Assignment 2

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Standards, Regulations and Certification (AERO 417 / ENGR 6421) Assignment # 2 – Occupant Safety

Reference the Airbus A319 Safety Information Card for questions 1,2,3,4,6

1) Provide a Plain English description of each pictorial used to describe Over-Wing Exit Operation procedures for Type B
exits. 1 mark

2) Do the Brace Positions pictorials meet the intent of the Advisory Material contained in FAA Advisory Circular 121-24D
(March 5, 2019), Appendix 4? State the reasons for why or why not for each pictorial. 1 mark

3) Why are the timer numbers and sequence (ie. adult first/child second) of Donning Oxygen masks important from a safety
perspective? 1 mark

4) What precautions must be taken before opening a Type A door during a Land Evacuation? 1 mark

5) What are the obligations of passengers seated in Exit Rows, per the NTSB Safety Study entitled “Emergency Evacuation
of Commercial Airplanes” dated June 27, 2000? Which regulation requires this? Name at least 3 criteria that allow Exit
Row passengers to be relieved of these obligations. 2 marks

6) Imagine that you are a Flight Attendant and must provide an oral Safety Briefing Prior to Take-off using the guidelines in
Appendix 3 of FAA Advisory Circular 121-24D. Specifically, provide a plain English narrative of each item (if
applicable) listed in Appendix 3 – Section 2 (a) items 1 to 13. This first-person oral briefing should be clear,
unambiguous and follow the recommended sequence. 4 marks
Airbus A319 Safety Information Card

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