· 1-8
1.3 Basic Procedures······································ 1-10
1.3.1 Functions of Keys ································· 1-10
1.3.2 Measurement procedures ···························· 1-16
1.4 Basic Measurements···································· 1-33
1.4.1 Calip Measurement ································· 1-33
1.4.2 Trace Measurement ································· 1-34
1.4.3 Substitution for Measurement result ··············· 1-36
1.5 Multipurpose Measurements····························· 1-39
1.5.1 Time Measurement ·································· 1-39
1.5.2 Accel. Measurement ································ 1-40
1.5.3 Decel. Measurement ································ 1-42
1.5.4 D-Profile Measurement ····························· 1-43
1.5.5 V Ave. Measurement ································ 1-45
1.5.6 Ratio-Velo, Ratio-Time, Ratio-Dis, Ratio-Area
Measurement ······································ 1-46
1.5.7 HR Measurement ···································· 1-47
1.5.8 Volume Measurement ································ 1-49
1.5.9 Velocity Measurement ······························ 1-50
1.5.10 Area-E Measurement ······························· 1-51
1.5.11 CFM-Velo. Measurement ···························· 1-51
1.5.12 Histogram Measurement ···························· 1-53
1.5.13 RI, PI Measurement ······························· 1-57
1.5.14 Flow Volume Measurement ·························· 1-59
1.5.15 Vasc1/Vasc2 Measurement ·························· 1-62
1.5.16 B-Distance Measurement ··························· 1-65
1.5.17 M-Distance Measurement ··························· 1-66
1.6 Measurements for abdominal and urology················ 1-67
1.6.1 Angle Measurement ································· 1-67
1.6.2 Gynecology Measurement ···························· 1-70
1.6.3 Follicular Measurement ···························· 1-71

(1) Q1E-EA1130
1.6.4 Urology Measurement ······························· 1-72
1.6.5 SVolume Measurement ······························· 1-74
1.6.6 Vascularity Measurement ··························· 1-76
1.7 Obstetric Measurements (OB-STD, OB-Todai, OB-OsakaU,
OB-JSUM)·············································· 1-79
1.7.1 Outline of function ······························· 1-79
1.7.2 Outline of operation ······························ 1-80
1.7.3 Preset measurement items and report display items
················································· 1-82
1.7.4 Operation ········································· 1-89
1.7.5 Input to DGA ······································ 1-90
1.7.6 Twins Measurement ································· 1-91
1.7.7 Major abbreviations ······························· 1-93
1.7.8 Setting obstetric measurement display items ······· 1-94
1.7.9 Stored table data and fetal weight calculation
equation ········································· 1-94
1.8 Measurements for cardiac····························· 1-128
1.8.1 M.Simpson Measurement ···························· 1-128
1.8.2 B-EF, M-EF, (Pombo, Gibson, Teichholz) Measurement
················································ 1-137
1.8.3 Dia.Func. Measurement ···························· 1-139
1.8.4 PV flow Measurement ······························ 1-140
1.8.5 CO Measurement ··································· 1-141
1.8.6 MS Measurement ··································· 1-142
1.8.7 AV-Area Measurement ······························ 1-143
1.8.8 LV Measurement ··································· 1-145
1.8.9 Ao Measurement ··································· 1-153
1.8.10 MV Measurement ·································· 1-154
1.8.11 TV Measurement ·································· 1-155
1.8.12 PV Measurement ·································· 1-156
1.8.13 B-LV/Ao, M-LV/Ao Measurement ···················· 1-157
1.8.14 dP/dt Measurement ······························· 1-160
1.8.15 MV Regurg Measurement ··························· 1-162
1.8.16 TV Regurg Measurement ··························· 1-164
1.8.17 MVG-M Measurement ······························· 1-166
1.8.18 Qp/Qs Measurement ······························· 1-169
1.8.19 RVOT Measurement ································ 1-172
1.8.20 RV inflow Measurement ··························· 1-174
1.8.21 Area Length Measurement ························· 1-176
1.8.22 BI-Plane Measurement ···························· 1-179

(2) Q1E-EA1130
1.8.23 Simpson Measurement ····························· 1-180
1.8.24 Bullet Measurement ······························ 1-181
1.8.25 PHT Measurement ································· 1-182
1.8.26 LVOT Measurement ································ 1-184
1.8.27 LV inflow Measurement ··························· 1-188
1.9 Measurements for vascular···························· 1-190
1.9.1 Carotid Measurement ······························ 1-190
1.9.2 Leg A. Measurement ······························· 1-191
1.9.3 Arm A. Measurement ······························· 1-193
1.9.4 %Steno-A Measurement ····························· 1-194
1.9.5 %Steno-D Measurement ····························· 1-195
1.9.6 IMT Measurement ·································· 1-196
1.9.7 %Steno Measurement ······························· 1-214
1.10 Real-time Doppler Measurement························ 1-216
1.10.1 Real-time Doppler Measurement start ············· 1-216
1.10.2 Real-time Doppler Measurement function menu ····· 1-217
1.10.3 Freeze on operation in Real-time Doppler
Measurement ····································· 1-220
1.10.4 End of Real-time Doppler Measurement ············ 1-221
1.10.5 Cautions to be observed during the use of Real-time
Doppler Measurement ····························· 1-221
1.11 Measurement Report Function·························· 1-222
1.11.1 Measurement report ······························ 1-222
1.11.2 Detail of measurement report ···················· 1-224
1.11.3 Graphic display of obstetric Measurement ········ 1-237
1.11.4 Input and output of Measurement result ·········· 1-243
1.12 Measurement on review image from image memory········ 1-250

Chapter 2 Measurement Setup ··································· 2-1

2.1 Configuration of Measurement Setup····················· 2-1
2.2 Measurement Setup menu································· 2-4
2.2.1 Starting Measurement Setup menu ···················· 2-4
2.2.2 Measurement Type ··································· 2-6
2.2.3 Functions of [Measurement Setup] menu ············· 2-15
2.3 Measurement Edit Menu································· 2-16
2.3.1 Basic operation ··································· 2-17
2.3.2 Measurement Item Edition area ····················· 2-19
2.3.3 Link Setup ········································ 2-31
2.3.4 Edition of Obstetric table ························ 2-42
2.4 Special menu·········································· 2-49

(3) Q1E-EA1130
2.4.1 OB ················································ 2-49
2.4.2 Import menu of OB table ··························· 2-50
2.4.3 Export menu of OB table ··························· 2-51
2.4.4 Other ············································· 2-53
2.4.5 Unique ID menu ···································· 2-55
2.4.6 Setting menu for trace key ························ 2-57
2.4.7 A setup of the color at the time of measurement ··· 2-58
2.5 Examples of measurement edition······················· 2-59
2.5.1 Display or non-display of measurement item ········ 2-59
2.5.2 Change of display order in Measurement menu and
Result Display area ······························ 2-63
2.5.3 New creation of measurement (by using Single Tool)
················································· 2-66
2.5.4 New creation of measurement (by using Link Tool)
················································· 2-73
2.6 Common memory in Region······························· 2-85
2.6.1 Common memory of Single tool ······················ 2-86
2.6.2 Common memory of Link tool ························ 2-89
2.6.3 Factory default ··································· 2-92
2.7 Measurement Export/Import function···················· 2-93
2.7.1 Opening Measurement Import/Export window ·········· 2-93
2.7.2 Details of window ································· 2-93
2.7.3 Export of measurement ····························· 2-96
2.7.4 Import of measurement ····························· 2-97
2.7.5 Replacement of measurement ························ 2-97
2.8 Measurement Tool······································ 2-98
2.8.1 Outline of measurement tool ······················· 2-98
2.8.2 Setting Measurement tool ························· 2-105

Chapter 3 Measurement Precision ······························· 3-1

3.1 Procedures for performing high precision measurements
······················································· 3-1
3.2 Factors in Measurement Deviations······················ 3-2
3.3 Ignorable Deviations··································· 3-3
3.4 Accuracy of Measurement Tools·························· 3-4
3.5 Standard Measurement··································· 3-6
3.6 Measurements from B-mode Image························· 3-7
3.7 M-mode Measurement with Schema························· 3-8
3.8 Doppler Measurements··································· 3-9
3.9 Left Ventricular Cardiac Function Measurements········ 3-10

(4) Q1E-EA1130
Appendix A Un-protection Procedure ···························· A-1

Index······················································· Index-1

NOTICE: Please be noted that in some cases there are differences between
displays of ultrasound scanner quoted in this instruction manual
and actual displays. (ex.: "MI", "TIS", "TIB", "TIC" and so

(5) Q1E-EA1130
Chapter 1 Measuring Functions

1.1 Outline
This system has various measurements written in the following

1.1.1 Basic measurements

Calip measurement and Trace measurement is invoked by the special

Table 1.1.1-1 Basic measurements

Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
Calip B-mode : Measuring distance between B, M, D Invoked by 1.4.1
two points. Calip key

M-mode : Measuring depth difference

between two points, time, and
velocity (slope).

D-mode : Measuring flow velocity at

caliper cursor.

Trace B-mode : Measuring areas and B, M, D Invoked by 1.4.2

circumferential lengths by Trace key

M-mode : Measuring the area and

circumferential length of a circle
with the distance between two
points as its diameter.

D-mode : Measuring mean flow velocity by

tracing Doppler waveforms.

*1 Calip measurement is available on Freeze ON and Freeze OFF.

Trace measurement is available on Freeze ON and Freeze OFF when
the mode is D-mode, but it is available only on Freeze ON when the
mode is except for D-mode.

1-1 Q1E-EA1130
1.1.2 Available measurements on factory default

Following measurements are available on factory default. These

measurements are invoked from measurement menu or function keys.

Table 1.1.2-1 Measurements for abdominal, obstetrics, urology and

others. (Region name :Abdo&Others)
Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
Accel. Measuring flow acceleration. D 1.5.2

D-Profile Measuring the instantaneous mean flow D 1.5.4

velocity, %-WINDOW, etc. of a Doppler
waveform at a user-selected point along the
time axis.

V Ave. Calculating average flow velocity. D 1.5.5

Ratio-Velo Calculating velocity ratio. D 1.5.6

Ratio-Time Calculating time ratio. M, D 1.5.6

Ratio-Dis Calculating distance ratio. B, M 1.5.6

Ratio-Area Calculating area ratio. B 1.5.6

HR Measuring heart rate. M, D 1.5.7

Volume Measuring volumes by area-length method, B, M 1.5.8

ellipse approximation method, and biplane

Area-E Measuring areas and circumferential lengths by B 1.5.10

means of ellipse approximation.

CFM-Velo. Measuring CFM Flow velocity. CFM-B, M 1.5.11

Histogram Histogram measurements. B 1.5.12

Angle Angle measurements B 1.6.1

OB-STD Obstetrical Measurement Package B, M, D 1.7


Gynecology Volume measuerment, etc. such as uterus or B, D 1.6.2


Follicular Volume measuerment, etc. such as follicular. B, D 1.6.3

Urology Volume measurement, etc. such as bladder B 1.6.4

and prostate

SVolume Measuring by adding micro-volume sliced B 1.6.5


RI,PI Measuring vascular Doppler D 1.5.13

FlowVolume Measuring vascular Doppler B+D 1.5.14

1-2 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.1.2-2 Measurements for cardiac (Region name:Cardiac)
Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
M.Simpson Volume measurement by dual cross B 1.8.1
section cylindrical approximation

B-EF Measuring volume by TEICHHOLZ's rule. B 1.8.2

Dia.Func. Doppler Measurement at the Left D 1.8.3

Ventricle Inflow Tract, Evaluation of Left
Ventricle Diastolic Function

PV flow Measuring Doppler of Pulmonary Vain D 1.8.4

CO Doppler Measurement at the Left D 1.8.5

Ventricle Outflow Tract, Calculation of
Cardiac Output

MS Doppler Measurement in Mitral Valve D 1.8.6


AV-Area Measurement of area of aortic valve port D+B *2 1.8.7

LV Measuring left ventricle in M-mode. M *2 1.8.8

Ao Measuring aortic valve in M-mode. M *2 1.8.9

MV Measuring mitral valve in M-mode. M *2 1.8.10

TV Measuring tricuspid valve in M-mode. M *2 1.8.11

PV Measuring pulmonary valve in M-mode. M *2 1.8.12

M-EF Measuring volume by TEICHHOLZ's rule. M 1.8.2

B-LV/Ao Cross-sectional Image Measurement B Hidden on the 1.8.13

factory default

MV Regurg Regurgitant volume of mitral valve D+CFM-B 1.8.15


dP/dt Measurement of change of pressure D 1.8.14

difference over time

TV Regurg Regurgitant volume of tricuspid valve D+CFM-B 1.8.16


MVG-M Myocardial Velocity Gradient graph TDI+M 1.8.17

Qp/Qs Pulmonary flow / Systemic flow D+B *2 1.8.18

RVOT Measuring Doppler of right ventricular D+B Hidden on the 1.8.19

outflow tract. factory default

RV inflow Measuring Doppler of right ventricular D+B 1.8.20

inflow tract.

1-3 Q1E-EA1130
Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
Genelic Group of General-Purpose B, M, D -

Time Time interval measurement M, D 1.5.1

HR Measuring heart rate. M, D 1.5.7

PHT Measuring pressure half-time (PHT). D 1.8.25

Accel. Measuring flow acceleration. D 1.5.2

Decel. Measurement of blood flow deceleration D 1.5.3

Velocity Measuring flow velocity and pressure D 1.5.9


V Ave. Calculating average flow velocity. D 1.5.5

CFM-Velo. Measuring CFM Flow velocity. CFM-B, M 1.5.11

M-Distance M mode Distance Measurement M 1.5.17

B-Distance B mode Distance Measurement B 1.5.16

Table 1.1.2-3 Measurements for vascular (Region name:Vascular)

Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
Accel. Measuring flow acceleration. D 1.5.2

D-Profile Measuring the instantaneous mean flow D 1.5.4

velocity, %-WINDOW, etc. of a Doppler
waveform at a user-selected point along
the time axis.

V Ave. Calculating average flow velocity. D 1.5.5

Ratio-Velo Calculating velocity ratio. D 1.5.6

Ratio-Time Calculating time ratio. M, D 1.5.6

HR Measuring heart rate. M, D 1.5.7

RI,PI Measuring vascular Doppler D 1.5.13

FlowVolume Measuring vascular Doppler D+B 1.5.14

Carotid Measuring a level of blood vessel B, D 1.9.1


Leg A. Measuring the blood flow velocity. D 1.9.2

Arm A. Measuring the blood flow velocity. D 1.9.3

Ratio-Dis Calculating distance ratio. B, M 1.5.6

Ratio-Area Calculating area ratio. B 1.5.6

%Steno-A Calculating %Stenosis from area ratio. B 1.9.4

%Steno-D Calculating %Stenosis from diameter B 1.9.5


CFM-Velo. Measuring CFM Flow velocity. CFM-B, M 1.5.11

1-4 Q1E-EA1130
Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
Area-E Measuring areas and circumferential B 1.5.10
lengths by means of ellipse

Volume Measuring volumes by area-length B, M 1.5.8

method, ellipse approximation method,
and biplane method.

IMT Intima media thickness measurement B Option 1.9.6


*1 Real-time Doppler measurements can be conducted when the FREEZE

function is both on and off.

*2 These measurements unsuitable for TDI. Usually they are not

displayed when TDI is on, but they are displayed with Playback
measurement. Don’t use them with Playback measurement.

*3 The option software is required to use.

1.1.3 Available measurements imported from the additional settings

After import from the additional settings on the Import/Export menu,

the following measurements are available. They are not available
on the factory default.

Please refer to "2.7 Measurement Export/Import function" for the

method of import.
These measurements are invoked from measurement menu or function
Table 1.1.3-1 Measurements for abdominal, obstetrics, urology and
others. (Region name :Abdo&Others)
Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
OB-Todai Obstetrical Measurement Package B, M, D 1.7

OB-OsakaU Obstetrical Measurement Package B, M, D 1.7


Vasc1 Measuring vascular Doppler. D+B 1.5.15

Vasc2 Measuring vascular Doppler. D+B 1.5.15

Vascularity Doppler power measurements CFA-B 1.6.6

OB-JSUM Obstetrical Measurement Package B, M, D 1.7

(Plan of Japan’s standard)

1-5 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.1.3-2 Measurements for cardiac (Region name:Cardiac)
Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
D-Profile Measuring the instantaneous mean flow 1.5.4
velocity, %-WINDOW, etc. of a Doppler
waveform at a user-selected point along
the time axis.

PHT Measuring pressure half-time (PHT). D 1.8.25

Velocity Measuring flow velocity and pressure D 1.5.9


Accel. Measuring flow acceleration. D 1.5.2

Decel. Measurement of blood flow deceleration D 1.5.3

V Ave. Calculating average flow velocity. D 1.5.5

LV Gibson Measuring left ventricle by GIBSON M 1.8.8

LV Pombo Measuring left ventricle by POMBO M 1.8.8

M-LV/Ao Cross-sectional Image Measurement M 1.8.13

M-EF Gibson Measuring volume by GIBSON's rule. M 1.8.2

M-EF Pombo Measuring volume by POMBO's rule. M 1.8.2

HR Measuring heart rate. M, D 1.5.7

Time Time interval measurement D 1.5.1

Ratio-Velo Calculating velocity ratio. D 1.5.6

Ratio-Time Calculating time ratio. M, D 1.5.6

Ratio-Dis Calculating distance ratio. B, M 1.5.6

Ratio-Area Calculating area ratio. B 1.5.6

Area Length Measuring volume by area-length B 1.8.21


BI-Plane Measuring volume by biplane ellipse B 1.8.22

approximation method.

Simpson Measuring volume by SIMPSON's rule. B 1.8.23

Bullet Measuring volume by bullet B 1.8.24

approximation method.

B-EF Gibson Measuring volume by GIBSON's rule. B 1.8.2

B-EF Pombo Measuring volume by POMBO's rule. B 1.8.2

LVOT Measuring Doppler of left ventricular D+B *2 1.8.26

outflow tract.

LV inflow Measuring Doppler of left ventricular D+B *2 1.8.27

inflow tract.

Area-E Measuring areas and circumferential B 1.5.10

lengths by means of ellipse

1-6 Q1E-EA1130
Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
Volume Measuring volumes by area-length B, M 1.5.8
method, ellipse approximation method,
and biplane method.

CFM-Velo. Measuring CFM Flow velocity. CFM-B, 1.5.11


LV Gib.M Measuring left ventricle by GIBSON M *2 1.8.8

LV Manu Measuring left ventricle in M-mode. M *2 1.8.8

LV Pom.M Measuring left ventricle by POMBO M *2 1.8.8

Table 1.1.3-3 Measurements for vascular (Region name:Vascular)

Display Described
Name Meaning Note
Mode *1 section
%Steno Calculating %Stenosis from area ratio. B 1.9.7

*1 Real-time Doppler measurements can be conducted when the FREEZE

function is both on and off.

*2 These measurements unsuitable for TDI. Usually they are not

displayed when TDI is on, but they are displayed with Playback
measurement. Don’t use them with Playback measurement.

1-7 Q1E-EA1130
1.2 Starting up Measurements
[1] , TRACE

These keys are exclusively used for starting up the following

two basic measurements in the current display mode:
: Starts up the CALIP measurement only.
: Starts up the TRACE measurement only.



This key is used to select the types of measurements other

than the above two, as follows:
(a) Press this key, displaying the first page of the measurement
menu in the left-hand area of the screen.
Move the cursor to the name of the measurement you wish to



Fig.1.2-1 Measurement Menu


Measurement menu key is disabled and the measurement menu

is not displayed when Freeze is OFF. However, if real-time
Doppler measurement is valid on the current mode, then
measurement menu is available although Freeze is OFF. For
the real-time Doppler measurement, please refer to [1.10
Real-time Doppler measurement]

The menu will show only the names of the measurements on

the current measurement region that can be executed in the

1-8 Q1E-EA1130
current image presentation mode. The measurement region can
be specified for each application. Please refer to [(1)
Measurement Menu 1] in this manual or [8.3.9 Measurement
Menu] in the ultrasound diagnostic scanner instruction manual
to specify the measurement region.

(b) Press ENTER key, this will execute the measurement selected
at step (a).

(c) If the next page exists, "PrevPage" and "NextPage" are

displayed on the bottom ob the measurement menu. It is possible
to switch the page by pressing ENTER key when the cursor is
on which items.
[3] Toggle Switches (Function-selecting toggle switches F5-F7)

When any of those toggle switches is pressed, an assigned

measurement of the pressed key is executed. The measurement
is assigned to the F5-F7 of the function-selecting toggle
switches from the function menu by each mode in the measurement
set by the application running at that time.
The (*) mark appears on the toggle switch in the screen when
the measurement item name is assigned and the measurement
item has been executed before. In the figure below shows that
BPD has been executed. (The mark does not appear for
measurement name, e.g. Fetal. Para.)

Fig.1.2-2 Example: executed measurement item with (*)mark

In the application function, measurement items to start can be

assigned to those toggle switches by each display-mode.

For more details, refer to [(2) Measurement Menu 2] in this manual

or [8.3.9 Measurement Menu] in the ultrasound diagnostic scanner
instruction manual.

1-9 Q1E-EA1130
1.3 Basic Procedures
1.3.1 Functions of Keys

(1)Operation Panel

The basic functions of the operating controls to be used in

measurement execution are as follows:

Track Ball: Moves the caliper cursors,

etc. on the image display.

ENTER Key: Determines the measuring


UNDO Key: Returns the measurement

status to the preceding


Fig.1.3.1-1 Trackball, Enter Key, and Undo Key

····················· Ends the current measurement and clears
the measurement display.

(2)Function Menu

Function Menu in Measurement mode

Menu for each Measurement:F2 ~ F3 Mesurement Function Keys:F5 ~ F7

(1st Page)
(2nd page)
Fig.1.3.1-2 Function Menu in Measurement mode

1-10 Q1E-EA1130
(1st Page)

F1 Scroll

Scroll the hiden Menu in

Measurement Result Frame up and
Text Lines down.
Not selectable if the whole of each
menu are displayed.

Measurement Result Frame

Fig.1.3.1-3 Scroll

F2 ~ F3 Menu for each Measurement

Some Measurements have EXTRA MENU (Others not).

F5 ~ F7 Measurement Function Keys

Start the preset measurement function refer to 8.3.9 (2)

in the instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic scanner.

1-11 Q1E-EA1130
(2nd page)

F1 Move Box

Move MRF(Measurement Result

Frame) to the other place in
Monitor when MRF is displayed
above the interesting area of US

MRF (Measurement Result Frame)

Pressing toggle switch,
color of MRF are changed yellow,
Fig.1.3.1-4 Move and move by trackball.
For every application it is
possible to move the position of
MRF set just after that application
was selected.
NOTICE: This function is
effective in dual
displaying mode.
F2 Resize

Pressing toggle switch,

color of MRF are changed yellow,
and moving the bottom line up and
down by trackball.

For every application it is

possible to resize the size of MRF
set just after that application
was selected.
NOTICE: This function is
Fig.1.3.1-5 Resize
effective in dual
displaying mode.

1-12 Q1E-EA1130
F3 User Default

This function is displayed only after selecting F1 Move Box

or F2 Resize.

Pressing toggle switch, this move MRF to the default

position and resize MRF to the default size
• At the starting time of Move: MRF is returned to the original
position which was registered for the current application.
• At the starting time of Resize: MRF is returned to the original
size which was registered for the current application.
This function is effective in dual displaying mode.
NOTICE: This function is effective in dual displaying mode.

F5 Hide Loci

Measured trace is not displayed. In this case MRF is displayed.

Pressing toggle switch once more, they are displayed again.

Fig.1.3.1-6 Hide Loci

F6 Meas. Save

Measurement result is saved in the external memory medium.

(Refer to Saving measurement result.)
Not measurement result currently displayed on the screen but
the results which are preset to display on a report screen
are saved.
In case that storage capacity of drive for saving is
insufficiency or in case that media isn't inserted and so on,
error message will be shown.
In that case, please change media and press toggle switch,
again. 6

1-13 Q1E-EA1130
(3)Measurement Result Display Box

After the specified measurement is performed, the results are

displayed in a clear frame called the Measurement Result Display
z Automatic Mode
Immediately following the
start of measurement
functions, the caliper mark
is displayed and the Measurements
measurements are performed being carried out.
in the order that they are
displayed in the Measurement
Result Display Box. After
all of the measurements are
automatically carried out,
the Measurement Result
Display Box shifts into
manual mode as described
Fig.1.3.1-7 Automatic Mode
z Manual Mode
Manual mode is initiated
Items can be
once all specified selected by
measurements have been Measurements moving the
which have been trackball up
carried out in automatic selected. and down.
mode or if the UNDO button
while these functions are Manual
being performed. Once in Mode
manual mode, the user can
select individual functions
to be carried out by moving
the trackball over a
specified item and clicking
on it.

Fig.1.3.1-8 Manual Mode

1-14 Q1E-EA1130
z Shortcut keys
To the right hand side of
certain measurement items,
a single letter in “AC (A)”
parenthesis may appear. Measurement item
Such items may be performed name :AC
by pressing the Short-cut key : A
corresponding key on the
keyboard, without selecting
and clicking the functions The measurement item
individually. “AC” can be performed by
pressing the [A] key.
Shortcut keys must be
enabled in the Measurement
Setup Menu before they can
be used. For more
information, refer to "(2) Fig.1.3.1-9 Carrying Out
Sub tab" in "2.3.2 Measurements
Measurement Item Edition Using Short-Cut
Area". Keys
z Delete results
While in executing or in
manual mode, the results of
the last measurement carried
out for any specific
category can be deleted by
[Del] key
pressing the [Del] key after
selecting the information to
be removed.
All the measurement results
of the displayed measurement
can be deleted by pressing
the [Del] key while pressing
the [Shift] key.

Deleting Measureme
nt Results

1-15 Q1E-EA1130
1.3.2 Measurement procedures

The measuring functions of this system consist of the following

combinations of basic measurements:

[1] Distance (B-mode method)

Distance (M-mode method)

[2] Area (Distance method)

Area (Trace method)
Area (Ellipse method)
Area (Rectangle method)

[3] Volume (Area-length method)

Volume (Ellipse method)
Volume (Biplane method)

[4] Instantaneous Flow Velocity (Caliper method)

Instantaneous Flow Velocity (Bar method)

[5] Trace (MANUAL trace method)

Trace (AUTO trace method)
Trace (PLOT trace method)

[1] Distance

[1-1] B-Mode Method

To measure the distance (D) between two caliper cursor

locations on a B-mode image display, proceed as follows:

Fig.1.3.2-1 Measuring Distance Using B-Mode Method

1 Using the track ball, move the

caliper cursor to the starting
point of measurement.

1-16 Q1E-EA1130
2 Press ENTER key. The first caliper
cursor will be fixed, and another Measured value is
shown also during
cursor (second caliper cursor) cursor movement.
will be displayed just on it. By
turning the track ball, move the
second cursor to the ending point
of measurement.
Second caliper
To correct the starting point, cursor

press UNDO key. This will allow Fig.1.3.2-2

you to return to step 1 . Cursor Movememt

3 Press ENTER key. This will complete the distance

measurement, and display the measured value.

[1-2] M-Mode Method

The B-mode method described above can also be used to measure

the depth difference (D), time difference (T), and speed (S)
between two caliper cursor locations on an M-mode image.

Fig.1.3.2-3 Measuring Distance Using M-Mode Method

1-17 Q1E-EA1130
[2] Area

[2-1] Distance Method

The distance method calcul ates the area (A) and

circumference (C) of a circularly-shaped region of interest
by measuring the diameter (distance) of the region.
Fig.1.3.2-4 illustrates this measurement concept.

A=π× D 2

A C = πD

D (Distance)

Fig.1.3.2-4 Measuring Area Using Distance Method

To measure the diameter (distance), proceed as follows:

1 Using the track ball and ENTER

key, place the first caliper on the
starting point of measurement and the
second caliper on the ending point of
measurement, thereby determining the
diameter (distance) of the area.

Calip Diameter

2 The diameter will be shown in a solid line, and the area

(A) and circumference (C) will be automatically

3 The values of "A" and "C" will be displayed, thus completing

the area measurement using the distance method.

1-18 Q1E-EA1130
[2-2] Trace Method

The trace method measures the area (A) and circumferential

length (C) of the region under examination in the following

Fig.1.3.2-6 Measuring Area Using Trace Method

1 Using the track ball, move the caliper

cursor to the starting point of

2 Press ENTER key. The cursor will be

fixed at the starting point. A second
cursor will appear just on it, which
can be moved by turning the track ball.
Trace the examination area by moving
the second cursor along its
circumference. To move " "
backward, press UNDO key repeated-ly.
3 Press ENTER key. This will form the
trace (locus) into a loop, thus
completing the area and
circumferential length
measurements. Fig.1.3.2-7
Cursor Tracing

1-19 Q1E-EA1130
[2-3] Ellipse Method

The ellipse method will measure the area (A) and

circumferential length (C) of the region under examination
by approximating that region to an ellipse.

DS (short-axis diameter)
A= π 2 ×DL×DS
A C=π DL2+DS2
DL (long-axis diameter)

Fig.1.3.2-8 Measuring Area Using Ellipse Method

1 Move the first caliper to starting

point of measurement by trackball.

2 Press the ENTER key to fix the first

The second caliper and circle are
And then ,move the second caliper
setting to the ellips.
And press the ENTER key to fix the
Fig.1.3.2-9 (1/2)
second caliper. Ellipse Method
Pressing the UNDO key replace the
first caliper.
3 In this method ,trackball has 3
functions such as (a),(b),and (c)

Every pressing the UNDO key,

the function of trackball rotate

such as (c)-(a)-(c)-(b)-(c).

1-20 Q1E-EA1130
(a) Moving the 1st caliper mark

By moving the 1st caliper

mark,operator can adjust the
ellips size. In this method,long
axis-short axis ratio is

(b) Moving the 2nd caliper mark

By moving the 2nd caliper

mark,operator can adjust the
ellips size. In this method,long
axis-short axis ratio is

(c) Changing the ellips size.

Rotating the track ball will

cause the circle to become
elliptic, expanding or
contracting in the short axis
Fig.1.3.2-9 (2/2)
Ellipse Method

4 Press ENTER key. This completes the area and

circumferential measurements by the ellipse method.

1-21 Q1E-EA1130
[2-4] Rectangle Method

The rectangle method calculates the area (A) and

circumference (C) by approximating the area of interest
to a rectangle.

A D2 A=D1×D2
C=2× (D1+D2)

Fig.1.3.2-10 Measuring Area Using Rectangle Method

To measure the area, proceed as follows:

1 Using the track ball, move the first

caliper to the starting point of

2 Press ENTER key, fixing the caliper

there. A second caliper will then
appear on the first one. Turning the
track ball will move the second
caliper, forming a rectangle with the
first caliper position (fixed at step
1 ) and second caliper position
(currently moving) as one pair of
opposed corners.

Adjust the shape and size of the

rectangle so that it fits the area
to be measured.

If you wish to change the starting

point, press UNDO key, returning to Fig.1.3.2-11
step 1 . Rectangle Method
3 Press ENTER key. This will show the rectangle, and allow
the system to calculate the area (A) and circumference (C).
The values of "A" and "C" will be displayed, thus completing
the area measurement using the rectangle method.
Rectangle Method can use only Histogram.

1-22 Q1E-EA1130
[3] Volume

[3-1] Area-Length Method

The area-length method calculates an approximate volume (V)

of the region under examination by measuring the area (A)
and long axis (L) of that region.


Axis of revolution

Fig.1.3.2-12 Measuring Volume Using Area-Length Method

1 Using the track ball and ENTER key,

measure the area of the region as in
the trace measurement.

Upon completion of tracing, a caliper

cursor will be displayed at the starting
point of the trace (locus).

2 Measure the long axis (L: distance) of

the region traced. The volume will
then be calculated and displayed. This
completes the measurement.

1-23 Q1E-EA1130
[3-2] Ellipse Method

The ellipse method calculates an approximate volume of the

region under examination by measuring the area and long axis
using the formula described in "AREA-LENGTH Method", but the
area is to be measured by the ellipse method.

Follow the instructions given under "Ellipse Method" in "[2]


[3-3] Biplane Method

The biplane method calculates an approximate volume of the

region under examination by measuring the short and long axes
(D1, D2, and D3, crossing each other at right angles in
Fig.1.3.2-14) of that region. This method will provide
greater accuracy than the area-length or ellipse method
described earlier.

V= π ×D1× D2 × D3

Fig.1.3.2-14 Measuring Volume Using Biplane Method

1 Using the track ball and ENTER key, D2 being

measure D1, D2, and D3 (in this
sequence) of the target region.
While performing the measurement,
you can tem-porarily switch the
FREEZE function off and show a more
suitable image. Fig.1.3.2-15
2 Upon completion of the D3 Biplane Method
measurement, the volume will be
calculated and displayed. This
completes the measure-ment.

1-24 Q1E-EA1130
[4] Instantaneous Flow Velocity

Selecting Units of Flow Velocity Measurements

Flow velocity values (including instantaneous flow velocities)

measured can be expressed in both meters/ second (m/s) and
centimeters/second (cm/s). However, the flow velocity
measured under the following measurement categories can be
expressed in kHz as well as in m/s and cm/s.

• CALIP Measurement

The desired unit (m/s, cm/s, or kHz) can be selected on the

DOP-MENU or on CFM MENU, both accessible through the MAIN MENU.
The unit of the maximum detectable velocity value will also
be changed in accordance with the unit thus selected.

Table 1.3.2-1 lists the minimum increment (resolution) of each

unit that can be displayed.

Table 1.3.2-1

Minimum Display Increments for Units of

Values Measured in Flow Velocity

Minimum Display
Unit Increment

Display in Terms m/s 0.01

of Velocity (V)
cm/s 0.1
Display in Terms kHz 0.01
of Frequency (F)

1-25 Q1E-EA1130
[4-1] Caliper Method

The caliper method measures flow velocity (V) and pressure

gradient (∆P) on a Doppler-mode image by the use of the caliper

(Pressure Gradient)
∆P=4V2(mmHg) ········ Modified Bernoulli Theorem

± *.**m/s

*1) : In SI Unit mmHg is expressed as kPa.

1kPa = 7.5mmHg.

Fig.1.3.2-16 Measuring Instantaneous Flow Velocity

Using Caliper Method

1 By operating the track ball, place the

caliper cursor on the point to be

Fig.1.3.2-17 Placing Caliper

2 Press ENTER key. The cursor will then

be fixed, and the measured results will
be displayed.

1-26 Q1E-EA1130
[5] Trace (Doppler measurement)

It can be selected 3 method Auto, Manual and Plot by toggle switch

in function menu F3.

NOTICE: It can not be used the function by measurement TRACE key.

[5-1] Manual Trace Method

The manual trace method measures mean flow velocities (Vm),

etc. by manually tracing a Doppler waveform with the track

1 Using the track ball, move the caliper

cursor to the starting point of

2 Press ENTER key. A straight line

will be drawn perpendicularly to the
0 m/s line from the cursor position.

3 Move the caliper cursor along the flow

waveform. The trace will be shown
in a solid line. To move the cursor
backward, repeatedly press UNDO key.

4 Press ENTER key when tracing is

completed. A straight line will be
drawn perpendicularly to the 0 m/s
line from the cursor position, and
the measured results will be
displayed. Fig.1.3.2-18
Manual Trace Method

1-27 Q1E-EA1130
[5-2] Auto Trace Method

The AUTO TRACE Method automatically traces the Doppler

waveform between two points specified by the user. Using
this method will facilitate the measurement of mean flow
velocity, mean pressure gradient, acceleration time, etc.

∑ 4V (i )

(Mean pressure gradient) △Pm = i =0

( mmHg)

Trace can be calculated in the following three methods.

1 PEAK method

This is a method to trace the

PEAK point (PEAK) less by -18dB
MODE than the flow velocity point
(MODE) with the maximum


2 MODE method

This is a method to trace the

μ flow velocity point (MODE)
MODE with the maximum power.


1-28 Q1E-EA1130
3 MEAN method

This is a method to trace the

peak mean flow velocity.

Peak mean flow velocity =

∫ v(f) • P(f) d(f)

∫ P(f) d(f)

Fig.1.3.2-19 Auto Trace Method

Select a trace calculation method on the measurement setup

for each measurement

1 By turning the track ball, move

the caliper to the desired
starting point of tracing, as
in the example at right.

2 Press ENTER key. This will

cause a dotted line to be
displayed vertically just
above or below the 0 m/s line.
This line indicates the point
in time at which you wish to
start the tracing.

3 By turning the track ball, move

the vertical line to the point
in time at which you wish to
end the tracing. If you wish
to change the starting point,
press UNDO key at this step.

Auto Trace-1

1-29 Q1E-EA1130
4 Press ENTER key. This will
fix the ending point, and
initiate the AUTO TRACE
function across the distance
from the starting point to the
ending point.
And this will display the
results of measurement based
on the tracing.

5 When the auto-trace

measurement is finished, a
window as shown in
Fig.1.3.2-22 is displayed.

Auto Trace-2

The trace and measured value

are proper, select YES


If the trace and measured value are improper, select Auto ,

Manual or Plot button.
• With "Auto" selected : The trace result and each measured
value are cleared and Auto trace is started again.
• With "Manual" selected : The trace result and each measured
value are cleared and Manual trace is started again.
• With "Plot" selected : The trace result and each measured
value are cleared and Plot trace is started again.
NOTICE: Large noise amplitudes can cause the waveform to
be traced incorrectly. To avoid this problem, the
Doppler gain level (PW/CW) must beadjusted properly
before activating the AUTO TRACE Method.

1-30 Q1E-EA1130
[5-3] Plot trace method

Using the trackball and ENTER key, mean flow velocity (Vm)
and others are measured by applying linear approximation to
the Doppler waveform.

1 Operating the trackball, move the

caliper mark to the start point of

2 Pressing ENTER key draw a vertical

line from the caliper mark to the
0 m/s line.

3 Turning the trackball, move the

caliper mark to the return point
for linear approximation to be
applied to the Doppler waveform.
The straight line to be
approximated is displayed with
solid line.

4 Pressing ENTER key fixes the

caliper mark and the next straight
line can be displayed.
To cancel the fixed point, press
UNDO key.

Plot Trace Method-(1/2)

1-31 Q1E-EA1130
5 When tracing is completed by
repeating the steps 3 and 4,

double click ENTER key, or press

toggle switch for End Trace.


A vertical line is drawn from the

caliper mark to the 0m/s line and
the measurement ends after display
of the measurement result.

Plot Trace Method-(2/2)

When UNDO key is pressed, the fix point returns in front
of two point.

1-32 Q1E-EA1130
1.4 Basic Measurements
1.4.1 Calip Measurement

The following measurements will be performed in accordance

with the position of the calipers.
Up to eight distance measurements can be performed
simultaneously. (e.g. D1 through D8)

Table 1.4.1-1 Calip Measurement(Region name: Abdo & Others and Vascular)
Symbol Meaning Unit Method
On B-mode D Distance between 2 mm Distance
image points (B-mode method)
On M-mode D Depth difference mm
image between 2 points Distance
T Time difference s (M-mode method)
between 2 points
S Velocity (slope) between mm/s
2 points
On V Velocity of frequency at m/s Instantaneous
Doppler-mode caliper or velocity
image cm/s (Caliper method)
T Time interval between 2 ms Time interval
points between 2 points

Table 1.4.1-2 Calip Measurement(Region name: Cardiac)

Symbol Meaning Unit Method
On B-mode D Distance between 2 mm Distance
image points (B-mode method)
On M-mode D Depth difference mm
image between 2 points Distance
T Time difference s (M-mode method)
between 2 points
S Velocity (slope) between mm/s
2 points

1-33 Q1E-EA1130
Symbol Meaning Unit Method
On V Velocity of frequency at m/s Instantaneous
Doppler-mode caliper or velocity
image cm/s (Caliper method)
PG Pressure Gradient at mmHg
*1 Caliper
T Time interval between 2 ms Time interval
points between 2 points
*1 PG is not displayed if TDI is ON. (For dual-Doppler mode, TDI of
one of Doppler image is ON)
For playback measurement, PG is displayed in spite of TDI status.

Velocity and Time can be switched by toggle switch or Calip

key when the caliper mark is on the Doppler image.

Measuring Method
Start up the measurement by Selecting key or other method
(refer to paragraph 1.2(1)), and perform the desired
measurement using the appropriate instructions described
1.4.2 Trace Measurement
The following measurements will be taken in accordance with
the position of the calipers.
Up to eight points can be measured simultaneously. (e.g. C1,
A1 through C8, A8)
Table 1.4.2-1 Trace Measurement(Region name: Abdo & Others and Vascular)
Symbol Meaning Unit Method

On B-mode C Circumference cm Area

image A Area of traced region cm2 (Manual or
Ellipse Method)
On M-mode D Diameter mm Distance
image C Circumference cm (M-mode)

1-34 Q1E-EA1130
Symbol Meaning Unit Method

A Area of circle drawn with cm2

distance between two
points as diameter
On Doppler- Vp Peak velocity m/s or Trace
mode image cm/s (Manual Trace
Vd Velocity in end diastole m/s or Method)
Vm Mean velocity m/s or
RI Resistance Index -
PI Pulsatility Index -
TVI Time Velocity Integral m

Table 1.4.2-2 Trace Measurement(Region name: Cardiac)

Symbol Meaning Unit Method

On B-mode C Circumference cm Area

image A Area of traced region cm2 (Manual or
Ellipse Method)
On M-mode D Diameter mm Distance
image C Circumference cm (M-mode)
A Area of circle drawn with cm2
distance between two
points as diameter
On Doppler- Vp Peak velocity m/s or Trace
mode image cm/s (Manual Trace
Vm Mean velocity m/s or Method)
PGp Peak Pressure Gradient mmHg
PGm Mean Pressure Gradient mmHg
T Time s
TVI Time Velocity Integral m
Measuring Method
Start up the measurement by Selecting TRACE key, and perform
the desired measurement using the appropriate instructions
described earlier.

1-35 Q1E-EA1130
Manual and Ellipse can be switched by toggle switch or

key when the caliper mark is on the B image.

Please end the measurement once when you measure real-time

1.4.3 Substitution for Measurement result

The result of the Calip-measurement or the Trace-measurement
can be used as a substitute value for other measurements.
For instance, after performing Calip-measurement, the
measurement result can be substituted into the BPD-value of
obstetrics measurement.

1 Execute Calip-measurement or Trace-


2 Start a measurement, such as FetalPara.

3 Select a measurement item whose value

is substituted. A plus mark appears on
the upper-right of the item name if the
measurement result can be substituted
into the value of the item.
If you press UNDO button at this point,
the result of the Calip-measurement or
the Trace-measurement is deleted, and
the substitution cannot be performed.

4 Press ENTER key. Then the measurement value is substituted

into the selected measurement item.

The result of the Calip measurement or the Trace measurement

is deleted when a Enter key is pushed on the measurement
item that cannot be substituted, and the selected measurement
item is executed.

5 IF you select the wrong measurement item and confirm it,

press UNDO button to cancel the substitution. Return to

1-36 Q1E-EA1130
procedure “3” in this section to reselect the item, and then
continue the procedure.
• One measurement result can be a substitute for a value of
the other measurement only one time. The substituted
measurement result cannot be reused for any other measurement
or cannot be a substitute for more than one measurement at
the same time.
• When a measurement item is assigned to a function key,
pressing the key executes the substitution. Then the
corresponding measurement is displayed in the measurement
result frame.
The mark that shows possible substitution is not displayed
in the function key.
• Substitution cannot be executed when [substitute from Calip,
Trace measurement] checkbox in the Measurement property
box is set OFF.
• When [Automatic execution] checkbox in the Measurement
property box is set ON.
The table 1.4.3-1 below shows the possible combination of
substituting the result value of Calip/Trace Measurements
into measurement tools by measurement mode.

Table 1.4.3-1 Trace Measurement(Region name: Cardiac)

Calip/Trace Measurement (export) Possible measurement tools for substitution (import)

Measurement mode measurement item Single tool Link tool / attribute

B D* B-mode distance -
D* - M-mode trace/distance
M T* - M-mode trace/time
Calip S* - M-mode trace/oblique
V* speed -
D PG* - -
T* time interval -
C* circumference B-mode trace/circumference
A* B-mode area B-mode trace/area
Trace D* - M-mode trace/distance
M C* - -
A* - -

1-37 Q1E-EA1130
Trace measurement result cannot be a substitute for a value
of any measurement tools in D-mode.

Results cannot be substituted into Title tool.

Substitution is possible for the following measurements in
factory defaults.
• OB-STD/FetalPara
• OB-Todai/FetalPara(additional setting )
• OB-OsakaU/FetalPara(additional setting)
• OB-JSUM/FetalPara(additional setting)

1-38 Q1E-EA1130
1.5 Multipurpose Measurements
1.5.1 Time Measurement
Time intervals at up to 9 points on D-mode or M-mode image
can be measured.
Table 1.5.1-1 Time measurement

Code Description Unit Remarks

T1 Time interval of caliper 1 ms 9 points at maximum

T2 Time interval of caliper 2 ms can be measured.
T3 Time interval of caliper 3 ms
T4 Time interval of caliper 4 ms
T5 Time interval of caliper 5 ms
T6 Time interval of caliper 6 ms
T7 Time interval of caliper 7 ms
T8 Time interval of caliper 8 ms
T9 Time interval of caliper 9 ms

Measuring Method
1. Start the measurement program by using Time
the menu or other method (Refer to
2. Operating the trackball, move the
caliper mark displayed on M-mode or
Doppler-mode image to the start point
of measurement.
3. Pressing ENTER key defines the start
point of measurement and another Time
caliper mark is displayed on that
point. Operating the trackball, move
the caliper mark to the end point of
4. Pressing ENTER key defines the end
point of measurement. If number of
measuring points is less than the Fig.1.5.1-1
maximum allowable measuring points, Time Measurement
the next measurement caliper is
displayed. Pressing CLEAR key
closes the measurement program and
clear measurement result.

1-39 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.2 Accel. Measurement

The acceleration and deceleration of blood flow will be

computed by measuring velocities at three points on a Doppler
image as in Fig.1.5.2-1.

Fig.1.5.2-1 Measuring Points in Accel. Measurement

Table 1.5.2-1 Accel. Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

V1 Caliper-1 Velocity m/s or

V2 Caliper-2 Velocity m/s or

V3 Caliper-3 Velocity m/s or Displayed only when measuring V3

AcT Time: 1 → 2 ms
Acc Acceleration: 1 → 2 m/s2 or
DcT Time: 2 → 3 ms Displayed only when measuring V2

Dcc Deceleration: 2 → 3 m/s2 or Displayed only when measuring V3


*1): In SI Unit cm/s2 is expressed as m/s2. 1m/s2 = 100cm/s2

1-40 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

1 Start up the Accel. measurement

(via the procedure described in
1.2.(2)). Using the track ball,
move the caliper cursor to the point
that you wish to specify as "V1"

2 Press ENTER key. The cursor will

be fixed on point "V1", and another
cursor (second cursor) will show
up just on it. By turning the track
ball, move the second cursor to the
point specified as "V2".

3 Press ENTER key. The cursor will

be fixed on point "V2", and another
cursor (third cursor) will show up
just on it. If you do not wish to
measure the deceleration, press
UNDO key at this step, completing
the measure-ment. The measured
result (acceleration) will then Fig.1.5.2-2
not be displayed. ACCELERATION
If you wish to measure the
deceleration, establish another
point as "V3" by moving the third
cursor with the track ball.

4 Press ENTER key. The result

(decel-eration) will be displayed.
This completes the ACCELERATION

1-41 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.3 Decel. Measurement

As shown in Fig.1.5.3-1, by measuring flow velocities at 2

points on Doppler waveform, deceleration of blood flow is

Fig.1.5.3-1 Measuring points in Decel. Measurement.

Table 1.5.3-1 Decel Measurement

Code Description Unit Remarks

V1 Flow velocity at caliper 1 m/s or cm/s
V2 Flow velocity at caliper 2 m/s or cm/s
DcT Time from 1 to 2 m/s or cm/s
Dcc Deceleration from 1 to 2 m/s2 *1)
*1) Because cm/s2 is not SI unit, convert value to the one in m/s2
1m/s2 = 100cm/s2
Measuring Method

1. Start the "Decel". measurement program Decel.

by using the menu or other method (Refer

to 1.2.).
Operating the trackball, move the caliper
mark displayed on Doppler-mode image to
the point corresponding to "V1".

2. Pressing ENTER key defines the "V1" point Decel.

and a next caliper mark is displayed on
that point. Operating the trackball,
move the caliper mark to the point
corresponding to "V2".

3. Pressing ENTER key defines "V2" point.

4. Pressing ENTER key displays the Decel. Measurement
measurement result and closed the
measurement program and clear
measurement result.

1-42 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.4 D-Profile Measurement

Table 1.5.4-1 lists the measurements to be performed under

the "D-Profile" category.

Table 1.5.4-1 D-PROFILE Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

MEAN Instantaneous mean velocity m/s or

MODE Flow velocity at point of m/s or
maximum spectrum power cm/s

PEAK Instantaneous maximum flow m/s or Point 18 dB down from

velocity cm/s MODE

%WINDOW Index of flow pattern width % Width between points 12 dB

down from MODE

%WINDOW= ×100

Measure bar

Fig.1.5.4-1 Concept of D-Profile Measurement

NOTICE: This measuring function is not available in playback


1-43 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

1 Start up the D-Profile measurement

in the appropriate manner described
in paragraph 1.2.(2) A vertical
measure bar that represents the time
axis will show up on a Doppler image.

2 Using the track ball, move the measure Fig.1.5.4-2

bar to the point where you wish to D-Profile
calculate the above values.

3 Press ENTER key. The measured results

will be displayed. This completes the
D-Profile measurement.

1-44 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.5 V Ave. Measurement

Table 1.5.5-1 lists the items to be measured under this

measurement category.

The purpose of this measurement is to calculate the average

of velocity values (V) or frequency values (F) measured at
up to nine user-specified points on a Doppler-mode image.

Table 1.5.5-1 V Ave. Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Method Comments

AV Average flow velocity or frequency m/s ,

cm/s or
N Number of V or F measurements --
V1 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 1 m/s , Instantaneous V2 through
V2 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 2 cm/s or flow velocity V9 will be
V3 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 3 kHz measurement displayed only
V4 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 4 (caliper method) during
V5 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 5 measurement.
V6 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 6
V7 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 7
V8 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 8
V9 Flow velocity (frequency) at caliper 9
Measuring Method

1 Start up the measurement through the menus.

2 Using the track ball and ENTER key, place the calipers
at desired points on the Doppler image, and measure the
velocity at each of those points.

The average velocity (AV value) will be displayed each

time a point of measurement has been established.

If you wish to perform measurements on another Doppler

image, switch off the FREEZE function, and display the
desired image.
3 Upon ending measurement on all the points, press Key.

This will complete the V Ave. measurement and Measurement

result is clear.

1-45 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.6 Ratio-Velo, Ratio-Time, Ratio-Dis, Ratio-Area Measurement

Table 1.5.6-1 lists the ratio calculations for distance, area,

time, and velocity.

Ratio calculation can be selected from the following three


1 First measurement result × 100 (%)

Second measurement result

2 Second measurement result

× 100 (%)
First measurement result

3 Smaller value in measurement result

× 100 (%)
Larger value in measurement result

Above mentioned three kinds of equation can be changed over

with a function key F2 during the measuring mode.

Table 1.5.6-1 RATIO Measurements

Name Symbol Meaning Unit Method Comments

RATIO-DIS D1 Calculation of ratio of mm Distance

distance between one (B- or M-mode
D2 pair of points to distance method)
R between another pair of %
points on B-mode image,
Calculation of ratio of
depth between one pair of
points to depth between
another pair of points on
M-mode image.
R: D1/D2 or D2/D1 or

RATIO-AREA A1 Calculation of ratio of 2 cm2 Area (Trace or ellipse Presettable

areas on B-mode image method)
R R: A1/A2 or A2/A1 or %

RATIO-TIME T1 Calculation of ratio of 2 s Distance (M-mode

time-differences on method)
M-mode or D-mode image
R %
R: T1/T2 or T2/T1 or

1-46 Q1E-EA1130
Name Symbol Meaning Unit Method Comments

RATIO-VELO V1 Calculation of ratio of m/s Instantaneous flow

V2 velocities or frequencies at velocity (Caliper
2 points on D-mode image cm/s method)
R R: V1/V2 or V2/V1 or %

Measuring Method

1 Start up the desired measurement in the appropriate manner.

2 Measure two values for ratio calculation for the

measurement selected. It is possible to temporarily
unfreeze the screen and obtain a more suitable image for

3 When the two values have been measured, the ratio will
be calculated and displayed.

1.5.7 HR Measurement

The heart rate per minute will be obtained by measuring the

R-wave-to-R-wave interval (R-R interval) on an M- or
Doppler-mode image. The number of heartbeats that are used
to calculate the average heart rate can be preset from a range
of 1 to 9 using the measurement setup menu.
(Refer to 2.3.3(b) Property for HR Tool)

Table 1.5.7-1 HR Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

T Caliper-to-caliper time s bpm: beat per minutes


HR 60 × 1000/RR bpm

(*BEAT) HR across R-to-R interval ---- Heart beats in HR

measurement set by the
measurement setup menu
are displayed.

*: 1 ~ 9

1-47 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

1 Start up the measurement in the

appropriate manner.

2 Using the track ball, move the

caliper cursor on an M-mode or
Doppler-mode image to the starting
point of measurement.

3 Press ENTER key. The cursor will

then be fixed at that point, with
another caliper shown just on it.
By turning the track ball further,
bring the second cursor to the
ending point of measurement.

4 Press ENTER key. The second cursor

will be fixed there, and the
measured results will be displayed.
This completes the HR measurement.
HR Measurement

• It is possible to change the Method of the HR tool by


toggle switch (Manual HR, Input).

• It is possible to change the HR across R-to-R interval


by toggle switch.

1-48 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.8 Volume Measurement

Table 1.5.8-1 lists the measurements classified under the

"Volume Measurement" category which will be performed on a
B- mode image. Three volume calculation methods can be
selected as in the table, and can be registered by presetting
the measuring functions.

Table 1.5.8-1 VOLUME Measurement

Method Symb Meaning Unit Measuring Comment

ol Method s

Area-length L Area measurement by mm Volume

method tracing method, (Area-length Method)
(B-mode only) A cm2
Long-axis (revolution
V axis) measurement mL

Ellipse method L Long-axis (revolution mm Volume

(B-mode only) axis) measurement, (Ellipse Method)
A cm2
Area measurement by
V mL
ellipse approximation

Biplane method D1 Measurement of 3 mm Volume

(B- and M-modes) D2 diameters in 2 planes mm (Biplane Method)
D3 crossing each other at mm
V mL

Measuring Method

Start up the desired measurement through the menus, and carry

out the various measurements using the applicable methods.

At the starting time of Volume measurement it is possible

to change over above mentioned three kinds of equation by

1-49 Q1E-EA1130
operating the function key, F2.
Abbreviated display corresponding to each measurement method
on the function menu is as mentioned below.

Area length method : Area-Len

Ellipse method : Ellipse
Biplane method : Bi-Plane

1.5.9 Velocity Measurement

The flow velocity (V) and pressure gradient (4V2) or frequency

(F) at user-specified points on a Doppler-mode image will
be measured using one of the following two methods. These
methods can be registered and recalled by means of the
measurement presetting function.

Table 1.5.9-1 Velocity Measurement

Method Meaning Measuring Method Comments

(paragraph 1.3.2)

Caliper method Using caliper, specify the desired measuring Instantaneous

points on a Doppler image. Velocity
(Caliper Method)



Measuring Method

Start up the desired measurement through the menus, and carry

out the various measurements using the applicable methods.

1-50 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.10 Area-E Measurement

Produce an ellipse by establishing the long and short axes,

and then measure the area and circumferential length. Use
the same measuring procedure that is described for the area
measurement (ellipse method) in paragraph 1.3.2. Start up
the desired measurement through the menus.

1.5.11 CFM-Velo. Measurement

CFM-Velo Measurement refers to the calculation the CFM flow

velocity (V) and CFM frequency (F) at up to nine user-specified
points on the B-mode or M-mode image of a CFM image.

Table 1.5.11-1 lists the items to be measured under this

measurement category.

Table 1.5.11-1 CFM-Velo Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

F CFM frequency kHz Can be measured at up to 9
user-specified points.
V CFM velocity m/s or
Ang Amount of Incidence Angle ° Adjustable on B-mode image
Adjustment only.

Measuring Method
1 Start up the measurement
through the menu.

2 Using the track ball, move the

caliper to a desired point of


1-51 Q1E-EA1130
3 Press ENTER key.
CFM Velo

This will cause the system to:

• display the measured V and F

values, and enable the next run
of measurement to be made on
another point in the case of
measurement on the M-mode image, Angle
• display an incidence angle
adjustment bar on the caliper
position in the case of
measurement on the B-mode image.
Turn the ANGLE control so that
the angle adjustment bar aligns
with the flow direction at the
caliper position, and press
ENTER key. The measured V and F
values will be displayed, and
next run of measure-ment can then
be made at another point.

4 The same measurement can be

performed at up to eight different
points on the same image by
repeating steps 2 and 3 .

5 Upon completion of measurement on

all the desired points, press CLEAR
Key, thus completing the CFM-Velo

1-52 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.12 Histogram Measurement

Starting up the Histogram Measurement will display a histogram

of brightness levels (graphical representation of frequency
distribution of echo intensity) within a user-specified
region of interest on a B-mode image, as in the example shown
in Fig.1.5.12-1. Table 1.5.12-1 lists the items to be measured
or calculated under this measurement category.

Frequency of

100 200
Brightness Level

Fig.1.5.12-1 Histogram of Brightness Level


Table 1.5.12-1 Histogram Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Method Comments

C Circumference of specified mm Any of the following: Desired measurement method

region of interest • Trace Method is presettable.
• Ellipse Method
A Area of specified region of cm2
• Rectangle Method
These values will be 255
N Total number of brightness level -- automatically N= ∑ ndi
data calculated using the i=0
formulas listed in the
MD Mean brightness level -- 255
"Comments" column
MD= ∑ di •ndi/N
when the area is i=0
specified by one of
SD Standard deviation -- the above methods. 1 255
SD= N ∑ ndi •di2-MD2
MODE Brightness level with highest -- di (on condition ndi = max)
frequency of occurrence
%MODE=max (ndi)/N×100

%MODE ××. ×% Highest frequency % max (ndi)/N×100

of occurrence
Desired vertical axis scaling
mode (COMMON or
presettable (when displaying
0 100 200 two histograms from two runs of
Histogram measurement).

NOTICE: di:brightness level ndi:number of data at di brightness level

1-53 Q1E-EA1130
Selecting Vertical Axis Scaling Modes

When the HISTOGRAM Measurement is started up, two runs of

area (A) and circumference (C) measurement can be performed
and the results of both runs can be displayed at a time in
two histograms.

When displaying those two histograms, you can select the

following two scaling modes (vertical axis calibration


In this mode, the vertical scale calibration of one histogram
is independent of the vertical scale calibration of the
other histogram, as in example (a) in Fig.1.5.12-2.

The INDEPENDENCE Scaling Mode is suitable for comparison

of the brightness distribution patterns in two different

• COMMON Scaling Mode

In this mode, the common calibration is used for the vertical
scales of both histograms, as in example (b) in Fig.1.5.12-2.

The COMMON Scaling Mode is suitable for comparison of the

brightness distribution patterns at two locations of an

The scaling modes are selectable on a preset entry menu.

NOTICE: The scaling mode is factory-preset to the INDEPENDENCE

mode when the equipment is first delivered.

Meantime the change of scaling set is conducted by

the measurement setup menu. For further details refer
to 2.3.3(c)Property for Histogram Tool.

a b a a

(a) INDEPENDENCE Scaling Mode (b) COMMON Scaling Mode

Fig.1.5.12-2 Vertical Axis Scaling Modes of Histograms

1-54 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

1 Start up the HISTOGRAM measurement HISTO

through the menus
(refer to 1.2(2)).

2 Measure the area of a region of

interest by the method selected
(Manual Trace Method, Ellipse
Method, or Rectangle Method).

3 Upon completion of measurement,

the brightness level data will be
automatically tallied up. The
results of the calculations listed
in Table 1.5.12-1 will then be
displayed together with a

4 If you wish to measure another area, HISTO

repeat step 2 .

In addition, when you wish to

designate the same shape of area
as measured shape of area in step
2 , move the caliper mark to the
begining point of measurement at HISTO

the state of the mark not being

fixed and select "Copy Area" of

toggle switch.


1-55 Q1E-EA1130
5 When the last figure is traced, a message as shown below
is displayed.

If Yes button is selected, it is possible to confirm detailed

histogram data.
If No button is selected, the measurement is finished.

NOTICE: For the tracing conducted by histogram it is possible

to select one time or two times by the measurement
setup menu. For further details refer to 2.3.3(c)
Property for Histogram Tool.

When the compared window is displayed, there is the case
that a result of the histogram is not displayed.

1-56 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.13 RI, PI Measurement
The vascular Doppler measurement is carried out by tracing of the
vascular Doppler waveform.

Table 1.5.13-1 RI, PI Measurement

Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to 1.3) Remarks
Vp m/s Peak velocity TRACE method *1)
or*2) Any of manual trace, auto trace or plot
trace according to measurement setup
Vd m/s or Velocity in end *1)
cm/s diastole Auto trace calculation method
Any of PEAK, MEAN and MODE
Vm m/s or Mean velocity according to measurement setup. *1)

*1) : Velocity value is corrected by the correction formula set for

TRACE in measurement setup.
*1’) : Calculation is carried out from the deceleration value obtained
by the correction of *1).
NOTICE: 1) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to 2.2
Measurement Setup menu.
2) To edit RI, PI in the measurement setup, start the measurement
setup menu and select "RI, PI" measurement, and then press the
"Edit" button to start the measurement edit menu. Pressing the
"Link" button on this menu allows the link setup menu to start
for changing tracing method (Auto, Manual, or Plot).
3) To set Doppler tracing method (Auto, Manual, or Plot) and so on,
refer to 2.3.3 Link Setup. When setting for Doppler TRACE in this
link setup menu, do so after selecting "DTR" in the Name field
of Link Selection. Also, pressing the "Property" button on this
menu allows trace calculation method (Peak, Mean, or Mode) and
so on to be changed.

Fig.1.5.13-1 Concept of RI, PI Measurement

1-57 Q1E-EA1130
by the following equations:

PI = × 100

RI = × 100

VP : Peak velocity
VD : Velocity in end diastole (minimum velocity)
Vm : Mean velocity over traced distance
Velocity value correction function
RI, PI measurement allows corrective calculation to be applied
to velocity value obtained by tracing the Doppler waveform.
Refer to the Velocity value correction function for Velocity
Correction of 2.3.3 Link Setup (a)Property for D-Trace Tool.

Measuring Procedure
1. Turn the angle control knob
to set the incident angle
measurement bar to the point
in the vessel to be measured.
Incident angle
2. Follow the same procedure as measurement
that of the LVOT measurement bar
to carry out the measurement.

Fig.1.5.13-2 Incident Angle

Modification of Vd Measurement Bar
If the value of Vd is not correct
when Doppler wave is traced, it can manually be re-measured
by selecting ‘Vd’ measurement item in Measurement Result Frame.
(Vd; End-Diastole Velocity)

1-58 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.14 Flow Volume Measurement
The vascular Doppler measurement is carried out by tracing of the
vascular Doppler waveform, and measurement of vascular diameter
and R-R interval.

Table 1.5.14-1 Flow Volume Measurement

Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to 1.3) Remarks
Vp m/s or Peak velocity TRACE method *1)
cm/s Any of manual trace, auto
Vd m/s or Velocity in end diastole trace or plot trace *1)
cm/s according to measurement
Vm m/s or Mean velocity *1)
cm/s Auto trace calculation method
Any of PEAK, MEAN and
ET ms Ejection time MODE according to
measurement setup.



CSA cm2 Cross-sectional area Area

method according to
measurement setup.
HR bpm Heart rate Refer to 1.8.26 LVOT
SV mL STROKE VOLUME To be calculated from the TVI × CSA
FV L/min FLOW VOLUME measurement results above. SV × HR
SV × 60/ET
*1) : Velocity value is corrected by the correction formula set for
TRACE in measurement setup.
*2) : Calculation is carried out from the deceleration value obtained
by the correction of *1).
*3) : TVI is not calculated if the trace method is Manual or
Plot.(Measurement number is increased.)
NOTICE: 1) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to 2.2
Measurement Setup menu.
2) To edit Flow Volume in the measurement setup, start the measurement
setup menu and select Flow Volume measurement, and then press
the "Edit" button to start the measurement edit menu. Pressing
the "Link" button on this menu allows the link setup menu to start
for changing tracing method (Auto, Manual, or Plot).
3) To set Doppler tracing method (Auto, Manual, or Plot) and so on,
refer to 2.3.3 Link Setup. When setting for Doppler TRACE in this
link setup menu, do so after selecting "DTR" in the Name field
of Link Selection. Also, pressing the "Property" button on this

1-59 Q1E-EA1130
menu allows trace calculation method (Peak, Mean, or Mode) and
so on to be changed.

Fig.1.5.14-1 Concept of Flow Volume Measurement


by the following equations:

PI = × 100

RI = × 100

VP : Peak velocity
VD : Velocity in end diastole (minimum velocity)
Vm : Mean velocity over traced distance

1-60 Q1E-EA1130
Velocity value correction function
Flow Volume measurement allows corrective calculation to be
applied to velocity value obtained by tracing the Doppler
waveform. Refer to the velocity value correction function for
the LVOT measurement for details.

Measuring Procedure
1. Turn the angle control knob
to set the incident angle
measurement bar to the point
in the vessel to be measured.
2. Follow the same procedure as
Incident angle
that of the LVOT measurement measurement
to carry out the measurement. bar

Fig.1.5.14-2 Incident Angle

Modification of Vd
Measurement Bar
If the value of Vd is not correct
when Doppler wave is traced, it can manually be re-measured
by selecting ‘Vd’ measurement item in Measurement Result Frame.
(Vd; End-Diastole Velocity)

NOTICE: It can be changed calculation for Flow Volume by toggle

switch .

FV by HR R : Calculated for using HR value from real-time trace.

SV x HR / 1000 (l/min)
FV by HR M : Calculated for using HR value from manual HR
FV by ET : Calculated for using ET value.
SV x (60 / ET) (l/min)

NOTICE: FV by HR R is selected on the factory default.

Please select FV by HR M to measure HR by manually.
NOTICE: The result of each FV is displayed on Report.
The item name is "FV by HR R", "FV by HR M" and "FV by

1-61 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.15 Vasc1/Vasc2 Measurement
The vascular Doppler measurement is carried out by tracing of the
vascular Doppler waveform, and measurement of vascular diameter
and R-R interval.
Two measurements of VASC1 and VASC2 are available. The VASC1 and
VASC2 are the same measurement to be used for examination of different
examination regions since presetting and report display can be
made independently for each measurement.
Table 1.5.15-1 VASC1 and VASC2 Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to 1.3) Remarks
Vp m/s or Peak velocity TRACE method *2)
cm/s Any of manual trace, auto
PGp mmHg Peak pressure difference trace or plot trace according
*1) to measurement setup

Vd m/s or Velocity in end diastole Auto trace calculation method *2)

cm/s Any of PEAK, MEAN and
MODE according to
Vm m/s or Mean velocity measurement setup. *2)
PGm mmHg Mean pressure difference
AT ms Acceleration time
ET ms Ejection time
AT/ET – Ratio of AT to ET
Acc m/s2 Acceleration
%W % %WINDOW at peak
CSA cm Cross-sectional area Area
and ELLIPSE method
according to measurement
HR bpm Heart rate Refer to 1.8.26 LVOT
SV mL STROKE VOLUME To be calculated from the TVI × CSA
FV L/min FLOW VOLUME measurement results above. SV × HR

*1) : In SI unit, kPa is used instead of mmHg. 1kPa = 7.5mmHg.

*2) : Velocity value is corrected by the correction formula set for

1-62 Q1E-EA1130
TRACE in measurement setup.
*3) : Calculation is carried out from the deceleration value obtained
by the correction of *1).

NOTICE: 1) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to 2.2

Measurement Setup menu.
2) To edit Vasc1 and Vasc2 in the measurement setup, start the
measurement setup menu and select "Vasc1" or "Vasc2" measurement,
and then press the "Edit" button to start the measurement edit
menu. Pressing the "Link" button on this menu allows the link
setup menu to start for changing tracing method (Auto, Manual,
or Plot).
3) To set Doppler tracing method (Auto, Manual, or Plot) and so on,
refer to 2.3.3 Link Setup. When setting for Doppler TRACE in this
link setup menu, do so after selecting "DTR" in the Name field
of Link Selection. Also, pressing the "Property" button on this
menu allows trace calculation method (Peak, Mean, or Mode) and
so on to be changed.
4) TVI is not calculated if the trace method is Manual or Plot.
(Measurement number is increased.)

Fig.1.5.15-1 Concept of Vasc Measurement


by the following equations:

PI = × 100

RI = × 100

1-63 Q1E-EA1130
VP : Peak velocity
VD : Velocity in end diastole (minimum velocity)
Vm : Mean velocity over traced distance
%-WINDOW is calculated from the following equation with brightness
pattern at VP phase:

%W = × 100

SYSTOLIC WINDOW is calculated by the

following equation with brightness
pattern in the range of 100ms from the
VP phase.

∑ VL
SYSW = × 100
∑ VU

NOTICE: When the measurement is carried out

on the playback image, %-WINDOW and
calculated. Fig.1.5.15-2 Concept of
Velocity value correction function %-WINDOW

Vasc measurement allows corrective calculation to be applied

to velocity value obtained by tracing the Doppler waveform.
Refer to the Velocity value correction function for Velocity
Correction of 2.3.3 Link Setup (a)Property for D-Trace Tool.

Measuring Procedure
1. Turn the angle control knob to
set the incident angle
measurement bar to the point
in the vessel to be measured.
2. Follow the same procedure as
Incident angle
that of the LVOT measurement measurement
to carry out the measurement. bar

Fig.1.5.15-3 Incident Angle

Measurement Bar

1-64 Q1E-EA1130
Modification of Vd
If the value of Vd is not correct when Doppler wave is traced,
it can manually be re-measured by selecting ‘Vd’ measurement
item in Measurement Result Frame. (Vd; End-Diastole Velocity)

NOTICE: It can be changed calculation for Flow Volume by toggle

switch .
FV by HR : Calculated for using HR value.
SV x HR / 1000 (l/min)
FV by ET : Calculated for using ET value.
SV x (60 / ET) (l/min)

1.5.16 B-Distance Measurement

The distance is measured on B mode.

Table 1.5.16-1 B-Distance Measurement

Code Unit Measurement Method Remarks

D1 mm Distance 1 Distance Method Distance between
two points
D2 mm Distance 2
D3 mm Distance 3
D4 mm Distance 4
D5 mm Distance 5
D6 mm Distance 6
D7 mm Distance 7
D8 mm Distance 8
Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

1-65 Q1E-EA1130
1.5.17 M-Distance Measurement

The distance is measured on M mode.

Table 1.5.17-1 M-Distance Measurement

Code Unit Measurement Method Remarks

D1 mm Distance 1 Distance Method(same The distance
time phase) between two
D2 mm Distance 2 points at the
D3 mm Distance 3 same time phase.

D4 mm Distance 4
D5 mm Distance 5
D6 mm Distance 6
D7 mm Distance 7
D8 mm Distance 8
Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

1-66 Q1E-EA1130
1.6 Measurements for abdominal and urology
1.6.1 Angle Measurement
As an indication for diagnosis of neonatal hip joint dislocations,
measure bony roof angle (α) and cartilage roof angle (β). ‘α’,
‘β’ is displayed as ‘Alpha’, ‘Beta’ in MRF (Measurement Result

Table 1.6.1-1 Quantities Measured in Angle Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comment

Alpha (AB, CD)

(α) Bony roof angle ° α = 180° -COS-1

Cartilage roof angle ° (AB, EF)
(β) β = COS-1

1 Line sequment 1: Basic line (vector AB)

E Line sequment 2: Acetabular roof line (vector CD)

Line sequment 3: Inclination line (vector EF)

β α 2 C [Reference]
F Dr.R.Graf
*1: Classification of hip joint dysplasia by means of
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg (1984) 102: 248-255
*2: The diagnosis of congenital hip-point dislocation
B by the ultrasonic compound treatment
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 97: 117-133

Fig.1.6.1-1 Concept of Angle Measurement

1-67 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Procedure

(1) Display a cross-sectional image of the hip joint in B-mode,

and switch the FREEZE function on.

(2) Start up the measurement as per the procedure described in

paragraph 1.2.

(3) Move the caliper to starting point

"A", and press ENTER key.
This will fix the position of "A".

(4) By rotating the trackball, move the

+ mark to the end point "B" of line
segment 1.
If UNDO key is pressed at this time,
the end point "B" is fixed and the other
end point "A" can be moved to finely
adjust the angle of line segment.
Afer completion of line segment
setting, press ENTER key to fix the
line segment.
Near the beginning point (end point ANGLE

"A"), 1 is displayed.

(5) Set the line segment 2 (end points "C"

and "D") by the same procedures of (3)
1 2
and (4). By the line segments 1 and
2 a bony roof (α) is calculated and
displayed. ANGLE

(6) Set the line segment 3 (end points "E"

and "F") by the same procedures of (3)
and (4). By the line segments 1 and
1 2
3, a cartilage roof angle is calculated
and displayed. The measurement is
Procedure of Angle

1-68 Q1E-EA1130
NOTICE: The Angle Measurement function is designed to be used primarily
for the diagnosis of neonatal hip-joint dislocations.

1) Angles α and β are not related on the directions of vectors

of line segments 1, 2 and 3. Angles α and β are calculated based
on the following rules.

Bony roof angle α: The angle of 90 degrees or less among the angles which a
line segment 1 and a line segment 2 make.

A 1 α A 1 α

Cartilage roof angle β: The angle which adjoins α on both sides of a line
segment 1 among the angles which a line segment 1
and a line segment 3 make. (βis error when a line
segment 3 is put into angle α.)
2 3 2 C
α 1 α
1 A
β B β
3 E F

Fig.1.6.1-3 Examples:directions of vectors

2) It is displayed the line number 1 to 3 near the line of start

(small + mark), but alphabet A to F are not displayed in the

3) It can be changed moving side of vector start/end before fixed

both side of line by using UNDO key.

4) After measured and start angle measurement, it was cleared before

has measured result of value.

1-69 Q1E-EA1130
1.6.2 Gynecology Measurement

Measurements of uterus and ovary are made. Volume of the

interested region can also be calculated from the measurement
results of 3 diameters of Length, A-P length and Width.
Furthermore, blood flow measurement function is provided.

Table 1.6.2-1 Gynecology Measurement Items

Measurement Measurement Measurement Unit Calculation equation Remarks
name item mode
Uterus Uterus L Distance mm
Uterus AP Distance mm
Uterus W Distance mm
Endomet. T Distance mm Endometrium
Cervic L Distance mm Cervix length
L-Ovary L Distance mm
AP Distance mm
W Distance mm
V Calculation ml (SPI/6)*(L*0.1)*(AP*0.1)*(W*0.1)
R-Ovary L Distance mm
AP Distance mm
W Distance mm
V Calculation ml (SPI/6)*(L*0.1)*(AP*0.1)*(W*0.1)
Uterine Vs Velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or manual
Vd Velocity (D-mode) cm/s waveform trace
Vm Velocity (D-mode) cm/s
S/D Calculation -- Vs/Vd
RI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vs
PI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vm
L-Ovary-D Vs Velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or manual
Vd Velocity (D-mode) cm/s waveform trace
Vm Velocity (D-mode) cm/s
S/D Calculation -- Vs/Vd
RI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vs
PI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vm
R-Ovary-D Vs Velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or manual
Vd Velocity (D-mode) cm/s waveform trace
Vm Velocity (D-mode) cm/s
S/D Calculation -- Vs/Vd
RI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vs
PI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vm

Table 1.6.2-2 Gynecology Report Items

Measurement Item Description Writing mode Remarks
Cul-de-sac Fluid Cul-de-sac Fluid Selection Yes/No/NA
Amount Cul-de-sac Amount Selection NA/MILDMODE/SEVERE

Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

1-70 Q1E-EA1130
1.6.3 Follicular Measurement

Measurements of follicle are mainly made. A volume (V) of the

interested region can be calculated from the measurement results
of Length, A-P length and Width. It is also provided with blood
flow measurement function.

Table 1.6.3-1 Follicular Measurement Items

Measurement Measurement Measurement Unit Calculation equation Remarks
name item mode
L-Ovary L Distance mm
AP Distance mm
W Distance mm
V Calculation ml (SPI/6)*(L*0.1)*(AP*0.1)*(W*0.1)
R-Ovary L Distance mm
AP Distance mm
W Distance mm
V Calculation ml (SPI/6)*(L*0.1)*(AP*0.1)*(W*0.1)
L-Follicul. L Distance mm
(1 ~ 5) AP Distance mm
W Distance mm
V Calculation ml (SPI/6)*(L*0.1)*(AP*0.1)*(W*0.1)
R-Follicul. L Distance mm
(1 ~ 5) AP Distance mm
W Distance mm
V Calculation ml (SPI/6)*(L*0.1)*(AP*0.1)*(W*0.1)
Uterus Vs Distance mm
Vd Distance mm
Vm Distance mm
S/D Distance mm
RI Distance mm
PI Distance mm
Uterine AP Distance mm Auto or manual
W Distance mm waveform trace
V Calculation ml (SPI/6)*(L*0.1)*(AP*0.1)*(W*0.1)
S/D Calculation -- Vs/Vd
RI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vs
PI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vm
L-Ovary-D Vs Velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or manual
Vd Velocity (D-mode) cm/s waveform trace
Vm Velocity (D-mode) cm/s
S/D Calculation -- Vs/Vd
RI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vs
PI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vm
R-Ovary-D Vs Velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or manual
Vd Velocity (D-mode) cm/s waveform trace
Vm Velocity (D-mode) cm/s
S/D Calculation -- Vs/Vd
RI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vs
PI Calculation -- (Vs-Vd)/Vm

Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

1-71 Q1E-EA1130
1.6.4 Urology Measurement
This is the measurement function to estimate amount of
hypertrophy, antigen density, etc. from measurement of volume
of bladder, prostate, etc.
Table 1.6.4-1 Measurement Items for Urology
Application Abbreviation Unit Measuring method and Calculation equation
Predicted bladder BD1 mm Volume predicted by measurement of 3 diameters
volume BD2 mm (biplane method) from orthogonally crossing two
BD3 mm images.
Bladder vol. mL BD1


Urinary bladder

BLVOL = BD1 × BD2 × BD3 × 0.000523

Predicted whole grand D1 mm Volume predicted by measurement of 3 diameters
prostate D2 mm (biplane method) from median sagittal image and
D3 mm median transverse image of prostate
WG Vol. mL IS


SV D2(Anterior-posterior)
Median sagittal image(sagittal view)

D3(Transverse ED
Median transverse image (transverse view)

WGVOL = D1×D2×D3×0.000523
IS Interureteric Space
U Urethra
VM Verumontanum
ED Ejaculatory Duct
SV Seminal Vesicle
FS Fibromuscular Stroma
TZ Prostate (Transitional Zone)
CZ Prostate (Central Zone)
PZ Prostate (Peripheral Zone)

1-72 Q1E-EA1130
Application Abbreviation Unit Measuring method and Calculation equation
Predicted Transitional DA mm Volume predicted by measurement of 3 diameters
Zone Prostate Volume DB mm (biplane method) from median sagittal image and
DC mm median transverse image of transitional zone of
TZ Vol. mL prostate



DB (Top-bottom diameter)

Median sagittal view (sagittal view)


Median transverse view (transverse view)

TZVOL = DA×DB×DC×0.000523
Predicted PSA level by D1 mm Predicted PSA level obtained from prostate whole
whole grand volume D2 mm volume
PSA: Prostate D3 mm
Specific Antigen Pred. PSA ng PREDPSA = D1×D2×D3×0.000523×0.12
Ng: nomogram Prostate whole Gradient coefficient by
gland volume clinical experiences

NOTICE: Gradient coefficient 0.12 by clinical

experiences is taken from the references
on the next page.
Predicted PSA level by DA mm Predicted PSA level obtained from prostate gland
transitional zone DB mm transition zone volume
volume DC mm
TZ PSA ng TZPSA = DA×DB×DC×0.000084
Gradient coefficient by
transitional zone prostate volume
and clinical experiences

Predicted prostate SPSA ng/ml Predicted antigen density for prostate volume by
specific antigen density D1 mm input of prostate specific antigen value
D2 mm (SPSA: Serium PSA)
D3 mm PSADENS = SPSA/(D1×D2×D3×0.000523)
PSA Dens. - Prostate whole
gland volume

Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

1-73 Q1E-EA1130
References for urology measurements

1. Griffiths, et al., Measuring Bladder Volume and Residual Urine; The

Journal of UROLOGY, Vol. 136, 808-812, 1986

2. Fred Lee, M.D., et al., Predicted Prostate Specific Antigen Results

Using Transrectal Ultrasound Gland Volume; CANCER Supplement, Vol.
70, No. 1, July 1992.

3. Peter J, Littrup, M.D., et al., Determination of Prostate Volume

with Transrectal US for Cancer Screening; Radiology, Vol. 179, 49-53,

4. Mitchell C. Benson, et al., Prostate Specific Antigen Density: A

means of Distinguishing Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and Prostate
Cancer; The Journal of UROLOGY, Vol. 147, 815-816, March 1992.

5. Mitchell C. Benson, et al., The Use of Prostate Specific Antigen

Density to Enhance the Predictive Value of Intermediate Levels of
Serum Prostate Specific Antigen; The Journal of UROLOGY, Vol. 147,
817-821, March 1992.

1.6.5 SVolume Measurement

In the SVolume measurement the circumference length (C) and

sectional spare (A) are measured with a probe by shifting
it by every 5mm and tracing the contour of prostate in order
to calculate the volume at every measuring point.

Table 1.6.5-1 SVOLUME Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

Step Slice width of prostate. mm

Volume Volume of prostate. mL

Area N N:Serial numbers of prostate slices. Max N = 15.

C Circumference length of sectional spare. mm
A Sectional spare sliced. cm2

1-74 Q1E-EA1130
The SVolume method calculates an approximate volume (V) of
the region under examination by measuring the microvolume
sliced evenly. The microvolume is calculated using the
sectional area of the space sliced and slice width. The
sectional area is calculated using the same measuring
procedure that is described for the area measurement (trace
method) in paragraph 1.3.2

N : Slice number (Max:15) (Max)

N = 1, 2, 3, 4,······, 15

AREA (Slice section of N=4)

Target of

Slice section (N=4)

5 mm

Fig.1.6.5-1 Measuring Volume using SVolume method


Volume = Σ (0.5 × ( (AREA k+1 + AREA k) / 2) )


1) Measure the area of any slice section by using trackball

and ENTER key.

2) Changed the slice section by toggle switch .


3) Repeat 1) and 2) and measure the volume. Number of slice

section is Max. 15.

NOTICE: Add volume in every measurement for the slice section, if

skipped slice section, it become the same value before

1-75 Q1E-EA1130
1.6.6 Vascularity Measurement

The average among two or more cine frames is calculated about

the area with in a user-specified and each Area in which Doppler
power was detected on a CFA mode. This measurement is available
only on CFA mode. It is unavailable on CFI mode. This measurement
calculates the maximum value of Doppler power as 100 and calculates
the minimum value of Doppler power as 0.

PC: The number with which dopplar

1 n power of specified region of
Vascluarity = ∑ PCi / PRi × 100(%)
n i =1
interest was detected
PR: Total number of data of
specified region of interest
PV: Average of dopplar power of
specified region of interest
1 n
VascluarityIndex = ∑ PVi / PRi
n i =1
(0~100) (0~100)
PR: Total number of data of
specified region of interest
Table 1.6.6-1 Vascularity measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Method Comments

Vascularity1 Vascularity1 of the region 1. % Trace Method Presetting
or is possible.
ellipse method
VascIndex1 VascularityIndex1 of the -
NumROl1 Number of a region 1. -
(one frame)
MeanNum1 The Average between frame -
of The number with which
dopplar power of region 1.
MeanPow1 The Average between frames -
of power of region 1.
Vascularity2 Vascularity2 of the region2. %
VascIndex2 VascularityIndex2 of the -
NumROl2 Number of a region 2. -

1-76 Q1E-EA1130
Symbol Meaning Unit Method Comments
MeanNum2 The Average between frames -
of The number with which
dopplar power of region 2.
MeanPow2 The Average between frames -
of power of region 1.
NumFrm The analyzed number of

Measuring Method
(Please refer to the Ultrasound System manual "Chapter 9.3.5 Image
replay" for cine memory operation.)

1. The measurement is started form the

menu etc.
(Please refer to "1.2 Starting up

2. Display the measurement end frame and

push the [F4] "End Frame".
When not performing this operation,
the last frame serves as candidate for
3. Display the measurement start frame.
4. Using the trackball and ENTER keys,
designate the area of a region of
A maximum of two regions can be
In addition, when you wish to designate
the same shape of area as measured shape
of area in step2, move the caliper mark
to the beginning point of measurement
at the state of the mark not being fixed
and select "Copy Area" of toggle

5. Push the [F4] "Start" and analysis is

When analysis is completed, the
analysis result is displayed.

1-77 Q1E-EA1130
The selected image is analyzed when the screen is twin screen
Please start analyzing after selecting the image with the
measurement area beforehand.


For the Measuring conducted by Vascularity, it is possible

to select one time or two times by the measurement setup
menu. For further details refer to 2.3.3(i) Property for
Vascularity Tool.

1-78 Q1E-EA1130
1.7 Obstetric Measurements (OB-STD, OB-Todai, OB-OsakaU, OB-JSUM)
1.7.1 Outline of function

The obstetric measurement includes the following functions.

(1) Various measurement functions
(a) Measurement of fetal body dimensions such as BPD and FL
-- Distance, circumference (trace and oval) and area (trace
and oval)
(b) Measurement of fetal heartbeat
(c) Measurement of blood flow
(d) Measurement and calculation of AFI (amniotic fluid index)
(2) Various calculation functions
(a) Calculation of fetal weight from measured body dimensions
(b) Calculation of ratio values such as BPD/FL from measured body
(3) Gestational age estimation function
Gestational age can be estimated from various measurement values,
calculated values and estimation table.
(4) Fetal growth diagnostic function
Fetal growth condition can be evaluated from various measurement
values, calculated values and evaluation table. The evaluation
value can be quantitatively displayed with percentile or standard
(5) Reporting function
Various measurement values and calculated values can be displayed
in a table report.
Alternative description of examination findings and comments
can also be entered.
(6) Graph display function
Gestational age estimation table, growth evaluation table and
calculation results can be displayed in graph.
(7) Twin measurement function
Measurement of twin can be simultaneously performed.

Please do not execute Obstetric Measurements.
Examination date is not recorded on the VCR image. Then the
gestational age and rank is not calculated correctly.

1-79 Q1E-EA1130
1.7.2 Outline of operation

Typical operation procedures in obstetric measurement are shown

(1) Operation procedures of gestational age diagnosis
(a) Input patient data such as ID.
ID input (b) Start the Obstetric Measurement
The Obstetric Measurement menu is
Starting obstetric displayed at the left side of the
measurement program screen.
(c) Displaying an acquired image,
select the measurements such as
Display of ultrasound image
BPD from the Obstetric Measure-
and measurement
-ment menu and make measurements.
(d) The gestational age and expected
Estimation of gestational age date of confinement are
and date of confinement automatically calculated from the
data of various measurements and
displayed. From these data,
Report display of obstetric perform comparative evaluation
measurement results and estimate gestational age.
(e) The measurement results can be
displayed as obstetric
measurement report.

1-80 Q1E-EA1130
(2) Operation procedures of fetal growth diagnosis
(a) Input patient data such as ID.
ID input and DGA input
Together with the patient data,
input the expected date of
confinement of fetus by using the
DGA Input function, thereby
gestational age DGA at examination
date is calculated.
In addition to expected date of
confinement, DGA can also be
calculated from the gestational
age by the past examination.
(b) Start the Obstetric Measurement
Starting obstetric
measurement program
The Obstetric Measurement menu is
displayed at the left side of the
In the case DGA was not input at
the time of ID entry, DGA can also
be input after starting the
Obstetric Measurement program.
Display of ultrasound image
and measurement (c) Displaying an acquired image,
select the measurements such as BPD
from the Obstetric Measurement
menu and make measurements.
(d) SD (standard deviation) and % value
Estimation of gestational weeks by DGA for each measurement are
and date of confinement
automatically calculated and
displayed in the measurement
result display area, thereby
growth evaluation can be
periodically performed.
The results can also be displayed
in graph for visual check.

Report display of obstetric (e) The measurement results can be

measurement results displayed as obstetric
measurement report.

1-81 Q1E-EA1130
1.7.3 Preset measurement items and report display items

Four measurement groups have been registered in the Obstetric

Measurement function and any of them can be used for the intended
OB-STD (general)
Various measurement items are provided and the
AIUM-compliant report description items are also included.
Weight can also be displayed in lbs. It is necessary to
register evaluation tables, fetal weight estimation
equation, etc. prior to starting the program.
OB-Todai(Tokyo University method-compliant)
Measurement variables and evaluation tables based on the
report "Creation of standard values in ultrasound
measurement" by Norio Shinotsuka, et al, Jpn J Med
Ultrasonics; Vol 23; No. 12; 877-888; 1996 have been
registered, which can be used without modification.
OB-OsakaU (Osaka University method-compliant)
Measurement variables and evaluation tables based on the
report "Diagnosis of fetal growth" by Mineo Aoki, et al,
Obstetrics and Gynecology Therapy; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
have been registered, which can be used without modification.
Measurement variables and evaluation tables based on the
report J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30, No.3 2003;415-440 have been
registered, which can be used without modification.
For details of settings in each group, refer to Table 1.7.3-1
~ Table 1.7.3-8.

OB-STD measurement can be used only in the factory shipment.

In case of need OB-Todai or OB-Osaka U or OB-JSUM, by using
[Additional Settings] of measurement export/import function,
replace from OB-STD to OB-Todai or OB-Osaka U or OB-JSUM.
Refer to 2.7 Measurement Export/Import function.
Any of the settings in each measurement group can be changed
as required, and addition and deletion of measurement item,
modification of calculation equation, edition of evaluation
table are also possible. Furthermore a new measurement
group can be created. For operation procedures for
modification and group creation, refer to Chapter 2
Measurement Setup .

1-82 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.3-1 Measurement Items List (OB-STD) (1/2)
Measurement Measurement Measurement Calculation
Unit Remarks
name item mode equation
Fetal Para. GS Distance (B-mode) mm -
CRL Distance (B-mode) mm -
LV Distance (B-mode) mm -
BPD Distance (B-mode) mm -
OFD Distance (B-mode) mm -
HC Circumference mm - Ellipse
LVW Distance (B-mode) mm -
HW Distance (B-mode) mm -
TCD Distance (B-mode) mm -
BD Distance (B-mode) mm -
IOD Distance (B-mode) mm -
OD Distance (B-mode) mm -
APTD Distance (B-mode) mm -
TTD Distance (B-mode) mm -
AC Circumference mm - Ellipse
FTA Area (B-mode) cm2 - Ellipse
HL Distance (B-mode) mm -
ULNA Distance (B-mode) mm -
RAD Distance (B-mode) mm -
FL Distance (B-mode) mm -
TIB Distance (B-mode) mm -
FIB Distance (B-mode) mm -
EFBW1 Calculation g No registration at factory
EFBW1_lbs Calculation lbs No registration at factory lbs unit
EFBW2_lbs Calculation g No registration at factory
EFBWT Calculation lbs No registration at factory lbs unit

Calculation g No registration at factory for twin

CI Calculation - BPD/OFD*100
HC/AC Calculation - HC/AC
FL/AC Calculation - FL/AC
FL/BPD Calculation - FL/BPD
LVW/HW Calculation - LVW/HW
APTD×TTD Calculation cm2 APTD * TTD * 0.01

1-83 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.3-1 Measurement Items List (OB-STD) (2/2)
Measurement Measurement Measurement Calculation
Unit Remarks
name item mode equation
AFI Q1 Distance (B-mode) mm -
Q2 Distance (B-mode) mm -
Q3 Distance (B-mode) mm -
Q4 Distance (B-mode) mm -
AFI Calculation mm Q1+Q2+Q3+Q4
Umbil.A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
R-Uterine Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
L-Uterine Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Desc A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
MCA Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Card.Activ. T Time (D-mode) ms -
RR Time (D-mode) ms - T/BEAT
HR Calculation bpm - 60×1000/HR

1-84 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.3-2 Measurement Items List (OB-Todai)
Measurement Measurement Measurement Calculation
Unit Remarks
name item mode equation
Fetal Para. BPD Distance mm -
FL Distance mm -
AC Circumference mm - Ellipse
APTD Distance mm -
TTD Distance mm
APTD×TTD Calculation cm
EFBW Calculation g (1.07*BPD^3+
Umbil.A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Uterine Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Desc A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
MCA Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Card.Activ. T Time (D-mode) ms -
RR Time (D-mode) ms - T/BEAT
HR Calculation bpm - 60×1000/HR

1-85 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.3-3 Measurement Items List (OB-JSUM)
Measurement Measurement Measurement Calculation
Unit Remarks
name item mode equation
Fetal Para. CRL Distance mm -
BPD Distance mm -
FL Distance mm -
AC Circumference mm - Ellipse
EFBW Calculation g (1.07*BPD^3+
Umbil.A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
UmA_RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
UmA_PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Uterine Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
Utr_RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
Utr_PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Desc A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
Desc_RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
Desc_PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
MCA Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
MCA_RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
MCA_PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Card.Activ. T Time (D-mode) ms -
RR Time (D-mode) ms - T/BEAT
HR Calculation bpm - 60×1000/HR

1-86 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.3-4 Measurement Items List (OB-OsakaU)
Measurement Measurement Measurement Calculation
Unit Remarks
name item mode equation
Fetal Para. CRL Distance mm -
BPD Distance mm -
FL Distance mm -
HL Distance mm -
FTA B-Area cm Ellipse
EFBW Calculation g 6.3+1.25647*
Umbil.A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Uterine Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Desc A. Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
MCA Vs Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vd Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s
Vm Flow velocity (D-mode) cm/s Auto or
S/D Calculation - Vs/Vd waveform
RI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)/Vs trace
PI Calculation - (Vs-Vd)Vm
Card.Activ. T Time (D-mode) S -
RR Time (D-mode) 1ms - T/BEAT
HR Calculation bpm - 60×1000/HR

1-87 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.3-5 Measurement Items List for Report (OB-STD)
Measurement Entry
Item Content Remarks
name method
Card. Activ. Fetal Rhythm Fetal heartbeat Selection NA : Non-answer
rhythm REG : Normal
IRR : Arrythmia
None : None
Biophysical Score Biophysical score Score selection Based on Manning method
Gest.Status Plac Loc[H] Placenta position Selection NA : Non-answer
(Horiz. direction) Ant : Anterior
Post : Posterior
Right : Right
Left : Left
Plac Loc[V] Placenta position Selection NA : Non-answer
(Vert. direction) Fund : Fundus
Mid : Middle
Low : Lower
Previa: Placenta previa
(uterus opening)
Plac Grade Placenta glading Selection NA : Non-answer
Evaluation of morphological
change in placenta in 4
levels from grade 0 to 3
Amniotic Fl.V. Amniotic fluid Selection NA : Non-answer
volume NML : Normal
Poly : Polyhydramnios
Olig : Oligoamnios
Fetal Number Number of fetus Selection NA : Non-answer
Fetus/Number of fetus in
uterus (0: Stillbirth)
Fetal Pos Direction of fetus Selection NA : Non-answer
Ceph : Cephalad
Brc : Breech
TRV : Transverse
Obl : Oblique
VAR : Varying(Normal)
Fetal Ana. Head Fetal head Selection Yes/No/NA
Ventricles Vertebra Selection Yes/No/NA
Cerebellum Cerebellum Selection Yes/No/NA
Nuchal Fold NUCHAL FOLD Selection Yes/No/NA
Face Face Selection Yes/No/NA
Nostrils Nasal foramen Selection Yes/No/NA
Lips Lip Selection Yes/No/NA
Spine Spinal column Selection Yes/No/NA

1-88 Q1E-EA1130
Measurement Entry
Item Content Remarks
name method
4 Cham Heart 4 Cardiac chambers Selection Yes/No/NA
Chest Chest Selection Yes/No/NA
Stomach Stomach Selection Yes/No/NA
Cord Insertion Umbilical cord Selection Yes/No/NA
3 Vessel Cord 3 umbilical vessel Selection Yes/No/NA
Bowel Intestinal tract Selection Yes/No/NA
Kidneys Kidney Selection Yes/No/NA
Bladder Fetal bladder Selection Yes/No/NA
Maternal Cervix Uterine cervix Selection Yes/No/NA
Fundus Uterine fundus Selection Yes/No/NA
Adnexal Ovary & others Selection Yes/No/NA

Table 1.7.3-6 Measurement Items List for Report (OB-Todai)

Measurement Entry
Item Content Remarks
name method
Card. Activ. Fetal Rhythm Fetal heartbeat Selection NA : Non-answer
rhythm REG : Normal
IRR : Arrythmia
None : None

Table 1.7.3-7 Measurement Items List for Report (OB-OsakaU)

Measurement Entry
Item Content Remarks
name method
Card. Activ. Fetal Rhythm Fetal heartbeat Selection NA : Non-answer
rhythm REG : Normal
IRR : Arrythmia
None : None

Table 1.7.3-8 Measurement Items List for Report (OB-JSUM)

Measurement Entry
Item Content Remarks
name method
Card. Activ. Fetal Rhythm Fetal heartbeat Selection NA : Non-answer
rhythm REG : Normal
IRR : Arrythmia
None : None

1.7.4 Operation

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

For Report and Graph Display functions, refer to 1.11 Measurement
Report Function.

1-89 Q1E-EA1130
1.7.5 Input to DGA

By manually inputting the known data such as expected date of

confinement (EDC) on DGA Input dialog, diagnosed gestational age
(DGA) of the fetus at examination date is calculated.
(1) Pressing F2 key displays the following DGA Input dialog.

Fig.1.7.5-1 DGA Input Dialog

(2) Select an item in Defined by area.
LMP : Last menstrual period
1st day of preg. : The first day of pregnancy
EDC : Expected date of confinement
First DGA : Gestational age diagnosed by physician at the
first or previous examination date
Today’s DGA : Today’s DGA
(3) Input Date and Week.
The input order for Date matches Date format setting.
For setting, please refer to (2-1)(b)Date Format in "7.9 Setup
Menu" in the instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic
Table 1.7.5-1 Input Data and Week
LMP 1st day of preg EDC FIRST DGA
Date of 1st day of Date of the 1st or
Date Date of LMP Date of EDC —
pregnancy past examination
Gestational age Today's
Week — — —
at that date DGA
Method to Date of Date of Date of examination Date of
calculate examination – examination - + Gestational period examination Week
DGA Date Date + 14days – Date – Date + Week
*1)Gestational age can be changed by property for OB measurement.
Refer to 2.4.1 OB .

1-90 Q1E-EA1130
(4) Finally press OK button to define the input. To cancel the input,
press Cancel button.

NOTICE: DGA can be inputted on the ID input dialog. Please refer

to "4.5 ID Input" in the Ultrasound diagnostic scanner
instruction manual.

1.7.6 Twins Measurement

Twins can be differentiated as "Twin A" and "Twin B", and separate
measurements can be performed for each. Use the function key to
switch between "Single", "Twin A", and "Twin B".

(1) Switching from Single to Twins

When the display for F4 on the function key menu is "Single",
press F4 to switch from Single to Twin A.

4 Single 4 Twin A

(2) Switching from Twin A to Twin B

When the display for F4 on the function key menu is either "Twin
A" or "Twin B", press F4 to switch between "Twin A" and "Twin

4 Twin A 4 Twin B

(3) Switching from Twins to Single

When the display for F4 on the function key menu is either "Twin
A" or "Twin B", press the F4 key "To Single" on page 2 of the
function menu to switch from Twins to Single.

second page F4 of second page ; blank

4 To Single 4

F4 of first page ; "single"

4 Single

The results of Twin A are kept as single and the results of Twin
B are removed.

1-91 Q1E-EA1130
(4) Window Display
You can check the displays for the function key and the measurement
results frame to find what the current measurement target is.
The displays that appearing during measurement are as shown in
Table 1.7.6-1.

Table 1.7.6-1 Window Displays that Appearing

During Twin Measurement
Function key
Target Result frame
(F4 of the first page)

4 Single Fetal Para.

BPD(B): mm
FL(F): mm
AC(A): mm

4 Twin A Fetal Para.(A)

BPD(B): mm
Twin A FL(F): mm
AC(A): mm

4 Twin B Fetal Para.(B)

BPD(B): mm
Twin B FL(F): mm
AC(A): mm

1 The selected target is kept when the other measurement
is invoked.
2 When switching from Twin to Single, Twin-B is deleted.

1-92 Q1E-EA1130
1.7.7 Major abbreviations
Table 1.7.7-1 Major abbreviations
Abbreviation Full spelling
LMP Last Menstrual Period
DGA Diagnosed Gestational Age
EDC Expected Date of Confinement
GS Gestational Sac
CRL Crown Rump Length
LV Length of Vertebrae
BPD Biparietal Diameter
OFD Occipital Frontal Diameter
HC Head Circumference
LVW Lateral Ventricular Width
HW Hemispheric Width
TCD Transverse Cerebellar Diameter
BD Binocular Distance
IOD Inter Orbital Distance
OD Ocular Diameter
APTD Antero Posterior Diameter of fetal Trunk
TTD Transverse Diameter of fetal Trunk
AC Abdominal Circumference
FTA Fetal Trunk cross-sectional Area
HL Humerus Length
FL Femur Length
ULNA ULNA length
RAD RADius length
TIB TIBia length
FIB FIBula length
CI Cephalic Index (BPD/OFD)
EFBW Estimated Fetal Body Weight
AFI Amniotic Fluid Index
SD Standard Deviation
UMBIL A Umbilical Artery
UTERINE Uterine Artery
DESC.A Descending Artery
MCA Middle Cerebral Artery
S/D Systole/Diastole flow ratio
PI Pulsatility Index
RI Resistance Index

1-93 Q1E-EA1130
1.7.8 Setting obstetric measurement display items

Obstetric measurement display items can be set on the property

setting screen for obstetric measurement as shown in 2.2.2
Measurement Type . Each item shown below has a different recommended
value for each of "OB-Todai", "OB-OsakaU","OB-JSUM" and "OB-STD".
Set each item according to the obstetric measurement method to
be used.

Table 1.7.8-1 Obstetric measurement display items

OB Measurement setting value (recommended)
Setting item
GA and EDC without AC ON OFF ON ON
EDC based on each item ON ON ON ON
Ranking based on GA by U/S OFF OFF OFF ON

1.7.9 Stored table data and fetal weight calculation equation

The equipment stores estimated gestational age table data, fetal

growth evaluation table data, ratio range table data, AFI table
data, fetal weight table data and fetal weight calculation equation.
Before using any of these data, refer to the reference documents.

Data of the tables are created based on the reference
documents. Some tables were adjusted as below.
- Tinning out (When the number of items are over than 60)
- Adjusting the error margin (When the absolute value of
the error margin to a standard value is different during
maximum and minimum.)
Therefore the calculated values for week and rank have some
difference from the reference documents possibly.

1-94 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (1/8) for USA
1. BPD 2. BPD 3. BPD 4. HC
HAD84 ; Age table HAD84 ; Growth table SABB78 ; Age table HAD84 ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distanceCalculation type ; distance Calculation type ; circ.
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/- 2SD Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table
Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation ; +/- 2SD
(+/- 1.64SD)
1: 16.0 12w2d 8d 1: 12w0d 14.0 17.0 20.0 1: 28.0 14w0d 7d 1: 60.0 12w2d 8d
2: 18.0 12w5d 8d 2: 13w0d 18.0 21.0 24.0 2: 32.0 15w0d 7d 2: 65.0 12w4d 8d
3: 20.0 13w1d 8d 3: 14w0d 22.0 25.0 28.0 3: 36.0 16w0d 7d 3: 70.0 12w5d 8d
4: 22.0 13w4d 8d 4: 15w0d 26.0 29.0 32.0 4: 39.0 17w0d 10d 4: 75.0 13w0d 8d
5: 24.0 14w0d 8d 5: 16w0d 29.0 32.0 35.0 5: 42.0 18w0d 10d 5: 80.0 13w2d 8d
6: 26.0 14w3d 8d 6: 17w0d 33.0 36.0 39.0 6: 45.0 19w0d 10d 6: 85.0 13w4d 8d
7: 28.0 15w0d 8d 7: 18w0d 36.0 39.0 42.0 7: 48.0 20w0d 10d 7: 90.0 14w0d 8d
8: 30.0 15w3d 8d 8: 19w0d 40.0 43.0 46.0 8: 51.0 21w0d 10d 8: 95.0 14w2d 8d
9: 32.0 16w0d 8d 9: 20w0d 43.0 46.0 49.0 9: 54.0 22w0d 10d 9: 100.0 14w4d 8d
10: 34.0 16w3d 8d 10: 21w0d 47.0 50.0 53.0 10: 58.0 23w0d 10d 10: 105.0 15w0d 8d
11: 36.0 17w0d 8d 11: 22w0d 50.0 53.0 56.0 11: 61.0 24w0d 10d 11: 110.0 15w2d 8d
12: 38.0 17w4d 8d 12: 23w0d 53.0 56.0 59.0 12: 64.0 25w0d 10d 12: 115.0 15w4d 8d
13: 40.0 18w0d 11d 13: 24w0d 56.0 59.0 62.0 13: 67.0 26w0d 10d 13: 120.0 16w0d 8d
14: 42.0 18w4d 11d 14: 25w0d 59.0 62.0 65.0 14: 70.0 27w0d 14d 14: 125.0 16w2d 8d
15: 44.0 19w2d 11d 15: 26w0d 62.0 65.0 68.0 15: 72.0 28w0d 14d 15: 130.0 16w4d 8d
16: 46.0 19w6d 11d 16: 27w0d 65.0 68.0 71.0 16: 75.0 29w0d 21d 16: 135.0 17w0d 8d
17: 48.0 20w3d 11d 17: 28w0d 68.0 71.0 74.0 17: 78.0 30w0d 21d 17: 140.0 17w2d 8d
18: 50.0 21w0d 11d 18: 29w0d 70.0 73.0 76.0 18: 80.0 31w0d 21d 18: 145.0 17w4d 8d
19: 52.0 21w5d 11d 19: 30w0d 73.0 76.0 79.0 19: 82.0 32w0d 21d 19: 150.0 18w0d 10d
20: 54.0 22w2d 11d 20: 31w0d 75.0 78.0 81.0 20: 85.0 33w0d 21d 20: 155.0 18w2d 10d
21: 56.0 23w0d 11d 21: 32w0d 78.0 81.0 84.0 21: 87.0 34w0d 21d 21: 160.0 18w5d 10d
22: 58.0 23w5d 11d 22: 33w0d 80.0 83.0 86.0 22: 88.0 35w0d 21d 22: 165.0 19w1d 10d
23: 60.0 24w3d 15d 23: 34w0d 82.0 85.0 88.0 23: 90.0 36w0d 21d 23: 170.0 19w4d 10d
24: 62.0 25w1d 15d 24: 35w0d 84.0 87.0 90.0 24: 92.0 37w0d 21d 24: 175.0 20w0d 10d
25: 64.0 25w6d 15d 25: 36w0d 86.0 89.0 92.0 25: 93.0 38w0d 21d 25: 180.0 20w2d 10d
26: 66.0 26w4d 15d 26: 37w0d 87.0 90.0 93.0 26: 94.0 39w0d 21d 26: 185.0 20w5d 10d
27: 68.0 27w2d 15d 27: 38w0d 89.0 92.0 95.0 27: 95.0 40w0d 21d 27: 190.0 21w2d 10d
28: 70.0 28w0d 15d 28: 39w0d 90.0 93.0 96.0 28: 0.0 0w0d 0d 28: 195.0 21w4d 10d
29: 72.0 28w6d 15d 29: 40w0d 91.0 94.0 97.0 29: 0.0 0w0d 0d 29: 200.0 22w1d 10d
30: 74.0 29w4d 15d 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0.0 0w0d 0d 30: 205.0 22w4d 10d
31: 76.0 30w3d 21d 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0.0 0w0d 0d 31: 210.0 23w0d 10d
32: 78.0 31w2d 21d 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0.0 0w0d 0d 32: 215.0 23w4d 10d
33: 80.0 32w0d 21d 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0.0 0w0d 0d 33: 220.0 24w0d 14d
34: 82.0 33w0d 21d 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0.0 0w0d 0d 34: 225.0 24w3d 14d
35: 84.0 33w5d 21d 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0.0 0w0d 0d 35: 230.0 25w0d 14d
36: 86.0 34w4d 21d 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0.0 0w0d 0d 36: 235.0 25w3d 14d
37: 88.0 35w4d 21d 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 240.0 26w0d 14d
38: 90.0 36w3d 22d 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 245.0 26w4d 14d
39: 92.0 37w2d 22d 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 250.0 27w0d 14d
40: 94.0 38w2d 22d 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 255.0 27w4d 14d
41: 96.0 39w1d 22d 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 260.0 28w2d 14d
42: 98.0 40w1d 22d 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 265.0 28w6d 14d
43: 100.0 41w0d 22d 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 270.0 29w2d 14d
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 275.0 30w0d 21d
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 280.0 30w4d 21d
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 285.0 31w2d 21d
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 290.0 31w6d 21d
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 295.0 32w4d 21d
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 300.0 33w2d 21d
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 305.0 33w6d 21d
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 310.0 34w4d 21d
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 315.0 35w2d 21d
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 320.0 36w0d 18d
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 325.0 36w5d 18d
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 330.0 37w4d 18d
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 335.0 38w2d 18d
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 340.0 39w0d 18d
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 345.0 39w6d 18d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 350.0 40w4d 18d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 355.0 41w4d 18d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 1 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 2 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 3 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 4

1-95 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (2/8) for USA
5. HC 6. AC 7. AC 8. FL
HAD84 ; Growth table HAD84 ; Age table HAD84 ; Growth table HAD84 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation ; +/- 2SD Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table
1: 12w0d 58.0 68.0 78.0 1: 60.0 12w5d 11d 1: 12w0d 32.6 46.0 59.4 1: 12w0d 4.0 7.0 10.0
2: 13w0d 72.0 82.0 92.0 2: 70.0 13w4d 11d 2: 13w0d 46.6 60.0 73.4 2: 13w0d 8.0 11.0 14.0
3: 14w0d 87.0 97.0 107.0 3: 80.0 14w2d 11d 3: 14w0d 59.6 73.0 86.4 3: 14w0d 11.0 14.0 17.0
4: 15w0d 100.0 110.0 120.0 4: 90.0 15w1d 11d 4: 15w0d 72.6 86.0 99.4 4: 15w0d 14.0 17.0 20.0
5: 16w0d 114.0 124.0 134.0 5: 100.0 16w0d 11d 5: 16w0d 85.6 99.0 112.4 5: 16w0d 17.0 20.0 23.0
6: 17w0d 128.0 138.0 148.0 6: 110.0 16w6d 11d 6: 17w0d 98.6 112.0 125.4 6: 17w0d 21.0 24.0 27.0
7: 18w0d 141.0 151.0 161.0 7: 120.0 17w4d 11d 7: 18w0d 111.6 125.0 138.4 7: 18w0d 24.0 27.0 30.0
8: 19w0d 154.0 164.0 174.0 8: 130.0 18w3d 14d 8: 19w0d 123.6 137.0 150.4 8: 19w0d 27.0 30.0 33.0
9: 20w0d 167.0 177.0 187.0 9: 140.0 19w2d 14d 9: 20w0d 136.6 150.0 163.4 9: 20w0d 30.0 33.0 36.0
10: 21w0d 179.0 189.0 199.0 10: 150.0 20w1d 14d 10: 21w0d 148.6 162.0 175.4 10: 21w0d 32.0 35.0 38.0
11: 22w0d 191.0 201.0 211.0 11: 160.0 21w0d 14d 11: 22w0d 160.6 174.0 187.4 11: 22w0d 35.0 38.0 41.0
12: 23w0d 203.0 213.0 223.0 12: 170.0 22w0d 14d 12: 23w0d 171.6 185.0 198.4 12: 23w0d 38.0 41.0 44.0
13: 24w0d 214.0 224.0 234.0 13: 180.0 22w6d 14d 13: 24w0d 183.6 197.0 210.4 13: 24w0d 41.0 44.0 47.0
14: 25w0d 225.0 235.0 245.0 14: 190.0 23w4d 14d 14: 25w0d 194.6 208.0 221.4 14: 25w0d 43.0 46.0 49.0
15: 26w0d 236.0 246.0 256.0 15: 200.0 24w4d 15d 15: 26w0d 205.6 219.0 232.4 15: 26w0d 46.0 49.0 52.0
16: 27w0d 246.0 256.0 266.0 16: 210.0 25w3d 15d 16: 27w0d 216.6 230.0 243.4 16: 27w0d 48.0 51.0 54.0
17: 28w0d 256.0 266.0 276.0 17: 220.0 26w2d 15d 17: 28w0d 226.6 240.0 253.4 17: 28w0d 51.0 54.0 57.0
18: 29w0d 265.0 275.0 285.0 18: 230.0 27w2d 15d 18: 29w0d 237.6 251.0 264.4 18: 29w0d 53.0 56.0 59.0
19: 30w0d 274.0 284.0 294.0 19: 240.0 28w2d 15d 19: 30w0d 247.6 261.0 274.4 19: 30w0d 55.0 58.0 61.0
20: 31w0d 283.0 293.0 303.0 20: 250.0 29w1d 15d 20: 31w0d 257.6 271.0 284.4 20: 31w0d 57.0 60.0 63.0
21: 32w0d 291.0 301.0 311.0 21: 260.0 30w1d 21d 21: 32w0d 267.6 281.0 294.4 21: 32w0d 59.0 62.0 65.0
22: 33w0d 298.0 308.0 318.0 22: 270.0 31w0d 21d 22: 33w0d 277.6 291.0 304.4 22: 33w0d 61.0 64.0 67.0
23: 34w0d 305.0 315.0 325.0 23: 280.0 32w0d 21d 23: 34w0d 286.6 300.0 313.4 23: 34w0d 63.0 66.0 69.0
24: 35w0d 312.0 322.0 332.0 24: 290.0 33w0d 21d 24: 35w0d 295.6 309.0 322.4 24: 35w0d 65.0 68.0 71.0
25: 36w0d 318.0 328.0 338.0 25: 300.0 34w0d 21d 25: 36w0d 304.6 318.0 331.4 25: 36w0d 67.0 70.0 73.0
26: 37w0d 323.0 333.0 343.0 26: 310.0 34w6d 21d 26: 37w0d 313.6 327.0 340.4 26: 37w0d 69.0 72.0 75.0
27: 38w0d 328.0 338.0 348.0 27: 320.0 35w6d 21d 27: 38w0d 322.6 336.0 349.4 27: 38w0d 71.0 74.0 77.0
28: 39w0d 332.0 342.0 352.0 28: 330.0 36w6d 21d 28: 39w0d 330.6 344.0 357.4 28: 39w0d 72.0 75.0 78.0
29: 40w0d 336.0 346.0 356.0 29: 340.0 37w6d 21d 29: 40w0d 339.6 353.0 366.4 29: 40w0d 74.0 77.0 80.0
30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 350.0 38w6d 21d 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 360.0 39w6d 21d 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 370.0 40w6d 21d 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 380.0 42w0d 21d 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0.0 0w0d 0d 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0.0 0w0d 0d 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0.0 0w0d 0d 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 5 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 6 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 7 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 8

1-96 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (3/8) for USA
9. FL 10. FL 11. FL 12. CRL
HAD82 ; Age table JEAN84 ; Age table JEAN83 ; Growth table ROB75 ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/- 2SD Variation ; 90% confidence interval Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation;95% confidence interval
1: 10.0 12w6d 9d 1: 10.0 12w4d 16d 1: 12w0d 4.0 8.0 13.0 1: 5.5 6w2d 4d
2: 12.0 13w3d 9d 2: 12.0 13w2d 16d 2: 13w0d 6.0 11.0 16.0 2: 6.1 6w3d 4d
3: 14.0 13w6d 9d 3: 14.0 13w6d 15d 3: 14w0d 9.0 14.0 18.0 3: 6.8 6w4d 4d
4: 16.0 14w4d 9d 4: 16.0 14w4d 16d 4: 15w0d 12.0 17.0 21.0 4: 7.5 6w5d 4d
5: 18.0 15w1d 9d 5: 18.0 15w0d 16d 5: 16w0d 15.0 20.0 24.0 5: 8.1 6w6d 4d
6: 20.0 15w5d 9d 6: 20.0 15w6d 15d 6: 17w0d 18.0 23.0 27.0 6: 8.9 7w0d 4d
7: 22.0 16w2d 9d 7: 22.0 16w4d 16d 7: 18w0d 21.0 25.0 30.0 7: 9.6 7w1d 4d
8: 24.0 16w6d 9d 8: 24.0 17w2d 16d 8: 19w0d 24.0 28.0 33.0 8: 10.4 7w2d 4d
9: 26.0 17w4d 9d 9: 26.0 18w0d 14d 9: 20w0d 26.0 31.0 36.0 9: 11.2 7w3d 4d
10: 28.0 18w1d 9d 10: 28.0 18w4d 15d 10: 21w0d 29.0 34.0 38.0 10: 12.0 7w4d 4d
11: 30.0 18w6d 9d 11: 30.0 19w2d 15d 11: 22w0d 32.0 36.0 41.0 11: 12.9 7w5d 4d
12: 32.0 19w4d 9d 12: 32.0 20w0d 15d 12: 23w0d 35.0 39.0 44.0 12: 13.8 7w6d 4d
13: 34.0 20w2d 9d 13: 34.0 20w6d 15d 13: 24w0d 37.0 42.0 46.0 13: 14.7 8w0d 4d
14: 36.0 21w0d 9d 14: 36.0 21w4d 16d 14: 25w0d 40.0 44.0 49.0 14: 15.7 8w1d 4d
15: 38.0 21w6d 9d 15: 38.0 22w2d 15d 15: 26w0d 42.0 47.0 51.0 15: 16.6 8w2d 4d
16: 40.0 22w4d 9d 16: 40.0 23w0d 15d 16: 27w0d 45.0 49.0 54.0 16: 17.6 8w3d 4d
17: 42.0 23w2d 22d 17: 42.0 23w6d 15d 17: 28w0d 47.0 52.0 56.0 17: 18.7 8w4d 4d
18: 44.0 24w1d 22d 18: 44.0 24w4d 15d 18: 29w0d 50.0 54.0 59.0 18: 19.7 8w5d 4d
19: 46.0 24w6d 22d 19: 46.0 25w2d 15d 19: 30w0d 52.0 56.0 61.0 19: 20.8 8w6d 4d
20: 48.0 25w5d 22d 20: 48.0 26w0d 16d 20: 31w0d 54.0 59.0 63.0 20: 21.9 9w0d 4d
21: 50.0 26w4d 22d 21: 50.0 27w0d 14d 21: 32w0d 56.0 61.0 65.0 21: 23.1 9w1d 4d
22: 52.0 27w3d 22d 22: 52.0 27w6d 14d 22: 33w0d 58.0 63.0 67.0 22: 24.2 9w2d 4d
23: 54.0 28w1d 22d 23: 54.0 28w4d 16d 23: 34w0d 60.0 65.0 69.0 23: 25.4 9w3d 4d
24: 56.0 29w1d 22d 24: 56.0 29w4d 14d 24: 35w0d 62.0 67.0 71.0 24: 26.7 9w4d 4d
25: 58.0 30w0d 22d 25: 58.0 30w2d 16d 25: 36w0d 64.0 68.0 73.0 25: 27.9 9w5d 4d
26: 60.0 30w6d 22d 26: 60.0 31w0d 15d 26: 37w0d 65.0 70.0 74.0 26: 29.2 9w6d 4d
27: 62.0 31w6d 22d 27: 62.0 32w0d 14d 27: 38w0d 67.0 71.0 76.0 27: 30.5 10w0d 4d
28: 64.0 32w6d 22d 28: 64.0 32w6d 15d 28: 39w0d 68.0 73.0 77.0 28: 31.8 10w1d 4d
29: 66.0 33w6d 22d 29: 66.0 33w4d 15d 29: 40w0d 70.0 74.0 79.0 29: 33.2 10w2d 4d
30: 68.0 34w5d 22d 30: 68.0 34w4d 16d 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 34.6 10w3d 4d
31: 70.0 35w5d 22d 31: 70.0 35w4d 14d 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 36.0 10w4d 4d
32: 72.0 36w5d 22d 32: 72.0 36w2d 15d 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 37.4 10w5d 4d
33: 74.0 37w5d 22d 33: 74.0 37w2d 16d 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 38.9 10w6d 4d
34: 76.0 38w6d 22d 34: 76.0 38w0d 16d 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 40.4 11w0d 4d
35: 78.0 39w6d 22d 35: 78.0 39w0d 15d 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 41.9 11w1d 4d
36: 79.0 40w3d 22d 36: 80.0 40w0d 14d 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 43.5 11w2d 4d
37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 45.1 11w3d 4d
38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 46.7 11w4d 4d
39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 48.3 11w5d 4d
40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 50.0 11w6d 4d
41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 51.7 12w0d 4d
42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 53.4 12w1d 4d
43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 55.2 12w2d 4d
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 57.0 12w3d 4d
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 58.8 12w4d 4d
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 60.6 12w5d 4d
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 62.5 12w6d 4d
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 64.3 13w0d 4d
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 66.3 13w1d 4d
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 68.2 13w2d 4d
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 70.2 13w3d 4d
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 72.2 13w4d 4d
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 74.2 13w5d 4d
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 76.3 13w6d 4d
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 78.3 14w0d 4d
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 9 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 10 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 11 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 12

1-97 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (4/8) for USA
13. GS 14. HL 15. BD 16. FIB
HEL69 ; Age table JEAN84 ; Age table MAY82 ; Growth table JEAN83 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; None Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation ; 5%,50%,95% Variation ; 5%,50%,95%
1: 10.0 5w0d 0d 1: 10.0 12w4d 18d 1: 12w0d 11.0 16.0 20.0 1: 14w0d 6.0 12.0 19.0
2: 11.0 5w1d 0d 2: 11.0 12w6d 18d 2: 13w0d 14.0 18.0 23.0 2: 15w0d 9.0 15.0 21.0
3: 12.0 5w2d 0d 3: 12.0 13w0d 19d 3: 14w0d 16.0 20.0 25.0 3: 16w0d 13.0 18.0 23.0
4: 13.0 5w3d 0d 4: 13.0 13w4d 17d 4: 15w0d 18.0 23.0 27.0 4: 17w0d 13.0 21.0 28.0
5: 14.0 5w4d 0d 5: 14.0 13w6d 18d 5: 16w0d 20.0 25.0 29.0 5: 18w0d 15.0 23.0 31.0
6: 15.0 5w5d 0d 6: 15.0 14w0d 19d 6: 17w0d 22.0 27.0 31.0 6: 19w0d 19.0 26.0 33.0
7: 16.0 5w6d 0d 7: 16.0 14w4d 18d 7: 18w0d 24.0 29.0 33.0 7: 20w0d 21.0 28.0 36.0
8: 17.0 6w0d 0d 8: 17.0 14w6d 18d 8: 20w0d 28.0 33.0 37.0 8: 21w0d 24.0 31.0 37.0
9: 18.0 6w1d 0d 9: 18.0 15w0d 20d 9: 21w0d 30.0 35.0 39.0 9: 22w0d 27.0 33.0 39.0
10: 19.0 6w2d 0d 10: 19.0 15w4d 18d 10: 22w0d 32.0 36.0 41.0 10: 23w0d 28.0 35.0 42.0
11: 20.0 6w3d 0d 11: 20.0 15w6d 19d 11: 23w0d 34.0 38.0 43.0 11: 24w0d 29.0 37.0 45.0
12: 21.0 6w4d 0d 12: 21.0 16w2d 19d 12: 24w0d 35.0 40.0 44.0 12: 25w0d 34.0 40.0 45.0
13: 22.0 6w5d 0d 13: 22.0 16w4d 18d 13: 25w0d 37.0 42.0 46.0 13: 26w0d 36.0 42.0 47.0
14: 23.0 6w6d 0d 14: 23.0 17w0d 19d 14: 26w0d 39.0 43.0 47.0 14: 27w0d 37.0 44.0 50.0
15: 24.0 7w0d 0d 15: 24.0 17w2d 18d 15: 27w0d 40.0 45.0 49.0 15: 28w0d 38.0 45.0 53.0
16: 25.0 7w1d 0d 16: 25.0 17w6d 18d 16: 28w0d 42.0 46.0 51.0 16: 29w0d 41.0 47.0 54.0
17: 26.0 7w2d 0d 17: 26.0 18w0d 20d 17: 29w0d 43.0 48.0 52.0 17: 30w0d 43.0 49.0 56.0
18: 27.0 7w3d 0d 18: 27.0 18w4d 19d 18: 30w0d 45.0 49.0 53.0 18: 31w0d 42.0 51.0 59.0
19: 28.0 7w4d 0d 19: 28.0 19w0d 20d 19: 31w0d 46.0 50.0 55.0 19: 32w0d 42.0 52.0 63.0
20: 29.0 7w5d 0d 20: 29.0 19w2d 18d 20: 32w0d 47.0 52.0 56.0 20: 33w0d 46.0 54.0 62.0
21: 30.0 7w6d 0d 21: 30.0 19w6d 18d 21: 33w0d 49.0 53.0 57.0 21: 34w0d 46.0 55.0 65.0
22: 31.0 8w0d 0d 22: 31.0 20w2d 18d 22: 34w0d 50.0 54.0 58.0 22: 35w0d 51.0 57.0 62.0
23: 32.0 8w1d 0d 23: 32.0 20w4d 20d 23: 35w0d 51.0 55.0 60.0 23: 36w0d 54.0 58.0 63.0
24: 33.0 8w2d 0d 24: 33.0 21w0d 19d 24: 36w0d 52.0 56.0 61.0 24: 37w0d 54.0 59.0 65.0
25: 34.0 8w3d 0d 25: 34.0 21w4d 18d 25: 37w0d 53.0 57.0 62.0 25: 38w0d 56.0 61.0 65.0
26: 35.0 8w4d 0d 26: 35.0 22w0d 20d 26: 38w0d 54.0 58.0 63.0 26: 39w0d 56.0 62.0 67.0
27: 36.0 8w5d 0d 27: 36.0 22w4d 17d 27: 39w0d 55.0 59.0 64.0 27: 40w0d 59.0 63.0 67.0
28: 37.0 8w6d 0d 28: 37.0 22w6d 19d 28: 40w0d 56.0 60.0 64.0 28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
29: 38.0 9w0d 0d 29: 38.0 23w2d 18d 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
30: 39.0 9w1d 0d 30: 39.0 23w6d 18d 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
31: 40.0 9w2d 0d 31: 40.0 24w2d 19d 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
32: 41.0 9w3d 0d 32: 41.0 24w6d 18d 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
33: 42.0 9w4d 0d 33: 42.0 25w2d 18d 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
34: 43.0 9w5d 0d 34: 43.0 25w4d 20d 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
35: 44.0 9w6d 0d 35: 44.0 26w0d 20d 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
36: 45.0 10w0d 0d 36: 45.0 26w4d 20d 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
37: 46.0 10w1d 0d 37: 46.0 27w0d 20d 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
38: 47.0 10w2d 0d 38: 47.0 27w4d 20d 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
39: 48.0 10w3d 0d 39: 48.0 28w0d 20d 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
40: 49.0 10w4d 0d 40: 49.0 28w6d 18d 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
41: 50.0 10w5d 0d 41: 50.0 29w2d 18d 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
42: 51.0 10w6d 0d 42: 51.0 29w6d 18d 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
43: 52.0 11w0d 0d 43: 52.0 30w2d 19d 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
44: 53.0 11w1d 0d 44: 53.0 30w6d 18d 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
45: 54.0 11w2d 0d 45: 54.0 31w2d 18d 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
46: 55.0 11w3d 0d 46: 55.0 32w0d 18d 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
47: 56.0 11w4d 0d 47: 56.0 32w4d 18d 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
48: 57.0 11w5d 0d 48: 57.0 33w0d 19d 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
49: 58.0 11w6d 0d 49: 58.0 33w4d 19d 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
50: 59.0 12w0d 0d 50: 59.0 34w0d 19d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
51: 60.0 12w1d 0d 51: 60.0 34w6d 18d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 61.0 35w2d 19d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 62.0 35w6d 19d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 63.0 36w4d 18d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 64.0 37w0d 19d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 65.0 37w4d 20d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 66.0 38w2d 19d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 67.0 38w6d 19d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 68.0 39w4d 18d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 69.0 40w0d 19d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 13 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 14 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 15 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 16

1-98 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (5/8) for USA
17. HW 18. IOD 19. LVW 20. OD
PRE86 ; Growth table MAY82 ; Growth table PRE86 ; Growth table MAY82 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/- 2.00SD table Variation ; 5%,50%,95% Variation ; +/- 2.00SD table Variation ; 5%,50%,95%
1: 15w0d 12.0 15.0 18.0 1: 12w0d 4.0 8.0 11.0 1: 15w0d 6.0 8.0 10.0 1: 12w0d 2.0 4.0 6.0
2: 16w0d 13.0 15.0 17.0 2: 13w0d 5.0 8.0 11.0 2: 16w0d 7.0 9.0 11.0 2: 13w0d 3.0 5.0 6.0
3: 17w0d 14.0 15.0 16.0 3: 14w0d 6.0 9.0 12.0 3: 17w0d 8.0 9.0 10.0 3: 14w0d 4.0 5.0 7.0
4: 18w0d 17.0 18.0 19.0 4: 15w0d 6.0 10.0 13.0 4: 18w0d 8.0 9.0 10.0 4: 15w0d 4.0 6.0 8.0
5: 19w0d 19.0 20.0 21.0 5: 16w0d 7.0 10.0 13.0 5: 19w0d 7.0 9.0 11.0 5: 16w0d 5.0 7.0 9.0
6: 20w0d 17.0 19.0 20.0 6: 17w0d 8.0 11.0 14.0 6: 20w0d 7.0 9.0 11.0 6: 17w0d 6.0 8.0 10.0
7: 21w0d 20.0 21.0 22.0 7: 18w0d 8.0 11.0 15.0 7: 21w0d 7.0 9.0 11.0 7: 18w0d 7.0 9.0 10.0
8: 22w0d 21.0 23.0 25.0 8: 19w0d 9.0 12.0 15.0 8: 22w0d 7.0 9.0 11.0 8: 19w0d 8.0 9.0 11.0
9: 23w0d 22.0 24.0 26.0 9: 20w0d 10.0 13.0 16.0 9: 23w0d 7.0 8.0 9.0 9: 20w0d 8.0 10.0 12.0
10: 24w0d 23.0 25.0 27.0 10: 21w0d 10.0 13.0 16.0 10: 24w0d 8.0 9.0 10.0 10: 21w0d 9.0 11.0 13.0
11: 25w0d 25.0 28.0 31.0 11: 22w0d 11.0 14.0 17.0 11: 25w0d 8.0 9.0 10.0 11: 22w0d 10.0 11.0 13.0
12: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 12: 23w0d 11.0 14.0 17.0 12: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 12: 23w0d 10.0 12.0 14.0
13: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 13: 24w0d 12.0 15.0 18.0 13: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 13: 24w0d 11.0 13.0 15.0
14: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 14: 25w0d 12.0 15.0 19.0 14: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 14: 25w0d 12.0 13.0 15.0
15: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 15: 26w0d 13.0 16.0 19.0 15: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 15: 26w0d 12.0 14.0 16.0
16: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 16: 27w0d 13.0 16.0 19.0 16: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 16: 27w0d 13.0 15.0 16.0
17: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 17: 28w0d 14.0 17.0 20.0 17: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 17: 28w0d 13.0 15.0 17.0
18: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 18: 29w0d 14.0 17.0 20.0 18: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 18: 29w0d 14.0 16.0 17.0
19: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 19: 30w0d 15.0 18.0 21.0 19: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 19: 30w0d 14.0 16.0 18.0
20: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 20: 31w0d 15.0 18.0 21.0 20: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 20: 31w0d 15.0 17.0 18.0
21: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 21: 32w0d 15.0 19.0 22.0 21: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 21: 32w0d 15.0 17.0 19.0
22: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 22: 33w0d 16.0 19.0 22.0 22: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 22: 33w0d 16.0 17.0 19.0
23: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 23: 34w0d 16.0 19.0 22.0 23: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 23: 34w0d 16.0 18.0 20.0
24: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 24: 35w0d 16.0 20.0 23.0 24: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 24: 35w0d 16.0 18.0 20.0
25: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 25: 36w0d 17.0 20.0 23.0 25: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 25: 36w0d 17.0 19.0 20.0
26: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 26: 37w0d 17.0 20.0 23.0 26: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 26: 37w0d 17.0 19.0 21.0
27: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 27: 38w0d 17.0 21.0 24.0 27: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 27: 38w0d 17.0 19.0 21.0
28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 39w0d 18.0 21.0 24.0 28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 39w0d 18.0 20.0 21.0
29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 40w0d 18.0 21.0 24.0 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 40w0d 18.0 20.0 22.0
30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 17 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 18 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 19 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 20

1-99 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (6/8) for USA
21. RAD 22. TCD 23. TIB 24 ULNA
JEAN83 ; Growth table GOLD87 ; Growth table JEAN83 ; Growth table JEAN83 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; 5%,50%,95% Variation ; 10%,50%,90% Variation ; 5%,50%,95% Variation ; 5%,50%,95%
1: 13w0d 6.0 10.0 14.0 1: 15w0d 10.0 14.0 16.0 1: 14w0d 7.0 12.0 17.0 1: 13w0d 5.0 10.0 15.0
2: 14w0d 8.0 13.0 17.0 2: 16w0d 14.0 16.0 17.0 2: 15w0d 9.0 15.0 20.0 2: 14w0d 8.0 13.0 18.0
3: 15w0d 11.0 15.0 20.0 3: 17w0d 16.0 17.0 18.0 3: 16w0d 12.0 17.0 22.0 3: 15w0d 11.0 16.0 21.0
4: 16w0d 13.0 18.0 22.0 4: 18w0d 17.0 18.0 19.0 4: 17w0d 15.0 20.0 25.0 4: 16w0d 13.0 18.0 23.0
5: 17w0d 14.0 20.0 26.0 5: 19w0d 18.0 19.0 22.0 5: 18w0d 17.0 22.0 27.0 5: 17w0d 16.0 21.0 26.0
6: 18w0d 15.0 22.0 29.0 6: 20w0d 18.0 20.0 22.0 6: 19w0d 20.0 25.0 30.0 6: 18w0d 19.0 24.0 29.0
7: 19w0d 20.0 24.0 29.0 7: 21w0d 19.0 22.0 24.0 7: 20w0d 22.0 27.0 33.0 7: 19w0d 21.0 26.0 31.0
8: 20w0d 22.0 27.0 32.0 8: 22w0d 21.0 23.0 24.0 8: 21w0d 25.0 30.0 35.0 8: 20w0d 24.0 29.0 34.0
9: 21w0d 24.0 29.0 33.0 9: 23w0d 22.0 24.0 26.0 9: 22w0d 27.0 32.0 38.0 9: 21w0d 26.0 31.0 36.0
10: 22w0d 27.0 31.0 34.0 10: 24w0d 22.0 25.0 28.0 10: 23w0d 30.0 35.0 40.0 10: 22w0d 28.0 33.0 38.0
11: 23w0d 26.0 32.0 39.0 11: 25w0d 23.0 28.0 29.0 11: 24w0d 32.0 37.0 42.0 11: 23w0d 31.0 36.0 41.0
12: 24w0d 26.0 34.0 42.0 12: 26w0d 25.0 29.0 32.0 12: 25w0d 34.0 40.0 45.0 12: 24w0d 33.0 38.0 43.0
13: 25w0d 31.0 36.0 41.0 13: 27w0d 26.0 30.0 32.0 13: 26w0d 37.0 42.0 47.0 13: 25w0d 35.0 40.0 45.0
14: 26w0d 32.0 37.0 43.0 14: 28w0d 27.0 31.0 34.0 14: 27w0d 39.0 44.0 49.0 14: 26w0d 37.0 42.0 47.0
15: 27w0d 33.0 39.0 45.0 15: 29w0d 29.0 34.0 38.0 15: 28w0d 41.0 46.0 51.0 15: 27w0d 39.0 44.0 49.0
16: 28w0d 33.0 40.0 48.0 16: 30w0d 31.0 35.0 40.0 16: 29w0d 43.0 48.0 53.0 16: 28w0d 41.0 46.0 51.0
17: 29w0d 36.0 42.0 47.0 17: 31w0d 32.0 38.0 43.0 17: 30w0d 45.0 50.0 55.0 17: 29w0d 43.0 48.0 53.0
18: 30w0d 36.0 43.0 49.0 18: 32w0d 33.0 38.0 42.0 18: 31w0d 47.0 52.0 57.0 18: 30w0d 44.0 49.0 54.0
19: 31w0d 38.0 44.0 50.0 19: 33w0d 32.0 40.0 44.0 19: 32w0d 48.0 54.0 59.0 19: 31w0d 46.0 51.0 56.0
20: 32w0d 37.0 45.0 53.0 20: 34w0d 33.0 40.0 44.0 20: 33w0d 50.0 55.0 60.0 20: 32w0d 48.0 53.0 58.0
21: 33w0d 41.0 46.0 51.0 21: 35w0d 31.0 41.0 47.0 21: 34w0d 52.0 57.0 62.0 21: 33w0d 49.0 54.0 59.0
22: 34w0d 40.0 47.0 53.0 22: 36w0d 36.0 43.0 55.0 22: 35w0d 53.0 58.0 64.0 22: 34w0d 51.0 56.0 61.0
23: 35w0d 41.0 48.0 54.0 23: 37w0d 37.0 45.0 55.0 23: 36w0d 55.0 60.0 65.0 23: 35w0d 52.0 57.0 62.0
24: 36w0d 39.0 48.0 57.0 24: 38w0d 40.0 49.0 55.0 24: 37w0d 56.0 61.0 67.0 24: 36w0d 53.0 58.0 63.0
25: 37w0d 45.0 49.0 53.0 25: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 25: 38w0d 58.0 63.0 68.0 25: 37w0d 55.0 60.0 65.0
26: 38w0d 45.0 49.0 54.0 26: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 26: 39w0d 59.0 64.0 69.0 26: 38w0d 56.0 61.0 66.0
27: 39w0d 45.0 50.0 54.0 27: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 27: 40w0d 61.0 66.0 71.0 27: 39w0d 57.0 62.0 67.0
28: 40w0d 46.0 50.0 55.0 28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 40w0d 58.0 63.0 68.0
29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 21 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 22 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 23 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 24

1-100 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (7/8) for USA
25. CI(BPD/OFD) 26. FL/AC 27. FL/BPD 28. HC/AC
HAD81 ; Ratio table HAD85 ; Ratio table HOHL81 ; Ratio table CAMP77 ; Ratio table
Calculation type ; ratio Calculation type ; ratio Calculation type ; ratio Calculation type ; ratio
Data unit ; None Data unit ; None Data unit ; None Data unit ; None
Variation ; +/- 2.00SD table Variation ; +/- 2.00SD table Variation ; +/- 1.64SD table Variation ; +/- 1.64SD table
1: 14w0d 70.0 78.0 86.0 1: 21w0d 0.2 0.22 0.24 1: 23w0d 0.70 0.78 0.86 1: 13w0d 1.15 1.23 1.31
2: 40w0d 70.0 78.0 86.0 2: 42w0d 0.2 0.22 0.24 2: 40w0d 0.73 0.81 0.89 2: 14w0d 1.15 1.23 1.31
3: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 3: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 3: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 3: 16w0d 1.05 1.22 1.39
4: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 4: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 4: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 4: 18w0d 1.07 1.18 1.29
5: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 5: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 5: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 5: 20w0d 1.10 1.18 1.26
6: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 6: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 6: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 6: 22w0d 1.05 1.15 1.25
7: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 7: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 7: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 7: 24w0d 1.05 1.13 1.21
8: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 8: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 8: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 8: 26w0d 1.04 1.13 1.22
9: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 9: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 9: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 9: 28w0d 1.04 1.13 1.22
10: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 10: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 10: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 10: 30w0d 0.99 1.10 1.21
11: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 11: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 11: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 11: 32w0d 0.97 1.07 1.17
12: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 12: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 12: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 12: 34w0d 0.97 1.04 1.11
13: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 13: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 13: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 13: 36w0d 0.93 1.02 1.11
14: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 14: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 14: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 14: 38w0d 0.91 0.98 1.05
15: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 15: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 15: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 15: 40w0d 0.88 0.97 1.06
16: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 16: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 16: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 16: 42w0d 0.92 0.96 1.00
17: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 17: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 17: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 17: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
18: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 18: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 18: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 18: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
19: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 19: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 19: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 19: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
20: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 20: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 20: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 20: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
21: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 21: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 21: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 21: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
22: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 22: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 22: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 22: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
23: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 23: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 23: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 23: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
24: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 24: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 24: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 24: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
25: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 25: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 25: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 25: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
26: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 26: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 26: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 26: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
27: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 27: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 27: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 27: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 28: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 28: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 29: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 29: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 30: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 30: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 31: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 31: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 32: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 32: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 33: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 33: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 34: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 34: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 35: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 35: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 36: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 36: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 37: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 37: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 38: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 38: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 39: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 39: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 40: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 40: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 41: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 41: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 42: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 42: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 43: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 43: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 44: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 44: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 45: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 45: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 46: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 46: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 47: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 47: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 48: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 48: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 49: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 49: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 50: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 50: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 51: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 51: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 52: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 52: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 53: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 53: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 54: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 54: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 55: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 55: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 56: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 56: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 57: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 57: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 58: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 58: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 59: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 59: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 60: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 60: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 25 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 26 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 27 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 28

1-101 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-1 Obstetric Table Data (8/8) for USA
29. LVW/HW 30. Amniotic Fluid Index 31. Estimated Fetal Body Weight 32. Estimated Fetal Body Weight
PRE86 ; Ratio table MOORE90 ; AFI table BRE76 ; EFBW table YARK87 ; EFBW table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; weight Calculation type ; weight
Data unit ; None Data unit ; None Data unit ; g Data unit ; g
Variation ; +/- 2.00SD table Variation ; 5%,50%,95% Variation ; 10%,50%,90% Variation ; 10%,50%,90%
1: 15w0d 0.38 0.56 0.74 1: 16w0d 79.0 121.0 185.0 1: 23w0d 370 550 990 1: 16w0d 132 154 189
2: 16w0d 0.46 0.57 0.68 2: 17w0d 83.0 127.0 194.0 2: 24w0d 420 640 1080 2: 17w0d 173 215 239
3: 17w0d 0.49 0.58 0.67 3: 18w0d 87.0 133.0 202.0 3: 25w0d 490 740 1180 3: 18w0d 214 276 289
4: 18w0d 0.41 0.51 0.61 4: 19w0d 90.0 137.0 207.0 4: 26w0d 570 860 1320 4: 19w0d 223 300 333
5: 19w0d 0.41 0.49 0.57 5: 20w0d 93.0 141.0 212.0 5: 27w0d 660 990 1470 5: 20w0d 232 324 378
6: 20w0d 0.38 0.46 0.54 6: 21w0d 95.0 143.0 214.0 6: 28w0d 770 1150 1660 6: 21w0d 275 432 482
7: 21w0d 0.31 0.42 0.53 7: 22w0d 97.0 145.0 216.0 7: 29w0d 890 1310 1890 7: 22w0d 319 540 586
8: 22w0d 0.29 0.40 0.51 8: 23w0d 98.0 146.0 218.0 8: 30w0d 1030 1460 2100 8: 23w0d 347 598 684
9: 23w0d 0.26 0.34 0.42 9: 24w0d 98.0 147.0 219.0 9: 31w0d 1180 1630 2290 9: 24w0d 376 656 783
10: 24w0d 0.27 0.35 0.43 10: 25w0d 97.0 147.0 221.0 10: 32w0d 1310 1810 2500 10: 25w0d 549 793 916
11: 25w0d 0.29 0.33 0.37 11: 26w0d 97.0 147.0 223.0 11: 33w0d 1480 2010 2690 11: 26w0d 722 931 1049
12: 26w0d 0.24 0.30 0.36 12: 27w0d 95.0 146.0 226.0 12: 34w0d 1670 2220 2880 12: 27w0d 755 1087 1193
13: 27w0d 0.23 0.28 0.34 13: 28w0d 94.0 146.0 228.0 13: 35w0d 1870 2430 3090 13: 28w0d 789 1244 1337
14: 28w0d 0.18 0.31 0.45 14: 29w0d 92.0 145.0 231.0 14: 36w0d 2190 2650 3290 14: 29w0d 900 1395 1509
15: 29w0d 0.22 0.29 0.37 15: 30w0d 90.0 145.0 234.0 15: 37w0d 2310 2870 3470 15: 30w0d 1011 1546 1682
16: 30w0d 0.26 0.30 0.34 16: 31w0d 88.0 144.0 238.0 16: 38w0d 2510 3030 3610 16: 31w0d 1198 1693 1875
17: 31w0d 0.23 0.29 0.36 17: 32w0d 86.0 144.0 242.0 17: 39w0d 2680 3170 3750 17: 32w0d 1385 1840 2068
18: 32w0d 0.26 0.31 0.36 18: 33w0d 83.0 143.0 245.0 18: 40w0d 2750 3280 3870 18: 33w0d 1491 2032 2334
19: 33w0d 0.25 0.31 0.37 19: 34w0d 81.0 142.0 248.0 19: 41w0d 2800 3360 3980 19: 34w0d 1597 2224 2601
20: 34w0d 0.23 0.28 0.33 20: 35w0d 79.0 140.0 249.0 20: 42w0d 2830 3410 4060 20: 35w0d 1703 2472 2716
21: 35w0d 0.26 0.29 0.31 21: 36w0d 77.0 138.0 249.0 21: 43w0d 2840 3420 4100 21: 36w0d 1809 2631 2832
22: 36w0d 0.23 0.28 0.34 22: 37w0d 75.0 135.0 244.0 22: 44w0d 2790 3390 4110 22: 37w0d 2239 2824 3035
23: 37w0d 0.24 0.29 0.34 23: 38w0d 73.0 132.0 239.0 23: 0w0d 0 0 0 23: 38w0d 2669 3017 3239
24: 38w0d 0.22 0.28 0.33 24: 39w0d 72.0 127.0 226.0 24: 0w0d 0 0 0 24: 0w0d 0 0 0
25: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 25: 40w0d 71.0 123.0 214.0 25: 0w0d 0 0 0 25: 0w0d 0 0 0
26: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 26: 41w0d 70.0 116.0 194.0 26: 0w0d 0 0 0 26: 0w0d 0 0 0
27: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 27: 42w0d 69.0 110.0 175.0 27: 0w0d 0 0 0 27: 0w0d 0 0 0
28: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 0w0d 0 0 0 28: 0w0d 0 0 0
29: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 0w0d 0 0 0 29: 0w0d 0 0 0
30: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 0w0d 0 0 0 30: 0w0d 0 0 0
31: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 0w0d 0 0 0 31: 0w0d 0 0 0
32: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 0w0d 0 0 0 32: 0w0d 0 0 0
33: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 0w0d 0 0 0 33: 0w0d 0 0 0
34: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 0w0d 0 0 0 34: 0w0d 0 0 0
35: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 0w0d 0 0 0 35: 0w0d 0 0 0
36: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 0w0d 0 0 0 36: 0w0d 0 0 0
37: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 0w0d 0 0 0 37: 0w0d 0 0 0
38: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 0w0d 0 0 0 38: 0w0d 0 0 0
39: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 0w0d 0 0 0 39: 0w0d 0 0 0
40: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 0w0d 0 0 0 40: 0w0d 0 0 0
41: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 0w0d 0 0 0 41: 0w0d 0 0 0
42: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 0w0d 0 0 0 42: 0w0d 0 0 0
43: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0w0d 0 0 0 43: 0w0d 0 0 0
44: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0w0d 0 0 0 44: 0w0d 0 0 0
45: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0w0d 0 0 0 45: 0w0d 0 0 0
46: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0w0d 0 0 0 46: 0w0d 0 0 0
47: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0w0d 0 0 0 47: 0w0d 0 0 0
48: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0w0d 0 0 0 48: 0w0d 0 0 0
49: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0w0d 0 0 0 49: 0w0d 0 0 0
50: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0 0 0 50: 0w0d 0 0 0
51: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0 0 0 51: 0w0d 0 0 0
52: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0 0 0 52: 0w0d 0 0 0
53: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0 0 0 53: 0w0d 0 0 0
54: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0 0 0 54: 0w0d 0 0 0
55: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0 0 0 55: 0w0d 0 0 0
56: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0 0 0 56: 0w0d 0 0 0
57: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0 0 0 57: 0w0d 0 0 0
58: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0 0 0 58: 0w0d 0 0 0
59: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0 0 0 59: 0w0d 0 0 0
60: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0 0 0 60: 0w0d 0 0 0
Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 29 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 30 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 31 Reference: Table 1.7.9-4 No. 32

1-102 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-2 Obstetric Table Data (1/2) for Europe
33. BPD 34. OFD 35. CRL 36. FL
HANS85 ; Age table HANS85 ; Age table HANS85 ; Age table HANS85 ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; circ.
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation; 90% confidence interval
1: 20.0 11w2d 5d 1: 34.0 13w4d 8d 1: 6.0 6w0d 6d 1: 11.0 13w3d 7d
2: 22.0 12w0d 6d 2: 36.0 14w0d 8d 2: 7.0 6w1d 7d 2: 12.0 13w6d 7d
3: 26.0 12w6d 6d 3: 38.0 14w3d 8d 3: 8.0 6w3d 6d 3: 15.0 14w3d 7d
4: 29.0 13w2d 7d 4: 40.0 15w0d 8d 4: 9.0 6w5d 7d 4: 16.0 14w6d 9d
5: 31.0 13w6d 8d 5: 42.0 15w4d 8d 5: 10.0 6w6d 7d 5: 18.0 15w3d 7d
6: 32.0 14w1d 8d 6: 44.0 16w0d 8d 6: 11.0 7w1d 6d 6: 20.0 15w6d 8d
7: 34.0 14w6d 9d 7: 46.0 16w4d 8d 7: 12.0 7w2d 7d 7: 21.0 16w3d 8d
8: 35.0 15w1d 8d 8: 48.0 17w0d 8d 8: 13.0 7w3d 7d 8: 23.0 16w6d 8d
9: 37.0 15w6d 8d 9: 50.0 17w4d 9d 9: 15.0 7w6d 7d 9: 25.0 17w3d 8d
10: 38.0 16w1d 9d 10: 52.0 18w2d 9d 10: 16.0 8w1d 7d 10: 26.0 17w6d 8d
11: 40.0 16w6d 8d 11: 54.0 18w4d 9d 11: 17.0 8w2d 7d 11: 27.0 18w3d 9d
12: 41.0 17w1d 9d 12: 56.0 19w2d 9d 12: 18.0 8w3d 7d 12: 28.0 18w6d 9d
13: 43.0 17w5d 9d 13: 58.0 19w6d 9d 13: 20.0 8w5d 7d 13: 30.0 19w3d 9d
14: 44.0 18w0d 9d 14: 60.0 20w0d 10d 14: 22.0 9w0d 8d 14: 31.0 19w6d 9d
15: 46.0 18w5d 9d 15: 62.0 20w4d 10d 15: 24.0 9w2d 8d 15: 33.0 20w3d 9d
16: 47.0 19w0d 10d 16: 64.0 21w0d 10d 16: 26.0 9w4d 8d 16: 34.0 20w6d 9d
17: 49.0 19w4d 10d 17: 66.0 21w3d 10d 17: 28.0 9w6d 8d 17: 36.0 21w3d 10d
18: 51.0 20w2d 10d 18: 68.0 21w6d 10d 18: 30.0 10w1d 8d 18: 38.0 21w6d 10d
19: 53.0 20w6d 11d 19: 70.0 22w3d 10d 19: 32.0 10w2d 8d 19: 39.0 22w3d 10d
20: 54.0 21w3d 10d 20: 72.0 22w6d 12d 20: 34.0 10w4d 8d 20: 40.0 22w6d 10d
21: 56.0 21w6d 9d 21: 74.0 23w2d 12d 21: 36.0 10w5d 8d 21: 42.0 23w3d 11d
22: 57.0 22w1d 9d 22: 76.0 23w6d 12d 22: 38.0 11w0d 8d 22: 43.0 23w6d 11d
23: 59.0 22w6d 10d 23: 78.0 24w0d 14d 23: 40.0 11w1d 8d 23: 44.0 24w3d 11d
24: 60.0 23w1d 9d 24: 80.0 24w4d 14d 24: 42.0 11w2d 8d 24: 45.0 24w6d 11d
25: 62.0 23w6d 10d 25: 82.0 25w0d 14d 25: 44.0 11w3d 8d 25: 47.0 25w3d 12d
26: 63.0 24w1d 9d 26: 84.0 25w4d 14d 26: 46.0 11w5d 8d 26: 48.0 25w6d 12d
27: 65.0 24w6d 10d 27: 86.0 26w0d 14d 27: 48.0 11w6d 9d 27: 49.0 26w3d 13d
28: 66.0 25w0d 11d 28: 88.0 26w6d 14d 28: 50.0 12w0d 9d 28: 50.0 26w6d 13d
29: 68.0 25w5d 10d 29: 90.0 27w2d 16d 29: 52.0 12w1d 9d 29: 51.0 27w3d 14d
30: 69.0 26w0d 10d 30: 92.0 27w6d 16d 30: 54.0 12w2d 9d 30: 52.0 27w6d 14d
31: 71.0 26w4d 12d 31: 94.0 28w4d 18d 31: 56.0 12w3d 9d 31: 53.0 28w3d 15d
32: 72.0 27w0d 11d 32: 96.0 29w2d 18d 32: 58.0 12w4d 9d 32: 54.0 28w6d 15d
33: 74.0 27w5d 12d 33: 98.0 29w6d 20d 33: 60.0 12w5d 9d 33: 56.0 29w3d 15d
34: 75.0 28w0d 12d 34: 100.0 30w4d 20d 34: 63.0 12w6d 10d 34: 57.0 29w6d 15d
35: 77.0 28w5d 13d 35: 102.0 31w2d 22d 35: 66.0 13w1d 10d 35: 58.0 30w3d 15d
36: 78.0 29w1d 15d 36: 104.0 32w0d 22d 36: 70.0 13w2d 10d 36: 59.0 30w6d 15d
37: 79.0 29w4d 16d 37: 106.0 33w0d 20d 37: 73.0 13w4d 10d 37: 60.0 31w3d 16d
38: 81.0 30w2d 15d 38: 108.0 34w0d 20d 38: 76.0 13w5d 10d 38: 61.0 31w6d 16d
39: 82.0 30w6d 15d 39: 110.0 35w0d 20d 39: 80.0 14w0d 11d 39: 62.0 32w3d 17d
40: 83.0 31w1d 17d 40: 112.0 36w3d 20d 40: 83.0 14w1d 11d 40: 63.0 32w6d 17d
41: 84.0 31w5d 17d 41: 114.0 38w0d 20d 41: 86.0 14w3d 12d 41: 65.0 33w3d 17d
42: 85.0 32w1d 16d 42: 115.0 39w0d 20d 42: 90.0 14w5d 12d 42: 66.0 33w6d 17d
43: 86.0 32w4d 17d 43: 116.0 40w0d 20d 43: 93.0 15w0d 12d 43: 67.0 34w3d 18d
44: 87.0 33w1d 20d 44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 96.0 15w2d 12d 44: 68.0 34w6d 18d
45: 88.0 33w4d 19d 45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 100.0 15w4d 12d 45: 69.0 35w3d 18d
46: 89.0 34w1d 19d 46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 103.0 15w6d 13d 46: 70.0 35w6d 18d
47: 90.0 34w4d 19d 47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 106.0 16w1d 13d 47: 71.0 36w3d 19d
48: 91.0 35w0d 23d 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 110.0 16w3d 14d 48: 72.0 37w6d 19d
49: 92.0 35w5d 24d 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 113.0 16w6d 14d 49: 73.0 38w3d 20d
50: 93.0 36w4d 21d 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 116.0 17w1d 14d 50: 74.0 38w6d 20d
51: 94.0 37w2d 19d 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 120.0 17w3d 14d 51: 75.0 39w2d 20d
52: 95.0 38w2d 18d 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 123.0 17w6d 14d 52: 76.0 39w6d 20d
53: 97.0 38w6d 20d 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 126.0 18w1d 15d 53: 77.0 40w3d 20d
54: 98.0 39w1d 19d 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 130.0 18w5d 15d 54: 78.0 40w6d 20d
55: 99.0 39w2d 18d 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 133.0 19w0d 15d 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d
56: 100.0 39w3d 19d 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 136.0 19w3d 16d 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d
57: 102.0 39w5d 19d 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 140.0 19w6d 16d 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d
58: 105.0 40w1d 14d 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 143.0 20w2d 16d 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 146.0 20w5d 16d 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 150.0 21w2d 16d 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-5 No. 33 Reference: Table 1.7.9-5 No. 34 Reference: Table 1.7.9-5 No. 35 Reference: Table 1.7.9-5 No. 36

1-103 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-2 Obstetric Table Data (2/2) for Europe
37. HC 38. TTD
HANS85 ; Age table HANS85 ; Age table
Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation; 90% confidence interval
1: 110.0 14w0d 7d 1: 27.0 14w3d 8d
2: 120.0 15w0d 8d 2: 28.0 14w6d 8d
3: 130.0 15w6d 8d 3: 30.0 15w3d 8d
4: 140.0 16w6d 9d 4: 32.0 15w6d 8d
5: 150.0 17w3d 9d 5: 34.0 16w3d 9d
6: 160.0 18w3d 9d 6: 35.0 16w6d 9d
7: 170.0 19w3d 10d 7: 37.0 17w3d 9d
8: 180.0 20w0d 10d 8: 38.0 17w6d 9d
9: 190.0 20w6d 10d 9: 40.0 18w3d 10d
10: 200.0 21w3d 10d 10: 42.0 18w6d 10d
11: 210.0 22w3d 10d 11: 43.0 19w3d 10d
12: 220.0 23w0d 10d 12: 45.0 19w6d 10d
13: 230.0 23w6d 10d 13: 46.0 20w3d 11d
14: 240.0 24w6d 10d 14: 48.0 20w6d 11d
15: 250.0 25w6d 12d 15: 50.0 21w3d 11d
16: 260.0 26w3d 12d 16: 51.0 21w6d 11d
17: 270.0 27w3d 12d 17: 53.0 22w3d 12d
18: 280.0 28w3d 16d 18: 54.0 22w6d 12d
19: 290.0 29w3d 16d 19: 56.0 23w3d 13d
20: 300.0 30w3d 20d 20: 58.0 23w6d 13d
21: 310.0 31w4d 20d 21: 59.0 24w3d 14d
22: 320.0 32w6d 20d 22: 61.0 24w6d 14d
23: 330.0 33w3d 24d 23: 63.0 25w3d 14d
24: 340.0 36w3d 24d 24: 64.0 25w6d 14d
25: 350.0 40w0d 24d 25: 65.0 26w3d 15d
26: 0.0 0w0d 0d 26: 67.0 26w6d 15d
27: 0.0 0w0d 0d 27: 68.0 27w3d 17d
28: 0.0 0w0d 0d 28: 70.0 27w6d 17d
29: 0.0 0w0d 0d 29: 71.0 28w3d 18d
30: 0.0 0w0d 0d 30: 72.0 28w6d 18d
31: 0.0 0w0d 0d 31: 74.0 29w3d 19d
32: 0.0 0w0d 0d 32: 75.0 29w6d 19d
33: 0.0 0w0d 0d 33: 77.0 30w3d 20d
34: 0.0 0w0d 0d 34: 78.0 30w6d 20d
35: 0.0 0w0d 0d 35: 80.0 31w3d 22d
36: 0.0 0w0d 0d 36: 81.0 31w6d 22d
37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 83.0 32w3d 23d
38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 84.0 32w6d 23d
39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 86.0 33w3d 24d
40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 87.0 33w6d 24d
41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 88.0 34w3d 25d
42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 90.0 34w6d 25d
43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 91.0 35w3d 25d
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 93.0 35w6d 25d
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 94.0 36w3d 26d
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 95.0 36w6d 26d
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 97.0 37w3d 26d
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 98.0 37w6d 26d
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 99.0 38w3d 27d
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 100.0 38w6d 27d
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 101.0 39w2d 27d
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 103.0 39w6d 27d
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 104.0 40w3d 27d
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 105.0 40w6d 27d
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-5 No. 37 Reference: Table 1.7.9-5 No. 38

1-104 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (1/21) for Japan
39. BPD 40. BPD 41. BPD 42. BPD
TODAI96 ; Age table TODAI96; Growth table OSAKA U. ; Age table OSAKA U. ; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation; +/- 1.00SD table Variation ; +/- 1.64SD table Variation ; None Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table
1: 13.0 10w1d 4d 1: 10w3d 10.5 14.3 18.1 1: 13.3 10w0d 0d 1: 10w0d 11.4 13.3 15.2
2: 15.0 10w5d 4d 2: 11w3d 13.7 17.6 21.5 2: 15.5 10w4d 0d 2: 10w4d 13.6 15.5 17.4
3: 17.0 11w2d 4d 3: 12w3d 17.0 21.0 25.0 3: 17.7 11w1d 0d 3: 11w1d 15.7 17.7 19.7
4: 19.0 11w6d 4d 4: 13w3d 20.4 24.4 28.5 4: 19.9 11w5d 0d 4: 11w5d 17.8 19.9 22.0
5: 21.0 12w3d 4d 5: 14w3d 23.7 27.8 32.0 5: 22.0 12w2d 0d 5: 12w2d 19.9 22.0 24.1
6: 23.0 13w1d 5d 6: 15w3d 27.0 31.2 35.5 6: 24.1 12w6d 0d 6: 12w6d 21.9 24.1 26.3
7: 25.0 13w5d 5d 7: 16w3d 30.3 34.6 39.0 7: 26.2 13w3d 0d 7: 13w3d 24.0 26.2 28.4
8: 27.0 14w2d 5d 8: 17w3d 33.5 38.0 42.4 8: 28.2 14w0d 0d 8: 14w0d 25.9 28.2 30.5
9: 29.0 14w6d 5d 9: 18w3d 36.8 41.3 45.8 9: 30.3 14w4d 0d 9: 14w4d 27.9 30.3 32.7
10: 31.0 15w3d 5d 10: 19w3d 40.0 44.6 49.2 10: 32.3 15w1d 0d 10: 15w1d 29.9 32.3 34.7
11: 33.0 16w0d 5d 11: 20w3d 43.2 47.9 52.6 11: 34.2 15w5d 0d 11: 15w5d 31.7 34.2 36.7
12: 35.0 16w4d 5d 12: 21w3d 46.3 51.1 55.9 12: 36.2 16w2d 0d 12: 16w2d 33.7 36.2 38.7
13: 37.0 17w1d 6d 13: 22w3d 49.3 54.2 59.1 13: 38.1 16w6d 0d 13: 16w6d 35.5 38.1 40.7
14: 39.0 17w6d 6d 14: 23w3d 52.3 57.3 62.3 14: 40.1 17w3d 0d 14: 17w3d 37.5 40.1 42.7
15: 41.0 18w3d 6d 15: 24w3d 55.2 60.3 65.3 15: 42.0 18w0d 0d 15: 18w0d 39.3 42.0 44.7
16: 43.0 19w0d 6d 16: 25w3d 58.0 63.2 68.4 16: 43.9 18w4d 0d 16: 18w4d 41.2 43.9 46.6
17: 45.0 19w4d 6d 17: 26w3d 60.8 66.0 71.3 17: 45.7 19w1d 0d 17: 19w1d 42.9 45.7 48.5
18: 47.0 20w2d 7d 18: 27w3d 63.4 68.7 74.1 18: 47.6 19w5d 0d 18: 19w5d 44.8 47.6 50.4
19: 49.0 20w6d 7d 19: 28w3d 65.9 71.4 76.8 19: 49.4 20w2d 0d 19: 20w2d 46.5 49.4 52.3
20: 51.0 21w3d 7d 20: 29w3d 68.3 73.9 79.4 20: 51.2 20w6d 0d 20: 20w6d 48.3 51.2 54.1
21: 53.0 22w1d 8d 21: 30w3d 70.6 76.3 81.9 21: 53.0 21w3d 0d 21: 21w3d 50.0 53.0 56.0
22: 55.0 22w5d 8d 22: 31w3d 72.8 78.5 84.2 22: 54.8 22w0d 0d 22: 22w0d 51.8 54.8 57.8
23: 57.0 23w3d 8d 23: 32w3d 74.8 80.6 86.5 23: 56.6 22w4d 0d 23: 22w4d 53.5 56.6 59.7
24: 59.0 24w1d 8d 24: 33w3d 76.7 82.6 88.5 24: 58.3 23w1d 0d 24: 23w1d 55.2 58.3 61.4
25: 61.0 24w5d 9d 25: 34w3d 78.5 84.5 90.4 25: 60.0 23w5d 0d 25: 23w5d 56.9 60.0 63.1
26: 63.0 25w3d 9d 26: 35w3d 80.1 86.1 92.2 26: 61.7 24w2d 0d 26: 24w2d 58.5 61.7 64.9
27: 65.0 26w1d 9d 27: 36w3d 81.5 87.6 93.8 27: 63.4 24w6d 0d 27: 24w6d 60.2 63.4 66.6
28: 67.0 26w6d 10d 28: 37w3d 82.7 89.0 95.2 28: 65.1 25w3d 0d 28: 25w3d 61.8 65.1 68.4
29: 69.0 27w4d 10d 29: 38w3d 83.8 90.1 96.5 29: 66.7 26w0d 0d 29: 26w0d 63.4 66.7 70.0
30: 71.0 28w3d 10d 30: 39w3d 84.6 91.1 97.5 30: 68.4 26w4d 0d 30: 26w4d 65.1 68.4 71.7
31: 73.0 29w1d 11d 31: 40w3d 85.3 91.8 98.4 31: 69.9 27w1d 0d 31: 27w1d 66.5 69.9 73.3
32: 75.0 30w0d 11d 32: 41w3d 85.8 92.4 99.0 32: 71.5 27w5d 0d 32: 27w5d 68.1 71.5 74.9
33: 77.0 30w6d 12d 33: 42w3d 86.0 92.8 99.5 33: 73.0 28w2d 0d 33: 28w2d 69.6 73.0 76.4
34: 79.0 31w5d 12d 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 74.5 28w6d 0d 34: 28w6d 71.0 74.5 78.0
35: 81.0 32w5d 12d 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 76.0 29w3d 0d 35: 29w3d 72.5 76.0 79.5
36: 83.0 33w5d 13d 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 77.4 30w0d 0d 36: 30w0d 73.9 77.4 80.9
37: 85.0 34w6d 13d 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 78.8 30w4d 0d 37: 30w4d 75.2 78.8 82.4
38: 87.0 36w0d 14d 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 80.2 31w1d 0d 38: 31w1d 76.6 80.2 83.8
39: 89.0 37w4d 14d 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 81.5 31w5d 0d 39: 31w5d 77.9 81.5 85.1
40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 82.7 32w2d 0d 40: 32w2d 79.1 82.7 86.3
41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 84.0 32w6d 0d 41: 32w6d 80.3 84.0 87.7
42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 85.1 33w3d 0d 42: 33w3d 81.4 85.1 88.8
43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 86.2 34w0d 0d 43: 34w0d 82.5 86.2 89.9
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 87.3 34w4d 0d 44: 34w4d 83.6 87.3 91.0
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 88.3 35w1d 0d 45: 35w1d 84.5 88.3 92.1
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 89.2 35w5d 0d 46: 35w5d 85.4 89.2 93.0
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 90.0 36w2d 0d 47: 36w2d 86.2 90.0 93.8
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 90.8 36w6d 0d 48: 36w6d 87.0 90.8 94.6
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 91.5 37w3d 0d 49: 37w3d 87.7 91.5 95.3
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 92.1 38w0d 0d 50: 38w0d 88.3 92.1 95.9
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 92.7 38w4d 0d 51: 38w4d 88.8 92.7 96.6
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 93.1 39w1d 0d 52: 39w1d 89.2 93.1 97.0
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 93.5 39w5d 0d 53: 39w5d 89.6 93.5 97.4
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 93.6 40w0d 0d 54: 40w0d 89.7 93.6 97.5
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 39 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 40 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 41 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 42

1-105 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (2/21) for Japan
43. BPD 44. AC 45. AC 46. FL
H1 ; Age table TODAI96; Growth table TODAI96; Age table TODAI96 ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation ; +/- 1.64SD table Variation; +/- 1.00SD table Variation; +/- 1.00SD table
1: 20.0 11w4d 6d 1: 16w3d 93.0 109.0 125.0 1: 100.0 15w3d 8d 1: 20.0 16w1d 6d
2: 22.0 12w2d 6d 2: 17w3d 103.0 120.0 136.0 2: 105.0 16w0d 8d 2: 22.0 16w6d 6d
3: 24.0 13w0d 6d 3: 18w3d 112.0 130.0 147.0 3: 110.0 16w4d 8d 3: 24.0 17w3d 7d
4: 26.0 13w5d 7d 4: 19w3d 122.0 140.0 158.0 4: 115.0 17w0d 8d 4: 26.0 18w1d 7d
5: 28.0 14w3d 7d 5: 20w3d 131.0 151.0 169.0 5: 120.0 17w4d 9d 5: 28.0 18w6d 7d
6: 30.0 15w0d 7d 6: 21w3d 140.0 161.0 180.0 6: 125.0 18w0d 9d 6: 30.0 19w4d 8d
7: 32.0 15w5d 8d 7: 22w3d 150.0 171.0 191.0 7: 130.0 18w4d 9d 7: 32.0 20w2d 8d
8: 34.0 16w2d 8d 8: 23w3d 159.0 181.0 202.0 8: 135.0 19w0d 9d 8: 34.0 21w1d 8d
9: 36.0 16w6d 8d 9: 24w3d 168.0 191.0 212.0 9: 140.0 19w4d 9d 9: 36.0 21w6d 8d
10: 38.0 17w4d 9d 10: 25w3d 177.0 201.0 223.0 10: 145.0 20w0d 9d 10: 38.0 22w5d 9d
11: 40.0 18w1d 9d 11: 26w3d 186.0 210.0 233.0 11: 150.0 20w3d 10d 11: 40.0 23w3d 9d
12: 42.0 18w5d 10d 12: 27w3d 195.0 220.0 244.0 12: 155.0 21w0d 10d 12: 42.0 24w3d 9d
13: 44.0 19w2d 10d 13: 28w3d 203.0 229.0 254.0 13: 160.0 21w3d 10d 13: 44.0 25w3d 9d
14: 46.0 19w6d 10d 14: 29w3d 211.0 238.0 264.0 14: 165.0 22w0d 10d 14: 46.0 26w2d 10d
15: 48.0 20w3d 11d 15: 30w3d 220.0 247.0 273.0 15: 170.0 22w3d 10d 15: 48.0 27w2d 10d
16: 50.0 21w1d 11d 16: 31w3d 228.0 256.0 283.0 16: 175.0 22w6d 10d 16: 50.0 28w2d 10d
17: 52.0 21w5d 11d 17: 32w3d 235.0 265.0 292.0 17: 180.0 23w3d 11d 17: 52.0 29w2d 11d
18: 54.0 22w2d 12d 18: 33w3d 243.0 273.0 301.0 18: 185.0 23w6d 11d 18: 54.0 30w2d 11d
19: 56.0 22w6d 12d 19: 34w3d 250.0 281.0 310.0 19: 190.0 24w3d 11d 19: 56.0 31w2d 11d
20: 58.0 23w4d 12d 20: 35w3d 257.0 289.0 319.0 20: 195.0 24w6d 11d 20: 58.0 32w3d 11d
21: 60.0 24w1d 13d 21: 36w3d 264.0 297.0 327.0 21: 200.0 25w3d 11d 21: 60.0 33w3d 12d
22: 62.0 24w6d 13d 22: 37w3d 270.0 304.0 335.0 22: 205.0 25w6d 11d 22: 62.0 34w4d 12d
23: 64.0 25w4d 14d 23: 38w3d 276.0 311.0 343.0 23: 210.0 26w3d 12d 23: 64.0 35w5d 12d
24: 66.0 26w2d 14d 24: 39w3d 282.0 318.0 350.0 24: 215.0 27w0d 12d 24: 66.0 37w0d 12d
25: 68.0 27w0d 14d 25: 40w3d 288.0 324.0 357.0 25: 220.0 27w3d 12d 25: 68.0 38w1d 13d
26: 70.0 27w5d 15d 26: 41w3d 293.0 330.0 364.0 26: 225.0 28w0d 12d 26: 70.0 39w3d 13d
27: 72.0 28w4d 15d 27: 42w3d 297.0 336.0 370.0 27: 230.0 28w4d 12d 27: 0.0 0w0d 0d
28: 74.0 29w2d 15d 28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 235.0 29w0d 12d 28: 0.0 0w0d 0d
29: 76.0 30w1d 16d 29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 240.0 29w4d 13d 29: 0.0 0w0d 0d
30: 78.0 31w0d 16d 30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 245.0 30w1d 13d 30: 0.0 0w0d 0d
31: 80.0 32w0d 16d 31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 250.0 30w5d 13d 31: 0.0 0w0d 0d
32: 82.0 32w6d 17d 32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 255.0 31w2d 13d 32: 0.0 0w0d 0d
33: 84.0 33w6d 17d 33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 260.0 31w6d 13d 33: 0.0 0w0d 0d
34: 86.0 34w6d 17d 34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 265.0 32w3d 13d 34: 0.0 0w0d 0d
35: 88.0 36w0d 18d 35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 270.0 33w1d 13d 35: 0.0 0w0d 0d
36: 90.0 37w1d 18d 36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 275.0 33w5d 14d 36: 0.0 0w0d 0d
37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 280.0 34w2d 14d 37: 0.0 0w0d 0d
38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 285.0 35w0d 14d 38: 0.0 0w0d 0d
39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 290.0 35w4d 14d 39: 0.0 0w0d 0d
40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 295.0 36w2d 14d 40: 0.0 0w0d 0d
41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 300.0 36w6d 14d 41: 0.0 0w0d 0d
42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 305.0 37w5d 14d 42: 0.0 0w0d 0d
43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 310.0 38w2d 15d 43: 0.0 0w0d 0d
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 315.0 39w0d 15d 44: 0.0 0w0d 0d
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 320.0 39w6d 15d 45: 0.0 0w0d 0d
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 325.0 40w4d 15d 46: 0.0 0w0d 0d
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 330.0 41w2d 15d 47: 0.0 0w0d 0d
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 43 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 44 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 45 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 46

1-106 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (3/21) for Japan
47. FL 48. FL 49. FL 50. FL
TODAI96; Growth table OSAKA U. ; Age table OSAKA U.; Growth table H1 ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/- 1.64SD table Variation ; None Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation; 90% confidence interval
1: 16w3d 17.1 21.4 25.8 1: 9.4 13w0d 0d 1: 13w0d 7.3 9.4 11.5 1: 20.0 16w6d 8d
2: 17w3d 19.6 24.0 28.4 2: 11.2 13w4d 0d 2: 13w4d 9.1 11.2 13.3 2: 21.0 17w1d 8d
3: 18w3d 22.1 26.5 31.0 3: 13.0 14w1d 0d 3: 14w1d 10.8 13.0 15.2 3: 22.0 17w3d 8d
4: 19w3d 24.6 29.1 33.6 4: 14.8 14w5d 0d 4: 14w5d 12.6 14.8 17.0 4: 23.0 17w5d 9d
5: 20w3d 27.1 31.6 36.2 5: 16.6 15w2d 0d 5: 15w2d 14.4 16.6 18.8 5: 24.0 18w0d 9d
6: 21w3d 29.5 34.1 38.8 6: 18.3 15w6d 0d 6: 15w6d 16.1 18.3 20.5 6: 25.0 18w3d 9d
7: 22w3d 31.9 36.6 41.3 7: 20.1 16w3d 0d 7: 16w3d 17.8 20.1 22.4 7: 26.0 18w5d 9d
8: 23w3d 34.3 39.1 43.8 8: 21.8 17w0d 0d 8: 17w0d 19.5 21.8 24.1 8: 27.0 19w0d 10d
9: 24w3d 36.7 41.5 46.3 9: 23.4 17w4d 0d 9: 17w4d 21.1 23.4 25.7 9: 28.0 19w3d 10d
10: 25w3d 39.0 43.9 48.7 10: 25.1 18w1d 0d 10: 18w1d 22.8 25.1 27.4 10: 29.0 19w5d 10d
11: 26w3d 41.3 46.2 51.1 11: 26.7 18w5d 0d 11: 18w5d 24.4 26.7 29.0 11: 30.0 20w0d 10d
12: 27w3d 43.5 48.4 53.4 12: 28.3 19w2d 0d 12: 19w2d 25.9 28.3 30.7 12: 31.0 20w3d 10d
13: 28w3d 45.6 50.6 55.7 13: 29.9 19w6d 0d 13: 19w6d 27.5 29.9 32.3 13: 32.0 20w5d 11d
14: 29w3d 47.7 52.8 57.9 14: 31.5 20w3d 0d 14: 20w3d 29.1 31.5 33.9 14: 33.0 21w1d 11d
15: 30w3d 49.7 54.8 60.0 15: 33.0 21w0d 0d 15: 21w0d 30.6 33.0 35.4 15: 34.0 21w3d 11d
16: 31w3d 51.6 56.8 62.0 16: 34.6 21w4d 0d 16: 21w4d 32.1 34.6 37.1 16: 35.0 21w6d 11d
17: 32w3d 53.5 58.7 64.0 17: 36.1 22w1d 0d 17: 22w1d 33.6 36.1 38.6 17: 36.0 22w2d 11d
18: 33w3d 55.2 60.5 65.8 18: 37.5 22w5d 0d 18: 22w5d 35.0 37.5 40.0 18: 37.0 22w4d 11d
19: 34w3d 56.9 62.2 67.6 19: 39.0 23w2d 0d 19: 23w2d 36.5 39.0 41.5 19: 38.0 23w0d 12d
20: 35w3d 58.4 63.8 69.2 20: 40.4 23w6d 0d 20: 23w6d 37.9 40.4 42.9 20: 39.0 23w3d 12d
21: 36w3d 59.9 65.3 70.8 21: 41.8 24w3d 0d 21: 24w3d 39.2 41.8 44.4 21: 40.0 23w6d 12d
22: 37w3d 61.2 66.7 72.2 22: 43.2 25w0d 0d 22: 25w0d 40.6 43.2 45.8 22: 41.0 24w2d 12d
23: 38w3d 62.4 68.0 73.6 23: 44.5 25w4d 0d 23: 25w4d 41.9 44.5 47.1 23: 42.0 24w5d 13d
24: 39w3d 63.5 69.1 74.7 24: 45.9 26w1d 0d 24: 26w1d 43.3 45.9 48.5 24: 43.0 25w0d 13d
25: 40w3d 64.4 70.1 75.8 25: 47.2 26w5d 0d 25: 26w5d 44.5 47.2 49.9 25: 44.0 25w3d 13d
26: 41w3d 65.3 71.0 76.7 26: 48.5 27w2d 0d 26: 27w2d 45.8 48.5 51.2 26: 45.0 25w6d 13d
27: 42w3d 65.9 71.7 77.5 27: 49.7 27w6d 0d 27: 27w6d 47.0 49.7 52.4 27: 46.0 26w3d 14d
28: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 28: 51.0 28w3d 0d 28: 28w3d 48.3 51.0 53.7 28: 47.0 26w6d 14d
29: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 29: 52.2 29w0d 0d 29: 29w0d 49.5 52.2 54.9 29: 48.0 27w2d 14d
30: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 30: 53.4 29w4d 0d 30: 29w4d 50.6 53.4 56.2 30: 49.0 27w5d 14d
31: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 31: 54.6 30w1d 0d 31: 30w1d 51.8 54.6 57.4 31: 50.0 28w1d 14d
32: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 32: 55.7 30w5d 0d 32: 30w5d 52.9 55.7 58.5 32: 51.0 28w5d 15d
33: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 33: 56.9 31w2d 0d 33: 31w2d 54.1 56.9 59.7 33: 52.0 29w1d 15d
34: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 34: 58.0 31w6d 0d 34: 31w6d 55.1 58.0 60.9 34: 53.0 29w4d 15d
35: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 35: 59.0 32w3d 0d 35: 32w3d 56.1 59.0 61.9 35: 54.0 30w1d 15d
36: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 36: 60.1 33w0d 0d 36: 33w0d 57.2 60.1 63.0 36: 55.0 30w4d 16d
37: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 37: 61.1 33w4d 0d 37: 33w4d 58.2 61.1 64.0 37: 56.0 31w1d 16d
38: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 38: 62.1 34w1d 0d 38: 34w1d 59.2 62.1 65.0 38: 57.0 31w4d 16d
39: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 39: 63.1 34w5d 0d 39: 34w5d 60.1 63.1 66.1 39: 58.0 32w1d 16d
40: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 40: 64.1 35w2d 0d 40: 35w2d 61.1 64.1 67.1 40: 59.0 32w4d 16d
41: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 41: 65.0 35w6d 0d 41: 35w6d 62.0 65.0 68.0 41: 60.0 33w1d 17d
42: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 42: 66.0 36w3d 0d 42: 36w3d 63.0 66.0 69.0 42: 61.0 33w4d 17d
43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 66.9 37w0d 0d 43: 37w0d 63.8 66.9 70.0 43: 62.0 34w1d 17d
44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 67.7 37w4d 0d 44: 37w4d 64.6 67.7 70.8 44: 63.0 34w5d 17d
45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 68.6 38w1d 0d 45: 38w1d 65.5 68.6 71.7 45: 64.0 35w2d 17d
46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 69.4 38w5d 0d 46: 38w5d 66.3 69.4 72.5 46: 65.0 35w5d 17d
47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 70.2 39w2d 0d 47: 39w2d 67.1 70.2 73.3 47: 66.0 36w2d 18d
48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 71.0 39w6d 0d 48: 39w6d 67.8 71.0 74.2 48: 67.0 36w6d 18d
49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 71.2 40w0d 0d 49: 40w0d 68.0 71.2 74.4 49: 68.0 37w3d 18d
50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 69.0 38w0d 18d
51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 70.0 38w4d 18d
52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d
53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d
54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d
55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d
56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d
57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d
58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 47 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 48 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 49 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 50

1-107 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (4/21) for Japan
51. CRL 52. CRL 53. CRL 54. GS
TODAI ; Age table OSAKA U. ; Age table OSAKA U.; Growth table TODAI ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation ; None Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation; 90% confidence interval
1: 15.0 8w0d 7d 1: 8.7 7w0d 0d 1: 7w0d 7.1 8.7 10.3 1: 10.0 4w0d 7d
2: 19.0 9w0d 7d 2: 9.1 7w1d 0d 2: 7w1d 7.4 9.1 10.8 2: 16.0 5w0d 8d
3: 27.0 10w0d 7d 3: 9.6 7w2d 0d 3: 7w2d 7.7 9.6 11.5 3: 22.0 6w0d 11d
4: 36.0 11w0d 7d 4: 10.2 7w3d 0d 4: 7w3d 8.2 10.2 12.2 4: 27.0 7w0d 12d
5: 46.0 12w0d 7d 5: 10.8 7w4d 0d 5: 7w4d 8.6 10.8 13.0 5: 34.0 8w0d 13d
6: 57.0 13w0d 7d 6: 11.5 7w5d 0d 6: 7w5d 9.2 11.5 13.8 6: 41.0 9w0d 14d
7: 72.0 14w0d 8d 7: 12.2 7w6d 0d 7: 7w6d 9.7 12.2 14.7 7: 48.0 10w0d 15d
8: 0.0 0w0d 0d 8: 13.0 8w0d 0d 8: 8w0d 10.4 13.0 15.6 8: 57.0 11w0d 16d
9: 0.0 0w0d 0d 9: 13.9 8w1d 0d 9: 8w1d 11.1 13.9 16.7 9: 0.0 0w0d 0d
10: 0.0 0w0d 0d 10: 14.9 8w2d 0d 10: 8w2d 12.0 14.9 17.8 10: 0.0 0w0d 0d
11: 0.0 0w0d 0d 11: 15.9 8w3d 0d 11: 8w3d 12.8 15.9 19.0 11: 0.0 0w0d 0d
12: 0.0 0w0d 0d 12: 16.9 8w4d 0d 12: 8w4d 13.7 16.9 20.1 12: 0.0 0w0d 0d
13: 0.0 0w0d 0d 13: 18.0 8w5d 0d 13: 8w5d 14.6 18.0 21.4 13: 0.0 0w0d 0d
14: 0.0 0w0d 0d 14: 19.2 8w6d 0d 14: 8w6d 15.7 19.2 22.7 14: 0.0 0w0d 0d
15: 0.0 0w0d 0d 15: 20.4 9w0d 0d 15: 9w0d 16.7 20.4 24.1 15: 0.0 0w0d 0d
16: 0.0 0w0d 0d 16: 21.6 9w1d 0d 16: 9w1d 17.8 21.6 25.4 16: 0.0 0w0d 0d
17: 0.0 0w0d 0d 17: 22.9 9w2d 0d 17: 9w2d 18.9 22.9 26.9 17: 0.0 0w0d 0d
18: 0.0 0w0d 0d 18: 24.3 9w3d 0d 18: 9w3d 20.2 24.3 28.4 18: 0.0 0w0d 0d
19: 0.0 0w0d 0d 19: 25.7 9w4d 0d 19: 9w4d 21.4 25.7 30.0 19: 0.0 0w0d 0d
20: 0.0 0w0d 0d 20: 27.1 9w5d 0d 20: 9w5d 22.6 27.1 31.6 20: 0.0 0w0d 0d
21: 0.0 0w0d 0d 21: 28.5 9w6d 0d 21: 9w6d 23.9 28.5 33.1 21: 0.0 0w0d 0d
22: 0.0 0w0d 0d 22: 30.0 10w0d 0d 22: 10w0d 25.2 30.0 34.8 22: 0.0 0w0d 0d
23: 0.0 0w0d 0d 23: 31.5 10w1d 0d 23: 10w1d 26.6 31.5 36.4 23: 0.0 0w0d 0d
24: 0.0 0w0d 0d 24: 33.1 10w2d 0d 24: 10w2d 28.0 33.1 38.2 24: 0.0 0w0d 0d
25: 0.0 0w0d 0d 25: 34.7 10w3d 0d 25: 10w3d 29.5 34.7 39.9 25: 0.0 0w0d 0d
26: 0.0 0w0d 0d 26: 36.3 10w4d 0d 26: 10w4d 30.9 36.3 41.7 26: 0.0 0w0d 0d
27: 0.0 0w0d 0d 27: 37.9 10w5d 0d 27: 10w5d 32.4 37.9 43.4 27: 0.0 0w0d 0d
28: 0.0 0w0d 0d 28: 39.5 10w6d 0d 28: 10w6d 33.8 39.5 45.2 28: 0.0 0w0d 0d
29: 0.0 0w0d 0d 29: 41.2 11w0d 0d 29: 11w0d 35.4 41.2 47.0 29: 0.0 0w0d 0d
30: 0.0 0w0d 0d 30: 42.8 11w1d 0d 30: 11w1d 36.8 42.8 48.8 30: 0.0 0w0d 0d
31: 0.0 0w0d 0d 31: 44.5 11w2d 0d 31: 11w2d 38.4 44.5 50.6 31: 0.0 0w0d 0d
32: 0.0 0w0d 0d 32: 46.2 11w3d 0d 32: 11w3d 39.9 46.2 52.5 32: 0.0 0w0d 0d
33: 0.0 0w0d 0d 33: 47.9 11w4d 0d 33: 11w4d 41.5 47.9 54.3 33: 0.0 0w0d 0d
34: 0.0 0w0d 0d 34: 49.6 11w5d 0d 34: 11w5d 43.0 49.6 56.2 34: 0.0 0w0d 0d
35: 0.0 0w0d 0d 35: 51.3 11w6d 0d 35: 11w6d 44.6 51.3 58.0 35: 0.0 0w0d 0d
36: 0.0 0w0d 0d 36: 53.0 12w0d 0d 36: 12w0d 46.1 53.0 59.9 36: 0.0 0w0d 0d
37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 54.8 12w1d 0d 37: 12w1d 47.8 54.8 61.8 37: 0.0 0w0d 0d
38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 56.5 12w2d 0d 38: 12w2d 49.3 56.5 63.7 38: 0.0 0w0d 0d
39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 58.2 12w3d 0d 39: 12w3d 50.9 58.2 65.5 39: 0.0 0w0d 0d
40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 59.9 12w4d 0d 40: 12w4d 52.4 59.9 67.4 40: 0.0 0w0d 0d
41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 61.6 12w5d 0d 41: 12w5d 54.0 61.6 69.2 41: 0.0 0w0d 0d
42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 63.2 12w6d 0d 42: 12w6d 55.4 63.2 71.0 42: 0.0 0w0d 0d
43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 43: 0.0 0w0d 0d
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 44: 0.0 0w0d 0d
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 45: 0.0 0w0d 0d
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 46: 0.0 0w0d 0d
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 47: 0.0 0w0d 0d
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 48: 0.0 0w0d 0d
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 49: 0.0 0w0d 0d
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 51 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 52 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 53 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 54

1-108 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (5/21) for Japan
55. LV 56. FTA 57. FTA 58. HL
TODAI ; Age table OSAKA U. ; Age table OSAKA U.; Growth table OSAKA U. ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; area Calculation type ; area Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; cm2 Data unit ; cm2 Data unit ; mm
Variation; 90% confidence interval Variation ; None Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation ; None
1: 37.0 21w0d 7d 1: 5.60 14w0d 0d 1: 14w0d 4.40 5.60 6.80 1: 10.1 13w0d 0d
2: 40.0 22w0d 9d 2: 6.50 14w4d 0d 2: 14w4d 5.20 6.50 7.80 2: 11.8 13w4d 0d
3: 44.0 23w0d 11d 3: 7.60 15w1d 0d 3: 15w1d 6.20 7.60 9.00 3: 13.5 14w1d 0d
4: 47.0 24w0d 12d 4: 8.70 15w5d 0d 4: 15w5d 7.20 8.70 10.20 4: 15.1 14w5d 0d
5: 50.0 25w0d 14d 5: 9.80 16w2d 0d 5: 16w2d 8.20 9.80 11.40 5: 16.7 15w2d 0d
6: 54.0 26w0d 17d 6: 11.00 16w6d 0d 6: 16w6d 9.20 11.00 12.80 6: 18.3 15w6d 0d
7: 57.0 27w0d 19d 7: 12.20 17w3d 0d 7: 17w3d 10.30 12.20 14.10 7: 19.9 16w3d 0d
8: 59.0 28w0d 21d 8: 13.50 18w0d 0d 8: 18w0d 11.50 13.50 15.50 8: 21.5 17w0d 0d
9: 62.0 29w0d 24d 9: 14.80 18w4d 0d 9: 18w4d 12.60 14.80 17.00 9: 23.0 17w4d 0d
10: 64.0 30w0d 25d 10: 16.20 19w1d 0d 10: 19w1d 13.90 16.20 18.50 10: 24.5 18w1d 0d
11: 67.0 31w0d 28d 11: 17.60 19w5d 0d 11: 19w5d 15.10 17.60 20.10 11: 25.9 18w5d 0d
12: 69.0 32w0d 31d 12: 19.10 20w2d 0d 12: 20w2d 16.50 19.10 21.70 12: 27.4 19w2d 0d
13: 71.0 33w0d 34d 13: 20.60 20w6d 0d 13: 20w6d 17.80 20.60 23.40 13: 28.8 19w6d 0d
14: 73.0 34w0d 35d 14: 22.20 21w3d 0d 14: 21w3d 19.30 22.20 25.10 14: 30.2 20w3d 0d
15: 75.0 35w0d 38d 15: 23.80 22w0d 0d 15: 22w0d 20.70 23.80 26.90 15: 31.5 21w0d 0d
16: 77.0 36w0d 40d 16: 25.50 22w4d 0d 16: 22w4d 22.20 25.50 28.80 16: 32.9 21w4d 0d
17: 78.0 37w0d 42d 17: 27.20 23w1d 0d 17: 23w1d 23.80 27.20 30.60 17: 34.2 22w1d 0d
18: 79.0 38w0d 44d 18: 29.00 23w5d 0d 18: 23w5d 25.40 29.00 32.60 18: 35.4 22w5d 0d
19: 80.0 39w0d 46d 19: 30.80 24w2d 0d 19: 24w2d 27.00 30.80 34.60 19: 36.7 23w2d 0d
20: 81.0 40w0d 48d 20: 32.60 24w6d 0d 20: 24w6d 28.60 32.60 36.60 20: 37.9 23w6d 0d
21: 0.0 0w0d 0d 21: 34.50 25w3d 0d 21: 25w3d 30.30 34.50 38.70 21: 39.1 24w3d 0d
22: 0.0 0w0d 0d 22: 36.50 26w0d 0d 22: 26w0d 32.10 36.50 40.90 22: 40.3 25w0d 0d
23: 0.0 0w0d 0d 23: 38.40 26w4d 0d 23: 26w4d 33.80 38.40 43.00 23: 41.4 25w4d 0d
24: 0.0 0w0d 0d 24: 40.40 27w1d 0d 24: 27w1d 35.60 40.40 45.20 24: 42.6 26w1d 0d
25: 0.0 0w0d 0d 25: 42.40 27w5d 0d 25: 27w5d 37.40 42.40 47.40 25: 43.7 26w5d 0d
26: 0.0 0w0d 0d 26: 44.50 28w2d 0d 26: 28w2d 39.30 44.50 49.70 26: 44.7 27w2d 0d
27: 0.0 0w0d 0d 27: 46.60 28w6d 0d 27: 28w6d 41.20 46.60 52.00 27: 45.8 27w6d 0d
28: 0.0 0w0d 0d 28: 48.70 29w3d 0d 28: 29w3d 43.10 48.70 54.30 28: 46.8 28w3d 0d
29: 0.0 0w0d 0d 29: 50.80 30w0d 0d 29: 30w0d 45.00 50.80 56.60 29: 47.8 29w0d 0d
30: 0.0 0w0d 0d 30: 52.90 30w4d 0d 30: 30w4d 46.80 52.90 59.00 30: 48.7 29w4d 0d
31: 0.0 0w0d 0d 31: 55.00 31w1d 0d 31: 31w1d 48.70 55.00 61.30 31: 49.7 30w1d 0d
32: 0.0 0w0d 0d 32: 57.20 31w5d 0d 32: 31w5d 50.70 57.20 63.70 32: 50.6 30w5d 0d
33: 0.0 0w0d 0d 33: 59.40 32w2d 0d 33: 32w2d 52.60 59.40 66.20 33: 51.5 31w2d 0d
34: 0.0 0w0d 0d 34: 61.50 32w6d 0d 34: 32w6d 54.50 61.50 68.50 34: 52.3 31w6d 0d
35: 0.0 0w0d 0d 35: 63.70 33w3d 0d 35: 33w3d 56.40 63.70 71.00 35: 53.1 32w3d 0d
36: 0.0 0w0d 0d 36: 65.80 34w0d 0d 36: 34w0d 58.30 65.80 73.30 36: 53.9 33w0d 0d
37: 0.0 0w0d 0d 37: 67.90 34w4d 0d 37: 34w4d 60.10 67.90 75.70 37: 54.7 33w4d 0d
38: 0.0 0w0d 0d 38: 70.10 35w1d 0d 38: 35w1d 62.10 70.10 78.10 38: 55.5 34w1d 0d
39: 0.0 0w0d 0d 39: 72.20 35w5d 0d 39: 35w5d 63.90 72.20 80.50 39: 56.2 34w5d 0d
40: 0.0 0w0d 0d 40: 74.20 36w2d 0d 40: 36w2d 65.60 74.20 82.80 40: 56.9 35w2d 0d
41: 0.0 0w0d 0d 41: 76.20 36w6d 0d 41: 36w6d 67.40 76.20 85.00 41: 57.6 35w6d 0d
42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 78.20 37w3d 0d 42: 37w3d 69.10 78.20 87.30 42: 58.2 36w3d 0d
43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 80.20 38w0d 0d 43: 38w0d 70.80 80.20 89.60 43: 58.8 37w0d 0d
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 82.10 38w4d 0d 44: 38w4d 72.40 82.10 91.80 44: 59.4 37w4d 0d
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 83.90 39w1d 0d 45: 39w1d 73.90 83.90 93.90 45: 60.0 38w1d 0d
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 85.70 39w5d 0d 46: 39w5d 75.40 85.70 96.00 46: 60.5 38w5d 0d
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 86.60 40w0d 0d 47: 40w0d 76.20 86.60 97.00 47: 61.0 39w2d 0d
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0.00 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 48: 61.5 39w6d 0d
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0.00 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 49: 61.6 40w0d 0d
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0.00 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 50: 0.0 0w0d 0d
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0.00 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 51: 0.0 0w0d 0d
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0.00 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 52: 0.0 0w0d 0d
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0.00 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 53: 0.0 0w0d 0d
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0.00 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 54: 0.0 0w0d 0d
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0.00 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 55: 0.0 0w0d 0d
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0.00 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 56: 0.0 0w0d 0d
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0.00 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0.00 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0.00 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0.00 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 55 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 56 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 57 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 58

1-109 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (6/21) for Japan
59. HL 60. Estimated Fetal Body Weight 61. Estimated Fetal Body Weight
OSAKA U.; Growth table TODAI96 ; EFBW table OSAKA U. ; EFBW table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; weight Calculation type ; weight
Data unit ; mm Data unit ;g Data unit ; g
Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation ; +/- 1.64SD table Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table
1: 13w0d 8.1 10.1 12.1 1: 18w3d 158 216 274 1: 16w0d 108 137 166
2: 13w4d 9.8 11.8 13.8 2: 19w3d 204 279 355 2: 16w3d 124 153 182
3: 14w1d 11.4 13.5 15.6 3: 20w3d 256 349 442 3: 16w6d 140 170 200
4: 14w5d 13.0 15.1 17.2 4: 21w3d 314 427 539 4: 17w2d 156 188 220
5: 15w2d 14.6 16.7 18.8 5: 22w3d 381 513 645 5: 17w5d 175 209 243
6: 15w6d 16.2 18.3 20.4 6: 23w3d 456 609 761 6: 18w1d 195 231 267
7: 16w3d 17.8 19.9 22.0 7: 24w3d 541 714 888 7: 18w4d 215 254 293
8: 17w0d 19.3 21.5 23.7 8: 25w3d 634 830 1026 8: 19w0d 238 280 322
9: 17w4d 20.8 23.0 25.2 9: 26w3d 737 956 1175 9: 19w3d 263 308 353
10: 18w1d 22.3 24.5 26.7 10: 27w3d 849 1092 1334 10: 19w6d 288 337 386
11: 18w5d 23.7 25.9 28.1 11: 28w3d 970 1237 1504 11: 20w2d 315 368 421
12: 19w2d 25.2 27.4 29.6 12: 29w3d 1099 1391 1683 12: 20w5d 344 401 458
13: 19w6d 26.5 28.8 31.1 13: 30w3d 1234 1552 1870 13: 21w1d 375 436 497
14: 20w3d 27.9 30.2 32.5 14: 31w3d 1375 1720 2064 14: 21w4d 408 474 540
15: 21w0d 29.2 31.5 33.8 15: 32w3d 1520 1892 2265 15: 22w0d 442 513 584
16: 21w4d 30.6 32.9 35.2 16: 33w3d 1667 2068 2469 16: 22w3d 477 553 629
17: 22w1d 31.9 34.2 36.5 17: 34w3d 1814 2244 2675 17: 22w6d 515 596 677
18: 22w5d 33.1 35.4 37.7 18: 35w3d 1960 2420 2880 18: 23w2d 554 641 728
19: 23w2d 34.3 36.7 39.1 19: 36w3d 2102 2592 3083 19: 23w5d 596 688 780
20: 23w6d 35.5 37.9 40.3 20: 37w3d 2236 2758 3280 20: 24w1d 638 736 834
21: 24w3d 36.7 39.1 41.5 21: 38w3d 2360 2915 3469 21: 24w4d 683 787 891
22: 25w0d 37.9 40.3 42.7 22: 39w3d 2471 3059 3647 22: 25w0d 729 839 949
23: 25w4d 39.0 41.4 43.8 23: 40w3d 2565 3187 3809 23: 25w3d 777 893 1009
24: 26w1d 40.1 42.6 45.1 24: 41w3d 2639 3296 3952 24: 25w6d 826 949 1072
25: 26w5d 41.2 43.7 46.2 25: 0w0d 0 0 0 25: 26w2d 878 1007 1136
26: 27w2d 42.2 44.7 47.0 26: 0w0d 0 0 0 26: 26w5d 931 1066 1201
27: 27w6d 43.3 45.8 48.3 27: 0w0d 0 0 0 27: 27w1d 985 1127 1269
28: 28w3d 44.3 46.8 49.3 28: 0w0d 0 0 0 28: 27w4d 1040 1189 1338
29: 29w0d 45.2 47.8 50.4 29: 0w0d 0 0 0 29: 28w0d 1098 1253 1408
30: 29w4d 46.1 48.7 51.3 30: 0w0d 0 0 0 30: 28w3d 1156 1318 1480
31: 30w1d 47.1 49.7 52.3 31: 0w0d 0 0 0 31: 28w6d 1216 1385 1554
32: 30w5d 48.0 50.6 53.2 32: 0w0d 0 0 0 32: 29w2d 1277 1453 1629
33: 31w2d 48.9 51.5 54.1 33: 0w0d 0 0 0 33: 29w5d 1339 1522 1705
34: 31w6d 49.7 52.3 54.9 34: 0w0d 0 0 0 34: 30w1d 1402 1592 1782
35: 32w3d 50.4 53.1 55.8 35: 0w0d 0 0 0 35: 30w4d 1466 1663 1860
36: 33w0d 51.2 53.9 56.6 36: 0w0d 0 0 0 36: 31w0d 1531 1735 1939
37: 33w4d 52.0 54.7 57.4 37: 0w0d 0 0 0 37: 31w3d 1596 1808 2020
38: 34w1d 52.8 55.5 58.2 38: 0w0d 0 0 0 38: 31w6d 1662 1881 2100
39: 34w5d 53.5 56.2 58.9 39: 0w0d 0 0 0 39: 32w2d 1728 1955 2182
40: 35w2d 54.1 56.9 59.7 40: 0w0d 0 0 0 40: 32w5d 1795 2029 2263
41: 35w6d 54.8 57.6 60.4 41: 0w0d 0 0 0 41: 33w1d 1862 2104 2346
42: 36w3d 55.4 58.2 61.0 42: 0w0d 0 0 0 42: 33w4d 1929 2179 2429
43: 37w0d 56.0 58.8 61.6 43: 0w0d 0 0 0 43: 34w0d 1997 2254 2511
44: 37w4d 56.6 59.4 62.2 44: 0w0d 0 0 0 44: 34w3d 2064 2329 2594
45: 38w1d 57.1 60.0 62.9 45: 0w0d 0 0 0 45: 34w6d 2129 2403 2677
46: 38w5d 57.6 60.5 63.4 46: 0w0d 0 0 0 46: 35w2d 2196 2478 2760
47: 39w2d 58.1 61.0 63.9 47: 0w0d 0 0 0 47: 35w5d 2261 2551 2841
48: 39w6d 58.6 61.5 64.4 48: 0w0d 0 0 0 48: 36w1d 2325 2624 2923
49: 40w0d 58.7 61.6 64.5 49: 0w0d 0 0 0 49: 36w4d 2388 2696 3004
50: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 50: 0w0d 0 0 0 50: 37w0d 2450 2767 3084
51: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 51: 0w0d 0 0 0 51: 37w3d 2511 2837 3163
52: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 52: 0w0d 0 0 0 52: 37w6d 2571 2906 3241
53: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 53: 0w0d 0 0 0 53: 38w2d 2628 2973 3318
54: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 54: 0w0d 0 0 0 54: 38w5d 2683 3038 3393
55: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 55: 0w0d 0 0 0 55: 39w1d 2736 3101 3466
56: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 56: 0w0d 0 0 0 56: 39w4d 2786 3162 3538
57: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 57: 0w0d 0 0 0 57: 40w0d 2833 3220 3607
58: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 58: 0w0d 0 0 0 58: 0w0d 0 0 0
59: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 59: 0w0d 0 0 0 59: 0w0d 0 0 0
60: 0w0d 0.0 0.0 0.0 60: 0w0d 0 0 0 60: 0w0d 0 0 0
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 59 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 62 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 63

1-110 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (7/21) for Japan
TODAI96 ; Age table TODAI96. ; Growth table TODAI96 ; Age table OSAKA U.; Age table
Calculation type ; area Calculation type ; area Calculation type ; Weight Calculation type ; Weight
Data unit ; cm2 Data unit ; cm2 Data unit ; g Data unit ; g
Variation; +/- 1.00SD table Variation ; +/- 1.64SD table Variation ; +/- 1.00SD table Variation ; none
1: 10 16w1d 8d 1: 16w3d 7.0 11.2 15.5 1: 250 19w3d 7d 1: 137 16w0d 0d
2: 12 17w0d 8d 2: 17w3d 8.7 13.3 18.0 2: 300 19w6d 7d 2: 153 16w3d 0d
3: 14 17w6d 8d 3: 18w3d 10.5 15.6 20.7 3: 350 20w4d 7d 3: 170 16w6d 0d
4: 16 18w4d 8d 4: 19w3d 12.5 18.1 23.6 4: 400 21w2d 7d 4: 188 17w2d 0d
5: 18 19w3d 8d 5: 20w3d 14.7 20.8 26.8 5: 450 21w5d 7d 5: 209 17w5d 0d
6: 20 20w1d 8d 6: 21w3d 17.1 23.6 30.2 6: 500 22w2d 7d 6: 231 18w1d 0d
7: 22 20w6d 9d 7: 22w3d 19.6 26.7 33.8 7: 550 22w6d 7d 7: 254 18w4d 0d
8: 24 21w4d 9d 8: 23w3d 22.2 29.9 37.5 8: 600 23w2d 7d 8: 280 19w0d 0d
9: 26 22w2d 9d 9: 24w3d 25.0 33.2 41.5 9: 650 23w6d 7d 9: 308 19w3d 0d
10: 28 22w6d 9d 10: 25w3d 27.9 36.7 45.6 10: 700 24w2d 7d 10: 337 19w6d 0d
11: 30 23w4d 9d 11: 26w3d 30.9 40.3 49.8 11: 750 24w5d 7d 11: 368 20w2d 0d
12: 32 24w1d 10d 12: 27w3d 33.9 44.1 54.2 12: 800 25w2d 8d 12: 401 20w5d 0d
13: 34 24w5d 10d 13: 28w3d 37.1 47.9 58.7 13: 850 25w5d 8d 13: 436 21w1d 0d
14: 36 25w3d 10d 14: 29w3d 40.3 51.8 63.3 14: 900 26w1d 8d 14: 474 21w4d 0d
15: 38 25w6d 10d 15: 30w3d 43.5 55.7 68.0 15: 950 26w4d 8d 15: 513 22w0d 0d
16: 40 26w3d 11d 16: 31w3d 46.8 59.7 72.7 16: 1000 26w6d 8d 16: 553 22w3d 0d
17: 42 27w0d 11d 17: 32w3d 50.0 63.8 77.6 17: 1050 27w2d 8d 17: 596 22w6d 0d
18: 44 27w3d 11d 18: 33w3d 53.3 67.8 82.4 18: 1100 27w5d 8d 18: 641 23w2d 0d
19: 46 28w0d 12d 19: 34w3d 56.6 71.9 87.3 19: 1150 27w6d 9d 19: 688 23w5d 0d
20: 48 28w4d 12d 20: 35w3d 59.7 75.9 92.2 20: 1200 28w3d 9d 20: 736 24w1d 0d
21: 50 29w0d 12d 21: 36w3d 62.8 79.9 97.0 21: 1250 28w5d 9d 21: 787 24w4d 0d
22: 52 29w3d 13d 22: 37w3d 65.9 83.9 101.9 22: 1300 29w1d 9d 22: 839 25w0d 0d
23: 54 30w0d 13d 23: 38w3d 68.8 87.7 106.7 23: 1350 29w3d 9d 23: 893 25w3d 0d
24: 56 30w3d 13d 24: 39w3d 71.6 91.5 111.4 24: 1400 29w5d 9d 24: 949 25w6d 0d
25: 58 31w0d 14d 25: 40w3d 74.3 95.1 116.0 25: 1450 29w6d 10d 25: 1007 26w2d 0d
26: 60 31w3d 14d 26: 41w3d 76.8 98.6 120.5 26: 1500 30w2d 10d 26: 1066 26w5d 0d
27: 62 31w6d 14d 27: 42w3d 79.1 102.0 124.8 27: 1550 30w5d 10d 27: 1127 27w1d 0d
28: 64 32w3d 15d 28: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 28: 1600 31w0d 10d 28: 1189 27w4d 0d
29: 66 32w6d 15d 29: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 29: 1650 31w2d 10d 29: 1253 28w0d 0d
30: 68 33w3d 15d 30: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 30: 1700 31w4d 11d 30: 1318 28w3d 0d
31: 70 33w6d 16d 31: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 31: 1750 31w6d 11d 31: 1385 28w6d 0d
32: 72 34w2d 16d 32: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 32: 1800 32w1d 11d 32: 1453 29w2d 0d
33: 74 34w6d 17d 33: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 33: 1850 32w3d 11d 33: 1522 29w5d 0d
34: 76 35w3d 17d 34: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 34: 1900 32w5d 12d 34: 1592 30w1d 0d
35: 78 35w6d 17d 35: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 35: 1950 33w0d 12d 35: 1663 30w4d 0d
36: 80 36w3d 18d 36: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 36: 2000 33w1d 12d 36: 1735 31w0d 0d
37: 82 37w0d 18d 37: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 37: 2050 33w3d 12d 37: 1808 31w3d 0d
38: 84 37w4d 18d 38: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 38: 2100 33w5d 13d 38: 1881 31w6d 0d
39: 86 38w1d 18d 39: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 39: 2150 34w0d 13d 39: 1955 32w2d 0d
40: 88 38w5d 19d 40: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 40: 2200 34w2d 13d 40: 2029 32w5d 0d
41: 90 39w2d 19d 41: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 41: 2250 34w4d 13d 41: 2104 33w1d 0d
42: 0.0 0w0d 0d 42: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 42: 2300 34w6d 14d 42: 2179 33w4d 0d
43: 0.0 0w0d 0d 43: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 43: 2350 35w1d 14d 43: 2254 34w0d 0d
44: 0.0 0w0d 0d 44: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 44: 2400 35w3d 14d 44: 2329 34w3d 0d
45: 0.0 0w0d 0d 45: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 45: 2450 35w5d 14d 45: 2403 34w6d 0d
46: 0.0 0w0d 0d 46: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 46: 2500 36w0d 15d 46: 2478 35w2d 0d
47: 0.0 0w0d 0d 47: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 47: 2550 36w2d 15d 47: 2551 35w5d 0d
48: 0.0 0w0d 0d 48: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 48: 2600 36w4d 15d 48: 2624 36w1d 0d
49: 0.0 0w0d 0d 49: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 49: 2650 36w6d 16d 49: 2696 36w4d 0d
50: 0.0 0w0d 0d 50: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 50: 2700 37w2d 16d 50: 2767 37w0d 0d
51: 0.0 0w0d 0d 51: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 51: 2750 37w4d 16d 51: 2837 37w3d 0d
52: 0.0 0w0d 0d 52: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 52: 2800 37w6d 17d 52: 2906 37w6d 0d
53: 0.0 0w0d 0d 53: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 53: 2850 38w1d 17d 53: 2973 38w2d 0d
54: 0.0 0w0d 0d 54: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 54: 2900 38w4d 17d 54: 3038 38w5d 0d
55: 0.0 0w0d 0d 55: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 55: 2950 38w6d 18d 55: 3101 39w1d 0d
56: 0.0 0w0d 0d 56: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 56: 3000 39w2d 18d 56: 3162 39w4d 0d
57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 57: 0.0 0w0d 0d 57: 3220 40w0d 0d
58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d 58: 0.0 0w0d 0d
59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d 59: 0.0 0w0d 0d
60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0w0d 0.00 0.00 0.00 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d 60: 0.0 0w0d 0d
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 64 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 65 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 66 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 67

1-111 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (8/21) for Japan
66. CRL 67. BPD 68. AC 69. FL
JSUM2001 ; Age table JSUM2001 ; Age table JSUM2001 ; Age table JSUM2001; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; Circumference Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation; none Variation ; none Variation ; none Variation ; none
1: 13 8w0d 7 1: 13 10w1d 4 1: 100.0 15w3d 8 1: 20 16w1d 6
2: 14 8w1d 7 2: 14 10w3d 4 2: 105.0 16w0d 8 2: 21 16w3d 6
3: 15 8w2d 6 3: 15 10w5d 4 3: 110.0 16w4d 8 3: 22 16w6d 6
4: 16 8w3d 6 4: 17 11w2d 4 4: 115.0 17w0d 8 4: 23 17w1d 7
5: 17 8w4d 6 5: 18 11w4d 4 5: 120.0 17w4d 9 5: 24 17w3d 7
6: 18 8w5d 6 6: 19 11w6d 4 6: 125.0 18w0d 9 6: 25 17w6d 7
7: 19 8w6d 6 7: 21 12w3d 4 7: 130.0 18w4d 9 7: 26 18w1d 7
8: 20 9w0d 6 8: 22 12w6d 4 8: 135.0 19w0d 9 8: 27 18w3d 7
9: 21 9w1d 6 9: 23 13w1d 5 9: 140.0 19w4d 9 9: 28 18w6d 7
10: 22 9w2d 6 10: 25 13w5d 5 10: 145.0 20w0d 9 10: 29 19w1d 7
11: 23 9w2d 6 11: 26 14w0d 5 11: 150.0 20w3d 10 11: 30 19w4d 8
12: 24 9w3d 6 12: 27 14w2d 5 12: 155.0 21w0d 10 12: 31 20w0d 8
13: 25 9w4d 6 13: 29 14w6d 5 13: 160.0 21w3d 10 13: 32 20w2d 8
14: 26 9w5d 6 14: 30 15w1d 5 14: 165.0 22w0d 10 14: 33 20w5d 8
15: 27 9w6d 6 15: 31 15w3d 5 15: 170.0 22w3d 10 15: 34 21w1d 8
16: 28 10w0d 5 16: 33 16w0d 5 16: 175.0 22w6d 10 16: 35 21w3d 8
17: 29 10w0d 6 17: 34 16w2d 5 17: 180.0 23w3d 11 17: 36 21w6d 8
18: 30 10w1d 6 18: 35 16w4d 5 18: 185.0 23w6d 11 18: 37 22w2d 9
19: 31 10w2d 5 19: 37 17w1d 6 19: 190.0 24w3d 11 19: 38 22w5d 9
20: 32 10w3d 5 20: 38 17w4d 6 20: 195.0 24w6d 11 20: 39 23w1d 9
21: 33 10w3d 6 21: 39 17w6d 6 21: 200.0 25w3d 11 21: 40 23w4d 9
22: 34 10w4d 5 22: 41 18w3d 6 22: 205.0 25w6d 11 22: 41 24w0d 9
23: 35 10w5d 5 23: 42 18w5d 6 23: 210.0 26w3d 12 23: 42 24w3d 9
24: 36 10w5d 5 24: 43 19w0d 6 24: 215.0 27w0d 12 24: 43 24w6d 9
25: 37 10w6d 5 25: 45 19w4d 6 25: 220.0 27w3d 12 25: 44 25w3d 9
26: 38 11w0d 5 26: 46 20w0d 7 26: 225.0 28w0d 12 26: 45 25w6d 10
27: 39 11w0d 5 27: 47 20w2d 7 27: 230.0 28w4d 12 27: 46 26w2d 10
28: 40 11w1d 5 28: 49 20w6d 7 28: 235.0 29w0d 12 28: 47 26w5d 10
29: 41 11w2d 4 29: 50 21w1d 7 29: 240.0 29w4d 13 29: 48 27w2d 10
30: 42 11w2d 5 30: 51 21w3d 7 30: 245.0 30w1d 13 30: 49 27w5d 10
31: 43 11w3d 4 31: 53 22w1d 8 31: 250.0 30w5d 13 31: 50 28w2d 10
32: 54 22w3d 8 32: 255.0 31w2d 13 32: 51 28w5d 10
33: 55 22w5d 8 33: 260.0 31w6d 13 33: 52 29w2d 11
34: 57 23w3d 8 34: 265.0 32w3d 13 34: 53 29w5d 11
35: 58 23w5d 8 35: 270.0 33w1d 13 35: 54 30w2d 11
36: 59 24w1d 8 36: 275.0 33w5d 14 36: 55 30w5d 11
37: 61 24w5d 9 37: 280.0 34w2d 14 37: 56 31w2d 11
38: 62 25w1d 9 38: 285.0 35w0d 14 38: 57 31w6d 11
39: 63 25w3d 9 39: 290.0 35w4d 14 39: 58 32w3d 11
40: 65 26w1d 9 40: 295.0 36w2d 14 40: 59 33w0d 12
41: 66 26w3d 10 41: 300.0 37w0d 14 41: 60 33w3d 12
42: 67 26w6d 10 42: 305.0 37w5d 14 42: 61 34w0d 12
43: 69 27w4d 10 43: 310.0 38w2d 15 43: 62 34w4d 12
44: 70 28w0d 10 44: 315.0 39w0d 15 44: 63 35w1d 12
45: 71 28w3d 10 45: 320.0 39w6d 15 45: 64 35w5d 12
46: 73 29w1d 11 46: 325.0 40w4d 15 46: 65 36w2d 12
47: 74 29w4d 11 47: 66 37w0d 12
48: 75 30w0d 11 48: 67 37w4d 13
49: 77 30w6d 12 49: 68 38w1d 13
50: 78 31w2d 12 50: 69 38w5d 13
51: 79 31w5d 12 51: 70 39w3d 13
52: 81 32w5d 12
53: 82 33w1d 13
54: 83 33w5d 13
55: 85 34w6d 13
56: 86 35w3d 14
57: 87 36w0d 14
58: 89 37w4d 14
59: 90 38w3d 15
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 68 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 69 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 70 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No.71

1-112 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (9/21) for Japan
70. CRL 71. BPD 72. AC 73. FL
JSUM2001 ; Growth table JSUM2001 ; Growth table JSUM2001 ; Growth table JSUM2001; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; Circumference Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation ; 10%,50%,90% Variation ; +/-1.5SD Variation ; +/-1.5SD Variation ; +/-1.5SD
1: 7w0d 6.8 10.1 16.0 1: 10w0d 9.1 12.6 16.0 1: 16w0d 90.0 104.0 118.0 1: 16w0d 16.2 20.1 24.1
2: 7w2d 7.3 10.5 15.7 2: 11w0d 12.4 15.9 19.5 2: 17w0d 99.0 114.0 129.0 2: 17w0d 18.7 22.7 26.7
3: 7w4d 8.1 11.3 16.0 3: 12w0d 15.7 19.3 22.9 3: 18w0d 109.0 125.0 140.0 3: 18w0d 21.2 25.3 29.3
4: 7w6d 9.0 12.5 17.0 4: 13w0d 19.0 22.7 26.4 4: 19w0d 118.0 135.0 151.0 4: 19w0d 23.7 27.8 31.9
5: 8w1d 10.2 14.0 18.4 5: 14w0d 22.4 26.1 29.9 5: 20w0d 128.0 145.0 162.0 5: 20w0d 26.2 30.4 34.5
6: 8w3d 11.6 15.8 20.4 6: 15w0d 25.7 29.5 33.4 6: 21w0d 137.0 155.0 173.0 6: 21w0d 28.7 32.9 37.1
7: 8w5d 13.1 17.8 22.7 7: 16w0d 29.0 32.9 36.9 7: 22w0d 147.0 165.0 184.0 7: 22w0d 31.1 35.4 39.7
8: 9w0d 14.9 20.0 25.4 8: 17w0d 32.3 36.3 40.3 8: 23w0d 156.0 175.0 195.0 8: 23w0d 33.5 37.9 42.2
9: 9w2d 16.7 22.5 28.3 9: 18w0d 35.6 39.6 43.7 9: 24w0d 165.0 185.0 205.0 9: 24w0d 35.9 40.3 44.7
10: 9w4d 18.7 25.0 31.4 10: 19w0d 38.8 43.0 47.1 10: 25w0d 174.0 195.0 216.0 10: 25w0d 38.3 42.7 47.1
11: 9w6d 20.9 27.6 34.6 11: 20w0d 42.0 46.2 50.5 11: 26w0d 183.0 205.0 226.0 11: 26w0d 40.6 45.0 49.5
12: 10w1d 23.1 30.3 37.8 12: 21w0d 45.1 49.5 53.8 12: 27w0d 192.0 214.0 236.0 12: 27w0d 42.8 47.3 51.8
13: 10w3d 25.4 33.1 41.0 13: 22w0d 48.2 52.6 57.1 13: 28w0d 201.0 224.0 247.0 13: 28w0d 45.0 49.6 54.1
14: 10w5d 27.9 35.8 44.1 14: 23w0d 51.2 55.7 60.3 14: 29w0d 209.0 233.0 256.0 14: 29w0d 47.1 51.7 56.3
15: 11w0d 30.4 38.4 47.0 15: 24w0d 54.2 58.8 63.4 15: 30w0d 218.0 242.0 266.0 15: 30w0d 49.2 53.8 58.5
16: 11w2d 32.9 40.9 49.6 16: 25w0d 57.1 61.7 66.4 16: 31w0d 226.0 251.0 276.0 16: 31w0d 51.1 55.8 60.6
17: 11w4d 35.5 43.3 51.9 17: 26w0d 59.8 64.6 69.4 17: 32w0d 234.0 259.0 285.0 17: 32w0d 53.0 57.8 62.5
18: 27w0d 62.5 67.4 72.2 18: 33w0d 242.0 268.0 294.0 18: 33w0d 54.8 59.6 64.4
19: 28w0d 65.1 70.1 75.0 19: 34w0d 249.0 276.0 303.0 19: 34w0d 56.5 61.4 66.3
20: 29w0d 67.6 72.6 77.7 20: 35w0d 256.0 284.0 312.0 20: 35w0d 58.1 63.0 68.0
21: 30w0d 70.0 75.1 80.2 21: 36w0d 263.0 292.0 320.0 21: 36w0d 59.6 64.6 69.6
22: 31w0d 72.2 77.4 82.6 22: 37w0d 270.0 299.0 328.0 22: 37w0d 61.0 66.0 71.1
23: 32w0d 74.3 79.6 84.9 23: 38w0d 276.0 306.0 336.0 23: 38w0d 62.3 67.4 72.4
24: 33w0d 76.3 81.7 87.0 24: 39w0d 282.0 313.0 343.0 24: 39w0d 63.4 68.6 73.7
25: 34w0d 78.1 83.6 89.0 25: 40w0d 288.0 319.0 351.0 25: 40w0d 64.5 69.6 74.8
26: 35w0d 79.8 85.3 90.8 26: 41w0d 293.0 325.0 357.0 26: 41w0d 65.4 70.6 75.8
27: 36w0d 81.3 86.9 92.5 27: 42w0d 298.0 331.0 364.0 27: 42w0d 66.1 71.4 76.7
28: 37w0d 82.6 88.3 94.0
29: 38w0d 83.8 89.6 95.3
30: 39w0d 84.8 90.6 96.5
31: 40w0d 85.6 91.5 97.4
32: 41w0d 86.1 92.2 98.2
33: 42w0d 86.5 92.6 98.7
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 72 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 73 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 74 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 75

1-113 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (10/21) for Japan
74. EFBW 75. MCA_RI 76. MCA_PI 77. UmA_RI
JSUM2001 ; Growth table JSUM2001 ; Growth table JSUM2001 ; Growth table JSUM2001; Growth table
Calculation type ; Weight Calculation type ; Ratio Calculation type ; Ratio Calculation type ; Ratio
Data unit ; g Data unit ; - Data unit ; - Data unit ; -
Variation ; +/-1.5SD Variation ; 10%,50%,90% Variation ; 10%,50%,90% Variation ; 10%,50%,90%
1: 18w0d 141 187 232 1: 20w0d 0.750 0.790 0.882 1: 20w0d 1.430 1.550 2.190 1: 20w0d 0.716 0.780 0.830
2: 19w0d 186 247 308 2: 21w0d 0.730 0.790 0.850 2: 21w0d 1.290 1.580 1.880 2: 21w0d 0.710 0.760 0.808
3: 20w0d 236 313 390 3: 22w0d 0.720 0.790 0.840 3: 22w0d 1.290 1.580 1.930 3: 22w0d 0.669 0.733 0.812
4: 21w0d 293 387 481 4: 23w0d 0.742 0.805 0.866 4: 23w0d 1.390 1.650 2.070 4: 23w0d 0.660 0.713 0.780
5: 22w0d 357 469 580 5: 24w0d 0.743 0.807 0.857 5: 24w0d 1.450 1.630 2.020 5: 24w0d 0.661 0.750 0.790
6: 23w0d 430 560 690 6: 25w0d 0.772 0.836 0.929 6: 25w0d 1.460 1.880 2.230 6: 25w0d 0.630 0.710 0.759
7: 24w0d 511 660 809 7: 26w0d 0.736 0.781 0.864 7: 26w0d 1.340 1.640 2.120 7: 26w0d 0.642 0.717 0.770
8: 25w0d 602 771 940 8: 27w0d 0.800 0.860 0.895 8: 27w0d 1.670 2.100 2.340 8: 27w0d 0.590 0.680 0.767
9: 26w0d 702 892 1081 9: 28w0d 0.775 0.842 0.910 9: 28w0d 1.530 1.940 2.390 9: 28w0d 0.623 0.690 0.765
10: 27w0d 812 1023 1233 10: 29w0d 0.800 0.870 0.910 10: 29w0d 1.640 2.060 2.410 10: 29w0d 0.596 0.680 0.750
11: 28w0d 930 1163 1396 11: 30w0d 0.799 0.869 0.926 11: 30w0d 1.600 2.130 2.690 11: 30w0d 0.574 0.653 0.748
12: 29w0d 1057 1313 1568 12: 31w0d 0.791 0.852 0.984 12: 31w0d 1.560 2.000 2.660 12: 31w0d 0.561 0.630 0.708
13: 30w0d 1191 1470 1749 13: 32w0d 0.770 0.843 0.900 13: 32w0d 1.480 1.910 2.360 13: 32w0d 0.550 0.639 0.710
14: 31w0d 1332 1635 1938 14: 33w0d 0.757 0.840 0.883 14: 33w0d 1.440 1.940 2.240 14: 33w0d 0.539 0.619 0.711
15: 32w0d 1477 1805 2133 15: 34w0d 0.770 0.832 0.891 15: 34w0d 1.520 1.840 2.270 15: 34w0d 0.519 0.610 0.680
16: 33w0d 1626 1980 2333 16: 35w0d 0.730 0.843 0.912 16: 35w0d 1.350 1.920 2.350 16: 35w0d 0.541 0.610 0.702
17: 34w0d 1776 2156 2536 17: 36w0d 0.718 0.800 0.900 17: 36w0d 1.330 1.700 2.220 17: 36w0d 0.520 0.598 0.668
18: 35w0d 1926 2333 2740 18: 37w0d 0.692 0.760 0.850 18: 37w0d 1.170 1.540 1.950 18: 37w0d 0.520 0.580 0.660
19: 36w0d 2072 2507 2942 19: 38w0d 0.670 0.777 0.857 19: 38w0d 1.090 1.550 1.970 19: 38w0d 0.503 0.590 0.670
20: 37w0d 2213 2676 3139 20: 39w0d 0.664 0.790 0.820 20: 39w0d 1.170 1.560 1.810 20: 39w0d 0.530 0.616 0.673
21: 38w0d 2345 2838 3330 21: 40w0d 0.660 0.710 0.800 21: 40w0d 1.070 1.280 1.740 21: 40w0d 0.491 0.598 0.670
22: 39w0d 2466 2989 3511 22: 41w0d 0.615 0.742 0.837 22: 41w0d 0.994 1.550 1.880 22: 41w0d 0.469 0.583 0.659
23: 40w0d 2572 3125 3678
24: 41w0d 2660 3244 3828
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 76 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 77 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 78 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 79

1-114 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (11/21) for Japan
78. UmA_PI 79. CRL
JSUM2001 ; Growth table JSUM2003 ; Age table
Data unit ; - Calculation type ; distance
Variation ; 10%,50%,90% Data unit ; mm
Variation; none
1: 20w0d 1.140 1.420 1.590 1: 13 8w0d 7
2: 21w0d 1.100 1.300 1.490 2: 14 8w1d 7
3: 22w0d 1.040 1.250 1.520 3: 15 8w2d 6
4: 23w0d 1.050 1.230 1.540 4: 16 8w3d 6
5: 24w0d 1.010 1.260 1.480 5: 17 8w4d 6
6: 25w0d 0.895 1.160 1.370 6: 18 8w5d 6
7: 26w0d 0.941 1.180 1.460 7: 19 8w6d 6
8: 27w0d 0.838 1.060 1.320 8: 20 9w0d 6
9: 28w0d 0.930 1.090 1.290 9: 21 9w1d 6
10: 29w0d 0.867 1.050 1.260 10: 22 9w2d 6
11: 30w0d 0.810 1.010 1.250 11: 23 9w2d 6
12: 31w0d 0.782 0.940 1.110 12: 24 9w3d 6
13: 32w0d 0.748 0.970 1.140 13: 25 9w4d 6
14: 33w0d 0.739 0.940 1.150 14: 26 9w5d 6
15: 34w0d 0.730 0.911 1.100 15: 27 9w6d 6
16: 35w0d 0.781 0.920 1.110 16: 28 10w0d 5
17: 36w0d 0.719 0.900 1.080 17: 29 10w0d 6
18: 37w0d 0.730 0.880 1.060 18: 30 10w1d 6
19: 38w0d 0.700 0.894 1.060 19: 31 10w2d 5
20: 39w0d 0.750 0.900 1.090 20: 32 10w3d 5
21: 40w0d 0.703 0.900 1.120 21: 33 10w3d 6
22: 41w0d 0.609 0.885 1.120 22: 34 10w4d 5
23: 35 10w5d 5
24: 36 10w5d 5
25: 37 10w6d 5
26: 38 11w0d 5
27: 39 11w0d 5
28: 40 11w1d 5
29: 41 11w2d 4
30: 42 11w2d 5
31: 43 11w3d 4

Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 80 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 81

1-115 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (12/21) for Japan
80. BPD 81. AC 82. FL
JSUM2003 ; Age table JSUM2003 ; Age table JSUM2003 ; Age table
Calculation type ; distance Calculation type ; circ. Calculation type ; distance.
Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm Data unit ; mm
Variation; none Variation; none Variation; none
1: 13 10w1d 4 1: 10.0 15w3d 8 1: 20 16w1d 6
2: 14 10w3d 4 2: 10.5 16w0d 8 2: 21 16w3d 6
3: 15 10w5d 4 3: 11.0 16w4d 8 3: 22 16w6d 6
4: 17 11w2d 4 4: 11.5 17w0d 8 4: 23 17w1d 7
5: 18 11w4d 4 5: 12.0 17w4d 9 5: 24 17w3d 7
6: 19 11w6d 4 6: 12.5 18w0d 9 6: 25 17w6d 7
7: 21 12w3d 4 7: 13.0 18w4d 9 7: 26 18w1d 7
8: 22 12w6d 4 8: 13.5 19w0d 9 8: 27 18w3d 7
9: 23 13w1d 5 9: 14.0 19w4d 9 9: 28 18w6d 7
10: 25 13w5d 5 10: 14.5 20w0d 9 10: 29 19w1d 7
11: 26 14w0d 5 11: 15.0 20w3d 10 11: 30 19w4d 8
12: 27 14w2d 5 12: 15.5 21w0d 10 12: 31 20w0d 8
13: 29 14w6d 5 13: 16.0 21w3d 10 13: 32 20w2d 8
14: 30 15w1d 5 14: 16.5 22w0d 10 14: 33 20w5d 8
15: 31 15w3d 5 15: 17.0 22w3d 10 15: 34 21w1d 8
16: 33 16w0d 5 16: 17.5 22w6d 10 16: 35 21w3d 8
17: 34 16w2d 5 17: 18.0 23w3d 11 17: 36 21w6d 8
18: 35 16w4d 5 18: 18.5 23w6d 11 18: 37 22w2d 9
19: 37 17w1d 6 19: 19.0 24w3d 11 19: 38 22w5d 9
20: 38 17w4d 6 20: 19.5 24w6d 11 20: 39 23w1d 9
21: 39 17w6d 6 21: 20.0 25w3d 11 21: 40 23w4d 9
22: 41 18w3d 6 22: 20.5 25w6d 11 22: 41 24w0d 9
23: 42 18w5d 6 23: 21.0 26w3d 12 23: 42 24w3d 9
24: 43 19w0d 6 24: 21.5 27w0d 12 24: 43 24w6d 9
25: 45 19w4d 6 25: 22.0 27w3d 12 25: 44 25w3d 9
26: 46 20w0d 7 26: 22.5 28w0d 12 26: 45 25w6d 10
27: 47 20w2d 7 27: 23.0 28w4d 12 27: 46 26w2d 10
28: 49 20w6d 7 28: 23.5 29w0d 12 28: 47 26w5d 10
29: 50 21w1d 7 29: 24.0 29w4d 13 29: 48 27w2d 10
30: 51 21w3d 7 30: 24.5 30w1d 13 30: 49 27w5d 10
31: 53 22w1d 8 31: 25.0 30w5d 13 31: 50 28w2d 10
32: 54 22w3d 8 32: 25.5 31w2d 13 32: 51 28w5d 10
33: 55 22w5d 8 33: 26.0 31w6d 13 33: 52 29w2d 11
34: 57 23w3d 8 34: 26.5 32w3d 13 34: 53 29w5d 11
35: 58 23w5d 8 35: 27.0 33w1d 13 35: 54 30w2d 11
36: 59 24w1d 8 36: 27.5 33w5d 14 36: 55 30w5d 11
37: 61 24w5d 9 37: 28.0 34w2d 14 37: 56 31w2d 11
38: 62 25w1d 9 38: 28.5 35w0d 14 38: 57 31w6d 11
39: 63 25w3d 9 39: 29.0 35w4d 14 39: 58 32w3d 11
40: 65 26w1d 9 40: 29.5 36w2d 14 40: 59 33w0d 12
41: 66 26w3d 10 41: 30.0 37w0d 14 41: 60 33w3d 12
42: 67 26w6d 10 42: 30.5 37w5d 14 42: 61 34w0d 12
43: 69 27w4d 10 43: 31.0 38w2d 15 43: 62 34w4d 12
44: 70 28w0d 10 44: 31.5 39w0d 15 44: 63 35w1d 12
45: 71 28w3d 10 45: 32.0 39w6d 15 45: 64 35w5d 12
46: 73 29w1d 11 46: 32.5 40w4d 15 46: 65 36w2d 12
47: 74 29w4d 11 47: 66 37w0d 12
48: 75 30w0d 11 48: 67 37w4d 13
49: 77 30w6d 12 49: 68 38w1d 13
50: 78 31w2d 12 50: 69 38w5d 13
51: 79 31w5d 12 51: 70 39w3d 13
52: 81 32w5d 12
53: 82 33w1d 13
54: 83 33w5d 13
55: 85 34w6d 13
56: 86 35w3d 14
57: 87 36w0d 14
58: 89 37w4d 14
59: 90 38w3d 15
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 82 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 83 Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 84

1-116 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (13/21) for Japan
83. CRL
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm
Variation ; 5%,10%,50%,90%,95%
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 7w0d 5.7 6.8 10.1 16.0 17.2
2: 7w2d 6.0 7.3 10.5 15.7 16.4
3: 7w4d 6.5 8.1 11.3 16.0 16.6
4: 7w6d 7.2 9.0 12.5 17.0 17.5
5: 8w1d 8.1 10.2 14.0 18.4 19.1
6: 8w3d 9.1 11.6 15.8 20.4 21.3
7: 8w5d 10.3 13.1 17.8 22.7 24.0
8: 9w0d 11.7 14.9 20.0 25.4 27.0
9: 9w2d 13.3 16.7 22.5 28.3 30.3
10: 9w4d 15.1 18.7 25.0 31.4 33.7
11: 9w6d 17.1 20.9 27.6 34.6 37.3
12: 10w1d 19.2 23.1 30.3 37.8 40.7
13: 10w3d 21.5 25.4 33.1 41.0 44.1
14: 10w5d 24.1 27.9 35.8 44.1 47.1
15: 11w0d 26.7 30.4 38.4 47.0 49.8
16: 11w2d 29.6 32.9 40.9 49.6 52.1
17: 11w4d 32.7 35.5 43.3 51.9 53.8
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 85

Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (14/21) for Japan

84. BPD
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/-1.5SD, +/-2.0SD
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 10w0d 8.0 9.1 12.6 16.0 17.1
2: 11w0d 11.3 12.4 15.9 19.5 20.6
3: 12w0d 14.5 15.7 19.3 22.9 24.1
4: 13w0d 17.8 19.0 22.7 26.4 27.6
5: 14w0d 21.1 22.4 26.1 29.9 31.2
6: 15w0d 24.4 25.7 29.5 33.4 34.7
7: 16w0d 27.7 29.0 32.9 36.9 38.2
8: 17w0d 30.9 32.3 36.3 40.3 41.7
9: 18w0d 34.2 35.6 39.6 43.7 45.1
10: 19w0d 37.4 38.8 43.0 47.1 48.5
11: 20w0d 40.6 42.0 46.2 50.5 51.9
12: 21w0d 43.7 45.1 49.5 53.8 55.3
13: 22w0d 46.7 48.2 52.6 57.1 58.5
14: 23w0d 49.7 51.2 55.7 60.3 61.8
15: 24w0d 52.6 54.2 58.8 63.4 64.9
16: 25w0d 55.5 57.1 61.7 66.4 68.0
17: 26w0d 58.3 59.8 64.6 69.4 71.0
18: 27w0d 60.9 62.5 67.4 72.2 73.9
19: 28w0d 63.5 65.1 70.1 75.0 76.6
20: 29w0d 65.9 67.6 72.6 77.7 79.3
21: 30w0d 68.3 70.0 75.1 80.2 81.9
22: 31w0d 70.5 72.2 77.4 82.6 84.3
23: 32w0d 72.6 74.3 79.6 84.9 86.6
24: 33w0d 74.5 76.3 81.7 87.0 88.8
25: 34w0d 76.3 78.1 83.6 89.0 90.8
26: 35w0d 78.0 79.8 85.3 90.8 92.7
27: 36w0d 79.4 81.3 86.9 92.5 94.4
28: 37w0d 80.7 82.6 88.3 94.0 95.9
29: 38w0d 81.9 83.8 89.6 95.3 97.3
30: 39w0d 82.4 84.8 90.6 96.5 98.4
31: 40w0d 83.6 85.6 91.5 97.4 99.4
32: 41w0d 84.1 86.1 92.2 98.2 100.2
33: 42w0d 84.5 86.5 92.6 98.7 100.7
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 86

1-117 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (15/21) for Japan
85. AC
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; circ.
Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/-1.5SD, +/-2.0SD
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 16w0d 8.5 9.0 10.4 11.8 12.3
2: 17w0d 9.4 9.9 11.4 12.9 13.4
3: 18w0d 10.4 10.9 12.5 14.0 14.6
4: 19w0d 11.3 11.8 13.5 15.1 15.7
5: 20w0d 12.2 12.8 14.5 16.2 16.8
6: 21w0d 13.2 13.7 15.5 17.3 17.9
7: 22w0d 14.1 14.7 16.5 18.4 19.0
8: 23w0d 15.0 15.6 17.5 19.5 20.1
9: 24w0d 15.9 16.5 18.5 20.5 21.2
10: 25w0d 16.8 17.4 19.5 21.6 22.3
11: 26w0d 17.6 18.3 20.5 22.6 23.3
12: 27w0d 18.5 19.2 21.4 23.6 24.4
13: 28w0d 19.3 20.1 22.4 24.7 25.4
14: 29w0d 20.2 20.9 23.3 25.6 26.4
15: 30w0d 21.0 21.8 24.2 26.6 27.4
16: 31w0d 21.8 22.6 25.1 27.6 28.4
17: 32w0d 22.5 23.4 25.9 28.5 29.4
18: 33w0d 23.3 24.2 26.8 29.4 30.3
19: 34w0d 24.0 24.9 27.6 30.3 31.2
20: 35w0d 24.7 25.6 28.4 31.2 32.1
21: 36w0d 25.4 26.3 29.2 32.0 33.0
22: 37w0d 26.0 27.0 29.9 32.8 33.8
23: 38w0d 26.6 27.6 30.6 33.6 34.6
24: 39w0d 27.2 28.2 31.3 34.3 35.4
25: 40w0d 27.7 28.8 31.9 35.1 36.1
26: 41w0d 28.2 29.3 32.5 35.7 36.8
27: 42w0d 28.7 29.8 33.1 36.4 37.5
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 87

Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (16/21) for Japan

86. FL
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; distance
Data unit ; mm
Variation ; +/-1.5SD, +/-2.0SD
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 16w0d 14.9 16.2 20.1 24.1 25.4
2: 17w0d 17.4 18.7 22.7 26.7 28.0
3: 18w0d 19.8 21.2 25.3 29.3 30.7
4: 19w0d 22.3 23.7 27.8 31.9 33.3
5: 20w0d 24.8 26.2 30.4 34.5 35.9
6: 21w0d 27.3 28.7 32.9 37.1 38.5
7: 22w0d 29.7 31.1 35.4 39.7 41.1
8: 23w0d 32.1 33.5 37.9 42.2 43.6
9: 24w0d 34.5 35.9 40.3 44.7 46.1
10: 25w0d 36.8 38.3 42.7 47.1 48.6
11: 26w0d 39.1 40.6 45.0 49.5 51.0
12: 27w0d 41.3 42.8 47.3 51.8 53.3
13: 28w0d 43.5 45.0 49.6 54.1 55.6
14: 29w0d 45.6 47.1 51.7 56.3 57.9
15: 30w0d 47.6 49.2 53.8 58.5 60.0
16: 31w0d 49.5 51.1 55.8 60.6 62.1
17: 32w0d 51.4 53.0 57.8 62.5 64.1
18: 33w0d 53.2 54.8 59.6 64.4 66.1
19: 34w0d 54.9 56.5 61.4 66.3 67.9
20: 35w0d 56.5 58.1 63.0 68.0 69.6
21: 36w0d 58.0 59.6 64.6 69.6 71.2
22: 37w0d 59.3 61.0 66.0 71.1 72.7
23: 38w0d 60.6 62.3 67.4 72.4 74.1
24: 39w0d 61.7 63.4 68.6 73.7 75.4
25: 40w0d 62.7 64.5 69.6 74.8 76.5
26: 41w0d 63.6 65.4 70.6 75.8 77.5
27: 42w0d 64.3 66.1 71.4 76.7 78.4
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 88

1-118 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (17/21) for Japan
87. EFBW
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; Weight
Data unit ; g
Variation ; +/-1.5SD, +/-2.0SD
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 18w0d 126 141 187 232 247
2: 19w0d 166 186 247 308 328
3: 20w0d 211 236 313 390 416
4: 21w0d 262 293 387 481 512
5: 22w0d 320 357 469 580 617
6: 23w0d 386 430 560 690 733
7: 24w0d 461 511 660 809 859
8: 25w0d 546 602 771 940 996
9: 26w0d 639 702 892 1,081 1,144
10: 27w0d 742 812 1,023 1,233 1,304
11: 28w0d 853 930 1,163 1,396 1,474
12: 29w0d 972 1,057 1,313 1,568 1,653
13: 30w0d 1,098 1,191 1,470 1,749 1,842
14: 31w0d 1,231 1,332 1,635 1,938 2,039
15: 32w0d 1,368 1,477 1,805 2,133 2,243
16: 33w0d 1,508 1,626 1,980 2,333 2,451
17: 34w0d 1,650 1,776 2,156 2,536 2,663
18: 35w0d 1,790 1,926 2,333 2,740 2,875
19: 36w0d 1,927 2,072 2,507 2,942 3,086
20: 37w0d 2,059 2,213 2,676 3,139 3,294
21: 38w0d 2,181 2,345 2,838 3,330 3,494
22: 39w0d 2,292 2,466 2,989 3,511 3,685
23: 40w0d 2,388 2,572 3,125 3,678 3,862
24: 41w0d 2,465 2,660 3,244 3,828 4,023
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 89

Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (18/21) for Japan

88. MCA_RI
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; Ratio
Data unit ; -
Variation ; 5%,10%,50%,90%,95%
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 20w0d 0.746 0.750 0.790 0.882 0.926
2: 21w0d 0.712 0.730 0.790 0.850 0.869
3: 22w0d 0.720 0.720 0.790 0.840 0.870
4: 23w0d 0.713 0.742 0.805 0.866 0.883
5: 24w0d 0.740 0.743 0.807 0.857 0.860
6: 25w0d 0.752 0.772 0.836 0.929 0.949
7: 26w0d 0.700 0.736 0.781 0.864 0.922
8: 27w0d 0.790 0.800 0.860 0.895 0.910
9: 28w0d 0.765 0.775 0.842 0.910 0.920
10: 29w0d 0.770 0.800 0.870 0.910 0.929
11: 30w0d 0.779 0.799 0.869 0.926 0.941
12: 31w0d 0.776 0.791 0.852 0.984 1.000
13: 32w0d 0.738 0.770 0.843 0.900 0.913
14: 33w0d 0.733 0.757 0.840 0.883 0.892
15: 34w0d 0.700 0.770 0.832 0.891 0.905
16: 35w0d 0.720 0.730 0.843 0.912 0.923
17: 36w0d 0.679 0.718 0.800 0.900 0.922
18: 37w0d 0.640 0.692 0.760 0.850 0.860
19: 38w0d 0.652 0.670 0.777 0.857 0.869
20: 39w0d 0.600 0.664 0.790 0.820 0.841
21: 40w0d 0.652 0.660 0.710 0.800 0.837
22: 41w0d 0.592 0.615 0.742 0.837 0.849
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 90

1-119 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (19/21) for Japan
89. MCA_PI
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; Ratio
Data unit ; -
Variation ; 5%,10%,50%,90%,95%
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1 20w0d 1.430 1.430 1.550 2.190 2.320
2 21w0d 1.250 1.290 1.580 1.880 1.990
3 22w0d 1.220 1.290 1.580 1.930 2.110
4 23w0d 1.340 1.390 1.650 2.070 2.150
5 24w0d 1.380 1.450 1.630 2.020 2.230
6 25w0d 1.380 1.460 1.880 2.230 2.250
7 26w0d 1.240 1.340 1.640 2.120 2.370
8 27w0d 1.520 1.670 2.100 2.340 2.480
9 28w0d 1.500 1.530 1.940 2.390 2.490
10 29w0d 1.580 1.640 2.060 2.410 2.610
11 30w0d 1.510 1.600 2.130 2.690 2.720
12 31w0d 1.510 1.560 2.000 2.660 2.810
13 32w0d 1.420 1.480 1.910 2.360 2.410
14 33w0d 1.350 1.440 1.940 2.240 2.310
15 34w0d 1.240 1.520 1.840 2.270 2.310
16 35w0d 1.260 1.350 1.920 2.350 2.470
17 36w0d 1.190 1.330 1.700 2.220 2.410
18 37w0d 1.080 1.170 1.540 1.950 1.990
19 38w0d 1.040 1.090 1.550 1.970 2.090
20 39w0d 1.010 1.170 1.560 1.810 1.920
21 40w0d 1.070 1.070 1.280 1.740 1.850
22 41w0d 0.925 0.994 1.550 1.880 1.920
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 91

Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (20/21) for Japan

90. UmA_RI
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; Ratio
Data unit ; -
Variation ; 5%,10%,50%,90%,95%
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 20w0d 0.699 0.716 0.780 0.830 0.832
2: 21w0d 0.684 0.710 0.760 0.808 0.819
3: 22w0d 0.652 0.669 0.733 0.812 0.860
4: 23w0d 0.660 0.660 0.713 0.780 0.781
5: 24w0d 0.656 0.661 0.750 0.790 0.810
6: 25w0d 0.597 0.630 0.710 0.759 0.781
7: 26w0d 0.620 0.642 0.717 0.770 0.807
8: 27w0d 0.564 0.590 0.680 0.767 0.780
9: 28w0d 0.600 0.623 0.690 0.765 0.786
10: 29w0d 0.572 0.596 0.680 0.750 0.768
11: 30w0d 0.551 0.574 0.653 0.748 0.769
12: 31w0d 0.550 0.561 0.630 0.708 0.735
13: 32w0d 0.518 0.550 0.639 0.710 0.736
14: 33w0d 0.515 0.539 0.619 0.711 0.732
15: 34w0d 0.495 0.519 0.610 0.680 0.695
16: 35w0d 0.524 0.541 0.610 0.702 0.710
17: 36w0d 0.499 0.520 0.598 0.668 0.690
18: 37w0d 0.510 0.520 0.580 0.660 0.684
19: 38w0d 0.487 0.503 0.590 0.670 0.680
20: 39w0d 0.498 0.530 0.616 0.673 0.695
21: 40w0d 0.477 0.491 0.598 0.670 0.690
22: 41w0d 0.447 0.469 0.583 0.659 0.690
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 92

1-120 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-3 Obstetric Table Data (21/21) for Japan
91. UmA_PI
JSUM2003 ; Growth table
Calculation type ; Ratio
Data unit ; -
Variation ; 5%,10%,50%,90%,95%
No. GA. L2 L1 MEAN. U1 U2
1: 20w0d 1.130 1.140 1.420 1.590 1.630
2: 21w0d 1.060 1.100 1.300 1.490 1.520
3: 22w0d 0.965 1.040 1.250 1.520 1.560
4: 23w0d 1.050 1.050 1.230 1.540 1.620
5: 24w0d 1.000 1.010 1.260 1.480 1.590
6: 25w0d 0.883 0.895 1.160 1.370 1.490
7: 26w0d 0.868 0.941 1.180 1.460 1.590
8: 27w0d 0.780 0.838 1.060 1.320 1.380
9: 28w0d 0.880 0.930 1.090 1.290 1.380
10: 29w0d 0.830 0.867 1.050 1.263 1.300
11: 30w0d 0.771 0.810 1.010 1.250 1.320
12: 31w0d 0.740 0.782 0.940 1.110 1.200
13: 32w0d 0.695 0.748 0.970 1.140 1.190
14: 33w0d 0.688 0.739 0.940 1.150 1.190
15: 34w0d 0.677 0.730 0.911 1.100 1.140
16: 35w0d 0.710 0.781 0.920 1.110 1.200
17: 36w0d 0.687 0.719 0.900 1.080 1.140
18: 37w0d 0.710 0.730 0.880 1.060 1.090
19: 38w0d 0.657 0.700 0.894 1.060 1.170
20: 39w0d 0.711 0.750 0.900 1.090 1.140
21: 40w0d 0.649 0.703 0.900 1.120 1.150
22: 41w0d 0.590 0.609 0.885 1.120 1.150
Reference: Table 1.7.9-6 No. 93

1-121 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-4 List of References related to Obstetric Table Data (1/2) for USA
Measurement Table Valid Range Reference
1. BPD HAD84 12w2d to 41w0d Hadlock,F.P., Estimating
Age table Fetal Age: Computer - Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters. Radiology. 152:499,1984
2. BPD HAD84 12w0d to 40w0d Hadlock,F.P., : Estimating
Growth table Fetal Age: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters. Radiology.152:499,1984
3. BPD SABB78 14w0d to 40w0d Sabbagha, R E., : Standardization of Sonar
Age table Cephalometry and Gestational Age. Obstet. Gynecol. 52 :
402, 1978.
4. HC HAD84 12w2d to 41w4d Hadlock,F.P., : Estimating
Age table Fetal Age:Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters. Radiology.152:499,1984
5. HC HAD84 12w0d to 40w0d Hadlock,F.P., : Estimating
Growth table Fetal Age:Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters. Radiology.152:499,1984
6. AC HAD84 12w5d to 42w0d Hadlock,F.P, : Estimating
Age table Fetal Age:Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters. Radiology.152:499,1984
7. AC HAD84 12w0d to 40w0d Hadlock,F.P, : Estimating
Growth table Fetal Age:Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters. Radiology.152:499,1984
8. FL HAD84 12w0d to 40w0d Hadlock,F.P., : Estimating
Growth table Fetal Age:Computer-Assisted Analysis of Multiple Fetal
Growth Parameters. Radiology.152:499,1984
9. FL HAD82 12w6d to 40w3d Hadlock,F.P, : Fetal Femur length as a predictor of
Age table Menstrual Age. Sonographically Measured.
Am. J. Roentgenology 138 : 875, May 1982.
10. FL JEAN84 12w4d to 40w0d Jeantry,P., : Estimation of gestational age from
Age table measurements of fetal long bones. J Ultrasound
11. FL JEAN83 12w0d to 40w0d Jeanty, : Obstetrical Ultrasound New York,
Growth table McGraw-Hill,1983
12. CRL ROB75 6w2d to 14w0d Robinson,H.P., : A Critical Evaluation of Sonar
Age table "Crown-Rump Length" Measurements.
13. GS HEL69 5w6d to 12w1d Hellman,LM, : Growth and development of the human
Age table fetus prior to the 20th week of gestation.
Am J Obstet Gynecol.103:784-800,1969
14. HL JEAN84 12w4d to 40w0d Jeanty, : Obstetrical Ultrasound New York,
Age table McGraw-Hill,1983
15. BD MAY82 12w0d to 40w0d Mayden,K.L., : Orbital diameters:A new parameter for
Growth table prenatal diagnosis and dating.
Am J Obstet Gynecol.144:289-297,1982
16. FIB JEAN83 14w0d to 40w0d Jeanty, : Obstetrical Ultrasound New York,
Growth table McGraw-Hill,1983
17. HW PRE86 15w0d to 25w0d Pretorius,DH, : Fetal lateral ventricular ratio determined
Growth table during the second trimester.
J Ultrasound Med.5:121-124,1986#
18. IOD MAY82 12w0d to 40w0d Mayden,K.L., : Orbital diameters:A new parameter for
Growth table prenatal diagnosis and dating.
Am J Obstet Gynecol.144:289-297,1982
19. LVW PRE86 15w0d to 25w0d Pretorius,DH, : Fetal lateral ventricular ratio determined
Growth table during the second trimester.
J Ultrasound Med.5:121-124,1986

1-122 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-4 List of References related to Obstetric Table Data (2/2) for USA
Measurement Table Valid Range Reference
20. OD MAY82 12w0d to 40w0d Mayden,K.L., : Orbital diameters:A new parameter for
Growth table prenatal diagnosis and dating. Am J
Obstet Gynecol.144:289-297,1982
21. RAD JEAN83 13w0d to 40w0d Jeanty, : Obstetrical Ultrasound New York,
Growth table McGraw-Hill,1983
22. TCD GOLD87 15w0d to 38w0d Goldstein et al. : Am J of Obstet Gynecol, May, 1987.
Growth table
23. TIB JEAN83 14w0d to 40w0d Jeanty, : Obstetrical Ultrasound New York,
Growth table McGraw-Hill,1983
24. ULNA JEAN83 13w0d to 40w0d Jeanty, : Obstetrical Ultrasound New York,
Growth Table McGraw-Hill,1983
25. CI HAD81 14w0d to 40w0d Brenner,WE, : A standard of fetal growth for the
(BPD / OFD) United States of America.
Ratio table Am J Obstet Gynecol.126:555,1976
26. FL / AC HAD85 21w0d to 42w0d Hadlock,F.P., : Use of the Femur Length / Abdominal
Ratio table Circumference Ratio in Detecting the Macrosomic Fetus.
Radiology 154:503-505,1985
27. FL / BPD HOHL81 23w0d to 40w0d Hohler,C.W, : Comparison of Fetal Femur Length and
Ratio table Biparietal Diameter in Late Pregnancy.
Am J Obstet Gynecol.141:759,1981
28. HC / AC CAMP77 13w0d to 42w0d Campbell,S. : Ultrasound Measurement of the Fetal Head
Ratio table to Abdomen Circumference Ratio in the Assessment of
Growth Retardation.
29. LVW/HW PRE86 15w0d to 38w0d -Pretorius,DH, : Fetal lateral ventricular ratio
Ratio table determined during the second trimester.J Ultrasound
-Johnson ML, et al. Evaluation of fetal intracranical
anatomy by static and realtime ultrasound. J Clin
Ultrasound. 1980;8:311-318
30. AFI table MOORE 16w0d to 42w0d Moore : Am J Obstet Gynecol.May,1990
31. EFBW table BRE76 23w0d to 44w0d Brenner,WE, : A standard of fetal growth for the
United States of America.
Am J Obstet Gynecol.126:555,1976
32. EFBW table YARK87 16w0d to 38w0d Yarkoni,S. : Obstet Gynecol.69:636-639,1987

Table 1.7.9-5 List of References related to Obstetric Table Data for Europe
Measurement Table Valid Range Reference
33. BPD HANS85 11w2d to 40w1d Manfred Hansmann : Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Springer-Verlag 1985
34. OFD HANS85 13w4d to 40w0d Manfred Hansmann : Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Springer-Verlag 1985
35. CRL HANS85 6w0d to 21w2d Manfred Hansmann : Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Springer-Verlag 1985
36. FL HANS85 13w3d to 40w6d Manfred Hansmann : Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Springer-Verlag 1985
37. HC HANS85 14w0d to 40w0d Manfred Hansmann : Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Springer-Verlag 1985
38. TTD HANS85 14w3d to 40w6d Manfred Hansmann : Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Springer-Verlag 1985

1-123 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-6 List of References related to Obstetric table data for
Measurement Table Valid Range Reference
39. BPD TODAI96 10w1d to 37w4d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Age table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
40. BPD TODAI96 10w0d to 42w0d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Growth table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
41. BPD OSAKA U. 10w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics and
Age table Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
42. BPD OSAKA U. 10w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics and
Growth table Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
43. BPD H1 11w4d to 37w1d Committee for ME Problems, Japan OB/GY Society, 1989
Age table
44. AC TODAI96 16w0d to 42w0d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Growth table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
45. AC TODAI96 15w3d to 41w2d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Age table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
46. FL TODAI96 16w1d to 39w3d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Age table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
47. FL TODAI96 16w0d to 42w0d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Growth table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
48. FL OSAKA U. 13w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics and
Age table Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
49. FL OSAKA U. 13w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics and
Growth table Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
50. FL H1 16w6d to 38w4d Committee for ME Problems, Japan OB/GY Society, 1989
Age table
51. CRL TODAI 8w0d to 14w0d Takashi Okai, et al: Approach to new perinatal control by
Age table comprehensive analysis of fetal data; Journal of Japan
OB/GY Society, Vol. 38, No. 8, 1209 - 1217, 1986
52. CRL OSAKA U. 7w0d to 12w6d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics and
Age table Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
53. CRL OSAKA U. 7w0d to 12w6d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics and
Growth table Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
54. GS TODAI 4w0d to 11w0d Takashi Okai, et al: Approach to new perinatal control by
Age table comprehensive analysis of fetal data; Journal of Japan
OB/GY Society, Vol. 38, No. 8, 1209 - 1217, 1986
55. LV TODAI 21w0d to 40w0d Takashi Okai, et al: Approach to new perinatal control by
Age table comprehensive analysis of fetal data; Journal of Japan
OB/GY Society, Vol. 38, No. 8, 1209 - 1217, 1986
56. FTA OSAKA U. 14w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics and
Age table Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
57. FTA OSAKA U. 14w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics
Growth table and Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
58. HL OSAKA U. 13w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11

1-124 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-6 List of References related to Obstetric table data for
Measurement Table Valid Range Reference
59. HL OSAKA U. 13w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics
Growth table and Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
60. APTD None Reserve Takashi Okai, et al: Approach to new perinatal control
Age table by comprehensive analysis of fetal data; Journal of
Japan OB/GY Society, Vol. 38, No. 8, 1209 - 1217, 1986
61. TTD None Reserve Takashi Okai, et al: Approach to new perinatal control
Age table by comprehensive analysis of fetal data; Journal of
Japan OB/GY Society, Vol. 38, No. 8, 1209 - 1217, 1986
62.EFBW table TODAI96 18w0d to 41w0d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
63. EFBW table OSAKA U. 16w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics
and Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
64. APTDxTTD TODAI96 16w1d to 39w2d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Age table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
65. APTDxTTD TODAI96 16w3d to 42w3d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Growth table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
66. EFBW TODAI96 19w3d to 39w2d Norio Shinotsuka, et al: Creation of reference data in
Age table ultrasound measurement, Jpn J Med Ultrasonics Vol. 23
No. 12 ; 877-888, 1996
67. EFBW OSAKA U. 16w0d to 40w0d Mineo Aoki, et al: Diagnosis of fetal growth, Obstetrics
Age table and Gynecology Treatment; Vol. 47, No. 5, 1983/11
68. CRL JSUM2001 8w0d to 11w3d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Age table.
69. BPD JSUM2001 10w1d to 38w3d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Age table.
70. AC JSUM2001 15w3d to 40w4d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Age table.
71. FL JSUM2001 16w1d to 39w3d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Age table.
72. CRL JSUM2001 7w0d to 11w4d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
73. BPD JSUM2001 10w0d to 42w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
74. AC JSUM2001 16w0d to 42w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
75. FL JSUM2001 16w0d to 42w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
76. EFBW Growth JSUM2001 18w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
77. MCA_RI JSUM2001 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
78. MCA_PI JSUM2001 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
79. UmA_RI JSUM2001 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
80. UmA_PI JSUM2001 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001
Growth table.
81.CRL JSUM2003 8w0d to 11w3d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Age table.
82.BPD JSUM2003 10w1d to 38w3d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Age table.

1-125 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-6 List of References related to Obstetric table data for
83.AC JSUM2003 15w3d to 40w4d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Age table.
84.FL JSUM2003 16w1d to 39w3d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Age table.
85.CRL JSUM2003 7w0d to 11w4d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.
86.BPD JSUM2003 10w0d to 42w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.
87.AC JSUM2003 16w0d to 42w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.
88.FL JSUM2003 16w0d to 42w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.
89.EFBW Growth JSUM2003 18w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
90.MCA_RI JSUM2003 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.
91.MCA_PI JSUM2003 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.
92.UmA_RI JSUM2003 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.
93.UmA_PI JSUM2003 20w0d to 41w0d J Med Ultrasonics Vol.30,No.3 2003; 415-440
Growth table.

Table 1.7.9-7 Fetal Weight Calculation Equation (HAD85)

Equation Name HAD85
WT = 10^(1.335+(0.316*BPD+0.457*AC+1.623*FL-0.0034*AC*FL)/100)
Reference Hadlock F.P., Estimation of Fetal Weight with the Use of Head, Body, and Femur
Measurements-A Prospective Study: Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 151:333-337, 1985.

Table 1.7.9-8 Fetal Weight Calculation Equation (SHEP82)

Equation Name SHEP82
WT = 10^(1.2508+0.0166*BPD+0.0046*AC-0.02646*AC*BPD/1000

Reference Shepard M.J.,

An Evaluation of Two Equations for Predicting Fetal Weight by Ultrasound. Am. J.
Obstet.Gynecol. 142:47,1982.

Table 1.7.9-9 Fetal Weight Calculation Equation (HANS76)

Equation Name HANS76
WT = -105.775*BPD+64.914*TTD+0.930707*BPD^2-0.20562*TTD^2+515.263
Reference Hansmann, Diagnosis in Obstetrics and gynecology. Springer-Verlag,1987.

Table 1.7.9-10 Fetal Weight Calculation Equation (MERZ88)

Equation Name MERZ88
Equation WT = -3200.405+15.7072*AC+0.159039*BPD^2
Reference Merz,E. et. al:Intrauterine Gewichtsschatzung miitels Ultrachall. Ultrachall 9, 15-24, 1988
NOTICE This equation cannot be used for the gestational age up to 25 weeks
because of out of application range.

1-126 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.7.9-11 Fetal Weight Calculation Equation (TODAI)
Equation Name TODAI
Equation WT = (1.07*BPD^3+3.42*APTD*TTD*FL)*0.001
Reference Norio Shinozuka, et. al.:
Tokyo University, Japan :Chouonpa taiji keisoku ni okeru kijyun-chi no sakusei Jpn J Med
Ultrasonics Vol.23 No.12 (1996)

Table 1.7.9-12 Fetal Weight Calculation Equation (OSAKA U.)

Equation Name OSAKA U.
Equation WT = 6.3+1.25647*(BPD/10)^3+0.350665*FTA*FL
Reference Mineo Aoki, et. al. :
Osaka University, Japan :Taiji hatuiku-no shindan, Sanfujin-ka chiryou, Vol.47, No.5,1983 / 11

Table 1.7.9-13 Fetal Weight Calculation Equation (JSUM2001)

Equation Name JSUM 2001
Equation WT = (1.07*BPD^3+0.3*AC^2*FL)*0.001

Reference J Med Ultrasonics Vol.28 No.5 2001

1-127 Q1E-EA1130
1.8 Measurements for cardiac
1.8.1 M.Simpson Measurement

By measuring 2 channels of left ventricle long-axis area and

4 channels of left ventricle long-axis area, and by calculating
the left ventricle volume by using the following equation,
the left ventricle cardiac functions are measured.

π n
4 ∑ ( ai・bi・ n )

L: Left ventricle long-axis length
a, b: Short-axis length (slice diameter) of

each cross-section perpendicular to the

long-axis of the left ventricle contour

divided into n-planes

n: Number of slices perpendicular to the long

axis of the left ventricle

Fig.1.8.1-1 Concept of M.Simpson Measurement

Table 1.8.1-1 M.Simpson Measurement

Measuring Method
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
(refer to 1.3)
4c d A Left ventricle end-diastole cm2 (*1)
4-ch display area
4c s A Left ventricle end-systole cm2 (*1)
4-ch display area
4c d L Left ventricle end-diastole mm (*1)
4-ch long-axis length
4c s L Left ventricle end-systole mm (*1)
4-ch long-axis length
4c d V Left ventricle end-diastole mL
4-ch display volume
4c s V Left ventricle end-systole mL
4-ch display volume

4c SV Left ventricle mL ChkNonNeg("4c d

4-ch display Stroke Volume V"-"4c s V")
4c EF Left ventricle % "4c SV"/"4c d V"
4-ch display Ejection fraction ×100
2c d A Left ventricle end-diastole cm2 (*1)
2-ch display area
2c s A Left ventricle end-systole cm2 (*1)
2-ch display area

1-128 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
(refer to 1.3)
2c d L Left ventricle end-diastole mm (*1)
2-ch long-axis length
2c s L Left ventricle end-systole mm (*1)
2-ch long-axis length
2c d V Left ventricle end-diastole mL
2-ch display volume
2c s V Left ventricle end-systole mL
2-ch display volume

2c SV Left ventricle mL ChkNonNeg("2c d

2-ch display Stroke Volume V"-"2c s V")
2c EF Left ventricle % "2c SV"/"2c d V"
2-ch display Ejection fraction ×100
dL Left ventricle end-diastole mm (*1)
long-axis length
sL Left ventricle end-systole mm (*1)
long-axis length
dV Left ventricle end-diastole mL (*1)
sV Left ventricle end-systole mL (*1)
dL end-diastole long-axis length % abs("4c d L"-"2c d
Index index L")/max("4c d
L","2c d L")×100
sL end-sysstole long-axis length % abs("4c s L"-"2c s
Index index L")/max("4c s
L","2c s L")×100
SV Stroke Volume mL "d V" - "s V"
HR Heart rate bpm Heart rate from ECG
SI Stroke Index mL/m2 SV/BSA Be displayed on
Report when
height and weight
are registered in
patient ID menu.
CO Cardiac output L/min HR×SV×0.001
CI Cardiac Index L/(min・m2) CO/BSA Be displayed on
Report when
height and weight
are registered in
patient ID menu.
EF Ejection fraction % SV/"d V"×100
(*1): Disabled in factory default.
References : Schiller, N.B., :
Quantitation of LV by 2D echo.
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography Volume 2
Number 5 September-October 1989

1-129 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method M.Simpson
4c d trace:
1 Start the measurement program on the menu, 4c s trace:
etc. 4c d V: mL
4c s V: mL
(Refer to Clause 1.2.) 4c EF: %

2 For playback image from the VCR, input 2c d trace:

heart rate value by referring to the 2c s trace:
2c d V: mL
procedure of Area-Length measure- -ment. 2c s V: mL
2c EF: %
3 When the UNDO button is pressed, it
possible to move the cursor at measured d L Index: %
SV: mL
results display section to item name to HR: bpm
be measured in the image being displayed. CO: L/min
EF: %
4 Perform the measurement of the part
selected by the cursor.

4c d trace : 4-chamber display, end diastolic trace

4c s trace : 4-chamber display, end systolic trace
2c d trace : 2-chamber display, end diastolic trace
2c s trace : 2-chamber display, end systolic trace


1 In the trace there are two modes, an automatic tracing mode

and a manual tracing mode. When we deliver the system from
the factory, the mode is set to the automatic tracing one.
It is possible to change over the mode during the measurement.
Also it is possible to set the initial stage of the tracing
mode. For setting method refer to "2.3.3 Link Setup".
2 Initial value of slice number can be set by the measurement
set up. For that refer to "2.3.3 Link Setup".

3 If measurement done Measurement. Max. Times, Measurement

result is displayed when next measurement is started.
"Measurement Max. Times" can be set by Measurement Setup.
Please refer to "2.2 Measurement Setup menu".

1-130 Q1E-EA1130
"D L Index", "SV", "CO", and "EF" are items calculated by
using the result of both 4c Trace and 2c Trace. Those items
are calculated by using "dL", "sL", "dV", and "sV".

The result in the report of "dL", "sL", "dV", and "sV"

measuring it now is calculated from the result of the trace
at the end. Therefore, the measurement result of each
frequency of the report displayed according to the frequency
might be not corresponding when measuring it two or more


"4c trace" is done twice, and "2c trace" is done once.

Each result is calculated from the result of "2c trace" of

one time two times of "4c trace".

It non-displays it
in Factory default.
It uses it to
calculate SV etc.

Therefore, please measure it carefully as follows.

1. Please do both "4c trace" and "2c trace" by one measurement

when you use the value of "D L Index", "SV", "CO", and

2. Please set the measurement max times. to one time by

the setting when you do not need averaging. Please refer
to "2.2 Measurement Setup menu".

1-131 Q1E-EA1130
4-A Automatic tracing
i) Apex or Base is displayed by the cursor. When
Apex is displayed, move the caliper cursor
to the apex and press the enter key ENT ER
. Base

When Base is displayed, move the caliper to

the tip mitral valve and press the enter key
Base Base
. With similar method fix the other

• The order of setting the cardiac apex can Base Base
be changed from the measurement setup. Refer
to "2.3.3 Link Setup".

• It is also possible to set the cardiac apex

to the top.
Whenever Top is selected, Top becomes a Apex.

ii)The tracing is automatically started and the

trace line connecting control points and +
mark is displayed. After that it is possible
to perform manipulation as mentioned below.

ii)-a If the cursor is moved inside the trace

image, the shape of cursor is changed to the
shape showing the re-tracing. When the

enter key ENT ER

is pressed, the automatic

tracing is again executed. In case the

result of tracing is not correct, adjust the
threshold by F4 key. Then it is possible
to obtain the optimum tracing result by
performing the automatic tracing again.

1-132 Q1E-EA1130
ii)-b When the cursor is overlapped with the
control point or with the + mark, its shape
is changed to the shape showing the movement
of control point. Under this condition

press the enter key ENT ER

at this time, control

point can be moved. And press the enter key

again, then the control point or + mark

moves. As the result of it the trace image

is rewritten in which the tracing line
connects the moved control point.

ii)-c If the cursor is moved outside the trace

image, the shape of cursor is changed to
the one showing the end of measurement. If

the enter key ENT ER

is pressed under this

condition, the slice image is displayed.

Then the calculation of left ventricle
volume and so on is executed and the
measurement is ended.

1. After the completion of measurement, the
most far distance away from the straight
line connecting the tip of mitral valve is
regarded as the long axis length.
Therefore, there is a case that it does not
correspond to the designated apex.
Slice line is displayed with gray line.

2. Please use the manual trace when the axis

length is not correct.

1-133 Q1E-EA1130
4-B Manual tracing

When the tracing is completed in the manual tracing, there are

two method. They are "The method to approximate the mitral valve
to a straight line" and "Method to trace whole left ventricle".
Therefore, perform the tracing by any of methods as mentioned

[The method to approximate the mitral valve to a straight line]


Mitral valve

i) Move the caliper mark to the edge i)

of the mitral valve.

ii) Press ENTER key fixes the start ii)

point where the start mark is

iii) Move the caliper mark along the iii)

cross-sectional left ventricle
contour to another edge of the
mitral volume.

1-134 Q1E-EA1130
iv) Press ENTER key, then the caliper iv)
mark and the start mark are
connected with a straight line.
Moreover, the center of the
straight line is fixed as a one
end of the long-axis. Please move
the caliper mark to the other
edge of the long-axis.
v) Press ENTER key, then the trace v)
line is divided equally into
n-slices perpendicularly to the
long-axis and the division lines
are displayed with solid line (n:
slice number).
Thus, when measurement of the
left ventricle area, long-axis
length, slice diameter and left
ventricle area at the same time
phase are completed for both 4ch
display and 2ch display, the left
ventricle volume is calculated.
vi) The length of the length axis is automatically set, and
it enters the state of v) if a ENTER key is double-clicked
in the state of iii).

[Method to trace whole left ventricle]

Top of mitral valve

i) Move the caliper mark to the tip i)
of the mitral valve.

1-135 Q1E-EA1130
ii) Press ENTER key fixes the start ii)
point where the start mark is

iii) Move the caliper mark along the iii)

cross-sectional contour of the
left ventricle.

iv) When the caliper reaches the iv)

start mark, the tracing is
completed. Moreover, start mark
is fixed as a one end of the
long-axis. Please move the
caliper mark to the other edge
of the long-axis.
Then as done for [The method to
approximate the mitral valve to
a straight line], the trace line
is sliced and the left ventricle
volume is calculated.

5 Carry out measurements of each item in the same procedures as

the steps 3 and 4.
To retry the measurement of any item, move the cursor to the
item to be retried in the step 3, thus measurement can be retried
any times.

6 When measurements of all the items are completed, the measurement

ends. Press key.

1-136 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.2 B-EF, M-EF, (Pombo, Gibson, Teichholz) Measurement

By measuring a inter diameter of left ventricle and using

one of Pombo, Gibson and Teichholz formulas. a volume of left
ventricle is obtained for left ventricle function

For the measurement, there are six measurements depending on

the mode and method as follows:

B-EF ; Measurement by Teichholz on B mode

B-EF Gibson ; Measurement by Gibson on B mode
B-EF Pombo ; Measurement by Pombo on B mode
M-EF ; Measurement by Teichholz on M mode
M-EF Gibson ; Measurement by Gibson on M mode
M-EF Pombo ; Measurement by Pombo on M mode

B-EF Gibson, B-EF Pombo, M-EF Gibson and M-EF Pombo is not
displayed at the Factory setting. When you want to selected
these measurement, use a measurement Import function.
(Refer to 2.7 Measurement Export/Import function.)

Table 1.8.2-1 B-EF, M-EF, (Pombo, Gibson, Teichholz) Measurements

Measuring Method
Abbr. Description Unit Remarks
(Refer to 1.3 )
Left ventricle diameter at Distance (B-mode or
LVEdD mm
end-diastole M-mode method)
Left ventricle diameter at
LVEsD mm
Left ventricle volume at Calculated using
end-diastole equations
Left ventricle volume at
SV Stroke Volume mL Calculated from above LVEdV - LVEsV
CO Cardiac output L/min HR × SV
EF Ejection fraction % SV / LVEdV
Left ventricle fraction of (LVEdD - LVEsD) /
FS systole %
HR Heart Rate bpm Heart Rate by ECG
CI Cardiac Index L/(min·m ) 2
CO/BSA Be displayed on
Report when height
SI Stroke Index mL/m2 SV/BSA and weight are
registered in patient
ID menu.

1-137 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

<For routine examination>

1 Start up the measurement program by using the menu or other

method. (Refer to Paragraph 1.2.)

2 Using the trackball and ENTER keys, measure each distance

of LVEdD and LVEsD.

3 From the two measured values, the calculated result is

displayed and the measurement is completed.

<For a value of HR cannot be acquired>

1 Start up the measurement in the appropriate manner as

described in paragraph 1.2.
HR value displayed
2 The message "ENTER HEART RATE"
will appear in the screen B-EF HR: 60

center as the example at right.

If the HR value (heart rate
value) is displayed on the
upper right corner, enter that
value using numeric keys.
If the number of pulses is not Fig.1.8.2-1 Entering
displayed on the playback Heart Rate
image, carry out the step 3,
as it is.

3 Press ENTER key.

1-138 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.3 Dia.Func. Measurement

The left ventricle function is evaluated by the Doppler waveform

at the left ventricle inflow tract. Please refer to the
Fig.1.8.27-1 for measurement region.
Table 1.8.3-1 Dia.Func. Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method Remarks
E m/s or cm/s Flow Velocity at point PHT
DT ms E
Deceleration Time
A m/s Flow Velocity at point Instantaneous
A Velocity
(Caliper Method)
A/E - A/E Ratio To be calculated A/E (*1)
E/A - E/A Ratio from A and E E/A

AT ms Acceleration Time Time (*1)

ET ms Ejection Time (*1)
AT/ET - AT/ET Ratio (*1)
Acc m/s2 Acceleration E/AT (*1)

Vp m/s or cm/s Peak flow velocity PHT (*1)

PHT ms Pressure Half Time (*1)
Dcc m/s2 Deceleration Vp/DT (*1)

MVA cm2 Mitral Valve Area To be calculated 220/PHT (*1)

from PHT
IVRT ms Isovolume Relaxation Time (*1)
Vm m/s or cm/s Mean Velocity Trace (*1)
PGm mmHg Mean Pressure (*1)
e` m/s Mitral annuler (E) Instantaneous E/e`
velocity Velocity(Caliper
E/e` - E/e` Ratio To be calculated
from E and e`
(*1): Disabled in factory default

Measuring Method

Start up the measurement in the appropriate manner described

in paragraph 1.2 and 1.3.
For PHT item, refer to paragraph 1.8.25.

1-139 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.4 PV flow Measurement
The Pulmonic Vein Doppler measurement is carried out by setting
tracking points on a Doppler image.

Table 1.8.4-1 PV flow Measurement

Code Unit Measurement Method Remarks
S m/s S-wave peak Instantaneous
velocity Velocity(Caliper Method)
D m/s D-wave peak Instantaneous
velocity Velocity(Caliper Method)
A m/s A-wave peak Instantaneous
A dur ms velocity Velocity(Caliper Method)
A-wave duration Time

*1) : Velocity value is corrected by the correction formula set for

TRACE in measurement setup.
*1) : Calculation is carried out from the deceleration value obtained
by the correction of *1).

NOTICE: 1) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to 2.2

Measurement Setup menu.

S Doppler beam line

A dur

Fig.1.8.4-1 Concept of PV Flow Measurement

Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

1-140 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.5 CO Measurement

Stroke Vokume(SV) and Cardiac Output(CO) are available by the

Doppler waveform at the left ventricle outflow tract. Please
refer to the Fig.1.8.1-1 for the measurement region.
Table 1.8.5-1 CO Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method Remarks
Vp(*2) m/s or LVOT peak velocity Trace
AT(*2) ms LVOT Acceleration Time
ET(*2) ms LVOT Ejection time
Vm(*2) ms LVOT mean velocity (*1)
PGm(*2) mmHg LVOT mean pressure difference (*1)
PEP ms Pre-Ejection Period Time
TVI(*2) m LVOT Trace
Time Velocity Integral
Diam.(*2) cm LVOT Diameter Area
CSA cm2 LVOT cross-sectional area (Distance
HR bpm Heart Rate
SV mL Stroke Volume To be TVI × CSA
CO L/min Cardiac Output calculated SV × HR
from the
(*1): Disabled in factory default
(*2): This item is shared with other items. In detail, refer
to "Table 2.6.3-1 Common setting of Factory default".
Measuring Method
Start up the measurement in the appropriate manner described
in paragraph 1.2 and 1.3.
For HR item, refer to paragraph 1.5.7.

1-141 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.6 MS Measurement

The Mitral Valve Area(MVA) is calculated from PHT(Pressure Half

Time) which is got by the Doppler flow pattern in mitral stenosis.
The Mitral Stenosis is evaluated with the MVA.
Table 1.8.6-1 MS Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method Remarks
VE m/s or cm/s Flow Velocity at point E Instantaneou
PGE mmHg Pressure Gradient at point s
E Velocity(Cali
per Method)
VA m/s or cm/s Flow Velocity at point A Instantaneou
PGA mmHg Pressure Gradient at point s
A Velocity(Cali
per Method)
A/E (None) VA/VERatio To be VA/VE
E/A (None) VE/VARatio calculated VE/VA
from VA and
AT ms Acceleration Time Time
ET ms Ejection Time
Acc m/s2 Accleration

Vp m/s or cm/s Peak flow velocity PHT 3.41×PHT

PHT ms Pressure Half Time
DT ms Deleleration Time
Dcc m/s2 Deceleration Vp/DT

MVA cm2 Mitral Valve Area To be 220/PHT

from PHT
IVRT ms Isovolume Relaxation Time Time
Vm m/s or cm/s Mean Velocity Trace
meanPG mmHg Mean Pressure Gradient
ET-Trace ms Ejection Time
TVI m Time Velocity Integral

Vpeak m/s or cm/s Peak Velocity

peakPG mmHg Peak Pressure Gradient

Measuring Method

Start up the measurement in the appropriate manner described

in paragraph 1.2 and 1.3.
For PHT item, refer to paragraph 1.8.25.

1-142 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.7 AV-Area Measurement
By tracing LVOT Doppler waveform and AV Doppler waveform, aortic
valve area is measured.


Measurement of LVOT Doppler waveform Measurement of AV Doppler waveform

Vp by using
AVA= ×CSA peak
by using
2 AVA= ×CSA mean
VmA velocity
CSA= π
2 by using
TVI integral of
CSA measurement AVA= ×CSA
TVIA velocity
Vm VmA
where, TVI= TVIA=

Fig.1.8.7-1 Concept of AV-Area Measurement

Measuring Method
Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement, make
the measurement.
Using the F2 function key, calculation method (by Peak, by Mean
or by TVI) of aortic valve area can be changed.
Velocity value correction function
In this measurement, correction calculation can be applied to
the velocity value obtained by trace.
Refer to the Velocity value correction function for Velocity
Correction of 2.3.3 Link Setup (a)Property for D-Trace Tool.

1-143 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.8.7-1 AV-Area Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to 1.3) Remarks
LVOT-Vp m/s or Left ventricle outflow tract Left ventricle outflow tract trace *1)
LV-Vp *4) cm/s peak velocity To be made according to
LVOT-Vm m/s or Left ventricle outflow tract the mode selected in *1)
cm/s mean velocity Measurement Setup menu
from Manual trace mode,
AT *4) ms Left ventricle outflow tract Auto trace mode and Plot
ET *4) ms acceleration time trace mode.
-- Left ventricle outflow tract Auto Trace calculation mode
ejection time To be made according to
Left ventricle outflow tract the setting in Measurement
acceleration/ejection time Setup menu from PEAK,
ratio MEAN and MODE.
LVOT-TVI *4) m Left ventricle outflow tract *1')
PGLV mmHg Left ventricle outflow tract
Pressure Gradient
PGmLV *4) mmHg Left ventricle outflow tract
mean Pressure Gradient
Diam *4) cm Left ventricle outflow tract Distance
LVOT-CSA cm2 Left ventricle outflow tract Area (Distance)
cross section area
AV-Vp m/s or Aortic valve peak velocity Aortic valve tract trace *2)
cm/s To be made according to
AV-Vm m/s or Aortic valve mean velocity the mode selected in *2)
AV-CW cm/s Measurement Setup menu
from Manual trace mode,
AV-ET ms Aortic valve ejection time *2')
Auto trace mode and Plot
AV-TVI m Aortic valve tract trace mode. *2')
Auto Trace calculation mode
PGAV mmHg Aortic valve To be made according to
Pressure Gradient the setting in
PGmAV mmHg Aortic valve Measurement Setup menu
mean Pressure Gradient from PEAK, MEAN and
AV-Area cm2 Aortic value area *1') *2')
*1) Velocity value is corrected by the correction equation set for
LVOT in Measurement Setup.
*1') Calculation is made from the velocity value obtained by *1).
*2) Velocity value is corrected by the correction equation set for
AV in Measurement Setup.
*2') Calculation is made from the velocity value obtained by *2).
*3) mmHg is displayed in kpa in SI unit. 1kpa = 7.5mmHg
*4): This item is shared with other items. In detail, refer to "Table
2.6.3-1 Common setting of Factory default".

1-144 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.8 LV Measurement

In LV Measurement, there are three type of measurement.

Each measurement has own equation. There are Pombo's equation,
Gibson's equation and Teichholz's equation.
Calculation of the volume of LV (LVEdV or LVEsV) is different
respectively. And there are two type of each measurement of
navigation and manually. Therefore there are six types of
LV Navigation and Teichholz's equation
LV-Manu Manual and Teichholz's equation
LV-Gibson Navigation and Gibson's equation
LV-Gib.M Manual and Gibson's equation
LV-Pombo Navigation and Pombo's equation
LV-Pom.M Manual and Teichholz's equation

Factory Default is selected LV.

When you selected other type measurements, Use measurement

Import function.(Refer to 2.7 Measurement Export/Import
Table 1.8.8-1 lists the measurement items classified under the
"LV Measurement" category.

Fig.1.8.8-1 Schema for LV Measurement

1-145 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.8.8-1 LV Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

LVEdD Left ventricle end-diastole diameter mm
LVEsD Left ventricle end-systole diameter mm
LVPWd Left ventricle posterior wall mm
end-diastole diameter
LVPWs Left ventricle posterior wall mm
end-systole diameter
RVDd Right ventricle diastole diameter mm
NOTICE1) HR can be set only
NOTICE2) manually during VCR
IVSd Intraventricular septum end-diastole mm
IVSs Intraventricular septum end-systole mm
HR Heat rate bpm
LVEdV Left ventricle end-diastole volume mL
LVEsV Left ventricle end-systole volume mL
SV Stroke volume mL LVEdV-LVEsV
CO Cardiac output L/min HRxSV
EF Ejection fraction % SV/LVEdV
FS Fractional shortening % (LVEdD-LVEsD) LVEdD
CI Cardiac Index L/(min·m )2
CO/BSA Be displayed on
Report when
SI Stroke Index mL/m2 SV/BSA height and
weight are
registered in
patient ID
LVMass-d Left ventricular mass in diastole g 1.04*((LVEdD/10+IVSd/10+LVPW
LVMass-s Left ventricular mass in systole g 1.04*((LVEsD/10+IVSs/10+LVPW
NOTICE1: RVDd is included for Manually as an item when the factory is

NOTICE2: It is not displayed to measurement menu of factory setting.

For using, double click the item of measurement setup menu
and selecting on of the line of sub tab result and report.
Refer to item 2.3 Measurement Edit Menu.

1-146 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method(navigation)

1 Start the measurement program on the menu, etc.(Refer to

Clause 1.2)

The measurement for which Navigation is used is LV, LV-Gibson,
and LV-Pombo. Factory default is LV. When you selected other
type measurements, Use measurement Import function. (Refer
to 2.7 Measurement Export/Import function.)

2 Schema, Such as the one at right,

will appear.
And Measurement starts.

3 Caliper is displayed near "B" on

the schema. By turning the
trackball, move caliper on the
dotted line to position that
corresponds to position "B" on the

4 Press ENTER key, the caliper

cursor and dotted line will be
fixed at that position, and next
caliper is displayed near "C" on
the schema. By turning the track
ball, move caliper on the dotted
line to position that corresponds
to position "C" on the schema and
press ENTER key.

1-147 Q1E-EA1130
5 Similarly, continue plotting by
placing the calipers and dotted
lines on the positions as
indicated in the schema. When
present calipers mark is fixed,
next caliper is displayed near the
next measurement point.

6 When the final measurement point

has been set and results of the
LV measurement, calculated using
the equation preset, will be

7 To reset the measurement point set

just before during plotting,
press UNDO key.


• Alphabetic characters such as B point and C point are not

displayed on the schema, but the point at both ends of the
set value and the line are displayed in Emphasis.

• In case of Navigation, measurement volume is displayed near

the caliper of setting.

• When R-wave is getting from ECG, caliper of measurement
start is displayed near the first measurement point.
Please refer to "5.8 ECG Function" in the instruction
manual of the ultrasound diagnostic scanner. When R-wave
is not getting from ECG, caliper of measurement start
is displayed on center of M image.

• The position might shift according to the image. Please

move and set the cursor to an appropriate position.

1-148 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method(Manual)
1 Start up the measurement in the
appropriate manner as described
in paragraph 1.2. A schema, such
as the one at right, will appear.

2 By turning the track ball, move

the dotted line, shown in the
center of the M-mode image, to the
position that corresponds to line
"A" on the chema, and move the
caliper on the dotted line to the
position that corresponds to
position "C" on the schema.

3 Press ENTER key. The caliper

cursor will be fixed at that
position, and another plotting
point "D" will appear in the schema.
With the track ball, bring that
caliper to the position
corresponding to "D", and press
ENTER key. Similarly, continue
plotting by placing the calipers
Schema for LV
and dotted lines on the positions
as indicated in the schema.

4 When the final point, which corresponds to point "L" in

the schema, has been set, and the results of the LV
measurement, calculated using the equation preset, will
be displayed.
5 To reset the point set just before during plotting, press
UNDO key.
To skip a point indicated by the schema, select "SKIP"

by pressing toggle switch.


NOTICE: Alphabetic characters such as C point and D point are

not displayed on the scheme, but they are displayed
with emphasis point.

1-149 Q1E-EA1130
Selection of HR calculation method in manual

Calculation method of HR (heat rate) is available in 2 methods of

Manual mode to calculate by plotting 2 time phases and Auto method
to automatically obtain it by ECG. Selection method of those modes
is shown below.
Select Measure in Setup on Main Menu to start Measurement Setup menu.

Fig.1.8.8-3 Measurement Setup Menu

The following 2 methods are available in calculation of HR.

Manual mode : By plotting any 2 time phases, Heart Rate is


Auto mode : Heat Rate is automatically calculated from ECG


1-150 Q1E-EA1130
To select either of them, select the measurement item "HR" in the
currently used LV Measurement (one of LV-Manu, LV-Gib.M, LV-Pom.M)
in Measurement Setup menu.

Fig.1.8.8-4 Selection of HR Item

Pressing Edit button opens Edit menu of LV Measurement.

Fig.1.8.8-5 Setting HR Calculation Method

1-151 Q1E-EA1130
Rewrite "Equation" box where calculation equation of the measurement
item HR is input with "ManualHR" for Manual mode or "AutoHR" for
Auto mode.

Fig.1.8.8-6 Setting (HR) in Manual Mode

Fig.1.8.8-7 Setting (HR) in Auto Mode

Upon rewriting Equation, press Register button to register the

1-152 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.9 Ao Measurement

RVOTD M-mode beam line




Fig.1.8.9-1 Schema for Ao Measurement

Table 1.8.9-1 lists the measurement items classified under

the "Ao Measurement" category.

Table 1.8.9-1 Ao Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

AoD Aortic diameter in diastole mm

AVcusp Aortic valve systole (early phase) mm
AVcusp Aortic valve systole (last phase) mm
LAD Left atrial diameter (systole) mm
RVOTd Right ventricular outflow tract diameter mm
LA/Ao Ratio of LAD/Ao ----
PEP Pre-Ejection Period ms
ET Ejection Time ms

Measuring Method

Please refer to Measuring Method(Manual) of "1.8.8 LV

measurement" for the operation method.

1-153 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.10 MV Measurement

M-mode beam line


Fig.1.8.10-1 Schema for MV Measurement

Table 1.8.10-1 lists the measurement items classified under

the "MV Measurement" category.

Table 1.8.10-1

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

CE E-wave amplitude (E-Amp.) mm

DE DE difference mm
CA A-wave amplitude (A-Amp.) mm
DEslope MV DE slope (DE-SLOPE) mm/s Presettable
EFslope MV diastolic descent rate (DDR) mm/s
A/E Ratio of A-wave/E-wave ----
EPSS E-point ventricular septum mm

Measuring Method

Please refer to Measuring Method(Manual) of "1.8.8 LV

measurement" for the operation method.

1-154 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.11 TV Measurement
M-mode beam line

Fig.1.8.11-1 Schema for TV Measurement

Table 1.8.11-1 lists the measurement items classified under

the "TV Measurement" category.

Table 1.8.11-1 TV Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

CE E-wave amplitude (E-Amp.) mm

DE DE difference mm
CA A-wave amplitude (A-Amp.) mm
DEslope TV DE slope (DE-SLOPE) mm/s
EFslope TV diastolic descent rate (DDR) mm/s
A/E Ratio of A-wave/E-wave amplitude ----

Measuring Method

Please refer to Measuring Method(Manual) of "1.8.8 LV

measurement" for the operation method.

1-155 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.12 PV Measurement
M-mode beam line

Fig.1.8.12-1 Schema for PV Measurement

Table 1.8.12-1 lists the measurement items classified under

the "PV Measurement" category.

Table 1.8.12-1 PV Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

Awave A-wave amplitude mm

EFslope EF slope mm/s

Measuring Method

Please refer to Measuring Method(Manual) of "1.8.8 LV

measurement" for the operation method.

1-156 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.13 B-LV/Ao, M-LV/Ao Measurement

In the captioned measurement there are two kinds according

to the mode of examination, viz. B-LV/Ao and M-LV/Ao.

Table 1.8.13-1 lists the measurements that will be carried

out by using a long axis cross-sectional image in both diastole
and systole.

Table 1.8.13-1 L.Axis Measurement

Meaning Unit Method Comments

Aod Aos Aortic diameter mm

IVSd IVSs Intraventricular septal mm

LVPWd LVPWs Left ventricle posterior wall mm Presettable
(B- or M-mode method)

LVEdD LVEsD Left ventricular diameter mm

LADd LADs Left atrial diameter mm

LVEdV LVEsV Left Ventricle Volume mL Pombo, Gibson, Presettable


Measuring Method
measurements will be completed by measuring the above listed
items. The following procedure applies to the Systole
measurement. The Diastole measurement can also be performed
in the same manner.

1 Start up the Long-Axis (Systole)

measurement in the appropriate
manner described in paragraph

1-157 Q1E-EA1130
2 Measurement of every item is
Curso L-AXIS(S)
conducted one by one.
By selecting UNDO key, move the Aos
cursor to the name of the
measurement you wish to perform on mm
the currently showing image.
3 Using the track ball and ENTER key ,
carry out the measurement
selected at step 2 . Fig.1.8.13-1

4 Select other measurement items and

perform their measurements in the same
way as at steps 2 and 3.

If you wish to remeasure a particular item, just bring

the cursor to the name of that item at step 2 .
The measurement can be repeated as many times as you wish.
It is also possible to unfreeze the screen temporarily
and show a more suitable image for measurement.

5 When you have finished the execution of all measurement

items, press UNDO key, thereby completing the LONG AXIS
(SYSTOLE) measurement.

For Diastole and Systole measurements in B-LV/Ao and M-LV/Ao

groups, the method for calculating Left Ventricle Volume can
be changed.
The selections are Pombo, Gibson and Teichholz.

Against the measurement item of "LVEdV" in Diastole

measurement or "LVEsV" in Systole measurement, please set
any of the followings for the equation.

"Pombo" ; Pombo method

"Gibson" ; Gibson method
"Teichholz" ; Teichholz method

1-158 Q1E-EA1130
In LV/Ao measurement, in addition to the above items, the following
items are also displayed in Measurement report.

Table 1.8.13-2

Code Description Unit Measuring Method Remarks

SV Stroke Volume mL LVEdV-LVEsV

SI Stroke Index mL/m2 SV/BSA (NOTICE 1)

CO Cardiac Output L/min HR*SV

CI Cardiac Index L/(min·m2) CC/BSA (NOTICE 1)

EF Ejection Fraction % SV/LVEdV

FS Fractional Shortening % (LVEdD-LVEsD)/LVEdD

HR Heart Rate bpm Auto detection by ECG

NOTICE1:This is calculated only in the case body surface area has

been registered on ID Registration menu.

NOTICE2:It is not displayed to measurement menu of factory setting.

For using, click a property button with measurement setup
menu, and selecting on of "Display" of measurement property.
Refer to item 2.2.2 Measurement Type and Fig.2.2.2-5
Measurement property.

1-159 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.14 dP/dt Measurement

Amount of change in pressure of pressure gradient over time

between two points corresponding to the specified velocities
on Doppler image is measured.

PG 2 − PG1 2
(PG1=4V1 , PG2=4V2 )
dP / dt =
t 2 − t1

t1 t2



Fig.1.8.14-1 dP/dt Measurement

Code Description Unit Remarks

V1 Flow velocity at caliper 1 m/s or cm/s Default: V1= -1.0m/s

V2 Flow velocity at caliper 2 m/s or cm/s Default: V2= -3.0m/s

PG1 Pressure gradient at caliper 1 mmHg PG1 = 4*V1*V1

PG2 Pressure gradient at caliper 2 mmHg PG2 = 4*V2*V2

t1 Time phase at caliper 1

t2 Time phase at caliper 2

dt Time from 1 to 2 ms dt = t2-t1

dP/dt dP/dt value mmHg/s dP/dt = (PG2-PG1)/dt

Set values V1 andV2 in advance by Measurement setup. Using

property of dP/dt link tool in Measurement setup, set the values.
For details, refer to 2.3.3(f) Property for dP/dt Tool.
If the registered values V1 andV2 are not in the range of velocity
scale in the current Doppler mode, this measurement is not
displayed on Measurement menu.

1-160 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring method
1. Start dP/dt measurement program by
using the menu or other method (refer
to 1.2(2)).
Then, a horizontal line and caliper
are displayed at the point
corresponding to the velocity V1.

2. Operating the trackball and ENTER key,

move the caliper leftward or rightward,
and define the first point. V2, and
the caliper for the second point can
be operated.

3. Operating the trackball and ENTER key, dP/dt

move the caliper leftward or



4. Pressing ENTER key displays the dP/dt

measurement result and closes the

measurement program.

dP/dt Measurement

1-161 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.15 MV Regurg Measurement

Instantaneous regurgitating flow rate, effective regurgitant

orifice and regurgitant volume of mitral valve(MV) are
calculated based on Doppler waveform trace of mitral
regurgitation or its peak velocity and PISA measurement.

PISA(proximal isovelocity surface area):

mitral regurgitation jet due to color Doppler goes flows to

mitral regurgitant orifice, by which convergent blood flow
is generated which is sucked into the orifice. In the case
of Fig.1.8.15-1, Regurgitant signal in blue color is
accelerated as it approaches to the regurgitant orifice which
causes a folding phenomenon (Aliasing)nd the color turns to
red or yellow. A boundary of this hemispheric folding area
is called PISA.

Adjust the aliasing velocity so that the radius of PISA is

to be 5 ~ 10mm., then start the measurement after you can
observe clearly the reverse of color in color Doppler baseline.

Regarding the shift of base line refer to "5.7.8 Baseline"

in the instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic

Lines traced
byTrace PISA-R


Fig.1.8.15-1 Pattern image of MV Regurg Measurement

1-162 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.8.15-1 MV Regurg Measurement
Symbol Meaning Unit Measuring Method Comments
(refer to 1.3)

PISA-R PISA radius mm Distance(B-mode method)

PISA PISA area cm2 Calculated based on the 2π × (PISA-R / 10)2


Alias Vel. Aliasing velocity m/s *2)

Vp Peak velocity of mitral m/s TRACE Values at delivery time

regurgitation from our factory are by
Measured either by Manual
manual trace method. *1)
trace or Auto-trace or Plot
TVI TIME VELOCITY m trace method. It depends Values at delivery time
INTEGRAL on the setting at from our factory are by
Measurement Set-up. manual trace method *1')

Auto-trace method

Measured either by PEAK

depending upon the setting
at Measurement Set-up.

Flow Rate Instantaneous mL/s Calculated by the above. PISA×(Alias Vel. / 100)
regurgitating flow rate

ERO Effective regurgitant cm2 Flow Rate / (Vp×100)


Regurg Vol. Regurgitating volume mL ERO×TVI

NOTICE *1') : Calculation is carried out from the velocity value obtained
by the correction *1).
NOTICE *2 ) : In case of the direction of regurgitation is going away from
probe, maximum detective velocity of reverse direction in CFM
is automatically set. In case of the direction of regurgitation
is near to probe, change aliasing velocity + from - by using
function menu No.3 "Aliasing V." which is showed during you
are measuring PISA-R.(This menu isn't showed when the absolute
value of maximum detective velocity of reverse/order direction
is equal.)
Measuring Method
Perform PISA-R referring to "1.3.2 Measurement Procedures
Perform the trace for Doppler referring to "1.3.2
Measurement Procedures [5]Trace (Doppler measurement)".

1-163 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.16 TV Regurg Measurement

Instantaneous regurgitating flow rate, effective regurgitant

orifice and regurgitant volume of tricuspid valve(TV) are
calculated based on Doppler waveform trace of tricuspid
regurgitation or its peak velocity and PISA measurement.

As for PISA measurement refer to "1.8.15 MV Regurg


Lines traced by



Fig.1.8.16-1 Pattern image of TV Regurg Measurement

Table 1.8.16-1 TV Regurg Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Measuring Method Comments
(refer to 1.3)

Vpeak Peak flow Velocity m/s Instantaneous Flow

VpeakPG Peak pressure gradient mmHg Velocity (Caliper method)

PISA-R PISA radius mm Length(B-mode method)

PISA PISA area cm2 Calculated by the above. 2π × (PISA-R / 10)2
Alias Vel. Aliasing velocity m/s *2)

Vp Peak velocity of m/s TRACE

Values at delivery from our
tricuspid regurgitation Measured either by factory is by manual trace
Manual trace or
method. *1)
Auto-trace or Plot trace
TVI TIME VELOCITY m method. It depends on Values at delivery from our
INTEGRAL the setting at factory is by manual trace
Measurement Set-up. method. *1')
Auto-trace method
Measured either by
MODE depending upon
the setting at
Measurement Set-up.
Flow Rate Instantaneous mL/s Calculated by the above. PISA×(Alias Vel. / 100)
regurgitating flow rate

1-164 Q1E-EA1130
Symbol Meaning Unit Measuring Method Comments
(refer to 1.3)
ERO Effective regurgitant cm2 Flow Rate / (Vp×100)
Regurg Vol. Regurgitating volume mL ERO×TVI

NOTICE *1'): Calculation is carried out from the velocity value obtained
by the correction *1).

NOTICE *2 ) : In case of the direction of regurgitation is going away from

probe, maximum detective velocity of reverse direction in CFM
is automatically set. In case of the direction of regurgitation
is near to probe, change aliasing velocity + from - by using
function menu No.3 "Aliasing V." which is showed during you
are measuring PISA-R.(This menu isn't showed when the absolute
value of maximum detective velocity of reverse/order direction
is equal.)

Measuring Method

Perform Vpeak referring to "1.3.2 Measurement Procedures

[4]Instantaneous Flow Velocity".

Perform PISA-R referring to "1.3.2 Measurement Procedures

Perform the trace for Doppler referring to "1.3.2
Measurement Procedures [5]Trace (Doppler measurement)".

1-165 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.17 MVG-M Measurement

Trace the dynamic state of the inner and outer walls with TDI-M
imagery, and plot the MVG values calculated every period on a

MVG = (V1-V2)/t[/s]
V1: Inner wall speed

V2: Outer wall speed

T: Wall thickness

Measuring Procedure

1. Start up the MVG-M measurement from

the menu etc.

2. A vertical line is displayed on the

TDI-M image. Move it to the trace start
position, and press the confirmation

3. A vertical line is again displayed on

the TDI-M image. Move it to the trace
finish position and press the
confirmation key.

4. Crosshairs are displayed at the trace

start position. Move it to the inner
membrane side trace start position and
press the confirmation key. The trace
automatically begins.

5. Crosshairs are displayed at the trace

● ● ●
start position. Move it to the outer ● ● ●

membrane side trace start position and

press the confirmation key. The trace
automatically begins.

1-166 Q1E-EA1130
6. The trace results are displayed with
spline interpolation. After this the
following operations are possible:

a) When the cursor is overlaid at the

● ● ●
control point, the cursor state ● ● ●

changes to one showing control

point movement. In this state, with ● ● ●
● ● ●
the confirmation key held down,
when the cursor is moved to an
arbitrary position and the
confirmation key is released, the
control point or the crosshairs
move and the trace line is renewed
so as to pass through the moved
control point.

b) With the cursor overlaid at the

● ● ●
control point, when the UNDO button ● ● ●

is pressed, the control point is

deleted. ● ● ●
● ● ●

c) With the cursor overlaid at any

● ● ●
point on the trace line other than ● ● ●

the control point, when the

confirmation key is pressed, a ● ● ●
● ● ●
control point is added.

d) When the cursor is moved to a

location other than on the trace
line, the cursor state changes to
● ● ●
one showing that measurement is ● ● ●

finished; when the confirmation

key is pressed, the graph is ●
● ● ●
● ●

7. A second set of measurements can be

done by repeating the above-mentioned
steps 3 to 6.

1-167 Q1E-EA1130
8. The following operations are possible
during measurement:

a) The graph display position can be

switched via the toggle switch [3].

b) The graph can be switched between

transparent and nontransparent
via the toggle switch [4].


y During MVG measurement, even if "Number of measurements"

is specified at properties, measurement can only be done
1 time (2 sets). Also, even if "Report display" is enabled,
there is no display at report.

1-168 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.18 Qp/Qs Measurement
It is possible to obtain the specific pulmonary flow/systemic flow
by measuring Doppler waveform of left ventricular outflow tract
and right ventricular outflow tract and also the cross sectional
areas of left ventricular outflow tract and right ventricular
outflow tract.
Table 1.8.18-1 Qp/Qs Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to Remarks
LVOT-Diam(*2) cm Diameter of Left Distance
Ventricular out
LVOT-CSA cm2 Cross Sectional Area Calculated based ((LVOT-Diam/2)^2)*SPI
of LVOT on results of above
said measurements.
RVOT-Diam(*2) cm Diameter of Right Distance
Ventricular out
RVOT-CSA cm2 Cross Sectional Area Calculated based ((LVOT-Diam/2)^2)*SPI
of RVOT on results of above
said measurements.
VELOCITY Measured either by
INTEGRAL Manual trace or
Auto-trace or Plot
trace method. It
VELOCITY depends on the
INTEGRAL setting at
Auto-trace method
Measured either by
MODE depending
upon the setting at
LVOT-SV mL STROKE VOLUME Calculated based ((LVOT-TVI)×100)
on results of above ×LVOT-CSA
RVOT-SV mL STROKE VOLUME said measurements. ((RVOT-TVI)×100)
Qp/Qs - Pulmonary RVOT-SV/LVOT-SV
flow/Systemic flow
LVOT-Vp(*1)(*2) m/s LVOT peak velocity TRACE
Measured either by
LVOT-Vm(*1)(*2) m/s LVOT mean velocity Manual trace or
LVOT-PGm(*1)(*2) mmHg LVOT mean pressure Auto-trace or Plot
trace method. It
depends on the

1-169 Q1E-EA1130
Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to Remarks
LVOT-AT(*1)(*2) ms Acceleration time of setting at
LVOT Measurement
LVOT-ET(*1)(*2) ms Ejection time of Set-up.
LVOT Auto-trace method
RVOT-Vp(*1)(*2) m/s RVOT peak velocity Measured either
RVOT-Vm(*1)(*2) m/s RVOT mean velocity or MODE
depending upon
RVOT-PGm(*1)(*2) mmHg RVOT mean the setting at
pressure difference Measurement
AT(*1)(*2) ms Acceleration time of Set-up.
ET(*1)(*2) ms Ejection time of
(*1): Disabled in factory default
(*2): This item is shared with other items. In detail, refer to "Table
2.6.3-1 Common setting of Factory default".

Lines traced by Trace



LVOT Doppler waveform measurement


LVOT-CSA Measurement

Fig.1.8.18-1 Pattern image of Qs Measurement

1-170 Q1E-EA1130
Lines traced by Trace

RVOT Doppler waveform RVOT-CSA Measurement

Fig.1.8.18-2 Pattern image of Qp Measurement

Measuring Method
Referring to the LVOT measurement procedure, carry out the

Velocity value correction function

This measurement allows corrective calculation to be applied
to velocity value obtained by tracing the Doppler waveform.
Refer to the velocity value correction function for the LVOT
measurement for details.

1-171 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.19 RVOT Measurement
Doppler measurement of the right ventricle outflow tract includes
manual tracing of right ventricle outflow tract Doppler waveform,
and measurement of the pulmonary valve (PV) peak velocity, diameter
of right ventricle outflow tract and R-R interval.
Table 1.8.19-1 RVOT Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to 1.3.) Remarks
Vp *4) m/s or RVOT peak velocity *1)
Trace (TRACE)
PGp mmHg RVOT pressure Any of manual trace, *1’)
*2) difference auto trace or plot trace
method according to
Vm *4) m/s or RVOT mean velocity *1)
measurement setup.
Auto trace calculation
PGm *4) mmHg RVOT mean pressure *1’)
*2) difference
Any of PEAK, MEAN,
AT *4) ms Acceleration time and MODE according to
measurement setup.
ET *4) ms Ejection time
AT/ET – Ratio of AT to ET
PEP ms RVOT ejection time
PEP/ET – Ratio of PEP to ET
TVI *4) m RVOT velocity integral *1’)
Diam *4) cm Diameter of RVOT Distance
CSA cm2 RVOT cross-sectional To be calculated from the (("Diam"/2)^2)*SPI
area measurement results above.
HR bpm Heart rate Refer to 1.8.26 LVOT NOTICE 1)
SV mL Stroke Volume To be calculated from the TVI × CSA *1’)
CO L/min Cardiac Output measurement results above. SV × HR *1’)

*1) : Velocity value is corrected by the correction formula set for

TRACE in the measurement setup.
*1’) : Calculation is carried out from the velocity value obtained
by the correction *1).
*2) : In SI unit, kPa is used instead of mmHg. 1kPa = 7.5mmHg.
*3) : It is not displayed to measurement menu of factory setting.
For using, click a property button with measurement setup menu,
and selecting on of "Display" of measurement property.
Refer to item 2.2.2 Measurement Type and Fig.2.2.2-5
Measurement property.
*4) : This item is shared with other items. In detail, refer to "Table
2.6.3-1 Common setting of Factory default".

1-172 Q1E-EA1130
NOTICE: 1) In the RVOT measurement, "PEP" and "HR" are not displayed in the
results display frame when shipped from the factory. However, if
setting display ON in the measurement setup, R-R interval will
be measured as soon as Doppler trace is completed. Note that the
order of R-R interval measurement differs from the other Doppler
measurement. If R-R interval only is to be measured again after
measuring R-R interval by Doppler trace when "HR" has been set
to display ON, select "HR" in the results display frame and perform
measurement again.
2) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to 2.2
Measurement Setup menu.
3) To edit RVOT in the measurement setup, start the measurement setup
menu and select "RVOT", and then press the "Edit" button to start
the measurement edit menu. Pressing the "Link" button on this menu
allows the link setup menu to start for changing tracing method
(Auto, Manual, and Plot) and so on.
4) To set Doppler tracing method (Auto, Manual, or Plot) and so on,
refer to 2.3.3 Link Setup. When setting for TRACE in this link
setup menu, do so after selecting "RV" in the Name field of Link
Selection. Also, pressing the "Property" button on this menu allows
trace calculation method (Peak, Mean, or Mode) and so on to be

RVOT Doppler waveform measurement

Fig.1.8.19-1 Concept of RVOT Measurement

Velocity value correction function

RVOT measurement allows the correction calculation to be applied
to velocity value obtained by tracing the Doppler waveform.
Refer to the Velocity value correction function for Velocity
Correction of 2.3.3 Link Setup (a)Property for D-Trace Tool.
Measuring Method
For procedures of RVOT measurement in detail, refer to section
1.2 and 1.3 for operating measurement.

1-173 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.20 RV inflow Measurement

Right ventricle inflow tract Doppler measurement includes

tracing of Doppler waveform, and measurement of peak velocity,
right ventricle inflow tract cross-sectional area and R-R

Table 1.8.20-1 RV inflow Measurement

Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to 1.3) Remarks

E m/s or Flow velocity at point E Instantaneous velocity (Caliper

cm/s method)
PGE mmHg Pressure gradient at point E

A m/s or Flow velocity at point A Instantaneous velocity (Caliper

cm/s method)
PGA mmHg Pressure gradient at point A

A/E -- VA/VE ratio To be calculated from VE and VA/VE

E/A -- VE/VA ratio VE/VA

AT ms Acceleration time Time

ET ms Inflow time

AT/ET -- Acceleration//Ejection time

Acc m/s Acceleration VE/AT

PHT ms Pressure half time PHT

Vp m/s Peak flow velocity
DT ms Deceleration time 3.41´PHT
Dcc m/s2 Deceleration Vp/DT

Vm m/s or Mean velocity TRACE *1)

cm/s To be made according to the
PGm Mean pressure difference mode selected in *1')
mmHg Measurement Setup menu
TVI *2)m Velocity Integral *1')
from Manual trace mode,
Auto trace mode and Plot
trace mode.

Auto Trace calculation mode

To be made according to the
setting in Measurement
ET Trace ms Ejection Time Setup menu from PEAK,

TVA cm2 Tricuspid valve area To be calculated from the 220/PHT

above result

1-174 Q1E-EA1130
*1):Velocity value is corrected by the correction equation
set for TRACE in Measurement setup.

*1'):Calculation is made from the subtraction value obtained

by *1).

*2):mmHg is displayed in kPa in SI unit. 1kPa = 7.5mmHg

NOTICE: 1) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to

2.2 Measurement Setup menu.

2) To edit RV Inflow measurement in Setup menu, start

Measurement Setup menu, select "RV Inflow" measurement,
and press "Edit" button to open Measurement Edit menu.
Pressing "Link" but ton on this menu opens Link Setup
menu to select Trace method (Auto, Manual or Plot).

3) To set Doppler Trace method (Auto, Manual or Plot), refer

to 2.3.3 Link Setup. To set Doppler Trace on this Link
Setup menu, select "DTR" in Name box of Link Selection,
and then set Doppler Trace. Pressing "Property" button
on this menu allows Trace Calculation method (Peak, Mean
or Mode) to be changed.

Fig.1.8.20-1 Concept of RV inflow Measurement

Velocity value correction function

RV inflow measurement allows correction calculation to be applied

to velocity value obtained by tracing the Doppler waveform.

Refer to the Velocity value correction function for Velocity

Correction of 2.3.3 Link Setup (a)Property for D-Trace Tool.

Measuring Method

Start up the measurement in the appropriate manner described in

paragraph 1.2 and 1.3.

For PHT item, refer to paragraph 1.8.25.

1-175 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.21 Area Length Measurement

Measure the cross-sectional area (A) and length (L) of the

left ventricle in the long axis plane, and then calculate
the left ventricular volume from "A" and "L" using the following

V= 8
3π L

Fig.1.8.21-1 Concept of Area-Length Measurement

Table 1.8.21-1 AREA-LENGTH Measurement

Measuring Method
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
(refer to 1.3)

Left ventricle end-diastole Area (Trace method)

LVAd cm2
cross-sectional area

Left ventricle end-diastole Distance (B- or M-mode

LVLd mm
length method)

Left ventricle end-systole Area (Trace method)

LVAs cm2
cross-sectional area

Left ventricle end-systole Distance (B- or M-mode

LVLs mm
length method)

Left ventricle end-diastole Calculated from above

volume results

Left ventricle end-systole


SV Stroke volume mL LVEdV - LVEsV

CO Cardiac output L/min HR×SV

EF Ejection fraction % SV / LVEdV

HR Heart rate bpm Heart rate by ECG

CI Cardiac Index L/(min·m2) CO/BSA Be displayed on

Report when
SI Stroke Index mL/m2 SV/BSA height and weight
are registered in
patient ID menu.

1-176 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

<during Examination of Normal Image>

1 Start up the Doppler measurement in Cursor

the appropriate manner described in
paragraph 1.2.

Measurement of every item is

conducted one by one.

2 Press UNDO key to select the item

measurement. Moving the cursor
to the name of the measurement you Fig.1.8.21-2
wish to perform, and press ENTER key Area Length menu
to end the procedure 2.

Using the track ball and ENTER key ,

execute the selected measurement.

3 Similarly, perform the rest of the

measurement items as in steps 1 and
2. If you wish to remeasure a
particular item, return to step 2
and bring the cursor to the name of
that item.

You can repeat the same measurement as often as you wish.

4 Finishing the execution of all measurement items will

complete the area-length measurement.
Press ENTER key.

1-177 Q1E-EA1130
<during Examination of VCR Playback Image>

1 Start up the measurement in the appropriate manner as

described in paragraph 1.2.
HR value displayed
2 The message "ENTER HEART RATE"
will appear in the screen Area Length HR: 60

center as in the example at

right. If the HR value (heart
rate value) is displayed on the
upper right corner, enter that
value using numeric keys. In
case of the heart rate is not Fig.1.8.21-3
displayed on the playback Entering Heart Rate
image, take the procedure 3 as
it is.

3 Press ENTER key.

4 Execute the measurement same as ordinary examination.

NOTICE: It can be changed method of area measurement by using

toggle switch . (Trace/Area-length/Elipse)

1-178 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.22 BI-Plane Measurement

Measure the lengths of the three axes that cross each other
at right angles, and calculate the volume by approximating
the left ventricle to a revolving ellipse.

V= π × LVL × LVD1 × LVD2


Fig.1.8.22-1 Concept of BI-Plane Measurement

Table 1.8.22-1 BI-Plane Measurement

Measuring Method
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
(refer to 1.3)
Left ventricle end-diastole Distance
LVLd mm
long axis length (B- or M--mode method)
Left ventricle end-diastole
LVD1d mm
Left ventricle end-diastole
LVD2d mm
Left ventricle end-systole long
LVLs mm
axis length
Left ventricle end-systole
LVD1s mm
Left ventricle end-systole
LVD2s mm
Left ventricle end-diastole Calculated from above
volume results
Left ventricle end-systole
SV Stroke volume mL LVEdV - LVEsV
CO Cardiac output L/min HR × SV
EF Ejection fraction % SV / LVEdV
HR Heart rate bpm Heart rate by ECG
CI Cardiac Index L/(min·m2) CO/BSA Be displayed on
Report when
SI Stroke Index mL/m2 SV/BSA height and weight
are registered in
patient ID menu.

Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

For HR item, refer to paragraph 1.5.7.

1-179 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.23 Simpson Measurement

Measure the left ventricle long axis length, mitral valve

short axis area, and papillary muscle short axis area, and
obtain the left ventricular volume by using the following
equation. L + AM+AP × L
V=AM × + 1 AP × L
3 2 3 3 3
L : Long axis length
AM : Short axis area at mitral valve
AP : Short axis area at papillary

Fig.1.8.23-1 Concept of Simpson Measurement

Table 1.8.23-1 Simpson Measurement

Measuring Method
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
(refer to 1.3)
Left ventricle end-diastole Distance (B- or M-mode
LVLd mm
long axis length method)
Short-axis left ventricle area Area (Trace method)
LVAMd at mitral valve level in cm2
Short-axis left ventricle area Area (Trace method)
LVAPd at papillary muscle level in cm2
Left ventricle end-systole long Distance (B- or M-mode
LVLs mm
axis length method)
Short-axis left ventricle area Area (Trace method)
LVAMs at mitral valve level in cm2
Short-axis left ventricle area Area (Trace method)
LVAPs at papillary muscle level in cm2
Left ventricle end-diastole Calculated from above
volume results
Left ventricle end-systole
SV Stroke volume mL LVEdV - LVEsV
CO Cardiac output L/min HR × SV
EF Ejection fraction % SV / LVEdV
HR Heart rate bpm Heart rate by ECG SV / LVEdV
CI Cardiac Index L/(min·m2) CO/BSA Be displayed on
Report when
SI Stroke Index mL/m2 SV/BSA height and weight
are registered in
patient ID menu.

1-180 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

For HR item, refer to paragraph 1.5.7.

1.8.24 Bullet Measurement

Measure the left ventricle long axis length and mitral valve
short axis area, and calculate the volume (V) by approximating
the left ventricle to a bullet, as follows:

5 × AM × L

L : Long axis length

AM : Short axis area at mitral


Fig.1.8.24-1 Concept of Bullet Measurement

Table 1.8.24-1 Bullet Measurement

Measuring Method
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
(refer to 1.3)
Left ventricle end-diastole Distance
LVLd mm
long axis length (B- or M-mode method)
Short-axis left ventricle area Area (Trace method)
LVAMd at mitral valve level in cm2
Left ventricle end-systole long Distance (B- or M-mode
LVLs mm
axis length method)
Short-axis left ventricle area Area (Trace method)
LVAMs at mitral valve level in cm2
Left ventricle end-diastole Calculated from above
volume results
Left ventricle end-systole
SV Stroke volume mL LVEdV - LVEsV
CO Cardiac output L/min HR×SV
EF Ejection fraction % SV / LVEdV
HR Heart rate bpm Heart rate by ECG SV / LVEdV

1-181 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
(refer to 1.3)
CI Cardiac Index L/(min·m2) CO/BSA Be displayed on
SI Stroke Index mL/m 2
SV/BSA Report when
height and weight
are registered in
patient ID menu.

Measuring Method

Refer to section 1.2 and 1.3 for operating the measurement.

For HR item, refer to paragraph 1.5.7.

1.8.25 PHT Measurement

PHT Measurement refers to the calculation of pressure half

time (PHT), mitral valvular orifice area (MVA), etc. by
measuring, on a Doppler waveform, the flow velocity at the
caliper positions (VP and ) shown in Fig.1.8.25-1.

Table 1.8.25-1 lists the items to be measured under this

measurement category.

Fig.1.8.25-1 Specifying Measuring Points in PHT

Measurement PHT Measurement

Table 1.8.25-1 PHT Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

VP Peak flow velocity m/s or
PGp Peak pressure gardient mmHg*1)
DT Deceleration Time ms
Dcc Deceleration m/s2 Vp/DT
PHT Pressure half time ms

1-182 Q1E-EA1130
Symbol Meaning Unit Comments
MVA Mitral Valvular orifice area cm2 220/PHT

*1): In SI Unit mmHg is expressed as kPa. 1kPa = 7.5mmHg.

Measuring Method

1 Start up the measurement through

the menus (refer to 1.2.(2)).

2 Using the track ball, move the PHT

caliper to the point where the
velocity reaches its peak (i.e. the
point that corresponds to "Vp" in

3 By pressing ENTER key, the caliper

marks on the Vp and Base line are
connected with a broken lines.
Operating the trackball, move the
broken line to set it along the the
falling Doppler waveform.

4 Press ENTER key. This will display

the measured results, and complete
the PHT measurement. The
horizontal line will be turned off
but the two calipers will remain
on the Doppler image.
5 Upon completion of measurement on
all the desired points, press

PHT Measurement
key, thus completing the PHT

1-183 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.26 LVOT Measurement
The Doppler measurement at the left ventricle outflow tract is
carried out by tracing the Doppler waveform or measuring a peak
flow velocity at the left ventricle outflow tract, and tracing
the Doppler waveform or measuring a peak flow velocity at the aortic
valve, a diameter of the left ventricle outflow tract and R-R

Table 1.8.26-1 LVOT Measurement

Code Unit Measurement Method Remarks
Vp m/s or LVOT peak velocity Trace (TRACE) *1)
cm/s Any of manual trace,
auto trace, plot trace
PGp mmHg LVOT peak pressure *1’)
according to
*2) difference
measurement setup.
Vm m/s or LVOT mean velocity *1)
Auto trace calculation
PGm mmHg LVOT mean pressure and MODE *1’)
*2) difference according to
measurement setup.
AT ms LVOT acceleration time
ET ms LVOT ejection time
AT/ET -- Ratio of AT to ET at
TVI m LVOT velocity *1’)
integral(Mean Trace)
PEP ms Pre-Ejection Period
PEP/ET -- PEP/ET Ratio
CSA cm2 LVOT cross-sectional Area
area Any of DISTANCE,
method according to
measurement setup.
HR bpm Heart rate (Refer to 2.3.3(b)
Property for HR Tool)
SV mL STROKE VOLUME To be calculated from the TVI × CSA*1’)
measured result above.
CO L/min Cardiac Output SV × HR*1’)
*1) : Velocity value is corrected by the correction formula set for
TRACE in the measurement setup.
*1’) : Calculated using the velocity value obtained by correction
*2) : In SI unit, kPa is used instead of mmHg. 1kPa = 7.5mmHg.
NOTICE: 1) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to 2.2
Measurement Setup menu.
2) To edit LVOT in the measurement setup, start the measurement setup
menu and select "LVOT", then press "Edit" button to start the

1-184 Q1E-EA1130
measurement edit menu. Pressing the "Link" button on this menu
starts the link setup menu to change tracing method (Auto, Manual,
or Plot) and so on.
3) To set Doppler tracing method (Auto, Manual, or Plot), refer to
2.3.3 Link Setup. Select "LV" in the Name field of Link Selection
if setting for TRACE. Also, pressing the "Property" button on
this menu can change trace calculation method (Peak, Mean, or Mode)
and so on.
The equipment shipped from the factory has been set for calculation
of aortic valve orifice area. If measurement is carried out for
calculation of cardiac output (such as SV and CO), perform
measurement setup referring to Table 1.8.26-2.

Table 1.8.26-2 Recommended LVOT Measurement Setup

Measurement Setup
For aortic orifice area calculation
Category Item For cardiac
Using mean Using peak output calculation
velocity velocity
Velocity TRACE V’=1.00V+000.0cm/s V’=1.00V+000.0cm/s V’=1.00V+000.0cm/s
Measureme Vp ON ON ON
nt results PGp OFF OFF OFF
display Vm ON OFF ON
NOTICE: 1) For measurement setup, refer to 2.2 Measurement Setup menu .
2) For setting auto trace calculation method and velocity correction
equation, refer to 2.3.3 (a) Property for D-Trace Tool .
3) For setting measurement result frame display, refer to 2.3.2
(2) Sub tab .

1-185 Q1E-EA1130


LVOT Doppler waveform measurement

CSA measurement CSA= π

Fig.1.8.26-1 Concept of LVOT Measurement

Velocity value correction function

Refer to the Velocity value correction function for Velocity
Correction of 2.3.3 Link Setup (a)Property for D-Trace Tool.
Measuring Method
1. Use menu and so on to start Cursor ; YELLOW
measurement (Refer to 1.2).
2. Press the UNDO key to move the TRACE:
cursor to any item that may be Vp: m/s
measured on the display screen. Vm: m/s
AT: ms
Press the ENTER key. The item Measure-
ment ET: ms
designated by the cursor is items AT/ET:
selected. (If the UNDO key is TVI: m
not used, each item is CSA: cm2
HR: bpm
automatically executed in
turn.) SV: mL
3. Use the trackball and ENTER key CO: L/min
to carry out measurement on the Fig.1.8.26-2 Selecting
item thus selected. Actually Items
follow measurement method shown
in Table 1.8.26-1. Also refer
to basic procedures in Item 1.3.

1-186 Q1E-EA1130
4. Carry out measurements for each item as well as in Item 2 and
3 above. If there is any item to be retried, move the cursor
to the item in Item 2 above. Measurement may be retried any
times. (However, only up to five measurements can be verified
on the measurement report.)
In the mean time, freeze may be released to retry acquiring
an image for display.
5. When measurement of all items are completed, the measurement
ends. Press
to terminate the measurement.

In LVOT measurement, Vp, Vm and AT can be measured again. After

measurement is made once, manually select measurement item.

Traced line produced by trace


R-wave just before

traced line

ECG waveform

Fig.1.8.26-3 Tracing and R-R Interval Measurement

Heart Rate (HR) Measurement Procedure

Selecting HR Measurement displays the caliper mark on the screen.
Use the trackball and ENTER key to plot the R-wave just before
the traced line with the caliper mark, and then plot the next
For the other measurements, follow the methods shown in Table
1.8.26-1. Also refer to basic operations in Item 1.3.

1-187 Q1E-EA1130
1.8.27 LV inflow Measurement
The Doppler measurement at the left ventricle inflow tract carries
out tracing the Doppler waveform to determine a peak flow velocity,
LV inflow cross-sectional area, R-R interval and isovolumic
relaxation time.
Table 1.8.27-1 LV inflow Measurement
Code Unit Measurement Method (Refer to 1.3) Remarks
VE m/s or Flow velocity at point E Instantaneous velocity
cm/s (Caliper method)

PGE mmHg Pressure gradient at point E

VA m/s or Flow velocity at point A Instantaneous velocity
cm/s (Caliper method)
PGA mmHg Pressure gradient at point A
A/E -- VA/VE ratio To be calculated from VE and VA/VE
E/A -- VE/VA ratio VA VE/VA
AT ms Acceleration time Time
ET ms Inflow time
AT/ET -- Acceleration//Ejection time
Acc m/s2 Acceleration VE/AT

PHT ms Pressure half time PHT

Vp m/s Peak flow velocity
DT ms Deceleration time 3.41×PHT
Dcc m/s Deceleration Vp/DT
Vm m/s Mean velocity TRACE *1)
PGm mmHg Mean pressure difference To be made according to *1')
the mode selected in
TVI m Velocity Integral *1')
Measurement Setup menu
ET-Trace ms Ejection Time from Manual trace mode,
Auto trace mode and Plot
trace mode.
Auto Trace calculation mode
To be made according to
the setting in
Measurement Setup menu
from PEAK, MEAN and
IVRT ms Isovolume relaxation time Time
MVA cm Mitral valve area To be calculated from the 220/PHT
above result

1-188 Q1E-EA1130
*1) : Velocity value is corrected by the correction equation set
for TRACE in Measurement Setup.
*1’) : Calculation is made from the subtraction value obtained by
*2) : mmHg is displayed in kPa in SI unit. 1kPa = 7.5mmHg
NOTICE: 1) For setting procedures of Measurement Setup, refer to 2.2
Measurement Setup menu.
2) To edit LV Inflow measurement in Setup menu, start Measurement
Setup menu, select "LV Inflow" measurement, and press "Edit" button
to open Measurement Edit menu. Pressing "Link" but ton on this
menu opens Link Setup menu to select Trace method (Auto, Manual
or Plot).
3) To set Doppler Trace method (Auto, Manual or Plot), refer to 2.3.3
Link Setup. To set Doppler Trace on this Link Setup menu, select
"DTR" in Name box of Link Selection, and then set Doppler Trace.
Pressing "Property" button on this menu allows Trace Calculation
method (Peak, Mean or Mode) to be changed.

Electrocardiogram LV inflow Doppler waveform measurement

CSA measurement

Fig.1.8.27-1 Concept of LV inflow Measurement

Velocity value correction function

This measurement allows corrective calculation to be applied
to velocity value obtained by tracing the Doppler waveform.
Refer to the Velocity value correction function for Velocity
Correction of 2.3.3 Link Setup (a)Property for D-Trace Tool.
Measuring Method
Start up the measurement in the appropriate manner described
in paragraph 1.2 and 1.3.
For PHT item, refer to paragraph 1.8.25.

1-189 Q1E-EA1130
1.9 Measurements for vascular

1.9.1 Carotid Measurement

In the carotid measurement a level of blood vessel stenosis

(%D-STENO or %A-STENO) is measured from the diameters (D1, D2)
or the sectional space (A1, A2) of the blood vessel seemed normal
or abnormal at every part of measurement, and also the blood flow
velocity (Vs, Vd) using measuring caliper and the mean blood flow
velocity (Vm) in a tracing period using Doppler wave tracing method
are measured at every part of measurement. As a Doppler wave
tracing method one of three methods, AUTO, PLOT or MANUAL, is
There are L-Carotid and R-Carotid in Carotid measurement. Both
measurements has measurements in Table 1.9.1-1.

Table 1.9.1-1 Measurement in Carotid Measurement

Measurement name Description

CCA Common Carotid Artery
BIF. Bifurcation
ICA PROX Internal Carotid Artery (proximal)
ICA MID Internal Carotid Artery (middle)
ICA DIST Internal Carotid Artery (distal)
ICA(RATIO) Internal Carotid Artery (for ratio)
ECA External Carotid Artery
Vertebral Artery Vertebral Artery
Each measurements has measurement items in Table 1.9.1-2.

Table 1.9.1-2 Measurement item of Carotid Measurement

Items to measure Unit Measuring method Comments

D1 mm Distance(B-mode)
D2 mm Distance(B-mode)
%D-STENO % Calculation1

A1 cm2 Trace
A2 cm2 Trace
%A-STENO % Calculation2

Vs cm/s Velocity
Vd cm/s Velocity
Vm cm/s Velocity
RI (Vs - Vd) / Vs
PI (Vs - Vd) / Vm
NOTICE: Calculation1:((Max(D1,D2)-Min(D1,D2))/Max(D1,D2))×100[%]

1-190 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method

Perform measurement items referring to "1.3.2 Measurement


Report Items

ICA/CCA ratio and the checking items are displayed in the

report page.

Table 1.9.1-3 ICA/CCA Ratio

Item Comment
Systole [Vs of ICA(Ratio)] / [Vs of CCA]
Diastole [Vd of ICA(Ratio)] / [Vd of CCA]
Table 1.9.1-4 Checking items

Group Item Name Comment

Symptoms Tia (L, R) Transient Ischemic Attack
Stroke (L,R)
Carotid Bru. Carotid Bruit
A. Fugax. Amaurosis Fugax
Risk Smoking
Factor Heart Attack
Angina Pec. Angina Pectoris
Hypertens. Hypertension

1.9.2 Leg A. Measurement

In the leg artery measurement, as same with the case of carotid

measurement, the blood flow velocity (Vs, Vd) and the mean blood
flow velocity (Vm) in the tracing period of Doppler wave at every
part of measurement are measured.

There are L-Leg A. and R-Leg A. in Leg A. measurement. Both

measurements has measurements in Table 1.9.2-1.

1-191 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.9.2-1 Measurement in Leg A. Measurement

Measurement name Description

Abdo.Aorta Abdominal Aorta
CIA Common Iliac Artery
CFA Common Femoral Artery
PFA Profunda Femoral Artery
SFA Superficial Femoral Artery
Popliteal A. Popliteal Artery
PTA Posterior Tibial Artery
Peroneal A. Peroneal Artery
ATA Anterior Tibial Artery
DPA Dorsalis Pedis Artery
Each measurements has measurement items in Table 1.9.2-2.

Table 1.9.2-2 Measurement item of Leg A. Measurement

Items to measure Unit Measuring method Comments

Vs cm/s Velocity
Vd cm/s Velocity
Vm cm/s Velocity
RI (Vs-Vd) / Vs
PI (Vs-Vd) / Vm
Measuring Method

Perform measurement items referring to "1.3.2 Measurement


Report Items

Checking items are displayed in the report page.

Table 1.9.2-3 Checking items

Group Item Name Comment

Symptoms Claudicat. (L,R) Claudication
T/B Pain (L,R) Thigh/Buttock Pain
Rest Pain (L,R)
Ulceration (L, R)
Impotence (L, R)
Risk Diabetes
Factor Hypertens.
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
Angina Pec. Angina Pectoris
Tia Transient Ischemic Attack
Heart Attack

1-192 Q1E-EA1130
1.9.3 Arm A. Measurement

In the arm artery measurement, as same with the case of carotid

measurement, the blood flow velocity (Vs, Vd) and the mean blood
flow velocity (Vm) in tracing period of Doppler wave at every
part of measurement are measured.
There are L-Arm A. and R-Arm A. in Arm A. measurement. Both
measurements has measurements in Table 1.9.3-1.

Table 1.9.3-1 Measurement in Arm A. Measurement

Measurement name Description

Subclav. A. Subclavian Artery
Axillay A. Axillay Artery
Brachial A. Brachial Artery
Radial A. Radial Artery
Ulnar A. Ulnar Artery
Each measurements has measurement items in Table 1.9.3-2.

Table 1.9.3-2 Measurement item of Arm A. Measurement

Items to measure Unit Measuring method Comments

Vs cm/s Velocity
Vd cm/s Velocity
Vm cm/s Velocity
RI (Vs-Vd) / Vs
PI (Vs-Vd) / Vm
Measuring Method

Perform measurement items referring to "1.3.2 Measurement


Report Items

Checking items are displayed in the report page.

Table 1.9.3-3 Checking items

Group Item Name Comment

Symptoms Arm Pain
Rest Pain
Risk Diabetes
Factor Hypertens. Hypertension
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Angina Pec. Angina Pectoris
Heart Attack
Tia Transient Ischemic Attack

1-193 Q1E-EA1130
1.9.4 %Steno-A Measurement

Refer to Fig.1.9.4-1. The percent stenosis (%Steno-A) of a

blood vessel can be calculated by measuring the
cross-sectional area (A1) of a normal part and the
cross-sectional area (A2) of a stenosed part.

Max(A1,A2) – Min(A1,A2)
%Steno-A = ×100 [%]


Fig.1.9.4-1 Concept of %Steno-A Measurement

Two methods are available for measuring the cross-sectional


• Trace method: Measures the area by tracing the vessel.

• Ellipse method: Measures the area by approximating the

vessel to an ellipse.

Table 1.9.4-1 %Steno-A Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Method

A1 Area of normal part of cm2 Area (Trace or ellipse

vessel wall method)

A2 Area of stenosed part of cm2

vessel wall

%Steno-A Stenosis of vessel % Calculation will be

executed using the
above equation.

Measuring Method

Start up the %Steno-A measurement in the appropriate manner

described in paragraph 1.2 and 1.3, and carry out the various
measurements using the applicable methods as per Table

1-194 Q1E-EA1130
1.9.5 %Steno-D Measurement

Refer to Fig.1.9.5-1. The percent stenosis (%Steno-D) of

a blood vessel can be calculated by measuring the diameter
(D1) of a normal part and the diameter (D2) of a stenosed

Max(D1,D2) – Min(D1,D2)
%Steno-D = ×100 [%]



Fig.1.9.5-1 Concept of %Steno-D Measurement

Table 1.9.5-1 %Steno-D Measurement

Symbol Meaning Unit Method

D1 Diameter of vessel mm Distance (B- or

M-mode method)
D2 Diameter of stenosed part mm

%Steno-D Stenosis of vessel % Calculation will be

executed using the
above equation.

Measuring Method

Start up the %Steno-D measurement in the appropriate manner

described in paragraph 1.2 and 1.3, and carry out the various
measurements using the applicable methods as per Table

1-195 Q1E-EA1130
1.9.6 IMT Measurement

After option Advanced Measurement Software or option IMT

Measurement Software is bought and option is released, it is
possible to use it. (Please refer to "Appendix A Un-protection
Procedure" for the method of releasing the option.)
IMT (Intima Media Thickness) measurement measures intima media
thickness (intima + media) of carotid artery. It is possible
measurements against the picture of B mode single image or the
recorded image by Image Filing. There are two type of measurement,
"Trace" and "Simple 3Point". User choose a measurement method
by setting.

Trace : It is a measurement in search of a value of

"Max IMT", "Mean IMT", "3Point IMT", "A", "B",
"C" by the autotracing processing.
Simple 3Point : It is a measurement in search of a value of
"3Point IMT", "A", "B", "C" without the
autotracing processing. This measurement
cannot measure a value of Max IMT and Mean
IMT in ROI. However, revision operation is
simpler than "Trace".

Factory Default is selected "Trace".

・ It is impossible measurement against the DICOM image and the VCR
・ When the compared window is displayed, there is the case that
ROI cannot set correctly.
・ Please use it for evaluation of vessel wall of far wall.

Symbol Meaning Unit Comments

Max IMT Maximum IMT(Maximum mm
thickness of specified
region for measurement)
Mean IMT Mean IMT(Mean thickness of mm
specified region for
3point IMT Average of A and B and C mm
A IMT of the position A mm
B IMT of the position B mm
C IMT of the position C mm

1-196 Q1E-EA1130
Calculation of Thickness (Trace)
In IMT measurement, the distance is L of the following Figure.

tangential line L Inner

Measurement Position Externa

Calculation of Thickness (Simple 3Point)

In IMT measurement (Simple 3Point), the distance is L of the
following Figure.
Intima detection mark

Externa detection mark

Measuring Method (Trace)

1. Start the measurement form the menu
(Please refer to "1.2 Starting up
After the Measurement is started, ROI
(measurement region) is displayed on
the center of the image. Center line
of ROI is the detection line which has
is, in order to determine the range
of brightness of intima and outer
determined by the brightness
information on a line. User can change
a position and angle of ROI just after
measurement start.

1-197 Q1E-EA1130
When the 3 point IMT measurement is
valid, the line of the 3 position is
It gets the results of 3 positions in
the ROI and average of those.
3 positions are Center "B" of ROI,
position of arbitrary distance to left
"A" or right "C" from center.
It is possible to change the distance
from center to right or left position
by function key.
The distance as initial setting can
be set up with the property of the link
tool. The detection line might be
overlapped by center line of 3 point
(Refer to "2.3.3(h) Property for
If the 3 point IMT is not used, delete the
3point IMT, A, B, C items on the measurement
set up dialog, or change the "result frame"
and "Report" to "OFF".

If the 3 point IMT is used, it have to be registered the following
all tools of Link Attribute, 3pt Mean IMT, Left IMT, Center IMT,
Right IMT on the Measurement Setup (Refer to Chapter 2 Measurement
Setup). If it is insufficient even by one, it doesn't operate
At the Factory setting, 3pt Mean IMT, Left IMT, Center IMT, Right
IMT is registered.

1-198 Q1E-EA1130
2. Set ROI and a detection line to the position where intima
and externa are clear.

・ Please set a intima and externa line in the center of ROI.
・ It is correctly untraceable if intima and externa measures the
position which are not clear.

a) When cursor is inside ROI, the

cursor state changes to one showing
ROI movement. ROI become movable
once it pushes an Enter key, and
the dotted frame showing the
movement place of a ROI can be moved
by moving a trackball in the
direction of an arrow. When an
Enter key is pushed again, ROI is
determined. (The size of ROI does
not change)
b) When cursor is on ROI line, the
cursor state changes to one showing
resize ROI. ROI line become movable
once it pushes an Enter key, and
the dotted frame showing the
movement place of ROI line can be
resized by moving a trackball in
the direction of an arrow. When an
Enter key is pushed again, ROI line
is determined.

c) The angle of ROI is changed by angle


1-199 Q1E-EA1130
3. Set a detection line which does not have a noise in blood
vessel, and set a horizontal line on a detection line at intima

・ When a noise is in a blood vessel, a noise may be judged to be
・ It is correctly untraceable if intima and externa measures the
position which are not clear.
・ It is correctly untraceable if a horizontal line on a detection
line is not set at intima position.

When cursor is on the detection line,

the cursor state changes to one showing
the detection line movement.

When an Enter key is pushed, the

detection line becomes a removable
state. The detection line and a
horizontal line on a detection line
can move with track ball. When an Enter
key is pushed again, the detection line
is determined.

4. When cursor is outside ROI, the cursor

state changes to one showing trace
execution. Trace is started if Enter
key is pushed at this time.

When the circle is displayed on the center of arrow cursor( , ),
it is shown that it frame line and position of ROI are changing.

1-200 Q1E-EA1130
5. If trace is executed after operation of 4, the dialog of IMT
measurement is displayed.

Patient information area

Extraction result display area

Intima trace line(red)

Externa trace line(green)

Measurement result display area ROI information area

Detection threshold change

Please check on a dialog that a trace line is correct.

When the trace line has mistaken, please correct a trace line
to the correct position using detection threshold change or
manual correction.
When the ROI is rotated, the angle is corrected and displayed as
for the image. In this case, The image might become the indentation.
Correct the each line to correct position by the manual correction.

Display item Description

Patient information Patient ID, name, and date are displayed.

Extraction result The inner size of specified ROI is

display area expanded and displayed. expansion rate
is depth size per 20mm. However it does
not expand at the time of the depth size
of 20mm of less.
A trace result is displayed as the line
of two colors.
Red:Calculated spline line(The
boundary of intima and vessel)
Green:Calculated spline line(The
boundary of Externa and media)

1-201 Q1E-EA1130
Display item Description
Measurement result A measurement result is displayed.
display area

ROI information area The ROI size and interval size on the ROI.
are displayed.

INNER The trace line is moved by changing the

(intima detection threshold of intima.
threshold change) ▲ A line moves upward.
▼ A line moves downward.

EXTERNA The trace line is moved by changing the

(externa detection threshold of externa.
threshold change) ▲ A line moves upward.
▼ A line moves downward.

Manual Correction The trace line is corrected with manual

button operation.
if it changes by the manual, it becomes
impossible to return to origin.

Finish button If a Finish button pushed, a dialog close

and result is displayed on Result Frame.

Cancel button If the Cancel button pushed, a dialog

closes, and then ROI and detection line
can be adjusted again.
A measurement result is not displayed and
the number of times of measurement does
not increment.

Manual correction method

The line can be manually corrected

now by pushing a manual correction
The Trace line is expressed with the
spline curve which connects two or
more control points.

1-202 Q1E-EA1130
a) When the cursor is overlaid at
the control point, the cursor
state changes to one showing
control point movement.
In this state, the Enter key is
pressed, when the cursor is
moved to an arbitrary position
and the Enter key is pressed,
the control point or the
crosshairs move and the trace
line is renewed so as to pass
through the move control point.
b) When the cursor overlaid at any
point on the trace line other
than the control point, the
cursor state change to one
showing crosshairs. In this
state, the Enter key is pressed,
a control point is added.

c) The number of the adjustment

point displayed as initial
setting can be set up with the
property of the link tool.
(Refer to "2.3.3(h) Property
for IMT".)

・ If manual correction is made, it becomes impossible to return
to automatic compensation of an adjustment point.
・ Please be sure to check that the red line has become the boundary
of intima and vessel and green line has become the boundary of
externa and media.

1-203 Q1E-EA1130
Measuring Method (Simple 3Point)
1. Start the measurement form the menu
(Please refer to "1.2 Starting up
After the Measurement is started,
ROI(Measurement region) is displayed
on the center of the image. User can
change a position and angle of ROI just
after measurement start.
It gets the results of 3 positions in
the ROI and average of those.
3 positions are Center "B" of ROI,
position of arbitrary distance to left
"A" or right "C" from center.
It is possible to change the distance
from center to right or left position
by function key.
The distance as initial setting can
be set up with the property of the link
tool. The detection line might be
overlapped by center line of 3 point
(Refer to "2.3.3(h) Property for

If the 3 point IMT is used, it have to be registered the following
all tools, 3pt Mean IMT, Left IMT, Center IMT, Right IMT on the
Measurement Setup (Refer to Chapter 2 Measurement Setup). If it is
insufficient even by one, it doesn't operate correctly.
At the Factory setting, 3pt Mean IMT, Left IMT, Center IMT, Right
IMT is registered.

1-204 Q1E-EA1130
2. Move ROI to the vessel rear wall and set 3 point of measurement
position A,B,C line at the position where intima and externa
are clear.

・ Please set intima and externa line in the center of ROI.
・ It is correctly undetectable if intima and externa of A,B,C line
measures the position which are not clear.

a) When cursor is inside ROI, the

cursor state changes to one showing
ROI movement. ROI becomes movable
once it pushes an Enter key, and
the dotted frame showing the
movement place of a ROI can be moved
by moving a trackball in the
direction of an arrow. When an
Enter key is pushed again, ROI is
determined. (The size of ROI does
not change)

b) When cursor is on ROI line, the

cursor state changes to one showing
resize ROI. ROI line becomes
movable once it pushes an Enter
key, and the dotted frame showing
the movement place of ROI line can
be resized by moving a trackball
in the direction of an arrow. When
an Enter key is pushed again, ROI
line is determined.

c) The angle of ROI is changed by angle


1-205 Q1E-EA1130
3. When cursor is outside ROI, the cursor
state changes to one showing
measurement start. Measurement is
started if Enter key is pushed at this

When the circle is displayed on the center of arrow cursor( , ),
it is shown that it frame line and position of ROI are changing.

4. If measurement is started after operation of 3, the dialog

of IMT measurement is displayed.

Patient information area

Extraction result display area

Measurement result display area

ROI information area

Please check on a dialog that the position of detection mark

is correct. When the position of detection mark has mistaken,
please correct a detection mark to the correct position.

When the ROI is rotated, the angle is corrected and displayed as
for the image. In this case, The image might become the indentation.
Correct the detection mark to correct position.

1-206 Q1E-EA1130
Display item Description
Patient information Patient ID, name, and date are displayed.

Extraction result The inner size of specified ROI is

display area expanded and displayed. expansion rate
is depth size per 20mm. However it does
not expand at the time of the depth size
of 20mm of less.
A detection result is displayed as the
two detection mark.
: The boundary of Intima and vessel.
: The boundary of Externa and Media.

Measurement result A measurement result is displayed.

display area

ROI information area The ROI size and interval size on the ROI.
are displayed.

Finish button If a Finish button pushed, a dialog close

and result is displayed on Result Frame.

Cancel button If the Cancel button pushed, a dialog

closes, and then ROI and detection line
can be adjusted again.
A measurement result is not displayed and
the number of times of measurement does
not increment.

Correction method
When the cursor is overlaid at the
detection mark, the cursor state
changes to one showing detection
mark movement.

In this state, the Enter key is

pressed, when the cursor is moved
to an arbitrary position and the
Enter key is pressed, A position of
a detection mark is decided, and the
cursor state changes.

1-207 Q1E-EA1130
A right figure shows the range where shape of a
cursor changes.
When user choose a detection mark of the upper
part, user bring a cursor close to a detection
mark from the upper part.
When user choose a detection mark of bottom, user
bring a cursor close to a detection mark from

Then it is easy to choose a detection mark.

Please be sure to check that the red line has become the boundary
of intima and vessel and green line has become the boundary of externa
and media.

1-208 Q1E-EA1130
A change method of a measurement method

There are two type of measurement, "Trace" and "Simple 3Point".

User choose a measurement method by setting. Selection method
is shown below.

Trace : It is a measurement in search of a value of

"Max IMT", "Mean IMT", "3Point IMT", "A", "B",
"C" by the autotracing processing.
Simple 3Point : It is a measurement in search of a value of
"3Point IMT", "A", "B", "C" without the
autotracing processing. This measurement
cannot measure a value of Max IMT and Mean
IMT in ROI. However, revision operation is
simpler than "Trace".

Factory Default is selected "Trace".

1. Select Measure in Setup on Main Menu to start Measurement

Setup menu.

1-209 Q1E-EA1130
2. Select the measurement item "Max IMT" in Measurement Setup

3. Pressing [Edit] button opens Edit menu of IMT measurement.

Select the "Sub" tab.

1-210 Q1E-EA1130
<Select "Simple 3Point">

● Change setting of a Result frame in "OFF".

● Change setting of a Report in "OFF".

<Select "Trace">

● Change setting of a Result frame in "ON".

● Change setting of a Report in "ON".

Press [Register] button to register the change.

4. Select the measurement item "Mean IMT" in Measurement Setup


1-211 Q1E-EA1130
<Select "Simple 3Point">

● Change setting of a Result frame in "OFF".

● Change setting of a Report in "OFF".

<Select "Trace">

● Change setting of a Result frame in "ON".

● Change setting of a Report in "ON".

Press [Register] button to register the change.

5. Pressing [Link] button opens Link Setup menu of IMT


1-212 Q1E-EA1130
<Select "Simple 3Point">

Change setting of a Method in "Simple 3point".

<Select "Trace">

Change setting of a Method in "Trace".

Press [OK] button to register the change.

1-213 Q1E-EA1130
1.9.7 %Steno Measurement

Refer to Fig.1.9.7-1. The percent stenosis (%Steno) of a

blood vessel can be calculated by measuring the
cross-sectional area (A1) of a normal part and the
cross-sectional area (A2) of a stenosed part.

Max(A1,A2) – Min(A1,A2)
%Steno = ×100 [%]


Fig.1.9.7-1 Concept of %Steno Measurement

Three methods are available for measuring the cross-sectional


• Distance method: Measures the diameter (D) of the vessel,

and computes the area from D.

• Trace method: Measures the area by tracing the vessel.

• Ellipse method: Measures the area by approximating the

vessel to an ellipse.

1-214 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.9.7-1 %Steno Measurement

Method Symbol Meaning Unit Method

Distance method D1 Diameter of vessel Mm Distance (B- or

M-mode method)
D2 Diameter of stenosed part Mm

%Steno-D Stenosis of vessel % Calculation will be

executed using the
above equation.

Trace or ellipse A1 Area of normal part of cm2 Area (Trace or ellipse

method vessel wall method)

A2 Area of stenosed part of cm2

vessel wall

%Steno-A Stenosis of vessel % Calculation will be

executed using the
above equation.

Measuring Method

Start up the %Steno measurement in the appropriate manner

described in paragraph 1.2 and 1.3, and carry out the various
measurements using the applicable methods as per Table

1-215 Q1E-EA1130
1.10 Real-time Doppler Measurement

1.10.1 Real-time Doppler Measurement start

Real-time Doppler measurement is
started by pressing TRACE or MEAS MENU

when the freeze is turned off in

or single CW mode.
A measurement menu is displayed
as shown in Fig.1.10.1-1 by
pressing .

Real-time Doppler measurement is

started by selecting Measurement
in this measurement menu also.
When Real-time Doppler
measurement is started, the Fig.1.10.1-1
Doppler waveform is traced selection menu
automatically. Also, preset
measuring items are displayed
and updated automatically.
y The measurement being displayed in the measurement
menu can be set every application (For measurement
setting, refer to "Chapter 2 Measurement Setup")
y The measuring items to be displayed can be set every
(For measuring items setting, refer to "Chapter 2
Measurement Setup")
y Real-time Doppler measurement is restricted as
described below.
(1) A Doppler waveform is traced, but it is not
measured in the interval mode and ECG sync. mode.
For displaying measured values, select B freeze.
(2) Measurement cannot be done in cine reproduction
(3) Measurement cannot be done when D image is
freezed on CFM mode.
(4) Measurement cannot be start on dual gate Doppler

1-216 Q1E-EA1130
1.10.2 Real-time Doppler Measurement function menu
The function menu at the lower part of the screen
becomes the function menu for Real-time Doppler
measurement when setting the track ball priority display

to at the upper right of the screen by pressing

PRIORITY TRACKBALL during Real-time Doppler measurement

Page 1
Page 2

Fig.1.10.2-1 Function menu in Real-time Doppler measurement

- Page 1 -

F2 Peak trace display

Turns on or off the peak trace display
Display ON

Display OFF

Fig.1.10.2-2 Peak trace display

F3 Mean trace display

Turns on or off the mean trace display
Display ON

Display OFF

Fig.1.10.2-3 Mean trace display

1-217 Q1E-EA1130
F4 Trace direction selection
Selects the trace direction and the direction of
Doppler image to be measured.
Both trace Trace and measurement are
done to the Doppler images on
both sides of the base line
Down trace Trace and measurement are
done to the Doppler image on
the lower side of the base
Up trace Trace and measurement are
done to the Doppler image on
the upper side of the base

Fig.1.10.2-4 Trace directions

- Page 2 -

F1 Measuring display frame move

The measuring display frame can be moved to an
optional position by the track ball
Its operation method is the same as in normal
(For details, refer to "1.3.1 (2) Function Menu")

F2 Measuring display frame size change

The measuring display frame size can be changed by
the track ball
Its operation method is the same as in normal
(For details, refer to "1.3.1 (2) Function Menu")

1-218 Q1E-EA1130
F4 Average heart rate setting
The heart rate to be measured and displayed on an
average is set.
Max.15 heart rates can be averaged.

Fig.1.10.2-5 Average heart rate

F6 Peak trace display color selection

A peak trace display color can be selected out of 4
colors (green, white, blue, and purple)

Fig.1.10.2-6 Peak display colors

F7 Mean trace display color selection

A mean trace display color can be selected out of 4
colors (black, blue, purple, green )

Fig.1.10.2-7 Mean display colors

1-219 Q1E-EA1130
1.10.3 Freeze on operation in Real-time Doppler Measurement
By turning on Freeze during Real-time Doppler
measurement, a window shown in Fig.1.10.3-1 is displayed

Fig.1.10.3-1 Confirmation window

Press Yes button when the trace and measuring value are
Measurement is started in normal mode while keeping the
trace and measuring results when the freeze is turned on.
Select "No" and press ENTER key when the trace and
measuring value are not proper. Measurement is started
in normal mode after clearing the trace and measuring
results when the freeze is turned on.
Real-time Doppler measurement is started again by

pressing ENTER key after setting the track ball to

and then, moving the cursor to "TRACE" in the

measurement display frame shown in Fig.1.10.3-2.

Fig.1.10.3-2 Measurement display frame

1-220 Q1E-EA1130
1.10.4 End of Real-time Doppler Measurement
Real-time Doppler measurement is completed by pressing
1.10.5 Cautions to be observed during the use of Real-time Doppler
(1) Real-time Doppler measurement adopts a system of
detecting the maximum flow rate point in one heart
rate of the Doppler image being scrolled before
starting various measurement operations. The time
from the end of operations to the display of
measuring value fluctuates more or less according
to the operating loads during the measurement of
equipment. Accordingly, you are requested to
understand that the measuring results show the
measuring values of the Doppler image before
several heart rates
(2) Since the measurement operation program is executed
based on HR, other operation values may become
error if the HR value is deviated noticeably. If
accurate operation is necessary, display an ECG
waveform and HR. The maximum flow rate point
during one heart rate is detected based on an R
wave in the ECG waveform during ECG waveform
display. Perform measurement based on the ECG
waveform and Doppler waveform under a stable
condition. Measurement is not started if the R
wave in the ECG waveform is not got.
(3) Stabilize the Doppler waveform and set the Doppler
gain properly before starting Real-time Doppler
measurement. Clear the measuring values if the
continuity of Doppler waveform has been disturbed
to a certain extent due to the move of the probe or
Doppler gate when the Doppler waveform is stable.
Clear the measuring values too, if the next peak
cannot be detected for a certain time.
(4) Since Real-time Doppler measurement is done by
detecting the maximum flow rate point, etc. from a
Doppler waveform, measuring results fluctuate more
or less due to Doppler gain and other factors. Use
measured values as a reference for diagnosis only.

1-221 Q1E-EA1130
1.11 Measurement Report Function

Measurement report function allows the measurement results and

related comments to be displayed on the screen and to be output
to the video printer. The contents of the report can also be
stored in the external memory device.
1.11.1 Measurement report
Press ( ) key after measurement is made displays “Measurement

report” window.

The last measurement is displayed on the first page.

All the measurements of the same region are displayed.

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

Fig.1.11.1-1 Measurement Report

1-222 Q1E-EA1130
Each control is shown.
(1) Logo of HITACHI “HITACHI” is displayed.The state of this
display depends on the setting of the
(2) Hospital name Hospital name is displayed.The state of
this display depends on the setting of
the system.
(3) Date and time Date and time is displayed.
(It is not displayed on VCR/DVD
(4) [Region] box Region displayed in the report is
displayed.The report displayed to
change the selection changes, too.
(5) [Previous Page] When the report has two or more pages,
Button this control can be operated. Pressing
this button goes back to a previous page.
(6) [Next Page] Button When the measurement result is not
installed on page 1, it is possible to
operate it. Pressing this button goes
to a next page.
(7) [Go to Comment Comment can be input. Please refer to
Page] Button “1.11.2 Detail of measurement report ”.
(8) [Switch of summary The display of a standard measurement
and work sheet] is switched.Please refer to “1.11.2
Button Detail of measurement report ”.
(9) [Video Report of all measurements is output to
Printer]Button the Video Printer.
(10) [PC The following dialog box appears.

In this dialog box, by specifying the

printer name and clicking the “OK”
button, reports on all items of
measurements are printed with the
specified PC-Printer. The number of
copies and paper size can also be changed.
It is possible to specify the number of
graphs in a page if OB graphs are

1-223 Q1E-EA1130
(11) [Save]Button The measurement results are stored in
the external memory device (Floppy Disk,
(Refer to 1.11.4 Input and output of
Measurement result.)
(12) [Filing]Button The various operations of “read”,
“copy”, “move” and “delete” can be done
for the saved measurement results.
(Refer to 1.11.3 Graphic display of
obstetric Measurement.)
(13) [Close]Button The measurement report is close.

1) USB Memory is not suitable to save safely, because it
is in the state that can be removed at any time. Please
use it to save temporary. Please use DVD-RAM for
preserving it safely.

2) Please set a unique volume label to an individual USB

Memory when you connect two or more USB Memory at the
same time. The display name will be the same when the
same volume label is set or the volume label is not set,
and it will be indistinguishable.

NOTICE: It is possible to shift the page by [ ←][→] keys.

1.11.2 Detail of measurement report

Three different window layouts are available according to the

measurement mode of the selected measurement. (Refer to 2.2.2
Measurement Type). The measurement with a different measurement
type changes page. The Hierarchy format report display is same
as that of the Standard format.

(1) Standard format

The measurement name, measurement group name, measurement item
group name, measurement items and resultant data for general
measurement are displayed.
The measurement items and resultant data is displayed by two
items a line.

1-224 Q1E-EA1130
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(8) (9) (6) (5) (7)

(10) (11)

Fig.1.11.2-1 Measurement items and Resultant Data

The items displayed on the report window are shown below.

Table 1.11.2-1 Display Items in Report for General Measurement

Display item Description Remarks
(1) Patient ID Patient ID
(2) Name Patient name
(3) Birth date (Age) Birth data of patient and patient Age.
(4) Sex Sex M or F or O
(5) Weight Weight
(6) Height Height
(7) BSA Body surface area
(8) Measurement name Measurement name, measurement
group name and measurement item
group name
(9) Ave or Last When Max measurement counts of
measurement setup is one, it displays
“Last”. Other case, it displays “Ave”
(10) Item Measurement item
(11) Value Measurement result

1-225 Q1E-EA1130
The order of measurement item
The measurement item is displayed in measurement setup
the order.
For instance, when the measurement setup is set as follows

The report is displayed as follows.

Correction of measurement result

The value can be corrected and be deleted by clicking the
value. This function is possible by all the
measurement types.
The following dialog is displayed. Please select, correct
or delete the value that wants to be corrected, and push
the ok button.

Fig.1.11.2-2 Edit result Set Dialog

Work Sheet
Report changes into the work-sheet display if the
measurement is selected at the measurement of a standard
type and [Switch of summary and work sheet] Button clicks.
Report returns to the summary when [Switch of summary and
work sheet] button is pushed again.
The measurement name, measurement group name, measurement
item group name, measurement items and resultant data for
one measurement are displayed.

1-226 Q1E-EA1130
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(8) (9) (6) (5) (7)

5 times result is displayed.

(10) (11) (12)

Fig.1.11.2-3 Measurement items and Resultant Data

The items displayed on the report window are shown below.

Table 1.11.2-2 Display Items in Report for General Measurement

Display item Description Remarks
(1) Patient ID Patient ID
(2) Name Patient name
(3) Birth date (Age) Birth data of patient and patient Age.
(4) Sex Sex M or F or O
(5) Weight Weight
(6) Height Height
(7) BSA Body surface area
(8) Measurement name Measurement name, measurement
group name and measurement item
group name
(9) Ave or Last When Max measurement counts of
measurement setup is one, it displays
“Last”. Other case, it displays “Ave”
(10) Item Measurement item
(11) Value Measurement result
(12) Value 1 – Value 5 Each measurement result

1-227 Q1E-EA1130
The value can be corrected and be deleted by clicking either
of value 5 from value 1.
It is displayed as follows. Please correct or delete it.

Fig.1.11.2-4 Correction or delete of measurement result

Only the work sheet is output when outputting it with the
video printer when the work sheet is displayed.

(2) For LR-Meas

The following is the report format for comparative study of left
and right measurement results such as carotid measurement.

(1) (2)
(3) (4) (7)
(6) (5)

(10) (11)

(9) (12)

Fig.1.11.2-5 Measurement items and Resultant Data

The items displayed on the report window are shown below.

Table 1.11.2-3 Display Items in Report for LR-Meas

Display item Description Remarks
(1) Patient ID Patient ID
(2) Name Patient name

1-228 Q1E-EA1130
Display item Description Remarks
(3) Birth date (Age) Birth data of patient and patient Age.
(4) Sex Sex M or F or O
(5) Weight Weight
(6) Height Height
(7) BSA Body surface area
(8) Measurement name Measurement name and
measurement group name
(9) Item Measurement item
(10) Left Measurement result in left side
(11) Right Measurement result in right side
(12) Common Measurement result of item common
to right and left sides.

(3) Obstetric format

Obstetric measurement results are displayed in this report format.
In addition to measurement values, data such as gestational age
and estimated date of confinement are also displayed.

(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(5) (6) (7) (8)
(9) (10)

(12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)


Fig.1.11.2-6 Measurement items and Resultant Data

The items displayed on the report window are shown below.

1-229 Q1E-EA1130
Table 1.11.2-4 Display Items in Report for LR-Meas
Display item Description Remarks
(1) Patient ID Patient ID
(2) Name Patient name
(3) Birth date (Age) Birth data of patient and Pregnant woman
patient Age.
(4) LMP Last menstrual period
(5) G Gravidity Max. 2 characters.
(6) P Number of parturition Max. 2 characters.
(7) AB Number of abortion Max. 2 characters.
(8) DGA Gestational age diagnosed
by physician
(9) Measurement name Measurement name and
measurement group name
(10) Ave or Last When Max measurement
counts of measurement
setup is one, it displays
“Last”. Other case, it displays
(11) Item Measurement item
(12) Value Measurement resultAverage
or last measurement data.
(13) GA Gestational age by selected Gestational age calculated
measurement items by average value of
measured values of each
measurement item such as
BPD and FL.
(14) EDC Estimated date of Estimated date of
confinement by selected confinement calculated by
measurement items gestational age obtained by
"GA column" of selected
measurement items
(15) FA Table Table name for estimation of
gestational age
(16) RANK Rank value
(17) FB Table Table name for estimation of
fetal growth

1-230 Q1E-EA1130
Expansion of Patient info
When [Expansion of Patient info] Button is clicked, Patient
Info is expanded.

This button is click

(4) (2) (3)
Fig.1.11.2-7 Patient Info

The items displayed on the report window are shown below.

Table 1.11.2-5 Display Items in Report for Obstetric format

Display item Description Remarks
(1) GA by LMP Gestational age by LMP Gestational age obtained by
LMP (=Date of examination -
(2) GA by U/S Gestational age by Average value of all the
ultrasound estimated values of
gestational age obtained by
US examination
(3) GA w/o A/C Gestational age by
ultrasound without A/C
(4) Clinical Hx Clinical history
(5) Purpose of U/S Purpose of examination
(6) Physician Physician's name
(7) Sonographer Sonographer's name

1. It is possible to set it so as not to display the following three, “GA by
LMP”, “GA by U/S” and “GA w/o AC” by the measurement setup.
2. Only the first page of the report is effective to "Expansion of Patient

1-231 Q1E-EA1130
Twins Mode
When the obstetric measurement is twin mode, "Twin"
control can be selected.

Selection of
Twins Mode

Fig.1.11.2-8 Switch of Twin mode

Selecting "A" on this control displays the measurement result of

Twin-A, while selecting "B" displays the measurement result of
When AB is selected, both A and B results are displayed.

1-232 Q1E-EA1130
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Fig.1.11.2-9 Twin AB

The items displayed on the report window are shown below.

Table 1.11.2-6 Display Items in Report for Twin AB

Display item Description Remarks
(1) Twin A Result of Twin A
(2) Twin B Result of Twin B
(3) RANK A Rank of Twin A
(4) RANK B Rank of Twin B
(5) FA Table
(6) FB Table

It is output as follows when outputting it with the video
In case of Twin A or Twin B, Both results are outputted.
In case of TwinAB, TwinAB are outputted.

1-233 Q1E-EA1130
(4) Comment
The comment can be input by pushing [Go to Comment] Button.
The following dialog is displayed. When it enters one's comments
and shutting is clicked, the comment is reflected.
The comment can be input up to 23 lines or less.

Fig.1.11.2-10 Comment Dialog (ten lines)

The comment dialog can be freely moved.

Moreover, the size of the dialog can be changed with [10 lines]
Button and [Max lines] Button.

Fig.1.11.2-11 Comment Dialog (max lines)

1-234 Q1E-EA1130
(5) Other controls
Other controls are shown as follows.

Selection Control
Moving the cursor by operating the trackball up and down,
select a measurement item to be input and click on " "
to display Selection control and to select it.


Fig.1.11.2-12 Selection Control

Check Control
The item is selected, it clicks, and ON/OFF is set.

Fig.1.11.2-13 Check Control

Charcter input
It enters the state that the character can be input if
the item is selected and it clicks.
The result is reflected in the report when inputting, and
clicking again.

Fig.1.11.2-14 A/N Input

1-235 Q1E-EA1130
Biophysical Score
Clicking the icon for Biophysical Score in Obstetric
Measurement Report shown in displays the dialog box to
calculate Biophysical Score.


Fig.1.11.2-15 Calculation of Biophysical Score

By selecting an evaluation value of each item in the dialog

from 2, 0 and NA and clicking on Close, Biophysical Score
is calculated. Each Evaluation item takes 2 points or 0
point, accordingly if all the evaluation items take 2
points, the maximum Score will be 10 points. NA is
calculated as 0 point. In display of Score results, in
case one item at lease is NA, the result is displayed in

1-236 Q1E-EA1130
1.11.3 Graphic display of obstetric Measurement

Method to display
OB graph can be displayed by the three way below.
(a) To select ‘Graph’ on the function menu when OB measurement
is running.

(b) Move the page by [Next page] button till the OB graph is

(c) Select the name of the table on the OB report.

1. "Graph" is assigned on F3 key on the factory default. It is
possible to assign any position for the expanded function menu.
Please refer to "(2)Measurement menu 2" of "8.3.9 Measurement
menu" of the instruction manual.
2. The graph of EFBW is displayed earlier than another items in
case that the graph is displayed by the function key.
3. The graph of Fetal Growth (FG) is displayed earlier as Fetal
Age (FA) in case that the graph is displayed by the function
4. Only graphs are output in case that the graph is displayed
by the function key.
5. When two or more obstetrics measurements are measured, each
measurement group displays it in order on the report page and
the graph page. For example, (1) OB-STD report (2) OB-STD graphs
(3) OB-JSUM report (4) OB-JSUM graphs are displayed when OB-STD
and OB-JSUM are measured.
6. It is displayed on another page at each measurement at 4 graphs
/ 1 page when there are two or more measurements in the same
measurement group. For example, the graphs of fetal para and
AFI of OB-STD are displayed the separate pages.

1-237 Q1E-EA1130
Displayed items and operations


(2) (3) (4) (5)

Fig.1.11.3-1 OB graph display

Table 1.11.3-1 Display item

Display item Description
(1) Graph area FA or FG graphs are displayed.
It is possible to display 4 graphs maximum .
(2) [Report] button The button to move to report page from graph page.
It is available when the graph is invoked by the function
(3) [FA/FGswitch]button To switch FA and FG graph.
For 1 graph /1 page, the displayed graph is switched as FA
and FG. For 4 graphs / 1 page, the first page of FA graphs is
displayed when FA button is pressed, or the first page of FG
graphs is displayed when FG button is pressed.
(4) [Number of graphs] Change the number of graphs on a display. 1 graph / 1 page
button and 4 graphs / 1 page are changed every time it is pushed.
The graph is displayed as 1 graph /1 page if the number of
graph is one. It is impossible to change the number of
(5) [History] button To enable the history feature to plot the past measured
Other items are same as OB report.

1-238 Q1E-EA1130
Fetal Growth graph
(7) (11) (13)


Fig.1.11.3-2 Fetal Growth Graph

Table 1.11.3-2 Items for Fetal Growth Graph

Display item Description
(1) GA by LMP LMP and EDC by LMP
(2) DGA DGA and EDC by DGA
(3) Name of measurement Measurement item to display the graph
(4) Table Name of the table
(5) Ave. Average value of measurement data
(6) Rank Standard Deviation value or %ile value
(7) GA Estimated gestational age from the measured value
(8) EDC Estimated date of confinement by estimated gestational
(9) GA by U/S Average value of all the estimated gestational
age values obtained by U/S examinations
made this time.
(10) GA w/o AC Average value of all the estimated gestational
age values obtained by U/S examinations
made this time excluding AC.
(11) Fetal growth curve Standard data and deviation data of registered
(Standard and gestational age data are
deviation) plotted in graph.
There are two cases as per the configuration; three
lines and five lines including standard.

1-239 Q1E-EA1130
Display item Description
(12) Plotted measured value Plotted data (DGA and average value of
measurement data) put on graph that are obtained
on examination dates.
(13) Deviation of fetal growth Deviation in fetal growth graph is displayed.
curve It is displayed in SD or % depending on table
(1),(2),(4),(9) and (10) are not displayed the graph number
is four on the screen.

Estimated Fetal Age graph

Display items on graph display window for estimated fetal age
are displayed.
It is not displayed on the factory default. It is required change
the configuration. Please refer to ‘2.4.1 OB’.


Fig.1.11.3-3 Estimated Fetal Age Graph

Table 1.11.3-3 Display items for Fetal Age graph

Display item Description
(1) Gestational age bar by Vertical line positioned at the coordinate of
U/S gestational age estimated by U/S.

Other items are same as the fetal growth graph. (Except for

1-240 Q1E-EA1130
Twins mode
Twins mode can be switched by [A], [B] and [AB] buttons as same
as the OB report.
'+' mark means the result of Twin-A. ‘x' mark means the result
of Twin-B.

Fig.1.11.3-4 example of Twins mode (FG graph)

After the result of Twin-A is output, the result of Twin-B
is output when Twin-A or Twin-B have selected it when
outputting it with a B/W printer. When Twin-AB has been
selected, only the result of Twin-AB is output.

1-241 Q1E-EA1130
Plotting past measurement results
If any past measurement results are stored in the memory medium,
those past measurement data which is memorized to media selected
by the saving function of measurement result can be displayed
in graph by setting the History check box at the lower right
to ON. By placing the mouse cursor on a plot, the data of that
plot is displayed. This process isn't active, in case that DGA
isn't inputted.

Fig.1.11.3-5 Example of Plotted Past Measurement Data

The past measurement data are plotted as per the current patient
ID. If the patient ID is not correct, the data for the other
patient might be plotted.
Be sure that the patient ID is certainly entered and is correct.

Please refer to "4.5 ID Input (23) Enter [DGA]" in the ultrasound

diagnostic scanner instruction manual and "1.7.5 Input to DGA"
in the Measurement edition.

1-242 Q1E-EA1130
1.11.4 Input and output of Measurement result
(Refer to Fig.1.11.1-1) Saving measurement result

By clicking on "Save" button on Measurement Report window, the
measurement result can be saved in the external memory device.

Save Data is saved in external memory device (Floppy Disk,

The following Confirmation dialog is displayed. Upon
confirmation of the content in the dialog, press OK button.
Pressing Cancel button does not save the data.
By changing the drive in which the data is saved, the memory
media can be designated.

Fig. Confirmation Dialog

When a measurement result is stored, there is the case that a
report of the same examination is stored for a destination drive.
In this case it is stored in the file format of the report which
is already stored without storing it in the file format that
a user set. Refer to "2.4 Special menu" for the setting of the
file format of the report.

When patient ID or patient name has not been input, the

following message is displayed.

Fig. Save Unable Message

Clicking on OK button closes the message dialog. Input
patient name or patient ID and then try to save the measurement
The memory media in which the default is saved can be set.

1-243 Q1E-EA1130
Refer to "2.4.3 Other".
It is also possible to set the system so that the automatic
saving operation is made by pressing New Patient key.
Refer to "Save Measurement Result Automatically" in "8.3.11
(4)Others menu 4" in the instruction manual of the ultrasound
diagnostic scanner.
1) When image is retrieved, the measurement result is
retrieved automatically. Please do not change a
destination drive then. The "OK" button of the confirm
dialog can not press when there is the report of the same
examination for a changed destination drive. Because the
overwrite save of the report is not possible. Please move
the same report of the destination with a measurement
result filing function. Thereafter, please store a report.
2) When the destination to save is DVD+RW/CD-RW, over 2000
measurement results cannot be saved.
It is recommended to use DVD-RAM.
3) Because Patient ID or Patient Name is essential to retrieve
data, be sure to input them.
4) Result of stored measurement for using the scanner, it
can not be read for using systems below. Do not read other
scanner data as occurred serious error of system.
· EUB-6000 all versions
· EUB-8500 V13-** and before
· EUB-6500 all versions
· EUB-5500 V03-** and before
· PCS-UV1 V04-** and before
5) USB Memory is not suitable to save safely, because it is
in the state that can be removed at any time. Please use
it to save temporary. Please use DVD-RAM for preserving
it safely.
6) Please set a unique volume label to an individual USB Memory
when you connect two or more USB Memory at the same time.
The display name will be the same when the same volume
label is set or the volume label is not set, and it will
be indistinguishable.
7) Result data which measured on VCR/DVD playback image cannot
be saved.

1-244 Q1E-EA1130 Measurement Result Filing function

Pressing Filing button displays the Measurement Result Filing

window. On this window, filing of the measurement result can be
operated. Through this operation, the measurement data can be
transferred to other memory medium and the measurement results
distributed to more than one memory medium can be merged into one
memory medium. The past measurement result can also read onto
the Report window.

When the past measurement result is read, it is read in the
measurement setup order.

(1)Details of window

Fig. Measurement Result Filing Window

Drive The memory medium to be operated for the measurement

results is selected. The following options are
y Floppy disk
y USB Memory
y Hard disk
y Merged Folder (This folder is a temporary memory
medium to do the merging operation of the large
volume of the measurement results.)

1-245 Q1E-EA1130
Browse on Net
Network folder is designated as the media for
[Utility] button
The function which is not used is performed in usual.

Fig. Utility dialog

DB of a transfer drive is re-created. Please this

feature if the saved result is not appeared in the

Please appoint the re-created drive and click [DB

Repair] button.
The message of Fig. is displayed.
Please check the contents of a message, and if
satisfactory, click the [Yes] button.

Fig. The message of DB re-creation

NOTICE: "DB" is the database file which manages an image file.

Please do not access the drive during DB creation. DB may

1-246 Q1E-EA1130
List of Patient
List of patients is displayed.
Patient ID Patient ID
Patient name Patient name
Date List of date of saved data

Search This is to retrieve recorded image by a patient

information or date.
Result of the search displays only the image the
character sequence of a keyword and whose character
sequence for reference correspond from a head. When
you search the character sequence in the middle of
for reference, please put "*" into a keyword.
(The example of search)
Keyword Result of search
This search narrows down. When you research from the
beginning, click the Show all button.
a) Item
It is possible to switch the search item. When "▼"
button is clicked, a sub-window is opened to display
the item which can be selected at present.

ID, Name: Search by the patient ID,Name

Date(YYYYMMDD): Search by Date(YYYYMMDD)

Date(Today): Search by Date(Today)

Keyword: Search by Keyword

Application: Search by Application

All: Search by the patient ID and Name and so on.

b) Keyword
Input the name and ID etc. for search from the

When these are input, characters of Search button

is clearly displayed which shows the search is in
an active status.

1-247 Q1E-EA1130
When the Search button is clicked, the search in the
designated drive is started. Corresponding search
data are displayed on right side of dialog and at
same time Thumbnails are also displayed.

Select all All items are selected.

Select clear All the selected items are deselected.

Read The measurement result is read. The result can be

displayed on the Report window.

Copy The measurement result is copied on the other memory


Move The measurement result is transferred to the other

memory medium.

Delete The measurement result is deleted.

(2)Selection of Network folder

To select the network drive as operation file, press Browse on

Net button.
The Network Folder Selection dialog is displayed. Select a
folder on the network.

Fig. Network Folder Selection Window

OK The selected folder is set as operation folder.

Clear Network The selected network folder is deselected.

Cancel The operation is canceled.

1-248 Q1E-EA1130
(3)Copy/Move operation

Selecting the patient name or date of the measurement for

operation and pressing Copy or Move button display the dialog
to select the medium to which the data is copied or moved. Select
the medium to which the data is copied or moved and press OK
button. The copy or move operation is executed.
Pressing Cancel button cancels the operation.

Fig. Designated Dialog to copy

1) When the destination to "Copy" and "Move" is DVD+RW/CD-RW,
over 2000 measurement results cannot be saved.
It is recommended to use DVD-RAM.
2) The operation of "Copy" and "Move" is carried out for
the all measurement data of the patient. Even if the each
measurement data is selected, all data of its patient
are copied or moved.
3) It can not be use the data to different other equipment
for example EUB-6000. The data is not compatible both
other equipment.
4) USB Memory is not suitable to save safely, because it
is in the state that can be removed at any time. Please
use it to save temporary. Please use DVD-RAM for preserving
it safely.
5) Please set a unique volume label to an individual USB
Memory when you connect two or more USB Memory at the
same time. The display name will be the same when the
same volume label is set or the volume label is not set,
and it will be indistinguishable.

1-249 Q1E-EA1130
1.12 Measurement on review image from image memory

While measurement being executed, images stored in the cine memory

or multi-memory can be reviewed.
This function enables to carry out measurement on plural reviewed
images, allowing routine examinations to be performed efficiently.

By selecting at the upper right of the screen by , review

operation of images from the image memory is set to be ready. By

selecting , measurements can be performed.

(measurement suspension) Image memory
review / operation
such as distance, area
image scrolling
cardiac function
measurements Measurement selection forward and backward
(Measurement restart)

Fig.1.12-1 Measurement on review image

NOTICE:Measurement cannot be restarted while images are

continuously being reviewed.
Regarding the measurement with images replayed from VCR and
Image Filing, refer to "10.3 Measurement on review image"
in the instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic

NOTICE:It takes time immediately after the system is begun until

reading becomes possible when DVD(CD) and the network folder,
etc. are set the preservation of the measurement result ahead.
Therefore, it is likely to start it from pushing the key
related to the measurement to execution for a few seconds.

1-250 Q1E-EA1130
The playback measurement information included in the recorded
image by Image Filing does not have the compatibility of the
playback measurement information on the equipment of EUB-6000
and EUB-6500(software version(~V02-**)).
Since you cannot obtain the right measurement result, please
do not carry out playback measurement.
When a measurement result is stored, there is the case that a
report of the same examination is stored for a destination drive.
In this case it is stored in the file format of the report which
is already stored without storing it in the file format that
a user set. Refer to "2.4 Special menu" for the setting of the
file format of the report.

When image is retrieved, the measurement result is retrieved
automatically. Please do not change a destination drive then.
The "OK" button of the confirm dialog can not press when there
is the report of the same examination for a changed destination
drive. Because the overwrite save of the report is not possible.
Please move the same report of the destination with a measurement
result filing function. Thereafter, please store a report.

In case of carrying out playback measurement of the image which

changed a setup of Doppler entry angle during recording by
Real-time Archiving Software, please set up Doppler entry angle
by "10.3.1(6) Adjustment of Doppler entry angle" in the
instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic scanner about
the image which measures. The right result may not be obtained
if playback measurement is carried out without setting up Doppler
entry angle in such a case.

The mode adjust dialog will be displayed when playbacking

measurement with images of archiving captured. It is possible
to measure according to setting the value. But, the mode adjust
dialog will be displayed again because the images changed
according to the frame replay. It is necessary to set the value

1-251 Q1E-EA1130
Chapter 2 Measurement Setup

Measurement method and measurement items can be set for execution

of measurement. Because this function does not requires
complicated setting procedures, measurement method optimum for each
measurement can be set according to the shape of the interested
region and physician's preference. Furthermore, complicated
operations such as setting of sampling points in spite of the item
that does not require measurement result can be eliminated.

2.1 Configuration of Measurement Setup

The Measurement Setup function includes the following 3 menus.

(1) Measurement Setup menu (Refer to 2.2 Measurement Setup menu.)

This is the menu to be started first in the Measurement Setup
program. The hierarchy of all the measurements is shown in tree
structure. Using this menu, creation of new measurement, copy
and deletion can be executed.

(2) Measurement Edition menu (Refer to 2.3.1 Basic operation and

2.3.2 Measurement Item Edition area.)
Details of measurement items included in the desired measurement
are set.

(3) Link Setup menu (Refer to 2.3.3 Link Setup.)

The Link Tool is set up.

The terms necessary to explain the hierarchy in the Measurement

Setup menu are shown on the next page.

2-1 Q1E-EA1130
Table 2.1-1 Setting Items on Measurement Setup Menu
Symbol displayed on Item
Setup Menu name
Region This represents a diagnostic region for measurement.
Three kinds of regions, "Abdo&Others", "Cardiac" and "Vascular"
are incorporated in the scanner system shipped from the factory.
Kinds of executable measurements are different for each
diagnostic region. Designate one measurement region for each
application (refer to 8.3.9 in the instruction manual of the
ultrasound diagnostic scanner).
After starting the measurement program, the measurement for
the region designated by the application being used is displayed
on the menu.
Group This is a folder in which multiple measurements or groups can
be kept. The group in the group is called sub-group.
Sub-group can hold only measurements in it. Group is
displayed on the Measurement menu. Display of measurement
report is altered by group unit shown just under the
Measurement menu.
Measurement This represents Measurement, and corresponds to "Ratio-Dis",
"LVOT", etc. Measurement can hold Item Group or
Measurement Item in it. Measurement is displayed in the title
area of the Measurement menu and measurement result display
Item Group This is a folder in which multiple measurement items can be
held. This can be created only for Hierarchy measurement type
(refer to 2.2.2 Measurement Type.). When the Measurement
program is started, measurement items in the measurement
result display area can be changed at one time by the function
key within the range included in this Item Group. This is used
when the ratio calculation equation for "Ratio-Dis" measurement
is changed by the function key.
Measurement This is an item to be actually measured. It corresponds to "D1"
Item and "D2" in the "Ratio-Dis" measurement.
A measurement value for the measurement item can be
obtained by using the Measurement Tool (refer to 2.8
Measurement Tool.), and it is displayed in the measurement
result display area.

The relation between setting procedures on Setup menu, Measurement

menu and measurement result display area is shown on the next page.

2-2 Q1E-EA1130
Group name "OB-STD" Measurement name "Fetal Para."

Item name
Selection Selection "GS",
Setup menu

Group name Measurement name
name "Fetal
"OB-STD" "Fetal Para."

Measurement Selection Selection Item name
menu and "GS",
Measurement "CRL",
Result display :
area :

Measurement menu Measurement Submenu
Result display area

Fig.2.1-1 Setting on Measurement Setup Menu and Operation

after Program Start

2-3 Q1E-EA1130
2.2 Measurement Setup menu

2.2.1 Starting Measurement Setup menu

After opening the Main menu by pressing MAIN

MENU key, select [Setup]

menu. Then, selecting [Measure] displays [Measurement Setup]

menu shown in Fig.2.2.1-1.


Fig.2.2.1-1 Starting Measurement Setup Menu

In the area at the left of the Measurement Setup menu where the hierarchy
is shown, by double clicking Region, Group, Measurement iron or name,
or clicking Node ("+" or "-" mark), its item can be opened or closed.
(Because nothing is included in Measurement item, it is neither opened
nor closed.)

Clicking node

Double clicking icon

Double clicking name

Fig.2.2.1-2 Open and Close Operation of Menu

2-4 Q1E-EA1130
Selecting Region, Group or Measurement in the area at the left of the
Measurement Setup menu where a hierarchy is shown displays its contents
in the right area.





Fig.2.2.1-3 Measurement Setup Menu Display

2-5 Q1E-EA1130
2.2.2 Measurement Type

Measurement group and measurement can create just under the


The group just under region is called Root Group. The measurement
just under region is also called Root Measurement.

When new Root Measurement or new Root Group is created, it is

necessary to set Measurement Type
The display type in the measurement report is decided depending
on the type of this set measurement. (Refer to "1.11 Measurement
Report Function")

Five kinds of the following can be set to the measurement type.

Table 2.2.2-1 Measurement Type

Measurement Type Description
Standard The measurement report is displayed Standard format.
Obstetric The measurement report is displayed Obstetric format.
LR-Meas The measurement report is displayed LR-Meas format.
Type is automatically affixed with “L-“ and “R-“ to the top of the
measurement name and each of them is executed as separate
Hierarchy The measurement report is displayed Standard format.
This type allows measurement items displayed in the measurement
Result Frame to be changed by using a function key. For this purpose,
"Item Group" must be created. "Item Group" can be created only for
measurement in the Hierarchy Measurement Type.

Measurement type is designated on the following dialog menu when

Root Group or Root Measurement is newly created.

Selection of

Fig.2.2.2-1 Selection of Measurement Type

2-6 Q1E-EA1130
Note that measurement Type cannot be changed after it is once setup.
If it is erroneously set up, delete it and then create it again.

Root Group and Root Measurement have unique setting of Measurement


This setting can set by "Property" in Fig.2.2.2-1 Selection of

Measurement Type.

The following settings are included in Property.

Table 2.2.2-2 Setting of Property

Kind of item Measurement Settings of Property
Root Group Standard Property of Root Group of Standard and LR-Meas.
(Refer to Fig.2.2.2-2).
Obstetric Property of Root Group of Obstetric
(Refer to Fig. 2.2.2-4)
LR-Meas. Property of Root Group of Standard and LR-Meas.
(Refer to Fig.2.2.2-2)
Root Measurement Standard Property of Standard, Obstetric and LR-Meas.
(Refer to Fig,2.2.2-5)
Obstetric Property of Standard, Obstetric and LR-Meas.
(Refer to Fig,2.2.2-5)
LR-Meas. Property of Standard, Obstetric and LR-Meas.
(Refer to Fig,2.2.2-5)
Hierarchy Property of Hierarchy
(Refer to Fig,2.2.2-7)

Property of Root Group and Root Measurement are set by the following

Fig.2.2.2-2 Property of Root Group of Standard and LR-Meas

The following Table is show the set item.

2-7 Q1E-EA1130
Table 2.2.2-3 Property Setting items for Root Group of Standard and
Setting Item Description
Display setting "Display setting” is set to ON in default.
By setting “Display setting” in OFF position, the selected group or
measurement will not be displayed in Measurement menu.
Open in Menu. "Open in Menu” is set to OFF in default.
Setting “Open in Menu” to ON does not display the group name in the
measurement select menu.
The measurement in the group is developed and displayed at the position
in which the group should be displayed.

Display in Measurement Menu

Region called "Example"

Root Group (just under Region)

Contents of
Group are
Open In Menu setting in

Setting Measurement

Set to OFF Set to ON

Fig.2.2.2-3 "Open in Menu" Setting and Measurement Menu Display

2-8 Q1E-EA1130
Property of Root Group of Obstetric is set by the following dialog.

Fig.2.2.2-4 Property of Root Group of Obstetric

The following Table is show the set item.

Table 2.2.2-4 Property Setting items for Root Group of Obstetric

Category Setting item Description
Menu Display Display Setting Settings for display on Measurement menu
are made. (Refer to Fig.2.2.2-4.)
By setting this in Off position, the selected
group or measurement will not be displayed
in Measurement menu.
Open In Menu Open In Menu is set.
(Refer to Fig.2.2.2-4.)
NOTICE:This cannot be set in Root
Settings Gestational Period Gestational period is set. It is set to 40
weeks in default.
Deviation In Graph In growth evaluation by standard deviation
(SD), how many times of the standard
deviation the safety region to be displayed in
graph is set is designated.

2-9 Q1E-EA1130
Category Setting item Description
Display GA and EDC by U/S Whether gestational age (GA) and estimated
date of confinement (EDC) based on U/S are
displayed or not in the Measurement Result
Display area or report is set.
GA and EDC by LMP Whether gestational age (GA) and estimated
date of confinement (EDC) based on LMP
are displayed or not in the Measurement
Result Display area or report is set.
GA and EDC w/o AC Whether gestational age (GA) and estimated
date of confinement (EDC) based on U/S are
calculated from the data excluding the
measurement variable "AC" (abdominal
circumference) and are displayed or not in
the Measurement Result Display area or
report is set.
GA and EDC by DGA Whether gestational age (GA) and estimated
date of confinement (EDC) based on DGA
are displayed or not in the Measurement
Result Display area or report is set.
EDC based on each parameters Whether estimated date of confinement is
calculated from the measurement result for
each of fetal measurement variables such as
BPD (Biparietal diameter) and FL (Femur
length) and is displayed or not in the
Measurement Result Display area or report is
Ranking based on GA by U/S Whether Rank value is displayed or not with
DGA set by [GA by U/S] is set.

2-10 Q1E-EA1130
Property of Standard, Obstetric and LR-Meas is set by the following

Fig.2.2.2-5 Property of Standard, Obstetric and LR-Meas

The following Table is show the set item.

Table 2.2.2-5 Property Setting items for Standard, Obstetric and LR-Meas
Setting Item Description
Display Options: on/off
[on] : Settings are displayed on Measurement menu. (In case the
window mode allowing execution of its measurement is different
from the current window mode, it is not displayed.)
[off] : Settings are not displayed on Measurement menu.
Real Time Doppler Options: on/off
[on] : Enable to use real-time Doppler measurement.
[off] : This operation is disabled.
Schema Display Options: on/off
[on] : Enable to display schema
[off] : Disable to display schema

2-11 Q1E-EA1130
Setting Item Description
Restate Measured Values Options: on/off
[on] : Results of previous measurement are restated.
In the following cases, the results are not restated.
- "Measurement Max Times" is 1.
- "Result Frame" setting of the measurement item is "Appear".
- The first item of "Point Tool" measurement.
[off] : Results of previous measurement are not restated.
Measurement Max. Times Options: 1/2/3/4/5
How many times each measurement item included in Measurement can
be made is set.
Measured No. Display Options: on/off
[on] : Number of measurements is displayed at the left of the
measurement item in the Measurement Result Display area.
Number of measurements means how many times its measurement
item was measured.
[off] : Number of measurements is not displayed.
Continues in freeze OFF / Options: on/off
review cine [on] : Measurement is not stopped even if FREEZE OFF is selected, or
cine is reviewed.
[off] : Measurement is ended if FREEZE OFF is selected, or if cine is
reviewed. In this case, "Auto RF Hide" is disabled.
(Measurement is ended whether the "Keep Locus In Freeze-Off"
application setting is set to ON or OFF. For details on the "Keep
Locus In Freeze-Off" setting, refer to "8.3.9 Measurement menu" in
the instruction manual of the ultrasound diagnostic scanner.)
Auto RF Hide Options: on/off
[on] : By selecting FREEZE OFF during measurement in dual screen
mode, the measurement result display frame is automatically
By selecting FREEZE ON, it is displayed again.
[off] : Even if FREEZE OFF is selected during measurement in dual
screen mode, the measurement result display frame is not hidden.
Report Display Options: on/off
[on] : Whether measurement result is displayed or not in report. Number
of measurements for the measurement result depends on the
setting for "Measurement Max Times".
[off] : Measurement result is not displayed in report. In this case, setting
of "Measured No. Display" is disabled in the Measurement Edit
Number of Measurements is also automatically set to "1" and
operation of "Measurement Max Times" is disabled.
Automatic Execution Options: on/off
[on] : When measurement is invoked, the measurement item is executed
in automatic mode.
[off] : When measurement is executed, the measurement item is
manually selected by user.

2-12 Q1E-EA1130
Setting Item Description
Substitution from Calip, Options: on/off
Trace Measurement [on] : It is possible to substitute from Calip or Trace Measurement.
[off] : It is not possible to substitute from Calip or Trace Measurement..
Mode Restriction Options: on/off
[on] : Settings are displayed on Measurement menu with restriction to the
specified window mode. Setting this in "on" enables the "Mode"
button located next to the check box. Pressing this button opens
the menu to set the window mode allowing execution of that
measurement. There are 3 check boxes of B, M and D. Place a
check mark in the box to allow the desired measurement (set it in
[off] : The setting to display only the specified window mode on
Measurement menu is not used.
Mode Restriction Dialog It specify the restriction for display mode.
Executable Mode
Place a check mark in the box to allow the desired measurement
(set it in on).
Executable TDI Status
Place a select the TDI status in the box to allow the desired
measurement. The measurement is enable regardless of TDI status
if "On/Off" is selected.
In the Playback measurement, even if it is set On or Off, it behaves
same as On/Off.
Executable R3D Status
Place a select the R3D status in the box to allow the desired
measurement. The measurement is enable regardless of R3D
status if "On/Off" is selected.

Fig.2.2.2-6 Mode Restriction Dialog

2-13 Q1E-EA1130
Property of Hierarchy is set by the following dialog.

Fig.2.2.2-7 Property of Hierarchy

In the case of Hierarchy type measurement, in addition to the

above items, following 3 items," Change Group Function Label","
Open in Menu" , and "Default Selection of Item Group" are added.

The added item is an item of the following table.

Table 2.2.2-6 Property Setting items for Hierarchy

Setting Item Description
Open in Menu Options: on/off
[on] : When item group is displayed in the measurement result display
area, both the name of the item group and measurement item
names in it are displayed.
[off] : When item group is displayed in the measurement result display
area, only the measurement items in the item group are displayed.
Change Group Function Label to be displayed on function key is input by Alphanumeric keys.
Label (Display of measurement items in the item group can be simultaneously
changed by the function key.)
Default Selection of Item Item group that is to be first selected when starting the measurement
Group program is selected.

2-14 Q1E-EA1130
2.2.3 Functions of [Measurement Setup] menu

Copy Group, Measurement, etc. clicked on menu are copied.

Paste Copied item is pasted on menu. However, if the

Measurement Types of the copy source and copy
destination are different each other (refer to 2.2.2
Measurement Type), the item cannot be pasted. In
the case the item is the one cut from the copy source
in this case, paste it again to the original place.

Cut Measurement and any of others on menu are cut.

Rename Name of Measurement and any of others are renamed.

Delete Measurement and any of others are deleted from menu.

Edit Contents of Measurement and Measurement Item are

edited. (Refer to 2.3 Measurement Edit Menu.)

New Region A Region is newly created.

New Group A Group is newly created. Only the root group can
make the group.

New Meas. A Measurement is newly created.

New Item A Measurement Item is newly created.

New Item Grp. An Item Group is newly created.

Separator This is used when a separation line is inserted

between Measurement Names in Measurement Menu
display and a space is put in between Measurement
Items to be displayed in the Measurement Result
Display area.

Property Data special to the selected Group and Measurement

are set.

Special OB table data is input and output, and setting of

measurement data output is made.

Export/Import Measurement items are exported to and imported from

the external memory medium.

OK After all settings are correctly completed, this

"OK" button is clicked.

Cancel Pressing this button cancels all the changes made

to Measurement and Items and closed the window.

2-15 Q1E-EA1130
Measurements of "Factory Default" and "Additional Settings"
cannot delete. For not using these measurements, choose
a measurement by a measurement setup menu. And click a
property, and turn off "Display".
Refer to item "2.2.2 Measurement Type".

2.3 Measurement Edit Menu

Selecting Measurement or Measurement Item on the Measurement Setup

menu described before and pressing Edit button start the Measurement
Edit menu.
Measurement name (Measurement name under edition is displayed.)

Item Edition

Items list

Fig.2.3-1 Appearance of Measurement Edit Menu

[Measurement Item Edit area] shown in the above Fig. is grouped into
4 tabs of "Main", "Sub", "Tool" and "Tool2".

2-16 Q1E-EA1130
2.3.1 Basic operation

The basic operation procedures (new addition, deletion and

edition) to be done on the Measurement Edit menu are shown below.

< Procedures for new addition >

Press NEW button.

Various settings of measurement items are made.

• Selection of Measurement Tool (Main tab)
• Setting display unit (Main tab)
• Setting parameters related to display (Sub tab)
• Setting Tool property (Tool and Tool2 tabs)

Press Register button.

(Completion of registration of
one measurement item)

Fig.2.3.1-1 Procedures for New Addition of Measurement Item

NOTICE The contents to be set in [Various settings of measurement items]

depend on the selected Measurement Tool. For details refer to
"2.8 Measurement Tool".

< Procedures for deletion >

Measurement item can be deleted on the Measurement Setup menu, but
the deletion procedures on the Measurement Edition menu are shown
Select the Measurement Item to be deleted from Measurement Items list.

Press Delete button.

Fig.2.3.1-2 Procedures for Deletion of Measurement Item

Pressing Delete button displays the deletion confirmation dialog.

Selecting "Yes" completes the deletion. Selecting "No" cancels the

2-17 Q1E-EA1130
< Procedures for edition >
Select the measurement item to be edited in the Measurement Items list.

Settings of Measurement Item are changed.

• Selection of Measurement Tool (Main tab)
• Setting display unit (Main tab)
• Setting parameters related to display (Sub tab)
• Setting Tool property (Tool and Tool2 tabs)

Press Register button.

(Completion of registration of
one measurement item)

Fig.2.3.1-3 Procedures for Edition of Measurement Item

If any operation other than deletion was executed for the measurement
item, be sure to press [Register] button to compete the registration.
Trying selection of other measurement item in the Measurement Items
list without doing this operation will display the following dialog.

Fig.2.3.1-4 Confirmation Dialog for Change of Measurement Item

Pressing OK button cancels all the editions made for the measurement
item before change and a new measurement item is selected. Pressing
Cancel button discontinues the change of the measurement item and
returns to the Edition window again.

2-18 Q1E-EA1130
2.3.2 Measurement Item Edition area

The Measurement Item Edition area is composed of 4 tabs of "Main",

"Sub", "Tool" and "Tool2". Functions of the tabs are described

"Main" tab : Basic parameters necessary for executing

the measurement item are set. Measurement
tools and display unit are set.
"Sub" tab : Parameters related to display (such as
whether the settings are to be displayed in
Measurement Result Display area and report)
are set.
"Tool" tab : This is a measurement tool (single tool),
and it is set when setting the parameters
special to that tool is required.
"Tool2" tab : The function is same as that of "Tool" tab.

Details of each tab are described below.

(1) Main tab

Setting items on the Main tab differ depending on its Measurement
Type of the measurement being edited (refer to 2.2.2 Measurement
Type). Setting items of Standard type and Hierarchy type are same,
but Obstetric type and LR-Meas. type include more setting items
in addition to those of Standard type. The appearance of the tab
for each measurement type is shown below.

Fig.2.3.2-1 Main Tab (Standard Type and Hierarchy Type)

2-19 Q1E-EA1130
The area different from that of
Standard type

Fig.2.3.2-2 Main Tab (Obstetric Type)

The area different from

that of Standard type

Fig.2.3.2-3 Main Tab (LR-Meas. Type)

2-20 Q1E-EA1130
Details of setting items are described below.

< Setting items common to all measurement types >

Name Name of measurement item is edited. Selecting a

measurement item from Measurement Items list displays its
name and characters can now be input from the alphanumeric
keyboard. Input a name that is different from others in
the measurement. If name of this item is changed and the
measurement item is used in the calculation equation, the
name in the equation is automatically changed, thereby
it is not necessary to change the name in the calculation
Tool A measurement tool is selected. By executing the selected
measurement tool, measurement result for the measurement
item can be obtained.
For details of measurement tool, refer to "2.8 Measurement
Unit This is a display unit of measured value. Since flow
velocity value of Doppler image varies according to display
unit of Doppler scale, the velocity unit set here is
effective for the calculation equation.
Method A method usable in the specified measurement tool (single
tool) is selected. When the selected measurement tool does
not require setting of method, the operation is disabled.
Equation This can be set when "Calculation" tool is selected as
measurement tool.
It is also possible to use variables in calculation equation
that are not registered. However, the name of the
measurement item corresponding to that calculation
equation is displayed as "<Invalid Calc>" in the
measurement items list until registration of all the
variables to be used in the calculation equation is
completed. In this status, any item in the calculation
equation is not displayed in either of the Measurement
Result Display area and report. After all the variables
to be used in the calculation equation are registered,
select the items in the equation again and press "Register"
button, and verify that the measurement item in the equation
has been changed from "<Invalid Calc>" to the original
name of the measurement.

2-21 Q1E-EA1130
The Equation should be registered according to the followings.
Table 2.3.2-1 The specification of equation
Item Contents
equation User can enter up to about 200 letters for an equation (Since the maximum
length of equation is defined with the fixed width and the width of each letter is
different depending on the character, the length is not exactly 200.
operator Four rules of arithmetic (+ - * /), Power ( ^ ), bracket ()
constant a numerical value (should directly be input),
"SPI" : the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
variable Measurement Item, "BSA" : Body Surface Area, "SHR" : HR from ECG
function max(), min(), abs(), ChkNonNeg()

The details of function are shown below.

Table 2.3.2-2 The details of function
function example Contents
max() max(a, b, c) This function returns the maximum value of all
variables in the brackets. In the brackets, the total
number of variables and constants must be at least
2. For the left example, the function returns the
maximum value of all measurement items (variables)
a, b and c.
min () min(d1, d2) This function returns the minimum value of all
variables in the brackets. In the brackets, the total
number of variables and constants must be at least
2. For the left example, the function returns the
minimum value of all measurement items(variables)
d1 and d2.
abs() abs(Velo) This function returns the absolute value of the a
variable in brackets. In the brackets, only one
variable should be entered. For the left example, this
function returns the absolute value of the
measurement item "Velo".
ChkNonNeg() ChkNonNeg(d) This function returns the value by the following rule;
-If the value in the brackets is 0 or larger, the function
returns the value directly.
-If the value in the brackets is negative, the function
returns "Error".

2-22 Q1E-EA1130
The initial value item can be set against a measurement by using a "(=X)" next
to the measurement item(variable). Note that the ‘X’ here means a numerical value.
Example : D(=0)
In this case, the measurement item ‘D’ is initialized by 0 before the value is
actually measured. Therefore, a calculation of "A+D" gets the calculated value
normally after the both value of ‘A’ and ‘D’ are measured, but in the case above,
since the ‘D’ is initialized by 0, the value "A+D" is calculated right after
the value ‘A’ is measured.
Input Functions and constants usable in calculation equation
can be selected and input. With this function, the operator
can input any of the usable functions and constants without
remembering them.

Select Any of the calculations equations provided in the scanner

system can be selected and input. In the calculation
equations are included those such as fetal weight
estimation equation in the obstetric measurement.

According to the name of the measurement item, whether

it can be selected or not is defined. The input calculation
equation can be edited even if it is the equation preset
in the system.

Check Pressing this button allow the registered calculation

equation to be checked if it is correct or not. If it is
correct, the message "Equation is Valid" is displayed.
If it is not correct, the dialog indicating the incorrect
point is displayed. Pressing "Register" button in this
status displays the item of the equation as "<Invalid Calc>"
in the Measurement Items list.

Use When Measurement Tool is used by substitution method, input

the item to substitute. For example, in the case the item
of B-Distance tool is used as substitution method, input
the name of measurement item for the 2 points to be measured
by Point tool. To input it, set the Check box at the left
of "Use" to On to make the input area at the right side
ready for operation, and then set it.

Common in Region

When the common memory is used, check the check box of

"common in region" and input "Name".

Register The measurement item being edited is registered.

2-23 Q1E-EA1130
< Setting items only for Obstetric type >
Twin Mode Any one from the following 4 options is selected for
measurement item for Obstetric Measurement being edited.

• Only Single Measurement is enabled only in Single mode.

Measurement cannot be made with Twin mode

• Only Twins Measurement is enabled only in Twin mode.

Measurement cannot be made with Single mode

• Dual Measurement is enabled both in Single mode

and Twin mode.

• Common This is set as measurement item for mother.

Accordingly, the same results are
maintained in either of Twin-A and Twin-B
modes even if it is used in Twin mode.

OB Tables

FA A table to estimate gestational age can be selected. The

contents to be selected differ according to parameters
and item unit of Obstetric Measurement being edited. In
the case a variable in Obstetric Measurement is BPD
(Biparietal Diameter), "HAD84", "TODAI96" or "OSAKA U."
can be selected as gestational age table. With "(No Table)"
selected, the table for estimation of gestational age is
considered not to be used and gestational age is not
displayed even if the selected fetal parameter is measured.
By pressing "Edit" button with "New Table" selected, a
new table with a specific name can be created.
User-defined tables up to 5 tables can be created for each
measurement item. If any measurement item name or
measurement tool is changed after a gestational age table
is selected by the user, the gestational age table is
automatically changed to "(No Table)".

Edit Pressing this button displays the Table Edit dialog for
the selected gestational age table. If "Edit" is pressed
with "New Table" selected, a table for estimation of
gestational age is set ready for new creation.

2-24 Q1E-EA1130
FG A table for evaluation of fetal growth is selected.
Contents to be selected differ according to obstetric
measurement parameters and items being selected. In the
case a variable in Obstetric Measurement is BPD (Biparietal
Diameter), "HAD84", "TODAI96" or "OSAKA U." can be selected
as fetal growth table. Each table has unit. The table
with the same unit as that of the currently selected item
is displayed as option.
When "(No Table)" is selected, fetal growth data is not
displayed with the selected fetal parameters. Pressing
"Edit" button with "New Table" selected allows a new table
with a specific name to be created.
User-defined tables up to 5 tables can be created for each
measurement item. If any measurement item name or
measurement tool is changed after a fetal growth table
is selected by the user, the fetal growth table is
automatically changed to "(No Table)".

Edit Pressing this button displays the Table Edit dialog for
the selected fetal growth table. If "Edit" is pressed with
"New Table" selected, a table for fetal growth evaluation
is set ready for new creation.

Delete Tables
The user-created table for Obstetric Measurement is deleted.
Pressing this button opens the Deletion dialog.

< Setting items only for LR-Mea. type >

L/R With L/R Check box set to ON, measurement items are displayed
in the measurement result display area at both the L-side
and R-side. In this case, left item and right item have
different measurement value respectively. With L/R Check
box set to OFF, this measurement is handled as common item,
and the same value is displayed in both the left and right
display areas. To declare the measurement as L/R
measurement, usually set this Check box to ON.

2-25 Q1E-EA1130
(Common key and display in Edit window)
List of Measurement Items
Measurement items included in the measurement being edited
are displayed.

New A measurement item is newly created. The measurement item

edit area is initialized and set ready for editing.
Pressing this button while "Sub tab" or "Tool tab" being
displayed automatically selects "Main tab" to be displayed.

Delete Pressing this button deletes the item selected in the

Measurement Items list.

Link The Link Setting dialog is opened.

OK Pressing this "OK" button registers all the contents edited

for the measurement item and closed the dialog.

Cancel Pressing this "Cancel" button closes the dialog without

registering all the contents edited for the measurement

(2) Sub tab

Fig.2.3.2-4 Sub Tab

2-26 Q1E-EA1130
Report name This is a name of the measurement item to be displayed
on Measurement report. A name longer than the one displayed
in the Measurement Result Display area can be set.

The report name for the measurement item whose table was
registered with the Obstetric type must be same as the
measurement name. If these names do not match, the rank,
table name, and other information cannot be displayed in
the measurement results report read from the file.

Result Frame
On Selecting "On" displays the measurement item on the
Measurement Result Display area.
Off Selecting "Off" does not display the measurement item on
the Measurement Result Display area.
Appear The measurement item is displayed on the measurement frame
when the item is measured. Until that time, it is not
displayed in the Measurement Result Display area.

Report This sets whether measurement result is to be displayed

or not on the Measurement report.

Item Name This sets whether the measurement item name is to be

displayed near the delineated trace immediately after the
measurement is made.

Short Cut This sets whether the short cut function to start the
measurement item by one touch operation is to be used or
not. Setting this to On sets the alphanumeric keys to
measurement items for short cut key of measurement and
displays them in the Measurement Result Display area.
Alphabet for short cut is automatically set.
By executing a measurement, an alphabet for the short cut
is displayed in ( ) after the measurement item name.
Pressing an alphabet during measurement executes the
measurement item. This is mainly used for obstetric

2-27 Q1E-EA1130
(3) Tool tab
A property of the measurement item depending on measurement tool
(single tool) is set. This can be set if the selected measurement
tool is the one that can set property.

Fig.2.3.2-5 Tool Tab

Selection Only when "Selection" is selected as measurement tool on

Main tab, this is enabled. In the case other than this,
this is disabled.

Default for check

Only when "Selection" is selected as measurement tool on
Main tab and Method is set to "Check", this is enabled.
Setting this to On displays this with a check mark when
the measurement report is first opened.

Selection items
Only when "Selection" is selected as measurement tool on
Main tab and Method is set to "List", this is enabled.
This displays options.

Item Only when "Selection" is selected as measurement tool on

Main tab and Method is set to "List", this is enabled.
Items to be displayed as options in report are input.

Enter Only when "Selection" is selected as measurement tool on

Main tab and Method is set to "List", this is enabled.
To register the character string input by "Item" in
"Selection Items", press this Enter button.

2-28 Q1E-EA1130
Delete By selecting the item displayed in "Selection Items" and
pressing "Delete" button, the selected character string
is deleted.

Default This is pressed to set the any desired options as selected

in default when Measurement Report is opened. By selecting
any desired character string in "Selection Items" and
pressing Default button, the selected character string
is set as default selection.

A/N input Format of character string to be input by A/N Input tool

is set.

Max number of characters

Only when "A/N Input" tool is selected as measurement too
in Main tab and Method is set to "character", this is enabled.
Maximum number of characters in a string to be input can
be set.

Number Format of figure to be input by A/N Input tool is set.

Free format
Only when "A/N Input" tool is selected as measurement tool
in Main tab and Method is set to "Number", this is enabled.
When this check box is set to ON, format of figure that
can be input is not particularly set.

Sign With this check box set to ON, figure with sign can be

No. of Decimal
Number of decimal places of figure is set. Any of 1, 1
and 2 is selected. The value set by user is displayed with
the set decimal places. For example, when a value "2" is
input by user and 1 is set as number of decimal place,
the input value is displayed as "2.0".

2-29 Q1E-EA1130
(4) Tool2 tab
A property of the measurement item depending on measurement tool
(single tool) is set. This can be set if the selected measurement
tool is the one that can set property.

Fig.2.3.2-6 Tool2 Tab

When "Calculation" tool is selected in Main tab as
measurement tool, this can be set. Number of decimal places
(any one of 0, 1, 2 and 3) of calculated result is set.
End of Title
When "Title" tool is selected in Main tab as measurement
tool, this can be set. Setting this to On causes the cursor
not to move from that item in Measurement Result Display
area. This is used to close measurement of all the
measurement items by the item in Title tool.
Extended Measurement
When "Title" tool is selected in Main tab as measurement
tool and the measurement tool of the execution designated
by Title tool corresponds to the specific application,
this can be set. This is a very special setting. It can
be set currently only in the case the measurement to be
executed is in "D-Trace" Link tool and measurement items
corresponds to "HR" attribute. Title Tool "R-R" is an
example of this case. In this case, the first measurement
simultaneously provides a result by measurement of the
item "RV-TRACE" of other Title tool, but "R-R" can be
manually selected and only the measurement between R-R
can be made again.

2-30 Q1E-EA1130
Control Points
When "MVG-M" tool is selected in Main tab as measurement
tool, this can be set.
Number of control points for spline of MVG-M measurement.
A value from 3 to 10 can be selected.
Registered contents of setting.

2.3.3 Link Setup

To obtain a result by executing calculation or measurement, one

measurement item uses one measurement tool.
To use the measurement item "D1" as distance measurement,
"Distance" is selected as a measurement tool. However, in case
of LVOT measurement (left ventricle outlet tract Doppler
measurement), values of multiple measurement items included in
LVOT measurement can be simultaneously obtained usually through
one Doppler waveform trace. To simultaneously obtain such
multiple results by one measurement, [Link Tool] is used. For
details of Link Tool, refer to "2.8 Measurement Tool". Setup
procedures of Link Tool are described below.

Pressing "Link" button in Measurement Edit menu opens the

following Link Setup menu.

Fig.2.3.3-1 Link Setup Menu

2-31 Q1E-EA1130
Setup items in the menu are described below.

Name of measurement being edited is displayed.

Link Selection

Name Link name is selected and set.

Tool Link tool is selected.
Method Method of the selected link tool is set. In the case any
link that does not require any method is selected, this
cannot be set.

Link Name Display

This sets whether the link name is displayed near the
measured trace or not when a measurement is executed by
the link tool.

Property Settings specific to the link tool are made.

Linked Items
The measurement items linked to the link object being
selected are displayed.

Change Attribute
Attribute of the item selected in "Linked Items" box is

Link The measurement item selected in "Unlinked Items" box is

linked to the link object being selected in "Name" box.

Unlink The measurement item displayed in "Linked Items" box is

unlinked and moved to "Unlinked Items" box.

Unlinked items
Measurement items available to be linked to the link object
being selected are displayed.

Common in Region
When the common memory is used, check the check box of
"common in region" and input "Name".

New Link A link is newly created.

Delete Link
The existing link is deleted and linkage to all the
measurement items linked to that link is unlinked.

2-32 Q1E-EA1130
By pressing Link button and by pressing Change Attribute button, the
following Link Attribute Setting menu is displayed.

Fig.2.3.3-2 Link Attribute Setting Menu

Attribute Attribute of Link tool is set.

Figure Options: on/off

[on] : With Point tool used, the figure is displayed
together when that point is displayed on the window.
(It is used with Schema in M-mode.)
[off] : With Point tool used, the figure is not displayed
when that point is displayed on the window.
The name of figure that can be selected is displayed in
the option box.
Only when "Display" is turned on, the option box can be

Unit Unit of measurement item is set. Options vary depending

on the attribute of the currently selected Link tool.

Label To display label next to each plot point in measurement,

its label is input by Alphanumeric keys.

2-33 Q1E-EA1130
Link Property of Link Tool is described below.
This is a property to be set when Link Tool is used. This has data
to be set specially depending on Link Tool. This menu can be set for
the selected link. This menu is opened by pressing Property button
on Link Setup menu.
By pressing OK button for all properties enable, the property enables
the set contents and close the menu. Pressing Cancel button disables
the settings and close the menu.

(a) Property for D-Trace Tool

Fig.2.3.3-3 D-Trace Tool Property

Auto Trace With Method set to Auto, this can be set. In other
cases, this is disabled. Any one of "Peak", "Mean"
and "Mode" is selected.

Velocity Correction
Velocity value correction function
The following corrective calculation is added to velocity obtained
by tracing Doppler waveform (manual trace, auto trace, plot trace)
and displayed as measurement results.
V’ = C1 × V + C2
V :Velocity value obtained by tracing
C1 :Correction constant 1 (multiplication factor)
(Allowable range: 0 ~ 9.99)

2-34 Q1E-EA1130
C2 :Correction constant 2 (addition and subtraction factor)
[Unit: cm/s]
(Allowable range: –999.9 ~ 999.9)
V’ : Velocity value after correction
Use the measurement setup menu to set the correction calculation
formula (Refer to "2.3.3 Link Setup".).
Excluding the case where the correction formula gives no correction
as shown below, the correction formula is displayed at the right
bottom of the Doppler wave display after measurement by Doppler
[Formula for no correction]

V’ = 1.00V + 0.0

Correction formula

Fig.2.3.3-4 Correction Formula

NOTICE: Sign of correction constant 2:C2 in the corrective formula is
automatically switched for addition or subtraction according to
the sign of the flow velocity V at tracing.
For example, when the correction formula is expressed as
V’ = 1.08 – 0.9, correction is calculated as follows:
For V 0, V’ = 1.08 – 0.9
For V < 0, V’ = 1.08V – (–0.9)
A coefficient of flow velocity correction equation
is set.

C1 This is composed of an integer part with one digit

and decimal part with two digits. Default value is
"1.00". If the decimal part is "00", input of decimal
point and the decimal part can be omitted.

C2 This is composed of an integer part with 3 digits

and decimal part of one digit. If the decimal part
is "0", input of decimal point and the decimal part
can be omitted. In the case any sign is not set, it
is regarded as "+".

dP/dt The parameters should be set for calculating dP/dt


2-35 Q1E-EA1130
V1 Set the first Velocity

V2 Set the second Velocity

Unit Set the unit of velocity for V1 and V2 above. m/s

or cm/s can be selected.

Real Time Doppler

Set detail menu of Real Time Doppler setting.

(b) Property for HR Tool

Fig.2.3.3-5 HR Tool Property

Beat Number of beats for heart rate measurement is set.

It means number of heartbeats during the specified
time interval. A value from 1 to 9 can be input.

Get HR from ECG

Heart rate value is gotten from ECG when the
measurement is started.
NOTICE When play back measurement is executed with [Get HR from
ECG] property is ON, the Heart rate value stored along
with Image information is retrieved as measurement starts
and measurement value is updated. Please set [Get HR from
ECG] to OFF when this behavior causes inconvenience.

2-36 Q1E-EA1130
(c) Property for Histogram Tool

Fig.2.3.3-6 Histogram Tool Property

Number of Area
Number of area to be measured by Histogram tool is
set. Number of area is 1 or 2.

Scaling of Graph
This is enabled only when "2" is selected for the
above [Number of Area]. With Number of Area set to
2, two histograms can be displayed together on the
same screen after measurement, and scale of the
ordinate of histogram in this case can be selected.
Selecting [Independent] select the independent
scaling, while selecting [Common] selects the common
For the independent scaling and common scaling, refer
to "1.5.12 Histogram Measurement".

2-37 Q1E-EA1130
(d) Property for Biplane Simpson Tool

Fig.2.3.3-7 Biplane Simpson Tool Property

Slice Number of slices to be measured by Biplane Simpson
tool is set.
A value in a range form 1 to 99 can be input.

Control points Number of control points for auto trace.

A value in 8,10,12,14 or 16 can be selected.

Threshold level Number of threshold level for auto trace. A value

in a range from 1 to 9 can be input. High intensity
is detected, so that this value is large.

Apex The order of setting the Apex is set.

Whenever Top is selected, Top becomes a Apex.

NOTICE: If measurement done Measurement. Max. Times, "Restate

Measured Values" is ON when next measurement is measured.

2-38 Q1E-EA1130
(e) Property for Angle Tool

Fig.2.3.3-8 Angle Tool Property

Line Number With this check box checked, a line number is

displayed during execution of Angle tool. If this
is not checked, line number is not displayed.

(f) Property for dP/dt Tool

Fig.2.3.3-9 dP/dt Tool Property

V1 Velocity at the first point in dP/dt measurement is

V2 Velocity at the second point in dP/dt measurement

is set.

Unit Unit of velocity at the first and second points in

dP/dt measurement is set.

2-39 Q1E-EA1130
(g) Property for PISA Tool

Fig.2.3.3-10 Property for PISA Tool

Alias.Velo Direction
Option : Negative/Positive
[Negative] : Alias denotes the maximum
velocity in the backward direction.
[Positive] : Alias denotes the maximum
velocity in the forward direction.

(h) Property for IMT

Fig.2.3.3-11 Property for IMT

Control Points
The number of control points in the case of making
manual correction is set up. A value in a range from
3 to 30 can be input.
Interval of 3 point IMT
The value indicate the distance from Center IMT to
another IMT. A value in a range from 5 to 15 can be

2-40 Q1E-EA1130
(i) Property for Vascularity Tool

Fig.2.3.3-12 Vascularity Tool Property

Number of Area
Number of area to be measured by Vascularity tool
is set. Number of area is 1 or 2.

2-41 Q1E-EA1130
2.3.4 Edition of Obstetric table

Edition procedures of the table for estimation of gestational age (FA

table) and the table for fetal growth evaluation (FG table) that are
used in Obstetric measurements are described below. To make edition
of Obstetric table, measurement item (BPD, AC, etc.) for obstetric
measurement that is to be edited on Measurement Edition menu must first
be selected. For edition of Obstetric table for Todai method BPD,
start the Setup Menu in the following procedures.

Fig.2.3.4-1 Selection of Item for Obstetric Measurement

Select OB-Today/Fetal Para/BPD in Abdo&Others region on Measurement

Setup menu, and pressing [Edit] button opens the Edit menu for Fetal
Para measurement.

Fig.2.3.4-2 Measurement Edition Menu

2-42 Q1E-EA1130
(1) Creation of new Obstetric table
To create a new Obstetric table, for the selected measurement item,
select "New Table" in the table selection box of FA or FG table
to be newly created in OB table box of Measurement Edition menu,
and then press Edit button.

Fig.2.3.4-3 Edition of Obstetric Table

Then, Obstetric Table Edition menu is opened. Two kinds of Edition

menu are available according to the type of FA table (for estimation
of gestational age) and FG table (for evaluation of fetal growth).
(a) Fetal Age table

Box to
Area to
input Obstetric
table name input data

Fig.2.3.4-4 Edition Menu of Obstetric Table

for Gestational Age Estimation

2-43 Q1E-EA1130
Procedures to input table data are described below.

• Input name of Obstetric table in "Table Name" box.

• Input a measurement value in "Value" area and also input number of

weeks corresponding to the input value.

• Upon completing input of a data, pressing Register button registers

the input data and it is displayed in the data display area on the

• After inputting all data and by pressing Save button, the table is
stored in the memory.
Pressing Cancel button clears the edited data and closes the Table
Edit menu.

• Selecting any data to be deleted and pressing Delete button deletes

the selected data.

(b) Fetal Growth table

Area to input data Area to input data

Normal dist
check box Area to
display data
Five Lines
check box

Fig.2.3.4-5 Edition Menu of Obstetric Table for Fetal Growth


Procedures to input table data are described below.

• Input name of Obstetric table in "Table Name" box.

• Turn Five Lines check box on if data for five lines are required.
Data for only three lines can be inputted if the check box is OFF.

2-44 Q1E-EA1130
• Select either SD or % in Rank box. In the case SD is selected, input
±SD value of Table data. In the case % is selected, input the maximum %
value and the minimum % value of Table data.
'Normal dist' check box display if % in Rock is selected. The table
is assumed as normal distribution and exact %ile Value is calculated
if the check box is ON.

• Input a measurement value in "Value" area and also input number of

weeks corresponding to the input value.

• Input gestational weeks and days in Data Input box.

• Input the values of measurement results corresponding to the input

gestational weeks and days.
Data should be L2<L1<Mean<U1<U2.
• Upon completing input of a data, press Register button. The input
data is registered and it is displayed in the data display area on
the menu.

• After inputting all data and by pressing Save button, the table is
stored in the memory. Pressing Cancel button clears the edited data
and closes the Table Edit menu.

• Selecting any data to be deleted and pressing Delete button deletes

the selected data.

• Pressing Next Page button moves to the next page.

Don’t check a Normal dist. check box if it is not certain that

the table is carrying out the normal distribution. The correct
result will not be obtained if this function is used on the table
which has not carried out a normal distribution.

If a measurement value or a calculation value becomes one or

less, the calculation error of % value by the normal distribution
may become large. In such a case, we recommend to remove the
check of a normal distribution.

2-45 Q1E-EA1130
(2) Edit of Obstetric table

The procedures to edit the current Obstetric table are described

In the same procedures as those for creation of new table, select
the table to be edited on FA or FG table in OB Table list in Measurement
Edit menu, and press Edit button to start Table Edit menu.

Fig.2.3.4-6 Edition of Current Obstetric Table

By selecting the table data to be edited, the selected table data

is displayed in Data Input area.
Selected table data are displayed.

table data

Fig.2.3.4-7 Selection of Desired Data

2-46 Q1E-EA1130
By changing the value in Data Input box for the selected data and pressing
Register button, data is replaced with the new data.

Other operation procedures are shown below.

• To input a data, select the box where no data is input, and then
input data in Data Input box and press Register button. Pressing
Register button inserts the data in the appropriate position in table

• Pressing "Save" button stores the table data, but if it is not the
table created by user, table data must be input under different name.
In such case, the following message is displayed.

Fig.2.3.4-8 Message requesting Change of Obstetric Table Name

Input a name in EDIT box in this message and press OK button. Then,
the name is registered as user-defined Obstetric table. To change
and register a part of the tables incorporated in the system at the
factor before shipment, follow the above procedures.

Edition of Obstetric table for fetal growth evaluation can also be

made in the same procedures as those for gestational age estimation

2-47 Q1E-EA1130
(3) Deletion of Obstetric table

The procedures to delete Obstetric table are described below. The

Obstetric tables incorporated in the system at the factor before
shipment cannot be deleted. Only the Obstetric table created by
the user can be deleted. Pressing Delete button in OB Table region
on Measurement Edit menu lists up all the user-defined Obstetric
tables registered in the currently selected Obstetric Measurement

Fig.2.3.4-9 Obstetric Table Deletion Menu

Select the table to be deleted on this menu, and press Delete Table
button. The selected table is deleted. Then, pressing OK button
completes deletion, while pressing Cancel button cancels deletion
of the table.

2-48 Q1E-EA1130
2.4 Special menu

Pressing Special button on the Measurement Setup menu displays

Special menu.

2.4.1 OB

Selecting OB Table tag on Special menu display the following menu.

On this menu, OB table can be exported to and imported from the
external memory medium.

Fig.2.4.1-1 Import and Export Menu of OB Table

Gestation Period : Setting 40w0d in default.

Use FA graphs : Specify whether FA graph to use.
Number of graphs : Select 1 or 4 for the number of graphs.
on a screen
Import : Import menu of OB table is displayed.
Export : Export menu of OB table is displayed.

2-49 Q1E-EA1130
2.4.2 Import menu of OB table

OB table can be imported from the external memory medium on this


Fig.2.4.4-1 Import Menu of OB Table

Meas. Item List of measurement items on the OB table saved in

the external memory media is displayed.

Fetal Age Table List of Fetal Age Table corresponding to the item
selected by Meas. Item. is displayed.

Fetal Growth Table

List of Fetal Growth Table corresponding to the item
selected by Meas. Item. is displayed.

Import from The memory medium from which OB table is imported

is selected.

Import The selected OB table is imported.

Close The menu is closed.


Exported configuration for using this system, it can not
be imported for using systems below. Do not import for using
systems below.
· EUB-8500 V13-** and before
· EUB-6500 all versions
· EUB-5500 V03-** and before
· PCS-UV1 V04-** and before

2-50 Q1E-EA1130
2.4.3 Export menu of OB table

OB table can be exported to the external memory medium on this


Fig.2.4.2-1 Export Menu of OB Table

Meas. Item List of measurement items on the OB table saved in

the scanner unit is displayed.

Fetal Age Table List of Fetal Age Table corresponding to the item
selected by Meas. Item. is displayed.

Fetal Growth Table

List of Fetal Growth Table corresponding to the item
selected by Meas. Item. is displayed.

Export to The memory medium to which OB table is exported is


Export The selected OB table is exported.

Close The menu is closed.


- If "Close" button is pressed, dialog like Fig.2.4.2-2 will

be displayed.

2-51 Q1E-EA1130
Fig.2.4.2-2 Confirmation of reboot dialog

Please reboot the system, after pressing [OK] button, when

the application data that exports by the following software
version is imported.

· HI VISION 900 V15-** and before

· EUB-8500 V15-** and before
· EUB-7500 V15-** and before
· EUB-6500 all versions
· EUB-5500 V05-** and before
· PCS-UV1 V05-** and before

2-52 Q1E-EA1130
2.4.4 Other

The memory medium in which the default of measurement result is

saved can be set on this menu.

Fig.2.4.3-1 Measurement Result Filing Setup Menu

Drive The memory drive to which measurement result is filed

is selected.

Browse on Net Network drive is designated as the memory drive.

File Format It specify a form that saves file.

In reading both the forms can be read in the same
When Custom Report Function of PCS-UV1 use, please
select TXT.
XML UTF-8 is available.
TXT Unicode or ASCII is available.

OB graph image
Obstetric graphs can be saved as images. Note,
however, that this equipment cannot display the
When "Save" is selected, the obstetric graphs are
also saved when the measurement results are saved.
When "Plot the history also" is selected, the
obstetric graphs are saved with the previous
measurement results also plotted.

2-53 Q1E-EA1130
Show guidelines in M and D modes

Selecting check box, guidelines display is possible

in M and D modes measurement.

RF Font It specify font size of the Measurement Result Frame

Auto Font size is large automatically if the

number of measurement items are few

Standard Font size is standard

Large Font size is large

Printer It specify the settings of PC printer. You can select

printer name, number of copies and paper size.

2-54 Q1E-EA1130
2.4.5 Unique ID menu

Although the measured result can be saved to a memory medium,

unique ID can be named and managed so that it can take out the
result for other purpose easily.

Fig.2.4.5-1 Unique ID menu

Item Name : A measurement name is specified(For example : BPD and

so on). Besides, regulation registered is that unique
ID of fixation is set. Output data of Measurement is that
following unique ID is attached. Out put of measurement
data is refer to "1.11.4 Input and output of Measurement
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Region SubGroup GroupItem Attribute

Group Measurement Item
Resion Possible range 00 – 31
: System reserved 00 – 15
User defined possible range 16 – 31

2-55 Q1E-EA1130
Group Possible range 001 – 999
: System reserved 001 –499
User defined possible range 500 – 999
(Besides, 000 is unusable as using root)
Sub Group Possible range 00 – 99
: System reserved 00 –49
User defined possible range 50 – 99
Measurement Possible range 00 – 99
: System reserved 00 – 49
User defined possible range 50 – 99
Group Item Possible range 00 – 99
: System reserved 00 – 49
User defined possible range 50 – 99
Item Possible range 00 – 99
: System reserved 00 – 49
User defined possible range 50 – 99
Attribute Possible range 00 – 99
: 00 – 19 1 screen measurement or 2 screen L side.
20 – 39 Twins' embryo A side or 2 screen R side.
40 – 59 Twins' embryo B side

Catalogue : Output text file including unique ID.

2-56 Q1E-EA1130
2.4.6 Setting menu for trace key

The menu is for setting the real time Doppler measurement and
B-mode trace measurement started by the trace key.

Trace dir: This is to adjust a position of auto-trace.

Upper; This is for performing the auto-trace in an area upper
a base line.
Lower; This is for performing the auto-trace in the area lower
the base line.
Both; This is for performing the auto-trace in any area
regardless of the base line

Trace Line:This is to adjust the position of Doppler waveform to

be traced.
Peak&Mean; This is for performing the trace along both peak and
mean values of Doppler waveform.
Peak; This is for performing the trace along peak values of
Doppler waveform.
Mean; This is for performing the trace along mean values of
Doppler waveform.
Average: This is to set the mean value of waveform to be measured.
Method for B-mode: This is to adjust a method of B-mode trace.
manual; This is for performing manual of the trace method.
Elippse; This is for performing Ellipse of the trace method.

2-57 Q1E-EA1130
2.4.7 A setup of the color at the time of measurement

Real time Doppler

Peak Color This is to display the peak value of traced line
in color.The color is selectable from among white,
green, purple and blue.
Mean Color This is to display the mean value of traced line
in color.The color is selectable from among black,
green, purple and blue.
Emphasized color
The color of the measurement item which can move is changed
of the image in Freeze ON, and the Real-time image. And the
color of the measurement item of a playback image is changed.
The color is selectable from among yellow, blue and green.
The penetration of a background of Result frame.
It chooses whether the background of a Measurement Result Frame
is penetrated and displayed for every measurement region, or
a background color is smeared away and displayed. It is
penetrated when a check is ON.

* In Manual Trace, trace it with a set color.

2-58 Q1E-EA1130
2.5 Examples of measurement edition

2.5.1 Display or non-display of measurement item

The procedures to set either display or non-display of measurement

item that is most frequently used in Measurement Setup is shown
Setting is made so that a measurement item "Acc" (Acceleration)
in Vasc Measurement is not displayed in Measurement Result Display

• Select "Vasc1" measurement from "Vasc" region in Measurement Setup

menu and press Edit button.

(1) Select Vasc1.

(2) Press "Edit" button.

Then, Measurement Edit menu is displayed.

2-59 Q1E-EA1130
• Select "Sub" tab in Measurement Edit menu.
Select "Sub" tab.

Then, Measurement Edition menu turns to display of "Sub" tab.

• Select "Acc" in Measurement Items list.

The selected measurement item is highlighted with blue and white.

2-60 Q1E-EA1130
• Set "Result Frame" in "Display" group in "Sub" table to "Off".

• Press Register button.

Pressing Register button registers all the settings made for the
measurement item "Acc".

2-61 Q1E-EA1130
• Press OK button.

Pressing OK button makes the settings made for "Vasc1" measurement

effective and closes Measurement Edit menu.

• Press OK button again in Measurement Setup menu.

Pressing OK button makes all the settings effective and closes

Measurement Setup menu.

Even if "Vasc1" measurement is executed thereafter, "Acc" measurement

items are not displayed in Measurement Result Display area.

2-62 Q1E-EA1130
2.5.2 Change of display order in Measurement menu and Result Display

Display order of measurement and measurement items can be changed

on Measurement menu and Measurement Result Display area.
As an example, the procedures to move "OB-STD" shown in
"Abdo&Others" region to the top in the menu are shown below.

• Select "Abdo&Others" region in Measurement Setup menu. Then,

measurements and measurement groups registered in "Abdo&Others" region
are displayed in the detailed display area at the right side.

Measurements and
measurement groups
registered in
Abdo&Others region.

• Select "OB-STD" in the detailed display area at the right side.

2-63 Q1E-EA1130
• Pressing and holding down ENTER key, move the cursor upward by operating
the trackball.

Move the cursor

upward by the

• After moving the cursor to the top position and release ENTER key.

Operating the trackball,

move the cursor to the
top position and release
ENTER button.

2-64 Q1E-EA1130
• Upon completion of the relocation, display order in the left display
area is also automatically changed.

"OB-STD" has moved

Tree display position to the top position.
is also changed.

Since this setting is completed, "OB-STD" is displayed at the top in

Measurement Menu when an application to use "Abdo&Others" measurement
region is selected. To change display order of measurement item, select
the desired measurement in the left display area, and change the display
order in the detailed display area in the same procedure.

2-65 Q1E-EA1130
2.5.3 New creation of measurement (by using Single Tool)

The procedures to newly create a measurement by using Single Tool

(for Single Tool, refer to "2.8 Measurement Tool"). As an example,
two distances are measured and "Ratio-Dis" measurement to
calculate a ratio between them is created in "Abdo&Others" region.

• Select "Abdo&Others" region in Measurement Setup menu and press

New Meas button.

"Abdo&Others" region being selected

• The dialog to set measurement name is displayed. Give "Ratio-Dis"

as measurement name, and select "Standard" as measurement type.
After setting them, press OK button to close the dialog.

2-66 Q1E-EA1130
• With the measurement just selected on Measurement Setup menu, press
Edit button.

"Ratio-Dist" immediately
after newly created

• Measurement Edit menu is opened and items are now ready to be setup.

2-67 Q1E-EA1130
• Set Measurement Name to "D1", Tool to "B-Distance" and Unit to no
selection, and then press Register button.
Set items for Measurement Item "D1".

• The set items for Measurement Item "D1" have now been completed. Press
New button.

Registration of Measurement Item "D1" has now been completed.

2-68 Q1E-EA1130
• The window is now ready to register a new measurement item.

• Make registration for Measurement Item "D2" in the same procedures

as that for "D1", and press New button.

2-69 Q1E-EA1130
• The window is now ready to register a new measurement item.

• Set the measurement item "D1/D2" as follows (unit is not set), and
press Register button.

2-70 Q1E-EA1130
• Registration of the measurement item "D1/D2" has now been completed.
Press OK button to close Measurement Edit menu.

• Press OK button to close Measurement Setup menu.

The procedures to create a new measurement have now been completed.

Executing this "Radio-Dis" measurement results in as shown below.

2-71 Q1E-EA1130

Measurement Result Display area

(after Measurement executed)

Measurement menu
(with Measurement selected)

2-72 Q1E-EA1130
2.5.4 New creation of measurement (by using Link Tool)

The procedures to newly create a measurement by using Link Tool

as measurement tool are shown below. As an example, a measurement
"Doppler" to measure only Vpeak (max. flow velocity value), Vmean
(mean flow velocity value) and PGp (pressure range for Vpeak)
by applying Doppler Auto Trace by (MODE method) is newly created.

• Select "Cardiac" region in Measurement Setup menu, and press New Meas

• The dialog to set measurement name is displayed. Set "Doppler" in

Measurement Name and "Standard" in Measurement Type, and then press
OK button to close the dialog.

2-73 Q1E-EA1130
• With "Doppler" measurement selected, press EDIT button.

• Measurement Edit menu is opened and measurement items are ready to

be set.

2-74 Q1E-EA1130
• Set "Vpeak" in Measurement Name and "<Link Only>" in Single Tool,
and then press New button.

• Set "Vmean" in Measurement name and "<Link Only>" in Single Tool,

and then press Link button.

2-75 Q1E-EA1130
• Link Setup dialog is opened.

• Set "DTR" in Link Name. (Any name can be input for link name if it
is unique in the measurement.)

2-76 Q1E-EA1130
• Select "D-Trace" for Link Tool.

Select "D-Trace" tool.

• Select "Auto" as trace method.

Select "Auto" as Link Method.

2-77 Q1E-EA1130
• Select the measurement item "Vpeak" in "Unlinked Items" box, and press
Link button.

• The dialog to set link attribute is displayed.

2-78 Q1E-EA1130
• The measurement item "Vpeak" is set as the attribute "Peak Velo."
(max. flow velocity) of Doppler trace. Set "m/s" for Unit. Upon
completion of the setting procedures, press OK button to close this
Because the measurement item "Vmean"
is used as name of mean velocity over
time, the attribute "Mean Velo." Of
D-Trace Link tool is designated.

Set "m/s" as unit of velocity value.

• The attribute of the measurement item "Vpeak" has now been set, and
it has moved to "Linked Items" box.

Measurement item "Vpeak" has

been set to the attribute "Peak
Velo." for max. flow velocity value
in D-Trace Link Tool.

2-79 Q1E-EA1130
• Select the measurement item "Vmean" in "Unlinked Items" box, and press
"Link" button.

• The dialog to set link of the measurement item "Vmean".

2-80 Q1E-EA1130
• Set the measurement item "Vmean" as the attribute "Mean Velo." (time
average flow velocity) in Doppler Trace Link Tool.
Because the measurement item
"Vmean" is used as name of mean
velocity over time, the attribute "Mean
Velo." Of D-Trace Link tool is

Set "m/s" as unit of velocity value.

• The Link Setup dialog is opened again, and press "Property" button.
All the settings specific to D-Trace tool are made on this dialog.

The measurement item "Vmean" has

been set to the attribute "Mean Velo."
for time average flow velocity value in
D-Trace Link Tool.

2-81 Q1E-EA1130
• Select PEAK method for Doppler Auto Trace, and set a velocity correction
value to make V' = 1.2*V. After setting, press OK button.

Select "Mode".

Set a velocity correction

coefficient to make V' = 1.2*V.

• Press OK button on Link Setup dialog.

2-82 Q1E-EA1130
• Measurement Edit menu is opened again. Press New button to newly add
the measurement item.

• Register the measurement item "PGp" (peak flow velocity pressure range)
in Single Tool "Calculation". After registration, press OK button
to close Measurement Edit menu.
Set items as shown below and press
"Register" button.

2-83 Q1E-EA1130
• Press OK button to close Measurement Setup menu.

Through the above procedures, the measurement "Doppler" to use "D-Trace"

link tool has been newly created.

By executing this measurement, Doppler Auto Trace is performed by PEAK

method, and after velocity correction the measurement results are stored
in "Vpeak", "Vmean" and "PGp" respectively.

2-84 Q1E-EA1130
2.6 Common memory in Region

The measurement result in the same region can be shared. When tool
is single tool, one measurement item result is shared. And when
tool is link tool, some measurement items result are shared.

When MI-1 of Meas1 is shared with MI-1 of Meas2, It becomes the


Meas1 is Select Meas2

The result of Meas1


• When "Common memory in Region" is used, State of "Restate

Measured Values" is effective regardless of Setting of
Measurement property.
• When result is edited or deleted, result of sharing is edited
or deleted, too.
y It is necessary to measure the measurement item once
or more to display it in measurement report.
The measurement only of the shared value is not

2-85 Q1E-EA1130
2.6.1 Common memory of Single tool

Result of single tool can be shared. It is necessary for Common

memory of Single tool that single tool is possible tool of Common
memory and the condition of common memory of single tool must be

(1) Common condition

There are the possible tools of common memory and impossible tools
of common memory. Detail refers "Table 2.6.1-1 possible/Impossible
tool of common memory of single tool".

Table 2.6.1-1 the possible/Impossible tool of common memory of single

The possible tool The impossible tool
B-Distance A/N Input
M-Distance Selection
Circumference Number
B-Area <Title>
M-Area Calculation
Velocity BPScore
Time interval Unit Conversion
M-Slope MVG-M
3D Volume

It is necessary for Common memory of Single tool that the condition

of common memory of single tool must be correct. Detail refers "Table
2.6.1-2 condition of common memory of Single tool".

Table 2.6.1-2 condition of common memory of Single tool

Setting Dialog Condition
Measurement Type Declaration • Measurement type is same.
(Standard and Hierarchy type can be shared.)
Measurement Property • Measurement Max.Times is same.
Measurement edit menu • "Common in Region" is ON.
• Common name is same.
• Unit is same.
• Tool type is same.
• Setting of LR check box of LR measurement is same.
• Twin mode of OB measurement is same.

2-86 Q1E-EA1130
(2) Method of Setting of Common memory of Single tool

The setting of Common memory of Single tool is set by Measurement

edit menu.

Fig.2.6.1-1 The setting of common memory of Single tool

Select Measurement item. And set "Common in Region" to ON. At this

time, Common name ("Name") can be set. Common name is set. And press
[Register] button.
When tool is the impossible tool of common memory, "Common in Region"
is ghost.

2-87 Q1E-EA1130
y Please input a unique name to common name of sharing
measurement item. Items that common name is same is shared.
y When common condition is mistake or "Common name" has already
been used, Dialog is displayed.
Please confirm common condition. Please refer to "(1) Common
condition" for common condition.

y When Measurement or Measurement item is copied or is moved,

"Common in Region" is automatically turned off.
y When Measurement is imported or is exported, "Common in
Region" is automatically turned off. Please do Region in
Import or Export when the preservation of the setting is
necessary. Please refer to "2.7 Measurement Export/Import
y When Single tool has the attribute of Link tool, "Common
in Region" is automatically turned off. When attribute of
link tool is shared, please use "Common memory of Link Tool".

2-88 Q1E-EA1130
2.6.2 Common memory of Link tool

Result of Link tool can be shared. It is necessary for Common memory

of Link tool that Link tool is possible tool of Common memory and
the condition of common memory of Link tool must be correct.

(1) Common condition

There are the possible tools of common memory and impossible tools
of common memory. Detail refers "Table 2.6.2-1 possible/Impossible
tool of common memory of link tool".

Table 2.6.2-1 the possible/Impossible tool of common memory of link

The possible tool The impossible tool
B-Trace Histogram
D-Trace Point
M-Trace IMT
Biplane Simpson

It is necessary for Common memory of Link tool that the condition

of common memory of link tool must be correct. Detail refers "Table
2.6.2-2 condition of common memory of Link tool".
Table 2.6.2-2 condition of common memory of Link tool
Setting Dialog Condition
Measurement Type Declaration • Measurement type is same.
(Standard and Hierarchy type can be shared.)
Measurement Property • Measurement Max.Times is same.
Measurement edit menu • "Common in Region" of Link Tool is ON.
• Common name of Link Tool is same.
• Link tool name is same
• Unit is same.
• Kind of link tool is same.
• Property of Link tool is same.
• Attribute of link tool is same
• Single tool is same.
• Setting of LR check box of LR measurement is same.
• Twin mode of OB measurement is same.

2-89 Q1E-EA1130
(2) Method of Setting of Common memory of link tool

The setting of Common memory of link tool is set by Link Setup.

Fig.2.6.2-1 The setting of common memory of Link tool

Select Link Name And set “Common in Region” to ON. At this time,
Common name (“Name”) can be set. Common name is set. And press [OK]
When tool is the impossible tool of common memory, "Common in Region"
is ghost.

2-90 Q1E-EA1130
y Please input a unique name to common name of sharing
measurement item. Items that common name is same is shared.
y When common condition is mistake or "Common name" has already
been used, Dialog is displayed.
Please confirm common condition. Please refer to "(1) Common
condition" for common condition.

y When Measurement or Measurement item is copied or is moved,

"Common in Region" is automatically turned off.
y When Measurement is imported or is exported, "Common in
Region" is automatically turned off. Please do Region in
Import or Export when the preservation of the setting is
necessary. Please refer to "2.7 Measurement Export/Import
y When Single tool has the attribute of Link tool, "Common
in Region" is automatically turned off. When attribute of
link tool is shared, please use "Common memory of Link Tool".

2-91 Q1E-EA1130
2.6.3 Factory default

Common setting of Factory default is "Table 2.6.3-1 Common setting

of Factory default".

When you do not share those measurements, please release Common


Table 2.6.3-1 Common setting of Factory default.

Meas1 Item1 Meas2 Item2 Remark
RVOT Diam Qp/Qs RVOT-Diam CSA is calculated Diam. Therefore CSA is shared.
TVI RVOT- TVI Link of "RVDTR" is lined.

Meas1 Item1 Meas2 Item2 Meas3 Item3 Remark

CO Diam Qp/Qs LVOT-Diam AV-Area Diam CSA is calculated Diam.
Therefore CSA is shared.
TVI LVOT- TVI LVOT- TVI Link of "LVOT-TVI" is lined.

2-92 Q1E-EA1130
2.7 Measurement Export/Import function

By using Measurement Export/Import function, measurement item can

be saved in the external memory medium or read from the external
memory medium.

2.7.1 Opening Measurement Import/Export window

Pressing Import/Export button at the bottom of the Measurement

Setup menu displays the Measurement Import/Export window.

2.7.2 Details of window

Fig.2.7.2-1 Measurement Setup Window

System Measurement items set in the system are displayed.

Media The memory medium for Import/Export is selected. The

following five media can be selected.
Addition Settings
y Factory Default
y Floppy disk
y Additional Settings
Meantime, for saving or reading data into or out of a floppy
disk it takes a long time. According to data volume it
needs from several minutes to about 30 minutes. For this
reason we recommend you to use DVD-RAM.
Read Measurement items are read from the memory medium.
(Reading the measurement items may take some time.)
In case that reading isn't carried out though pressing
the Read button , press its button again.

2-93 Q1E-EA1130
Replace To storage media of right side replace from selecting item
of the equipment in left side.
Read From The name of the memory media from whom data are read and
the read measurement items are displayed.
Export The items selected by the scanner unit (left side) are
exported to the memory medium (right side).

Import The items selected by the memory medium (right side) are
imported to the scanner unit (left side).

New Region A new Region is created in the selected side.

Rename The name of the selected item is renamed.

Delete The selected item is deleted.

Save to Media
The edited result is saved in the memory medium. Until
this button is pressed, the edited result is not saved
in the memory medium.

Close This dialog is closed.


Exported configuration for using this system, it can not
be imported for using systems below. Do not import for using
systems below.
· EUB-8500 V13-** and before
· EUB-6500 all versions
· EUB-5500 V03-** and before
· PCS-UV1 V04-** and before


- If "Close" button is pressed, dialog like Fig.2.7.2-2 will

be displayed.

Fig.2.7.2-2 Confirmation of reboot dialog

2-94 Q1E-EA1130
Please reboot the system, after pressing [OK] button, when
the application data that exports by the following software
version is imported.

· HI VISION 900 V15-** and before

· EUB-8500 V15-** and before
· EUB-7500 V15-** and before
· EUB-6500 all versions
· EUB-5500 V05-** and before
· PCS-UV1 V05-** and before


y The exported data by EUB-6000 system are not read. Also
the exported data by this system are not read by EUB-6000
y When the tool not supported to the measurement item is
included, the measurement is not displayed previously.
Please refer to "2.8.1 Outline of measurement tool" for
the support of the tool.
y Measurements of "Factory Default" and "Additional
Settings" cannot delete. For not using these
measurements, choose a measurement by a measurement setup
menu. And click a property, and turn off "Display".
Refer to item "2.2.2 Measurement Type".

2-95 Q1E-EA1130
2.7.3 Export of measurement

By selecting the items to be saved in the memory medium from System

in the left side of the window and pressing Export button, the
items are exported to the memory medium. If Region is selected
in this case, the whole Region is exported.
If Measurement Group is selected, the whole Group is exported.
If a single Measurement is selected, the single measurement is
The data to be exported, if it is a large data volume, may not
be storable in the floppy disk. It is, therefore, recommended
to save the data in the DVD-RAM.

And if expected data becomes bigger size, then it often takes

time for processing of exporting.
We recommend that its process to be carry out after that you select
only necessary item.


The exported data are not saved in the memory medium until
the Save to Media button is pressed. To save the data,
be sure to press the Save to Media button.

2-96 Q1E-EA1130
2.7.4 Import of measurement

By selecting the items to be imported to the scanner unit from

Read From in the right side of the window and pressing Import
button, the items are imported to the scanner unit. If Region
is selected in this case, the whole Region is imported.
If Measurement Group is selected, the whole Group is imported.
If a single Measurement is selected, the single measurement is
y The exported data are not saved in the scanner unit
until the OK button is pressed on the Measurement Setup
window. To save the data in the scanner unit, be sure
to press the OK button on the Measurement Setup window.
y Please do not import measurements which exported on
the other language system.
y When two same measurement items were displayed by a
measurement menu, please display a measurement setup
menu, and choose the measurement group of the
measurement that two same measurement items were
displayed. The property dialog is displayed by clicking
a property button. "Open in Menu" is set to OFF. Setting
"Open in Menu" to ON does not display the group name
in the measurement select menu. The measurement in the
group is developed and displayed at the position in
which the group should be displayed. Refer to item "2.2.2
Measurement Type".

2.7.5 Replacement of measurement

By selecting the items to the scanner unit and pushed [Replace],

it can be replaced the items of the scanner. For example, selecting
OB-STD in the left side and selecting OB-Todai of [Additional
Settings], and pushed [Replace], it can be replaced from OB-STD
to OB-Today.
y It is impossible to replace Measurement with Measurement Group.
Also it is impossible to replace Measurement Group with
y It is impossible to replace the item with the item of the other
y It is impossible to replace items which have same measurement
Replace data is not stored until pushed OK button of
Measurement Setup. In case of stored result of replaced,
it is necessary to push OK button of Measurement Setup.

2-97 Q1E-EA1130
2.8 Measurement Tool

2.8.1 Outline of measurement tool

The measurement method described in 1.3.2 is Measurement Edit

menu (refer to 2.3 Measurement Edit Menu), and it is set
specifically with the item named Measurement Tool.
The Measurement Tool includes, in addition to "B-Distance" tool
to measure distance and "B-Area" tool to measure area, the ones
that are used only in measurement report such as "Selection"
tool that allows selection of one out of available options.

Measurement Tool includes the following two tools.

(1) Single Tool

This is a tool to obtain only one result from measurement.

(e.g. Tool to measure distance or area.)

Tools exclusive to report such as Selection tool are also included

in Single Tool.

(2) Link Tool

This is a tool to obtain two or more results simultaneously from

(e.g. Tool to obtain multiple results such as max. flow velocity
and mean velocity.)

List of measurement tools are shown on the next page.

2-98 Q1E-EA1130
Table 2.8.1-1 Single Tool (1/2)
No. Tool name Description Unit Remarks
1 B-Distance A distance between 2 points on B-image is mm, cm
2 M-Distance A depth difference between 2 points on mm, cm
M-image is measured.
3 Circumference A circumference of a shape traced on mm, cm
B-image is obtained.
Either Manual or Ellipse is selected as
Method. Manual represents manual tracing
and Ellipse represents tracing by ellipse
4 B-Area An area of a shape traced on B-image. cm2
Any one of Manual, Ellipse and Diameter is
selected as Method. Manual and Ellipse are
same as those of "Circumference" tool.
Diameter is the method to obtain an area of
the circle with a diameter of distance between
two points.
5 M-Area A distance is measured on M-image and an cm2
area of the circle with a diameter of that
distance is obtained.
6 Velocity A velocity at the point selected on D-image is cm/s, m/s, Display unit in
obtained. kHz measurement result
is displayed
corresponding to
the unit of D-image.
7 Time Interval A time difference between two points selected ms, s
on D-image or M-image is obtained.
8 M-Slope A slope (velocity) between two points on mm/s,
M-image is obtained. cm/s
9 D-Slope A slope (acceleration) between two points on cm/s2,
D-image is obtained. m/s2
10 A/N Input Alphanumeric characters can be input in None
measurement report. Either A/N or Number
is selected as Method.
With A/N selected, alphanumeric characters
can be input, while with Number selected,
only numeric characters can be input. In
case of Number, input format can be set in
"A/N Input" box in "Tool" tab on Measurement
Edit menu.

2-99 Q1E-EA1130
Table 2.8.1-1 Continued (2/2)
No. Tool name Description Unit Remarks
11 Selection This allows options to be used in None
measurement report.
Either Check or List can be selected as
Method. "Check" allows ON/OFF to be
selected with check mark for that item, which
"List" allows one of options to be selected.
12 Number Number of already measured items is set in None
the designated measurement items.
13 <Link Only> Item is defined as specific to Link Tool. None
14 <Title> This is Measurement Result Display area and None
Title is used.
15 Calculation Calculation is performed by using Any unit
measurement results. A calculation equation
is input in "Substitution" area.
16 BPScore Biophysical Score is input in Obstetric None
Measurement report.
17 BPSlongAxis A long axis is set in Biplane Simpson mm, cm
18 BPSVolume Left ventricle volume is obtained in Biplane ml
Simpson measurement.
19 3DVolume A volume is calculated in SVolume ml
20 unit conversion A value is converted from grams (g) to pounds lbs
(lbs, oz). A calculation eguation is input
"substitution" area.
21 MVG-M MVG values are plotted on the graph. None Only a graph is
Measured value is
not displayed.
NOTICE: Unit is the one that can be set for the corresponding tool in
Measurement Setup menu.

2-100 Q1E-EA1130
Link tools are shown below. Link attribute of the link tool and
selectable unit for each link tool are also shown below.
Table 2.8.1-2 Link Tools (1/3)
No. Tool name Description Remarks
1 B-Trace By tracing an object on B-mode image, the followings are Select either
measured. Manual or Ellipse
(1) "Long Dist." : Elliptic long axis length (in mm or cm) as Method.
(2) "Short Dist.": Elliptic short axis length (in mm or cm)
(3) "Circ.": Circumference (in mm or cm)
(4) "Area" : Area (in cm2)
NOTICE: "Long Dist." And "Short Dist." can be measured
only when "Ellipse" method is selected.
2 D-Trace By tracing waveform on D-mode image, the followings are
(1) "Peak Velo.": Peak flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(2) "Mean Velo.": Mean flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(3) “Mean PG”: Mean Pressure Gradient (in mmHg)
(4) "Min. Velo.": Min. flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(5) "End-Dias. Velo.": Min. flow velocity at end-diastole (in
cm/s or m/s)
(6) "Accel.Time": Acceleration time (in ms or s)
(7) "Ejection Time": Ejection time (ms or s)
(8) "Decel. Time": Deceleration time (in ms or s)
(9) "Acceleration": Acceleration (in cm/s2 or m/s2)
(10) "PHT": Pressure half-time (in ms or s)
(11) "%WINDOW": %Window value (in %)
(12) "SYS-W": Systolic Window value (in %)
(13) "dP/dt": dP/dt value (in mmHg/s)
(14) "HR": Hear rate (in bpm)
(15) "TVI": Time Velocity Integral (in m)
(16) “Flow Velo.E”: Flov Velocity of E wave (in cm/s or m/s)
(17) “Flow Velo.A”: Flov Velocity of A wave (in cm/s or m/s)
(18) "Mean Velo. (mean trace)": Mean flow velocity by mean
trace(in cm/s or m/s)
(19) “Mean PG (mean trace)”: Mean Pressure Gradient by
mean trace(in mmHg)
(20) "TVI (mean trace)": Time Velocity Integral by mean
trace(in m)
3 HR By setting two points on M-mode image or D-mode image,
the followings are measured.
(1) Time: Measurement time (in ms or s)
(2) R-R: One heartbeat period (in ms or s)
(3) Heat Rate: Heart rate (in bpm)
It is possible to get HR from ECG.

2-101 Q1E-EA1130
Table 2.8.1-2 Continued (2/3)
No. Tool name Description Remarks
4 PHT The followings are measured from Doppler waveform on
D-mode image.
(1) "Peak Velo.": Peak flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(2) "PHT": Pressure half-time (in ms or s)
5 CFM-Velocity The followings are measured when color is displayed on
B-mode image or M-mode image.
(1) "Freq.": Frequency (in kHz)
(2) "Velo.": Flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(3) "Angle": Incident angle correction value (in º)
6 D-Profile The followings are measured by setting any desired time
phase on Doppler waveform on D-mode image.
(1) "MEAN": Instantaneous mean flow velocity
(in cm/s or m/s)
(2) "MODE": Most powerful flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(3) "PEAK": Instantaneous max. flow velocity
(in cm/s or m/s)
(4) "%WINDOW": %Window value (in %)
7 Histogram By setting a region on B-mode image, histogram of the region Either one or 2
is measured. regions can be
(1) "Circ": Circumference of the set region (in mm or cm) selected.
(2) "Area": Area of the set region (in cm2) Two link attributes
such as "Circ1"
(3) "Number": Total number of data
and "Circ2" are
(4) "Mean": Mean brightness
also available.
(5) "SD": Standard deviation
(6) "MODE": Max. frequency brightness
(7) "%MODE": Max. frequency (in %)
8 Angle By delineating 3 line segments on B-mode image, two angles
formed by one line segment and other two line segments are
(1) "Alpha": Acetabular angle (in degree)
(2) "Beta": Caltilagnous acetabular angle (in degree)
9 Biplane Axis length and area of left ventricle volume section traced on
Simpson B-mode image are measured.
(1) "LVA": Left ventricle area (in cm2)
(2) "LVL": Left ventricle long axis length (in mm or cm)
10 Point Measurement points and schemas are defined.
P1 ~ P12

2-102 Q1E-EA1130
Table 2.8.1-2 Continued (3/3)
No. Tool name Description Remarks
11 dP/dt Flow velocity and time necessary to measure dP/dt on
D-mode image are measured.
(1) "V1": 1st flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(2) "V2": 2nd flow velocity (in cm/s or m/s)
(3) "T1": Time phase of V1
(4) "T2": Time phase of V2
12 PISA PISA radius and alias. velocity necessary to make PISA
measurement on CFM image are measured.
(1) "Radius" : PISA radius (cm or mm)
(2) "Alias. Velo" : Aliasing velocity (cm/s or m/s)
13 IMT The Maximum IMT, Mean IMT and 3point IMT in order to
perform IMT measurement on B image are calculated.
(1) "Max IMT": Maximum IMT(Maximum thickness of
specified region for measurement) (mm)
(2) "Mean IMT": Mean IMT(Mean thickness of specified
region for measurement) (mm)
(3) "Left IMT": The IMT of the left position on the ROI (mm)
(4) "Center IMT": The IMT of the center position on the ROI
(5) "Right IMT": The IMT of the right position on the ROI
(6) "3pt Mean IMT": An average of Left IMT, Center IMT and
Right IMT (mm)
14 LV LV is measured on M-image.
(1) IVSd: Intraventricular septum end-diastole thickness.(cm
or mm)
(2) LVEdD: Left ventricle end-diastole diameter.(cm or mm)
(3) LVPWd: Left ventricle posterior wall end-diastole
diameter.(cm or mm)
(4) IVSs: Intraventricular septum end-systole thickness.(cm
or mm)
(5) LVEsD: Left ventricle end-systole diameter.(cm or mm)
(6) LVPWs: Left ventricle posterior wall end-systole
diameter.(cm or mm)

2-103 Q1E-EA1130
No. Tool name Description Remarks
15 Vascularity Vascularity measurement on B-mode
(1) VascCFA1: Vascularity value of region 1
(2) VascCFAIndex1:VascularityIndex of region 1
(3) NumROI1:Number of pixels of region 1 (for one frame)
(4) MeanNumCFA1: The Average between frame of The
number with which Dopplar power of region 1.
(5) MeanPowCFA1: The Average between framesof power
of region 1.
(6) NumFrm: Number of analyzed frames.
(7) VascCFA2: Vascularity value of region 2
(8) VascCFAIndex2: VascularityIndex of region 2
(9) NumROI2: Number of pixels of region 2 (for one frame)
(10) MeanNumCFA2: The Average between frame of The
number with which Dopplar power of region 2.
(11) MeanPowCFA2: The Average between framesof power
of region 2
16 M-Trace Distancce or Time measurement on M-mode.
(1) Distance: Distance on M-mode (mm or cm)
(2) MTime: Time interval on M-mode (ms or s)
(3) Slope: Slope on M-mode (mm/s or cm/s or m/s)
(4) Circ.: Circumference of the circle that measured
distance is diameter (mm or cm)
(5) MArea: Area of the circle that measured distance is
diameter (cm2)

2-104 Q1E-EA1130
2.8.2 Setting Measurement tool Setting Single tool

Single tool is set on Measurement Edit tool. For details
of Measurement Edit menu, refer to 2.3 Measurement Edit Menu.

(1) Selection of Single tool

Single tool can be selected in "Tool" box in Measurement Edit

For the case where Link tool is used, select "<Linl Only>" here.

(2) Selection of Method

As shown in Table 2.8.1-1, there are cases where Method can be
set depending on the selected tool.

(Example: As delineating method with B-Area Tool selected, any

one of Manual, Ellipse and Diameter is set.)

Set Method in "Method" box at the right side of "Tool" box. In

the case of tool where setting of Method is not necessary, this
"Method" box is disabled.

Enabled operation Disabled operation

(3) Setting Calculation tool

With "Calculation" selected as Measurement Tool, "Equation" box
in Measurement Edit menu is enabled. Input an equation in the
character input box just under the title "Equation".

Input an equation.

2-105 Q1E-EA1130
Display unit for measurement result can be not only selected
but also directly input in Calculation tool.

Any desired unit can be input.

Number of decimal places can also be set for the calculation

result obtained by the equation. Any one of 0, 1, 2 and 3 can
be selected for number of decimal places.
To set this, select "Tool2" tab in Measurement Edit menu.

Select Tool2 tab.

Select number of decimal places.

(4) Setting Selection tool

Selection tool is the one to allow check mark and options to
be used in Measurement report.
Method : "List"


An example to allow setting of Yes/No/NA options for the

item "Ventricles" in Measurement report.

Method : "Check"

Check mark

An example to allow check mark to be set for the

item"Tia" in Measurement report.

2-106 Q1E-EA1130
To set Selection tool, first select either "Check" or "List"
in Method menu, and then open "Tool" tab in Measurement Edit
menu to set Selection tool.

Tool tab

With "List" selected as Method, input an option in "Item" and

press "Enter" button to register it in "Selection Items". To
set any item to be selected as default when Measurement report
is opened, click on the option in "Selection Items" box and then
press "Default" button at the right side. To delete it from
"Selection Items", press "Delete" button.

With "Check" selected as Method, the check box "Default for Check"
is enabled. By checking this, the Check mark is displayed as
opened when Measurement report is first opened.

(5) Setting A/N Input tool

By using A/N Input tool, alphanumeric or numeric characters can
be input in any item in Measurement report.

Alphanumeric or numeric
characters can be input.

An example to allow comments to be input in the item

"Reason for Exam".

2-107 Q1E-EA1130
To set A/N Input tool, select "A/N" (Alphanumeric) or "Number"
in Manual mode, and then select "Tool" tab to set format of input

Set max. allowable number

of characters.

With A/N selected as Method With Number selected as Method

With A/N selected as Method, set max. allowable number of

With Number selected as Method, set either "Free Format" or "Sign"
and number of decimal places (0, 1 or 2).

(6) Setting Title tool

Title tool functions as short cut to execute an measurement item.
It is used in Doppler measurement, and by putting multiple items
together it can also be opened as an item with one name (usable
for one measurement item).
As an example in Doppler measurement, by defining an
easy-to-understand name such as "LV-TRACE" or "AV-TRACE" in LVOT
measurement by Title tool, and by selecting that item, D-Trace
Link tool for each Doppler waveform is opened.

In setting Title tool, the object to be actually executed is

set when that item is selected. The following two items can
be set as object to be executed.

(a) Link name in Link tool

(b) Measurement Item name in Single tool

2-108 Q1E-EA1130
With Link name set, its Link tool is opened. With Measurement
Item name set, the Single tool set for that measurement item
is opened.

The object to be executed for Title tool is set in "Substitution"

box in Measurement Edit menu.

An example to set Link name

The above is an example in actual LVOT measurement. Measurement

Item name is "LV-TRACE" and this is Title tool, therefore "LV"
that is a name of link to trace LV waveform is set here. By
setting in such way, selecting "LV-TRACE" as Title tool when
measurement is executed opens Link tool to perform Doppler

(a) End of Title

This is used to set the cursor not to move downward from the
title for which measurement is automatically executed. In
the case there are multiple measurement items to use Title
tool and all the measurement items can be executed with items
of their Titles, it is not necessary to move the cursor to
any items other than the Title. In such case, by setting
"End of Title" item located at the bottom of multiple Title
tools to ON, the cursor does not move downward from the set

2-109 Q1E-EA1130 Setting Link tool
To set Link tool, it is necessary to define the measurement
item to be linked as "<Link only>" in Single tool.

(1) New creation of link

Link tool is set in Link Setup dialog to be opened by pressing
"Link" button in Measurement Edit menu (refer to 2.3). In the
case any link is not defined at all for the measurement being
edited, this Link Setup dialog is ready to newly create a link
when it is opened. In the case some links have been already
defined by the measurement, any of the existing links is displayed
as selected. In such case, press "New Link" button to reset
the dialog to the one for new setup.

Fig. Link Setup Dialog

1 To set Link tool, input Name (Link name). Input the Name from
the alphanumeric keyboard. In the case any other link has
been set in the same measurement, do not input the same name.
2 Setting a Link name allows Tool box to be operated. Set a
link tool from options in this box. If the selected link tool
has Method (refer to Table 2.8.1-2), the selection box of Method
is also enabled for operation.

2-110 Q1E-EA1130
3 To display the link name nearby the trace made for the object
by using Link tool, set "Link Name Display" check box to ON.
4 Some of the selected link tools can be set for Property. To
set Property, press "Property" button. For details of
Property in Link tool, refer to "2.3.3 Link Setup".
5 Link a measurement item to the newly created link. The
measurement item defined as <Link Only> in Single tool is
displayed as follows in "Unlinked Items! Box.
6 Select any desired measurement item in "Unlinked Items" and
press "Link" button.

7 Then, Link Attribute Setup dialog is opened.

8 Select link attribute in Attribute box. Link attribute

indicates what variable the selected measurement item is
corresponded to in Link tool. (e.g..:"Peak Velo." is the
attribute representing max. flow velocity in D-Trace tool.)
Accordingly, options displayed in Attribute box in Link
Attribute Setup dialog vary according to the link tool being

2-111 Q1E-EA1130
9 Only in the case the link tool being edited is Point tool,
the check box and figure options in Figure box are enabled
for operation. Whether the figure is displayed or not at the
lower left of the screen during measurement is set in Display
Check box, and select a figure displayed in the options box
thereunder. The figure that can be selected here is for M-mode
schema measurement, and those schemas are incorporated at the
factory before shipment, therefore user cannot create new
schema additionally.

10 Display unit of the item of which link attribute was set is

set in Unit box. Selectable units are defined according to
the tool being edited and its link attribute.

11 Only when the link tool being edited is Point tool and Link
Name Display in Link Setup dialog is set to ON, Label box is
enabled for operation. To display characters at the desired
point where measurement is executed by Point tool, input the
name to be displayed in this Edit box.

12 Press OK button to close Link Attribute Setup dialog.

Then, the link setting of one measurement item has been completed,
and the measurement item is moved to Linked Items box.

Measurement item for

which link setting has Link attribute name
been completed.

The above procedures are a series of operation to link a

measurement item to any desired link object. For concrete
example, refer to "2.5.3 New creation of measurement (by using
Single Tool)".

2-112 Q1E-EA1130
(2) Change in link setting
To change any of registered link settings, follow the next

1 Select the link name in Link Setup dialog of which setting

is to be changed.

Registered link name

2 Change setting of the selected link. Change any tool and set
property as required.
Link can be removed by selecting the measurement item in Linked
Items box and pressing Unlink button.

2-113 Q1E-EA1130
Chapter 3 Measurement Precision

This chapter describes the numerical precision of this unit’s

measurement feature.

3.1 Procedures for performing high precision measurements

The imaging of the cross section, image display, and positioning

of the cursor will vary depending on the operator, and this variation
will appear as deviations in measurement. By understanding anatomic
structure, being familiarized with the equipment, and using a
uniform procedure, deviations due to the operator can be reduced
and a high precision measurement can be taken. Be careful of the
following points when performing a measurement.

(1) Selection of an appropriate probe

Select a probe that is suited for the purpose. A high frequency

probe will provide a high resolution image, but the penetration
will be reduced. Also, directional resolution will be the highest
at the focus where the ultrasonic beam narrows. Therefore, select
a probe with the highest frequency out of those probes with
adequate penetration, with which focus can be placed near the
target area.

(2) Appropriate display setting

To minimize measurement deviations due to pixel size, adjust

display depth and zoom so that the target area is displayed over
a large portion of the display screen.

In the M mode and Doppler mode, it is necessary to select as

high a sweep speed as possible to gain a high time resolution.
For the Pulse Doppler mode, adjust PRF to fully display the
spectral wave over the entire screen.

In the Doppler angle compensation, the precision will decrease

as the beam and blood flow angle θ approaches 90°. (The angle
deviation is 5% if deviating by 1.5° at θ=60°). Therefore it
is necessary to adjust the imaging area and position to minimize
the angle.

(3) Appropriate image adjustment, measurement method, cursor

position and Doppler beam position

It is necessary to be familiarized with the image adjustment,

3-1 Q1E-EA1130
measurement procedures and cursor position adjustment, and
perform operation in a uniform manner. Sensitivity will improve
if the distance with the probe is adequately open, and the
ultrasonic beam is set along the target blood vessel to minimize
the Doppler speckle effect in Doppler measurement.

3.2 Factors in Measurement Deviations

The following factors can cause measurement deviations due to the

innate characteristics of the ultrasound device.

(1) Deviation due to ultrasound velocity inside the body

An ultrasound device is designed with the ultrasound velocity

in the body considered as a constant. However, in actual
measurement the speed may differ according to the tissue. Under
constant conditions, a deviation of approximately 4% will occur.
In the descriptions below, a 4% transmission speed deviation
is taken into consideration for the heart and circulatory system
organs, and 2.5 % transmission speed deviation is taken into
consideration for other measurements.

(2) Deviation due to spatial resolution

Because the spatial resolution of an image has an upper limit

due to probe oscillator spacing, frequency, and convex/linear
shapes, a higher precision measurement is not possible even if
the screen is greatly magnified.

(3) Deviation due to Doppler angle compensation

A 5% deviation can be considered in measurement of flow. However,

in a speed comparison calculation, this deviation is nullified.

(4) Deviation due to dispersion of space

Because an image is displayed on a monitor as a cluster of pixels,

information that is finer in detail than the pixel size cannot
be displayed. In the same way, it is not possible to move the
measurement cursor in steps smaller than the pixel size. Also,
the Doppler beam and angle compensation angle bar rotations can
only be moved in 1°increments. There are measurement deviations
which will arise from this type of special dispersion.

(5) Deviation due to image display

Geometric distortions of the image displayed by the device may

cause some deviation.

3-2 Q1E-EA1130
3.3 Ignorable Deviations

The following deviations are not considered when evaluating


(1) Rounding errors in calculation

This calculation discrepancy is very small and is ignored.

(2) Rounding errors in display

In the display of the calculation results, a single digit level

of error may occur in the display, but this is not included in
the measurement precision. This is considered a deviation in
the display.


1) Results of measurement are calculated based on values of greater
accuracy than the values displayed.
Thus, there are times when results obtained by methods such
as calculator based on displayed values are in error in
comparison with those displayed values.

2) The measured values saved on file are the same as the displayed
numerical values.
Thus, there are times when results obtained by methods such
as calculator based on saved values are in error in comparison
with those displayed values.
In addition, there are also similar cases of error with values
calculated through values read from automatic report readout

3-3 Q1E-EA1130
3.4 Accuracy of Measurement Tools
No BASICAL MEASURING Single Tool Link Tool (Attributes) METHOD and CONDITION ACCURACY Range of measurement (R.M.)
1 B-Distance, B-Trace (Long Dist. and LATERAL DIRECTION ±6% ≧20mm
M-Distance, Short Dist.) ,
BPSLongAxis Biplane Simpson (LVL),
PISA (Radius), ±6% ≧20mm
Point, IMT, LV
M-Trace (Distance)
2 B-Area, B-Trace (Area), TRANCE METHOD ±10% ≧7cm2
M-Area Biplane Simpson (LVA),
Histogram (Area), ELLIPTICAL METHOD ±10% ≧7cm2
M-Trace (Area)
3 Circumference B-Trace (Circ.), TRACE METHOD ±6% ≧100mm
CIRCUMFERENCE Histogram (Circ.),
M-Trace (Circ.)

4 M-Slope,
SLOPE - - ±10% R.M. ≧1/10 of display range
±20% ≧4.2cm3
±18% ≧34cm3
Volume -
±18% ≧4.2cm3
±12% ≧34cm3
M-Trace (Slope) - ±12% AM ≧12cm2, L ≧60mm
6 D-Trace (Accel.Time, At 1.25s/screen ±0.3%
Ejection.Time, At 2.5s/screen ±0.5%
R.M. ≦60beats/min.
Decel.Time, PHT, HR), At 5s/screen ±1%
HR (Time, R-R, Heat At 10s/screen ±2%
TIME Time Interval Rate), At 1.25s/screen ±1%
PHT (PHT), At 2.5s/screen ±2% 60beats/min. < R.M.
dP/dt (T1, T2), At 5s/screen ±4% ≦240beats/min.
Point, M-Trace (Time) At 10s/screen ±8%

No. BASICAL MEASURING FUNCTION Single Tool Link Tool (Attributes) METHOD and CONDITION ACCURACY Range of measurement (R.M.)
7 ±10% 100mm > D ≧20mm
±6% D ≧100mm

TIME (at 1.25s/screen) ±1%

D-Trace (%Window), R.M. ≦60beats/min.
D-Profile (%Window) TIME (at 10s/screen) ±4%

±10% R.M. ≧1/4 of display range

±20% R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
AREA ±20% A > 7cm2
D-Trace (Peak Velo.,
Min. Velo., End-Dial.
Velo., Flow Velo.E, Flow

PHT (Peak Velo.),
VELOCITY Velocity CFM-Velocity (Velo.), - ±15%
D-Profile (Mean, Mode,
R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
dP/dt (V1, V2),
PISA (Alias. Velo),

9 D-Trace (Mean Velo,

10 ACCELERATION - D-Trace (Acceleration) - ±20%
11 SYSTOLIC WINDOW - D-Trace (SYS-W) - ±30%
12 PRESSURE GRADIENT - D-Trace (MeanPG) - ±30%

3.5 Standard Measurement

(1) Calip measurement - Calip -

Position of caliper Measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
In B-mode image DISTANCE (D) ±6% D ≧20mm
In M-mode image SLOPE (S) ±10% R.M. > 1/10 of display range
In Doppler image VELOCITY (V) ±15% R.M. > 1/10 of display range

(2) Trace measurement - Trace -

Position of caliper Measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
In B-mode image AREA by trace (A) ±10% A ≧7cm2
In M-mode image AREA by diameter (A) ±10% ---
In Doppler image AVERAGE VELOCITY (Vm) ±15% R.M. ≧1/20 of display range

(3) Area-ellipse measurement - Area-E -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
DL: Long axis
A AREA ±10% DS: Short axis

(4) Volume measurement - Volume -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
V Volume ±22% V ≧4.2cm3

(5) Velocity and Pressure gradient measurement - Velocity. -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
R.M.≧1/20 of display range

(6) Acceleration measurement - Accel. -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
V1, V2, V3 VELOCITY ±15%
R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
AcT, DcT TIME ±6%
R.M. ≦1.25s/screen

(7) Doppler profile measurement - D-Profile. -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
Mean, Mode, Peak VELOCITY ±15%
R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
%Window RATIO ±30%

3-6 Q1E-EA1130
(8) Ratio measurement - Ratio -
Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
Ratio-Dis (D) RATIO DISTANCE ±10% D1, D2 ≧10mm
Ratio-Area (A) RATIO AREA ±20% A1, A2 ≧7cm2
R.M. ≦60beats/min.
Ratio-Time (T) RATIO TIME ±4%
R.M. ≦10s/screen
Ratio-Velo (V) RATIO VELOCITY ±30% R.M. ≧1/20 of display range

(9) S Volume measurement (for Brachytherapy)

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
Volume VOLUME ±15% 23cm3 ≧4cm3

3.6 Measurements from B-mode Image

(1) Stenosis measurement - % Steno -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
% Steno-D RATIO DISTANCE ±35% D1 = 11mm, D2 = 7mm
% Steno-A RATIO AREA ±35% A1 = 1cm2, A2 = 0.4cm2


Distance (mm) Accuracy (%)

5 18
6 15
7 13
8 12
9 11
10 10
11 9
12 8
15 7
20 6
25 5
30 5
35 5
40 4
45 4

(2) Measurement from the long-axis view image – B (M) –LV/Ao (Long
Result of measurement Accuracy
Aos, Aod, IVSs, IVSd

3-7 Q1E-EA1130
3.7 M-mode Measurement with Schema

(1) Left ventricle measurement - LV -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
HR TIME Same as TIME measurement of 4.1 6).
EF RATIO VOLUME ±30% ED, ES = 40~50mm

(2) Mitral valve measurement - MV -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
EF = 20mm, T = 0.15s,
DEslope, EFslope SLOPE ±10%
R.M. ≦2.5s/screen
A/E RATIO ±11% A = 20mm, E = 30mm

(3) Aortic valve measurement - Ao -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
LA/Ao RATIO ±10% LA ≧30mm, Ao ≧28mm

(4) Tricuspid valve measurement - TV -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
EF = 21mm, T = 0.25s,
DEslope, EFslope SLOPE ±10%
R.M. ≦2.5s/screen
A/E RATIO ±11% A = 20mm, E = 30mm

(5) Pulmonic valve measurement - PV -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
Awave DISTANCE ±90% 1mm
EF = 8mm, T = 0.4s,
EFslope SLOPE ±14%
R.M. ≦2.5s/screen

3-8 Q1E-EA1130
3.8 Doppler Measurements

(1) Left ventricular outflow tract - LVOT and RVOT -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
AT, ET, HR, PEP TIME ±6% AT ≧0.1s, ET ≧0.7s
AT/ET, PEP/ET RATIO ±10% R.M. ≦2.5s/screen
CSA AREA ±15% CSA ≧2cm2
SV STROKE VOLUME ±35% R.M. ≦2.5s/screen

(2) Left ventricular inflow tract - LV Inflow and RV Inflow-

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
AT, ET, PHT TIME ±6% AT ≧0.1s, ET ≧0.75s
Acc ACCELERATION ±20% R.M. ≦2.5s/screen
Flow velocity:
A/E, AT/ET RATIO ±10% R.M. ≧1/20 of display range

CSA ≧2cm2
R.M. ≦2.5s/screen

(3) Vascular Measurement - Vasc1 and Vasc2 -

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
AT, ET, HR TIME ±6% AT ≧0.1s, ET ≧0.75s
Acc ACCELERATION ±20% R.M. ≦2.5s/screen
Flow velocity:
AT/ET RATIO TIME ±10% R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
Flow velocity:
R.M. ≧1/20 of display range
CSA AREA ±22% CSA = 0.4cm2
SV, FV FLOW VOLUME ±40% R.M. ≦2.5s/screen

3-9 Q1E-EA1130
3.9 Left Ventricular Cardiac Function Measurements

(1) B-EF (TEICHHOLZ), B-EF Pombo, B-EF Gibson

Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
EF RATIO VOLUME ±30% ED, ES = 40~50mm

(2) Area-Length
Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
EF RATIO VOLUME ±40% A ≧20cm2, L ≧60mm

(3) BI-Plane
Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
EF RATIO VOLUME ±30% D1 ≧65mm, D2, D3 ≧35mm

(4) Simpson
Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
EF RATIO VOLUME ±25% AM ≧12cm2, L ≧60mm

(5) Bullet
Result of measurement Accuracy Range of measurement (R.M.)
EF RATIO VOLUME ±25% AM ≧12cm2, L ≧60mm

3-10 Q1E-EA1130
Appendix A Un-protection Procedure

The operation procedures for un-protection are shown below.

(1) Boot the system.
(2) Insert the AUTHENTIC DISK.
(3) Press Main Menu key, click "Setup", "System" and then "Entry
Opt." sequentially.
(4) The software is automatically un-protected. When the
un-protection is successfully completed, the dialog "Successful
un-protection dialog" is displayed as shown in Fig.Appendix A-1.
If it is not displayed, check to see if AUTHENTIC DISK is compatible
with the system and make sure of the AUTHENTIC DISK label.

Successful un-protection dialog

Fig.Appendix A-1

(5) Take out the AUTHENTIC DISK.

(6) Click [OK] button on "Successful un-protection dialog".
(7) The system is automatically rebooted.

A-1 Q1E-EA1130

Cautions to be observed during the

% use of Real-time Doppler
%Steno Measurement....... 1-214 Measurement ............ 1-221
%Steno-A Measurement..... 1-194 CFM-Velo. Measurement..... 1-51
%Steno-D Measurement..... 1-195 Change of display order in
Measurement menu and Result
Display area ............ 2-63
CO Measurement........... 1-141
Accel. Measurement........ 1-40
Common memory in Region... 2-85
Angle Measurement......... 1-67
Common memory of Link tool 2-89
Ao Measurement........... 1-153
Common memory of Single tool
Area...................... 1-18 ........................ 2-86
Area Length Measurement.. 1-176 Configuration of Measurement
Area-E Measurement........ 1-51 Setup .................... 2-1
Area-Length Method........ 1-23
Arm A. Measurement....... 1-193
Decel. Measurement........ 1-42
Auto Trace Method......... 1-28
Detail of measurement report
AV-Area Measurement...... 1-143 ....................... 1-224
Average heart rate setting1-219 Dia.Func. Measurement.... 1-139
Display or non-display of
B measurement item ........ 2-59
Basic Measurements........ 1-33 Distance.................. 1-16
Basic operation........... 2-17 Distance Method........... 1-18
Basic Procedures.......... 1-10 dP/dt Measurement........ 1-160
B-Distance Measurement.... 1-65 D-Profile Measurement..... 1-43
B-EF, M-EF, (Pombo, Gibson,
Teichholz) Measurement . 1-137 E
BI-Plane Measurement..... 1-179 Edition of Obstetric table 2-42
Biplane Method............ 1-24 Ellipse Method...... 1-20, 1-24
B-LV/Ao, M-LV/Ao Measurement End of Real-time Doppler
....................... 1-157 Measurement ............ 1-221
B-Mode Method............. 1-16 Examples of measurement edition
Bullet Measurement....... 1-181 ........................ 2-59
Export menu of OB table... 2-51
C Export of measurement..... 2-96
Calip Measurement......... 1-33
Caliper Method............ 1-26 F
Carotid Measurement...... 1-190 Factors in Measurement Deviations
......................... 3-2

Index-1 Q1E-EA1130
Flow Volume Measurement... 1-59 Measurement Edit Menu..... 2-16
Follicular Measurement.... 1-71 Measurement Export/Import
Freeze on operation in Real-time function ................ 2-93
Doppler Measurement .... 1-220 Measurement Item Edition area
Functions of [Measurement Setup] ........................ 2-19
menu .................... 2-15 Measurement on review image from
Functions of Keys......... 1-10 image memory ........... 1-250
Measurement Precision...... 3-1
G Measurement procedures.... 1-16
Graphic display of obstetric Measurement report....... 1-222
Measurement ............ 1-237
Measurement Report Function
Gynecology Measurement.... 1-70 ....................... 1-222
Measurement Result Filing
H function ............... 1-245
Hide Loci................. 1-13 Measurement result filing setup
Histogram Measurement..... 1-53 ........................ 2-53
HR Measurement............ 1-47 Measurement Setup.......... 2-1
Measurement Setup menu..... 2-4
I Measurement Tool.......... 2-98
Ignorable Deviations....... 3-3 Measurement Type........... 2-6
Import of measurement..... 2-97 Measurements for abdominal and
IMT Measurement.......... 1-196 urology ................. 1-67
Input to DGA.............. 1-90 Measurements for cardiac. 1-128
Instantaneous Flow Velocity1-25 Measurements for vascular 1-190
Measuring display frame move
L ....................... 1-218
Leg A. Measurement....... 1-191 Measuring display frame size
change ................. 1-218
Link Setup................ 2-31
Measuring Functions........ 1-1
LV inflow Measurement.... 1-188
M-Mode Method............. 1-17
LV Measurement........... 1-145
Move Box.................. 1-12
LVOT Measurement......... 1-184
MS Measurement........... 1-142
M Multipurpose Measurements. 1-39
M.Simpson Measurement.... 1-128 MV Measurement........... 1-154
Manual Trace Method....... 1-27 MV Regurg Measurement.... 1-162
M-Distance Measurement.... 1-66 MVG-M Measurement........ 1-166
Mean trace display....... 1-217
Mean trace display color selection
....................... 1-219 New creation of measurement (by
using Link Tool) ........ 2-73
Meas. Save................ 1-13

Index-2 Q1E-EA1130
New creation of measurement (by R
using Single Tool) ...... 2-66 Ratio-Velo, Ratio-Time,
Ratio-Dis, Ratio-Area
O Measurement ............. 1-46
Obstetric Measurements (OB-STD, Real-time Doppler Measurement
OB-Todai, OB-OsakaU, OB-JSUM) ....................... 1-216
........................ 1-79
Real-time Doppler Measurement
Opening Measurement function menu .......... 1-217
Import/Export window .... 2-93
Real-time Doppler Measurement
Outline.................... 1-1 start .................. 1-216
Outline of measurement tool2-98 Rectangle Method.......... 1-22
Replacement of measurement 2-97
Resize.................... 1-12
Peak trace display....... 1-217
RI, PI Measurement........ 1-57
Peak trace display color selection
....................... 1-219 RV inflow Measurement.... 1-174

PHT Measurement.......... 1-182 RVOT Measurement......... 1-172

Plot trace method......... 1-31

Preset measurement items and
report display items .... 1-82 Saving measurement result 1-243

Procedures for performing high Scroll.................... 1-11

precision measurements ... 3-1 Setting Link tool........ 2-110
Property for Angle Tool... 2-39 Setting Measurement tool. 2-105
Property for Biplane Simpson Tool Setting obstetric measurement
........................ 2-38 display items ........... 1-94
Property for dP/dt Tool... 2-39 Setting Single tool...... 2-105
Property for D-Trace Tool. 2-34 Simpson Measurement...... 1-180
Property for Histogram Tool2-37 Special menu.............. 2-49
Property for HR Tool...... 2-36 Starting Measurement Setup menu
......................... 2-4
Property for IMT.......... 2-40
Property for PISA Tool.... 2-40 Starting up Measurements... 1-8
Stored table data and fetal weight
Property for Vascularity Tool
........................ 2-41 calculation equation .... 1-94
Substitution for Measurement
PV flow Measurement...... 1-140
result .................. 1-36
PV Measurement........... 1-156
SVolume Measurement. 1-24, 1-74

Qp/Qs Measurement........ 1-169
Time Measurement.......... 1-39
Trace (Doppler measurement)1-27
Trace direction selection 1-218

Index-3 Q1E-EA1130
Trace Measurement......... 1-34
Trace Method.............. 1-19
TV Measurement........... 1-155
TV Regurg Measurement.... 1-164

Unique ID menu............ 2-55
Un-protection Procedure.... A-1
Urology Measurement....... 1-72
User Default.............. 1-13

V Ave. Measurement........ 1-45
Vasc1/Vasc2 Measurement... 1-62
Vascularity Measurement... 1-76
Velocity Measurement...... 1-50
Volume.................... 1-23
Volume Measurement........ 1-49

Index-4 Q1E-EA1130

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