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1. Which of the following is not part of the four ingredients of the preamble?
D) Date of implementation of the constitution

2. Direct democracy is based on four devices, which of the following is not a device of direct democracy?
C) Election

3. The term “Democratic” is used in the Preamble; a broader sense of Democratic means:
D) All

4. The ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity in our preamble have been taken from?
A) French Revolution

5. Who gave the statement that the preamble is the “Horoscope of our Sovereign democratic republic”
A) KM Munshi

6. In which case did the Supreme court opine that the preamble is not a part of the Constitution?
A) Beriberi Union Case (1960)

7. Which of the following is not true about the preamble?

D) Its provision can be enforceable in courts of law.

8. The maximum permissible strength of the Rajya Sabah is:

(A) 250

9. ___ is ex-officio Chairman of Rajya Sabha.

(A) The Vice-President of India

10. The Rajya Sabha is dissolved after

(D) None of the above

11. Chairman of Rajya Sabha submits his resignation letter to

(D) President

12. A money bill can be introduced only in:

(B) Lok Sabha

13. The power to prorogue the Lok sabha rests with the ____.
(D) President

14. Which Article of Indian Constitution gives definition of money bill?

(B) Article 110

15. Under which Constitutional Amendment Act, Article 368 of the Constitution was amended for the
first time—
(C) 24th Amendment Act

16. Which Supreme Court Judgement pronounced that Fundamental Rights cannot be abridged—
(A) Golan Nath vs. State of Punjab A.I.R. 1967 S.C. 1643

17. Who among the following was the Constitutional Advisor of the Constituent Assembly?
c) Sir B.N. Rau

18. Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly?

b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
19. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution?
b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

20. The Indian Constitution was enforced on –

(B) 26th January 1950

21. on whose recommendation was the constituent assembly formed –

(C) Cabinet Mission plan

22. on whose recommendation was the constituent assembly formed –

(C) Cabinet Mission plan

23. How many languages have been recognized by Indian Constitution?

(A) 22

24. Preamble of the Indian Constitution is borrowed from which country?

A) American Constitution

25. Which one of the following persons had called the Preamble as the “Identity card of the constitution”?
A) N A Palkhivala

26. Which of the following word was not added in the preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment
Act (1976?)
D) Republic

27. How many types of Justices are mentioned in the preamble?

B) 3

28. How many types of Liberty are mentioned in the preamble?

D) 5

29. How many types of Equality are mentioned in the preamble?

B) 3

30. on which date, the Constituent Assembly had adopted the constitution?
A) November 26, 1949

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