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Dateline Heading

Press releases typically include specific The heading of this press release is typical for the style. It
datelines such as this one. Thanks to this simply informs the readers of the content of the press
the reader can clearly see when the person PRIMARY NON-LITERARY TEXT
release without stating any of the opinions or closer
spoke about the issue * information which are to be discussed in the rest of the text.

First Paragraph
The First paragraph of this, and most Appeal to emotion and common values
other, press releases serves as basic At the beginning of this paragraph, Sanders
passes direct judgement on the actions of the
context to the issue at hand. In this case
Trump administration and the Supreme Court.
the reader finds out when and where
W He uses a specific kind of Ethos here,
Sanders issued this release and after
imploring his readers to remember “American
which events ⑱ ideals” and condemning the Supreme Court
for not doing so. Through this he connects the
Call to action readers with the issue in a more personal way.
In the final paragraph, Sanders “calls the American
people to action”, a typical feature of press releases.
The repeated use of the first personal plural pronoun
“we” is Sanders’ way of connecting to the audience
and creating a sense of commonality. In this case, that Name calling
commonality is based on his and the readers
By repeatedly mentioning the “Trump
common American nationality. Sanders implores that administration”, Sanders specifically passes
the nation “come together” against division, through blame for the ongoing events to a certain
which he expresses his opinion on the topic while also person/group of people. This not only allows him
mobilising his readers. Furthermore, in this “call to to further build his argument but it also allows for
action” Sanders uses more so negative language…” the reader to see the chain of events and

America loses”, through which he attempts to connect perpetrators through Sanders’ lens.
with other anti-Trump citizens.

Global Issue in the Non Literary and Literary work - The role of organised religion

Both Sanders and Blake focus on a common issue in these two works, that being organised religion. Sanders on the one hand, expresses his sentiments that the
religion of islam and its right to be expressed is being systematically stifled by the American government. Blake on the other hand, presents the argument that
christianity is being forced on people and is taking over every part of their day to day lives. These two views seemingly counter each other, but they both tackle
the question of religious expression and its place in society. Sanders speaks of “the American ideals of religious freedom and tolerance.”, thus presenting the
view that no religion should be hindered or abridged based on a nations leaders opinions. Blake, on the other hand, presents his feeling of the ever-growing
presence of organised religion as a sort of plague. “tomb stones where flowers should be.” Viewing these two works side-by-side raises the interesting question
of how societies feelings towards organised religion has changed over time.

Comparison of non-literary works

The author of all of these press releases is the Democratic Senator of Vermont, Bernie Sanders. All of the presented N-L works thus share a number of features. Besides the conventions of press releases,
which they all have in common, they also all have similar imploring and emotive language.
As mentioned, all four of the texts share the conventions of press releases. Each of them have a short but descriptive headline, a dateline, a first paragraph which provides context on the issue and
following paragraphs which state the Senators opinions.

In terms of content and language the texts also share notable similarities.
In the first text, Sanders commends the US government for being able to avert a shutdown in September of 2023. This creates a clear contrast of opinion to my main N-L text. In the primary N-L text,
Sanders clearly condemns the American government, whilst in this example Sanders condones the governments efforts and successes in averting the shutdown. Despite this difference in sentiments,
both examples show Sanders’ use of emotive and opinionated language - “valiantly struggling against Russian aggression.”.
In the second text Sanders uses pathos, to highlight the graveness of the situation in Israel and Gaza. Once again, Sanders uses highly emotive language to get his point across.
In the third text, Sanders directly addresses issues which are present in America, much like in my main text. Sanders once again uses pathos, to underline the situation and highlight the need for change.
Overall, Sanders shows a pattern of using pathos and ethos, along with other emotive rhetorical devices to conjure emotion in his readers and create a sense of a need for change.



~ hyme


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