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DATE: 29/03/2023
Subject: ZOOLOGY
Topic: Cell Biology~ Cell
organell -Mitochondria and
Mitochondria APJ

Mitochondria is the double membrane organelle and is

largest cytoplasmic organalle in animal cells.
Mitochondria is viewed under both light as well as
electron microscope but under staining process with
James green B .
Number of mitochondria in a cell depends upon its
physiological activity amd the total number of
mitochondria in a cell are collectively called
Shape of mitochondria is sausage or cyclindrical. APJ

Size of mitochondria is 0.2-1 micron and its length is 1-4

Mitochondria is the most active and busiest organelle, it
contains highest number of enzymes which are catabolic
and oxidative in nature.
Mitochondria is the site of aerobic respiration (krebs cycle
and oxidative phosphorylation (ETC). During oxidative
phosphorylation ATP is synthesized therefore,
mitochondria is also called as ATP mills, storage batteries,
power house of cell etc.
Mitochondria was observed by Kollikes.Altman called APJ

them bioblasts, Fleming called them Filia and the term

mitochondria was discovered by Benda.
Main mineral present in mitochondria is Mn2+ followed by
under electron microscope mitochondria reveals
following structure viz
1. outer membrane
2. inner membrane
3. outer chamber
4. inner chamber.
outer membrane APJ

The outer membrane covers the surface of the

mitochondrion and is sieve like.
It is a phospholipids bilayer which has several integral
membrane proteins called the porins.
It separates the inside organelle from the rest of the cell.
It is 60-75 Angstroms thick.
The membrane primary transports nucleotides, ions, and
metabolites between cytosol and the intermembrane
Inner Membrane APJ

The inner membrane of mitochondria is rather complex

in structure. It has many folds that form a layered
structure called cristae, and this helps in increasing the
surface area inside the organelle. The cristae and the
proteins of the inner membrane aid in the production of
ATP molecules. The inner membrane is strictly
permeable only to oxygen and ATP molecules. A number
of chemical reactions take place within the inner
membrane of mitochondria
outer chamber APJ

The outer chamber is the space between outer

membrane and inner membrane. it is 60-100 wide and is
also called as peri mitochondrial space
functions of mitochondria APJ

The most important function of mitochondria is to

produce energy through the process of oxidative
phosphorylation. It is also involved in the following
Regulates the metabolic activity of the cell
Promotes the growth of new cells and cell multiplication
Helps in detoxifying ammonia in the liver cells.
Plays an important role in apoptosis or programmed cell APJ

Responsible for building certain parts of the blood and
various hormones like testosterone and oestrogen
Helps in maintaining an adequate concentration of
calcium ions within the compartments of the cell
It is also involved in various cellular activities like
cellular differentiation, cell signalling, cell senescence,
controlling the cell cycle and also in cell growth.
cytoskeleton academy

It is an elaborated network of proteineacous filamentous

structure present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells.
It is responsible for mechanical suppor, motility and
maintaining shape of cell .
cytoskeleton is of three types
intermediate filaments.
Microtubules APJ

Its diameter is of 25 nm, it is a diamer made up of 2

types of proteins viz alpha tubulin and beta tubulin.
Its diameter of 6-8 nm, it is a monomer made up of
Intermediate filaments
Its diameter is of 10nm, it is made up of 8 fibrils.
functions of cytoskeleton APJ

Micro tubules help in spindle and astral formation

during cell division.
microfilaments are involved in cytoplasmic
streaming and amoeboid movements.

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