OkBM BS ENT 4th QA Output Based

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#3 M. Suarez Ave. (formerly Market Ave.), Maybunga Pasig City

SY 2021 - 2022




To create a Product Presentation based on the business implementation that you conducted.

You are an entrepreneur.

The target audience is potential investors.

You are an entrepreneur who will make a business progress report to evaluate the outcome of
your business for further improvements, identify its potential for profit, and encourage investors
to invest in your business.


A Business Progress Report

Required Elements
1. Report the clear picture into the performance of:
- Finance Objectives (e.g. Target, Final Result)
- Customer Objectives
- Learning Objectives
2. Identify where there is a profit or loss for a business;
3. Provide conclusion/recommendations based on the implementation of the


Refer to the rubrics for each subject on the next pages.


Work in Progress Good Job Excellent Work
Criteria Improvement
(2pts) (3pts) (4pts)

Product Idea Idea is not realistic, Idea is somewhat Idea is realistic, Idea is realistic, well
X3 is not well planned, realistic, partially mostly well planned, planned, and each
and each part of the well planned, and 3-4 and 1-2 sections of the part of the business
business plan is NOT sections of the business plan are NOT plan fully
developed business plan are fully developed. developed.
NOT fully

Supporting no support of content some of the most of the content is content supported
Calculations by data--graphs, content is supported by data-- effectively by data--
Illustrations, charts, tables; supported by data graphs, charts, tables; graphs, charts, tables;
minimal but should mostly appropriate full explanations of
explanations of data include more graphs, explanations of data all data and
X2 and assertions; charts, tables; some and assertions; mostly assertions; all
incorrect calculations explanations of data correct calculations; calculations are
throughout; data not and data mostly presented correct; data are
presented assertions; several in appropriate format; presented in
in appropriate incorrect documentation appropriate format;
format; no calculations; data generally provided. documentation for
documentation sometimes assertions is
provided presented in provided.
appropriate format;
sometimes missing.

Sentence attempts at simple sentence patterns mastery of sentence full range of

Structure and sentences often not most often patterns sentence patterns
Vocabulary successful; many gra successfully demonstrated; may (simple, compound,
X2 mmatical errors; used; several gramm have occasional gram complex),
simple vocabulary, atical errors on the matical errors on the effectively used;
often inappropriately sentence;3-4 sentence level error-
used; no control fragments, or run-on flexibility in range; free sentence-level
of word choice and sentences); adequate appropriate use grammar; broad and
word range; no precise use of business terms and fluent range of
forms; no attempt to of subtle meanings other vocabularies in vocabulary;
use business terms; displayed; business a variety of situations; elaboration and
wordiness and terms only used mostly correct use detail achieved
colloquialisms occasionally; of word through full use of
throughout vocabulary sometime forms and word business terms;
s used choice; occasional concise and
inappropriately; 3-4 wordiness or appropriate use of
instances of colloquialisms vocabulary; correct
wordiness or use of word forms
colloquialisms; often and word choice.
incorrect use of word

Organization The information is Information is Information is Information is

disorganized. logically presented, logically presented logically presented
but paragraphs are with well- with well-
not well constructed constructed
constructed. paragraphs. paragraphs and

Criteria Needs Work in Progress Good Job (3pts) Excellent Work
Improvement (2pts) (4pts)

Target Unable to describe Able to describe Able to describe the Able to describe
Market the market segment the market segment market segment the the specific
the company wants the company wants company wants to market segment
to serve. to serve but needs serve and discuss the company wants
to clearly explain the reason why it is to serve and
the reason why it is selected. discuss
selected. convincingly the
reason why it is

Conclusions/ Conclusions/recom Conclusions are ac Conclusions/recomm Conclusions are

Recommend mendations do ceptable endations relevant and
ations not clearly flow relevant and logically flow accurately portray t
from the portray the from the he key results
X3 document, and/or results of the document of the document. R
miss key document. but the logic may not ecommendations ar
findings. They Recommendations always be e specific action‐
are not well are specific action‐ clear. They are oriented
organized, and are oriented presented in a suggestions,
not presented suggestions, clear, itemized oriented to the
in a clear, oriented to the format, with problem provide,
itemized format, wi problem parallel and organized in a r
th parallel provided. grammatical elevant manner.
grammatical structure
Additional points:
Submitted on time: 2 points
Late submission: 1 point


Needs Work in Progress Good Job Excellent Work

Improvement (1pt) (2pts) (3pts) (4pts)

Product Idea Idea is not realistic, Idea is somewhat Idea is realistic, Idea is realistic,
X3 is not well planned, realistic, partially mostly well well planned, and
and each part of the well planned, and planned, and 1-2 each part of the
business plan is 3-4 sections of the sections of the business plan is
NOT developed business plan are business plan are fully developed.
NOT fully NOT fully
developed. developed.

Sentence Attempts at simple Sentence patterns Mastery of Full range of

Structure sentences often not most often sentence patterns sentence patterns
and successful; successfully demonstrated; may (simple,
Vocabulary many used; several have occasional compound,
X2 grammatical errors; grammatical errors grammatical errors complex),
simple on the sentence on the sentence effectively
vocabulary, often level (e.g. word level (e.g. word used; error-
inappropriately deletions/ deletions/ free sentence-level
used; no control additions, prep., additions; 1-2 run- grammar; broad
of word choice and tense); 3-4 on sentences or and fluent range of
word forms; no fragments, or run- fragments); vocabulary;
attempt to on sentences); flexibility in range; elaboration and
use business terms; adequate range; no appropriate use detail achieved
wordiness and precise use of of business through full use
colloquialisms subtle meanings terms and other of business
throughout displayed; vocabulary in a terms; concise and
business variety of appropriate use of
terms only used situations; mostly vocabulary; correct
occasionally; correct use of word use of word forms
vocabulary someti forms and word and word choice.
mes used choice; occasional
inappropriately; 3- wordiness or
4 instances of colloquialisms
wordiness or
often incorrect use
of word forms.

Organization The information is Information is Information is Information is

X2 disorganized. logically presented, logically logically presented
but paragraphs are presented with with well-
not well well- constructed constructed
constructed. paragraphs. paragraphs and

Target Unable to describe Able to describe Able to describe Able to describe

Market the market segment the market segment the market segment the specific
X2 the company wants the company wants the company wants market segment
to serve. to serve but needs to serve and the company wants
to clearly explain discuss the reason to serve and
the reason why it is why it is selected. discuss
selected. convincingly the
reason why it is

Conclusions/ Conclusions/recom Conclusions are ac Conclusions/ Conclusions are

Recommend mendations do ceptable recommendations relevant and
ations not clearly relevant and logically flow accurately portray
flow from the portray the from the the key results
X3 document, and/or mi results of the document of the document.
ss key document. but the logic Recommendations
findings. They are n Recommendations may not are specific action‐
ot well are specific action‐ always be oriented suggestion
organized, and are n oriented clear. They , oriented to the
ot suggestions, are presented in a problem provided,
presented in a clear, oriented to the clear, and organized in a
itemized problem itemized format, wi relevant manner.
format, with provided. th parallel
parallel grammatical
grammatical structure

TOTAL: 48 Additional points:

Submitted on time: 2 points
Late submission: 1 point

TOTAL SCORE: 50 points


Needs Work in Progress Good job Excellent work

Improvement (1pt) (2pts) (3pts) (4pts)

Format Does not follow the Follows the required Follows the Follows the
format. format but some required format. required format and
parts are missing. The details is organized. The
needed are details needed are
complete. complete and

Journal Incomplete records Complete records of Complete and Complete,

Entries of journal entries. journal entries but correct records of detailed, and
Most of the entries some of the entries journal entries. correct records of
are inaccurate. are inaccurate. journal entries.

Ledger Incomplete records Complete records of Complete records Complete and

of ledger entries. ledger entries. Most of ledger entries. organize records of
Most of the entries of the entries are Most of the ledger entries. All
are inaccurate. inaccurate. entries are of the entries are
accurate. accurate.

Trial Computations are Computations are Computations are Computations are

Balance incorrect and the correct but the correct and the correct and the
amount of debit and amount of debit and amount of debit amount of debit and
credit are not credit are not and credit are credit are balance.
balance. balance. balance. Presentation of the
Trial Balance is
easy to

Financial Financial reports are Financial reports are Financial reports Financial reports
Reports incomplete, and with complete but are complete, are complete,
incorrect amounts. computations are organized and organized, labelled
incorrect. with correct correctly and with
amounts. balance and
correct amounts.

Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning

Statement statement is unable statement somewhat statement is able statement is able to
to convey the conveys the potential to convey the convey the
potential of product of product and the potential of potential of product
and the market it market it will serve. product and the and the market it
will serve. market it will will serve. The
serve. product positioning
is unique, original
and gives impact
to potential

Target Unable to describe Able to describe the Able to describe Able to describe the
Market the market segment market segment the the market specific market
the company wants company wants to segment the segment the
to serve. serve but needs to company wants to company wants to
clearly explain the serve and discuss serve and discuss
reason it is selected. the reason it is convincingly the
selected. reason it is

Marketing Unable to discuss Able to discuss the Able to discuss Able to discuss in
Mix Strategy the marketing marketing strategy the marketing detail the
strategy during the during the strategy during marketing strategy
implementation implementation the during the
week. week but discussion implementation implementation
on its effectiveness week and discuss week and convince
is lacking. its effectiveness. that it is effective.

Profit Result of the Result of the Result of the Result of the

X2 business operation business operation business business operation
shows a net loss. shows a break-even. operation shows a shows a 5% and
positive income. higher positive

Auditor’s Disclaimer opinion Adverse opinion Qualified opinion Unqualified

Opinion from the auditor. from the auditor. from the auditor. opinion from the
X2 The auditor is There are major The auditor has auditor. The auditor
doubtful about the corrections and proven that the has proven that the
records or cannot discrepancies. business business operation
provide an opinion operation is is profitable and
due to missing profitable and evidences are
documents. evidences are credible. Financial
credible. There records are
are minor certified accurate.
corrections and
TOTAL: 48 Additional points:

Submitted on time: 2 points

Late submission: 1 point

TOTAL SCORE: 50 points

Submission: The deadline is on April 6, 2022. You can save the file in a flash drive then submit or send the
soft copy to the following emails:

For Entrepreneurship subject:


For Business Marketing subject:


For Business Simulation subject:



(Write a brief introduction of your business)
(Provide the details of your target market, duration of sales, you may also apply the 4Ps of Marketing or the
4Ms of Business Operation)
(Present a financial report by comparing the target objectives with the results you have attained at the end of the
business implementation)
● Use illustrations and graphics—such as infographics—but be sure that these graphics are appropriate for
the report.

(Address the issues you might encounter during the business implementation)

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