The Homoeopathic Therapeautics of Diarrhoea by James Rathiba

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●Name : The Homoeopathic
therapeutics of diarrhoea, dysentery,
cholera, cholera morbus,cholera infantum
and all other loose evacuations of the
●Author : James B Bell
●Publisher : B Jain, pvt Ltd.
●Printed at : J J Offset
●Price : Rs 18 .00
● Editions :
● 1st - 1869
● 2nd - 1881
● 3rd - 1888
● 4th - 1896

● This book is the 13th edition & is a reprint edition.

● Preface to 1st ,2nd , 3rd ,4th editions.
● Editors preface.
● Character and object of the work.
● Selection of the remedy.
● Administration of the remedy.
●The first page contains a short
heading of the book , The
Homoeopathic Therapeutics of
● The 2nd page contains the full
heading of the book and a quotation
by sir W M Hamilton – “science is a
complement of knowledges ,having ,in
point of form , the character of logical
perfection, and,in point of matter, the
character of real truth.”
● In the third page the publisher
pays a tribute of appreciation to
Dr S P Padiar, Ernakulum for
kindly making available the
original book for printing.
Preface to the first edition –

● The author says that this work

was prepared for his own use ,as
a time- saver,and as a receptacle
for clinical observations,and for
gleanings from others and from
the periodicals.
● It was the difficulty of treating obstinate
diarrhoeas of infants that first
awakened the desire to prepare this
work.Only those remedies of which
enough is known of its stools,conditions
or concomittants, to distingush it from
any other remedy is included.
●The present work is now printed
because his colleagues desired to
posses a copy and Mr
Tafel ,desired to print it ,more over
it would be useful to others.He
confess that along with many
valuable symptoms there are also
many errors
● This work is the carefully collected
experience of ten active years.In this
book sources from which many
valuable symptoms were drawn are
not added, since it is a greatful task
and it would detract from its practical
character as a work of reference
Preface to the 2nd edition.

● Dr W T Laird has added much of his

own collection in 2nd edition, and
printed it.
● Dr T M Dillingham,had made a
partial revision of the book.
● The author says that it is as a lover of
sound therapeutics that he has taken up
these subjects.He also thanks
● Dr Ad Lippe for contributing two
annotated copies and many suggestions.
Editors preface:

● The remedies in this edition is divided

into four classes.
● In the first class throughly proved and
repeatedly varified are included.

● The second consists of drugs well

proved but lack clinical confirmation.
● Third include remedies of which
fragmentary and imperfect pathogenesis
known.These are styled the “suggestive
remedies” include such drugs as Coto Bark,
Gent lut,Geran, Gnaph, Hura, Oenothera,
Paullinia etc.

● The fourth division include remedies whose

indication are derived solely ab us in morbis.
●In the second edition the same
general plan has been followed
with exception that the important
symptoms are italicized and those
characteristic are printed in black
● The term cholera infantum may be
properly designated as entero-colitis
and gastro enteric catarrh. This edition
contains 100 pages more than the first.
32 new remedies have been added and
the old ones thoroughly revised, or
entirely rewritten.
●Numerous clinical symptoms
have been incorporated whose
genuineness is attested by
trustworthy observers or the
writer varified in his own
● The writer acknowledge his indebtedness to
● Dr W P Wesselhoeft and Ad Lippe for
valuable notes and suggestions, to
● Prof E A Farrington for important
information and for the free use of very
complete notes of his lectures on materia
● To Dr F F Laird for assistance in preparing
the manuscript.
● It was thoroughly revised in the purpose of making it
as nearly complete as possible.
● Four remedies of little importance have been omitted
viz Cactus, Euphorb, Opuntia and Castoreum and
five of much value have been added viz Acetic acid,
Crotalus, Angusturia, Carbolic acid and Valeriana.
● Drs Samuel A Kimball , J.G Allen and W . Jefferson
Guernsey gave most valuable assistance in this

● A through revision to make it near to the

complete was made . only a few changes
were made without addition or omission of

Character and object of the work.

❖ This work is intended to apply to
all loose evacuations of the bowels
their aggrevations and ameliorations
with their immediate accompaniments
& general accompanying symptoms.
● The character of the stool is used as an
adjective after it the “ Stool
● Under each of the best known
remedies some symptoms have been
italicized which has been frequently
observed, which sharply distinguish
that remedy from others.
The selection of the remedy

● The selected remedy should posses the

physical and diagnostic symptoms of
the case which corresponds to the
special, distinguishing and peculiar
symptoms which mark the individual
The administration of the remedy

● Remedies should be administered in

water and repeated every one to six
hours according to the urgency of the
symptoms and suspended as soon as
decided improvement appeared .If same
remedy was needed to be resumed again
it is administered in a higher potency.
●The authors experience has
been most satisfactory with the
use of twelfth, fifteenth,
thirtieth, two hundredth and
higher potencies.

● This book is divided in to two parts:

●Remedies and their indications
●Repertory proper
●Part I
● Remedies and their
indications.(141 remedies)
● 1 Type of stool
● 6 After stool
● 2 Aggravations
● 7
● 3 Amelioration Accompaniments

● 4 Before stool ● 8 During

convalescence –
● 5 During stool given only in few
drugs eg China, sul.
● Pathological names
● Character of stools
● Conditions of stools and of the
accompanying symptoms
- Aggravations
- Ameliorations
● Accompaniments of the evacuations
- Before stool
- During stool
- After stool

● Mind &mood ● Mouth

● Head ● Throat
● Eyes & ears ● Oesophagus
● Nose ● Appetite
● Face ● Erectations
● Nausea & vomiting
● Stomach
● Abdomen ● Fever
● Anus chill
● Urine heat
● Sexual organs sweat
● Chest Pulse
● Back & Neck ● Skin
● Extremities ● General symptoms
● Sleep
The remedies are used in four grades:
● Typography Marks
● Bold 4
● Italics 3
● Roman 2
● (Roman ) 1

● Medicines written in brackets are doubtful remedies.

They are not taken for repertorization.

● Rubrics are arranged in the alphabetical

order in all chapters and subchapters.

● Chapter 1 Pathological names.

● Like cholera,Diarrhoea, Diarrhoea –c/c,

infantile. Dysentery.
● Chapter 2 Character of stool
● Eg Albuminous,Bilious etc

● Chapter 3 Conditions of stools and of the

accompanying symptoms
● 1 Aggravations
● 2 Ameliorations
Chapter 4 Accompaniments of the
● 1 Before stool
● 2 During stool
● 3 After stool

● Chapter 5 General accompaniments
● There are 23 subchapters arranged in
Hahnemannian schema under each
heading peculiar concomitant state of the
patient suffering from diarrhoea are given.
● Eg Mind & body Agitated , Anger,
depression etc
Method of using Repertory.
● Any patient suffering from diarrhoea or loose stool has
sensation , modalities, concomittants in his case record
can be repertorised easily as in case of other repertories.
Symptoms should be arranged as follows:
● Pathological names
● Character of stools
● Modalities
● Concomitants
● General accompaniments
● 1. Symptoms are given in 3 formats in the
material medica part.
● Bold – characteristic symptoms
● Italics –Frequently observed &
distinguishing symptoms
● Ordinary – common symptoms
●2 Alphabetical arrangement of the rubrics.
●3 Lists of authors and additional works
consulted in the preparation of 2nd & 4th
●4 Index for therapeutics and repertory ,
given at the back
●5 141 remedies are given
● 1 Clinical experience of 10 years and
notes taken from all authentic works.
● 2 Handy ,cost effective.
● 3 A quick reference to the therapeutic
part makes it all useful for prescribing.
● 4 Easy to use.
●1 Number of medicines are less
●2 Relationship of medicines not given
hence difficult to find a follow up.
●3 Bowel nosodes not added.
●4 Even though 4 classes of remedies are
mentioned , we have no way of knowing to
which class the remedies in this repertory

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