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uk/news/2010/10/13/bishops-halloween-advice-dress-childrenup-as-saints-not-witches/ Bishops Halloween advice: dress children as saints, not witches By Simon Caldwell on Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Children dressed as saints in a costume workshop in Kansas

Catholic parents are being _______ (1) to celebrate Halloween by dressing _______ (2) their children as popular saints instead of witches and devils.They should kit out their youngsters to look like St George, St Lucy, St Francis of Assisi or St Mary Magdalene _______ (3) them wear costumes that celebrate evil or occult figures, according to a campaign _______ (4) by the Bishops Conference of England and Wales. _______ (5) have menacing or scary faces carved into them, but must wear smiley expressions and _______ (6) into the foreheads. Trick or treat _______ (7) are definitely discouraged, with Catholics told to light bonfires instead in an attempt to re-brand Halloween _______ (8) a celebration of the triumph of the forces of light over the forces of darkness.The suggestions for a Christian-style Halloween end with the idea that children each take a wrapped present from a box plastered with such slogans as Jesus is our light, Jesus is our king, Jesus loves me and Jesus is the biz!. Adults are also being encouraged to place lights in their window as a sign to _______ (9) that yours is a Christian household and Christ is your light.They are also being asked to wear a white _______ (10) as a symbol of their allegiance to Christ, our light. The bishops are launching the campaign in an attempt to reclaim the Christian festival of All Hallows Eve that, in their opinion, has become dangerously paganised and heavily commercialised.They want Christians _______ (11) that Halloween was once the vigil feast of All Saints Day, _______ (12)is celebrated on November 1 and still is a Holy Day of Obligation. Bishop Kieran Conry of Arundel and Brighton, chairman of the bishops Department for Evangelisation, said: Halloween is now the biggest commercial festival after Christmas and Easter, and it is time we _______ (13) Christians of what it really is. The celebration of feast days is an important part of our Catholic culture. On the evening of October 31 why _______ (14 )something to make your faith respectfully seen and heard? he said. Light a candle or display publicly another kind of light, for example, perhaps alongside an image of Christ.This could be a powerful way in which we can show people that we have hope in someone _______ (15) ourselves. The light will provoke questions and is a way that people can be signposted to goodness. I encourage everyone to participate. The initiative has been gaining _______ (16) among Christians left uneasy by the emphasis on horror themes in modern Halloween celebrations.

For numbers 1 to 16 choose the option that fits best in the text 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. a) adviced a) up a) instead of let a) signed a) pumpkins should nor a) have crosses cut a) pranks a) like a) passers-by a) gear a) to understand a) that a) remind a) not do a) who isnt a) weight b) warned b) on b) rather than to let b) endorsed b) nor should pumpkins b) have cut crosses b) gags b) as b) witnesses b) garment b) understand b) what b) reminded b) dont do b) other than b) ground c) advised c) off c) rather than let c) launch c) neither pumpkins should c) cut crosses c) puns c) with c) onlookers c) cloth c) understanding c) which c) would remind c) not doing c) apart c) blossom

OVER TO YOU: o o What do you think of the campaign? What are the pros and cons? Do you reckon it should be launched in Spain as well? Would it be popular? Whats your opinion about the Halloween celebrations in our country? Why do you believe this plastic American version of a pagan festival has been so quickly absorbed into Spanish life? How have things changed in our country in recent times?

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