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Class – SSC

Subject  Chemistry
Chapter ─ 6
1. Mole of the substance:
Ans. The amount of a chemical substance that contains as many as the Avogadro number
(6.02  1023) of molecules, atoms or ions is called the mole of the substance.
1 mole atom = 6.02  1023 atoms
1 mole molecule = 6.02  1023 molecules
1 mole ion = 6.02  1023 ions
 1 mole C atom = 12 grams of C = 6.02  1023 number of C atoms
 1 mole H2O molecule = 18 grams of H2O = 6.02  1023 number of H2O molecules
2. Avogadro number: The number 6.02  1023 is used in the case with atoms, molecules
and ions etc. This number is called the Avogadro number.
3. What is the unit of any chemical measurement ?
Ans. Mole
4. One mole: The expression of atomic mass of atoms and the molecular mass of
molecules into gram unit is called one mole.
For example: 1 mole H2O = 18 grams of H2O
5. Moleculer mass: The summation of atomic masses of all atoms that constitute a
molecule denotes the molecular mass of the molecule.
Cl2 = 35.5  2 = 71
NaCl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5
CuSO4. 5H2O = 63.5 1+ 321+169 + 110
= 249.5
6. Molar volume of gas: The volume that 1 mole of a gaseous substance occupies is
called the molar volume of that gas.
7. Standard condition/standard temperature and pressure:
0C temperature and 1 atm pressure together is called the standard temperature and
pressure or the standard condition.
8. The volume of 1 mole gas in standard condition is 22.4 liters.
9. i. n = n = mole number
w = mass in gram
ii. n = V = volume in liter
22.4 N = Number of molecules
N M = Molecular Mass
iii. n =
6.023  1023

10. In case of gas (CO2)

Ans. 1 Mole CO2 gas = 44 g CO2 = 6.0 23  1023 number CO2 molecules = 22.4 liter CO2
11. Molarity:
Ans. The number of mole of a substance dissolved in every liter of solution at a certain
temperature called molarity of the solution.
12. Molar solution:
Ans. At a fixed temperature, if one mole solute is dissolved in 1 liter solution, then that
solution is called molar solution or 1 molar solution.
13. Semi – molar solution:
Ans. When 1 liter solution has 0.5 mole solute that is called a semi – molar solution. The
molarity of a semi-molar solution is 0.5.
14. Decimolar solution:
Ans. When 1 liter solution has 0.1 mole solute, that is called a decimolar solution. The
molarity of a decimolar solution is 0.1.
15. According to concentration, solution is of 2 types:
i. Concentrated Solution
ii. Dilute Solution
i. Concentrated solution : Out of two solution of same volume the solution which
one has comparatively more amount of solute is called concentrated solution.
ii. Dilute Solution : Out of two solution of same volume the solution which one
has comparatively less amount of solute is called dilute solution.
16. There is a relationship between molarity of solution, volume of solution, mass and
molecular mass of the solute.
w = Mass of solute in gram
SVM S = Molarity
1000 V = volume in milimeter
M = Molecular Mass

17. How will you prepare 0.2 molar NaCl Solution in a volumetric flask of 250 ML?
Ans. Given,
Molecular Mass of NaCl
= 231 + 35.51
= 58.5
Volume, V = 250 ml
Molarity, S = 0.2 mole
We Know
0.2  250  58.5
= 2.925 g
Now, we add 2.925 g NaCl in a 250 ml volumetric flask. Then pour 250 ml water
inside the flask. That will complete the preparation of 0.2 molar solution.
18. percent composition of elements:
Ans. The gram measurement of an element present in a 100 gram compound is called the
percentage composition of that element.

Percent composition of an element in a compound

atomic mass of element  number of atom  100
Molecular mass of compound

19. Mathematical problem

i) Find out the percent composition of H and Cl in HCl
Ans. Molecular mass of HCl = 11 + 35.51
1  1  100
The percent composition of H = %
= 2.74%
35.5  1  100
The percent composition of Cl = %
= 97.26%
ii) Find out the percent composition of H, S and O in H 2SO4
Ans. Molecular mass of H2SO4 = 1  2 + 32  1 + 16  4
= 98
1  2  100
Percent composition of H= %
= 2.04%
32  1  100
Percent composition of S= %
= 32.65%
16  4  100
Percent composition of O= %
= 65.3%
iii) Find out the percent composition of Al, S and O in Al2(SO4)3
Ans. Molecular mass of Al2 (SO4)3
= 27  2 + (32  1 + 16  4)  3
= 342
27  2  100
Percent composition of Al = % = 15.78%
32  3  100
Percent composition of S = % = 28.07%
16  12  100
Percent composition of O = % = 56.14%

20. Empirical formula: The formula that Shows the ratio of the number of atoms of
different elements present in a molecule is called the empirical formula.
Ex. Empirical formula of hydrogen peroxide is HO
Empirical formula of benzene is CH
21. Molecular formula:
Ans. The formula that expresses the exact number of the atoms of elements that form a
compound is called molecular formula.
Ex. Molecular formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2
Empirical formula of benzene is C6H6

22. The percent composition of elements in a compound are given as H = 2.04%, S =

32.65% and O = 65.30%. Determine the empirical formula of the compound.
Ans. First, we’ll divide the percent composition of the elements by their atomic masses:
H = = 2.04
S = = 1.02
O = = 4.08
Now, we will divide the quotients by the Small quotient above:
H = =2
S = =1
O = =4
 Empirical formula = H2S1O4
= H2SO4
23. The percent composition of a compound is C = 92.31%, H = 7.69%. The molecular
mass of the compound is 78. Determine its molecular formula.
Ans. First we will divide the percent composition of the elements by their atomic masses:
C= = 7.69
H= =1
 Empirical formula = C1H1 = CH
Molecular formula = (Empirical formula) n
= (CH)n
= (12  1 + 1  1)n
= 13n
According To Question
13n = 78
Or, n = =6
 molecular formula = (CH)n = (CH)6
= C6H6

24. Differences between empirical formula and molecular formula:

Empirical Formula Molecular Formula
Empirical formula shows the Molecular formula shows the actual
simplest whole number ratio of ratio of atoms, in the compound
Several compound can have the No two compounds show same
same empirical formula. molecular formula
Molecular mass in not needed to Molecular mass is needed to calculate
calculate empirical formula molecular formula
Cannot get the exact molecular mass Can get the exact molecular mass

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