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Prepare by : Hairil
Chronological Painting Line Block B Breakdown
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Chronological Painting Line Block B Breakdown
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Chronological Painting Line Block B Breakdown
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Chronological Painting Line Block B Breakdown
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Testing edit Master
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Painting engineering team get 2 sample from supplier that’s chemical for testing first is “yellow chemical” from
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supplier Masterfrom
and “phoscote” textnewstyles
supplier. Engineering team start conduct experiment on both chemical
to find• suitable
Second level for replacement phosphate chemical for best coating surface.
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• Fourth level
Process Flow Chart Experiment Conduct PASS

• Fifth level
Degreasing Process Phosphating process Powder Coating Cross
Drying Process FAIL
Existing (Yellow Chemical) Process cut


Degreasing Process Phosphating process Powder Coating Cross FAIL
Drying Process
Existing (Phoscote chemical) PRocess cut
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Summary test
resulttitle style

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Yellowish Chemical
• Second levelDegreasing process
Test sample/ Type Phosphating Process Drying Process Powder Coat Process
• Third level
Sample 1 Pass Pass Pass Pass
• Fourth level
Sample 2 • Fifth levelPass Pass Pass Pass
Sample 3 Pass Pass Pass Pass

Phoscoat Chemical
Test sample/ Type Degreasing process Phosphating Process Drying Process Powder Coat Process
Sample 1 Pass Pass Pass Pass
Sample 2 Pass Pass Pass Pass
Sample 3 Pass Pass Pass Pass
Conclusion result
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•• Both
to editis suitable
Master to use
textbased on result cross cut result after painting process.
• Painting engineering team suggest to use phoscoat because this chemical composition type are 2 in
• Second level
1 chemical means it will be as degreasing and also as phosphating. So if any oil can fully remove on
• Third
first stage degreasing
level process second stage will be support cleaning oil.
• Below table• are
Fourth level details of both chemical.
• Fifth level
Type Chemical 1 Chemical 2

Supplier Winyeild supplier (Existing supplier) Chemsolve Services (New Supplier)

Type Chemical Yellow Chemical Phoscoat Chemical

Composition Type Phosphate Only 2 in 1 chemical type

Degreasing and Phosphate

Prices RM 14.80/kg 20kg/pack RM10.80/kg 30kg/pack

RM14.50/lit 30Lit/Pack
2 in 1 Phoscoat Booster 100 IRON PHOSPHATING BJ-70
Chemical Price : RM10.80/kg
Size Tank : 3000 litters
Total Chemical using first : 5% x size tank
5% x 3000litter
150 kg
Chemical Price: Rm216
Total Price chemical using first: 150 kg x rm10.80
Size Tank: 3000 litters
Chemical usage from 19 Jan 2021 until 27 Oct 2021: 71 Jar
Total Chemical use for replenish: 2kg + 2kg + 2kg + 3kg + 4kg
Total cost Chemical purchase is: 71 x Rm216 = RM15,336
+ 3kg + 4kg + 3kg + 3kg
Total cost per monthly usage: RM15,336/ 12 = RM1,278
Total Price chemical use for replenish : 26kg x RM10.80
Total Prices Chemical : RM1,620 + RM280.80

Cost Comparison Between 2 in 1 Phoscoat Booster 100 and IRON PHOSPHATING.

1900.80 / 1,278= 1.4 %

Cost Saving Per Year Calculation

Total cost reducing for cleaning thinner 30% : RM 15,613.2
Total cost preheat process due to hard oil 2hrs run gases + electrical: RM172.88 per hours 1 year consumption = RM172.88 * 30 =RM 10,372.8
Total of all cost saving will reduces by changing this chemical is : RM 46,803.60
Chronological Painting Line Block B Breakdown
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Chronological Painting Line Block B Breakdown
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