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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

“A government by the people, of the people, and for the people.”
– Abraham Lincoln

- This illustrates the benefits of democratic participation and helps conceptualize viable alternatives.

Create a word map of the word democracy.


- It is a form of government in which people choose leaders by voting.

- A country is democratic if every one of its citizens is treated equally and has equal rights.
- Democratic government is a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by
them directly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections.
- It is a government by the people: rule of the majority.

 To learn more about democracy, watch the video ‘What is Social Democracy?”
( After watching the video, ponder the statement: There is
no democracy if freedom and justice are not present in society.
L. Aquino (2021-2022)
1. Watch the video “Once Upon a Time Local Democracy.” (
After watching it, illustrate the benefits of democratic participation. Below your illustration, write how you will
give your part in this democratic country.

*To be submitted in the google classroom.

L. Aquino (2021-2022)

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

List all the information and communications technology (ICT) tools and gadgets that you know.

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Digital society gives more transparency, participation, and innovation. Watch the video “Digital Society Explained.”
( Take down notes on the explanation of the digital society and write
the other benefits it bring and how are these happening in your context.

Benefits of Digital Society:

 On digital structure change. (Effects on daily social and economic lives people engage in more interactively)
 On corporate social media. (More social networks for communications and information flow)
 On open innovation. (New form of participation gives rise to new ways of doing things. Classic values are broken
and have become modernized with new strategies)
 On open government. (Collaboration between the government and citizens emerges. Democracy becomes
more transparent and active)
 On open access. (More access to scientific information enhances knowledge quickly)

L. Aquino (2021-2022)
 On open and free culture. (With more virtual forums and interactions, structural plans and blueprints are
accessible and adaptable.

1. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of technology.

Advantages of Technology Disadvantages of Technology


2. Write a short essay explaining how information communication technology can facilitate social relationships and
political movements. Cite your observations, experiences and other evidences.

*To be submitted in the google classroom.

L. Aquino (2021-2022)

Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

Lesson 3: Neural Networks and Social Networks

Connections, Relationships and Networks
The Neural and Social Networks


Neural Networks

- The human brain is a biological neural network. It functions on how things and processes interconnect and work
interdependently. It has the capacity to adjust through the 21st century environment.
- Neural networks are groups of neurons that function together to carry out a process. It is where the most
complex neutral processing – the “computing” work of the brain – is carried out.

Points to ponder:
 How often do you think about your thinking?
 How can I make senses of my brain and its intricate connection?

Our Connections and Relationships

- Every individual is connected to each other. Each one is a unique thread in a tapestry, with unique capacity to
contribute to the whole.
- Collaboration is a skill to survive in the 21st century world.
- It is imperative to discover roles in an interdependent connection.
- The 21st century world brings enormous challenges in the way people see their connections to other.

Social Networks

- We are into the world of social networking. Everything now is disclosed in any social network and stays on it.
- Examples of social networks:

L. Aquino (2021-2022)
1. Complete the table.

Who Are My Brothers/Sisters? How Do I Keep Them?

(Who are the people in my community?) (How do I relate with them?)

2. Identify the significant roles you play within your community by creating a social map of your relationships.

L. Aquino (2021-2022)

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