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Positive Predictive Value of

Specific Mammographic
Findings according to Reader

and Patient Variables1

Aruna Venkatesan, BSE
Purpose: To evaluate the risk of cancer (positive predictive value
Philip Chu, MS
[PPV]) associated with specific findings (mass, calcifica-
Karla Kerlikowske, MD
tions, architectural distortion, asymmetry) in mammo-
Edward A. Sickles, MD graphic examinations with abnormal results, to determine
Rebecca Smith-Bindman, MD the distribution of these findings in examinations in which
the patients received a diagnosis of cancer and examina-
tions in which the patients did not, and to analyze PPV
variation according to radiologist and patient factors.

Materials and HIPAA-compliant institutional review board approval was

Methods: obtained. PPV of mammographic findings was evaluated in
a prospective cohort of 10 262 women who underwent
10 641 screening or diagnostic mammographic examina-
tions with abnormal results between January 1998 and
December 2002 in the San Francisco Mammography Reg-
istry. The cohort was linked with the Surveillance Epide-
miology and End Results program to determine cancer
status among these women. PPVs were calculated for each
finding and were stratified according to patient character-
istics, cancer type, and radiologist reader.

Results: Cases of breast cancer (n ⫽ 1552) were identified (inva-

From the School of Medicine (A.V.), Department of Radi- sive, n ⫽ 1287; ductal carcinoma in situ, n ⫽ 270); in five,
ology (P.C., E.A.S., R.S.), Department of Epidemiology and both kinds of breast cancer were recorded. Overall, of the
Biostatistics (K.K., R.S.), Department of Medicine (K.K.), number of interpretations, masses were most frequently
and Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproduc- noted in 56%, followed by calcifications in 29%, asymme-
tive Medicine (R.S.), University of California, San Fran- try in 12%, and architectural distortion in 4%. Masses,
cisco, 513 Parnassus Ave, Room S-245, San Francisco,
calcifications, architectural distortion, and developing
CA 94143-0454. Received March 23, 2008; revision re-
quested May 19; final revision received August 15; ac-
asymmetry demonstrated similar PPVs in screening exam-
cepted September 18; final version accepted October 1. inations (9.7%, 12.7%, 10.2%, and 7.4%, respectively),
Supported in part by UCSF Dean’s Summer Research whereas one-view-only and focal asymmetry demon-
Fellowship Program and California Department of Public strated lower PPVs (3.6% and 3.7%, respectively) and
Health as part of the statewide cancer reporting program were a frequent reason for an abnormal result (42%).
mandated by California Health and Safety Code Section
Overall, one (5%) in 20 invasive cancers was identified
103885; Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Pro-
gram, National Cancer Institute, contract N01-PC-35136
with asymmetry, one (6%) in 16 invasive cancers was
awarded to Northern California Cancer Center, contract identified with architectural distortion, one (21%) in five
N01-PC-351-39 awarded to University of Southern Cali- invasive cancers was identified with calcifications, and two
fornia, and contract N02-PC-15105 awarded to Public (68%) in three invasive cancers were identified with a
Health Institute; and National Program of Cancer Regis- mass.
tries, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, agree-
ment U55/CCR921930-02 awarded to Public Health
Conclusion: Five percent of invasive cancers were identified with asym-
Institute. Address correspondence to A.V. (e-mail: ). metry, and asymmetry is more weakly associated with
The ideas and opinions expressed herein are those of the cancer in screening examinations than are mass, calcifica-
authors and endorsement by the State of California, tions, and architectural distortion.
Department of Public Health, the National Cancer
Institute, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 娀 RSNA, 2009
or their contractors and subcontractors is not intended
nor should be inferred.

姝 RSNA, 2009

648 ▪ Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

ammography is the standard of mographic findings. Identifying findings Materials and Methods
care in breast cancer screening with very high or low PPVs may lead to
and has led to a reduction in improved diagnostic algorithms and, Study Design and Population
breast cancer mortality (1,2). However, thereby, improved mammographic ac-
The SFMR is a population-based con-
mammography is imprecise; not all can- curacy, while also enabling clinicians
sortium of 20 mammography facilities in
cers are detected with mammography, and patients to better predict the likeli-
the San Francisco Bay Area, and is one
and many women without cancer have hood of cancer prior to biopsy.
of the National Cancer Institute–funded
abnormal mammographic results that The frequencies and PPVs of mam-
registries comprising the Breast Cancer
lead to additional testing. Clinically oc- mographic findings have not been well
Surveillance Consortium. Seven sites in
cult early-stage cancer often is similar in described. Investigators in most prior
the SFMR routinely record mammo-
appearance to a benign breast lesion, studies have not comprehensively as-
graphic findings, on average exhibiting a
and the absolute number of false-posi- sessed cancer outcomes, for they as-
40%– 60% finding reporting rate. All
tive examination results is more than sessed cancer status only in patients
screening and diagnostic mammographic
10-fold higher than true-positive exami- who underwent biopsy, which led to so-
examination results (n ⫽ 329 064) ob-
nation results (3). When mammo- called verification bias, and, thus, they
tained at these seven sites between Jan-
graphic findings that may be associated less accurately characterized the pre-
uary 1, 1998, and December 31, 2002,
with breast cancer are identified at dictive value of mammographic findings
were included. Both the screening and
screening mammography (eg, masses, compared with tumor registry linkage
diagnostic mammographic examination
calcifications, architectural distortion, (4–14). In addition, most prior studies
results in patients who were recalled on
and asymmetry), the examination re- were single center based, and, thus,
the basis of screening examination re-
sults are classified as abnormal, and fur- they may have yielded nongeneralizable
sults were included in this analysis. To
ther diagnostic work-up is required. results. Researchers in some published
understand the cancer risk of specific
The accuracy of mammography is di- studies analyzed nonpalpable lesions
findings, we limited our analysis to all
rectly related to the prevalence and pos- only and did not clearly separate
examination results interpreted as ab-
itive predictive values (PPVs) of mam- screening and diagnostic examinations
normal (defined as having a Breast Im-
(9,10,13). Finally, investigators in no
aging Reporting and Data System [BI-
previous studies assessed the risk of in-
Advances in Knowledge RADS] overall assessment of category
vasive cancer versus ductal carcinoma
0, category 3 with a recommendation
䡲 Calcifications are similarly predic- in situ (DCIS).
for immediate further assessment, cate-
tive of invasive cancer and ductal We conducted a retrospective anal-
gory 4, or category 5) for which a spe-
carcinoma in situ when seen at ysis of the PPV associated with specific
cific mammographic finding was re-
screening and diagnostic mammo- prospectively recorded mammographic
corded. Mammographic examination
graphic examinations. findings in screening and diagnostic
䡲 Architectural distortion as a mammographic examinations by using
mammographic finding has a low data from the San Francisco Mammog-
prevalence yet demonstrates a raphy Registry (SFMR). The aim of the Published online before print
high positive predictive value study was to evaluate the risk of cancer 10.1148/radiol.2503080541
(PPV) for cancer at screening and (PPV) associated with specific findings Radiology 2009; 250:648 – 657
diagnostic examinations. (mass, calcifications, architectural dis-
䡲 Asymmetry at screening mammo- tortion, asymmetry) in mammographic
BI-RADS ⫽ Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System
graphic examinations has a low examinations with abnormal results, to DCIS ⫽ ductal carcinoma in situ
but clinically important yield of determine the distribution of these find- PPV ⫽ positive predictive value
invasive cancer and is a common ings in examinations in which the pa- SFMR ⫽ San Francisco Mammography Registry
source of false-positive results, tients received a diagnosis of cancer and
Author contributions:
particularly among women examinations in which the patients did Guarantors of integrity of entire study, A.V., K.K., R.S.;
younger than 70 years. not, and to analyze PPV variation ac- study concepts/study design or data acquisition or data
䡲 Masses and architectural distor- cording to radiologist and patient fac- analysis/interpretation, all authors; manuscript drafting or
tion have varying predictive tors. manuscript revision for important intellectual content, all
power according to race or eth- authors; manuscript final version approval, all authors;
nicity at screening and diagnostic literature research, A.V., E.A.S., R.S.; clinical studies, A.V.,

mammographic examinations. Implication for Patient Care R.S.; statistical analysis, A.V., P.C., R.S.; and manuscript
editing, A.V., K.K., E.A.S., R.S.
䡲 PPV varies according to age to 䡲 The PPVs from this study can be
different degrees, depending on used to inform patients and pro- Funding:
the specific mammographic find- viders of the expected outcomes This research was supported by the National Cancer In-
stitute (grant no. U01CA63740).
ing identified at screening and di- of further work-up for abnormal
agnostic examinations. mammographic findings. Authors stated no financial relationship to disclose.

Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009 ▪ 649

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

results in women with a self-reported or mass, calcifications, architectural dis- to invasive cancer, describing 1552
documented history of breast cancer or tortion, and asymmetry. The term unique cancers. Linkage was conducted
breast reduction (n ⫽ 2611) were ex- asymmetry was used to describe asym- according to human subject protocols to
cluded. University of California, San metry subtypes overall. Because the maintain patient confidentiality.
Francisco (San Francisco, Calif), Insti- SFMR reporting system includes three
tutional Review Board approval was ob- asymmetry subtypes (one-view-only Statistical Analysis
tained to collect and analyze data, with asymmetry, focal asymmetry, and de- The patient demographics in women
Health Insurance Portability and Ac- veloping asymmetry), we also per- with cancer and women without cancer
countability Act compliance. formed a subgroup analysis to charac- were compared by using the Pearson ␹2
terize the PPVs of the subtypes of asym- test. A true-positive examination result
Patient Variables metry at the six study sites that was defined as a mammographic exami-
Demographic information and a self-re- reported these findings. One-view-only nation with an abnormal result and a
ported breast health history were col- asymmetry was defined as density in the cancer diagnosis within 12 months. A
lected at each mammographic examina- third edition of the BI-RADS lexicon false-positive examination result was
tion. All variables were defined prior to (15) or as asymmetry in the fourth edi- defined as a mammographic examina-
data analysis. Women were character- tion of the BI-RADS lexicon (16). Focal tion with an abnormal result without a
ized as white (non-Hispanic whites), Af- asymmetry was defined as focal asym- cancer diagnosis within 12 months. PPV
rican American (non-Hispanic African metry in the fourth edition of the BI- was defined as the percentage of abnor-
Americans), Hispanic, Asian (including RADS lexicon or as focal asymmetric mal mammographic examination results
Hawaiian natives and Pacific islanders), density in the third edition of the BI- with a specific finding that had a subse-
or Native American (including Alaskan RADS lexicon. Developing asymmetry quent cancer diagnosis (19). PPVs and
natives). Examinations were considered is not specifically described in the BI- 95% confidence intervals were calcu-
screening or diagnostic on the basis of RADS lexicon but has been described in lated for mass, calcifications, architec-
the indication for the examination re- previous articles as developing density, tural distortion, and asymmetry for all
corded by the radiologist at interpreta- a term well known to most practicing cancers and were stratified according to
tion; billing codes were not used. Diag- radiologists. We updated this term to cancer type (invasive cancer vs DCIS)
nostic examinations were initially classi- developing asymmetry to be consistent and type of examination (screening or
fied by using the indication (symptom with information in a more recent arti- diagnostic). The Wilson score method
evaluation vs follow-up to imaging with cle by Leung and Sickles (17). In No- was used to calculate all confidence in-
abnormal findings) but later were com- vember 2003, all participating radiolo- tervals (20). PPVs for each finding were
bined into one diagnostic category be- gists received updated information in also stratified according to patient age
cause of similar results. Screening cycle regard to changes in BI-RADS terminol- (in 10-year intervals), race or ethnicity,
was assigned as first or subsequent. ogy for asymmetry. breast density, screening cycle (first vs
Symptoms were self reported. If a subsequent), symptoms, family history
woman had at least one first-degree rel- Cancer Assessment of breast cancer, and previous breast
ative who received a diagnosis of breast Cancer was defined as a diagnosis of biopsy. These PPVs were age adjusted
cancer at an age younger than 50 years, DCIS (International Classification of to account for the differing prevalence
she was considered to have a family his- Diseases for Oncology, second edition, among populations of different ages. A
tory of breast cancer. If a woman previ- morphology codes 85002 or 85222) or test for equality of percentages was
ously underwent a surgical or core bi- of invasive cancer (International Classi- used to compare PPVs among different
opsy, she was considered to have a his- fication of Diseases for Oncology, sec- race or ethnicity and symptom sub-
tory of biopsy. ond edition, morphology codes with the groups. The Cochran-Armitage test was
last digit of three and primary site code used to analyze trends in PPV according
Mammographic Interpretation of C50) within 12 months of a mammo- to age strata. A clustered analysis was
For each examination, one of 46 radiol- graphic examination, as determined not performed because the results of
ogists prospectively recorded the mam- through linkage with the regional Sur- more than one mammographic exami-
mographic examination type (screening veillance Epidemiology and End Results nation were included in the study in
or diagnostic), breast density, overall program and the California Cancer Reg- fewer than 4% of patients.
BI-RADS assessment, and the specific istry. Per cancer registry protocol, co- The finding-specific percentage of
findings requiring further diagnostic occurring invasive cancer and DCIS true-positive results in screening exami-
work-up. Sonography did not influence were recorded as invasive cancer only. nations was plotted versus the finding-
screening BI-RADS assessment but Previous research showed cancer ascer- specific percentage of false-positive re-
could influence the final assessment for tainment to be at least 95% complete sults in screening examinations to ana-
diagnostic examinations. We initially (18). We identified 1781 cancer-linked lyze the effective contribution of each
examined four Breast Cancer Surveil- mammographic examination results, finding to mammographic accuracy. We
lance Consortium–recorded findings: with 326 linked to DCIS and 1455 linked calculated the finding-specific PPV for

650 ▪ Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

screening for each radiologist and plot- older (P ⬍ .005) and more likely to be screening mammography are shown in
ted the results to analyze range and white (P ⬍ .005) than women who were Figure 1. For screening mammography,
variability of values. To obtain a stable not diagnosed with cancer. Some cancers masses and architectural distortion
estimate of PPV, we limited our analysis (n ⫽ 229 [15%]) were associated with each reflected a similar percentage of
to 23 readers who read at least 100 both screening and diagnostic examina- true-positive and false-positive exami-
examinations. We also examined the as- tions. nation results (masses, 37% vs 35%;
sociation between a radiologist’s volume architectural distortion, 7% vs 7%, re-
or frequency of citing a specific finding Distribution of Abnormal Mammographic spectively). In contrast, asymmetry was
with the PPV of that finding. We esti- Findings much more common in false-positive
mated both the number of screening ex- Overall, masses (56%) and calcifica- examination results (26%) than in true-
aminations needed to detect one case of tions (29%) were the most commonly positive examination results (10%).
finding-specific breast cancer and the recorded findings, followed by asymme- Calcifications were more frequent in
number of false-positive examination try (12%) and architectural distortion true-positive screening examination re-
results that occurred per case of find- (4%) (Table 2). The distributions of sults (46%) compared with false-posi-
ing-specific breast cancer. Statistical these findings varied according to mam- tive examination results (32%).
analyses were performed by using soft- mographic type. Diagnostic examina-
ware (Stata 8.0, Stata, College Station, tions had a higher percentage of masses Cancer Yield according to Finding
Tex; SAS 8.2, SAS Institute, Cary, NC). (69%); in contrast, masses (35%), calci- Invasive cancer.—Mass and calcifica-
fications (33%), and asymmetry (25%) tions were predictive of invasive cancer
were equally common in screening ex- in both screening (PPV for mass, 9.5%;
Results aminations. Architectural distortion PPV for calcifications, 5.9%) and diag-
Across seven sites in the SFMR, 10 262 was an uncommon finding on both nostic examinations (PPV for mass,
women underwent 10 641 screening and screening (7%) and diagnostic (2%) 18.8%; PPV for calcifications, 13.2%)
diagnostic mammographic examinations, mammograms. (Table 2).
with abnormal results (Table 1). Overall The distributions of mammographic Architectural distortion exhibited
15% of study participants (n ⫽ 1552) findings among women with cancer high PPVs for invasive cancer in screen-
were diagnosed with cancer (invasive (true-positive examination results) and ing (10.2%) and diagnostic (59.3%) ex-
cancer, 1287 [83%]; DCIS, 270 [17%]). women without cancer (false-positive aminations.
Women diagnosed with cancer were examination results) who underwent Asymmetry was predictive of inva-
sive cancer in diagnostic examinations
Table 1 (PPV, 13.3%) but demonstrated the
lowest PPV of all findings in screening
Demographic Characteristics of Study Sample examinations (PPV, 3.6%).
A: Women according to Age DCIS.—Calcifications were the only
All Women Women without Cancer Women with Cancer finding predictive of DCIS in screening
Age-stratified Group (n ⫽ 10 262) (n ⫽ 8710) (n ⫽ 1552) (PPV, 6.8%) and diagnostic (PPV,
10.9%) examinations.
⬍40 y 1526 (15) 1435 (16) 91 (6) Figure 2 denotes the percentage of all
40–49 y 3175 (31) 2830 (32) 345 (22)
true-positive results owing to a specific
50–59 y 2706 (26) 2275 (26) 431 (28)
finding versus the percentage of all
60–69 y 1477 (14) 1154 (13) 323 (21)
false-positive results owing to that
ⱖ70 y 1378 (13) 1016 (12) 362 (23)
finding at screening mammography.
B: Women with Recorded Race or Ethnicity*
Among screening examinations, asym-
All Women Women without Cancer Women with Cancer
metry was the least predictive of can-
Race- or Ethnicity-stratified Group (n ⫽ 9497) (n ⫽ 8030) (n ⫽ 1467)
cer. Asymmetry contributed to true-
White 5145 (54) 4186 (52) 959 (65) positive results (10%) but comprised a
African American 669 (7) 587 (7) 82 (6) higher percentage of false-positive re-
Hispanic 1128 (12) 1040 (13) 88 (6) sults (26%). Although architectural dis-
Asian 2446 (26) 2117 (26) 329 (22) tortion made a smaller contribution to
Native American 109 (1) 100 (1) 9 (1) true-positive results (7%), it did so with
Other 50 41 9 relatively fewer false-positive results
Note.—Data are numbers of women. Numbers in parentheses are percentages, and percentages were rounded. The P value
(7%). In contrast, asymmetry com-
for age and race or ethnicity is less than .005 and was calculated by using the Pearson ␹2 test. prised only 4% of diagnostic false-
* Self reported in SFMR Breast Health Questionnaire. Numbers were summed and percentages were calculated by using known positive results.
race only. The summed numbers did not include numbers in the category for other, and no percentages were calculated for By using our estimation, 1690 screen-
that category.
ing mammographic examinations were

Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009 ▪ 651

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

Table 2

Distribution and Yield of Cancer (PPV) for Radiographic Findings in Abnormal Mammograms
A: Yield for All Mammograms
Examinations in Women with Cancer
Any Cancer Invasive Cancer DCIS
All Examinations Examinations in Women No. of Examinations PPV No. of Examinations PPV No. of Examinations PPV
Finding (n ⫽ 10 641) without Cancer (n ⫽ 8860) (n ⫽ 1781) (%) (n ⫽ 1455) (%) (n ⫽ 326) (%)

Mass 5951 (56) 4923 (56) 1028 (58) 17.3 988 (68) 16.6 40 (12) 0.7
Calcifications 3086 (29) 2496 (28) 590 (33) 19.1 309 (21) 10.0 281 (86) 9.1
Architectural distortion 373 (4) 281 (3) 92 (5) 24.7 91 (6) 24.4 1 (0) 0.3
Asymmetry 1231 (12) 1160 (13) 71 (4) 5.8 67 (5) 5.4 4 (1) 0.3
B: Yield for Screening Mammograms
Examinations in Women with Cancer
Any Cancer Invasive Cancer DCIS
All Examinations Examinations in Women No. of Examinations PPV No. of Examinations PPV No. of Examinations PPV
Finding (n ⫽ 4025) without Cancer (n ⫽ 3652) (n ⫽ 373) (%) (n ⫽ 277) (%) (n ⫽ 96) (%)

Mass 1417 (35) 1279 (35) 138 (37) 9.7 135 (49) 9.5 3 (3) 0.2
Calcifications 1345 (33) 1174 (32) 171 (46) 12.7 79 (29) 5.9 92 (96) 6.8
Architectural distortion 265 (7) 238 (7) 27 (7) 10.2 27 (10) 10.2 0 0
Asymmetry 998 (25) 961 (26) 37 (10) 3.7 36 (13) 3.6 1 (1) 0.1
C: Yield for Diagnostic Mammograms
Examinations in Women with Cancer
Any Cancer Invasive Cancer DCIS
All Examinations Examinations in Women No. of Examinations PPV No. of Examinations PPV No. of Examinations PPV
Finding (n ⫽ 6616) without Cancer (n ⫽ 5208) (n ⫽ 1408) (%) (n ⫽ 1178) (%) (n ⫽ 230) (%)

Mass 4534 (69) 3644 (70) 890 (63) 19.6 853 (72) 18.8 37 (16) 0.8
Calcifications 1741 (26) 1322 (25) 419 (30) 24.1 230 (20) 13.2 189 (82) 10.9
Architectural distortion 108 (2) 43 (1) 65 (5) 60.2 64 (5) 59.3 1 (0) 0.9
Asymmetry 233 (4) 199 (4) 34 (2) 14.6 31 (3) 13.3 3 (1) 1.3

Note.—Each mammogram appears only once; however, a given cancer may be linked to more than one mammogram. Most cancers are linked to only one mammogram. Women without cancer
were considered to have false-positive results, and women with cancer were considered to have true-positive results. Numbers in parentheses are percentages, and percentages were rounded.

Figure 1
needed to detect one asymmetry-associ-
ated cancer. In addition, 26 false-positive
screening mammographic examinations
with an identified asymmetry occurred per
case of asymmetry-associated cancer de-
tected. In contrast, fewer screening exami-
nations were needed to detect one mass-
associated cancer (n ⫽ 464) and one calci-
fication-associated cancer (n ⫽ 368), and
fewer false-positive results occurred per
cancer detected (mass, 9.5; calcifications,
6.9). Architectural distortion required the
greatest number of screening examinations
to detect one cancer (n ⫽ 2303), with 8.8
false-positive results per architectural dis-
tortion–associated cancer detected. Figure 1: Graph shows percentage of screening mammographic examinations with specific mammo-
graphic findings among women with cancer (true-positive results) and among women without cancer (false-
Patient and Imaging Factors positive results). Asymmetry represents 26% of false-positive results and 10% of true-positive results, com-
pared with other findings that are more prevalent in true-positive results than in false-positive results. Sample
Diagnostic examinations demonstrated sig-
sizes (n) refer to number of mammographic examinations.
nificantly higher PPVs than did screening

652 ▪ Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

Figure 2
examinations for each finding, as indicated were more predictive of cancer among
by nonoverlapping 95% confidence inter- white women than among African
vals (Table 3). Finding-specific PPVs in- American women (P ⫽ .005). Masses
creased significantly according to age for were less predictive of cancer among
both screening and diagnostic examinations Hispanic women than among white
(all, P ⬍ .05) but slightly less dramatically women at screening (P ⫽ .012) and di-
for calcifications and architectural distor- agnostic (P ⬍ .001) examinations. Ar-
tion. For mass, the PPV for screening in- chitectural distortion was less predic-
creased from 2.9% among women younger tive of cancer among Asians than among
than 40 years to 17.2% among women 70 whites at screening (P ⫽ .002) and diag-
years or older; for calcifications, the PPV nostic (P ⫽ .015) examinations. Archi-
increased from 6.7% to 18.7%; for archi- tectural distortion at diagnostic exami-
tectural distortion, the PPV increased from nations was less predictive of cancer
0% to 14.6%; and for asymmetry, the PPV among Hispanics than among whites
increased from 1.6% to 9.4%. Change in (P ⫽ .002), with a less marked trend in
PPV for screening with age was particularly screening examinations. PPVs did not
dramatic for asymmetry, which increased vary significantly according to breast
Figure 2: Graph shows relative efficiency of from less than 4.0% for all age categories density, screening cycle, family history,
each finding among all mammograms, plotting younger than 70 years to 9.4% among or previous breast biopsy, although the
finding-specific percentage of true-positive re- women 70 years and older. Of note, the study was not powered to detect small
sults versus finding-specific percentage of false- PPV for screening for all other findings was differences between subgroups. Across
positive results. The steeper the line, the more more than 4.0% for each age category ex- diagnostic examinations, mass, calcifi-
predictive the finding is of cancer. Asymmetry is cept for mass (PPV, 2.9%) and architec- cations, and architectural distortion
the least predictive finding. tural distortion (PPV, 0%) in women were significantly associated with can-
younger than 40 years. cer in women with a self-reported lump
Masses at screening examinations than in asymptomatic women (mass,

Table 3

Yield of Cancer (PPV) for Mammographic Findings according to Patient Factors in Screening and Diagnostic Examinations
Screening Examination (n ⫽ 4025) Diagnostic Examination (n ⫽ 6616)
Architectural Architectural
Calcifications Distortion Asymmetry Calcifications Distortion Asymmetry
Mass (n ⫽ 1417) (n ⫽ 1345) (n ⫽ 265) (n ⫽ 998) Mass (n ⫽ 4534) (n ⫽ 1741) (n ⫽ 108) (n ⫽ 233)
Factor (%) 95% CI (%) 95% CI (%) 95% CI (%) 95% CI (%) 95% CI (%) 95% CI (%) 95% CI (%) 95% CI

All women 9.7 8.3, 11.4 12.7 11.0, 14.6 10.2 7.1, 14.4 3.7 2.7, 5.1 19.6 18.5, 20.8 24.1 22.1, 26.1 60.2 50.8, 68.9 14.6 10.6, 19.7
Age (y)
⬍40 2.9 0.8, 9.8 6.7 2.3, 17.9 0 0, 21.5 1.6 0.3, 8.7 6.1 4.9, 7.6 12.8 8.0, 19.8 0 0, 32.4 2.9 0.5, 14.5
40–49 5.0 3.3, 7.5 9.2 6.7, 12.5 5.9 2.5, 13.0 1.5 0.6, 3.4 13.4 11.7, 15.3 21.5 18.1, 25.2 50.0 32.1, 67.9 7.2 3.1, 15.9
50–59 9.0 6.6, 12.1 11.8 9.1, 15.2 11.5 6.2, 20.5 3.9 2.2, 6.9 23.2 20.7, 25.9 23.3 19.9, 26.9 67.6 51.5, 80.4 11.3 5.3, 22.6
60–69 13.7 10.1, 18.3 15.3 11.5, 20.0 14.9 7.4, 27.7 3.2 1.4, 7.4 35.6 31.4, 40.0 30.4 25.6, 35.7 75.0 53.1, 88.8 33.3 22.2, 49.7
ⱖ70 17.2 12.9, 22.6 18.7 14.0, 24.5 14.6 6.9, 28.4 9.4 5.8, 15.0 48.9 44.4, 53.4 29.7 24.0, 36.0 70.6 46.9, 86.7 25.0 14.2, 40.2
Race or ethnicity
White 10.8 7.7, 15.1 13.5 10.0, 18.1 16.0 12.1, 20.8 4.9 2.9, 8.2 25.4 22.6, 28.3 24.7 22.0, 27.6 63.3 60.0, 66.4 15.2 13.0, 17.7
American 3.1 0.5, 16.0 12.8 5.1, 28.7 0 0,11.0 9.9 3.5, 25.2 19.9 12.3, 30.5 24.6 16.1, 35.6 38.0 27.7, 49.5 14.0 7.8, 23.9
Hispanic 5.3 1.4, 18.6 7.7 2.4, 21.8 4.6 1.1, 17.6 1.2 0.1, 12.5 16.1 9.4, 26.1 22.6 14.5, 33.3 6.9 3.0, 15.1 16.7 9.9, 26.8
Asian 9.8 4.8, 19.2 9.2 4.3, 18.4 1.5 0.3, 7.9 2.9 0.8, 10.0 22.0 17.7, 27.0 22.1 17.8, 27.1 34.3 29.2, 39.8 11.0 8.0, 15.1
American 0 0, 79.3 3.0 0, 80.6 0 0, 79.3 0 0, 79.3 24.7 7.0, 58.8 13.8 2.7, 48.4 . . . ... 0 0, 32.4
Asymptomatic 12.4 4.3, 30.9 4.1 0.7, 20.1 9.2 2.7, 27.0 5.9 1.3, 22.7 19.8 10.8, 33.4 17.8 9.4, 31.2 10.1 4.3, 22.1 7.6 2.8, 18.9
Lump 10.2 3.4, 26.9 12.9 4.8, 30.2 6.9 1.9, 22.7 10.7 3.6, 27.6 31.8 27.6, 36.2 47.2 42.6, 51.7 62.4 57.8, 66.7 20.2 16.7, 24.1

Note.—All PPVs were reported as age adjusted (except for age stratification). CI ⫽ confidence interval.

Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009 ▪ 653

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

P ⫽ .001; calcifications, P ⬍ .001; archi-

tectural distortion, P ⫽ .041).

11.6, 31.3

0, 65.8
3.5, 36.0
7.0, 45.2
8.2, 50.3
10.9, 52.0
There were much weaker, nonsig-

95% CI
Developing Asymmetry
nificant associations between PPV, on
the one hand, and age, screening cycle,
and type of mammographic examina-



tion for DCIS, on the other.

No. of
Cancer Yield for Asymmetry


Asymmetry subtypes (one view only, fo-

Diagnostic Examination (n ⫽ 271)

cal, and developing) demonstrated very

3.5, 10.8

0.7, 20.2
2.7, 16.2
1.2, 14.8
2.3, 25.8
2.2, 25.0
95% CI
different cancer yields (Table 4). Devel-

Focal Asymmetry
oping asymmetry, although infrequently
reported at screening (4.4%) and diag-



nostic (2.9%) examinations, was the
most predictive of cancer at screening

No. of
(PPV, 7.4%) and diagnostic (PPV,


19.7%) examinations. In contrast, one-
view-only and focal asymmetry were

3.1, 23.6

0, 35.4
2.0, 43.5
0, 35.4
15.0, 85.0
0, 39.0
commonly reported at screening exami- One-View-Only Asymmetry

95% CI
nations (20.5% and 21.4%, respectively)
but were the least predictive of cancer at



screening examinations (PPV, 3.6% and


3.7%, respectively). Although one-view-
Yield of Cancer (PPV) for Asymmetry according to Age in Screening and Diagnostic Examinations


only asymmetry was very common at

No. of

screening examinations, it was rare at di-


agnostic examinations (frequency preva-
4.6, 11.9

0, 32.4
0.4, 12.1
2.3, 17.9
2.8, 21.3
6.0, 21.2
lence, 1.5%).
95% CI
Developing Asymmetry

Cancer Yield according to Reader

The mean and median PPV for screening


were similar for mass (mean, 8.5%; me-

dian, 5.9%) and calcifications (mean,
No. of

5.2%; median, 4.1%) (Fig 3). Architec-



tural distortion had a median of 4.9% but

Screening Examination (n ⫽ 2145)

a mean of 15.4% owing to the high PPV

5.8, 15.0
2.7, 5.1

0.3, 8.7
0.6, 3.4
2.2, 6.9
1.4, 7.4
95% CI

Note.—PPVs were calculated for six of seven study sites. CI ⫽ confidence interval.

for screening of a few readers. Asymme-

Focal Asymmetry

try had the lowest mean PPV for screen-

ing, which was 2.3%, and a much lower



median, which was 0.5%, relative to the

mean than did the other findings.
No. of

There was no association between a



radiologist’s volume or frequency of citing

a specific finding with the PPV for screen-
3.1, 10.7
3.7, 11.5
One-View-Only Asymmetry

2.6, 5.0

0.3, 9.9
0.2, 2.5
2.2, 6.8
95% CI

ing of that finding. For example, the most

prolific reader for asymmetry, who re-
corded 186 cases of asymmetry at screen-



ing examinations, had a PPV for screening

of 0.5%, whereas the next prolific reader

(n ⫽ 142) had a PPV for screening of 9.2%.

No. of


All women


Age (y)
Table 4


We describe the predictive value of

four common mammographic findings
among 46 San Francisco– based radi-

654 ▪ Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

ologists. Surprisingly, we found that interreader variability is caused by in- cancer (particularly among women
calcifications were similarly predictive consistent use of terminologies for younger than 70 years) was infre-
of invasive cancer and DCIS at screen- findings. For example, misclassifica- quently identified and was commonly a
ing and diagnostic mammographic ex- tion of spiculated masses as architec- false-positive result. The high false-
aminations, leading to the detection of tural distortion could explain our high positive rate probably occurs for two
one in five invasive cancers. The pres- PPV for diagnostic examinations (60.2%), reasons: First, radiologists recall pa-
ence of calcifications at mammography as spiculated mass is known to be tients with abnormal one-view-only
with abnormal results should prompt highly predictive of cancer (10,13). If findings because they may represent
the clinician to suspect both invasive radiologists erroneously did not recall cancers that are either obscured by
cancer and DCIS. patients with subtypes of architectural dense tissue on the other view or not
Architectural distortion has a low distortion with a low cancer yield, for included in the image field. Most one-
prevalence but is highly predictive of example, radial scars, the PPV for ar- view-only findings represent superim-
invasive cancer at screening and diag- chitectural distortion could be artifi- position of normal breast structures,
nostic examinations. Further studies cially inflated. so-called summation artifacts (21),
could determine whether improved Asymmetry is the finding with the and are infrequently cancer. However,
training in its identification improves lowest cancer yield at screening exam- some asymmetry findings are reclassi-
mammographic outcomes and/or whether inations; with asymmetry, invasive fied as mass, architectural distortion,
or calcifications after full diagnostic
Figure 3 imaging and lead to cancer detection,
despite carrying a low likelihood of
malignancy. Second, focal asymmetry
is usually managed with short-interval
follow-up rather than biopsy (22–26).
Despite a low PPV, we found that
asymmetry may be the only mammo-
graphic indicator of an abnormality,
accounting for 5% of clinically occult
invasive cancers. Because all partici-
pating radiologists received updated
information in regard to changes in
BI-RADS terminology for asymmetry
in November 2003, we do not believe
that there was confusion in the use of
these terms.
Developing asymmetry is known to
have a higher PPV for diagnostic exami-
nation than the other types of asymmetry
(17,22–26). We also found that develop-
ing asymmetry was more predictive of
cancer than was focal asymmetry or one-
view-only asymmetry, and focal asymme-
try and one-view-only asymmetry were
less predictive of cancer than were mass,
calcifications, and architectural distortion.

Patient Factors
Our study findings refine the known
trend that PPV increases with age,
showing that calcifications and architec-
tural distortion vary slightly less accord-
ing to age than do mass and asymmetry
at screening and diagnostic examina-
Figure 3: Graph shows finding-specific PPV for invasive cancer among screening mammographic exami- tions (27). The increased prevalence of
nations for individual high-volume radiologist readers. Asymmetry demonstrated lowest mean (2.3%) and breast cancer and the decreased preva-
median (0.5%) of all findings. Both architectural distortion and asymmetry demonstrated more skewedness
lence of common benign lesions (eg,
than mass and calcifications, as demonstrated by greater discrepancy between their median and mean.
cysts, fibroadenomas) according to age

Radiology: Volume 250: Number 3—March 2009 ▪ 655

BREAST IMAGING: Positive Predictive Value of Mammographic Findings Venkatesan et al

probably explain this trend for mass. ity because of the inclusion of multiple normal mammographic findings should
The decreased prevalence of benign sites and readers. The uniformly used be performed regardless of the specific
asymmetry according to age, as adipose patient questionnaire of SFMR enabled patient risk factors that we analyzed.
tissue replaces fibroglandular tissue, PPV stratification that was based on Findings at screening mammographic
may explain this trend for asymmetry. consistently defined patient variables. examinations have a lower change of
In contrast, architectural distortion may Finally, both palpable and nonpalpable malignancy (PPV for mass, 9.7%; PPV
be more detectable with age, as it is lesions were included, and we sepa- for calcifications, 12.7%; PPV for archi-
unmasked by the loss of fibroglandular rately analyzed screening and diagnostic tectural distortion, 10.2%; PPV for
tissue, but likely varies less with age examination results. asymmetry, 3.7%) than do findings
simply because it is highly predictive of at diagnostic mammographic examina-
cancer even in low-risk women. Limitations tions (PPV for mass, 19.6%; PPV for
Masses at screening examinations Our study was restricted to mammo- calcifications, 24.1%; PPV for architec-
are better predictive of cancer among graphic examinations with prospec- tural distortion, 60.2%; PPV for asym-
white women than among African tively recorded findings. On average, metry, 14.6%). Notably, calcifications
American or Hispanic women. Perhaps the seven sites exhibited a 40%– 60% are similarly predictive of invasive can-
African American and Hispanic women finding reporting rate, as some read- cer and DCIS, architectural distortion is
have more benign breast masses, which ers may never have recorded specific associated with a high risk of cancer
would lead to a decrease in PPV in a findings. It seems unlikely that this although it is infrequently described,
predominantly healthy screening popu- would have introduced bias, as normal and asymmetry at screening mammog-
lation. Women of different racial or eth- and abnormal examination results are raphy has a low but clinically important
nic groups may cluster according to fa- distributed randomly to all readers at yield of invasive cancer.
cility; thus, facility could be a con- a given site. Data collection at most Acknowledgments: Thanks to Michael Hof-
founder of the relationship between sites permitted single-finding identifi- mann from the SFMR for his contribution to data
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