Richard D. McKirahan - A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle_ Combining the Greek–English Indexes From the Eponymous Series Spanning Works From the 2nd Century Ce to Late Antiquity-Blo

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edited by Richard Sorabji


edited by Richard Sorabji




Richard D. McKirahan

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Copyright © Richard D. McKirahan, 2022

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Preface vi
Introduction viii
List of Volumes in the Series xiii

A 1
B 59
D 63
E 84
G 126
H 133
I 159
K 163
L 188
M 197
N 212
O 216
P 224
R 279
S 281
T 312
X 326
Z 327


The idea for this project occurred to me over a decade ago when I was engaged in translating
the text for my third volume in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series. Once again (as
was the case in translating the texts for my previous volumes) some of the Greek words were
absent from Liddell and Scott, and in many instances none of the translations given in that
outstanding lexicon were quite right for the context. Occasionally I got help from the Greek–
English indexes of my earlier translations for the series. If only there were some convenient
way to see what other translators had done! But the prospect of looking for help by consulting
the indexes of several dozen volumes (at the time; now up to almost 120) was beyond my
endurance, and it was uncertain how useful so time-consuming an exercise would be.
In 2008 I wrote to Professor Sorabji to get his opinion of a project to compile and publish
the contents of the indexes in all the series volumes. He quickly arranged a workshop at King’s
College London for later that year that was attended by several other people involved with the
series as well as the two of us. The positive and enthusiastic reception my idea received there
encouraged me to begin, although at the time I had no idea of the magnitude or duration of the
project. In 2015 and 2017, after the work was well under way, I received much useful and
constructive practical advice in discussions with Alice Wright at the offices of Bloomsbury.
In principle, processing the indexes is simple: scan the index of each volume, translate the
resulting pdf file into a format appropriate for a word processor able to manipulate it, delete the
page and line references, format the results, put it all together and publish it. As I soon found
out, this was much easier said than done.
Scanning the indexes into a form that could be edited proved to be not nearly as
straightforward as I had imagined, and correcting illegible words in the scans took time.
Keeping track of what I had done for which volumes was not always easy. Editing the results
was made possible by Nota Bene, the word processing program I have used throughout my
career. (One of the advantages that Nota Bene has over other word-processors that I know is its
powerful indexing program. Another is its programming language that can be used for
operations involving branching and conditionals, which can save an enormous amount of time
on large-scale projects like this one.) Combining the results proved difficult in numerous ways,
sometimes requiring me to translate the Nota Bene file into an rtf file for use in Word, and from
there to a pdf file for sorting, checking (and in some instances counting) and looking for errors
in Adobe Acrobat, afterwards returning step by step to the original Nota Bene formatting.
Consistency in translations presented problems, some due to differences between British and
American spelling. Proofreading the resulting manuscript (over 1,000 pages of printout)
revealed many inconsistencies and errors needing to be checked and corrected one by one, by
referring to the translations and Greek texts.
However, as I write this foreword almost 13 years to the day and literally thousands of hours’
labour after the 2008 workshop, the complete manuscript is in the safe hands of Alice Wright,
editor of the series at Bloomsbury, and publication is expected early next year.


Since books in the series continue to come out with (fortunately for the world of scholarship)
no end in sight, the decision was taken to limit coverage to the first 100 volumes, the expectation
being that the translations in later volumes will largely coincide with those already found in the
first hundred, so that the differences will be marginal. Since I am no longer confident that this
is the case I intend to continue this work (after a pause to catch up on other projects that have
been postponed too long) to cover later volumes, with a view to a second edition at least five
years hence.
Errare humanum est. I have proofread the manuscript at least three times, a process that
each time took a week or more, and each time I found previously unnoticed errata and
inconsistencies. The present volume has many fewer errors than before but I am sure that some
are still lurking. I will be grateful to receive information concerning remaining typos,
inconsistencies and other errors and I will express my gratitude by naming my informants in
the eventual second edition.
Finally I want to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Sorabji for his encouragement at
every step of the process and for his willingness to allow me to delay work toward my next
volumes in the series in order to complete this project. Also to Alice Wright for her patience,
friendship and uncommon good sense during the past several years, and to Steve Siebert of
Nota Bene for his friendly assistance whenever I needed it. And most of all to my wife Voula
Tsouna, for enduring for these many years my lexikomania with her characteristic patience,
understanding and good humour.

Richard McKirahan
12 May 2021

Richard McKirahan and Richard Sorabji

The present volume combines the Greek–English indexes of the first 100 volumes of the
Ancient Commentators on Aristotle (hereinafter ACA ) series. (Volumes that treat texts in Latin
and Arabic are therefore excluded.) These indexes are a valuable source of information about
the vocabulary and usage of the commentators and in consequence of the (philosophically
educated) people of the period from the second to seventh centuries ce. One short twelfth-
century work is also included in these volumes.
The indexes of the individual volumes have been combined and presented here in a single
alphabetical list of entries. As in the series, Greek words are transliterated. No additions have
been made to what exists in the indexes as published and no changes have been suggested or
made to any translation or to the transliteration itself with one exception: clearly incorrect
translations have been omitted so as not to skew the data. Each index entry lists the various
meanings attributed to a given word (or phrase) in the ACA series volumes and a system has
been devised to refer readers to the relevant volume numbers. The volumes of the series are
ordered according to their publication date and a full numbered list is given following this
Preface (pp. vi–vii).
The system mentioned above is as follows. Each index entry is followed by a series of
numbers in parentheses. The first number (in bold type) is the number of volumes in which the
translation occurs, and the remaining numbers refer to the individual volumes in which it is
found. A typical example is

abakion abacus (4: 17, 59, 61, 90); drawing board (4: 60, 56, 61, 70); sideboard (1: 80)

Thus the word abakion is translated as ‘abacus’ in four volumes, series numbers 17, 59, 61, and
90. Reference to the list of volumes starting p.x reveals that vol. 17 is the translation of
Philoponus’ commentary on book 2 of Aristotle’s Physics. The Greek–English Index in that
volume informs us that abakion is translated as ‘abacus’ twice: at p.202 line 29 and p.212 line 9
of the Greek text, as well as in the translation in the ACA volume itself. In some cases it proves
worthwhile to compare the Greek with the translation to understand how the translator
interpreted the text.
In order to contextualise the combined index presented here this Preface sets out to give a
short history of the series and its aims as well as to offer an indication of how readers may wish
to use the index in their research and studies.

The ancient commentators on Aristotle

Aristotle (384–322 bce) was the revisionary pupil of the philosopher Plato in Athens. His
surviving philosophical writing, in some 1,500 pages of Greek in modern printed editions,


came to be the subject of ancient commentaries, initially in Greek, then in Syriac, Hebrew and
Latin, and later in Arabic and other languages. These commentaries spread interest in the
Aristotelian tradition across a large part of the then known world. The Greek originals, in the
modern edition of Hermann Diels, occupy some twenty-six printed volumes, and form the
largest surviving corpus of any ancient Greek texts.
The earliest surviving Greek commentaries on Aristotle’s works come from Aristotelians of
the second and third centuries ce, culminating in the brilliant commentaries of the Aristotelian
Alexander of Aphrodisias in the early third century, a tradition largely continued by Themistius
in the late fourth century ce, although he, as a civil servant, advocated the study equally of both
Plato and Aristotle. The central aim up to this point was to explain Aristotle. But with the
advent of Neoplatonism among commentators from the time of the surviving short
commentary on Aristotle’s Categories by Porphyry (232/3–309 ce) up to 600 ce, pagan Greek
Neoplatonists wrote commentaries on Aristotle that addressed the Platonist worries of
Porphyry’s teacher Plotinus about Aristotle’s omission of Plato’s world of intelligible Ideas.
These commentators had to do something special with their commentaries by making Aristotle
essential reading for Platonists, through presenting his philosophy as unified with Plato’s in a
Neoplatonic system. Despite the slant of this interpretation, the commentators’ scrutiny
provided illumination through its detailed examination of Aristotle’s words, which some of
them quoted directly in ‘lemmata’ (snatches) before making comment.
Alexander and Themistius were outnumbered by the fully committed Neoplatonist
commentators on Aristotle, who maintained the harmony of Aristotle with Plato. They included
Porphyry (as above), Iamblichus (about 245–before 325 ce), Dexippus (fourth century ce),
Syrianus (died 437 ce), Proclus (412?–485 ce), Ammonius (about 445–517/526 ce), Asclepius
(pupil of Ammonius), Priscian (part of the exodus of philosophers from Athens in 531 ce),
Damascius (died after 538 ce), Simplicius (about 480–about 560 ce), Philoponus, the Christian
steeped in Neoplatonism (about 490–570s ce), Stephanus (pupil of Philoponus, about 530–late
sixth century), Olympiodorus (sixth century ce), Elias (sixth century ce), and David (sixth or
seventh century ce). Of these, besides Porphyry, particularly important were Ammonius,
Simplicius and Philoponus.
Ammonius left behind numerous commentaries on Aristotle, many edited by his pupils in
Alexandria ‘from his seminars’ or ‘from his voice’. The expansion of seminar-based commentaries
suggests deliberate organisation. He also taught all the leading Neoplatonist philosophers of
the sixth century: Damascius, Simplicius, Philoponus, Olympiodorus and Asclepius. Ammonius
passed on to his successors a tradition of commentaries on Aristotle with up to six explanatory
introductions, which helped to make their commentaries on Aristotle accessible far outside the
school. The introductions to the commentaries included (1) an introduction to philosophy in
general with definitions and divisions of it, (2) an introduction to (3) a full commentary on
Porphyry’s Introduction (Isagōgē) to Aristotle’s logic, (4) Porphyry’s Introduction itself, (5) an
Introduction to Aristotle’s Philosophy in general, (6) an introduction to the first work of
Aristotle in the syllabus, his Categories.
The most brilliant philosopher among the Greek commentators was the Christian
Philoponus in the sixth century, the most comprehensive commentator was Simplicius in the
same century.
Aristotle can profitably be read without the commentators. But no professional scholar of
Aristotle would nowadays be advised to study Aristotle without taking account of his ancient


commentators and many of these commentators will throw light also on the history of

The series

Richard Sorabji remembers how he first mentioned the idea of a translation of the ancient
commentators on Aristotle only as regrettably impossible because of its size: the volumes of the
Greek text were published by the Prussian Academy as Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca
(CAG ), starting in 1881 and reaching twenty-three volumes and two out of three supplementary
volumes by 1887; Hermann Diels was the general editor, but individual volumes were the
responsibility of particular editors. He was then speaking in the 1960s during his first job at
Cornell University to his colleague Norman Kretzmann.
Despite the magnitude and ambition of the enterprise, the idea developed and took shape
and physical form: the first volume of translation from Christian Wildberg was commissioned
in 1985, and it was published in 1987 by Colin Haycraft, the Classics enthusiast in charge of
Duckworth publishers. The present publisher of all translation volumes, 116 to date, is Alice
Wright of Bloomsbury in the UK; many volumes have been distributed in the United States by
Chicago University Press.
Sorabji notes that his original interest in the publication was the light that it would throw on
Aristotle. Only later did he realise that it would explore an important part of the background
to philosophical understanding through many centuries in Europe and the Middle East. As this
index demonstrates, the ways it can be used and re-read to enlighten the study of ancient
philosophy are still being discovered some thirty five years on.
In the First World War of 1914–18, many of those who could read the quantities of Greek
found in the CAG shot each other dead and by 1985, when work was started on the series, there
were fewer still, which was part of Sorabji’s reason for advocating a translation. Because most
readers would no longer be trained in ancient Greek philology, the series has excluded
unexplained technical terms and required contributors to transliterate and translate Greek
terms. This ensures that the series is useful to and used by scholars and students from across
the fields of Classics, Philosophy and History whether or not they are familiar with the Greek
The 116 volumes of translation published to date cover some very important Greek texts,
but well under half of the total included in the CAG . On the other hand, the series has evolved
to include some commentaries commissioned from Syriac, Latin and Hebrew. The indexes in
those volumes do not appear in this index, which is at present restricted to Greek words.


The longevity of the series and the large number of contributing translators has inevitably led
to inconsistency in approach over the 100 volumes whose indexes are combined here. Indexes
should not be presumed to include every single word in the commentary and no attempt has
been made to prescribe a general rule about renderings or about the inclusiveness of indexes,
because each text, or part of a text, has its own special characteristics. Thus the differing


importance of words within a particular ancient commentary may lead to a differing likelihood
of those words being included in an index for that volume, and the preferences of the individual
(modern) translator may lead to the same word being translated in different ways not just
because of the context. Furthermore, the passage of four decades inevitably leads to new
approaches and opinions within scholarship and what was translated as X thirty years ago
might now be translated (even by the same translator) as Y. No attempt has been made to locate
or amend any such examples, though clearly incorrect translations have been omitted. Similarly,
the exact format of a transliteration may differ between volumes and all transliteration remains
as originally published.
That the choice of words to index has been left to the translators and the results vary widely
is notable in two respects. Most noticeable is the diversity in the size of the indexes, which
range from two to forty pages long. In his translation of Simplicius, In De Caelo 1.2–4 (which
occupies two volumes) the late Ian Mueller reached the limit by indexing every word except for
‘certain very common words (e.g., einai, ekhein, and legein) and number words . . . [and] words
which occur only in quotations (or apparent quotations) of Aristotle and earlier authors’
(vol. 83, p.172). Second, some indexes include all the translations of each word indexed that
occur, while others provide only a small selection of a wider range of translations actually
employed. Also, some volumes list all occurrences of the indexed words while others limit
themselves to a representative sample. The present volume does not aim to fill in the gaps, but
simply to include the material as presented in the indexes. At a rough count the number of
individual words and phrases indexed total about 17,000 and the total number of occurrences
in the series volumes is about 115,000.

Some uses of this book

This book is not a dictionary, although it is a resource for many words, spellings and usages not
found in Classical Greek or included in standard dictionaries including the most recent edition
of LSJ .1 Since it is based on translations made by philosophers of late antiquity who commented
on philosophical texts (primarily but not exclusively by Aristotle), there is good coverage of
philosophical terminology both Classical and later Greek, although commentators on Aristotle
naturally adopt his own vocabulary to a large extent. Since several of the commentators were
Neoplatonists, the book includes a good deal of neoplatonic terminology as well.
Another purpose of the book is to display the variety of translations used for the Greek
words and phrases it contains. While dictionaries tend to give a relatively small number of
translations, intended to point out the different semantic ranges of words, it often happens that
in a given context none of the translations is quite right. By contrast, the indexes in the ACA
volumes contain the way the words have actually been translated in their various contexts. The
results are surprising. Of the 195 translations of logos found in the indexes, over 100 are not
found in LSJ , even though LSJ , whose field is all of ancient Greek, unsurprisingly contains
many translations not found in the ACA indexes.

H. G. Liddell and R. Scott, Greek–English Lexicon. 9th edn. with a revised supplement 1996.


In practice the compilation in this book can be helpful to translators, from undergraduates
to senior scholars, and we believe that this will be its chief use — suggesting possible translations
to use in one’s own work, whether related to the commentators or to virtually any other author
from antiquity who wrote in Greek. Some of the translations are colloquial and may fit non-
philosophical contexts extremely well. Here are a few examples: the renderings of ek periousias
as ‘into the bargain’; plêrês nenagmenos as ‘chock-full’; plêrôma as ‘sum-total’; pollakhou as ‘all
over the place’; polupragmonein as ‘to make a great fuss’; poreuesthsai as ‘to be en route’;
sunarmottein as ‘to lump together’; sundiairein as ‘to parcel out along with’; sunêthôs as ‘as is his
wont’; suntunkhanein as ‘to meet up.’
Identifying the volumes in which words and phrases are translated makes it a straightforward
matter to go the Greek–English indexes of the individual volumes and locate the page and line
numbers of the Greek text (in the Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca edition or, as happens in
a few cases, from whatever other edition of the Greek text has been used) that has been
translated, as well as in the translation itself — a simple procedure which may prove useful for
a number of scholarly purposes, not least for understanding how the translator understood the
word or phrase in its particular context.


This index is based on the first 100 volumes in the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle series
and these are referred to in the index by the volume number listed here (the order is publication
date). Where volumes include two works these are numbered .1 and .2 for ease of reference
e.g. 6.1 and 6.2 immediately below.
1. Philoponus, Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the World, tr. C. Wildberg, 1987
2. Alexander, On Aristotle Metaphysics 1, tr. W. Dooley, 1989
3. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 6, tr. D. Konstan, 1989
4. Alexander, Ethical Problems, tr. R. W. Sharples, 1990
5. Dexippus, On Aristotle Categories, tr. J. Dillon, 1990
6.1 Philoponus, Corollaries on Place and Void, tr. D. Furley, 1991
6.2 Simplicius, Against Philoponus On the Eternity of the World, tr. C. Wildberg, 1991
7. Ammonius, On Aristotle Categories, tr. G. Matthews and M. Cohen, 1991
8. Philoponus, On Aristotle On the Intellect, tr. W. Charlton with F. Bossier, 1991
9. Alexander, On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.1–7, tr. J. Barnes, S. Bobzien, K. Flannery,
K. Ierodiakonou, 1991
10.1 Alexander, On Aristotle Metaphysics 2, tr. W. Dooley, 1992
10.2 Alexander, On Aristotle Metaphysics 3, tr. A. Madigan, 1992
11. Simplicius, Corollaries on Place and Time, tr. J. O. Urmson with L. Siorvanes, 1992
12. Alexander, Quaestiones 1.1–2.15, tr. R. W. Sharples, 1992
13. Porphyry, On Aristotle Categories, tr. S. Strange, 1992
14. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 4.1–5 and 10–14, tr. J. O. Urmson, 1992
15. Alexander, On Aristotle Metaphysics 5, tr. W. Dooley, 1993
16. Alexander, On Aristotle Metaphysics 4, tr. A. Madigan, 1993
17. Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 2, tr. A. R. Lacey, 1993
18.1 Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 5–8, tr. P. Lettinck, 1994
18.2 Simplicius, On Aristotle on the Void, tr. J. O. Urmson, 1994
19. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 7, tr. C. Hagen, 1994
20. Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 3, tr. M. Edwards , 1994
21. Alexander, Quaestiones 2.16–3.15, tr. R. W. Sharples, 1994
22. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Soul 1.1–2.4, tr. J. O. Urmson with P. Lautner, 1995
23. Ammonius, On Aristotle On Interpretation 1–8, tr. D. Blank, 1996
24. Alexander, On Aristotle Meteorology 4, tr. E. Lewis, 1996
25. Themistius, On Aristotle on the Soul, tr. R. B. Todd, 1996
26. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 2, tr. B. Fleet, 1997
27. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 5, tr. J. O. Urmson, 1997
28.1 Priscian, On Theophrastus on Sense Perception, tr. C. Steel, 1997
28.2 ‘Simplicius’, On Aristotle On the Soul 2.5–12, tr. P. Huby, 1997
29.1 Ammonius, On Aristotle On Interpretation 9, tr. D. Blank, 1998

List of Volumes in the Series

29.2 Boethius, On Aristotle On Interpretation 9, tr. N. Kretzmann, 1998

30. Alexander, On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.8–13, tr. I. Mueller with J. Gould, 1999
31. Alexander, On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.14–22, tr. I. Mueller with J. Gould, 1999
32. Philoponus, On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 1.1–5, tr. C. J. F. Williams, 1999
33. Philoponus, On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 1.6–2.4, tr. C. J. F. Williams,
34. ‘Philoponus’, On Aristotle On the Soul 3.1–8, tr. W. Charlton, 2000
35.1 ‘Philoponus’, On Aristotle On the Soul 3.9–13
35.2 Stephanus, On Aristotle On Interpretation, tr. W. Charlton, 2000
36. ‘Simplicius’, On Aristotle On the Soul 3.1–5, tr. H. Blumenthal, 2000
37. Porphyry, On Abstinence from Killing Animals, tr. G. Clark, 2000
38. Alexander, On Aristotle On Sense Perception, tr. A. Towey, 2000
39. Simplicius, On Aristotle Categories 9–15, tr. R. Gaskin, 2000
40. Alexander, On Aristotle Topics 1, tr. J. M. Van Ophuijsen, 2000
41.1 Simplicius, On Aristotle Categories 5, tr. F. de Haas, 2001
41.2 Simplicius, On Aristotle Categories 6, tr. B. Fleet, 2001
42. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 8.6–10, tr. R. McKirahan, 2001
43.1 Aspasius, On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 8, tr. D. Konstan, 2001
43.2 Anonymous, On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 8–9, tr. D. Konstan, 2001
43.3 Michael of Ephesus, On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 9, tr. D. Konstan, 2001
44. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 3, tr. J. O. Urmson with P. Lautner, 2001
45. Simplicius, On Epictetus Handbook 1–26, tr. C. Brittain and T. Brennan, 2002
46. Simplicius, On Epictetus Handbook 27–53, tr. T. Brennan and C. Brittain, 2002
47. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.1–4, tr. R. J. Hankinson, 2002
48. Simplicius, On Aristotle Categories 7–8, tr. B. Fleet, 2002
49. Proclus, On the Existence of Evils, tr. J. Opsomer and C. Steel, 2003
50. Themistius, On Aristotle Physics 4, tr. R. B. Todd, 2003
51. Simplicius, On Aristotle Categories 1–4, tr. M. Chase, 2003
52. Alexander, Supplement to On the Soul, tr. R. W. Sharples, 2004
53. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.5–9, tr. R. J. Hankinson, 2004
54. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 2.1–9, tr. I. Mueller, 2004
55. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 2.10–14, tr. I. Mueller, 2005
56. Philoponus, On Aristotle On the Soul 2.1–6, tr. W. Charlton, 2005
57. Philoponus, On Aristotle On the Soul 2.7–12, tr. W. Charlton, 2005
58. Philoponus, Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 1–5, tr. M. Share, 2005
59. Philoponus, Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 6–8, tr. M. Share, 2005
60. Philoponus, On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 2.5–11, tr. I. Kupreeva, 2005
61. Philoponus, On Aristotle On the Soul 1.1–2, tr. P. van der Eijk, 2005
62. Alexander, On Aristotle On Coming-to-Be and Perishing 2.2–5, tr. E. Gannagé, 2005
63. Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 1.1–3, tr. C. Osborne, 2006
64. Alexander, On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.23–31, tr. I Mueller, 2006
65. Alexander, On Aristotle Prior Analytics 1.32–46, tr. I Mueller, 2006
66. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.10–12, tr. R. J. Hankinson, 2006
67. Philoponus, On Aristotle On the Soul 1.3–5, tr. P. van der Eijk, 2006
68. Philoponus, Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 12–18, tr. J. Wilberding, 2006

List of Volumes in the Series

69. Aspasius, On Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics 1–4, 7–8, tr. D. Konstan, 2006
70. Syrianus, On Aristotle Metaphysics 13–14, tr. J. Dillon & D. O’Meara, 2006
71. Proclus, On Providence, tr. C. Steel, 2007
72. Proclus, On Plato Cratylus, tr. B. Duvick, 2007
73. Philoponus, On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.1–8, tr. R. McKirahan, 2008
74. Syrianus, On Aristotle Metaphysics 3–4, tr. D. O’Meara & J. Dillon, 2008
75. Themistius, On Aristotle Physics 5–8, tr. R. B. Todd, 2008
76. Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 1.4–9, tr. C. Osborne, 2009
77. ‘Philoponus’, On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 2, tr. O. Goldin, 2009
78. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 3.1–7, tr. I. Mueller, 2009
79. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 3.7–4.6, tr. I. Mueller, 2009
80. Philoponus, Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 9–11, tr. M. Share, 2010
81. Boethius, On Aristotle On Interpretation 1–3, tr. A. Smith, 2010
82. Boethius, On Aristotle On Interpretation 4–6, tr. A. Smith, 2011
83. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.2–3, tr. I. Mueller, 2011
84. Simplicius, On Aristotle On the Heavens 1.3–4, tr. I. Mueller, 2011
85. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 1.3–4, tr. P. Huby & C.C.W. Taylor, 2011
86.1 Porphyry, To Gaurus On How Embryos are Ensouled, tr. J. Wilberding, 2011
86.2 Porphyry, On What is in Our Power, tr. J. Wilberding, 2011
87. Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 4.10–14, tr. S. Broadie, 2011
88. Philoponus, On Aristotle Meteorology 1.1–3, tr. I. Kupreeva, 2011
89. Themistius, On Aristotle Physics 1–3, tr. R. B. Todd, 2012
90. Philoponus, On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.9–18, tr. R. McKirahan, 2012
91. Alexander, On the Soul: Part I, tr. V. Caston, 2012
92.1 Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 1.5–9, tr. H. Baltussen, M. Atkinson, M. Share &
I. Mueller, 2012 (contains Index to On Aristotle Physics 1.5–6)
92.2 Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 1.5–9, tr. H. Baltussen, M. Atkinson, M. Share &
I. Mueller, 2012 (contains Index to On Aristotle Physics 1.7-9)
93. Philoponus, On Aristotle Posterior Analytics 1.19–34, tr. O. Goldin & M. Martijn, 2012
94. Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 4.1–5, tr. K. Algra & J. van Ophuijsen, 2012
95. Philoponus, On Aristotle Meteorology 1.4–9, 12, tr. I Kupreeva, 2012
96. Proclus, Ten Problems Concerning Providence, tr. Jan Opsomer & C. Steel, 2012
97.1 Aeneas of Gaza, Theophrastus, tr. J. Dillon & D. Russell, 2012
97.2 Zacharias of Mytilene, Ammonius, tr. S. Gertz, 2012
98. Philoponus, On Aristotle Physics 4.6–9, tr. P. Huby, 2012
99. Simplicius, On Aristotle Physics 8.1–5, tr. I. Bodnar, M. Chase & M. Share, 2012
100. ‘Simplicius’, On Aristotle On the Soul 3.6–13, tr. C. Steel (with A. Ritups), 2012


abakion abacus (4: 17, 59, 61, 90), drawing board (4: 60, 89, 92.2, 95, 99, 100), not divisible (1: 42),
56, 61, 70), sideboard (1: 80) undivided (19: 10.2, 11, 12, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2,
abarês weightless (4: 2, 70, 78, 79) 34/35.1, 42, 50, 51, 57, 58, 60, 83, 85, 89, 91, 100)
abasanistos untested (1: 23), without due examination adiairetôs in an indivisible way (1: 34/35.1),
(1: 86.1) indivisibly (3: 34/35.1, 68, 70), undividedly (2:
abasanistôs without examination (2: 14, 50), 28.1, 34/35.1); ta adiaireta indivisibles (1: 100)
without sufficient examination (1: 2) adiakopos unbroken (1: 60), uninterrupted (5: 58, 59,
abasileutos without king (1: 59) 88, 95, 99), uninterruptedly (1: 68), without
abathês having no depth (1: 27), without depth (3: 78, interruption (1: 17)
79, 95) adiakopôs without break (1: 87), without cutting
abatos inaccessible (1: 51) short (1: 57), without interruption (1: 23)
abebaios uncertain (1: 93), unreliable (2: 7, 48), adiakritos indistinguishable (1: 11), inseparable (1: 11),
unstable (1: 17) undifferentiated (1: 51), undivided (1: 85)
abebaiôs insecurely (1: 27) adialeiptos continuous (1: 52), unceasing (1: 99),
abiastos irresistible (1: 54), not forced (2: 54, 55), unending (1: 44)
unforced (1: 14) adialeiptôs without interruption (1: 100)
abiastôs in an unforced way (1: 3), without force (2: adiallaktos irreconcilable (1: 48)
22, 36) adialutos indestructible (1: 48), indissoluble (3: 59, 68,
ablabês unharmed (1: 86.1) 97.2), indissolvable (2: 78, 79), undissolved (1:
aboulein to be unwilling (1: 85) 68)
aboulêsia prohibition (1: 68) to adialuton indissolubility (2: 59, 68)
aboulêtos involuntary (2: 58, 97.2), not to be wished adianoêtos inconceivable (1: 25), unintelligible (4: 23,
for (1: 52), not wished for (1: 52), unwilling (1: 55, 60, 63)
97.2), unwished (1: 56), without wishing (1: 61) adiaphorein to be indifferent (1: 39), to make no
aboulêtôs involuntarily (1: 59) difference (1: 86.1)
aboulia lack of consideration (1: 52), thoughtlessness adiaphoria being undifferentiated (1: 18.2),
(1: 97.2) indifference (2: 5, 39), lack of discrimination (1:
abrôtos inedible (1: 24) 59)
adaês unknowing (1: 92.1) adiaphoros duplicating (1: 30/31), equally possible (1:
adamas adamant (2: 76, 84), diamond (1: 6.2) 80), having no differences (1: 98), homogeneous
adeês fearless (1: 69) (1: 11), identical (1: 14), indifferent (16: 4, 5, 7,
adeia licence (1: 51) 9, 14, 35.2, 37, 39, 40, 41.1, 51, 52, 77, 83, 93, 94),
adekastos : adekastôs impartially (2: 23, 34/35.1) indiscriminate (1: 14), indistinguishable (2: 22,
adektos unable to admit (1: 36), unable to receive (1: 85), lacking differences (1: 98), making no
36), unreceptive (2: 68, 80) difference (1: 60), neutral (1: 80), non-different
adêlia obscure situation (1: 86.1), unclarity (2: 28.2, 87) (2: 9, 40), non-differentiated (1: 41.1), not being
adêlos invisible (2: 55, 99), non-evident (3: 25, 59, 91), at variance (1: 77), not different (2: 39, 83), not
not clear (2: 52, 99), not obvious (2: 64, 98), differing (1: 12), random (1: 80), that makes no
obscure (8: 40, 44, 52, 61, 67, 89, 98), unclear difference (1: 77), undifferentiated (17: 2, 11, 14,
(18: 9, 16, 17, 19, 25, 26, 54, 55, 58, 59, 64, 67, 68, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 50, 52,
73, 77, 80, 86.1, 99), undisclosed (1: 80), unseen 67, 70, 77), without difference (6: 2, 22, 52, 54,
(1: 57) 79, 87), without differentiation (3: 16, 38, 80)
adelphos brother (1: 43.2), sibling (1: 65) adiaphorôs identically (1: 39), in an indifferent way
adespotos anonymous (1: 84), without a master (1: (1: 35.2), indifferently (3: 22, 57, 60), loosely (1:
86.2), without master (1: 97.2) 67), non-differently (1: 40), without
adiablêtos disproved (1: 25) differentiating (1: 35.2), without distinction (1:
adiairetos indivisible (51: 1, 2, 5, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 27); adiaphoron it makes no difference (1: 68);
14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32, adiaphoron esti it is a matter of indifference (1:
34/35.1, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 53, 57, 52), it makes no difference (1: 90), there is no
61, 63, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, difference (1: 22); to adiaphoron identity (1: 22)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

adiaphthartos indestructible (1: 68), incorruptible (2: in the same way (1: 84), indefinitely (2: 4, 18.2),
68, 97.1) indeterminately (4: 18.2, 42, 54, 55),
adiaplastos not fully formed (1: 86.1) indifferently (1: 27), open-endedly (1: 18.2),
adiarthrôtos confused (3: 2, 51, 99), disconnected (1: vaguely (2: 18.2, 99), without condition (1:
20), inarticulate (5: 22, 23, 34/35.1, 63, 68), 30/31), without differentiation (1: 85), without
lacking distinctions (1: 52), not articulated (1: distinction (1: 28.2), without distinctions (2: 2,
89), unresolved (1: 7), unstructured (1: 25), 5), without drawing distinctions (2: 34/35.1, 56),
vague (1: 18.2), without making the proper without limits (2: 2, 5), without making
distinctions (1: 90) distinctions (2: 27, 92.2), without qualification
adiarthrôtôs inarticulately (1: 2), in an inarticulate (2: 58, 59); to adoriston open-endedness (1:
manner (1: 63) 18.2)
adiaskedastos unscattered (1: 57) adiorthôtos incorrect (1: 44)
adiaspastos indestructible (1: 44) adiastaktos : adistaktôs unhesitatingly (1: 74)
adiastatos dimensionless (3: 39, 87, 94), indivisible (2: adokimos unconvincing (1: 99), unreceptive (1: 23),
11, 44), inseparable (1: 11), non-extended (2: 5, unreliable (1: 9), unsatisfactory (2: 54, 99),
70), not extended (1: 26), unextended (11: 6.2, worthless (1: 27)
11, 14, 17, 41.2, 48, 54, 68, 83, 87, 99), adokimôs unsatisfactorily (1: 42)
unintermittent (1: 42), without dimension (4: adoleskhein to speak idly (1: 35.2)
20, 40, 85, 88), without extension (6: 2, 22, 57, adoleskhia chatter (1: 99), idle chatter (1: 68), nonsense
61, 67, 92.2), without intermission (1: 42), (1: 97.2)
without spatial extension (1: 42) adoxastos undecided (1: 40), without opinions (1: 40)
adiastatôs non-extendedly (1: 70), unextendedly (1: adoxia ill repute (2: 4, 69)
68), without extension (1: 68), without partition adoxos absurd (1: 21), disapproved (1: 40), improbable
(1: 29.1); to adiastaton indivisibility (1: 44) (1: 64), non-approved (1: 40), not approved (1:
adiastrophos inexorable (1: 22), not perverted (1: 52), 40)
undistorted (1: 29.1) to adoxon absurdity (1: 21)
adiataktos : adiataktôs in a disordered manner (1: 39) adraneia inefficacy (1: 84)
adiatmêtos uncut (1: 29.1) adranês feeble (1: 52), impotent (3: 18.2, 26, 45/46),
adidaktos unteachable (1: 34/35.1), untutored (1: 80) inert (1: 39), insignificant (1: 27), not acting (1:
adiereunêtos unexplored (1: 23), uninvestigated (2: 48, 83), of no account (1: 27), without effect (1: 83)
74) adunamein to lose power (1: 54)
adiexitêtos impossible to go through (1: 40), adunamia disability (1: 69), impotence (2: 58, 97.1),
inexhaustible (4: 40, 44, 85, 99), not traversable inability (3: 24, 54, 68), incapacity (6: 7, 13, 15,
(2: 60, 68), that cannot be got completely 24, 39, 48), lack of power (1: 59), loss of power
through (1: 73), that cannot be traversed (5: (1: 54), powerlessness (1: 80)
10.1, 12, 27, 44, 93), unable to be got completely adunamos incapable (1: 39), losing power (1: 54),
through (1: 42), untraversable (7: 3, 15, 20, 53, without potentiality (1: 61)
58, 75, 89) adunatein cannot (2: 58, 59), to be incapable (2: 4, 25),
adiexodos without an exit (1: 44) to be unable (8: 19, 21, 25, 48, 52, 54, 59, 83), to
adikein to act unjustly (2: 37, 52), to be unjust (1: 86.2), not be able (1: 59)
to commit a wrong (1: 69), to commit injustice to adunatein inability (1: 52)
(2: 4, 97.1), to do an injustice (1: 97.1), to do adunatos absurd (2: 36, 99), cannot (6: 42, 60, 73, 80,
injustice (2: 4, 97.2), to do wrong (3: 37, 52, 69), 86.1, 90), cannot be (1: 18.2), could not (1: 42),
to harm (1: 78), to wrong (5: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 52, disabled (1: 69), impossible (57: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.1,
69) 6.2, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22,
adikêma injury (1: 97.1), injustice (1: 52), wrong (1: 69) 23, 24, 25, 28.1, 30/31, 35.2, 36, 38, 42, 44, 47, 50,
adikia being unjust (1: 4), injustice (6: 2, 4, 7, 13, 86.2, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 69, 73, 75, 78,
93) 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99),
adikos unjust (12: 4, 15, 26, 37, 43.1, 43.3, 52, 69, 84, impotent (1: 48), incapable (6: 10.2, 15, 16, 28.1,
86.2, 93, 97.1) 66, 69), not capable of (1: 4), not possible (7:
adikôs unjustly (1: 97.1); to adikon injustice (1: 4) 18.2, 24, 59, 60, 80, 93, 99), powerless (1: 97.2),
adioptos not transparent (1: 52) unable (4: 3, 19, 24, 86.1)
adioristos indefinite (3: 3, 11, 90), indeterminable (1: adunaton it is impossible (1: 73), cannot be (2: 58,
69), indeterminate (6: 9, 27, 30/31, 48, 64, 65), 59); to adunaton absurdity (2: 18.2, 99),
lacking in definition (1: 26), not distinct (1: 42), impossibility (9: 12, 18.2, 19, 27, 42, 58, 59, 60,
undefined (2: 23, 39), undetermined (2: 23, 29.1) 99); ta adunata impossibilities (1: 25); di’
adioristôs imprecisely (1: 85), in an indefinite way adunatou per impossibile (2: 73, 90), through
(2: 19, 63), in an indeterminate way (1: 30/31), (reduction to) impossibility (1: 19), through


impossibility (2: 64, 65); dia tou adunatou causing motion (1: 42), perpetually moving (1:
through the impossible (1: 93); adunatôs 97.1)
ekhein cannot (1: 59); apagein eis adunaton aeizôos always living (1: 34/35.1)
reductio ad impossibile (1: 64); apagein eis to aekheia (state of) non-possession (1: 39)
adunaton reductio ad impossibile (1: 64), to aêr air (54: 1, 2, 3, 6.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20,
reduce to impossibility (1: 3); apagôgê eis 21, 22, 24, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 42, 44,
adunaton reductio ad impossibile (2: 64, 65), 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67,
reduction to impossibility (1: 19); deixis dia tou 68, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 90, 91,
adunatou proof through the impossible (1: 94, 95, 98, 99), climate (1: 52)
35.2); eis adunaton apagôgê reductio ad eukrasia aerôn moderate climate (1: 79)
impossibile (2: 35.2, 73); eis adunaton apagôn aerinos consisting of air (1: 25)
by reductio ad impossibile (1: 42); eis adunaton aerios aerial (2: 68, 97.1), airy (3: 56, 57, 61), composed
proagein to lead to impossibility (1: 35.2); hê of air (1: 28.2), living in air (1: 61), of air (1: 88),
deixis dia tou adunatou proof by means of the of the air (1: 51)
impossible (1: 30/31); hê deixis hê eis aerôdês aerial (1: 97.1), airy (5: 54, 57, 60, 86.1, 97.1),
adunaton by means of the impossible (1: like air (1: 98), of air (1: 86.1)
30/31); hê di’ adunatou deixis proof by aeroporos air traveller (1: 68)
impossibility (1: 30/31); proagein eis adunaton aetos eagle (2: 15, 56)
to lead to impossibility (1: 35.2) agalma image (1: 72), statue (4: 52, 72, 84, 97.1)
aêdês unpleasant (4: 4, 28.2, 38, 43.2), without pleasure agalmatopoios sculptor (1: 60)
(1: 4) aganaktein to be angry (1: 83), to be irritated (1: 86.1)
aêdôs unpleasantly (1: 28.2); aêdôs diakeisthai to agapan to be content (1: 43.2), to be contented with (1:
be in a state of pain (1: 57) 55), to be satisfied (2: 51, 93), to be wont to (1:
aêdia unpleasantness (1: 43.3) 17), to desire (1: 17), to feel affection (2: 43.2,
aêdizein to make unpleasant (1: 28.2) 43.3), to like (4: 43.2, 43.3, 52, 69), to love (2:
aêdôn nightingale (1: 86.2) 86.2, 100)
aei always (20: 4, 11, 12, 18.2, 24, 28.1, 29.1, 42, 57, 58, agapê affection (1: 43.2)
59, 60, 68, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 97.2, 99), constant agapêsis affection (1: 100)
(1: 86.1), continual (1: 60), continually (3: 28.1, agapêtos desirable (1: 48), gratifying (1: 43.2), satisfied
60, 87), eternal (2: 60, 97.2), eternally (1: 60), (1: 86.1)
eternally at each stage (1: 42), ever (1: 11), agasthai to be amazed (1: 85)
everlasting (1: 11), for eternity (1: 97.2), forever agathoeidês good-like (1: 70), of a good type (1: 28.1)
(5: 12, 58, 59, 80, 83) agathoergein to do good (1: 43.3)
to aei always existing (1: 68), everlastingness (1: agathopoios productive of good effects (1: 2)
68), the everlasting (1: 11), the whole of time (1: agathos for the good (1: 58), good (43: 3, 4, 6.2, 7, 10.2,
11); eis aei everlasting (2: 58, 59), forever (3: 58, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 40, 43.1,
59, 80); to aei einai eternal existence (1: 97.2), 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61,
everlastingness (1: 22), living forever (1: 22); 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 77, 80, 83, 86.2, 91, 97.1, 97.2,
kata to aei einai with regard to always existing 98, 100)
(1: 97.2) ho agathos the good man (1: 15); to agathon a
aeidein to sing a song (1: 54) good (1: 4), benefit (1: 67), good (3: 2, 15, 58),
aeigenês always coming to be (1: 59) good thing (2: 58, 59), goodness (2: 4, 22), the
to aeigenes continuous becoming (1: 59) good (8: 2, 10.1, 15, 25, 44, 58, 70, 74), what is
aeigenesia continuous becoming (2: 58, 59), eternal good (1: 40); ta agatha good things (1: 2),
generation (1: 70), perpetual coming-to-be (1: particular goods (1: 2); alêthôs agathon a
60), perpetual generation (2: 20, 42) genuine good (1: 22); to phainomenon
aeikinêsia eternal movement (1: 74), everlasting agathon apparent good (1: 10.2); to prakton
motion (2: 59, 88), perpetual motion (1: 60) agathon practical good (1: 100)
aeikinêtos always changing (1: 44), always in motion agathotês goodness (17: 6.2, 7, 22, 34/35.1, 35.2, 43.3,
(8: 16, 20, 22, 34/35.1, 61, 67, 84, 93), always in 44, 45/46, 55, 58, 59, 68, 70, 74, 78, 83, 97.2)
movement (2: 12, 59), always moved (2: 67, 99), agathunein to benefit (1: 74), to make good (1: 58), to
always moving (2: 64, 73), continually changing make perfect (1: 22), to perfect (1: 22)
(1: 85), eternally moved (1: 17), ever moving (2: agein to apply (1: 16), to bring (13: 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 25,
39, 87), in continuous movement (1: 80), in 28.2, 58, 59, 60, 73, 80, 86.1, 99), to conduct
endless motion (1: 17), in eternal motion (1: (1: 28.2), to convey (1: 28.2), to direct (1: 86.2),
74), in eternal movement (1: 74), in perpetual to draw (7: 17, 19, 21, 54, 73, 83, 90), to focus
motion (2: 40, 41.2), moving forever (1: 65), (1: 10.2), to guide (1: 86.1), to incorporate (1:
permanently in motion (1: 67), perpetually 24), to lead (13: 4, 10.2, 16, 17, 21, 51, 58, 60, 80,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

83, 86.1, 86.2, 99), to maintain (1: 86.1), to pass agnômôn foolish (1: 43.2), ignorant (1: 84),
(1: 60), to place (1: 22), to reduce (2: 18.2, 32), to inconsiderate (1: 45/46), inept (1: 59)
take (1: 4), to throw (1: 59); agesthai to be agnômosunê ignorance (1: 84), senseless pride (1: 68)
advanced (1: 25), to be attracted (1: 25); eis agnôristos uncognizable (1: 87)
sumphônian agein to bring in tune (1: 68); eis agnôs unknown (2: 43.2, 43.3)
tauton agein to assimilate (1: 51); agein eis agnôsia ignorance (2: 61, 67), inability to be known (1:
t’auton to equate (3: 17, 28.2, 58), to identify (1: 85), non-apprehension (1: 92.2)
73); hup’ arithmon agein to enumerate (1: 25) agnôstos obscure (1: 52), that does not involve
agenêsia not coming to be (1: 84), uncreatedness (1: 1), knowledge (1: 86.1), uncognizable (1: 87),
ungeneratedness (1: 68) uncognized (1: 36), unintelligible (1: 7),
agenêtos / agennêtos incapable of coming to be (1: 91), unknowable (11: 2, 20, 26, 44, 48, 76, 78, 85, 89,
not brought into being (1: 75), not coming to be 92.1, 93), unknown (7: 7, 51, 67, 73, 77, 84, 88)
(5: 54, 55, 78, 79, 83), not generable (1: 60), not agnôstoteros less known (1: 20), less well known
generated (2: 34/35.1, 83), not having come to (1: 73); to agnôston concealment (1: 86.2)
be (2: 4, 97.2), not subject to coming-to-be (1: agôgê conduct (1: 67), development (2: 54, 83), drawing
21), that has not come to be (2: 85, 97.2), unable on (1: 39), education (1: 68), inference (1: 64),
to come to be (1: 89), uncreated (3: 44, 76, 85), leading (1: 79), line of argument (1: 58), line of
unengendered (1: 99), ungenerable (3: 47, 53, reasoning (1: 68), method of proof (1: 93),
66), ungenerated (29: 2, 3, 10.2, 11, 12, 16, 20, 22, passage (1: 34/35.1), procedure (1: 3), proof (1:
26, 36, 39, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 53, 58, 59, 66, 68, 69, 25), training (1: 52), trend (1: 14), upbringing
70, 74, 80, 85, 90, 92.1, 97.1, 99 (1: 57)
agenêtôs / agennêtôs ungeneratedly (2: 29.1, 70) agôgê tou logou line of proof (1: 42)
agennês ignoble (1: 69) agôn argument (1: 27), competition (2: 97.1, 97.2),
ageômetrêtos ignorant of geometry (1: 90), not contest (9: 11, 16, 20, 27, 35.2, 44, 69, 77, 97.1),
knowing geometry (1: 73), without geometry debate (1: 16), quarrel (1: 84), struggle (2: 86.1,
(1: 67) 97.1), task (1: 34/35.1)
agêrôn ageless (1: 53) agônia athletic contest (1: 69), competition (1: 69),
agêrôs ageless (1: 80) contest (1: 69)
ageustos having no taste (1: 86.2), tasteless (2: 28.2, 57), agônios angle-free (1: 76), angleless (1: 98), without
that cannot be tasted (1: 57), unable to be tasted angles (4: 56, 61, 76, 84)
(1: 25), untasteable (1: 28.2) to agônion angularity (1: 22)
agnoein to be ignorant (21: 2, 4, 6.2, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, agônistês competitor (1: 97.1), contestant (2: 43.3, 97.1)
29.1, 42, 44, 52, 58, 59, 64, 73, 75, 85, 86.1, 90, agônistikos disputatious (1: 74)
97.1), to be ignorant of (7: 7, 17, 38, 67, 68, 83, agônizesthai to argue for (1: 86.1), to challenge (1: 48),
89), to be in ignorance (1: 4), to be mistaken (1: to compete (1: 69), to do battle (1: 78), to strive
25), to be unacquainted (1: 88), to be unaware (1: 35.2)
(10: 28.2, 48, 51, 58, 60, 75, 76, 78, 83, 93), to fail agonos barren (2: 88, 97.1), infertile (1: 74), non-
to realise (1: 48), to fail to recognise (1: 88), to generative (1: 74), sterile (1: 74), unproductive
fail to understand (1: 99), to ignore (2: 7, 61), to (1: 6.2)
not be aware (1: 99), to not know (20: 4, 10.2, agônothetês director of the games (1: 97.1)
16, 20, 22, 43.2, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 67, 68, 78, agora agora (1: 93), marketplace (2: 67, 91)
80, 86.1, 90, 91, 99), to not realise (5: 10.2, 57, 80, agoraios commercial (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69)
86.1, 99), to not recognise (1: 43.2), to not agorazein to buy (1: 17), to marketeer (1: 17)
understand (2: 26, 83) agoreuein to address (1: 51)
agnoeisthai to be not known (1: 64), to be unaware agrammatos inexpert in grammar (1: 89), unlettered
of (1: 18.2), to be unknown (2: 52, 59), to not (1: 23)
understand (1: 18.2); agnoôn unwittingly (1: agraphos blank (1: 91), uninscribed (1: 67), unwritten
80), without knowing (1: 4); agnooumenos (7: 14, 28.1, 51, 52, 61, 67, 94), with no writing
unknown (1: 98), unrecognized (1: 73); to (1: 28.1)
agnoein ignorance (2: 15, 99); ta agnooumena agraphoi sunousiai unwritten lectures (1: 94),
things not known (1: 16) unwritten teachings (1: 94); agraphon
agnoêma ignorant mistake (1: 86.1), ignorant view (1: nomimon unwritten law (1: 52); grammateion
86.1) agraphon writing tablet on which nothing is
agnoia absence of knowledge (1: 32), ignorance (33: 1, written (1: 34/35.1)
2, 4, 7, 16, 17, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 43.3, 44, 48, agreuein to go after (1: 57), to stalk (1: 34/35.1)
52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 73, 83, 85, 88, 90, agrios wild (3: 17, 86.1, 86.2)
93, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 99), mistake (1: 25), agriotêsboorishness(1:69),fierceness(1:69),wildness(1:86.1)
misunderstanding (1: 83) agroikia boorishness (1: 69)


agroikos boorish (1: 69), crude (1: 2) riddles (1: 22), to speak in symbolical language
agros field (1: 7) (1: 67), to suggest (1: 28.2)
agrupnia insomnia (1: 60) ainittomenos enigmatic (1: 74)
agrupnos sleepless (1: 86.1) aiôn abiding (1: 83), Aeon (1: 45/46), age (1: 53),
agumnastos untrained (1: 19) duration (2: 54, 97.2), eternity (16: 1, 11, 14, 20,
âidein to sing (3: 56, 57, 68) 39, 42, 44, 45/46, 58, 59, 68, 72, 83, 86.1, 87,
aideisthai to be ashamed (4: 4, 21, 83, 88), to be 97.2), period (of time) (1: 42), time (3: 61, 83,
respectful (1: 69), to respect (1: 52) 97.2)
aïdêlos destructive (1: 61) en aiôni for eternity (1: 42)
aidêmôn respectful (1: 69) aiônios enduring (2: 54, 55), eternal (13: 11, 14, 22, 26,
Âidês Hades (1: 52) 29.1, 39, 45/46, 58, 59, 68, 70, 83, 99), everlasting
aïdios eternal (57: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, (1: 22), perpetual (1: 11)
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 29.1, 32, aiôniôs eternally (5: 29.1, 58, 59, 68, 70); to aiônion
34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, eternity (1: 68)
60, 61, 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 85, 86.2, aipolos goatherd (1: 21)
89, 90, 91, 92.2, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2), everlasting airein : airesthai to be removed (1: 79)
(21: 13, 14, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 44, 48, 58, 59, 66, aiskhos ugliness (2: 4, 67)
67, 68, 80, 83, 85, 87, 92.1, 92.2, 99), existing aiskhros base (1: 52), shameful (7: 4, 38, 43.2, 43.3, 52,
forever (1: 85), forever (1: 83), perpetual (2: 11, 69, 86.2), ugly (5: 17, 43.2, 64, 69, 93)
51) to aiskhron shamefulness (1: 4)
aïdiôs eternally (3: 12, 17, 60), everlastingly (3: 22, aiskhunê shame (2: 43.3, 69)
58, 59); ouk aïdios non-eternal (1: 90); ex aiskhunesthai to be ashamed (3: 55, 83, 86.1)
aïdiou since the beginning of time (1: 68), from âisma tune (1: 57)
eternity (1: 97.2), from everlasting (2: s58, 59); aisthanesthai to be aware (3: 28.1, 57, 100), to be aware
to aïdion eternal being (1: 22), eternity (5: 2, 12, of (1: 98), to be perceptive (1: 97.1), to be
17, 42, 52), everlastingness (1: 99); aïdiôs sensible (1: 22), to be sensible of (1: 97.1), to be
kineisthai to be in eternal motion (1: 22) sensitive (1: 28.2), to be sentient (1: 59), to
aïdiotês eternity (17: 4, 5, 6.2, 10.1, 12, 17, 21, 25, engage in sense perception (1: 25), to have
34/35.1, 42, 54, 56, 60, 61, 74, 75, 78), perception (1: 100), to have sensation (2: 21,
everlastingness (9: 22, 38, 44, 58, 59, 68, 80, 83, 22), to have sense experience (3: 21, 16, 99), to
99), perpetuity (1: 99) have senses (1: 59), to hear (1: 28.2), to observe
aidoios revered (1: 23) (1: 59), to perceive (34: 2, 4, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25,
to aidoion loins (1: 34/35.1); ta aidoia genitalia (1: 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43.2, 43.3,
86.1) 45/46, 50, 54, 56, 57, 61, 67, 69, 75, 77, 78, 79, 83,
aidôs respect (4: 61, 69, 97.1, 97.2), reverence (1: 43.3), 86.1, 89, 91, 93, 100), to perceive (by sense) (1:
shame (2: 4, 61) 52), to perceive by the senses (1: 21), to sense (8:
aigialos coast (1: 54) 21, 22, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 43.2, 52, 99)
aiglê radiance (1: 54), shining (2: 22, 67) to aisthanesthai perceiving (1: 91), perception (3:
aigokerôs Capricorn (the constellation) (2: 67, 95) 22, 61, 65), sensation (2: 22, 28.2), sense
ainigma enigma (2: 79, 84), enigmatic (1: 67), hint (1: perception (2: 2, 100), sensing (2: 22, 28.2); ho
35.2), riddle (3: 18.2, 51, 67) aisthanomenos perceiver (2: 19, 91); to
ainigmatôdês enigmatic (1: 84), hinting at more aisthanomenon what is perceived (1: 91);
obscure matters (1: 79), in a riddling way (1: aisthêsin aisthanesthai to employ one’s senses
90), in a symbolic language (1: 67) (1: 59); to kat’ energeian aisthesthai to perceive
ainigmatôdôs as a kind of riddle (1: 86.2), actively (1: 91)
enigmatically (1: 44) aisthêma effect of sense (1: 67), object of sense
ainissesthai / ainittesthai to allude (3: 60, 61, 67), to perception (1: 16), sense experience (1: 28.1),
allude symbolically (1: 67), to create a puzzle (1: sense impression (2: 25, 100)
48), to express enigmatically (1: 20), to give a aisthêsis observation (3: 58, 59, 80), organ of
riddled account (1: 44), to have symbolic perception (2: 25, 75), perceiving (1: 91),
meaning (1: 67), to hint (8: 23, 28.1, 56, 57, 60, perception (53: 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20,
74, 79, 95), to hint at (9: 22, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 44, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44,
54, 68, 72, 90), to hint covertly at (1: 22), to 45/46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68,
indicate in an obscure way (1: 79), to indicate 69, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95,
obscurely (1: 22), to intimate (1: 34/35.1), to 97.1, 98, 99, 100), perceptual sense (1: 23),
refer (1: 60), to refer enigmatically (1: 86.2), to sensation (20: 4, 12, 21, 22, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 40,
riddle (1: 23), to speak enigmatically (1: 20), to 43.2, 43.3, 51, 52, 58, 59, 67, 76, 80, 86.1, 90, 93),
speak in a riddling fashion (1: 94), to speak in sense (34: 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 24,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 37, 38, 43.2, 43.3, 51, 52, has sensation (1: 22), that has the power of
56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 66, 67, 69, 77, 80, 90, 91, 98, sensation (1: 22), that is a matter of sense
100), sense experience (1: 21), sense faculty (1: perception (1: 4), that perceives (4: 28.2,
67), sense impression (1: 25), sense knowledge 34/35.1, 56, 57), with sensation (1: 12), with
(1: 15), sense organ (3: 19, 38, 54), sense sense (1: 56)
perception (21: 1, 2, 10.1, 10.2, 16, 21, 22, 25, aisthêtikôs as sensation (1: 22), in application to
28.1, 36, 44, 60, 61, 67, 74, 75, 89, 94, 95, 99, 100), sensation (1: 28.2), in a sensible way (1: 57); ho
sense power (1: 2), senses (1: 2), sensibility (1: aisthêtikos perceiver (1: 32); to aisthêtikon
43.2), sensing (1: 52), the senses (1: 99) capacity for sense perception (1: 25), capacity of
aisthêseis senses (1: 79); kat’ aisthêsin sensible (1: perceiving (1: 73), capacity of perception (1:
22); aisthêseôs metekhôn sentient (1: 59); 100), faculty for perceiving (1: 24), faculty of
aisthêsin aisthanesthai to employ one’s senses sense perception (2: 28.2, 61), perception (1:
(1: 59); akoustikê aisthêsis sense of hearing (1: 22), perceptive part (1: 100), perceptive power
57); geustikê aisthêsis sense of taste (1: 57), (1: 100), sensation (1: 22), sense (2: 22, 28.2),
sense that tastes (1: 56); haptikê aisthêsis sense organ (2: 22, 28.2), sensitive faculty (3: 22,
capacity of touch (1: 100), sense of touch (3: 56, 28.2, 36), sensitive power (1: 100), sensitive
57, 91); horatikê aisthêsis sense of sight (1: 2); principle (1: 28.2), sensitive soul (1: 36), the
kat’ energeian aisthêsis perception in activity feature of originating sensation (1: 22), the part
(1: 91); koinê aisthêsis common sense (3: for perceiving (1: 91), what is capable of
34/35.1, 57, 100); optikê aisthêsis sense that perception (1: 100), what is perceptive (1: 91);
sees (1: 56); pathêtikê aisthêsis passive aisthêtikê antilêpsis sense perception (1: 59),
perception (1: 100) power to perceive (1: 56); aisthêtikê dunamis
aisthêtêrion instrument of sensation (1: 21), organ (2: capacity for sense perception (1: 25), perceptual
36, 100), organ of sensation (2: 22, 86.1), organ power (1: 57), in a sensitive way (1: 36), in
of sense (1: 28.1), perceptual organ (1: 91), sensation (2: 22, 28.2), sensibly (1: 28.2);
sense organ (19: 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2, aisthêtikon organon instrumentality of sense
34/35.1, 36, 38, 40, 42, 52, 56, 57, 61, 67, 100) (1: 34/35.1); hoion aisthêtikos such as
aisthêtêrion geustikon sense-organ of taste (1: 57); sensation (1: 22); kata to idiôma aisthêtikon in
aisthêtêrion organon sense organ (1: 100); the way distinctive of sense (1: 34/35.1), in the
akoustikon aisthêtêrion sense organ of hearing way peculiar to sense (1: 34/35.1); prôton
(1: 57); haptikon aisthêtêrion sense-organ of aisthêtikon primary capacity for sense
touch (1: 57); optikon aisthêtêrion sense-organ perception (1: 25), primary perceptive part (1:
of sight (1: 57); osphrantikon aisthêtêrion 38); prôtôs aisthêtikê primary capacity for
sense-organ of smell (1: 57) sense perception (1: 25); to kineisthai
aisthêtikos able to perceive (3: 54, 77, 91), able to sense aisthêtikôs motion of sensation (1: 86.1)
(1: 21), as sensation (1: 22), capable of being aisthêtos able to be perceived (1: 91), capable of being
perceived (1: 7), capable of perceiving (3: 7, 13, sensed (1: 28.1), observable (1: 100), of the
73), capable of perception (2: 19, 100), capable senses (1: 85), perceivable (1: 39), perceived (11:
of sensation (4: 12, 19, 40, 86.1), capable of 7, 18.2, 28.1, 36, 40, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 85),
sense perception (1: 94), capable of sensing (2: perceived by sense (1: 16), perceived by the
10.1, 28.1), concerned with sensation (1: 22), senses (1: 99), perceptible (61: 2, 5, 6.1, 9, 11, 13,
connected with sense (1: 28.1), endowed with 14, 15, 18.2, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 36,
sense perception (2: 61, 67), having a capacity 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54,
for sense perception (1: 25), having perception 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70,
(1: 84), having sensation (1: 86.1), having the 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 91, 93,
faculty to perceive (2: 61, 67), involving 95, 97.2, 98, 100), perceptible by sense (1: 21),
sensation (1: 22), of perception (3: 36, 52, 77), of sensed (3: 21, 22, 28.2), sensible (20: 2, 10.2, 12,
sensation (6: 21, 22, 28.2, 52, 80, 86.1), of sense 13, 16, 19, 21, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 41.1, 51, 52, 59,
(5: 22, 28.1, 34/35.1, 36, 52), of sensing (2: 22, 85, 90, 93, 94, 97.1), that can be perceived (1:
28.1), of sentience (1: 22), of the senses (1: 28.1, 52), that can be sensed (1: 21)
100), perceiving (4: 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 57), aisthêtôs by the senses (1: 57), perceivingly (1:
perceptible (3: 7, 17, 36), perceptive (12: 28.1, 34/35.1); to aisthêton object of perception (11:
48, 52, 57, 64, 65, 67, 69, 74, 91, 93, 100), 2, 15, 25, 40, 45/46, 50, 61, 67, 75, 89, 93), object
perceptual (4: 9, 73, 90, 92.2), possessing of sensation (5: 4, 22, 28.2, 52, 100), object of
sensation (1: 21), responsible for sensation (1: sense (5: 4, 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2), object of the
86.1), sensible (4: 7, 22, 67, 86.1), sensitive (12: senses (1: 24), object perceived (1: 28.2),
13, 15, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 40, 52, 61, 67, 86.1, 100), perceptibility (1: 52), perceptible being (1: 67),
sensory (3: 19, 21, 80), sentient (2: 32, 80), that perceptible object (2: 67, 100), perceptible thing


(1: 44), sensation (1: 22), sense datum (1: 36), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32,
sense object (11: 22, 28, 28.1, 34/35.1, 36, 45/46, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 43.3,
56, 57, 57, 67, 100), sensible object (4: 22, 28.2, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
58, 67), sensible thing (5: 19, 22, 28.2, 52, 100), 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74,
sensual thing (1: 59), the perceptible (1: 97.1), 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 87, 88, 89,
the sensible (2: 22, 52), the sensible world (1: 90, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100),
97.1), thing perceived (2: 28.2, 40), what is explanation (25: 7, 9, 11, 22, 25, 27, 33, 35.2, 38,
perceived (1: 7); ta aisthêta perceptible things 44, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 75, 79, 83, 92.1, 93,
(2: 2, 97.1), sensible things (3: 2, 10.1, 97.1), 97.2, 99, 100), ground (1: 22), principle (1: 39),
sensibles (1: 10.2), the sensible realm (1: 100), reason (59: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10.2, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24,
the sensible world (1: 97.1); aisthêton eidos 27, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
sensible form (1: 100), that is perceived (1: 24); 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
idion aisthêton proper sense-object (2: 44, 57), 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 78, 79, 80,
proper sensible (1: 16), what is perceptible 83, 86.1, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99,
exclusively by one sense (1: 91); kata 100), reason why (1: 69), responsibility (4: 52,
sumbebêkos aisthêtos that is extrinsically 68, 86.2, 97.1), something responsible (1: 91),
perceptible (1: 91); kath’ hauto aisthêtos that is source (1: 75)
intrinsically perceptible (1: 91); kathekaston kat’ aitian with respect to causation (1: 59); aitian
aisthêton particular kind of perceptible (1: 91); eipein to say why (1: 18.2); aitian ekhein to be
koinon aisthêton common sense-object (2: responsible (2: 12, 52); aitias apodosis to
34/35.1, 57) answer a question about the cause of something
aitein to ask (2: 16, 90), to ask for (1: 83), to postulate (1: 10.2); apodidonai aitian to give a reason (2:
(2: 83, 90) 10.2, 64); dia tina aitian why (1: 42); hulikê
aiteisthai to ask (2: 16, 52), to ask for (2: 52, 64), to aitia material cause (1: 2); kata to telos aitia
ask for something to be granted (1: 64), to final cause (1: 10.2); kinêtikê aitia cause of
demand (1: 16), to maintain (1: 64), to postulate change (1: 22); paragousa aitia creative cause
(2: 89, 90), to request (1: 52); en arkhêi aitein to (1: 99); poiêtikê aitia efficient cause (3: 57, 67,
beg the question (1: 19); en arkhêi aiteisthai to 95), productive cause (3: 66, 89, 95); prôtourgos
beg the question (1: 16); ex arkhês aiteisthai to aitia primary productive cause (1: 74);
beg the question (1: 90); to ex arkhês aitein suntetagmenê aitia coordinate cause (1: 88);
begging the question (1: 16) telikê aitia final cause (1: 67); to ap’ aitias effect
aitêma assumption (2: 25, 80), postulate (12: 6.1, 13, 20, (1: 11)
23, 30/31, 39, 51, 73, 77, 78, 84, 90), special aitian to blame (2: 16, 56), to hold responsible (1:
pleading (1: 52) 34/35.1), to postulate (1: 44)
mega lian aitêma too much to ask (1: 57) aitiasthai to account for (1: 18.2), to accuse (2: 38,
aitêsis demand (1: 9), request (2: 40, 52) 44), to admit as causes (1: 42), to allege as a
aitêsis tou zêtoumenou begging of the question (1: cause (1: 60), to ascribe (2: 17, 44), to assign a
73) causal role (1: 60), to assign causation (1: 87), to
aithalê sooty smoke (1: 38) assign the cause (1: 95), to attribute (1: 22), to
aithalos smoke (1: 12) be a cause (1: 22), to be an explanation (1: 28.2),
aithein to burn (2: 84, 88) to be responsible (1: 57), to be held (to be)
aithêr aether / aither / ether (19: 11, 14, 16, 28.1, 47, 50, responsible (1: 45/46), to blame (9: 17, 28.2,
53, 59, 61, 72, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.2, 88, 89, 95, 97.1) 43.2, 52, 56, 60, 83, 85, 86.2), to censure (6:
aitherios aethereal / aitherial / ethereal / etherial (11: 30/31, 39, 54, 65, 78, 79), to charge (1: 2), to cite
11, 20, 44, 52, 54, 55, 59, 61, 68, 78, 97.1), as cause (1: 85), to count as cause (1: 22), to
heavenly (1: 92.1) credit (1: 86.2), to criticize (11: 2, 10.2, 16, 18.2,
to aitherion ether (1: 34/35.1); aitherion sôma 19, 21, 40, 42, 48, 51, 85), to denounce (1: 51), to
body made of aether (1: 89) explain (6: 18.2, 60, 75, 78, 79, 95), to find a
aitherôdês aitherial / ethereal (2: 22, 54), of aether (1: reason (1: 88), to find fault (2: 4, 65), to find
86.1) fault with (2: 40, 85), to find the cause in (1: 58),
aithiops black (1: 57) to give an explanation (1: 100), to give as a
aithria clear night (1: 95), clear weather (1: 95), weather cause (1: 52), to give as cause of (1: 61), to give
(1: 95) as the cause (1: 19), to hold in charge (1: 60), to
aithrios made of aether (1: 89) hold responsible (6: 38, 45/46, 52, 56, 58, 59), to
aithria kathara clear sky (1: 57) identify as a cause (2: 50, 89), to impugn (1: 3),
aitia accusation (2: 69, 93), blame (1: 52), causality (2: to invoke (1: 18.2), to invoke as cause (1: 16), to
39, 87), causation (1: 22), cause (90: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, make a cause (1: 60), to make something the
6.1, 6.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, cause (1: 22), to make responsible (9: 22, 27, 52,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

54, 55, 60, 78, 79, 83), to make responsible for (2: cause (77: 1, 2, 4, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 14,
2, 67), to make something responsible (1: 56), to 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1,
make something the reason for something (1: 28.2, 30/31, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.1,
21), to regard as a cause (3: 22, 52, 60), to 43.2, 43.3, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
reproach (1: 51), to specify as the cause (1: 99), 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74,
to think (x to be) a cause (of y) (1: 98), to treat 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92.1,
as cause (1: 22); aitiateon one must blame (1: 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), explanation
97.1) (16: 1, 11, 18.2, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 41.1, 44, 50, 54,
aitiatikos accusative (1: 65) 75, 76, 78, 89, 94), ground (2: 18.2, 22),
aitiatikê ptôsis accusative case (1: 9); hê principle (2: 22, 39), reason (25: 3, 16, 18.2, 20,
aitiatikê accusative case (3: 7, 34/35.1, 21, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 48, 53, 56,
65) 61, 66, 67, 78, 79, 83, 90, 93, 100), source (2: 68,
aitiatos caused (13: 7, 17, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 39, 45/46, 76), the reason why (1: 19), what causes (1: 58);
51, 80, 93, 99, 100), produced by a cause (1: 94), aitios einai (+ gen.) to be the cause of (1: 52);
that is caused (1: 97.2) akinêton aition immobile cause (1: 66); hôs
to aitiaton effect (16: 2, 10.1, 15, 22, 26, 28.1, 28.2, telos aition final cause (1: 10.2); hulikon aition
42, 51, 58, 59, 73, 77, 89, 90, 97.2), product (1: material cause (1: 34/35.1); kinêtikon aition
68), the caused (1: 20), the thing caused (1: 61), cause of motion (1: 22); kinoun aition moving
what is caused (3: 58, 61, 67) cause (1: 66); organikon aition instrumental
aitiôdês causal (7: 22, 39, 44, 48, 59, 79, 92.1), causative cause (1: 34/35.1); poiêtikon aition efficient
(4: 22, 28.1, 42, 100), explanatory (1: 99), of a cause (8: 22, 34/35.1, 35.2, 57, 63, 67, 76, 95),
cause (1: 22), that causes (1: 36), that deals with productive cause (5: 47, 53, 66, 87, 95); to
causes (1: 36), that is a cause (1: 28.1), that poioun aition efficient cause (1: 54); prôton
pertains to cause (1: 36) aition primary cause (1: 61); ta exêirêmena
aitiôdôs as the causes of (1: 28.1), causally (1: 28.2), aitia transcendent causes (1: 60); teleiôtikon
in a causal way (1: 100); to aitiôdes causality (1: aition perfective cause (1: 34/35.1); telikon
100) aition final cause (8: 2, 10.1, 34/35.1, 47, 53, 56,
aitiologein to account for (1: 19), to explain (3: 18.2, 57, 94), perfecting cause (1: 14); tis aitios who
79, 95), to give an explanation (1: 18.2), to offer is the cause (1: 17)
explanations (1: 78), to provide an explanation âittein to rush (1: 16)
(1: 18.2) aix ‘goat’ (type of meteor) (1: 95), goat (2: 21, 95)
aitiologia account of the causes (1: 17), causal account akairia infelicity (1: 38)
(1: 92.2), causal explanation (2: 26, 85), akairos inappropriate (2: 7, 84), inopportune (1: 99)
explanation (2: 18.2, 44), giving of an akairôs inopportunely (1: 19)
explanation (1: 54), grasping after explanations akalêphê sea anemone (1: 56)
(1: 51) akaluphês uncovered (1: 57)
aitiologikos aetiological (1: 22), causal (2: 29.1, 93), akampês steadfast (1: 55)
explanatory (4: 22, 28.2, 56, 67), explicative (1: akamptos not flexible (1: 24)
44) akapnos smokeless (1: 24)
aitiologikôs in a way that identifies the explanation akarês : to akares instant (1: 34/35.1), moment (1:
(1: 93); aitiologikos einai to give a reason (1: 86.1)
22) akariaios for just a moment (1: 91), instantaneous (2:
aitios causative (5: 5, 41.1, 43.1, 43.3, 69), cause (21: 4, 55, 87)
24, 28.1, 29.1, 32, 39, 43.2, 45/46, 54, 58, 59, 64, en akariaiôi instantly (1: 93)
65, 68, 77, 87, 88, 89, 90, 95, 97.2), cause of (1: akarpos barren (1: 86.1)
58), explanation (1: 32), explanatory (2: 9, 40), akatalêktos : to akatalêkton endlessness (1: 3)
explanatory of (1: 76), reason (5: 45/46, 54, 64, akatalêpsia inapprehensibility (1: 16), the view that
65, 91), responsible (21: 3, 4, 5, 16, 19, 28.2, 29.1, apprehension is impossible (1: 90), the view that
38, 39, 42, 43.3, 52, 54, 55, 56, 66, 68, 69, 86.1, 91, there is no apprehension (1: 93), total ignorance
99), responsible (for) (1: 2), responsible for (4: (1: 7)
34/35.1, 58, 59, 93), that yield (1: 90), the cause akatalêptos impossible to grasp (1: 35.2),
of (2: 61, 67) inapprehensible (1: 16), incomprehensible (2:
aitiôteros (being a) more important cause (1: 93), 39, 51), ineffable (1: 5), insecure (1: 91), that
more a cause (1: 58), more fundamental (1: 22), cannot be apprehended (1: 42), ungraspable
more of a cause (3: 17, 73, 99); aitiôtatos most (1: 5)
causal (1: 76), most of all a cause (1: 58), the akatallêlia inconsequence (1: 44)
chief cause (1: 58), (being) the most important akatallêlos badly put (1: 93), inappropriate (1: 26),
explanation (1: 93); to aition agent (1: 18.2), incongruous (4: 9, 30/31, 39, 48)


akatallêloteros incongruous (1: 99), somewhat akhronôs atemporally (7: 3, 19, 27, 34/35.1, 75, 78,
lacking in coherence (1: 16); to akatallêlon 89), in a non-temporal way (2: 56, 74), in no
anomaly (1: 17); akatallêlôs legesthai to be bad time at all (1: 57), instantaneously (3: 14, 80, 99),
syntax (1: 22) timelessly (6: 20, 27, 52, 58, 68, 70), without
akatapaustos incessant (1: 39) (reference to) time (1: 25), without a time
akatataktos not related (1: 5), uncoordinate (1: 74), interval (1: 57), without lapse of time (1: 61); to
uncoordinated (1: 51) akhronon lack of a time interval (1: 57),
akatergastos undigested (1: 91), unprocessed (1: 56) timelessness (1: 22)
akathartos unpurified (1: 61) akhrous colourless (8: 12, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 51, 52, 56, 57),
akation little boat (1: 57), rowboat (1: 7) having no colour (1: 25), without colour (2: 5, 52)
akatonomastos having no name (1: 27), nameless (1: akhthesthai to be annoyed (1: 4), to dislike (1: 4)
48) akhumos flavourless (3: 28.2, 57, 91), that lacks flavour
akaustos incombustible (1: 24) (1: 28.2), without flavour (4: 28.2, 38, 84, 92.1)
akephalos headless (1: 51) akhumôtos unflavoured (1: 57)
akêratos pure (1: 28.1) akhuron chaff (3: 12, 19, 95)
akhaneia cavity (1: 57) akhuros chaff (1: 21)
akhanês : to akhanes cavity (1: 57), yawning gulf (1: akinêsia absence of motion (3: 54, 83, 99), absence of
98) movement (1: 61), being unchanging (1: 27),
eis akhanes diistasthai to be separated by a huge changelessness (4: 20, 27, 69, 89), immobility (7:
distance (1: 95), to be very far apart (1: 95), to 1, 2, 20, 32, 44, 88, 99), lack of change (1: 44),
spread out indefinitely (1: 88); en akhanei in lack of motion (2: 22, 99), lack of movement (1:
open space (1: 52) 58), motionlessness (1: 42), rest (1: 44), state of
akhania abyss (1: 74), cavity (1: 57) being motionless (1: 93)
akharis distasteful (1: 84) akinêtein to be at rest (1: 95), to be unmoved (2: 22,
akharistos ungrateful (1: 43.3) 39), to be without changing (1: 34/35.1)
akhluôdês dim (1: 52), hazy (1: 57), misty (1: 95) akinêtizein not to move (1: 24), to be immobile (1: 87),
akhlus fog (1: 7), haze (1: 57), mist (3: 84, 88, 95) to be unmoving (2: 21, 39)
akhôristos immanent (1: 70), inseparable (46: 3, 5, 7, 9, akinêtos (remaining) the same (1: 32), changeless (3:
10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 17, 69, 85), difficult to move (1: 61), free from
25, 26, 34/35.1, 39, 40, 41.1, 43.3, 48, 50, 54, 56, movement (1: 61), free of movement (1: 59),
58, 61, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 80, 84, 85, 86.1, 89, 91, immobile (21: 2, 11, 14, 15, 20, 22, 32, 40, 44, 53,
94, 95, 98, 99, 100), not separate (4: 39, 42, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 75, 85, 86.1, 89, 94, 99),
98), not separated (3: 22, 36, 40), that cannot be immovable (5: 6.1, 14, 20, 87, 88), immutable (1:
separated (1: 94), unseparated (4: 15, 18.2, 22, 15), incapable of moving (1: 67), incapable of
61) undergoing change (1: 91), inert (2: 28.2, 86.1),
akhôriston inseparably (1: 58); akhôristôs motionless (18: 2, 3, 22, 26, 39, 40, 53, 54, 55, 59,
inseparably (2: 14, 22); to einai akhôristos 63, 68, 76, 85, 88, 97.1, 98, 99), not in motion (1:
independence (1: 28.2) 99), not moved (1: 28.2), not subject to change
akhrantos pure (1: 70), unsullied (1: 70), untainted (1: 3) (1: 22), not subject to movement (1: 67), that
akhreios useless (2: 43.1, 69) does not change (1: 22), that does not move (1:
akhrêstos of little value (1: 2), pointless (1: 64), 18.2), unchangeable (4: 20, 27, 85, 86.2),
unprofitable (1: 48), unserviceable (2: 54, 55), unchanged (8: 22, 27, 44, 48, 56, 57, 68, 85),
useless (7: 23, 52, 56, 64, 69, 73, 90) unchanging (16: 2, 11, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1,
to akhrêston waste (1: 86.1) 50, 56, 57, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 89), unmovable (2:
akhris until (1: 29.1) 42, 89), unmoved (31: 5, 6.2, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 19,
akhroia pallor (1: 7) 21, 25, 26, 28.2, 39, 40, 42, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 61,
akhrômatistos colourless (2: 34/35.1, 57), uncoloured 63, 67, 68, 70, 74, 86.1, 92.1, 95, 98, 99, 100),
(1: 57), without colour (1: 25) unmoving (16: 5, 27, 41.2, 48, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59,
akhrômatos colourless (1: 92.1), without colour (2: 78, 68, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 99), without change (1:
83) 34/35.1), without motion (2: 42, 99)
akhronos atemporal (2: 27, 42), in no time (1: 14), in akinêtôs immovably (1: 42), unchangingly (1:
no time at all (1: 57), instantaneous (12: 14, 34/35.1), without any movement (1: 59),
28.1, 32, 38, 44, 55, 58, 80, 86.1, 91, 98, 99), without being moved (1: 17); to akinêton
non-temporal (1: 87), not in a time interval (1: immobility (1: 42), immutability (1: 2), lack of
42), not in time (1: 25), outside time (2: 39, 48), movement (1: 58), unchangingness (1: 22); ta
timeless (10: 18.2, 27, 28.2, 39, 56, 68, 80, 85, akinêta mathematical objects (1: 15), unmoved
97.1, 97.2), without a time interval (1: 57), entities (1: 10.2); akinêton aition immobile
without time (1: 67) cause (1: 66); akinêtos kata topon incapable of

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

locomotion (1: 100), incapable of movement 97.1, 99), to follow from (6: 7, 16, 19, 40, 66, 90),
(1: 100) to follow logically (1: 10.2), to follow on (1:
akis point (of an arrow) (1: 88) 28.2), to follow upon (2: 3, 56), to parallel (1:
aklastos unbroken (2: 54, 83) 22), to result (1: 99), to succeed (1: 25), to
akleês without fame (1: 29.1) supervene on (1: 38)
aklinês not inclining in any direction (1: 55), unmoved akolouthôn consequent (1: 27), consistent (1: 73),
(1: 70) following (1: 14), in accordance with (1: 14);
akmaios vigorous (1: 95) akolouthoun as a consequence (1: 42); to
akmaiôs in a vigorous way (1: 95) akolouthoun consequence (1: 67)
akmazein to be at a peak (1: 22), to be at an acme (1: akolouthêsis consequence (1: 60), entailment (2: 39,
83), to be mature (1: 34/35.1), to bring to a 77), following upon (1: 60), implication (4: 7, 25,
height (1: 68), to flourish (2: 67, 88), to gain 30/31, 35.2), order of sequence (1: 17), process
strength (1: 61), to have maturity (1: 34/35.1), to of inference (1: 89), progression (1: 55),
reach an acme (1: 83) sequence (1: 85)
akmazôn in one’s prime (1: 48) akolouthia conclusion (1: 10.2), conformity (2: 3, 59),
akmê acme (2: 17, 83), best age (1: 80), culminating connection (2: 14, 94), consequence (10: 3, 5, 14,
point (1: 60), culmination (1: 86.1), excellence 21, 26, 44, 48, 54, 97.2, 99), consequent (1: 65),
(1: 86.1), maturity (3: 25, 34/35.1, 67), consistency (1: 41.1), correspondence (1: 38),
maximum (1: 54), peak (1: 67), prime (3: 6.2, 42, dependence (1: 14), entailment (7: 19, 42, 59, 64,
43.1), prime of life (1: 43.3), prime time (1: 80) 65, 66, 83), entailment relation (1: 65), following
akmê hêlikias prime age (1: 95) (2: 35.2, 57), implication (6: 9, 25, 30/31, 35.2,
akoê act of hearing (2: 4, 59), ear (2: 28.2, 54), hearing 75, 85), inference (4: 20, 54, 83, 89), logical
(27: 4, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, agreement (1: 60), logical consequence (2:
48, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 66, 67, 68, 72, 83, 90, 45/46, 73), logical order (1: 5), logical sequence
91, 93, 98), organ of hearing (3: 19, 36, 75), sense (1: 34/35.1), orderly sequence (1: 97.2),
of hearing (3: 15, 28.2, 36) relationship (1: 14), sequence (12: 2, 12, 17, 50,
akoinônêtos having nothing in common (1: 83), not 52, 65, 79, 85, 87, 88, 97.2, 99), succession (1:
having anything in common (1: 61), not sharing 45/46), what follows (4: 21, 35.2, 52, 54)
in (1: 79), unsharing (1: 61) kat’ akolouthian in logical continuity (1: 10.2);
to akoinôtêton dissociation (1: 22) anaskeuastikon ex akolouthias denial of the
akolasia dissoluteness (2: 40, 69), intemperance (5: 13, consequent (1: 14); antistrephein kata tên
19, 93, 97.1, 97.2), licentiousness (3: 45/46, 97.1, akolouthian to mutually entail (1: 42); einai
99), profligacy (1: 4), self-indulgence (1: 37) akolouthian to succeed (1: 90); hê tou logou
akolastainein to act dissolutely (1: 69), to be a libertine akolouthia the logic of the argument (1: 68)
(1: 45/46), to be dissolute (1: 69), to be akolouthos appropriate (1: 59), coherent (1: 92.2),
profligate (1: 4) connected (1: 64), consequential (1: 25),
to akolastainein profligacy (1: 4) consistent (12: 2, 7, 14, 17, 24, 25, 48, 58, 60, 80,
akolastos debauched (1: 34/35.1), dissolute (1: 69), 90, 92.2), consistent with (2: 40, 59), fitting with
intemperate (1: 97.1), licentious (4: 43.3, 45/46, (1: 87), following (11: 20, 36, 52, 54, 55, 79, 83,
52, 100), profligate (2: 4, 15) 86.2, 88, 90, 94), following from (4: 19, 40, 67,
akolastotês dissoluteness (1: 69) 95), following logically (1: 51), following
akolouthein to accompany (1: 61), to adhere (1: 25), to naturally (1: 10.2), following upon (1: 14),
adhere to (1: 50), to apply to (1: 30/31), to implied (1: 25), in accordance with (2: 52, 61),
attend upon (2: 40, 57), to be a consequence (7: in agreement with (1: 24), in the tradition of (1:
50, 54, 55, 68, 78, 89, 91), to be a consequence of 95), logical (1: 76), next (1: 78), subsequent (1:
(5: 26, 42, 73, 90, 98), to be a result (1: 20), to be 85), that follows (1: 56), that follows from (1:
an accompaniment (1: 22), to be connected to 29.1), that follows on (1: 52), that follows upon
(1: 64), to be consequent on (1: 28.2), to be (1: 35.2)
consistent with (2: 66, 73), to be implied by (1: akolouthon following (1: 21), in line with (1: 56), it
98), to be in accordance with (1: 28.1), to be follows (2: 28.1, 80), it follows that (1: 17), it
next (1: 91), to be subject to (1: 42), to cohere remains (1: 86.1), next (1: 21), the natural
(1: 30/31), to come after (1: 99), to come with sequence is (1: 7), what comes next (1: 52);
(1: 88), to conform (1: 3), to correspond (2: 16, akolouthoteros more consistent (1: 14), more
38), to correspond to (1: 87), to ensue (1: 60), to logical (1: 67); akolouthôs accordingly (4: 17,
follow (52: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18.2, 40, 61, 86.2), as a consequence (1: 77), by
19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30/31, 32, 35.2, 36, 38, implication (1: 60), consecutively (1: 27),
42, 44, 45/46, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, consequent (1: 29.1), consequently (4: 28.2, 67,
67, 68, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 94, 68, 79), consistently (7: 2, 22, 42, 58, 59, 79, 99),


following (4: 28.1, 28.2, 52, 98), following due akousios against one’s will (1: 34/35.1), involuntary (5:
sequence (1: 99), in accordance with (2: 7, 61), 4, 16, 43.3, 69, 97.2)
in conformity with (1: 2), in consequence (2: 3, akousiôs against the will (1: 57), involuntarily (2: 4,
28.1), in due order (1: 59), in sequence (1: 52), 100); to akousion the involuntary (1: 15)
in turn (1: 68), it follows that (1: 27), logically akousis audition (1: 34/35.1), hearing (3: 34/35.1, 36, 39)
(1: 76), next (1: 78), subsequently (4: 26, 68, 73, akousma sound (1: 39)
95), then (2: 21, 98); to akolouthon conclusion akousmata teachings (1: 97.2)
(1: 10.2), consequence (11: 2, 10.2, 14, 16, 38, 63, akoustikos able to hear (1: 38), able to perceive sound
67, 68, 78, 85, 91), consequent (2: 17, 18.2), (1: 36), afforded by hearing (1: 59), auditive (1:
consequentiality (1: 36), consistently (1: 25), 28.2), auditory (2: 38, 91), capable of hearing (1:
corollary (1: 7), logical conclusion (1: 10.2), 28.1), having a capacity for hearing (1: 25),
sequel (1: 47), sequence (1: 38), the implication involving hearing (1: 84), of hearing (3: 34/35.1,
(1: 25), what comes next (2: 52, 91), what 57, 90), that hears (1: 57), with hearing (1: 28.2)
follows (3: 16, 68, 91); hôs akolouthon as a to akoustikon capacity for hearing (1: 25);
consequence (1: 99); kata to akolouthon akoustikê aisthêsis sense of hearing (1: 57);
analogously (1: 80), as a consequence (3: 58, 59, akoustikê dunamis power to hear (2: 35.2, 57);
68), consistently (2: 58, 59); akolouthos einai to akoustikê energeia activity of hearing (1: 57),
ensue (1: 52), to follow (4: 16, 57, 58, 59); hearing (1: 67); akoustikon aisthêtêrion sense
akoulouthos einai to follow logically (1: 10.2); organ of hearing (1: 57); akoustikon pneuma
akolouthon esti it follows (1: 52); akolouthôs acoustic pneuma (1: 57)
dialambanei he goes on to treat of (1: 57); akoustos audible (9: 10.2, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38, 41.2, 54, 67,
akolouthôs kata taxin in logical order (1: 10.2); 91), heard (3: 28.1, 57, 90), that can be heard (1:
ek tou akolouthou a priori (1: 57); ên an 21)
akolouthon it would have followed (1: 52); ta to akouston object of hearing (3: 25, 28.1, 57),
akoloutha sullogizesthai to draw conclusions sound (1: 28.2)
(1: 68); to akolouthon tês suntaxeôs flow of the akraiphnês inviolable (1: 28.1), pure (2: 22, 36),
construction (1: 57) unmixed (1: 42)
akôlutos not impeded (1: 94), unable to be impeded (1: akraiphnôs inviolably (1: 28.1)
52), unhindered (2: 39, 48), unimpeded (1: 60), akrasia bad mixture (1: 60), deficiency in self-control
unobstructed (1: 6.1), unprevented (1: 12) (1: 34/35.1), incontinence (2: 25, 40),
akôlutôs when not impeded (1: 94), without intemperate behaviour (1: 52), lack of control
impediment (2: 54, 95) (1: 69), lack of self-control (3: 40, 97.1, 100)
akompsos blunt (1: 67), unsubtle (1: 94) akrateia being out of control (1: 34/35.1)
akôn involuntary (2: 43.1, 69), unwilling (2: 15, 55), akratês deficient in self-control (1: 34/35.1),
unwillingly (1: 97.1) incontinent (2: 15, 25), lacking in control (1:
akontion javelin (1: 95) 69), lacking in self-control (1: 69), lacking
akontizein to launch (1: 57), to throw (1: 54) self-control (1: 52), uncontrolled (1: 69),
akosmêtos unorganised (1: 70) without self-control (2: 43.3, 100)
akosmia disarray (1: 80), disorder (3: 80, 97.1, 97.2) ho akratês one who is not in control of himself (1:
akouein to attend to (1: 25), to consider (1: 76), to hear 91)
(32: 2, 4, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 36, akratêtos in an unsubdued state (1: 48)
38, 42, 44, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 68, 77, 78, 79, 83, akrateuesthai to be out of control (1: 69)
85, 86.1, 86.2, 90, 91, 93), to interpret (5: 18.2, akratos pure (1: 16), unblended (1: 38), unmixed (3: 24,
38, 44, 76, 93), to learn (1: 77), to listen (5: 4, 40, 60, 86.1), utter (1: 16)
42, 68, 86.2), to read (1: 44), to recognise (1: 54), akratôs purely (1: 16), unmixed (1: 57)
to see (i.e. understand) (1: 68), to see (i.e. akremôn branch (1: 54)
witness) (1: 68), to take (1: 22), to take (i.e. akribeia accuracy (6: 10.1, 17, 36, 38, 85, 92.1), details
understand) (1: 68), to take to be (1: 92.1), to (1: 88), exactitude (1: 22), exactness (4: 2, 28.2,
take to mean (1: 18.2), to understand (37: 2, 7, 61, 100), precision (11: 10.1, 25, 40, 54, 55, 58,
10.2, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 78, 79, 84, 93, 100), rigour (1: 59)
36, 40, 42, 51, 54, 55, 56, 60, 65, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, di’ akribeias in detail (1: 25)
83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 99), to akribês accurate (22: 2, 3, 18.2, 20, 22, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1,
understand as (1: 52) 36, 38, 41.2, 42, 48, 57, 61, 67, 73, 74, 83, 85, 88,
akousteon one must understand (2: 36, 86.1), 91), articulate (1: 28.2), clear (1: 28.1), correct
should be understood (1: 92.1); to akouein (1: 48), detailed (2: 25, 80), exact (13: 2, 3, 19, 21,
hearing (2: 90, 91); hoi akouontes audience (2: 22, 28.1, 42, 51, 60, 61, 69, 75, 94), in detail (2:
40, 42); eugnomonôs akouein to give a 28.1, 67), precise (21: 17, 18.2, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 36,
charitable reading (1: 94) 54, 55, 60, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 90, 93, 95,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

99), right (1: 36), rigorous (1: 83), strict (3: 68, 22), margin (1: 11), summit (2: 22, 99); ta akra
69, 99), stringent (1: 1) absolutely (1: 29.1), extreme terms (1: 99),
akribôs accurately (11: 17, 18.2, 19, 24, 27, 28.2, extremes (3: 2, 25, 68), extremities (1: 25), peak
34/35.1, 56, 57, 91, 98), acutely (1: 56), carefully (1: 29.1), upper reaches (1: 86.2); akrotatos
(1: 68), clearly (1: 68), exactly (8: 18.2, 19, 22, 27, highest (3: 11, 36, 100), supreme (1: 100),
28.1, 57, 94, 99), full well (1: 80), in a precise ultimate (1: 16), most opposed (1: 32); to
sense (2: 60, 75), in an exact sense (1: 75), in akrotaton summit (2: 93, 94); to akron
detail (1: 80), in precise terms (1: 75), precisely daktulon fingertip (1: 42)
(3: 68, 98, 99), strictly speaking (1: 57), truly (1: akrotêrion extremity (2: 15, 51)
36), with exactness (1: 28.2); akribesteron in akrotês culmination (1: 52), extreme (4: 4, 34/35.1, 60,
greater detail (1: 94), more carefully (1: 68), 69), extreme degree (1: 60), highest form (2: 54,
more precisely (1: 94); akribestatos most 83), perfection (1: 52), pinnacle (1: 68), summit
precise (1: 10.2); ep’ akribes in a precise way (1: (2: 36, 100), supremacy (1: 11)
25), in detail (1: 25); to akribes accuracy (3: 27, aktis beam (1: 86.1), ray (17: 18.2, 28.2, 38, 52, 54, 55,
28.2, 36), exactitude (1: 22), exactness (1: 18.2), 56, 57, 58, 59, 77, 83, 86.1, 88, 90, 95, 98), ray of
precision (2: 10.1, 36), the exact facts (1: 88); light (1: 22), ray of sun (1: 61), sight ray (1: 88),
eidenai akribôs to know well (1: 68) stream (1: 95), sunbeam (1: 61), sunray (1: 1)
akribologein to give precise information (1: 93) opseôn aktis visual ray (1: 88); tês opseôs aktines
akribologeisthai to be exact (1: 51), to be pedantic sight streams (1: 95); tou hêliou aktines sun
(1: 42), to be precise (4: 17, 25, 65, 85), to rays (1: 95)
describe in more accurate terms (1: 92.1), to put akurologia misuse of words (1: 59), without authority
in a precise way (1: 60), to quibble (1: 75), to (1: 83)
speak accurately (2: 5, 27), to speak precisely (5: akuros incorrect (1: 59)
11, 40, 48, 55, 78), to talk precisely (1: 92.1); akurôs inaccurately (1: 27)
akribologoumenos pedantically (1: 73) alazôn pretentious (1: 97.2)
akribologia exact knowledge (1: 59), precise language ho alazôn boaster (1: 69)
(1: 10.1), precision (2: 10.1, 40), precision of alazoneia arrogance (1: 97.1), boastfulness (1: 69), false
language (1: 48), true distinction (1: 48) pretension (1: 97.2), pretension (1: 97.1)
akriboun : êkribômenos exact (1: 90) alazoneuesthai to boast (1: 69)
akris insect (1: 7), locust (1: 56) alazonikos boastful (1: 69)
akrisia confusion (1: 92.2) alea the hot (1: 24), warmth (2: 52, 95)
akritos confused (1: 85), uncritical (1: 84), aleeinos sunny (1: 52), warm (1: 95)
undiscriminating (1: 28.1) alêptos ungraspable (1: 39), unidentifiable (1: 75)
akroamatikos esoteric (2: 7, 48), for academic alêtheia reality (6: 13, 21, 22, 61, 67, 88), truth (57: 2, 3,
audiences (1: 87), technical (1: 14) 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 16, 18.2, 20, 21, 22,
akroasis course (1: 88), hearing (1: 16), lecture (9: 5, 25, 27, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43.2,
10.1, 12, 21, 40, 61, 67, 74, 97.2), lecture course 43.3, 44, 45/46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61,
(1: 19), treatise (1: 17), work (1: 48) 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2, 88,
akroasthai to hear (1: 25), to listen to (1: 7) 89, 90, 93, 95, 97.2, 99, 100)
akroatês auditor (1: 10.1), disciple (3: 54, 83, 97.1), kat’ alêtheias truthfully (1: 93); kat’ alêtheian
hearer (1: 22), listener (2: 79, 83), pupil (2: 67, really (3: 58, 59, 99), truly (2: 4, 73), truthfully
97.1), reader (1: 7), student (1: 73) (1: 93); kata alêtheian in truth (1: 19); meta tês
akroazein to hear (1: 17) alêtheias correctly (1: 59); pros alêtheian real
akrodrua fruits grown in the upper branches of trees (1: 59), with a view to the truth (1: 16);
(1: 86.1) huparxis alêtheias true reality (1: 95)
akrôreia mountain (1: 54), mountain ridge (1: 57) alêthein to grind grain (1: 19)
akros extreme (24: 4, 5, 7, 11, 16, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 33, alêthês accurate (1: 54), correct (5: 30/31, 58, 61, 76,
34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 52, 60, 64, 65, 69, 73, 79, 83, 90, 83), genuine (1: 59), inerrant (1: 22), is so (1:
91, 93, 100), high (2: 90, 93), highest (2: 83, 100), 27), real (4: 54, 58, 59, 95), right (1: 67), valid (1:
keen (1: 94), lofty (1: 85) 16), true (67: 3, 4, 5, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 12,
akrôs at the extremes (1: 36), extremely (3: 4, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1,
34/35.1, 95), in the extreme (1: 60); ho akros 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
extreme term (1: 30/31); hê akra end (1: 90), 43.3, 45/46, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65,
extremity (1: 42); to akron end (3: 67, 73, 90), 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88,
endpoint (1: 22), excess (1: 95), extreme (14: 9, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100)
22, 27, 35.2, 42, 54, 55, 56, 57, 67, 77, 90, 92.1, alêthesteros closer to the truth (1: 58); alêthes
95), extreme end (1: 61), extreme term (1: 51), truly (1: 18.2); alêthôs correctly (1: 3), genuine
extremity (7: 19, 27, 42, 55, 75, 86.1, 99), limit (1: (1: 22), on the level of truth (1: 10.2), really (6:


4, 22, 59, 88, 90, 95), rightly (2: 22, 27), truly (7: allêlotuptesthai to strike one another (1: 2)
4, 16, 18.2, 22, 35.2, 50, 59); to alêthes in fact (1: allêloukhein to be coherent (1: 5)
22), the true (1: 66), the truth (4: 42, 59, 73, 76), allêloukhia coherence (2: 5, 41.2), conjunction (1: 85),
truth (19: 2, 4, 15, 21, 22, 22, 25, 28.2, 36, 52, 63, interconnection (1: 51)
73, 75, 90, 91, 92.1, 98, 99, 100); ta alêthê the allepallêlôs one on top of the other (1: 35.2)
truth (1: 73); alêthôs agathon a genuine good alloios altered (2: 32, 56), different (8: 12, 14, 16, 21, 42,
(1: 22); hoper alêthes obviously (1: 22) 65, 68, 83), different in character (1: 56),
alêtheuein to achieve truth (1: 34/35.1), to apply truly different in quality (1: 16), differently qualified
(1: 12), to arrive at truth (1: 93), to assert truly (2: 83, 92.2), of a different kind (2: 16, 86.1),
(2: 12, 15), to attain truth (3: 34/35.1, 35.2, 56), otherwise (1: 19), qualitatively different (1: 32)
to be correct (2: 48, 95), to be predicated truly alloioteros altered (1: 58), different (1: 58),
(1: 73), to be right (1: 95), to be true (17: 3, 16, qualitatively different (1: 17)
27, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 43.2, 45/46, 58, 65, 67, 68, alloiôsis alteration (60: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.1, 10.1, 11, 12, 14, 15,
83, 85, 90, 93, 95), to be truthful (1: 69), to be 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, 32, 33,
veridical (1: 17), to grasp the true (1: 100), to 34/35.1, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52,
make a true claim (1: 25), to make a true 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 69, 74, 75, 76,
statement (1: 2), to possess truth (2: 2, 91), to 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 91, 92.2, 94, 95, 97.2, 99,
predicate truly (1: 2), to say something true (2: 100), being altered (1: 21), change (7: 6.1, 11, 26,
35.2, 69), to say truthfully (1: 3), to speak the 80, 85, 94, 98), mutation (1: 20), qualitative
truth (5: 27, 38, 40, 61, 72), to speak truly (9: 7, change (12: 1, 7, 14, 17, 22, 40, 67, 78, 79, 83,
12, 16, 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 65, 79, 83), to speak 92.2, 99), transformation (2: 3, 68), turnover (1:
truth (1: 5), to tell the truth (1: 36) 58), type of qualitative change (1: 99)
alêtheuesthai to be true (2: 16, 30/31), to be truly kata alloiôsin qualitatively (1: 58); alloiousthai
described by a predicate (1: 19), to be truly alloiôsin to undergo an alteration (1: 19); kata
stated (1: 50); alêtheuesthai kata to be true of alloiôsin metabolê qualitative alteration (1: 67),
(1: 64) turning (1: 28.2)
alêtheutikos able to say the truth (1: 74), truthful (1: alloiotês difference (1: 48)
69) alloiôtikos able to alter (2: 38, 91), alterative (3: 60, 67,
alêthinos genuine (4: 7, 22, 56, 85), real (1: 63), that is 99), capable of altering (1: 39), capable of
truly (1: 34/35.1), true 4, 6, 34/35.1, 43.1, 43.2, causing alteration (1: 19), causing alteration (2:
68, 69, 86.2) 79, 84), changing qualitatively (1: 22),
alêthinoteros more true (1: 16) commutative (1: 20), qualitative (1: 17),
alêthizesthai to speak the truth (1: 45/46) qualitative change (1: 22), that alters (1: 56),
alexêtikos that wards off (1: 52) transformative (2: 58, 80)
algêdôn grief (1: 69), pain (1: 52), physical pain (1: 69) alloiôtikê dunamis power of alteration (1: 32)
algein to feel pain (2: 52, 85), to suffer pain (2: 67, 85) alloiôtos alterable (3: 27, 66, 79), altered (1: 5), mutable
algeinos painful (1: 86.1) (1: 20), subject to alteration (3: 10.2, 79, 84), that
algos pain (1: 86.2) alters (1: 27)
algunein to cause pain (1: 61) alloioun to alter (28: 5, 6.1, 14, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28.1,
algunsis pain (1: 61) 34/35.1, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 66,
alkimos brave (1: 86.2) 67, 75, 78, 80, 90, 92.1, 92.2, 99), to alter
allagê change (1: 16), exchange (2: 27, 92.2) qualitatively (1: 80), to cause alteration (3: 19,
allakhêi in another place (1: 3) 99, 100), to cause qualitative change (2: 58, 79),
allakhothen extraneous (1: 20) to change (1: 6.1), to change qualitatively (2: 7,
allakhou elsewhere (1: 85), in another place (1: 83) 17), to change quality (1: 67), to produce an
allassein / allattein to alter (3: 2, 27, 38), to change (8: alteration (1: 33), to transform (3: 3, 43.2, 68)
12, 14, 35.2, 42, 52, 83, 85, 99), to exchange (4: alloiousthai to alter (10: 12, 18.2, 27, 42, 58, 59, 75,
12, 14, 19, 27) 83, 91, 99), to be altered (16: 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 26,
allattesthai to change (1: 2) 28.2, 42, 48, 50, 75, 79, 85, 89, 93, 98, 99), to be
allêgoria allegory (1: 95) an alteration (1: 28.2), to be changed (1: 86.1),
allêlôn each other (1: 21), one another (1: 21) to be in process of alteration (1: 58), to be
allêlôn einai to be related reciprocally (1: 52); qualitatively changed (1: 17), to be subject to
antidosis par’ allêlôn reciprocity (1: 21); hup’ qualitative change (1: 22), to be transformed (1:
allêla subordinate one to another (1: 56); pros 99), to change (1: 85), to change in quality (2:
allêlous mutual (1: 52) 10.2, 83), to change qualitatively (2: 22, 79), to
allêlophagia cannibalism (1: 37) mutate (1: 20), to suffer alteration (1: 32), to
allêlotupein to hit into (1: 18.2) undergo alteration (4: 42, 58, 67, 99), to undergo
allêlotupia striking one another (1: 2) transformation (1: 68); to alloioun alteration

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(1: 21), something that alters (1: 42), what alters allotriôs improperly (1: 7); ho allotrios stranger (1:
(1: 42), what causes alteration (1: 42); to 57); to allotrion foreign matter (1: 24);
alloioumenon what is altered (1: 42); ta allotrion ti something else (1: 59)
alloioumena things that are altered (1: 42); allotriôsis alienation (1: 69)
alloiousthai alloiôsin to undergo an alteration allotriotês alienation (2: 4, 74)
(1: 19) allotrioun to deprive (1: 67), to estrange (1: 99)
allokotia crudeness (1: 84), incongruity (1: 99) êllotriômenos other (1: 7)
allokotos strange (3: 48, 54, 55), uncouth (1: 11) aloas aloe (1: 57)
allophronein to be with other thoughts (1: 61), to have alogia irrational part (1: 100), irrational power (1:
intelligence of other things (1: 16), to have other 86.1), irrationality (7: 17, 43.3, 45/46, 84, 97.1,
thoughts (1: 61) 97.2, 100), non-rationality (2: 56, 61), the
allophulos foreign (2: 37, 54), of a different kind (1: irrational (1: 97.1), unreason (2: 37, 97.1)
79), of another kind (1: 37) alogistos irrational (2: 48, 83), non-rational (1: 22)
allos another (1: 11), different (7: 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 28.1, alogos absurd (2: 27, 85), brute (2: 27, 40), contrary to
60, 83), further (1: 60), other (6: 7, 11, 28.1, 32, reason (3: 61, 67, 80), disproportional (1: 68),
60, 83), varied (1: 4) dumb (2: 22, 80), illogical (5: 29.1, 48, 50, 52,
allôs alternative proof (1: 73), alternatively (2: 20, 75), inexplicable (1: 55), irrational (50: 1, 2, 3, 4,
92.2), belonging to another view (1: 10.2), 5, 6.1, 7, 10.2, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 26, 29.1, 35.2, 36,
besides (3: 17, 60, 73), else (1: 73), except (1: 60), 37, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 48,
in a different way (2: 4, 60), in another way (6: 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 68, 69, 80, 83, 85,
10.2, 17, 19, 25, 73, 92.2), in any different 86.1, 89, 90, 93, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100),
fashion (1: 17), in different ways (1: 4), in other non-rational (20: 13, 22, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 35.2, 37,
places (1: 17), in some other way (1: 10.2), more 39, 41.1, 44, 56, 57, 61, 67, 69, 86.2, 87, 90, 91,
generally (1: 92.2), on different grounds (1: 60), 100), not reasonable (1: 99), senseless (1: 68),
otherwise (3: 17, 20, 60), variously (1: 17); allôs unreasonable (15: 12, 20, 21, 38, 39, 54, 55, 56,
. . . allôs in one sense . . . in another (1: 19), in 69, 78, 79, 83, 95, 97.1, 99), without a ratio (1:
one way . . . in another (1: 17); allôs ekhein to 75), without an account (1: 85), without
be different (1: 40), to be other (1: 40), to be proportioning (1: 75), without reason (1: 38)
otherwise (3: 4, 12, 73), to differ (2: 18.2, 21); alogôs irrationally (2: 2, 91), unreasonably (2: 22,
allôs eulogon ti some other aspect of 52); to alogon beast (1: 22), dumb animal (1:
reasonableness (1: 10.2); allôs hupolambanein 22), irrational creature (1: 4), irrationality (2: 89,
to hold different views (1: 10.2); allos kai allos 97.1), non-rational animal (1: 57), non-rational
both (1: 3), one after another (1: 3); allôs te being (1: 67), the irrational (3: 2, 15, 97.1)
especially (1: 17), particularly (1: 17); allote alupia absence of distress (1: 4), freedom from pain (1:
allôs at each time different (1: 29.1), different at 43.3), painlessness (1: 69)
different times (1: 73); en allois elsewhere (1: alupos free of pain (3: 43.3, 54, 69), untroubled (1: 55)
25); kai allôs in particular (1: 60); kat’ allo to alupon absence of distress (1: 4)
through something else (1: 87); tênallôs alusitelês unprofitable (2: 35.2, 64)
incorrectly (1: 29.1) alutos indissoluble (5: 24, 47, 59, 68, 83), insoluble (2:
allote at different times (3: 4, 60, 83) 21, 24), irrefutable (4: 57, 61, 73, 90), unable to
allotês otherness (1: 27) be undone (1: 42), undissolved (2: 6.2, 47),
allotrionomein to make the wrong assignment (1: 25) unresolved (1: 59), unsolvable (1: 55)
allotriopragein to attend to the business of another (1: to aluton indissolubility (1: 59), irrefutability (1:
34/35.1) 73)
allotrios alien (14: 4, 12, 21, 25, 34/35.1, 37, 42, 52, 56, amakhêtos free of struggle (1: 97.2)
57, 67, 79, 80, 83), alienated (1: 4), another man’s amakhos consistent (1: 34/35.1)
(1: 80), another’s (1: 68), belonging to another amalaktos that cannot be softened (1: 21), unable to be
(2: 2, 34/35.1), belonging to something else (3: softened (1: 24)
25, 57, 55), derivative (1: 55), different (1: 28.2), amathês ignorant (1: 90), unlearned (1: 40)
external (1: 28.2), extraneous (1: 91), foreign amathia ignorance (2: 10.1, 86.2), lack of learning (1:
(11: 11, 16, 20, 24, 25, 28.2, 41.1, 59, 68, 69, 97.2), 16)
inappropriate (4: 21, 5, 25, 86.1), irrelevant (1: amauros dull (1: 61), indistinct (1: 91)
5), not our own (1: 45/46), of other people (1: amaurôsis fading (1: 67), weakening (1: 4)
54), of other things (1: 12), other (1: 59), other amauroun to weaken (1: 4)
than one’s own (1: 21), someone else’s (1: 86.1), amblugônios blunt-angled (2: 56, 57)
strange (1: 69), that does not belong (1: 86.1), amblunein to blunt (2: 28.2, 95), to make dim (1: 88),
unassimilable (1: 25), unrelated (1: 90), without to render blunt (1: 38)
a part in (1: 58) amblunesthai to be blunted (1: 34/35.1)


amblunsis dulling (1: 67) parts (2: 21, 22), undivided (7: 22, 25, 36, 48, 50,
ambluôpia dimness of vision (1: 34/35.1) 61, 67), without being divided (1: 61), without
ambluôttein to be dim-sighted (1: 7), to blunt (1: parts (25: 10.2, 11, 12, 16, 21, 22, 27, 34/35.1,
34/35.1) 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 55, 57, 58, 70, 73, 74, 75, 80, 83,
amblus blunt (7: 25, 28.2, 38, 57, 79, 93, 98), dim (1: 88) 85, 88, 90, 97.2)
to amblu bluntness (1: 4); ambleia gônia obtuse amerôs by being divided into parts (1: 25), in a
angle (1: 57) partless way (2: 34/35.1, 56), indivisibly (2: 22,
ambrosia ambrosia (2: 10.2, 74) 68), partlessly (1: 70), without division (2: 58,
ambrotos immortal (1: 97.1) 68), without parts (1: 36); to ameres
amegethês having no extension (1: 67), lacking size (1: partlessness (2: 42, 99), something without parts
85), not possessed of size (1: 32), sizeless (2: 32, (1: 36), the indivisible (1: 36), undivided entity
85), without bulk (1: 70), without extension (1: (1: 58); ta amerê indivisible parts (1: 11)
67), without magnitude (10: 3, 10.2, 20, 38, 42, ameristos having no parts (1: 83), impartible (2: 56,
52, 57, 61, 73, 97.2), without size (2: 22, 99) 100), incomposite (1: 11), indivisible (15: 5, 7,
to amegethes non-magnitude (1: 85) 22, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 39, 42, 48, 51, 59, 68, 70, 74,
ameibein to alter (2: 3, 4), to cause change (1: 50), to 100), not divisible into parts (1: 42), partless (3:
change (21: 14, 18.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 40, 42, 52, 11, 22, 34/35.1), undivided (11: 22, 25, 28.1,
54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 67, 80, 83, 85, 90, 93, 94, 100), 28.2, 36, 41.1, 41.2, 45/46, 48, 61, 67), unified (1:
to exchange (7: 6.1, 14, 27, 32, 39, 59, 98), to 11), unitary (1: 22), unity (1: 22), without
move (1: 80), to replace (2: 59, 80) division (1: 70), without parts (4: 20, 22, 25,
ameibeisthai to change (1: 68), to interchange (1: 41.2)
78), to reciprocate (1: 43.2), to recompense (1: ameristôs in an impartible way (1: 56), indivisibly
43.2); ameibein kata taxin to take over each (8: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 36, 70, 92.2, 100),
other’s places (1: 18.2); ameibein topous to take undivided (1: 22), undividedly (2: 28.1, 85),
over each other’s places (1: 18.2); ameibein tous without division (1: 28.1); to ameriston
topous to travel from place to place (1: 88) indivisibility (4: 22, 28.1, 36, 100); ta amerista
ameiliktos implacable (1: 72) impartible beings (1: 100), indivisible beings (1:
ameinôn better (8: 4, 10.2, 12, 21, 45/46, 54, 60, 84), 100)
superior (1: 4) amesos having no mean (1: 27), immediate (23: 2, 10.1,
ameinon gegraphthai to be a better text (1: 10.2) 10.2, 15, 16, 20, 39, 40, 41.2, 48, 55, 56, 57, 63, 67,
ameiôtos not diminishing (1: 83), undiminishing (1: 73, 74, 77, 83, 87, 90, 93, 100), lacking a middle
47) term (1: 40), lacking an intermediate (1: 40),
ameipsis alteration (1: 32), exchange (1: 6.1), that has no middle term (1: 65), that has
recompense (1: 67) nothing between (1: 79), that has nothing
amêkhaniê impossibility (1: 85) intermediate (1: 7), unmediated (3: 7, 16, 66),
amêkhanos extraordinary (1: 91), immeasurable (1: without an intermediary (1: 35.2), without an
59), impossible (4: 50, 58, 75, 95), inconceivable intermediate (2: 39, 73), without any
(1: 59), incredible (1: 54), not feasible (2: 48, 68), intermediary (1: 80), without intermediary (1:
unable (1: 86.1), unable to be realized (1: 25), 100), without mediation (1: 36)
unbelievable (1: 54), uncontrivable (1: 50) amesôs directly (4: 28.1, 28.2, 58, 59), immediate (1:
ameleia lack of concern (1: 4), neglect (1: 4), 68), immediately (17: 16, 19, 22, 28.1, 28.2,
unconcern (1: 43.3) 34/35.1, 36, 41.1, 42, 57, 59, 61, 68, 76, 79, 90,
amelein to be unmindful of (1: 17), to neglect (5: 4, 25, 98), without an intermediary (1: 34/35.1),
52, 54, 61) without any intermediary (1: 58), without
amelei and indeed (1: 60), at any rate (1: 21), mediation (1: 60); mê amesos non-immediate
certainly (1: 84), doubtless (1: 68), in any case (1: 90), non-immediately (1: 90); to ameson the
(1: 76), indeed (2: 56, 86.1), no matter (1: 56), of extreme (1: 10.2)
course (2: 17, 86.1), regardless (1: 17), surely (1: ametabatos changeless (1: 11), non-discursive (1: 68),
68) not in transition (1: 22), not transition-making
amemptôs that never fails (1: 95) (1: 34/35.1), stationary (1: 58), unchangeable (1:
amenênos feeble (1: 99), trivial (1: 27), weak (1: 27) 13), unchanging (1: 68), without transition (1:
amereia indivisibility (1: 68), lack of parts (1: 41.2), 22)
partlessness (5: 39, 56, 70, 75, 78), simplicity (1: ametabatôs non-discursively (1: 68), unchangingly
44), undividedness (1: 67) (1: 68)
amerês having no parts (1: 27), indivisible (8: 7, 22, 27, ametablêsia changelessness (1: 11), untransformability
28.1, 36, 68, 75, 88), partless (23: 2, 3, 5, 19, 20, (1: 27)
22, 25, 38, 39, 45/46, 47, 51, 53, 56, 63, 70, 74, 75, ametablêtos changeless (2: 10.2, 16), free from change
76, 78, 80, 87, 99), seamless (1: 22), that has no (1: 61), immutable (4: 15, 41.2, 76, 88), incapable

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

of changing (1: 76), not subject to change (1: amoirein to be without a share (1: 57), to be without a
76), that cannot be transformed (1: 27), unable share of (1: 56), to have no part of (1: 86.1), to
to change (2: 12, 59), unalterable (3: 17, 20, lack (1: 36), to lack a share of (1: 34/35.1)
92.2), unchangeable (14: 6.1, 26, 32, 33, 39, 42, amoiros devoid of (1: 67), foreign to (1: 54), not
53, 60, 67, 68, 76, 79, 88, 95), unchanged (4: 5, participating in (1: 55), that has no part in (2:
45/46, 76, 80), unchanging (11: 26, 28.1, 29.1, 54, 67, 86.1), that has no share (1: 67), that is not
58, 59, 61, 78, 79, 80, 83), untransformed (1: 91), party to (1: 86.1), that is without part in (1:
without change (2: 68, 94), without 86.1), without a share (1: 12)
transformation (2: 27, 44) amorphia formlessness (2: 84, 97.2), shapelessness (2:
to ametablêton immutability (2: 29.1, 63), lack of 44, 48), state of being unstructured (1: 25),
change (1: 58), what is unchanging (1: 59) unshaped state (1: 89)
ametakinêtos immobile (1: 94) amorphos amorphous (1: 91), formless (4: 39, 44, 85,
to ametakinêton immobility (1: 68) 92.2), ill-formed (1: 97.1), lacking form (1: 84),
ametamelêtos not disposed to regret (1: 69) malformed (1: 48), shapeless (3: 68, 76, 97.1),
ametapeistos unchangeable (1: 54) unshaped (1: 89), without form (1: 92.2),
ametaptôtos unchangeable (1: 73), unchanging (2: 48, without shape (1: 97.2), without structure (1:
64) 25)
ametastatos inalterable (1: 69) amorphôtos having no form (1: 86.2), unshaped (1:
ametastrepti without turning (1: 86.2) 89), unstructured (1: 25), without form (1: 79)
ametathetos unchangeable (1: 54) amousia being unmusical (1: 27), unmusicality (1: 76)
ametatropos irreversible (1: 86.2) amousos uncultivated (1: 97.2), uncultured (2: 26, 60),
amethektos imparticible (1: 100), imparticipable (1: uneducated (2: 27, 89), unmusical (4: 12, 76, 83,
100), unparticipated (5: 11, 22, 36, 74, 100), 92.2)
unparticipating (1: 48) ampelos grapevine (3: 59, 60, 80), vine (1: 61)
amethodos unmethodical (1: 9), unsystematic (1: 84) amphêristos able to vie with (1: 88), that hangs in the
amethodôs irregularly (1: 14), unscientifically (1: balance (1: 34/35.1)
2), unsystematically (1: 65) amphiballein to be in dispute (1: 93), to doubt (1: 83),
ametokhos with no share (1: 86.1), without share (1: to express doubt (1: 59), to hesitate (1: 5), to
28.2) leave open (1: 34/35.1)
amêtôr motherless (1: 2) amphiballesthai to be disputable (1: 34/35.1), to be
ametrêtos immeasurable (1: 97.2) doubtful (1: 56), to disagree (1: 35.2)
ametria discordance (1: 59), disproportion (1: 57), amphibêtêsimos questionable (1: 48)
disproportionality (1: 20), extreme (1: 95), amphibios amphibian (1: 57), double (nature) (1: 28.1)
incommensurability (1: 95), lack of due measure amphibolia ambiguity (6: 5, 41.1, 41.2, 43.3, 68, 72),
(2: 4, 19), lack of measure (2: 60, 69), controversy (1: 61), doubt (2: 57, 59),
unmeasuredness (1: 84), measurelessness (1: 41.1) uncertainty (2: 48, 56), wavering (1: 61)
eis ametrian beyond measure (1: 56) amphibolos ambiguous (6: 5, 26, 29.1, 40, 59, 65),
ametros disproportionate (1: 34/35.1), immeasurable ambivalent (5: 3, 28.1, 29.1, 97.1, 100),
(1: 68), immoderate (3: 4, 43.3, 61), lacking in circumspect (1: 48), controversial (1: 61),
due measure (1: 4), measureless (1: 3), doubtful (6: 7, 17, 22, 56, 59, 84), in any doubt
unmeasured (1: 68), without measure (2: 22, 69) (1: 59), in doubt (1: 97.1), uncertain (1: 22)
ametrôs beyond measure (1: 57), excessively (1: amphibolôs in an ambiguous way (2: 34/35.1, 100),
80), overmuch (1: 59) tentatively (1: 22); ouk amphibolos undoubting
amigês uncontaminated (1: 42), unmixed (15: 2, 22, 25, (1: 97.1); to amphibolon ambiguity (1: 100),
28.1, 29.1, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 52, 57, 61, 91, 97.2, ambivalent character (1: 100)
99) amphidexios ambidextrous (1: 54)
amigôs in an unmixed form (1: 28.1), without amphidoxein to be in doubt (1: 79)
being mixed (1: 28.1), without mixture (1: 28.2) amphidoxeisthai to be a matter of doubt (1: 59), to
amiktos free from mixture (1: 4), unmitigated (1: 16), be able to be doubted (1: 78), to be an object of
unmixable (1: 38), unmixed (15: 2, 4, 21, 24, controversy (1: 40), to be controversial (1: 40),
28.1, 28.2, 38, 39, 48, 52, 55, 61, 68, 78, 85) to be disputed (1: 64)
ammôdês sandy (1: 84) amphidoxos controversial (1: 40)
ammos sand (1: 91) amphikurtos doubly convex (1: 55), gibbous (2: 61, 73)
amnêmonein not to remember (1: 86.1), to become amphilaphês of large extension (1: 86.2)
forgetful (1: 97.1), to leave unmentioned (1: 17) amphilogos ambiguous (1: 43.2)
amoibaios : amoibaia einai to alternate (1: 68) amphisbêtein to argue (1: 99), to be at variance with
amoibê change of course (1: 35.2), compensation (1: 7), (1: 99), to be divided (1: 86.1), to be in conflict
exchange (1: 43.2), recompense (1: 43.2) with (1: 99), to be in doubt (1: 67), to debate (1:


22), to disagree (2: 2, 69), to dispute (12: 9, 16, anabibazein to lift up (1: 97.2)
25, 40, 42, 48, 54, 61, 69, 75, 83, 91), to question anabiôskesthai to come to life again (1: 97.2)
(1: 22) anabioun to come back to life (1: 97.1), to come to life
amphisbêteisthai to be debatable (1: 22) again (1: 97.2), to live again (1: 97.1), to return
amphisbêtêsimos contentious (1: 27), controversial (1: to life (1: 97.2)
69), debatable (2: 69, 86.1), disputable (1: 54), anablastanein to blossom up (1: 94)
open to discussion (1: 25), open to dispute (1: anablastêsis sprouting (1: 26)
25), that is an open question (1: 59), to be anablepein to gaze upward (1: 90), to look (1: 56), to
debated (1: 78) look up (1: 52), to look upwards (1: 57)
to amphisbêtêsimon matter of dispute (1: 10.2) anablepsis seeing (1: 19)
amphisbêtêsis controversy (2: 2, 69), debate (1: 69), anaboan to to shout out (1: 85)
disagreement (2: 48, 58), dispute (6: 16, 21, 40, anadeiknunai to procaim (1: 59), to state publicly (1:
55, 69, 91), uncertainty (1: 56) 86.1)
amphô both (3: 20, 21, 83) anadeixis manifestation (1: 22)
to ex amphoin combination (1: 94) anadekhesthai to accept (2: 22, 75), to acquire (1: 57),
amphoreus amphora (3: 50, 76, 98), jar (2: 6.1, 57), jug to admit (5: 10.2, 16, 22, 75, 94), to admit of (2:
(1: 76) 2, 80), to assume (1: 59), to attain (1: 86.1), to be
amphoterizein to have both of two properties (1: 79) receptive (1: 32), to be subject of (1: 87), to be
amphoteroglôssos double-tongued (1: 85) subject to (1: 22), to enter into (1: 59), to receive
amphoteros both (6: 10.2, 20, 21, 24, 83, 98) (9: 2, 6.1, 24, 28.1, 52, 57, 76, 85, 94), to submit
amphoterôs either way (4: 10.2, 16, 21, 24), in both to (1: 59), to take on (2: 38, 87)
cases (1: 24), in both ways (2: 10.2, 16); ep’ anadekhesthai skhesin to come to stand in a
amphoterôn in the two cases (1: 10.2); ex relation with (1: 59)
amphoterôn from combination of the two (1: anadidaskein to teach (1: 51)
10.2); kat’ amphoterôn legesthai to be anadidonai to send (1: 86.1)
ambiguous (1: 19) anadidosthai to issue forth (1: 86.1), to result in (1:
amudros dim (6: 34/35.1, 36, 56, 57, 88, 95), dull (3: 52, 86.1), to rise up (1: 79)
61, 67), faint (7: 7, 19, 28.1, 28.2, 56, 57, 84), anadiplôsis convolution (1: 95)
feeble (1: 57), indistinct (2: 17, 25), murky (2: anadiploun to double (1: 74)
28.1, 77), obscure (4: 28.1, 36, 52, 91), unclear anadiplousthai to be convoluted (1: 95);
(1: 93), vague (4: 7, 68, 77, 100), weak (3: 20, 22, anadiploumenos duplicated (1: 65)
28.2) anadosis emission (1: 57), sending up (1: 95)
amudroteros less clear (1: 36); amudrôs confusedly anadromê climb (1: 22), return (1: 37)
(1: 98), dimly (4: 28.1, 34/35.1, 36, 57), faint (4: anaduein to climb up (1: 79)
28.2, 11, 22, 28.2), obscurely (2: 2, 11), unclearly anadunein to emerge (1: 84)
(1: 94), vaguely (1: 2), weakly (1: 28.2); to anagein to assign (1: 89), to attribute (1: 93), to bring
amudron obscurity (1: 36) (2: 20, 44), to bring back (3: 17, 35.2, 57), to
amudrôsis enfeeblement (1: 41.2) bring under (3: 34/35.1, 67, 80), to carry up (1:
amudrotês being faint (1: 28.2), dimness (2: 36, 57), 44), to cause to rise (1: 95), to classify (5: 17,
faintness (2: 28.2, 95), weakness (1: 28.2) 41.2, 48, 77, 93), to classify under (1: 80), to
amudroun to become dim (1: 36) connect (1: 22), to continue (1: 58), to correlate
amudrousthai to be weakened (1: 22), to become (1: 38), to draw up (1: 21), to extend
faint (1: 28.2) (something) up (1: 22), to follow back (1: 99), to
amuna revenge (1: 61), self-defence (1: 22) include (3: 32, 73, 90), to infer (1: 22), to lead (3:
amunein to attack (1: 61), to ward off (1: 56) 42, 55, 73), to lead up (2: 22, 93), to lift up (1:
amunesthai to defend (1: 83) 61), to link (1: 27), to put (1: 55), to raise (2: 22,
amuntikos that defends itself (1: 56) 60), to raise up (1: 38), to range (1: 39), to rank
anabainein to ascend (6: 19, 27, 44, 78, 87, 100), to go (2: 61, 67), to reach (1: 90), to reduce (20: 2, 9,
back (1: 44), to go up (1: 20), to rise (1: 83), to 10.2, 16, 17, 28.2, 39, 40, 54, 57, 64, 65, 73, 76, 77,
rise up (1: 54), to rise upward (1: 54) 86.2, 89, 90, 92.2, 94), to reduce one syllogism to
to anabebêkos generalized term (1: 42) another (1: 30/31), to refer (12: 3, 17, 21, 39, 42,
anaballein : anaballesthai to bring up (1: 60), to 51, 55, 59, 69, 73, 89, 90), to refer back (3: 25, 61,
postpone (4: 27, 44, 54, 83) 76), to refer to (2: 80, 99), to subsume (5: 7, 32,
anabasis ascent (5: 3, 7, 15, 34/35.1, 100), flood (of the 34/35.1, 48, 76), to trace back (2: 88, 91), to
Nile) (1: 10.2), going up (1: 34/35.1), growing withdraw (1: 28.1)
up (1: 34/35.1), motion up (1: 84), rising (1: 44), anagesthai to ascend (1: 22), to be classified (1: 27),
upward journey (1: 20), way up (1: 16) to be elevated (1: 89), to be reduced (1: 16), to
anabatês rider (1: 19) leap up (1: 22); anagein eis arrive at (1: 95), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

bring to (1: 95), to reduce to (1: 19); anagein denial (7: 3, 6.1, 15, 30/31, 40, 59, 90),
epi to attribute to (1: 87); anagein hupo to destruction (8: 2, 7, 18.2, 29.1, 30/31, 85, 97.2,
classify under (1: 19), to place under (2: 78, 79); 100), doing away with (4: 21, 35.2, 64, 65),
anagein pros to lead back to (1: 79) elimination (4: 27, 59, 89, 93), negating (1: 85),
anagignôskein / anaginôskein to read (13: 17, 34/35.1, negation (1: 16), obliteration (1: 39), rebuttal
44, 51, 56, 59, 60, 61, 79, 83, 86.1, 88, 93), to (1: 44), refutation (5: 12, 44, 65, 85, 99), rejection
understand (1: 95) (2: 9, 25), removal (4: 17, 21, 44, 48), ruling out
anagnôsteos that must be read (1: 20) (1: 94)
anagnôsis reading (2: 34/35.1, 44) anairetikos annihilating (1: 67), destructive (7: 5, 19,
anagôge ascent (1: 95), classification (1: 41.2), 41.2, 48, 59, 85, 99), doing away with (2: 21, 65),
reduction (7: 9, 16, 27, 48, 65, 73, 90), reduction eliminative (1: 43.3), negative (1: 16), refuting
of one syllogism to another (1: 30/31), reference (1: 64), such as to deny (1: 40), tending to cancel
(1: 69) (1: 40), that cancels (1: 9), that denies (2: 15, 40),
anagôgos badly educated (1: 84), elevating (2: 59, 84), that destroys (1: 74), that does away with (1:
leading up to (1: 74), leading upward (1: 67), on 30/31), that negates (2: 10.2, 16)
the upward path (1: 34/35.1), synthetic (1: 61) anairetika allêlôn mutually cancelling (1: 39),
anagraphein to construct (1: 20), to describe (1: 73), to mutually obliterative (1: 39); anairetikos einai
document (1: 95), to include (1: 44), to inscribe to eliminate (1: 42)
(1: 56), to list (1: 90), to put down (in writing) anaiskhuntia shamelessness (1: 4)
(1: 42), to record (2: 48, 83), to write up (1: 44) anaisthêsia absence of perception (1: 32),
anagraphesthai to be based on (1: 10.2) imperceptibility (1: 38), insensitivity (2: 4, 69)
anagraptos in writing (1: 84) met’ anaisthêsias independently of perception (1:
anagumnôsis stripping away (1: 92.2) 92.2)
anagumnoun to work through again (1: 86.1) anaisthêtein to be without (sense) perception (1: 40), to
anaideia shamelessness (2: 68, 97.1) be without perception (1: 40), to be without sense
anaidês ruthless (1: 61), shameless (1: 83) perception (1: 25), to lack perception (1: 65)
anaimos bloodless (5: 25, 28.2, 57, 61, 91), without anaisthêtos imperceptible (12: 18.2, 28.2, 32, 38, 52, 54,
blood (1: 57) 60, 78, 79, 85, 91, 92.1), incapable ofheing sensed
to anaimon bloodless animal (1: 57), bloodless (1: 21), insensate (4: 19, 45/46, 47, 80),
creature (1: 28.2) insensible (1: 43.3), insensitive (7: 22, 28.1, 28.2,
anainesthai to reject (3: 36, 84, 100) 61, 67, 69, 91), insentient (1: 32), lacking
anairein to abolish (10: 5, 11, 17, 18.2, 27, 35.2, 40, 61, perception (1: 61), lacking sensation (1: 67), not
85, 86.1), to annihilate (1: 27), to attack (1: 18.2), sensitive (1: 22), senseless (1: 28.1),
to cancel (2: 9, 40), to confute (1: 99), to unperceiving (2: 34/35.1, 56), unperceptive (1:
demolish (7: 40, 57, 58, 59, 80, 94, 99), to deny 69), without perception (4: 38, 40, 54, 97.2),
(14: 3, 6.1, 10.2, 19, 26, 30/31, 40, 59, 63, 68, 83, without sense (2: 28.2, 57), without sense
88, 92.1, 98), to destroy (24: 2, 7, 9, 15, 20, 22, 25, perception (1: 25)
28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 48, 60, 67, 68, anaisthêtôs without sensation (1: 22)
80, 83, 85, 87, 94, 98), to discard (1: 40), to anaitios causeless (1: 39), inexplicable (1: 78),
disprove (1: 18.2), to do away with (22: 2, 4, 6.1, non-causative (1: 50), not responsible (2: 68,
6.2, 10.2, 12, 15, 21, 30/31, 35.2, 48, 56, 64, 65, 68, 97.1), not the cause (2: 45/46, 90), uncaused (2:
77, 78, 80, 83, 85, 86.2, 98), to eliminate (24: 52, 54), without a cause (4: 16, 48, 52, 75),
18.2, 19, 20, 42, 44, 50, 54, 58, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, without cause (2: 1, 74), without explanation (1:
73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 88, 89, 90, 93, 99), to 79), without fault (1: 4)
exclude (2: 4, 21), to exhaust (1: 76), to get rid of anaitiôs without cause (1: 68)
(3: 44, 66, 98), to kill (1: 89), to make impossible anakampsis bending back (1: 44), converse (1: 7),
(1: 67), to negate (2: 10.2, 16), to refute (10: 10.2, return (1: 17), turning back (4: 42, 60, 73, 75),
17, 18.2, 27, 44, 63, 64, 85, 95, 99), to reject (3: 9, vicissitude (1: 20)
25, 40), to remove (11: 4, 5, 21, 35.2, 41.1, 41.2, anakamptein to be convex (1: 24), to bend (1: 99), to
48, 56, 68, 85, 94), to render impossible (1: 67), bend back (1: 3), to bend backwards (1: 67), to
to rule out (3: 4, 94, 99), to show not to exist (1: change back (1: 10.1), to convert to (1: 27), to go
94), to take away (2: 79, 87), to undermine (2: back to (1: 67), to go backwards to (1: 67), to
76, 91) recur (2: 66, 76), to retrace one’s steps (1: 20), to
anaireisthai to be destroyed (1: 29.1), to be negated return (2: 21, 27), to reverse (2: 7, 10.1), to
(1: 16), to remove (1: 89); to anairein reverse direction (1: 59), to revert (5: 20, 60, 80,
elimination (1: 42) 92.2, 99), to revert back (1: 60), to turn (1: 83),
anairesis abolishing (1: 18.2), abolition (1: 5), to turn back (10: 10.1, 42, 54, 57, 59, 60, 73, 75,
cancellation (1: 39), demolition (2: 35.2, 98), 91, 99), to turn backwards (1: 60)


anakamptôn backward-turning (1: 42) enter into (1: 59), to go back (1: 59), to
anakathairein to clarify (1: 41.1), to clean up (1: overcome (1: 54), to raise (1: 28.2), to reacquire
34/35.1), to clear up (2: 17, 26) (1: 19), to recall (1: 89), to recapitulate (1: 89), to
anakathairesthai to clear away (1: 87) receive (2: 21, 86.1), to rehearse (1: 76), to
anakeisthai to be put aside (1: 89), to be reclining (1: repeat (5: 17, 50, 90, 94, 99), to restate (1:
7), to be set aside (1: 16) 34/35.1), to restore (1: 54), to resume (5: 20, 21,
anakêkiein to gush forth (1: 95) 50, 89, 90), to retrace one’s steps (1: 58), to
anakephalaiôsis summing up (1: 61) return to (1: 78), to review (1: 42), to take on (1:
anakephalaiousthai to sum up (3: 17, 60, 61), to 12), to take up (11: 16, 17, 25, 52, 54, 60, 91, 93,
summarise (3: 35.2, 38, 90) 94, 98, 99), to take up again (1: 19)
anakhaitizein to restrain (1: 34/35.1), to upset (1: 5) anôthen analambanein to resume (1: 25)
anakhlazesthai to be réchauffé (1: 34/35.1) analampein to shine forth (1: 80)
anakhôrein to go back (1: 85), to move away (1: 58), to analegein to collect (1: 55)
move backwards (1: 52), to return (1: 85), to analêpsis acquisition (5: 27, 39, 48, 52, 86.2), obtaining
withdraw (2: 12, 55) (1: 4), recapitulation (1: 87), reception (1: 28.2),
anakhôrêsis retreat (1: 25), withdrawal (2: 7, 99) resumption (1: 27), review (1: 42), taking on (1:
kata anakhôrêsin by withdrawal (1: 25) 21)
anakhrônnunai to tinge anew (1: 91) analêpsin ekhein to pick up on (1: 79)
anakhusis effusion (1: 44) analiskein to consume (4: 21, 24, 38, 52), to exhaust (2:
anakinein to bring up (1: 86.2), to excite (1: 97.1), to 21, 42), to expend (1: 85), to squander (1: 57), to
revive (1: 88), to rouse up (1: 90), to stir up (2: use up (1: 52)
57, 83) analiskesthai to be spent (1: 86.1), to devote (1: 2)
anakineisthai to be activated (1: 44) analloiôtos inalterable (2: 59, 68), not altering (1: 83),
anakirnasthai to be intermixed (1: 2) not changing in quality (1: 83), not subject to
anaklan to bend (2: 57, 67), to bend back (1: 57), to alteration (1: 54), that does not undergo
rebound (1: 91), to reflect (3: 57, 90, 95), to alteration (1: 78), unalterable (6: 39, 47, 60, 66,
reflect back (1: 84) 88, 95), unaltered (1: 57), unaltering (1: 54)
anaklasthai to be reflected (4: 18.2, 25, 28.2, 88), to to analloiôton inalterability (1: 59)
be reflected back (1: 54) analogein to be an analogue (2: 80, 95), to be analogous
anaklasis bending (3: 52, 57, 95), bending back (1: 54), (15: 3, 7, 20, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 41.2, 43.3, 44, 54, 55,
rebound (1: 91), reflection (16: 1, 17, 18.2, 25, 57, 76, 78, 84), to be analogous to (6: 34/35.1,
28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 52, 54, 56, 57, 67, 88, 90, 35.2, 36, 56, 67, 94), to be in a similar relation
95), reflection back (1: 84), refraction (1: 57) (1: 28.1), to be in conformity with (1: 94), to be
anaklêsis recall (1: 22) proportional (1: 43.2), to bear analogy (1: 60),
anaklinein to be lying (1: 7), to incline (1: 54) to correspond (2: 26, 76), to correspond to (1:
anaklinesthai to be inclined towards (1: 54) 28.2), to give an analogous account (1: 61), to
anaklisis lying (1: 7), lying down (1: 48) make analogous (1: 44)
anakolouthos inconsistent (1: 83) analogôn on analogy with (1: 28.1); to analogoun
to anakolouthon lack of logical sequence (1: 90) analogue (1: 95)
anakrouein to collide (1: 18.2), to strike up (1: 17), to analogia analogical relation (1: 28.2), analogy (35: 5, 7,
thrust back (1: 98) 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 33, 34/35.1,
anakrouesthai to fight back against (1: 34/35.1) 35.2, 39, 40, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 61, 63,
anakruptein : anakruptesthai to be hidden (1: 97.1) 65, 67, 68, 72, 76, 77, 87, 91, 100), comparison (1:
anakuklein to be constantly changing (1: 99), to circle 38), correspondence (1: 38), equality (1: 18.2),
back (1: 20), to come round to the same (1: 94), proportion (35: 1, 2, 3, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 24, 27, 38,
to recur (1: 88), to recycle (1: 83), to repeat (1: 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60,
94), to return to (1: 94), to revolve (1: 83) 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 78, 79, 84, 88, 90, 91, 97.2, 98),
anakukleisthai to circle back (1: 60), to come proportionality (3: 54, 55, 73), proportioning (2:
round in a circle (1: 99), to go round in a circle 50, 75), ratio (3: 19, 24, 38), relation (4: 15, 79,
(1: 99); anakukloumenos in a cycle (1: 99) 98, 99), resemblance (1: 57), series (1: 22), type
anakuklêsis circular recurrence (1: 60), cyclic motion (1: 68), variation (1: 7)
(1: 14), revolution (1: 14) têi analogiâi analogical (1: 76); têi autêi analogiâi
anakuklôsis recirculation (1: 44) by the same analogy (1: 94); di’ analogias
kata anakuklôsin cyclical proportionally (1: 88); ex analogias by analogy
anakukloun to recycle (1: 68) (1: 94); huper analogian out of proportion (1:
anakuklousthai to come round in a cycle (1: 21) 57); kata analogian analogically (3: 28.1, 28.2,
analambanein to acquire (2: 2, 52), to adopt (3: 25, 61, 94), analogous (3: 64, 77, 86.1), analogously (1:
67), to derive (1: 59), to embark again (1: 76), to 61), by analogy (4: 40, 51, 67, 94), in an

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

analogical way (1: 94), like (1: 57), analutikôs analytically (1: 54); Protera Analutika
proportionally (1: 18.2), proportionately (1: 52); Prior Analytics (1: 90); ta analutika principles
kata tên analogian analogical (1: 76), of analysis (1: 10.1)
analogian ekhein to be analogous (1: 77); anamartêtos free from error (1: 25), inerrant (1:
analogian ekhôn proportionate (1: 88); en 34/35.1), infallible (1: 100), unerring (1: 2),
arithmôn analogiâi in numerical proportion without fault (1: 64)
(1: 40); kata analogian isotês proportional (1: anamassein / amanattein to imprint (1: 52)
40); kata tên antistrophên tês analogias anamattesthai to be received (1: 86.1), to pound up
inversely proportional (1: 42); kata tên autên (1: 34/35.1), to receive (1: 54), to receive an
analogian analogously (1: 94) imprint (2: 25, 57), to represent (1: 56)
analogizesthai to calculate (1: 55), to reckon (1: 55) anamaxis imprinting (1: 52)
analogos analogous (26: 2, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 24, 27, 28.1, anamenein to await (1: 50)
28.2, 33, 34/35.1, 41.1, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 56, 57, 64, anamesos : to anameson what is between (1: 68)
69, 72, 76, 77, 79, 91, 95), as an analogy (1: 61), anametrein to measure (4: 38, 52, 61, 84), to measure
by analogy (1: 77), comparable (1: 10.2), back (1: 3)
corresponding (1: 18.2), in proportion (2: 18.2, anamignunai to mix (2: 27, 28.1), to mix together (1:
19), like (1: 24), proportional (13: 3, 16, 19, 38)
34/35.1, 43.1, 43.3, 69, 78, 79, 84, 90, 91, 93), anamignusthai to be mixed with (1: 78), to mix (1:
proportionate (4: 68, 72, 98, 99) 85)
analogon analogous (6: 12, 25, 52, 55, 65, 86.2), anamimnêskein to recall (6: 6.1, 56, 69, 79, 97.1, 99), to
analogously (3: 22, 28.2, 39), in proportion (5: 19, recollect (2: 91, 97.1), to remember (2: 6.1, 97.1),
22, 54, 55, 73), proportional (3: 54, 55, 73), to remind (2: 61, 67), to revise (1: 25)
proportionally (5: 32, 43.1, 43.2, 54, 68); analogôs anamimnêskesthai to recall (1: 93), to recollect (2:
analogously (4: 52, 56, 61, 91), in the same way 25, 27)
(1: 22), proportionally (2: 19, 43.2), anamnêsis memory (1: 7), recollection (15: 19, 21, 22,
proportionately (1: 95); kata analogon 25, 27, 34/35.1, 38, 51, 61, 67, 69, 70, 72, 91,
proportionally (1: 3); to analogon analogue (3: 97.1), reminiscence (1: 2)
28.2, 54, 80), analogy (1: 65), equivalent (1: 28.2), anamnêstikos reminiscent (1: 34/35.1)
proportion (2: 73, 77), proportionality (2: 43.3, anamphibolos unambiguous (1: 48)
54), proportionals (1: 73), what is analogous (1: to anamphibolon ambiguity (1: 35.2)
25), mean proportional (1: 54); analogon ekhein anamphilektos free of dispute (1: 10.2), indisputable
stand in proportion to (1: 54), to be analogous (1: (5: 48, 52, 58, 78, 83), unambiguous (1: 58),
25), to be proportional (1: 77), to be similar (1: undisputed (2: 26, 78), undoubted (1: 99)
57); analogon ekhein (+ dat.) be proportional to anamphilektôs indisputably (1: 92.1),
(1: 54); analogon ti something like (1: 27); unambiguously (1: 50)
analogôs ekhein to be proportional (1: 19); hê anamphisbêtêsimos indisputable (1: 25)
mesê analogon mean proportional (2: 56, 73) anamphisbêtêtos indisputable (2: 48, 99), indubitable
analôsis consumption (1: 39) (1: 18.2), not subject to dispute (1: 16),
analuein to absorb (1: 95), to analyse (17: 5, 9, 35.2, 44, unproblematic (1: 48)
51, 59, 64, 65, 74, 76, 77, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 93), to anamphisbêtêtoteros less subject to dispute (1: 16);
break down (2: 61, 76), to cancel (1: 55), to anamphisbêtêtôs indisputably (1: 85)
decompose (1: 44), to depart (1: 59), to dissolve ananairein to cancel out (1: 99)
(6: 21, 61, 73, 76, 80, 95), to exclude (1: 59), to ananeousthai to be renewed (1: 97.1)
give an answer (1: 18.2), to release (1: 91)), to ananêphein to come to one’s senses (1: 34/35.1), to
resolve (9: 20, 35.2, 38, 44, 59, 78, 79, 80, 83), to recover (1: 88)
start out (1: 17) ananetos not capable of remission (1: 48), without
analuesthai to be broken up (1: 10.2), to be remission (1: 57)
resolved (2: 2, 15), to disintegrate (1: 32) ananeuein to deny (1: 25)
analusis analysis (17: 9, 12, 33, 40, 42, 44, 51, 59, 64, 65, anangellein to communicate (1: 54), to declare (1: 84),
69, 73, 76, 77, 84, 85, 90), analytical reduction (1: to report (1: 52)
72), breaking down (1: 33), decomposition (1: anankaios basic (1: 3), coercive (1: 20), cogent (3: 59, 80,
44), dissolution (4: 21, 59, 80, 95), reduction (1: 94), compelling (3: 68, 80, 94), constraining (1:
41.2), resolution (6: 2, 15, 20, 78, 79, 80), 40), essential (1: 25), fundamental (2: 43.1, 69),
resolving (1: 12) having necessary force (1: 98), indispensable (2:
kata analusin analytic (1: 20), analytically (1: 10.2, 18.2), inescapable (1: 40), inevitable (3: 21,
34/35.1) 61, 67), must (2: 68, 99), must be (3: 22, 61, 67),
analutikos analytic (7: 9, 10.2, 16, 22, 74, 77, 93), necessary (56: 2, 3, 4, 6.1, 6.2, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 15,
analytical (1: 72), by analysis (1: 22) 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31,


34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 89, 90, 92.1, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 98,
50, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 99), need (4: 17, 42, 76, 90), of necessity (1: 22),
76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.2, 90, 94, 98, 99), one has to (1: 99), should (1: 60), there must be
needed (1: 17), needed to (1: 90), of necessity (1: (1: 99), to have to (2: 60, 80), to have to be (2:
60), required (1: 94), rigorous (1: 60) 61, 67)
anankaion it is necessary (3: 25, 73, 75), it must be anankê esti it is necessary (1: 75); anankêi
(1: 25), necessarily (1: 73), one must (1: 86.2), to necessarily (1: 90); ex anankês by necessity (2:
need (1: 17); anankaiôs be necessary to (1: 60), 30/31, 40), from necessity (2: 75, 89), inevitably
by necessity (1: 42), have to (1: 60), inevitably (2: 61, 67), must (1: 94), necessarily (14: 4, 15,
(1: 22), necessarily (13: 4, 17, 25, 29.1, 30/31, 52, 22, 25, 40, 42, 61, 75, 80, 86.1, 89, 90, 94, 99),
58, 59, 60, 73, 80, 86.1, 99), necessary (1: 52), of necessary (2: 4, 12), of necessity (7: 2, 15, 42, 67,
necessity (2: 22, 28.2), of necessity (1: 61), with 73, 80, 99), out of necessity (2: 17, 97.1); to ex
force (1: 18.2), with necessity (1: 60); mê anankês necessity (1: 61); kat’ anankên / kata
anankaios non-necessary (1: 73); to anankaion anankên by necessity (1: 89), forcibly (1: 22),
force (1: 76), necessity (11: 17, 21, 28.2, 52, 58, necessary (1: 22), of necessity (1: 22);
59, 60, 73, 89, 90, 99), validity (1: 18.2); apodeiktikê anankê compelling demonstration
anankaion ekhein to carry necessity (1: (1: 97.2); pasa anankê absolute necessity (1: 76),
34/35.1), to have force (1: 68); anankaios ho entirely necessary (3: 63, 76, 93), every necessity
logos autôi he must speak (1: 10.2); anankaiôs (1: 76), it is absolutely inevitable (1: 67), it is
kinêthentes moved by necessity (1: 10.2); absolutely necessary (3: 61, 67, 94), it is an
anankaiôs sunteinein to have a necessary unavoidable conclusion (1: 67), there is every
bearing (1: 10.2); ekhein to anankaion to be necessity (1: 94); poia anankê what necessity is
necessary (1: 19); to anankaion huparkhon there (1: 94); pros anankên as a consequence of
necessary prerequisite (1: 94) necessity (1: 97.1)
anankastikos coercive (1: 20), cogent (1: 99), anantês uphill (1: 19), upward (1: 20)
compelling (1: 97.2) anantirrhêtôs unquestionably (1: 85)
to anankastikon constraining force (1: 51); ouden anantithetos having no opposite (1: 100), having
anankastikon ekhein to have no force (1: 68) nothing opposed to it (1: 100), not opposed
anankazein to compel (16: 17, 18.2, 20, 22, 27, 42, 58, (1: 100)
59, 69, 73, 78, 79, 85, 86.1, 89, 90), to constrain anapalaiein to retract (1: 35.2)
(5: 3, 41.1, 54, 55, 83), to contend (2: 41.1, 68), to anapalin conversely (10: 3, 7, 18.2, 19, 22, 30/31, 57, 64,
determine (1: 85), to force (10: 2, 16, 42, 51, 58, 65, 90), in reverse (1: 42), in reverse directions
68, 78, 79, 85, 86.2), to make necessary (2: 29.1, (2: 42, 83), in the opposite way (1: 93), in the
55), to necessitate (10: 3, 6.1, 6.2, 19, 29.1, 42, 68, other direction (1: 93), in the reverse order (1:
83, 86.2, 87), to overcome (1: 86.1), to prove (1: 17), inversely (2: 3, 17), on the contrary (1: 17),
42), to render necessary (1: 59), to require (3: opposite (1: 90), reverse (3: 27, 42, 90), the
18.2, 55, 83), to require as a matter of necessity opposite way (1: 12), the reverse (1: 18.2), the
that (1: 19), to show the necessity (1: 27) reverse of (2: 17, 85), vice versa (5: 3, 16, 85, 90,
anankazei (+ infin.) of necessity does (1: 28.1); 99)
anankazesthai to be compelled (1: 50), to be anapalin lambanein to assume the converse (1: 42)
forced (3: 10.2, 16, 99), to be necessitated (1: 75) anapallesthai to resonate (1: 86.1)
anankê coercion (1: 80), cogency (1: 67), compelling anapauein : anapauesthai to get relief (1: 85), to rest
factor (1: 80), compulsion (2: 69, 86.1), (3: 42, 54, 84)
constraint (1: 28.1), fortune (1: 22), inevitable anapaula rest (4: 1, 42, 84, 97.1)
(3: 60, 61, 67), inevitably (2: 18.2, 76), is anapausis relaxation (1: 4), relief from toil (1: 2), rest
necessary (1: 18.2), is needed (1: 90), is (1: 42), rest period (1: 84)
probative (1: 18.2), is to be (1: 60), it is anapeithein to persuade (1: 86.1)
necessarily the case (1: 99), it is necessary (14: anapempein to assign (1: 85), to lead (1: 22), to refer
17, 20, 25, 29.1, 30/31, 50, 56, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, (8: 2, 10.2, 16, 19, 51, 54, 83, 86.2), to refer to (1:
83, 86.2), must (10: 18.2, 24, 42, 60, 73, 76, 80, 22), to send (1: 88), to send back (1: 2), to send
86.1, 90, 99), must be (6: 22, 27, 28.2, 61, 67, 99), up (2: 57, 86.1), to transmit (1: 67)
must necessarily (1: 76), necessarily (9: 18.2, 19, anapempesthai to ascend (1: 22), to go back (1:
24, 45/46, 52, 60, 61, 67, 99), necessary (22: 1, 22); anapempomenos by transmission (1: 28.1);
6.2, 11, 19, 21, 22, 27, 38, 42, 43.1, 44, 52, 60, 61, anapempein eis to lead to (1: 28.2), to lead up
67, 73, 76, 85, 90, 98, 99, 100), necessity (53: 1, 3, to (1: 28.2)
4, 5, 6.1, 9, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 25, anapetesthai to fly up (1: 86.2)
27, 29.1, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 52, 54, anaphainein to expound (1: 76), to produce (1: 80), to
55, 56, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, show (1: 48), to show forth (2: 11, 99)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

anaphainesthai to appear (5: 11, 28.2, 29.1, 83, 85), to make up (3: 59, 95, 97.2), to mould (1: 88), to
to be disclosed (1: 35.2), to be obvious (1: 7), to pretend (1: 80), to remodel (1: 97.2), to
be plain (1: 22), to be produced (1: 99), to be represent (1: 80), to re-shape (1: 61)
seen (1: 48), to come to light (4: 17, 56, 75, 93), anaplattesthai to be fashioned (1: 86.1); sunthêma
to emerge (2: 50, 75), to prove to be (1: 3), to anaplattesthai to form a composite
show oneself (1: 83), to show up (1: 22) representation (1: 34/35.1)
anaphainomenos obvious (1: 7) anapleos full (1: 52), full of (1: 28.2)
anapherein to apply (1: 5), to ascribe (1: 78), to anaplêrômatikon supplementation (1: 22)
attribute (2: 38, 69), to bear up (1: 17), to bring anaplêrôsis filling up (1: 98), fulfilment (2: 25, 48),
(1: 17), to bring under (1: 35.2), to carry (1: 99), replacement (1: 59), replenishment (2: 56, 69)
to carry back (1: 57), to carry up (1: 21), to anaplêroun to apply (1: 22), to complete (1: 26), to fill
classify (1: 7), to come back to (1: 35.2), to (5: 12, 22, 59, 88, 91), to fill in (2: 2, 42), to fill
credit (1: 55), to have reference to (1: 28.1), to out (3: 55, 79, 84), to fill up (6: 54, 58, 60, 68, 79,
include (1: 90), to move up (1: 84), to refer (19: 98), to fulfil (1: 57), to make up (1: 91), to
2, 3, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 28.1, 38, 39, 48, 51, 54, 58, restore (2: 22, 59), to supply (1: 42)
69, 78, 85, 86.2, 92.1), to refer back (1: 59), to anaplêstikos filling up (1: 12), that fills up (1: 12)
refer back to (1: 25), to refer to (2: 18.2, 68), to anaploun to dissolve (1: 44)
relate (2: 21, 41.2), to relate (1: 52), to take on anêplômenôs in an expanded fashion (1: 99)
(1: 68), to trace back (1: 2), to transfer (1: 39), to anapnein to breathe (10: 22, 28.2, 52, 57, 59, 61, 67, 85,
yield (1: 39) 86.1, 90), to breathe in (3: 18.2, 28.1, 98), to
anapheresthai to be carried up (1: 99), to be moved draw breath (1: 86.1), to exhale (1: 38), to inhale
upwards (1: 1), to be referred (1: 16), to move (2: 20, 91), to respire (2: 21, 38)
up (1: 79), to travel up (1: 18.2), to travel to anapnein breathing (1: 90)
upwards (1: 38) anapneustikos of a nature to breathe (1: 28.2),
anaphês intangible (2: 52, 97.2) respiratory (2: 28.2, 57), that breathes (1: 57)
anaphôs with no contact (1: 78) to anapneustikon respiratory organ (1: 38)
anaphlogôsis re-kindling (1: 88) anapnoê breath (2: 22, 79), breathing (9: 22, 28.1, 28.2,
anaphônein to express (1: 59) 34/35.1, 42, 52, 57, 61, 86.1), breathing in (1:
anaphora analogy (1: 39), anaphora (1: 35.2), 28.1), inhalation (1: 91), respiration (3: 38, 61,
anaphoric reference (1: 30/31), application (1: 67)
30/31), ascending (1: 22), ascension (1: 86.2), anapoblêtos that cannot be lost (2: 39, 52), unable to be
ascent (1: 22), back-reference (1: 44), derivation lost (1: 4)
(1: 84), reduction (1: 28.2), reference (22: 2, 4, 5, anapodeiktikos indemonstrable (1: 30/31),
9, 10.2, 15, 16, 21, 28.1, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 41.2, 48, undemonstrated (1: 54)
51, 52, 54, 69, 72, 78, 87, 100), reference back (1: anapodeiktos indemonstrable (15: 2, 9, 10.2, 16, 18.2,
50), referral (2: 15, 100), relation (1: 52), relay 38, 40, 64, 65, 73, 77, 85, 90, 91, 93), not proved
(1: 25), rising (1: 86.2), transfer (1: 22), upwards (1: 80), undemonstrated (7: 51, 68, 69, 74, 79, 83,
movement (1: 99) 99), unprovable (1: 98), unproved (1: 59),
kat’ anaphoran anaphorically (1: 65), by reference unproven (1: 80), without demonstration (3: 61,
(1: 51); pros anaphoran anaphorically (2: 67, 90)
30/31, 65); anaphoran ekhein to be directed anapodeiktôs without being demonstrated (1: 90),
towards (1: 91), to be ascribed (1: 24), to be without demonstration (2: 73, 93), without
referred (3: 4, 21, 52), to be referred back to (1: proof (4: 59, 68, 85, 98)
99), to have reference to (1: 40), to reduce to (1: anapodizein to back away (1: 34/35.1), to regress (2:
40), to relate (1: 52); anaphoran poieisthai to 20, 88)
refer (1: 52), to relate (1: 21) anapodrastos inescapable (2: 52, 86.2)
anaphorikos of ascension (1: 86.2) anapolein to return (1: 55)
anaphuein : anaphuesthai to be produced (1: 83), to anapsukhein to dry out (1: 54)
grow (1: 83), to grow out (1: 78), to grow up (1: anaptein to attach (1: 52), to attribute (1: 38)
55), to present oneself (1: 99) anaptos intangible (2: 28.2, 57)
anapimplanai to fill (2: 22, 52), to infect (1: 84) anaptussein to develop (1: 99), to unfold (4: 22,
anaplasis resurrection (1: 97.2) 34/35.1, 55, 95)
anaplasma fabrication (2: 59, 97.2), fictional object (1: anaptuxis explanation (2: 72, 97.2), explication (1: 73)
13), figment (1: 48), representation (1: 34/35.1) anarithmêsis reckoning up (1: 14)
anaplassein / anaplattein to construct (1: 22), to anarithmêtos countless (1: 41.2), uncountable (2: 14,
fabricate (1: 84), to fantasise (1: 99), to fashion 55)
(1: 44), to form a representation of (1: 34/35.1), anarithmos indenumerable (1: 3), innumerable (1: 85),
to imagine (2: 48, 59), to invent (3: 55, 68, 97.2), undenumerable (1: 11)


anarkhia absence of a ruler (1: 97.2) anastolê inhibition (1: 22), rejection (1: 22)
anarkhos beginningless (4: 59, 68, 80, 99), having no anastrephein to convert (1: 83), to overthrow (1: 83), to
beginning (2: 41.2, 60), that has no beginning return (1: 91), to reverse (2: 27, 48), to turn
(1: 83), without a beginning (8: 1, 20, 51, 60, 80, upside down (1: 48)
88, 95, 97.2), without an origin (1: 59), without anastrephesthai to be engaged (1: 25), to be turned
beginning (7: 16, 42, 58, 59, 83, 85, 97.1) back (1: 78), to come round again (1: 87)
anarkhôs without any beginning (1: 59), without anastrophê way of life (1: 38)
beginning (2: 68, 80), without principle (1: 68); anastros carrying no star (1: 68), starless (3: 11, 54, 55)
to anarkhon beginninglessness (3: 54, 58, 99) anatarassein to stir up (1: 38)
anarmatêsia freedom from sin (1: 97.2) anatasis elevation (1: 84), height (1: 88), stretching (up)
anarmatêtos sinless (1: 97.2) (1: 45/46), striving (1: 11), yearning (1: 48)
anarmodios thing that does not fit (1: 34/35.1) anateinein to raise (1: 83), to spread out (1: 60), to
anarmostein not to fit (1: 48) threaten (1: 83)
anarmostia (state of being) wrongly tuned (2: 63, 76), anateinesthai to be drawn to (1: 45/46), to extend
disarray (1: 80), disharmony (2: 76, 83), lack of up (1: 79), to reach back (1: 45/46), to reach
harmony (1: 67), lack of internal harmony (1: towards (2: 54, 55), to reach up (1: 22), to
61), non-attunement (1: 25), wrong-tuning (1: stretch (1: 67), to stretch oneself (1: 61), to
76) stretch out (1: 45/46), to stretch up (1: 45/46)
anarmostos disharmonious (1: 38), ill-fitted (1: 86.1), anatellein to rise (11: 1, 38, 54, 55, 57, 61, 68, 83, 88, 93,
inappropriate (1: 60), out of tune (1: 86.1), 95)
unharmonious (1: 43.3), untuned (1: 67) anathallein to sprout afresh (1: 86.1)
to anarmoston inappropriateness (1: 60) anathalpein to heat (1: 55)
anarpazein to carry up (1: 11) anathein to ascend (2: 54, 55)
anarrhêgnunai to gush (1: 29.1) anathesis matching (1: 57)
anarrhikhasthai to climb (1: 99) anathumian to evaporate (1: 95), to exhale (1: 95), to
anarrhipsis projection upwards (1: 55) vaporise (1: 95)
anarrhiptein to project upward (2: 54, 55), to throw anathumiasthai to be exhaled (1: 21), to exhale
out (1: 57) (1: 88)
anarrhophein to suck up (1: 6.1) anathumiasis emission (1: 91), evaporation (1: 61),
anartan to depend (2: 22, 60) exhalation (14: 2, 21, 22, 24, 37, 42, 56, 57, 60, 75,
anarthros inarticulate (3: 23, 35.2, 93) 84, 88, 95, 99), rising vapour (1: 79), that which
anaskêsia lack of discipline (1: 4) is vaporous (1: 24), vapour (4: 12, 24, 38, 61)
anaskeuastikos destructive (4: 14, 44, 54, 99), anatithenai to ascribe (4: 42, 78, 79, 93), to assign (4: 2,
disproving (1: 67), refuting (2: 64, 65), serving 17, 21, 60), to attribute (6: 21, 38, 44, 52, 61, 91),
to refute (1: 40), such as to refute (1: 40), that to credit something with being something (1:
can refute (1: 57) 59), to grant (1: 86.1), to match against (1: 57),
anaskeuastikê dunamis validity in refuting (1: 74); to set down to (1: 56), to set in opposition (1: 2),
anaskeuastikon ex akolouthias denial of the to set out (1: 54), to set up (1: 60)
consequent (1: 14) anatithesthai to propose (1: 25), to take back (1:
anaskeuazein to argue destructively (1: 12), to be 35.2); anatheteon one must avoid (1: 86.1)
destructive (1: 76), to demolish (4: 58, 63, 97.2, anatolê ascendent (rising point of a celestial body) (1:
99), to dismantle (1: 73), to disprove (2: 40, 80), 27), east (10: 1, 11, 20, 54, 55, 60, 67, 83, 88, 95),
to establish (a negative conclusion) (1: 94), to orient (1: 20), place where something rises (1:
refute (6: 40, 57, 60, 64, 65, 79), to set up a proof 61), rise (1: 28.2), rising (8: 2, 4, 11, 15, 54, 55,
(of a negative conclusion) (1: 94), to undermine 86.1, 86.2), rising (of a celestial body) (1: 59),
(1: 59) rising in the east (1: 67), the east (1: 57)
anaskeuê attempt to establish (a negative conclusion) anatolai east (1: 60), the east (1: 59); ap’ anatolôn
(1: 94), demolition (1: 85), rebuttal (1: 48), from the east (1: 1), westward (1: 1); ep’
refutation (7: 40, 44, 57, 59, 64, 65, 80) anatolên eastward (1: 95), in an eastward
anaskeuê (+ gen.) dismantle (1: 73) direction (1: 95); anatolê tou hêliou rising of
anaspan to draw up (1: 38), to lift up (1: 57) the sun (1: 95), sunrise (1: 95)
anastaltikos inhibitive (1: 22) anatolikos east (4: 54, 55, 88, 95), eastern (4: 59, 84,
anastasis resurrection (2: 97.1, 97.2) 86.1, 88)
anastellein to control (1: 22), to deflect (1: 29.1), to to anatolikon eastern horizon (1: 57), the east (1:
reject (1: 22) 95); ta anatolika orient (1: 20), points at which
anastêma height (1: 55) heavenly bodies rise (1: 94), the east (1: 20)
anastoikheiousthai to be resolved into elements (1: anatomê anatomical description (1: 85), dissection (3:
86.1) 38, 57, 91)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

anatomikos : tekhnê anatomikê anatomy (1: 51) andrias figure of a man (1: 76), statue (15: 4, 15, 16, 19,
anatrekhein to ascend (4: 73, 90, 95, 97.1), to climb up 20, 27, 44, 52, 56, 57, 68, 76, 80, 91, 93), statue of
(1: 100), to climb up to (1: 22), to find one’s way a man (1: 59)
back (1: 59), to go back to (1: 34/35.1), to ouk andrias non-statue (1: 76)
reascend (1: 11), to recur (1: 57), to remount andrikos masculine (1: 43.2)
(1: 100), to resort to (1: 99), to return (3: 2, 59, andrizein to act like a man (1: 54)
80), to revert (1: 80), to run back (1: 100), to androphonia murder (1: 4)
run up (1: 100), to soar aloft (1: 60), to turn anêban to be rejuvenated (1: 84)
back (1: 93) anedên without restraint (1: 84)
anatrepein to establish the negative point that (1: anegeirein to raise (1: 11), to rouse (2: 28.1, 86.1)
34/35.1), to overrun (1: 18.2), to overthrow (2: anegeiresthai to be aroused (1: 28.2)
18.2, 83), to overturn (7: 7, 27, 56, 78, 83, 85, 99), anegersis : epi tên anegersin to stimulate (1: 28.2)
to rear (1: 52), to refute (3: 7, 34/35.1, 55), to aneideos formless (25: 1, 6.2, 7, 17, 20, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2,
revoke (1: 60) 39, 42, 51, 59, 60, 61, 70, 76, 80, 84, 85, 91, 92.1,
anatreptikos destructive (1: 74), overturning (1: 84), 92.2, 93, 97.1, 97.2), with no form (7: 80, 32, 52,
refuting (1: 55), that overturns (1: 74) 67, 68, 92.2, 97.2)
anatriploun to triple (1: 74) to aneideon formlessness (1: 76)
anatropê refutation (1: 34/35.1) aneilein to whirl back (1: 57)
eis anatropên in an attempt to subvert (1: 58) aneilêsis counteraction (1: 55)
anatrophê being reared (1: 52), rearing (1: 52) anêkein to belong (1: 90)
anatupôsis imprinting (1: 56) anêkestos irreparably damaging (1: 86.2)
anauxês not increasing (1: 83), not increasing in size anekhein to be at the top of (1: 67), to carry (1: 67), to
(1: 54), not subject to increase (1: 88), hold up (4: 50, 54, 55, 79), to keep (1: 17), to
unincreasing (1: 47) protrude (1: 50), to rise up (1: 54), to support
anauxêtos not growing (1: 83), not increasing (1: 83), (1: 99), to sustain (4: 41.2, 48, 67, 94), to tolerate
not undergoing increase (1: 88), unincreasing (1: 57), to uphold (1: 28.2)
(1: 47) anekhesthai to endure (1: 83), to hold oneself up
anaxêrainein to dry up (1: 24) (1: 83), to support (1: 20), to sustain (1: 39), to
anaxiopistos untrustworthy (1: 85) to hold up (1: 98), to uphold a claim (1: 48)
anaxios unworthy (2: 19, 67) anekleiptos inexhaustible (6: 11, 14, 42, 44, 74, 99),
anazesis bubbling up (1: 26) never-failing (1: 74), unceasing (3: 44, 70, 83),
anazêtein to investigate (2: 48, 84), to search (1: 48), to unfailing (1: 99), uninterrupted (3: 26, 54, 99)
search for (1: 55) to anekleipton inexhaustibility (2: 42, 44), the
anazôgraphein to depict (1: 34/35.1), to draw (1: 6.1), property of being inexhaustible (1: 42)
to picture (1: 50) anêkoos untutored (1: 7)
anazôgraphêma picture (1: 91) anêkoustos inaudible (1: 57), that cannot be heard (1:
anazôgraphêsis imagination (1: 91), painting (1: 25) 91)
anazônnunai : anazônnusthai to arm oneself (1: 84) anekphoitêtos inseparable (1: 70), not proceeding forth
anazôpurein to burn (1: 84) (1: 70)
andrapodizein to enslave (2: 13, 34/35.1) anektos bearable (1: 22)
andrapodôdês characteristic of a slave (1: 4) anêlatos non-malleable (1: 24)
andrapodon slave (1: 4) anelenktos irrefutable (3: 60, 80, 83), unrefuted (3: 59,
andreia bravery (2: 13, 40), courage (8: 4, 40, 43.1, 43.3, 68, 83)
52, 69, 83, 97.1), manliness (1: 40), masculinity aneleutheria illiberality (1: 69)
(1: 40) aneleutherios illiberal (1: 43.2)
kata andreian courageous (1: 4), of courage (1: 4) aneleutheriôtês niggardliness (1: 13)
andreikelon human-like shape (1: 61), human statue aneleutheros illiberal (5: 10.1, 43.1, 43.3, 52, 69)
(1: 88), man-like (1: 80) anelissein / anelittein to counteract (2: 10.2, 55), to
andreios brave (2: 13, 40), masculine (1: 40), counter-revolve (1: 83), to deploy (1: 36), to
courageous (5: 40, 43.2, 52, 65, 69), manly (1: develop (1: 22), to explicate (2: 22, 74), to
40), masculine (2: 40, 86.2) revolve (1: 67), to unfold (3: 22, 28.1, 28.2), to
andria courage (2: 4, 19) unroll (2: 22, 25)
kata andrian courageous (1: 4) anelittôn counteractive (1: 54); aneiligmenôs in a
andriantoplastês modeller of statues (1: 80) deployed way (2: 36, 55)
andriantoplastikê sculpture (1: 88) anelixis deployment (1: 36), development (3: 11, 22,
andriantopoiêtikê sculpture (1: 2) 28.2), evolution (1: 22), unfolding (3: 11, 28.1,
andriantopoiikê sculpture (1: 52) 100)
andriantopoios sculptor (4: 15, 20, 28.2, 88) logikê anelixis rational unfolding (1: 100)


anelkein to drag up (1: 83), to draw up (1: 83) anepisêmantos without notice (1: 78)
anellipês exhaustive (1: 3), lacking nothing (2: 99, 100), anepiskiastos not shadowed (1: 88)
perfect (1: 5), without ellipticality (1: 20) anepistasia (the state of) not having considered
anellipôs fully (1: 22); to anellipes inexhaustibility (something) (1: 93), failure to notice (1: 73),
(1: 44) failure to pay attention (1: 90), stupidity (1: 83),
anemos gale (1: 54), wind (14: 19, 22, 28.1, 38, 52, 55, thoughtlessness (1: 1)
57, 61, 67, 78, 85, 88, 95, 99) anepistatos ignorant (1: 83), mindless (1: 83)
kata ton anemon downwind (1: 52) anepistemôn ignorant (1: 21), non-expert (1: 90),
anemphatos without a trace (1: 84) ignorant (2: 59, 60), in a state of ignorance (1:
anempodistos unhindered (2: 52, 55), unimpeded (5: 4, 67), lacking knowledge (1: 52), non-knower (1:
56, 57, 64, 69), without any obstruction (1: 86.1), 19), uneducated (1: 61)
without hindrance (1: 52) anepistêmosunê ignorance (5: 15, 19, 56, 68, 76), lack
anempodistôs in an unhindered fashion (1: 17), of knowledge (1: 32), systematic error (1:
without being impeded (1: 42), without 34/35.1)
hindrance (1: 99), without impediment (1: 4); to anepistrophos free from any return movement (1: 67),
anempodistôs absence of impediment (1: 4) that does not revert (1: 22), that does not turn
anendeês free of need (2: 58, 59), in need of nothing (2: back (1: 36), without reverting (1: 22)
43.3, 97.2), not in want (1: 36), without defect anepitatos incapable of being intensified (1: 48),
(1: 17), without lack (1: 52) without intensification (1: 57)
anendeôs without need (1: 58); to anendees anepitêdeios irrelevant (1: 27), not fitting (1: 48),
absence of need (2: 58, 59) unserviceable (1: 32), unsuitable (8: 17, 22, 28.1,
anendoiastos uncontroversial (1: 95) 57, 61, 68, 84, 95)
anendoiastôs indubitably (1: 29.1), unhesitatingly anepitêdeiotês ineptitude (1: 29.1), lack of suitability
(1: 29.1), without hesitation (1: 55) (1: 86.1), unfitness (2: 7, 52), unsuitability (6: 3,
anenduazein to double (1: 75) 17, 34/35.1, 58, 60, 84), unsuitable state (1: 28.1)
anenergêsia inactivity (4: 4, 56, 67, 91) anepitholôtos unmuddied (1: 56)
anenergêtos inactive (6: 29.1, 36, 56, 57, 86.1, 91), anepsêtos unboiled (1: 24)
inefficacious (1: 48), lacking actuality (1: 27), anêr man (17: 4, 15, 19, 52, 57, 60, 68, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
numb (1: 61), that is not employing (1: 86.1), 86.1, 86.2, 97.1, 98, 99), man (male) (1: 20)
unable to be activated (1: 61), unactivated (2: anêr philosophos true philosopher (1: 21); ho
67, 89), unactualised (1: 67) tukhôn anêr anybody (1: 51); phusikos anêr
anenklitos uninflected (1: 65) man of physics (1: 63), student of nature (1: 96),
anennoêtos having no knowledge (1: 2), incompetent to investigate (1: 55)
(1: 95), insensible (1: 43.3), lacking conception anereunan : anereunasthai to examine (1: 18.2)
(1: 52), lacking understanding (1: 4), without a anerkhesthai to ascend (4: 55, 73, 93, 97.1), to proceed
notion (1: 43.3), without any notion (1: 88), (1: 42), to rise up (1: 78)
without thoughts (1: 67) anermêneutos inexplicable (1: 94), unexplained (1: 94),
anenokhlêtos unhindered (1: 99) uninterpreted (1: 94)
anepaisthêtos imperceptible (8: 7, 28.2, 38, 39, 42, 52, anesis abatement (2: 3, 57), decay (1: 91), deceleration
57, 87), unaware (1: 48), unconscious (1: 61), (1: 54), decrease (1: 27), decreased tension (1:
unperceived (1: 57), unperceiving (1: 56), 44), loosening (1: 57), relaxation (4: 13, 44, 54,
without being observed (1: 99), without being 95), relaxing (1: 60), release (1: 50), remission
perceived (1: 57), without perceiving (1: 61) (2: 41.1, 48), slackening (5: 4, 5, 12, 38, 69),
anepaisthêtôs imperceptibly (1: 28.2) weakness (1: 72)
anepexergastos uninvestigated (1: 22) aneu : hôn ouk aneu condition sine qua non (1: 67);
anephiktos unable to attain (1: 12) sine quibus non (1: 52)
anepideês without lack (1: 52) ta hôn ouk aneu necessary conditions (1: 70)
anepidektos exclusive of (1: 75), incapable of admitting aneuphêmein : aneuphêmeisthai to be proclaimed (1:
(1: 42), not admitting (2: 12, 54), resistant (1: 59), 84)
that cannot admit (2: 48, 52), that does not admit aneuriskein to discover (3: 11, 27, 42), to find (1: 85), to
(1: 52), unreceptive (2: 27, 80), unsusceptible (1: track down (1: 48)
88) aneurunein to dilate (2: 38, 91)
anepignôstos unaware (1: 100) aneuthunos free from censure (1: 85)
anepiklitos unwavering (1: 48) anexallaktos invariable (1: 22), unchanged (1: 22),
anepikritos unexamined (1: 84) unchanging (1: 54)
anepileiptos uninterrupted (1: 21) anexapatêtos : anexapatêtôs inerrantly (1: 28.2)
anepimiktos not mixing with (1: 88) anexetastos uncritical (1: 48), unexamined (1: 39),
anepinoêtos inconceivable (1: 74) without examining (1: 48)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

anexetastôs without examination (2: 17, 52) anisotakhês kinêsis unequal speeds of
angeion container (11: 7, 18.2, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 54, 55, movement (1: 98)
56, 57, 59, 98), passage (1: 57), receptacle (1: 54), anisotakhos unequal in velocity (1: 1), with unequal
reservoir (1: 78), vessel (16: 6.1, 11, 14, 18.2, 22, speed (1: 98)
24, 50, 52, 61, 67, 78, 79, 85, 91, 94, 98) anisotês inequality (16: 2, 10.2, 19, 20, 22, 38, 42, 44, 47,
angelia report (1: 25) 48, 55, 74, 78, 83, 85, 98)
angelikos angelic (3: 34/35.1, 45/46, 72) anisoun to make unequal (1: 20)
angelikos taxis order of angels (1: 74) anistanai to erect (1: 55), to raise (1: 97.1), to rise up
angellein to report (1: 25) (1: 54)
angelos angel (7: 34/35.1, 61, 67, 68, 72, 87, 97.1), anistasthai to awake (1: 59), to be resurrected (1:
messenger (2: 67, 86.2) 97.1), to come to life again (1: 67), to rise (1:
angos container (2: 18.2, 55), pail (1: 18.2), vessel (2: 54), to stand (1: 61), to stand up (3: 54, 80, 99);
88, 98) to anistasthai resurrection (1: 22)
ania pain (1: 34/35.1) ankhinoia acumen (2: 19, 93), sagacity (3: 48, 59, 99),
anian to hurt (1: 56), to pain (1: 57) shrewdness (1: 55)
aniasthai to experience pain (1: 34/35.1), to feel ankhinous acute (1: 93), subtle (1: 20)
grief (1: 85) ankistroeidês having a barbed shape (1: 61)
aniaros painful (3: 34/35.1, 56, 57) ankôn elbow (2: 34/35.1, 84)
aniatos incorrigible (2: 43.2, 43.3), incurable (1: 7) ankulos : to ankulon convoluted nature (1: 59)
aniatrikos unmedical (1: 90) anô above (16: 4, 5, 6.2, 11, 12, 18.2, 20, 54, 55, 60, 73,
aniatros non-doctor (1: 76) 78, 79, 83, 93, 98), at the top (1: 42), high (1: 93),
anienai (< ienai) to ascend (5: 22, 28.2, 56, 73, 93), to higher (2: 61, 99), on high (1: 54), previously (1:
go on (1: 10.2), to go up (3: 28.1, 84, 94), to 73), up (11: 1, 6.1, 7, 24, 42, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83, 99),
move up (1: 22), to rise (1: 60) upper (8: 18.2, 24, 54, 55, 79, 83, 91, 99), upward
anienai (< hienai) to abate (2: 3, 57), to allow (1: 85), to (3: 42, 54, 55), upwards (8: 18.2, 21, 42, 60, 91,
be dedicated to (1: 84), to decelerate (1: 54), to 93, 98, 99)
decrease (1: 54), to leave untilled (1: 69), to loosen anôteros higher (2: 55, 79); anôterô above (1: 98),
(1: 24), to relax (3: 18.2, 91, 92.1), to slacken (3: 4, earlier (5: 17, 16, 54, 55, 83); anôtatos highest
12, 69), to undergo remission (1: 48) (2: 10.2, 64); anôtatô at the top of the hierarchy
aniesthai (for a musical note) to be too low (1: (1: 92.1), highest (5: 19, 54, 55, 83, 92.1),
86.1), to be remitted (1: 25), to contract (1: 98), upper level (1: 92.1); to anô the top (1: 42),
to relax (2: 20, 60), to weaken (1: 91); the upper place (1: 53); ta anô things that are
aniemenos relaxed (1: 33); aneimenos lax (1: up (1: 42); epi to anô upward (1: 83), upwards
69); aneimenôs in a dissolute manner (1: 4); (1: 18.2); pros to anô upwards (1: 18.2);
anienai eis to be linked with (1: 94) katôthen anô from the bottom up (1: 86.1);
anieroun to dedicate (1: 84) katôthen anô strephein to turn upside-down
anikhneuein to figure out (1: 83), to follow on the trail (1: 86.1); ta anôtatô genê the highest kinds
(1: 44), to search out (1: 85), to seek after (1: 79), (1: 10.2)
to trace back (1: 83), to trace out (2: 19, 44), to anodos ascent (2: 16, 91), motion up (1: 79), upward
track down (1: 48) journey (1: 86.2), upward motion (1: 55)
anillesthai to shrink back (1: 28.2) anoêtainein to be ignorant (1: 84)
to anillomenon repulsion (1: 28.2) anoêtos fatuous (1: 20), foolish (2: 1, 97.1), ignorant (2:
anisasmos equalisation (1: 55) 83, 97.2), mindless (3: 20, 83, 85), stupid (3: 57,
anisazein to equalize (1: 55) 98, 99), unintelligent (2: 19, 76), unintelligible
anisopleuros unequal-sided (1: 5) (1: 76), unthinkable (2: 7, 85), without
anisorrhopos lacking even balance (1: 55) understanding (1: 97.1)
anisos unequal (24: 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 41.2, anoêtôs without intelligence (1: 61); to anoêton
42, 43.1, 44, 48, 54, 60, 65, 67, 73, 74, 75, 83, 92.1, senselessness (1: 17)
93, 98), uneven (2: 52, 67) anoia foolishness (1: 1), ignorance (1: 97.1), lack of
to anison inequality (1: 16), the unequal (1: 2), intelligence (1: 19), lack of thought (1: 29.1),
what is unequal (1: 67) mindlessness (1: 83), non-thinking (1: 25),
anisôsis becoming unequal (1: 44), equalisation (1: 55), non-understanding (1: 92.2)
equalising (1: 98) anoigma opening (1: 55)
anisotakhês at a non-uniform speed (1: 3), at unequal anoignunai to open (1: 38)
speed (1: 83), of different speed (1: 18.2), of anoikeios foreign (1: 55), inappropriate (3: 17, 34/35.1,
unequal speed (1: 50), of unequal velocity (1: 48), inept (1: 65)
87), unequal in speed (2: 18.2, 19) anôlethros imperishable (2: 34/35.1, 68), indestructible
anisotakhôs at unequal speed (2: 18.2, 50); ta (3: 22, 85, 97.2)
anisotakhê difference of speed (1: 18.2); anômalês non-uniform (2: 42, 75)


anômalia anomalous situation (1: 21), anomaly (3: 5, anomoioskhêmôn dissimilar in form (3: 9, 30/31, 90)
45/46, 84), inconsistency (2: 45/46, 48), anomoiotês dissimilarity (10: 19, 43.1, 43.3, 44, 52, 61,
irregularity (5: 13, 26, 48, 79, 95), non- 69, 79, 90, 99), non-uniformity (1: 54),
uniformity (4: 27, 42, 54, 55), unevenness (3: 24, unlikeness (1: 39)
57, 60), variation (1: 44) anomologein to be incongruous (1: 86.1)
anômalian ekhein to be irregular (1: 95) anomologia inconsistency (2: 10.2, 39)
anômalos anomalous (1: 45/46), irregular (3: 13, 24, anomos lawless (1: 34/35.1)
95), non-uniform (7: 27, 42, 54, 55, 67, 75, 87), anomoülos not of the same matter (1: 34/35.1)
unbalanced (1: 97.1), unequal (1: 92.1), uneven anoneiros free of dreams (1: 86.1)
(5: 52, 56, 57, 60, 95) anonomastos without a name (1: 13)
anômalôs unevenly (2: 3, 60); to anômalon anônumos having no name (2: 27, 56), nameless (7: 19,
non-uniformity (1: 27), what is uneven (1: 67), 28.2, 57, 69, 73, 85, 92.2), unnameable (1: 44),
irregularly (1: 24); anômalos phusis non- unnamed (1: 91), without a name (5: 13, 25, 57,
uniformity (1: 42) 75, 77)
anomalotês non-uniformity (1: 42) anônumôteros harder to name (1: 24)
en anomalotêti in a state of non-uniformity (1: 42) anôphelês useless (1: 35.2)
anomoeidês belonging to dissimilar types (1: 91), anôphoros ascending (1: 68), borne upwards (1: 17),
different in kind (1: 15), different in species (2: leading upwards (1: 18.2), moving up (1: 83),
27, 34/35.1), dissimilar (1: 85), dissimilar in moving upwards (2: 1, 18.2), tending to move
kind (1: 43.3), dissimilar in species (1: 34/35.1), upwards (1: 6.1), that tends to go upwards (1:
heterogeneous (1: 34/35.1), nonhomogeneous 98), that travels upwards (1: 18.2), upward
(1: 20), not of the same kind (2: 27, 73), of a moving (1: 88), upwardly mobile (1: 23),
different kind (2: 10.1, 42), of a different species upward-moving (2: 56, 95)
(1: 40), of another kind (1: 56), of different anôphoron upward tendency (1: 57)
kinds (3: 15, 78, 79), of different species (1: 19), anoplein to be unarmed (1: 5)
of dissimilar type (1: 3), unlike in form (1: 15) anoratos invisible (1: 57)
anomogenês dissimilar in genus (1: 91), generically anoristainein to be indeterminate (1: 100)
dissimilar (1: 2), heterogeneous (2: 34/35.1, 87), anorthoun to set up (1: 84)
in different genera (1: 27), of a different genus anosiotês unholiness (1: 13)
(1: 40), of a different kind (3: 3, 27, 90), of anosiourgos impious (1: 43.2)
different genera (1: 38), sui generis (1: 98) anosos free of disease (1: 80)
anomoioeidês dissimilar in kind (1: 43.2), dissimilar in anosphrantos odourless (1: 28.2), that cannot be smelt
species (1: 75), non-homogeneous (1: 89), of (1: 57), unable to be smelt (1: 25)
different kinds (1: 44), of different sorts (1: 22), anosphrêtos that cannot be smelled (1: 91)
of different species (1: 22), unlike (1: 22) anôthen above (3: 21, 25, 60), downwards (1: 93), from
anomoiogenês heterogeneous (1: 24), not of the same above (9: 42, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 92.1, 93),
kind (1: 90), of different sorts (1: 28.2), of unlike from basics (1: 99), from on high (2: 54, 55), from
species (1: 70) the top (1: 86.1), higher (2: 64, 78), up (1: 42)
anomoiokhrous varying in colour (1: 52) anôthen analambanein to resume (1: 25)
anomoiomerês anhomeoemerous (8: 10.2, 24, 32, 51, anous lacking intelligence (1: 19), non-intellect (1:
52, 54, 55, 86.1), dissimilar (1: 23), diverse (1: 34/35.1), without intelligence (1: 11)
44), heterogeneous (2: 17, 67), non- anousios insubstantial (2: 36, 74), non-substantial (1:
homoeomerous (2: 19, 91), non-uniform (2: 53, 70), without essence (1: 61)
76), not having parts similar to one another (1: anousiôs insubstantially (1: 70)
4), not homoeomerous (1: 20), not made of like antakolouthein to be equivalent (1: 30/31), to accompany
parts (1: 89), of different parts (1: 22), of reciprocally (1: 4), to be implied by one another
dissimilar parts (1: 22), with different parts (1: (1: 52), to be mutually implied (1: 42), to
44), with dissimilar parts (2: 15, 56), with unlike correspond (1: 48), to follow from one another (1:
elements (1: 22), without similar parts (2: 38, 56) 40), to follow mutually from (1: 19), to imply one
ta anomoiomerê parts not of the same kind (1: another (2: 4, 16), to reciprocally entail (1: 66), to
35.2) reciprocally entail one another (1: 39)
anomoios dissimilar (22: 7, 13, 15, 19, 22, 28.2, 38, 41.2, antakolouthein allêlois to be mutually implied (1:
43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 51, 52, 54, 64, 68, 74, 78, 79, 3), to be reciprocally implied (1: 48), to follow
83, 90), diverse (1: 20), unlike (15: 10.2, 16, 20, from one anther (1: 54)
21, 22, 41.2, 44, 48, 64, 67, 79, 85, 86.1, 91, antakolouthia correspondence (1: 48)
92.1) antallagê exchange (3: 42, 43.3, 51)
anomoiôs in a dissimilar way (1: 92.1); to anomoion antallattein : antallattesthai to exchange (3: 17, 43.3,
dissimilarity (1: 51), unlikeness (1: 16) 99)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

antanairein to use mutual subtraction (1: 99) anteupoiia fair requital (1: 43.3)
antanairesis mutual subtraction (1: 99) antexetazein to try against (1: 35.2)
antanaklan to bend back against (1: 57), to reflect back anthein to blossom (1: 84)
(1: 57) anthelkein to draw in the contrary way (1: 95)
antanaklasthai to be reflected back (1: 18.2) anthistanai : anthistasthai to oppose (1: 42)
antanaklasis bending back (1: 95), bending back anthos brilliancy (1: 38), flower (4: 11, 28.2, 38, 86.1)
against (1: 57), reflection back (1: 57) anthrakeutos charcoal-yielding (1: 24)
antanakolouthein to be implied by each other (1: 52) anthrakôdês ember-like (1: 88)
antanapherein to carry along (1: 55) anthrakoeidês of the colour of coal (1: 95)
antanaplêrôsis mutual filling up (1: 32) anthrax carbuncle (1: 78), charcoal (5: 24, 28.2, 38, 52,
antanisôsis uniformity (1: 54) 68), coal (1: 52), coals (1: 83)
antapodidonai to add the converse (1: 56), to be an anthrôpeios human (18: 4, 19, 22, 28.2, 34/35.1, 43.3,
apodosis (1: 93), to express the corresponding 54, 56, 59, 61, 67, 73, 79, 80, 84, 86.2, 97.1, 97.2),
(clause) (1: 10.2), to give (1: 69), to give by way of man (2: 28.1, 60)
of contrast (1: 19), to give in exchange (1: 56), anthrôpeiôs as a human (1: 22)
to mutually exchange (1: 69), to respond (1: 20), anthrôpikos human (2: 43.3, 69)
to retaliate (1: 69), to state as the counterpart (1: anthrôpinos human (22: 2, 19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.2,
94), to state the antithesis (1: 87), to state the 34/35.1, 43.1, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 79,
case (1: 28.2) 83, 86.1, 97.2), male (1: 97.2), of man (1: 35.2)
antapodidosthai to provide an apodosis (1: 99), to anthrôpiskos humanoid (1: 84)
correspond grammatically (1: 38) anthrôpologos talker about persons (1: 69)
antapodosis alternative (1: 76), counterpart (1: 94), anthrôpomorphos human in form (1: 10.2)
exchange (3: 56, 63, 69), giving back (1: 98), anthrôpos human (20: 4, 12, 13, 16, 27, 52, 55, 58, 59,
mutual exchange (1: 69), reciprocal succession 61, 63, 73, 76, 80, 83, 90, 92.2, 94, 97.1, 97.2),
(1: 52), return (1: 69) human being (38: 7, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 21, 25, 28.2,
poiein tên antapodosin provide the counterpart 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 52, 54, 55, 60,
(1: 94) 61, 63, 64, 65, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
anteipein to answer (1: 57), to attack (1: 18.2), to 86.1, 86.2, 91, 92.1, 93, 97.2, 99), human person
contradict (1: 68), to criticise (1: 99), to deny (1: (1: 63), humankind (2: 52, 63), man (38: 2, 4,
91), to make a reply (1: 16), to make objections 6.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 15, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28.1,
(1: 44), to oppose (1: 16), to raise objections (1: 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 44, 47, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
54), to reply (2: 16, 18.2), to speak against (1: 65, 67, 68, 72, 73, 80, 85, 90, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 98,
18.2) 99), mankind (4: 4, 59, 69, 80), person (12: 19,
anteirein to speak against (1: 44) 22, 24, 25, 43.1, 52, 54, 61, 63, 69, 73, 76)
anteisagein to put to the fore (1: 6.2), to replace with anthrôpoi people (4: 6.1, 18.2, 27, 83); mê / ouk
(2: 42, 84) anthrôpos not-man (1: 90); goês anthrôpos
anteiserkhesthai to replace (1: 32) religious charlatan (1: 52); ho polus anthrôpos
anteisienai to come in to take the place of (1: 52) most people (1: 73); to anthrôpôi einai to be
antekhein to endure (1: 86.1), to grasp (1: 22), to hold human (1: 16)
out (2: 4, 22), to strive (1: 22), to study (1: 22) anthrôpotês humanity (2: 5, 93), manhood (1: 48)
antekhesthai to be committed to (1: 68), to cling to anthupagein to criticise (1: 54)
(1: 68) anthupopherein to reply (1: 19)
antemphasis contrast (1: 59) antianeira a woman with the strength of a man (1: 7)
antemphrattein to be an impediment (1: 54) antibainein to come against (1: 84), to counteract (2:
antempiptein to rush in instead (1: 6.1) 25, 95), to go against (1: 57), to move against (1:
antenergein to act in return (1: 57) 22), to oppose (2: 21, 57), to react (1: 25), to
antepikheirein to make a different kind of argument resist (5: 20, 21, 34/35.1, 55, 57), to support (1:
(1: 78), to put forward counterarguments (1: 84) 21), to withstand (1: 24)
antepistrephein to turn back against (1: 25) to antibainon a thing something encounters (1:
antepiteinein to mutually intensify (1: 95) 88), a thing that comes across (1: 88)
anterastês rival lover (1: 97.1) antibasis counteraction (1: 22), resistance (1: 52)
antereidein to exert pressure (2: 11, 52), to offer antibatikos resistant (5: 21, 24, 54, 57, 95)
resistance (1: 84), to resist (2: 54, 55) to antibatikon resistance (1: 95)
anterein will reply (1: 16) antiblepein to resist (1: 52)
to anteirêmenon criticism (1: 68) antidiairein to be in distinction to (1: 22), to be opposed
antereisis pressure (2: 52, 84), resistance (5: 1, 22, 54, (1: 23), to be opposed to (1: 29.1), to
79, 91) contradistinguish (6: 5, 34/35.1, 39, 40, 41.1, 91),
antereistikos involving resistance (1: 19) to contrast (7: 17, 42, 48, 73, 85, 90, 99), to


coordinate (1: 9), to cross-divide (2: 43.1, 69), to to antigegrammenon a work written against
differentiate (1: 64), to distinguish (4: 3, 22, 64, someone (1: 44)
78), to distinguish by dichotomy (1: 60), to antigraphon copy (9: 18.2, 20, 23, 27, 35.2, 38, 44, 55,
distinguish from (1: 38), to distinguish in 56), manuscript (10: 3, 14, 19, 42, 51, 73, 84, 88,
opposition (1: 40), to distinguish logically (1: 23), 93, 99), transcription (1: 14)
to distinguish mutually (1: 12), to divide from antikataskeuazein to construct counter-arguments (1:
one another (1: 56), to divide in opposition (1: 56)
52), to divide on a level (1: 35.2), to divide up (1: antikatêgorein to counter-predicate (3: 9, 30/31, 40), to
85), to make a distinction (1: 22), to mark off as predicate reciprocally (2: 40, 48)
opposite members of a genus (1: 41.2), to oppose antikatêgoreisthai be mutually predicated (1: 93),
(4: 48, 59, 74, 85), to oppose to (1: 92.1), to to be convertible (1: 39); antikatêgoroumenos
separate out (1: 69), to set in opposition (1: 61) reciprocal (1: 48)
antidiaireisthai to be coordinate (1: 27), to be antikatêgoria opposed predication (1: 65)
distinguished (2: 28.2, 44), to be distinguished antikathistanai : antikathistasthai to take issue (1: 59)
from and opposed to (1: 10.2), to be antikeisthai to be antithetical (2: 48, 76), to be
distinguished from one another (1: 93), to be contradictorily opposed (1: 35.2), to be
divided off (2: 27, 44), to be in distinction with contradictory (2: 5, 83), to be contrary (3: 44,
(1: 28.2), to be logically opposed to (1: 92.2), to 80, 85), to be contrasted (1: 76), to be in conflict
be opposed (1: 93), to distinguish (1: 83); (1: 95), to be opposed (31: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10.2, 12,
antidiêirêsthai to be a coordinate member of a 13, 15, 16, 21, 27, 32, 35.2, 39, 40, 42, 44, 51, 52,
division (1: 90), to be coordinate with (1: 90); 58, 59, 68, 69, 74, 75, 80, 83, 92.1, 93, 94), to be
antidiêrêmenos coordinate (1: 90); opposed to (1: 98), to be opposite (21: 12, 21, 25,
antidiêirêmenoi divided against each other (1: 27, 28.1, 36, 39, 40, 42, 52, 61, 64, 65, 69, 74, 78,
15); to antidiairoumenon opposite member of 79, 83, 85, 88, 89), to be opposite of (1: 99), to be
dichotomy (1: 60); ta antidiêrêmena coordinate opposite to (4: 6.1, 54, 55, 92.2), to be presented
members of a division (1: 90) to (1: 57), to be the contrary (1: 76), to be the
antidiairesis contradistinction (1: 41.1), distinction (2: contrary of (1: 63), to be the opposite of (1:
22, 48), division (1: 59) 30/31), to correspond (1: 38), to have as an
antidialambanein to set apart (1: 41.1) opposite (1: 67), to lie opposite (2: 13, 57), to lie
antidiastellein to contradistinguish (5: 34/35.1, 35.2, over against (2: 57, 95), to oppose (3: 58, 73, 85)
56, 61, 67), to contrast (15: 20, 22, 26, 39, 41.2, antikeimenos antipodal (1: 77), contradictory (4:
44, 51, 54, 58, 61, 73, 76, 84, 95, 100), to make a 27, 28.2, 87, 89), contrary (5: 27, 28.2, 36, 63, 94),
contrast (1: 73), to make distinctions (1: 28.1), contrasting (2: 76, 92.1), corresponding (1: 91),
to oppose (4: 17, 26, 30/31, 59), to place in inverse (1: 19), opposed (10: 2, 15, 16, 19, 22, 27,
relation to (1: 85), to say in contrast (1: 57), to 28.2, 40, 44, 77), opposing (1: 18.2), opposite
set apart (2: 23, 95) (30: 1, 3, 4, 6.2, 7, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 20, 24, 27, 28.1,
antidiastellein pros to be distinguished from (1: 7); 28.2, 38, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 73, 75, 76, 77, 88, 89, 90,
antidiastellomenos pros in contradistinction 92.1, 93, 94, 94, 99), that lies opposite (1: 94);
to (1: 7), in oppostion to (1: 7) antikeimenôs contrarily opposed (1: 22), in an
antidiastolê contradistinction (7: 26, 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, opposite sense (1: 70), in opposite ways (1: 36),
57, 67, 88), contrast (14: 2, 5, 13, 23, 28.2, 39, 54, on the contrary (1: 28.2), opposed (1: 74),
60, 73, 79, 85, 87, 92.2, 93), opposition (4: 7, 44, opposing (1: 74), opposite (1: 22), oppositely (3:
59, 61) 22, 28.2, 64); to antikeimenon antithesis (1: 76),
pros antidiastolên as marking a contrast (1: 57), as contradictory (3: 9, 25, 66), contrary (6: 12, 17,
opposed to (1: 17); pros antidiastolên eipein to 22, 36, 76, 95), contrary predicate (1: 44),
distinguish (1: 18.2) contrary property (1: 22), correlate (1: 22),
antidiatattein to array (1: 23), to oppose (1: 99), to object (1: 28.2), opposite (24: 9, 13, 19, 20, 22,
range in opposition (1: 39), to set out in 36, 40, 41.2, 44, 51, 53, 56, 58, 59, 61, 66, 67, 68,
opposition (1: 27) 73, 80, 93, 94, 95, 100), what is antithetical (1:
antidikein to plead (1: 10.2) 76); ta antikeimena contradictory pair (1: 90),
antidikos adversary (1: 40), opponent (1: 40), party in a opposed positions (1: 10.2), opposite direction
law-suit (1: 40) (1: 67), opposite positions (1: 67), opposites (5:
antidosis reciprocity (1: 21), repayment (1: 43.3) 2, 10.2, 67, 89, 92.1); antikeimenôs ekhein to be
antidran to react (1: 34/35.1) opposite (2: 28.1, 98); antiphatikôs
antigraphê copy (1: 44), copy of a text (2: 78, 79), antikeimenon contradictory opposite (2: 64,
version (1: 64) 65); antiphatikôs antikeisthai to be the
antigraphein to write against (2: 6.2, 83), to write down contradictory opposite (1: 30/31); idiôs
(1: 91), to write in opposition (1: 42) antikeisthai to oppose uniquely (1: 30/31); kat’

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

antiphasin antikeimena opposed by antilegein to argue against (14: 10.2, 16, 21, 28.1, 38, 50,
contradiction (1: 40), opposed in the way of 54, 55, 59, 60, 78, 79, 83, 99), to attack (2: 18.2,
contradictories (1: 40), propounded 44), to claim against (1: 90), to contradict (8:
contradiction (1: 40); kuriôs antikeisthai to be 6.1, 15, 22, 25, 40, 42, 51, 75), to criticise (1: 58),
the opposite in the strict sense (1: 30/31); to dispute (2: 19, 73), to gainsay (1: 40), to give a
oikeiôs antikeisthai to be the proper opposite counter-argument (1: 99), to object (1: 6.2), to
(1: 30/31); to antiphatikôs antikeimenon oppose (1: 85), to raise objections (1: 44), to
contradictory opposite (1: 42); to pros ti refute (5: 2, 22, 78, 79, 85), to reply to (1: 58), to
antikeimenon in a reciprocal relationship say against (1: 58), to speak against (5: 55, 78,
(1: 22) 79, 83, 85), to speak out (1: 85), to write in
antikheir thumb (1: 7) opposition (1: 85)
antikhthôn counter-earth (2: 2, 55) antilêpsis acquisition (1: 20), apprehending (1: 52),
antikinein to make one another change (1: 75) apprehension (24: 1, 2, 10.2, 16, 19, 21, 24, 37,
antikineisthai to be changed reciprocally (2: 44, 38, 39, 40, 51, 52, 56, 57, 61, 67, 68, 72, 90, 93, 95,
89), to be in contrary motion (1: 18.2), to be in 99, 100), awareness (1: 91), cognition (1: 23),
opposite motion (1: 18.2), to be in reverse grasp (4: 22, 28.2, 29.1, 67), laying hold of (1:
motion (1: 75), to be moved in return (1: 99), to 34/35.1), objection (1: 48), participation (1: 22),
be reciprocally changed (1: 33), to be perception (6: 7, 25, 58, 59, 95, 100), taking up
reciprocally moved (1: 99), to be subject to (1: 95)
reciprocal motion (1: 99), to move in a contrary antilêpsin poieisthai to apprehend (1: 24);
direction (2: 54, 55), to move in a contrary way suntonos antilêpsis continuous application (1:
(2: 54, 55), to move in opposite directions (1: 14)
53), to move in reverse directions (1: 83), to antilêptikos able to apprehend (2: 38, 77), able to grasp
move in the opposite direction (1: 98), to move (2: 67, 87), apprehending (1: 21), apprehensive
one another (1: 99), to move opposite to (1: 3), (4: 48, 52, 77, 90), capable of apprehending (3:
to move oppositely (1: 42), to move reciprocally 24, 61, 93), capable of awareness (1: 91), capable
(1: 99), to undergo reciprocal change (1: 75), to of being aware (1: 91), capable of grasping (1:
undergo reciprocal motion (1: 99); antikinein 28.1), capable of perceiving (1: 25), for
allêla to reciprocate a change (1: 75) awareness (1: 91), for being aware (1: 91), for
antikinêsis contrary motion (3: 18.2, 54, 55), motion in perception (1: 36), having the capacity to grasp
the reverse direction (1: 83), movement in (1: 61), perceiving (1: 36), receptive (2: 22, 28.2),
opposite directions (1: 1), opposite motion (1: such as to apprehend (1: 57), that apprehends
42) (2: 16, 52), that can apprehend (1: 21), that
antikopê collision (1: 12) detects (1: 28.2), that grasps (2: 22, 28.2), that
antikoptein to resist (3: 21, 54, 55), to strike (1: 84) lays hold of (1: 34/35.1), that seizes on (1: 22),
antikrouein to collide (1: 57), to strike against (1: 79) with the capacity to apprehend (1: 100)
antikrus directly (2: 2, 25), exactly (2: 16, 25), explicitly to antilêptikon the ability to apprehend (1: 36);
(1: 67), manifestly (1: 57), openly (2: 61, 67), antilêptikê dunamis power to lay hold of
opposite (1: 38), outright (6: 2, 7, 14, 38, 67, 68), things (1: 35.2); antilêptikos einai to
precisely (1: 79), straight (1: 14), straight away apprehend (1: 57); antilêptikos einai tinos to
(1: 21), straightforward (1: 99), apprehend something (1: 56), to be
straightforwardly (3: 30/31, 79, 99), apprehending of (1: 56)
unequivocally (1: 2) antilêptos apprehended (4: 24, 56, 57, 84),
mê antikrus not at all (1: 86.1) apprehensible (2: 20, 38), perceptible (1: 18.2)
antilambanein to get back (1: 58), to take in turn (1: antilogia argument against (3: 11, 55, 78), challenging
17) (1: 63), contradiction (1: 40), counterargument
antilambanesthai to apprehend (22: 12, 16, 19, 21, (1: 83), counter-argument (4: 16, 54, 85, 99),
25, 28.2, 38, 40, 48, 52, 54, 56, 57, 61, 67, 68, 77, criticism (1: 67), disagreement (1: 85),
78, 80, 89, 93, 95), to be apprehended (1: 77), to disputation (1: 39), gainsaying (1: 40), objection
be aware (1: 88), to be aware of (4: 28.2, 58, 91, (2: 67, 95), opposing argument (2: 51, 85),
98), to be concerned (1: 22), to be receptive (1: opposition (1: 85), rebuttal (3: 58, 59, 80),
22), to cognize (1: 36), to comprehend (2: 24, refutation (6: 2, 55, 78, 79, 83, 85)
67), to deal with (1: 22), to detect (1: 28.2), to antilogikos controversial (1: 70)
discern (1: 93), to grasp (7: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 52, 59, antilupein to make to suffer in return (1: 56), to
61, 67), to lay hold of (2: 24, 34/35.1), to observe retaliate (1: 61)
(1: 28.2), to perceive (3: 25, 36, 58), to pick up antilupêsis retaliation (2: 22, 61), revenge (2: 22, 25)
(1: 28.2), to receive (1: 28.2), to take hold of (1: orexis antilupêseôs appetition to making to suffer
40), to take on (1: 95), to take up (1: 54) in return (1: 56)


antimarturein to testify against (2: 52, 91) antiperiistanai : antiperiistasthai to be displaced (2:
antimartureisthai to be a counter-example (1: 21) 24, 50), to be replaced in turns (1: 95), to change
antimesouranêma anti-mid-heaven (1: 41.1) place (1: 12), to change places (1: 98), to change
antimetaballein to be transformed into each other (1: places with (1: 55), to close around (1: 57), to
95), to revert (1: 59) engage in mutual replacement (1: 75), to
antimetabolê mutual transformation (1: 95) exchange places (1: 95), to exchange places with
antimetalambanein to exchange (1: 42), to substitute (1: 38), to move round (1: 57), to mutually
(1: 73) replace (1: 18.2), to replace mutually (1: 83), to
antimetarrhein to surge back against (1: 68) take (something’s) place (1: 42), to undergo
antimetastasis exchange (1: 6.1), exchange of place (2: mutual replacement (2: 42, 95), to withdraw (1:
18.2, 42), exchange of position (2: 11, 14), 52)
mutual replacement (3: 50, 94, 95), successive to antiperiistasthai mutual replacement (2: 18.2,
displacement (1: 14), transposition (1: 39) 95), reciprocal exchange (1: 18.2)
antimethistanai : antimethistasthai to be displaced (1: antiperiphora counter-revolution (1: 55)
6.1), to be transferred by exchange (1: 52), to antiperistasis change of place (2: 12, 98), changing of
engage in mutual replacement (2: 50, 75), to places (1: 98), exchange of places (1: 98),
exchange (1: 14), to exchange place (2: 18.2, 42), exchanging of places (1: 98), interchange (1: 98),
to exchange places with (1: 38), to move (1: 94), interchange of parts (1: 85), interchange of
to move aside (1: 24), to pass by (1: 98), to pass places (1: 98), mutual displacement (1: 77),
round (one another) (1: 98), to replace (1: 94), mutual exchange (1: 98), mutual replacement
to take over (1: 18.2) (10: 18.2, 21, 42, 47, 50, 52, 75, 83, 94, 95),
antimetrein to counter-measure (1: 50), to measure reciprocal exchange (1: 18.2), reciprocal motion
reciprocally (1: 87) (1: 53), reciprocal replacement (3: 1, 19, 38),
antimetreisthai to be reciprocally measured (1: 14) replacement (1: 91)
antimetrêsis reciprocal measurement (1: 14) antiphasis a pair of contradictories (2: 10.2, 16), both
antios opposite (1: 92.1) members of a contradictory pair (1: 99),
antipaiein to oppose (1: 98) contradiction (36: 3, 4, 9, 16, 20, 23, 27, 29.1,
antipalos rival entity (1: 97.1) 30/31, 35.2, 40, 42, 51, 52, 58, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66,
antiparakhôrein to exchange (1: 98), to give place in 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 85, 89, 90,
turn (1: 95), to give up one’s place in turn (1: 92.2, 93, 99), contradictorily opposed
32), to move aside to yield (1: 6.1), to turn contradiction (1: 23), contradictory (1: 4),
around (1: 67), to yield (to one another) (1: 98), contradictory (state) (1: 99), contradictory
to yield in turn (1: 94) disjunction (1: 12), contradictory opposition (2:
antiparakhôrêsis taking one another’s place (1: 54) 66, 99), contradictory pair (9: 3, 9, 39, 40, 58, 64,
antiparallattein to pass alongside (1: 52) 65, 68, 99), contradictory proposition (1: 10.1),
antiparastasis counter-objection (4: 7, 41.1, 93, 95), contradictory state (1: 42), inconsistency (1: 68),
indirect counterobjection (1: 83) members of a contradictory pair (2: 65, 80),
antiparateinein to be coextensive (1: 39) negation (1: 27), opposing view (1: 44), pair of
antiparathesis comparison (1: 60), contrast (1: 22) contradictories (1: 40), pair of contradictory
antiparistanai to respond to (1: 55) propositions (1: 58), pair of contradictory
antipaskhein to affect in return (1: 32), to be acted on statements (1: 80), the contradictory (1: 63), the
in turn (1: 93), to be affected in turn (1: law of contradiction (1: 73), the members of a
34/35.1), to be affected reciprocally (1: 20), to be contradictory pair (1: 68)
mutually affected (1: 33), to be reciprocally apo antiphaseôs contradictory (1: 27); en
affected (1: 33), to be reciprocally proportional antiphasei contradictory (1: 27), propounded
(1: 73), to feel mutually (2: 43.1, 69), to suffer (1: contradiction (1: 40); ex antiphaseôs
20), to undergo in return (1: 52) contradictory (1: 27); kata antiphasin by
to antipeponthos requital (1: 2) contradiction (1: 51), contradictory (2: 27, 42),
antipatheia antipathy (1: 20), contrasting affection (1: vice versa (1: 27); kat’ antiphasin antikeimena
68) opposed by contradiction (1: 40), opposed in
antipathês antipathetic (1: 20) the way of contradictories (1: 40); arkhê tês
antipempein to send back (1: 57) antiphaseôs principle of non-contradiction (1:
antipeponthêsis conversion (1: 5) 16); axiôma tês antiphaseôs axiom of
antiperastasis exchange (1: 14) non-contradiction (2: 10.2, 16); erôtêsis
antiperiagein to carry around in the contrary direction antiphaseôs contradictory pair in question
(1: 55) form (1: 40); eunuparkhein tên antiphasin for
antiperigôgê being carried around in the contrary contradictories both to belong (1: 16); meros
direction (1: 55) tês antiphaseôs member of a contradictory pair

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(1: 64), one of a contradictory pair (1: 40), one antiplêttein to strike back (1: 57)
of two contradictory premisses (1: 40), part of a antipneein to blow against (1: 88)
contradiction (1: 16), part of the contradiction antipoiein : antipoieisthai to contend with (1: 54), to
(1: 40); metaxu tês antiphaseôs intermediate lay claim to (1: 52), to strive for (2: 57, 90)
between contradictories (1: 16); morion tês antiprassein / antiprattein to counteract (1: 34/35.1),
antiphaseôs limb of a contrariety (1: 76), to go against (1: 91), to oppose (1: 12), to thwart
member of a contradiction (1: 16), one of a (1: 29.1)
contradictory pair (1: 40), part of the antiproskrinein to add in exchange (1: 52)
contradiction (1: 40); peripiptein eis antiproskrinesthai to be added to in exchange (1:
antiphasin to fall into contradiction (1: 68); 38)
sunalêtheuein tên antiphasin for antiprosôpos face to face (1: 95), facing (4: 54, 57, 88,
contradictories both to be true (1: 16); 95)
sunalêtheuesthai tên antiphasin for antiprotasis antiproposition (1: 35.2)
contradictories both to be true (1: 16); ti tês antipthengesthai to contradict (1: 99)
antiphaseôs metaxu something intermediate antirrhêsis counterargument (3: 48, 60, 99),
between contradictaries (1: 16) disagreement (1: 83), objection (1: 83),
antiphaskein to contradict (5: 29.1, 51, 55, 73, 90), to refutation (1: 85), rejoinder (1: 22), reply (1:
correspond to (1: 27) 28.2)
antiphaskôn that contradicts (1: 73) antirrhopos balancing (1: 79)
antiphatikos contradictory (9: 3, 9, 16, 30/31, 39, 44, 65, antisêkoun to balance (1: 29.1)
78, 90), into contradictories (2: 59, 99), of antispan to hold back (1: 38)
contradictories (1: 18.2) antispasthai to be pulled in contrary directions (1:
antiphatikôs as contradictories (1: 35.2), as 25)
contradictory (1: 40), by contradiction (1: 27), antistasis counter (1: 34/35.1)
contradictorily (4: 2, 3, 23, 35.2); antiphatikê antistoikhos corresponding opposite (1: 60)
diairesis division into contraries (1: 59), in the antistrephein to be coextensive (1: 93), to be
manner of contradiction (1: 16); antiphatikôs convertible (19: 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 15, 19, 23, 27, 28.2,
antikeimenon contradictory opposite (2: 64, 29.1, 33, 35.2, 43.3, 51, 57, 59, 60, 100), to be
65); antiphatikôs antikeisthai to be the interconvertible (1: 29.1), to be reciprocal (2:
contradictory opposite (1: 30/31); to 10.2, 16), to be reversed (1: 93), to convert (31:
antiphatikôs antikeimenon contradictory 3, 7, 9, 14, 17, 25, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 40,
opposite (1: 42) 43.3, 44, 47, 55, 60, 64, 65, 66, 68, 73, 77, 78, 79,
antipherein : antipheresthai to be in opposing travel 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93), to correspond (3: 2, 25,
(1: 18.2), to move in reverse directions (1: 83), 26), to interchange (1: 67), to invert (1: 23), to
to move in the contrary direction (1: 55) reciprocate (5: 7, 16, 39, 48, 90), to reverse (4: 16,
antiphilein to love in return (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), to 17, 61, 67), to turn (1: 98), to turn round (1: 67),
love mutually (2: 43.1, 69) to turn the opposite way (1: 57)
antiphilêsis feeling of love in return (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69) antistrephesthai to be converted (1: 30/31), to be
antiphora motion in a reverse direction (1: 84) convertible (1: 40); antistrephôn corresponding
antiphraktikos screen-forming (1: 57) (1: 16), opposed (1: 23); antistrepsas by
antiphrassein / antiphrattein to block (6: 25, 29.1, 38, conversion (1: 18.2); antestrammenos converse
55, 77, 93), to impede (1: 29.1), to make a screen (1: 20); antestrammenôs conversely (1: 98), in
(1: 57), to obstruct (1: 52), to screen (1: 73), to inverse ratio (1: 18.2), in the other direction (1:
screen off (2: 34/35.1, 95) 58), inversely (1: 20); to antistrephon
to antiphrattein interposition (1: 28.2) contrapositive (1: 10.2), converse (3: 27, 89, 99),
antiphraxis barrier (1: 28.2), blocking (1: 77), correlative (1: 48), converse (1: 33); ta
interposition (3: 10.2, 58, 93), refraction (1: antistrephonta correlatives (1: 13);
18.2), screening (3: 57, 73, 95) antistrephein kata tên akolouthian to
antiphthengesthai to assert against (1: 80), to mutually entail (1: 42); antistrephein pros to
contradict (1: 23) convert from (1: 9), to convert with (1: 9); dia
antipiptein to be an objection (1: 12), to be an to mê antistrephein because the converse does
objection to (1: 52), to be in conflict (1: 60), to not hold (1: 57); pros antistrephonta with
be objected to (1: 57), to clash with (1: 93), to regard to reciprocal correlatives (1: 51)
conflict (1: 60), to fall against (1: 57), to object antistrophê contradiction (1: 85), contraposition (1:
(1: 95), to resist (1: 57), to tell against (1: 55) 47), contrapositive (1: 17), converse (3: 9, 85,
antipiptei (+ dat.) a setback arises for (1: 34/35.1); 91), conversion (33: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 14, 19, 25, 30/31,
to antipipton objection (2: 57, 95) 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 41.1, 43.3, 47, 48, 50, 55, 60, 61,
antipleonektein to have equal standing (1: 55) 63, 64, 65, 66, 73, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 100),


correlative (1: 7), correspondence (1: 44), antitupein to have resistance (1: 52), to offer resistance
inversion (1: 20), opposition (1: 67), (1: 54), to resist (2: 57, 91)
reciprocation (1: 39), reciprocity (2: 42, 48), the antitupês having resistance (1: 52)
opposite (1: 55) to antitupes resistance (1: 52)
antistrophê sun antithesei contraposition (1: 19), antitupêtikos resistant (1: 68)
conversion by negation (2: 6.2, 68), conversion antitupia resistance (18: 6.1, 11, 12, 18.2, 28.2, 32, 38,
with negation (4: 34/35.1, 59, 63, 68); kata tên 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 70, 78, 83, 89, 91, 98), solidity
antistrophên tês analogias inversely (1: 70), unyielding quality (1: 21)
proportional (1: 42); kata tên sun antithesei antitupos corresponding (1: 48), having resistance (1:
antistrophên by contraposition (1: 42) 83), resistant (8: 18.2, 22, 28.1, 56, 57, 70, 88, 98),
antistrophos converse (6: 3, 22, 27, 28.2, 73, 90), solid (2: 1, 70), striking (1: 92.2), yielding to
counterpart (1: 40), opposite (1: 85), reciprocal touch (1: 88)
(1: 26), reciprocating (1: 39), reverse (1: 22) to antitupon resistance (1: 28.1)
antistrophôs contrariwise (1: 98), conversely (2: 19, antitupoun to have resistance (1: 84), to resist (3: 18.2,
35.2), in the other direction (1: 58), reciprocally 24, 28.2)
(1: 42); to antistrophon answering part (1: antixous in opposition to (1: 92.2), opposite (1: 43.2),
35.2), converse (1: 42), converse proposition (1: opposite to (1: 92.2)
99), correlative (2: 14, 27), counterpart (1: 44), antônumia instead-of-name (1: 23), pronoun (3: 7, 23,
the inverse (1: 18.2) 35.2)
antitassein / antitattein to oppose (1: 94), to range antôthein to push back (2: 6.1, 57), to push each other
against (1: 51), to range in opposition to (1: 39), (1: 95)
to range over against (1: 39), to set in antôthêsis colliding (1: 67), opposing thrust (1: 98),
opposition (1: 83) pushing back against (1: 57)
antiteinein to resist (1: 61) antrôdês cavernous (1: 88)
antitheos godlike (1: 7) antron cave (2: 57, 95), cavern (1: 97.1)
antithesis antithesis (16: 1, 4, 14, 18.2, 24, 30/31, 44, 54, anuein to accomplish (2: 3, 99), to achieve (1: 98), to
55, 59, 64, 65, 76, 79, 83, 92.1), antithetical complete (2: 54, 75), to make progress (1: 51)
opposition (1: 3), being opposed to (1: 23), anugrainein to moisten (1: 38)
contrast (7: 15, 17, 21, 41.2, 48, 52, 67), anugrainesthai to be remoistened (1: 24), to
correspondence (1: 15), counter-argument (1: become moist again (1: 24)
97.2), negation (6: 20, 43.3, 44, 85, 87, 94), anumnein to hymn the praises of (1: 84), to praise (1:
opposed pair (1: 57), opposite (1: 28.2), 85), to proclaim (1: 85)
opposition (28: 5, 7, 9, 15, 16, 23, 27, 35.2, 39, anuparktos non-existent (5: 5, 24, 36, 39, 97.2), not
41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 56, 57, 60, 67, 73, 74, 75, 85, already in existence (1: 10.2)
88, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 100), relational linkage (1: anuparxia non-existence (6: 23, 29.1, 35.2, 59, 74, 87)
22), relational sense (1: 22), what is contrasted anupêkoos not obeying (1: 86.1)
(1: 4) anuphainein to knit up (1: 56), to repair (2: 59, 68), to
kat’ antithesin in contrast (1: 92.1), antithetically (1: weave anew (1: 61)
27); sun antithesei antithetical (2: 28.2, 100), by anupodetein to be unshod (1: 5)
substitution of the contradictory (1: 19); anupokritos : anupokritôs not by way of acting (1:
antistrophê sun antithesei contraposition (1: 19), 34/35.1)
conversion by negation (3: 6.2, 59, 68), conversion anupostatos insubstantial (3: 5, 39, 97.2), meaningless
with negation (1: 34/35.1); kata tên sun antithesei (1: 7), non-existent (3: 11, 48, 74), non-
antistrophên by contraposition (1: 42) subsistent (1: 50), that does not obtain (1: 68),
antithetos antithetical (1: 83), contrasted (1: 41.2), unreal (1: 11), without real existence (1: 25)
opposed (1: 39), opposed to (1: 85), opposite (2: to anupostaton figment (1: 44)
74, 100); to antitheton contrariety (1: 36) anupostrepti not turning around (1: 67)
antitithenai to be antithetical (1: 83), to compare (1: anupothetos anhypothetical (1: 74), non-hypothetical
60), to contrast (7: 22, 27, 44, 69, 85, 91, 93), to (1: 16), unhypothetical (1: 63)
lie opposite to (1: 56), to oppose (10: 22, 27, anustos possible (1: 85)
28.2, 39, 44, 56, 59, 69, 75, 83), to relate (1: 22), aoikêtos uninhabitable (2: 60, 88), uninhabited (1: 95)
to respond (1: 79), to set against (1: 51), to set in aokhlêsia freedom from trouble (1: 52)
opposition (2: 2, 59), to set out (1: 69), to set up aorasia sightlessness (1: 57)
in opposition (1: 41.2) aoratos invisible (16: 15, 20, 25, 27, 28.2, 38, 44, 52, 54,
antitithesthai to be antithetical (1: 65), to be 57, 61, 78, 84, 86.1, 93, 97.2), that cannot be seen
counterposed (1: 75), to be in opposition (1: (2: 57, 91), unable to be seen (1: 25)
28.2), to be opposed to (1: 42), to be opposite to aorgêsia angerlessness (1: 69)
(1: 85) aorgêtos angerless (2: 27, 69), not angry (1: 69)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

aoristainein to be indefinite (1: 44), to be (1: 83), to be out of tune (2: 54, 83), to be out of
indeterminate (1: 36), to be uncertain (1: 90) tune with (1: 28.1)
to aoristainein in an indeterminate state (1: 22) apâidein sungeneias to lack affinity (1: 19)
aoristein to be indefinite (1: 69) apaideusia ignorance (3: 1, 22, 97.1), lack of education
aoristia indefiniteness (9: 2, 20, 30/31, 35.2, 41.1, 51, 67, (1: 83), lack of training (1: 16)
74, 83), indeterminacy (5: 11, 41.1, 41.2, 48, 53), apaideutos uneducated (1: 83)
uncertainty (1: 90) apaiôrein to hang down (1: 95), to suspend (1: 28.1)
dia tên aoristian because they are indeterminate apaiôroumenos suspended (1: 79)
(1: 90) apaitein to ask (4: 2, 17, 21, 22), to demand (14: 2, 9, 16,
aoristos indefinite (45: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10.2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 21, 30/31, 35.2, 42, 54, 55, 57, 79, 83, 94), to
16, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29.1, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, demand an answer (2: 10.2, 16), to place a
39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 44, 51, 52, 57, 59, 61, 65, demand (1: 25), to require (5: 4, 28.2, 79, 83, 94)
68, 69, 73, 76, 80, 83, 85, 90, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, apaitêsis demanding (1: 17)
97.1), indeterminate (26: 7, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 26, apakribousthai to be made precise (1: 55)
28.2, 38, 41.2, 48, 53, 54, 63, 67, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, apallagê release (2: 27, 97.1)
85, 87, 89, 90, 93, 100), lacking a definite shape apallassein / apallattein to change (1: 67), to divorce
(1: 91), non-defining (1: 94), unbounded (1: 57), (1: 22), to escape (1: 89), to exclude (1: 48), to
undefined (4: 67, 76, 92.2, 97.1), undetermined free (2: 22, 48)
(4: 24, 26, 41.1, 80), unfocussed (1: 25), apallassesthai / apallattesthai to be detached (1:
unlimited (3: 25, 40, 97.1), unrestricted (1: 80), 25), to be free (1: 83), to be free of (1: 20), to be
vague (1: 22), with a fluid boundary (1: 25) freed (2: 83, 97.1), to free from (1: 97.1), to get
aoristôs in an indefinite manner (1: 29.1), in an rid of (1: 42), to take something as settled (1: 75)
indefinite way (1: 34/35.1), in an indeterminate apallotrioun : apêllotriômenos of a different nature
manner (1: 63), in an indeterminate way (1: (1: 28.2)
35.2), in an unbounded way (1: 22), in an apamblunein to to blunt (1: 28.2), to weaken (1: 28.2)
unfocussed way (1: 25), indeterminately (1: 23), apamblunesthai to be blinded (1: 22)
infinitely (1: 23), without bounds (1: 22), apanaliskein to consume (1: 38)
without limit (1: 22), without limitation (1: 80); apanaliskesthai to be consumed (1: 21)
to aoriston indeterminacy (4: 21, 76, 89, 100), apangelia content (1: 23), message (1: 23), narrative (1: 7
the indefinite (1: 2); aoristos duas indefinite apangellein to announce (2: 27, 57), to express (1: 55),
dyad (1: 85) to report (3: 19, 25, 90)
aôros premature (1: 86.1) apangeltikos that announces (1: 57)
aosmos odourless (4: 12, 52, 57, 91), without smell (2: apantan to address (1: 10.2), to answer (2: 29.1, 73), to
38, 52) be at issue (1: 89), to be encountered (1: 52), to
apagein to bring (1: 59), to deflect (1: 54), to distract (1: come about (1: 18.2), to confront (5: 17, 25, 79,
2), to draw away (1: 19), to drive (1: 18.2), to 84, 89), to crop up (2: 25, 89), to deal with (2: 55,
invoke (1: 54), to lead (5: 21, 58, 86.2, 98, 99), to 86.1), to encounter (1: 55), to happen (1: 52), to
lead away (1: 4), to move away (1: 60), to reduce happen to (1: 52), to head for (1: 25), to meet (8:
(11: 9, 19, 58, 59, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 99), to 26, 28.2, 38, 42, 52, 73, 86.2, 98), to meet up with
refer (1: 55) (1: 89), to meet with (1: 17), to respond (3: 20,
apagesthai to be led off (1: 29.1); apagei eis atopon is 23, 60), to result (1: 26)
reductio ad absurdum (1: 27); apagein eis apantôn in response (1: 90); apantan para thuras
adunaton reductio ad impossibile (1: 64); apagein to be beside the point (1: 18.2), to miss the
eis to adunaton reductio ad impossibile (1: 64), to point (1: 18.2)
reduce to impossibility (1: 3); eis adunaton apantêsis answer (1: 17), confrontation (1: 89), going
apagôn by reductio ad impossibile (1: 42) out to meet (1: 57), objection (1: 98), rebuttal (1:
apagês not firm (1: 86.1), without structure (1: 48) 17), reply (5: 16, 42, 85, 90, 98), response (3: 6.1,
apagôgê diversion (1: 98), induction (1: 69), reduction 20, 93)
(7: 7, 9, 18.2, 19, 74, 93, 99) apanthisma effervescence (1: 68)
apagôgê eis adunaton ad impossibile (1: 64); aparabatos immutable (1: 95), inescapable (2: 12, 59),
reductio ad impossibile (7: 30/31, 35.2, 64, 65, 73, inevitable (1: 52), unalterable (2: 86.2, 88)
78, 83), reduction to impossibility (1: 3); aparakolouthêtos without conscious accompaniment
apagôgê eis atopon reductio ad absurdum (3: (1: 39)
20, 27, 68) aparaleiptos complete (1: 27), exhaustive (3: 51, 92.2,
apagoreuein to deny (1: 27) 99), unceasing (1: 22), without omission (1: 27)
apagoreusis forbidding (1: 23) aparaleiptôs without omission (1: 27)
apâidein to be discordant (1: 43.2), to be far from (1: aparallaktos exactly alike (1: 59), exactly the same (1:
85), to be foreign to (1: 99), to be incompatible 36), identical (1: 58), indistinguishable (1: 48),


unchangeable (1: 95), unvarying (1: 84), without êpatêmenôs erroneous (1: 90), erroneously (1:
variation (1: 22) 90)
aparallaktôs directly (1: 94), exactly the same (1: apatê being deceived (1: 4), deceit (3: 4, 48, 85),
36), in a different way (1: 27), in all respects (1: deception (8: 16, 19, 27, 43.2, 72, 73, 83, 94),
20), in precisely the same manner (1: 93), in delusion (1: 37), error (4: 25, 34/35.1, 36, 90),
precisely the same way (1: 68), indistinguishably mistake (5: 56, 65, 91, 93, 94)
(1: 3), interchangeably (1: 23), unchangingly (1: opseôn apatê optical illusion (1: 88)
100), without alteration (1: 57), without any apatêlos deceitful (1: 85), deceptive (2: 72, 85)
change (1: 51), without distinction (1: 22); to apathanatizein to make immortal (2: 56, 97.2)
aparallakton precise similarity (1: 41.1); apathanatizesthai to become immortal (1: 97.2)
aparallaktôs toiouton of precisely the same apatheia being unaffected (1: 34/35.1), freedom from
sort (1: 68); to aparallaktôs ekhein to be emotion (1: 7), impassibility (3: 11, 22, 36),
undisturbed (1: 68) impassivity (3: 3, 15, 19), not being affected (1:
aparalogistos unerring (1: 58) 98), state of being unaffected (1: 25)
aparapodistos : aparapodistôs unimpededly (1: 29.1) apathês exempt from being acted on (1: 36), exempt
aparemphatos infinitive (1: 23), infinitive mood (1: 39) from suffering (1: 97.1), free from affections (1:
to aparemphaton infinitive (1: 35.2); 36), immune to change (1: 10.2), impassible (10:
aparemphatos enklisis infinitive inflection (1: 2, 22, 28.1, 33, 36, 41.1, 59, 74, 76, 99), impassive
23) (13: 3, 11, 14, 23, 42, 54, 61, 68, 73, 79, 80, 88, 95),
aparenklitos direct (1: 57), undeviating (1: 88) impervious to change (1: 58), incapable of being
apareskein to disagree (1: 54), to disapprove (1: 7) affected (1: 32), inert (1: 6.1), non-affective (1:
aparithmein to count (3: 83, 95, 98), to count off (1: 22), not affected (2: 54, 99), not capable of being
58), to enumerate (14: 14, 17, 19, 23, 44, 48, 56, acted upon (1: 94), not capable of being affected
57, 59, 61, 73, 83, 93, 94), to give a list (1: 27), to (1: 28.1), not subject to affection (3: 27, 36, 60),
include (1: 7), to list (5: 27, 48, 61, 67, 94), to not suffering (1: 6.2), not undergoing passion
place in the list (1: 27), to provide a count (1: (1: 78), that cannot be affected (5: 21, 22, 42, 98,
67), to recount (1: 98), to sum up (1: 61) 99), that cannot be modified (1: 91), unaffected
aparithmeisthai to enumerate (1: 34/35.1), to make (18: 14, 15, 19, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 39, 56,
an enumeration (1: 35.2) 57, 67, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 94, 95), unaffectible (3:
aparithmêsis enumeration (8: 5, 11, 17, 18.2, 23, 35.2, 47, 53, 66), unfeeling (2: 43.1, 69), unmodifiable
57, 92.2), inventory (1: 7), list (2: 23, 48), listing (1: 91), without affection (3: 38, 39, 83), without
(2: 26, 27) properties (1: 98), without qualities (1: 2),
aparithmêsin poieisthai to enumerate (1: 74) without susceptibility (1: 80)
aparkhai first-fruits (1: 37) apathôs impassible (1: 22), without affection (1:
aparneisthai to deny (1: 64) 28.2), without being affected (2: 28.2, 57),
apartan to make depend (1: 84), to suspend (1: 57) without undergoing affections (1: 36); to
apartasthai to be dependent (1: 60), to be detached apathes impassibility (2: 36, 59)
(4: 2, 25, 51, 79); apêrtêmenos detached (4: 23, apaugasma efflux (1: 84), source of light (1: 97.2)
38, 54, 55) apaugazein to shine forth light (1: 97.2)
apartizein to be in keeping (1: 48), to complete (1: 23), apaustos ceaseless (1: 11), incessant (1: 25), unceasing
to complete exactly (1: 3), to depend on (1: 48), (6: 42, 53, 54, 75, 85, 88), without an end (1: 97.2)
to exhaust (1: 44), to exhaust completely (1: 42), to apauston continuity (1: 58)
to finish (1: 20), to fit precisely (1: 3), to form (1: apauthadizesthai to be conceited (1: 88), to exclaim
41.1), to make equal (1: 75), to put together (1: vigorously (1: 6.2)
41.1), to use up (1: 44) apaxioun to decline (1: 84), to deny (1: 79), to disdain
apêrtismenos independent (1: 23); apêrtismenôs (1: 54), to shrink from (1: 86.1)
exactly (1: 3); to apartizon tês dianoias break apeikazein to compare (4: 17, 38, 42, 55), to fashion (1:
in the thought (1: 5) 72), to liken (10: 20, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1,
apaskholeisthai to be engrossed (1: 34/35.1) 57, 80, 87, 95)
apatan to deceive (11: 4, 16, 20, 43.2, 55, 60, 73, 83, 85, apeikonisma copy (1: 17)
86.1, 90), to lead astray (1: 90) apeikonizein to compare (1: 100), to image (1: 58), to
apatasthai to be deceived (5: 22, 27, 28.2, 38, 44), to make a comparison (1: 100), to make into
be in error (1: 34/35.1), to be misled (3: 25, 44, images (1: 28.1), to represent (1: 36)
65), to be mistaken (5: 18.2, 56, 57, 65, 93), to be apeikonizesthai to be an image (2: 84, 100), to
wrong (1: 36), to err (2: 34/35.1, 57), to fall into image (1: 23)
error (1: 34/35.1), to make a mistake (1: 65), to apeilein to threaten (1: 52)
make mistakes (1: 91); apatôn that produces apeinai to be absent (6: 20, 21, 22, 28.1, 86.1, 92.1), to
error (1: 90); apatômenos mistakenly (1: 28.2); be in absence (1: 18.2), to be missing (1: 44)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

toutôn apontôn without them (1: 44) 68, 76, 93, 94), limitlessness (1: 44), the infinite
apeipein to forbid (1: 85), to reject (1: 84) (6: 15, 27, 33, 73, 88, 94), the unlimited (2: 2, 89);
apeirakis an infinite number of times (3: 3, 58, 67), an ta apeira indefinite entities (1: 67), infinite
unlimited number of (1: 21), an unlimited regress (1: 27), infinite things (1: 67); eis
number of times (1: 20), infinitely (1: 48), apeiron ad infinitum (14: 2, 10.1, 14, 15, 22, 23,
infinitely many times (2: 83, 85), innumerable 50, 52, 58, 59, 68, 73, 78, 80), at infinity (1: 99),
times (1: 1), unlimited times (1: 21) be an infinite regress (1: 18.2), endlessly (1:
apeirantos indeterminate (1: 48) 18.2), everlasting (1: 68), forever (1: 68),
apeirein to renounce (1: 68) indefinitely (1: 58), to infinity (4: 52, 54, 75, 99),
apeirgein to exclude (1: 38) without limit (1: 14); eis apeira indefinitely (1:
apeiria boundlessness (1: 11), indefiniteness (1: 5), 61), into infinitely many things (1: 75), to
indeterminacy (2: 41.2, 48), inexperience (4: 37, infinity (1: 98); eis apeiron badizei there is an
43.2, 76, 97.1), infinitude (3: 23, 63, 93), infinity infinite regress (1: 27); eis to apeiron to infinity
(17: 2, 5, 6.2, 10.1, 22, 27, 42, 51, 54, 66, 67, 68, (1: 80); ep’ apeiron ad infinitum (22: 2, 6.2, 10.1,
78, 83, 85, 91, 97.1), lack of experience (1: 76), 11, 14, 18.2, 27, 32, 42, 50, 52, 54, 57, 59, 61, 64,
limitlessness (2: 44, 70), the unlimited (1: 72), 73, 76, 80, 90, 94, 99), endlessly (1: 18.2),
unfamiliarity (1: 84), unlimited number (1: 14), everlasting (1: 68), indefinitely (5: 21, 59, 67, 73,
unlimitedness (4: 20, 21, 41.1, 89), what is 76), infinitely (3: 67, 76, 94), to infinity (16: 5,
unlimited (1: 21) 10.2, 11, 16, 19, 25, 34/35.1, 52, 57, 75, 78, 79, 83,
apeirodunamia infinite capacity (1: 6.2), infinite power 85, 93, 98, 99), until infinity (1: 67), without end
(2: 42, 84) (1: 18.2), without limit (5: 14, 18.2, 20, 56, 89);
apeirodunamos having infinite potentiality (1: 87), to ep’ apeiron infinite series (1: 27), infinity (1:
having infinite power (2: 1, 42), infinite in 11), the unlimited (1: 11); to eis apeiron ienai
capacity (1: 6.2), infinite in power (2: 11, 70), infinite regress (1: 73); apeiroi kai pollai
infinitely powerful (4: 3, 58, 74, 84), of infinite indefinitely many (1: 10.2); apeiroi tôi plêthei
potentiality (1: 7), possessing infinite power (1: infinite in multitude (1: 19), infinitely many (1:
42) 19); apeiron plêthos infinite multitude (1: 100);
apeirodunamôs with infinite power (1: 58); to einai ep’ apeiron to be infinite (1: 93); ep’
apeirodunamon infinite power (1: 42), apeiron diairesis infinite division (1: 75); ep’
unlimited power (1: 59) apeiron ginesthai to go on to infinity (1: 16);
apeiroeidês unlimited in kind (1: 44) ep’ apeiron proodos infinite progression (1:
apeirokalos tasteless (1: 84) 27); ienai ep’ apeiron to go to infinity (1: 42);
apeiromegethês infinite in magnitude (1: 78) proïenai eis apeiron to go on to infinity (1:
apeiroplasiôn an infinite number of times (1: 88), in an 10.2); ta sunekhê apeira infinite continua (1:
unlimited degree (1: 20), infinitely many times 10.1)
(1: 84) apeithês unruly (1: 86.1)
apeiros (< peira) inexperienced (4: 19, 32, 58, 68), apeithia disobedience (1: 97.1)
naive (1: 90), unacquainted (1: 58) apekhein to be a distance away (2: 17, 42), to be apart
ho apeiros novice (1: 58) (1: 85), to be at a distance from (1: 55), to be
apeiros (< peras) an infinite number of (1: 57), distant (2: 68, 83), to be distant from (2: 54, 55),
boundless (3: 11, 18.2, 98), countless (2: 22, 57), to be far removed (1: 19), to be removed (1: 4),
endless (1: 67), indefinite (6: 5, 10.2, 21, 29.1, 67, to be separated (2: 83, 86.1)
93), infinite (54: 2, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, apekhesthai to refrain (1: 4)
15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 29.1, 32, 38, 39, 41.2, apêkhêma echo (1: 92.2), faint echo (1: 86.1)
42, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, apêkhêsis discrepant sound (1: 57), echo (1: 28.2),
66, 67, 68, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 90, hearing (1: 23), note (1: 57), sound (2: 23, 93),
92.1, 93, 94, 97.1, 99, 100), infinite in number (1: sound emitted (1: 54), sound reflected (1: 28.2),
93), infinite number of (2: 27, 67), infinitely sounding (2: 63, 93)
many (6: 22, 27, 68, 78, 83, 91), infinitely apêktos not solidifiable (1: 24), that cannot be solidified
numerous (1: 25), limitless (3: 63, 85, 98), (1: 24)
unlimited (25: 1, 2, 4, 11, 14, 16, 18.2, 20, 21, 23, apelenkhein to criticise (2: 58, 59), to expose (2: 59,
27, 35.2, 40, 44, 47, 53, 66, 69, 74, 76, 85, 89, 92.1, 80), to gainsay (1: 80), to refute (5: 1, 59, 68, 80,
92.2, 98), without a boundary (1: 38), without 84), to vindicate (1: 59)
end (1: 40), without limit (4: 15, 26, 27, 39) apemphainein to be incongruous (3: 3, 41.2, 84), to be
apeira an infinite number of (1: 42), infinite in inconsistent (2: 54, 55)
number (1: 42); to apeiron an infinite number apemphainôn absurd (2: 78, 79), incongruous (1:
of (1: 94), infinite (2: 32, 61), infinitude (2: 42, 99), inconsistent (1: 4); to apemphainon
93), infinity (13: 4, 10.1, 12, 21, 23, 27, 40, 42, 60, absurdity (1: 42), incongruity (1: 6.2)


apemphasis absurdity (1: 44) (1: 10.2), to rule out (1: 59), to separate out (1:
apenantios opposite (3: 55, 65, 73), reverse (1: 84) 3), to strip away (1: 41.1), to subject to
apeoikenai : apeikos unlikely (2: 7, 48), unreasonable abstraction (1: 61), to subtract (25: 3, 10.2, 19,
(1: 57) 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 40, 42, 44, 51, 53, 54, 55, 61, 64,
apeikotôs unreasonable (1: 54), unreasonably (1: 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 90, 94, 99), to take (1: 44), to
84) take away (23: 1, 7, 15, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 40, 42,
apepsia inconcoction (2: 21, 24), indigestion (1: 38), 44, 52, 60, 64, 67, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 89, 94, 99), to
lack of concoction (1: 52), unripeness (1: 38) take from (2: 44, 76), to take off (1: 44)
apeptos unconcocted (2: 21, 24), uncooked (1: 91), aphaireisthai to be deprived (1: 16), to be deprived
undigested (3: 25, 38, 56), unripe (1: 38) of (1: 40), to be subtracted (1: 16), to deprive (1:
aperantos infinite (1: 97.1), never-ending (1: 86.1) 25), to do away with (1: 58), to eliminate (1: 25),
aperatôtos limitless (1: 94), unbounded (1: 42), without to prevent (1: 58), to remove (2: 25, 28.1), to
a limit (1: 60) take away (1: 86.1); aphêirêmenos deprived (1:
apereidein to find support in (1: 61), to fix (1: 90) 16); aphaireteon one should get rid of (1: 65)
apereidesthai pros to focus on (1: 25) aphairesis abstract existence (1: 48), abstraction (27: 1,
apergasia effect (1: 48), performance (1: 48) 2, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 14, 17, 18.2, 20, 22, 25, 28.1,
apergazesthai to accomplish (2: 42, 48), to achieve (2: 34/35.1, 41.1, 51, 52, 61, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 83, 85,
35.2, 75), to bring about (3: 22, 86.1, 99), to 91, 98, 100), amputation (2: 86.1, 91),
bring to completion (3: 17, 25, 56), to create (1: elimination (1: 76), process of elimination (1:
61), to fashion (1: 54), to make (3: 54, 68, 86.2), 76), removal (6: 15, 38, 75, 85, 97.1, 99),
to produce (6: 32, 39, 48, 79, 83, 86.1), to render removing (1: 99), removing initial letters (1: 72),
(1: 39) subtraction (17: 4, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 40, 42, 44, 48,
aperiêgêtos : aperiêgêtos tôi plêthei innumerable (1: 50, 53, 55, 76, 77, 89, 92.2, 99), taking away (1:
85) 15), taking away from (1: 40)
aperigraphos indeterminate (1: 42), undelineable (1: en aphairesei abstract (1: 34/35.1); ex aphaireseôs
21) abstract (1: 90), abstracted (1: 27), by
aperikaluptôs without cover (1: 67) abstraction (1: 61), by means of abstraction (1:
aperilêptos boundless (1: 93), impossible to encompass 61); ta ex aphaireseôs abstract objects (1: 25),
(1: 35.2), impossible to grasp (1: 84), abstractions (1: 91); to ex aphaireseôs einai
incalculable (1: 70), incomprehensible (1: 85), existing by abstraction (1: 89)
indefinite (1: 32), not contained (1: 22), not to aphallesthai to rebound (3: 25, 28.2, 57)
be circumscribed (1: 28.2), that cannot be aphanês hidden (1: 59), imperceptible (1: 11),
comprehended (1: 100), unable to be grasped indiscernible (1: 48), invisible (6: 54, 55, 57, 61,
(1: 26), uncircumscribed (1: 7), ungraspable (3: 83, 95), obscure (2: 17, 98), unclear (3: 40, 41.2,
51, 70, 78) 60), unevident (1: 42), unobvious (2: 26, 56),
aperioristos indefinable (1: 85), infinite (2: 7, 39) unseen (2: 58, 68)
aperiskeptos thoughtless (1: 83) aphanês ginesthai to disappear (1: 61)
aperiskeptôs incautiously (1: 23), thoughtlessly (1: aphanistikos that makes something disappear (1: 57)
29.1), unexaminedly (1: 23), without care (1: 52) aphanizein to cause to disappear (1: 67), to cause to
aperittos lean (1: 55), not overly refined (1: 7), un-odd vanish (1: 67), to destroy (1: 79), to do away
(1: 73) with (1: 79), to eliminate (1: 83), to hide (1: 95),
aperittôs without redundancy (1: 40) to make disappear (1: 7), to make to disappear
aperkhesthai to be given off (1: 52), to depart (8: 17, (1: 34/35.1), to obliterate (2: 34/35.1, 90), to
24, 42, 52, 58, 75, 86.1, 93), to go (1: 22), to go obscure (1: 38), to take away (1: 11)
away (5: 17, 25, 28.1, 42, 91), to go off (1: 17), to aphanizesthai to disappear (7: 20, 57, 58, 75, 76, 88,
proceed (1: 52), to withdraw (2: 17, 75) 95)
aperukein to exclude (1: 38) aphantastos having no image (1: 21), indiscernible (1:
aperuthrian to be without shame (1: 86.2), to not be 5), non-imaginative (2: 34/35.1, 56), not a
embarrassed (1: 84) product of imagination (1: 61), that does not
apeuthunein to guide aright (1: 19), to true to the line involve representation (1: 86.1), without having
of (1: 56) representation (1: 86.1), without imagination (1:
apexisazein to be equally (1: 35.2) 61)
aphairein to abstract (7: 12, 14, 26, 44, 50, 51, 52), to cut aphantastôs non-imaginatively (1: 34/35.1),
off (1: 20), to deprive (1: 86.2), to detach (1: 91), without mental imagery (1: 58)
to do away with (1: 98), to eliminate (2: 25, 54), aphantos invisible (1: 92.1)
to leave out (1: 83), to negate (1: 20), to remove aphatos ineffable (2: 85, 95)
(18: 1, 4, 38, 40, 42, 48, 50, 52, 58, 59, 67, 73, 75, aphauros slow (1: 98)
76, 83, 89, 94, 99), to remove from consideration aphelês : aphelesteron more straightforwardly (1: 99)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

aphereponos unleisured (1: 29.1) aphodos receding (1: 21), withdrawal (2: 52, 60)
aphesis releasing (1: 23), sending off (1: 18.2) aphomoiôma likeness (1: 86.2), simulacrum (1: 28.1)
aphetos free (1: 97.2) aphomoiôsis assimilation (1: 28.1)
aphidruma icon (1: 84), model (1: 1), shrine aphomoiôtikos assimilable (1: 48), assimilative (1:
(1: 37) 28.1), of becoming like (1: 28.1), of producing
aphienai to acquit (1: 4), to dismiss (5: 19, 22, 25, 75, likenesses (1: 72)
99), to emit (3: 21, 28.2, 52), to eschew (1: 25), to aphomoioun to assimilate (2: 28.1, 48), to make like (2:
give off (1: 68), to let go off (1: 57), to let loose 22, 28.1)
(1: 94), to let out (1: 18.2), to omit (1: 22), to put aphomoiousthai to be made like (1: 92.2), to
aside (1: 99), to put forth (1: 68), to release (5: resemble (1: 92.2)
17, 55, 75, 83, 99), to relinquish (1: 11), to aphônos having no voice (1: 34/35.1), mute (1: 15),
remove (1: 75), to take away (1: 83) silent (1: 86.1), unharmonious (1: 68), voiceless
aphiesthai to be let loose (1: 94), to give up (1: 21), (1: 57), without language (1: 51)
to leave (1: 16), to let go of (1: 16), to neglect aphoran to aim for (1: 93), to consider (1: 83), to focus
(1: 52); apheinai phônas to voice opinions (1: 54), to focus on (1: 94), to have in mind (1:
(1: 68) 60), to keep in view (1: 42), to look (1: 2), to look
aphikneisthai to arrive (4: 38, 60, 79, 98), to arrive at at (2: 60, 79), to look on (1: 20), to look to (3: 17,
(1: 85), to come (1: 86.1), to come upon (1: 98), 42, 83), to look towards (1: 54), to see (1: 55)
to occur (1: 83), to reach (8: 17, 52, 54, 55, 60, aphorêtos unendurable (1: 54)
83, 86.1, 93) aphorismos boundary (1: 11), definition (2: 11, 39),
aphilêtos unlovable (1: 43.3) delimitation (1: 44), demarcation (1: 11),
aphilia friendlessness (1: 69) determination (2: 11, 41.1), distinction (3: 11,
aphilos friendless (5: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 68, 69), unfriendly 23, 44), distinctive feature (1: 40), distinguishing
(1: 43.3), unsociable (1: 69) mark (1: 40)
aphilotimia dislike of honour (1: 69) aphoristikos marking off (1: 11)
aphilotimos unambitious (1: 69), unloving of honour aphorizein to allot (1: 20), to assign (1: 17), to
(1: 69) constitute (1: 28.1), to decide (1: 98), to define
aphistanai to detach (1: 25), to set apart (1: 28.1) (16: 5, 7, 23, 27, 28.1, 41.2, 48, 51, 59, 60, 69, 70,
aphistasthai to abandon (1: 21), to abstain (1: 22) 72, 80, 85, 86.1), to define separately (1: 50), to
to avoid (1: 14), to be apart (1: 98), to be at a demarcate (1: 85), to designate (1: 67), to
distance (6: 14, 50, 52, 54, 55, 91), to be at a determine (15: 6.1, 15, 22, 28.2, 41.1, 41.2, 48, 54,
distance from (1: 83), to be detached from (1: 55, 58, 59, 73, 86.1, 90, 93), to discard (1: 86.1),
25), to be distant from (4: 25, 60, 75, 93), to be to distinguish (8: 11, 22, 27, 43.1, 44, 59, 73, 83),
far from (1: 90), to be remote (1: 90), to depart to grant (1: 68), to identify (1: 87), to indicate
from (1: 83), to do away with (1: 86.2), to give (1: 59), to limit (1: 54), to maintain a
up on an idea (1: 92.2), to be isolated (1: 22), to demarcation (1: 40), to mark off (8: 20, 22, 40,
keep (something) away (1: 60), to be removed 50, 57, 60, 87, 94), to mark out (1: 61), to place
(5: 2, 4, 12, 38, 52), to be removed from (1: 21), (1: 28.1), to prescribe (1: 80), to redefine (1:
to depart (2: 22, 39), to leave (2: 22, 58), to leave 28.1), to restrict (2: 10.2, 16), to separate off (3:
aside (1: 50), to move away (4: 2, 58, 59, 60), to 27, 85, 94), to separately define (1: 75), to
move away from (1: 42), to remain separate (1: separately distinguish (1: 89), to specify (1: 87)
48), to remove (2: 6.1, 90), to retreat (1: 39), to aphorizesthai to be assigned (1: 23), to be
stand aloof (1: 39), to separate (2: 61, 78), to distinguished (1: 18.2), to define (3: 1, 25, 39), to
shirk (1: 14), to stand aloof from (1: 21), to determine (2: 35.2, 86.2), to distinguish (1:
stand apart (1: 3), to stand away from (1: 14), to 41.1), to specify (2: 3, 94); aphôristhai to be
start (1: 27), to withdraw (6: 3, 42, 58, 60, 86.1, assigned (1: 23); aphorizomenos determined
99); aphestanai to be far from (1: 42), to be (1: 99); aphôrismenos defined (1: 39), definite
removed (1: 87); aphestêkenai to be at a (3: 10.2, 23, 39), determinate (11: 10.2, 12, 16,
remove (1: 76); aphestôs distant (1: 79); to 25, 27, 39, 40, 41.2, 52, 91, 92.2), determined (2:
aphestêkos discrete part (1: 63); ison 53, 66), distinct (3: 15, 42, 86.1), isolated (1: 25),
aphestanai to be equidistant from (1: 42); limited (1: 15), special (1: 27), specific (1: 91);
pleon aphistasthai to be further away (1: 52) aphôrismenôs definitely (2: 7, 48),
aphixis arrival (3: 22, 28.2, 56), arriving (1: 27) determinately (2: 12, 40), exclusively (1: 18.2), in
pros aphixin in order to achieve (1: 86.1) a definite manner (1: 29.1), in a determinate
aphobein to be fearless (1: 28.2) way (3: 16, 70, 74), separately (1: 74)
aphobia fearlessness (1: 69) aphorman to have a counter-impulse (1: 45/46)
aphobos fearless (1: 69), non-frightening (1: 28.2), aphormê basis (3: 48, 52, 97.1), counter-impulse (1:
unfearsome (1: 57) 45/46), departure (1: 40), foundation (1: 25),


impulse (2: 39, 69), influence (1: 26), launch (1: apienai to depart (7: 12, 21, 24, 38, 52, 75, 83), to go
100), material (1: 58), means (1: 64), occasion (3: after (1: 83), to go away (2: 52, 86.1), to go out
2, 40, 100), origin (1: 80), point of departure (1: (1: 99), to leave (1: 99), to move away (2: 52, 60),
77), premise (1: 80), pretext (1: 39), starting point to recede (1: 21), to travel (1: 52), to travel out
(9: 17, 22, 25, 39, 40, 48, 51, 61, 68), stimulus (1: (1: 52), to withdraw (2: 60, 75)
48), supply of materials (1: 58), take-off (1: 40) to apienai departure (1: 18.2)
aphôtistos dark (1: 58), lacking light (1: 83), not apilêtos that cannot be stamped (1: 24)
illuminated (1: 55), unilluminated (3: 52, 61, apistein to be sceptical (1: 86.1), to distrust (1: 91), to
88), utterly unlit (1: 68), without light (1: 28.2) doubt (1: 55), to not believe (1: 83)
aphrastos ineffable (2: 44, 72) apisteuein to have doubts about (1: 85)
aphrôdês foamy (2: 38, 54) apistia disbelief (4: 18.2, 54, 97.1, 98), doubts (1: 97.1),
aphrodisiastikos hypersexual (1: 69) mistrust (1: 97.1), scepticism (1: 86.1), unbelief
aphrodisiazesthai : to aphrodisiazesthai sexual (1: 97.1)
indulgence (1: 34/35.1) apistos unbelievable (1: 55), without warrant (1: 99)
aphrodisios erotic (1: 86.1) apithanos implausible (6: 3, 14, 44, 54, 55, 86.1),
ta aphrodisia sex (5: 4, 22, 43.3, 56, 69), sexual incredible (2: 95, 99), unbelievable (1: 98),
activity (1: 61), sexual gratification (1: 34/35.1), unconvincing (4: 19, 21, 48, 93), unpersuasive
sexual intercourse (1: 4), the business of (2: 44, 52)
Aphrodite (1: 69) apithanôs unconvincingly (1: 4), unlikely (1: 95)
Aphroditê Venus (the planet) (1: 57) aplanês fixed (20: 1, 6.1, 11, 14, 15, 27, 39, 42, 44, 47, 54,
aphrôn foolish (3: 4, 13, 25), imprudent (1: 13), 55, 60, 68, 79, 80, 83, 88, 90, 95), non-planetary
senseless (1: 69), unconscious (1: 10.2), (1: 34/35.1), undeviating (1: 12)
unintelligent (2: 25, 67) hê aplanês fixed area (1: 11), fixed heavens (1: 11),
aphronesteros less conscious (1: 10.2) fixed sphere (9: 6.1, 14, 20, 22, 44, 54, 55, 57, 67),
aphrontistia disregard (1: 97.2) fixed stars (1: 11), non-planetary sphere (1:
aphros foam (2: 91, 98) 34/35.1), sphere of the fixed stars (6: 17, 42, 53,
aphrosunê folly (2: 4, 19), foolishness (1: 5), imprudence 57, 87, 94); to aplanes fixed stars (1: 83), sphere
(1: 13), practical folly (1: 34/35.1), senselessness of the fixed stars (2: 42, 83); ta aplanê the fixed
(1: 69) stars (5: 2, 14, 42, 47, 59); aplanê astra fixed
aphtharsia imperishability (6: 21, 22, 25, 59, 93, 97.2), stars (1: 95); aplaneis asteres fixed stars (2: 88,
indestructibility (1: 68) 95); hê aplanês sphaira fixed sphere (2: 47, 95),
aphthartos free of destruction (1: 68), imperishable sphere of the fixed stars (4: 6.1, 53, 59, 83)
(34: 1, 2, 6.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 16, 21, 22, 25, 26, aplastos unformed (1: 86.1)
32, 36, 42, 52, 58, 59, 61, 67, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, aplatês breadthless (2: 42, 78), durationless (1: 39),
88, 91, 92.19, 92.2, 93, 95, 97.2, 99), incapable of without width (2: 61, 67), without breadth (3:
ceasing to be (1: 89), incapable of perishing (1: 10.2, 16, 84), widthless (1: 98)
91), incorrupt (1: 2), incorruptible (1: 2), aplêstos insatiable (1: 69)
indestructible (14: 20, 34/35.1, 35.2, 44, 45/46, apneumôn spiritless (1: 26)
47, 53, 54, 56, 57, 66, 68, 76, 85), not destroyed apneusti without taking breath (1: 57)
(1: 54), not perishable (1: 88), not perishing (2: apo : aph’ heautou from itself (1: 28.1), of its own
78, 83), not subject to passing away (1: 21), that accord (1: 28.1), of itself (1: 28.1), on its own
cannot be destroyed (1: 85), unable to cease to account (1: 28.1); aph’ henos from a single
be (1: 75), undestroyed (1: 66), unending (1: 85) source (1: 13); aph’ henos kai pros hen derived
aphthonia abundance (1: 97.1) from and contributing to one thing (1: 22); aph’
aphthonos free of envy (1: 59), ungrudging (1: 97.2), hou source (1: 28.1)
without stinting (1: 78) apobainein to emerge (1: 17), to result (3: 52, 79, 89),
aphthonôs unstintingly (1: 74) to result from (1: 2)
aphthoria indestructibility (1: 89) to apoban outcome (1: 17)
aphuês ill-endowed (2: 52, 57), naturally unfit (1: 69), apoballein to be rid of (1: 20), to cast away (1: 52), to
unfit by nature (1: 69) cast off (3: 16, 56, 83), to cease (1: 27), to discard
aphuesteros naturally less gifted (1: 91) (3: 25, 75, 76), to get rid of (2: 4, 32), to lose (13:
aphuia bad natural endowment (1: 52), native 6.2, 19, 21, 27, 38, 42, 52, 56, 57, 60, 65, 79, 88), to
incapacity (1: 2) reject (2: 25, 55), to release (1: 86.1), to
aphuktos exhaustive (1: 7), fixed (1: 97.2), inescapable relinquish (1: 12), to remove (2: 4, 38), to rid
(4: 68, 84, 85, 97.2), irrefutable (1: 58), unable to oneself of (1: 20), to throw off (2: 80, 98)
escape (1: 86.2) apobasis outcome (1: 60)
aphupnizein : aphupnizesthai to wake up (1: 42) meta apobasin after the fact (1: 60)
aphusêtos uninflated (1: 79) apobiazesthai to give power to something (1: 98)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

apoblepein to attend to (1: 83), to concentrate on (2: (1: 97.2); apodeiktikê epistêmê science of
61, 67), to consider (2: 54, 55), to direct one’s demonstration (1: 88), science of proof (1: 23)
attention (1: 86.2), to gaze (1: 2), to have regard apodeiktos demonstrable (6: 16, 65, 73, 77, 90, 93),
to (1: 17), to look (3: 57, 88, 95), to look at (2: demonstrated (3: 2, 73, 90), demonstrative (2:
25, 85), to look into (1: 52), to look to (1: 20), 64, 73), of demonstration (2: 73, 90), producing
to strive (1: 23), to take into consideration demonstrations (1: 64)
(1: 78) to apodeikton object of demonstration (2: 2, 10.2)
apoblepein eis to examine (1: 94) apodein to deviate (1: 55), to fall short (1: 21), to fall
apoblêtos disregarded (1: 48), that can be lost (1: 39), short of (1: 68)
to be dismissed (1: 19) apodeixis argument (2: 58, 92.1), deductive proof (1:
apobolê discarding (1: 76), loss (8: 19, 26, 27, 39, 60, 76, 72), demonstrating (2: 52, 90), demonstration
91, 98) (66: 1, 2, 3, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15,
apobrekhein to soak (1: 57) 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30/31, 34/35.1,
apodeiknuein to demonstrate (1: 65) 35.2, 38, 40, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
apodeiknunai to argue (1: 58), to bring to light (1: 94), 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70,
to demonstrate (56: 2, 3, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 9, 10.2, 16, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95,
17, 18.2, 19, 22, 25, 26, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 41.2, 42, 97.2, 99), demonstrative argument (1: 52),
44, 45/46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, exposition (2: 7, 77), indication (1: 58), proof
61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, (28: 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 15, 18.2, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28.2, 32,
80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 98, 99), to 41.1, 41.2, 44, 48, 58, 59, 63, 68, 70, 80, 85, 86.2,
display (1: 69), to form demonstrations (1: 90), 94, 97.1, 97.2)
to give a demonstration (1: 60), to give tekmêriôdês apodeixis sign-demonstration (1: 77)
demonstrations (1: 17), to give proof (2: 48, 85), apodekhesthai to accept (14: 16, 18.2, 22, 27, 50, 54, 60,
to point out (1: 80), to prove (14: 5, 7, 14, 18.2, 68, 69, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85), to agree with (1:
20, 26, 27, 42, 44, 58, 59, 63, 94, 99), to provide 34/35.1), to approve (1: 88), to attain (1: 55), to
proof (1: 63), to reveal (3: 59, 85, 94), to show commend (1: 60), to endorse (1: 59), to justify
(9: 14, 18.2, 27, 44, 45/46, 58, 59, 80, 98), to teach (1: 18.2), to receive (1: 69), to take (1: 92.1), to
(1: 85), to understand (1: 99) take as a teacher (1: 58), to take over from (1: 2),
apodeiknuôn in its demonstrations (1: 90); to to take up (1: 58), to understand (4: 55, 69, 79,
apodeiknumenon demonstration (1: 10.2) 83), to welcome (1: 69)
apodeiktikos able to be demonstrated (1: 14), affording apodelian to be fearful (1: 55)
demonstration (1: 93), aiming at demonstration apodialambanein to separate (1: 48), to set apart (1:
(1: 11), apodeictic (1: 39), apodictic (1: 44), 28.1)
capable of demonstrating (1: 2), capable of apodialêptos separable (1: 48)
giving proofs (1: 4), demonstrable (2: 69, 73), apodidonai to account for (1: 60), to adduce (1: 22), to
demonstrative (33: 7, 9, 10.2, 14, 16, 20, 22, 27, admit (1: 48), to allow (1: 22), to answer (1: 54),
30/31, 40, 42, 45/46, 48, 51, 54, 56, 61, 63, 69, 70, to ascribe (2: 22, 51), to assign (17: 2, 3, 10.2, 22,
73, 74, 76, 77, 83, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 97.2, 25, 39, 42, 43.2, 54, 55, 59, 78, 79, 83, 92.1, 93,
99), in the form of demonstration (1: 61), of 98), to attribute (3: 22, 51, 60), to bestow (1: 54),
demonstration (3: 10.2, 16, 73), of proof (1: 94), to cause (1: 4), to consign (1: 17), to contend (1:
on demonstrations (1: 17), probative (1: 14), 41.1), to declare (2: 22, 88), to define (3: 25, 48,
relying on proof (1: 48), resting on proof (1: 26), 69), to deliver (3: 28.2, 68, 76), to display (3: 19,
such as to prove (1: 4), that demonstrates (2: 25, 69), to establish (1: 94), to explain (16: 2, 21,
10.2, 16), that involves demonstration (1: 73), 25, 32, 40, 42, 43.3, 44, 55, 57, 60, 75, 78, 79, 92.1,
that proves (1: 99) 99), to expound (3: 3, 39, 86.2), to express (2: 40,
apodeiktikôs based on demonstration (1: 61), by 55), to formulate (1: 94), to frame (an account)
demonstrative arguments (1: 92.1), by way of (1: 10.2), to fulfil (1: 52), to give (an account of)
demonstration (1: 14), convincingly (1: 70), (34: 6.1, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27,
demonstratively (6: 14, 22, 70, 73, 77, 99), in a 30/31, 35.2, 40, 42, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 65, 68, 69,
demonstration (1: 10.2), in demonstrative form 73, 76, 78, 83, 85, 90, 92.1, 94, 98, 99), to give an
(1: 50), on the basis of demonstration (1: 55); account of (2: 9, 41.1), to give in answer (1: 19),
ho apodeiktikos demonstrator (1: 90), expert to give the apodosis (1: 87), to grant (1: 69), to
in demonstration (1: 16), person who hand down (2: 22, 51), to indicate (2: 41.1, 69),
demonstrates (1: 73); hê apodeiktikê apodeictic to make (1: 19), to offer (2: 40, 58), to pay back
(1: 98), art of deductive proof (1: 72); Posterior (4: 43.3, 68, 69, 80), to pay in return (1: 43.2), to
Analytics (1: 63), science of demonstration (1: perform an activity (1: 4), to present (5: 9, 48,
77); ta apodeiktika Posterior Analytics (1: 63); 76, 79, 89), to produce (7: 22, 25, 28.2, 40, 42, 44,
apodeiktikê anankê compelling demonstration 55), to proffer (1: 69), to propound (2: 3, 19), to


provide (9: 18.2, 27, 28.2, 43.2, 54, 55, 86.1, 94, apographesthai to copy (1: 51), to write down (1:
98), to provide an account (1: 60), to provide an 51)
explanation (1: 60), to receive (1: 28.2), to refer apographikos descriptive (1: 22)
(1: 55), to refer to (1: 22), to render (6: 4, 40, apogumnoun to remove clothing (1: 78)
43.2, 69, 93, 94), to reply with (1: 85), to respond apoikonomia rejection (1: 52)
(1: 86.1), to restore (2: 17, 36), to return (3: 54, apoios devoid of qualities (1: 80), devoid of quality (2:
59, 80), to satisfy (1: 55), to set out (2: 7, 22), to 6.2, 32), lacking in quality (3: 26, 41.2, 48),
speak of (1: 18.2), to specify (1: 39), to state (3: lacking qualities (1: 57), non-qualitative (1: 70),
21, 35.2, 88), to supply (3: 25, 50, 89) qualityless (10: 17, 51, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 91,
apodoteon one must reply (1: 16); apodidonai 92.2), unqualified (2: 39, 89), without qualities
aitian to give a reason (2: 10.2, 64); apodidonai (6: 5, 6.1, 27, 42, 57, 92.1), without quality (6: 11,
logon to give an account (1: 88), to offer an 12, 32, 52, 94, 98)
account of (1: 40), to supply a rationale (1: 75), apokaiein to burn off (1: 21)
to yield (1: 40); plêres apodidonai to apokalein to dismiss (1: 48)
supplement (1: 27) apokaluptein to keep raised (1: 38), to keep uncovered
apodidraskein to escape (1: 97.1), to run away (1: 97.1) (1: 38), to reveal (2: 54, 83), to uncover (1: 91)
apodiopompeisthai to reject (1: 36) apokatastasis complete rotation (1: 83), periodic
apodokhê acceptance (1: 86.2), approval (1: 60) return (3: 60, 67, 99), point of return (1: 17),
apodokimazein to reject (6: 6.1, 7, 22, 23, 48, 99) reconstitution (1: 85), recovery (1: 91),
apodosis account (10: 10.2, 18.2, 40, 41.1, 44, 51, 60, 74, restoration (2: 55, 72), return (2: 7, 68), return to
83, 93), answer (2: 2, 15), assigning (1: 92.1), the same point (1: 83), revolution (3: 55, 68, 95),
coordinate claim (1: 90), definition (3: 25, 48, rotating all the way around (1: 68)
89), explanation (4: 15, 32, 79, 85), giving (5: 17, apokatastatikos recurrent (1: 83), returning to the
20, 40, 56, 57), interpretation (1: 59), main same point (1: 83)
clause (3: 34/35.1, 56, 67), presentation (1: 48), apokathairein to extract by smelting (1: 79), to purify
provision (1: 55), rendering (1: 40), result (1: (1: 24)
90), setting out (1: 7), specification (1: 39), apokatharsis purification (1: 24)
statement (2: 44, 61) apokathistanai to bring into being (1: 29.1), to make a
aitias apodosis to answer a question about the complete rotation (1: 83), to restore (3: 7, 17,
cause of something (1: 10.2); apodosin 20), to return (1: 83)
poieisthai to give an explanation (1: 12) apokathistasthai to be restored (1: 54), to be
apodotikos productive (3: 28.1, 48, 92.1), that gives out brought back (1: 98), to be restored (3: 19, 54,
(1: 28.2) 55), to complete a revolution (2: 99, 95), to
apodrepesthai to pluck (1: 86.1) return (3: 60, 68, 95), to return to the same
apoduein to strip (1: 26) point (1: 88), to settle back (1: 57); eis to auto
apogê apogee (1: 1) sêmeion apokathistasthai to complete a
apogeios apogee (1: 55), at apogee (1: 83), far from revolution (1: 68)
earth (1: 83), in apogee (1: 88) apokeisthai to be laid up in store (1: 86.1), to be left
apogeios gignesthai to reach apogee (1: 54) aside (1: 89), to be set aside (1: 25), to be stored
apogennan to generate (3: 41.2, 80, 84) away (1: 91)
apogennasthai to be produced (1: 16) apokhê abstinence (1: 37), distance (2: 47, 84)
apogennêma offspring (1: 80) apokheteuein : apokheteuesthai to be channelled (1:
apogennêsis generation (2: 26, 92.1) 25)
apogennêtikos generative (1: 55) apokhôrein to depart (2: 60, 84), to diverge from (1:
apogignesthai / apoginesthai to be detached (1: 63), to 19), to leave (1: 11), to move away (1: 60), to
be lost (1: 27), to be removed (1: 85), to cease (1: move away from (1: 55), to recede (1: 21), to set
28.2), to cease to belong (1: 73), to deny (1: 20), out (1: 42), to withdraw (1: 19)
to depart (4: 22, 28.2, 42, 52), to depart from (1: apokhôrêsis departure (1: 99), retreat (1: 60)
92.2), to disappear (1: 67), to go (2: 48, 80), to go apokhôrizein to separate (1: 19)
out of being (1: 19), to leave (1: 75), to pass away apokhrên / apokhrênai to be sufficient (1: 38)
(1: 17), to deny (2: 27, 41.2), to depart from (1: apokhrê it is adequate (1: 25), it suffices (1: 25)
85), to disavow (1: 26), to give up on (2: 19, apokhrêsthai to be contented with (1: 55), to
86.1), to reject (2: 3, 78), to repudiate (1: 11) exploit (1: 3), to make use of (1: 19), to misuse
apogignôskein : mê apogignôskein to uphold one’s (1: 83), to rely on (1: 29.1); apokhrôn adequate
belief (1: 86.1) (1: 25), sufficient (1: 25); apokhrôntôs
apographê copy (1: 51) adequately (1: 25)
apographein to compile (1: 7), to copy (1: 42), to list apokleiein to encompass (1: 67), to exclude (1: 4), to
(1: 90), to register (1: 7) lock (1: 67), to shut off (1: 57)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

apoklêrosis arbitrariness (1: 95), absurdity (2: 68, 85), apokruptein to conceal (1: 57), to hide from sight (2:
apportionment (1: 25), arbitrariness (1: 91), 55, 88), to keep secret (1: 61), to obscure (2: 84,
arbitrary chatter (1: 84), arbitrary choice (1: 94), 97.1)
chance (1: 85), decision to stop (1: 94), apokuein to bear (1: 80), to deliver (1: 56)
dispensation (1: 20), distribution (1: 67), lottery apokuêsis birth (1: 86.1), delivery (1: 56)
(1: 6.1), principle of decision (1: 57), principle apokuiskein to come to deliver (1: 56)
of selection (1: 17), random principle (1: 52), apolambanein to acquire (2: 56, 99), to adopt (2: 61,
random reasoning (1: 88) 75), to attain (3: 42, 88, 99), to bottle up (1:
tis apoklêrôsis what is more arbitrary? (1: 35.2) 86.1), to contain (1: 64), to cut off (2: 52, 55), to
apoklêrotikos absurd (3: 23, 95, 98), arbitrary (8: 20, enclose (1: 28.1), to enclose within (1: 57), to
34/35.1, 58, 61, 67, 83, 87, 95), as in a lottery (1: encompass (1: 67), to extract (1: 86.1), to gain
6.1), chance (1: 83), incoherent (1: 60), random (2: 19, 22), to get back (1: 17), to have back (1:
(3: 6.1, 87, 88) 17), to receive (8: 20, 25, 28.1, 54, 76, 80, 83,
apoklêroun to ordain (1: 86.1) 86.1), to separate (1: 67), to settle (1: 27), to shut
apoklêrousthai to assign (1: 88); apokeklêrôsthai into (1: 22), to shut off within (1: 67), to take (1:
to occupy (1: 3) 73), to take away from (1: 79), to take on (4: 17,
apoklinein to decline (1: 100), to descend (1: 22), to 55, 79, 83), to take possession of (1: 57), to trap
divert (1: 99), to incline (4: 19, 23, 29.1, 83), to (2: 52, 91)
lean (1: 22), to tend (1: 91), to turn away (2: 54, apolambanesthai to acquire (1: 28.2), to be
83) confined (1: 28.2), to be contained (1: 28.2), to
to apoklinon declension (1: 100) be secreted (1: 25), to receive (1: 28.2); pneuma
apokluzein to cleanse away (1: 84) apolambanesthai flatulence (1: 86.1)
apoknaiein to scrape (1: 54) apolauein to absorb the nature of (1: 38), to benefit (2:
apokopê abbreviation (1: 5), apocope (2: 5, 72) 12, 60), to enjoy (6: 11, 43.2, 55, 68, 83, 99), to
apokoptein to break off (1: 34/35.1), to cut off (1: 86.1) partake (1: 7), to partake of (1: 75), to profit
apokoruphôsis concentration (1: 28.1) from (1: 43.2), to take advantage of (1: 57)
apokoruphoun to bring to culmination (1: 99), to apolausis enjoyment (5: 4, 22, 34/35.1, 69, 84),
bring under a heading (1: 84) gratification (1: 69)
apokremannusthai to hang from (1: 18.2) apolaustikos of enjoyment (1: 4)
apokrêmnos precipitous (1: 56) apolêgein to cease (1: 85), to come to an end (1: 20), to
apokrinein to cast aside (1: 27), to circumscribe (1: 91), fade (1: 28.2), to leave off (1: 20), to terminate
to distinguish (1: 65), to filtre out (1: 57), to get (2: 48, 52)
rid of (1: 17), to mark off (1: 27), to reject (1: apôleia damage (1: 91), destruction (2: 59, 80), loss (1: 39)
38), to remove (1: 23), to separate (6: 18.2, 24, apoleipein to abandon (2: 20, 75), to admit (1: 86.1), to
26, 40, 51, 98), to separate from (1: 88), to allow (1: 83), to allow for (1: 78), to be inferior
separate off (7: 38, 39, 42, 52, 85, 86.1, 91), to to (1: 22), to be left over (1: 54), to be lost (1:
separate out (1: 60), to set apart (1: 17), to set 25), to cease (1: 28.1), to cease to act (1: 54), to
aside (1: 27), to set off (1: 94) come to an end (1: 22), to decrease (1: 27), to
apokrinesthai to answer (8: 7, 17, 21, 35.2, 42, 54, depart (2: 22, 68), to depart from (1: 19), to
58, 90), to choose (1: 84), to be separate (1: 90), desert (2: 22, 28.2), to disappear (1: 85), to fall
to be separated off (1: 68), to be separated out behind (1: 55), to fall short (1: 79), to fall short
(1: 55), to give an answer (1: 21), to offer an of (1: 22), to forsake (1: 22), to give out (1: 22),
answer (1: 22), to reply (3: 16, 90, 93), to to grant (1: 48), to leave (8: 2, 18.2, 22, 25, 42, 83,
segregate (1: 25), to separate (1: 92.1); 86.2, 88), to leave behind (4: 3, 54, 57, 94), to
apokrinomenos in reply (1: 90), separated (1: leave out (1: 79), to leave over (2: 3, 79), to lose
78); apokekrimenôs in separation (1: 50); (1: 55), to pass away (1: 85), to segregate (1: 22),
apokriteon one must keep out (1: 68), one to take away (1: 68), to vanish (1: 19)
should reject (1: 65); ho apokrinomenos apoleipesthai to be deficient (1: 91), to be inferior
respondent (1: 40); apokrinesthai haplôs to (2: 28.2, 91), to be wanting (1: 75), to cease (1:
give a simple reply (1: 16); apokrinesthai to 22), to fail (1: 4), to fall short of (2: 28.1, 28.2)
erôtômenon to answer the question (1: 16) apoleipsis cessation (1: 28.1), passing away (1: 85)
apokrisis answer (6: 2, 16, 21, 23, 35.2, 40), answering apolêpsis acquisition (1: 20), gaining (1: 19), reception
(1: 21), elimination (1: 16), evacuation (1: 88), (1: 27)
excrement (1: 24), excretion (1: 19), passing out apolimpanein to desert (1: 95), to leave (2: 26, 28.2), to
(1: 56), reply (2: 16, 50), separating off (2: 12, 38) leave behind (1: 67), to lose (1: 85)
apokritikos expulsive (1: 99) apolithoun to petrify (1: 95)
apokrouein to rebut (1: 90) apollunai to destroy (5: 12, 22, 25, 42, 60), to do away
apokrouesthai to oppose (1: 68) with (2: 12, 75), to lose (3: 24, 79, 83)


apollusthai to be destroyed (5: 6.2, 57, 66, 83, 85), apomnêmoneuma record (1: 90)
to be killed (1: 21), to cease to be (1: 85), to apomorgnunai : apomorgnusthai to be stamped (1:
perish (12: 6.2, 18.2, 19, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 42, 57, 77), to make rub off (1: 86.1)
60, 73, 88, 94) apomorxis stamp (1: 77)
apologeisthai to defend (6: 6.1, 7, 28.2, 44, 56, 83), to aponemein to allocate (1: 60), to allot (2: 2, 68), to
defend oneself (2: 19, 93), to explain (1: 83), to assign (8: 6.2, 7, 27, 67, 86.1, 86.2, 93, 99), to
make a defence (1: 34/35.1), to offer a defence attribute (4: 43.1, 61, 69, 100), to distribute (1:
(2: 17, 26), to plead in defence (1: 34/35.1), to 34/35.1), to grant (1: 69)
say in defence (1: 60), to speak in defence of (1: aponemêtikos distributing (1: 64), distributive (2: 43.1,
61), to speak on behalf of (1: 98) 69)
apologoumenos in defence of (1: 67) aponeuein to be directed to (1: 84), to incline (1: 22), to
apologia defence (11: 6.1, 7, 25, 34/35.1, 56, 58, 67, 76, refer (1: 48)
86.2, 93, 94), defendant’s speech (1: 13) aponeusis inclination (2: 28.1, 39), reference (1: 48)
apologismos defence (2: 44, 48), explanatory statement aponia freedom from effort (1: 54)
(1: 48), giving of an account (1: 78), statement aponoia madness (1: 97.1), rebellion (1: 84)
of reasons (1: 39) aponos easy (1: 64), free of effort (1: 54), without
apologizesthai to calculate (1: 42), to explain (1: 78), to difficulty (1: 84), without effort (2: 54, 75)
give an account (1: 54), to make a defence (1: aponostêsis return (1: 55)
57), to offer an account (1: 79), to reckon (1: apopallesthai to bounce off (2: 25, 99), to rebound (2:
42), to support (1: 79) 28.2, 57)
lusin apologizesthai to produce a solution (1: 54) apopallomenos rebounding (1: 79)
apoluein to break (1: 18.2), to detach (2: 23, 91), to apopalsis rebound (1: 57)
dissolve (1: 10.2), to free (1: 22), to free from (1: apopauein to bring to a halt (1: 17)
18.2), to make independent (1: 7), to release (1: apopauesthai to die away (1: 57)
67), to resolve (1: 85), to separate (2: 67, 85), to apopêdan to bounce off (1: 79)
sever (2: 54, 55), to undo (1: 42) apopempein : apopempesthai to get rid of (1: 100)
apoluesthai to acquit (1: 86.2), to be removed (1: 25), apoperaioun to terminate (1: 23)
to get clear of (1: 53), to resolve (1: 21), to solve apoperatôsis extreme edge (1: 29.1), limiting (1: 74),
(1: 25); apolelumenos cut off (1: 79), detached (1: termination (3: 34/35.1, 41.2, 48)
63), independent (2: 17, 41.2); apoluomenês tês apoperatoun to be the limit of (1: 55), to bring to
haphês by dissolution of the contact (1: 10.2) termination (1: 34/35.1), to limit (1: 20), to
apolusis getting clear (1: 53), parting (1: 78), solution terminate (1: 87)
(1: 28.2) apoperatousthai to be limited (1: 39), to have
apolutos absolute (3: 13, 39, 48), independent (1: 39), borderland (1: 88), to terminate (1: 22)
separate (1: 28.2), unbroken (1: 28.1), apophainein to argue (1: 85), to assert (2: 9, 80), to
unconditional (1: 41.2), unconfined (1: 86.2) declare (5: 27, 58, 80, 83, 99), to display (1: 86.2),
apolutôs absolutely (1: 41.1), apart (1: 98), in a to give an account (1: 60), to give an opinion (1:
separable manner (1: 28.2), unbroken (1: 28.1), 7), to make a claim (1: 85), to proclaim (1: 86.1),
unmixed (1: 28.2) to prove (1: 60), to reveal (1: 85), to show (2: 80,
apomakhesthai to be in the heat of polemic (1: 86.2), to state (1: 80)
34/35.1), to resist (1: 48) apophainesthai to affirm (1: 59), to assert (6: 2, 25,
apomassein / apomattein to model (1: 20), to wipe off 48, 58, 59, 79), to claim (1: 50), to construct (1:
(1: 38); apomassesthai / apomattesthai to be 22), to declare (12: 2, 11, 16, 22, 28.1, 34/35.1, 35.2,
modelled on (1: 35.2), to receive a sense- 55, 59, 73, 93, 98), to declare one’s opinion (1: 42),
impression (1: 25), to receive an impression (1: to declare oneself (1: 16), to explain (2: 11, 54), to
52), to represent (1: 56), to take an impression express (1: 2), to express oneself (1: 10.2), to give
(1: 57), to take an imprint (1: 23) an account (1: 44), to make a claim (1: 25), to
apomerismos being separated off (1: 80), division (2: make a statement (3: 16, 44, 74), to make an
28.1, 48), fragmentation (1: 48), what has been assertion (1: 41.2), to make plain (1: 99), to
separated off (1: 86.1) proclaim (1: 54), to prove (1: 22), to put forward
apomerizein to divide off (1: 48), to parcel out (1: 22), (1: 94), to report (1: 22), to represent (1: 11), to
to separate (1: 83) say (4: 54, 58, 59, 92.1), to show (3: 11, 22, 73), to
apomerizesthai to be separated (1: 55), to separate state (4: 16, 35.2, 58, 59), to talk (1: 99), to use
off (1: 86.1) words (1: 99); apophainesthai peri to formulate
apomimeisthai to imitate (3: 20, 72, 100) an account of (1: 94), to pronounce on (1: 94)
apomimêma replica (1: 76) apophanai to denounce (1: 11), to deny (12: 6.2, 9,
apomnêmoneuein to make mention of (1: 85), to recall 30/31, 42, 54, 55, 56, 59, 90, 93, 99, 100), to make
(1: 85), to record (3: 23, 55, 99) a denial (1: 91), to negate (2: 16, 23)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

apophansis assertion (5: 9, 23, 40, 68, 94), declaration 39), to make up (1: 10.2), to occupy (1: 76), to
(2: 40, 58), predication (1: 93), proposition (5: satisfy (1: 76)
17, 63, 67, 73, 90), statement (5: 35.2, 59, 60, 80, to apoplêrôsai completion (1: 21)
98) apoplunein to wash off (1: 38)
apophantikos affirmative (1: 23), assertoric (5: 9, 23, apoplusis washing off (1: 38)
65, 72, 89), declarative (4: 13, 16, 74, 90), apopnein to blow out (1: 24)
statement-making (1: 35.2) apoporeuein to give off (1: 18.2)
apophantikôs assertorically (1: 23); apophantikos apoproêgmenos unpreferred (1: 25)
logos assertion (2: 27, 39) apopsukhein to cool (1: 12), to faint (1: 36)
apophasis assertion (1: 72), denial (13: 23, 27, 32, apopsukhesthai to grow cold (2: 55, 91);
34/35.1, 35.2, 41.2, 52, 54, 56, 57, 63, 83, 92.2), apepsugmenos chilled (1: 26)
deny (1: 52), denying (1: 99), negation (45: 1, 2, apoptôsis aberration (1: 20), contracting (1: 22),
3, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, declension (1: 74), deviation (1: 39), falling
28.2, 30/31, 36, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 51, away (1: 17), falling off (1: 100)
52, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 66, 73, 74, 75, 76, 85, 87, 89, apoptuein to squirt out (1: 57)
90, 92.2, 93, 100), negative (2: 27, 58), negative aporein to ask (1: 98), to be a difficulty (1: 52), to be a
proposition (1: 30/31), negative statement (1: puzzle (2: 69, 99), to be at a loss (7: 45/46, 50, 52,
40) 68, 75, 80, 86.2), to be deprived of resources (1:
apophasei by a negative term (1: 27), negatively (1: 97.1), to be in aporia (1: 16), to be in doubt (3:
27); en apophasei characterised negatively (1: 5, 6.1, 61), to be in want (1: 69), to be perplexed
92.2); ex apophaseôs apophatically (1: 76); kata (1: 83), to be puzzled (10: 2, 3, 17, 42, 44, 73,
apophasin denying (1: 92.2) 86.1, 91, 93, 99), to be puzzled about (1: 90), to
apophaskein to deny (18: 1, 2, 9, 19, 22, 23, 27, 30/31, be unsure (1: 24), to come up with a problem
42, 59, 65, 73, 79, 83, 90, 92.1, 93, 100), to negate (1: 100), to consider a puzzle (1: 99), to deal
(3: 16, 23, 65) with an aporia (1: 10.2), to derive a puzzle (1:
apophaskesthai to be negated (1: 16) 58), to discuss a difficulty (1: 94), to doubt (1:
apophatikos by negation (1: 76), negating (1: 65), 68), to encounter an impasse (1: 76), to face an
negative (21: 5, 7, 9, 16, 17, 23, 27, 30/31, 35.2, aporia (1: 10.2), to feel uncertain (1: 85), to find
39, 40, 42, 48, 64, 65, 73, 76, 83, 87, 90, 91, 93), of a puzzle in (1: 17), to find puzzling (1: 90), to
negation (1: 16), that negates (1: 16) have a problem (1: 67), to have a puzzle (1: 40),
apophatikôs as denial (1: 28.2), in a negative to introduce as a puzzle (2: 58, 59), to lack (1:
manner (1: 16), in the negative (1: 40), 25), to look into a puzzle (1: 58), to pose a
negatively (6: 2, 20, 23, 34/35.1, 35.2, 74); to dilemma (1: 3), to pose a puzzle (7: 3, 19, 42, 69,
apophatikon what negates (1: 30/31) 73, 90, 99), to pose as a puzzle (1: 19), to present
apopherein : apopheresthai to refer to (1: 68) a difficulty (1: 77), to puzzle about (1: 93), to
apopheugein to avoid (1: 98), to escape (2: 19, 78), to puzzle over (1: 59), to query (2: 61, 67), to
evade (2: 58, 85) question (1: 98), to raise a difficulty (23: 2, 4,
apophoitan to depart (1: 84) 6.1, 12, 20, 21, 28.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 45/46, 52,
apophrassein / apophrattein to block (1: 55), to block 54, 55, 78, 79, 80, 83, 87, 92.1, 94, 95, 99), to raise
up (2: 86.1, 88), to screen off (1: 57), to seal (1: a problem (21: 5, 18.2, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
98), to stop (1: 98), to stop up (1: 6.1), to unstop 34/35.1, 44, 50, 56, 60, 61, 67, 74, 75, 80, 88, 89,
(1: 98) 95, 99), to raise a puzzle (6: 7, 40, 58, 59, 93, 99),
apophthengesthai to give voice to (1: 78), to to raise a query (2: 61, 67), to raise a question
pronounce (1: 42) (10: 28.1, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 61, 67, 69, 88, 93, 95),
apophusis : mastoeidês apophusis mastoid process (1: to raise an aporia (2: 10.2, 16), to raise an
57) objection (1: 60), to raise problems (1: 41.1), to
apopimplan to satisfy (1 : 17) run into a problem (1: 60), to set a problem (2:
apopimplanai to afford (1: 86.1), to be satisfied (1: 55), 27, 28.2), to state a difficulty (1: 2), to state a
to live out (1: 86.2), to satisfy (1: 86.1) problem (1: 50), to state an aporia (1: 10.2), to
apopiptein to fall (2: 83, 86.1), to fall away (3: 22, 23, wonder (4: 2, 20, 98, 99)
83), to fall down (1: 83) aporeisthai to be met with (an aporia) (1: 10.2), to
apoplanan: apoplanasthai to stray (1: 84) be a point of aporia (1: 16), to be a question (1:
makran apoplanasthai to be far afield (1: 29.1) 85), to be problematic (1: 99); aporeitai the
apoplêrôsis completion (1: 48), fulfilment (2: 39, 99), puzzle is (1: 99), there is a puzzle (1: 17);
perfection (1: 29.1), satisfaction (1: 100) aporêteon the difficulty should be raised (1:
apoplêrôtês fulfiller (1: 86.2) 60); ho aporôn objector (1: 18.2), the author of
apoplêroun to complete (2: 10.2, 21), to completely fill the difficulty (1: 99); to aporoumenon point of
(1: 90), to fill (1: 98), to fill in (1: 23), to fulfil (1: aporia (2: 10.2, 16), problem (1: 18.2), puzzle


(4: 40, 42, 58, 99); to aporêthêsomenon an ekhein there is a serious difficulty (1: 24);
aporia to be faced (1: 10.2); to aporêthen an poiein aporôteron to exacerbate (1: 18.2), to
aporia that has been settled (1: 10.2), point of make more intractable (1: 18.2)
aporia (1: 16), puzzle (1: 42); to êporêmenon aporrhapizein to reject (1: 84)
an aporia that has been presented (1: 10.2), an aporrhêgnunai to break off (1: 84)
aporia that has been raised (1: 10.2), point of aporrhein to be an outflow (1: 56), to decay (1: 83), to
aporia (2: 10.2, 16), problem (2: 18.2, 88); emanate (1: 99), to flow (1: 99), to flow away (3:
aporein batheôs raise fundamental problems 19, 21, 57), to flow from (2: 38, 58), to flow off
(1: 44); aporeisthai dunamena possible aporiae (2: 24, 28.1), to flow out (6: 18.2, 52, 56, 57, 68,
(1: 10.2); axion aporêthênai the aporia 83), to form an effluence (1: 21), to leave (1: 99),
deserves to be faced (1: 10.2); dunatai to pass away (1: 61), to run out (1: 18.2), to
aporeisthai the aporia could be (1: 10.2); ho stream off (1: 52), to waste away (1: 99)
nun aporêtheis logos the puzzle under aporrhêsis statement (1: 85)
consideration (1: 59); pôs êporêtai how the aporrhêtos esoteric (1: 97.1), ineffable (2: 51, 72), secret
aporia has developed (1: 10.2); aporia (1: 16) (1: 80)
aporêma difficulty (1: 84), dilemma (1: 69), problem (4: ta aporrhêta mysteries (1: 97.1), secret matters (1:
5, 25, 27, 72), puzzle (2: 68, 97.2), aporetic (1: 7) 59), secret teachings (1: 97.1), secrets (2: 59,
aporêtikos problematic (1: 28.2), raising problems (1: 97.1); di’ aporrhêtôn in secret (1: 68); en
74) aporrhêtois secretly (1: 22)
aporêtikôs as a problem (1: 57), in aporetic vein (1: aporrhêxis breaking off (1: 6.1)
59) aporrhiptein to let out (1: 83), to reject (2: 83, 84), to
aporia aporia (2: 10.2, 16), difficulty (40: 2, 4, 6.1, 11, relegate (1: 48), to utter (1: 54)
12, 14, 20, 21, 28.1, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 44, 45/46, 47, aporrhiptesthai to banish (1: 29.1)
52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 74, 76, 77, aporrhoê effluence (3: 7, 28.1, 60), efflux (3: 22, 38, 57),
78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 87, 88, 92.1, 95, 99, 100), flux (1: 100), outflow (2: 32, 56), streaming off
dilemma (1: 95), doubt (1: 6.1), impasse (4: 1, (1: 52)
63, 72, 76), investigation (1: 44), lack (6: 21, aporrhoia effluence (9: 7, 19, 21, 28.1, 37, 54, 57, 91,
34/35.1, 58, 69, 91, 97.1), objection (1: 32), 97.1), efflux (3: 38, 97.1, 99), emanation (3: 28.2,
perplexity (1: 86.1), problem (29: 2, 5, 11, 14, 58, 84), streaming off (1: 52), what streams off
18.2, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 44, (1: 52)
45/46, 50, 56, 60, 61, 63, 67, 75, 76, 85, 88, 89, aporrhutos subject to outflow (1: 19), that runs out (1:
97.1, 98, 100), puzzle (28: 3, 7, 11, 14, 17, 18.2, 56)
19, 29.1, 39, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 51, 58, 59, 63, aposbennunai to destroy (1: 61), to extinguish (4: 38,
69, 73, 74, 76, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97.2, 99), 80, 85, 88), to quench (2: 52, 57)
puzzlement (1: 94), question (2: 88, 100), raising aposbennusthai to die (1: 84); to aposbennusthai
the questions (1: 61), want (1: 69) extinction (1: 61)
aporian epagein to raise a problem (2: 27, 48); aposeiein : aposeiesthai to cast aside (1: 97.1), to shake
aporian epipherein to raise a problem (1: 60); off (2: 56, 86.1), to shake something off (1: 23)
aporian parekhein to present a puzzle (1: 99), a aposêmeiôsis : aposêmeiôseis lecture notes (1: 60)
matter of puzzlement (1: 94); eskhatê aporia apôsis pushing away (1: 19)
great difficulty (1: 86.1); hê prosthen aporia the aposkeuazein to argue against (1: 84), to deal with (1:
preceding aporia (1: 10.2); kinein aporian to 59), to discard (1: 27), to reject (1: 86.2), to rule
raise a puzzle (1: 88), to raise an aporia (1: 10.2); out (1: 48), to set aside (1: 27)
peritrepei hê aporia the problem rebounds (1: aposkeuazesthai to eliminate (1: 91), to reject (1:
18.2); pherein aporias to raise puzzles (1: 94); 25)
sigêtheisa aporia unspoken difficulty (1: aposkeuê removal (1: 4)
34/35.1) aposkhizein to cut off (1: 48)
aporos difficult (9: 26, 43.1, 54, 55, 60, 61, 69, 83, 98), aposkiasma adumbration (1: 61)
hard to find (1: 68), impasse (1: 60), impossible aposkôptein to say with banter (1: 78)
(1: 2), insoluble (1: 98), insuperably difficult (1: aposobein to scare away (1: 61)
16), intractable (1: 21), involving a problem (1: aposôizein to preserve (1: 55)
60), problematic (5: 52, 56, 61, 79, 99), aposos lacking in quantity (1: 48), non-quantitative (1:
problematical (2: 50, 89), puzzling (7: 3, 7, 19, 70), without quantity (3: 5, 61, 97.2)
42, 57, 91, 94) aposôzein to preserve (1: 99)
to aporon absurdity (1: 18.2), difficulty (5: 2, apospan to detach (3: 3, 6.1, 19), to pull apart (1: 42), to
34/35.1, 57, 73, 80), impassable difficulty (1: sunder (1: 22), to tear apart (1: 22), to tear away
10.2), matter of aporia (2: 10.2, 16), problem (5: (3: 22, 28.1, 98), to tear from (1: 22), to tear off
22, 28.2, 34/35.1, 72, 98), trap (1: 98); aporôtata (1: 27)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

apospasthai to be drawn out (1: 86.1), to be 22), to turn to (1: 60); apoteinesthai pros to
fragmented (1: 11), to be pulled away (1: 79), to attack (1: 70), to refer to (2: 78, 79)
be separated (1: 11), to be torn away (1: 28.2), to apotelein to accomplish (2: 38, 60), to achieve (2: 22,
become detached (2: 1, 83), to tear apart (1: 57), to arrive at (1: 20), to bring about (4: 22,
6.2); apospômenos detached (1: 78) 28.2, 58, 60), to bring to completion (6: 17, 42,
apospasma detached parcel (1: 22) 56, 60, 79, 92.1), to bring to perfection (1: 4), to
aposphallein : aposphallesthai to be mistaken (1: cause (1: 88), to come to constitute (1: 94), to
86.2) complete (7: 22, 23, 44, 60, 68, 83, 86.1), to create
apospinthêrizein to emit sparks (2: 88, 95), to send off (1: 24), to exercise to the full (1: 38), to forecast
sparks (1: 95), to twinkle (1: 90) (1: 86.2), to form (1: 88), to fulfill (1: 93), to
apostasis contrast (1: 39), degree of remove (1: 87), make (2: 24, 28.1), to make complete (1: 28.1),
departure (4: 22, 28.1, 36, 60), detachment (1: to make perfect (2: 28.1, 28.2), to make up (2:
37), distance (21: 4, 7, 12, 14, 22, 28.1, 36, 38, 42, 22, 76), to perfect (1: 28.1), to perform (2: 19,
50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 61, 75, 83, 88, 90, 95, 100), 59), to produce (16: 17, 19, 32, 39, 48, 54, 55, 59,
distance apart (1: 48), distancing (1: 36), 60, 61, 68, 72, 80, 88, 90, 98), to provide (1: 28.2),
interval (2: 2, 28.1), recession (1: 57), to render (3: 19, 68, 86.2), to result (1: 22), to
remoteness (1: 52), remove (2: 36, 76), terminate (1: 28.2)
separation (3: 22, 36, 41.1), standing apart (1: apoteleisthai to be achieved (1: 18.2), to be effected
36), standing away (1: 14) (1: 28.2), to be produced (1: 25), to come about
heautês apostasis self-desertion (1: 22) (1: 28.2), to result (2: 48, 60), to be completed
apostellein : apostellein phantasian to convey an (1: 76); to apoteloumenon outcome (1: 76)
impression (1: 65) apotelesma accomplishment (1: 35.2), completed
apostêma abcess (1: 2), distance (10: 12, 38, 52, 54, 55, product (1: 17), completion (4: 48, 54, 55, 63),
57, 67, 86.1, 88, 91), distance apart (1: 57), gap effect (2: 28.2, 44), final form (1: 80), final
(1: 14), interval (1: 83) product (1: 56), final result (1: 61), finished
apostenôsis contraction (1: 100) product (2: 7, 39), finished state (1: 34/35.1),
apostenoun to compress (1: 28.2), to contract (1: 28.2), finished thing (1: 79), influence (1: 84), outcome
to limit (1: 55) (3: 26, 58, 76), product (11: 17, 23, 29.1, 39, 54,
apestenômenos narrow (1: 100); apestenômenôs 55, 58, 68, 70, 72, 80), result (10: 16, 20, 22, 26,
compactly (1: 22), contracted (1: 22), in a 29.1, 44, 48, 61, 89, 90), thing completed (1: 85)
narrow way (1: 100) apotelesmatikos : hê apotelesmatikê astromancy (1:
aposterein to derive a negative proposition (1: 64) 26)
apostereisthai to be deprived of (2: 4, 39); apotelestikos that can perfect (1: 36), that provides (1:
apesterêmenos deprived (1: 48) 28.2)
apostêrizesthai to stabilize (1: 25), to support (1: 25) apoteleutan to end (2: 2, 100), to produce (1: 55), to
apostrephein ‘avert’ (1: 25), to reject (1: 91) terminate (1: 22), to terminate in (1: 28.2)
apostrephesthai to avoid (1: 91), to be repelled (1: apoteleutêsis completion (2: 22, 48), conclusion (1: 17),
91), to reject (1: 4), to turn away (1: 100), to end (1: 22), end-point (1: 34/35.1), final result
turn away from (5: 4, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 56), to (1: 61), termination (2: 20, 57), ultimate (1: 74)
turn backwards (1: 55) apotemakhizein to cut off (1: 74)
apostrophê aversion (2: 12, 100), revulsion (2: 22, 25) apotemnein to cut away (1: 61), to cut off (9: 6.2, 20, 38,
apostrophos apostrophe (1: 73) 42, 52, 55, 80, 94, 98), to cut off from (1: 58), to
aposulan to abstract (1: 17), to strip (1: 61) divide into sections (1: 55), to isolate (2: 20,
apotasis correspondence (1: 22), extension (2: 28.1, 57), 28.1), to separate off (1: 80)
intention (1: 17), range (1: 28.2) apotemnesthai to be isolated (1: 25), to cut off (1:
apoteinein to allude (1: 44), to direct (2: 83, 90), to 16)
draw away (1: 56), to expose by slicing (1: 7), to apotexis giving birth (1: 79)
extend (2: 38, 67), to object (1: 85), to prolong apôthein to drive away (1: 20), to push (1: 4), to push
(1: 80), to refer (2: 23, 99), to stretch out (1: 83) aside (1: 85), to push away (4: 19, 21, 35.2, 75),
apoteinesthai to address (1: 60), to aim at (2: 28.2, to reject (2: 7, 21), to repel (2: 86.1, 91), to thrust
57), to attack (1: 34/35.1), to be directed (2: away (1: 84)
28.2, 54), to be directed to (1: 22), to be apôtheisthai to bounce back (1: 28.2), to rebound
stretched off (1: 28.1), to be stretched out (1: back (1: 28.2), to repulse (1: 25)
54), to direct (1: 55), to direct oneself (1: 36), to apothermainesthai : to apothermainesthai cooling (1:
extend (4: 16, 22, 28.1, 52), to extend forth (1: 61)
52), to lodge oneself against (1: 67), to make apothesis loss (of weight) (1: 79)
reference to (1: 60), to reach out (1: 28.2), to apothnêiskein to die (8: 25, 43.1, 43.2, 52, 65, 67, 75, 91)
refer (3: 3, 55, 60), to refer to (1: 22), to tend (1: tethnekôs dead (1: 67); tethneôs dead (1: 67)


apotiktein to bring to birth (1: 34/35.1), to give birth aprosdioristos indefinitely quantified (1: 51),
(1: 86.1) undetermined (1: 23), unqualified (1: 22),
apotiktesthai to be born (1: 91) unspecified (1: 98), without further
apotithenai to assign (3: 17, 20, 44), to cast off (1: 88), differentiation (1: 35.2), without specifying the
to deposit (1: 88), to drop (1: 26), to get rid of distinctions (1: 90)
(1: 17), to give up (1: 86.2), to hold (1: 57), to let aprosdioristôs without drawing further
go (1: 26), to lodge (1: 67), to lose (1: 88), to put distinctions (1: 57), without qualification
away (1: 57), to set aside (1: 84) (1: 68)
apotithesthai to bestow (1: 32), to confer (1: 42), to aproslêptos : to aproslêpton co-assumption (1: 9)
discard (1: 79), to place (1: 98), to retain (1: 60), aprosphoros getting nowhere (1: 34/35.1)
to set aside (1: 99) aprosptôsia freedom from error (1: 52)
apotomê section (1: 55) apsaustos untouched (1: 99)
apotorneuein to round off (1: 57) apseudês free from falsity (1: 25)
apotos undrinkable (3: 24, 28.2, 57) apsinthion wormwood (2: 56, 57)
to apoton what is not drink (1: 57) apsophos lacking sound (1: 25), noiseless (1: 24),
apotrekhein to run off (1: 78) soundless (2: 28.2, 57)
apotrepein to discourage (1: 61), to dissuade (1: 29.1), apsukhos inanimate (40: 1, 2, 7, 12, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 22,
to turn away (1: 84) 23, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 36, 37, 38,
apotribein to clear away (1: 28.2) 39, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 47, 56, 57, 59, 67, 69, 76,
apotrôgein to swallow (1: 10.2) 77, 79, 80, 83, 89, 91, 97.2, 99), lifeless (9: 11, 26,
apotropê avert (1: 52), discouragement (1: 61) 48, 64, 65, 67, 68, 76, 93), materialist (1: 86.1),
apotukhia failure (2: 39, 45/46), failure to achieve (1: non-living (1: 75), not having a soul (1: 25),
21), miscarriage (1: 54), mischance (1: 4), soulless (4: 16, 28.1, 78, 90), that has no soul (2:
unfortunate result (1: 45/46) 42, 86.1), that lacks a soul (1: 42), unensouled
apotunkhanein to fail (1: 17), to fail to attain (1: (1: 61), unsouled (1: 20), without a soul (3: 25,
45/46), to miss (1: 17) 83, 97.1), without life (1: 35.2), without soul (8:
to apotunkhanomenon misfiring (1: 78) 21, 24, 36, 52, 54, 55, 67, 99)
apotupôma impression (1: 100) apsukhôs like an inanimate (1: 27)
apotupôsis imprinting (1: 28.1) aptaistos flawless (1: 19), infallible (3: 7, 51, 61)
apotupoun to fashion (1: 84), to imprint (1: 95) apurênos stoneless (of fruit) (1: 57)
apotupousthai to copy (1: 23), to represent (2: 28.1, apustos unheard of (1: 85)
72), to represent in oneself (1: 28.1) ara curse (1: 23)
apous footless (5: 5, 7, 52, 57, 68), lacking feet (1: 64), araios loose (1: 92.1), loose-textured (4: 38, 79, 85, 95),
without feet (1: 15) open-textured (1: 54), porous (1: 91), rare (5: 21,
apousia absence (31: 4, 11, 12, 15, 16, 22, 24, 26, 27, 52, 85, 92.1, 95), thin (1: 18.2)
28.2, 32, 38, 39, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 52, 56, 57, araiôsis rarefaction (2: 7, 42)
61, 67, 68, 83, 86.1, 89, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 100), being araiotês rarity (1: 42), state of rarity (1: 75)
absent (1: 57), cessation (1: 28.2), lack (1: 26), araioun to rarefy (2: 85, 95), to refine (1: 85)
loss (1: 24) araiousthai to be attenuated (1: 50), to become
apoxein to chisel off (1: 76) rarer (1: 85); araioumenos evaporated (1: 78)
apoxêrainein to dry completely (1: 57) arakhnês spider (2: 23, 34/35.1)
apozeugnunai to disjoin (2: 9, 30/31) arakhnion spider’s web (2: 34/35.1, 58), web (1: 23)
apragmôn : apragmonôs without trouble (1: 56) arariskein : ararotôs definitely (1: 23), soundly (1: 42)
apraktos quiescent (1: 84) araros ekhein to be fixed (1: 19)
apraxia inactivity (1: 16) aratikos imprecative (1: 23)
aprepês unsuitable (1: 43.3) ardeia watering (1: 60)
aproairetos non-deliberate (1: 97.2), not of its own ardên completely (1: 29.1), wholly (1: 5)
accord (1: 61), unchosen (1: 56), unconscious ardeuein to moisten (1: 80), to moisturize (1: 86.1), to
(1: 59), without choice (1: 39), without water (1: 58)
deliberate choice (1: 97.2) Arês Ares (the planet Mars) (1: 59), Mars (1: 57)
aproairetôs involuntarily (1: 59), without choice (1: areskeia obsequiousness (1: 69)
68) areskein to be one’s view (1: 86.2), to be pleasing to (1:
aprolêptos unprejudiced (1: 74) 16), to gratify (1: 69), to hold a view (2: 54, 55),
apronoêsia lack of foresight (1: 52) to please (4: 45/46, 52, 55, 83), to satisfy (2: 21,
aprooratos unforeseen (1: 21) 55), to suppose (1: 54)
aprosdeês full (1: 5), in need of nothing (1: 59), lacking areskein (+ dat.) to be (someone’s) view (1: 19);
nothing (1: 5), self-sufficient (1: 23) areskesthai to be pleased (1: 68), to be satisfied
to aprosdees freedom from want (1: 59) with (1: 38); areskomenos adhering to (1: 61);

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to areskon doctrine (3: 2, 38, 78); touto areskei 25, 27, 40, 41.2, 61, 63, 67, 73, 89, 90, 93);
tôi x x holds this view (1: 52) arithmêtikoi logoi arithmetical discourses (1:
areskos ingratiating (2: 43.3, 69) 34/35.1)
aretaios virtued (1: 7), virtuous (1: 13) arithmêtos countable (7: 5, 50, 60, 67, 70, 76, 92.2),
aretê ability (1: 80), excellence (14: 4, 5, 14, 15, 22, 25, counted (1: 7), enumerable (1: 14), enumerated
27, 34/35.1, 36, 44, 52, 59, 69, 75), virtue (40: 2, (1: 14), numbered (2: 2, 15), numerable (2: 20,
4, 5, 7, 10.1, 15, 19, 21, 25, 26, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 89), that can be counted (1: 92.2)
35.2, 39, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 48, 51, 59, arithmos amount (1: 68), number (70: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7,
60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, 83, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
92.1, 93, 97.1, 97.2) 25, 27, 28.1, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
kat’ aretên excellently (1: 4) 43.3, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
aretousthai to become virtuous (1: 19) 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80,
argein not to use (1: 86.1), to be fruitless (1: 54), to be 83, 85, 86.2, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 97.1, 98)
inactive (1: 28.1) arithmôi in number (2: 19, 40), numerically (5: 3,
argês bright (1: 88) 40, 42, 94, 99); tôi arithmôi in number (5: 40,
argia idleness (3: 52, 97.1, 97.2), inactivity (7: 12, 21, 22, 56, 57, 67, 99), numerically (8: 12, 22, 27, 38, 42,
28.1, 38, 56, 57), indolence (1: 10.1), laziness (1: 58, 61, 99); arithmôi hen numerically one (1:
43.2), non-functioning (1: 22), rest (2: 91, 97.2) 76), one in number (1: 10.2); tôi arithmôi hen
en argiâi idle (2: 97.1, 97.2), in idleness (1: 97.1), numerically one (1: 63); eidêtikos arithmos
unused (1: 97.1) eidetic number (1: 74), form-number (2: 70,
argos idle (5: 6.2, 7, 34/35.1, 43.3, 97.1), inactive (1: 39), 74); en arithmôn analogiâi in numerical
lazy (2: 43.2, 55), not easily stimulated (1: 28.2), proportion (1: 40); harmonikoi arithmoi
slow (2: 54, 55), time-consuming (1: 86.1), harmonic series of numbers (1: 22); heis
unworked (1: 10.2), unwrought (1: 52) arithmôi one in number (1: 17); hen arithmôi
argôs fruitlessly (1: 38) one in number (1: 25); hen kata ton arithmon
argupheos silvery (1: 85) numerically one (1: 16); hen tôi arithmôi one
argurion money (3: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3), silver coin (1: 57) in number (1: 10.2), one in number (1: 16); hôs
arguros silver (7: 18.2, 24, 28.2, 38, 52, 57, 79) arithmos as in a numerical sequence (1: 67), as
aridêlos clear (1: 72) an individual (1: 56), in number (4: 27, 40, 56,
aristeia excelling in battle (1: 61) 91), individually (1: 21), numerical (2: 15, 27),
aristeros left (12: 2, 7, 11, 20, 42, 52, 54, 58, 59, 80, 83, numerically (21: 2, 10.2, 11, 12, 17, 18.2, 19, 22,
98), on the left (2: 38, 91) 27, 44, 52, 58, 59, 61, 68, 80, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 99);
aristeuein to be excellent (1: 86.2), to excel in battle (1: hup’ arithmon agein to enumerate (1: 25); isos
61) kat’ arithmon equal in number (1: 40); kata
aristeus champion (1: 34/35.1) ton arithmon numerically (2: 4, 10.2);
aristodêmokratia aristodemocracy (1: 34/35.1) tetragônos arithmos square number (1: 2)
aristokrateisthai to live in an aristocracy (1: 43.3) arkein to be adequately equipped (1: 28.1), to be
aristokratês aristocrat (1: 43.1) enough (3: 40, 85, 99), to be sufficient (12: 17,
aristokratia aristocracy (3: 34/35.1, 43.1, 43.2) 19, 21, 28.1, 38, 42, 52, 54, 55, 75, 86.1, 99), to last
aristokratikos aristocratic (1: 43.1) (1: 42), to satisfy (3: 42, 43.2, 52), to suffice (12:
aristos best (13: 4, 10.2, 12, 17, 21, 43.2, 45/46, 52, 54, 6.2, 19, 40, 43.2, 60, 61, 67, 78, 79, 83, 91, 93)
55, 83, 86.1, 99) arkei enough (1: 67), it is enough (1: 67); arkeisthai
arithmein to count (17: 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 14, 22, 41.2, 42, 44, to be content (2: 19, 60), to be contented (1: 40),
50, 51, 55, 75, 86.2, 94, 97.1), to enumerate (2: to be satisfied (3: 17, 64, 83), to be satisfied with
14, 92.1), to list (1: 25), to number (4: 14, 25, 94, (3: 54, 55, 56), to be self sufficient (1: 64), to be
99), to reckon (2: 34/35.1, 56), to reckon off (1: sufficient (1: 18.2), to content oneself (2: 40, 79),
34/35.1) to suffice (1: 18.2), to think sufficient (1: 2);
arithmeisthai to be numbered (1: 78); arkestheis (+ dat.) based on (1: 18.2);
arithmoumenos enumerated (1: 14), arkountôs to a sufficient degree (1: 28.1), well
numerable (1: 22); ho arithmôn numerator (1: enough (1: 42); arkein heautôi to be self-
20); to arithmoun counter (1: 58), enumerator sufficient (1: 28.1)
(1: 14) arkhaioprepês : arkhaioprepôs archaically (1: 85), in
arithmêtikos arithmetic (1: 90), arithmetical (6: 2, 44, an old-fashioned way (1: 79), in ancient form
61, 67, 73, 90), capable of counting (1: 50), (1: 27)
enumerable (1: 14), enumerating (1: 14), arkhaios ancient (16: 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 20, 38, 44, 54, 80,
numerical (2: 2, 55), of arithmetic (2: 90, 93) 83, 85, 90, 91, 93, 99), archaic (1: 85), earlier (1:
ho arithmêtikos arithmetician (6: 2, 16, 20, 73, 89, 55), early (3: 17, 79, 83), of old (2: 10.2, 16), old
93); hê arithmêtikê arithmetic (15: 2, 5, 13, 16, (1: 55)


ho arkhaios ancient thinker (1: 94); hoi arkhaioi start (1: 17), original (1: 17); kat’ arkhas at the
ancient philosophers (2: 2, 13), earlier people (1: beginning (1: 19), at the outset (1: 16); arkhai
64), pioneers (1: 89), the ancients (1: 12); hoi hupokeimenai assumed principles (1: 89);
arkhaioteroi earlier thinkers (3: 63, 76, 80) arkhê khronou first point of time (1: 80); arkhê
arkhaiotês antiquity (1: 97.2) puros incipient fire (1: 95); arkhê tês
arkhangelikos archangelic (1: 72) antiphaseôs principle of non-contradiction (1:
arkhê authority (4: 43.1, 43.2, 69, 97.1), axiom (1: 53), 16); arkhên lambanein to begin (1: 75); arkhên
base (1: 11), basis (2: 11, 20), beginning (69: 1, 2, poieisthai to begin (1: 19), to start (1: 89), to
3, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 9, 10.1, 11, 15, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, write at the beginning (1: 93); euthus en arkhêi
24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31, 36, 38, 39, right at the beginning (1: 68); ex arkhês
40, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 56, aiteisthai to beg the question (1: 90); hulikê
58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, arkhê material source (1: 57); kata tên arkhên
77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 97.1, 97.2, at the outset (1: 40); kinêtikê arkhê principle of
98, 99, 100), birth (1: 27), cause (3: 18.2, 22, 69), change (1: 22); phusikai arkhai principles of
embarkation (1: 99), first point (1: 80), first physics (1: 63); phusikê arkhê natural principle
principle (7: 25, 39, 50, 74, 75, 97.1, 99), first (1: 66); pothen hê arkhê source (1: 24);
word (1: 93), foundation (1: 91), fundamental stoikheiôdeis arkhai elementary foundations
constituent (1: 33), impetus (1: 98), office (2: (1: 92.1); to en arkhêi aitein to beg the question
43.2, 43.3), origin (28: 2, 4, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, (1: 19); to en arkhêi aiteisthai to beg the
29.1, 32, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45/46, 58, 59, 61, 63, 66, question (1: 16); to en arkhêi lambanein to
67, 69, 76, 80, 85, 91, 95, 97.1, 98), origin and assume the question (1: 16), to assume what
principle (1: 91), outset (3: 42, 48, 58), point (1: (was to be proved) in the beginning (1: 19), to
28.1), point of departure (1: 40), position of beg the question (4: 16, 19, 40, 78); to ex arkhês
power (1: 86.2), premiss (4: 20, 58, 59, 80), the former (1: 18.2), the original (1: 18.2), the
principle (79: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, original material (1: 22); to ex arkhês aitein to
15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28.1, beg the question (1: 16)
28.2, 29.1, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, arkhêgikos creative (1: 11), fundamental (2: 54, 70),
41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, originative (2: 14, 74), primary (2: 26, 39),
60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, principal (1: 48), ruling (2: 70, 74)
78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, arkhêgikôtatos principal (1: 39)
94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 99, 100), principle (source) (1: arkhegonos archetypal (1: 85), original (2: 44, 84)
43.3), principle of a science (1: 40), principle of arkhêgos origin (1: 11), originating (1: 48), originative
being (1: 1), rule (1: 72), rulership (2: 43.1, 69), (1: 39)
ruling principle (1: 97.1), source (22: 13, 17, 19, ho arkhêgos founder (2: 15, 25), originator (2: 2,
22, 25, 26, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 43.1, 47, 53, 56, 57, 39)
58, 59, 69, 75, 75, 76, 91, 95), sovereignty (1: arkhein to be in control (1: 22), to be the starting point
97.1), start (14: 4, 17, 22, 27, 52, 54, 55, 60, 76, 93, (1: 54), to commence (1: 80), to govern (3: 17,
94, 95, 98, 100), starting point (40: 2, 9, 11, 15, 22, 69), to have a beginning (1: 80), to initiate
16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 29.1, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 40, (1: 80), to rule (12: 7, 22, 25, 28.1, 39, 43.2, 51,
42, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 54, 67, 69, 80, 97.1), to start (8: 54, 55, 60, 61, 67,
73, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.2, 90, 94, 95, 99, 100) 80, 91, 94)
tên arkhên at all (5: 10.2, 16, 30/31, 64, 78), at base arkhesthai to be at the beginning (1: 4), to be based
(1: 16), at the beginning (2: 19, 73), at the outset (1: 22), to be controlled (1: 22), to be derived (1:
(2: 16, 91), at the start (1: 18.2), first (1: 91), 22), to be ruled (1: 97.1), to be the beginning of
from the beginning (1: 97.2), in any way (1: 64), (1: 10.2), to be the prodosis (1: 64), to begin (35:
in the beginning (2: 4, 97.2), in the first place (7: 2, 3, 4, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27,
4, 12, 21, 39, 42, 91, 99), initially (4: 28.2, 64, 78, 28.1, 30/31, 38, 39, 40, 42, 52, 54, 60, 67, 73, 75,
91), original (1: 42), originally (3: 3, 28.2, 89), to 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 90, 94, 99), to start
begin with (4: 19, 40, 64, 90); ap’ arkhês (20: 17, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 42, 54, 55, 60,
originally (1: 86.1); en arkhêi at the beginning 61, 67, 80, 83, 91, 93, 94, 98, 99); to arkhon the
(1: 27), at the outset (2: 40, 80), originally (1: ruler (1: 42)
42); ex arkhês at the beginning (3: 28.2, 73, 90), arkhetupos archetypal (3: 5, 11, 74), archetype (1: 61)
at the outset (2: 25, 99), first (1: 28.2), from the to arkhetupon archetype (3: 23, 58, 72), exemplar
outset (1: 16), from the start (1: 67), (1: 97.1)
fundamentally (1: 94), in the beginning (1: 95), arkhikos as a basic principle (1: 22), authoritative (1:
initial (4: 65, 78, 90, 95), initially (2: 67, 95), 2), being a first principle (1: 83), being a
original (6: 17, 19, 42, 73, 80, 99), originally (7: principle (1: 44), controlling (1: 22), dominant
16, 19, 28.2, 42, 73, 89, 98); kat’ arkhên at the (1: 22), fundamental (1: 70), governing (2: 17,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

83), having the character of a principle (1: 22), arrhôstos : ho arrhôstos patient (1: 29.1), sick person
in command (1: 25), in control (1: 22), of (1: 29.1)
control (1: 22), originative (4: 22, 42, 45/46, 99), arrhuthmistos lacking shape (1: 12), unformed (1: 26),
primary (1: 22), primitive (1: 23), principal (3: unorganised (1: 17), unpatterned (1: 23)
44, 72, 92.1), ruling (2: 23, 67), sovereign (3: 2, arrhuthmos unrhythmical (1: 90)
55, 97.2), that governs (1: 22), that is a principle arsenikos : arsenikôs in the masculine (gender) (1: 57)
(1: 22) arsis denial (1: 30/31), lifting (1: 57), removal (1: 5)
arkhikôs as principle (1: 44); arkhikôteros more artan to fasten (1: 28.1), to link (1: 27), to suspend (1:
principal (1: 99); arkhikôtatos most suited to 57)
rule (1: 10.2); dia to arkhikon since it rules (1: artasthai to be dependent on (2: 28.1, 38), to
22) depend (13: 3, 10.2, 16, 19, 22, 44, 56, 57, 76, 83,
arkhitektôn chief artificer (1: 72) 86.2, 90, 91), to depend on (7: 2, 17, 21, 52, 60,
arkhitektonikos architectonic (4: 10.2, 15, 17, 69), 86.1, 97.2), to depend upon (1: 51), to hang on
directive (1: 26), governing (1: 69) to (1: 98); artêmenos kalôs tightrope (1:
hê arkhitektonikê architecture (1: 78) 34/35.1)
arkhoeidês archetypal (1: 35.2), basic (1: 73), artêria artery (5: 23, 59, 78, 85, 86.1), trachea (1: 23),
fundamental (4: 70, 78, 79, 92.2), having the windpipe (4: 28.2, 38, 52, 91)
character of a principle (2: 54, 85), having the artêria trakheia windpipe (2: 35.2, 57)
status of a principle (1: 70), like a ruler (1: 67), of arthron article (10: 5, 7, 13, 23, 34/35.1, 35.2, 51, 56, 93,
the nature of a principle (2: 10.2, 39), primitive 95), joint (1: 7)
(1: 23), with the character of a principle (1: 93) arti freshly (1: 86.1), just (1: 14), suddenly (1: 14)
arkhoeidesteros having more the form of a artiakis : artiakis artion even times even (1: 84)
principle (1: 99), having more of the nature of a artigenês newborn (2: 3, 60)
principle (1: 99), hierarchically superior (1: 36), artioperittos even-odd (2: 2, 39), odd-even (1: 70)
more in the nature of a principle (1: 99), more artios even (25: 2, 3, 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 38,
primary (1: 92.1), more principle-like (1: 92.1), 40, 44, 51, 57, 64, 65, 70, 73, 83, 89, 90, 92.1, 93),
origin-like (1: 76); to arkhoeides principle (1: even number (2: 61, 67), perfect (1: 15)
100) artiôs just (recently) (1: 68); to artion evenness (1:
arkios sufficient (1: 43.2) 16); artiakis artion even times even (1: 84)
arktôios northern (1: 6.1) artipagês newly established (1: 48)
arktos bear (1: 88), north (2: 55, 95), northern places artiperissos even times odd (1: 84), even-odd (1: 51)
(1: 95), the Bear (the constellation) (2: 95, 98), artopoiein to bake (1: 56)
Ursa Minor (the constellation) (1: 95) artopoiêtikos of bread-making (1: 80)
hai arktoi the Bears (i.e. Ursa Maior and Ursa artos bread (6: 20, 28.2, 34/35.1, 56, 57, 80)
Minor) (1: 95) arutainoeidês arytenoid (1: 57)
Armênios : bôlos Armênia Armenian nugget (1: 57) arutein to draw (1: 19)
arneisthai to deny (4: 4, 6.1, 16, 20) asaleutos unaffected (1: 84), unshakable (1: 16),
arnêsis denial (4: 16, 23, 25, 100), negation (1: 100), unshaken (1: 55)
negative (3: 23, 34/35.1, 35.2), refusal (1: 23) asapheia lack of clarity (3: 34/35.1, 74, 85), obscurity
arnêtikos negating (1: 83), negative (6: 7, 23, 27, 35.2, (4: 2, 7, 17, 48), unclarity (10: 18.2, 27, 42, 44, 54,
48, 90), of denial (1: 16) 57, 65, 67, 73, 94), unclearness (2: 6.1, 19)
arnêtikôs in denial mode (1: 87), negatively (1: 23); asapheian ekhein to be unclear (1: 19)
to arnêtikon the negative (1: 51); arnêtikon asaphês indistinct (1: 40), less clear (2: 12, 67), obscure
morion negative particle (1: 35.2) (4: 2, 7, 21, 26), unclear (17: 16, 34/35.1, 38, 42,
arôma herb (1: 28.1) 48, 54, 56, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73, 78, 88, 91, 94, 95)
aroura fertile soil (1: 86.1) asaphesteros less clear (2: 73, 91), rather unclear
arrhên male (9: 2, 6.1, 17, 20, 27, 52, 86.1, 86.2, 93) (2: 10.2, 16); asaphôs in an unclear way (2: 19,
to arrhen male (1: 2) 79), unclearly (3: 55, 85, 98); to asaphes
arrhenikos masculine (1: 23) unclarity (1: 18.2)
arrhenôpos masculine (1: 70) asbestos unslaked lime (1: 24)
arrhenothêlus mascufeminine (1: 23) asbolê soot (1: 38)
arrhepês aloof (1: 22), indifferent (1: 52), transcending asebeia impiety (7: 13, 45/46, 58, 59, 80, 97.1, 97.2)
impulsion (1: 84), without impulsion (1: 79), asebein to be impious (1: 45/46), to be irreverent (1:
without inclination (1: 41.2) 58), to blaspheme (1: 68), to sin (1: 84)
arrhêtos inarticulate (1: 5), indescribable (1: 86.1), asebêma impiety (1: 35.2)
ineffable (3: 5, 72, 85), inexpressible (1: 68), asebês blasphemous (1: 68), impious (9: 1, 17, 21, 35.2,
irrational (1: 95), unutterable (1: 34/35.1) 45/46, 58, 59, 67, 83), sacrilegious (1: 58),
arrhôstia feebleness (1: 99), weakness of mind (1: 97.1) unholy (1: 59)


aselênos moonless (1: 55) 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 36, 39,
aselgeia licentious behaviour (2: 86.2, 97.1) 41.1, 42, 44, 45/46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58,
aselgês licentious (1: 34/35.1) 59, 60, 61, 64, 67, 68, 70, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
asêmantos non-significant (1: 51) 86.2, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92.2, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99,
asêmos inarticulate (1: 17), meaningless (5: 5, 7, 23, 51, 100), non-bodily (3: 25, 85, 91), not corporeal
95), non-significant (1: 23), without meaning (2: (1: 56), unembodied (2: 26, 41.2), without body
35.2, 86.1), without significance (2: 23, 90), (5: 12, 38, 52, 61, 67), without reference to body
without signification (1: 41.2) (1: 61)
askein to attain (1: 23), to practise (4: 45/46, 52, 86.1, asômatôs in a non-corporeal way (1: 56),
91) incorporeally (1: 98); to asômaton
askeisthai to provide (1: 86.1) incorporeality (2: 2, 67); ta asômata incorporeal
askepês uncovered (1: 91) beings (1: 100); asômaton on not a body (1:
askeptos imperceptible (1: 93) 18.2)
askeptôs thoughtlessly (1: 23); askepton asôtia profligacy (2: 4, 69)
kataleipein to omit to consider (1: 12) asôtos profligate (1: 69), unsalvageable (1: 69)
askêsis ornamentation (1: 7), practice (4: 4, 21, 45/46, aspalax blind rat (2: 34/35.1, 56), mole (1: 15)
48), training (1: 69) aspazesthai to embrace (2: 54, 68), to love (1: 52)
askêtos acquirable through training (1: 69) asphaleia protection (1: 26), what is safe (1: 34/35.1)
askhêmatistos figureless (1: 51), formless (1: 94), asphalês careful (1: 79), cautious (1: 54), firm (1: 99),
lacking configuration (1: 39), shapeless (5: 76, resistant (1: 79), safe (8: 3, 19, 20, 34/35.1, 79, 85,
80, 91, 92.2, 97.2), unshaped (1: 80), 91, 94), secure (2: 54, 90), unshakable (1: 83)
unstructured (1: 76), without figure (2: 78, 97.2), asphalôs carefully (1: 78), for safety (1: 27), taking a
without shape (8: 5, 10.1, 12, 57, 78, 79, 80, 84) safe precaution (1: 56), to be on the safe side (1:
askhêmatistôs without giving shape (1: 61), 19), unambiguously (1: 99)
without reference to shape (1: 61); to asphaltôdês asphalt (1: 88), bituminous (1: 38), pitchy
askhêmatiston shapelessness (2: 59, 76) (1: 57)
askhêmôn ugly (1: 48) to asphaltôdes asphalt content (1: 88)
askhêmosunê absence of shape (1: 83) asphaltos bitumen (1: 57)
askhetos absolute (1: 5), free of any relation (1: 58), aspis shield (3: 28.1, 28.2, 57)
independent of relations (1: 58), not relative (1: aspondos irreconcilable (1: 61)
84), unrelated (6: 6.2, 41.1, 42, 48, 56, 94), astasiastos free of conflict (1: 97.2), without conflict (1:
unrelated to (1: 59), without relation (1: 59), 84)
without relation to (1: 51) astatos unstable (4: 39, 45/46, 52, 95)
askhetôs without any relation (1: 59), without asteios charming (1: 34/35.1), elegant (1: 34/35.1),
relation (1: 58); askhetos pros ti free from a preferable (1: 92.1)
relation to (1: 67), having no relation to (1: 67), astêr heavenly body (1: 26), planet (1: 86.2), star (21: 1,
unrelated (1: 67) 2, 6.2, 12, 26, 27, 42, 52, 54, 55, 57, 68, 78, 83,
askhistos that which is non-fissile (1: 24), undivided (3: 86.2, 88, 90, 91, 95, 97.1, 99)
67, 84, 91), unsplit (1: 59) aplaneis asteres fixed stars (2: 88, 95); diâittôn
askholeisthai to be busied about (1: 17), to be engaged astêr shooting star (3: 84, 88, 95); diatheontes
(1: 58), to be engrossed (1: 34/35.1), to be fully asteres running stars (2: 88, 95); diatrekhontes
occupied (1: 2) asteres running stars (1: 88)
askholia business (1: 83), distraction (1: 4), trouble (1: asteroeidês star-like (1: 95)
83) asterôios star (1: 90)
askholos unleisured (1: 29.1), without leisure (2: 54, astheneia feebleness (1: 95), inadequacy (1: 58),
84) weakening (1: 99), weakness (24: 2, 11, 12, 17,
askios shadowless (1: 58), that casts no shadow (1: 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 38, 43.2, 44, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58,
28.2) 59, 61, 67, 80, 93, 97.1, 99)
askopos aimless (1: 26), without finality (1: 74) asthenein to be weakened (1: 95), to be weaker (1: 57),
askopôs in a purposeless manner (1: 23), to become weak (1: 54), to weaken (1: 60)
unreflectively (1: 23), with no purpose (1: 26) asthenês weak (22: 12, 16, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28.2, 38,
askos bag (1: 84), skin (4: 18.2, 57, 80, 98), wineskin (5: 43.2, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 64, 79, 83, 86.1, 88,
6.1, 18.2, 27, 52, 55) 98, 99)
asmenizein to welcome (1: 85) to asthenes weakness (1: 58)
asmenos : asmenôs gladly (1: 52) astokhein to fail to achieve (1: 86.1)
asômatos bodiless (8: 17, 18.2, 48, 63, 85, 90, 93, 98), astokhos aiming wide (1: 52)
immaterial (1: 36), incorporeal (66: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.2, astragalizein to play dice (1: 55)
7, 10.1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, astragalos die (1: 55)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

astrapê flash of lightning (2: 59, 80), lightning (8: of proportion (2: 67, 88), out of scale (1: 28.1),
24, 57, 68, 84, 86.1, 88, 95, 99), lightning-flash unbalanced (1: 84)
(1: 2) asummetrôs incompatibly (1: 28.2); to
astraptein : astraptei it is lightning (1: 23) asummetron asymmetry (1: 28.2),
astroeidês astral (1: 61), star-like (1: 95), starry (1: disproportion (1: 28.1), incommensurability (4:
97.1) 11, 25, 28.2, 50); asummetrôs ekhein be
astrôios astral (1: 80), of the stars (1: 83), starry (1: 95), disproportioned (1: 19)
stellar (1: 93) asumpatheia lack of sympathy (1: 86.1)
to astrôion constellation (1: 7); astrôios phôs asumpathês lacking sympathy (1: 67)
starlight (1: 28.2) asumperantos invalid (2: 63, 85), with no conclusion
astrolabos armillary sphere (1: 55) (1: 85)
astrolabos stereos armillary sphere (1: 54) asumphônia inconsistency (1: 68), not being in tune
astrologia astrology (1: 90), astronomy (5: 10.2, 26, 38, (1: 86.1)
55, 74) asumphônos at variance with (1: 68), contradicting (1:
astrologikos astronomical (4: 10.2, 16, 55, 95) 60), contradictory (1: 60), discordant (1: 38), in
hê astrologikê astrology (1: 90), astronomy (2: 2, conflict with (1: 95)
16) to asumphônon contradiction (1: 60);
astrologos astrologer (2: 72, 90), astronomer (5: 10.2, asumphônos heautôi in disagreement with
16, 26, 52, 55) itself (1: 67), not consonant (1: 57), not in
astron heavenly body (1: 52), star (22: 2, 4, 10.1, 10.2, harmony (1: 54), not in tune (1: 86.1), out of
15, 38, 42, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 67, 68, 78, 79, harmony (1: 79), out of tune (1: 80), untuned (1:
83, 85, 88, 90, 95) 86.1)
aplanê astra fixed stars (1: 95); endedemena astra asumphoros disadvantageous (2: 16, 43.3)
fixed stars (1: 95) asumphthartos not entailing the destruction of parts
astronomein to think about astronomy (1: 34/35.1) (1: 86.1)
astronomia astronomy (15: 13, 22, 34/35.1, 40, 54, 55, asumplektos uncombined (1: 51)
58, 61, 67, 73, 76, 84, 88, 90, 93) asumplokos non-compound (1: 51), without
astronomikos astronomical (6: 54, 55, 80, 84, 88, 95) combination (1: 7)
ho astronomikos astronomer (1: 59) asunaktos incompatible (3: 39, 92.2, 99), not yielding a
astronomos astronomer (11: 1, 11, 54, 55, 57, 78, 79, 83, conclusion (1: 65)
88, 90, 95) asunaptos not connected (1: 61), unconnected (1: 61)
asullogistos asyllogistic (1: 78), contrary to syllogistic asunartêtos unconnected (1: 73)
reasoning (1: 67), deductively invalid (1: 89), asundetos having no connective (1: 35.2), unconnected
fallacious (1: 63), invalid (6: 59, 63, 73, 85, 87, (1: 23)
90), non-deductive (1: 73), non-syllogistic (4: 9, asundetôs unconnectedly (1: 23)
30/31, 40, 65), not a valid syllogism (1: 35.2), asundromos non-concurrent (1: 56)
not following (1: 84), not syllogistic (1: 64) asunesia stupidity (2: 1, 84)
asullogistôs fallaciously (1: 63), in an invalid way asunêthês uncommon (1: 51), unfamiliar (3: 56, 59,
(1: 2), invalidly (2: 59, 63) 87), unusual (4: 28.1, 39, 48, 59)
asulos inviolate (1: 85) asunetos that does not involve understanding (1: 86.1),
asumbatos incompatible (1: 59) unintelligible (1: 83), without comprehension
asumblêtos incommensurable (1: 18.2), incomparable (1: 25), without sense (1: 86.1), without
(1: 50), non-combinable (1: 70), noncomparable understanding (2: 25, 83)
(1: 19), not comparable (1: 75) asunkhutos clear-cut (1: 63), unconflated (1: 50),
to asumblêton noncomparability (1: 19) unconfounded (1: 44), unconfused (3: 34/35.1,
asummetria asymmetry (1: 28.2), disorder (1: 85), 44, 74), unmuddled (1: 11)
disproportion (7: 12, 19, 21, 24, 40, 48, 88), asunklôstos unspinnable (1: 17)
imbalance (3: 39, 47, 83), incommensurability asunklutos incompatible (1: 22)
(3: 38, 48, 56), lack of due measure (1: 4), lack of asunkritos incomparable (3: 59, 68, 76)
proportion (2: 67, 88), unsuitability (1: 44) asunkritôs beyond comparison (1: 59),
asummetros asymmetrical (1: 61), disproportional (1: immeasurably (1: 58)
42), disproportionate (4: 19, 25, 39, 67), asuntaktos non-coordinate (1: 70), unconnected (1:
imbalanced (1: 39), in disproportion (1: 75), 70), unsyntactical (2: 35.2, 57)
inappropriate (1: 39), incommensurable (14: 12, asunthesia incompositeness (1: 17), non-composition
19, 34/35.1, 38, 48, 52, 53, 64, 66, 70, 73, 90, 91, (1: 76)
93), incommensurate (2: 44, 88), incongruent asunthetos incomposite (7: 2, 5, 41.2, 48, 59, 80, 97.2),
(1: 28.1), non-commensurate (1: 28.2), not uncompounded (3: 25, 39, 89), without
commensurate (1: 22), not suited (1: 86.2), out composition (1: 27)


to asuntheton non-composition (1: 76) atelestos before (an embryo) comes to term (1: 80),
asuntrokhastos not compatible (1: 39) imperfect (1: 39), incomplete (1: 86.1), not
asunuparktos not coexistent (1: 39), not holding at the initiated (1: 97.2), without issue (1: 80)
same time (1: 9), that cannot exist together (1: ateleutêtos endless (4: 54, 58, 59, 99), having no end (1:
21), unable to coexist (1: 59) 41.2), incomplete (2: 44, 85), non-terminable (1:
asunuparxia non-coexistence (1: 39) 75), that has no end (1: 97.2), without an end (2:
asustatos incapable of being composed (1: 60), 80, 95), without end (5: 42, 58, 60, 68, 85)
incapable of being provided with a foundation ateleutêtôs without end (1: 44); to ateleutêton
(1: 40), incoherent (2: 27, 76), non-existent (1: endlessness (1: 59)
51), unreal (1: 27) ateleutos endless (1: 3)
ataktos disarranged (1: 11), disordered (10: 11, 44, 48, atêmelês : atêmelôs carelessly (1: 88)
55, 56, 68, 78, 79, 95, 97.1), disorderly (9: 28.1, atenês intent (1: 57)
41.2, 57, 60, 66, 86.2, 94, 95, 97.2), irregular (3: atenes directly (1: 95), intently (1: 57)
26, 59, 88), unordered (1: 59), without order (1: atenizein to direct one’s gaze at (2: 34/35.1, 56), to fix
75) one’s gaze (1: 2), to gaze (1: 57), to look hard (1:
ataktôs disorderly (1: 59), in a disorderly fashion 95), to look into (1: 61), to stare (1: 99)
(1: 66), in a disorderly manner (2: 68, 80), atenktos incapable of being drenched (1: 24)
in a disorderly way (2: 22, 57), in disorder athanasia immortality (20: 10.2, 12, 21, 22, 25, 40, 42,
(1: 22); to atakton the disorderly (2: 59, 53, 54, 56, 59, 61, 67, 68, 83, 86.2, 90, 91, 97.1,
97.2); phora ataktos disordered impulse (1: 97.2)
97.1) athanatizein to elevate to divine stature (1: 97.1), to
atalaiporos careless (1: 83) immortalize (1: 97.1)
atar nevertheless (1: 84) athanatos immortal (36: 7, 10.2, 11, 13, 19, 22, 25,
atarakhos reckless (1: 84), undisturbed (1: 45/46), 34/35.1, 35.2, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58,
unperturbed (1: 69) 59, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 75, 77, 80, 83, 85,
ataraxia freedom from disturbance (1: 45/46), lack of 86.2, 90, 93, 97.1, 97.2)
disturbance (1: 72) to athanaton immortality (3: 22, 59, 97.1), the
atarpos way (1: 85) immortal (1: 97.1)
atasthalia folly (1: 86.2) atheia atheism (1: 22)
ataxia disorder (10: 38, 59, 60, 66, 68, 78, 80, 84, 97.1, atheos atheist (3: 2, 22, 61), godless (2: 86.1, 97.2),
97.2), disordered confusion (1: 59), disordered impious (2: 68, 80)
heap (1: 59) atheotês godlessness (1: 59), impiety (1: 59)
atê punishment (1: 68) athesmos unlawful (2: 43.3, 86.2)
atekhnia lack of skill (1: 48) athetein to abolish (1: 68), to athetize (1: 23), to do
atekhnos inartistic (1: 17), lacking skill (1: 52), away with (1: 84), to reject (4: 34/35.1, 68, 80,
unskilled (1: 39) 92.2), to rule out (1: 68)
atêktos not meltable (1: 24), unable to melt (1: 24) atheteisthai to contradict (1: 86.1); athetêteon one
ateleia failure to achieve one’s end (1: 21), imperfection must set aside (1: 86.1)
(5: 21, 24, 28.1, 36, 39), incomplete condition (1: athetêsis rejecting (1: 68)
84), incompleteness (5: 21, 27, 42, 44, 86.1), state athetos not having position (1: 35.2), without position
of incompletion (1: 86.1) (4: 2, 41.2, 67, 93)
atelês imperfect (27: 2, 3, 9, 12, 19, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, athlastos non-impressible (1: 24)
35.2, 36, 39, 40, 44, 48, 56, 58, 59, 67, 68, 80, 88, athlios wretched (1: 52)
97.1, 97.2, 99, 100), incomplete (46: 1, 4, 5, 10.1, athraustos without dismantling (1: 95)
11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28.1, 30/31, athroisis accumulation (1: 67), conjunction (1: 14)
34/35.1, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 47, 48, athroisma collection (3: 21, 78, 99)
54, 55, 56, 58, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 75, 78, 79, 83, athroismos collectivization (1: 75)
86.1, 87, 88, 89, 99, 100), less perfect (2: 21, athroizein to amass (2: 4, 40), to assemble (3: 17, 84,
28.1), no good (1: 40), not completely (1: 22), 91), to collect (4: 38, 52, 55, 95), to collect
undeveloped (1: 91), unfinished (1: 21), together (1: 52), to gather (1: 99), to muster (1:
unfulfilled (2: 44, 69) 40)
atelôs in an imperfect way (1: 28.2), incompletely athroizesthai to be collected (3: 24, 75, 79), to be
(1: 22), not to the full (1: 76); atelesteros less concentrated (1: 24), to be gathered (2: 10.2,
advanced (1: 91), less complete (2: 22, 99), less 24), to be rounded up (1: 24), to gather (1: 19)
developed (1: 25), less perfect (5: 12, 22, 36, 42, athroos a body of (1: 91), accumulated (1: 91), all at
57); to ateles imperfection (3: 12, 28.2, 97.2), once (14: 3, 20, 21, 27, 28.2, 39, 56, 57, 58, 59, 68,
incompleteness (2: 22, 27), the imperfect (1: 23); 85, 91, 99), all of it (1: 99), all together (5: 12, 20,
ta atelê incomplete beings (1: 100) 21, 38, 85), as a whole (2: 28.1, 99), collected (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

67), collective (1: 75), compact (2: 36, 40), atomon atom (5: 16, 18.2, 61, 63, 90), atomic
complete (3: 22, 67, 99), concentrated (3: 18.2, body (1: 61), individual (13: 2, 10.2, 13, 15, 20,
67, 95), condensed (1: 18.2), continual (1: 21), 22, 28.1, 41.1, 56, 58, 68, 73, 76), individual
continuous (1: 98), en masse (2: 25, 50), general substance (1: 88), individual thing (2: 28.2, 68),
(1: 48), gross (1: 50), immediate (1: 28.1), particular (1: 15); ta atomôtata the most
immediately (1: 28.1), in a batch (1: 84), individual things (2: 58, 68), the most particular
instantaneous (4: 28.2, 58, 75, 89), sudden (2: things (1: 68), the ultimate individual things (1:
28.2, 54), suddenly (1: 28.2), taking place all at 68), the ultimate individuals (1: 68); atoma eidê
once (1: 86.1), together (1: 32) undivided species (1: 25); atomos ousia
athroon all at once (1: 99), all together (1: 99), individual substance (2: 10.2, 16)
instantaneously (2: 58, 75); athroôs all at once atomoun to individualise (2: 34/35.1, 92.2)
(9: 10.2, 11, 25, 27, 28.2, 36, 44, 52, 99), all of a atonein to be weak (1: 95), to be weakened (1: 54), to
sudden (2: 28.2, 52), all together (4: 22, 28.2, 52, lose intensity (1: 45/46)
85), at once (1: 85), completely (1: 52), atonia lack of intensity (1: 45/46), slackness (1: 52)
immediately (1: 28.1), instantaneously (3: 44, atonos lacking tension (1: 95), not intently (1: 45/46),
58, 75), suddenly (2: 22, 28.2), synchronic weak (1: 19)
(1: 11), together (1: 52); athrooteros more atopia absurdity (19: 2, 16, 18.2, 21, 22, 32, 44, 50, 58,
sudden (1: 20); hoi athrooi the collectivity 59, 65, 67, 75, 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 91, 95),
(1: 75); to athroon collectivity (1: 75), unit inappropriateness (1: 4), paradox (1: 97.1),
(1: 28.2) strangeness (2: 2, 54)
athruptos unbroken (1: 28.2), undispersed (3: 28.2, 57, atopos absurd (55: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.1, 6.2, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 16,
91), without being dispersed (1: 57) 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 34/35.1,
athumiatos non-fumable (1: 24) 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 50, 54, 55, 58, 59, 63, 65, 67, 68,
atimazein to dishonour (4: 45/46, 54, 69, 86.2), to 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 88, 89,
spurn (1: 99) 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99), all at sea (1: 99),
atimia dishonour (1: 69), lack of honour (1: 45/46) anomalous (2: 54, 55), bad (1: 80), bizarre (1:
atimos inferior (1: 34/35.1), of low value (1: 61), 86.1), extraordinary (1: 80), inappropriate (2:
unworthy (1: 84), without honour (2: 45/46, 54) 58, 59), incongruous (2: 60, 95), monstrous (1:
atimôteros inferior (1: 35.2), less estimable (3: 2, 56, 80), odd (3: 4, 22, 27), out of place (2: 50, 80),
57) paradoxical (1: 80), ridiculous (2: 48, 92.1),
atmêtos indivisible (2: 41.1, 85), uncut (2: 44, 78), sinful (1: 80), strange (6: 44, 54, 55, 83, 94, 97.1),
undivided (3: 44, 85, 88), unsliced (1: 85) wrong (1: 80)
atmidôdês like smoke (1: 98), vaporous (6: 24, 56, 57, to atopon absurdity (18: 2, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 21, 22, 27,
88, 91, 95) 29.1, 34/35.1, 42, 58, 73, 76, 80, 90, 94, 98, 99),
atmidoun to evaporate (1: 95), to vaporise (1: 95) impossibility (1: 18.2), impossible claim (1: 18.2),
atmis evaporation (1: 57), fume (1: 38), steam (3: 20, incongruity (2: 60, 95), oddity (1: 27), problem (1:
38, 98), vapour (5: 18.2, 24, 68, 88, 95) 18.2); apagei eis atopon is reductio ad absurdum
atmizein to be vapourised (1: 21), to emit vapour (2: (1: 27); apagôgê eis atopon reductio ad absurdum
88, 95), to give off vapour (1: 24), to vaporise (3: (3: 20, 27, 68); epagein ep’ atopon to reduce to
24, 38, 57) absurdity (1: 10.2); ouden atopon there is
atmos odour (1: 84), smoke (2: 7, 57), steam (1: 95), nothing wrong (1: 68); ta hepomena atopa the
vapour (6: 56, 57, 61, 78, 88, 95) absurd consequences that follow (1: 99)
atomos atomic (10: 3, 12, 22, 32, 35.2, 38, 57, 63, 64, 76), atraktos spindle (1: 86.2)
individual (41: 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 15, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, atremein to be fixed (1: 54)
28.2, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, atremês unmoving (1: 85), unshaken (1: 85)
43.3, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 61, 63, 64, 67, 74, atrepsia changelessness (1: 97.2)
76, 80, 85, 88, 92.2, 93, 99, 100), indivisible (33: en atrepsiâi unchangingly (1: 97.2)
2, 5, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 36, atreptos changeless (1: 97.2), immutable (1: 51),
38, 39, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 53, 60, 61, 67, 70, 74, 77, remaining the same (1: 92.2), unchangeable (4:
78, 79, 85, 89, 97.1, 99), particular (2: 44, 92.2), 26, 29.1, 61, 68), unchanged (1: 7), unchanging
point-like (1: 33), simple (1: 11), that cannot be (3: 23, 29.1, 48), unmovable (1: 39), unmoving
divided (1: 61), uncut (1: 30/31), uncuttable (2: (1: 39)
63, 76), undivided (4: 22, 50, 75, 89) atreptôs unerringly (1: 23); to atrepton constancy
atomôs atomically (1: 90); mê atomôs non- (1: 29.1)
atomically (1: 90); atomôtatos smallest possible atrophein to be undernourished (1: 84)
(1: 80); hê atomos atom (30: 2, 6.2, 12, 15, 19, atrophia malnutrition (1: 38), starvation (1: 60)
20, 21, 22, 25, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, atrophos devoid of nourishment (1: 38), non-nutritive
53, 61, 63, 66, 67, 76, 78, 79, 89, 92.1, 98, 99); to (1: 24), poorly nourished (1: 86.1)


atrutos relentless (1: 54) autarkôs adequately (1: 88), enough (1: 95),
atukhein to be lacking in (1: 84), to be unfortunate (2: independently (2: 59, 90), self-sufficient (1: 68),
43.2, 43.3), to be unlucky (1: 17), to suffer sufficiently (3: 26, 68, 88); autarkês eis peithô
misfortune (1: 97.1) sufficient to convince (1: 68); autarkês einai to
atukhês luckless (1: 17), that fails to reach (1: 34/35.1), satisfy (1: 42); hôs hêmin ên dunamis autarkôs
unfortunate (1: 45/46) as well as we could (1: 68)
atukhia bad luck (1: 89), lucklessness (1: 17), autenergêtos self-activated (1: 67), self-active (1: 99),
misfortune (3: 43.2, 43.3, 97.1) self-arousing (1: 22)
atunkhanein to be unfortunate (1: 45/46), to become autenergêtôs by its own activity (2: 28.1, 36),
ill-fortuned (1: 45/46) self-actively (1: 28.1); to autenergêton
atupôtos formless (1: 11) self-activation (1: 22)
to atupôton thing for which there can be no autexousia the ability to act under one’s own power (1:
imprints (1: 34/35.1) 97.1)
auainesthai to wither (1: 11) autexousios acting under one’s own power (1: 97.1),
auansis withering (2: 21, 24) free of will (1: 97.2), self-determined (2: 45/46,
augê brightness (1: 85), light (1: 28.1), lighting (1: 52), 86.2)
radiance (1: 52), ray (3: 18.2, 59, 95), sheen (1: to autexousion acting under one’s own power (1:
38) 97.1), capacity for self-determination (1: 86.2),
augoeidês luminous (9: 11, 25, 54, 59, 61, 67, 70, 86.2, freedom of will (1: 97.2), power of self-
97.1), of luminous form (1: 34/35.1), radiant (1: determination (1: 86.2), self-determination (1:
95) 35.2), the ability to act under one’s own power
aukhmêros dry (1: 95) (1: 97.1)
aukhmos drought (4: 4, 38, 95, 97.1) authadês willful (1: 84)
aulein to be used as an instrument (1: 28.2), to play authairetos self-chosen (1: 45/46), that one chooses
pipes (1: 52), to play the flute (1: 54), to play the himself (1: 4), voluntary (1: 68)
oboe (1: 91), to play the pipe (1: 4) authairetos gnômês hormê voluntary desire of the
aulêsis oboe playing (1: 26) mind (1: 68)
aulêtês oboist (1: 91), piper (1: 52) authedrastos self-sufficient (1: 22), self-supporting (1:
aulêtikos for playing the oboe (1: 91), hollowed (1: 22)
28.2) authekastos forthright (1: 69)
hê aulêtikê art of pipe-playing (1: 52), flute playing authentein to prevail (1: 34/35.1)
(1: 54) autheuretos self-discovering (1: 99)
aulêtris flute-girl (1: 90) authis again (4: 58, 59, 80, 84), back (2: 59, 80),
aülia immateriality (1: 74) hereafter (1: 58), once more (2: 59, 80),
auliskos tube (1: 86.1) subsequently (3: 58, 59, 80), thereafter (1: 80)
aulos flute (1: 23), hollow (1: 28.2), oboe (3: 22, 67, 91), authormêtos of one’s own accord (1: 22), self-initiating
pipe (5: 4, 6.1, 24, 52, 57), shawm (1: 18.2) (1: 22)
aülos immaterial (30: 1, 5, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 20, 22, authupostatos existing through itself (1: 27), having its
29.1, 36, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 44, 48, 52, 54, 58, 61, 68, being from itself (1: 26), in a mode of existence
70, 74, 83, 89, 91, 92.2, 93, 97.2, 100), matterless of its own (1: 61), self-constituted (2: 42, 73),
(5: 17, 22, 28.1, 85, 92.1), non-material (3: 25, self-existing (1: 67), self-standing (1: 17),
34/35.1, 57), without matter (6: 15, 22, 28.1, 51, self-subsistent (11: 6.1, 7, 32, 45/46, 47, 58, 60,
61, 67) 76, 80, 93, 99), self-substantial (3: 6.2, 68, 72),
aülôs in a non-material way (1: 34/35.1); aüloteros self-substantiating (1: 83), self-supporting (2:
more immaterial (1: 92.1) 63, 76)
aurion tomorrow (1: 93) to authupostaton self-substantiality (1: 80)
austêros bitter (1: 91), dry (2: 28.2, 57), harsh (1: 38) autika for example (2: 35.2, 86.1)
autarithmos essential number (1: 74) autoagathon good in itself (1: 69), Good Itself (2: 10.2,
autarkeia self-sufficiency (5: 39, 52, 59, 69, 97.2) 58), good itself (1: 55)
autarkês able to stand alone (1: 25), competent (1: 99), autoagathotês goodness itself (1: 7)
enough on its own (1: 58), immune (1: 99), autoalêtheia truth itself (1: 74)
independent (3: 25, 44, 93), self-sufficient (16: autoalêthes truth itself (1: 16)
6.2, 25, 28.2, 39, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 48, 52, 58, 59, 67, autoanthrôpos man as such (1: 61), man-himself (1: 2),
68, 69, 92.2, 97.2), sufficient (21: 4, 12, 17, 23, 27, man-itself (1: 17), mankind in itself (1: 69)
38, 40, 42, 44, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 64, 65, 68, 78, autoarithmos number itself (1: 2)
86.1, 90, 99), sufficient by itself (3: 40, 57, 60), autoarkhê principle itself (1: 22)
sufficient in itself (2: 2, 52), that satisfies (1: autodiaphoros self-differentiating (1: 48)
92.2) autodikaiosunê justice itself (1: 48)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

autodipoun two-footed itself (1: 2) automaton chance (5: 21, 26, 42, 56, 77),
autoduas the dyad as such (1: 61), the dyad itself (2: 2, spontaneity (5: 2, 17, 68, 89, 97.2),
22), pure form (1: 22) spontaneously (1: 45/46), the accidental (1: 70),
autoeis the one as such (1: 61) the spontaneous (2: 70, 97.2), what happens
autoêlios Sun Itself (1: 10.2) spontaneously (1: 40); apo t’ automatou
autoen One Itself (1: 10.2), the One-itself (1: 2), the one spontaneously (2: 17, 89); ek t’automatou
itself (2: 22, 100) spontaneous (1: 63), spontaneously (6: 29.1,
autoenergeia actuality itself (1: 61) 45/46, 54, 68, 84, 97.2); hupo tou automatou
autoepipedon plane-itself (1: 2) spontaneously (1: 60)
autoepistêmê scientific knowledge itself (1: 61) automegethos magnitude itself (1: 74)
autogenês self-generated (1: 70) automêkos length-itself (1: 2)
autogenêtos self-generated (1: 27) autonomia caprice (1: 58), licence (1: 59)
autognôsia proper knowledge (1: 20) autonomos independent (1: 97.2), self-willed (1: 59)
autognôsis knowledge itself (1: 74) autonous the intellect itself (1: 61), the very Mind (1:
autognôstos self-knowing (1: 99) 97.1)
autogônia angle itself (1: 73) autoon Being Itself (1: 10.2), being itself (3: 2, 74, 85),
autogonos self-generated (1: 70) what itself is (1: 89)
autogonôs self-generatedly (1: 70) autoouranos Heaven Itself (1: 10.2)
autogrammê line itself (2: 10.2, 73) autoousia an essence in itself (1: 20), substance itself
autoïppos horse itself (2: 10.2, 17) (1: 2)
autoïson equal-itself (1: 2) autophanês self-illuminating (1: 28.1), self-revealing
autokalon beauty as such (1: 61) (1: 70)
autokhrêma in very deed (1: 61) autophuês in their own nature (1: 48), inherent (1: 39),
autokhthonos sprung from the earth (1: 97.1) innate (2: 29.1, 48), natural (7: 22, 36, 38, 39, 48,
autokinêsia self-motion (2: 45/46, 99), self-movement 54, 92.1), naturally grown (1: 39), naturally
(2: 25, 59) innate (1: 51), of the same nature (1: 83)
autokinêsis movement itself (1: 74), self-motion (1: autophuôs by one’s own nature (1: 23), by one’s
47), self-movement (1: 60) very nature (2: 2, 43.3), naturally (3: 57, 94, 98),
autokinêtos moved by itself (1: 67), moved in virtue of of one’s own nature (3: 22, 27, 60), of the same
itself (1: 67), self-changed (1: 75), self-changing nature (1: 22), spontaneously (2: 79, 94);
(2: 22, 44), self-moved (16: 12, 22, 25, 26, 42, autophuesteron more naturally (1: 23)
43.3, 45/46, 50, 51, 59, 61, 67, 87, 94, 99, 100), autophusis very nature (1: 67)
self-moving (21: 11, 22, 23, 27, 39, 42, 47, 48, 53, autopistos credible in itself (2: 26, 48), evident (1: 18.2),
54, 61, 64, 65, 73, 78, 83, 86.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 97.1), self-evident (5: 17, 18.2, 63, 67, 93), self-
subject to movement by itself (1: 67), that sets guaranteeing (2: 73, 90)
itself in motion (1: 61) autoplatos breadth-itself (1: 2)
autokinêtôs as self-changing (1: 22), by self- autoposotês the form of Quantity (1: 41.2)
movement (1: 97.1); ho autokinêtos self-mover autoproairetos self-chosen (1: 22)
(1: 29.1); to autokinêton self-change (1: 22), autoprosôpos in propria persona (1: 7), speaking in
self-movement (3: 59, 61, 67), self-mover (2: 42, one’s own name (1: 51)
94), self-moving aspect (1: 67), something that autoprosôpôs in propria persona (1: 23)
is self-moved (1: 42), what is self-moved (1: 42), autoptein to see directly (1: 34/35.1)
what moves itself (1: 42); autokinêton einai to autoptikos : autoptikê epibolê immediate grasp (1: 70)
move in virtue of oneself (1: 67) autos same (1: 19), self (2: 7, 10.2)
autokratês autonomous (1: 51), independent (1: 39), auto Itself (prefix or suffix indicating a Platonic
self-controlling (1: 85), self-governing (1: 11), Form) (1: 10.2); auta things themselves (1:
self-willed (1: 86.1) 10.2), the same (1: 7); to auton sameness (1:
autokratôr endowed with autonomy (1: 97.1) 16); to t’auton identity (1: 44); en tautôi einai
autolexei literally (1: 100) to coincide (1: 94); en tôi autôi einai to
autologos the very Word (1: 97.1) coincide (1: 94); kata t’auton coinciding (1: 94);
automatos automatic (1: 44), fortuitous (1: 52), kata to auto in the same respect (2: 17, 28.1);
independent (1: 59), of its own accord (1: 59), kata ta auta in the same manner (1: 99); agein
spontaneous (6: 29.1, 40, 56, 91, 92.2, 93), eis t’auton to equate (1: 17); ta auta tôi eidei
spontaneously generated (2: 56, 97.1) things specifically the same (1: 15)
automaton spontaneously (1: 21); automatôs autoskhediazein to speak off one’s own bat (1: 97.2)
accidentally (1: 72), by their own power (1: 2), autoskhêma figure itself (1: 73)
fortuituously (1: 52), instinctively (1: 57), autostereon solid-itself (1: 2)
spontaneously (5: 32, 60, 61, 74, 97.2); to autosummetron commensurable-itself (1: 2)


autosustatos self-constituting (1: 48) 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 50, 57, 59, 68, 75, 83, 85,
autotelês complete (4: 5, 23, 35.2, 51), complete in itself 89, 90, 94, 98, 99), increasing (1: 19), increment
(1: 40), perfect in itself (1: 39), self-perfecting (1: 20), process of growth (1: 94), waxing
(2: 28.2, 36), self-sufficient (3: 22, 28.2, 44) (2: 2, 40)
autotelôs at its own discretion (1: 39), auxêtikos able to cause growth (1: 91), able to enable
independently (1: 22) growing (1: 91), associated with growth (1: 99),
autotetras tetrad itself (1: 22), the tetrad as such (1: 61) augmenting (1: 56), capable of causing increase
autothen by itself (1: 23), directly (8: 9, 10.2, 16, 30/31, (1: 10.2), causing growth (2: 22, 79), concerned
57, 73, 83, 90), immediately (10: 10.2, 16, 19, 23, with growth (4: 22, 52, 61, 67), growing (1:
28.1, 29.1, 70, 74, 85, 93), in itself (2: 22, 55), 86.1), growth-promoting (1: 80), having a
inherently (1: 75), manifestly (1: 23), outright capacity for growth (1: 25), of growth (4: 7, 22,
(1: 99); per se (1: 23), self-evident (2: 70, 74), 52, 80), related to growth (1: 84), responsible for
self-evidently (1: 75), straight off (1: 34/35.1), growth (1: 86.1)
straightway (1: 98), suddenly (1: 57) auxetikôs in terms of growth (1: 86.1); to
autothen gnôrimon self-evident (1: 22) auxêtikon capacity for growth (1: 25), growth
autotrias the triad as such (1: 61), triad itself (1: 22) (1: 22); dunamis auxêtikê capacity for growth
autotrigônon triangle itself (2: 10.2, 32) (1: 25), power of growing (1: 32)
autoügieia health itself (2: 10.2, 2) auxêtos able to grow (1: 79), increasable (1: 89),
autoügieinon health itself (1: 74) increased (1: 99), subject to growth (1: 79),
autourgos husbandman (1: 86.1) subject to increase (1: 84)
autozôê autonomous source of life (1: 67) axia desert (4: 29.1, 43.2, 45/46, 69), dignity (2: 41.1,
autozôion animal itself (3: 2, 17, 41.1), essential living 61), due (1: 23), fitness (1: 17), honour (1: 97.2),
being (1: 70), living being as such (1: 61), living value (7: 13, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 69),
creature itself (1: 58), living thing itself (1: 22), worth (6: 4, 39, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69)
living through itself (1: 27) axiagastos admirable (1: 97.2), worthy of admiration
autozôs self-living (1: 100) (1: 97.2)
to autozôn autonomy of life (1: 67) axiokhreôs reliable (1: 84)
auxanein / auxein to augment (1: 56), to be made to axiologos noteworthy (1: 48), noticeable (1: 18.2),
grow (1: 80), to cause growth (2: 25, 38), to significant (1: 42), valuable (1: 61), worth
cause increase (1: 19), to cause to grow (3: 52, stating (1: 27), worthwhile (1: 19), worthy of
83, 91), to develop (1: 52), to grow (19: 7, 22, 32, discussion (1: 93), worthy of mention (2: 27, 44)
52, 54, 57, 60, 61, 67, 68, 76, 80, 80, 85, 86.1, 89, theôria axiologos theoretical interest (1: 42)
90, 91, 94), to increase (26: 7, 10.2, 17, 19, 19, 20, axiôma assumption (4: 14, 33, 44, 63), authority (1: 69),
21, 22, 24, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 44, 52, 68, 75, 76, 78, axiom (47: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.1, 9, 10.2, 13, 15, 16, 17,
83, 85, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, 99), to increase in size 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29.1, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47,
(1: 39), to make grow (1: 80), to make 48, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64, 66, 70, 73, 74, 75,
something grow (1: 42), to make something 76, 78, 80, 83, 85, 87, 90, 95, 99), decision (1: 23),
increase (1: 42), to promote growth (1: 80), to doctrine (1: 85), hypothesis (1: 80), law (1: 76),
undergo an increase (1: 19) office (1: 69), order of merit (1: 76), postulate (4:
auxanesthai / auxesthai to be increased (5: 10.2, 16, 11, 14, 22, 40), prerogative (1: 97.2),
19, 75, 99), to expand (1: 78), to grow (16: 12, presupposition (3: 11, 14, 94), principle (1: 68),
15, 16, 17, 18.2, 25, 26, 27, 42, 55, 58, 59, 79, 89, proposition (3: 39, 42, 78), rank (1: 7),
91, 99), to increase (12: 3, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 27, 42, self-evident principle (1: 94), statement (4: 9,
50, 50, 55, 59, 78, 89), to increase in magnitude 30/31, 75, 89), status (1: 45/46), supposition (1:
(1: 42), to increase in size (1: 15), to wax (of the 27), value (1: 83), worth (5: 7, 43.2, 43.3, 69, 78)
moon) (1: 55), to be caused to grow (1: 79); axiôma tês antiphaseôs axiom of non-
auxomenos growing (1: 11), increasing (1: 11); contradiction (1: 10.2); homoion axiômati
to auxanein / auxein growth (1: 52); ho auxôn quasi-decision (1: 23); koinon axiôma common
that which grows (1: 67); to auxomenon assumption (1: 63), common axiom (1: 76);
growth (1: 27) prolêphthen axiôma presupposition (1: 27)
auxê growth (2: 19, 86.1) axiômatikos axiomatic (1: 7)
auxêsis augmentation (2: 56, 57), expanding (1: 64), axiopistia authority (1: 76), reputation (1: 59)
expansion (2: 64, 91), getting bigger (1: 79), axiopistos credible (3: 25, 59, 88), deserving of
growing (1: 91), growing bigger (1: 22), growth credence (1: 52), reliable (1: 99), trustworthy (3:
(39: 4, 7, 10.1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18.2, 22, 24, 25, 68, 73, 78), worthy of belief (1: 16)
26, 27, 32, 38, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, to axiopiston credibility (1: 88)
67, 68, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 90, 91, 94, 98, 99), axios appropriate (1: 59), costly (1: 69), deserving (7: 4,
increase (27: 1, 3, 6.1, 10.2, 16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 10.2, 21, 43.3, 60, 65, 80), deserving of (1: 59),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

equitable (1: 43.3), important (3: 61, 67, 68), judge (2: 25, 89), to judge worthy (1: 55), to
proper (2: 59, 79), reasonable (1: 67), right (3: 2, maintain (7: 28.1, 52, 64, 65, 78, 79, 83), to
21, 80), worth (15: 19, 21, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 54, 55, postulate (4: 14, 40, 42, 73), to recommend (2:
59, 60, 61, 65, 69, 80, 83, 86.1), worthwhile (2: 4, 64, 65), to request (1: 21), to require (7: 18.2, 21,
85), worthy (15: 2, 4, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 20, 21, 25, 28.1, 48, 55, 93, 94), to resolve (1: 86.1), to rule
28.1, 43.2, 60, 65, 67, 79, 85), worthy of (2: 45/46, (that) (1: 3), to see fit (2: 16, 80), to specify (1:
59) 55), to take as an axiom (1: 10.2), to think (6: 2,
axion (+ infin.) one should (1: 80), that deserves (1: 10.2, 69, 86.1, 98, 99), to think (something)
68); axion aporêthênai the aporia deserves to worth (2: 18.2, 43.1), to think oneself entitled
be faced (1: 10.2); axion prosaporeisthai a (1: 16), to think right (13: 4, 21, 28.1, 43.1, 43.2,
further aporia deserves to be faced (1: 10.2); 43.3, 64, 69, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85), to think
axion thaumasai to be a matter for amazement something merits something (1: 86.1), to think
(1: 59), worthy of wonder (1: 16); axion zêtein something worthwhile (1: 73), to think that
that deserves inquiry (1: 10.2), worthy of (one) should (1: 16), to think that someone
inquiry (1: 10.2); axios epistaseôs worth noting should do something (1: 42), to think worth (2:
(1: 17); axios spoudês worth taking seriously 4, 69), to think worthwhile (2: 43.3, 54), to think
(1: 4); ekhein ti axion (+ gen.) to warrant (1: worthy (1: 43.2), to think worthy of (1: 17), to
86.1) want (2: 28.1, 85)
axioun to affirm (1: 54), to ask (3: 28.1, 52, 54), to ask to axiôthen assumption (1: 14)
leave (1: 28.1), to assert (2: 4, 54), to assume (1: axôn axis (9: 11, 54, 55, 57, 59, 67, 83, 85, 95), axle (1:
14), to be prepared (1: 80), to choose (2: 60, 99), 67)
to claim (9: 4, 6.1, 12, 14, 17, 21, 28.1, 40, 80), to azêtêtos without effort of enquiry (1: 56)
consider (1: 54), to decree (1: 80), to deem (1: azôïa lifelessness (2: 22, 28.1), non-living (1: 86.1)
93), to deem proper (1: 19), to deem worthwhile kataginôskein azôïan to deny life (1: 22)
(1: 19), to deem worthy (3: 54, 60, 73), to azôn non-living (1: 56), not alive (1: 36)
demand (4: 21, 40, 79, 83), to expect (2: 43.2, azôos lifeless (2: 61, 80), non-animal (1: 35.2)
80), to hold (1: 80), to insist (on) (1: 16), to azôs lifeless (1: 74), without life (1: 55)


badisis journey (1: 53), walk (1: 27), walking (8: 3, 5, 19, barunein to give a barytone accent (1: 44), to have no
20, 22, 34/35.1, 75, 99) final acute accent (1: 23), to weigh down (1: 44)
badistikos pedestrian (1: 27), that can walk (1: 35.2), barunesthai to be burdened (1: 84), to be weighed
that goes forward (1: 34/35.1), that is involved down (1: 45/46), to take offence (1: 45/46)
in walking (1: 34/35.1), walking (1: 22) baruntikos giving weight (1: 79)
badistikôs by way of walking (1: 86.1); to barus bass (1: 61), deep (1: 2), downward (1: 54), flat
badistikon what can walk (1: 22); badistikê (musical note) (1: 57), having weight (1: 55),
dunamis power to walk (1: 34/35.1) heavy (42: 1, 6.1, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
badizein to go down the road (1: 61), to make one’s 25, 27, 28.1, 42, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59,
way (1: 93), to move (1: 67), to proceed (2: 25, 60, 61, 67, 68, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 91,
78), to progress (1: 99), to walk (20: 2, 3, 5, 10.2, 93, 95, 98, 99), low (6: 27, 28.1, 28.2, 56, 57, 93),
16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 52, 61, 65, 67, 75, 80, 91, 93, low-pitched (3: 25, 54, 91), offensive (1: 45/46),
98, 99), to walk away (1: 99) pungent (1: 25)
badizesthai to go on (1: 16); badizôn walking (1: baruteros heavier (2: 16, 24); to baru heaviness (1:
64); to badizein walking (1: 52); badizein eis 4), heavy body (1: 99), heavy object (1: 67),
apeiron to go on to infinity (1: 10.2); hodôi heavy thing (1: 99), the heavy (1: 99); bareia
badizein to advance step by step (1: 56) rhopê downward tendency (1: 67); to baruterôi
bainein to go (1: 83), to proceed (1: 22), to stand (2: 19, einai to be heavier (1: 18.2)
83), to walk (1: 22) barutês being low (1: 28.2), heaviness (22: 2, 6.1, 12, 14,
bebêkenai to be a basis (1: 55), to be stable (1: 79), 15, 18.2, 20, 27, 42, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 68, 75,
to stand (1: 55); bebêkôs stationary (1: 75); 78, 79, 80, 83, 91), low pitch (1: 54), low-pitched
bebêkôs epi based on (1: 25) (1: 91), weight (7: 18.2, 27, 28.2, 41.2, 52, 60, 98)
baios little (1: 99), small (1: 85) barutonein to have no final acute accent (1: 23), to
baktêria stick (7: 52, 57, 58, 61, 67, 91, 99) make definite (1: 44)
balaneion bath (3: 86.1, 88, 95) barutonos not accented on the first syllable (1: 41.2)
ballein to insert (1: 18.2), to put in (1: 98), to throw (1: 75) basanizein to do a careful investigation (1: 54), to
to ballomenon missile (1: 55) examine (3: 7, 74, 83), to put to the test (2: 83,
bamma dye (1: 57) 99), to test (2: 2, 18.2)
banausia vulgarity (1: 57) basanos test (1: 85), testing (1: 7)
banausos artisanal (1: 69) banausic (1: 37) mechanical basileia kingdom (1: 97.2), kingship (2: 43.2, 86.2),
(1: 98), vulgar (1: 69) monarchy (1: 34/35.1)
banausê tekhnê manual skill (1: 57) basileuein to rule (1: 68)
baphê dipping (1: 38) basileuesthai to live in a kingdom (1: 43.3)
bapheus dyer (1: 76) basileus king (7: 25, 43.2, 58, 59, 68, 97.1, 97.2), ruler (1:
baptein to dip (3: 25, 38, 57), to dye (2: 57, 68) 61)
baptizein to immerse (1: 57) basilikos kingly (1: 86.2), of the king (1: 97.2), royal (2:
barathron pit (1: 16) 54, 58), that rules (1: 74)
barbarikos exotic (1: 86.2) basis base (15: 21, 52, 54, 55, 57, 61, 64, 68, 73, 78, 79,
barbaros non-Greek (1: 83), savage (1: 68) 88, 90, 93, 94), bottom (1: 55), ground (1: 11)
barein to be burdensome (1: 45/46), to feel oppressed dia tên basin since we proceed (1: 22)
(1: 45/46), to weigh down (2: 38, 83) bastazein to be a vehicle (1: 20), to carry (1: 34/35.1),
bareisthai to be offended (1: 45/46), to be weighed to carry downwards (1: 67)
down (1: 79), to feel offended (1: 45/46) bathmos stage (1: 79), step (1: 60)
baros a thing with weight (1: 55), heaviness (8: 4, 21, 38, bathos deep (1: 7), depth (29: 1, 2, 6.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 14,
42, 44, 50, 59, 95), offence (1: 45/46), weight (26: 15, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 52, 54, 55, 56,
2, 6.1, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 27, 41.2, 44, 47, 50, 53, 57, 61, 67, 68, 78, 79, 83, 85, 95, 100), height (1:
54, 55, 56, 66, 75, 78, 79, 83, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99) 94), inner nature (1: 22), inside (1: 24), interior
litraion baros a pound weight (1: 20); mesos kata (1: 59), level (1: 22), middle (1: 24), seat (1: 27)
to baros centre of gravity (1: 55); mesos tou dia bathous deeply (1: 19); ek bathous
barous centre of gravity (1: 55) fundamentally (1: 22); en bathei at the bottom

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(1: 36), in depth (1: 22), internal (1: 94); en tôi forceful (5: 57, 67, 83, 85, 91), forcible (4: 3, 42,
bathei inside (1: 54); kata bathos depth (1: 22), 52, 53), hard-pressed (1: 86.1), incontrovertible
different levels (1: 22), in depth (1: 22); kata to (1: 41.2), involuntary (1: 28.2), perforce (1: 12),
bathos in its depths (1: 28.1); khôrein dia violent (9: 15, 16, 24, 25, 38, 45/46, 52, 57, 59)
bathous penetrate (1: 19) biaiôs by force (1: 42), forcefully (1: 57), forcibly (4:
bathron base (1: 80), bench (3: 21, 52, 91), seat (1: 27) 18.2, 27, 88, 91), violently (2: 57, 99), with force
bathunein : bebathusmenos having depth (1: 78) (1: 57); to biaion forcible (1: 22), the
bathus deep (5: 15, 52, 57, 86.1, 95), deep down (1: 52) compulsory (1: 15); ta biaia compulsion (1: 4);
to bathu depth (1: 95), the deep (1: 2); aporein biaiôs ekdekhesthai to give a forced
batheôs raise fundamental problems (1: 44) interpretation (1: 59)
batrakhos frog (1: 91) biastikos compelling (2: 72, 86.1), forcible (1: 69)
baukopanourgos fake modest (1: 69) biazein to compel (2: 4, 45/46), to constrain (2: 56, 57),
bdallein to suck at (1: 34/35.1) to force (4: 6.1, 38, 69, 85)
bebaios certain (3: 2, 16, 42), firm (3: 54, 74, 83), secure biazesthai to act under compulsion (1: 4), to be
(1: 52), stable (1: 17), strong (1: 25), unshakeable constrained (1: 78), to be forced (8: 16, 19, 44,
(1: 83) 54, 55, 79, 80, 98), to be subjected to force (1:
bebaiôs certainly (1: 16), firmly (3: 52, 79, 85), for 67), to constrain (2: 78, 83), to do violence to (1:
certain (1: 93), securely (2: 27, 52) 59), to fight past (1: 80), to force (10: 16, 18.2,
bebaiôsis confirmation (2: 2, 10.2), warrant (1: 84) 42, 50, 54, 55, 75, 79, 83, 86.1), to forcibly
bebaiotês stability (3: 25, 39, 69), steadiness (1: 48), overpower (1: 19), to get past (1: 80), to insist
strength (1: 3) (1: 27), to overcome (1: 59), to overpower (1:
bebaiôtikos confirmatory (1: 99), that secures (1: 99) 24), to persist (1: 59), to strenuously attempt (1:
bebaioun to confirm (4: 2, 42, 48, 55), to corroborate 80), to struggle (1: 52); biasthenta existasthai
(1: 99), to establish (2: 83, 99), to reinforce (1: to be displaced by force (1: 68)
25), to strengthen (2: 38, 85), to support (2: 27, biblion book (27: 1, 6.2, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
85) 25, 27, 28.2, 38, 42, 44, 54, 55, 59, 60, 67, 73, 78,
bebaiousthai to affirm (1: 29), to confirm (1: 3), to 79, 83, 90, 99), manuscript (1: 42), work (4: 28.2,
give assurances (1: 29), to strengthen (1: 75) 61, 67, 80)
bebêlos impure (1: 7) biblos book (1: 84)
belonê needle (3: 57, 79, 91) bios life (20: 4, 16, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 54, 58, 59,
belos arrow (3: 23, 57, 98), missile (1: 54), projectile (1: 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 80, 83, 86.2, 91, 97.1), life-span
75), threshold (1: 38) (2: 25, 60), livelihood (1: 43.3), society (1: 80),
beltiôn better (9: 4, 10.2, 17, 21, 45/46, 52, 54, 60, 93), way of life (7: 16, 22, 25, 43.2, 43.3, 69, 86.1),
superior (2: 9, 61) way to live (1: 19)
beltion ekhein to have greater certainty (1: 2); prothesmia tou biou fixed length of life (1: 60);
beltistos best (2: 4, 45/46) teleutan ton bion to end one’s life (1: 97.2)
bêma step (1: 11) bioteuein to live (1: 56), to pass one’s life (1: 57)
bêssein / bêttein to cough (3: 28.2, 57, 91) bioun to have life (1: 52), to live (9: 4, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3,
ho bêssas one who coughs (1: 72) 45/46, 52, 59, 86.2, 97.1)
bêx cough (2: 28.2, 57) blabê damage (1: 25), detriment (1: 56), harm (7: 43.2,
bêxis coughing (1: 25) 45/46, 48, 56, 84, 85, 91), ruin (1: 25)
bia being compelled (1: 4), compulsion (3: 4, 15, 80), blaberos harmful (5: 4, 25, 38, 45/46, 83)
constraint (4: 60, 78, 79, 83), force (35: 1, 3, 6.1, blaisos bandy (1: 85)
10.2, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 38, 42, 43.2, 45/46, blaisotês bandiness (1: 85)
50, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 67, 68, 69, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, blaptein to cause harm (1: 67), to corrupt (1: 17), to
88, 91, 94, 95, 97.1, 98, 99), violence (1: 34/35.1) damage (2: 67, 97.2), to harm (9: 4, 6.1, 25,
biâi by constraint (1: 99), by force (10: 14, 18.2, 20, 45/46, 54, 59, 67, 80, 83), to injure (1: 83), to
25, 27, 47, 75, 94, 95, 97.1), forced (3: 18.2, 27, maim (1: 58)
67), forcefully (1: 67), forcible (1: 27), forcibly blaptesthai to be hurt (1: 78)
(5: 18.2, 22, 27, 53, 98), in spite of (1: 80), blaptikos harmful (1: 45/46)
perforce (1: 12), under compulsion (1: 4), blaptikôs harmfully (1: 28.2)
violently (1: 57), by force (1: 51); to biâi what is blasphêmein to blapsheme (2: 1, 84)
forced (1: 75); meta bias forcible (1: 18.2), with blasphêmia blasphemy (3: 58, 84, 97.2)
force (1: 18.2) blasphêmos blasphemous (2: 58, 80)
biaios by force (1: 69), compulsory (1: 4), constrained blastanein to give birth (1: 80), to grow (1: 80), to
(3: 78, 83, 99), due to violence (1: 21), enforced sprout (1: 17)
(2: 20, 25), forced (20: 2, 18.2, 19, 22, 27, 50, 52, blastê budding (1: 95), sprouting (1: 17)
54, 55, 56, 60, 67, 75, 78, 83, 85, 91, 95, 98, 99), blastêma offshoot (1: 86.1)


blastêsis growth (1: 26), organic development (1: 86.1), boulêma intention (2: 2, 43.2), thrust (of a theory) (1:
production (1: 86.1), sprouting (1: 91) 86), will (2: 45/46, 52), wish (1: 43)
blastos shoot (1: 26) boulêsis act of will (1: 58), deliberation (1: 22), desire
blêkhros gentle (1: 95) (1: 26), intention (4: 2, 78, 80, 91), purpose (1:
to blêkhron gentleness (1: 95) 97.2), rational wish (2: 22, 34/35.1), will (17: 1,
blepein to attend (1: 65), to attend to (1: 83), to behold 3, 6.2, 12, 23, 42, 52, 54, 58, 59, 67, 68, 72, 83,
(1: 86.1), to consider (1: 93), to have sight (1: 97.1, 97.2, 100), willing (5: 25, 43.3, 86.1, 97.2,
25), to look (8: 2, 19, 21, 28.1, 52, 64, 65, 91), to 100), wish (12: 21, 22, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 56,
look at (5: 28.2, 38, 79, 83, 85), to see (2: 15, 61, 67, 69, 72, 97.1), wishing (2: 52, 69)
28.2), to view (1: 54) logikê boulêsis rational will (1: 100)
blepharis eyelash (1: 34/35.1) boulesthai to aim at (1: 2), to aim at (a goal) (1: 89), to
blepharitis in the eyelashes (1: 34/35.1) allow (2: 27, 28.2), to aspire (1: 40), to be
blepharon eyelid (6: 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 57, 91) supposed (1: 18.2), to be the meaning of (1:
blituri blituri (nonsense word) (5: 5, 13, 23, 35.2, 51) 29.1), to be the sense of (1: 29.1), to be willing
boan to proclaim (3: 68, 85, 93), to say loud and clear (3: 16, 64, 97.1), to claim (2: 18.2, 79), to desire
(1: 68), to shout (1: 84), to shout aloud (1: (1: 2), to have in mind (1: 80), to have some
34/35.1) force (1: 23), to hold (1: 28.2), to intend (16: 2,
boêtheia assistance (3: 21, 52, 91), benefit (1: 25), help 16, 18.2, 22, 25, 40, 43.2, 50, 55, 60, 78, 79, 80, 91,
(5: 9, 19, 20, 67, 97.1), support (2: 75, 86.1) 93, 99), to mean (6: 22, 50, 56, 60, 78, 80), to
boêthein to aid (2: 2, 25), to assist (3: 2, 12, 52), to come please (1: 93), to prefer (1: 80), to propose (1:
to the aid of (1: 18.2), to contribute (1: 12), to 28.2), to purport (1: 40), to regard (2: 18.2, 22),
help (8: 16, 17, 19, 20, 79, 83, 85, 91), to support to require (1: 22), to tend (1: 38, 55), to think (2:
(3: 21, 25, 54) 54, 83), to want (24: 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29.1,
boêthêma remedy (2: 2, 16) 38, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 60, 64, 65, 78, 79, 80, 83,
boêthos helping (1: 84) 86.1, 89, 93, 98, 99), to will (5: 25, 55, 69, 97.2,
ho boêthos helper (1: 17), supporter (1: 52) 99), to wish (33: 2, 4, 10.2, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
bôlos chunk of earth (1: 83), clod (7: 12, 18.2, 20, 27, 44, 22, 27, 28.2, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58,
53, 59), clod of earth (6: 53, 54, 57, 59, 78, 79), 59, 64, 65, 69, 78, 79, 80, 83, 89, 91, 97.1, 99)
lump (1: 67), lump of earth (2: 60, 61), projectile boulesthai einai to have to be (1: 25); ei de boulei
(1: 67), soil (1: 80) or if you prefer (1: 86.1)
bôlos Armênia Armenian nugget (1: 57) boulêtikos for intention (1: 91)
bombein to buzz (1: 57) boulêtos to be wished for (1: 69), wished for (2: 4, 52)
bombos booming (1: 57), buzz (1: 57) bouleuein to counsel (1: 17)
bômiskos little altar (1: 70) bouleuesthai to decide (1: 93), to deliberate (18: 3,
bômolokhia buffoonery (2: 69, 70) 4, 15, 16, 17, 21, 25, 26, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38,
bômolokhos buffoon (2: 43.1, 69) 43.3, 52, 69, 91, 99, 100), to plan (2: 17, 69), to
bômos altar (1: 25) will (1: 97.2); bouleuomenos deliberative (1:
bora food (1: 37) 100); to bouleuesthai deliberating (1: 52),
borborôdês filthy (1: 84), muddy (1: 88) deliberation (3: 2, 4, 29.1), the act of
borboros mud (2: 18.2, 86.1), sewer (1: 84) deliberating (1: 2), willing (1: 97.2)
boreas north (2: 61, 67), north wind (1: 95) bouleuma purpose (1: 17)
boreios north (3: 54, 55, 90), northern (2: 90, 95) bouleusis deliberating (1: 17), deliberation (1: 69)
boreiotatos northernmost (1: 95), further north (1: bouleutikos capable of deliberation (2: 21, 29.1),
95), more to the north of (1: 95), north of (1: deliberating (1: 64), deliberative (9: 4, 21, 22,
95); to boreion northern region (1: 95), the 34/35.1, 43.1, 43.3, 69, 91, 100), for deliberation
north (1: 95); ta boreia northern parts (1: 95), (1: 91), that deliberates (1: 35.2), that has the
the north (1: 59), the northerly winds (1: 38) power of deliberation (1: 52)
boskein to feed (1: 56), to pasture (1: 21) ho bouleutikos deliberative person (1: 100); to
boskêmata cattle (1: 4) bouleutikon capacity for deliberation (1: 25),
boskêmatôdês brute (1: 88) capacity of deliberation (1: 100), that which
botanê herb (2: 56, 57), plant (1: 38) deliberates (1: 34/35.1), the part for deliberation
bothros pit (1: 34/35.1) (1: 91)
bothunos trench (1: 95) bouleutos deliberable (1: 69)
botrudon bunchwise (1: 23) to bouleuton object of deliberation (3: 2, 4, 12)
boukolos cowherd (1: 21) bous cow (5: 15, 21, 21, 25, 83), ox (5: 5, 52, 77, 80, 91)
boulê counsel (1: 45/46), deliberation (10: 4, 17, 21, 26, brachus short (1: 15)
29.1, 34/35.1, 43.3, 52, 69, 100), plan (2: 42, 93), bradukinêsia slowness of motion (1: 95)
planning (1: 91), wish (1: 39) bradukinêtos of slow velocity (1: 87), sluggish (1: 86.1)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

bradunein to be slow (1: 27) brakhutês brevity (1: 41.2), shortness (2: 12, 41.2),
bradupepsia slow digestion (1: 60) smallness (1: 79)
bradus slow (19: 1, 3, 11, 12, 19, 20, 27, 28.2, 42, 50, 53, brankhion gill (3: 25, 28.2, 57)
54, 55, 57, 60, 75, 79, 83, 98), slow-moving (1: 25) brasmos surging (1: 88)
bradeôs slowly (2: 19, 27); braduteros more slowly brassein to surge (1: 88)
(1: 18.2), slower (1: 18.2); to bradu slowness (1: brekhein to soak (1: 57), to soak with rain (1: 57), to
19) wet (2: 57, 67)
bradutês slowness (9: 3, 27, 28.2, 50, 54, 55, 57, 75, 98) brekhesthai to get wet (1: 24)
brakhiôn arm (2: 15, 78) brenthuesthai to be puffed up (1: 83)
brakhukinêtos slightly active (1: 86.1) brephos baby (2: 54, 86.1), infant (1: 35.2)
brakhulogein to argue briefly (1: 3) brithein to be heavy (1: 79), to sink (1: 79), to weight
brakhulogia brevity (2: 7, 23), brevity of formulation down (1: 54)
(1: 78), limited vocabulary (1: 85), succinctness brithein katô to sink down (1: 88)
(1: 44), terseness (1: 85) brithos : katô brithos weighed down (1: 68)
brakhulogos terse (1: 55) brôma food (2: 57, 61)
brakhulogôtatos very terse (1: 72) brontan to be thundering (1: 23)
brakhus brief (9: 18.2, 21, 42, 54, 55, 60, 78, 79, 83), brontê thunder (8: 24, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 54, 55, 57, 77),
compressed (1: 21), little (5: 54, 55, 57, 79, 98), thunder-clap (2: 2, 28.2)
narrow (1: 98), short (7: 5, 10.2, 20, 41.2, 50, 57, brôsis food (1: 99)
83), slight (2: 54, 55), small (8: 18.2, 19, 42, 52, broteios of mortals (1: 85)
54, 55, 57, 79), tiny (2: 42, 52) brotos mortal (3: 85, 86.2, 93)
brakheôs briefly (2: 10.2, 16); brakhutatos to a brôtos food (1: 37), foodstuff (1: 37), meat (1: 37)
slight degree (1: 27), very little (1: 68); dia to brôton solid food (1: 57)
brakheôn briefly (1: 12); en brakhei briefly (2: brukhêma roar (1: 5)
21, 60); kata brakhu briefly (1: 23); pro bursa leather skin (1: 57)
brakheos shortly before (1: 10.2); to brakhu buthizesthai to be submerged (1: 99), to sink (1: 55)
the short (1: 2); brakheia epistasis a brief span buthos abyss (1: 11), bottom (1: 52), bottom of the sea
of attention (1: 40) (2: 58, 59), depth (1: 52), depths (1: 12)


daimôn daemon (2: 70, 72), daemonic (1: 72), daimon 10.2, 16, 19), one ought (1: 19), ought (7: 4, 19,
(3: 68, 86.1, 86.2), demon (5: 34/35.1, 58, 61, 21, 28.1, 59, 58, 83), proper (1: 69), properly (1:
97.1, 97.2), divine (2: 15, 69), divine being (1: 65), right (2: 43.2, 58), should (8: 4, 21, 58, 59,
15), divinity (1: 69), evil spirit (1: 59), fortune 73, 80, 83, 92.1), should have (1: 90), that which
(2: 43.2, 43.3), guardian spirit (1: 52), involving ought (1: 2), there is a need (1: 28.1), there is
spirits (1: 89), marvellous (2: 42, 70), miraculous need (1: 59), there needs to be (1: 58), to be
(1: 74), numinous (1: 26), of daemonic status (1: necessary (2: 4, 16), will mention fittingly (1: 16)
70), of demons (1: 95), supernatural (2: 17, deidein to fear (2: 25, 85)
34/35.1), supernatural being (2: 34/35.1, 56) dediôs wary (1: 60); deisas afraid (1: 78)
daimonios demon (2: 22, 97.1), demonic (3: 22, 29.1, deigma example (1: 27), showing (1: 84)
74), rather supernatural (1: 17) deiknunai / deiknuein to argue (3: 30/31/31, 54, 55), to
dâis torch (1: 52) carry out a demonstration (1: 63), to
daknein to bite (1: 52), to sting (1: 52) demonstrate (20: 18.2, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 38, 44, 50,
daknôdês biting (1: 57) 51, 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 75, 76, 85, 89, 98, 99), to
dakruon sap (1: 38), tear (1: 24) derive (1: 99), to display (3: 18.2, 59, 90), to
daktuliaios an inch high (1: 57), finger-length (1: 67), establish (4: 27, 30/31, 42, 54), to explain (1:
inch-long (1: 6.1), the size of a finger (1: 80) 92.1), to expound (1: 27), to give (1: 73), to give
daktulikos countable (1: 20) justification (1: 22), to identify (1: 59), to
daktulion finger ring (1: 20) indicate (11: 4, 12, 21, 30/31, 40, 54, 55, 59, 76,
daktulios ring (2: 25, 56) 94, 99), to point out (5: 2, 10.2, 16, 19, 40), to
daktulos digit (2: 7, 75), finger (11: 15, 20, 54, 57, 59, 61, point to (1: 59), to prove (35: 3, 9, 10.2, 14, 15,
67, 68, 84, 95, 98), inch (1: 6.1), toe (1: 59) 18.2, 19, 22, 27, 30/31, 40, 42, 54, 55, 59, 60, 63,
to akron daktulon fingertip (1: 42) 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 89, 90, 91,
dalos torch (1: 95) 92.1, 93,98, 99), to provide a demonstration (1:
damazein to prevail (1: 85) 76), to refer (2: 30/31, 65), to reveal (6: 26, 58,
daneion loan (1: 43.2) 59, 76, 86.1, 86.2), to set out (1: 18.2), to show
daneistês money-lender (1: 43.2) (58: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19,
daneizein to lend (1: 68) 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 38, 40, 42,
daneizesthai to borrow (1: 68) 44, 50, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68,
dapanan to exhaust (2: 3, 85), to expend (1: 6.1), to 69, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 89, 90,
spend (4: 18.2, 27, 57, 83), to use up (1: 95), to 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99), to state (1: 22), to yield
waste (1: 83) conclusions (1: 30/31)
dapanasthai to be spent (1: 54), to spend (1: 98) deiknusthai to be evident (1: 61), to be proven (1:
dapsileia plenty (1: 95) 16), to be shown (1: 16); dedeiktai proof has
dasunein to aspirate (1: 19) been established (1: 94); to deiknumenon
dasus with a rough breathing (1: 34/35.1) demonstration (1: 44), thing pointed out (1: 16),
dedissesthai to frighten (1: 86.2) thing to be proven (1: 16); ta deiknunta the
dedoikenai to fear (1: 55) proofs (1: 42); to deikhthen conclusion (1: 42);
deêsis entreaty (1: 52) to dedeigmenon conclusion (1: 99),
dei appropriate (1: 12), appropriately (1: 12), are to (1: demonstration (1: 18.2), result (1: 42);
80), as one ought (2: 10.2, 16), as should be (1: deiknunai to eirêmenon to make the point (1:
52), has to (6: 12, 21, 60, 73, 80, 90), have to (1: 18.2); saphesteron deiknunai to clarify further
59), is necessary (1: 80), is to (1: 80), is to be (1: (1: 76)
17), it is necessary (8: 25, 58, 59, 60, 73, 83, 90, deiktikos able to prove (1: 10.2), demonstrative (1: 38),
92.1), it is one’s duty (1: 58), it is required (2: 24, direct (proof) (1: 64), in proof of (2: 19, 92.1),
86.1), meet (1: 43.2), must (13: 4, 12, 19, 21, 24, indicating (2: 64, 65), indication (1: 21),
28.1, 58, 59, 60, 73, 80, 90, 92.1), necessarily (1: indicative (3: 21, 22, 26), probative (3: 40, 91,
24), necessary (1: 43.2), necessary assumptions 93), probatory (1: 99), proving (5: 54, 55, 64, 65,
(1: 16), need (to be) (1: 59), needful (2: 19, 43.2), 83), showing (2: 2, 64), such as to indicate (1:
needs (1: 80), one has to (1: 10.2), one must (3: 40), such as to prove (1: 40), such as to show (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

40), that indicates (1: 30/31), that is meant to be exhibited (1: 10.2); piptein hupo ekthesin
show (1: 16), that proves (3: 10.2, 16, 30/31), kai deixin to be subject to exhibition and proof
that shows (5: 12, 16, 22, 28.2, 30/31), used to (1: 10.2); tekmêriôdês deixis proof from signs
prove (1: 42) (1: 93)
deiktikôs directly (1: 19), indicative (1: 22); dekadikos belonging to the decad (1: 70), decadic (2:
deiktikos einai to be a proof (1: 44), to prove 61, 70)
(2: 9, 23), to show (1: 9); deiktikos einai (+ dekaetês ten years (1: 7)
gen.) to be proof of (1: 99); hôn deiktikon in dekakhôs in ten senses (1: 25), in ten ways (1: 85),
proof of this (1: 10.2); to deiktikon tenfold (1: 22)
demonstrative pronoun (1: 67) dekakis ten times (1: 76)
deilê sunset (1: 57) dekapêkhos : dekapêkhos lithos ten cubits of stone
deilia cowardice (9: 4, 7, 19, 40, 52, 61, 83, 93, 97.1), (1: 68)
terror (1: 34/35.1) dekapêkhuaios ten-cubit (1: 76)
deiliainein : to deiliainein cowardice (1: 4) dekapêkhus ten cubits (1: 7)
deilos cowardly (3: 61, 67, 69) dekaplasiôn ten times the amount (1: 60), tenfold (1:
ho deilos coward (2: 52, 69) 20), ten parts of (1: 60)
deima object of fear (1: 86.2) dekaplasios tenfold (1: 98)
dein (1) to bind (4: 55, 59, 60, 86.2), to tie (1: 57) dekas a collection of ten objects (1: 87), decad (5: 2, 20,
ta dedemena things bound (1: 23) 22, 61, 70), ten (1: 7), the number ten (3: 2, 70,
dein (2) there is need (3: 19, 58, 73), there is need of (2: 87)
58, 80), to be in need (2: 89, 99), to be in need of dekatalantos ten-talent (1: 19)
(4: 19, 52, 58, 59), to fall short of (1: 4), to have dekatos a tenth (1: 60)
need (1: 10.2), to have need of (4: 58, 59, 80, 99), dekaxestiaios ten pints of (1: 60)
to lack (1: 25), to need (29: 2, 4, 6.2, 7, 12, 16, 17, dekhas receptacle (1: 61)
18.2, 19, 21, 25, 28.1, 38, 50, 52, 58, 59, 60, 73, 75, dekhesthai to accept (13: 2, 18.2, 21, 25, 42, 54, 58, 59,
78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 90, 92.1, 93, 99), to need for 73, 78, 79, 80, 85), to acquire (2: 4, 58), to admit
(1: 58), to owe (1: 43.1), to require (11: 2, 10.2, (13: 4, 12, 20, 21, 38, 40, 42, 52, 64, 76, 79, 83, 94),
21, 25, 28.1, 50, 52, 78, 79, 90, 99), to show lack to admit of (2: 4, 12), to allow (1: 18.2), to allow
of (1: 17), to stand in need (1: 92.1) of (2: 80, 92.1), to be a container (1: 94), to be
ouden edei there was no need (1: 19); to dein the contained (1: 94), to extend (1: 86.1), to get (1:
need (1: 10.2) 76), to receive (39: 6.1, 6.2, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 16,
deina a certain (1: 17), so and so (2: 93, 34/35.1), such a 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 40, 42,
one (1: 17) 44, 50, 52, 54, 55, 59, 67, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83,
deinos adept (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69), clever (3: 1, 69, 83), 86.1, 88, 89, 91, 94, 98, 99), to take (1: 80), to
cunning (1: 69), expert (1: 72), shrewd (1: 1), take in (2: 18.2, 99), to take on (5: 54, 59, 76, 79,
skilled (1: 68), terrible (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69), versed 80), to undergo (1: 80), to welcome (1: 34/35.1)
(1: 58) dedegmenos occupied (1: 18.2); to dekhesthai
deinotês cleverness (2: 4, 83), harshness (1: 98), reception (1: 28.2); to dekhomenon receptor (1:
ingenuity (2: 58, 59), subtlety (1: 58), trickiness 28.2); to dexomenon receptacle (1: 76); to
(1: 58) dedegmenon recipient (1: 19); paratasin
deinousthai to acquire formidability (1: 34/35.1) dekhesthai to extend (1: 86.1)
deisidaimonia superstition (1: 37) dektikos able to acquire (2: 4, 91), able to admit (3: 12,
deixis argument (1: 54), confirmation (1: 40), 38, 52), able to receive (5: 22, 38, 80, 91, 94), able
demonstration (10: 21, 38, 44, 61, 63, 67, 69, 75, to take on (1: 7), admitting (1: 83), admitting of
76, 99), explanation (1: 12), pointing (1: 22), (2: 12, 38), apt to receive (1: 94), capable of
pointing out (1: 7), proof (32: 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10.2, admitting (1: 21), capable of being (1: 4),
14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 33, 35.2, 40, 42, 44, 53, 54, capable of receiving (18: 2, 6.2, 15, 18.2, 19, 21,
55, 56, 60, 64, 65, 73, 83, 85, 90, 91, 93, 98, 99), 24, 25, 35.2, 36, 39, 50, 52, 61, 67, 75, 89, 90),
reference (2: 30/31, 64), showing (2: 4, 52) containing (1: 54), fit for receiving (2: 1, 5),
deixis dia tou adunatou proof through the receiving (1: 36), receptive (36: 6.1, 7, 12, 16,
impossible (1: 35.2); eis deixin to prove (1: 90); 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2,
hê deixis dia tou adunatou proof by means of 36, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 48, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68,
the impossible (1: 30/31); hê deixis hê eis 73, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2), receptive
adunaton by means of the impossible (1: of (2: 94, 98), recipient (1: 36), that can have (1:
30/31); hê di’ adunatou deixis proof by 3), that can receive (1: 24), that has a capacity
impossibility (1: 30/31); hupo deixin piptein to for (1: 4), that is to receive (1: 22), that receives
be exhibited (1: 10.2); kuklôi deixis circular (4: 12, 22, 28.1, 28.2)
proof (1: 73); piptein hupo deixin to be able to dektikos (einai) to admit (1: 22)


to dektikon receptive organ (1: 28.2), recipient (2: 55, 56, 57, 73, 79, 83, 85, 89, 99), to signify (6: 3,
15, 19), that which receives (1: 67), what 27, 28.2, 42, 73, 92.1), to witness (1: 16)
receives (1: 36) dêlousthai to be expressed (1: 16), to be made
dektos to be received (1: 91) manifest (1: 10.2), to be revealed (1: 11); hôs hê
dêladê obviously (2: 54, 55) enargeia dêloi as is evidently the case (1: 67);
delear bait (1: 56), prey (1: 57) onomati dêloun to indicate by naming (1: 25);
dêlêtêrios noxious (1: 7), poison (3: 29.1, 34/35.1, 57) to dêloumenon revealed (1: 11)
dêlôktikos indicative (1: 68) delphis Delphinus (the star) (1: 95)
dêlos clear (26: 1, 2, 4, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, dêmagôgia position of leadership (1: 86.2)
30/31, 42, 54, 55, 63, 64, 65, 73, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, demas shape (1: 92.1)
90), clearly (3: 4, 18.2, 86.1), evident (6: 1, 2, dêmeuein : dedêmeumenos popularized (1: 23)
18.2, 61, 76, 91), manifest (1: 11), manifestly (1: dêmios executioner (1: 86.2)
18.2), obvious (5: 2, 3, 19, 20, 98), plain (1: 76) dêmiourgein to act like a craftsman (1: 89), to bring
dêlon it is clear (1: 4); dêlon hoti clearly (3: 42, 73, into creation (1: 42), to build (1: 97.1), to
90), that is (1: 10.2); dêlonoti clearly (5: 4, 42, construct (1: 14), to craft (2: 17, 89), to create
73, 83, 90), it is clear (2: 4, 90), it is clear that (2: (17: 6.1, 22, 25, 42, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 68, 70, 80,
4, 10.2), it is obvious that (1: 20), obvious (2: 5, 83, 86.1, 94, 97.1, 97.2), to fabricate (2: 24, 93),
55), obviously (6: 20, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83), that is to to fashion (6: 2, 41.2, 52, 54, 97.1, 99), to make
say (1: 42); dêlos estin he clearly (1: 42), he (1: 67), to manufacture (1: 56), to produce (3:
makes it clear (1: 42) 45/46, 74, 80)
dêlôsis expression (1: 58), indication (2: 25, 58), dêmiourgôn creative (1: 17); ho dêmiourgêsas
making clear (1: 91) creator (3: 58, 59, 68); to dêmiourgein the act
dêlotikos that indicates (1: 30/31), that makes clear (1: of creating (1: 68)
30/31), able to make clear (1: 91), able to make dêmiourgêma artifact (1: 80), created thing (1: 58),
explicit (1: 91), carrying reference to (1: 1), creation (5: 42, 58, 68, 83, 97.2), demiurgic
denotative (1: 39), explanatory (1: 39), creation (1: 72), hand-crafted product (1: 86.1),
expressing (1: 2), indicating (4: 2, 60, 64, 65), handiwork (1: 80), object of creation (1: 70),
indicative (11: 12, 21, 22, 23, 48, 56, 58, 59, 77, product (1: 23), product of creation (1: 68)
78, 85), indicative of (1: 51), referring (2: 77, 2), dêmiourgia act of creation (1: 68), craftsmanship (2:
serving to bring out (1: 40), serving to denote 17, 24), creation (20: 19, 33, 38, 42, 56, 58, 59, 60,
(1: 40), serving to make clear (1: 40), serving to 61, 63, 67, 68, 70, 76, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 97.2, 99),
make plain (1: 40), serving to point out (1: 40), creative activity (5: 39, 58, 59, 68, 80), creative
signifying (2: 28.2, 87), that exhibits (1: 28.2), power (1: 86.1), creative work (1: 80), creativity
that expresses (2: 10.2, 16), that indicates (3: (1: 25), demiurgic creativity (2: 54, 55),
10.2, 12, 24), that makes clear (1: 24), that demiurgy (1: 72), fashioning (1: 11), handiwork
means (1: 28.2), that refers to (1: 28.2), that (1: 63), production (1: 74), workmanship (1: 20)
reveals (2: 22, 23), that would signify (1: 10.2), dêmiourgikos artificial (1: 14), constructive (1: 14),
this is expressed (1: 10.2), this is made clear creative (15: 11, 35.2, 39, 42, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63,
(1: 10.2) 68, 70, 80, 88, 97.1, 97.2), demiurgic (12: 44,
dêloun to be clear (1: 86.1), to be evident (1: 91), to be 45/46, 55, 70, 72, 74, 78, 83, 86.2, 92.2, 94, 99),
indicative of (1: 57), to betoken (1: 9), to bring directed to creating (1: 88), relating to the
across (1: 40), to bring out (1: 40), to clarify (2: creator (1: 83), that creates (1: 68), the creator’s
22, 93), to convey (2: 10.2, 40), to denote (5: 22, (1: 42)
27, 28.2, 39, 40), to designate (2: 22, 99), to dêmiourgikôs by a creative act (1: 58), creatively
disclose (1: 27), to display (1: 28.1), to exhibit (1: 70), through an act of creation (1: 58)
(2: 22, 28.2), to express (4: 10.2, 16, 22, 30/31), to dêmiourgos craftsman (12: 17, 21, 23, 52, 61, 63, 67, 80,
illustrate (1: 22), to imply (2: 18.2, 27), to 86.1, 89, 97.1, 97.2), creating (1: 80), creator (20:
indicate (28: 3, 4, 12, 19, 25, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 40, 1, 6.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 42, 43.3, 44, 58, 59, 63,
42, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 64, 65, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 68, 70, 79, 80, 83, 88, 97.1, 97.2, 99), demiurge
83, 89, 90, 92.1, 99), to make clear (25: 2, 9, 10.2, (14: 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 45/46, 54, 55, 66, 72, 74,
16, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 39, 40, 44, 54, 55, 64, 86.2, 90, 92.2), demiurge-god (1: 54), demiurgic
65, 73, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 99), to make (1: 93), divine craftsman (1: 6.2), inventor (1: 7),
obvious (4: 20, 22, 28.2, 40), to manifest (2: 10.2, maker (1: 60), manufacturer (1: 80), producer
22), to mean (5: 9, 27, 55, 78, 90), to point out (1: 45/46), workman (1: 20)
(3: 2, 40, 57), to provide evidence (1: 86.1), to dêmôdês popular (1: 26)
refer (5: 77, 22, 27, 54, 93), to refer to (1: 27), to dêmokrateisthai to live in a democracy (2: 43.1, 43.3)
reveal (6: 17, 22, 41.2, 42, 73, 91), to show (21: 2, dêmokratia democracy (4: 34/35.1, 43.1, 97.1, 97.2)
18.2, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 42, 44, 51, 54, dêmos deme (1: 5)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

dendron plant (1: 54), tree (6: 25, 54, 57, 61, 86.1, 91) over (1: 84), to reject (3: 30/31, 55, 67), to
deos fear (1: 69) slander (1: 54)
dêpou obviously (1: 76), of course (1: 73), presumably diabebaioun to confirm (1: 22)
(4: 17, 20, 68, 76), still (2: 60, 76), surely (2: 60, diabebaiousthai to be positive (1: 86.1), to insist
76), then surely (1: 76), therefore (1: 76) (1: 78), to maintain strongly (1: 86.1);
dêpouthen of course (1: 73) diabebaioumenos assured (1: 23)
derma skin (5: 25, 28.2, 38, 56, 57) diabêtês compass (1: 90)
dermopteros having membranous wings (1: 7) diabibastikos able to transmit (1: 36), conveying
desmein to bind (1: 7) (1: 28.2), that carries (1: 28.2), that conveys
desmos being tied up (1: 52), bond (14: 6.2, 23, 25, 35.2, (1: 28.2)
42, 51, 59, 67, 68, 83, 85, 86.1, 97.1, 97.2), diabibastikos einai to pass through (1: 57); to
bondage (1: 61), bonding (1: 68), capture (1: diabibastikon transmitter (1: 28.2)
97.1), chain (1: 86.1), conjunction (1: 35.2), diabibazein to convey (1: 28.2), to pass on (2: 28.1, 88),
fettered (1: 68), knot (2: 10.2, 25), prison (1: to pass through (1: 57), to transfer (1: 28.2), to
97.1), tying (1: 27) transmit (3: 28.2, 54, 88), to transport (1: 28.1)
desmôtêrion prison (1: 97.2) diabibrôskein to eat through (1: 57)
desmôtês captive (1: 97.2) diaboan to celebrate (1: 95)
despoteia mastery (2: 59, 97.2) diaboasthai to be celebrated (1: 84)
despotês lord (1: 79), master (13: 21, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, diabolê attack (1: 22), criticism (1: 48),
43.1, 43.2, 45/46, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 97.2) misrepresentation (1: 4), overthrowing (1: 65),
despotikos masterly (1: 45/46) showing false (1: 30/31)
despotis mistress (1: 59) diadeiknunai to display (2: 52, 86.1), to show forth
despozein to master (1: 45/46) (1: 57)
deusopoios ingrained (1: 48), permanent (1: 27) diadeisthai to bind one’s hair (1: 52)
deutereion secondary status (1: 41.1) diadekhesthai to be followed by (1: 42), to follow (1:
deuteros posterior (1: 48), second (17: 4, 5, 7, 10.2, 12, 84), to follow upon (1: 60), to inherit (1: 42), to
16, 18.2, 21, 23, 28.1, 52, 64, 65, 86.2, 91, 93, 94), receive (1: 98), to receive in succession (1: 19),
secondarily (3: 19, 23, 28.1), secondary (8: 2, 7, to receive through (1: 57), to succeed (3: 3, 58,
16, 21, 28.1, 41.1, 70, 92.1), secondary beings (1: 99), to take over from (1: 87), to take over in
22), subsequent (1: 91), in a secondary way (1: succession (2: 12, 38)
16), on a secondary level (1: 70) diadekhomenos successively (1: 42)
kata to deuteron according to posteriority (1: 23); diadêlos distinguishable (1: 54), easy to distinguish (1:
to deuteron the consequent (1: 10.2); to 93), transparent (1: 17)
deuteron dunamei what is potentiality in the diadidonai to communicate (1: 55), to give further (1:
second way (1: 56) 28.2), to hand down (1: 83), to hand on (1:
dexamenê receptacle (4: 20, 94, 97.1, 97.2), water 28.2), to pass along (1: 25), to pass on (2: 57,
cistern (1: 95) 79), to pass through (1: 54), to relay (1: 91), to
dexiophanês non-reversing mirror (1: 88) spread (1: 93), to transmit (5: 12, 21, 38, 67, 83)
dexios good fortune (1: 23), on the right (6: 12, 19, 51, diadidraskein to escape (1: 60)
59, 91, 92.1), on the right hand side (1: 58), right diadokhê generations (1: 58), passing on (1: 27), relay
(12: 2, 7, 11, 20, 42, 52, 54, 58, 59, 80, 83, 98), race (1: 75), reproduction (1: 58), rotation (1:
right side (1: 93), successful (1: 52) 43.2), succession (17: 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 26,
epi dexia to the right (1: 59); to dexion success (1: 34/35.1, 42, 44, 56, 60, 61, 72, 75, 84, 95, 97.1),
52) successive generations (1: 58), transfer (1: 27),
dexiotês being on the right (1: 39) transmission (1: 75)
dexiousthai to give one’s hand to (1: 34/35.1) ek diadokhês in succession (2: 42, 54); kata
dia for the sake of (1: 56) diadokhên as it is passed on (1: 42); kata tên
to di’ hou intermediary (1: 28.2), that by means of diadokhên successively (1: 51)
which (1: 91), that through which (1: 28.2), diadokhos subsequent (1: 39), successive (1: 39)
transmission (1: 28.2), transmitter (1: 28.2), ho diadokhos successor (7: 23, 58, 59, 67, 68, 79, 80)
something that transmits (1: 28.2) diadosis addition (1: 18.2), distribution (2: 86.1, 95),
diabainein to pass through (1: 57), to penetrate (1: 61), exchange (1: 28.2), passing on (1: 57), relay (1:
to proceed (2: 61, 67) 91), replacement (1: 25), transmission (9: 12,
diaballein to attack (2: 54, 85), to be at variance with 18.2, 21, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 42, 54)
(1: 4), to be opposed to (1: 91), to destroy (1: diadromê course (1: 27), running (2: 88, 95)
55), to disapprove of (1: 80), to discredit (3: 2, diadunein to penetrate (1: 61)
16, 40), to disprove (1: 9), to impugn (1: 4), to diaduesthai to penetrate (1: 78), to pervade (1: 25),
misrepresent (1: 4), to overthrow (1: 65), to pass to slip through (1: 38), to spread out (1: 21)


diagein to draw through (1: 84), to live (1: 88), to pass distinctions (1: 69); diaireitai division occurs
one’s life (1: 38), to produce (1: 54), to spend (1: 90); diêirêsthai to be discrete (1: 27), to be
one’s life (1: 54) distinct (1: 99), to be separate (1: 80);
diagesthai to be drawn (1: 79) diairoumenos being divided (1: 14), discrete (1:
diagignesthai / diaginesthai to behave (1: 100) 11); diêirêmenos discrete (3: 14, 27, 94),
diagignôskein / diaginôskein to come to discern (1: distinct (2: 94, 99), divided (3: 17, 94, 99),
57), to decide (1: 52), to determinately know (1: separate (2: 14, 22); diêirêmenôs dividedly (2:
93), to discern (1: 69), to discriminate (2: 38, 28.1, 34/35.1), in a divided way (2: 34/35.1,
57), to distinguish (2: 2, 54), to distinguish 41.1), taken as divided (1: 16); diaireteon we
between (1: 25), to make out the difference must make distinctions (1: 58); to diaireisthai
between (1: 55) division (1: 27)
diagnôsis diagnosis (1: 7), means of discerning diairêma divided thing (1: 39), divisum (1: 44), portion
(1: 28.1) (1: 44), section (1: 44), segment (1: 44)
pros diagnôsin in order that one might see (1: 23) diairesis analysis (1: 40), being divisible (1: 44), binary
diagnôstikos discerning (1: 100) classification (1: 76), classification (2: 63, 76),
diagogê pleasant life (1: 2), way of life (1: 2) dichotomy (2: 75, 76), differentia (1: 69),
diagônios diagonal (8: 7, 23, 29.1, 35.2, 51, 56, 73, 95), differentiation (1: 4), dimension (1: 10.2),
diagonally opposite (1: 65), line from angle to disjunction (2: 2, 40), distinction (13: 1, 2, 15, 16,
angle (1: 73) 21, 27, 28.1, 41.2, 59, 76, 83, 94, 100),
diagônia keimenos positioned diagonally (1: 52) distinguishing (2: 17, 40), dividing (1: 40),
diagônizein to debate (1: 88) dividing point (1: 42), division (73: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.1,
diagoreuein to prescribe (1: 86.2) 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20,
diagoreusis prescription (1: 86.2) 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 32, 33, 34/35.1,
diagramma construction (1: 75), diagram (8: 23, 35.2, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.3, 44, 45/46,
44, 64, 65, 66, 84, 95), figure (1: 23), geometrical 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63,
argument (1: 64), geometrical proof (1: 15), 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83,
geometrical proposition (1: 10.2), outline (1: 93) 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100),
diagraphein to delete (1: 23), to depict (1: 28.2), to incision (1: 80), logical division (1: 98), partition
describe (1: 88), to eliminate (1: 84), to rescind (1: 27), school (1: 39), the need of dividing (1:
(1: 68), to segregate (1: 23), to strike out (1: 44); 10.2), way of doing a division (1: 35.2)
diagraphesthai to be inscribed (1: 11) diairesei by dividing (1: 10.2); ek diaireseôs by
diainein to wet (1: 28.2) division (1: 19); kata tên diairesin by way of
diaiônios eternal (2: 68, 83), everlasting (1: 70) dividing (1: 16); antiphatikê diairesis division
diaiôniôs everlastingly (1: 70) into contraries (1: 59); hê ep’ apeiron diairesis
diairein to break down (1: 2), to carry out a division (2: infinite division (1: 75); morion diareseôs limb
59, 99), to cut (1: 91), to cut up (1: 67), to decide of a classification (1: 76); poieisthai diairesin to
(1: 3), to define (1: 25), to detach (1: 19), to draw a distinction (1: 16); ta en têi diairesei the
differentiate (1: 4), to distinguish (24: 2, 9, 15, disjuncts (1: 40)
17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28.2, 38, 39, 44, 58, 59, 60, diairetikos by means of division (1: 61), concerned
64, 78, 79, 83, 90, 91, 93, 94), to distribute (1: with division (1: 70), diairetic (1: 64), disjoint
41.2), to divide (68: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, (1: 9), disjunctive (6: 17, 18.2, 40, 64, 65, 85),
10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, dividing (6: 22, 23, 41.1, 52, 78, 79), divisive (4:
27, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 5, 13, 41.1, 80), for division (1: 88), of division
41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, (2: 17, 59), providing division (1: 92.2), relating
56, 59, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, to the method of division (1: 84), that divides
85, 86.1, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99), to (2: 10.2, 52)
divide off (1: 28.1), to divide up (2: 28.1, 39), to to diairetikon disjunction (2: 3, 40), disjunctive
draw a distinction (1: 12), to give a division (1: premiss (1: 40), division (1: 3), subdivision (1:
57), to interrupt (1: 38), to make a distinction 99); diairetikê diaphora divisive differentia (1:
(5: 28.1, 44, 59, 69, 80), to make a division (4: 22, 13); hê diairetikê art of division (3: 64, 72, 74);
27, 90, 99), to make a division of (1: 42), to hê diairetikê epistêmê division (1: 22); hê
make distinctions (3: 18.2, 29.1, 52), to separate diairetikê methodos method of division (1: 40)
(3: 14, 28.1, 99), to split up (1: 67), to take apart diairetos distinct (1: 94), divided (5: 25, 34/35.1, 50, 85,
(1: 94), to tear asunder (1: 22) 89), divisible (36: 2, 3, 6.2, 10.1, 11, 12, 14, 15,
diaireisthai to be discrete (1: 14), to be 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.1, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 39,
distinguished (1: 10.2), to be divided (2: 10.2, 41.2, 42, 50, 51, 57, 67, 75, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 93,
16), to be separate (1: 14), to differentiate (2: 94, 98, 99, 100), separable (1: 94), separated (1:
43.1, 69), to distinguish (3: 16, 43.1, 69), to draw 41.2)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

diaireton divisibly (1: 7); to diaireton divisibility diakonos messenger (1: 12), transmitter (1: 91)
(2: 3, 42), divisible body (1: 100), divisible object diakopê interruption (1: 42)
(1: 100), divisible thing (1: 100), extension diakoptein to break off (1: 34/35.1), to break up (1:
(1: 100) 34/35.1), to cut off (1: 48), to cut short (1: 57),
diâissein / diâttein to shoot (2: 88, 95) to cut through (2: 6.1, 88), to divide (1: 18.2), to
diâittôn astêr shooting star (3: 84, 88, 95) interrupt (6: 17, 19, 26, 42, 52, 84), to sever
diaita abode (1: 86.1), arbitration (1: 6.2), habit (1: 85), (1: 95)
lifetime (1: 86.1), regimen (1: 61), treatment (1: diakorês full (1: 84)
42), way of life (2: 56, 60) diakosmein to adorn (1: 97.1), to arrange (3: 29.1, 42,
diaitan to act as arbiter (1: 20), to arbitrate (6: 20, 23, 26, 95), to arrange in order (1: 34/35.1), to give
35.2, 56, 57), to be an arbiter (1: 25), to examine order to (1: 48), to harmonise (1: 22), to order
(1: 18.2), to judge (1: 54), to settle (1: 17) (5: 54, 70, 74, 83, 85), to organise (3: 70, 85,
diaitasthai to inhabit (1: 97.2), to live (2: 25, 88), to 97.1), to put in order (1: 78), to regulate (1: 26),
pass one’s life (2: 56, 57), to spend one’s life (1: to set in order (3: 19, 97.1, 99)
56), to treat (1: 78); ho diaitôn arbitrator (1: 44) diakosmêsis arrangement (5: 11, 29.1, 42, 61, 95),
diaitêtês arbiter (1: 20), arbitrator (1: 67) cosmic arrangement (1: 17), cosmic order (3:
diakaês burning (1: 78) 51, 55, 78), cosmic ordering (2: 66, 78),
diakaiein to burn through (1: 95) disposition (1: 70), imposition of order (1: 44),
hê diakekaumenê zônê torrid zone (1: 95) order (4: 72, 84, 86.2, 97.2), ordering (3: 39, 70,
diakeisthai to be arranged (2: 17, 54), to be constituted 78), ordering of the world (1: 74), orderly
(1: 67), to be disposed (12: 4, 39, 40, 43.2, 51, 54, arrangement (2: 41.2, 97.1), organisation (3: 72,
55, 69, 74, 79, 83, 90), to be in a condition (4: 16, 74, 85), structure (2: 59, 74), world (1: 74)
55, 67, 73), to be in a state (2: 56, 69), to be diakosmêtikos regulative (1: 26)
inclined (1: 61), to be related (1: 54) diakosmios in the cosmos (1: 54), in the world (1: 22)
diakeimenos arranged (1: 85), being in a certain diakosmos order (4: 23, 70, 72, 74), orderly
state (1: 22), having the character of (1: 27), in a arrangement (1: 68), realm (2: 70, 74), universe
disposition (1: 41.1); to diakeimenon that (2: 44, 85), world order (2: 22, 85)
which is disposed (1: 23); aêdôs diakeisthai to diakouein to hear (1: 23)
be in a state of pain (1: 57) diakratein to control (1: 48), to maintain (1: 68), to
diakeleuein to urge (1: 80) sustain (1: 80)
diakenos empty (3: 48, 74, 86.2), vacant (1: 79) diakribologeisthai to go into in detail (1: 59)
to diakenon void (1: 18.2) diakrinein to break up (1: 42), to deal with separately
diakhein : diakheisthai to be diffused (2: 25, 57), to be (1: 36), to decide (2: 4, 25), to detach (1: 88), to
dispersed through (1: 38), to disperse (2: 28.2, determine (1: 18.2), to differentiate (8: 11, 25,
79), to expand (1: 50), to spread out (1: 56) 34/35.1, 36, 39, 56, 57, 95), to differentiate
diakhôrêma excrement (1: 95) between (1: 61), to dilate (3: 19, 36, 100), to
diakhôrizein to dissociate (1: 60), to separate (2: 55, discern (2: 61, 88), to discriminate (11: 7, 25, 36,
79) 43.3, 57, 69, 75, 76, 85, 91, 100), to discriminate
diakhusis dissolution (2: 24, 88), elation (1: 69), (between) (1: 17), to discuss (1: 28.2), to
expansion (1: 86.1), melting (1: 21), relaxation disintegrate (1: 60), to disintegrate (1: 76), to
(1: 4) disperse (5: 12, 21, 38, 52, 76), to dissolve (3: 60,
diaklasis deflection (1: 28.2) 88, 95), to distinguish (38: 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 22,
diaklêrousthai to have something allocated (1: 48) 23, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44, 45/46,
diakomidê transmission (1: 18.2) 48, 51, 54, 55, 61, 64, 68, 70, 73, 76, 78, 83, 85,
diakomizein to convey (1: 28.2), to send through 86.1, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 98, 99), to divide (9: 11,
(1: 57) 17, 41.2, 48, 55, 76, 79, 85, 88), to divide (out) (1:
diakonein to assist (1: 97.1), to carry (1: 34/35.1), to do 54), to divide off (1: 34/35.1), to divide out (1:
service (1: 97.1), to serve (4: 7, 25, 34/35.1, 88), 55), to divorce (1: 22), to elucidate (1: 22), to
to transmit (4: 88, 91, 95, 97.1), to serve for (1: expand (3: 36, 52, 57), to force apart (3: 34/35.1,
28.2), to serve to carry (2: 34/35.1, 56) 56, 57), to give distinct form (1: 86.1), to isolate
diakoneisthai to act as messenger (1: 52), to serve (1: 20), to make a distinction (3: 27, 28.1, 44), to
(4: 7, 18.2, 52, 91), to serve as a messenger (1: 12) make to expand (1: 57), to offer an answer (1:
diakonêtês such as to carry (1: 34/35.1) 22), to pick apart (1: 76), to pierce (1: 2), to
diakonêtikos able to transmit (1: 91) rarefy (1: 88), to release (1: 95), to resolve (1:
diakonia messenger service (1: 38) 98), to secrete (1: 20), to segregate (5: 2, 19, 25,
diakonikos domestic (1: 20), for transmitting (1: 91), 28.2, 89), to separate (21: 11, 20, 22, 23, 26, 38,
ministering (1: 88), serving (1: 52), that we use 39, 42, 44, 50, 52, 59, 60, 66, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 95,
(1: 68) 99), to separate off (2: 68, 86.1), to separate out


(4: 24, 60, 86.1, 95), to settle (2: 4, 25), to solve divide (2: 19, 61), to draw a distinction (1: 35.2),
(1: 25), to sort out (1: 85), to sunder (1: 22) to enclose (1: 88), to examine (1: 20), to have
diakrinesthai to be decided (1: 22), to be periods of rest (1: 95), to interrupt (8: 3, 22, 27,
differentiated (2: 10.2, 16), to be dissolved (1: 42, 60, 75, 87, 88), to intervene (2: 28.2, 88), to
67), to be distinct (1: 95), to be distributed (1: isolate (1: 93), to make distinctions (2: 61, 73),
75), to be divided from (1: 22), to be segregated to mark off at intervals (1: 41.2), to separate (4:
(1: 75), to be separated (1: 67), to undergo 18.2, 57, 83, 85), to treat (2: 7, 73), to treat of (3:
expansion (2: 61, 67); diakekrimenos discrete 57, 60, 95), to understand (1: 25)
(1: 56), distinct (1: 99), separated (1: 56); dialambanesthai to be divided (2: 54, 78), to divide
diakekrimenôs distinctly (2: 70, 99) (1: 99); dialambanein peri to analyse (1: 94), to
diakrisis analysis (1: 61), assignment (1: 29.1), elaborate separately on (1: 93), to examine (1:
compression (1: 48), decomposition (1: 76), 87); akolouthôs dialambanei he goes on to
determination (1: 43.3), difference (2: 56, 95), treat of (1: 57)
differentiation (5: 11, 34/35.1, 41.1, 56, 57), dialampein to be eminent (1: 20), to shine (2: 28.2,
dilating (1: 19), disaggregation (1: 80), 97.2), to shine through (1: 95)
discerning (1: 51), discernment (3: 56, 57, 70), dialanthanein to escape (1: 99), to escape detection (1:
discriminating (1: 91), discrimination (8: 7, 11, 38), to escape the notice of (1: 85)
66, 72, 76, 91, 92.2, 100), disintegration (2: 60, dialegein : dialegesthai to argue (5: 3, 21, 65, 79, 89), to
61), dispersal (1: 52), disputation (1: 7), carry on a discussion (1: 16), to converse (8: 25,
dissolution (3: 67, 88, 92.1), distinction (19: 11, 40, 51, 65, 68, 85, 89, 93), to discourse (2: 17, 68),
17, 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 39, 44, 45/46, 48, 54, to discourse about (1: 17), to discourse on (1:
76, 79, 85, 90, 94, 98), distinctiveness (1: 44), 17), to discuss (19: 3, 17, 18.2, 20, 25, 54, 55, 56,
distinguishing (4: 28.1, 70, 95, 98), 57, 73, 76, 78, 83, 85, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 93), to
distinguishing mark (1: 17), diversification (1: engage in conversation (2: 73, 90), to engage in
63), dividing up (1: 17), division (8: 22, 23, 39, dialectic (1: 90), to express an opinion (1: 97.1),
54, 55, 76, 83, 85), excluding (1: 93), expansion to say in a dialogue (1: 97.1), to speak (2: 34/35.1,
(1: 56), judgment (1: 10.2), resolution (2: 3, 95), 57), to speak of (1: 35.2), to take issue with (2: 78,
section (2: 85, 95), segregating (1: 19), 79), to talk (2: 92.1, 93), to talk about (2: 76, 98)
segregation (4: 32, 33, 75, 89), separating (1: 60), dialegesthai pros to criticize (1: 60), to discuss (1:
separation (23: 2, 10.2, 12, 20, 22, 26, 27, 39, 42, 60); to dialegesthai discussion (1: 16)
50, 60, 61, 67, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 92.1, 92.2, dialeimma clearing (1: 95), gap (4: 27, 79, 84, 98),
95, 99), solution (1: 98), way of distinguishing intermission (2: 27, 75), interstice (1: 57),
(1: 90) interval (3: 27, 60, 95), lapse (1: 27)
pros diakrisin as opposed to (1: 23), in contrast dialeipein to be intermitted (1: 18.2), to be interrupted
with (1: 23), in order to distinguish (1: 23), in (2: 38, 42), to break off (1: 87), to cause an
order to exclude (1: 23) interruption (1: 75), to cease (2: 21, 52), to fail to
diakritikos able to distinguish (1: 7), capable of being (1: 60), to have a gap (1: 27), to have a remission
separated (1: 24), capable of separating (1: 89), (1: 54), to have an intermission (1: 27), to have
capable of widening (2: 61, 67), causing to interruptions (1: 52), to have intervals (1: 60), to
disintegrate (1: 60), criterial (1: 87), dilating (1: intermit (2: 27, 87), to interrupt (2: 87, 95), to
100), discerning (1: 56), discriminatory (1: 85), intervene (1: 95), to leave a gap (2: 3, 19), to
dispersive (1: 93), dissolving (2: 88, 95), leave off (1: 50), to stop (1: 50)
distinguishing (5: 19, 40, 48, 51, 98), dividing (1: dialeipsis interruption (1: 52)
54), judging (1: 45/46), of discrimination (1: dialektikos dialectic (1: 74), dialectical (24: 2, 9, 10.1,
72), penetrative (1: 7), piercing (2: 2, 10.2), 10.2, 16, 22, 23, 35.2, 40, 42, 51, 58, 59, 61, 64, 68,
segregative (1: 19), separating (3: 26, 78, 79), 70, 73, 76, 77, 84, 89, 90, 93), linguistic (1: 23),
separative (4: 16, 39, 74, 92.1), such as to scatter logical (1: 9), of dialectic (1: 58)
(1: 95), tending to separate (1: 42), that dialektikôs dialectically (4: 22, 40, 70, 93); hê
distinguishes (3: 18.2, 73, 90) dialektikê dialectic (15: 2, 10.2, 15, 16, 25, 39,
diakritikos einai to disperse (1: 52), to penetrate 40, 44, 61, 63, 64, 72, 73, 76, 90), dialectics (1:
(1: 20) 51); ho dialektikos dialectician (13: 2, 10.2, 15,
diakrouein to brush aside (1: 80) 16, 22, 25, 40, 59, 61, 70, 73, 89, 90); ta
diakubernan to govern (2: 20, 29.1), to steer one’s way dialektika dialectic (1: 35.2); dialektikôs
through (1: 97.2) ekhein to be dialectical (1: 10.2); dialektikos
dialambanein to analyse (2: 61, 91), to deal with (9: 2, philosophos philosopher-dialectician (1: 35.2)
10.2, 16, 35.2, 48, 56, 88, 90, 98), to decide (1: 4), dialektos articulate speech (1: 25), dialect (2: 35.2, 72),
to delineate (1: 17), to determine (1: 21), to discourse (2: 35.2, 57), language (4: 23, 28.2, 51,
discuss (2: 40, 98), to distinguish (2: 50, 99), to 72), speech (3: 20, 89, 91), thing said (1: 34/35.1)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

dialêpsis distinction (1: 50), division (1: 85) 93), to remain (11: 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 42,
dialexis dialectical conversation (1: 90), discourse (2: 54, 59, 80, 92.1), to remain constantly (1: 2), to
39, 72), discussion (1: 86.2) stay (1: 87), to stay for (1: 87), to survive (1: 52)
dialimpanein to cause an interruption (1: 75) to diameinai persistence (1: 60)
diallassein / diallattein to be dissociated (1: 25), to go diamerizein to divide in parts (1: 34/35.1), to divide up
past (1: 88) (1: 35.2), to partition (1: 34/35.1)
diallaxis dissolution (1: 92.2), separation (4: 32, 80, 85, diametrein to be diametrically opposed (1: 54), to be
92.1) in opposition (1: 55)
diallêlos circular (1: 61), circular (argument) (3: 54, 55, diametros cross-section (1: 95), diagonal (20: 2, 7, 11,
83), circular (proof) (2: 1, 3) 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 29.1, 35.2, 44, 52, 61, 64, 65, 73,
dialogikos dialectical (1: 72), dialogue (1: 7), in the 78, 90, 91, 93), diameter (19: 1, 20, 25, 34/35.1,
form of a dialogue (1: 7) 42, 50, 54, 55, 57, 59, 64, 75, 77, 79, 83, 88, 90, 95,
dialogismos calculation (1: 15), discursive reasoning 98)
(1: 39) apo diametrou diagonally (1: 23), diametrically (1:
dialogizesthai to reason (1: 100) 23); ek diametrou in diametrical opposition (1:
dialogos dialogue (10: 12, 22, 34/35.1, 42, 51, 61, 67, 72, 61); kata diametron diagonally opposite (1: 65),
78, 80) diametrically (1: 90), diametrically opposite
dialuein to analyse (1: 32), to be loosened (1: 24), to (1: 73); to epi têi diametrôi pathos opposition
break down (1: 76), to break up (4: 42, 52, 80, (1: 44)
97.1), to destroy (3: 18.2, 28.1, 67), to dismiss (1: diamonê continuance (1: 59), continuity (1: 25),
99), to disperse (1: 27), to dispose of (1: 88), to endurance (1: 17), permanence (4: 56, 58, 60,
dissolve (26: 3, 12, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 28.1, 40, 43.1, 84), persistence (1: 12), stability (2: 59, 88)
43.2, 54, 55, 57, 65, 66, 68, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, diamorphôsis changing one’s shape (1: 28.1),
89, 95, 97.1, 97.2), to loosen (1: 67), to pay (1: configuration (1: 36), formation (2: 23, 68)
43.1), to put out of tune (1: 59), to reconcile (1: diamorphoun to form (1: 86.1), to give form to (1: 39),
43.2), to refute (3: 1, 63, 85), to resolve (6: 19, 51, to give shape to (1: 70)
58, 80, 89, 99), to resolve a problem (1: 41.2), to diamphiballein to doubt (1: 99)
resolve thoroughly (1: 3), to separate (1: 43.1), diamphisbêtein to argue (1: 48), to dispute (1: 48)
to solve (6: 11, 18.2, 25, 27, 55, 85), to sunder (1: diamphisbêteisthai to be a point of contention
43.2), to take to pieces (1: 27), to undo (1: 59), (1: 51)
to untune (1: 59) dianastasis growth (1: 26), rising up (1: 26)
dialuesthai to be dissolved (3: 2, 10.2, 15), to break dianemein to assign (1: 79), to distribute (3: 20, 79, 93)
up (1: 43.2), to dissolve (2: 43.2, 60), to fall into dianemesthai to be assigned (1: 25), to divide
pieces (1: 22) among oneselves (1: 57)
dialusis breaking up (1: 21), decomposition (1: 6.2), dianemêsis distribution (1: 26)
destruction (1: 28.1), dissolution (18: 2, 15, 22, dianemêtikos distributive (1: 43.3)
40, 42, 43.2, 56, 66, 68, 73, 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 88, 95, diangellein to announce (1: 38), to report (2: 52, 91)
97.1, 97.2), resolution (3: 44, 48, 99), solution (2: dianistasthai to achieve (1: 28.2), to rise up (1: 75), to
11, 44), taking to pieces (1: 27) start again (1: 42)
ekheini dialusin to dissolve (1: 95) dianoein : dianoeisthai to conceive (1: 83), to conceive
dialutikos that dissolves (1: 67) of (1: 10.2), to consider (1: 3), to exercise
dialutos dissoluble (1: 86.1), that can be unbound (1: intellect (1: 34/35.1), to have the thought (1: 58),
59) to intend (2: 3, 59), to notice (1: 83), to reflect
diamakhê conflict (2: 52, 100) (1: 69), to think (13: 1, 25, 34/35.1, 43.2, 45/46,
diamakhesthai to battle (1: 18.2), to conflict with (1: 52, 56, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 91), to think
25), to contend (1: 75), to fight against (1: 63) discursively (2: 25, 36), to think over (1: 51)
diamartanein to be mistaken (2: 25, 79), to be quite to dianoeisthai discursive thinking (2: 61, 67),
mistaken (1: 57), to botch (1: 59), to err (6: 10.2, discursive thought (1: 61), thinking (2: 22, 61),
16, 25, 43.1, 43.2, 97.1), to fail completely (1: 61), thought (2: 22, 67)
to fail utterly (1: 38), to go astray (1: 17), to dianoêma idea (1: 43.3), thought (3: 23, 39, 89)
make an error (1: 52), to miss (3: 17, 52, 98), to dianoêsis act of thinking (1: 25), discursive thinking
misunderstand entirely (1: 84) (1: 74), discursive thought (2: 5, 39), thinking
diêmartêmenôs hupolambanein to hold (1: 89), thought (1: 26), thought-process (1: 70)
erroneous views (1: 10.2) dianoêtikos able to think (1: 91), capable of discursive
diamartia error (2: 21, 91) thinking (1: 25), capable of thinking (1: 25),
diamenein to continue (3: 52, 58, 91), to endure (5: 17, discursive (2: 99, 100), employing discursive
75, 78, 79, 99), to have stability (1: 22), to last (3: reasoning (1: 70), intellective (1: 43.3),
42, 59, 83), to persist (8: 22, 25, 42, 48, 50, 60, 68, intellectual (3: 16, 69, 84), mental (2: 14, 19), of


reasoning (1: 4), of thinking (1: 56), rational (1: diaphainein to be transparent (2: 28.2, 38)
4), reflective (1: 64), that involves reasoning (1: diaphainesthai to appear (1: 28.1), to appear
73), thinking (2: 22, 23), thinking part (1: 67) through (3: 38, 91, 95), to be manifest (1: 67), to
dianoêtikôs in regard to thought (1: 22); hê be obvious (1: 28.1), to be revealed (1: 84), to
dianoêtikê the reasoning faculty (1: 4); to shine through (2: 28.1, 95), to show through (2:
dianoêtikon that which thinks (2: 34/35.1, 56), 17, 95), to transpire up (1: 95)
the power to think (1: 22), thought (1: 22); diaphaneia transparency (7: 32, 38, 52, 57, 67, 91, 95),
dianoêtikê parakolouthêsis mental tracking (1: transparent medium (1: 95)
14); dianoêtikê sunesis understanding by diaphanês clearly seen (1: 95), distinguished (1: 80),
thought (1: 28.1) limpid (1: 28.1), obvious (1: 28.1), shiny (1: 95),
dianoêtos apprehensible by discursive reasoning (1: that can be seen through (1: 34/35.1),
41.1), at the level of discursive reasoning (1: 70), transparent (21: 19, 20, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1,
dianoetic (1: 70), discursive (2: 70, 74), that is 34/35.1, 38, 44, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 68, 83,
the object of discursive intellect (1: 70), that is 88, 91, 95), visible (1: 95)
the object of discursive reason (1: 51), thinkable diaphanestatos clearest (1: 68); to diaphanes the
(1: 65) transparent (1: 95)
to dianoêton discursive form (1: 70), object of diaphasis transparency (1: 95), transparent medium (1:
reason (1: 61), object of thought (4: 16, 34/35.1, 95)
44, 61) diapherein to be different (18: 4, 12, 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 25,
dianoia concept (1: 5), consciousness (1: 70), discursive 27, 30/31, 38, 42, 52, 67, 73, 76, 85, 89, 90), to be
intellect (2: 70, 99), discursive reason (1: 100), different from (1: 58), to be differentiated (1:
discursive thinking (4: 25, 36, 61, 67), discursive 95), to be differentiated from (1: 50), to be
thought (6: 1, 39, 72, 86.1, 99, 100), good sense distinct (1: 25), to be distinguished (1: 40), to be
(1: 2), idea (3: 43.3, 60, 61), intellect (7: 3, 16, distinguished from (1: 50), to be outstanding (1:
43.3, 45/46, 69, 70, 97.1), intelligence (2: 29.1, 38), to be superior (1: 2), to differ (53: 2, 3, 4,
52), intention (7: 7, 20, 26, 58, 59, 67, 97.1), 6.2, 10.2, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27,
meaning (7: 25, 58, 59, 67, 68, 95, 97.1), mental 28.2, 30/31, 38, 40, 41.1, 42, 44, 45/46, 50, 51, 52,
conception (1: 41.2), mentally (1: 14), mind (8: 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80,
19, 43.2, 44, 48, 59, 67, 70, 98), purport (1: 88), 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99), to
purpose (1: 59), reason (3: 17, 36, 41.1), differentiate (2: 69, 80), to disagree (3: 40, 78,
reasoning (5: 17, 41.2, 74, 75, 83), reasoning 83), to distinguish (1: 98), to excel (1: 68), to
faculty (1: 40), sense (5: 43.3, 59, 73, 90, 93), the have different opinions (1: 59), to make a
idea (1: 95), thinking (4: 25, 48, 61, 67), thought difference (19: 3, 4, 12, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27,
(43: 2, 4, 5, 7, 10.2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 30/31, 38, 42, 52, 69, 73, 88, 89, 90, 98), to matter
27, 28.1, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, (1: 69), to stand out (1: 69), to surpass (1: 69)
43.2, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 68, 73, 75, 77, 85, 87, diapheresthai to differ (1: 10.2), to dissent (1: 25);
89, 90, 93, 94, 97.2, 98, 100), understanding (3: diapherei there is a difference (6: 12, 22, 28.2,
21, 58, 68), view (1: 97.1), way of thinking 42, 73, 90); diapherôn different (1: 94);
(1: 59) diapherontôs differently (3: 22, 25, 28.2),
kata dianoian by virtue of thought (1: 77), in distinctively (1: 91), egregiously (1: 58),
thought (1: 94), mentally (1: 77); kata tên especially (2: 23, 58), in particular (1: 58), in the
dianoian mentally (1: 14); ephistanai dianoian extreme (1: 58); to diapherein difference (3:
to fix (1: 40), to focus (1: 40), to make attend (1: 18.2, 22, 98)
40); pherein dianoian to bring to bear on (1: diapheugein to avoid (1: 78), to elude (1: 59), to escape
40); praktikê dianoia practical discursive (3: 38, 79, 98), to lack (1: 88), to survive (1: 80)
thought (1: 100); prokheirizesthai têi dianoiâi diaphoitan to travel (1: 57)
to have in mind (1: 67) diaphônein to be at odds (1: 19), to be at odds with (1:
dianoigein to open up (2: 28.1, 86.1) 23), to be discordant (1: 74), to be discrepant (2:
dianomê allocation (1: 43.1), distribution (1: 23) 34/35.1, 43.2), to be dissonant (1: 43.1), to be in
dianomeus distributor (1: 97.2) disagreement (1: 55), to be in discord (1: 28.2),
dianuein to accomplish (1: 3), to complete (5: 54, 55, to be inconsistent (1: 97.1), to be out of
75, 88, 95), to complete a journey (1: 75), to get conformity (1: 2), to conflict (1: 83), to
through to its end (1: 73), to run through (1: contradict (1: 83), to disagree (10: 7, 23, 34/35.1,
97.2) 40, 52, 57, 74, 76, 79, 92.1), to diverge (1: 35.2)
diapaizein to make a joke (1: 84) diaphôneisthai to be subject of disagreement (1: 56)
diapasôn diapason (1: 38) diaphônia confiict (2: 10.2, 16), disagreement (6: 21,
diapempein to transmit (7: 21, 25, 28.1, 38, 52, 54, 83) 34/35.1, 44, 67, 78, 79), discord (2: 25, 78),
diaperainein to conclude (1: 84) discrepancy (1: 27), dissension (1: 22)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

diaphonian ekhein to be in disagreement (1: 52) diaphôtizein to light up (1: 28.1)

diaphônos contradictory (1: 83), discordant (1: 92.2), diaphtheirein to cause to cease to be (1: 89), to corrupt
in conflict (1: 83), in disagreement (1: 54) (2: 17, 83), to destroy (7: 4, 25, 38, 39, 54, 83, 89),
diaphora difference (73: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.1, 6.2, 9, 10.1, 10.2, to do away with (1: 75), to kill (1: 80), to spoil
12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, (1: 24)
27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 34/35.1, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, diaphtheiresthai to cease to be (2: 75, 89), to perish
42, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, (1: 91)
58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, diaphthora corruption (1: 27)
77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, kata diaphthoran gegrammenos corrupt (1: 75)
93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100), different kind (3: 16, 56, diaphuein to extend through (1: 91)
86.1), differentia (49: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10.1, 11, 13, 14, diaphulattein to conserve (1: 20), to maintain (1: 3), to
15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 28.1, 32, 35.2, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, preserve (3: 54, 83, 98), to protect (1: 79), to
42, 45/46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 73, safeguard (1: 89)
74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92.1, 92.2, diapiptein to crumble (1: 24), to disintegrate (1: 24), to
93, 94), differentiating characteristic (1: 95), fall apart (2: 57, 88)
differentiating feature (4: 32, 33, 34/35.1, 91), diapiptein tou kentrou to miss the centre (1: 88)
differentiating respect (1: 87), differentiation diaplasis development (1: 26), formation (3: 67, 79, 80),
(11: 12, 21, 28.1, 38, 39, 50, 51, 55, 91, 94, 98), modelling (1: 68), moulding (1: 44), re-shaping
disagreement (3: 55, 61, 92.1), distinction (8: 25, (1: 88), shaping (2: 58, 60)
28.1, 32, 50, 87, 92.1, 93, 99), distinguishing diaplastikos concerned with formation (1: 61),
mark (1: 11), diversity (1: 80), division (1: 57), formative (1: 20), moulding (1: 17)
kind (1: 27), species (1: 26), specific difference diaplassein / diaplattein to concoct (1: 80)
(1: 40), variation (2: 76, 95), variety (7: 19, 25, to develop (1: 68), to fashion (1: 52), to form (2: 23,
27, 42, 60, 94, 95), what differentiates (1: 57), to mould (2: 28.1, 93), to shape (2: 60, 80)
34/35.1), what is different (1: 76) diaplekein to join up with (1: 67), to weave (2: 67, 68)
meta diaphoras of a special kind (1: 22); diairetikê diaplokê interlocking (1: 32), intertwining (1: 74),
diaphora divisive differentia (1: 13); diaphoran interweaving (1: 67)
ekhein to differ (1: 52), to differentiate (1: 52); diapnein to cause to evaporate (1: 61), to disperse (1:
eidopoios diaphora specific differentia (1: 13); 12), to dissipate (1: 24)
poiein diaphoran to draw a distinction (1: 89) diapneisthai to be dissipated into the air (1: 56), to
diaphorein to be different (1: 22), to deplete (1: 59), to disintegrate (1: 22), to evaporate (2: 25, 68), to
differ (1: 22), to differentiate (2: 22, 41.1), to leak out (1: 38), to transpire (1: 86.1)
disperse (4: 38, 57, 80, 95), to dissipate (3: 7, 57, diapnoia ventilation (1: 55)
99), to scatter (3: 21, 61, 95) diaporein to be a problem (1: 28.2), to be puzzled (1:
diaphoreisthai to be carried away (1: 56), to be 2), to be thoroughly puzzled (1: 19), to go
differentiated (1: 51) through a problem (1: 34/35.1), to pursue a
diaphorêsis dissipation (1: 32), effluence (1: 7), problem (1: 75), to raise a difficulty (1: 38), to
evaporation (1: 7) raise difficulties (1: 7), to raise problems (1: 61),
diaphorêsis gignesthai tinos to get carried away to work through a difficulty (1: 54), to work
(1: 56) through a problem (3: 25, 50, 75), to work
diaphoros different (53: 3, 4, 6.1, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, through an aporia (2: 10.2, 16)
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 38, to diaporoumenon difficulty (1: 2); prôton
39, 40, 41.1, 42, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, diaporein to begin by working through aporiae
60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, (1: 10.2)
86.1, 86.2, 88, 90, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99), diaporêtikos exploring difficulties (1: 74), interrogative
differentiated (3: 39, 52, 60), distinct (2: 68, 76), (1: 59)
distinctive (2: 17, 91), diverse (3: 10.2, 16, 76), in diaporeuesthai to pass through (2: 19, 95)
different forms (1: 19), various (6: 22, 42, 58, 59, diaporia exploration (1: 74), raising of problems (1:
76, 95), varying (2: 42, 95) 22), statement of problems (1: 22)
diaphorôs differently (1: 95), in different ways (1: diaporthmeuein to convey (2: 7, 28.1), to cross over (1:
4); hê diaphoros difference (1: 68); to 23), to pass through (1: 84), to transmit (2: 54,
diaphoron difference (8: 22, 28.2, 41.1, 58, 68, 57), to transport (1: 25)
85, 86.1, 95), different forms (1: 28.2), diaporthmeusis transmission (2: 54, 57)
distinction (1: 86.1), variation (1: 27); diaporthmeutikos that transmits (1: 57), transmitting
diaphorôs eidopoiein to differentiate into (1: 57)
various kinds (1: 28.1) diaporthmios mediating (1: 72)
diaphorotês difference (4: 11, 41.1, 68, 100), diapragmateuesthai to make a thorough study of
differentiation (5: 28.1, 39, 41.2, 48, 58) (1: 51)


diaprepês highly placed (1: 22) diasaphein to clarify (3: 28.2, 83, 85), to make
diapseudein to deceive (2: 19, 52) clarifications (1: 56), to make clear (5: 2, 18.2,
diapseudesthai to be misled (1: 85), to be deceived 25, 55, 99), to state clearly (1: 2)
(1: 38), to be in error (3: 4, 16, 91), to make a diaseiesthai to be disordered (1: 44)
false claim (1: 25) diasêmainein refer to (1: 58), to indicate (1: 86.2), to
diaptôma error (1: 48) mention (1: 91)
diaptuxis unfolding (1: 44) diasêpesthai to putrefy (1: 38), to rot (1: 25)
diapuros burning (1: 86.1), fiery (1: 86.2) diaskedannunai to disperse (2: 7, 97.1), to scatter (4:
diarithmein to count (1: 41.2), to denumerate (1: 39), 57, 88, 97.1, 98)
to enumerate (2: 39, 41.2), to list (1: 48) diaskepsis examination (1: 88)
diarithmeisthai to be listed fully (1: 25) diaskeuazein to revise (1: 86.2)
diarithmêsis denumeration (1: 39), enumeration (3: diaskeuê arrangement (1: 67), structure (1: 34/35.1),
41.2, 48, 51), listing (1: 48) version (1: 3)
diarkein to be sufficient (2: 84, 95), to continue (1: 42), diaskhêmatizein : diaskhêmatizesthai to be given
to endure (1: 57), to last (5: 6.2, 42, 54, 88, 95), shape (1: 78)
to remain (1: 6.2), to survive (1: 52), to sustain diaskhizein to rend asunder (1: 51), to sever (1:
(1: 60) 34/35.1)
diarkês long lasting (1: 42), self-sufficient (1: 17) diaskopein to investigate (1: 78), to think about (1: 73),
diarma extent (1: 85) to scatter (1: 11)
diarrhainein to diffuse (1: 88), to spray (1: 88) diaskorpizein to accommodate (1: 94)
diarrhêdên explicitly (4: 25, 61, 68, 93), expressly (1: diasôizein to maintain (1: 51), to maintain (a theory)
68), in so many words (1: 34/35.1), outright (1: 25), to preserve (11: 11, 19, 20, 22, 52, 54, 55,
(1: 26) 58, 79, 83, 86.1)
diarrhêgnusthai to break (1: 55), to burst (1: 54) diasôizesthai to survive (1: 25)
diarrhein to divide (1: 57), to run away (1: 94) diaspan to break (1: 95), to break apart (1: 79), to break
diarrhipsis fragmentation (1: 44), scattering (1: 11) up (1: 27), to disperse (2: 25, 51), to distort (1:
diarrhiptein to scatter (1: 6.2), to scatter about 84), to fragment (1: 11), to isolate (1: 22), to pull
(1: 18.2) asunder (1: 20), to scatter (3: 22, 27, 95), to
diarrhiptesthai to be dispersed (1: 42) separate (2: 28.1, 52), to sequester (1: 91), to tear
diarthrôsis analysis (3: 27, 39, 44), articulate apart (7: 11, 18.2, 28.1, 34/35.1, 41.2, 56, 100), to
examination (1: 28.2), articulation (10: 7, 11, 14, tear asunder (2: 22, 38), to tear in pieces (1:
22, 23, 27, 34/35.1, 48, 51, 84), close examination 18.2)
(1: 39), detailed articulation (1: 19), dissection diaspasthai to be torn apart (3: 28.2, 54, 55), to
(1: 28.1), distinction (1: 52) break (1: 24); diespasmenos dispersed (1: 99),
pros diarthrôsin in order to articulate (1: 99) fragmented (1: 11); diespasmenôs in a
diarthrôtikos that makes explicit (1: 45/46) dispersed way (1: 56)
diarthroun to analyse (1: 39), to articulate (26: 2, 3, 7, diaspasmos being torn apart (1: 28.1), dispersion (1:
10.2, 11, 14, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 37, 41.2, 45/46, 92.2), fragmentation (1: 11), portion (1: 85),
51, 54, 60, 68, 70, 78, 83, 86.1, 88, 93, 99), to rending apart (1: 11), scattering (1: 11),
articulate distinctions (1: 56), to articulate fully spreading out (1: 92.2), tearing apart (1: 54)
(1: 34/35.1), to describe (2: 27, 28.1), to describe kata ton diaspasmon fragmented (1: 11)
in detail (1: 39), to differentiate (1: 91), to diaspazein to tear apart (1: 85)
discriminate (1: 28.2), to discuss in detail (1: diaspeirein to disperse (1: 38), to intersperse (1: 18.2),
21), to distinguish (4: 27, 45/46, 52, 70), to to scatter (1: 97.1), to spread (1: 97.1), to tear
explain (2: 22, 83), to expound precisely (1: 90), apart (1: 98)
to make articulate (1: 57), to make clear (1: 22), diaspeiresthai to be dispersed (2: 25, 79);
to make distinctions (2: 52, 93), to organize (2: diesparmenôs eirêmena scattered utterances
23, 37), to refine (1: 73), to set out (3: 22, 23, (1: 57)
28.1), to spell out (1: 22), to state exactly (1: 37), diastasiazein to be in conflict (1: 36), to object (1: 95)
to subjoin (1: 20) to diastasiazomenon objection (1: 95)
diêrthrômenos articulate (1: 35.2), articulated (2: diastasis articulation (1: 41.2), being apart from (1: 95),
28.2, 63), distinctly articulated (1: 56); being removed (1: 95), conjunction (1: 44),
diêrthrômenôs articulately (3: 2, 68, 87), contrast (1: 79), dimension (28: 6.1, 7, 11, 13, 14,
distinctly (1: 70), explicitly (1: 84), in an orderly 15, 18.2, 20, 26, 27, 28.2, 32, 39, 40, 47, 54, 57, 60,
manner (1: 23); diarthrôteos needs to be 67, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 92.2, 94, 99),
articulated (1: 99) dimensionality (1: 39), direction (2: 50, 91),
diasaleuein to undermine (1: 84) disagreement (1: 16), disjunction (1: 23),
dissaleuesthai to be displaced (1: 75) dissolution (1: 61), distance (22: 20, 27, 28.1,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 43.1, 47, 53, 54, 55, 57, 61, 67, 54, 55, 56, 64, 79, 83, 87, 93, 95, 98), radius (4: 20,
69, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, 95, 98), distance apart (1: 40, 54, 90), space (1: 88)
48), distancing (1: 87), distinction (2: 25, 48), diesiaion diastêma quarter-tone interval (1: 13);
divergence (1: 23), division (6: 5, 22, 45/46, 53, pêkhuaion diastêma the distance of a cubit (1:
58, 67), duration (1: 11), expansion (1: 51), 98); sômatikon diastêma body extension (1:
extendedness (1: 54), extension (23: 6.2, 10.2, 6.1); topikon diastêma place-extension (1: 6.1)
11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 33, 38, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, diastêmatikos dimensional (1: 41.2), intervallic (1:
51, 57, 68, 80, 83, 92.2, 98, 100), extent (1: 3), 28.2), that has extension (1: 98), with extension
interval (13: 11, 14, 19, 20, 28.1, 28.2, 43.2, 44, (1: 98), with extensions (1: 98)
52, 58, 59, 79, 87), length (1: 67), separation (11: diastizein to divide (1: 50), to dot apart (1: 87)
17, 18.2, 23, 26, 39, 53, 69, 78, 79, 80, 83), diastolê contrast (1: 20), diastole (1: 59), differentiation
splitting apart (1: 99), the divisible (1: 11); kata (1: 51), dilation (1: 80), dimension (1: 95),
diastasin extended (1: 22); logikê diastasis distinction (1: 66), divergence (1: 3), expansion
rational extension (1: 100); topikê diastasis (3: 18.2, 67, 98), opening (1: 57)
spatial distance (1: 100) diastrephein to corrupt (2: 4, 28.1), to distort (2: 17,
diastatikos disassociative (1: 45/46), divisive (1: 22), of 22), to twist (1: 83)
extension (1: 36), providing extension (1: 92.2) diastrephesthai to become misshapen (1: 24);
diastatikôs by separation (1: 85); diastatikê poreia diestrammenos deviant (2: 22, 34/35.1);
dimensional course (1: 100) diestrammenôs in a deviant way (1: 22)
diastatos dimensional (7: 7, 11, 14, 18.2, 47, 67, 90), diastrophê deviation (1: 22), perversion (1: 25)
divisible (1: 11), extended (18: 6.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, diastrophos distorted (3: 26, 38, 61), misshapen (1: 52),
17, 22, 27, 41.2, 47, 52, 61, 68, 70, 83, 87, 94, 98), twisted (1: 83)
having dimension (4: 39, 40, 85, 87), having diasurein to disparage (1: 48)
extension (3: 26, 42, 61), in extension (1: 41.2), diatarattein to upset (1: 97.1)
possessed of dimension (1: 60), spread out diatasis dilation (1: 80), exertion (1: 16), tension (1:
(1: 98) 43.3)
diastatôs extendedly (1: 68), in an extended mode diatassein / diatattein to arrange (2: 39, 80), to classify
(1: 70); to diastaton extension (1: 42), what has (2: 23, 48), to count (1: 23), to decree (1: 80), to
dimensions (1: 94); dikhêi diastatos extended determine (1: 23), to enjoin (1: 80), to lay down
in two dimensions (1: 6.1); eph’ hen diastaton (1: 80), to maintain (2: 11, 73), to order (4: 11,
in one dimension (2: 73, 93), one-dimensional 17, 55, 68), to regulate (1: 80), to set out (1: 48)
(1: 90); to trikhê diastaton extension in three diatattesthai to arrange (1: 58), to be arrayed (1:
dimensions (1: 32); trikhêi diastatos extended 83), to classify (1: 51), to expound (1: 59), to
in three dimensions (3: 63, 76, 97.2), extended have a position (1: 83), to put (1: 3), to put
three ways (1: 98), in three directions (1: 98), (something a certain way) (1: 19), to stipulate
that extends in three dimensions (1: 57), (1: 3); diatetagmenôs in due order (1: 39)
three-dimensional (13: 6.1, 6.2, 7, 13, 48, 59, 60, diataxis arrangement (4: 5, 23, 48, 80), classification (2:
76, 78, 80, 83, 88, 92.2), three-dimensional 44, 48), command (1: 80), decree (1: 78),
extension (1: 76), with three extensions (1: 98) disposition (1: 39), disquisition (1: 41.1),
diastellein to chart (1: 76), to contract (1: 98), to division (1: 35.2), ordering (2: 34/35.1, 54)
determine (2: 76, 95), to distinguish (6: 42, 61, diateinein to contend (1: 83), to extend (10: 17, 28.1,
76, 79, 95, 98), to draw a distinction (3: 34/35.1, 28.2, 38, 41.1, 41.2, 48, 51, 86.1, 91), to insist (1:
56, 76), to make a distinction (4: 26, 51, 73, 90), 27), to put forward (1: 83), to strive (1: 55), to
to make distinctions (1: 92.2), to open (1: 57), to unfold (1: 55)
separate (1: 17) diateinesthai to contend (2: 6.2, 99), to exercise self
diastellesthai to distinguish (2: 25, 89), to expand (1: 52), to maintain (1: 85), to maintain
(1: 80), to make differentiations (1: 52), to open earnestly (2: 68, 86.1); diatetamenôs eagerly (1:
out (1: 34/35.1), to set out (1: 94); diastalteon 4); to diateinesthai contention (1: 23), to
to be distinguished (1: 88) struggle (1: 63)
diastêma amount (1: 98), breadth (1: 55), dimension (9: diatêkein : diatêkesthai to be soaked (1: 25)
11, 14, 23, 25, 40, 41.2, 89, 94, 98), distance (36: diatelein to bring to an end (1: 39), to continue (3: 25,
6.2, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 54, 75), to endure (2: 55, 83), to go on (1: 83), to
34/35.1, 38, 40, 42, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, remain (1: 55), to remain always (1: 86.1)
66, 67, 73, 75, 78, 79, 85, 86.1, 88, 89, 90, 91, 98), diatemnein to cut up (1: 97.1), to make a division (1:
duration (1: 58), extension (15: 6.1, 14, 21, 32, 51), to pierce (1: 59)
33, 39, 48, 50, 53, 54, 75, 91, 92.2, 94, 98), extent diatêrein to maintain (1: 20), to preserve (1: 48)
(1: 57), gap (2: 43.1, 43.2), interval (25: 3, 10.2, diathein to run (3: 55, 88, 95)
11, 14, 15, 18.2, 20, 22, 38, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53, diatheontes asteres running stars (2: 88, 95)


diathesis arrangement (6: 5, 12, 54, 55, 83, 86.2), diazôgraphesthai to be figured (1: 84)
condition (18: 3, 7, 10.2, 13, 16, 19, 22, 27, 28.1, didagma teaching (1: 97.2), tuition (1: 20)
28.2, 39, 44, 48, 67, 78, 79, 83, 86.1), constitution didaktos teachable (4: 34/35.1, 64, 65, 73), that can be
(2: 67, 83), disposition (34: 4, 5, 11, 15, 17, 23, 25, taught (1: 2), trained (1: 45/46)
26, 27, 40, 41.2, 43.1, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, didaskaleion school (3: 2, 70, 95)
54, 60, 61, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76, 83, 89, 90, 92.1, 95, didaskalia didactic method (1: 63), discussion (1: 95),
99), division of (1: 56), mental state (1: 34/35.1), doctrine (3: 73, 88, 90), education (3: 1, 5, 63),
mode (1: 23), modification (1: 91), programme elucidation (1: 41.1), explanation (1: 95),
(1: 59), situation (1: 70), state (16: 14, 21, 22, 23, explication (1: 89), exposition (5: 28.2, 48, 59,
28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 41.2, 44, 56, 57, 58, 68, 70, 85, 61, 76), instruction (11: 10.2, 16, 22, 27, 40, 42,
86.1), way of being disposed (1: 65) 59, 88, 91, 97.1, 97.2), lesson (3: 7, 63, 97.1),
diathetos conditioned (1: 7) study (1: 63), teaching (32: 1, 2, 5, 7, 17, 18.2, 19,
diathigê arrangement (1: 61), mutual contact (1: 2) 21, 22, 27, 28.2, 39, 40, 41.1, 45/46, 51, 52, 56, 57,
diathruptein to scatter (1: 57) 58, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 73, 77, 80, 83, 90, 97.2),
diatithenai to affect (1: 16), to affect the condition (1: teaching process (1: 20), treating (1: 60),
27), to affect the disposition (1: 27), to arrange treatment (1: 39)
(2: 42, 85), to bring into a certain condition (1: didaskalias kharin for pedagogical reasons (1: 68);
61), to dispose (13: 15, 17, 19, 27, 28.1, 38, 39, poiein tên didaskalian to teach (1: 67)
45/46, 52, 56, 57, 69, 88), to give condition (1: didaskalikos capable of teaching (1: 10.2), didactic (2:
44), to give disposition (1: 44), to have character 59, 63), educable (1: 45/46), for teaching (1: 58),
(1: 44), to modify (1: 91), to prepare (1: 59), to skilled in teaching (1: 58), teachable (1: 74),
put in a condition (1: 59), to put in a disposition teaching (2: 56, 74), that teaches (1: 73)
(1: 75), to put in a state (2: 56, 57), to put into a didaskalos master (1: 83), teacher (22: 4, 11, 16, 20,
particular condition (1: 48), to set out (1: 28.1), 35.2, 45/46, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 73, 80,
to treat of (1: 28.1) 83, 85, 86.2, 90, 95, 97.1), that teaches (1: 67)
diatithesthai to be arranged (2: 79, 83), to be didaskein to convey (1: 76), to deal with (1: 88), to
constituted (1: 54), to be disposed (5: 22, 23, 25, explain (18: 25, 26, 27, 41.1, 41.2, 47, 53, 54, 55, 58,
28.2, 83), to be in a condition (1: 22), to be in a 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 78, 79, 89), to expound (3: 66, 73,
state (1: 25), to be positioned (1: 11); ho 90), to give instruction (1: 27), to give instructions
diatitheis subject (1: 44) (1: 18.2), to inform (1: 76), to instruct (8: 10.2, 16,
diatmein : diatmeisthai to evaporate (1: 21) 25, 40, 58, 76, 88, 89), to lecture (1: 63), to show (1:
diatmizesthai to evaporate (1: 24) 59), to teach (40: 2, 4, 10.2, 11, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
diatonos diatonic scale (1: 40) 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 38, 40, 44, 45/46, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59,
diatrekhein to run (1: 88) 60, 63, 65, 67, 68, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 89,
diatrekhontes asteres running stars (1: 88) 90, 97.1, 98, 99), to tell (1: 59)
diatribê occupation (1: 61), school (3: 59, 67, 68), time ho didaskôn teacher (3: 44, 67, 73); to didaskon
(1: 86.2), workout (1: 55) teacher (1: 99)
diatribein to concern oneself (1: 78), to go into (1: 99), didaxis teaching (4: 20, 34/35.1, 44, 89)
to remain (1: 88), to spend one’s life (1: 57), to didonai to admit (1: 79), to allow (2: 58, 80), to apply
spend time (2: 2, 57), to waste time (1: 86.2) (1: 73), to assign (5: 55, 59, 79, 80, 83), to
diatupôsis shaping (2: 57, 86.1) attribute (2: 58, 99), to bestow (1: 17), to
diatupoun to shape (1: 86.1), to stamp (1: 90) concede (7: 2, 18.2, 40, 58, 64, 83, 89), to enable
diaugês bright (1: 52), illuminated (1: 52), transparent (1: 43.2), to endow (1: 25), to give (24: 4, 10.2,
(1: 28.1) 21, 24, 25, 43.2, 44, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 73, 75,
diaulos double pipe (1: 98) 76, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 89, 90, 98, 99), to grant (17:
diaxainein : diexasmenos dispersed (1: 78) 10.2, 16, 25, 40, 60, 73, 75, 76, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2,
diazên live through (1: 28.1) 89, 90, 93, 94, 98), to impart (1: 11), to leave (1:
diazêsis life-form (1: 86.2), manner of life (1: 86.1) 59), to offer (2: 17, 25), to pay (1: 43.2), to
diazeugnunai to disjoin (3: 9, 59, 69), to unyoke (1: 59) permit (2: 58, 59), to provide (4: 21, 58, 59, 80)
diazeugnumenos disjunctive (1: 45/46); to didosthai to be granted (1: 16); dedosthai to be
diezeugmenon disjunction (2: 64, 65), the given (1: 90); dotheis given (2: 73, 90); to
disjunctive (1: 23) dedomenon assumption (1: 66), the given (2:
diazeuktikos disjunctive (6: 9, 23, 35.2, 59, 90, 95) 73, 90); logon didonai to give an account (1:
diazeuktikos sundesmos disjunctive connective (1: 89)
95) didumos : didumoi Gemini (the constellation) (1: 95)
diazeuxis disjunction (2: 23, 35.2) ta diduma twins (1: 15)
diazôgraphein to paint (1: 78), to broider figures (1: diegeirein to activate (1: 54), to arouse (2: 28.1, 38), to
68) awake (1: 52), to excite (2: 28.2, 97.1), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

stimulate (1: 97.1), to stir up (1: 34/35.1), to dieros wet (3: 57, 85, 92.1)
wake up (1: 52) to dieron damp (1: 28.2)
diegeiresthai to be awakened (1: 75) diesiaios quarter-tone (1: 13)
diêgeisthai to describe (1: 78), to go through (1: 56), to diesiaion diastêma quarter-tone interval (1: 13)
proclaim (1: 84) diesis quarter tone (2: 93, 38)
diêgêma story (1: 72), tale (1: 86.2) diêthein to allow through (1: 38), to filter (1: 18.2), to
diêgêmatikos narrative (1: 40) pass through (1: 57), to strain (1: 57)
diegersis arousal (1: 28.2), arousing (1: 28.1) diêtheisthai to be strained through (1: 24), to pass
diêgêsis narration (2: 27, 40), narrative (1: 7), story through (1: 38), to percolate (1: 21)
(1: 54) diêthêsis passing through (1: 38), percolation (1: 91)
dieirgein to keep apart (1: 57), to keep separate (1: 54), dieukrinein to elucidate (1: 58), to examine thoroughly
to prevent (1: 28.2) (1: 28.1)
to dieirgon obstruction (1: 28.2) dieukrinêsis elucidation (1: 84)
dieisdunein to penetrate (2: 28.2, 61) dieurunein to dilate (1: 57)
diêkein to be diffused (1: 56), to extend (5: 22, 52, 57, diexagein to live out (1: 86.2), to make do (1: 86.1)
78, 84), to extend through (1: 52), to pass diexarkein to be sufficient (1: 75)
through (1: 52), to penetrate (1: 52), to diexerkhesthai to deal with (1: 60), to follow through
permeate (1: 61), to pervade (3: 41.2, 48, 90), to (1: 59), to fully traverse (1: 75), to get entirely
reach (1: 48), to run through (1: 93), to spread through (1: 42), to get through all of (1: 42), to
out (1: 20), to traverse (1: 75) go right through (1: 17), to go through (3: 58,
diêkhein to be resonant (1: 28.2) 60, 93), to go through in detail (1: 7), to go
diêkhês conducting sound (1: 95), resonance (1: 28.2), through precisely (1: 90), to go through step by
resonant (1: 28.2), sound-conveying (1: 57), that step (1: 16), to pass through (1: 86.2), to review
can be heard through (1: 34/35.1), that conveys (1: 59), to traverse (6: 18.2, 20, 44, 58, 60, 93), to
sound (2: 28.2, 57), transsonant (2: 28.1, 91) traverse entirely (1: 3)
to diêkhes cause of sound (1: 28.2), sound medium diexienai to explain (1: 21), to follow through (1: 59),
(1: 25), sound-vehicle (2: 56, 57), that which to fully traverse (1: 75), to get through (1: 22),
conveys sound (1: 57) to go completely through (1: 42), to go through
diêkhêtikos transsonic (1: 28.1) (5: 22, 35.2, 55, 58, 60), to pass over (1: 10.1), to
diekpheugein to avoid (1: 59) proceed (1: 12), to review (1: 59), to run
diekpiptein to be sent out (1: 52), to escape (1: 38), to through (1: 22), to traverse (8: 10.1, 18.2, 25, 54,
make its way through (1: 18.2), to pass right 55, 58, 84, 98)
through (1: 52) diexitêtos able to be got completely through (1: 42),
diekptôsis : eis diekptôsin to move down through able to be traversed (1: 89), that can be
(something) (1: 18.2) traversed (1: 44), traversable (2: 44, 58)
dielenkhein to convict (1: 34/35.1), to criticize (2: 44, diexodeuein to develop (1: 51), to move from one
98), to demonstrate (1: 48), to examine (2: 18.2, thing to another (1: 36)
44), to expose (1: 83), to investigate (1: 35.2), to diexodeuesthai to be completely traversed (1: 89)
prove (1: 18.2), to refute (26: 1, 2, 16, 19, 22, 25, diexodikos continuous (1: 40), discursive (1: 100),
29.1, 41.2, 44, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 72, 73, 78, drawn out (1: 22), expository (1: 70), going
79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 95, 99), to reject (1: 85), to through things (1: 36), moving from one thing
show the error (1: 18.2), to utterly refute (1: 93) to another (1: 36), processional (1: 72),
dielenkhesthai to be refuted (1: 75) progressive (1: 28.2), transitional (1: 22)
diênekês continuous (1: 59), unbroken (1: 59), diexodikôs methodically (1: 93)
perpetual (1: 97.2) diexodos analysis (1: 48), description (1: 48), detailed
diênekôs continually (1: 59), in perpetuity (1: 59); exposition (1: 41.2), development (1: 51),
to diênekes continuity (1: 59); eis to diênekes discursive passage (1: 86.2), examination (1:
in perpetuity (2: 58, 59) 22), exit (3: 6.1, 28.2, 80), exposition (2: 34/35.1,
diereunan to examine critically (1: 2), to investigate (1: 70), passage (3: 11, 22, 86.1), passage out (1:
23) 28.2), pathway (1: 86.2), process for an outlet (1:
dierkhesthai to discuss (1: 43.2), to explain in detail (1: 25), traversal (2: 55, 89), utterance (1: 41.2), way
83), to extend through (1: 91), to go through (7: out (2: 55, 98)
38, 73, 78, 83, 85, 93, 98), to pass through (2: 52, aneu diexodou non-discursive (1: 86.1); kata
60), to run through (1: 86.1), to spread abroad diexodon in an expository way (1: 51)
(1: 57), to traverse (8: 3, 12, 18.2, 19, 42, 75, 89, diienai to allow through (1: 38), to be distributed (1:
93) 18.2), to cover (1: 98), to extend through (1: 91),
diermêneuein to interpret (1: 28.2) to go right through (1: 10.2), to go through (5:
diermêneusis interpretation (1: 48) 19, 28.2, 42, 50, 98), to pass through (8: 18.2, 22,


32, 50, 54, 58, 78, 79), to penetrate (1: 28.2), to dikaios fair (1: 83), just (16: 4, 13, 15, 18.2, 26, 40, 43.1,
permeate (1: 18.2), to pervade (1: 50), to travel 43.2, 43.3, 52, 64, 69, 72, 83, 93, 97.1), justifiable
(2: 18.2, 54), to travel through (1: 21), to (1: 98), right (4: 21, 54, 55, 83)
traverse (3: 54, 55, 75) dikaiôs justly (2: 19, 97.1); to dikaion justice (3: 4,
diikneisthai to come through (1: 28.1), to extend 52, 67)
through (1: 28.2), to get through (1: 28.1), to dikaiosunê being just (1: 4), just distribution (1: 84),
penetrate (2: 25, 55), to pierce (1: 25) justice (15: 2, 4, 7, 13, 15, 19, 40, 44, 48, 52, 65,
diiskhurizesthai to assert confidently (1: 7), to insist 69, 72, 93, 97.1), justness (3: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3)
(2: 23, 25) dikaiôtêrion place of punishment (1: 61)
diistanai to be apart (1: 27), to be at a distance (5: 13, dikaioun to do justice (2: 43.1, 69)
28.1, 54, 55, 83), to be at a distance from (1: 87), dikanikos lawyer-like (1: 84)
to be at variance (1: 28.1), to be distanced (1: dikastês judge (3: 34/35.1, 40, 97.1), juror (1: 40)
27), to be distant (2: 20, 42), to be extended (5: hoi dikastai jury (1: 40)
11, 14, 20, 50, 83), to be removed (1: 92.1), to be dikê justice (7: 20, 72, 74, 83, 85, 86.2, 97.1), lawsuit (1:
separated (1: 83), to differ (1: 93), to discern (1: 43.2), punishment (2: 83, 97.1)
39), to displace (1: 75), to distinguish (6: 27, 39, en dikê justifiably (1: 86.1)
42, 51, 78, 99), to diverge (1: 57), to divide (3: 11, dikha in two (4: 10.2, 57, 85, 90), into two equal parts
78, 79), to divorce (1: 22), to exist (1: 10.2), to (1: 73), twofold (1: 93), without (3: 23, 93, 98)
extend (2: 22, 92.2), to have dimension (1: 14), dikha temnein to bisect (1: 73); phronein dikha to
to isolate (1: 18.2), to maintain a distance (1: contrast (1: 57)
54), to make distant (1: 60), to open (1: 29.1), to dikhêi twofold (1: 85)
part (1: 57), to place at a distance (1: 50), to pull dikhêi diastatos extended in two dimensions (1:
apart (1: 99), to remove (1: 57), to separate (9: 6.1); dikhêi temnein to bisect (1: 73)
11, 17, 25, 27, 39, 51, 78, 79, 99), to set apart (2: dikhomênos month-bisecting (1: 55)
14, 60), to split (3: 54, 55, 57), to split apart (1: dikhopoios dividing into two (1: 2)
55), to stand apart (4: 11, 14, 22, 45/46), to stand dikhôs alternatively (1: 22), in two senses (1: 20), in
at a distance (2: 54, 55), to stand next to (1: 27) two versions (1: 19), in two ways (8: 16, 18.2, 21,
diistasthai to be apart (1: 4), to be dispersed (1: 50), 60, 76, 78, 79, 85), in twofold ways (1: 76), there
to be dissociated from (1: 25), to be distant (1: are two ways in which (1: 73)
38), to be distinct from (1: 25), to be extended dikhôs legein to use in two senses (1: 25); dikhôs
(3: 38, 41.2, 94), to be removed (1: 12), to be legesthai to be spoken of in two senses (1: 75),
riven (1: 25), to be separated (4: 3, 15, 38, 41.2), to be used in two senses (1: 25)
to be separating (1: 98), to differ (2: 39, 41.2), to dikhothen in two ways (1: 29.1)
distend (1: 99), to extend (2: 17, 44), to separate dikhotomein to bisect (3: 20, 54, 55), to cut in two (1:
(2: 10.2, 44), to stand apart (1: 3); diastan 95), to cut into two (1: 67), to halve (1: 76)
extended (1: 42); diestêkôs distant (1: 42); dikhotomia bisection (2: 20, 44), dichotomy (5: 3, 16,
diestôs dimensional (1: 18.2), distant (1: 11), 42, 44, 85), division (1: 63), division into two
divided (1: 11), extended (4: 11, 14, 42, 78), (1: 67)
standing at a distance (1: 40); to diestêkos dikhotomos bisected (1: 55), half (moon) (1: 73),
distance (1: 13), extension (1: 11); diestôs semicircular (1: 61)
trikhêi having three dimensions (1: 40); eis dikhotomos selênê half moon (2: 56, 88)
akhanes diistasthai to be separated by a huge dikranos two-headed (1: 85)
distance (1: 95); eph’ hen diestôs having one diktuon net (2: 54, 57)
dimension (1: 40); epi duo diestôs having two dilitraios of two pounds (1: 98)
dimensions (1: 40), two dimensional (1: 11); epi dimerês bipartite (1: 35.2)
tria diestôs three dimensional (1: 11); tria dimoiros two-thirds (1: 98)
diestôs having three dimensions (1: 40); trikhêi dinê revolution (1: 98), rotation (1: 54), vortex (3: 15,
diestanai to be three dimensional (1: 80); 55, 78), vortex motion (1: 55)
trikhêi diestôs extended in three dimensions dinein to rotate (2: 52, 75), to spin (1: 91), to turn (1:
(1: 12), having three dimensions (1: 40), in three 19), to swirl (1: 55)
dimensions (1: 10.2) dineisthai to rotate (1: 54)
diitêtikos penetrating (1: 68) dinêsis rotation (4: 6.1, 34/35.1, 54, 86.1), turning (1:
diitikos penetrative (1: 59) 19), vortex (1: 54), vortex motion (1: 55)
diixis getting through (1: 28.1), mutual penetration (1: diodeuein to pass through (1: 60), to travel (1: 18.2), to
11), penetration (1: 11) traverse (2: 88, 95)
dikaiologeisthai to object (1: 48), to plead (1: 34/35.1) diodos passage (2: 21, 98), passage through (1: 55),
dikaiologia justifications (1: 23), something to plead passage way (1: 18.2)
(1: 34/35.1) dioignunai to open up (1: 28.2)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

dioikein to administer (2: 86.1, 99), to control (2: 26, (22: 4, 14, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 25, 39, 43.1, 44, 52,
59), to dispose (1: 6.1), to govern (3: 45/46, 59, 60, 67, 69, 75, 76, 83, 85, 89, 98, 99), to delimit (4:
91), to have governance of (1: 59), to maintain 55, 57, 89, 99), to demarcate (2: 50, 85), to
(2: 59, 86.1), to manage (2: 17, 86.2), to order describe (1: 22), to determine (22: 9, 10.2, 12,
(1: 26), to organize (3: 21, 52, 85), to provide 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28.2, 38, 40, 41.1, 42, 50, 54,
for (1: 86.1), to regulate (1: 86.2), to set in order 55, 60, 61, 69, 73, 78, 79), to differentiate (1: 85),
(1: 6.1) to discriminate (1: 85), to distinguish (26: 3, 6.1,
dioikêsis administration (1: 86.1), governance (2: 6.2, 14, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 39, 42, 44, 51, 54,
45/46, 54) 55, 60, 65, 73, 75, 78, 79, 83, 93, 99, 100), to
dioikêtês governor (1: 45/46) divide (6: 11, 25, 50, 55, 85, 93), to divide
dioikêtikos managing (1: 17) discretely (1: 39), to draw a distinction (4: 21,
dioikizein to disperse (1: 54), to house separately (1: 25, 42, 56), to draw distinctions (1: 69), to
25), to put in a different camp (1: 54) establish (1: 22), to explain (2: 22, 28.2), to give
diôkein to pursue (5: 4, 25, 52, 86.2, 98), to put to flight a definition (1: 61), to give a definition of (1:
(1: 7), to seek (1: 100) 60), to give a definitive account of (1: 60), to lay
diokhlein : diokhleisthai to be disturbed (1: 25) down (1: 22), to limit (1: 28.2), to make a
diôktos to be pursued (1: 91) distinction (11: 19, 22, 27, 28.2, 29.1, 48, 52, 73,
diolisthanein to slip away (1: 60) 87, 97.1, 99), to make clear (1: 27), to make
diollunai : diollusthai to be destroyed (1: 97.1), to determinate (1: 42), to make distinct (1: 57), to
perish (2: 86.1, 97.1) make distinctions (1: 51), to make distinctions
diolou always (1: 84) (1: 60), to mark off (5: 6.2, 13, 41.1, 76, 87), to
diôlugios endless (1: 83), grand (1: 83), immense mark off from (1: 57), to say something definite
(1: 86.2) (1: 60), to separate (4: 14, 22, 50, 52), to set a
diomologia agreement (1: 43.2) limit to (1: 97.1), to set out (1: 28.2), to settle (1:
dioper this is why (1: 60) 28.2), to specify (7: 17, 19, 54, 55, 61, 67, 79), to
dioptos see-through (1: 38), transparent (1: 52) treat as determinate (1: 16)
dioptra diopter (1: 55) diorizesthai to be assigned (1: 97.1), to be defined
dioran to gain insight into (1: 25), to see clearly (1: 16), (1: 16), to be discrete (1: 7), to be limited (1:
to see through (1: 38) 97.1), to be marked off (1: 32), to determine (2:
dioratikos capable of perceiving (1: 52), seeing clearly 28.1, 56), to distinguish (1: 59), to draw a
(1: 2) distinction (2: 3, 35.2), to lay down (2: 28.1, 80),
diorganôsis constitution (1: 22), differentiated to make a distinction (1: 28.1), to make the
structure (1: 54), equipment with organic parts relevant distinctions (1: 94), to provide
(1: 61), organisation (2: 68, 70), set of organs (1: determinations (1: 40); diôristhai to be
59), structural differentiation (1: 60), structure determinate (1: 42), to be distinct (2: 42, 93);
(1: 59) diorizôn distinctive (1: 28.2); diôrismenos by
diorganoun to organise (1: 70) making a distinction (1: 92.2), definite (1: 61),
diorganousthai to be equipped with different determinate (3: 30/31, 40, 78), discrete (19: 11,
organs (1: 61), to be organised (1: 56), to be 13, 14, 15, 20, 22, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 41.2, 51, 56,
provided with organs (1: 36), to have organs 61, 63, 76, 78, 85, 87, 93), distinct (4: 19, 28.2, 42,
(1: 56) 70), prescribed (1: 97.1), separate (2: 11, 14),
diorisis distinguishing (1: 18.2), division (1: 98) well-defined (1: 97.1); diôrismenôs
diorismos definition (8: 11, 23, 27, 39, 44, 51, 52, 64), determinately (1: 42), with proper distinctions
determination (8: 9, 23, 30/31, 40, 55, 56, 64, 84), (1: 2); dioristeon one should distinguish (1: 65);
difference (1: 23), differentiation (1: 35.2), to diôrismenon defined limit (1: 67); ta
distinction (18: 3, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 39, diôrismena determined things (1: 24);
42, 44, 48, 69, 75, 78, 79, 89, 92.2), division (1: diôrismenon poion definite quality (1: 61);
11, 41.2), qualification (6: 12, 16, 22, 23, 68, 79), diôrismenon poson defined quantity (1: 67),
specification (2: 30/31, 40) discrete quantity (1: 61); mekhri tou
tôi diorismôi by exhibiting (1: 27); kata ton diorizesthai to be limited in scope (1: 97.1)
diorismon by being discrete (1: 41.2), in the diorthôsis correct solution (1: 25), correction (3: 18.2,
way specified (1: 30/31); meta diorismou on a 48, 100), emendation (1: 48)
condition (1: 30/31) diorthoun to correct (9: 19, 20, 34/35.1, 35.2, 43.2, 44,
dioristikos by means of definition (1: 74), distinctive 48, 55, 56), to get straight (1: 80), to maintain (1:
(1: 28.2) 92.1), to make good (1: 54), to right (1: 43.2)
diorizein to articulate (1: 28.2), to be explicit (1: 83), to dioruttein to dig through (1: 56)
bound (1: 89), to carry out an analysis (1: 76), to diosêmeia omens in the sky (1: 93)
deal with (1: 60), to decide (1: 28.2), to define diôsis pushing apart (1: 19)


diosmos odour-conveying (1: 57), that can be smelt dittologein to be repetitive (1: 34/35.1)
through (1: 34/35.1), that conveys odour (1: 57), dittos / dissos ambiguous (1: 65), double (3: 4, 20, 52),
transmitting odour (1: 52), transodorant (4: 12, dual (1: 22), in two ways (1: 91), of two kinds (7:
28.1, 38, 91) 3, 19, 20, 22, 52, 60, 91), two kinds of (1: 91), two
to diosmon cause of smell (1: 28.2), conductor (of sorts (1: 12), twofold (9: 16, 21, 28.1, 41.2, 60, 85,
smell) (1: 28.2), conveyer of smell (1: 28.2), 91, 98, 99)
smell-medium (1: 25), smell-transmission (1: dittôs in two ways (2: 60, 73) to disson / to ditton
28.2), smell-transmitter (1: 28.2), smell-vehicle duality (1: 91) , duplicity (1: 40), in two [ways]
(2: 56, 57), transmitter (of smell) (1: 28.2), (1: 85), the notion of ambiguity (1: 92.2)
transmitting medium (1: 28.2); diosmos diugrainein to soak (1: 91)
dunamis odour-conveying power (1: 57), diugrainesthai to be soaked through (1: 24)
power to convey odour (1: 57) diugros watery (1: 88)
diôthein to push apart (1: 19), to reject (1: 52) diupnizein to fall asleep (1: 42)
dioti because (1: 90) dizêsis inquiry (2: 18.2, 85)
to dioti explanation (1: 44), fact (1: 44), the reason dôdeka twelve (1: 86.2)
why (2: 61, 77), the why (4: 56, 73, 74, 90) dôdekaedron dodecahedron (5: 34/35.1, 61, 68,
diôxis pursuit (3: 25, 86.2, 100), seeking (1: 100) 78, 83)
dipêkhus two cubits (3: 7, 61, 67), two feet long (1: 79), dogma belief (8: 26, 45/46, 52, 59, 79, 80, 83, 85), decree
two-cubit (1: 84) (1: 67), doctrine (24: 1, 2, 7, 10.2, 21, 34/35.1, 39,
diphorein : diphoroumenos duplicated (2: 9, 30/31) 40, 48, 50, 51, 54, 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 74, 80, 83,
diphoroumenos sullogismos duplicating syllogism 93, 94, 97.1), dogma (1: 97.1), judgement (1:
(1: 40) 86.1), opinion (7: 6.1, 22, 40, 43.3, 44, 68, 83),
diphrêlatein to drive a chariot (1: 95) position (2: 58, 88), teaching (1: 85), tenet (2: 40,
diphuïa double nature (1: 52) 94), theory (4: 2, 32, 63, 91), view (3: 76, 80,
diplasiasmos doubling (1: 2) 86.1), way of thinking (1: 80)
diplasiazein to double (3: 42, 48, 58), to double up (1: dogmatizein to uphold (1: 25)
57), to duplicate (4: 20, 38, 73, 94) doidux pestle (1: 7)
diplasios / diplasiôn double (18: 2, 7, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, dokein to appear (7: 4, 10.2, 16, 60, 90, 94, 99), to
21, 34/35.1, 41.2, 42, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 78, 79), in appear true (1: 90), to be apparent (1: 99), to be
the ratio of two to one (1: 38), of two (1: 67), approved (1: 21), to be considered (1: 17), to be
ratio of two to one (1: 48), the ratio two to one decided (1: 43.2), to be deemed (1: 40), to be
(1: 2), twice (3: 42, 52, 60), twice as many (1: deemed to (1: 94), to be held (1: 40), to be
93), twofold (2: 61, 98) judged (1: 40), to be of the opinion that (1: 51),
diplasiôs two times (1: 60); ho diplasios logos the to be reckoned (1: 40), to be reputed (1: 4), to be
duple ratio (1: 86.1); to diplasion doubleness seen (1: 18.2), to be someone’s opinion (1: 60),
(1: 19), the double (1: 2) to be someone’s view (1: 60), to be the opinion
diploê doubling (1: 95), duality (2: 26, 36), lack of of (1: 67), to be the view held by (1: 25), to be
correspondence (1: 23), split (1: 27) the view of (1: 16), to be thought (7: 17, 56, 75,
diplos double (1: 18.2), dual (1: 11) 78, 79, 83, 92.1), to be thought to (1: 40), to
diplôsis duplication (1: 73), folding up (1: 57) believe (3: 51, 69, 99), to decide (2: 4, 90), to
diploun to fold (1: 57) form an impression (1: 95), to purport (1: 18.2),
diplous compound (1: 23), double (6: 4, 23, 52, 57, 60, to seem (27: 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
97.1), doubled (1: 98), of two kinds (1: 86.1) 24, 25, 43.2, 56, 60, 69, 73, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 90,
diplôs of two kinds (1: 20) 92.1, 93, 94, 99), to seem right (3: 4, 17, 43.2), to
dipous biped (4: 13, 15, 64, 65), that has two feet (1: 61), think (11: 4, 12, 21, 36, 43.2, 45/46, 69, 73, 86.1,
two-footed (8: 2, 12, 15, 16, 52, 64, 85, 93) 90, 99)
to dipoun biped (1: 13), two-footedness (1: 2) dokôn supposed (1: 17); dokountôs in conformity
dipsa thirst (2: 56, 86.1) with the beliefs of (1: 59); to dokein opinion (1:
dipsan to be thirsty (2: 12, 86.1) 18.2), seeming (1: 28.1); to dokoun doctrine (1:
dis twice (3: 21, 64, 65) 25), opinion (2: 22, 28.2), view (1: 86.1), what is
diskeuôn discus-thrower (1: 52) believed (1: 61), what seems to be (1: 100), what
diskoeidês having the shape of a flat plate (1: 61) seems to be the case (1: 100); ta dokounta
diskos disk (2: 57, 73), flat plate (1: 61) opinions (1: 23); to dedogmenon doctrine (1:
dissographia / dittographia dittography (1: 41.1) 41.2); dokei tini it is someone’s opinion (1: 17),
distazein to be in doubt (1: 61), to be in two minds (1: someone accepts (1: 73), someone believes (1:
34/35.1) 60), someone holds that (1: 60); edoxe tisi some
distikhion distich (1: 34/35.1) have thought (1: 10.2); enargôs dokein to be
disullabon two-syllable word (1: 51) clearly evident (1: 10.2); pleistois edokei most

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

have thought (1: 16); ta autôi dokounta his doxasma doctrine (1: 97.2), opinion (2: 11, 97.2), view
own positions (1: 16); eulogôs dokein to seem (1: 11)
reasonable (1: 10.2) doxastikos as opinion (1: 22), belief-based (1: 69),
dokêsis appearance (3: 23, 61, 90), appraisal (1: 45/46), believing (1: 45/46), capable of believing (1: 91),
estimation (1: 100), illusion (2: 88, 95), conjectural (1: 22), doxastic (1: 28.1), for
impression (1: 78), opinion (2: 7, 48), phantom believing (1: 91), judgmental (1: 22), of belief
(2: 88, 95), reputation (1: 45/46), semblance (1: 22), of opinion (1: 72), opiniative (1: 67),
(1: 27) opining (1: 56), opinionative (2: 22, 86.1),
dokheion receptacle (1: 94), repository (1: 34/35.1) opinion-forming (1: 39), responsible for
dokheus receptor (1: 72) opinion (1: 86.1), that forms opinions (1: 2),
dokias beam (1: 95), meteor (1: 54) that is a matter of opinion (1: 100)
dokimasia examination (2: 45/46, 97.1), test (1: 97.1), doxastikôs as a matter of opinion (2: 22, 64), as an
testing (1: 93) opinion (1: 25), as opinion (1: 22), based on
dokimastikos : dokimastikos einai to judge (1: 52) opinions (1: 14); to doxastikon the power to
dokimazein to decide (1: 48), to judge (2: 28.2, 45/46), opine (1: 22); doxastikê gnôsis opinion (1:
to test (3: 45/46, 48, 51) 28.2); zoê doxastikê life of belief (1: 22)
dokimos reliable (1: 9), reputable (1: 84) doxastos about opinion (1: 85), conjectured (1: 59),
domos house (1: 52) opinable (1: 63), opined (2: 35.2, 68), that can be
donein to move up and down (1: 34/35.1), to shake believed (1: 91), that can be known through
(1: 85) opinion (1: 10.1), that is an object of opinion (1:
dôrodôkos money-grubber (1: 43.2) 10.1), that may be conjectured (1: 59)
doru spear (3: 23, 54, 57) to doxaston object of judgement (1: 67), object of
doruphoria body-guard (1: 25) opinion (7: 10.1, 16, 22, 34/35.1, 61, 74, 93),
dosis ‘to give’ (1: 52), gift (1: 86.2), giving (2: 4, 43.2) subject of opinion (1: 34/35.1), thing of opinion
dotikos : dotikê dative (2: 7, 34/35.1, 93), dative case (1: 85), thing opinion is about (1: 34/35.1)
(2: 13, 56) doxazein to adhere to a view (1: 59), to be of an
dotikê ptôsis dative (3: 48, 61, 65), dative case (2: opinion (3: 40, 59, 61), to be of the opinion (2:
13, 80) 34/35.1, 99), to believe (10: 11, 16, 45/46, 67, 68,
douleia servitude (1: 97.2), slavery (1: 97.2) 69, 90, 91, 93, 99), to believe in (1: 98), to
douleuein to be enslaved (2: 86.2, 97.1), to be subject espouse (1: 80), to express a view (1: 18.2), to
(1: 97.1) form a judgement (1: 45/46), to form an
doulouesthai to be enslaved (1: 97.1) opinion (2: 67, 68), to have a belief (3: 27, 69,
doulos slave (9: 2, 7, 21, 43.1, 51, 56, 58, 59, 86.2) 91), to have an opinion (8: 27, 36, 48, 73, 88, 90,
dourios : dourios hippos wooden horse (1: 34/35.1) 93, 100), to have the opinion (1: 73), to hold (a
doxa appearance (1: 61), belief (26: 1, 16, 17, 18.2, 22, view) (1: 59), to hold an opinion (2: 2, 43.3), to
26, 27, 28.1, 41.1, 42, 50, 58, 59, 60, 68, 69, 70, 74, hold opinions (2: 4, 16), to hold the view (1: 67),
76, 77, 78, 83, 85, 89, 91, 100), doctrine (17: 2, 9, to judge (1: 7), to make a judgement (1: 61), to
22, 26, 40, 50, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 76, 85, 89, 93, opine (6: 16, 22, 25, 35.2, 52, 99), to regard (1: 2),
97.1, 99), fame (1: 52), glory (2: 1, 80), idea (1: to think (5: 23, 83, 85, 86.1, 98)
58), judgement (3: 23, 67, 94), mind (1: 68), doxazesthai to be a doctrine (1: 18.2), to be held as
opinion (67: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, opinion (1: 16), to be opined (1: 16); doxazôn
15, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, with opinion (1: 16)
28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, doxomanês mad for fame (1: 43.3)
43.3, 44, 45/46, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, doxomimêtikos of imitating semblance (1: 72)
67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 90, drakhmê coin (1: 23), drachma (1: 21), drachma coin
92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), position (1: 21), dram (1: 99)
(6: 30/31, 58, 59, 68, 76, 80), reputation (8: 1, 4, drama dramatic account (1: 86.1), story (1: 97.1)
5, 10.1, 43.3, 45/46, 69, 83), repute (1: 69), dramatikos dramatic (1: 7)
teaching (1: 80), tenet (1: 80), theory (10: 2, dran to accomplish (1: 51), to act (10: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 39,
10.1, 10.2, 52, 67, 76, 85, 90, 98, 99), thought (2: 56, 59, 60, 68, 83, 86.2), to act on (2: 34/35.1, 57),
15, 76), view (21: 10.2, 16, 18.2, 22, 30/31, 58, 59, to affect (2: 28.2, 54), to be active (1: 93), to be
60, 67, 69, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 91, 94, 98, 99, operative (1: 22), to do (13: 16, 17, 19, 28.1, 54,
100) 55, 68, 69, 78, 86.1, 86.2, 98, 99), to do
doxêi conjecturally (1: 59); koinê doxa common something (1: 56), to draw one’s efficacy (1:
opinion (1: 40), common use (1: 18.2); doxan 86.2), to have an effect (2: 28.2, 83), to perform
nomizein to entertain an opinion (1: 20) (1: 86.2), to perform an action (1: 25), to
doxarion doctrine (1: 97.2), reputation (1: 45/46) produce an effect (1: 60), to work (2: 20, 28.2)
doxasis opinion (1: 26) to drôn ‘action’ (1: 28.1), agent (1: 28.2)


drasis acting (1: 83), action (1: 99), doing (1: 47) 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.1,
drastêrios active (8: 23, 28.1, 36, 39, 59, 68, 74, 80), 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
effective (1: 84), efficacious (1: 70), forceful (1: 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75,
57), operative (1: 20), productive (1: 28.2) 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93,
drastêriôs efficiaciously (1: 70); to drastêrion 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), property (1: 58),
active control (1: 54), active force (2: 28.1, 67), significance (1: 54), strength (3: 7, 95, 99), the
active nature (2: 28.1, 59), active power (1: 78), thrust (of an argument or statement) (1: 89)
active principle (1: 39), activity (1: 44), efficacy dunamei as a power (1: 91), by (its) power (1: 91),
(1: 68); drastêrios dunamis power of affecting ‘capable’ (1: 28.2), effectively (2: 43.3, 47),
things (1: 33) implicit (1: 92.1), implicitly (1: 65), in a
drastikos active (9: 28.1, 28.2, 39, 48, 54, 60, 70, 83, 91), potential way (1: 10.2), in effect (2: 10.2, 73), in
capable of acting (1: 75), effective (5: 17, 68, 69, potency (4: 28.2, 40, 74, 99), in potential (1: 20),
70, 98), operative (1: 20), potent (1: 20), pungent in potentiality (15: 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25,
(1: 57), such as to act on (1: 57) 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 57, 60, 75, 89, 99), potential
drastikôs effectively (1: 70); ho drastikos a doer (1: (23: 3, 13, 17, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
56); to drastikon active nature (1: 92.1) 34/35.1, 35.2, 51, 52, 58, 59, 67, 75, 80, 86.1, 89,
drattesthai / drassasthai to clutch (1: 34/35.1), to drag 98, 99), potentially (57: 2, 3, 4, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12,
in (1: 58), to fasten on (1: 56), to clutch onto (1: 13, 14, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28.1,
35.2), to grasp (1: 25), to lay hold of (1: 19), to 28.2, 30/31, 32, 35.2, 38, 40, 42, 43.3, 44, 47, 50,
seize hold of (1: 68), to take hold of (1: 68) 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70,
drattesthai epi to move in a direction (1: 68) 73, 78, 79, 80, 85, 86.1, 88, 90, 92.2, 93, 94, 95,
drimus acrid (2: 57, 91), acute (1: 34/35.1), bitter (1: 99), tacitly (2: 55, 78), virtually (5: 7, 14, 16, 68,
28.2), caustic (1: 25), pungent (1: 38) 85); en dunamei potential (2: 13, 22); hê
dromeus runner (4: 7, 21, 25, 56) dunamei potentiality (1: 42); kata dunamin as
dromikos capable of running (2: 13, 19) far as possible (1: 12), as far as was possible (1:
ho dromikos skilled runner (1: 7) 80), as much as possible (1: 68), as well as we
dromos race (1: 78), run (1: 75), running (2: 55, 75), can (1: 28.1), in potentiality (3: 28.1, 34/35.1,
stage (of a relay) (1: 75) 57), potential (1: 34/35.1), potentially (4: 23,
drosos dew (2: 79, 95) 28.2, 50, 69), to the best of our ability (1: 80), to
druinas oak-wood (1: 68) the uttermost (1: 22); to kata dunamin the
drus tree (2: 68, 84), wood (1: 95) potential (1: 19); to dunamei potential (2: 27,
drutomos woodcutter (1: 28.1) 28.2), potentiality (9: 27, 28.2, 42, 58, 59, 80, 89,
duadikos dual (1: 36), dyadic (1: 44) 92.2, 99), the potential (4: 6.2, 19, 51, 99), what
duas a pair (1: 26), dyad (19: 7, 10.2, 13, 16, 18.2, 20, 22, is potential (1: 89); to dunamei on that which is
25, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, 61, 67, 69, 70, 74, 92.1, 98), potentially (1: 10.2); hôs dunamis as much as
pair (1: 21), the number two (4: 2, 15, 16, 87), possible (1: 68); alloiôtikê dunamis power of
two (3: 27, 70, 74) alteration (1: 32); aisthêtikê dunamis capacity
aoristos duas indefinite dyad (1: 2); mathêmatikê for sense perception (1: 25), perceptual power
duas mathematical dyad (1: 2) (1: 57), power to perceive (2: 56, 57); akoustikê
duein to descend (1: 67), to set (1: 83) dunamis power to hear (2: 35.2, 57);
dunamikos powerful (3: 6.2, 42, 56) anaskeuastikê dunamis validity in refuting (1:
dunamis ability (11: 3, 23, 24, 40, 43.2, 43.3, 54, 67, 69, 74); antilêptikê dunamis power to lay hold of
72, 86.1), capability (1: 40), capacity (37: 1, 4, 5, things (1: 35.2); auxêtikê dunamis power of
6.2, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28.2, growing (1: 32); badistikê dunamis power to
37, 38, 39, 40, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 60, 65, 66, 68, walk (1: 34/35.1); diosmos dunamis odour-
69, 75, 76, 80, 93, 94, 99), faculty (18: 4, 5, 7, 13, conveying power (1: 57), power to convey
22, 23, 26, 28.1, 36, 51, 52, 61, 63, 67, 77, 83, 88, odour (1: 57); drastêrios dunamis power of
100), force (10: 1, 3, 19, 23, 29.1, 43.3, 63, 67, 69, affecting things (1: 33), potentially (1: 13);
74), function (1: 80), meaning (2: 25, 65), dunamei phanai to say the equivalent (1: 35.2);
possibility (3: 12, 22, 85), potency (7: 22, 23, dunamis auxêtikê capacity for growth (1: 25);
28.1, 28.2, 41.1, 97.1, 99), potential (8: 39, 40, 48, dunamis gennêtikê reproductive capacity (1:
63, 69, 76, 97.1, 100), potentiality (50: 4, 5, 7, 25); dunamis kata tên hexin dispositional (1:
10.1, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 56), in the dispositional way (1: 56); dunamis
28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 35.2, 38, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, noera intellective power (1: 51); dunamis pros
52, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 70, 74, 75, 76, 77, genesin ability to become (1: 28.2); dunamis
78, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 94, 98, 99, 100), power tou nou intellectual faculty (1: 61); exêgêtikê
(73: 2, 3, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, dunamis ability to interpret (1: 23); exousâi
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, dunameôs by the free exercise of power (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

97.1); gennêtikê dunamis power to generate (1: potentiality (1: 12), to have the power (1: 3), to
56); gnôristikê dunamis capacity to come to influence (1: 21), to mean (3: 16, 35.2, 99)
know (1: 25); gnôstikê dunamis capacity for dunamenos capable (1: 28.1), potential (3: 4, 21,
knowledge (1: 25); gonimê dunamis power to 99), that can (1: 28.2); to dunasthai ability (1:
generate (1: 56); haptikê dunamis capacity for 12), capacity (1: 86.1), force (1: 21), meaning (1:
touch (1: 25); horatikê dunamis power to see 21), potentiality (1: 28.2), to have potential (1:
(1: 35.2), sense of sight (1: 15); hôs hêmin ên 21); aporeisthai dunamena possible aporiae (1:
dunamis autarkôs as well as we could (1: 68); 10.2); dunasthai t’auton to be equivalent (1:
hupokeimenai dunameis lower capacities (1: 52); dunatai aporeisthai the aporia could be (1:
25); katalêptikê dunamis capacity to grasp (1: 10.2); ison dunasthai to be equivalent (4: 10.2,
25); kinêtikê dunamis capacity to produce 12, 16, 40), to be equivalent to (3: 9, 64, 65);
motion (1: 75), power to move (1: 100); logikê t’auton dunasthai to have the same force (1:
dunamis capacity for reasoning (1: 25); optikê 16), to mean the same thing (1: 16)
dunamis power to see (2: 56, 57); osphrantikê dunatos able (3: 3, 78, 79), available (1: 18.2), can (7:
dunamis power to smell (2: 35.2, 57); 18.2, 28.2, 30/31, 42, 90, 92.1, 99), capable (7:
phônêtikê dunamis power to make spoken 10.2, 15, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 66, 99), possible (40: 3,
sounds (1: 35.2); proaktikê dunamis capacity 6.2, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 25,
for generation (1: 20); psophêtikê dunamis 28.1, 30/31, 35.2, 42, 42, 44, 50, 54, 55, 56, 61, 64,
power to make sound (1: 57); sullogistikê 65, 66, 73, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 90, 92.1, 93, 95,
dunamis dialectical method (1: 40); tên autên 99), potential (3: 10.2, 64, 99), powerful (1: 42),
dunamin ekhein to be equivalent (1: 35.2); that can (1: 95), that has a capacity (1: 28.2),
theôrêtikê dunamis power to contemplate that is able (1: 28.2)
(1: 56); thermantikê dunamis power to heat (1: dunaton can (1: 73); to dunaton capacity (1: 28.1),
56); threptikê dunamis nourishing power possibility (1: 12), potential (1: 48), the possible
(1: 56), power of receiving nourishment (1: 32), (1: 25), thing that is potential (1: 17); hôs
power to nourish (1: 56); tmêtikê dunamis dunaton as much as possible (1: 19), to the
power to cut (1: 56); to deuteron dunamei maximum extent possible (1: 19); ou / mê
what is potentiality in the second way (1: 56); to dunaton cannot (2: 42, 90), impossible (1: 42)
proteron dunamei what is in potentiality in the dunein to set (5: 57, 68, 83, 88, 90)
first way (1: 56); to prôton dunamei what is in duo two (2: 20, 21)
potentiality in the first way (1: 56) duoin thateron an exclusive disjunction (1: 75)
dunamoun to to give special powers (1: 86.1) duoeidês dyadic (1: 70)
dunamousthai to be powered (1: 27), to have force to duoeides with two forms (1: 22)
(1: 27), to have power (1: 27) duopoios duplicative (2: 2, 70), productive of duality
dunasteia authority (1: 97.1), domination (1: 97.1), (1: 70)
position of power (2: 43.1, 43.2), power (2: 97.1, dusaisthêtos difficult to perceive (1: 38), not able to
99) perceive (1: 84)
dunasteuein to be a ruler (1: 95), to have power dusanalutos difficult to remove (1: 13), hard to remove
(1: 52) (1: 48)
dunasteuesthai to be conquered (1: 2) dusanapneustos difficult to breathe in (1: 38)
dunasthai can (19: 3, 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 28.1, dusantibleptos difficult to confront (1: 3), difficult to
30/31, 50, 60, 61, 67, 73, 88, 92.1, 94, 99), could face (1: 70), difficult to oppose (1: 29.1), hard to
(2: 12, 73), may (4: 10.2, 18.2, 67, 88), may be (1: confront (1: 35.2)
99), possibly (1: 60), to be able (30: 4, 10.2, 11, dusapoblêtos hard to lose (1: 7), hard to get rid of (1:
12, 14, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 24, 28.1, 38, 40, 45/46, 48)
50, 54, 55, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73, 75, 78, 79, 83, dusbatos difficult of passage (1: 20)
86.1, 99), to be capable (7: 4, 15, 21, 40, 61, 67, dusdaimôn unhappy (1: 69)
86.1), to be capable of (1: 75), to be empowered dusdiairetos difficult to divide (4: 1, 6.2, 42, 83), hard
(1: 60), to be equal (math.) (1: 2), to be in to divide (1: 18.2)
potency (1: 15), to be possible (23: 3, 4, 6.2, 9, dusdiakritos difficult to discern (1: 95), hard to discern
14, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 30/31, 38, 54, 55, 60, 64, 65, (2: 22, 95), hard to distinguish (1: 11)
67, 73, 78, 79, 83, 88, 99), to be possibly (1: 12), dusdiexodeutos : to dusdiexodeuton difficulty of
to be potentially (4: 10.2, 12, 18.2, 21), to have a making a way out (1: 28.2)
particular ability (1: 61), to have an ability (1: dusdioristos hard to determine (1: 57)
67), to have potential (1: 21), to have duseidês ill-looking (1: 57)
potentiality (1: 4), to have potentiality (1: 22), to dusêkhos ill-sounding (1: 57)
have power (1: 15), to have the capacity (1: 67), dusepikheirêtos hard to handle (1: 64)
to have the possibility (1: 12), to have the dusepinoêtos difficult to understand (1: 70)


dusepiteuktos difficult to accomplish (1: 86.2) isêmerinai equinoctial sunset (1: 95),
dusergos intractable (1: 92.2), unserviceable (1: 68) west (1: 95); hai isêmerinai dusmai the west (1:
dusexaptos difficult to kindle (1: 95) 95)
dusexôthêtos hard to penetrate (1: 18.2) dusmetablêtos difficult to change (1: 13), permanent
dusgnôstos hard to know (1: 34/35.1) (1: 13)
dusis place where something sets (1: 61), setting (9: 2, dusmetabolos stable (1: 48)
4, 11, 15, 54, 55, 59, 61, 95), west (6: 11, 54, 55, dusmiktos difficult to mix (1: 84)
83, 88, 95) dusmokhleutos hard to dislodge (1: 48)
duskatanoêtos hard to understand (1: 27) dusôdês foul smelling (2: 38, 57), malodorous (1: 56)
duskataplêktos hardly impressed (1: 61) to dusôdes bad odour (1: 28.2)
duskatapotos difficult to imbibe (1: 38) dusôdia bad odour (1: 24), foul smell (2: 38, 57), stench
duskatergastos hard to work on (1: 95) (1: 7)
duskathektos hard to hold down (1: 25) dusôpein to constrain (1: 84), to discomfort (1: 25), to
duskherainein to be disgusted at (1: 38), to be troubed discountenance (1: 6.2), to put to shame
(1: 27), to get annoyed (1: 45/46), to have (1: 75)
difficulties with (1: 58), to have difficulty (1: 90), dusôpeisthai to be ashamed (1: 16)
to object to (1: 48), to show scorn (1: 83) dusoratos hard to see (1: 52)
to duskherainein anger (1: 23) dusoristos hard to bound (1: 88), hard to determine (1:
duskheransis annoyance (1: 45/46) 24)
duskherantikos : duskherantikôs zên to live a life of dusparadektos difficult of acceptance (1: 80), hard to
frustration (1: 45/46) accept (1: 38)
duskhereia difficulty (4: 16, 54, 78, 79), discomfort (1: dusparamuthêtos hard to entreat (1: 25)
67), ills (1: 88), unpleasantness (2: 45/46, 91) duspatheia not being easily affected (1: 57), resistance
duskherês difficult (5: 10.2, 78, 90, 94, 98), disagreeable (1: 18.2)
(1: 4), distress (1: 22), distressing (1: 22), hard duspathês affected with difficulty (1: 98), hardly
(1: 95), intractable (1: 57), troublesome (1: 35.2), affected (1: 1), impassive (2: 36, 95), not easily
unpleasant (1: 45/46) acted on (1: 36), not easily affected (5: 15, 25, 83,
ta duskherê difficulties (1: 10.2) 88, 100), not easily disturbed (1: 91)
duskhrêstos hard to use (1: 40) dusphantastos difficult to imagine (1: 57), in a bad
duskinêtos difficult to change (1: 13), difficult to move position to exercise imagination (1: 67)
(2: 61, 79), hard to change (1: 4), hard to move dusphôratos difficult to fathom (1: 70), hard to
(2: 52, 55), not easily moved (2: 27, 61), resistant describe (1: 25)
to change (1: 75) duspnoia difficulty in breathing (1: 57)
duskolia churlishness (2: 43.1, 43.2), difficulty (5: 3, duspragia ill-doing (1: 17)
10.2, 23, 48, 94), discomfort (2: 14, 75), duspraxia bad action (1: 69)
uneasiness (1: 14) dussebês impious (1: 35.2)
duskolos churlish (1: 43.2), difficult (3: 55, 79, 86.2), dussunaisthêtos difficult to perceive all at once (1: 42)
hard (1: 18.2), problematic (1: 86.1), dussunesia dull wittedness (1: 84)
troublesome (1: 14) dustheôrêtos difficult to hunt out (1: 28.2)
duskôphein to be slightly deaf (1: 57) dusthêratos difficult to capture (1: 25), hard to hunt
duskrasia bad mixture (2: 56, 67), bad temperament down (1: 34/35.1), hard to pin down (1: 50)
(1: 19) dusthraustos difficult to break (1: 57)
duskratos poorly mixed (1: 60) dustokos painful (1: 86.1)
duskratôs ekhein to be in a badly mixed state (1: 56) dustukhein to be ill-fated (1: 84), to be of ill-fortune (1:
duskuliskos difficult to roll (1: 98) 45/46), to be unfortunate (1: 43.2)
duslêptos difficult to comprehend (1: 100), difficult to dustukhêma misfortune (1: 69)
grasp (1: 10.2), not easy to grasp (1: 22) dustukhês ill-fortuned (1: 45/46), unfortunate (3: 2,
to duslêpton difficulty (1: 22), difficulty of attaining 43.2, 84), unlucky (1: 17)
(1: 22) dustukhia bad luck (2: 17, 52), misfortune (1: 69
duslutos difficult (2: 10.2, 27) dustupôtos resisting imprints (1: 34/35.1)
dusmê setting (2: 1, 95) dutikos western (4: 55, 59, 88, 95)
apo dusmôn eastward (1: 1); dusmai the west (2: to dutikon the west (2: 54, 95); dutikê proodos
57, 59), west (6: 1, 54, 55, 83, 88, 95); dusmai hai setting (1: 54)


ean to allow (5: 18.2, 21, 22, 83, 98), to leave (3: 54, 83, êgoun i.e. (1: 17), or (1: 17), or better (1: 17), or rather
86.1), to leave aside (1: 57), to let (1: 86.1), to (1: 17)
pass over (1: 83), to permit (3: 18.2, 22, 28.2), to egrêgorsis awaking (1: 100), being awake (1: 22),
set aside (1: 83) waking (4: 34/35.1, 38, 42, 56)
eateon one must let (something) stand (1: 86.1) eidenai to be aware (3: 61, 80, 89), to be aware of (2: 78,
ear spring (6: 21, 54, 60, 61, 95, 98) 99), to have knowledge (2: 52, 61), to have
ebenos ebony (5: 24, 61, 68, 93, 95) understanding (1: 22), to know (38: 2, 4, 10.2,
edaphion position (1: 41.1) 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 40, 44,
edaphos ground (4: 19, 57, 60, 91) 52, 54, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,
êdê actually (2: 25, 80), already (12: 14, 16, 21, 25, 25, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 99), to learn (1:
28.1, 30/31, 60, 73, 75, 80, 83), at once (1: 80), 22), to note (1: 73), to realize (2: 17, 25), to
automatically (2: 73, 80), by now (1: 25), by the recognise (4: 17, 44, 63, 79), to see (1: 22), to
same token (1: 60), by the very fact (1: 16), by understand (4: 22, 44, 78, 79)
this alone (1: 4), by virtue of (1: 25), by virtue of isteon it is worth noting (1: 76), one has to be
that alone (1: 16), directly (1: 28.1), duly (1: 75), aware (1: 76), one ought to know (1: 19), one
first (1: 80), in fact (2: 25, 30/31), ipso facto (4: should know (1: 83), one should realize (1:
21, 30/31, 50, 75), just because (1: 4), just for this 86.1), one should understand (1: 83); to eidenai
reason (2: 4, 21), now (1: 21), once (1: 80), only knowing (1: 61); ho eidôs the person who
(1: 80), right now (1: 75), thereby (5: 25, 30/31, knows (1: 61); eidenai akribôs to know well (1:
50, 75, 83), therefore (1: 21) 68); ouk oid’ hopôs don’t ask me how (1: 86.1),
êdê energeiâi in actuality (1: 75); êdê kat’ knowledge (3: 2, 61, 73)
energeian already qua actual (1: 75) eidêsis knowing (1: 61), knowledge (7: 17, 20, 22, 29.1,
edesma food-dish (1: 57) 34/35.1, 61, 84), understanding (2: 22, 48)
edôdê eating (1: 24), food (1: 37) eidetikos / eidêtikos eidetic (2: 25, 70), formal (10: 2,
edôdimos edible (2: 38, 56) 11, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 41.2, 44, 84, 100), ideal (4:
to edôdimon edible character (1: 24); ta edôdima 2, 11, 22, 51), informing (2: 22, 36), of species (1:
foods (1: 56) 22), specific (3: 2, 39, 41.1), that gives form (1:
êelios sun (1: 90) 22)
egeirein to arise (1: 22), to arouse (6: 22, 28.1, 28.2, eidêtikôs by the forms (1: 85), formal (1: 22),
97.1, 99, 100), to awake (1: 22), to awaken (1: formally (1: 92.2), in a formal way (1: 28.1);
100), to rise (2: 22, 28.2), to rouse (1: 28.1), to eidêtikos arithmos eidetic number (1: 74),
rouse up (1: 97.1), to stimulate (2: 28.2, 36), to form-number (2: 70, 74)
wake (1: 22) eidikos formal (17: 11, 15, 17, 18.2, 20, 22, 28.1, 39, 43.3,
egeiresthai to be awake (1: 21), to be awakened (2: 44, 56, 59, 67, 76, 77, 79, 93), formative (2: 61,
28.2, 100), to be woken up (1: 75), to stir up (1: 67), formlike (1: 10.2), form-like (1: 32), like
86.1), to wake (1: 38); êgerthênai to wake up (1: form (1: 25), of the nature of a species (1: 13),
19); egrêgorenai to be awake (1: 19); specific (22: 7, 13, 17, 35.2, 39, 41.1, 44, 45/46,
egrêgorthai to be awake (1: 91); egrêgorôs 48, 51, 52, 56, 57, 67, 70, 73, 77, 88, 89, 92.2, 93,
awake (1: 28.1); to egeirein arousal (1: 22); to 95), specifying (1: 22), that bestows form (1: 22)
egeiresthai arousal (1: 28.2) eidikôs in a formal way (1: 10.2), in form (1: 22),
egersis arousal (2: 22, 36), awakening (2: 22, 100), specifically (1: 22), ultimate species (1: 22);
stimulus (1: 36), waking (1: 22) eidikôteros more formal (2: 24, 92.1);
egô I (1: 91) eidikôtatos most specific (1: 76); eidikôteron
en hêmin in us (1: 91); eph’ hêmin depending on legomenos in a more specific sense (1: 73);
us (1: 52), in our control (1: 15), in our power eidikôtaton eidos infima species (1: 7)
(1: 86.2), in our region (1: 52), up to us (2: 29.1, eidôlikos like an image (2: 70, 72), phantasmal (1: 28.1)
91); par’ hêmin depending on us (1: 12); pros eidôlon ghost (1: 97.1), image (15: 22, 38, 48, 52, 54, 57,
hêmas relative to us (1: 85), subjective (1: 44); 70, 72, 74, 85, 86.1, 88, 95, 97.1, 97.2)
to eph’ hêmin freewill (1: 48), that which eidôlopoiein to form an image (1: 95), to form into an
depends upon us (1: 97.1) image (1: 95)


eidolôpoiia image-making (1: 95) producer of form (1: 80), producing form (2: 26,
eidôlopoios composer of fictive image (1: 72), 60), producing species (1: 52), productive of a
image-maker (1: 34/35.1), maker of images species (1: 40), species-determining (1: 32),
(1: 85) species-forming (2: 39, 40), species-making (1:
eidopoiein to be formative (1: 76), to be formative of 13), specific (7: 5, 7, 13, 40, 48, 51, 80),
(1: 17), to bestow form on (1: 70), to specifying (2: 33, 60), supplying form (1: 44),
characterise (6: 5, 28.2, 48, 41.1, 68, 100), to that contributes form (1: 32), that determines
confer a form (2: 2, 15), to constitute the specific nature of something (1: 14), that is a
(something’s) form (1: 19), to create form (1: specifying characteristic (1: 32), that makes
21), to define the form (1: 61), to endow with forms (1: 28.1)
form (4: 41.2, 48, 51, 60), to endue with form (1: eidopoios diaphora specific differentia (1: 13)
76), to enform (2: 28.2, 70), to fashion (1: 68), to eidos appearance (3: 15, 43.2, 69), beauty (1: 43.3), class
form (3: 6.1, 17, 25), to formally constitute (1: (3: 2, 15, 20), essence (1: 32), form (89: 1, 2, 4, 5,
39), to format (2: 63, 76), to get one’s form (1: 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
45/46), to give a form (1: 2), to give form (16: 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
12, 21, 22, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38, 44, 52, 54, 60, 67, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42,
68, 79, 83), to give form to (2: 76, 92.2), to give 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
something its specifying characteristics (1: 32), 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72,
to give specific form (1: 45/46), to have one’s 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 88,
specific form (1: 45/46), to imbue with form (2: 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 99,
58, 59), to impose a form (1: 9), to inform (6: 22, 100), genus (1: 93), idea (1: 61), kind (42: 2, 4, 7,
36, 44, 58, 80, 91), to invest with form (1: 80), to 10.1, 10.2, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 32, 35.2,
make of a particular kind (1: 4), to make 42, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 50, 52, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 69,
something have a form (4: 34/35.1, 56, 57, 60), 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 89, 90, 93,
to make up the form of (1: 61), to specify (4: 14, 99, 100), looks (1: 69), mode (1: 67), nature (1:
41.1, 67, 100), to take one’s form (1: 45/46), to 85), part (1: 74), Platonic Form (1: 2), property
typify (1: 69) (1: 54), role (1: 88), shade (of color) (1: 28.2),
eidopoieisthai to acquire form (1: 94), to be shape (2: 1, 5), sort (4: 27, 69, 85, 100), species
constituted as species (1: 10.2), to be converted (69: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
into species (1: 15), to be fashioned (1: 16), to 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 34/35.1,
be formed (1: 23), to be given form (2: 10.2, 78), 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.3, 44, 48,
to be informed (1: 23), to be informed by forms 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65,
(1: 61), to be shaped (1: 23), to be specified (1: 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 83, 85,
23), to have as one’s form (1: 32), to have form 86.2, 87, 90, 92.1, 93, 95, 99, 100), specific form
(2: 22, 27), to have something as one’s specifying (1: 16), specifying characteristic (1: 32), type (7:
characteristic (1: 32), to owe one’s form to (1: 3, 28.1, 44, 67, 91, 99, 100)
19), to receive (a form) (1: 22), to receive one’s eidei formally (2: 76, 94), specifically (1: 36); tôi
specifying characteristic (1: 32), to take on a eidei specifically (2: 2, 42); kat’ eidos formally
form (1: 15), to undergo formation (1: 20), to be (1: 94), in species (1: 75), specific (1: 27),
characterised (1: 54), to characterise (1: 1); specifically (1: 32); aisthêton eidos sensible
eidopepoiêmenos already formatted (1: 76), form (1: 100); atoma eidê undivided species (1:
formalised (1: 76), formed (1: 68), informed (1: 25); eidikôtaton eidos infima species (1: 7),
17), possessed of form (1: 32), with its form ultimate species (1: 22); eidos hupo subspecies
intact (1: 76); to eidopoioun defining (1: 93); eilikrines eidos pure form (1: 33);
characteristic (1: 45/46), specific feature (1: 67); enulon eidos enmattered form (2: 33, 100),
to eidopoioumenon formed being (1: 100), form in matter (3: 5, 34/35.1, 56); gnôstika eidê
formed thing (1: 100); eidopoiein diaphorôs to cognitive forms (1: 100); hêgoumena eidê
differentiate into various kinds (1: 28.1) leading forms (1: 100); hen eidei one in form
eidopoiia bestowal of form (1: 70), construction (1: (3: 10.2, 25, 63); hen kata to eidos one in form
70), creation of forms (1: 68), formation (1: (1: 63), one in respect of species (1: 63), one in
86.1), formative causation (1: 17), production of species (1: 63), specifically one (1: 63); horistika
form (4: 20, 59, 66, 80), specification (1: 39) eidê forms that determine (1: 100); khôrista
eidopoios causing form (1: 25), characteristic (1: 86.1), eidê separate forms (1: 100); oikeion eidos own
constitutive of form (1: 19), constitutive of the form (1: 33), proper form (1: 33); ousiôdes
species (1: 93), enforming (1: 70), formative (3: eidos substantial form (1: 33); phusika eidê
17, 58, 59), form-creating (1: 70), form-giving natural forms (1: 100); sumbebêkota eidê
(3: 23, 63, 76), form-making (1: 56), form- accidental forms (1: 100); ta auta tôi eidei
producing (1: 89), giving form (3: 12, 79, 83), things specifically the same (1: 15)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

eikasia conjecture (1: 61), image (1: 92.2) that is a reality (1: 18.2), that is real (3: 18.2, 75,
eikastikos conjectural (1: 29.1), of representation 97.1); esomenos future (4: 5, 19, 60, 80); ontôs
(1: 72) actually (1: 22), genuine (1: 61), genuinely (2:
eikastos : to eikaston object of conjecture (1: 70) 19, 83), ontologically (1: 11), real (3: 23, 28.1,
eikazein to compare (2: 2, 24), to guess (1: 23), to infer 60), really (9: 4, 11, 17, 19, 25, 28.1, 42, 73, 89),
(1: 86.1), to liken (1: 34/35.1), to make like (1: true (2: 22, 99), truly (5: 11, 22, 42, 61, 75); einai
2), to portray (1: 68), to resemble (1: 68), to ek to be composed of (3: 21, 52, 61), to be made
suspect (1: 61) up of (1: 61), to consist of (2: 38, 94); einai en to
eikêi arbitrarily (1: 74), at random (2: 7, 42), by chance consist in (1: 12), to inhere in (1: 94); einai epi
(1: 79), for no good reason (1: 74), in vain to apply to (1: 12); einai hupo to come under
(1: 86.1) (1: 75); einai meta to involve (1: 21); einai para
eikein to concede (1: 40), to give way (1: 24), to yield to be derived from (1: 21); einai pros to relate
(8: 4, 18.2, 24, 34/35.1, 40, 42, 52, 98) to (1: 52); to einai being (38: 6.2, 7, 10.1, 11, 12,
eikôn copy (4: 2, 11, 58, 59), illustration (3: 58, 80, 100), 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 38,
image (36: 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 42, 43.1, 48, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 69, 73, 74,
35.2, 38, 41.2, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 75, 80, 86.1, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 97.1, 100), being (esse)
56, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 79, 83, 86.1, 97.1, (3: 2, 10.2, 16), being of a thing (1: 4), essence
97.2, 100), likeness (5: 2, 24, 34/35.1, 38, 100), (11: 4, 11, 14, 19, 28.2, 32, 42, 52, 53, 67, 73),
parallel (1: 58), picture (1: 23), portrait (3: 17, existence (16: 7, 10.2, 11, 14, 17, 18.2, 22, 25, 27,
58, 91), reproduction (1: 97.1) 28.2, 42, 58, 59, 60, 94, 97.1), existing (1: 22),
eikonikos iconic (1: 11), image-like (2: 85, 92.2), of an mode of being (1: 61), nature (1: 11), reality (1:
image (1: 92.2), that can produce images (1: 67) 21), the being (of something) (3: 50, 75, 89), the
eikonikôs as copies (1: 68), as image (1: 85), in verb ‘to be’ (1: 15); to einai ( + dat.) the being
image form (1: 67) (of something) (1: 10.2), the essence (of
eikonizein to image (1: 58), to serve as an image (1: 58) something) (1: 10.2), what it is to be
eikonizesthai to image (1: 35.2) (something) (1: 25); to on (something) that is
eikosaedron icosahedron (4: 34/35.1, 68, 79, 84) (1: 85), existence (3: 27, 44, 80), existent (3: 20,
eikosaplasion twenty times (1: 93) 22, 27), state of being (1: 67); to on / ta onta
eikostos twentieth (1: 86.2) being / beings (36: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 15,
eikotologia imagining (1: 74) 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 51,
eiktikos yielding (1: 91) 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 70, 74, 75, 76, 80, 85, 91, 92.1,
eiktos : mê eiktos unyielding (1: 21) 94, 99), entity / entities (6: 28.1, 42, 44, 72, 76,
eilein to whirl round (1: 57) 76), existent things (1: 89), existing thing /
eilikrineia purity (1: 38) existing things (3: 42, 59, 60), reality / realities
eilikrinês clean (1: 88), clear (1: 22), entire (1: 55), lucid (6: 22, 44, 63, 76, 92.1, 94), that which exists (1:
(1: 22), pure (21: 4, 11, 12, 17, 22, 26, 33, 34/35.1, 10.1), thing / things (10: 5, 22, 27, 44, 58, 60, 61,
38, 42, 52, 56, 57, 60, 63, 78, 79, 83, 88, 93, 95), 67, 80, 92.1), things in general (1: 89), thing that
simple (1: 12), unadulterated (1: 89), unalloyed exists / things that exist (16: 1, 2, 10.1, 15, 18.2,
(1: 21), unmixed (2: 55, 68) 23, 25, 42, 44, 50, 61, 67, 76, 92.1, 94, 99), thing
eilikrinôs entirely (1: 54), in itself (1: 85), in purity that is / things that are (13: 2, 10.2, 15, 17, 20, 21,
(1: 22), in unmixed fashion (1: 16), purely (4: 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 56, 76, 85, 92.1), things that are
22, 62, 76, 93), simply (1: 22), strictly (1: 20), the case (1: 50), what exists (2: 27, 97.2), what is
thoroughly (1: 76); eilikrines eidos pure form (7: 18.2, 20, 23, 27, 35.2, 85, 89), what there is (2:
(1: 33) 22, 85); to esomenon what will be (1: 60); ta
eilusis wriggling (1: 99) onta hêi onta beings qua beings (1: 51), what is
einai to apply (1: 61), to be (32: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 11, 14, 15, in its being (1: 23); ta ontôs onta true beings (1:
16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 48, 50, 56, 58, 70), true reality (1: 70); ta phusei onta natural
59, 60, 61, 67, 75, 76, 80, 86.1, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94), things (1: 89), that are constituted by nature (1:
to be possible (7: 4, 10.2, 16, 19, 20, 21, 60), to be 89), things existing by nature (1: 15), things that
the case (1: 16), to be there (1: 94), to exist (28: exist by nature (2: 2, 89); ei esti if / whether it is
2, 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, (2: 73, 77); ho esti just what it is (1: 91); en ti
32, 38, 42, 50, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 76, 80, 88, 93, toiôide einai to be of such and such sort (1:
94), to mean (1: 60), to occur (1: 42) 32); en tini einai to be in something (1: 15); en
einai (+ gen.) to belong to (1: 28.1); einai (+ dat.) tôi ti esti essentially (1: 16), in an essential way
being (1: 21), to be (1: 21); esti it is possible (1: (1: 10.2); en tôi ti esti katêgoreisthai to be
12), the verb ‘is’ (1: 15); ôn actual (1: 44), predicated essentially (1: 2); en tôi tosôide
existing (1: 3), real (1: 16); on existent (1: einai to be of such and such size (1: 32); hê peri
45/46), real (1: 45/46), that has being (1: 44), tôn ontôn theôria ontology (1: 51); ho ti pote


esti whatever is (1: 17); hoper on being as such 15, 17, 94), the what-it-is (1: 61), what (a thing)
(1: 63); hopoion ti esti of what nature it is (1: is (2: 10.2, 16), what it is (3: 22, 93, 94), what
61); kata to einai according to being (1: 51); mê something is (1: 25); to X einai the essence of X
an on a thing which would not exist (1: 10.2); (1: 19); tôi einai be such-and-such (1: 2), in
mê on non-being (1: 92.1), non-existence (1: being (1: 34/35.1); tôi onti in fact (2: 20, 73), in
85), not-being (3: 12, 52, 85), that is nothing (1: reality (4: 17, 19, 56, 93), really (2: 20, 28.1),
18.2); mêdamêi mêdamôs on absolute and truly (1: 73); tou ontos ti kind of being (1: 16)
utter non-being (1: 76), what in no way and no eiôthenai to be accustomed (3: 16, 27, 52), to be
sense is (1: 76); ontôs on possessed of real commonly (1: 10.2), to be customarily (1: 52),
being (1: 42), real being (1: 63), really real (1: to be customary (2: 16, 52)
63), that has real being (1: 42), truly existent (1: eiôthôs customary (2: 16, 18.2), usual (1: 2)
23); pan to on everything that exists (1: 25); ta eipein to call (1: 18.2), to declare (1: 19), to discuss (1:
malista onta beings in the highest degree (1: 18.2), to mention (1: 93), to say (5: 18.2, 19, 86.1,
16); ta mê onta non-beings (1: 87); ti esti what 92.1, 93), to speak (2: 19, 93), to speak of (2:
it is (3: 17, 61, 77); ti on kind of being (1: 16), 18.2, 19), to state (4: 18.2, 19, 92.1, 93), to
some entity (1: 63); ti pote esti what it actually suggest (1: 19)
is (1: 17); tina onta particular beings (1: 16); to eipe tell (1: 19); aitian eipein to say why (1: 18.2);
(tôi) X einai to be X (1: 91), what it is for (an) X haplôs eipein generally speaking (1: 60), in
to be (1: 91), what it is to be (an) X (1: 91), X’s short (1: 80); hoion eipein for example (1: 73);
being (1: 91); to anthrôpôi einai to be human houtôs eipein to use the words (1: 18.2); hôs
(1: 16); to dunamei on that which is potentially sunelonti eipein to put it briefly (1: 3); logôi
(1: 10.2); to ei esti existence (1: 18.2), whether it eipein in a word (1: 34/35.1); phere eipein say
is (1: 61); to einai auto its being that very thing (1: 58), to take an instance (1: 59)
(1: 94); to einai ekhein to have its existence (1: eirein to describe (1: 19), to discuss (1: 19), to mean (1:
94); to eu einai to exist in the right way (1: 2); 16), to raise (an issue) (1: 10.2), to say (3: 10.2,
to hoper on what just is (1: 89); to hôs ousia on 16, 19), to speak (2: 10.2, 16), to state (1: 19)
being as a substance (1: 16); to malista on that eirêsthai to have been said (1: 38); erein to call (1:
which in the highest degree is (1: 10.2); to mê 54), to describe (1: 93), to express (1: 92.1), to
einai non-existence (2: 3, 42), not-being (4: 2, mean (2: 92.1, 93), to mention (3: 16, 83, 93), to
11, 27, 75), the unreal (1: 11); to mê on say (7: 30/31, 54, 64, 83, 86.1, 92.1, 93), to speak
non-being (8: 10.2, 16, 20, 58, 59, 73, 80, 99), (2: 64, 93), to state (1: 93); rhêtheis alleged (1:
non-existence (1: 27), non-existent (2: 20, 27), 19); eirêmenos mentioned (1: 16); rhêteon it
not-being (10: 2, 10.1, 15, 18.2, 20, 27, 42, 70, 75, should be called (1: 4), it should be explained
94), that which does not exist (1: 27), that which (1: 60), it should be replied (1: 60), it should be
is not (3: 18.2, 77, 91), the non-existent (1: 18.2), said (3: 12, 60, 83), it should be stated (1: 60),
thing that is not (1: 35.2), what does not exist one must say (2: 86.1, 92.1), one should say (3:
(2: 42, 85), what is not (8: 12, 18.2, 20, 35.2, 73, 4, 78, 79), that should be said (1: 21); to
77, 85, 89), what is not an existing thing (1: 42); eirêmenon phrase (1: 10.2), statement (2: 10.2,
to mêpô on that which does not yet exist (1: 19), text (1: 16), what is meant (1: 16); ta
10.2); to on einai legein to say that what is the rhêthenta hup’ autou his own words (1: 86.1);
case is the case (1: 16); to on hêi on being qua diesparmenôs eirêmena scattered utterances
being (2: 2, 15), being as being (2: 10.2, 74), (1: 57); deiknunai to eirêmenon to make the
being insofar as it is being (1: 16); to ontôs on point (1: 18.2)
true being (3: 11, 27, 97.2), true reality (1: 11), eirênaios peaceful (1: 97.2)
truly being (1: 22), what really is (1: 89), what eiresia rowing (1: 57)
truly exists (1: 27); to ouk on what is not (2: 27, eirgein to enclose (1: 38), to guard (1: 18.2), to hold (1:
89); to pantelôs mê on total not-being (1: 75); 85), to hold together (1: 20), to impede (1: 94),
to pantelôs on that which wholly is (1: 18.2); to to keep away (1: 85), to press (1: 98), to prevent
pote on what sometimes exists (1: 22); to (1: 85)
prôtên einai primacy (1: 42); to prôtôs on eirmos series (1: 17)
primary reality (1: 22); to ti ên einai essence eirôn ironical (1: 69)
(24: 2, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 25, eirôneia dissimulation (1: 72), irony (1: 69)
34/35.1, 38, 41.1, 50, 51, 52, 58, 69, 77, 89, 91, eirôneuesthai to be ironic (1: 69)
92.2, 93), self-sameness (1: 43.3), what being eirôneuomenos feigning ignorance (1: 72);
would be (1: 56), what it is to be (2: 22, 50), eirôneuomenôs ironically (1: 98)
what it was (for this thing) to be (1: 94), what it eirônikos : eirônikôs ironically (1: 54)
was to be (1: 77), what makes it what it is (1: eisagein to accept (1: 58), to bring about (1: 18.2), to
22); to ti esti definition (2: 14, 22), essence (4: 2, bring in (4: 2, 60, 85, 98), to contribute (1: 99),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to direct (1: 42), to give admittance (1: 18.2), to occur (1: 29.1), to overstep (1: 17), to pass into
imply (2: 58, 80), to import (1: 60), to indicate (1: 20), to result (1: 17), to step outside (1: 40),
(1: 34/35.1), to infer (1: 58), to introduce (26: to transcend (1: 2)
10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 35.2, 38, ekbebêkenai to lie outside of (1: 86.1); ekbebêkos
42, 44, 48, 50, 51, 58, 60, 84, 85, 89, 90, 92.1, 94, foreign (1: 27), derived (1: 22); ekbebêkotôs
98), to involve (1: 60), to involve the derivatively (1: 22); to ekban issue (1: 17)
consequence (1: 58), to make statements (1: 44), ekballein to cast out (3: 24, 27, 84), to eject (1: 6.1), to
to portray (1: 80), to show as (1: 59), to take in emit (1: 95), to expel (2: 27, 78), to extend (7: 44,
(1: 42); ho eisagomenos beginner (2: 7, 23) 54, 55, 79, 89, 90, 93), to get rid of (1: 19), to
eisagôgê inclusion (1: 18.2), introduction (3: 39, 48, 51) produce (4: 20, 44, 73, 90), to reject (2: 78, 99),
eisagôgikos introductory (1: 39) to throw out (3: 35.2, 57, 68)
eisangelia report (1: 25) ekballesthai to throw from (1: 86.1); ekballein
eisangellein to announce (1: 38), to report (2: 25, 91) eutheias to draw straight lines (1: 88)
eisaphikneisthai to come to (1: 52) ekbasis departure (1: 22), deviation (1: 4), emergence
eisballein to come in (1: 86.1), to embark (1: 76), to (1: 16), falling out (1: 35.2), outcome (2: 29.1,
launch into (1: 58), to send on (1: 34/35.1) 60), result (1: 17)
eisbolê beginning (1: 86.2), introduction (1: 20) ekbiazein to force (1: 68), to force out (1: 68)
eisdekhesthai to accept (1: 84), to receive (3: 28.1, 59, ekbiazesthai to force the issue (1: 97.1)
85), to receive into oneself (1: 28.1), to take in ekblêtos worthy to be thrown out (1: 54)
(3: 28.2, 57, 59) ekbolê jettisoning (1: 16)
eisdokhê reception (3: 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1) ekdapanan to burn up (1: 95), to consume (1: 95), to
eisduesthai to penetrate (1: 21), to settle into (1: 25) scorch (1: 95), to use up (1: 95)
eisdunein to enter (1: 79), to make enter (1: 86.1), to ekdeimatoun to frighten beyond measure (1: 95)
penetrate (1: 79) ekdekhesthai to accept (3: 27, 42, 59), to approve (1:
eisekhein to be recessed (1: 52) 22), to continue (1: 6.2), to follow (1: 42), to take
eiserkhesthai to enter (2: 18.2, 38) (4: 38, 59, 68, 99), to take up (1: 6.2), to treat (1:
eisienai to come in (3: 18.2, 52, 98), to enter (6: 18.2, 22, 85), to understand (7: 22, 42, 55, 78, 79, 84, 99),
28.2, 52, 86.1, 91), to enter in (1: 21), to enter into to understand as indicating (1: 86.1)
(2: 28.1, 98), to go in (1: 86.1), to return (1: 22) biaiôs ekdekhesthai to give a forced interpretation
eiskalein to summon (1: 97.1) (1: 59)
eiskrinein to insert (1: 22) ekdêlos evident (1: 25), manifest (1: 25)
eiskrinesthai to be taken in (1: 61), to enter (3: 20, ekdiaphorein to carry out (1: 98)
37, 52), to enter into (1: 86.1), to penetrate (1: 3) ekdiaphorêsis dissipation (1: 76)
eiskrisis admission (1: 32), arrival (1: 86.1), entering ekdidaskein to explain (1: 59), to teach (1: 80)
(2: 86.1, 86.2), entrance (1: 86.1), entry (1: ekdidonai to emit (1: 54), to produce (1: 58), to publish
86.1), penetration (1: 3) (1: 25)
eisodos entrance (4: 6.1, 18.2, 86.2, 91) ekdokhê interpretation (2: 44, 99), sense (1: 44)
eisoikizein to settle in (1: 84) ekdosis explanation (1: 23)
eisoikizesthai to be introduced (1: 86.1), to be êkhê echo (4: 28.2, 57, 77, 91), sound (3: 22, 28.2, 72)
lodged (1: 25), to give entrance to (1: 86.1) ekhein to acquire (1: 21), to admit of (1: 4), to be (3: 60,
eisokhê concavity (1: 52), depth (1: 91) 73, 90), to be close to (1: 73), to be concerned
eispempein : eispempesthai to be introduced (1: 79) with (2: 23, 73), to be disposed (1: 60), to be in a
eispherein to add (1: 23), to bring in (1: 28.1), to state (1: 75), to be in possession (1: 60), to be
import (1: 35.2), to introduce (3: 20, 23, 68) obliged (1: 73), to be possible (1: 3), to be
eisphusan : eisphusômenos blown in (1: 79) subject to (1: 3), to be the case (1: 60), to bear
eispnein to breathe in (2: 28.2, 57), to draw in breath (1: 19), to comprise (1: 75), to contain (5: 14,
(1: 57), to inhale (3: 18.2, 23, 61) 18.2, 24, 73, 90), to derive (1: 12), to embrace (1:
eispnoê breathing in (1: 57), inhaling (2: 19, 61), 3), to get (2: 73, 90), to grasp (5: 16, 28.1, 90, 93,
respiration (1: 61) 98), to have (28: 3, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19,
eispnoia spiritual inlet (1: 86.1) 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 39, 40, 42, 50, 51, 60,
eispompê having things sent in (1: 57) 73, 75, 86.1, 89, 90, 93), to hold (6: 3, 15, 16, 24,
eisrhein to flow into (1: 79) 50, 73), to hold (the category) (1: 39), to hold
eisrhoê inflow (2: 6.1, 56), inhalation (1: 86.1) fixed (1: 42), to in fact occur (1: 17), to involve
ekbainein to be realised (1: 93), to come about (1: 60), (5: 12, 16, 19, 73, 93), to keep (1: 17), to know (1:
to come to pass (1: 20), to depart (3: 22, 89, 99), 73), to obtain (1: 73), to occupy (1: 50), to
to deviate (1: 84), to digress (1: 89), to emerge possess (20: 3, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28.1, 38,
(2: 3, 58), to end up (1: 85), to exceed (2: 2, 20), 39, 40, 42, 50, 60, 73, 75, 86.1, 89, 90), to stand
to go beyond (1: 40), to go outside (1: 57), to (2: 17, 73), to surround (1: 14), to take (1: 3)


ekhein (+ adv.) to be (3: 18.2, 21, 24), to be in a ekhein to be right (1: 21); katônomasmenon
certain condition (1: 94), to be in a certain state ekhein to have a name for (1: 57); khôran ekhei
(1: 94); ekhein (+ gen.) to be connected with there is room for (1: 90); khôran ekhein to
(1: 40), to depend on (1: 90); ekhein (+ infin.) apply to (1: 58), to be operative (1: 23), to be
can (3: 21, 73, 90), to be able (4: 50, 75, 86.1, 89); possible (2: 59, 60), to be relevant (2: 73, 90), to
ekhesthai to arrogate to oneself (1: 39), to be a have application (1: 58), to have the status of (1:
condition (1: 14), to be adjacent (1: 38), to be 25), to hold ground (1: 93), to stand (1: 56);
contiguous (2: 27, 75), to be in succession (1: kinêsin ekhein to undergo change (1: 75), to
50), to be next in succession (1: 89), to be next undergo motion (1: 75); koinon ekhein to have
to (2: 42, 93), to border (1: 3); ekhesthai (+ in common (1: 16); logon ekhei relatively (1:
adv.) to be (1: 12); ekhesthai (+ gen.) to belong 27); logikôs ekhein to be verbal (1: 10.2); mê
to (1: 22), to hold on to (1: 94); ekhôn with (1: ekhôn without (1: 90); metabolên ekhein to
90); ekhomenos adjacent (2: 14, 27), undergo change (1: 75); noêsin ekhein to
consecutive to (1: 94), contiguous (2: 14, 27), understand (1: 68); noun ekhein to be
following (1: 14), immediately in sequence (1: reasonable (1: 6.1), to have sense (1: 68); noun
87), next (1: 19); ekhein apo to derive from (2: ekhôn having intellect (1: 40), intelligent (1:
21, 52); ekhein en to depend on (1: 73), to have 40); ouk ekhei khôran it is not relevant (1: 90);
one thing dependent upon another (1: 38); ouk ekhein to lack (1: 90); paulan ekhein to
ekhein epi to apply to (1: 21); ekhein para to cease (1: 65), to rest (1: 88); phantasian ekhein
derive from (2: 21, 52); ekhein peri to be to imagine (1: 57); phôs ekhein to be
concerned with (2: 40, 90); ekhein pros to be in illuminated (1: 52); phusin ekhein to be by
relation to (1: 22), to be related to (4: 19, 38, 90, nature capable (1: 42), to have a natural capacity
94), to relate to (2: 93, 94); to ekhein having (1: 75), to have a nature (1: 17); piston ekhei
(the category) (1: 39), possessing (1: 39), there is conviction (1: 90); pleon ekhein to be
possession (1: 27), possession (the category) (1: more than (1: 52), to extend further (1: 93), to
25), state (1: 27); ho ekhôn possessor (1: 19); to outdo (1: 64); poiêtikôs ekhein to be making
ekhomenon successor (1: 27); aitian ekhein to (1: 68); pôs ekhei how the situation is for
be responsible (2: 12, 52); allôs ekhein to be something (1: 94); pôs ekhein to be a certain
different (1: 40), to be other (1: 40), to be way (1: 39), to be disposed in a certain way (1:
otherwise (3: 4, 12, 73), to differ (2: 18.2, 21); 91), to be in a certain state (1: 52), to be in
ekhein anaphoran to be referred (1: 4); ekhein certain state (1: 12); pôs ekhôn disposed (1: 5),
epônumian to be called (1: 21); ekhein ergon of a certain kind (1: 90), relatively disposed (1:
to bear a relation (to something) (1: 16); ekhein 51); pros ti pôs ekhon disposed (1: 48);
khôran to be relevant (1: 73); ekhein logon to toumpalin ekhein to be opposite (1: 25)
be in a ratio (1: 50), to be proportioned (1: 21), êkhein to echo (2: 25, 91), to make a sound (2: 28.2,
to have a rationale (1: 50), to have the status of 91), to resound (1: 57), to ring (2: 38, 57), to
(1: 2), to maintain a ratio (1: 75), to make sense sound (3: 28.1, 28.2, 57)
(4: 19, 42, 50, 89); ekhein parallagên to êkhôn resonant (1: 28.2); to êkhein echoing (1: 25)
illustrate (1: 44); ekhein pôs to be in a certain êkheion gong (1: 57)
state (1: 38), to be in a state (1: 38); ekhein pôs ekhêsis holding (1: 15)
pros to be related to in some way (1: 38); êkhêtikos resonant (3: 28.2, 54, 57), that rings (1: 57)
ekhein tên anaphoran to have reference to (1: to êkhêtikon sounding object (1: 28.2), sound-
40), to reduce to (1: 40); ekhein tên paratasin source (1: 28.2)
to be extended (1: 44); ekhein ti axion (+ gen.) ekhinos hedgehog (1: 57)
to warrant (1: 86.1); ekhein tina logon to make êkhos noise (2: 17, 28.1), note (1: 63), resonance (2:
sense (1: 93); ekhein to anankaion to be 28.2, 54), reverberation (1: 25), ringing (2: 38,
necessary (1: 19); ekhôn logon pros related to 57), sound (6: 2, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 57, 76)
(1: 28.2); epi tôn houtôs ekhontôn in such ekhthos hatred (1: 42)
cases (1: 90); homoiôs ekhei there is the same ekhthra hostility (1: 25)
relation (1: 27); homoiôs ekhein to be similarly ekhthros enemy (2: 54, 93)
related (1: 18.2); hôsautôs ekhôn in the same ekhuros sound (1: 56)
state (2: 27, 94); houtôs ekhein to be related in ekkaiein to burn (2: 21, 95), to burn up (1: 38), to
this way (1: 90), to be so (1: 40), to be so related kindle (1: 95)
(1: 73), to be the case (2: 40, 89), to be true (1: ekkalein : ekkaleisthai to provoke (1: 25)
40); houtôs ekhôn in this condition (1: 90), ekkaluptein to reveal (2: 9, 61)
thus (1: 73); kata phusin ekhein to be in a ekkataspeirein to plant seeds (1: 97.2)
natural state (1: 16); kairon ekhein the time has ekkathairein to purify (1: 97.1)
come (1: 18.2), to be appropriate (1: 7); kalôs ekkausis burning (1: 95)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

ekkeisthai to be expounded (1: 25), to be illustrated (1: eklampein to be bright (1: 95), to flash out (1: 38), to
3), to be projected (1: 35.2), to be set forth (1: illuminate (1: 45/46), to shine forth (1: 11)
19), to be set out (5: 9, 64, 65, 83, 90), to be eklampsis illumination (2: 3, 34/35.1), luminescence
taken to be (1: 52), to be under consideration (1: 54)
(1: 64) eklanthanesthai to forget utterly (1: 86.2)
ekkeimenos under consideration (1: 30/31); ta eklegein to collect (2: 40, 52), to collect together (1: 57),
ekkeimena presentation (1: 70), the present to excerpt (1: 56), to select (7: 2, 23, 27, 45/46,
passage (1: 70) 64, 65, 99)
ekkentros eccentric (4: 1, 54, 55, 83) eklegesthai to draw (1: 68), to pick out (1: 78), to
ekkentrotês eccentricity (2: 55, 54) select (2: 52, 68), to single out (1: 78); eklekteon
ekkhein to flow out (1: 11), to pour out (5: 38, 52, 57, one should select (1: 64)
95, 98), to spill (1: 28.2), to spread (1: 95) ekleipein to be absent (1: 90), to be eclipsed (7: 40, 54,
ekkheisthai to flow out (2: 54, 83), to overflow (1: 54) 55, 64, 73, 77, 90), to be exhausted (1: 11), to be
ekkhôrein to depart (1: 78), to go out (1: 85), to move in eclipse (1: 3), to be lacking (3: 21, 28.2, 93), to
out (1: 57) come to an end (2: 20, 85), to eclipse (2: 93, 95),
ekkhusis diffusion (1: 14), emission (1: 54), pouring to fail (1: 11), to give out (1: 84), to have an
forth (1: 52), pouring out (2: 11, 38), scattering interruption (1: 54), to lack (3: 24, 90, 95), to
(1: 14) leave out (1: 95), to suffer eclipse (1: 88), to
ekklêsia assembly (1: 17) undergo an eclipse (1: 89), to wane (1: 77)
ekklinein to avert (1: 56), to avoid (7: 3, 16, 45/46, 52, ekleipsis defect (1: 77), deficiency (1: 39),
57, 91, 99), to shun (1: 86.1), to turn aside from disappearance (1: 77), eclipse (18: 2, 10.2, 13, 26,
(1: 34/35.1) 40, 48, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 73, 77, 88, 90, 93, 95,
ekklisis aversion (1: 45/46), avoidance (2: 52, 99) 97.2), lack (1: 93), waning (1: 77)
ekklitos : to ekkliton object of aversion (1: 45/46) ekleiptikos involved in eclipses (1: 54)
ekkoptein to eradicate (2: 19, 97.1) eklektikos select (1: 52)
ekkremês hanging (1: 86.1), suspended (1: 95) eklektos selected (1: 52)
to ekkremes left hanging as a loose end (1: 34/35.1) eklimpanein to be eclipsed (2: 73, 90), to eclipse (1: 93)
ekkrima extraction (1: 85) eklogê collecting (1: 40), selection (5: 16, 45/46, 52, 64,
ekkrinein to discriminate (1: 57), to distinguish (1: 44), 65)
to eject (2: 24, 95), to emit (2: 34/35.1, 61), to ekluein to break up (1: 34/35.1), to dissolve (1: 10.2), to
excrete (2: 24, 61), to expel (3: 24, 76, 95), to escape (1: 24), to loose (1: 22), to make
extract (3: 76, 85, 89), to extrude (1: 61), to ineffective (1: 52), to relax (1: 38), to undo (1:
secrete (1: 20), to select (1: 87), to separate (1: 52)
95), to separate off (1: 76), to separate out (5: 21, ekluesthai to be exhausted (3: 19, 42, 98), to be
44, 60, 76, 92.2) overcome (1: 18.2), to break down (1: 25), to
ekkrinesthai to be distinguished out (1: 86.1), to be faint (1: 38), to weaken (1: 18.2); eklelumenos
separated out (2: 78, 79), to depart (1: 52) attenuated (1: 48)
ekkrisis being separated out (1: 44), departure (1: 52), ekmageion matrix (2: 2, 57), mould (1: 25)
effluence (1: 95), ejection (2: 24, 95), extraction ekmaktos moulded (1: 85)
(4: 76, 85, 89, 95), secretion (2: 20, 86.1), ekmattein to mould (1: 28.1)
separating (1: 32), separating out (1: 44), ekmattesthai to receive an impression (1: 25), to
separation (7: 24, 26, 38, 52, 60, 76, 95), represent (1: 56)
separation out (4: 16, 21, 78, 79) ekmêruein to unwind (1: 99)
ekkritikos eliminative (1: 19) ekmêruesthai to wind off (1: 11)
ekkrouein to block out (1: 25), to break (1: 52), to ekmisthoun to sell (1: 7)
dislodge (1: 28.1), to distract (1: 34/35.1), to ekmokhleuein to dislodge (1: 88)
drive out (1: 38), to eliminate (1: 86.1), to expel ekmuzan to suck out (2: 6.1, 18.2)
(1: 25), to frustrate (1: 86.1), to knock out (1: ekmuzein to suck (1: 95)
57), to push out (1: 28.1), to put out (1: 56) ekneasmos renewal (1: 45/46)
ekkrouesthai to be deflected (1: 75) ekneazein to renew (1: 84)
eklambanein to extract (4: 2, 16, 25, 38), to interpret (1: eknephoun to turn into clouds (1: 88)
67), to listen to (1: 61), to select (1: 17), to take ekpaideuein to teach (1: 68)
(6: 57, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73), to take to be (1: 94), to ekpaideuesthai to learn (1: 80)
take to mean (1: 61), to understand (7: 50, 55, ekpempein to emit (4: 17, 28.1, 28.2, 57), to send back
58, 59, 60, 61, 67) (2: 54, 55), to send out (4: 28.1, 38, 52, 57)
eklêpteon we should take (1: 65); eklambanein ekperierkhesthai to complete a circular journey (1:
kakôs to misunderstand (1: 93); eklambanein 68), to revolve (1: 59), to rotate (1: 80), to travel
sumperasma to draw a conclusion (1: 64) around (1: 59)


ekperierkhesthai kuklon to traverse a circle (1: 68) to fall away from (1: 11), to fall from (1: 83), to
ekperipolein to go all the way around (1: 68), to travel fall into (1: 48), to fall out (3: 18.2, 38, 98), to fall
around (1: 59) out from (1: 40), to fall outside (1: 21), to fall
ekphainein to bring to light (2: 42, 61), to disclose (1: short (2: 10.2, 17), to lose (2: 55, 68), to occur
78), to display (2: 22, 28.2), to exhibit (1: 22), to outside (1: 52), to result in (1: 48)
explain (1: 22), to expose (1: 22), to make clear ekpiptein tês khreias to lose its use (1: 40)
(1: 22), to proclaim (1: 79), to reveal (6: 42, 48, ekplêroun to fill (1: 94), to fill out (2: 79, 94)
51, 85, 86.2, 99), to show (2: 22, 83) ekplêttein to overwhelm (1: 28.2), to surprise (1: 23)
ekphainesthai to appear (2: 28.1, 83), to manifest ekpnein to breathe out (2: 28.2, 57), to exhale (2: 61,
oneself (1: 76) 91), to expel (1: 28.2)
ekphanês manifest (1: 99), observable (1: 27) ekpnoê breathing out (1: 57), exhaling (2: 19, 61),
ekphanes manifestly (1: 99) expiration (2: 38, 57)
ekphansis manifestation (5: 19, 72, 76, 83, 99) ekpodôn opposing (1: 86.2)
ekphantikos representative (1: 86.2) to ekpodôn ginesthai elimination (1: 29.1)
ekphantorikos revelatory (1: 72) ekpôma cup (1: 28.2)
ekphaulizein to disparage (1: 2) ekpompê emission (4: 17, 28.1, 34/35.1, 57)
ekpherein to bring (1: 80), to bring in (1: 85), to ekporeutikôs by emanation (1: 97.2)
express (2: 40, 48), to produce (1: 85), to use an ekptôsis falling off (1: 54), sending out (1: 52)
expression (1: 40), to utter (1: 40) ekptuein to spit out (1: 84)
ekpheresthai to fall prey to (1: 80), to involve ekpureisthai to suffer combustion (1: 20)
oneself (1: 59) ekpurênisis squeezing out (1: 95)
ekpheugein to avoid (2: 18.2, 58), to escape (10: 10.2, ekpurênizein to expel (1: 98), to squeeze out (6: 18.2,
18.2, 38, 58, 59, 67, 68, 75, 84, 98), to escape 52, 57, 61, 95, 98)
someone’s notice (1: 75), to escape the charge ekpurênizesthai to be squeezed out (1: 50)
(1: 2) ekpurôsis conflagration (5: 21, 44, 48, 54, 95), eruption
ekphlegein to set on fire (1: 88) of fire (1: 95), ignition (1: 95), inflammation (1:
ekphlegesthai to catch fire (1: 67) 95), setting on fire (1: 54), universal
ekphlogôsis being inflamed (1: 88), producing a flame conflagration (1: 13)
(1: 95) ekpuroun to burst into flame (1: 57), to consume by
ekphlogoun to ignite (1: 95), to inflame (1: 88), to fire (1: 23), to ignite (1: 99), to set on fire (3: 54,
kindle (1: 95), to make fiery (1: 84) 88, 95), to turn into fire (1: 60)
ekphlogousthai to be turned into fire (1: 79) ekpurousthai to catch fire (1: 24)
ekphoitan to go out (1: 28.1) ekrhein to flow out (4: 38, 50, 55, 86.1)
ekphônein to enunciate (1: 51), to proclaim (1: 84), to ekrhipizein to set on fire (1: 95)
pronounce (2: 23, 99), to speak (1: 57), to utter ekrhoê exhalation (1: 86.1)
(1: 57) ekrhoia outflow (1: 18.2)
ekphôneisthai to sound (1: 35.2); to ekphôneisthai ekstasis abandoning (1: 22), degeneration (1: 11),
pronunciation (1: 23) departure (11: 3, 12, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 42, 44,
ekphônêsis enunciation (1: 41.2), phoneme (1: 35.2), 54), deviation (1: 67), dislocation (1: 48),
production of sound (1: 57), pronunciation (2: displacement (2: 39, 70), disruptive force (1: 70),
23, 99), utterance (1: 57), uttered expression ecstasy (1: 48), extending (1: 34/35.1), extension
(1: 72) (2: 14, 61), fall (1: 11), fit (1: 7), frenzy (1: 69),
ekphora expression (3: 27, 40, 48), utterance (1: 40) loss (1: 25), movement away (1: 41.2), outward
ekphrassein to stop up (1: 6.1) movement (1: 47), removal (1: 75), shifting from
ekphuein to grow (1: 99), to stem (1: 91) (1: 87), turning from (1: 44), unfolding (1: 83)
ekphulos alien (1: 92.2), foreign (1: 68) ekstatikos change-causing (1: 99), easily carried away
ekphusan to abhor (1: 20), to blow out (1: 57), to exhale (1: 69)
(1: 99), to spout out (1: 84) to ekstatikon departure (1: 14), tendency to make
ekphusis growth (1: 26), outgrowth (1: 17) things depart from their nature (1: 99),
ekpimprênai to burn up (1: 52) variation (1: 14)
ekpiptein to be an exile (1: 48), to be cast out of (1: 40), ektarattein to confuse (1: 97.1)
to be debarred from (1: 59), to be deprived of ektasis expansion (3: 11, 48, 80), extending (2: 57, 92.2),
(1: 38), to be excluded from among (1: 40), to be extension (9: 20, 34/35.1, 41.2, 43.3, 48, 58, 70,
expelled (1: 40), to be sent out (1: 52), to be 80, 100), extent (1: 3), increase (1: 18.2), size (1:
separated from (1: 94), to degenerate (2: 58, 59), 63), stretching (3: 45/46, 83, 91), stretching out
to depart (1: 86.1), to depart from (1: 59), to (2: 19, 45/46)
descend (1: 11), to drop out (1: 27), to escape (2: ekteinein to draw (1: 73), to draw out (2: 57, 86.1), to
18.2, 52), to fall (2: 58, 86.1), to fall away (1: 22), expand (1: 80), to extend (16: 12, 19, 20, 23,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

29.1, 41.2, 42, 52, 54, 57, 60, 68, 80, 92.1, 99, 100), eis to ektos beyond (1: 11); hê ektos exterior angle
to prolong (1: 68), to reach out (1: 22), to stretch (1: 90); to ektos external agency (1: 28.2),
(1: 76), to stretch forth (1: 45/46), to stretch out external thing (1: 28.2)
(5: 6.1, 21, 22, 44, 84), to stretch over (1: 44) ektragôidein to dramatise (1: 22)
ekteinesthai to expand (3: 18.2, 32, 99), to extend ektrepein to divert (1: 79), to turn aside (1: 84), to turn
(3: 18.2, 27, 78), to have extension (1: 28.2), to away from (1: 78)
increase (1: 18.2), to stretch out (1: 45/46), to ektrepein ton logon to digress (1: 42); ektrepesthai
stretch outwards (1: 45/46) to depart from (1: 11), to digress (1: 25), to take
ektelein to accomplish (2: 56, 86.1), to complete (1: a wrong turning (1: 76)
86.1), to live out (1: 86.2) ektrephein to nourish (1: 86.1), to rear (1: 80)
ekteneia extension (1: 45/46) ektropê deviation (4: 4, 42, 67, 80), discrepancy (1: 17),
ekthermainein to heat thoroughly (1: 57) diversion (1: 18.2), perversion (1: 98), sideturn
ekthermainesthai to be heated up (1: 54) (1: 11), turning away (3: 54, 55, 92.2), variation
ekthesis description (1: 59), display (1: 61), exhibition (1: 86.1)
(1: 10.2), exposition (9: 2, 9, 18.2, 34/35.1, 44, 58, ektropê kata tên hodon fork in the road (1: 91)
70, 93, 100), illustration (2: 3, 42), presentation ektuphloun to blind (2: 34/35.1, 83)
(1: 10.2), projection (1: 35.2), setting forth (1: ektupôma imprint (1: 56)
70), setting out (4: 55, 58, 64, 65), setting out an ektupôsis imprint (1: 77)
illustration (1: 19), statement (1: 58) ektupoun to imprint (3: 25, 56, 77), to stamp (1: 52)
piptein hupo ekthesin kai deixin to be subject to ekzein to become flame (1: 95)
exhibition (1: 10.2) elaia olive (3: 56, 57, 98), olive tree (2: 61, 80)
ekthetikos expository (1: 9), illustrative (1: 19) elaiôdês like olive oil (1: 57), olive-like (1: 24)
ekthetikôs by way of an illustration (1: 3), through elaion oil (4: 15, 21, 52, 95), olive oil (9: 20, 21, 24, 56,
an illustration (1: 3); to ekthetikon positing 57, 61, 67, 84, 98)
(1: 23) elakhistos fewest (1: 78), least (9: 6.1, 19, 20, 44, 52, 78,
ekthlibein to extrude (2: 18.2, 61), to force out (1: 57), 79, 83, 85), minimal (2: 38, 75), minimum (3: 20,
to press out (2: 95, 98), to push (1: 54), to shoot 44, 85), small (1: 99), smallest (7: 20, 38, 44, 75,
out (1: 95), to squeeze out (6: 21, 24, 50, 53, 79, 79, 85, 99), ultimate (1: 16), very small (1: 52)
88) elaphos stag (2: 24, 34/35.1)
ekthlipsis elision (1: 73), extrusion (1: 53), forcing out elaphros soft (1: 92.1)
(1: 57), squeezing out (1: 95) elaphrôs lightly (1: 54)
ekthrepsis nourishing (1: 86.1) elassôn / elattôn fewer (6: 16, 19, 60, 64, 78, 79),
eis tên ekthrepsin in order to nourish (1: 86.1) inferior (1: 58), less (16: 10.2, 11, 12, 16, 19, 20,
ekthumiasthai to be fumable (1: 24) 21, 24, 30/31, 54, 60, 64, 65, 77, 83, 90), less in
ektithenai to explain (2: 60, 76), to expose (2: 80, 90), to quantity (1: 12), lesser (13: 7, 12, 16, 21, 29.1, 54,
expound (6: 17, 18.2, 60, 61, 67, 93), to 58, 59, 60, 78, 79, 80, 85), lower (1: 80), minor
formulate (1: 94), to give (1: 94), to list (1: 94), (16: 9, 19, 23, 30/31, 34/35.1, 42, 58, 64, 65, 67,
to offer (1: 44), to present (2: 17, 94), to set forth 73, 77, 83, 90, 93, 94), minor premiss (3: 19, 58,
(2: 51, 99), to set out (18: 9, 18.2, 30/31, 35.2, 44, 67), shorter (3: 20, 78, 90), shorter (time) (1: 60),
56, 60, 61, 73, 80, 83, 85, 90, 91, 93, 94, 98, 99) smaller (15: 19, 20, 24, 54, 59, 60, 64, 65, 78, 79,
ektithesthai to articulate (1: 2), to be exhibited (1: 80, 83, 85, 90, 99)
10.2), to draw (in an illustration) (1: 3), to draw ep’ elatton extending less far (1: 35.2), for the least
by way of an illustration (1: 3), to exhibit (1: 40), part (1: 52), infrequent (1: 30/31), less
to explain (3: 2, 7, 40), to explicate (1: 2), to extensively (1: 10.2), less often the case (1: 26),
expound (2: 40, 58), to illustrate (1: 3), to isolate of smaller extent (1: 93); hôs ep’ elatton lesser
(1: 54), to list (1: 59), to make explicit (1: 40), to (1: 29.1); hê elassôn / elattôn minor premiss (2:
pick out (1: 66), to present (2: 10.2, 16), to quote 42, 73, 90); minor term (1: 90); ou par’ elatton
(1: 58), to set down (1: 2), to set forth (2: 2, 68), as much as (1: 23); elassôn / elattôn protasis
to set out (17: 7, 19, 21, 22, 27, 29.1, 38, 40, 42, minor premiss (2: 14, 58); elatton ê
54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 64, 78, 79), to set out as an parakatêgorêma lesser partial predication (1:
illustration (1: 19); ektitheis given (1: 23); 35.2); elatton ê parasumbama lesser partial
ektheteon one should set out (1: 65) incidental (1: 35.2)
ektitrôskesthai to be born prematurely (1: 56) elatê silver fir (1: 7)
ektopizein to fall short of (1: 26) elatês charioteer (1: 7)
ektos exterior (5: 11, 12, 73, 90, 93), external (9: 4, 11, elatos malleable (2: 21, 24)
21, 52, 61, 65, 83, 90, 91), externally (1: 52), elattesthai to diminish (1: 22)
outer (2: 83, 90), outside (6: 4, 11, 21, 61, 83, 90), elattôsis decrease (1: 85), defect (1: 15), diminution (3:
outside of (1: 93), without (1: 60) 41.2, 42, 86.1)


elattoun to decrease (1: 7), to diminish (1: 52) ellatôsis defect (1: 39)
elattousthai to be inferior (1: 2), to be less (1: 19), elleima shortfall (1: 3)
to be surpassed (1: 15), to be worsted (1: 52), to elleipein to be defective (1: 57), to be deficient (5: 41.2,
become less (1: 15) 55, 69, 83, 85), to be elliptical (1: 27), to be
elaunein to beat out (2: 21, 38), to drive (2: 78, 95), to inferior (1: 41.1), to be lacking (3: 28.1, 51, 89),
forge (1: 52) to be less (1: 42), to be missing (7: 19, 20, 25, 27,
elaunesthai to be beaten (1: 24), to be beaten out 51, 65, 68), to be omitted (1: 2), to be short of (1:
(1: 32) 3), to be vacant (1: 20), to be wanting (1: 28.1),
eleein to pity (1: 97.1) to fail (1: 85), to fall short (9: 3, 12, 17, 20, 39, 57,
eleeinos to be pitied (1: 84) 69, 91, 94), to lack (8: 4, 22, 25, 55, 68, 83, 86.1,
êlektôr sun (1: 85) 99), to leave out (1: 7)
êlektron amber (6: 2, 19, 21, 24, 57, 59) to elleipon deficiency (1: 4), what is exceeded
elenkhein to argue (2: 76, 95), to argue against (2: 18.2, (1: 2)
93), to attack (1: 18.2), to convict (1: 58), to elleipês elliptical (1: 79)
criticize (4: 63, 76, 85, 98), to demonstrate (1: elleipôs elliptically (1: 35.2)
32), to discredit (1: 98), to disprove (5: 18.2, 22, elleipos deficient (1: 68)
80, 94, 98), to do away with (1: 98), to establish elleipsis being less (1: 41.2), defect (5: 2, 11, 15, 20,
(1: 30/31), to examine (5: 22, 44, 69, 76, 94), to 92.1), deficiency (19: 4, 16, 19, 24, 25, 39, 41.2,
expose (4: 58, 69, 86.1, 95), to find out (1: 69), to 42, 43.2, 44, 47, 48, 51, 69, 72, 73, 83, 86.1, 89),
invalidate (1: 59), to look into (1: 58), to prove depletion (1: 92.1), ellipse (1: 54), falling short
(7: 9, 18.2, 22, 25, 63, 80, 98), to put to the test (1: 70), inferiority (1: 70), lack (1: 86.1), lesser
(3: 48, 69, 89), to refute (52: 6.1, 6.2, 9, 10.2, 16, quantity (1: 85), reduction (1: 34/35.1), shortfall
17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, (1: 12)
38, 40, 42, 44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, kat’ elleipsin leave out (1: 23)
63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 72, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, elleiptikos deficient (1: 55)
89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 98, 99), to reject (1: elleiptikôs elliptically (1: 78)
19), to reproach (1: 34/35.1), to show (2: 30/31, ellipês defective (2: 19, 92.1), deficient (2: 55, 83),
85), to test (2: 63, 98) elliptical (5: 20, 54, 55, 61, 78), incomplete (2:
elenkhesthai to be exposed as a liar (1: 97.1) 13, 23), short (1: 42)
elenkhos critical examination (1: 97.1), criticism (3: 58, ellipôs elliptically (7: 16, 20, 35.2, 40, 56, 57, 60); to
76, 85), examination (1: 22), proof (5: 9, 17, 22, ellipes inadequacy (1: 2)
57, 97.1), refutation (30: 3, 6.1, 9, 16, 17, 20, 25, ellogimos distinguished (1: 51), famous (1: 17), held in
30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 54, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, high regard (1: 48)
68, 73, 74, 78, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89, 93, 95, 99), ellops dumb (1: 57)
reproach (1: 97.1), solution (1: 58), test (1: 48), elpis expectation (2: 19, 43.2), foreboding (1: 88), hope
way of establishing (1: 30/31) (6: 7, 43.2, 52, 72, 95, 97.1)
elenkhon poiein to disprove (1: 88), to refute (1: 88) par’ elpida unexpectedly (1: 29.1); ou kata tên
elenktikos contentious (1: 7), critical (2: 45/46, 85), elpida against expectation (1: 97.1)
disproving (1: 22), of refutation (1: 16) elpizein to expect (1: 19), to hope (1: 84)
elenktikôs by way of refutation (1: 16); elenktikê elutron sheath (2: 25, 57)
apodeixis by refutation (1: 16) embadon area (4: 54, 55, 73, 90), surface (2: 6.1, 61),
eleos pity (1: 69) ‘that enters in’ (1: 52)
elephas elephant (5: 2, 55, 56, 60, 76), ivory (1: 95) embainein to step in (1: 86.1), to broach (1: 67), to
eleutheria freedom (3: 45/46, 97.1, 97.2) charge into (1: 86.2), to create (1: 54), to enter
eleutherios free (1: 69), liberal (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69) (1: 93), to include (1: 7), to insert (2: 64, 93), to
eleutheriotês liberality (3: 4, 40, 69), generosity (1: 13) meet (1: 61), to pour in (1: 57), to pour into (1:
eleutheros free (10: 1, 2, 4, 43.1, 45/46, 52, 69, 84, 97.1, 18.2), to put in (1: 98), to put into (1: 18.2), to
97.2) send (1: 86.1), to throw (1: 18.2), to throw into
ho eleutheros free man (1: 21) (3: 20, 54, 55)
eleutheroun to liberate (1: 45/46) emballein eis to add to (1: 94), to throw into (1:
êlithios foolish (1: 7) 94); eis theôrian emballein to embark on a
ellampein to come to light (1: 67), to illuminate (6: 23, subject (1: 88)
25, 29.1, 61, 67, 70), to irradiate (1: 25), to embathunein to sink deep into (1: 34/35.1)
outshine (1: 79), to shine out (1: 84) embibazein to embark (1: 56)
ellampsis enlightenment (1: 48), glimmer (1: 43.3), emblepein to gaze intently (1: 4), to look at (2: 78, 86.1)
illumination (11: 11, 20, 45/46, 48, 59, 61, 67, 70, emboan to cry aloud (1: 25)
72, 73, 84), irradiation (1: 34/35.1), radiation (2: embrithês heavy (2: 23, 92.1)
54, 68), shining (1: 56), splendour (1: 97.2) embrontêtos thunderstruck (2: 57, 89)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

embruon child in the womb (1: 80), embryo (12: 15, 4, 76), to indicate (6: 4, 20, 23, 78, 83, 99), to
22, 27, 34/35.1, 38, 56, 59, 60, 67, 68, 79, 86.1), make apparent (2: 7, 55), to make clear (3: 22,
foetus (2: 54, 80) 28.2, 86.2), to make manifest (2: 61, 90), to make
emein to vomit (2: 24, 86.1) plain (1: 28.2), to manifest (4: 39, 48, 90, 99), to
emmeleia harmony (1: 59) produce an appearance (1: 79), to reveal (5: 22,
emmelês accordant (1: 68), appropriate (1: 84), 25, 26, 55, 83), to show (2: 55, 85), to suggest
harmonious (1: 97.2), suitable (1: 55), tuneful (1: 39)
(1: 54) emphainesthai to appear (8: 18.2, 21, 22, 27, 28.1,
emmelôs rightly (1: 68) 44, 78, 85), to appear in (3: 21, 38, 52), to be clear
emmenein to abide in (1: 86.2), to remain (2: 21, 28.1), in (1: 38), to be manifest (3: 25, 73, 89), to be
to remain in (1: 28.2) present (1: 89), to be present in (1: 89), to be
emmênon menses (2: 15, 21), menstrual blood (1: 21) seen (2: 20, 39), to become apparent (1: 52), to
emmesos having a middle term (1: 40), having an emerge (1: 27), to exhibit (1: 91), to make one’s
intermediate (2: 39, 40), having something appearance (1: 44), to reflect (1: 91);
between (1: 79), intermediate (3: 7, 10.2, 25), emphainomenos reflected (1: 54), visible (1: 54)
mediate (1: 73), mediated (4: 16, 23, 77, 93), emphanês appearance-making (1: 38), clear (1: 67),
non-immediate (1: 90), that has an intermediate explicit (1: 25), manifest (2: 25, 57), perceptible
(1: 35.2), with a mean (1: 27), with an (1: 11), reflective (1: 52), visible (2: 61, 72)
intermediate (1: 39) eis toumphanes openly (1: 25)
emmethodos methodical (2: 23, 79), systematic (1: 79) emphanizein to make plain (1: 41.2)
emmethodôs consistent with one’s method (1: 69), emphanizesthai to appear (1: 90)
methodically (1: 14) emphantikos : emphantikos einai to indicate (1: 23)
emmetros measured (1: 11) emphasis appearance (9: 21, 22, 23, 28.2, 38, 72, 78, 88,
emmignunai to mix (1: 57), to mix in (1: 57) 95), character (1: 28.2), expression (1: 23), hint
emmonos enduring (1: 39) (1: 56), image (3: 23, 54, 86.1), impression (1:
empalin back (1: 98), contrariwise (2: 17, 98), contrary 52), irradiation (1: 22), manifestation (3: 29.1,
(2: 25, 64), converse (1: 65), conversely (5: 4, 20, 39, 48), presentation (1: 57), reference (1: 58),
21, 57, 94), for the converse case (1: 60), in the reflected image (1: 91), reflection (7: 39, 52, 58,
opposite direction (1: 60), in the opposite way 70, 72, 74, 92.2), representative image (1: 28.1),
to (1: 4), in the reverse direction (3: 54, 55, 83), significance (1: 23), suggestion (1: 94)
in the reverse way (1: 21), opposite (1: 25), emphasin ekhein to appear (1: 94), to carry a
reverse (3: 64, 65, 83), the reverse (2: 17, 56), suggestion (1: 94); khronikê emphasis
vice versa (5: 4, 16, 17, 60, 73) reference to time (1: 58)
empathês affective (1: 22), emotional (2: 22, 37), in a emphereia relation (1: 34/35.1)
state of passion (1: 39), passionate (1: 68), empherein : empheresthai to be carried about in (1:
subject to being affected (1: 54), subject to 18.2), to lean towards (1: 2)
emotions (1: 61), subject to passion (1: 2), empherês resembling (2: 57, 86.1)
susceptible (1: 80), that can be affected (1: 57) emphilosophos philosophical (1: 7)
empathôs in an emotional way (1: 43.3) emphôleuein to go into shelter (1: 57)
empeiria experience (7: 2, 19, 38, 43.3, 69, 91, 97.1), emphrassein / emphrattein to block (2: 28.1, 98), to
skill (1: 70), technique (1: 43.3) block up (1: 57), to clog (1: 28.2)
empeiros acquainted (1: 69), experienced (3: 64, 68, 69) emphraxis blockage (1: 25), interception (1: 56),
hoi empeiroi men of experience (1: 2) obstruction (2: 67, 88)
emperiekhein to contain (4: 44, 73, 90, 98), to contain emphrôn intelligent (2: 11, 20), involving thought (1:
in (1: 6.1), to embrace (5: 20, 35.2, 56, 57, 60), to 54), mental (1: 54), wise (1: 29.1)
embrace within itself (1: 56), to enclose (1: 89), emphuein : emphuesthai to be implanted (2: 25, 86.1)
to encompass (1: 17), to include (3: 35.2, 56, 89), empephukenai to be naturally implanted (1: 54)
to surround (1: 6.1) emphulattein to protect inside (1: 56)
emperiekhesthai to be contained (1: 28.2), to be emphusan to blow into (1: 28.2), to breathe in (1: 86.1),
enclosed (1: 75), to be included (2: 10.2, 25), to to whistle (1: 57)
be included in (2: 64, 65) emphusêsis what is blown in (1: 79)
emperilambanein to contain (1: 73), to enclose (1: 38), emphutos inborn (3: 17, 68, 89), inherent (1: 26), innate
to encompass (1: 94), to include (2: 52, 56) (7: 12, 21, 34/35.1, 37, 61, 67, 95), natural (2: 25,
emperilambanesthai to be contained (1: 79) 98), within its nature (1: 28.1)
empêxis shell (1: 86.1) emphuton thermon innate heat (1: 63), innate hot
emphainein to appear (1: 22), to depict (1: 22), to (2: 56, 57), natural heat (1: 25); emphutos
display (1: 28.1), to exhibit (4: 3, 22, 27, 55), to rhopê momentum (1: 95); emphutos
express (1: 39), to highlight (1: 22), to imply (2: thermotês natural heat (3: 25, 61, 67)


empimplanai to fill (1: 86.1), to fill up completely (1: emporikos mercantile (1: 86.2)
38) emporos wandering (1: 67)
empimplasthai to absorb (1: 97.1) emprosthen above (2: 42, 76), before (2: 16, 20), earlier
empimpran to set on fire (1: 84) (3: 65, 76, 83), first (1: 60), forward (1: 83), front
empiptein to attack (1: 79), to befall (1: 57), to come (4: 11, 54, 76, 83), in front (4: 7, 21, 38, 54),
across (2: 51, 83), to encounter (1: 86.1), to enter previously (1: 20)
(1: 18.2), to enter in (1: 52), to fall (1: 86.2), to to emprosthen front (1: 42), in front (1: 42), the
fall into (8: 11, 28.2, 51, 54, 55, 58, 83, 98), to fall front (1: 42); ta emprosthen the earlier
on (3: 4, 38, 73), to give in (1: 86.2), to occur (1: discussion (1: 16)
79), to strike (3: 28.2, 79, 91) emprosthios forward (1: 54)
empis gnat (2: 2, 56), mosquito (1: 24) empsukhein to cool (1: 57)
emplastos ointment (1: 91) empsukhomenos cooled (1: 28.2)
emplekein : emplekesthai to be entangled (1: 19) empsukhia animation (2: 34/35.1, 44), being alive (1:
empleos full (1: 85) 36), ensoulment (2: 25, 86.1)
emplêroun to fill out (1: 54) empsukhos alive (1: 1), animate (35: 7, 10.1, 11, 12, 13,
emplêxia madness (1: 29.1) 17, 18.2, 19, 22, 27, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 37, 38,
empnein to breathe (1: 97.1), to infuse (1: 86.1) 39, 40, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 51, 56, 57, 59, 60,
empneumatôsis turning into vapour (1: 98) 69, 75, 76, 91, 97.1, 99, 100), besouled (1: 17),
empneumatoun to turn into vapour (1: 98) endowed with soul (1: 67), ensouled (17: 16, 20,
empneustos : empneuston organon wind instrument 26, 40, 42, 48, 52, 61, 67, 68, 69, 73, 80, 86.1, 90,
(1: 23) 97.1, 99), having a soul (2: 1, 25), having soul (3:
empnous that respires (1: 52) 52, 54, 55), involving soul (2: 54, 55), living (7:
empodios obstructive (1: 86.1) 15, 42, 64, 65, 67, 79, 93), possessing soul (1: 21),
to empodion hindrance (1: 52), impediment (2: with soul (1: 42)
45/46, 60), obstacle (3: 17, 86.1, 99) to empsukhon animate being (2: 56, 67), animate
empodistikos impeding (1: 69), obstructing (1: 69), thing (1: 56), ensouled being (2: 61, 67), living
resistant (1: 98), that hinders (1: 52) being (2: 28.2, 61), living thing (1: 61)
empodizein to be a hindrance (1: 19), to be an empsukhôsis ensoulment (1: 86.1), the soul’s coming
impediment (1: 34/35.1), to create an obstacle in (1: 86.1)
(1: 86.1), to defeat (1: 18.2), to entangle (1: 98), empsukhousthai to be ensouled (1: 86)
to get in the way (1: 86.1), to hinder (16: 2, 4, 17, empsukhoumenos ensouled (1: 94)
18.2, 19, 21, 22, 27, 52, 54, 55, 57, 67, 86.2, 98, empsuxis cooling (4: 28.2, 38, 57, 91), cooling effect (1:
99), to impede (19: 4, 12, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 57)
34/35.1, 38, 42, 45/46, 52, 56, 57, 61, 67, 69, 75, emptôsis enter (1: 52), entering (1: 52), entry (1: 52),
79, 91), to not permit (1: 18.2), to obstruct (3: falling on (1: 38)
18.2, 67, 86.1), to pose an obstacle (1: 61), to empureuma ember (1: 79)
prevent (5: 18.2, 26, 60, 61, 98), to put up empurion empyrean (1: 11)
obstacles (1: 83), to resist (1: 98), to stand in the enaerios airy (1: 86.1)
way (1: 83), to stop (1: 18.2) enagein to include (1: 44), to lead (1: 99), to set out (1:
to empodizon obstacle (1: 99) 44)
empodon impediment (1: 12) ta enagonta considerations (1: 44)
empodôn : empodôn einai to impede (1: 21) enaimos blooded (1: 25), containing blood (1: 91),
to empodôn obstacle (1: 2), that which impedes (1: having blood (1: 57), supplied with blood (1:
60); empodôn ginesthai to hinder (1: 4), to 38), with blood (2: 28.2, 52)
prevent (1: 4) enakhôs nine ways in which (1: 70)
empoiein to act on (1: 56), to affect (1: 7), to bring enakolouthos corresponding (1: 100)
about (1: 28.2), to cause (1: 48), to create in (1: enakouein to give heed to (1: 34/35.1), to heed (1:
52), to create within (1: 51), to emplant (1: 83), 34/35.1)
to imbue (1: 27), to impart (2: 27, 28.2), to enalinkios like (1: 85)
impose (3: 57, 79, 99), to instil (2: 93, 99), to enallagê change (1: 48), change (1: 60), divergence (1:
introduce (2: 18.2, 28.2), to make (1: 28.2), to 22), exchange (1: 43.3), inflection (1: 7)
produce (4: 28.2, 48, 91, 99), to produce in (3: enallassein / enallattein to alter (1: 44), to alternate (1:
19, 52, 54) 84), to change (3: 7, 35.2, 97.2), to cut across (1:
pathos empoiein to affect (1: 28.2) 91), to differentiate (1: 48), to exchange (2: 41.2,
empoiêtikos that instills (1: 93) 48), to switch (1: 94), to vary (1: 48)
empoliteuesthai to participate in (1: 58), to reside in enallattesthai to intersect (1: 86.2)
(1: 95) enallax across (1: 5), alternando (1: 34/35.1), alternate
emporia business (1: 43.2), trade (1: 67) (1: 73), alternately (4: 19, 68, 73, 84), alternating

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(2: 54, 55), by alternation (3: 16, 68, 78), 40, 94), pair of contraries (1: 16), pairing of
complementary (1: 9), vice versa (1: 26) opposite natural qualities (1: 50)
to enallax alternately (1: 73), alternation (2: 73, einai tês enantiôseôs to be opposed (1: 44);
100) enantiôsis tês poiotêtos opposed qualities (1:
enallaxis interchange (2: 32, 48), substitution (1: 51) 21); morion enantiôseôs member of a
enankhos recently (1: 18.2) contradictory pair (1: 64)
enantiologia contradiction (6: 11, 34/35.1, 78, 80, 83, enantiotês conflict (1: 76), contrariety (19: 5, 7, 10.2, 13,
89), counter-argument (1: 51), self- 16, 20, 27, 32, 35.2, 39, 41.2, 48, 59, 69, 73, 76, 83,
contradiction (1: 36) 92.1, 92.2), opposite (1: 4), oppositeness (1:
enantiologos out of self-contradiction (1: 83), 43.2), opposition (6: 4, 38, 44, 52, 76, 85), pair of
refutation (1: 85) opposites (1: 89)
to enantiologon contradiction (1: 83) enantiotithenai : enantiotithesthai to be in opposition
enantios antithetical (1: 69), contradictory (5: 59, 67, to (1: 93)
68, 85, 97.1), contrary (52: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 11, enantioun to be contrary (1: 41.2), to contradict (1:
13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 20), to oppose (1: 11)
34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 39, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, 53, 56, 57, enantiousthai to be at odds with (1: 99), to be
58, 59, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 87, contrary (4: 27, 39, 69, 83), to be contrary to (1:
90, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 99), general (1: 34/35.1), to be in conflict (1: 21), to be opposed
1), hostile (1: 69), inconsistent (1: 17), opposed (3: 21, 68, 69), to contradict (3: 34/35.1, 79, 83),
(5: 4, 21, 43.2, 69, 76), opposing (1: 27), opposite to oppose (3: 43.3, 45/46, 67), to run counter to
(36: 2, 4, 5, 6.1, 11, 12, 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, (1: 34/35.1), to speak contrary (1: 56)
28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 36, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, enapergazesthai produce (1: 39), produce in (1: 39)
50, 52, 54, 55, 59, 63, 67, 68, 76, 80, 85, 93, 94, enapodein to bind (1: 78)
97.1, 98), reverse (1: 80), the reverse (1: 4) enapokleiein to catch (1: 67), to enclose (1: 95), to
enantiôs as contraries (1: 35.2), contrarily (1: 23), enclose in (1: 68)
in a contrary state (1: 22), in contrary ways (1: enapolambanein to catch up in (1: 57), to confine (1:
42), in opposition to (1: 22), in the contrary way 28.2), to contain (1: 98), to enclose (6: 20, 28.2,
(1: 19), just the opposite (1: 91), oppositely (1: 67, 88, 91, 95), to hold (1: 98), to include (1: 98),
17); enantiôtatos extreme contrary (1: 68); ho to shut off within itself (1: 67), to take in (1: 98),
enantios opponent (1: 21); to enantion to trap in (1: 28.2)
contradictory (1: 41.1), contrariety (1: 16), enapolambanesthai to segregate (1: 25)
contrary (12: 3, 6.2, 17, 41.1, 41.2, 47, 53, 59, 66, enapoleipein : enapoleipesthai to be left over in (1:
75, 92.1, 99), contrary claim (1: 60), opposite (5: 79)
17, 26, 47, 92.1, 99), the opposite side of the enapoleipsis deficiency (1: 40)
argument (1: 10.2); tounantion contrariwise (1: enapolêpsis being trapped inside (1: 88)
35.2), on the contrary (6: 4, 25, 36, 54, 55, 76), to enapomattein to print off onto (1: 57)
the contrary (1: 73); ta enantia contraries (3: enapomenein to remain caught in (1: 57)
10.1, 23, 74), opposites (4: 25, 63, 89, 97.2), the enapoplunein to steep (1: 91), to wash off in (1: 38)
contraries (2: 2, 15); kata tounantion enapoplunesthai to be freed (1: 28.2), to be
contrariwise (1: 86.1); enantiôs ekhein to be released (1: 28.2), to dissolve (1: 28.2)
contrary (2: 20, 27), to be in conflict (1: 75); to enaposkêptein to invade (1: 57)
enantiôs ekhein relation of opposition (1: 44); enapotithenai : enapotithesthai to bestow (1: 60), to
ek tou enantiou conversely (2: 59, 80); ex put in (1: 98)
enantias in opposite directions (1: 75); enantia enaretos envirtued (1: 13), virtuous (1: 43.1)
legein to contradict (2: 78, 79), to speak against enargeia being evident (1: 93), certainty (1: 83), clarity
(1: 21); ta enantia legein to contradict (1: 42); (5: 42, 54, 55, 74, 78), clear and distinct
ta enantia philosophein to propose opposite perception (1: 76), clear evidence (1: 2), clear
philosophical positions (1: 97.1) facts (1: 52), clear truth (1: 83), direct
enantiôsis being opposed (1: 4), conrariety (1: 88), observation (1: 50), evidence (9: 29.1, 61, 67, 70,
contradiction (3: 1, 5, 68), contrariety (35: 1, 2, 74, 80, 86.1, 88, 100), evident facts (1: 34/35.1),
3, 7, 13, 15, 24, 27, 28.1, 32, 33, 35.2, 36, 39, 40, experience (1: 67), fact (1: 18.2), manifest facts
41.1, 41.2, 42, 48, 52, 53, 56, 57, 66, 68, 69, 70, 74, (2: 7, 60), observed facts (1: 59), obvious facts
75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 91, 92.1), contrary (1: 24), (1: 98), obviousness (4: 22, 32, 65, 85), patent
contrary pair (1: 57), contrast (1: 69), fact (1: 20), plain fact (1: 57), self-evidence (6: 3,
disagreement (1: 53), opposite (1: 18.2), 17, 40, 59, 68, 87), self-evident fact (1: 59), the
oppositeness (1: 43.1), opposition (18: 2, 4, 12, facts (2: 58, 59), the obvious (2: 22, 38), the
15, 21, 25, 28.2, 38, 44, 45/46, 52, 54, 55, 69, 78, perceptible facts (1: 11), what is clear (2: 68, 79),
85, 89, 100), opposition between contraries (2: what is clearly true (1: 79), what is evident (1:


93), what is manifest (1: 61), what is obvious (3: to exhibit (2: 22, 27), to expound (1: 59), to give
63, 76, 98), what is self evident (3: 63, 76, 89) an indication (1: 42), to hint at (1: 22), to
autê hê enargeia the plain fact (1: 56); ek tês illustrate (1: 22), to indicate (17: 3, 9, 22, 27,
enargeias because it is evident (3: 42, 73, 90), 30/31, 42, 44, 54, 55, 59, 64, 65, 67, 86.2, 90, 92.1,
evidently (1: 42), self-evidently (2: 17, 59); ek 99), to make clear (2: 27, 44), to point out (2: 14,
tês enargeias lambanein to assume as clearly 48), to point to (1: 27), to refer to (2: 22, 27), to
true (1: 78); hê enargeia tôn pragmatôn the show (10: 14, 21, 22, 27, 28.1, 42, 44, 55, 85, 99),
plain facts (1: 67); hôs hê enargeia dêloi as is to sketch (a proof) (1: 42)
evidently the case (1: 67) endeiknusthai to declare (1: 68), to demonstrate (4:
enargês clear (27: 1, 4, 5, 18.2, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 28.2, 38, 41.2, 85), to display (1: 93), to exhibit
30/31, 36, 41.2, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 65, 67, 68, 75, (2: 68, 79), to indicate (10: 3, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 25,
78, 79, 80, 83, 95, 99), clearly true (3: 78, 79, 83), 29.1, 40, 78, 79, 83), to make evident (1: 10.2), to
evident (25: 1, 2, 5, 10.2, 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 26, 28.1, point out (3: 2, 18.2, 51), to prove (1: 41.2), to
28.2, 29.1, 32, 40, 41.2, 42, 48, 52, 61, 67, 73, 90, reveal (1: 28.2), to show (6: 3, 4, 18.2, 29.1, 40,
91, 93, 99), lucid (1: 63), lustrous (1: 38), 85)
manifest (4: 17, 22, 36, 61), observable (1: 11), endeiktikos capable of being exhibited (1: 79), that can
obvious (19: 2, 3, 9, 16, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, make reference (1: 91)
38, 44, 59, 63, 65, 79, 85, 86.1, 98, 99), patent (1: endeiktikôs illustratively (1: 22), parabolically
20), plain (3: 18.2, 22, 28.2), powerful (1: 61), (1: 22)
self-evident (8: 3, 7, 11, 17, 75, 89, 98, 99), very endein (1) to bind (3: 54, 84, 95), to bind in (1: 19), to
clear (1: 67), very perspicuous (1: 57) fasten (1: 54), to fit into (1: 55)
enargôs clearly (14: 4, 25, 28.1, 36, 58, 59, 60, 61, 68, endedesthai to be fastened (1: 55); endedemena
85, 93, 95, 98, 99), evidently (4: 19, 42, 61, 99), in astra fixed stars (1: 95)
an evident manner (1: 99), manifestly (4: 3, 57, 58, endein (2) to be defective (1: 40), to be deficient (4: 24,
59), manifestly visible (1: 61), obviously (9: 16, 17, 40, 61, 83), to be in need of (1: 55), to be less (1:
22, 23, 25, 28.2, 36, 63, 98), palpably (7: 17, 27, 69), to be missing (6: 10.2, 16, 30/31, 54, 65, 83),
28.2, 36, 73, 76, 90), with clarity (1: 28.1); to be needed (1: 65), to fall short (2: 24, 69), to
enargesteron more distinctly (1: 91); enargôs fall short of (1: 94), to lack (1: 67), to need (1: 9)
dokein to be clearly evident (1: 10.2); hôs enarges endeôn deficient (1: 4); to endeon deficiency (1: 4),
for granted (1: 67); to enarges obviousness (1: lack (1: 4)
18.2); ta enargê the evidence (1: 67) endeixis demonstrating (1: 59), demonstration (2: 22,
enarmonios consonant (1: 41.2), enharmonic (1: 13), 48), demonstrative power (1: 72), indication (5:
harmonic (1: 22), harmonious (4: 2, 43.3, 67, 22, 48, 65, 78, 95), proof (2: 30/31, 47)
83), harmonised (2: 54, 67), in harmony (1: 67), eis endeixin (+ gen.) in order to indicate (1: 42);
orderly (1: 97.2) pros endeixin as pointing (1: 44), to indicate (1:
enarmoniôs harmoniously (1: 23); enarmonios 95), to show (1: 68); pros endeixin (+ gen.) to
melôidia enharmonic scale (1: 13) explain (1: 29.1); endeixeôs kharin in order to
enarmozein to adapt (1: 25), to be joined into one (1: show (1: 23)
86.1), to fit in (2: 21, 55), to fit into (1: 55) endekhesthai can (13: 6.2, 12, 42, 52, 58, 59, 60, 73, 80,
enarmozesthai to be inserted (1: 2) 90, 93, 94, 99), can be (2: 18.2, 44), can be
enarthmios having affinity with (1: 21) otherwise (2: 73, 93), may (3: 58, 80, 99), may
enarthros articulate (3: 23, 35.2, 57) possibly (1: 52), to admit (1: 4), to be able (8: 20,
enaskholeisthai : enaskholeisthai peri ti to be 42, 52, 54, 55, 64, 65, 80), to be able to (1: 6.2), to
occupied with (1: 88) be able to be otherwise (1: 73), to be capable (1:
enaulos fresh (1: 88) 44), to be capable of (1: 60), to be contingent (6:
endeês defective (1: 48), deficient (3: 24, 45/46, 51), in 9, 12, 30/31, 60, 64, 65), to be possible (38: 1, 3,
need (3: 12, 43.1, 43.2), in need of (1: 28.2), 5, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 42,
lacking (3: 21, 24, 28.2) 44, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 73, 78, 79, 80,
endeesteros incomplete (1: 16); endeês einai to 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 92.1, 93, 99), to have a
lack (1: 21) capacity (1: 12)
endeia defect (1: 34/35.1), deficiency (13: 4, 7, 12, 24, endekhetai it is possible (2: 75, 90); endekhomenos
28.2, 29.1, 38, 39, 45/46, 48, 52, 56, 57), lack (6: 4, contingent (5: 21, 23, 29.1, 35.2, 52), possible (1:
21, 43.3, 52, 69, 95), necessity (1: 4), need (2: 4, 67), that can be otherwise (1: 73);
55), neediness (1: 43.2), shortage (1: 91), endekhomenôs contingently (6: 17, 29.1, 30/31,
shortfall (1: 91) 60, 87, 93), possibly (2: 25, 93); to
einai en endeiâi deficient (1: 4) endekhomenon possibly (1: 23), what can be
endeiknunai to declare (1: 1), to demonstrate (3: 22, 23, (1: 15), what is possible (1: 89); endekhesthai
28.1), to disclose (1: 1), to display (2: 22, 86.2), allôs ekhein can be otherwise (1: 73); hôs

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

endekhomenos as a possibility (1: 19); ouk commonly held opinion (1: 15), doctrine (1:
endekhesthai cannot (2: 90, 99), to be 18.2), established opinion (1: 63), popular belief
impossible (1: 90); to mê endekhesthai the (1: 69), received opinion (3: 7, 14, 87), reputable
impossibility (1: 42) opinion (2: 89, 90); kata to endoxon on the
endelekheia persistence (1: 99) basis of accepted opinion (2: 10.2, 16)
endelekhês perpetual (4: 6.2, 27, 42, 60) enduein / endunein to impress (1: 97.1)
endêlos apparent (1: 85), immediately clear (1: 57), enduesthai to clothe oneself in (1: 56), to merge (1:
perceptible (1: 85), visible (1: 27) 75), to penetrate (1: 21), to settle into (1: 25); to
endiaitan to endow (1: 28.2) endedusthai being clothed (1: 27)
endiaitasthai to dwell (1: 59) enedra trap (1: 97.1)
endiastrophos distorted (1: 61) enegeirein to awaken (1: 84)
endiathetos in the mind (2: 34/35.1, 35.2), in thought eneikonizesthai to represent (1: 72), to signify (1: 72)
(1: 97.2), inner (1: 100), internal (3: 23, 51, 90) eneilein to confine (1: 91)
endiathetos logos inner language (1: 7) eneinai can (1: 10.2), to be in (5: 18.2, 42, 84, 85, 98), to
endiatribein to be engaged with (1: 34/35.1), to spend be located in (1: 42), to be possible (12: 4, 10.2,
time (2: 59, 83), to waste time on (1: 68) 12, 16, 42, 51, 60, 64, 65, 78, 84, 86.1), to be
endidonai to accept (2: 79, 85), to allow (1: 44), to present (1: 19), to be present in (3: 28.2, 54,
assign (1: 22), to become smaller (1: 85), to 86.1), to be within (1: 28.2), to reside (1: 99), to
bestow (3: 78, 79, 83), to bestow on (1: 22), to to be contained in (1: 78)
communicate (1: 44), to concede (6: 22, 42, enôn inner (1: 86.2), natural (1: 18.2), within (1:
45/46, 48, 79, 83), to endow (3: 25, 41.1, 79), to 86.1)
give (5: 18.2, 22, 28.1, 54, 98), to give in (5: 16, enekhein : enekhesthai to be liable (1: 21), to be
42, 51, 52, 85), to give to (1: 28.2), to grant (2: 7, subject to (1: 79), to fall prey to (1: 79)
48), to impart (5: 22, 28.2, 42, 51, 75), to implant eniskhein to have (1: 86.1), to hold in (1: 57), to
(3: 2, 68, 94), to implant in (1: 14), to produce in suspend (1: 86.1); eniskhein (+ dat.) to be
(1: 54), to provide (2: 2, 86.1), to refer (1: 44), to subject to (1: 86.1)
show (1: 6.2), to supply (1: 19), to surrender (2: enêremein to be at rest (1: 50)
21, 48), to surrender to (1: 55), to transmit (1: energeia act (5: 15, 28.2, 56, 99, 100), action (6: 2, 7, 22,
28.1), to yield (2: 48, 85) 23, 47, 53), active doing (1: 69), activity (76: 2, 3,
endidous flexible (1: 24); heauto endidonai to give 4, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21,
itself over (1: 51) 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2,
endoiasmos uncertainty (1: 55) 36, 37, 38, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47,
endoiazein to be in doubt (2: 16, 56), to be in two 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66,
minds (1: 56), to be tentative (1: 41.2) 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 83, 85,
endon inside (4: 12, 54, 86.1, 91), internal (1: 54), 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99,
within (1: 61) 100), actualisation (8: 1, 5, 15, 28.1, 32, 36, 48,
endosimos endowment (1: 75) 80), actuality (60: 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12,
to endosimon start (1: 42) 14, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2,
endosis concession (1: 45/46), solution (1: 85), way out 29.1, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42,
(1: 85) 47, 48, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 70,
endoteros inner (2: 54, 84) 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 85, 86.1, 88, 89, 92.2, 93, 94,
endothen from within (4: 19, 42, 51, 83), inside (1: 83), 97.2, 99, 100), actualization (2: 41.2, 44),
internal (1: 22), internally (1: 22) actualness (1: 94), actuation (1: 20), agency (1:
endothen kineisthai self-movement (1: 22) 28.2), behaviour (1: 7), being active (1: 28.1),
endotikos flexible (1: 24), that endows (1: 22) energy (1: 22), exercise (2: 2, 97.2), force (2: 59,
endoxos accepted (3: 10.2, 16, 22), aiming at 98), function (3: 41.2, 59, 63), mode of
acceptability (1: 11), approved (1: 40), based on behaviour (1: 17), operation (1: 39), reality (1:
opinion (2: 74, 94), based on received opinions 94), substantial (1: 100)
(1: 94), esteemed (1: 69), generally accepted (2: energeiâi active (1: 28.2), actively (1: 43.2), actual
13, 69), generally held (1: 54), held in esteem (1: (24: 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28.1,
40), on the level of opinion (1: 74), plausible (2: 34/35.1, 35.2, 52, 58, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 89,
38, 48), probable (1: 64), reputable (9: 9, 17, 38, 94, 98, 99), actualised (1: 59), actually (42: 10.1,
40, 42, 73, 77, 90, 93), resting on opinion (2: 26, 10.2, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.1,
99), well-known (1: 98) 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 43.3, 44, 50, 52, 55, 56,
endoxôs based on accepted opinion (1: 64), on the 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1,
level of accepted opinion (1: 10.2); to endoxon 88, 90, 92.2, 98, 99), in a state of actuality (1:
accepted opinion (3: 10.2, 16, 44), admitted 86.1), in act (7: 13, 28.2, 40, 56, 57, 93, 99), in
premiss (1: 20), common opinion (2: 18.2, 78), activity (2: 22, 56), in actual fact (1: 94), in


actuality (33: 2, 3, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 52, 59), to perform (1: 16), to perform actions
22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 44, 50, 52, (1: 21), to perform activities (4: 4, 12, 50, 52), to
54, 56, 60, 63, 68, 70, 88, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 99), in perform an activity (1: 67), to work (2: 28.1,
its actual form (1: 80); to energeiâi actuality (6: 28.29), to work on (1: 17)
27, 42, 79, 89, 92.2, 99), the actual (2: 42, 51), energeisthai to be acted upon (1: 17); energôn in
what is actual (1: 89); kat’ energeian according activity (1: 22); to energein action (1: 52),
to actuality (1: 99), active (4: 22, 28.2, 61, 67), activity (8: 2, 21, 22, 27, 28.2, 52, 67, 99),
actively (5: 22, 27, 28.2, 69, 91), actual (16: 10.1, actuality (2: 28.2, 86.1), actualization (1: 28.1),
18.2, 19, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 52, 58, the activity (1: 56), to be actuality (1: 28.2); ho
59, 76, 86.1, 89, 99), actually (20: 10.1, 14, 19, 22, energôn agent (1: 58); to energoun agent (2: 15,
23, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 50, 52, 54, 58, 59, 27); energein peri be active towards (1: 25);
68, 85, 88, 94, 98), as an activity (1: 91), energôn theourgikôs by theurgic activity (1:
connected with activity (1: 28.1), in act (5: 36, 72); sôstikôs energein to act to preserve
56, 57, 57, 99), in activity (1: 11), in actuality (1: 52)
(17: 11, 19, 22, 27, 28.19, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 50, 52, energêma action (2: 22, 28.1), active thing (1: 28.1),
68, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 99), in the way of actuality activity (5: 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 48, 69), operation
(1: 10.2), through activity (1: 28.2); kat’ (1: 39)
energeian aisthêsis perception in activity (1: energês active (2: 21, 22), actual (1: 12), effective
91); kat’ energeian opsis sight as an activity (1: (1: 19)
91); akoustikê energeia activity of hearing (1: to energes actuality (1: 58)
57), hearing (1: 67); êdê energeiâi in actuality energêtikos activating (2: 69, 86.1), active (13: 6.2, 19,
(1: 75); êdê kat’ energeian already qua actual 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 42, 48, 54, 79, 83, 99), actual
(1: 75); hêsukhazein apo tes energeias (1: 27), actuating (1: 20), capable of activity (1:
refraining from its activity (1: 86.1); kinêtikê 28.1), exerting activity (1: 99), involving activity
energeia motor activity (1: 59); kinêtikos (1: 28.1), of a nature to activate (1: 58), of
energeias einai to initiate activity (1: 22); activity (1: 44), operative (1: 39), that activates
plastikê energeia activity of formation (1: (1: 44)
86.1); thermantikê energeia warmth (1: 22); to energêtikôteros more active (1: 100); energêtikôs
kat’ energeian aisthesthai to perceive actively actively (3: 22, 28.1, 28.2), as active (1: 28.2), in
(1: 91) activity (1: 28.2), involving activity (1: 36); to
energein to act (28: 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, energêtikon active nature (2: 28.2, 36), element
35.2, 36, 39, 44, 45/46, 52, 54, 56, 58, 60, 68, 78, of activity (1: 27), the active (1: 44)
79, 80, 83, 86.1, 88, 99, 100), to act on (2: 48, 57), energos active (5: 14, 17, 42, 70, 86.1), actual (1: 27),
to activate (10: 11, 14, 22, 28.2, 61, 67, 69, 78, 83, actualised (1: 70), productive (1: 43.3)
89), to actively do (2: 43.1, 69), to actively engennan to produce in (1: 68)
engage with (1: 58), to actively exercise (1: 91), engignesthai / enginesthai to accrue (1: 54), to arise (3:
to actualize (5: 44, 54, 60, 67, 100), to actuate (2: 19, 58, 59), to arise in (2: 28.1, 86.1), to be
20, 27), to be acting (1: 15), to be activated (1: engendered (1: 48), to be engendered in (1: 61),
67), to be active (40: 4, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, to be generated in (1: 38), to be innate (1: 48), to
22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.3, be present (3: 2, 28.2, 48), to be present in (2: 22,
44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69, 75, 78, 83, 52), to be present within (1: 22), to be produced
86.1, 89, 91, 92.1, 93, 99, 100), to be actively (1: (2: 28.1, 54), to be produced in (1: 58), to become
28.2), to be actual (9: 17, 20, 21, 28.2, 29.1, 40, in (1: 98), to come about (2: 22, 28.2), to come
44, 89, 99), to be actualized (3: 23, 44, 67), to be about in (1: 4), to come in (1: 28.1), to come into
an activity (1: 28.1), to be in act (1: 28.2), to be (1: 28.2), to come to (2: 59, 68), to come to be (1:
in action (1: 60), to be in activity (2: 36, 99), to 99), to come to be in (15: 2, 6.1, 12, 18.2, 20, 21,
be in actuality (1: 99), to be in an active state (1: 28.1, 28.2, 38, 52, 68, 75, 78, 79, 86.1), to come to
28.1), to become active (1: 58), to become be present (3: 10.2, 16, 52), to come to be present
engaged in activities (1: 22), to bring about (1: in (1: 48), to come to be within (1: 51), to come
22), to commit (1: 17), to do (3: 52, 67, 69), to to exist in (1: 25), to emerge (1: 80), to enter (4:
effect (4: 39, 43.3, 58, 69), to embody (1: 17), to 22, 28.2, 58, 92.2), to enter into (2: 86.1, 92.2), to
engage in (4: 58, 59, 73, 91), to engage in activity generate (1: 7), to inhabit (1: 28.2), to occur (4:
(3: 4, 42, 86.1), to engage in an activity (1: 68), 22, 28.1, 54, 59), to occur in (2: 42, 73), to recur
to exercise (7: 17, 22, 28.2, 58, 61, 79, 99), to (1: 27), to seep into (1: 86.2)
exercise activity (2: 61, 67), to exercise power (1: engizein to approach (2: 6.1, 60), to be close to (1: 93),
97.1), to exhibit actualization (1: 44), to to border on (1: 57), to draw near (1: 60), to get
function (3: 23, 36, 59), to have activity (1: 4), to nearer to (1: 56)
make active use of (1: 58), to operate (4: 7, 39, engonos child (1: 54)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

engrammatos composed of letters (1: 23), present time (1: 7); kalôs enistanai to have a
engrammared (1: 13), lettered (1: 23), written good objection (1: 57)
(2: 13, 48) enizanein to adhere (1: 57)
engraphein to inscribe (3: 44, 90, 91) enkalein to accuse (5: 44, 45/46, 54, 83, 98), to attack (1:
engraphos already inscribed (1: 34/35.1), written down 55), to blame (1: 94), to bring a charge (1: 86.2),
(1: 52) to call to account (1: 57), to censure (3: 54, 55,
engus akin (1: 17), approximate (1: 93), close (10: 12, 78), to challenge (1: 48), to charge (2: 83, 94), to
16, 54, 55, 60, 79, 83, 91, 93, 95), closely (1: 12), criticize (5: 25, 41.2, 63, 85, 94), to find fault
near (3: 17, 21, 60), nearing (1: 86.1) with (1: 19), to lay a charge against (1: 76), to
engion closer (1: 68), nearly (1: 68); engista very object (7: 6.1, 41.2, 48, 54, 60, 79, 83), to
nearly (1: 54); enguteros closer (1: 16), nearer reproach (3: 20, 56, 85)
(2: 24, 99); engutatos nearest (1: 24); enguthen enkarsiôs sideways (1: 94)
from close up (1: 16) enkataduein to be submerged (1: 22)
engutês proximity (2: 7, 95) enkatakhônnunai to encapsulate (1: 61)
enguthen from close at hand (1: 52), from close by enkatakleisthai to shut inside (1: 24)
(1: 52) enkatalegein to list with (1: 56)
eniaios unitary (1: 11) enkatalegesthai to be counted (1: 29.1)
eniausiaios annual (1: 60) enkataleimma remnant (1: 67), residual trace (2: 15,
eniausios annual (1: 54), yearly (1: 21) 48), residue (1: 25), trace (1: 91)
eniautos year (12: 7, 11, 20, 27, 38, 50, 52, 55, 60, 88, 95, enkataleipein to leave (1: 28.1)
99) enkatalimpanein to leave behind (1: 17)
ho megas eniautos the Big Year (1: 60) enkatamignunai to mix in (4: 21, 38, 57, 91)
enidruein to establish (2: 52, 54), to situate (1: 39) enkatamixis mixing in (1: 38)
enidruesthai to be situated (1: 45/46); enidrusthai enkatarithmein to include (1: 2), to number among
to be seated in (1: 28.2) (1: 2)
enidrusis situation (1: 39) enkataskeuazein to establish (1: 93)
êniokhos Auriga (the constellation) (1: 90) enkataspeirein to implant (2: 57, 58), to insperse (1:
eniote at some time (1: 83) 98), to scatter (1: 98)
enistanai to attack (2: 22, 56), to be present (2: 14, 87), enkatatattein to include (1: 2)
to begin (1: 86.1), to bring an objection (1: 99), enkatatithenai to put in (1: 17)
to direct refutations at (1: 93), to make an enkathidrusthai to be established (1: 25)
objection (1: 93), to object (13: 7, 16, 17, 20, enkatoikizesthai to be housed (1: 25)
45/46, 55, 56, 73, 78, 79, 83, 93, 99), to oppose (3: enkatoikodomein to build in (1: 91), to build into (2:
6.2, 85, 98), to raise an objection (1: 99), to raise 34/35.1, 57)
objections (3: 55, 80, 93) enkatoikodomeisthai to be lodged (1: 25);
enistasthai to address (1: 34/35.1), to appoint (1: enkatôikodomêsthai to be confined (1: 28.2)
39), to argue against (1: 67), to attack (3: 18.2, enkeisthai to be contained (1: 18.2), to be inside (1:
28.2, 44), to be directed at (1: 58), to be in 18.2), to be present within (1: 28.2)
objection to (1: 3), to be present (1: 58), to enkentrizein to graft (1: 86.1)
become present (1: 99), to bring objections (1: enkentrizesthai to be grafted (1: 75); to
90), to challenge (1: 41.2), to come about (1: 39), enkentrizomenon bud being grafted (1: 86.1);
to embark (1: 36), to embark upon (1: 40), to to enkentristhen grafted part (1: 86.1)
institute (1: 40), to object (16: 3, 6.1, 9, 19, 28.2, enkephalos brain (13: 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 56, 57, 59, 61,
39, 40, 41.2, 42, 54, 57, 59, 68, 75, 88, 90), to 67, 80, 84, 85, 91, 99)
object to (2: 25, 50), to oppose (2: 38, 50), to enkerannunai : enkerannusthai to be mixed with (2:
raise an objection (2: 19, 40), to raise objections 52, 98), to be compounded (1: 18.2), to be
(2: 3, 42), to raise objections against (1: 67), to intermingled (1: 50), to be mixed in (1: 50)
raise objections to (1: 38), to reject (2: 44, 92.2), enkharattein to engrave (1: 54), to engrave on (1:
to resist (3: 4, 21, 52), to start on (1: 35.2), to 34/35.1)
tackle (1: 63), to take issue with (1: 67); enkhein to pour in (1: 18.2)
enistasthai (+ dat.) to come upon (1: 39); enkheirein to attempt (1: 16), to deal with (1: 29.1), to
enestanai to be in present time (1: 50); try (3: 16, 55, 86.2)
enestêkôs present (2: 58, 59); enestôs current enkheirêsis argument (2: 43.1, 69)
(1: 39), present (7: 3, 11, 14, 16, 29.1, 42, 83); to enkhôrein may (1: 30/31), might (1: 30/31), to be
enestêkos the present (1: 11); to enestos the possible (5: 17, 64, 65, 86.1, 93)
present (1: 75), thing present (1: 40); enestôs enkhôrei it is possible (1: 90)
khronos present (1: 23), present tense (1: 35.2), enkhôrios vernacular (1: 61)
present time (1: 35.2), the present (1: 35.2), the enkhriein to annoint (1: 57)


enkhronos in time (1: 39), temporal (3: 27, 29.1, 44) 27, 42, 83), to reason (1: 50), to recognize (3: 78,
enkhronôs temporally (1: 42) 79, 83), to reflect (3: 68, 75, 99), to suppose (1:
enkhumos flavoured (3: 28.2, 57, 91), having flavour (1: 68), to take into consideration (1: 54), to take
38), succulent (1: 34/35.1), with flavour (2: 28.1, note of (1: 87), to think (4: 25, 58, 61, 85), to
57) think about (2: 58, 69), to think of (6: 6.1, 19, 27,
mê enkhumos flavourless (1: 28.1) 38, 39, 52), to think out (1: 34/35.1), to think up
enklêma charge (2: 17, 99), criticism (3: 78, 79, 83), (1: 3), to understand (6: 7, 68, 78, 83, 92.2, 99)
objection (1: 85), offence (1: 97.1), reproach (1: ennoêma concept (2: 48, 70), thought (1: 25)
83), wrong (1: 68) ennoêmatikos conceptual (3: 13, 23, 48), existing in
enklinein : enklinesthai to be inclined (1: 55), to be thought only (1: 61)
inflected (1: 65) to ennoêmatikon notional entity (1: 7)
enkliteon must take as an enclitic (1: 93) ennoêtikos conceptual (1: 70)
enklisis derivative form (1: 51), inclination (2: 23, 42), ennoia awareness (3: 14, 43.3, 87), concept (24: 7, 11,
inflection (2: 23, 65), obliquity (1: 60) 13, 14, 18.2, 22, 23, 28.2, 29.1, 32, 37, 39, 41.2, 44,
aparemphatos enklisis infinitive inflection (1: 23) 48, 50, 51, 58, 60, 72, 94, 98, 99, 100), conception
enkolaptein to cut into (1: 34/35.1) (35: 1, 5, 6.2, 11, 14, 17, 18.2, 20, 22, 26, 27, 29.1,
enkolpizesthai to internalize (1: 86.1) 38, 39, 41.2, 44, 45/46, 48, 54, 55, 58, 59, 68, 70,
enkômiazein to praise (1: 55) 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 91, 92.2, 94, 98, 99),
enkômion praise (1: 7) conceptual content (1: 41.1), connotation (1:
enkosmios cosmic (2: 61, 68), encosmic (1: 72), in the 27), consideration (3: 20, 34/35.1, 68), content
cosmos (1: 34/35.1), in the world (2: 3, 20), (1: 39), idea (16: 2, 10.1, 11, 14, 18.2, 34/35.1,
inside the cosmos (1: 84), part of the universe 35.2, 36, 42, 44, 56, 76, 83, 85, 98, 99), insight (1:
(1: 67), part of this (sensible) world (1: 86.1), 61), intention (1: 59), intuition (2: 11, 76),
within the cosmos (1: 76) meaning (8: 23, 28.2, 58, 59, 78, 79, 83, 94),
ta enkosmia things in the universe (1: 74) noting (1: 87), notion (29: 2, 3, 4, 10.1, 11, 16,
enkrateia self-control (4: 40, 45/46, 65, 69), self- 18.2, 23, 25, 26, 36, 40, 41.1, 50, 52, 60, 61, 63, 67,
mastery (1: 51) 69, 73, 74, 76, 80, 89, 90, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94),
enkratês in control (2: 39, 69), self-controlled (5: opinion (5: 11, 27, 73, 90, 98), outlook (1: 76),
34/35.1, 43.2, 43.3, 52, 69), strong (2: 54, 55), purport (1: 19), sense (6: 23, 58, 67, 68, 92.1,
that gains control of (1: 92.1) 92.2), thinking (2: 59, 76), thought (18: 2, 14, 21,
ho enkratês one who is in control of himself (1: 22, 23, 25, 32, 41.1, 42, 44, 57, 58, 59, 68, 85, 87,
91), person with self-control (1: 34/35.1), 98, 100), understanding (2: 4, 60), view (3: 14,
self-controlled person (1: 100); to enkrates 86.2, 92.1), viewpoint (1: 22), way of thinking
self-control (1: 45/46) (1: 26), what someone has in mind (1: 61)
enkrateuesthai to be self-controlled (1: 45/46), to ennoiâi conceptually (1: 27); eis ennoian elthein to
control oneself (1: 34/35.1) occur to someone (1: 88); eis ennoian
enkrinein to accept (1: 78), to approve (1: 92.2), to erkhesthai to come to notice (1: 87), to come to
choose (1: 42), to judge (3: 22, 28.2, 99), to think (1: 23); eis tên ennoian erkhesthai to
secrete (1: 99) come to think (1: 90); ennoian ekhein to
enkrisis secretion (1: 99) suggest (1: 27); epi tês ennoias in mind (1: 19);
enkruptein : enkruptesthai to hide in (1: 98) kata tên ennoian conceptual (1: 41.1); koinê
enkuklios circular (6: 2, 17, 54, 55, 83, 95), cyclic (1: ennoia common conception (3: 14, 18.2, 74),
88), encircling (1: 53), general (1: 90), revolving common insight (1: 67), common intuition (1:
(1: 3), that revolves in a circle (1: 42) 76), common notion (2: 63, 74), common
enkukliôs in a circle (1: 78); ta enkuklia general opinion (1: 6.1), common sense (1: 76);
education (1: 90); enkuklia sêmata revolving lambanein ennoian to take note (1: 87)
bodies (1: 88); enkuklios phora heavenly ennomos law-abiding (1: 34/35.1)
rotation (1: 95) ennous endowed with intellect (1: 67), intelligent (1:
ennoein to be aware (2: 43.3, 69), to bear in mind (2: 67), possessing intellect (1: 97.1), possessing
39, 44), to call to mind (1: 67), to conceive (11: mind (1: 83)
14, 18.2, 20, 27, 42, 44, 45/46, 48, 50, 55, 91), to enokhlein to annoy (1: 19), to be an obstacle (1: 51), to
conceive of (3: 51, 57, 58), to consider (2: 3, 79), be troublesome (1: 78), to bother (2: 44, 83), to
to form a notion of (1: 25), to grasp (2: 54, 55), cause trouble (1: 56), to create difficulty (1: 54),
to have a concept (1: 14), to have a thought of to disturb (1: 91), to embarrass (1: 44), to hinder
(1: 27), to have in mind (2: 41.2), to heed (1: (1: 67), to impede (1: 85), to pose an obstacle (1:
80), to intend (1: 43.3), to keep in mind (1: 67), to trouble (4: 44, 52, 54, 83)
45/46), to make an assumption (1: 80), to mind enokhleisthai to be bothered (1: 25), to be troubled
(1: 58), to note (2: 3, 69), to realize (5: 6.2, 18.2, (1: 4)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

enokhlêsis annoyance (3: 2, 16, 17), constricting entelês complete (7: 20, 42, 51, 56, 69, 76, 93), in its
affection (1: 15), intrusion (2: 23, 89), trouble complete form (2: 73, 90)
(1: 4) entelôs fully (1: 98); entelesteron more thoroughly
enophthalmizesthai to add a bud (1: 86.1) (1: 68); entelôs ekhein to be in a perfect state
to enophthalmizomenon the bud being added on (1: 25)
to the base plant (1: 86.1); to entera bowels (1: 86.1), gut (1: 52), intestinal tube
enophthalmisthen the bud successfully added (1: 86.1)
on (1: 86.1) enterionê pith (2: 52, 86.1), sap (1: 56)
enoptron mirror (3: 57, 88, 95), reflecting surface (2: enteuthen : enteuthen . . . enteuthen at this end or that
88, 95) (1: 52)
enoran to detect (1: 92.1), to envisage (1: 54), to enteuxis encounter (1: 40), meeting (2: 26, 84)
observe (1: 54), to recognise (1: 78), to see in (1: entha at this time (1: 86.1), at which point (1: 60), here
18.2) (1: 14), including (1: 60), where (1: 60)
enorasthai to be observed (1: 16) enthade here (3: 11, 14, 52), in this world (1: 78)
enrizousthai to be rooted in (1: 11) ta enthade the things here (1: 2)
ensarkos of flesh (1: 86.1) entheazein to be divinely inspired (1: 84)
enseiein to crash into (1: 55) enthen therefore (1: 60)
ensêmainein to mark on (1: 52), to mark upon (1: 52) entheôrein to discern (1: 76), to observe within (1: 48),
ensêmainesthai to pin-point (1: 25), to stamp (1: to see in (1: 83), to see to be present in (1: 94),
25) to see within (1: 93), to understand (1: 73)
enskêptein to fall on (1: 56), to invade (1: 57) entheôreisthai to be considered to be present in
enskirousthai to form (of scars) (1: 57) (1: 60)
ensômatos embodied (1: 61) entheos divinely inspired (1: 97.1)
enspeirein to emplant (1: 84), to sow in (1: 56) enthousian to be divinely inspired (2: 59, 84)
enspeireisthai to be interspersed in (1: 18.2) enthousiasmos inspiration (: 72)
enstasis attack (1: 32), contradiction (1: 26), counter- enthousiastikos enthusiastic (1: 23), inspired (1: 72),
example (1: 30/31), difficulty (1: 26), ethical inspiring (1: 67)
disposition (1: 45/46), objection (45: 1, 3, 5, 7, enthousiazein to be inspired (1: 61)
14, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 30/31, 39, 40, enthumeisthai to consider (1: 86.1), to have in mind
41.1, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, (1: 86.2), to think of (1: 73)
60, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 90, enthumêma enthymeme (2: 40, 73)
92.1, 93, 95, 99), obstruction (1: 12), onset (1: entiktein to create (1: 86.2)
39) entimos honored (1: 42)
enstatikos signifying an objection (1: 42) entimoteros superior (1: 34/35.1)
enstêrizein to fix (1: 54), to implant (1: 11) entithenai to implant (1: 52), to impose (2: 25, 28.2), to
entasis tensioning (1: 52) place in (2: 68, 98), to put in (1: 98)
entattein to insert (1: 39) entomê slit (1: 57)
enteinein (for a musical note) to be too high (1: 86.1), entomon insect (8: 22, 25, 28.2, 38, 56, 57, 61, 67)
to stretch (1: 55), to tension (1: 52) entornos rounded (1: 27), turned out (1: 54)
entekhnos technical (1: 23) entos inner (2: 83, 90), inside (5: 17, 83, 90, 91, 93),
entekhnôs skilfully (1: 72) interior (6: 6.1, 12, 65, 73, 90, 93), internal (3: 21,
entelekheia actualisation (6: 22, 28.2, 54, 58, 84, 97.1), 52, 91), within (2: 73, 93)
actuality (33: 1, 5, 12, 14, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28.1, hê entos interior angle (1: 90); thermon entos
28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43.3, 44, 47, internal heat (1: 57)
51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 67, 75, 79, 94, 99, 100), entrekhôs adeptly (1: 57)
actualization (2: 44, 89), complete actuality (1: entrepein to put to shame (1: 88)
53), complete reality (1: 41.1), completion (1: entrephein : entrephesthai to be brought up in (1: 2)
91), definitive actuality (1: 67), entelechy (7: 13, entreptikos commanding respect (1: 72)
20, 23, 25, 50, 80, 99), first actuality (1: 26), entreptikôs damningly (1: 19); to entreptikon
perfect realization (2: 26, 41.2), reality (1: 66), reductio (1: 76)
realization (3: 14, 48, 58) entunkhanein to be a reader (1: 85), to be familiar
entelekheiâi actual (2: 21, 58), actually (6: 3, 28.1, with (1: 2), to come across (1: 83), to encounter
28.2, 58, 61, 85), in actuality (7: 15, 28.1, 34/35.1, (11: 6.2, 25, 41.1, 51, 54, 55, 79, 83, 86.1, 86.2,
89, 91, 94, 99), in entelechy (1: 99); to 93), to meet (1: 16), to read (4: 19, 42, 51, 83),
entelekheiâi actuality (1: 89); eis to to talk to (1: 93)
entelekheiâi ginesthai to come to be actual hoi entunkhanontes readers (1: 68)
(1: 52) entupoun to imprint (2: 34/35.1, 97.1), to imprint in (1:
entelekhês continuous (1: 58) 77), to make an imprint (1: 57)


enudros aquatic (11: 7, 13, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 52, 56, 57, eoikôs like (1: 86.1), resembling (2: 16, 85); eikôs
59, 68, 91), in the water (1: 85), living in water likely (2: 73, 79), plausible (4: 43.2, 60, 78, 79),
(3: 21, 25, 34/35.1), that lives in water (1: 61) reasonable (2: 16, 73); eikos likely (6: 3, 17, 21,
to enudron aquatic animal (1: 57), aquatic creature 43.2, 55, 85), probable (1: 83), properly (1: 60),
(1: 68), fish (1: 68), underwater creature (1: 27), reasonable (11: 30/31, 43.2, 54, 55, 60, 78, 79, 83,
water (creatures) (1: 52), water-creature (1: 3) 85, 86.1, 94), reasonably (2: 42, 60),
enugros moist (1: 86.1) understandable (1: 3); eikotôs appropriately (2:
enulos based in matter (1: 89), engaged in matter (1: 2, 10.2), arguably (1: 73), as expected (1: 6.1), as
51), enmattered (30: 2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, one would expect (1: 17), can be likened in a
18.2, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28.1, 32, 39, 40, 41.2, 44, manner resembling (1: 86.1), correctly (1: 88),
48, 52, 59, 61, 67, 68, 70, 74, 85, 91, 92.1), fittingly (1: 94), it is fitting that (1: 17), it is
immanent (1: 41.1), in matter (6: 28.1, 34/35.1, natural that (1: 17), it is no surprise that (1: 93),
36, 83, 92.2, 97.1), invested in matter (1: 40), it is reasonable (5: 42, 52, 68, 73, 76), it is
involved in matter (1: 28.1), involving matter (2: reasonable that (2: 12, 93), it is to be expected
78, 79), material (13: 3, 13, 17, 28.2, 41.1, 44, 54, (2: 76, 93), it makes sense that (1: 76), like (1:
58, 72, 78, 83, 92.2, 97.1), materialised (1: 11), 86.1), likely (1: 60), naturally (4: 17, 29, 78, 94),
possessing matter (1: 21), present in matter not unreasonably (1: 63), on good grounds (1:
(1: 89) 88), plausible (1: 60), plausibly (3: 40, 76, 79),
enulôs as being in matter (1: 34/35.1), enmattered probably (2: 28.2, 40), reasonable (2: 17, 30/31),
(1: 28.1); to enulon material thing (1: 97.1), the reasonably (26: 2, 4, 12, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 25, 28.1,
material (1: 97.1); enulon eidos enmattered 28.2, 30/31, 38, 40, 42, 44, 52, 68, 73, 78, 79, 83,
form (2: 33, 100), form in matter (3: 5, 34/35.1, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 90, 94), reasonably enough (2: 63,
56); enulos zoê matter-bound life (1: 34/35.1) 76), reasonably so (1: 90), this is reasonable (1:
enuparkhein to be (1: 85), to be contained (1: 18.2), to 64), with good reason (1: 40), with reason (1:
be embedded (1: 89), to be immanent (1: 44), 88); ta eikota probabilities (2: 40, 86.1); to eikos
to be in (3: 2, 15, 76), to be incorporated (1: 76), likelihood (1: 86.1)
to be inherent (5: 24, 41.2, 44, 48, 60), to be êôs dawn (1: 67)
inherent in (2: 26, 68), to be inside (2: 28.1, 76), epagein to add (28: 3, 7, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27,
to be internal to (1: 59), to be involved (1: 92.1), 28.1, 28.2, 42, 44, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 78, 79, 80,
to be predicated in (1: 73), to be present (6: 12, 83, 85, 86.1, 92.1, 99), to adduce (17: 6.2, 11, 14,
22, 26, 27, 28.2, 38), to be present in (14: 10.2, 18.2, 22, 25, 27, 47, 48, 53, 55, 66, 78, 79, 83, 94,
16, 21, 22, 28.1, 44, 52, 58, 59, 76, 80, 85, 87, 89), 99), to advance (3: 42, 59, 92.1), to afflict with (1:
to be present within (1: 22), to be within (2: 44, 59), to allege (1: 18.2), to apply (1: 23), to argue
76), to belong in (1: 17), to belong to (2: 22, 68), (4: 18.2, 53, 58, 66), to argue further (1: 99), to be
to exist in (10: 2, 6.1, 15, 25, 28.1, 60, 68, 76, 85, inductive (1: 93), to bring (1: 27), to bring
98), to exist within (5: 24, 25, 59, 76, 89), to have against (2: 85, 99), to bring back (1: 98), to bring
predicated in (1: 73), to hold of (1: 40), to forward (4: 14, 18.2, 34/35.1, 93), to bring in (5:
include (1: 76), to indwell (1: 76), to inhere (14: 28.1, 83, 85, 86.1, 98), to bring on (1: 29.1), to
3, 7, 19, 25, 39, 51, 54, 76, 78, 79, 83, 92.1, 92.2, bring up (2: 42, 66), to conclude (8: 6.2, 18.2, 26,
93), to inhere in (3: 20, 58, 75), to pre-exist (1: 27, 28.2, 53, 58, 66), to continue (4: 22, 42, 59, 88),
32), to reside in (3: 6.2, 41.1, 76), to subsist to direct at (1: 99), to draw (3: 3, 85, 99), to draw
within (1: 76) a consequence (2: 42, 53), to follow (1: 28.2), to
enuparkhôn as a constituent (1: 76), constituent (1: give (2: 18.2, 28.2), to go on (3: 17, 73, 90), to go
41.2), immanent (1: 17), internal (1: 59); to on to give (1: 73), to go on to mention (1: 73), to
enuparkhon component (1: 74), constituent (4: go on to say (5: 42, 58, 73, 90, 93), to go on to talk
10.2, 15, 16, 74), inherent property (1: 94); to about (1: 59), to infer (14: 19, 20, 27, 28.2, 42, 47,
prôtôs enuparkhon primary ingredient (1: 53, 66, 67, 73, 83, 89, 90, 100), to infer inductively
92.2); eunuparkhein tên antiphasin for (1: 40), to introduce (14: 2, 10.2, 11, 18.2, 19, 27,
contradictories both to belong (1: 16) 48, 51, 58, 68, 78, 93, 98, 99), to lead on (2: 2, 14),
enupnion dream (1: 34/35.1), dream-image (1: 15) to lead to believe (1: 47), to make an inductive
enupostatos in essence (1: 97.2), substantively existing inference (1: 40), to note (1: 22), to object (2:
(1: 17) 18.2, 85), to observe (1: 85), to point out (3: 18.2,
enupotithenai to assume (1: 98), to hypothesise (1: 17) 22, 99), to present (2: 11, 99), to propose (1: 55),
eoikenai to appear (1: 86.2), to be like (7: 10.2, 12, 25, to provide (2: 22, 27), to put forward (1: 27), to
79, 83, 86.1, 86.2), to be similar (1: 17), to say (2: 78, 79), to set out (2: 18.2, 22), to state (1:
resemble (6: 20, 25, 54, 55, 78, 86.1), to seem 85), to supply (1: 99), to trace back (1: 86.1)
(12: 4, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 25, 55, 60, 78, 79, 83, epagesthai to attract (1: 21), to follow (2: 27, 28.2),
86.1), to seem reasonable (1: 38) to perform an induction (1: 90); epagomenos

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

added (1: 99), inferred (1: 99), performing the 40), to interlock (1: 24), to overlap (1: 90), to
induction (1: 73), through induction (1: 90); to presuppose (1: 67), to treat as interchangeable
epagomenon consequent (2: 42, 73), (1: 40), to use interchangeably (1: 94)
implication (1: 28.1), what follows (1: 90); to epallattesthai to be interchanged (1: 79);
epêgmenon conclusion (1: 27); epagein epêllagmenôs interchangeably (1: 48)
aporian to raise a problem (2: 27, 48); epagein epallaxis interlocking (1: 78)
ep’ atopon to reduce to absurdity (1: 10.2); epamphoterizein to be ambivalent (1: 44), to be both
epagein sumperasma to draw a conclusion (1: heavy and light (2: 79, 83), to be both of two
60) things (1: 35.2), to be like both (1: 78), to do
epagôgê adducing examples (1: 94), argument (1: 36), double duty (1: 23), to go either way (1: 99), to
force (1: 34/35.1), induction (47: 2, 9, 10.1, 10.2, go in both directions (1: 79), to go into two
13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30/31, directions (1: 61), to have both attributes (1:
34/35.1, 36, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53, 42), to lie between (1: 48), to move in both
54, 56, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 73, 75, 77, 78, 80, 84, directions (1: 83)
89, 90, 92.2, 93, 94, 100), inductive argument (2: to epamphoterizon what is ambivalent (1: 23)
12, 36), inductive reasoning (1: 92.1) epanabainein to ascend (1: 95), to be higher than (1:
apo tês epagôgês by induction (1: 19); dia tês 85), to go up (2: 10.2, 16), to transcend (3:
epagôgês through induction (1: 19); ex 34/35.1, 48, 93)
epagôgês inductively (1: 27); ek tês epagôês epanabebêkenai to be superior (1: 28.2);
based on induction (1: 19) epanabebêkôs above (1: 52), further up the line
epagôgikos inductive (2: 34/35.1, 74) (1: 16); to epanabebêkos higher attribute (1:
epagôgikôteros on the inductive side (1: 34/35.1); 64); epanabebêkota genê kinds higher up (1:
epagôgikos tropos method of sampling of 10.2)
cases (1: 94) epanadiplôsis duplication (2: 16, 65), what is
epagôgos inducer (1: 38) duplicated (1: 65)
epaïein to hear (1: 57), to know (1: 16) epanadiploun to double (1: 95), to duplicate (1: 16)
epainein to commend (1: 99), to praise (7: 4, 21, 38, epanadiploumenos duplicated (1: 65)
43.2, 52, 60, 65) epanagein to lead back (1: 83), to refer back (1: 39), to
epainetês admirer (1: 86.2) return (2: 29.1, 59)
epainetos praiseworthy (3: 4, 29.1, 69), to be praised (4: epanairein : epanaireisthai to undertake (1: 2)
60, 64, 65, 69) epanakalein to call back (1: 28.1)
epainos praise (3: 21, 61, 69) epanakamptein to bend back (1: 67), to turn back (1: 22)
epaisthanesthai to be aware (1: 28.1), to by-perceive (1: epanalambanein to consider again (1: 99), to go over
43.3), to perceive (1: 56) again (1: 34/35.1), to repeat (1: 59), to resume
epaisthêsis awareness (1: 37) (2: 28.2, 84), to take up again (1: 68)
epakolouthein to accompany (2: 22, 39), to accrue to epanalêpsis recapitulation (1: 41.1), reiteration (1: 68),
(1: 76), to attend (1: 40), to attend to (1: 86.2), to repetition (2: 93, 98), taking up again (1: 68)
be a concomitant (1: 41.2), to be dependent (1: epanapauein to be content (1: 7), to depend on (1: 58),
28.2), to concur (9: 2, 4, 30/31, 42, 52, 60, 76, 83, to trust in (2: 54, 55)
91), to follow after (2: 17, 19), to follow on (3: epanapauesthai to be based on (1: 84)
28.1, 28.2, 52), to follow upon (1: 28.2), to go epanapherein to refer back (1: 17), to relate back (1:
along with (1: 16), to pay attention to (1: 2), to 57)
succeed (temporally) (1: 25) epanastasis protrusion (2: 54, 55), revival (1: 97.1),
epakolouthôn consequent (1: 28.2) rising (1: 95)
epakolouthêsis accompaniment (1: 39), concurrence epanastêma upstandingness (1: 56)
(2: 41.2, 48), consequence (1: 41.2) epanastrephein to return (1: 99), to rotate (1: 68)
epaktikos attracting (1: 24), inductive (4: 14, 40, 64, 65) epanatellein to rise (1: 95)
epaktikôs inductively (2: 19, 40), through induction epanatrekhein to return to (1: 67), to revert (1: 17)
(1: 40); epaktikôs skopein to run through the epaneresthai to ask (1: 90)
examples (1: 94) epanerkhesthai to go up again (1: 84), to return (1:
epaktos added (1: 21), being brought in (1: 24) 20), to return again (1: 99)
epaktrokelês pirate-boat (1: 35.2) epangelia promise (1: 43.2)
epaleiphein to paint over (1: 38) epangellein to advertise (1: 20), to announce (3: 18.2,
epalêtheuein to be true of (1: 84), to be truly said of (1: 64, 83), to claim (1: 64), to offer (1: 93), to
54) profess (1: 68), to promise (3: 43.2, 88, 99)
epallassein / epallattein to be interchangeable (1: 17), epangellesthai to announce (1: 54)
to confuse (1: 25), to cross over (1: 90), to have epanienai to go back to (1: 21), to return (7: 10.2, 16,
(one’s legs) crossed (1: 40), to interchange (1: 19, 20, 25, 60, 93)


epaniteon we should go on (1: 83), we should 80), to regulate (1: 28.2), to restrain (2: 54, 79),
return (1: 83) to spread over (1: 58), to stop (1: 18.2), to
epanisoun to equalize (1: 43.2) suspend judgment (1: 40)
epanistanai to rise (1: 99) epekhein khôran to occupy a place (1: 40);
epanô above (5: 7, 10.2, 55, 60, 84), higher (2: 55, 88), epekhein logon tinos pros ti be related as
preceding (1: 55) something to something (1: 60); epekhein taxin
en tois epanô previously (1: 64) tinos pros ti be related as something to
epanodos recurrence (1: 66), return (3: 3, 80, 97.2) something (1: 60); logon epekhein to have the
epanorthôsis correction (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), relation of (1: 54), to have the role of (1: 2), to
restoration (1: 68) stand for (1: 60); logon epekhein pros to be
epanorthoun to correct (7: 2, 16, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 48, related to (1: 60), to relate to (1: 54)
69), to make good (1: 69), to rectify (1: 43.2), to epeklambanein : epeklambanein sumperasma to
replace (1: 59), to restore (1: 69) further draw a conclusion (1: 64)
epanthein to be evident (1: 7), to blossom forth (1: 84), epêkoos paying heed to (1: 25)
to flower (1: 27), to follow (1: 28.2) epektasis expansion (2: 41.2, 78)
epaphê contact (5: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 39, 84), touch (1: 22), epekteinein to extend (5: 18.2, 20, 56, 57, 93), to extend
touching (1: 19) as far as (1: 48), to spread out (1: 18.2)
epaporein to ask also (1: 84), to pose additional puzzles epekteinesthai to be extended (1: 50), to expand (1:
(1: 42), to pose an additional puzzle (1: 73), to 78), to stretch out (1: 28.2)
raise a further difficulty (1: 57), to raise another epeleusis approach (1: 25)
objection (1: 6.1), to raise difficulties (1: 55) epemballein to to put (1: 85)
epaporêtikos dubitative (1: 23) epennoiein to conjure up (1: 48)
eparkein to be sufficient (1: 54), to persist (1: 28.2) epenthesis insertion (1: 90)
eparkein heautôi to be self-sufficient (1: 56) epentithenai to insert (1: 90)
epathlon prize (1: 84) epeoikenai to resemble (1: 78)
epauxanein to increase (1: 84) epêreazein to behave with contempt (1: 21), to despise
epegeirein to awaken (1: 38) (1: 84), to threaten (1: 17)
epeigein to direct (1: 48), to drive to (1: 56), to press (1: epereidein to press against (1: 52), to press forwards (1:
55), to strive to reach (1: 88) 52), to press upon (1: 52), to rest upon (1: 20)
epeigesthai to hasten (3: 42, 57, 86.1), to move epereidesthai to rely on (1: 27)
rapidly (1: 79), to press on (1: 16) epereisis experience (1: 26), impact (2: 85, 92.2),
epeisagein to bring in (1: 83), to introduce (3: 68, 83, impression (1: 28.1), pressing (1: 52), pressure
86.2) (1: 52)
epeisaktos adventitious (3: 11, 39, 42), brought in (1: eperkhesthai to address (a subject) (1: 89), to come
48), extrinsic (1: 19), from outside (1: 83) upon (1: 89), to embark (1: 76), to encounter (1:
epeiserkhesthai to accrue (1: 54), to be added (1: 18.2), 38), to examine (1: 22), to go through (4: 73, 76,
to come (1: 7), to come in on top of (1: 48), to 83, 88), to occur to (1: 38), to strike (2: 55, 75)
replace (1: 18.2), to supervene (2: 39, 48) eperôtan : eperôtasthai to be posed (1: 16)
epeisienai to come in (1: 98), to enter (4: 3, 18.2, 28.2, epeteios annual (1: 60)
91), to enter adventitiously (1: 39), to enter into epexêgeisthai to explain (1: 73), to give an explanation
(1: 51), to impinge (1: 84), to supervene (1: 22) of (1: 56)
epeisiôn adventitious (1: 39) epexêgêsis clarification (1: 59)
epeiskrinein : epeiskrinesthai to enter in addition (1: epexergasia elaboration (3: 29.1, 68, 90), examination
86.1) (1: 22), investigation (1: 22)
epeisodiôdês adventitious (2: 19, 41.1), episodic (1: 23), meta pleionos epexergasias more thoroughly
extraneous (1: 48), superfluous (1: 22), (1: 23)
supervenient (2: 41.2, 48), that comes in from epexergazesthai to elaborate (1: 28.2), to examine (1:
without (1: 22) 22), to investigate (1: 16), to study (1: 22), to
epekeina beyond (5: 21, 38, 54, 85, 92.2), on the far work out (1: 22)
side (1: 38), transcending (2: 54, 55) epexerkhesthai to address (a topic) (1: 25), to fully
epekeinos to yonder side of (1: 3) work through (1: 93), to go all through (1: 17),
epekhein to achieve (1: 86.1), to contain (1: 17), to to go over (2: 40, 60), to go through (3: 23, 73,
cover (1: 94), to extend (1: 16), to have (5: 10.2, 99), to proceed to go into (1: 56), to review
52, 80, 83, 88), to hold (2: 3, 28.2), to hold back (1: 40)
(2: 21, 52), to hold in check (1: 19), to keep from epexienai to attack (1: 85), to go over (1: 86.1), to go
(1: 86.1), to keep under control (1: 61), to through (3: 12, 79, 93), to go through in detail
obscure (1: 58), to occupy (13: 10.2, 40, 50, 51, (1: 73), to grasp (1: 22), to proceed against (1:
52, 54, 55, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 94), to provide (1: 16), to proceed in detail (1: 73), to tackle (1: 56)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

ephaptein to apply (1: 86.2), to be in contact (1: 28.1), to epheton object of desire (3: 48, 52, 98), object of
to come in contact (1: 28.1), to come into striving (1: 94)
contact (1: 58), to seize upon (1: 59), to touch epheuriskein to discover (1: 90)
(2: 83, 88), to touch on (1: 27) ephexês adjacent (6: 60, 73, 77, 79, 90, 93), adjoining (1:
ephaptesthai to apply oneself to (1: 60), to 14), after (1: 68), and so forth (1: 93), and so on
apprehend by touch (1: 56), to be attached (1: (3: 3, 18.2, 68), being next (1: 27), consecutive
85), to be connected with (1: 39), to be in (4: 3, 42, 65, 73), consecutively (2: 20, 42),
contact (2: 22, 99), to be in contact with (1: 94), contiguous (1: 32), following (3: 18.2, 60, 83),
to be joined (1: 11), to be tangent (1: 55), to following immediately (1: 88), from now on (1:
coincide (1: 90), to grasp (1: 61), to hold (1: 18.2), immediately (2: 79, 93), immediately after
28.1), to lay claim to (1: 75), to lay hold of (1: (1: 19), immediately afterwards (1: 60), in a
68), to lay hold on (1: 22), to make contact (1: consecutive sequence (1: 67), in a sequence (2:
97.1), to make contact with (2: 11, 67), to 61, 67), in a series (1: 67), in due course (1: 20),
occupy (1: 98), to partake of (1: 39), to possess in order (1: 17), in sequence (1: 60), in
(1: 39), to seize (1: 22), to take hold of (1: 98), to succession (5: 27, 60, 68, 75, 90), in the sequel
touch (11: 19, 25, 39, 54, 57, 61, 67, 68, 79, 98, (2: 61, 67), in turn (1: 26), in what follows (2: 67,
99), to touch on (1: 2), to touch upon (2: 3, 94) 90), next (28: 3, 10.2, 10.2, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
epharmogê coincidence (2: 39, 78), coordination (1: 25, 42, 54, 55, 60, 64, 67, 68, 73, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87,
83), fitting (1: 83) 88, 89, 90, 93, 94), next in order (1: 6.1), next to
epharmottein / epharmozein to accord with (1: 16), to (1: 88), next to each (1: 32), one after another (1:
adapt to (1: 98), to apply (10: 2, 9, 10.2, 20, 23, 60), sequentially (1: 67), soon (1: 17),
24, 30/31, 73, 83, 91), to apply to (10: 6.1, 14, subsequent (2: 19, 20), subsequently (4: 26, 60,
18.2, 25, 42, 54, 55, 68, 85, 93), to assimilate (2: 67, 88), ‘succeeds’ (1: 27), succession (2: 52, 60),
65, 68), to be applicable to (1: 92.1), to be successive (4: 64, 90, 93, 94), successively (2: 25,
associated with (1: 54), to be compatible with 93), supplementary (1: 17), that follows (2: 18.2,
(1: 65), to be connected with (1: 85), to be 93), that follows immediately (1: 67), that
consonant with (1: 23), to be fitted to (1: 88), to succeeds (1: 93), then (1: 68), thereupon (2: 68,
be in harmony with (1: 23), to be superimposed 93), what follows (1: 25)
(1: 3), to coincide (14: 10.2, 14, 16, 19, 54, 61, 68, hê ephexês adjacent angle (1: 90), in sequence (1:
73, 83, 87, 89, 90, 91, 94), to coincide with (4: 25, 90); to ephexês consecutivity (1: 42), sequence
27, 64, 65), to connect (1: 61), to create a fit (1: (1: 27), series (1: 18.2), successor (1: 27), the
75), to fit together (1: 27), to fit (27: 3, 4, 6.2, 12, subsequent (1: 88), thing in sequence (1: 27),
14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 40, 41.2, 48, 56, 57, what comes next (1: 19), what follows (2: 42,
61, 67, 68, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 91, 98, 99), to fit on 60), what follows upon (1: 60); ta ephexês
(1: 73), to fit on to (1: 67), to fit onto (5: 17, 38, members of a series (1: 18.2), the adjacent parts
42, 75, 94), to fit to (1: 67), to fit together (2: 27, (1: 42), the following ones (1: 90), what follows
57), to fit with (2: 27, 51), to harmonise (2: 91, (2: 42, 90), what follows next (1: 89); ta tôi
23), to have an application (1: 10.2), to make ephexês things in a series (1: 16); hês ephexês
coincide (1: 90), to make fit (1: 90), to match (1: in what immediately follows (1: 73); kai
41.2), to relate to (1: 98), to suit (2: 61, 67) ephexês and so on (1: 90); kai ephexês houtôs
epharmozôn coinciding (1: 73), fitting with each and so on (1: 42); ephexês einai to follow (1:
other (1: 27); to epharmottein applying (1: 93) 67), to follow sequentially (1: 67)
ephêkein to come to (3: 60, 78, 92.1), to have come (1: ephienai to aim at (1: 22), to desire (2: 1, 83), to seek
54), to have come to (1: 68) for (1: 22), to strive (2: 11, 45/46), to yearn for
ephektikos ephectic (1: 74) (1: 56), to yield (1: 86.1)
ephelkein to drag behind (1: 86.1) ephiesthai to aim at (3: 2, 64, 69), to desire (11: 2,
ephelkesthai to attract (1: 21), to implicate (1: 25), 4, 12, 20, 21, 52, 60, 78, 79, 97.1, 98), to long for
to pull along (1: 19); ephelkesthai (+ dat.) to be (1: 91), to pursue (1: 69), to seek (3: 17, 76, 94),
committed to (1: 50) to strive (3: 10.2, 68, 94), to strive after (1: 17),
ephêmeros shortlived (1: 55) to strive for (1: 67), to want (1: 4), to yearn (1:
ephepesthai to look at (1: 99) 76), to yearn for (2: 61, 67)
ephesis aim (1: 42), appetition (1: 70), desire (8: 2, 4, 12, ephikneisthai to touch (1: 84)
15, 21, 55, 79, 83), effort (1: 10.2), longing (3: 67, ephistanai to attack (1: 22), to attend (2: 3, 57), to
89, 91), seeking (1: 94), striving (2: 70, 94), attend to (3: 23, 60, 67), to call attention (1: 23),
wanting (1: 4), yearning (2: 56, 61) to call attention to (2: 16, 56), to consider (3: 14,
ephetos coveted (1: 67), desirable (4: 17, 22, 48, 52), 27, 99), to deliberate (1: 70), to draw attention
desired (1: 83), longed for (1: 91), sought (2: 22, (1: 28.2), to figure out (1: 7), to give attention to
94), sought after (1: 76) (2: 56, 70), to give thorough consideration (1:


88), to heed (1: 60), to indicate (1: 65), to insist (1: 61), to grasp intuitively (3: 56, 61, 67), to hit
(1: 22), to intersect (1: 10.2), to maintain (1: upon (1: 76), to impinge (1: 21), to intuit (2:
18.2), to make something focus (1: 65), to note 34/35.1, 73), to make an effort (1: 7), to project
(6: 27, 54, 55, 83, 92.1, 99), to notice (6: 7, 57, 83, (1: 58), to propose (2: 54, 55), to put one’s finger
87, 92.1, 99), to object (3: 27, 51, 54), to object to on (1: 76), to suppress (1: 64), to tackle (1: 99),
(1: 28.2), to observe (1: 99), to pause at (1: 67), to throw in (1: 64), to throw on (1: 20)
to pay attention (6: 2, 3, 23, 27, 54, 73), to pay epiballesthai to attempt (1: 6.2), to set oneself (to
attention to (3: 14, 58, 67), to pay due attention do something) (1: 42); epiballôn appropriate (1:
(1: 60), to point out (1: 23), to recognize (2: 54, 70); epiballon (+ dat.) due (to) (1: 29.1); to
55), to reflect (2: 88, 91), to regard (1: 67), to epiballon impact (1: 58), ‘it receives’ (1: 27)
register (1: 87), to remark (2: 3, 54), to epibatês passenger (1: 19), rider (1: 4)
remember (1: 23), to say (1: 18.2), to set over (1: epibateuein to mount upon (1: 70)
68), to set up (1: 10.2), to stand by (1: 60), to epiblepein to attend (1: 42), to examine (2: 64, 65), to
stand over (1: 86.1), to take note (1: 60), to take look at (1: 75)
notice (1: 88), to turn to (1: 10.2), to understand epiblepteon one should examine (1: 65)
(3: 23, 83, 85) epiblepsis examination (2: 48, 64), perspective (1: 44)
ephistasthai to attend to (1: 21), to be erected (1: epibleptikos by direct apprehension (1: 20)
79), to be established (1: 25), to be in charge (1: epiblêtikos direct (1: 87), insightful (1: 79)
59), to be in charge of (1: 85), to be in command epiblêtikôs by direct apprehension (1: 93), directly
of (1: 17), to be set over (1: 59), to look closely (1: 76), intuitively (1: 34/35.1)
at (1: 59), to note (3: 41.2, 59, 94), to obstruct (1: epiboasthai to call on (the name of) (1: 52)
12), to pay heed (1: 94), to preside (1: 85), to put epibolê act (1: 76), angle (1: 93), application (2: 7, 42),
in control (1: 59), to set over (1: 59), to treat in apprehension (4: 28.2, 61, 70, 74), approach (3:
detail (1: 25); ephestôs presiding (1: 85); 13, 17, 48), attempt (1: 88), conception (1: 1),
ephistanai dianoian to fix (1: 40), to focus (1: consideration (1: 42), contact (1: 16), direct
40), to make attend (1: 40); ho logos ephestêke encounter (1: 25), direct intuition (1: 28.2),
the discusison has turned to (1: 10.2) elaboration (1: 7), focus (3: 16, 70, 74), idea (3:
ephistanein to attack (1: 19), to consider (1: 54), to give 54, 55, 83), insight (1: 92.2), intuition (7: 28.2,
attention to (1: 68), to grasp (1: 99), to hold up 39, 56, 61, 73, 93, 99), intuitive apprehension (1:
(1: 17), to make the remark (1: 42), to note (2: 61), intuitive grasp (1: 70), notion (1: 26),
19, 29.1), to notice (3: 42, 78, 79), to object (1: objection (1: 22), perspective (1: 100), point of
99), to pay attention (2: 29.1, 54), to point out view (3: 13, 41.2, 79), proposal (1: 83), view (2:
(2: 78, 79), to raise the question (2: 78, 79), to 19, 92.1), viewpoint (1: 44)
recognize (2: 54, 55), to remark (2: 19, 42), to kat’ epibolên directly (1: 22), intuitive (1: 22);
stop (1: 42), to take issue with (1: 99), to autoptikê epibolê immediate grasp (1: 70)
understand (3: 6.2, 79, 92.1) epiboulê attack (2: 34/35.1, 38), plotting against (1:
ephodeuein to proceed methodically (2: 2, 16) 34/35.1)
ephodiazein to provision oneself (1: 57) epideiknunai to demonstrate (9: 25, 27, 44, 50, 51, 75,
ephodios advantageous (1: 76) 86.1, 89, 97.1), to display (4: 18.2, 75, 89, 99), to
to ephodion procedure (1: 61) establish (1: 22), to exhibit (3: 18.2, 44, 68), to
ephodos approach (4: 23, 42, 59, 99), argument (1: 84), illustrate (1: 22), to indicate (3: 55, 78, 79), to
attack (1: 29.1), blow of a tidal wave (1: 95), make clear (1: 22), to manifest (1: 60), to point
development (1: 79), examination (1: 26), guide to (1: 27), to prove (1: 1), to show (10: 1, 3, 22,
(1: 42), inspection (1: 19), method (4: 3, 79, 93, 42, 55, 59, 68, 69, 83, 85), to show up (1: 75), to
99), method of argument (1: 48), method of validate (1: 55), to verify (1: 54)
reasoning (1: 66), procedure (2: 64, 65), tidal epideiknusthai to express (1: 12), to show (1: 93)
wave (1: 95) epideiktikos epideictic (1: 72)
epholkion appendage (1: 97.2) epideisthai to need (1: 52)
ephoran to look into (1: 84), to see (1: 54) epideixis epideictic demonstration (1: 72), exhibition
epibainein to board (1: 86.1), to mount (1: 59), to (1: 97.1), indication (1: 84), lecture (1: 72), proof
preside over (1: 84), to press on (1: 56) (1: 41.2)
epiballein to accrue (1: 83), to achieve (1: 76), to epidekhesthai to accept (1: 6.2), to accept in addition
address (2: 3, 42), to apprehend (3: 28.2, 70, 93), (1: 93), to acquire (1: 80), to admit (12: 6.2, 19,
to approach (1: 34/35.1), to attend to (2: 73, 89), 20, 27, 41.2, 44, 65, 68, 73, 83, 92.1, 99), to admit
to be within range (1: 59), to belong (2: 39, of (6: 4, 39, 61, 67, 87, 94), to allow of (2: 58, 80),
41.1), to contribute (2: 2, 83), to encounter (1: to also admit (1: 42), to apply (1: 28.2), to be
41.1), to encounter directly (1: 25), to express accepting of (1: 59), to be capable of being (1:
oneself (1: 54), to focus on (2: 70, 89), to grasp 4), to be receptive of (1: 68), to permit (2: 58,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

86.1), to qualify for (1: 80), to receive (4: 20, 28.2, 58, 59, 98), to come in addition (1: 67), to
41.2, 80, 83), to take on (1: 79) come into being after (1: 38), to come to (2: 58,
kat’ epinoian epidekhesthai to imagine (1: 29.1); 59), to come to additionally (1: 68), to come to
klisin epidexasthai to be declined (1: 23) be (2: 68, 92.2), to come to be in addition (1:
epidektikos capable of receiving (1: 39), receptive (5: 85), to come to be present (1: 80), to come to be
12, 41.1, 56, 86.1, 91), susceptible (1: 69), that with (1: 15), to come upon (1: 28.1), to develop
can receive (1: 91) (1: 76), to emerge (1: 67), to fall (of night) (1:
epidektikos (+ gen.) capable of being (1: 4); to 75), to happen to (1: 21), to impinge (1: 76), to
epidektikon receptivity (1: 41.1) impose on (1: 68), to impose upon (1: 88), to
epidêlos clear (1: 79), evident (1: 57), obvious (1: 55) occur (1: 59), to originate (1: 59), to supervene
epideuês in need (1: 85) (33: 10.2, 13, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
epidexiotês cleverness (1: 69) 33, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 48, 51, 57, 59, 60, 63, 67, 68, 69,
epidiairein to divide (1: 7), to divide further (2: 17, 27), 75, 76, 79, 80, 83, 89, 91, 92.2, 99), to supervene
to subdivide (2: 51, 61) on (4: 4, 15, 56, 94)
epidiairesis additional division (2: 39, 41.2), division epigenomenos supervenient (1: 88)
(1: 7), further division (2: 17, 26), epigignôskein / epiginôskein to get to know (1: 57), to
supplementary division (1: 35.2) recognize (3: 34/35.1, 41.2, 56), to witness (1:
epidiamenein to endure throughout (1: 17), to stay on 84)
(1: 87), to survive (1: 44) epiglôttis tongue (1: 57)
epidiarthrôsis further articulation (1: 79) epignôsis cognition (1: 100), recognition (1: 54)
epidiarthroun to articulate distinctions (1: 56) epigramma epigram (1: 90), title (1: 13)
epididonai to acquire (1: 18.2), to add (1: 85), to epigraphê heading (1: 21), title (6: 7, 13, 23, 48, 51, 88)
become bigger (1: 85), to develop (2: 50, 58), to epigraphein to entitle (13: 7, 10.2, 12, 16, 44, 48, 52, 54,
increase (3: 18.2, 60, 84), to progress (2: 21, 56) 58, 59, 68, 73, 78), to give a title (1: 13), to head
epidiôkein to pursue (1: 100) (a book) (1: 27), to inscribe (1: 86.2), to label (2:
epidiorizein to further define (1: 59) 3, 19), to sign (1: 83), to title (1: 21)
epidiorthôsis correction (1: 70) epigraphesthai to entitle (1: 51)
epidiorthoun to set right (1: 34/35.1) epiistôr inquirer (1: 61)
epidiorthousthai to correct (1: 70) epikalein to apply (a term) (1: 25), to call (1: 41.1), to
epidosis addition (1: 95), advance (2: 28.2, 98), criticize (1: 25), to object (1: 86.2), to reproach
development (2: 50, 91), growing (1: 24), (1: 4), to summon (1: 20)
increase (5: 12, 18.2, 32, 44, 91), increase in size epikaleisthai to summon help (1: 4)
(1: 85), increasing (1: 99), progress (7: 4, 7, 12, epikalumma covering (1: 57)
21, 32, 56, 98), progression (2: 12, 21) epikaluptein to conceal (1: 28.1), to cover (2: 38, 57), to
epidromê haste (1: 86.2), summary (3: 3, 12, 21), cover up (1: 28.1), to draw down (1: 38), to to
summary account (1: 4) cover up (1: 91)
epidromos approach (1: 55) epikaluptesthai to be covered over (1: 34/35.1), to
epieikeia decency (1: 43.2), fair-mindedness (1: 74), be foggy (1: 91)
fairness (1: 43.3) epikampês curved (1: 34/35.1)
epieikês decent (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), fair (2: 43.2, 69), epikamptein to bend (1: 6.1), to curve round (1:
good (1: 43.2), modest (1: 88), reasonable (1: 34/35.1)
45/46), respectable (1: 4), seemly (1: 69) epikatalambanein to catch up on (1: 18.2)
epienai to approach (1: 76), to arrive (1: 76), to come epikatapherein : epikatapheresthai to move down (1:
on (1: 19), to enter (1: 52), to go on (1: 19), to go 55)
over (1: 19), to proceed (1: 10.2), to pursue epikatêgoreisthai to be predicated in addition (1: 65)
(1: 20) epikeisthai to be imposed on (1: 17), to be
to epion onset (1: 76) superimposed (1: 28.2), to lie by (1: 57), to lie
epigeios earthly (1: 54) on (5: 19, 38, 54, 79, 98), to lie on top (1: 84)
epigenêtos : epigenêtôs in a supervening manner epikeimenos laid upon (1: 88), lying upon (1: 88);
(1: 68) to epikeimenon content (1: 18.2)
epigennan to generate out of (1: 24) epikêros destined to die (1: 25), mortal (1: 54),
epigennêma offshoot (1: 48) perishable (2: 84, 85), subject to death (1: 70)
epigennêmatikos consequential (1: 48), generated epikhairekakia gloating (1: 4)
additionally (1: 74), resultant (1: 48), epikhairekakos taking pleasure in others’ misfortune
supervenient (1: 48) (1: 69)
epigignesthai / epiginesthai to accompany (1: 4), to epikhaunein : epikhaunein luran to tune up a lyre (1: 17)
accrue (2: 83, 92.2), to arise (1: 28.1), to arrive epikhein to pour in (1: 18.2), to pour into (1: 98), to
(2: 76, 87), to be added (2: 27, 55), to come (4: pour on (1: 20), to pour over (1: 38)


epikheisthai to be poured over (1: 79) epikineisthai to move forward (1: 54)
epikheirein to apply oneself (1: 35.2), to argue (23: epikinêsis forward motion (1: 54)
10.2, 16, 17, 27, 35.2, 38, 40, 42, 51, 54, 55, 59, 69, epiklêsis application (of a term) (1: 25), invocation (1:
73, 74, 78, 83, 85, 87, 89, 94, 98, 99), to argue 72), name (2: 7, 88)
against (1: 87), to argue dialectically (1: 10.1), to epiklinein to decline (1: 100), to incline (1: 48), to tend
argue for (1: 94), to attack by argument (1: 40), (1: 22), to turn sideways (1: 61)
to attempt (14: 2, 6.2, 11, 16, 17, 26, 28.2, 42, 57, epiklôthein to assign (1: 86.2), to spin a destiny (1:
58, 59, 73, 74, 99), to endeavour (1: 59), to 86.2)
handle (1: 20), to intend (1: 99), to make epiklusis flood (2: 54, 97.1)
an argument (1: 10.2), to present a persuasive epiklusmos cosmic flood (1: 67), flood (1: 95)
argument (1: 93), to produce an attack epikluzein to flood out (1: 97.1)
argument (1: 40), to prove (2: 20, 56), to put epikoinônein to associate (1: 17), to communicate (2:
one’s hand to (1: 40), to refute (1: 30/31), to 39, 41.2), to communicate with (1: 100), to have
strive for (1: 69), to try (12: 17, 18.2, 20, 54, 55, a share in (1: 94), to have in common (1: 61), to
56, 59, 80, 83, 86.1, 88, 98), to try (1: 10.2), to try have in common with (1: 54), to have kinship
to argue (2: 17, 80) (1: 22), to share (2: 41.2, 90), to share in (1: 100)
epikheiresthai to be an argument (1: 27); to epikourein to give support (1: 43.1), to guard (1: 28.2),
epikheirêthen objection (1: 23) to provide assistance against (1: 38)
epikheirêma argument (45: 1, 3, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 14, 16, 17, epikouria assistance (2: 38, 43.2), help (1: 67), support
18.2, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 44, (1: 43.1)
51, 53, 54, 55, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, epikouros assistant (1: 91)
80, 83, 85, 87, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100), epikrateia control (2: 39, 48), dominance (4: 22, 56, 78,
attacking argument (1: 40), attempt (4: 23, 76, 100), domination (1: 55), mastery (2: 67, 70),
98, 99), attempt at argument (2: 85, 88), counter- overpowering (1: 24), predominance (7: 24,
argument (1: 67), criticism (1: 70), 28.1, 48, 55, 70, 83, 85), rule (1: 78)
demonstration (1: 20), dialectical epikratein to be dominant (2: 20, 56), to be in control
demonstration / proof (1: 70), dialectical proof (1: 85), to be in control of (1: 67), to be more
(2: 39, 72), line of argument (1: 70), logical powerful than (1: 67), to be predominant (1:
manoeuvre (1: 70), means of argumentative 94), to be preponderant (1: 99), to be prominent
attack (1: 40), objection (2: 22, 76), proof (14: 1, (1: 55), to be successful (1: 28.2), to control (1:
7, 20, 26, 27, 34/35.1, 41.2, 56, 57, 58, 59, 68, 80, 39), to dominate (8: 10.2, 16, 22, 54, 55, 56, 78,
99), reasoning (1: 60) 100), to gain mastery (1: 34/35.1), to gain the
epikheirêmatikos such as to produce attack arguments upper hand (1: 21), to master (2: 24, 61), to
against (1: 40) overcome (2: 18.2, 60), to overpower (2: 57, 95),
epikheirêmatikos logos argument proper to such a to predominate (7: 28.1, 39, 47, 68, 70, 83, 85), to
proof (1: 70) prevail (8: 1, 19, 28.2, 52, 60, 67, 95, 100), to
epikheirêsis argument (30: 2, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 16, 18.2, prevail over (1: 19), to rule (2: 61, 78), to take
22, 23, 26, 27, 29.1, 38, 39, 42, 44, 53, 67, 68, 73, the upper hand (1: 95)
78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 92.1, 94, 98, 99), to epikratein attainment (1: 22); to epikratoun
argumentation (1: 17), argumentative attacking prevailing part (1: 67); kata to epikratoun with
(1: 40), attack (4: 38, 64, 68, 85), attempt (4: 11, respect to what is true in most cases (1: 54)
24, 67, 68), attempt to argue (1: 21), attempt to epikratês dominant (3: 17, 20, 55), powerful (2: 56, 60),
show (1: 21), attempt to show that (1: 67), superior (1: 61)
demonstration (1: 100), dialectical epikratesteros dominant over (1: 57);
argumentation (1: 72), dialectical proof (1: 70), epikratesteros ginesthai to overpower (1: 57)
dialectical refutation (1: 30/31), handling (1: epikrinein to adjudicate (2: 34/35.1, 95), to classify (1:
20), investigation (1: 11), proof (6: 20, 35.2, 48, 39), to decide (2: 3, 59), to determine (1: 59), to
57, 59, 80), reasoning (5: 2, 3, 6.1, 58, 59), discriminate (1: 100), to form a judgement (1:
undertaking (1: 51) 21), to give a decision (1: 57), to give judgement
poieisthai epikheirêsin to base an argument (1: (1: 61), to have extra awareness (1: 28.1), to
10.2) judge (4: 22, 23, 27, 38), to make an additional
epikheiretikos that argues (2: 10.2, 16) judgement (1: 36), to pick out (1: 51), to side
epikhorêgein to endow (1: 59), to provide (1: 86.1), to with (1: 68)
supply (1: 58) epikrinesthai to determine (1: 16)
epikhrônnunai to colour (1: 52) epikrisis additional judgement (1: 36), adjudication (1:
epikhthonios earth-dwelling (1: 34/35.1) 40), ajudging (1: 40), awareness (1: 28.1),
epikhuma cataract (1: 57) classification (1: 39), concluding decision (1:
epikhusis cataract (1: 56), influx (1: 21) 61), deciding (1: 48), decision (1: 23),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

determination (1: 17), discriminating (1: 91), epimêkhanasthai to devise (1: 38)
examination (1: 23), judgement (2: 23, 48), epimeleia assiduousness (1: 69), attention (1: 61), care
verification (1: 99) (5: 43.1, 45/46, 69, 74, 97.1), concern (2: 21, 69),
epikrupsis concealment (1: 68), encryption (1: 68) deliberate concern (1: 12), diligence (1: 97.1),
epiktêsis : ex epiktêseôs by acquisition (1: 68) treatment (1: 52)
epiktêtos acquired (7: 7, 39, 48, 51, 59, 68, 91), adding epimeleisthai to attend to (1: 16), to be concerned
(1: 23), adventitious (5: 23, 28.1, 28.2, 35.2, 100) about (1: 69), to be concerned for (1: 43.2), to
epiktêtôs adventitiously (2: 22, 35.2), by acquiring care about (1: 52), to care for (2: 45/46, 74), to
(1: 36), by acquisition (3: 22, 36, 68), derivatively concern oneself (1: 99), to concern oneself with
(1: 22), from outside (1: 22), in an acquired (1: 69), to cultivate (1: 56), to have concern for
way (1: 36) (1: 48), to pay attention to (1: 97.1), to take care
epikuêma superfetation (1: 86.1) of (1: 69)
epikuklos epicycle (4: 1, 54, 55, 83) epimelês careful (4: 2, 12, 52, 84), of concern (1: 43.2)
epikuroun to to ratify (1: 86.2) epimelôs carefully (1: 99); epimelesteros more
epilambanein to add (1: 85), to attack (3: 20, 23, 93), to careful (1: 16)
cover (2: 18.2, 94), to criticise (1: 80), to note in epimeletês agent that takes care of (1: 45/46),
addition (1: 21), to occupy (1: 84), to reach (1: care-giver (1: 45/46), caretaker (1: 45/46)
11), to receive (1: 18.2), to stop up (1: 55), to epimenein to continue (1: 83), to last (2: 42, 57), to
take in (1: 12), to take over (1: 3), to touch (1: persist (2: 22, 54), to remain (4: 27, 28.2, 42, 83),
85) to retain (1: 22)
epilambanesthai to attain (1: 3), to criticise (1: 48), epimerismos division (1: 99)
to get hold of (1: 52), to take hold (1: 52), to epimerizein to make a distinction (1: 99)
take hold of (1: 68); epilambanein topon to epimignunai to admix (1: 68), to mix (1: 39)
take up place (3: 54, 55, 78) epimignusthai to be mixed with (1: 93)
epilampein to illuminate (1: 70), to shine (1: 68) epimimnêskein to point out (1: 80)
epilamprunein to illuminate (1: 28.1) epimimnêskesthai to mention (3: 10.2, 38, 79)
epilanthanesthai to be oblivious (1: 86.2), to forget (10: epimixia admixture (2: 57, 60), mixing with (1:
6.2, 7, 27, 34/35.1, 54, 55, 67, 68, 73, 83) 34/35.1), mixture (1: 68)
epilegein to add (1: 2), to reproach (1: 52), to say about epimonê endurance (1: 95)
(1: 85), to say against (1: 34/35.1) epimonos persisting (1: 42), that lasts (1: 57)
epileipein to be exhausted (2: 11, 89), to be lacking (1: epimonôs permanently (1: 42)
93), to cease (3: 12, 42, 85), to come to an end epimorios fractionally greater (1: 15), superparticular
(2: 20, 85), to end (1: 44), to fail (4: 3, 52, 87, (1: 90)
92.1), to give out (3: 42, 78, 89), to interrupt (1: epimuein to close one’s eyes (1: 52), to shut one’s eyes
60), to lack (1: 44), to leave off (1: 20), to run (1: 38)
out (1: 99), to stop (1: 42) epinan to bestow (1: 84)
epileipsis deficiency (1: 97.1), disappearance (1: 85), epinein to to spin (1: 86.2)
omission (1: 11) epinêkhesthai to float (2: 55, 83)
epilêpsis expansion (1: 18.2) epinemein to distribute (1: 6.1)
epilêsmôn forgetful (1: 84) epinemesthai to spread over (1: 95)
epilogismos analysis (1: 37), reflection (1: 17), epineuein to approve (1: 80)
subsequent reasoning (1: 89) epinoein to apprehend (1: 67), to come up with (1: 59),
epilogizein : epilogizesthai to take account of (1: 48), to conceive (20: 2, 6.2, 14, 20, 25, 34/35.1, 35.2,
to take into account (1: 90) 41.1, 50, 51, 55, 68, 69, 75, 76, 83, 93, 94, 98, 100),
epilogos epilogue (3: 27, 68, 84) to conceive of (7: 10.2, 16, 44, 48, 57, 80, 94), to
epiluein to dissolve (an objection) (1: 20), to explain consider (3: 68, 76, 100), to contrive (3: 58, 59,
(1: 63), to give a solution (1: 56), to resolve (5: 97.1), to devise (2: 88, 97.1), to dream up (1: 59),
51, 56, 57, 60, 80), to solve (7: 7, 67, 68, 73, 88, to envisage (2: 63, 80), to grasp (1: 67), to
93, 98) imagine (5: 58, 59, 68, 80, 86.1), to invent (1: 88),
epiluesthai to dismantle (1: 58), to dissolve (an to picture (1: 68), to suppose (1: 69), to think (9:
objection) (1: 54), to resolve (5: 34/35.1, 35.2, 2, 14, 22, 57, 73, 76, 83, 87, 100), to think about
57, 63, 76), to solve (6: 17, 25, 59, 76, 87, 94) (1: 98), to think of (10: 7, 17, 39, 42, 54, 55, 68, 85,
epilupos causing distress (1: 4), distressing (1: 4) 90, 93), to think of additionally (1: 39), to think
epilusis explanation (1: 72), resolution (1: 76), solution up (2: 19, 59), to understand (3: 43.1, 43.3, 69)
(10: 7, 17, 20, 34/35.1, 35.2, 57, 67, 73, 88, 93) epinoeisthai to be conceived of (1: 16), to conceive
einai epilusis (+ gen.) to solve (1: 73) (1: 27), to conceive of (1: 60), to envisage (1:
epimartureisthai to cite (1: 48) 28.2), to think (1: 60), to think of (1: 3); to
epimêkês oblong (2: 90, 95) epinoein concept (1: 67)


epinoia concept (13: 6.2, 13, 14, 18.2, 41.1, 44, 48, 51, (1: 28.1), to bring against (1: 52), to bring
52, 60, 70, 83, 88), conception (12: 7, 11, 18.2, 25, forward (1: 17), to bring in (2: 28.1, 98), to bring
34/35.1, 44, 48, 50, 54, 56, 87, 91), on (2: 40, 69), to bring out (1: 69), to bring up
conceptualization (1: 77), consideration (1: 60), (1: 60), to cause to follow (1: 40), to charge (1:
idea (3: 2, 52, 83), imagination (1: 23), 60), to conclude (2: 3, 80), to confer upon (1:
imagining (1: 23), invention (2: 23, 77), mental 59), to continue (3: 9, 12, 40), to draw (a
apprehension (1: 67), mind (2: 6.2, 59), notion conclusion) (1: 19), to go on to say (3: 10.2, 40,
(7: 1, 5, 11, 15, 39, 59, 69), planning (1: 17), 76), to indicate (2: 10.2, 59), to infer (4: 9, 64, 65,
reflection (1: 7), thinking (1: 21), thought (31: 1, 69), to introduce (3: 16, 52, 69), to involve (1:
2, 5, 10.2, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 27, 28.1, 33, 38, 28.1), to make a further point (1: 10.2), to make
42, 48, 52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 68, 78, 80, 83, 87, 90, 91, an addition (1: 60), to make an inference (1: 69),
93, 94, 98), thought experiment (1: 68) to move (1: 22), to move about (1: 1), to
epinoiâi conceptually (2: 14, 61), in conception (1: occasion (1: 48), to present (1: 68), to produce
89), in thought (3: 68, 73, 94), notionally (2: 42, (1: 95), to provide (1: 59), to raise (1: 22), to
59); di’ epinoias in thought (2: 59, 68), supply (2: 10.2, 60), to sustain (1: 69), to
notionally (1: 59); eis epinoian by thinking (1: understand (1: 69)
74), conceptually (1: 74); en epinoiâi in thought epipheresthai to add (1: 18.2), to adduce (1: 18.2),
(1: 94), notionally (1: 97.2); en psilêi epinoiâi in to be added (1: 16), to be conferred (1: 86.1), to
bare thought (1: 7); kat’ epinoian by thinking be conjoined with (1: 93), to be led to (1: 38), to
(1: 74), conceivably (1: 68), conceptually (5: bear upon (1: 18.2), to bring along (1: 93), to
28.2, 61, 68, 74, 88), envisioned (1: 59), threaten (1: 17); to epipheromenon following
hypothetically (1: 68), in conception (2: 75, 89), statement (1: 10.2); aporian epipherein to raise
in imagination (1: 58), in thought (3: 6.1, 59, a problem (1: 60)
94), notional (1: 59), notionally (4: 58, 59, 68, epiphoitan to come in (1: 34/35.1)
80), theoretically (1: 68); kat’ epinoian epiphora conclusion (3: 78, 84, 85), inference (1: 40),
epidekhesthai to imagine (1: 29.1); kata psilên introduction (1: 79), result (1: 3), supplement
epinoian merely in concept (1: 60) (1: 44), upshot (1: 55)
êpios kind (1: 86.2), smooth (1: 92.1) epiphrassein to block off (1: 57)
epipan by and large (1: 60), enough (1: 55), for the epiphuesthai to spring up on top of (1: 35.2)
most part (1: 84), generally speaking (1: 61) epipiptein to fall on (1: 99), to meet (1: 86.1)
epipedos flat (4: 1, 52, 57, 83), plane (6: 14, 15, 54, 60, epipistoun : epipistousthai to confirm (1: 99)
83, 89) epiplein to float (1: 61), to float in (1: 79), to float on
epipedon plane (4: 1, 10.2, 47, 63), superficies (1: 7); (1: 79)
to epipedon plane (33: 2, 3, 10.2, 14, 15, 16, 20, epipleon at greater length (1: 65), more inclusive (1:
22, 25, 26, 34/35.1, 41.2, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 61, 65), over-abundantly (1: 68), true of more
66, 67, 68, 73, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, 93, things (1: 65)
94), plane figure (4: 10.2, 15, 61, 78), side (of a epiplêttein to rebuke (1: 45/46)
cube) (1: 22), surface (14: 12, 21, 22, 25, 29.1, 32, epiplêxis rebuke (1: 45/46)
47, 52, 57, 67, 79, 91, 95, 98); en tois epipedois epiplokê confusion (1: 16), intercourse (1: 39),
in planimetry (1: 67) interweaving (1: 51), involvement (1: 56),
epipeitheia obedience (1: 86.1) plaiting together (1: 34/35.1), state of being
epipeithês obedient (1: 86.1) interwoven with (1: 61)
epiphainesthai to appear (1: 55), to appear in (1: 79), to epipolaios manifest (1: 44), of superficial
come to appear (1: 28.1) understanding (1: 48), superficial (14: 2, 7, 19,
epiphaneia brightness (1: 41.2), epiphany (1: 72), 22, 28.2, 38, 44, 48, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83, 91), that
outside (1: 57), plane (3: 11, 22, 98), revelation lacks detail (1: 91), that stays on the surface (1:
(1: 48), surface (57: 1, 2, 3, 6.1, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 35.2)
14, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, epipolaiôs superficially (1: 34/35.1); skhêma
28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 50, 52, epipolaion surface figure (1: 51)
54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 67, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, epipolasis superimposition (1: 38)
85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 98, 100) epipolastikos able to rise (1: 79), that floats (1: 24)
epiphanês bright (1: 88), well known (1: 84) epipolazein to be above (1: 18.2), to be on the surface
epiphêmizein to apply (1: 73), to specify (1: 23), to (1: 21), to float (3: 6.1, 24, 57), to float on (2: 52,
state (1: 23) 95), to float on the surface (1: 38), to float to the
epipherein to add (22: 2, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 21, 22, 30/31, surface (1: 38), to lie above (1: 83), to lie at the
38, 40, 42, 44, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 68, 69, 78, 83, top (1: 83), to rest on the surface (2: 6.1, 18.2),
85), to adduce (4: 19, 22, 69, 99), to apply (3: to rise (1: 53), to rise above (3: 47, 79, 83), to rise
30/31, 35.2, 93), to assert (2: 42, 85), to bear in to the surface (2: 88, 99), to rise to the top (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

83), to rise to the top of (1: 79), to rise up (2: 54, explanation (1: 60), to add by way of
55) explanation (1: 60), to also indicate (1: 29.1), to
epipolazôn current (1: 26) approve (1: 28.1), to come to indicate (1: 17), to
epipolê surface (1: 26) disapprove of (1: 78), to imply (1: 22), to
epipolês on the surface (2: 25, 56), superficial (1: indicate (2: 70, 95), to indicate in addition (1:
48), superficially (1: 88), to the surface (1: 7), 16), to make a clear indication (1: 48), to mark
upon the surface (1: 57); eis ta epipolês to the (2: 40, 60), to note (3: 40, 70, 100), to point out
surface (1: 7) (3: 2, 27, 48), to remark (1: 40); episêmainetai
epipômatizein to rest on like a lid (1: 21), to sit on like the significance is (1: 22)
a lid (1: 55), to stop (1: 18.2) episêmeiousthai to comment (1: 88), to draw attention
epipômazein to cover (1: 57), to sit on like a lid (1: 55) (1: 88), to indicate (2: 17, 95), to note (4: 20, 73,
epiponos laborious (2: 54, 64), painful (2: 22, 67) 90, 95), to point out (1: 76), to take note (1: 88)
epipothein to yearn (2: 78, 84) episêmos distinguished (1: 20)
epiprepeia appearance (1: 79), congruity (1: 41.2) episês equal in extension (1: 13), equally (1: 86.1), to
epiprepein to be consistent with (1: 54) the same degree (2: 16, 41.1)
epiprosthein to be in front of (2: 73, 90), to be in the episkepsis consideration (3: 17, 21, 54), examination (3:
way (1: 59), to block in advance (1: 52), to block 6.1, 68, 80), inquiry (2: 6.1, 38), investigation (4:
the way (1: 52), to cover (2: 84, 95), to eclipse (2: 25, 64, 68, 99), overview (1: 44), scrutiny (1: 51)
48, 59), to impose upon (1: 57), to obstruct (1: eis episkepsin to investigate (1: 29.1)
59), to occult (3: 57, 88, 95), to screen off (1: 95), episkeptein to think about (1: 90)
to shield (1: 59), to stand in front of (1: 54) episkeptesthai to consider (10: 17, 20, 22, 27, 40, 54, 55,
epiprosthesthai to be occulted (1: 73) 73, 90, 93), to discuss (1: 94), to examine (10:
epiprosthen in preference to (1: 7) 6.1, 7, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 22, 51, 67, 68, 85), to inquire
epiprosthêsis accretion (1: 56), imposition (1: 57), (2: 2, 6.1), to investigate (10: 25, 50, 61, 64, 65,
interposition (2: 55, 57), occultation (4: 57, 58, 75, 78, 83, 89, 93), to look at (1: 85), to study (3:
73, 90), standing before (1: 93), superimposition 40, 61, 93)
(1: 38), superposition (1: 95) episkepteon one ought to investigate (1: 64), one
epiprostithenai to add (1: 60), to add in (1: 56), to should investigate (1: 65)
obscure (1: 55), to restore by addition (1: 56), to episkêptein to accuse (2: 55, 84), to censure (1: 79), to
stand in front of (1: 55), to superimpose (1: 38) challenge (1: 92.2), to deride (1: 55), to insist (1:
epiprostithesthai to be obscured (1: 29.1) 79), to object (1: 90), to propose (1: 54), to
epipsêphizein to concur (1: 51) request (1: 55), to ridicule (1: 20), to urge
epipsogos blameable (1: 69) (1: 28.1)
epipsukhein to cool (2: 12, 57) episkeuastos adventitious (1: 48), reinvigorated (1: 91),
epirrhapizein to attack (2: 86.2, 93), to rebuke (2: 17, 23) restored (3: 56, 59, 68), under construction
epirrhein to be in flux (1: 22), to flow (2: 38, 60), to (1: 42)
flow in (1: 21), to flow on (1: 18.2), to flow episkeuazein to renew (1: 59), to restore (1: 59)
towards (1: 12), to run in (1: 18.2) episkeuazesthai to restore (1: 68)
epirrhêma addition (1: 44), adverb (4: 23, 35.2, 42, episkeuê restoration (1: 68)
100), expression (1: 58), inflection of a verb (1: episkhein to bring to a halt (1: 17), to occupy (1: 84)
35.2), particle (1: 95) episkhuein to fortify (1: 86.1)
thetika epirrhêmata postulatory inflections of the episkiazein to cast a shadow over (1: 58), to leave in
verb (1: 35.2); to hôs epirrhêma what follows the dark (1: 84), to shade (1: 52)
(1: 22) episkopein to consider (8: 17, 25, 40, 48, 68, 69, 80, 83),
epirrhepein : epirrhepôn having an impulsion (1: 79) to enquire (1: 98), to examine (7: 11, 19, 57, 60,
epirrhepos : epirrhepôs ekhein proneness (1: 67) 61, 67, 80), to inquire (1: 69), to inspect (2: 22,
epirrhoê influx (1: 57), supplement (1: 22) 40), to investigate (4: 50, 69, 83, 99), to look at
epirrhoia efflux (1: 57) (1: 80), to look for (1: 2), to look into (2: 40, 98),
epirrhônnunai to strengthen (1: 22) to preside (1: 10.2), to realize (1: 50), to review
epirrhutos running in (1: 56), subject to inflow (1: 19) (3: 2, 48, 76), to see (1: 60), to study (1: 40), to
episêmainein to affirm (1: 83), to assert (1: 83), to survey (1: 44), to view (1: 22)
exhibit (1: 44), to indicate (4: 23, 28.1, 35.2, 44), episkopeisthai to reflect (1: 39)
to make a distinction (1: 28.1), to mark (1: 73), episkotein to block (1: 38), to cast a shadow (2: 52, 88),
to mean (1: 93), to mention (1: 54), to note (1: to darken (4: 48, 52, 55, 57), to shade (1: 52), to
88), to raise objections (1: 79), to signal (2: 83, throw darkness over (1: 68)
86.1) episoreuein to count up (1: 87)
episêmainesthai to acknowledge (1: 28.2), to add epispan : epispasthai to attract (1: 52), to be drawn (1:
(2: 22, 23), to add a note (1: 27), to add an 75), to be drawn in (1: 79), to drag (1: 18.2), to


draw in (1: 21), to draw out (1: 18.2), to draw to systematically (1: 25); apodeiktikê epistêmê
oneself (1: 21) science of demonstration (1: 88), science of
epispastikos exercising attraction (1: 52) proof (1: 23); en epistêmêi genesthai to
episphalês precarious (1: 55) become knowledgeable (1: 17); hai kata meros
episphragizein to ratify (1: 23) epistêmai specialised sciences (1: 16); hê
epistasia attention (2: 68, 90), control (1: 85), mastery diairetikê epistêmê division (1: 22); horistikê
(1: 10.2) epistêmê science of definition (1: 10.2); kata
epistasis analysis (1: 25), attention (12: 2, 14, 17, 21, 23, meros epistêmai specialised sciences (1: 16);
36, 40, 54, 60, 73, 83, 90), care (1: 83), comment mathêmatikê epistêmê mathematical science
(1: 36), consideration (4: 10.1, 14, 18.2, 22), (2: 63, 100); phusikê epistêmê physical science
difficulty (1: 70), examination (2: 70, 85), (1: 40), physics (1: 40); praktikê epistêmê
further examination (1: 26), halt (1: 22), practical knowledge (1: 100), science of action
objection (1: 70), observation (1: 26), pausing to (1: 10.2)
consider (1: 48), spending time (1: 99), epistêmôn educated (1: 68), expert (4: 63, 76, 88, 90),
standstill (2: 67, 93), state of rest (1: 25), having scientific knowledge (1: 16), having
stopping to ask (1: 48) scientific understanding (1: 93), having
brakheia epistasis a brief span of attention (1: 40); understanding (1: 52), knowing (3: 19, 28.1, 64),
epistaseôs axios worth noting (1: 17) knowledgable (13: 7, 16, 21, 25, 39, 51, 59, 60, 64,
epistasthai to achieve knowledge (1: 22), to actually 67, 72, 73, 99), learned (1: 14), possessed of skill
know (1: 28.1), to have knowledge (3: 22, 40, (1: 59), that has scientific knowledge (1: 100),
99), to have scientific knowledge (3: 15, 89, 90), that knows (1: 28.2), understanding (1: 21), well
to have scientific understanding (2: 77, 93), to informed (1: 40), well versed in (1: 59), who has
keep in mind (1: 68), to know (19: 2, 10.2, 15, knowledge (1: 100), wise (1: 44), with
16, 18.2, 19, 22, 28.1, 40, 54, 55, 56, 65, 69, 73, 78, knowledge (1: 27), with scientific knowledge (1:
90, 91, 93), to note (2: 18.2, 22), to understand 28.2), with special knowledge (1: 17)
(10: 1, 20, 21, 28.1, 45/46, 52, 59, 84, 93, 98) epistêmonôs knowledgeably (1: 72); ho epistêmôn
epistamenos having knowledge (1: 16), knowing knower (8: 7, 19, 28.2, 34/35.1, 56, 58, 65, 91),
(1: 65), that is a knower (1: 65), with knowledge man of understanding (1: 44), one who has
(1: 16); to epistasthai a case of knowledge (1: scientific understanding (1: 93), one who
73), knowing (1: 73), knowledge (1: 73), understands (1: 14), one with understanding (1:
scientific knowledge (1: 10.2), scientific 76), person of understanding (1: 20), person
understanding (1: 61), understanding (2: 2, 61) who knows (1: 91), person with knowledge (1:
epistatein to measure (1: 60), to oversee (1: 68), to 57), possessor of science (1: 10.2), scientist (4: 7,
preside (1: 76) 40, 54, 80), wise person (1: 45/46); to epistêmon
epistatikos scientific (1: 74) that which knows (1: 99); epistêmôn ginesthai
epistatikôteros most expert (1: 29.1) to acquire scientific knowledge (1: 22)
epistellein to write (a letter) (1: 68) epistêmonikos capable of knowing (1: 91), capable of
epistêmê body of knowledge (2: 25, 75), branch of knowledge (1: 22), cognitive (4: 22, 28.1, 28.2,
knowledge (3: 17, 39, 91), discipline (1: 22), 36), connected with knowledge (1: 28.1), for
expertise (1: 48), kind of knowledge (1: 73), knowing (1: 91), having scientific knowledge (1:
knowledge (56: 2, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 61), in possession of scientific knowledge (1:
22, 23, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, 36, 100), knowledge-producing (1: 73), of
38, 39, 40, 41.2, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, knowledge (2: 28.2, 36), of scientific knowledge
56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, (1: 100), scientific (22: 4, 7, 16, 22, 23, 27, 28.2,
75, 76, 78, 80, 85, 86.2, 91, 97.1, 99, 100), 39, 40, 45/46, 48, 51, 61, 72, 73, 78, 84, 86.2, 89,
learning (1: 14), philosophic knowledge (1: 90, 93, 100), systematic (1: 48), that knows (1:
10.1), science (51: 2, 4, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 15, 16, 20, 56), yielding knowledge (1: 40)
21, 22, 26, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 33, 34/35.1, 38, 40, epistêmonikôs cognitively (1: 28.2), in a scientific
41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, manner (1: 16), scientifically (6: 19, 22, 28.2, 40,
60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 72, 76), systematically (1: 41.2), with systematic
79, 88, 89, 90, 93, 99, 100), scientific knowledge knowledge (1: 34/35.1); epistêmonikôteros on
(12: 2, 10.1, 15, 16, 22, 27, 28.2, 40, 61, 67, 90, a more scientific basis (1: 73); to
100), scientific understanding (4: 4, 61, 77, 93), epistêmonikon cognitive faculty (1: 28.2),
skill (1: 58), state of knowledge (1: 16), cognitive power (1: 100), what is capable of
systematic knowledge (1: 34/35.1), knowing by science (1: 100); epistêmonikê
understanding (8: 4, 21, 52, 61, 63, 67, 76, 97.1) hexis disposition to knowledge (1: 28.2),
kat’ epistêmên scientifically (1: 61); met’ epistêmês dispositional possession of knowledge (1: 22),
scientifically (1: 89); sun epistêmêi knowledge (1: 22), state of knowledge (1: 22)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

epistêtos capable of being known (1: 2), intelligible (1: episunaptein to add (2: 58, 68), to add on to (1: 28.2),
15), knowable (9: 13, 17, 19, 39, 48, 52, 85, 89, to adjoin (2: 90, 93), to attach (1: 57), to connect
92.1), known (5: 7, 22, 28.1, 44, 73), recognised (1: 67), to join (1: 59), to join on (2: 56, 57), to
(1: 32), scientifically knowable (1: 22), that is join to (1: 80), to join together (4: 51, 68, 73, 80),
known (1: 34/35.1), that is the object of to link (1: 93)
scientific knowledge (1: 10.1), understandable episunathroizein to gather together (1: 77)
(1: 20), understood (1: 21) episunistanai : episunistasthai to be constituted
to epistêton knowable (1: 65), known (1: 65), object together with (1: 39), to be formed as an
of knowledge (7: 28.1, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 40, 61, addition (1: 86.2), to supervene on and exist
100), object of science (6: 10.2, 16, 22, 70, 74, together with (1: 48)
100), object of scientific knowledge (3: 10.1, episunkheisthai to get confused up with (1: 54), to mix
28.2, 61), object of scientific understanding (2: up (1: 11), to muddle (1: 11), to pile up (1: 11)
77, 93), object of understanding (1: 52), episuntithenai to combine (1: 90), to combine
scientific object (1: 100), thing known (2: 40, successively (1: 93), to piece together additional
100), what is known (1: 91); to hupokeimenon (1: 93)
epistêton object of scientific knowledge (1: 90) episuntithesthai to be made to coincide (1: 94)
epistolê letter (5: 7, 11, 51, 68, 80) episurein to drag (1: 23)
epistolimaios epistolary (1: 7) episuresthai to be dragged along (1: 97.1)
epistrephein to attend to (1: 38), to cause to turn back episurrhein to flow forward (1: 50), to flow on (1: 18.2)
(1: 54), to convert (1: 51), to disturb (1: 54), to epitagma assigned task (1: 55), order (1: 98)
make to return (1: 100), to make turn (1: 55), to epitarassein / epitarattein to disturb (2: 28.1, 56)
reflect (2: 34/35.1, 56), to return to itself (1: epitasis acceleration (1: 54), excess (1: 28.2), extension
100), to revert (1: 70), to revert to (1: 22), to (1: 26), heightening (1: 40), increase (4: 27, 39,
revert upon (1: 22), to turn (1: 97.1), to turn 44, 84), increase of tension (1: 40), increased
back (3: 45/46, 85, 86.1), to turn to oneself (1: tension (1: 44), intensification (7: 3, 12, 21, 38,
36), to turn towards itself (1: 100) 57, 69, 95), intension (2: 41.1, 48), intensity (3:
epistrephesthai to return (1: 29.1), to return to (1: 13, 33, 72), stress (1: 75), tempering (1: 34/35.1),
67), to revert (3: 28.1, 28.2, 54), to turn (2: 55, tension (2: 60, 95), tightening (1: 57)
88), to turn aside (1: 67), to turn in on oneself met’ epitaseôs in excess (1: 23)
(1: 67), to turn in to (1: 61), to turn to (1: 67), to epitassein / epitattein to increase (1: 28.29), to ordain
turn towards (1: 67) (1: 10.2), to place over (1: 52), to prescribe (1:
epistreptikos that reverts upon (1: 22), that turns 17)
toward (1: 36), turning backwards (1: 45/46) epitassesthai to be assigned (1: 16)
to epistreptikon reflexivity (1: 36) epitatikos emphatic (1: 23)
epistrophê conversion (3: 99, 34/35.1, 100), regression epitêdeia aptitude (1: 7)
(1: 22), return (2: 67, 100), reversion (3: 22, 28.2, epitêdeios adapted (1: 97.1), appropriate (2: 42, 68),
70), rotation (1: 86.2), turning back (1: 48), apt (2: 91, 99), capable (2: 22, 48), capable of (1:
turning backwards (1: 45/46), turning in to (1: 58), conducive (1: 86.1), fit (3: 25, 59, 91), fitted
61), turning on itself (1: 100), turning towards (3: 11, 52, 97.1), fitting (1: 97.2), having a
(1: 85) predisposition to (1: 67), inclined to (1: 61),
epistrophê pros turning towards (1: 36); prone to (1: 61), ready (1: 20), satisfying (1: 78),
epistrophên poieisthai eis heauta to convert suitable (32: 6.2, 11, 16, 17, 22, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2,
upon themselves (1: 88) 34/35.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56,
episumbainein to be a consequence (1: 45/46), to be a 57, 60, 67, 68, 69, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 91),
non-essential addition (1: 86.2), to be suitable in nature (1: 18.2), suited (7: 19, 22, 52,
adventitious (1: 98), to be an incidental attribute 67, 80, 83, 86.1), suited to (1: 28.2)
(1: 27), to be consequent on (1: 17), to come epitêdeiôs in a manner suited to (1: 86.1), suitably
into existence later (1: 2), to happen (6: 17, 41.1, 75, 80, 86.1, 89); epitêdeiôs ekhein
additionally (1: 89), to happen instead (1: to be receptive (1: 58), to be suitable (1: 42), to
45/46), to hold true of additionally (1: 17), to be suited (1: 58); to epitêdeion suitability
result (1: 22), to supervene (9: 6.2, 19, 20, 27, (1: 47)
29.1, 39, 41.2, 61, 68), to supervene incidentally epitêdeiotês aptitude (7: 13, 28.2, 43.1, 48, 69, 91, 99),
(1: 56), to supervene inherently (1: 48), to being suitable (1: 60), capacity (1: 7), fitness (6:
supervene on (1: 7), to supervene upon (2: 42, 7, 15, 52, 58, 69, 91), inclination (1: 61),
70) potentiality (1: 75), predisposition (2: 24, 67),
to episumbainon consequence (2: 45/46, 76); to propensity (2: 26, 48), readiness (1: 44),
episumban actual consequence (1: 17) receptiveness (1: 20), receptivity (1: 92.2),
episunagein to assemble (1: 77), to infer (2: 73, 77) suitability (36: 12, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27,


28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 42, 44, epithumêma object of appetite (1: 69)
45/46, 47, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 67, 75, 78, 79, epithumêtikos appetitive (5: 22, 48, 67, 69, 86.1),
80, 83, 86.1, 92.2, 99), suitable condition (2: 44, desiring (2: 34/35.1, 56), desirous (1: 22),
91), suitable disposition (1: 60), suitable state (1: involving appetite (1: 25), with an appetite for
28.1) (1: 86.1), with appetite (1: 86.1)
kat’ epitêdeiotêta by virtue of suitability (1: epithumêtikôs appetitively (1: 22); to
34/35.1) epithumêtikon appetite (1: 22)
epitêdes fittingly (1: 98), purposively (1: 54), epithumêtos : to epithumêton object of appetite (1:
appropriate (1: 67) 86.1), object of desire (1: 21)
epitêdeuein to invent (1: 7), to participate (1: 80), to epithumia appetite (13: 3, 19, 22, 25, 37, 43.2, 43.3, 68,
practise (2: 69, 93), to pursue (2: 67, 69) 69, 75, 86.1, 91, 100), desire (14: 2, 4, 22, 23,
epitêdeuma activity (1: 85), practice (1: 69), profession 34/35.1, 38, 43.3, 45/46, 56, 61, 67, 69, 97.1, 100),
(1: 86.2), pursuit (2: 69, 97.1) longing (1: 39), passion (1: 67), passionate desire
epitêdeusis experience (1: 80), husbandry (1: 58), (1: 45/46), sensual desire (1: 100), want (1: 100)
intended effort (1: 57) epitiman to reproach (1: 60)
epiteinein to accelerate (1: 54), to do intensely (1: 27), epitimêsis censure (1: 22), reservation (1: 22)
to extend (3: 28.2, 52, 98), to heighten (2: 7, 16), epitimion penalty (1: 4)
to increase (6: 7, 54, 83, 88, 91, 98), to intensify epitithenai to add (3: 59, 80, 90), to attempt (1: 54), to
(8: 3, 12, 18.2, 56, 57, 83, 92.1, 95), to make more bestow (1: 60), to conclude (1: 20), to give (1:
intense (1: 20), to sharpen (1: 57), to strengthen 93), to impose (7: 17, 25, 51, 60, 68, 84, 88), to
(1: 28.2), to stretch (1: 55), to undergo intension impose order (1: 40), to place (1: 80), to place
(1: 48) on (4: 25, 38, 42, 54), to place upon (1: 86.1), to
epiteinesthai to be intensified (3: 25, 50, 60); put (1: 80), to put on (1: 55), to put on top of (1:
epiteinomenos intensified (1: 33) 6.1), to use (1: 59)
epitekhnêsis artifice (2: 7, 84) epitithesthai to assail (1: 52), to attack (1: 38), to be
epitekhnêtos artificial (1: 54) imposed (1: 89), to be laid next to (1: 78), to be
epitelein to accomplish (2: 3, 39), to achieve (1: 91), to placed on (1: 28.2), to place directly upon (1:
bring about (1: 28.2), to bring to completion (1: 91), to superimpose (1: 38); korônida
60), to complete (5: 3, 28.1, 60, 64, 85), to finish epitithenai to add a nice finishing touch (1: 67);
(1: 17), to make complete (1: 28.1), to perfect (3: telos epitithenai to complete (1: 21)
9, 28.1, 76) epitomê abridgement (2: 26, 54)
epiteleisthai to accomplish (1: 32), to achieve (1: epitomos : epitomôs in abbreviated form (1: 16)
85), to be (1: 27), to be accomplished (2: 19, 27), epitomôteron in a rather abbreviated form (1: 16)
to be achieved (1: 18.2), to be brought about (1: epitrekhein to attack (1: 21), to summarize (1: 19), to
83), to be brought to completion (1: 83), to be survey (a topic) (1: 25)
brought to fulfilment (1: 54), to be effected (1: epitrepein to bid (1: 34/35.1), to enjoin (1: 100), to
27), to become (1: 27), to come about (1: 79), to entrust (2: 19, 86.2), to instruct (1: 61)
come to be (1: 27), to occur (1: 83), to take place epitritos one and a third (1: 98), the ratio of four to
(1: 42), to be perfected (1: 24) three (2: 48, 90))
epiteleioun to complete (1: 28.1) to epitriton the ratio of four to three (1: 2);
epitellein to rise (1: 90) epitritos logos the ratio four to three (1: 2
epitemnein to shorten (1: 85) epitropeuein to oversee (1: 21)
epitetmêmenôs in abbreviated form (1: 16), in an epitukhês lucky (1: 86.2)
abridged manner (1: 38) epitunkhanein to hit (1: 86.1), to hit the mark (1: 52),
epitêrein to aim for (1: 86.1), to keep an eye to (1: to succeed (1: 55)
86.1), to observe (1: 95), to star-gaze (1: 95) epitunkhanesthai to hit on (1: 10.2)
epitêrêsis aiming (1: 86.1) epizêtein to ask (3: 21, 30/31, 67), to ask also (1: 12), to
epitheôrein to consider (1: 73) ask further (1: 48), to ask in addition (1: 12), to
epithesis addition (1: 2), putting on (1: 19) go on to investigate (1: 73), to inquire (8: 4, 25,
epithetos imposed (1: 25) 28.1, 40, 54, 61, 75, 89), to inquire further (1:
epitholoun to confound (1: 57), to muddy (2: 34/35.1, 91), to inquire further into (1: 19), to inquire
57), to obscure (1: 94) into (1: 43.2), to investigate (2: 22, 40), to look
epithumein to be appetitive (2: 25, 69), to crave (1: for (1: 21), to raise a further question (1: 2), to
43.3), to desire (11: 4, 38, 43.2, 45/46, 51, 52, 61, raise a question (1: 10.2), to require in addition
67, 69, 83, 97.1), to desire passionately (1: (1: 48), to search (2: 22, 85), to seek (5: 22, 43.2,
45/46), to have an appetite for (1: 69), to pursue 61, 78, 84), to seek for (1: 44)
desires (1: 97.1), to want (1: 85) epizêteisthai to be the object of inquiry (1: 10.2);
to epithumein appetite (1: 22), desire (1: 22) to epizêtein additional investigation (1: 23)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

epizeugnunai to coincide (1: 90), to draw (1: 73), to 59), to remain at rest (3: 27, 59, 99), to remain
join (6: 40, 42, 54, 55, 83, 91), to join up (1: 56) stationary (1: 55), to remain still (3: 12, 59, 100),
epizeuxis joining (2: 40, 44) to remain the same (1: 32), to remain
epogdoos ratio of nine to eight (1: 48), whole tone (1: 93) unchanged (1: 27), to rest (17: 14, 17, 18.2, 20,
epoistikos capable of producing (1: 48) 22, 23, 27, 54, 55, 67, 78, 79, 80, 83, 95, 99, 100),
epokhê (celestial) position (1: 54), holding (of breath) to stay at rest (1: 21), to stay still (1: 34/35.1), to
(1: 79), period of a star (1: 11), position (1: 84), subject to rest (1: 67);
suspension (of judgment) (1: 25) êremôn immobile (1: 94)
epokheisthai to be borne (1: 28.1), to be carried (1: êremêsis coming to rest (2: 17, 19), pause (1: 22), rest
28.2), to be carried on (1: 98), to be supported (4: 22, 27, 42, 67), resting (1: 3), state of rest (3:
on (1: 6.1), to float (2: 6.1, 79), to float upon (1: 25, 39, 67)
21), to ride on (3: 54, 55, 98) êremia absence of change (1: 27), calm (1: 40),
epokheteuein : epokheteuesthai to be channelled (1: 25) changelessness (1: 27), inactivity (1: 25), kind of
eponomazein to call (1: 67), to designate (1: 48), to rest (1: 42), peace (1: 67), period of rest (1: 42),
give the name of (1: 67), to name (3: 48, 51, 68) remaining unchanged (1: 27), rest (37: 3, 6.1, 11,
epônumia appellation (1: 23), name (4: 17, 21, 72, 95) 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 32, 39, 42, 44, 50,
ekhein epônumian to be called (1: 21) 54, 55, 58, 59, 63, 67, 68, 73, 78, 80, 83, 87, 88, 89,
epônumos : epônumôs eponymously (1: 68) 91, 93, 94, 95, 99, 100), resting (1: 59), state of
epôphelês beneficial (1: 83) rest (4: 39, 42, 67, 75), staying at rest (1: 56),
epopteia revelation (1: 72) staying still (1: 34/35.1)
epoptês watcher (1: 86.2) êremisis coming to rest (1: 19)
epopteuein to behold (1: 79), to survey (1: 29.1) êremisma period of rest (1: 42)
epoptikos inspired (2: 70, 74) êremizein to be at rest (1: 27), to bring to rest (5: 3, 22,
epos epic (1: 90), line (2: 83, 85), verse (5: 10.2, 16, 38, 25, 91, 93), to cause rest (1: 99), to come to rest
83, 85), word (3: 55, 57, 85) (1: 27), to keep at rest (1: 100), to set to rest (1:
epôsis pushing along (1: 19) 22), to stop (1: 26);
epôthein to impel (1: 99), to push (1: 78), to push along êremizesthai to come to a stop (1: 27), to come to rest
(1: 19), to push away (1: 18.2), to push on (1: (1: 19); to êremizesthai coming to rest (1: 75)
18.2), to supply a forward thrust (1: 50) erêmos bereft (1: 86.1), smooth (1: 25), solitary (1:
epousiôdês nonessential (1: 63) 6.2), still (1: 86.1), without (1: 98)
eran to be in love (2: 4, 69), to be passionate (1: 43.2), erêmên without allowing a defense (1: 55)
to be passionate for (3: 43.1, 43.3, 69), to fall in êremoun : êremousthai to be bereaved (1: 84)
love (1: 4), to love (4: 2, 20, 44, 91), to love eressein / erettein to propel (1: 86.1)
erotically (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69), to love passionately eresthai to ask (1: 16), to pose (an argument by
(1: 43.3) questioning) (1: 19)
ho erômenos beloved (3: 43.1, 43.2, 97.1), eretês rower (1: 91)
boyfriend (1: 43.3), object of love (1: 91); hê erethizein to arouse (1: 67), to irritate (1: 67), to
erômenê girlfriend (1: 43.3) provoke (1: 61), to stir (1: 67);
eranizein to borrow (1: 88); erethizesthai to yield (1: 67); to erethizon stimulus
eranizesthai to collect (as a contribution) (1: 25) (1: 67)
erastês admirer (1: 97.1), erotic lover (2: 43.1, 69), ereunan to search (1: 61)
lover (8: 7, 20, 43.2, 43.3, 61, 86.2, 91, 97.1) ereuthos blushing (1: 7), redness (1: 7)
erastos beloved (1: 19), that is loved (1: 22) ergasia functioning (1: 56), process of work (1: 42),
ereidein to strive (1: 27); ereidesthai to rest on (1: 54) production (1: 24), work (1: 90)
erein see under eirein ergastêrion organ (1: 67)
êrema gently (1: 57), in stages (1: 25), quietly (1: 84), to ergatês craftsman (1: 34/35.1)
a slight extent (1: 57) ergatis creator (1: 17)
êremaios calm (1: 40), gentle (4: 68, 83, 91, 95), mild (2: ergazesthai to accomplish (1: 69), to afford (1: 68), to
40, 56) bring about (2: 32, 67), to carry out work (1:
êremein to be at rest (30: 2, 3, 6.1, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 89), to cause to appear (1: 17), to create (1:
21, 25, 27, 38, 39, 42, 50, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 28.2), to effect (2: 17, 57), to fashion (1: 17), to
75, 78, 87, 89, 91, 94, 95, 99, 100), to be immobile make (2: 84, 93), to perform (1: 69), to produce
(1: 25), to be in a state of rest (2: 42, 67), to be (6: 21, 24, 28.2, 39, 68, 69), to produce an effect
inactive (1: 25), to be motionless (1: 98), to be (1: 40), to render (1: 51), to work (5: 17, 39, 52,
static (2: 44, 94), to be stationary (6: 14, 27, 54, 56, 67), to work at (1: 69), to work upon (1: 60)
55, 59, 95), to be still (1: 86.1), to be unmoving eirgasmenos wrought (1: 17)
(1: 22), to come to be at rest (1: 15), to come to ergôdês difficult (2: 55, 78), laborious (2: 25, 95),
rest (3: 47, 67, 95), to lie up (1: 57), to remain (1: toilsome (1: 29.1)


ergon act (3: 55, 69, 79), action (10: 2, 15, 22, 25, 43.2, question (1: 42); to erôtômenon question (1:
44, 68, 86.2, 97.1, 97.2), activity (8: 22, 50, 52, 61, 16), thing asked (1: 16); apokrinesthai to
67, 89, 91, 99), behaviour (1: 22), deed (4: 43.2, erôtômenon to answer the question (1: 16);
43.3, 69, 97.1), effect (2: 21, 40), end-product (1: erôtan haplôs to ask a simple question (1: 16);
50), fact (4: 43.2, 43.3, 51, 52), function (27: 2, 12, erôtasthai haplôs to be asked a simple question
17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 40, (1: 16)
43.1, 43.2, 48, 52, 54, 56, 57, 61, 67, 69, 74, 85, 89, erôtêma question (2: 40, 90), thing asked (1: 40)
91), functioning (2: 25, 61), job (3: 23, 40, 69), erôtêmatikos interrogative (2: 23, 35.2)
main function (1: 38), occurrence (1: 22), erôtêmatikôs as a question (1: 34/35.1),
operation (2: 24, 32), product (12: 10.2, 16, 21, interrogatively (1: 34/35.1)
22, 40, 43.3, 44, 52, 69, 79, 86.1, 89), result (1: 99), erôtêsis asking (1: 40), interrogation (1: 23), line of
result of activity (1: 50), task (15: 7, 15, 21, 22, questioning (1: 16), postulate (1: 18.2),
25, 40, 50, 52, 55, 60, 61, 86.1, 89, 91, 93), work proposition (1: 27), question (12: 14, 16, 18.2,
(22: 2, 4, 17, 22, 24, 32, 34/35.1, 40, 42, 43.3, 52, 21, 23, 27, 40, 42, 44, 73, 78, 85), questioning (1:
56, 57, 61, 69, 79, 83, 86.1, 89, 91, 97.1, 97.2, 100) 16), request (1: 9), required conclusion (1: 18.2),
), working (1: 91) supposition (1: 14)
pro ergou helpful (1: 16), useful (1: 52); ergon erôtêsis antiphaseôs contradictory pair in question
ekhein to bear a relation (to something) (1: 16); form (1: 40)
ergon poieisthai to make it one’s business (1: erôtikos erotic (5: 7, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), passionate (1: 69)
21); ergon tekhnêton artifact (1: 15) erôtikôs erotically (1: 23)
erion wool (8: 24, 57, 68, 76, 78, 79, 91, 98) eruthêma blushing (1: 91)
eris strife (1: 68) eruthrainein to redden (1: 61)
pros erin contentious (1: 68), contentiously (1: 68), eruthrainesthai to blush (3: 4, 61, 84)
eristically (1: 68) eruthrian to blush (1: 4), to turn red (1: 7)
eristikos captious (1: 25), contentious (4: 5, 40, 89, 90), eruthros dark red (1: 2), red (7: 38, 56, 57, 58, 61, 88,
eristic (3: 16, 73, 97.2) 95), ruddy (1: 7)
eristikôs in a contentious manner (1: 97.2); hê eskhara scab (1: 78)
eristikê eristic (1: 72); to eristikon a sophistry eskhatia last part (1: 34/35.1)
(1: 28.1) eskhatos extreme (14: 3, 20, 38, 41.1, 52, 55, 60, 61, 64,
erizein to dispute (1: 16) 78, 79, 83, 87, 94), final (3: 2, 85, 99), furthest (1:
erkhesthai to advance (1: 79), to approach (1: 18.2), to 36), last (29: 3, 6.1, 9, 10.1, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24,
come (6: 16, 19, 38, 75, 83, 86.2), to go (3: 17, 75, 30/31, 36, 42, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 64, 65, 75, 78, 83,
86.2), to move (1: 83) 85, 86.2, 91, 93, 94, 97.1, 99), lowest (5: 25, 36,
erkhesthai eis come to (1: 17), reach (1: 17), resort 61, 99, 100), on the lowest level (1: 28.1),
to (1: 17), to enter into (1: 75), to reach (1: 79), outermost (2: 78, 98), ultimate (20: 4, 10.2, 12,
to retreat (1: 75); erkhesthai eis tauton 16, 19, 21, 24, 25, 33, 36, 38, 41.1, 52, 55, 64, 73,
amount to the same (1: 29.1) 91, 93, 99, 100), ultimately (1: 12), utmost (1: 93)
erôs (erotic) passion (1: 69), desire (1: 72), erotic ho eskhatos last term (1: 30/31); to eskhaton end (4:
passion (1: 43.1), love (7: 2, 4, 68, 72, 84, 86.1, 1, 15, 93, 99), extreme (3: 1, 3, 22), extremities (1:
97.1), love affair (1: 97.1), passion (1: 43.2), 25), extremity (9: 11, 42, 44, 50, 53, 57, 66, 75, 91),
passionate love (2: 43.3, 69) final point (1: 52), furthest part (1: 42), limit (1:
erôtan to advance (an argument) (1: 99), to argue (2: 94), particular thing (1: 22), termination (1: 17),
18.2, 85), to ask (18: 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 40, 42, 54, terminus (1: 15), the end (2: 36, 98), the lowest
55, 64, 65, 73, 78, 79, 83, 90, 93, 99), to ask a entity (1: 97.1), the outside (1: 44), ultimate stage
question (3: 44, 73, 90), to ask for (1: 90), to ask (1: 15); eskhatê aporia great difficulty (1: 86.1);
questions (2: 73, 90), to claim (1: 18.2), to lay eskhaton peras inner limit (1: 94); eskhatos
out (an argument) (1: 89), to pose a question (2: ouranos outermost heaven (1: 53); eskhatos tôn
19, 21), to propose (1: 25), to propound (2: 19, periekhontôn ultimate container (1: 94); pro
42), to propound as a question (1: 40), to put tou eskhatou penultimate (1: 42)
(an argument) (1: 42), to put a question (2: 21, esoptron mirror (4: 34/35.1, 57, 88, 95)
99), to put as a question (1: 40), to put forward esôthen inside (1: 17)
(2: 18.2, 65), to put in question form (1: 40), to esthiein to eat (3: 12, 60, 93)
put into a question (1: 35.2), to question (4: 36, esthlos good (1: 86.2), noble (1: 52)
40, 43.1, 73), to raise a question (1: 44), to rely etêsios annual (3: 54, 55, 88), yearly (2: 54, 55)
on (1: 18.2), to request (1: 9), to use an etêtumos true (1: 85)
argument (1: 14) ethein to be accustomed (2: 83, 93), to be his custom
erôtasthai to be asked (1: 16), to be posed (1: 16); (1: 18.2), to be in the habit of (1: 64), to be one’s
ho erôtôn questioner (1: 90); to erôtan custom (1: 79), to make a habit of (1: 19)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

eiôthenai to be accustomed (1: 20) (1: 4), to live well (1: 4); to eu einai to be in a
êthein : êthesthai to be strained (1: 24) good state (1: 23), well-being (3: 21, 28.2, 91)
ethelein to be normally the case (1: 89), to be willing euagês limpid (1: 88), luminous (1: 83)
(3: 21, 55, 86.1), to intend (1: 58), to prefer (1: euagôgia proper education (1: 45/46), well-being (1:
58), to want (7: 25, 52, 55, 59, 60, 83, 89), to will 45/46)
(3: 58, 59, 83), to wish (8: 25, 58, 59, 68, 69, 75, euaisthêsia greater sensitivity (1: 91), keen perception
83, 86.1) (1: 69), keen senses (2: 43.1, 69)
ethelousios : to ethelousion the power to choose (1: euaisthêtos that senses well (1: 28.2)
86.2) eualloiôtos easily altered (1: 57), volatile (1: 78)
ethikos pertaining to custom (1: 39) euanalutos easy to remove (1: 48)
êthikos character-based (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69), concerning euapoblêtos easily lost (3: 14, 19, 27), easy to get rid of
character (2: 43.1, 69), ethical (8: 7, 29.1, 40, 51, (1: 4), easy to lose (2: 4, 7), transient (1: 26)
58, 61, 69, 80), moral (3: 4, 19, 52), of ethics (1: euapolutos easily rebutted (2: 27, 28.1), easily separated
40) (1: 24)
ho êthikos ethical philosopher (1: 61); hê êthikê euarestein to be content (1: 12)
ethics (3: 7, 15, 61); ta êthika ethical questions to euarestoun attraction (1: 28.2)
(1: 2); êthikê philosophia moral philosophy (1: euarmostia concord (1: 97.2)
22); êthikê pragmateia ethics (3: 15, 35.2, 93); euarmostos harmonious (1: 84)
parangelmata êthika ethical precepts (1: 67) eudaimôn blessed (2: 80, 97.1), flourishing (3: 43.1,
ethismos habituation (2: 34/35.1, 69) 43.2, 43.3), fortunate (1: 97.1), happy (8: 17,
ethistos acquirable by habituation (1: 69) 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 59, 69), prosperous
ethizein to accustom (2: 43.1, 69), to be habituated (1: (2: 43.2, 43.3), successful (1: 58)
34/35.1), to become habituated (1: 34/35.1), to eudaimonein to be happy (8: 19, 35.2, 40, 45/46, 52, 64,
develop a habit (1: 4), to habituate (2: 52, 69) 69, 93), to flourish (1: 43.3), to prosper (1: 43.2)
ethizesthai to become accustomed (2: 52, 79), to to eudaimonein being happy (1: 4), happiness
become used to (1: 91), to develop a habit (1: 4), (1: 4)
to develop habits (1: 52) eudaimonia blessedness (1: 97.1), flourishing (1: 43.2),
êthmoeidês ethmoid (1: 57) happiness (16: 4, 15, 17, 26, 37, 40, 43.1, 45/46,
ethnos nation (1: 21) 50, 51, 52, 64, 69, 89, 97.1, 97.2), prospering (1:
êthopoiein to form a character (1: 86.2) 43.3), prosperity (1: 43.2), well-being (1: 58)
êthopoiia formation of character (1: 86.2) eudaimonikos producing happiness (1: 52)
ethos custom (13: 16, 18.2, 19, 39, 43.3, 44, 52, 56, 64, eudaimonizein to deem happy (1: 69)
69, 78, 79, 83), customary way (1: 10.2), habit eudêlos clear (1: 98), easily made clear (1: 57), obvious
(13: 4, 10.1, 12, 15, 19, 38, 40, 43.1, 43.3, 52, 69, (1: 98), perfectly clear (1: 57), very clear (1: 17)
91, 94), habituation (1: 52), it is customary (1: eudiairetos easily divided (6: 18.2, 25, 48, 50, 79, 98),
40), practice (3: 2, 42, 59), usage (1: 86.1) easily divisible (2: 1, 88), easy to divide (2: 42,
hôs ethos as is the current practice (1: 86.1) 84)
êthos character (16: 7, 13, 15, 34/35.1, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, to eudiaireton ease of division (1: 18.2)
51, 52, 61, 67, 69, 72, 86.1, 88, 100), disposition eudiakritos discriminating (1: 84)
(1: 80), habit (1: 97.1), manner (1: 10.2), way (1: eudialutos easily dissolved (2: 95, 97.1), easy to dissolve
80), way of life (1: 17) (1: 60)
êthê character (1: 43.3), ethics (1: 69) eudiaphorêtos easily dissipated (1: 57)
etos year (9: 27, 54, 55, 60, 67, 83, 85, 95, 99) eudiathruptos easily scattered (1: 57)
etumêgorein to analyze (1: 72) eudioristos easily determined (1: 57), easily
etumêgoria etymological analysis (1: 72) distinguished (1: 28.2), easy to make
etumologein to derive (2: 19, 88), to derive a word (1: distinctions (1: 28.2)
84), to do etymology (1: 36), to explain eueidês clear (1: 88), well-looking (1: 57)
etymologically (1: 61), to give the etymology of eueiktos yielding (1: 18.2)
(1: 34/35.1), to perform etymological studies (1: euêkhos audible (1: 28.2), resonant (1: 17), well-
72), to provide an etymological basis (1: 61) sounding (2: 28.2, 57)
etumologia etymology (8: 1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 48, 51, 72, euektês physically fit (1: 12)
84, 88) euektikos pertaining to fitness (1: 40)
etumologikos etymological (1: 72) euelenktos easily disproved (1: 22), easily refuted (2: 2,
eu correctly (1: 55), good (2: 4, 52), well (4: 4, 52, 60, 91) 35.2), easy to refute (1: 20)
ta eu good things (1: 55), good (1: 2), goodness (2: euêmeria prosperity (1: 69)
4, 15), the good (1: 55), well-being (2: 15, 91), euemptôtos inclined to (1: 61)
wellness (1: 91); eu ekhein to be in good euemptôtôs easily (1: 4)
condition (2: 4, 55); eu zên to have a good life euepiblêtos easy to grasp (1: 100)


euepignôstos easily recognized (1: 36) eukolôs easily (2: 52, 79), readily (1: 99)
euepikheirêtos easy to handle (1: 64) eukosmia good arrangement (1: 34/35.1)
euergasia good work (1: 97.1) eukraês temperate (1: 84)
euergês serviceable (1: 34/35.1) eukrasia good blend (1: 91), good blending (1: 52),
euergesteros more beneficial (1: 24) good mixture (2: 22, 57), good temperament (1:
euergesia benefaction (3: 43.2, 43.3, 69), beneficence 28.2), mildness of climate (1: 88), proper
(1: 97.2), benefit (1: 97.2), service (2: 43.1, 69) mixture (1: 54), right mixture (1: 67),
euergetein to act as a benefactor (1: 97.2), to benefit (1: satisfactory blending (1: 52), tempering (1:
58), to confer benefactions (1: 43.2), to do a 28.2)
service to (1: 69), to do good to (1: 17), to do eukrasia aerôn moderate climate (1: 79)
services (1: 43.1) eukratos suitably mixed (1: 95), temperate (2: 38, 91),
euergeteisthai to be a beneficiary (1: 58), to receive well-blended (2: 21, 91), well-mixed (1: 88)
beneficence (1: 97.2) euktikos optative (2: 23, 35.2)
euergetêma service (2: 43.1, 69) eukuklos well-rounded (2: 68, 85)
euergetês benefactor (6: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69, 97.1, 97.2) eukulistos easy to roll (1: 98)
euergos adaptable (1: 89), easy to work (1: 17), eulabeia care (1: 83), caution (5: 26, 37, 48, 69, 83),
serviceable (2: 68, 80), workable (1: 20) prudence (1: 54), respect (1: 37)
euêtheia goodheartedness (1: 83) eulabeisthai to be careful (1: 61), to beware (1: 12), to
euêthês foolish (4: 6.1, 20, 57, 60), naïve (5: 43.1, 60, 79, take care (3: 16, 48, 54), to watch out for (1: 16)
84, 95), silly (1: 17), simple-minded (2: 38, 87) eulabêteon one must be careful (1: 93)
euexapatêtos easily misled (1: 25) eulabês hesitant to commit (1: 86.2), prudent (1: 54)
euexaptos good for kindling (1: 95) eulê maggot (1: 86.1)
euexia fitness (1: 40), good bodily condition (1: 4), eulogos appropriate (1: 63), based on sound reasoning
good condition (3: 16, 19, 97.2), physical fitness (1: 89), likely (1: 28.2), logical (2: 75, 76),
(1: 12), strength (1: 97.1), vitality (1: 69), making sense (1: 59), plausible (10: 20, 21, 56,
well-being (2: 26, 69) 57, 59, 60, 63, 76, 95, 98), rational (1: 68),
eugeneia being well born (1: 64) reasonable (35: 1, 4, 6.1, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 21, 25,
eugnômôn charitable (1: 94), intelligent (1: 67), wise (1: 28.1, 38, 41.2, 42, 50, 52, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68,
44) 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89, 94, 95, 98, 99),
eugnômonesteros more reasonable (1: 16); sensible (1: 91), that makes sense (1: 91), well
eugnomonôs akouein to give a charitable advised (1: 95)
reading (1: 94) eulogon it makes sense (1: 94), probably (1: 98),
eugonia productive excellence (1: 86.1) with great probability (1: 88); eulogôteros more
eukairos a propos (1: 84), opportune (1: 11), proper (1: reasonable (1: 10.2); eulogon (+ infin.) one
23) should (1: 68); eulogôs appropriately (1: 44), it
eukatergestos easy to digest (1: 24) is reasonable (2: 30/31, 64), it is reasonable that
eukharistos grateful (1: 69) (1: 17), it stands to reason that (1: 94), logically
eukhê prayer (5: 23, 34/35.1, 43.1, 52, 72), wish (1: 23) (3: 3, 75, 76), plausibly (1: 57), rationally (1: 2),
eukherês easy (4: 7, 57, 61, 94), simple (1: 94) reasonably (14: 2, 4, 10.2, 16, 17, 18.2, 24, 44, 57,
eukherôs readily (1: 34/35.1) 59, 60, 64, 80, 94), rightly (1: 24), satisfactorily
eukhesthai to offer a prayer (1: 29.1), to pray (2: 29.1, 52) (1: 18.2), with good reason (7: 2, 19, 40, 60, 80,
eukhrêstos capable of good use (1: 52) 93, 98), with reason (2: 28.1, 59); ouk eulogos
eukhrêstotês efficacy (1: 26) unreasonable (1: 12); to eulogon
eukhroia bloom (1: 59), lustre (1: 91) reasonableness (1: 17); allôs eulogon ti some
eukinêsia ease of motion (2: 22, 79) other aspect of reasonableness (1: 10.2);
eukinêtos easily changed (1: 79), easily mobile (2: 18.2, eulogôs dokein to seem reasonable (1: 10.2)
22), easily moved (13: 18.2, 21, 22, 38, 42, 52, 57, eulutos at ease (1: 100), easy (1: 84), free (2: 54, 67)
61, 75, 78, 79, 91, 98), easily moving (2: 54, 55), eumarês easy (1: 60)
easy to change (1: 4), easy to move (2: 67, 95), eumêkhanos skilful (2: 28.2, 55), talented (1: 68)
mobile (3: 18.2, 79, 84), moving easily (3: 61, 67, eumeneia kindness (1: 97.1)
79), that moves easily (1: 22) eumenês kind (1: 97.1), well-disposed (1: 97.1)
eukleês famous (1: 29.1) eumetablêtos easily changeable (1: 19)
eukleia fame (1: 29.1), good reputation (1: 67), renown eumetablêtoteros easier to change (1: 24)
(1: 83) eumetabolos easily changed (2: 4, 19), variable (1: 48)
eukolia complacency (1: 18.2) eumetakinêtos easily changed (1: 48)
eukolos easy (5: 6.1, 22, 52, 52, 64), ready (1: 83), eumetakulistos easily rolling (1: 79)
satisfactory (1: 48), self-satisfied (1: 83), eumetaptôtos unstable (1: 48)
sufficient (1: 48), unproblematic (1: 86.1) eumetria good measure (1: 11)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

eumoiria good fate (1: 54) disposed (1: 25); euphuôs ekhein to be
eumoria positive endowment (1: 86.2) naturally well-suited (1: 19)
eumorphia shapeliness (1: 48) euphuia disposition (1: 42), fitness (1: 26), good natural
eumorphos well formed (1: 48) endowment (3: 4, 52, 91), good nature (1: 69),
eunoein to feel good will (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69) natural disposition (1: 25), suitable disposition
eunoia good will (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69) (1: 95)
eunoukhos eunuch (5: 15, 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 91) euphulaktos easily confined (1: 38), easy to keep in (1:
eunous having good will (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69) 28.1)
euodein to fare well (1: 56), to go through (1: 89), to go eupilêtos dense (1: 28.1)
well (1: 6.1), to run easily (1: 17), to succeed (of euplastos easily moulded (3: 56, 63, 79), easily shaped
an argument) (1: 89) (1: 34/35.1), flexible (1: 61)
euôdês fragrant (4: 28.1, 28.2, 38, 56), sweet-smelling euploia successful voyaging (1: 52), voyaging well (1: 4)
(1: 57), well-scented (1: 22) eupoiia good treatment (1: 43.3)
euôdia agreeable smell (1: 28.2), fragrance (5: 7, euporein to abound (1: 43.2), to advance (1: 10.2), to
34/35.1, 38, 52, 91), good odour (1: 24), sweet be affluent (1: 43.2), to be equipped with (1: 40),
smell (1: 57) to be readily supplied with (1: 25), to be well
euolisthos easily slipping out (1: 61), unstable (1: 68) supplied (3: 61, 64, 67), to find a solution (1: 84),
to euolisthon instability (1: 68) to find a way (1: 38), to find an easy solution (1:
euonkos : euonkoteros more compact (1: 24) 89), to furnish (1: 54), to gain an advantage (1:
euônumos left (1: 20) 21), to get a stock of (1: 40), to get a supply of
euoristos easily bounded (1: 60), easily delimitable (1: (1: 40), to have what is needed (1: 60), to know
28.1), easily distinguished (1: 44), easily given the answers (1: 61), to obtain (1: 9), to provide
boundaries (1: 79), easy to determine (1: 24), (1: 30/31), to resolve a difficulty (1: 79), to
with flexible limits (1: 38) resolve one’s doubts (1: 86.1), to solve (1: 61)
euparadektos readily acceptable (1: 3), that easily euporia abundance (3: 40, 64, 91), advance (1: 10.2),
receives (1: 28.1) ease in supplying (problems) (1: 25), easy
euparakolouthêtos easy to follow (1: 65) method (1: 64), furnishing (1: 55), good
eupatheia comfort (1: 43.3), favour (1: 43.2), position (1: 61), knowing the answers (1: 61),
susceptibility (3: 15, 18.2, 42), well-being (1: plenty (1: 40), prosperity (3: 2, 4, 52), ready
43.2) familiarity (1: 10.1), reservoir (1: 40), resource
eupathês easily affected (14: 3, 19, 25, 28.1, 38, 48, 52, (2: 88, 95), resources (1: 43.2), solution (1: 66),
57, 75, 78, 79, 88, 95, 98), sensitive (1: 22), stock (1: 40), store (1: 40), supply (1: 40), wealth
susceptible (3: 15, 18.2, 42), susceptible to (1: 40)
affection (1: 95) euporios fruitful (1: 22)
eupathesteros more easily acted upon (1: 24); euporos easy (1: 64), well prepared (1: 2)
eupathôs receiving affections easily (1: 88) eupragia faring well (1: 43.3), well-doing (1: 17)
euperilêptos easily grasped (1: 78) eupraxia acting well (1: 43.3), good action (1: 69),
euperioristos easily defined (1: 57) well-being (1: 97.2), well-doing (1: 17)
euperitreptos turning easily (1: 79) euprepês attractive (1: 54)
euphôros easily detectable (1: 89) eupsuktos easy to chill (1: 95), easy to cool (1: 38)
euphantastos in a good position to exercise eurhis keen-nosed (1: 57)
imagination (1: 67) eurhoein to be happy (1: 45/46)
euphêmismos euphemism (1: 72) eurhoia happiness (1: 45/46)
euphônos pleasant-voiced (1: 57) eurhuthmia good form (1: 44)
euphôratos easily detected (1: 54) eurhuthmos coordinated (1: 59)
euphorêtos transparently weak (1: 87) eurhuthmôs euphoniously (1: 57); to eurhuthmon
euphorbion spurge (1: 88) good rhythm (1: 57); eurhuthmos gignesthai
euphradês clever (1: 3) to have good rhythm (1: 57)
euphrosunê joy (1: 13), well-being (1: 74) eurukhôria open space (1: 52)
euphthartos easily destroyed (3: 38, 52, 78) eurunein to dilate (1: 57), to spread out (1: 88), to
euphuês clever (2: 7, 43.3), gifted (1: 99), having a widen (2: 88, 95)
suitable nature (1: 16), natural (1: 92.1), eurunesthai to become wider (1: 57)
naturally adapted (1: 78), naturally fine (3: 43.1, eurus broad (1: 95), wide (1: 91)
43.3, 69), naturally good (1: 69), of good natural eusebeia faith (1: 97.2), piety (3: 13, 37, 59), religion (2:
disposition (1: 25), well endowed (2: 52, 57), well 97.1, 97.2)
endowed by nature (1: 4), well-talented (1: 61) eusebein to pay reverence to (1: 58), to speak in a
euphuesteros naturally more gifted (1: 91); reverent manner (1: 68), to speak with
euphuôs in an excellent way (1: 55), naturally reverence (1: 68)


eusebês pious (3: 34/35.1, 58, 80) euthunein to call to account for (1: 27), to censure (3:
eusebôs reverently (1: 68); to eusebes piety (1: 59) 2, 16, 99), to chastise (2: 54, 55), to contest (1:
eusêmos clear (1: 48), conspicuous (1: 52) 44), to correct (2: 67, 84), to criticize (5: 58, 78,
eusêptos : eusêptoteros more inclined to putrefaction 79, 85, 92.2), to deny (1: 85), to examine (1: 44),
(1: 24), more liable to putrefaction (1: 24) to refute (1: 2)
euskhêmosunê good shape (1: 52), grace (1: 91) euthunesthai to be directed (1: 68)
eustatheia tranquillity (1: 69) euthuntos that can be straightened (1: 24)
eustathês tranquil (1: 69) to euthunton capacity to be straightened (1: 24)
eustheneia sound condition (1: 4) euthuôria direct series (1: 16), series (1: 10.1), straight
eustokhia capacity of hitting upon (1: 93) line (4: 25, 38, 67, 91)
eustokhos : eustokhôs with a sure aim (1: 52) kat’ euthuôrian ‘by direct observation’ (1: 92.2), in
eustrophia versatility (1: 2) a direct series (1: 10.2), in a straight line (1: 67),
eusunkritos synthesising (1: 84) in straight lines (1: 94), longitudinal (1: 24),
eusunoptos easily grasped (1: 92.1), easily seen (1: 55), straight on (1: 10.2); kat’ euthuôrian
easy to grasp in a comprehensive view (1: 40), tetagmenon aligned (1: 91)
easy to see (1: 76), easy to survey (1: 40), easy to euthuporein to go straight forward (1: 11), to move in
understand (1: 54) a straight line (3: 78, 79, 83)
ekhousa horon eusunopton defined along euthuporeisthai to go straight (1: 68), to go straight
clear-cut lines (1: 40) on (1: 67), to move in a straight line (2: 59, 68),
eusunthetos well constructed (1: 35.2) to proceed in a linear fashion (1: 67), to
eutaktos orderly (4: 12, 21, 52, 59), well-arranged (4: 7, progress in a straight line (1: 54), to travel in a
54, 55, 68) straight line (1: 59); euthuporoumenos moving
eutaktôs in an orderly fashion (1: 57); to eutakton in a straight line (1: 79), rectilinear (1: 53),
right order (1: 2) rectilinear moving (1: 47), rectilinearly-moving
eutaxia good order (2: 34/35.1, 95), good proportion (1: 53), that has rectilinear motion (1: 47), that
(1: 41.2), order (1: 97.1), regular order (1: 2) moves in a straight line (1: 47)
eutaxis fine arrangement (1: 61) euthuporia motion in a straight line (1: 27), rectilinear
eutêktos easily dissolved (1: 57) locomotion (1: 19), rectilinear motion (1: 75),
euteleia trivality (1: 2) rectilinear movement (1: 59)
eutelês lowly (1: 83), paltry (1: 83), unsophisticated (1: kat’ euthuporian rectilinear (1: 11)
2) euthuporikos rectilinear (1: 88), that moves in a
eutelôs vestigially (1: 28.2); eutelestatos most straight line (1: 57)
complete and perfect (1: 10.2) euthuporos moving in a straight line (1: 84), subject to
eutharsês confident (1: 69) rectilinear motion (1: 47)
euthêmoneuein to be in good condition (1: 19) euthus already (1: 54), as soon as (1: 42), at once (8: 21,
eutheneisthai to flourish (1: 86.1) 58, 59, 68, 75, 80, 93, 95), automatically (2: 58,
euthenia state of flourishing (1: 86.1) 68), direct (1: 35.2), directly (8: 25, 25, 30/31, 38,
euthetismos good order (1: 11), good ordering (1: 11), 68, 75, 79, 88), immediately (22: 4, 9, 16, 19, 20,
order (1: 11), ordering (3: 11, 14, 44), proper 25, 30/31, 38, 42, 58, 59, 68, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80,
arrangement (1: 39), proper position (1: 11), 86.1, 88, 91, 94, 95), in a straight line (1: 21),
well-ordering (1: 11), well-positioning (1: 11) ipso facto (2: 20, 25), literally (1: 55),
euthetizein to accommodate properly (1: 39), to nominative (2: 65, 93), promptly (1: 68),
arrange (1: 39), to arrange properly (1: 39), to rectilinear (1: 75), right (2: 19, 59), right away
order (1: 83), to set in order (1: 11), to (2: 42, 95), straight (29: 1, 3, 7, 10.2, 11, 14, 15,
straighten out (1: 55) 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28.2, 35.2, 42, 50, 52, 54, 55,
euthiktês touching upon (1: 88) 61, 65, 67, 73, 83, 88, 91, 93, 95, 98), straight off
euthraustos easily broken (1: 52), easily shattered (1: (1: 91), straightaway (8: 3, 21, 54, 55, 59, 65, 73,
24) 78), straightforwardly (2: 42, 79), thereupon (1:
euthruptos brittle (1: 61), easily dispersed (2: 38, 57), 93), without qualification (1: 25)
easily disrupted (1: 28.2) euthu directly (2: 38, 88), immediately (2: 38, 88),
euthugrammikos rectilinear (1: 54) right from when (1: 42); eutheiâi in a straight
euthugrammos having straight lines (1: 61), rectilinear line (1: 68); eutheias direct (1: 73), directly (1:
(10: 7, 54, 55, 56, 61, 68, 78, 80, 84, 93), straight 73); eutheôs at once (1: 21), directly (2: 30/31,
(1: 89) 60), immediately (3: 9, 30/31, 42), readily (1:
to euthugrammon rectangle (1: 10.2), rectilinear 18.2), straightaway (2: 21, 64); hê eutheia
figure (1: 59), rectilinear plane figure (1: 10.2) horizontal line (1: 35.2), nominative (2: 23, 65),
euthuna criticism (1: 84) ray (1: 17), straight line (27: 7, 19, 20, 25, 27,
euthunê correction (1: 67) 34/35.1, 38, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

61, 64, 67, 73, 75, 78, 79, 88, 89, 91); to euthu exaimatoun to change to blood (1: 80)
straight line (1: 61), straightness (3: 25, 61, 73), exaimatousthai to change into blood (1: 86.1)
the straight (1: 2), what is straight (1: 67); ep’ exaiphnês immediately (1: 23), instantaneous (2: 83,
eutheias in a straight line (1: 73), along a 86.1), sudden (1: 3), suddenly (1: 14)
straight line (1: 95), direct (1: 93), directly (5: exairein to abstract (2: 51, 56), to be transcendental (1:
29.1, 52, 57, 91, 93), in a linear way (1: 67), in a 92.1), to dissociate (1: 22), to drive out (1: 79),
straight line (6: 42, 54, 55, 57, 68, 73), in front (1: to except (1: 22), to exempt (1: 45/46), to
91), in straight lines (1: 94), linear (1: 67), exclude (2: 23, 80), to exempt (2: 87, 50), to raise
moving in straight lines (1: 53), in a straight line (1: 84), to remove (8: 6.1, 17, 22, 24, 50, 60, 83,
(1: 68), on a straight line (2: 42, 95), rectilinear 91), to separate (1: 41.2), to set apart (2: 41.2,
(3: 42, 47, 53), straight off (2: 57, 53); ep’ euthu 87), to take away (2: 42, 60), to take out (1: 6.1),
in a straight line (1: 68); hê ep’ eutheias direct to transcend (1: 45/46)
(proof) (1: 73); ex eutheias directly (1: 91); kat’ exaireisthai to be divorced (1: 20), to be separate
eutheian according to a straight line (1: 67), in a (1: 76), to be transcendent (1: 28.1), to except
straight line (6: 6.1, 28.2, 57, 67, 68, 98), in (1: 16), to remove (1: 44), to transcend (7: 28.1,
straight lines (1: 94), rectilinear (1: 42), 41.1, 44, 54, 70, 83, 93); exêirêsthai to be exempt
rectilinearly (2: 25, 53); ekballein eutheias to from (1: 67), to be separated from (1: 7), to
draw straight lines (1: 88); eutheia ptôsis transcend (4: 7, 28.2, 68, 78); exêirêmenos
nominative case (3: 13, 56, 61); euthus en arkhêi dissociated (1: 61), distinguished (1: 28.2),
right at the beginning (1: 68); euthus kanôn exempt (3: 11, 22, 67), far removed (1: 76),
straight-edge (1: 22); hupo tên autên katheton removed (1: 11), separate (1: 61), separated (1:
eutheian directly below (2: 55, 99); kata tên 48), that transcends (2: 22, 45/46, 92.2),
autên katheton eutheian directly below (1: 55); transcendent (17: 1, 6.2, 11, 22, 29.1, 36, 41.1, 42,
kinêsis ep’ eutheias rectilinear motion (1: 11) 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 61, 76, 79, 92.1, 94),
euthutês straightness (5: 7, 15, 57, 61, 73) transcending (4: 22, 67, 70, 74), withdrawn (1:
eutonein to be able (1: 79) 11); exêirêmenôs from above (1: 36), in a
eutonia good tension (1: 52) remote way (1: 56), transcendently (1: 36); ta
eutonos vigorous (1: 60) exêirêmena aitia transcendent causes (1: 60)
eutrapelia wit (1: 69), wittiness (1: 69) exairesis removal (1: 19), transcendence (2: 45/46, 83)
eutrapelos witty (1: 69) exairetos alone (1: 91), choiceworthy (1: 45/46),
eutrepizein to prepare (2: 34/35.1, 76) exceptional (3: 3, 23, 57), selected as an example
eutreptos easily changed (1: 57), easily mutable (1: 19) (1: 61), singular (2: 68, 97.2), special (4: 10.2,
eutukhein to achieve good luck (1: 89), to be fortunate 28.1, 52, 54), transcendent (1: 83)
(2: 43.2, 69), to be lucky (1: 17), to be of good exairetôs by the special term (1: 42), especially (1:
fortune (1: 45/46), to prosper (1: 43.3) 57), in particular (1: 61), specifically (1: 88); to
eutukhêma good fortune (1: 69), stroke of good exaireton superior position (1: 36)
fortune (1: 69) exaisios extraordinary (2: 34/35.1, 95)
eutukhês fortunate (2: 51, 84), lucky (1: 17), of good exaitheroun : exaitherousthai to be made bright (1: 84)
fortune (1: 45/46), possessed of good luck (1: exakontizein to expel (1: 57), to force out (1: 98), to
89), prosperous (1: 43.3), with good luck (1: 40) hurl (1: 88), to hurl forth (1: 95), to launch (1:
eutukhia good fortune (4: 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 69), good 68), to propel (1: 95), to push (1: 95), to shoot
luck (4: 17, 52, 69, 89) off (1: 18.2), to shoot out (2: 95, 98)
eutupôtos easily imprinted (1: 34/35.1), that easily exakontizesthai to be thrown (1: 84), to pop out
takes an impression (1: 44) (1: 76)
euupolêptos easy to hold (1: 38) exakouein to understand (4: 17, 23, 51, 98)
euzôïa good life (3: 45/46, 54, 61), good living (1: 52), exakouesthai to be heard (1: 28.2), to be meant (1:
living well (3: 7, 43.3, 52), the good life (1: 97.2) 10.2), to be the interpretation (1: 16), to be
exaerêsis evaporation (1: 17) understood (1: 86.1)
exaerizein : exaerizomenos evaporated (1: 78) exakoustos heard (1: 28.2)
exaeroun to evaporate (1: 79), to make into air (1: 38), exakribês : exakribôs accurately (1: 52)
to turn into air (2: 79, 95), to turn to air (1: 60) exakriboun to make exact (1: 52)
exaerousthai to be turned into air (1: 54), to exallagê being interchanged (1: 94), change (2: 54, 55),
become gaseous (1: 63), to turn into air (1: 80) change to something completely new (1: 57),
exagein to lead on (1: 20), to make away with (1: 52) interchange (1: 94), permutation (1: 99), shift
exagesthai to issue in (1: 59); to exagein removal (1: 22), traverse (1: 27), variation (1: 68), variety
(1: 28.2) (1: 68)
exagôgê departure (1: 52), making away with oneself exallassein / exallattein to change (3: 14, 23, 61), to
(1: 52) produce variations (1: 25), to swap (1: 94)


exallassesthai to differ (1: 84), to alter (1: 27), to be 61, 64, 65, 73, 78, 79, 83, 85, 93, 94, 99), to
completely removed (1: 57), to be different (1: expound (8: 18.2, 27, 42, 44, 59, 66, 68, 99), to
22), to change (3: 22, 78, 94), to develop (1: 22), give an account (1: 44), to interpret (18: 2, 18.2,
to permute (1: 99), to traverse (1: 27), to vary (3: 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 35.2, 44, 54, 55, 61, 67, 68, 78,
22, 25, 76); exêllagmenos different (1: 68), 79, 95, 97.2, 99), to lead (1: 51), to render (1: 88),
variable (1: 22) to set forth (1: 17), to take (1: 86.1), to
exambliskein to miscarry (1: 56) understand (1: 86.1)
exanastasis separation (1: 44) ho exêgoumenos commentator (3: 7, 18.2, 25),
exangeltikos annunciative (1: 23), enunciative (1: 23), exegete (1: 86.1), interpreter (1: 61)
expressive of (1: 70) exêgêsis account (1: 85), comment (3: 1, 58, 59),
exantlein to drain off (1: 6.1) commentary (2: 21, 26), exegesis (7: 20, 35.2, 56,
exanuein to complete (1: 27) 67, 68, 83, 94), explanation (22: 2, 12, 16, 17, 19,
exapatan to deceive (2: 73, 86.1) 21, 22, 26, 27, 39, 44, 48, 51, 64, 69, 73, 83, 85,
exapatasthai to be misled (1: 25) 92.1, 94, 98, 100), explication (1: 25),
exapinês forthwith (1: 34/35.1) interpretation (23: 1, 4, 7, 18.2, 22, 27, 34/35.1,
exaplôsis an unfolding into simple factors (1: 40) 44, 54, 55, 56, 61, 67, 68, 69, 72, 78, 83, 85, 93, 94,
exaploun to explain more fully (1: 99), to spread (1: 95, 99)
88), to unfold (1: 52) exêgêtês commentator (23: 3, 6.2, 14, 17, 18.2, 19, 20,
exapsis conflagration (1: 57), kindling (3: 86.1, 88, 95), 22, 25, 27, 32, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, 58, 59, 75, 76, 83,
lighting (1: 86.1) 85, 93, 98), exegete (3: 68, 76, 79), explainer (1:
exapsis ginetai fire is kindled (1: 57) 83), expositor (4: 11, 14, 28.1, 44), interpreter
exaptein to attach (4: 22, 59, 83, 99), to depend on (1: (19: 6.1, 22, 23, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 41.1, 42,
22), to fasten (3: 3, 55, 86.2), to ignite (4: 24, 79, 54, 55, 56, 57, 61, 67, 78, 86.2, 97.2, 99)
83, 99), to kindle (5: 21, 57, 80, 95, 99), to set on exêgêtikos exegetical (1: 84), explanatory (4: 3, 13, 38,
fire (1: 54) 51)
exaptesthai to be kindled (2: 19, 86.1), to be to exêgêtikon explanatory addition (1: 94); ta
suspended (1: 86.1); exaphtheis burning (1: 68) exêgêtika comments (1: 80); exêgêtika
exarithmein to count off (1: 58), to count out (1: 58), to hupomnêmata comments (1: 59); exêgêtikê
enumerate (2: 10.2, 14) dunamis ability to interpret (1: 23)
exarithmeisthai to enumerate (3: 16, 25, 54) exeikazein to liken (1: 34/35.1)
exarithmêsis enumeration (2: 16, 56), numerical order exeikazesthai to take on the likeness of (1: 97.1)
(1: 2) exeikônizein to be an image of (1: 34/35.1)
exarkein to be adequate (1: 59), to be sufficient (4: 38, exeinai to be possible (2: 20, 79)
51, 75, 98), to have the resources (1: 59), to last exesti it is possible (1: 84)
(3: 57, 58, 59), to suffice (2: 58, 68) exekhein to extrude (2: 54, 55), to project (1: 52)
exarkhein to initiate (1: 11) exelaunein to expel (1: 89)
exartan to attach (1: 3), to attach to (1: 59), to connect exelenkhein to convict (1: 34/35.1), to dismiss (1: 78),
to (1: 58), to equip (1: 98), to raise up (1: 22) to refute (2: 67, 97.1), to show by way of
exartasthai to be attached to (1: 54), to be refutation (1: 97.1)
dependent (1: 86.2), to be dependent upon (1: exepitêdes on purpose (2: 17, 48)
83), to depend (3: 22, 76, 86.2), to depend on (1: exepsein to boil (1: 24)
73), to depend upon (1: 51); exêrtêsthai to be exergasia cultivation (1: 91), discussion (1: 41.2),
dependent (1: 97.1) elaboration (1: 99), investigation (1: 22),
exartêsis dependence (1: 100) treatment (1: 39)
exasthenein to be exhausted (2: 59, 95), to be weak (1: exergasmos refinement (1: 48)
38), to become exhausted (1: 59), to exhaust (1: exergazesthai to carry out work (1: 89), to complete (1:
98), to grow weak (3: 20, 59, 80), to weaken (4: 52), to elaborate (3: 25, 40, 75), to fashion (1:
12, 24, 52, 80) 97.1), to investigate (1: 22), to come from (1:
exatmizein to distill (1: 57), to evaporate (4: 21, 24, 88, 83), to come out (2: 38, 78), to depart (2: 22, 83),
95), to give off vapour (1: 57), to steam off (1: to escape (1: 57), to go out (1: 86.1), to move
98), to turn into steam (1: 98), to turn into out (1: 55)
vapour (3: 54, 88, 95) exetasis critical inquiry (1: 2), discussion (1: 80),
exatmizomenos vaporised (1: 78) examination (14: 2, 6.2, 14, 19, 25, 38, 40, 42, 59,
exatonein to be strained (1: 25) 68, 73, 80, 84, 95), examining (1: 88),
exêgeisthai to carry out an exegesis (1: 51), to clarify investigation (2: 30/31, 59), review (1: 7),
(1: 28.2), to comment (2: 6.2, 95), to comment scrutinizing (3: 43.1, 68, 80)
on (2: 59, 92.1), to explain (28: 2, 3, 10.2, 16, exetastês critic (1: 25)
18.2, 19, 20, 27, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 56, 57, 58, 59, exetastikos examining (1: 78)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to exetastikon close scrutiny (1: 58) (1: 79), to separate (1: 22), to shun (1: 76), to
exetazein to ask (1: 59), to consider (3: 68, 80, 84), to stand out (1: 6.1), to stand outside (1: 22); to
deal with (1: 59), to establish (1: 69), to examine existanai departure (1: 18.2); biasthenta
(18: 4, 10.2, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 25, 40, 42, 44, 48, existasthai to be displaced by force (1: 68)
50, 59, 63, 68, 69, 78), to examine carefully (1: exitêlos attenuated (1: 76), completely lost (1: 24),
68), to examine critically (1: 2), to number (1: ineffective (1: 57)
80), to prove (1: 17), to scrutinize (4: 2, 25, 59, exô apart from (1: 91), beyond (2: 4, 20), external (5: 11,
89), to test (3: 40, 43.1, 69), to thoroughly 28.1, 52, 83, 86.2), externally (1: 52), free from
examine (1: 93) (1: 4), outside (11: 10.2, 16, 20, 21, 24, 28.1, 52,
exeuporein to resolve one’s doubts (1: 86.1), to supply 64, 83, 86.2, 91), outwards (2: 28.1, 86.1)
(1: 25) exôterô outer (1: 84); exôtatô outermost (3: 6.1, 12,
exeuriskein to discover (2: 25, 73), to find (2: 25, 55) 83); exôtatos furthest (1: 98); to exô external
exienai (< ienai) to come out (1: 18.2), to depart (3: object (1: 28.2), the external (2: 22, 28.2); exô
18.2, 21, 84), to exit (1: 28.2), to go out (3: 18.2, neuein stick out (1: 95); exô paragraphein to
22, 98), to ooze (1: 24), to pass outwards (1: 21), add in the margin (1: 41.1); to exô keimenon
to proceed (1: 73) external object (1: 28.1)
exienai (< hienai) to send out (1: 11) exodos delivery (1: 86.1), departure (1: 22), exit (3:
exikmazein to cause to exude (1: 57), to dry moisture 18.2, 52, 57), exiting (1: 86.1), exodus (2: 22, 57),
out of (1: 21), to evaporate (1: 24) procession (1: 48)
exikmazesthai to be evaporated (1: 38), to be exoikizein to exclude (1: 48), to rule out (1: 48)
exuded (1: 38) exokhê bump (1: 57), convexity (1: 52), extrusion (2:
exikneisthai to manage (1: 25), to reach out to (1: 95) 54, 55), part that sticks up (1: 35.2), projection
exisasmos equivalence (1: 84) (1: 52), protrusion (2: 38, 91)
exisazein to balance (1: 39), to be coextensive (4: 7, 63, exolisthainein to glide off (1: 98), to slide (1: 80), to slip
73, 77), to be equal (7: 20, 23, 28.2, 35.2, 43.2, 44, (2: 61, 68), to slip away (1: 61)
60), to be equally matched (1: 60), to be equally exomalizein to level up (1: 34/35.1)
true (1: 85), to be equivalent (5: 14, 51, 60, 83, exomoiein to assimilate (1: 17)
85), to be equivalent to (1: 73), to be of equal exomoiôsis assimilation (2: 61, 74), becoming like (1:
extension (1: 44), to make equal (1: 14), to rank 28.1)
equally (1: 39) exomoioun to assimilate (7: 18.2, 19, 22, 60, 70, 94, 99),
exisazesthai to be coextensive (1: 93) to assimilate oneself (2: 43,3, 51), to compare (1:
exiskhuein to be able (1: 95), to be strong enough to (1: 94), to liken (2: 80, 94), to make completely like
95), to be sufficiently strong (1: 6.1), to have (2: 34/35.1, 56), to make like (5: 28.1, 28.2, 54,
strength (1: 57), to have the power (1: 61) 55, 68), to make similar (1: 84), to resemble (1:
exisôsis equalisation (1: 88) 6.1), to say to be completely like (1: 57)
exisôthein to make equal (1: 3) exomoiousthai to assimilate oneself (1: 43.3), to be
exisoun to equalize (1: 7), to make equal (3: 52, 54, assimilated (1: 79), to be similar to (1: 98), to
97.2) become assimilated (1: 91), to become like (1:
exisousthai to be equal (1: 60), to become equal 28.1)
(1: 52) exomologein to agree (1: 52)
existanai , to displace (1: 56), to remove (1: 50), to exôphanês convex (1: 88)
remove from (1: 25), to shift away (1: 87) exophthalmos pop-eyed (1: 35.2)
existasthai to abandon (3: 2, 59, 79), to be exorizein to exclude (2: 70, 85), to rule out (1: 23)
transferred (1: 18.2), to be beside oneself (1: 69), exôterikos exoteric (2: 67, 87), nontechnical (1: 14),
to be carried away (1: 69), to be displaced (2: 48, popular (1: 7)
50), to be displaced from (1: 75), to be dia tôn exôterikôn nontechnically (1: 14)
dissociated from (1: 48), to be removed (1: 50), exôthein to drive off course (1: 4), to expel (1: 42), to
to be removed from (1: 25), to cause push aside (1: 18.2), to push out (5: 18.2, 55, 57,
displacement (1: 50), to change (1: 54), to 78, 86.1), to repel (1: 57), to thrust away (1: 18.2)
depart (11: 11, 12, 21, 22, 39, 42, 54, 55, 57, 83, exôthen exterior (1: 11), external (19: 4, 9, 23, 30/31, 42,
92.2), to depart from (3: 3, 12, 80), to depart 52, 53, 60, 64, 65, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 94,
from one’s nature (2: 26, 48), to deviate (2: 61, 99), externally (4: 20, 86.1, 91, 99), from an
67), to displace (4: 39, 48, 50, 68), to divorce (1: external standpoint (1: 60), from outside (24: 4,
22), to drive out (1: 60), to emerge (1: 50), to get 9, 10.2, 12, 17, 19, 21, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 52,
out of the way (1: 76), to get outside of (1: 98), 60, 64, 65, 75, 79, 83, 86.1, 91, 93, 97.1, 98, 99),
to give way (1: 98), to leave (2: 80, 83), to leave from the outside (1: 86.1), from without (3: 20,
off (3: 17, 80, 99), to lose (2: 59, 94), to make 42, 99), on different grounds (1: 10.2), outside
way (1: 18.2), to make way for (1: 92.2), to rise (6: 4, 17, 21, 23, 52, 86.2)


hê exôthen peribolê exterior shell (1: 86.1) exudatousthai to be turned into water (2: 24, 54), to
exousia authority (2: 45/46, 58), free power (1: 97.1), condense into liquid (1: 79)
freedom (1: 37), licence (2: 50, 59), position of exugrainein to moisten (1: 25), to saturate with
power (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69), possibility (2: 43.1, 69), moisture (1: 38)
power (6: 4, 21, 29.1, 52, 91, 99) exugrainesthai to be full of moisture (1: 24)
exousâi dunameôs by the free exercise of power (1: exumnein to celebrate (1: 70), to hymn (1: 79), to sing
97.1); exousian ekhein to be capable (1: 27); praise (1: 61), to sing the praises of (1: 78)
poiêtikê exousia poetic licence (1: 22) exuphainein to work out (1: 23)
exousiazein to have authority (1: 43.2) exupnizein to wake something up (1: 67)
exudaroun to dilute (1: 28.2) exupnizesthai to wake from sleep (1: 52)


gaia earth (3: 61, 67, 85) geneion beard (2: 34/35.1, 86.1)
gala milk (6: 21, 24, 55, 86.1, 95, 99), the Milky Way genesiourgos connected with generation (1: 28.1),
(1: 95) creative (1: 11), demiurgic (1: 45/46), directed
galaktizein to appear milky (1: 95) to the world of becoming (1: 67), evolving (1:
galaxias the Milky Way (1: 95) 22), generative (3: 11, 39, 54), involved in
galaxias kuklos the Milky Way (1: 59) coming to be (1: 83), involved in the world of
galênê calm (2: 19, 67), calming (1: 19), calmness of sea becoming (1: 67)
(1: 40) ho genesiourgos creator (1: 97.2)
galêniaios peaceful (1: 23) genesis arising (1: 17), becoming (9: 10.1, 10.2, 14, 15,
gamos marriage (3: 2, 20, 80), matrimony (1: 68) 22, 61, 74, 76, 91), becoming (domain of) (1:
gampsônukhos with crooked talons (1: 56) 67), beginning (1: 44), birth (7: 7, 17, 22, 42, 58,
gargareôn uvula (1: 23) 59, 63), bringing to be (1: 22), change (1: 63),
gastêr belly (6: 24, 56, 57, 61, 86.1, 93), stomach (6: 25, coming about (1: 88), coming into being (11: 7,
34/35.1/35.1, 56, 80, 98, 99), womb (1: 56, 91) 10.2, 50, 57, 61, 67, 76, 87, 91, 97.2, 99), coming
gê clod (1: 27), earth (52: 1, 2, 5, 6.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 16, into existence (1: 25), coming to be (59: 3, 4,
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 10.1, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
34/35.1, 42, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31/31, 32, 34/35.1,
66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 60,
86.2, 88, 91, 93, 94, 98, 99), the earth (2: 42, 57), 61, 63, 67, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 89,
ground (1: 56), land (4: 21, 56, 57, 86.1), soil (2: 91, 92.1, 92.2, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100), creation (7: 22,
27, 61) 28.1, 54, 63, 76, 92.1, 98), developing (1: 76),
hupo gên underworld (1: 61); koprôdês gê manure development (2: 63, 76), formation (4: 67, 73,
(1: 60); kuptein epi gên have one’s head to the 86.1, 88), generating (1: 17), generation (42: 1, 5,
ground (1: 56) 6.2, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, 24, 27, 28.2, 37, 39, 40, 42,
geêros composed of earth (1: 54), earthen (1: 24), 44, 45/46, 47, 51, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66,
earthly (1: 54), earthy (2: 68, 99), made of earth 67, 68, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 92.1, 95,
(2: 75, 79) 97.1, 97.2, 99), genesis (5: 56, 65, 69, 83, 92.1),
geêroteros more earthy (1: 24) nativity (1: 86.2), occurrence (1: 26), origin (12:
gêgenês earth-born (1: 97.1) 7, 12, 21, 23, 44, 48, 52, 63, 69, 73, 76, 99),
gegônein to make a sound (1: 25), to make oneself process (2: 40, 69), process of becoming (2: 28.2,
heard (1: 57) 63), process of generation (1: 17), production
gêïnos consisting of earth (1: 80), earthly (1: 97.1), (3: 30/31, 57, 91), realm of coming to be (1: 17),
earthy (8: 22, 34/35.1, 52, 54, 55, 61, 67, 76), of realm of generation (1: 100), state of becoming
earth (1: 56) (1: 67), the domain of becoming (1: 61), the
gêiôdês earthy (1: 22) world of becoming (1: 22), the world of coming
geitnian to be adjacent (3: 12, 52, 88) to be (1: 56)
geitniasis proximity (4: 12, 52, 55, 95) geneseis instances of becoming (1: 10.2); ek
geitniazein to be adjacent (3: 55, 95, 99), to be in close geneseôs from birth (1: 67); en genesei in the
proximity (1: 88), to border on (1: 7), to border process of coming to be (1: 88), initially (1: 22),
upon (1: 88), to neighbour (1: 88) subject to generation (2: 42, 73), that comes to
geitôn neighbour (1: 34/35.1) be (1: 22); ta en genesei the world of becoming
gelan to laugh (1: 40), to laugh at (1: 86.1) (1: 28.2), things that come to be (2: 35.2, 97.2);
gelastikos able to laugh (2: 5, 23), capable of laughing kata genesin in generation (1: 27), substantial
(3: 61, 67, 73), capable of laughter (6: 13, 35.2, (1: 99); dunamis pros genesin ability to
40, 70, 77, 93), laughing (4: 40, 64, 65, 85), risible become (1: 28.2); genesin ekhein to be born (1:
(2: 63, 83) 22); tên genesin ekhein to come to be (1: 23), to
geloios absurd (1: 98), laughable (3: 16, 85, 98), originate (1: 23); genesis sumbainein to be
ludicrous (1: 98), ridiculous (10: 3, 6.1, 52, 57, generated (1: 22)
58, 59, 73, 75, 84, 94) genetê birth (7: 7, 25, 35.2, 48, 59, 67, 91), kinship (1:
gelôs laughter (1: 65), ridicule (2: 20, 59) 43.2)


ek genetês from birth (1: 23) gennômenon offspring (2: 22, 42), the
genêtikos capable of generating (1: 75) generated (1: 42), what is generated (1: 17); to
genêtos able to come to be (1: 89), brought into being gennêthen the generated (1: 42); gennasthai ek
(1: 75), capable of coming to be (1: 58), coming to emerge from (1: 91); gennasthai epi to
into being (1: 61), coming to be (5: 22, 54, 78, emerge above (1: 91)
79, 83), created (3: 11, 14, 85), generable (4: 17, gennêma begotten child (1: 97.1), creation (1: 29.1),
53, 60, 66), generated (32: 2, 6.2, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, derivative (1: 48), offspring (6: 34/35.1, 39, 42,
17, 20, 22, 26, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 45/46, 47, 45/46, 78, 86.1), product (1: 48)
52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 66, 68, 70, 75, 80, 83, 92.1, gennêsis birth (1: 39), generating (1: 17), generation (4:
99, 100), having come into being (1: 67), having 22, 56, 61, 97.2), power of propagation (1: 26),
come into existence (1: 36), having come to be procreation (1: 45/46), reproduction (3: 48, 91,
(1: 4), mortal (1: 55), of becoming (1: 36), 100)
originable (1: 6.1), subject to coming to be (5: gennêtikos able to produce (1: 91), able to reproduce
12, 21, 52, 60, 94), subject to development (1: (1: 91), concerned with generation (2: 61, 67),
76), subject to generation (3: 42, 70, 73), that generating (3: 28.2, 60, 100), generative (12:
comes into being (1: 57), that comes into 10.2, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 39, 42, 56, 61, 70, 78),
existence (1: 25), that comes to be (7: 17, 22, genetic (1: 22), having a capacity for
28.2, 35.2, 52, 60, 92.2), that develops (1: 76), reproduction (1: 25), of generation (1: 61), of
that has come into being (1: 22), that has come reproduction (2: 52, 80), procreative (1: 22),
to be (3: 21, 85, 97.2) productive (3: 12, 23, 80), related to
to genêton creation (1: 58), creature (1: 58) reproduction (1: 84), reproductive (3: 25, 52,
genikos as a genus (1: 73), belonging to a genus (1: 40), 86.1), such as to generate (1: 10.2), that brings
general (5: 61, 67, 74, 76, 87), generative (1: 22), to birth (1: 22), that generates (2: 22, 73), that
generic (21: 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 39, 40, 41.1, provides birth (1: 22)
48, 51, 57, 69, 70, 77, 83, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94), gennêtikôs by way of generation (1: 97.2);
genitive (1: 65), like a genus (1: 75), of a genus gennêtikos (einai) (+ gen.) to produce (1: 12);
(1: 40), of genus (1: 85), relating to the genos (1: gennêtikos einai to generate (1: 56), to
5), universal (1: 73) reproduce (1: 52); gennêtikê dunamis power to
genikôteros more general (1: 23), more generic (1: generate (1: 56), reproductive capacity (1: 25);
24); genikôtatos highest (1: 7), most generic (1: to gennêtikon power of reproduction (1: 100),
10.2), principal (1: 39), ultimate (1: 7); reproductive capacity (1: 25), what generates
genikôtata most generically (1: 92.1); hê genikê (1: 17)
genitive (2: 7, 56), genitive case (1: 65); genikê gennêtos coming to be (1: 61), generated (5: 10.2, 12,
ptôsis genitive case (2: 13, 48) 29.1, 48, 57)
genna age (1: 85), birth (2: 85, 86.1), generation (1: 85) to gennêton thing generated (1: 56)
gennadas gentleman (1: 84) genos birth (2: 15, 59), category (5: 12, 27, 41.1, 52, 89),
gennaios gallant (1: 69), generous (1: 86.1), noble (6: character (1: 22), class (6: 2, 24, 27, 68, 74, 86.1),
34/35.1, 43.1, 43.2, 45/46, 69, 85), noble-minded classification (1: 10.2), family (3: 17, 43.2,
(1: 43.2) 45/46), generation (1: 20), genus (71: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7,
gennan to bear (1: 60), to beget (6: 10.2, 21, 27, 28.2, 68, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
76), to bring about (1: 76), to bring to birth (1: 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2,
22), to create (1: 85), to derive (2: 60, 92.1), to 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 43.1, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 48, 50, 51,
engender (4: 20, 48, 80, 86.1), to father (1: 58), to 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70,
generate (36: 2, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 27, 32, 42, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 92.1,
45/46, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 68, 73, 75, 92.2, 93, 94, 99, 100), kind (36: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10.2, 12,
76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 14, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.2, 32, 38, 39,
99), to give birth (3: 27, 60, 67), to give birth to 42, 44, 52, 54, 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 73, 74, 79, 80,
(2: 80, 98), to give rise to (1: 76), to make come 89, 92.2, 93), lineage (1: 43.1), nation (1: 45/46),
to be (1: 60), to procreate (1: 44), to produce (7: race (6: 15, 56, 58, 59, 68, 80), sort (2: 22, 68),
12, 21, 38, 52, 55, 76, 80), to propagate (1: 26), to species (7: 22, 28.2, 45/46, 55, 67, 86.1, 97.2),
reproduce (5: 25, 26, 52, 55, 91), to yield (1: 61) stock (1: 43.1), tribe (1: 15), type (2: 17, 23)
gennasthai to be born (1: 4), to be brought into genei generically (1: 27); genei hen generically one
being (1: 32), to be generated (2: 10.2, 24); (1: 63), one in genus (1: 63), one in kind (1: 63);
gennêthênai to have been born (1: 54); to kata genos generic (2: 27, 28.2); kata to genos
gennan generation (1: 60), reproduction (1: 52); generically (1: 67), in terms of the genus (1: 16);
ho gennôn begetter (1: 59); ho gennêsas deka genê ten kinds (the Aristotelian
begetter (2: 15, 59), father (1: 15); to gennêsan categories) (1: 12); epanabebêkota genê kinds
parent (1: 91), the generator (1: 42); to higher up (1: 10.2); hupokeimenon genos class

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

of things forming the subject of an art (1: 40), to geuston bearer of taste (1: 28.2), object of taste
subject genus (1: 16); ta anôtatô genê the (4: 25, 34/35.1, 36, 57), taste (1: 56), taste-object
highest kinds (1: 10.2); ta panta genê the entire (1: 57), thing tasted (2: 28.2, 57), what can be
collection (1: 68) tasted (1: 28.1)
genus jaw (3: 57, 73, 83) gigantan to act like the giants (1: 97.2)
geôdaisia surveying (1: 10.2) gigantikos gigantesque (1: 84)
geôdês earthy (1: 47), composed of earth (1: 25), gigarton (olive) stone (1: 98)
earthen (5: 34/35.1, 56, 57, 79, 83), earthy (10: gignesthai / ginesthai to arise (11: 3, 17, 20, 28.1, 42,
21, 23, 24, 38, 52, 59, 61, 67, 68, 91), made of 69, 73, 76, 92.1, 93, 99), to be (11: 18.2, 21, 28.1,
earth (1: 79) 58, 60, 67, 73, 88, 93, 97.1, 99), to be based (1:
geômetrein to argue in a geometric way (1: 54), to be a 42), to be born (3: 4, 17, 97.1), to be brought
geometer (1: 2), to do geometry (4: 4, 10.2, 25, about (2: 12, 21), to be carried on (1: 16), to be
73), to geometrise (1: 56), to have geometry (1: carried out (1: 16), to be created (2: 58, 76), to
67), to measure (2: 7, 15) be directed to (1: 10.2), to be done (1: 17), to be
geômetrês geometer (15: 7, 10.2, 13, 16, 17, 20, 25, 40, due to (1: 73), to be from (1: 99), to be
44, 56, 72, 73, 78, 84, 93), geometrician (6: 2, 21, generated (15: 2, 12, 42, 45/46, 47, 53, 58, 59, 73,
26, 40, 52, 61), mathematician (1: 67) 75, 83, 89, 92.1, 93, 99), to be in a state of
geômetria geometry (28: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, becoming (1: 28.1), to be in process (1: 69), to
23, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 41.2, 44, 51, 54, 58, 61, be made (3: 3, 19, 26), to be present (1: 58), to
63, 67, 68, 73, 76, 78, 93) be produced (8: 3, 19, 24, 54, 55, 58, 59, 99), to
geômetrikos concerning geometry (1: 7), geometric (2: become (31: 1, 3, 4, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 14, 15, 17,
54, 85), geometrical (13: 2, 10.2, 13, 22, 29.1, 40, 18.2, 19, 21, 24, 28.1, 40, 42, 45/46, 58, 59, 60, 63,
48, 56, 67, 73, 78, 84, 97.2), of geometry (3: 20, 69, 73, 75, 76, 80, 86.1, 89, 92.1, 97.1, 99), to
56, 93), of the measurement of the earth (1: cause (1: 24), to come (3: 10.2, 76, 99), to come
28.1) about (12: 10.2, 12, 17, 18.2, 21, 75, 88, 89, 92.1,
geometrikôs as geometers do (1: 36), geometrically 97.1, 98, 99), to come into being (16: 2, 7, 10.2,
(2: 22, 93); geômetrikôtatos quite skilled in 19, 20, 28.1, 40, 50, 61, 67, 75, 75, 76, 89, 97.1,
geometry (1: 68); ho geômetrikos geometer (1: 99), to come into existence (2: 50, 76), to come
85); hê geômetrikê geometry (2: 63, 73); ta to be (46: 1, 2, 3, 6.2, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17,
geômetrika geometrical objects (1: 13) 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28.1, 32, 40, 42, 44,
geôrgein: ho geôrgôn farmer (1: 86.1) 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 68, 73, 76,
geôrgia agriculture (1: 67), art of farming (1: 86.1), 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89, 92.1, 97.1, 97.2, 99), to
farming (2: 25, 86.1) come to belong (1: 73), to derive from (2: 76,
geôrgikos: ho geôrgikos farmer (1: 86.2) 92.1), to develop (3: 10.2, 16, 76), to emerge (1:
geôrgos farmer (1: 60) 76), to end up (1: 73), to evolve (1: 22), to exist
geranos crane (2: 34/35.1, 68) (1: 44), to go on (1: 99), to grow (1: 99), to
gêras aging (1: 16), old age (13: 21, 24, 29.1, 34/35.1, 54, happen (6: 21, 28.1, 45/46, 73, 94, 98), to have
59, 61, 67, 68, 80, 86.1, 91, 95) (1: 42), to have as its subject (1: 73), to hold (1:
gêraskein to age (3: 59, 67, 91), to be aged (1: 80), to get 73), to hold of (1: 73), to involve (3: 10.2, 42,
old (1: 87), to get older (1: 84), to grow old 99), to occur (22: 3, 10.2, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 24,
(1: 80) 26, 28.1, 42, 58, 59, 63, 69, 73, 75, 76, 83, 93, 97.1,
gerôn old man (2: 57, 67) 99), to originate (1: 42), to proceed (2: 42, 99),
gêrôs old age (1: 25) to prove to be (2: 42, 73), to reach (2: 58, 99), to
geuesthai to eat (1: 37), to taste (8: 10.2, 25, 28.2, result (5: 17, 21, 44, 73, 99), to serve as (1: 99), to
34/35.1, 37, 38, 57, 91) start (1: 42), to stem (1: 92.1), to take place (8:
geusis organ of taste (2: 19, 75), taste (16: 16, 19, 21, 22, 10.2, 16, 17, 42, 44, 73, 76, 99), to turn out (3:
28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 41.2, 54, 56, 57, 61, 67, 10.2, 42, 73), to turn out to be (5: 10.2, 16, 17, 42,
91), tasting (2: 10.2, 38) 73), to turn up (1: 3), to undergo (1: 42)
geustikos able to taste (1: 91), capable of taste (1: 38), gignesthai / ginesthai (+ gen.) to share (1: 18.2);
having a capacity for taste (1: 25), of taste (3: ginesthai (+ dat.) to come to have (1: 21), to
28.1, 28.2, 36), that tastes (1: 57) have (1: 21); gignesthai plêsion to get near; x
to geustikon sense of taste (1: 28.2), that which can gignetai hupo y y gives rise to x (1: 76); x
taste (1: 91); aisthêtêrion geustikon sense- ginetai y apo z x goes from z to yt (1: 42), to go
organ of taste (1: 57); geustikê aisthêsis sense (1: 42); ginomenos coming to be (1: 14),
of taste (1: 57), sense that tastes (1: 56) derivative (1: 76), developing (1: 76), in the
geustos of taste (1: 28.1), tastable (6: 19, 28.1, 38, 41.2, process of generation (1: 17); gegonôs that has
67, 91), tasted (1: 16), tasty (1: 28.2), that can be come to be (1: 10.2); ginesthai apo to be based
tasted (1: 21) on (1: 40), to be derived from (1: 21), to come


from (1: 21), to come to be from (1: 40); cognition (1: 100), cognitive aspect (1: 61),
ginesthai eis to lead to (1: 21); ginesthai ek to knowledge (1: 22), understanding (1: 86.1); to
be based on (1: 73), to be derived from (1: 10.2), gnônai knowing (1: 73); to gignôskomenon
to be produced by (1: 21), to come from (2: 76, the known (1: 73); saphôs gignôskein to have a
18.2), to result from (1: 73), to spring from (1: clear understanding (1: 86.1)
58); ginesthai en to arrive at (1: 19), to be in (1: ginglumos hinge (2: 25, 100), joint (1: 34/35.1)
18.2), to come into (1: 18.2), to come to be in (1: glaphuros elegant (2: 23, 84), ingenious (1: 61), subtle
50), to reach (1: 75); ginesthai epi to have as a (1: 38)
subject (1: 73), to supervene (1: 12), to glaphurôs elegantly (1: 94)
supervene on (1: 52); ginesthai pros (+ gen.) to gleukos grape-juice (1: 6.1), must (1: 24), new wine (1:
be created by (1: 97.2); ginesthai suntelôn to 98), sweet wine (1: 78), wine-must (1: 52)
contribute (1: 52); ta gegonota what has come glikhesthai to strive (1: 38)
to be (1: 97.2); ta ginomena happenings (2: gliskhros fussy (1: 85), sticky (2: 6.1, 24), viscous
86.1, 97.1), the facts (1: 86.1), things that are (1: (1: 57)
97.1), things that come into being (1: 2), things gliskhrotês fattiness (1: 61), stickiness (2: 24, 38)
that come to be (1: 97.1), what happens (2: glôssa / glôtta language (1: 37), tongue (13: 23, 25, 28.1,
45/46, 86.1); to gegonos the past (2: 3, 75); to 28.2, 35.2, 37, 38, 56, 57, 67, 72, 83, 91)
ginesthai becoming (4: 2, 22, 27, 28.2), coming patrikê glôtta paternal tongue (1: 61)
to be (1: 27), coming-into-being (1: 2), glukazein to make sweet (1: 28.1)
generation (2: 2, 42), genesis (1: 2), process of glukazesthai to be sweetened (1: 28.2), to taste
coming to be (1: 100), process of generation (1: sweet (1: 16)
86.1); to ginomenon process (1: 97.1), product glukus fresh (water) (1: 57), musty (1: 24), sweet (28:
(1: 99), result (2: 44, 97.1), that which 6.1, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 19, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
(something) comes to be (1: 10.2), that which 34/35.1, 38, 42, 56, 57, 58, 67, 68, 76, 79, 80, 84,
comes to be (2: 10.2, 16), thing coming to be (1: 85, 91, 92.1, 93)
11), thing that comes to be (2: 14, 17), what ho glukus must (1: 24); to gluku sweetness (2: 19,
comes to be (2: 60, 67); aphanês ginesthai to 21)
disappear (1: 61); apogeios ginesthai to reach glukutês sweetness (17: 7, 12, 15, 19, 21, 23, 28.2, 38, 51,
apogee (1: 54); en sômati genomenos 52, 57, 60, 61, 67, 78, 80, 83)
embodied (1: 76); en tôi ginesthai in becoming glukuthumia readiness to indulge (1: 61)
(1: 14); ep’ apeiron ginesthai to go on to glumma stamp (1: 25)
infinity (1: 16); ho gegonos khronos past time gluphein to carve (1: 83)
(1: 75); kinêsin ginesthai to be moved (1: 52); gluphis notch (1: 98)
sumphuês ginesthai to be fused with (1: 28.2), gnathos jaw (1: 7)
to become fused with (1: 28.2); sunergos gnêsios authentic (3: 84, 88, 92.2), genuine (8: 7, 23,
ginesthai to assist (1: 52) 28.1, 45/46, 54, 55, 61, 67), real (1: 87)
gignôskein / ginôskein to apprehend (2: 54, 91), to be to gnêsion authenticity (1: 88)
acquainted with (1: 19), to be aware (1: 25), to gnômateuein to discriminate (1: 25)
be aware of (1: 22), to be cognisant of (1: 22), to gnômê cognition (1: 45/46), decision (1: 69), discretion
be cognitive (1: 22), to be familiar (1: 22), to (1: 40), insight (1: 40), intention (1: 25),
become aware (1: 69), to cognise (5: 34/35.1, 36, judgement (2: 45/46, 52), meaning (1: 86.2),
56, 57, 100), to come to know (1: 63), to opinion (2: 11, 54), thought (2: 3, 85),
comprehend (1: 76), to decide on (1: 69), to understanding (2: 72, 78), view (4: 44, 61, 69,
discern (1: 40), to get to know (8: 25, 34/35.1, 84), will (1: 97.2)
50, 56, 57, 63, 76, 89), to have knowledge (5: 22, authairetos gnômês hormê voluntary desire of the
44, 56, 67, 99), to have knowledge of (1: 58), to mind (1: 68)
identify (2: 22, 63), to know (44: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 11, gnômôn gnomon (4: 7, 42, 44, 73), L-shaped figure (1:
15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 67), rule (1: 7), set-square (1: 20)
34/35.1, 40, 45/46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, gnômonikos gnomic (1: 45/46)
64, 67, 69, 73, 76, 77, 78, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 88, 91, gnôrimos accessible (1: 76), clear (2: 21, 52), cognisable
92.1, 93, 99, 100), to learn (2: 54, 83), to make (2: 48, 87), comprehensible (2: 41.1, 48),
acquaintance (1: 11), to observe (1: 80), to discernible (1: 91), evident (2: 75, 89), familiar
perceive (1: 36), to realise (2: 48, 83), to (20: 2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 16, 22, 23, 39, 40, 44, 45/46,
recognise (14: 4, 17, 21, 22, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 40, 51, 54, 59, 63, 69, 72, 73, 89), intelligible (5: 2, 42,
44, 52, 54, 55, 58, 63), to understand (6: 38, 44, 65, 89, 91), knowable (7: 2, 14, 20, 41.2, 48, 50,
54, 78, 79, 83) 56), known (21: 2, 4, 7, 9, 10.2, 19, 22, 23, 25,
gnôsteon one should recognize (1: 64); ho 28.2, 30/31, 40, 56, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 77, 93),
gignôskôn knower (1: 22); to gignôskein object of knowledge (1: 22), obvious (1: 10.2),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

plain (1: 44), recognisable (3: 14, 50, 75), 36, 48, 56, 57, 61, 74, 83, 87, 100), coming to
recognised (2: 22, 65), self-evident (1: 26), that know (3: 4, 21, 40), discernment (1: 40),
can be understood (1: 12), understandable (2: discovery (1: 22), higher science (1: 17), insight
30/31, 69), understood (3: 2, 30/31, 38), well (1: 25), judgement (1: 45/46), kind of
known (11: 4, 9, 14, 19, 22, 28.2, 40, 52, 59, 65, knowledge (1: 77), knowing (4: 61, 73, 76, 91),
88) knowing about (1: 21), knowledge (52: 1, 2, 4, 5,
gnorimôs intelligibly (1: 91), in a way that can be 9, 10.1, 10.2, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27,
understood (1: 2); gnôrimoteros better known 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 37, 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 43.3, 44, 50,
(2: 73, 77), more accessible (1: 76), more 51, 52, 54, 58, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76,
familiar (2: 10.2, 76), more knowable (2: 63, 76), 77, 78, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 93, 97.1, 99, 100), means
better known (1: 40), more familiar (1: 40); to of knowing (1: 99), mode of cognition (1: 100),
gnôrimoteron greater intelligibility (1: 22); piece of knowledge (1: 28.1), recognition (2:
gnôrimôtatos best known (1: 16); ho gnôrimos 28.2, 40), understanding (9: 21, 23, 26, 30/31, 38,
acquaintance (1: 10.2), associate (1: 55); 65, 72, 83, 94)
autothen gnôrimon self-evident (1: 22); doxastikê gnôsis opinion (1: 28.2); gnôsin ekhein
oudamôs gnôrimôs in a manner quite to get to know (1: 61); sustoikhos gnôsis
unobvious (1: 10.2) coordinate cognition (1: 100)
gnôrisis knowing (1: 86.1), knowledge (2: 22, 39), gnôstikos able to know (2: 10.2, 61), aware of (1: 22),
recognition (1: 73), recognizing (1: 73) bringing knowledge (1: 52), capable of
gnôrisma distinguishing mark (1: 13), hallmark (1: cognising (1: 100), capable of discerning (1: 40),
97.1), mark (2: 39, 97.2), recognisable feature (1: capable of knowing (6: 2, 10.2, 16, 61, 67, 100),
25), token (2: 51, 97.1), trace (1: 97.1), what is cognisant (4: 22, 26, 28.2, 43.3), cognising (1:
distinctive (1: 86.1) 36), cognitive (14: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 42,
gnôristikos able to know (2: 28.1, 52), capable of 45/46, 58, 59, 61, 67, 72, 84, 100), concerned
cognising (2: 36, 100), capable of knowing (1: with cognition (1: 61), concerned with
100), cognisant (1: 22), cognising (1: 36), knowledge (1: 26), directed to knowing (1: 88),
cognitive (6: 22, 28.1, 36, 67, 86.1, 100), epistemological (1: 51), for apprehension (1:
discovering (1: 17), having knowledge (1: 28.1), 91), having the capacity to know (1: 67),
having the capacity to know (1: 67), knowing intellective (2: 23, 100), intellectual (1: 23),
(1: 22), knowledgeable (1: 86.1), perceiving (1: knowing (2: 22, 100), of cognition (1: 22),
36), that recognises (1: 28.2) providing knowledge (1: 61), that can know (1:
to gnôristikon recognition (1: 22); gnôristikê 67), that has the capacity to know (1: 61), that
dunamis capacity to come to know (1: 25); recognises (1: 22)
gnôristikê ousia form of cognition (1: 22); gnôstikôs by cognition (1: 22), by way of
gnôristikos einai to have knowledge (1: 22), to knowledge (1: 17), cognitively (2: 22, 28.2), in a
know (1: 22) cognitive way (2: 56, 57), in cognition (1: 28.2);
gnôrizein to acknowledge (1: 40), to acquire hê gnôstikê discernment (1: 40), knowledge (1:
knowledge (1: 100), to ascertain (1: 40), to be 22); to gnôstikon capacity to know (2: 61, 100),
acquainted with (3: 43.3, 52, 93), to be aware of cognition (1: 22), cognitive aspect (2: 61, 67),
(2: 21, 25), to be familiar with (1: 16), to cognise cognitive character (1: 100), cognitive power (1:
(3: 36, 87, 100), to come to know (1: 77), to 100), cognitive principle (1: 100), knower (1:
discern (2: 40, 91), to discover (3: 17, 43.3, 92.1), 22), knowing element (1: 22), type of knowledge
to get to know (4: 25, 50, 56, 61), to grasp (2: 56, (1: 22); ta gnôstika things in the realm of
91), to have knowledge (1: 22), to identify (1: knowledge (1: 22); gnôstika eidê cognitive
63), to know (16: 2, 10.2, 15, 16, 19, 22, 28.1, forms (1: 100); gnôstikê dunamis capacity for
41.2, 48, 52, 61, 67, 78, 83, 85, 100), to learn (1: knowledge (1: 25); gnôstikos einai to have
83), to make known (3: 7, 21, 43.3), to perceive knowledge (1: 28.2), to know (1: 17)
(1: 36), to recognise (20: 2, 4, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 36, gnôstos apprehended (1: 92.2), apprehensible (1: 92.2),
38, 40, 41.2, 43.3, 50, 52, 55, 56, 57, 61, 69, 73, cognisable (1: 19), knowable (12: 2, 10.2, 16, 22,
93), to take cognizance (1: 99), to understand 28.1, 29.1, 52, 78, 84, 85, 93, 100), known (8:
(3: 2, 78, 79) 10.2, 15, 16, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 77), recognisable
gnôrizesthai to become acquainted (1: 28.1), to (1: 25)
become known (1: 38); gnôrizôn familiar (1: gnôstôs by a cognitive act (1: 28.1); to gnôston
16) knowable thing (1: 100), known object (2: 28.1,
gnôsis ability to know (1: 61), apprehending (1: 91), 100), object known (2: 28.1, 100), object of
apprehension (2: 91, 92.2), awareness (2: 7, 22), cognition (5: 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 56, 100), object
capacity to know (1: 61), cognisance (1: 22), of knowledge (7: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 58, 61, 68, 100),
cognition (17: 1, 5, 19, 22, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, object of thought (1: 22), something known (1:


100), that which it knows (1: 28.1), the (1: 86.1), writing (2: 27, 28.2); hê grammatikê
knowable (1: 23), the thing known (1: 100), tekhnê art of grammar (1: 23), grammatical art
thing known (2: 56, 100), what is known (1: 35.2); ta grammatika grammar (1: 15)
(1: 100) grammatistês clerk (1: 17)
goês mountebank (1: 34/35.1), sorcerer (2: 35.2, 37) grammê line (60: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13,
goês anthrôpos religious charlatan (1: 52) 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 34/35.1,
goêteuein to bewitch (1: 34/35.1), to conjure up 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54,
(1: 97.1) 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 67, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79,
goêteuma enchantment (1: 37), spell (1: 37) 80, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99)
gomphos bolt (1: 23), dowel (1: 35.2), nail (1: 27) kata grammên along a line (1: 10.2), line to line (1:
gonê generation (1: 86.1), seed (2: 25, 61), semen (1: 10.2); hê apo tou kuklou grammê radius of the
24), seminal fluid (1: 63), sex (1: 61) circle (1: 42)
goneus parent (3: 52, 65, 86.1) grammikos geometrical (3: 61, 67, 89), graphic (1: 44),
gônia angle (33: 2, 10.2, 15, 16, 17, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, linear (3: 1, 78, 83), of lines (1: 54)
35.2, 38, 41.2, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, grammikôs in a geometrical way (1: 17); hoi
67, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 84, 86.1, 88, 93, 94, 95) grammikoi geometers (1: 89)
ambleia gônia obtuse angle (1: 57); orthê gônia graphê drawing (2: 91, 95), manuscript (1: 14), painting
right angle (1: 35.2) (3: 15, 52, 95), passage (2: 14, 27), picture (4: 3,
gôniakos with angles (1: 41.2) 15, 34/35.1, 95), reading (14: 3, 14, 16, 18.2, 27,
gonimos capable of generating (1: 100), fruitful (1: 34/35.1, 41.1, 42, 44, 51, 56, 57, 94, 99), text (13:
86.1), generative (2: 70, 83), productive (3: 26, 14, 19, 20, 27, 38, 42, 44, 54, 55, 73, 79, 87, 98),
48, 97.2), reproductive (1: 17) version (1: 27), what is written (1: 84)
to gonimon what is reproductive (1: 63); gonimê hê graphê ekhousa houtôs written as follows (1: 44)
dunamis power to generate (1: 56) graphein to compose (1: 86.2), to describe (3: 55, 67,
gôniousthai to have angles (1: 54) 73), to document (1: 68), to draw (12: 3, 7, 20,
gegôniômenos angled (1: 76), angular (3: 56, 76, 27, 40, 44, 50, 54, 56, 59, 79, 83), to engrave (1:
92.1), having an angle (1: 92.1), having angles 40), to paint (4: 2, 25, 44, 95), to read (2: 27,
(2: 79, 83), with angles (2: 76, 83) 28.2), to trace out (1: 59), to write (40: 3, 10.2,
gorgeuesthai to hurry (1: 7) 14, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 35.2, 38,
gorgôs abruptly (1: 27) 40, 44, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67,
gorgotês vehemence (1: 35.2) 68, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 95, 99), to
gramma letter (10: 2, 10.2, 15, 23, 25, 35.2, 38, 72, 80, write down (1: 52)
88), something written (1: 84), word (1: 85), graphesthai to be written (1: 16); gegraphôs
written character (1: 41.2), written letter (1: written (1: 23); to graphomenon what is
34/35.1), (written) work (1: 16) written (1: 23); to gegrammenon (manuscript)
grammata letters (1: 68), letters (of the alphabet) reading (1: 18.2), picture (1: 2), reading (2: 27,
(1: 89), scriptures (1: 59), writing (1: 52); ta 99), text (1: 25), what is in the text (1: 27);
grammata reading and writing (1: 55) ameinon gegraphthai to be a better text (1:
grammateion tablet (1: 25), writing surface (1: 80), 10.2); en tôi graphesthai in the writing (1: 23);
writing tablet (1: 91) graphetai en tisin some manuscripts read (1:
grammateion agraphon writing tablet on which 10.2); kata diaphthoran gegrammenos corrupt
nothing is written (1: 34/35.1) (1: 75)
grammateus secretary (1: 23) grapheion paintbrush (1: 34/35.1), pencil (2: 19, 35.2),
grammatikos educated (1: 48), grammatical (4: 40, 51, stylus (1: 23)
58, 93), learned (1: 85), literate (9: 12, 40, 48, 60, grapheus artist (1: 95), copyist (1: 48), painter (4: 2,
63, 64, 65, 79, 83), of grammar (1: 58), 34/35.1, 38, 91), scribe (1: 68)
philological (1: 7), who is literate (1: 56) graphikos scribal (1: 44)
ho grammatikos expert in grammar (1: 89), hê graphikê art of painting (1: 25), painting (1: 2);
grammarian (12: 7, 13, 19, 20, 23, 35.2, 40, 42, graphikon ptaisma scribal error (1: 55)
58, 72, 83, 93), one who knows how to write (1: gru: oude gru not a whit (1: 23)
56), scholar (1: 48), teacher (1: 65), writer (1: grupos aquiline (2: 57, 73)
48), writing teacher (1: 17); hê grammatikê grupotês aquilinity (1: 73)
ability to read (1: 79), education (1: 48), guion limb (1: 78)
grammar (9: 7, 13, 16, 35.2, 40, 51, 58, 64, 76), gumnasia exercise (7: 4, 16, 35.2, 54, 55, 74, 84),
grammatical knowledge (1: 13), knowledge of practice (1: 89), training (3: 22, 25, 40)
letters (1: 85), knowledge of writing (2: 28.2, gumnasiarkhos training-master (1: 45/46)
56), learning (1: 85), literacy (3: 12, 40, 48), skill gumnasion athletic exercise (1: 15), exercise (1: 56),
in grammar (1: 25), the ability to read and write gymnasium (1: 51), training-ground (1: 45/46)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

gumnastikos gymnastic (1: 55), with exercises (1: 85) gumnazesthai to exercise (1: 55), to try (1: 63);
gumnastikôs as an exercise (1: 99); hê gumnastikê gegumnasthai to be well trained (1: 40);
art of gymnastics (1: 15), gymnastic (1: 40), gegumnasmenos versed (1: 40); gumnazein
gymnastic art (1: 4), training (1: 40); gumnastikos epi to focus on (1: 94); gumnazein logon to
logos argumentative exercise (1: 74) elaborate an argument (1: 94), to formulate an
gumnazein to contend (1: 27), to deal with (1: 60), to argument (1: 87)
discuss (1: 88), to do exercises (1: 83), to gumnos deprived (1: 61), devoid (1: 20), naked (2: 6.1,
exercise (5: 3, 29.1, 60, 74, 94), to exhibit (1: 61), 27), uncovered (1: 84), without provision (1:
to explain (1: 60), to explore (2: 63, 76), to 86.2)
expound (2: 60, 95), to formulate (1: 87), to gumnoun to remove clothing (1: 78)
make limber (1: 34/35.1), to practise (1: 74), to gunaikeios feminine (1: 86.2), relating to women
put to use (1: 42), to set out (2: 34/35.1, 56), to (1: 80)
set out for (1: 35.2), to strip (1: 98), to train (5: gunaikôdês womanish (1: 43.2)
40, 42, 45/46, 57, 83), to try out (1: 34/35.1), to gunê female (1: 15), woman (5: 27, 52, 80, 86.1, 86.2)
try to see (1: 67), to work out (1: 7), to work gups vulture (3: 25, 28.2, 57)
through (1: 93) gupsos chalk (1: 28.2), gypsum (1: 57)


hagios holy (1: 85) halourgês murex dye (1: 91)

pneuma hagion Holy Spirit (1: 97.2) halourgos purple (2: 38, 52), sea-purple (1: 95)
hagiotês holiness (1: 97.2) hals salt (4: 21, 24, 38, 57), sea (1: 67)
hagisteia religion (1: 11) halsis leap (1: 28.2)
hagneia holiness (1: 37), purification (1: 37) halukos brackish (1: 38)
Hâidês Hades (1: 19) halusis chain (2: 24, 27)
haima blood (19: 7, 21, 22, 24, 25, 38, 43.2, 52, 56, 59, hama all at once (3: 58, 59, 86.1), along with (3: 58, 59,
61, 67, 68, 79, 80, 85, 86.1, 91, 99) 80), already (1: 80), as soon as (3: 58, 59, 80), as
haimatôdês blood-red (1: 95) well as (1: 80), at once (5: 14, 18.2, 58, 59, 80), at
hairein to assume (1: 69), to capture (1: 22), to choose the instant (1: 58), at the moment of (1: 80), at
(5: 27, 51, 69, 83, 86.2), to determine (1: 69), to the same time (19: 3, 11, 12, 16, 18.2, 19, 20,
do away with (1: 2), to gain (1: 22), to grasp (6: 28.1, 42, 59, 68, 73, 75, 77, 80, 83, 91, 93, 97.2), at
22, 23, 55, 73, 83, 93), to obtain (1: 73), to seize the time of (1: 80), correlatively (1: 93),
(1: 22), to select (1: 17), to take (1: 93) immediately (2: 58, 59), once (1: 59),
haireisthai to choose (11: 2, 4, 19, 38, 40, 43.1, 43.2, simultaneous (9: 7, 13, 14, 16, 19, 28.1, 39, 80,
43.3, 52, 55, 69), to get (1: 43.3), to make a 83), simultaneously (15: 3, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 36,
choice (1: 52), to prefer (1: 43.3); haireteos to 41.1, 42, 57, 58, 68, 73, 75, 80, 91), straight off (1:
be chosen (1: 16) 59), the moment (1: 59), the moment that
hairesis being chosen (1: 4), choice (10: 4, 22, 29.1, 40, (something happens) (1: 58), together (15: 12,
45/46, 52, 55, 58, 69, 86.2), choosing (1: 91), 19, 21, 27, 58, 59, 68, 73, 75, 77, 80, 83, 87, 93,
interpretation (1: 48), philosophical system (1: 94), together with (3: 58, 59, 97.2), while (1: 73),
39), school (3: 51, 58, 68), school of thought (1: with (1: 58)
13), sect (1: 12), selection (1: 17), special hama (+ dat.) at the moment of (1: 86.1); hama
condition (1: 75), teaching (1: 48) einai to be together (1: 27), to coincide (1:
haireseis principles (1: 4) 18.2); hama holos all at once together (1: 42); ta
hairetos bearing on choice (1: 40), by election (1: 43.2), hama things that exist together (1: 97.2),
choiceworthy (11: 25, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 55, 64, simultaneity (2: 27, 51), to be together (1: 27);
65, 67, 69, 86.2), chooseable (1: 69), chosen (3: 2, di’ holon whole (1: 86.1); di’ holou hama all at
22, 55), deserving to be chosen (1: 4), desirable once (1: 86.1)
(2: 4, 22), elective (1: 43.3), eligible (1: 40), hamartanein to act wrongly (1: 4), to be at fault (3: 48,
preferable (2: 23, 100), preferred (1: 93), that 60, 69), to be faulty (2: 40, 85), to be in error (1:
one should choose (1: 40), to be chosen (4: 2, 4, 16), to be mistaken (3: 2, 38, 40), to be wrong (1:
40, 52), valuable (1: 4), valued (1: 4), worthy of 4), to commit a wrong (1: 97.1), to commit an
choice (2: 78, 91), worthy to be chosen (1: 4) error (1: 93), to do a wrong action (1: 4), to do
hairetôteros preferable (2: 4, 29.1); to haireton wrong (3: 4, 17, 72), to do wrongly (2: 4, 69), to
choice (1: 100), matter of choice (2: 4, 78), err (8: 25, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 61, 69), to
object of choice (2: 16, 40), preference (1: 100), fail (3: 2, 17, 89), to fail to hit (1: 52), to go
value (1: 4), worthiness to be chosen (1: 4) wrong (5: 17, 52, 69, 83, 93), to make a mistake
halieus fisherman (1: 98) (1: 48), to sin (2: 72, 97.1)
halis enough (1: 83) hamartanesthai to be made (error) (1: 16);
haliskesthai to be attached to (1: 25), to be caught (1: hêmartêsthai to be mistaken (1: 78);
83) hêmartêmenos distorted (1: 17), erroneous (1:
hallesthai to bounce (1: 28.2), to spring off (1: 57) 43.2), mistaken (1: 43.3); hêmartêmenôs
halma jump (1: 95), leap (1: 11) erroneously (1: 25); to hamartanomenon
halmê brine (1: 57) misdeed (1: 21)
halmuros brine (1: 97.2), salt (1: 21), salty (5: 21, 38, 57, hamartas minor wrong (1: 45/46)
68, 91) hamartêma error (4: 25, 45/46, 52, 93), fault (2: 69, 93),
to halmuron briny water (1: 97.2) going wrong (1: 4), mistake (3: 48, 65, 78), sin
halmurotês saltiness (2: 21, 56) (2: 72, 97.1), wrong action (1: 4), wrongdoing
halôs halo (1: 95) (1: 4)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

hamartêtikos at fault (1: 69), in error (1: 69) 60), in an unrestricted sense (1: 25), in any way
hamartia defect (1: 57), error (3: 2, 43.3, 69), fault (2: at all (1: 59), in general (12: 18.2, 28.2, 34/35.1,
17, 45/46), mistake (2: 17, 34/35.1), sin (1: 97.1), 52, 54, 58, 59, 61, 67, 68, 93, 94), in itself (1:
wrong action (1: 48) 30/31), in short (1: 68), in the general sense (1:
hamartôlos erring (1: 45/46) 93), in the strict sense (3: 41.1, 58, 93), in the
hamaxa cart (1: 91), wagon (2: 52, 59) unqualified sense (2: 2, 15), in unqualified terms
hamillasthai to have commerce with (1: 56) (1: 89), independently (1: 18.2), just (5: 54, 67,
hamôsgepôs in some way or other (1: 34/35.1) 76, 80, 94), just in a single way (1: 56), merely (2:
hapalosarkos soft-fleshed (1: 34/35.1) 22, 28.2), on its own (1: 22), once and for all (1:
hapas absolutely all (1: 19), absolutely every (1: 19), all 76), only (2: 58, 67), plain and simple (1: 80),
(3: 12, 21, 60), every (1: 60), everything (2: 12, precisely (1: 80), purely (1: 76), quite generally
60) (1: 76), really (1: 68), simple (4: 27, 61, 67, 76),
hapax absolutely (1: 57), at one time (1: 38), in one simpliciter (10: 20, 33, 41.1, 60, 63, 66, 68, 76, 93,
dimension (1: 41.2), initially (1: 57), just once 94), simply (50: 3, 10.2, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20,
(1: 16), just this once (1: 86.1), once (2: 16, 28.1) 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 35.2, 40, 42, 43.2, 44, 52,
hapaxapas all together (1: 3) 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72,
hapaxaplôs in general (1: 95) 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 89, 92.1, 93, 94,
haphê act of touching (1: 4), contact (21: 3, 10.2, 15, 19, 97.2, 98, 99), simply as such (1: 91), speaking
20, 21, 32, 44, 51, 52, 54, 57, 66, 75, 78, 79, 84, 88, generally (1: 87), straightforwardly (4: 17, 28.1,
89, 91, 99), point of contact (1: 40), point of 76, 87), strictly speaking (1: 93), to speak
touch (1: 40), sense of touch (3: 16, 38, 39), without qualification (1: 17), totally (1: 28.2),
touch (32: 4, 14, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28.1, tout court (7: 17, 28.1, 63, 76, 80, 94, 99),
28.2, 33, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 40, 44, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, unconditionally (1: 68), universally (1: 76),
59, 61, 67, 68, 78, 79, 88, 91, 98, 100), touching unqualified (8: 4, 18.2, 22, 28.2, 44, 61, 67, 93),
(4: 19, 27, 39, 86.1) unqualifiedly (4: 13, 42, 50, 94), whatsoever (1:
kata haphên by contact (1: 51); apoluomenês tês 93), without any further qualification (1: 94),
haphês by dissolution of the contact (1: 10.2) without any qualification (1: 89), without
haploïkos simple (2: 19, 26) distinction (1: 87), without explanation (1: 10.2),
haploïkôs simply (1: 28.2) without further qualification (5: 61, 67, 89, 94,
haplotês simple state (1: 22), simplicity (12: 5, 11, 22, 99), without further specification (1: 56),
23, 41.1, 45/46, 58, 72, 80, 83, 97.2, 100) without qualification (33: 2, 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 21, 22,
haploun to unfold (2: 58, 78) 24, 25, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 38, 40, 42, 50, 52, 54, 55,
haplous absolute (3: 17, 63, 79), basic (2: 25, 80), direct 57, 59, 64, 65, 67, 73, 75, 78, 83, 85, 87, 89, 92.2,
(1: 59), generally (1: 61), just one (1: 56), on its 93), without the qualifications (1: 63);
own (1: 12), plain (1: 59), pure (1: 59), pure haplousteros more simple-minded (1: 68),
(water) (1: 57); simple (71: 1, 2, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, simpler (1: 10.2); to haploun simple body (1:
12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 57), the simple (1: 15); apokrinesthai haplôs to
28.2, 29.1, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.1, give a simple reply (1: 16); erôtan haplôs to ask
41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, a simple question (1: 16); erôtasthai haplôs to
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 75, 76, be asked a simple question (1: 16); hapla sômata
77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, simple bodies (2: 12, 56), uncompounded bodies
97.2, 98, 99, 100), simpliciter (1: 32), simplistic (1: 25); kinêsis haplê simple motion (1: 57);
(1: 50), single (1: 7), straightforward (1: 61), haplê phônê simple spoken sound (1: 35.2);
uncombined (2: 25, 59), uncompounded (2: 25, haploi horoi primary definitions (1: 25); haplôs
89), unidirectional (1: 50), uniform (1: 61), eipein generally speaking (1: 60), in short (1:
unqualified (5:11, 25, 65, 76, 89) 80); haplôs legein to use in a single sense (1:
haplôs absolute (2: 28.2, 93), absolutely (28: 13, 15, 25), to use in an unqualified sense (1: 25);
17, 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31, 35.2, 40, haplôs legesthai to be used in a single sense (1:
41.1, 54, 60, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 74, 76, 78, 79, 83, 25), to be used in an unqualified sense (1: 25); ta
85, 92.2, 98), as such (5: 22, 28.2, 58, 76, 93), at all hapla tôn sômatôn simple bodies (1: 89); to
(3: 54, 73, 93), completely (1: 54), directly (1: 76), haplôs legomenon the simple expression (1: 16)
entirely (1: 22), general (1: 60), generally (4: 56, hapsimakhos eager for battle (1: 52)
58, 60, 76), generally speaking (2: 61, 67), in a hapsis contact (1: 39), touching (1: 38), vault (of
general way (1: 60), in a simple manner (1: 68), heaven) (1: 3)
in a simple way (1: 54), in a singular way (1: 94), haptein to contact (1: 95), to kindle (2: 88, 95), to light
in a word (5: 52, 56, 57, 58, 59), in an absolute (1: 52)
sense (1: 13), in an unqualified sense (6: 4, 17, haptesthai to address (a study) (1: 20), to affect (1:
22, 25, 41.2, 54), in an unqualified way (2: 55, 4), to apprehend (1: 2), to attempt (1: 2), to be


connected to (1: 83), to be contiguous (1: 2), to orderly arrangement (1: 15), scale (1: 17),
be in contact (15: 10.2, 15, 20, 21, 25, 28.1, 42, tuning (2: 59, 76)
50, 52, 57, 58, 59, 75, 78, 99), to be in contact kath’ harmonian harmoniously (1: 91)
with (3: 56, 94, 99), to be touched (1: 14), to harmoniê proportion (1: 85)
come into contact (1: 21), to concern (1: 39), to harmonikos consonant (1: 67), harmonic (3: 10.2, 59,
connect (1: 22), to deal with (1: 25), to engage in 74), harmonious (1: 54)
(1: 2), to grasp (2: 2, 51), to have contact (1: 89), ho harmonikos harmonicist (1: 17), musical
to kindle (1: 20), to make contact (1: 89), to theorist (1: 38); hê harmonikê harmonics (4:
make use of (1: 55), to meet (1: 93), to partake 10.2, 17, 61, 93), harmony (1: 26), musical
of (1: 37), to perceive by touch (1: 36), to inquiry (1: 38); harmonikoi arithmoi
perceive by touching (1: 34/35.1), to study (1: harmonic series of numbers (1: 22)
44), to touch (41: 1, 3, 6.1, 10.2, 11, 14, 15, 16, harmonios : harmoniôs harmoniously (1: 67)
18.2, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 36, 37, harmottein / harmozein to accord (1: 18.2), to accord
38, 39, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, with (1: 99), to apply (12: 15, 17, 20, 22, 32, 41.2,
79, 83, 85, 86.1, 91, 94, 95, 98, 99), to touch on 42, 44, 58, 73, 93, 94), to apply to (11: 9, 16,
(2: 2, 89); haptomenos adjacent (1: 11), being 30/31, 42, 48, 50, 55, 59, 67, 80, 99), to attune (1:
touched (1: 14), contiguous (1: 20), in contact 25), to be adapted to (2: 15, 68), to be applicable
(1: 20), through contact (1: 99), touching (3: 11, (2: 2, 20), to be apposite (1: 18.2), to be
14, 27); to haptesthai touching (1: 27); kata appropriate (3: 59, 67, 98), to be fitting (3: 16,
sunekheian haptesthai to be in direct contact 43.2, 92.1), to be in harmony (1: 91), to be
(1: 88) pertinent (1: 59), to be proper (1: 67), to be
haptikos able to touch (3: 36, 38, 91), concerned with suitable (2: 65, 78), to be suited (1: 44), to be
touch (1: 67), having a capacity for touch (1: suited to (1: 58), to fit (23: 3, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 22,
25), having the sense of touch (1: 57), of touch 23, 27, 30/31, 35.2, 38, 41.2, 54, 60, 61, 64, 67, 78,
(5: 21, 28.1, 28.2, 57, 100), related to touch (1: 79, 80, 85, 89, 94), to fit together (7: 42, 67, 68,
28.1), tactile (3: 22, 28.2, 91), that touches (2: 56, 80, 83, 85, 97.1), to fit with (1: 51), to harmonise
57), to do with touch (1: 36), working by touch (5: 17, 22, 38, 55, 83), to join together (2: 38, 80),
(1: 36) to make suitable (1: 67), to mix (1: 67), to put
haptikôs by touching (1: 28.1); hê haptikê touch (1: together (2: 6.2, 59), to suit (3: 18.2, 27, 67), to
22); to haptikon capacity for touch (2: 25, 100), suit one’s need (1: 68), to tune (4: 52, 57, 59, 83),
faculty of touch (1: 36), power of touch (1: 100), to verify (1: 30/31)
that which touches (1: 56); to haptikon organ harmozesthai to be harmonious (1: 86.1), to be
of touch (1: 28.2), sense of touch (1: 28.2); harmoniously fitted (1: 86.1), to be joined
dunamis haptikê capacity for touch (1: 25); together (1: 86.1), to be tuned (1: 86.1), to be
haptikê aisthêsis capacity of touch (1: 100), well-fitted (1: 86.1), to fit together (1: 10.2);
sense of touch (3: 56, 57, 91); haptikon hêrmosmenos arranged (1: 15), harmonious (1:
aisthêtêrion sense-organ of touch (1: 57) 2), tuned (1: 15)
haptos graspable (1: 14), of touch (1: 28.2), tangible harpagê abduction (1: 10.2), rapacity (1: 97.1), robbery
(24: 11, 12, 14, 18.2, 19, 21, 24, 28.2, 36, 38, 42, (1: 97.1), seizing (1: 86.1)
50, 52, 54, 60, 66, 67, 78, 79, 83, 91, 97.1, 97.2, harpagion snatcher (1: 98)
98), that can be touched (2: 21, 52), touchable harpaktikos : to harpaktikon snatching (1: 56)
(3: 14, 28.1, 85), touched (1: 56) harpax syphon (1: 18.2)
to hapton object of touch (7: 22, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, harpazein to take up (1: 18.2)
36, 56, 57), subject of touch (1: 56), tangible heautou : auta kath’ hauta all by themselves (1: 17),
object (1: 28.2), touch-object (1: 57) standing on their own (1: 17)
harma chariot (2: 59, 80), wagon (1: 68) autê kath’ hautên in its own right (1: 4); auto kath’
harmodios fitting (1: 35.2), harmonious (1: 55) hauto all by itself (4: 17, 42, 73, 76), alone (1:
harmodiôs fittingly (1: 35.2) 80), in and by itself (1: 67), in and of itself (1:
harmonia appropriateness (1: 35.2), attunement (4: 17), in itself (2: 61, 80), itself (1: 80), itself by
34/35.1, 52, 56, 57), balance (1: 17), chord (1: itself (1: 93), itself in itself (1: 76), just itself on
63), concordance (1: 2), concordant interval (1: its own (1: 91), on its own (1: 80); di’ hauto on
2), connectedness (1: 67), connection (1: 67), its own account (1: 4); di’ heautou through
consonance (2: 48, 67), fitting together (2: 22, itself (1: 28.1); en heautôi in itself (1: 18.2); eph’
68), harmonious arrangement (1: 67), harmony heautês in its own power (1: 28.1), of its own
(18: 2, 22, 40, 42, 43.2, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 68, accord (1: 28.1); eph’ heautôi in its own power
76, 83, 86.1, 91, 97.1, 97.2), interval (1: 17), (1: 28.1), in itself (1: 85), itself by itself (1: 85);
joining together (1: 21), melody (1: 11), mode eph’ heautou itself by itself (1: 85); heautou on
(1: 76), musical scale (2: 2, 15), order (1: 97.2), self-contained (1: 22), self-possessing (1: 22);

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

kath’ hauta in their own right (2: 85, 94), in hedrastikos that establishes (1: 42)
themselves (1: 79), per se (1: 90); kath’ hauto to hedrastikon einai to be a support (1: 22)
after its own manner (1: 39), as such (4: 14, 27, hedrazein to cause to rest (1: 79), to establish (1: 100),
28.2, 69), by himself (1: 67), by itself (13: 10.2, to seat (1: 79), to set (1: 79)
12, 16, 19, 21, 28.1, 52, 59, 61, 67, 76, 77, 99), by hedrazesthai to be based (2: 28.2, 84)
oneself (1: 39), essential (7: 10.2, 14, 24, 28.2, 61, hêdunein to please (1: 34/35.1)
67, 74), essentially (7: 2, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 16, 61, hêdus agreeable (1: 51), causing pleasure (1: 4),
74), in its nature (1: 18.2), in its own right (17: pleasant (18: 4, 19, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38,
3, 4, 9, 10.2, 16, 19, 21, 38, 42, 52, 58, 59, 67, 69, 43.1, 52, 55, 56, 57, 61, 64, 69, 86.1, 91), pleased
77, 91, 94), in itself (23: 4, 6.1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, (1: 43.2), pleasing (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69),
21, 28.1, 38, 52, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69, 75, 76, 78, 79, pleasurable (3: 43.1, 69, 100), sweet (1: 51)
80, 85, 93), in respect of itself (1: 94), in virtue hêdeôs with pleasure (2: 4, 84); to hêdu
of itsef (3: 15, 41.1, 67), independent (2: 41.1, pleasantness (1: 28.2), pleasure (1: 2); ta hêdea
58), independently (2: 2, 18.2), intrinsically (1: pleasures (1: 22)
91), itself (2: 74, 80), of its own (1: 61), of itself hêdusma seasoning (3: 24, 25, 38), thing to make
(4: 28.1, 56, 57, 58), on its own (9: 12, 18.2, 38, pleasant (1: 56)
61, 67, 80, 91, 92.2, 99), per se (23: 2, 10.1, 11, 17, hêdutês pleasantness (1: 34/35.1)
21, 30/31, 32, 39, 41.2, 42, 48, 50, 51, 73, 75, 76, hêgeisthai to be the antecedent (2: 30/31, 64), to
77, 78, 79, 90, 92.2, 93, 99), self-existent (1: 44), believe (12: 10.2, 25, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 54,
self-subsistent (2: 44, 69), self-sufficient (1: 27), 55, 68, 83, 93), to consider (7: 10.2, 17, 42, 45/46,
separate (1: 59), separately (1: 52), through itself 51, 83, 85), to find (1: 86.1), to go ahead of (1:
(1: 87), with respect to itself (1: 11); kath’ hauto 52), to govern (1: 42), to hold (1: 86.1), to judge
huparkhon essential property (1: 74); kath’ (1: 83), to lead (4: 16, 19, 52, 59), to precede (1:
hauto idia proper attribute (1: 61); kath’ hauto 20), to regard (1: 86.1), to rule (1: 68), to
pathos essential attribute (1: 74); kath’ hauto suppose (2: 19, 86.2), to take (1: 45/46), to take
sumbebêkos essential accident (1: 74); ta kath’ to be (1: 40), to think (12: 4, 10.2, 14, 16, 18.2,
hauto essential attributes (1: 22); to eph’ 21, 22, 25, 44, 45/46, 64, 65)
heautou on which is in its own power (1: 22); hêgoumenos antecedent (3: 23, 63, 85), primary (1:
to kath’ hautên einai self-subsistence (1: 44); to 65); hêgoumenôs primarily (1: 80); to
kath’ hauto per se property (1: 63), essential hêgoumenon antecedent (27: 3, 14, 16, 18.2, 20,
attribute (1: 28.2), something in its own right 25, 30/31, 41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 50, 54, 55, 61, 64,
(1: 91) 65, 70, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 89, 92.2, 93, 94),
hêban to reach puberty (1: 56) premise (3: 59, 66, 67), protasis (1: 44), that
hêbôn adolescent (1: 86.1) which leads (1: 35.2); epi ta hêgoumena toward
hebdomos : hebdomê seventh day (of month) (1: 75) the west (1: 83); hêgoumena eidê leading forms
hêbê pubes (1: 86.1) (1: 100)
hêdein to delight (1: 23), to give pleasure (1: 4), to hêgemôn : hêgemon morion hegemonic part (1: 55)
please (4: 19, 34/35.1, 43.3, 57) ho hêgemôn guide (1: 22)
hêdesthai to be pleased (9: 4, 12, 19, 28.2, 43.1, 43.2, hêgemonein to lead (1: 67)
43.3, 52, 69), to cause pleasure (1: 86.2), to enjoy hêgemonikos controlling (1: 22), directive (1: 74),
(4: 4, 43.2, 43.3, 100), to enjoy pleasure (1: 52), dominant (1: 70), governing (2: 22, 91),
to experience pleasure (5: 4, 25, 34/35.1, 56, important (1: 22), leading (1: 52), ruling (2: 60,
100), to feel pleasure (5: 28.2, 69, 91, 93, 100), to 70), that leads (1: 52)
take pleasure (3: 43.1, 45/46, 69), to take hêgemonikôtatos most suited to lead (1: 10.2); to
pleasure in (1: 4) hêgemonikon authority (1: 22), commanding
hêdonê liking (1: 28.2), pleasure (34: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 19, faculty (1: 38), control centre (1: 86.1), ruling
22, 23, 25, 26, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 43.1, 43.2, part (1: 34/35.1), ruling part of the soul (1: 67),
43.3, 45/46, 51, 52, 56, 57, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, ruling principle (2: 28.2, 52), the governing part
77, 86.1, 93, 97.1, 97.2, 100), state of pleasure (1: (1: 91)
57), taste (1: 85) hêi because (1: 73), by virtue of which (1: 69), in point
hêdonikos pleasure-loving (1: 69) of which (1: 69), in that (2: 17, 73), in the way in
hedra abode (2: 1, 83), base (1: 79), face (of a regular which (1: 16), insofar as (1: 69), qua (3: 17, 18.2,
solid) (1: 68), location (1: 39), place (3: 18.2, 42, 73), the way in which (1: 73), with which (1: 73)
79), position (1: 17), seat (3: 18.2, 83, 92.2), hêi auto qua itself (1: 73); hêi hekaston as itself (1:
support (1: 80) 73)
eph’ hedrâi in its seat (1: 68) heirmos chain (1: 52), concatenation (1: 86.2),
hedraios steady (1: 68) continuing sequence (1: 32), sequence (3: 12, 48,
hedraiotês stability (1: 97.2) 60), train (1: 48), train of thought (1: 42)


heirmos phuseôs law of nature (1: 27) 32), singular (1: 23), the particular instance (1:
heis one (17: 2, 7, 10.2, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 23, 28.1, 35.2, 2), with each (1: 17); kath’ hekasta tekhnitês
51, 56, 74, 92.1, 93, 94), single (4: 2, 19, 21, 93), subject-specific expert (1: 61)
sole (1: 2), unitary (1: 93), unity (2: 11, 93) hekateros both (2: 10.2, 16), either (1: 23), in both cases
hen the One (1: 1); to hen one (4: 10.2, 15, 16, 27), (1: 85), in either way (1: 85)
singularity (1: 23), the number one (1: 2), the eis hekatera on both sides (1: 10.2); eis hekateron
one (11: 2, 11, 16, 44, 47, 53, 58, 67, 70, 74, 92.1), on either side of an issue (1: 16); eph’ hekatera
the unit (1: 20), unit (1: 44), unity (9: 10.2, 10.2, on both sides (1: 23)
19, 27, 38, 58, 63, 70, 74); aph’ henos by hekaterôthi on either side (1: 84)
derivation from one thing (2: 16, 74), by hekatonebdomêkontaplasios 170 times as big as (1:
reference to one thing (1: 74), derived from a 34/35.1)
single thing (1: 19), from one origin (1: 56); aph’ hekatontakis one hundred times (1: 76)
henos kai pros hen from one thing and in hekatontapêkhuaios one hundred cubit (1: 76)
relation to one thing (1: 35.2); aph’ henos kai hekatontapêkhus a hundred cubits (1: 76), of one
pros ti deriving from one thing and relevant to hundred cubits (1: 84)
one thing (1: 51); eph’ hen diastaton in one hekatontaplasiôn a hundredfold (1: 20)
dimension (2: 73, 93), one-dimensional (1: 90); hekatontaplasios a hundred times (1: 19)
eph’ hen diestôs having one dimension (1: 40); hekatostos hundredth (1: 19)
huph’ hen as a single expression (1: 73); kath’ hêkein to come (4: 16, 28.1, 75, 86.1), to come to the aid
hen according to one thing (1: 16); pros hen (in of (1: 18.2), to have arrived (1: 86.2), to reach (3:
descriptions of ratios) to one (as in two to one) 22, 55, 93)
(1: 19), by derivation from one thing (1: 74), by hêkein eis to arrive at (1: 52); ho logos hêkei the
reference to one thing (2: 16, 74), in relation to argument applies (1: 60)
one thing (1: 56), relative to a single source (1: hêkistos least (1: 83)
13), relative to a single thing (1: 19); pros hen hêkista least (2: 78, 79); ouk hêkista especially (1:
legesthai to be said in relation to one thing (1: 86.1), last but not least (1: 86.1)
4); ta pros hen pheromena names related to hekôn of one’s own free will (1: 57), voluntarily (3: 4,
one thing (1: 51); arithmôi hen numerically 52, 86.1), voluntary (4: 4, 15, 55, 69), willing (2:
one (1: 76), one in number (1: 10.2); eidei hen 61, 69), willingly (1: 97.1)
one in form (3: 10.2, 25, 63), one in respect of hekousios intentional (1: 22), voluntary (8: 4, 16, 23,
species (1: 63), one in species (1: 63), specifically 43.2, 43.3, 55, 69, 97.2)
one (1: 63); genei hen generically one (1: 63), hekousiôs freely (1: 22), in a voluntary way (1: 100),
one in genus (1: 63), one in kind (1: 63); heis intentionally (1: 22), voluntarily (3: 4, 25, 100);
arithmôi one in number (1: 17); heis logôi one to hekousion freedom (1: 22)
in definition (1: 17); hen arithmôi one in hektêmorios sixth (1: 57)
number (1: 25); hen hekaston each one (1: 85); hektikos consumptive (1: 7), having to do with a state
hen kai pleona one and many (1: 85); hen kai (1: 48), hectic (1: 56), in a habitual state (1: 39)
polla one and many (1: 85); hen kat’ arithmon hektos capable of having a state (1: 13), haveable (2: 39,
numerically one (1: 10.2); hen kata to eidos one 48)
in form (1: 63), one in respect of species (1: 63), ho hektos possessor (1: 7)
one in species (1: 63), specifically one (1: 63); hêliakos of the sun (10: 28.1, 28.2, 35.2, 56, 57, 83, 88,
hen kata ton arithmon numerically one (1: 16); 93, 95, 98), proper to the sun (1: 70), solar (7:
hen ti a kind of one (1: 16); hen ti epi pollôn 42, 54, 55, 57, 72, 73, 83), sun’s (3: 28.2, 58, 59)
one thing over many things (1: 10.2); hen tôi hêliakon phôs sunlight (2: 28.2, 29.1)
arithmôi one in number (2: 16, 25); hoper hen hêlikia age (5: 4, 52, 61, 80, 86.1), life (1: 79), maturity
one as such (1: 63); hoper hen ti precisely a one (1: 80), stage of life (1: 19), time of life (1: 4)
(1: 74); to hen epi pollôn the one-over-many akmê hêlikias prime age (1: 95); hê ton paidôn
(1: 2); to hôs ousia hen one as a substance (1: hêlikia childhood (1: 86.1); proelthein kata tên
16) hêlikian to reach the right age (1: 86.1)
hekastos each (6: 10.2, 13, 16, 19, 70, 94), individual (3: helikoeidês of winding form (1: 57), spiral (1: 59)
23, 29.1, 94), singular (1: 29.1) helikoeidôs in a spiral (1: 59), spirally (1: 59), with
kath’ hekaston / to kath’ hekaston each (1: 23), for a spiral movement (1: 59)
each (1: 17), in the case of each (1: 17), hêlioeidês like the sun (1: 28.1)
individual (14: 19, 21, 25, 26, 30/31, 35.2, 41.1, hêlios sun (44: 1, 2, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 18.2, 21,
51, 52, 63, 64, 70, 75, 77, 93), particular (27: 2, 4, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 35.2, 38, 42,
10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 51, 52, 58, 59, 61, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 80, 83,
39, 41.1, 42, 44, 52, 65, 68, 69, 73, 74, 78, 92.1, 85, 86.1, 91, 93, 97.2, 98, 99), sunbeams (1: 57),
92.2), particular case (1: 44), particular thing (1: the sun (6: 20, 34/35.1, 57, 60, 88, 95)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

aktines tou hêliou sun rays (1: 95); anatolê tou hêmistadion a half-stade (1: 75), half a stade (1: 19)
hêliou rising of the sun (1: 95), sunrise (1: 95); hêmisus half (8: 15, 16, 21, 25, 41.2, 52, 84, 98)
krupsis tou hêliou sunset (1: 95) to hêmisu half (4: 11, 20, 38, 85), halfway point (1:
hêliotropion heliotrope (1: 68) 38), the half (1: 2), the halfway point (1: 42)
hêliousthai to be illuminated by the sun (1: 52), to be hêmitelês half-finished (1: 80)
striken by the sun (1: 28.2), to be sunlit (1: 57) hêmitetragônon half-square (isosceles right triangle)
helix helix (3: 47, 83, 87), spiral (3: 27, 28.2, 59), tendril (1: 79)
(1: 86.1), winding (1: 57) hêmitheos demigod (1: 72)
hêlix of the same age (2: 43.1, 43.2) hêmitrigonon half-triangle (1: 78), half-triangle (right
helkein to attract (6: 2, 18.2, 21, 25, 42, 59), to drag (8: triangle with angles of 30 and 60 degrees) (1:
18.2, 25, 52, 54, 78, 79, 80, 83), to draw (7: 20, 22, 79)
24, 25, 79, 83, 86.1), to draw in (1: 38), to draw henas a one (2: 10.2, 16), henad (3: 20, 45/46, 74),
out (1: 18.2), to knit (1: 80), to pull (7: 18.2, 19, monad (1: 97.2), one (1: 97.2), the number one
34/35.1, 42, 67, 75, 91), to take up (1: 22), to tip (1: 2), unit (2: 44, 89), unity (1: 2)
the scales (1: 41.2), to twist (1: 59), to weigh (2: heneka : tinos heneka for what reason (1: 56)
79, 83) to hou heneka that for the sake of which (4: 10.2,
helkesthai to be dragged (1: 99); to helkon puller 15, 19, 42), that which is aimed at (1: 44); to hou
(1: 19) heneken for the sake of which (1: 52)
helktikos able to draw (1: 86.1), attractive (2: 18.2, 99), heniaios unified (1: 92.2), unitary (3: 42, 58, 68),
of attraction (1: 80), that attracts (1: 67) unitive (1: 34/35.1)
helktikos estin draws up (1: 59) heniaiôs in a unified way (1: 74), unitarily (1: 100)
helktos tractile (1: 24) henikos singular (3: 7, 23, 35.2), unitary (1: 35.2)
helkuein to attract (1: 42) henikôs in the singular (2: 48, 59); henikôteros
helkuesthai to be launched (1: 86.1) more one (1: 74); kataphanai henikôs to use
Hellên : paides Hellênôn Hellenes (1: 58) the singular (1: 59)
hellênikos pagan (1: 97.2) hêniokhein to drive (1: 68)
hellênismos paganism (1: 97.2) hêniokhos charioteer (1: 59)
helmins intestinal worm (1: 24) henizein to make one (1: 22), to reduce to one (1: 2), to
helos marsh (1: 95) unify (2: 22, 36)
hêlos nail (1: 35.2) henoeidês of one form (1: 39), of unified form (1: 22),
helxis attracting (1: 21), attraction (1: 18.2), drawing singular (1: 36), uniform (2: 44, 68)
upon (1: 86.1), pull (1: 42), pulling (3: 19, to henoeides uniformity (1: 68); henoeidôs as
34/35.1, 75), tractility (1: 24) being each one (1: 34/35.1), by a single act (1:
hêmera day (16: 11, 12, 16, 20, 21, 25, 27, 38, 51, 52, 54, 29.1), in a uniform manner (1: 68), in a unitary
55, 57, 60, 83, 86.1), daylight (1: 38) way (1: 100), in one form (1: 97.2), one in form
hêmerêsios day (1: 54) (1: 97.2), unitarily (1: 100)
hêmerinos : hêmerinon phôs daylight (1: 28.2) henopoiein to produce a unity (1: 2), to unify (2: 22,
hemeronuktion day-night span (1: 87), day-and-night 67), to unite (1: 34/35.1)
(1: 60) henopoiôn unifying (1: 76)
hêmeros civilised (1: 37), cultivated (1: 37), henopoios unifying (2: 2, 22)
domesticated (2: 37, 86.1), gentle (1: 38), tame henôsis being one (1: 56), unification (23: 18.2, 22, 23,
(2: 17, 37) 27, 32, 34/35.1, 36, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 51, 55, 61,
hêmeroun to tame (1: 34/35.1) 63, 66, 70, 74, 78, 79, 83, 85, 92.1), unified state
hêmigenês half-formed (1: 57), hybrid (1: 28.2) (1: 2), union (13: 22, 28.1, 33, 36, 39, 44, 56, 61,
hêmikuklion semicircle (15: 1, 20, 34/35.1, 40, 42, 47, 67, 68, 85, 92.1, 100), uniting (1: 57), unity (25:
56, 59, 64, 73, 75, 83, 88, 93, 95), semicycle (1: 98) 11, 15, 22, 23, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 41.2, 44,
hêmilitraios half-pound (1: 98) 47, 48, 55, 56, 67, 70, 72, 74, 78, 79, 83, 85, 91,
hêmiolios half again as much (1: 15), in the ratio of 100)
one and a half to one (1: 38), one and a half (1: henotês oneness (1: 16), unified state (1: 2), unity (5: 2,
61) 7, 15, 35.2, 70)
hêmiolioi half again as many (1: 16); to hêmiolion henôtikos unifying (1: 39)
the ratio three to two (1: 2); ho hêmiolios logos henoun to be unity (1: 22), to become one (1: 10.2), to
the ratio three to two (1: 2) make one (2: 24, 85), to unify (19: 10.2, 21, 22,
hêmionos donkey (1: 67), mule (5: 56, 58, 59, 75, 93) 23, 28.1, 48, 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 67, 70, 78, 83, 85,
hêmiôrion half-hour (1: 19) 87, 91, 95), to unite (11: 7, 22, 23, 28.1, 34/35.1,
hêmipodion half a foot (1: 84) 38, 41.2, 52, 55, 56, 78)
hêmisphairion hemisphere (15: 1, 20, 23, 34/35.1, 54, henousthai to be one (1: 40), to be unified (7: 15,
55, 57, 59, 61, 73, 76, 79, 80, 83, 95) 27, 42, 44, 75, 79, 89), to be united (5: 15, 19, 27,


79, 86.1), to be united with (1: 59), to become hepsêtos boiled (1: 24)
one with (1: 58), to unite (1: 68); hênômenos as heptagônon heptagon (1: 56)
a unity (1: 22), as united (1: 85), in a mode of heptas heptad (1: 70), seven (1: 70)
unity (1: 70), in union (1: 85), in unity (1: 28.1), Herakleios Heraclean (1: 19)
unified (5: 11, 47, 53, 66, 92.2), unitary (1: 26), Hêrakleia lithos Heraclean stone (magnet) (1: 19),
united (2: 11, 85); hênômenôs by way of union magnet (1: 2)
(1: 85), united (1: 85), unitedly (2: 70, 85); to hermêneia expressing oneself (1: 91), expression (4: 51,
hênômenon unity (2: 22, 28.1) 55, 57, 92.2), interpretation (5: 16, 18.2, 22, 23,
heôs dawn (2: 55, 57) 44), language (1: 28.2), style (1: 23), verbal
heôsphoros dawn (1: 57), the Morning Star (2: 57, 59) presentation (1: 58)
hêpar liver (12: 7, 22, 25, 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 61, 67, 80, hermêneuein to communicate (1: 61), to convey (1:
86.1, 91, 99) 59), to explain (10: 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 57, 84, 94, 95,
hepesthai to accompany (7: 4, 22, 52, 59, 61, 67, 86.2), 97.1, 100), to expound (1: 56), to express (2: 58,
to attend (2: 40, 58), to attend upon (2: 40, 59), 74), to express oneself (2: 10.2, 55), to interpret
to be a characteristic of (1: 73), to be a (6: 22, 23, 44, 72, 94, 100), to mean (1: 18.2)
concomitant (1: 4), to be a consequence (7: 4, hermêneuesthai to be interpreted (1: 79)
25, 52, 60, 67, 78, 79), to be a consequence of (3: hermêneuma explanation (1: 59)
42, 59, 91), to be a consequent (1: 78), to be hermêneutikos : hermêneutikê interpretation (1: 54)
associated with (1: 59), to be consequent (2: 2, Hermês Mercury (the planet) (1: 57)
21), to be consequent on (1: 16), to be hermogluphos carver (1: 83)
consequent upon (5: 19, 28.2, 59, 68, 99), to be hêrôikos heroic (1: 72)
consequential (1: 22), to be deducible (1: 85), to hêrôs hero (2: 72, 97.1)
be derivable (1: 85), to be determined by (1: 87), herpein to crawl (1: 68), to slither (1: 59)
to be entailed by (2: 25, 91), to be guided by (1: herpetos : to herpeton reptile (1: 34/35.1), serpent (2:
40), to be implied (1: 60), to be in accord with 15, 52)
(1: 59), to be next (1: 75), to come after (1: 42), herpsis crawling (1: 27), creeping (1: 99)
to come behind (1: 67), to come next (1: 91), to hesmos swarm (1: 97.2)
correspond with (1: 87), to deal with (1: 77), to hespera night (1: 95)
ensue (1: 27), to follow (51: 2, 4, 6.2, 9, 10.2, 11, hesperos Venus (the planet) (1: 68)
12, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, hêssasthai / hêttasthai to be diminished (1: 84)
30/31, 35.2, 38, 40, 42, 45/46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58, hestia hearth (2: 2, 74)
59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, hestiatôr host (1: 97.2)
86.1, 86.2, 87, 89, 91, 94, 97.1, 98, 99), to follow hêstos pleasant (1: 28.2)
(logically) (1: 25), to follow from (4: 19, 40, 59, hêsukhazein to be at rest (1: 79), to be inactive (2: 75,
68), to follow on (1: 4), to follow upon (4: 14, 86.1), to keep silent (1: 51), to lie inactive (1:
35.2, 58, 59), to go along with (1: 73), to go with 86.1), to slow down (1: 42)
(1: 98), to pursue (1: 73), to result (2: 2, 18.2), to hêsukhazesthai to quiet down (1: 19); hêsukhazein
result from (1: 99), to succeed (1: 27) apo tes energeias refraining from its activity (1:
hepomenos as a consequence (1: 25), consequent 86.1)
(3: 22, 23, 63), consequential (1: 99), following hêsukhia at rest (1: 86.1), calm (1: 91), inactivity (2:
(2: 54, 55), subsequent (1: 42), successive (1: 55); 34/35.1, 75), pause (2: 60, 97.1), quiet (1: 95)
hepomenôs as a consequence (1: 24), hêsukhian ekhein to keep silence (1: 52)
consequentially (1: 28.2), derivative (1: 28.1), hetaira courtesan (1: 43.3)
faithfully (1: 25), in a derivative way (1: 28.1), in hetairikos comradely (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69)
consequence (1: 28.1), secondly (1: 59); to hetairos associate (1: 44), companion (1: 21), comrade
hepomenon conclusion (6: 16, 44, 65, 67, 76, (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), pupil (1: 78)
99), consequence (16: 2, 3, 20, 25, 30/31, 42, 44, heterodoxos holding different opinions (1: 48)
58, 59, 63, 67, 73, 76, 80, 91, 99), consequent (23: heteroeidês heterogeneous (1: 20), heterospecific (1:
3, 14, 16, 18.2, 20, 25, 27, 30/31, 40, 42, 44, 45/46, 51), of a different kind (1: 84), of a different sort
54, 64, 65, 72, 73, 80, 83, 85, 93, 94, 99), following (1: 93)
(1: 14), sequel (1: 2), what follows (3: 18.2, 94, heterogenês different in genus (1: 38), differing in kind
99); epi ta hepomena toward the east (1: 83); (1: 60), foreign (1: 48), heterogeneous (5: 7,
ta hepomena atopa the absurd consequences 34/35.1, 51, 61, 87), of different kinds (1: 60)
that follow (1: 99); to hôi hepetai antecedent heteroios changed (1: 85), different (1: 85)
(2: 64, 65) heteroiôsis alteration (3: 39, 48, 58), becoming different
hephthos boiled (1: 24), boiling (1: 24) (1: 18.2), becoming other (2: 18.2, 44),
hepsein to boil (3: 21, 24, 38), to cook (1: 56) differentiation (1: 89)
hepsêsis boiling (3: 21, 24, 38) heteroiotês distinction (1: 48)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

heteroioun to alter (1: 36), to alter form by 28.1, 38, 40, 42, 44, 52, 54, 55, 64, 65, 73, 75, 77,
differentiation (1: 85), to make different 79, 86.1, 86.2, 89, 92.1, 93, 99), to find (36: 2, 4, 9,
(2: 28.1, 85) 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 40, 42, 44,
heterokinêtos changed by external agency (1: 22), 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 64, 65, 67, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 83,
changed by something else (2: 22, 26), 85, 86.1, 89, 92.1, 93, 94, 99), to find out (2: 28.1,
externally changed (3: 22, 44, 59), moved by 98), to invent (1: 40), to locate (1: 4), to reveal
others (1: 74), moved by something else (6: 28.1, (1: 86.1), to show (1: 27)
42, 45/46, 73, 84, 99), other-moved (1: 87) heuriskesthai to be found (2: 10.2, 16)
heteromêkês oblong (7: 2, 15, 20, 56, 57, 70, 73) hexaeidês of six ingredients (1: 60)
heterônumia heteronymy (1: 7) hexagônikos hexagonal (1: 44)
heterônumos heteronymous (1: 13), with different hexagônon figure with six angles (1: 61), hexagon (3:
names (1: 15), with more than one name (1: 16) 56, 57, 79), shape with six angles (1: 61)
to heterônumon heteronym (3: 7, 13, 51) hexas hexad (1: 70), six (1: 70)
heterophthalmos having lost an eye (1: 86.1) hexês and so on (1: 19), following (1: 42), in sequence
heterophuês of a different nature (2: 67, 68), of (1: 42), in the sequel (1: 65), next (9: 10.2, 16, 19,
different natures (1: 19) 21, 23, 64, 65, 73, 83)
heterophulos different in kind (1: 1), disparate (1: 27) to hexês the latter (1: 42), the next statement (1:
heteros other (1: 92.1) 10.2), the next step (1: 10.2), the sequel (1: 42),
kath’ heteron dependent (1: 22); to heteron what follows (1: 10.2); ta hexês and following
diversity (1: 22), per aliud (1: 99); thateros one (1: 42), in what follows (1: 42), what comes next
or the other (1: 34/35.1); thateron difference (3: (1: 19), what follows (2: 19, 73)
22, 61, 67), other (1: 22), the other (1: 92.2) hexis acquired disposition (1: 60), acquired power (1:
heterotês being other (1: 100), difference (21: 2, 7, 20, 86.1), attitude (1: 6.2), capacity (3: 58, 59, 68),
22, 23, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 40, 44, 48, 52, 59, 61, 67, 73, character (1: 15), condition (11: 14, 22, 40, 44,
76, 83, 91, 98, 100), differentiation (2: 48, 89), 45/46, 52, 58, 59, 64, 65, 99), constitution (1: 52),
distinctness (1: 57), diversity (3: 16, 18.2, 39), disposition (26: 4, 5, 9, 14, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28.1,
otherness (20: 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 22, 28.1, 34/35.1, 28.2, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 40, 41.1, 44, 52, 56, 60,
40, 41.1, 44, 51, 52, 59, 63, 70, 72, 74, 76, 85, 100), 61, 67, 91, 92.1, 99, 100), faculty (1: 59), habit (4:
variety (1: 28.1), way of differing (1: 88) 4, 15, 97.2, 100), habitual capacity (1: 10.1),
di’ heterotêtos external (1: 22); kata tên heterotêta habitual condition (3: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3), habitual
in the sense of what is other (1: 92.2) state (1: 69), habitus (1: 99), having (6: 2, 15, 27,
heterôthen external (1: 83), from outside (1: 54) 40, 48, 56), holding (1: 18.2), positive
hetoimos easy (3: 78, 83, 86.1), fit (1: 25), prepared (3: characteristic (1: 32), positive condition (1: 54),
19, 86.1, 91), prepared for (1: 19), ready (1: 21) positive state (1: 57), possessing (1: 4),
hetoimôs easily (1: 54) possession (20: 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 18.2, 20, 27, 28.2,
hêtta defeat (1: 52) 39, 40, 44, 58, 59, 72, 73, 92.2, 93, 99), power (1:
hêttashai to be beaten (1: 57), to be conquered (1: 4), to 18.2), practice (1: 59), proficiency (1: 20), state
be defeated (2: 25, 44), to be defeated by (1: (37: 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 26, 27, 28.2,
45/46) 38, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 47, 51, 52, 60, 61, 65, 68, 69,
hêttôn less (10: 16, 19, 20, 21, 54, 55, 60, 64, 65, 83), 73, 74, 75, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 89, 92.1, 94, 98), state
lesser (1: 24), to a lesser degree (1: 19), weaker of being (1: 70), state of having (1: 57), state of
(1: 60) possession (2: 28.2, 39), (Stoic) tenor (1: 86.1)
mallon kai hêtton more and less (1: 48); ouden hexei positively (1: 18.2); kata tên hexin
hêtton nonetheless (1: 60) dispositional (2: 56, 99); kath’ hexin
heurêma discovery (2: 7, 72) dispositional (1: 56), dispositionally (2: 57, 67);
heuresilogia ingenious argument (1: 52) dunamis kata tên hexin dispositional (1: 56), in
heuresis ascertaining (1: 91), discovery (28: 2, 4, 7, 9, the dispositional way (1: 56); epistêmonikê
10.2, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, hexis disposition to knowledge (1: 28.2),
42, 51, 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 67, 72, 73, 89, 93, 94), dispositional possession of knowledge (1: 22),
enquiry (1: 48), finding (4: 40, 52, 67, 99), knowledge (1: 22), state of knowledge (1: 22);
solution (1: 48) lambanein hexin to come into possession (1:
ek tês heureseôs from the way we discovered (1: 4) 58); nous kath’ hexin dispositional intellect (1:
heuretikos for finding (1: 40), inventive (2: 54, 55), 34/35.1)
such as to discover (1: 4), such as to find (1: 40), hibôrion : Neilôion hibôrion pods of the Nile (a kind
that discovers (1: 4), that finds (1: 4) of lotus) (1: 54)
to heuretikon aptitude at finding (1: 40) hidrôs exudation (1: 38), sweat (1: 21)
heuriskein to ascertain (1: 4), to contrive (1: 4), to hidruein to establish (2: 51, 70), to fix (1: 41.2), to settle
discover (29: 2, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, (1: 3), to situate (1: 39)


hidruesthai to be situated (2: 54, 55), to establish 80), to be stationary (2: 14, 22), to be (1: 86.1),
(1: 29.1), to settle (1: 84); hidrusthai to be to be set up (1: 86.1), to be still (1: 54), to be at
established (1: 42), to be located in (1: 91), to be rest (2: 12, 21), to be constant (1: 44), to be fixed
situated (2: 2, 17), to establish (1: 85), to have (1: 17), to be permanent (1: 21), to be stable (1:
one’s place (1: 12), to locate (1: 86.1), to reside 44), to be stationary (4: 18.2, 25, 27, 73), to cease
(1: 57), to settle (1: 56); hidrumenos established (1: 93), to come into existence (1: 28.1), to come
(1: 29.1), settled (1: 28.1) to a halt (5: 10.2, 14, 19, 80, 99), to come to a
hidrusis establishment (1: 51), foundation (1: 84), stand (1: 94), to come to a stop (6: 25, 27, 42, 75,
settling (1: 42), sitting (1: 48), situation (1: 39) 89, 93), to come to rest (1: 18.2), to come to stop
hienai to send out (1: 28.1), to strive (1: 79) (1: 52), to consist in (1: 28.1), to halt (3: 3, 11,
hiesthai to go (1: 98), to head toward (1: 3), to 17), to limit oneself (1: 25), to make to stand (1:
move (1: 83), to rush off (1: 16) 38), to posit (1: 86.1), to remain (2: 27, 59), to
hieratikos having to do with ritual (1: 54) remain constant (1: 44), to remain immobile (1:
hierax hawk (1: 15) 59), to remain unchanging (1: 44), to stand (7:
hiereus priest (2: 72, 86.2) 7, 11, 21, 42, 80, 85, 98), to stand still (5: 2, 27,
hieros holy (2: 11, 83), sacred (3: 83, 86.1, 86.2) 55, 83, 99), to stay (5: 20, 22, 58, 59, 85), to stop
to hieron sanctuary (1: 67), temple (1: 7) (10: 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 27, 42, 73, 94, 98), to
hierosulos temple robber (1: 65) stop still (1: 98), to take a station (1: 11);
hikanos adequate (8: 2, 19, 21, 25, 60, 78, 79, 86.1), hestanai to be stable (1: 16), to stand still (3: 3,
naturally suited (1: 92.1), satisfactory (3: 25, 43.2, 61, 67); hestêkenai to be situated (1: 28.1), to
55), sufficient (22: 2, 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 25, exist (1: 28.1), to stand still (1: 28.1);
28.1, 43.2, 54, 55, 60, 64, 65, 68, 78, 79, 83, 91, 99) histamenos set up (1: 28.1); hestêkos static (1:
hikanôs adequately (1: 25), enough (2: 6.1, 68), 11); hestôs fixed (1: 2), stable (2: 61, 67), static
properly (1: 85), so much for (1: 6.1), (2: 11, 17), stationary (4: 11, 17, 25, 42); statheis
sufficiently (4: 4, 6.1, 17, 60), well enough (1: made to intersect (1: 10.2); histasthai kata to be
6.1); hikanos (sc. einai) to suffice (1: 68) characterised (1: 28.2), to be constituted by (1:
hiketeuein to beg (1: 86.1) 28.2), to be in a state according to (1: 28.2), to
hikneisthai to arrive at (1: 85) be in a state corresponding to (1: 28.2), to
himas elastic (1: 76), leather (1: 24), strap (1: 57), consist in (1: 28.2), to display (1: 28.2), to halt at
umbilical cord (1: 56) (2: 27, 28.2), to have its status according to (1:
himasthlê whip (1: 95) 28.2), to maintain (1: 28.2), to stand still at (1:
himation cloak (11: 11, 16, 20, 23, 27, 35.2, 38, 54, 78, 28.2); histasthai pros to address (1: 50), to
79, 91), coat (1: 25), garment (5: 24, 35.2, 57, 80, confront (1: 50); hoi histamenoi huper
85), piece of cloth (1: 57) proponents of (1: 89)
hippeios equine (1: 34/35.1), horse’s (1: 22), of a horse histanein to cause to stop (1: 42)
(2: 59, 80) historein to ask (1: 99), to describe (1: 78), to examine
hippeuein to ride (1: 25) (1: 28.2), to give a report (1: 61), to give an
hippikê horsemanship (1: 7) account (3: 10.2, 22, 27), to inform (1: 20), to
hippokentauros centaur (1: 60), hippocentaur (1: 23), investigate (1: 91), to make an account (1: 48),
horse-centaur (2: 2, 15) to narrate (1: 22), to observe (2: 26, 48), to
hipponomos horse-trainer (1: 21) provide information (1: 61), to record (3: 55, 67,
hippos horse (35: 2, 4, 5, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 95), to recount (7: 10.2, 22, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83), to
25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, relate (5: 10.2, 16, 85, 93, 95), to report (13: 2,
64, 65, 67, 68, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 93), 18.2, 22, 51, 56, 61, 67, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 99), to
wooden horse (1: 34/35.1) say about (1: 22), to state (1: 85)
monozux hippos solitary steed (1: 35.2); potamios historia account (3: 2, 84, 85), body of information (1: 25),
hippos hippopotamus (1: 57) examination (1: 38), facts (1: 95), historical
hippotês horseness (1: 48) account (1: 55), historical discussion (1: 55),
hiptasthai to flutter (1: 57), to fly (4: 19, 67, 68, 86.1) historical reason (1: 72), history (2: 2, 55),
histanai to bring to a standstill (1: 38), to bring to a information (1: 20), inquiry (6: 2, 22, 38, 61, 78,
stop (1: 75), to halt (3: 11, 17, 44), to immobilize 85), investigation (2: 5, 48), record (1: 95), recorded
(1: 25), to make stand (2: 10.2, 16), to place (1: facts (1: 95), recorded observations (1: 21), records
52), to remain (2: 22, 99), to resist (1: 11), to rest (1: 95), report (1: 67), research (1: 85), study of the
(1: 22), to set (1: 44), to stand (8: 10.2, 16, 19, 51, facts (1: 88), tale (1: 10.2), version (1: 22)
54, 55, 78, 79), to stop (8: 11, 23, 42, 58, 78, 83, histos mast (1: 54)
93, 99), to terminate (1: 22) hode particular (1: 12)
histasthai to arise (1: 28.1), to assume (1: 25), to hode tis particular (1: 52); tode a this (2: 75, 91),
ally to (1: 22), to be at rest (1: 99), to be fixed (1: definite particular (1: 44), individual thing (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

51), particular (1: 12), particular thing (1: 44), holoklêria : kath’ holoklêrian complete in all its parts
substance (1: 44), this (2: 5, 44); tode mê on (1: 77)
that which is not a particular thing (1: 27); tode holoklêros complete (8: 23, 25, 38, 41.1, 45/46, 48, 64,
ti a certain thing (1: 52), a given thing (1: 89), a 79), entire (1: 95), in entirety (2: 12, 52), in its
particular (2: 7, 11), a particular thing (1: 92.2), entirety (1: 38), in totality (1: 75), perfect (4: 19,
a specific thing (1: 91), a ‘this here’ (1: 94), 54, 55, 85), total (2: 15, 91), whole (2: 9, 27)
definite something (1: 21), individual (1: 10.2), holoklêrôs completely (1: 4), fully (1: 91), in totality
individual thing (1: 10.2), particular (2: 4, 12), (1: 10.2); ta holoklêra wholes (1: 2)
particular thing (8: 3, 15, 18.2, 22, 25, 27, 61, 64), hololampês shining everywhere (1: 84)
this particular (2: 52, 93), this particular thing holomelês : to holomeles wholeness (1: 85)
(1: 16), this something (7: 2, 10.2, 15, 16, 28.1, holopteros having undivided wings (1: 64)
50, 56), this such (1: 22), this thing (1: 16), holos all (3: 58, 59, 99), altogether (2: 21, 52), as a whole
this-something (1: 52); todi such and such (1: (4: 19, 28.1, 42, 52), as whole (1: 28.1), complete
16); ta tode ti particular things (1: 74), (1: 45/46), completely (1: 59), entire (9: 14, 42,
particularity (1: 92.2); to tode einai to be this in 54, 55, 59, 78, 79, 83, 99), entire amount of (1:
particular (1: 20); to tôide einai what it is to be 42), entirely (1: 59), in its entirety (2: 59, 67), in
‘this’ (1: 91, 0) their entirety (1: 42), total (4: 4, 25, 75, 99),
hodêgein to guide (3: 10.2, 42, 91) universal (2: 19, 74), whole (55: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2,
hodêgeisthai to be shown the road (1: 2) 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 23,
hodeuein to be on one’s way (1: 61), to be on the way 25, 28.1, 30/31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 42, 44, 47, 52, 54,
(1: 56), to head (1: 42), to move (1: 23), to pass 55, 58, 59, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80,
(2: 60, 86.1), to proceed (2: 42, 60), to progress 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 91, 92.1, 94, 98, 99, 100)
(1: 44), to run (1: 99), to travel (4: 3, 56, 93, 99) holôs absolutely (3: 18.2, 59, 80), all in all (1: 17),
hodeuein epi ti make one’s way to (1: 60) altogether (5: 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 80), any (1: 14),
hodometron odometer (1: 55) anyway (1: 80), as a whole (3: 42, 61, 67), at all
hodos approach (1: 64), course (2: 54, 86.1), direction (26: 3, 10.2, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 28.1, 54,
(1: 61), entry (1: 98), journey (3: 44, 61, 75), 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 73, 78, 79, 80, 86.1, 93,
means (2: 29.1, 55), method (4: 2, 40, 64, 65), 98, 99), by any manner of means (1: 80), by any
movement (1: 79), passage (2: 89, 95), path (12: means (1: 59), certainly (1: 58), completely (4:
12, 21, 54, 55, 64, 68, 79, 85, 86.2, 91, 93, 95), 58, 60, 86.1, 93), comprehensively (1: 20),
procedure (1: 73), process (2: 17, 67), progress entirely (6: 14, 28.1, 42, 78, 79, 80), flatly (1: 20),
(1: 17), road (9: 2, 17, 20, 27, 44, 67, 73, 89, 95), generally (12: 4, 12, 14, 18.2, 28.1, 42, 58, 59, 60,
route (7: 3, 17, 20, 21, 27, 44, 52), sequence (1: 73, 86.1, 92.1), generally speaking (1: 93), in a
91), way (9: 16, 18.2, 19, 40, 61, 67, 73, 85, 95) general sense (1: 94), in a universal sense (1:
hodôi methodically (1: 19), systematically (1: 73); 60), in a word (1: 80), in any sense (2: 58, 80), in
ektropê kata tên hodon fork in the road (1: any way (1: 59), in any way at all (3: 58, 59, 80),
91); hodôi badizein to advance step by step (1: in every way (1: 80), in general (35: 2, 3, 4, 10.2,
56); hodôi probainein to go through (1: 25); 14, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 25, 26, 28.1, 30/31, 42, 44, 54,
hodos skhistê cross-roads (1: 61) 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 73, 74, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83,
hoios like (1: 21), of what sort (1: 7), such as (2: 10.2, 16) 85, 92.1, 93, 94, 99), in its entirety (1: 80), in
hoion for example (2: 10.2, 16); hoios te possible short (2: 80, 92.1), in the strict sense (1: 93),
(4: 4, 12, 21, 28.1); hoios te (+ infin.) can (3: 4, more generally (2: 58, 99), of any kind (1: 99), of
21, 28.1), capable of (1: 28.1); hoion te be any kind at all (2: 58, 59), of every sort (1: 17),
possible (1: 10.2), can (1: 10.2), it is possible (2: overall (2: 10.2, 20), really (2: 86.1, 92.1), simply
64, 65), possible (1: 16), able (2: 4, 21); oukh (1: 80), speaking generally (5: 19, 58, 59, 80, 99),
hoios incapable (1: 10.2) to put it generally (1: 99), totally (2: 18.2, 60),
holikos as a whole (1: 17), complete (2: 22, 42), general universally (2: 22, 61), wholly (2: 17, 28.1); ho
(5: 14, 23, 27, 74, 94), universal (8: 14, 22, 51, 54, holos the whole amount of (1: 42); to holon a
55, 58, 59, 67), whole (3: 22, 54, 79) whole (1: 60), as a whole (2: 20, 22), the whole
holikôs in general (1: 85), on a holistic view (1: (14: 10.2, 14, 16, 18.2, 22, 27, 44, 60, 80, 89, 91,
34/35.1); holikôteros more comprehensive (1: 94, 97.1, 97.2), the whole cosmos (1: 50), totality
11), more general (2: 14, 92.1), more total (1: (1: 4), universe (4: 22, 44, 67, 79), whole (10: 15,
29.1), more universal (1: 20), more voluminous 35.2, 38, 42, 47, 59, 61, 66, 67, 93); ta hola all
(1: 14), in a more universal sense (1: 51); to things (1: 2), the universe (1: 42), the whole (2:
holikôteron a bigger whole (1: 83) 10.2, 86.1), the whole cosmos (1: 50), universal
holikotês wholeness (1: 41.1) things (1: 92.2), whole entities (1: 94); di’ holou
holkê attraction (2: 18.2, 21), drawing in (1: 19), pulling as a whole (1: 86.1), entire (1: 86.1), entirely (1:
(2: 19, 54) 86.1), full (1: 86.1), in general (1: 86.1), right


through (1: 59), through the whole (1: 6.1), to homales uniformity (1: 42)
throughout (2: 25, 52), whole (1: 86.1); di’ holou homalos equable (1: 88), even (5: 12, 28.2, 56, 57, 92.1),
hama all at once (1: 86.1); di’ holôn complete regular (2: 26, 95), stable (1: 44), uniform (5: 42,
(1: 86.1), in all respects (1: 59), throughout (1: 44, 67, 75, 87), unvarying (1: 21)
52), totally (2: 64, 65); holê di’ holês wholly and homalôs evenly (5: 3, 24, 56, 95, 98), in a uniform
throughout (1: 22); holon di’ holou as a whole way (1: 78), uniformly (1: 27); to homalon what
(1: 61), throughout (1: 25); hola di’ holôn as a is even (1: 67)
whole (1: 67), entirely throughout (1: 67), homalotês evenness (1: 12), regularity (1: 38),
entirety through entirety (1: 67), through and uniformity (4: 27, 42, 44, 54)
through (1: 67); hola di’ holôn khôrein to go as en homalotêti in a state of uniformity (1: 42)
wholes through wholes (1: 75); holoi di’ holôn homalunein to bring to a uniform temperature (1: 24)
wholes through wholes (1: 28.1); holôn di’ homêros hostage (1: 34/35.1)
holôn total (1: 80); holôn di’ holôn homikhlê mist (1: 95)
trepomenôn being fully interpenetrated (1: 38); homiklôdês hazy (1: 88), misty (1: 95)
en holôi in as in a whole (1: 9); hôs en holôi in homilein to assimilate (1: 98), to associate (1: 95), to
a whole (1: 94); holos hôs holos in its entirety associate with (1: 51), to be adjacent (1: 88), to
and as a whole (1: 94); holon hôs holon as a be in contact (1: 28.2), to converse (1: 69), to
whole (1: 59); kath’ holon as a whole (1: 67), encounter (1: 17), to socialize (1: 69)
completely (1: 11); kath’ holon auto in its homilêtikos sociable (1: 69)
entirety (1: 80); kath’ holon heauto in its own homilia company (1: 43.3), conversation (1: 69),
right as a whole (1: 3); kath’ holon heauton in interaction (1: 43.3), intercourse (2: 43.3, 80),
its entirety (1: 94); holon kath’ holon in its socializing (1: 69), society (1: 69)
entirety (1: 59); holon kath’ holon heauto in its homodoxein to be of like opinion (1: 43.3), to hold the
own totality (1: 94); kata ta hola in every same opinions (1: 16)
respect (1: 10.2); kath’ hola as a whole (1: 42); homodoxia consensus (2: 43.2, 43.3)
holos hama all at once together (1: 42); holê homodoxos of the same opinion (2: 16, 34/35.1)
pros holên whole to whole (1: 22); oud’ holôs homodoulos fellow slave (1: 97.2)
in no way (2: 80, 86.1), never (1: 30/31), not at homoeidês cognate (1: 98), having similar form (1: 38),
all (3: 21, 30/31, 75); oukh holôs not at all 83); having the same form (3: 2, 15, 68),
pephukos holon a natural whole (1: 86.1); he homogeneous (4: 18.2, 20, 52, 89), identical in
holê phusis the whole of nature (1: 25); to form (1: 89), like in species (1: 27), of like form
holon hudôr the whole mass of water (1: 94) (1: 74), of one and the same kind (1: 61), of the
holoskherês blanket (1: 56), general (3: 7, 44, 51), same form (6: 10.2, 12, 22, 44, 56, 83), of the
generalised (1: 48), in broad terms (1: 67), in same kind (16: 1, 2, 10.1, 15, 17, 22, 25, 42, 43.2,
general outline (1: 61), packaged (1: 56) 44, 70, 73, 74, 78, 79, 83), of the same part (1:
holoskherôs general (1: 85), in a general way (1: 22), of the same species (12: 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 27,
41.1), in a rough and ready way (1: 79), in a 32, 40, 48, 59, 70, 75, 83), of the same type (1:
rough manner (1: 63), in general (1: 61), in 16), same in form (3: 10.2, 53, 91), same in kind
general terms (1: 27), in rough outline (1: 61), (3: 4, 10.2, 87), same in species (1: 38), similar
roughly (2: 61, 73); ta holoskherestera (2: 20, 24), similar in kind (1: 43.3), specifically
generalities (1: 92.2) identical (1: 32), specifically similar (1: 2),
holotelês complete (1: 45/46), perfect (2: 18.2, 85) specifically the same (1: 15), the same in form
holotelôs in a wholly complete way (1: 34/35.1) (1: 26), uniform (3: 39, 58, 67)
holotês a whole (1: 60), as a whole (1: 76), elemental homoeidôs similar to (1: 24)
mass (1: 45/46), ensemble (3: 53, 68, 92.2), homoêthês similar in character (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69)
entire mass (1: 47), entirety (7: 20, 26, 54, 55, 78, homoethnês of the same species (2: 43.1, 69)
79, 83), integral state (1: 42), main mass (1: 61), homogenês akin (1: 3), generically the same (3: 15, 27,
mass (2: 17, 59), the universe (1: 18.2), total 44), homogeneous (8: 24, 27, 28.1, 39, 51, 61, 79,
amount (1: 42), total mass (1: 87), totality (13: 1, 87), kin (1: 3), kindred (2: 42, 43.3), of like
6.2, 11, 17, 23, 56, 57, 70, 80, 88, 94, 95, 100), genus (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69), of like kind (3: 41.2,
unity (2: 11, 26), universe (1: 54), whole (10: 11, 43.2, 43.3), of one genus (1: 40), of similar type
23, 27, 32, 45/46, 54, 61, 67, 76, 83), wholeness (1: 52), of the same genus (10: 9, 19, 22, 27, 32,
(10: 6.1, 11, 15, 22, 28.1, 54, 61, 72, 94, 98) 56, 70, 75, 84, 92.1), of the same kind (8: 18.2,
holotês oikeia whole to which it belongs (1: 35.2); tôn 25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 60, 69, 79), of the same sort
stoikheiôn holotêtes elemental masses (1: 59) (1: 44), of the same type (1: 11), sharing in a
homados noisy throng (1: 97.2) genus (1: 16), the same genus (1: 40), the same
homalês even (1: 52), flat (1: 52), regular (1: 39), in genus (3: 12, 38, 40)
uniform (7: 27, 42, 54, 55, 75, 83, 95) to homogenes homogeneity (1: 27)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

homognômonein to agree (2: 48, 84), to be like 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 97.2, 99),
minded (1: 43.3), to be of one mind (2: 43.2, the same (1: 85), undifferentiated (1: 18.2)
59), to concur (1: 43.3) homoiôs as (1: 42), equally (6: 19, 20, 42, 73, 79, 83),
homognômosunê like-mindedness (1: 43.2) evenly (1: 42), identically (1: 75), in a similar
homogonos akin (1: 77), born together with (1: 58) manner (1: 99), in a similar relation (1: 28.1), in
homoioeidês of the same kind (1: 85) a similar way (4: 12, 28.1, 42, 99), in like manner
homoiokhrous of a single colour (1: 52) (1: 10.2), in the same way (10: 28.1, 42, 64, 65,
homoiologos having a similar definition (1: 13) 75, 78, 79, 83, 88, 99), indifferently (1: 73), just as
homoiôma analogue (1: 43.2), image (1: 13), imaging (2: 42, 99), just like (2: 42, 73), like (1: 42),
(1: 26), likeness (6: 17, 23, 28.1, 35.2, 43.2, 92.2), likewise (8: 10.2, 16, 20, 28.2, 42, 73, 88, 99),
resemblance (1: 2), semblance (1: 51) similarly (15: 3, 12, 13, 17, 19, 20, 28.1, 42, 64, 65,
homoiomereia a compound made up of like parts (1: 78, 79, 83, 88, 99), the same (2: 28.1, 29.1), the
89), homoeomerous particle (1: 32), same applies (1: 17), the same thing happens (1:
homoeomerous parts (1: 61), homoeomerous 17), to a similar degree (1: 19), uniformly (1: 3);
reality (1: 74), homoiomereity (1: 78), homoios einai to resemble (1: 99); homoiôs
homoiomerous thing (1: 85), einai to be like (1: 16); homoiôs ekhei the case
homoiomerousness (1: 55), homoiomery / is similar (1: 99), the situation is similar (1: 19);
homoeomery (7: 17, 20, 42, 44, 52, 63, 85), thing homoiôs ekhein to be in a similar state (2: 12,
of similar parts (1: 34/35.1), uniform parts (1: 42), to be in same state (1: 4), to be related in
76) the same way (1: 42), to be similar (2: 19, 42), to
homoiomereiai homoeomerous bodies (1: 25), be similarly related (1: 42), to stand in the same
homoeomerous things (1: 36), uniform stuff (1: relation (1: 42); to homoion likeness (1: 16),
99) similarity (2: 2, 19); ta homoia the like (1: 73)
homoiomerês having parts similar to one another and homoiôsis assimilation (4: 37, 55, 88, 92.2), becoming
to the whole (1: 23), having similar parts (4: 14, like (3: 28.1, 37, 91), becoming similar (1: 12),
27, 38, 44), homeomer (1: 32), homogeneous (6: likeness (4: 2, 59, 68, 84), likening (2: 45/46, 91),
17, 22, 67, 80, 88, 91), homoeomerous / resemblance (2: 2, 69), similarity (2: 2, 13)
homeomerous / homoiomerous (15: 19, 26, homoioskhêmôn having similar shape (1: 38), having
34/35.1, 51, 54, 55, 60, 61, 68, 78, 83, 85, 86, 92, the same modality (1: 30/31), of the same form
94), made up of like parts (1: 89), of similar (2: 85, 88), similar in form (2: 9, 30/31), similar
parts (1: 22), that has all its parts alike (1: 98), in shape (1: 52), with premisses similar in form
uniform (10: 2, 4, 12, 44, 47, 53, 58, 63, 73, 76), (1: 30/31)
with similar parts (3: 44, 56, 57), with uniform homoioskhêmos having the same shape (1: 78), of
parts (1: 15) similar shape (1: 98)
homoiomerôs alike in all its parts (1: 98), in all its homoiotês analogy (1: 11), likeness (19: 2, 11, 15, 16,
parts alike (1: 98); to homoiomeres homeomer 18.2, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 39, 41.2, 44, 60, 68, 72,
(2: 24, 60), homoiomery (1: 78); ta homoiomerê 76, 86.1, 91), resemblance (6: 2, 23, 25, 41.1, 76,
homeomeries / homoiomeries / homoeomers 94), similarity (40: 2, 3, 7, 13, 15, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
(3: 14, 33, 70), parts of the same kind (1: 35.2), 22, 26, 27, 28.2, 38, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
uniform parts (2: 14, 63); homoiomerês einai 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 54, 55, 57, 61, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76,
to consist of the same parts (1: 22), to have the 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 94, 98, 99), similitude (1: 28.2),
same parts (1: 22) uniformity (3: 12, 54, 55)
homoiomorphos having similar shape (1: 38), similar kath’ homoiotêta by analogy (1: 89), by similarity
in form (1: 52) (1: 51), by way of similitude (1: 17)
homoiopathein to feel similarly (2: 43.1, 69) homoiotropos : homoiotropôs in a similar manner (1:
homoiopathês affected in the same way (2: 59, 80), of 16), in a similar way (1: 61)
similar feelings (2: 43.1, 69), similar in affection homoioun to assimilate (2: 45/46, 99), to liken (1: 41.2),
(1: 38) to make alike (1: 21), to make like (5: 21, 22,
homoioristos having a similar definition (1: 13) 28.1, 56, 57), to make similar (1: 85)
homoios alike (5: 21, 79, 85, 91, 98), comparable (1: 88), homoiousthai to be assimilated (2: 10.2, 43.2), to
equal (2: 54, 55), homogeneous (1: 67), like (35: be crafted in the likeness of (1: 26), to be
2, 6.1, 10.2, 11, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 32, likened (1: 89), to be made like (2: 2, 25), to be
34/35.1, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 56, 61, 64, 65, made similar (1: 28.2), to be similar (1: 61), to
67, 69, 73, 75, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 91, 92.1, 97.2, 98, become like (3: 28.2, 34/35.1, 91), to become
99), like itself (1: 85), resembling (1: 28.1), same similar (3: 12, 43.1, 69)
(6: 22, 54, 55, 64, 65, 99), similar (40: 2, 3, 7, 11, homokentros homocentric (4: 1, 54, 55, 83)
12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 40, 41.2, homokhronos contemporaneous (1: 87),
42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 54, 55, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, contemporary (1: 34/35.1), of the same time (1:


77), present at the same time (1: 97.2), homônumos ambiguous (6: 4, 14, 22, 52, 58, 59),
simultaneous (1: 97.2), synchronous (1: 87) ambiguously named (1: 22), bearing the same
homokhroos / homokhrous as the same colour (1: 57), name but in a different sense (1: 26), called by
being the same colour (1: 57), of a single colour the same name (1: 61), equivocal (17: 5, 10.2, 12,
(1: 52), of the same colour (1: 91) 15, 16, 22, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 43.3, 44, 48, 56, 69,
homologein to accept (7: 18.2, 22, 30/31, 58, 59, 80, 83), 74, 77, 93), equivocally named (1: 44), going
to achieve (1: 59), to acknowledge (3: 7, 27, 59), under the same name (1: 58), having the same
to admit (8: 4, 21, 22, 25, 44, 51, 52, 80), to agree name (3: 22, 40, 78), homonymous (24: 2, 9, 11,
(39: 4, 6.1, 9, 12, 16, 19, 21, 25, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 38, 13, 19, 20, 23, 25, 39, 40, 43.1, 48, 69, 70, 72, 73,
40, 41.1, 42, 44, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 75, 76, 80, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 94), identical in name
75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 93, 94, 98, 99), to (1: 61), in name only (1: 67), named for (1: 58),
agree on (1: 61), to be in agreement (2: 52, 86.1), namesake (1: 40), that has more than one sense
to be in consensus (1: 86.1), to coalesce (1: 68), to (1: 44), ‘through an ambiguity’ (1: 4), with
concede (5: 6.2, 58, 59, 68, 80), to confess (1: 99), several meanings (1: 98), in a different sense (1:
to conform (1: 58), to consent (1: 68), to grant (5: 22)
58, 73, 80, 88, 99), to join in holding (1: 80), to homônumôs ambiguously (3: 22, 58, 89),
profess (1: 59), to recognise (1: 59), to speak ambiguously named (1: 22), by the same name
consistently (1: 10.2), to subscribe to (1: 80) (2: 2, 22), coinciding in name (1: 17),
homologeisthai to admit (1: 2), to be agreed (1: equivocally (5: 10.2, 24, 35.2, 41.2, 77),
16), to concede (1: 2); homologoumenos homonymously (14: 2, 13, 17, 19, 26, 27, 28.1,
accepted (1: 99), agreed (1: 20), agreed on (1: 33, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 54, 68, 70), in a homonymous
16), agreedly (1: 23), commonly agreed on (1: sense (1: 60), in another sense of the word (1:
16), consistent (2: 2, 25), granted (1: 73); 22), in different senses (1: 27), in name only (1:
homologoumenôs admittedly (2: 22, 68), 52), in the same sense (1: 76); to homonumon
agreed (1: 22), agreedly (1: 23), by agreement (1: homonym (4: 7, 13, 51, 64), homonymy (1:
83), incontestably (1: 22), unquestionably (1: 86.1); ta homônuma similarly named terms (1:
22); to homologeisthai agreement (1: 18.2); 44); homônumos phônê homonymous term (1:
homologein kharin to owe (1: 23); hôs 61); ta homologoumenôs homônuma things
homologoumenos for granted (1: 42); hôs which are generally agreed to be homonymous
homologoumenôs khrômenos taking for (1: 19)
granted (1: 42); ta homologoumenôs homoousios having the same substance (1: 54),
homônuma things which are generally agreed identical in essence (1: 61), of the same essence
to be homonymous (1: 19) (1: 37), of the same substance (6: 48, 56, 59, 76,
homologêma accepted premiss (1: 59), agreement (3: 86.1, 97.2)
6.1, 9, 79), common feature (1: 92.1), point of homopatheia unity of affection (1: 86.1)
agreement (1: 32), something agreed (1: 20) homophuês having the same nature (1: 83), of like
homologia agreement (9: 6.1, 23, 35.2, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 52, nature (2: 3, 19), of the same nature (7: 1, 39,
64, 65), coalition (1: 68), consistency (1: 74), 41.2, 48, 59, 61, 68), uniform in nature (1: 53)
self-consistency (1: 48) homophuôs in a naturally similar way (1: 3)
homologos corresponding (1: 73), in agreement with homophuia kinship (1: 28.1)
itself (1: 67) homophulos of the same kind (3: 37, 79, 99)
homonoein to be in concord (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69) homôs nevertheless (1: 60), nonetheless (1: 60), still (1:
homonoêtikos harmonious (1: 84) 60)
homonoêtikôs in harmony (1: 54) homostoikhos in its field (1: 23)
homonoia concord (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), unanimity homotagês classed together (1: 22)
of thought (1: 51) homotagôs classed with (1: 22)
homônumein to be homonymous (1: 69) homotakhês of a similar speed (1: 3), of the same
homônumia a case of homonymy (1: 40), ambiguity (7: speed (1: 19)
14, 27, 44, 58, 63, 80, 89), equivocal character (1: homotakhôs at a similar speed (1: 3)
10.2), equivocality (1: 3), equivocation (2: 35.2, homotimos equal in honour (1: 97.2), of equal
44), equivocity (3: 16, 77, 93), homonymous importance (1: 60)
language (1: 48), homonymous meaning (1: 19), homotimôs in equal degree (1: 60), to the same
homonymy (18: 7, 9, 13, 23, 39, 40, 41.1, 43.3, 51, degree (1: 17)
55, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 85, 86.1), identical term homou at once (1: 86.1), at the same time (1: 83),
(1: 61), identity of names (1: 21), things said everywhere (1: 85), like (1: 85), likewise (1: 60),
equivocally (1: 34/35.1) together (9: 16, 21, 39, 54, 55, 78, 83, 85, 86.1)
kath’ homônumian equivocally (1: 93), homoülos having the same matter (3: 20, 68, 80), of the
homonymously (1: 28.1) same kind of matter (1: 95), of the same matter

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(2: 34/35.1, 59), sharing a common matter (1: 52, 56), visibility (2: 52, 59), visible object (3: 25,
33) 67, 86.1); ta horata visibles (1: 38);
homozugos being yoked together (1: 7) proêgoumenôs horaton primary visible thing
hopêlikos however small (1: 57) (1: 28.1)
hopêlikosoun as large as you like (1: 85), of whatever horikos concerning definition (1: 40), definitional (1:
size (1: 6.1) 40), involving a definition (1: 85), pertaining to
hopênika when (1: 57) definition (1: 40)
hoplizein to arm (1: 7) horikôs in a termwise manner (1: 34/35.1),
hopoios : en tôi hopoion ti qualitatively (1: 51) termwise (1: 34/35.1)
hopostêmorios in proportion (1: 3) horismos boundedness (1: 3), definiens (1: 65),
hopoteros : hopoter’ an etukhen however it chances definition (71: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11,
(1: 29.1), whichever (1: 29.1) 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25,
hôra degree of the zodiac (1: 86.2), duration (1: 87), 26, 27, 30/31, 35.2, 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
hour (11: 12, 19, 20, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 68, 75, 83, 43.3, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
87, 98), length of time (1: 95), moment (1: 74), 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,
season (5: 25, 52, 60, 83, 95), time (2: 83, 98) 77, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 94, 98, 99), specification
hôra (esti) it is time (1: 85); para ten hôran (1: 87)
unseasonably (1: 86.1) horistikos by means of definition (1: 61), capable of
hôraios youthful (1: 86.1) determining (1: 61), characterising (1: 28.2),
horama vision (1: 36) constituting a boundary (1: 32), defining (5: 6.1,
horan to apprehend (1: 68), to consider (1: 68), to look 24, 28.2, 85, 100), definitional (11: 9, 13, 17, 22,
(1: 83), to look at (3: 52, 79, 80), to notice (2: 55, 39, 40, 76, 78, 89, 93, 94), definitive (6: 22, 23,
83), to observe (11: 18.2, 27, 38, 52, 54, 58, 59, 28.1, 63, 76, 87), definitory (4: 15, 35.2, 51, 74),
80, 86.1, 98, 99), to perceive (1: 28.2), to regard determinant (2: 22, 100), determinative (2: 22,
(2: 28.2, 80), to see (40: 4, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 36), determining (3: 22, 36, 100), indicative (1:
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38, 40, 44, 63), of definition (2: 16, 17), pertaining to
50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, definition (1: 25), providing with boundaries (1:
83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 92.1, 98, 99), to survey (1: 60), serving to define (1: 40), that characterises
10.2), to view (2: 28.2, 54) (1: 28.2), that defines (4: 10.2, 22, 67, 100), that
horasthai to be made visible (1: 86.1), to be visible designates (1: 22), that determines (2: 22, 28.2),
(1: 59), to become visible (1: 58); idein to know that forms (1: 28.2)
(1: 27); horômenos visible (2: 68, 97.1); ho horistikôs as determining (1: 22), by definition (1:
horôn observer (1: 67); to horan seeing (3: 28.1, 22), by way of definition (1: 10.2), in a
52, 61), sight (2: 52, 67), vision (1: 67); atenes determinative way (1: 36), in a determining way
horan to look hard (1: 95), to look intensely (1: (1: 100); hê horistikê (methodos) method of
95); pros to telos horan to have a view to the definition (1: 22), tehnique of definition (1: 72);
end (1: 10.2) to horistikon determinant (1: 36); horistika
horasis seeing (9: 3, 13, 15, 22, 25, 34/35.1, 39, 56, 91), eidê forms that determine (1: 100); horistikê
sense of sight (2: 28.1, 36), sight (6: 13, 27, 28.2, epistêmê science of definition (1: 10.2);
66, 72, 77), vision (2: 7, 68) horistikos logos definitional specification (1:
horatikos able to see (4: 12, 36, 38, 58), capable of sight 63), definitory formula (1: 10.2)
(2: 40, 58), having vision (1: 40), in sight (1: horistos definable (2: 64, 77), defined (4: 7, 10.2, 73, 77),
28.2), of seeing (2: 28.1, 52), of sight (5: 16, 21, definite (1: 13), with a definite shape (1: 91)
28.2, 34/35.1, 93), of vision (1: 36), sighted (1: to horiston defined term (1: 44), definiendum (5:
28.2), that can see (1: 28.1), that sees (2: 56, 57), 35.2, 51, 65, 73, 89), object of definition (1:
visual (6: 12, 28.2, 38, 54, 66, 91) 10.2), that which is defined (1: 77), thing
horatikôs in such a way as to see (1: 36); to defined (1: 40), thing to be defined (2: 23, 69)
horatikon power of sight (1: 86.1); horatikê horizein to be a criterion (1: 22), to bound (7: 3, 22, 39,
aisthêsis power to see (1: 35.2), sense of sight 50, 88, 91, 94), to characterise (2: 22, 28.2), to
(2: 2, 15) confine (1: 94), to define (52: 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 9,
horatos seen (5: 28.1, 40, 44, 54, 98), that can be seen 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27,
(2: 21, 57), visible (30: 1, 7, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 19, 28.2, 30/31, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 47,
20, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 40, 42, 44, 52, 54, 57, 59, 61, 50, 51, 52, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 73, 77, 78, 79,
66, 67, 68, 73, 79, 83, 85, 91, 97.1, 97.2) 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 94, 99, 100), to delimit (5: 40,
to horaton object of sight (7: 21, 25, 28.2, 36, 52, 56, 47, 54, 55, 91), to demarcate (2: 40, 85), to
57), object of sight perception (1: 52), object of determine (26: 1, 2, 3, 7, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27,
vision (1: 52), object seen (1: 28.1), sight-object 28.2, 30/31, 36, 41.1, 41.2, 52, 53, 54, 55, 61, 67,
(1: 57), the visible (1: 38), thing seen (3: 34/35.1, 69, 79, 83, 86.2, 87), to divide (1: 55), to fix


definitely (1: 4), to give a definition (4: 22, 28.2, 99), to set in motion (1: 7), to set out (3: 3, 42, 52),
67, 89), to give definition to (1: 91), to lay down to start (2: 3, 55), to stir up (1: 55), to strive (1: 79),
(1: 4), to limit (7: 2, 6.1, 15, 38, 43.2, 44, 99), to to take off (1: 61), to undertake (1: 18.2), to urge
make definite (1: 16), to make determinate (2: away (1: 61), to urge on 7, 0), to wish (1: 28.1)
22, 39), to mark off (5: 3, 22, 40, 87, 94), to mark hormasthai to arise from (1: 78), to be impelled (1:
out (2: 11, 42), to pattern (1: 22), to restrict 25), to begin (3: 2, 16, 38), to start (7: 18.2, 27,
temporally (1: 30/31), to separate off (1: 44), to 50, 55, 83, 89, 99); ho hormôn charioteer (1: 7);
set a limit (1: 10.1), to set limits (1: 75), to horman epi to strive for (1: 91), to take as one’s
specify (4: 2, 30/31, 42, 78), to stipulate (1: 69), starting point (1: 51); hormasthai apo to start
to treat as definite (1: 16) from (1: 40), to take one’s start from (1: 83);
horizesthai to be bounded (4: 28.1, 56, 75, 89), to hormasthai pros to desire (1: 83)
be contained (1: 28.1), to be defined (2: 16, 78), hormathos chain (1: 18.2), series (1: 97.2), stream (of
to be definite (2: 78, 79), to be determinate (6: sand) (1: 57)
17, 28.1, 68, 78, 79, 89), to be determined (1: hormê conation (1: 22), desire (4: 54, 55, 68, 83), drive
19), to be finite (1: 61), to be fixed (1: 89), to be (1: 99), effort (1: 18.2), force (1: 98), impetus (1:
given definition (1: 80), to be with limits (1: 39), impulse (39: 1, 4, 6.1, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20,
28.1), to be within fixed boundaries (1: 75), to 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 37, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.2,
be within limits (1: 80), to define (23: 1, 2, 3, 43.3, 45/46, 50, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69,
10.1, 15, 16, 19, 23, 35.2, 38, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 56, 75, 86.1, 86.2, 94, 99, 100), influence (1: 26),
57, 58, 59, 68, 69, 80, 93, 94, 98), to determine initiative (2: 59, 61), onset (1: 57), propensity (1:
(3: 35.2, 68, 80), to distinguish (1: 69), to have 59), purpose (1: 28.2), purposive impulse (1:
limitations (1: 32), to identify (1: 69), to lay 34/35.1), rush (1: 98), standpoint (1: 51),
down (1: 80), to limit (1: 80), to make definite striving (1: 91), undertaking (1: 59), urge (1:
(1: 16), to ordain (1: 80), to prescribe (1: 80), to 98), volition (1: 28.1)
set (2: 43.2, 80); hôristhai to be a definite thing kath’ hormên according to impulse (1: 67),
(1: 94), to be definite (2: 16, 44), to be appetitively (1: 22), in accordance with an
determinate (5: 1, 17, 18.2, 21, 44), to have a impulse (1: 75), motivated (1: 44), purposive (1:
limit (1: 99); horizôn horizontal (1: 29.1); 28.2), voluntary (1: 44); authairetos gnômês
horizomenos definite (1: 23), determined (1: hormê voluntary desire of the mind (1: 68);
22), limited (1: 23), made determinate (1: 21); idia hormê own impulse (1: 100)
horistheis definite (1: 42); hôrismenos hormêtikos able to enable striving (1: 91), able to strive
bounded (2: 11, 75), defined (7: 11, 16, 39, 61, (1: 91), capable of impulse (1: 86.1), impulsive
67, 70, 94), definite (19: 10.1, 10.2, 13, 15, 16, (3: 52, 69, 86.1), of impulse (1: 52), responsible
19, 22, 27, 28.2, 29.1, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 43.3, 44, 48, for impulse (1: 86.1)
52, 58, 94), delimited (2: 40, 75), determinate hormêtikôs by desire (1: 22); to hormêtikon the
(27: 2, 7, 12, 17, 18.2, 20, 22, 26, 28.2, 35.2, 38, part for striving (1: 91)
39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 48, 53, 56, 57, 61, 65, 66, 73, horos bond (1: 22), border (1: 20), bound (1: 39),
80, 89, 91, 93), determined (7: 11, 20, 26, 27, boundary (25: 3, 7, 11, 13, 15, 22, 24, 34/35.1,
28.2, 40, 42), distinct (1: 59), finite (4: 61, 67, 41.2, 42, 50, 51, 54, 56, 60, 63, 70, 72, 77, 79, 83,
85, 93), fixed (2: 75, 94), given (1: 18.2), limited 87, 94, 98, 100), boundary marker (1: 10.2),
(3: 2, 15, 36), marked off (1: 57), ordered (1: constraint (1: 89), criterion (1: 11), ‘to be defined’
21), restricted (1: 73), with a definite shape (1: (1: 4), defining form (2: 28.2, 100), definition (52:
91), with definite limits (1: 28.1); hôrismenôs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22,
definitely (2: 19, 20), determinately (2: 20, 35.2), 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 41.1,
finitely (1: 23), in a definite manner (2: 16, 43.1, 44, 48, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65,
29.1), in a definite way (1: 13), in a determinate 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 83, 85, 89, 93, 94,
fashion (1: 21), in a determinate way (3: 35.2, 98), determinant (2: 22, 36), determinant form (1:
36, 61), precisely (1: 98); ho horizôn horizon 100), determination (7: 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 44,
(8: 54, 55, 57, 70, 78, 87, 88, 95); ta hôrismena 74), determining power (1: 28.1), determining
distinctions drawn (1: 89); to hôrismenon principle (2: 22, 61), goal (2: 22, 99), limit (17: 11,
definiendum (1: 22), determinacy (1: 21), 15, 19, 24, 28.1, 36, 38, 42, 69, 72, 73, 76, 88, 89,
determination (1: 36); en hôrismenois within 91, 97.1, 97.2), mark (3: 17, 22, 25), pattern (1:
fixed limits (1: 75) 22), position (1: 22), proof (1: 22), rule (1: 11),
horkos conjuration (1: 34/35.1), oath (5: 2, 23, 34/35.1, standard (3: 11, 19, 69), syllogistic term (1: 48),
68, 86.2) term (34: 2, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27,
horkoun to conjure (1: 34/35.1) 28.2, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 40, 51, 56, 63, 64, 65,
horman to have an impulse (2: 45/46, 52), to have 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 77, 83, 93, 94, 99, 100), terminal
impulse (1: 86.1), to hurry (1: 98), to rush (2: 69, point (1: 22), termination (1: 79)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

horoi bounds (1: 72), determination (1: 92.2), hudarês watery (1: 24)
subject term (1: 40); kath’ horous discretely (1: hudaros watery (1: 57)
22); ekhousa horon eusunopton defined along hudatinos composed of water (1: 28.2), watery (2: 83,
clear-cut lines (1: 40); en perigraphêi tini kai 97.1)
horôi in a circumscribed determination (1: 22); hudatôdês watery (7: 21, 24, 28.2, 38, 52, 57, 95)
haploi horoi primary definitions (1: 25); mesos to hudatôdes watery thing (1: 24)
horos moderately (1: 4) hudatoun : hudatoumenos liquefied (1: 78)
hôroskopein : hôroskopôn rising of the ascendant (1: hudôr liquid (1: 80), rain (2: 21, 38), water (50: 1, 2, 6.1,
86.2) 6.2, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
hôroskopia observation of the ascendant (1: 86.2), 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53,
sundial (1: 54) 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 78, 79,
hôroskopion waterclock (1: 6.2) 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 91, 94, 95, 98, 99)
hôroskopos ascendant (1: 86.2), horoscope (1: 86.1) huomenon hudôr rain-water (1: 21); kuathiaion
hos : kath’ ho insofar as (2: 78, 79) hudor a cup of water (1: 18.2), an ounce of
to ex hou source (1: 85), that from which (1: 85); to water (1: 88); surrheusan hudôr confluence of
hou heneka final cause (1: 22), that for the sake water (1: 60); thalassion hudôr sea-water (1:
of which (1: 22), what all else is for (1: 22); to 57); to holon hudôr the whole mass of water (1:
huph’ hou efficient causality (1: 22), efficient 94)
cause (2: 22, 28.2), that by the agency of which hudrarguros mercury (1: 24), quicksilver (1: 67)
(1: 22), that by which (1: 28.2); to kath’ ho in hudraulês hydraulic organ (1: 18.2)
accordance with which (1: 28.2), that in hudrelaion diluted olive oil (1: 61)
accordance with which (1: 22) hudreuein to water (1: 38)
hosakhôs in as many ways as (1: 20) hudrokhoos Aquarius (the constellation) (1: 95)
hosakis as many times as (1: 60) huein to be raining (1: 23), to rain (1: 21)
hosautôs unchanging (1: 22), equally (1: 28.1), in the to huomenon what falls down in rain (1: 38);
same way (2: 26, 42), likewise (2: 42, 64), huomenon hudôr rain-water (1: 21)
unvaryingly (1: 42) huelinos glazed (1: 57), of glass (1: 57)
hôsautôs ekhein to be in the same condition (2: huelos / hualos glass (9: 24, 25, 28.2, 38, 52, 57, 83, 93,
28.1, 42), to be uniform (1: 44), to he unvarying 95)
(1: 42), to stand in the same relation (1: 42); huetos rain (4: 57, 58, 61, 95)
hôsautôs ekhon constant (1: 44) hugiainein to be healthy (25: 4, 7, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20,
hosia holiness (1: 37) 23, 25, 34/35.1, 44, 45/46, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 61,
hosios pious (1: 29.1) 64, 65, 79, 85, 91, 93), to be in good health (1:
hosiotês holiness (1: 13) 59), to be sound (1: 84), to become healthy (3:
hosos any at all (1: 12) 17, 60, 99), to get well (1: 99)
hosa toiauta things like that (1: 7); kath’ hoson insofar to hugiainein being healthy (1: 67), health (1: 44)
as (2: 78, 79), to the degree that (1: 79); hoson epi hugiansis becoming well (1: 27), being cured (1: 27),
according to (1: 93), inasmuch as (1: 93) cure (1: 27), getting healthy (1: 19), getting well
hôsoutôs in same way (1: 21) (1: 27), healing (4: 17, 26, 61, 67)
hosper : en tôi hoper with complete exactness (1: 16) hugiantos that can be cured (1: 27)
hoper precisely (1: 93); hoper edei deixai quod erat hugiastikos capable of producing health (1: 99)
demonstrandum (1: 93); hoper hen precisely a hugiastos able to be cured (1: 79), capable of being
one (1: 16); hoper hen ti precisely a one (1: 74); made healthy (1: 99), made healthy (1: 56)
hoper mê einai anthrôpôi precisely ‘to be hugiazein to be healthy (1: 75), to bring about health (1:
non-human’ (1: 16, 0); hoper on just-existent (1: 99), to cause health (1: 99), to create health (1:
85); hoper on ti precisely a being (1: 74), 58), to cure (8: 2, 25, 26, 27, 40, 52, 91, 99), to heal
precisely a kind of being (1: 16); to hoper einai (5: 17, 40, 60, 97.2, 99), to make healthy (2: 58,
the exact essence of (1: 16) 79), to restore to health (1: 61), to treat (1: 26)
hoti : to hoti fact (2: 77, 93), that it is (1: 73), the ‘that’ (3: hugiazesthai to be cured (2: 27, 78), to be healthy
56, 2, 73, 74), the fact (1: 61), the fact that (1: 61) (4: 27, 28.2, 45/46, 52), to be made healthy (1:
to hoti esti that it is (1: 73) 99), to be restored to health (1: 75), to become
hubris abuse (2: 45/46, 69), insult (1: 69), outrageous healthy (3: 19, 27, 75)
behaviour (1: 97.1) hugieia / hugeia health (38: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 14, 15, 16,
hubristês arrogant person (1: 69) 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 40,
hubristikos abusive (1: 45/46), aggressive (1: 45/46) 44, 45/46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67,
hubrizein to abuse (1: 45/46), to commit outrage (1: 72, 75, 79, 91, 97.2, 99)
97.1), to insult (1: 69) hugieinos healthful (4: 10.2, 16, 40, 65), healthy (10: 4,
hubrizesthai to be violated (1: 97.1) 7, 15, 16, 38, 40, 45/46, 56, 65, 77)


hugieinôs healthily (1: 16) 85, 86.1, 87, 89, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.1,
hugiês correct (3: 13, 65, 83), healthy (4: 15, 19, 45/46, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), stuff (1: 58), subject matter (4:
85), sound (24: 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 14, 17, 20, 21, 39, 65, 67, 69), timber (1: 21), wood (2: 52, 95)
30/31, 38, 42, 52, 54, 56, 57, 61, 64, 65, 67, 83, 94, epi tês hulês in material terms (1: 30/31); prôtê
99), valid (7: 10.2, 14, 19, 25, 50, 85, 93), true hulê prime matter (1: 21)
10.2, 1, 30/31) hulikos composed of matter (1: 25), concerned with
hugiôs correctly (2: 13, 78), in a healthy way (1: 52), matter (1: 52), involving matter (2: 22, 52), like
rightly (1: 10.2), soundly (3: 12, 16, 52); matter (1: 25), material (47: 2, 9, 10.2, 12, 14, 15,
hugiesteros sounder (1: 10.2); to hugies sound 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 36, 39, 42,
point (1: 10.2); hugiôs ekhein to be sound (1: 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 52, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61, 67,
73); hugies lambanein to assume rightly (1: 70, 73, 74, 77, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93,
10.2); mê hugiôs legesthai to be unsound (1: 95, 99, 100), matter-like (1: 32), tied to matter
10.2); ouk hugiôs wrong (1: 30/31) (1: 99)
hugrainein to cause moisture (1: 61), to make moist (2: hulikôs in a material way (3: 34/35.1, 57, 99);
57, 91), to moisten (10: 24, 28.1, 28.2, 57, 59, 67, hulikôteros nearer matter (1: 24); dia ton
83, 91, 98, 99), to stimulate the juices (1: 93), to hulikon by matter (1: 28.1); hulikê aitia
wet (1: 28.2) material cause (1: 2); hulikê arkhê material
hugrainesthai to be made moist (1: 21), to be source (1: 57); hulikon aition material cause (2:
moistened (3: 19, 25, 27), to become moist (2: 34/35.1, 57)
21, 28.2) hulôdês material (1: 61)
hugrantikos capable of moistening (1: 24) hulopoiia production of matter (1: 80)
hugros consisting of water (1: 25), damp (3: 18.2, 20, hulopoios creative of matter (1: 70), producer of
57), fluid (6: 12, 24, 25, 38, 52, 86.1), liquid (11: matter (1: 80)
18.2, 19, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 52, 54, 55, 65, 86.1, 98), humên membrane (7: 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 57, 86.1,
moist (23: 2, 6.1, 18.2, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 91), skin (2: 57, 61), thin skin (1: 38)
38, 42, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 67, 68, 79, 83, 86.1, humenion tiny membrane (1: 86.1)
91), wet (15: 1, 5, 15, 18.2, 19, 22, 25, 27, 32, 47, humenôdês like a membrane (1: 52), membranaceous
59, 76, 85, 92.1, 98) (1: 86.1), membrane-like (1: 67)
to hugron fluidity (1: 12), liquid (3: 56, 57, 59), humnein to hymn (1: 44), to make hymns to (1: 84), to
liquids (2: 15, 27), moistness (1: 52), moisture praise (1: 100), to sing praises of (1: 52)
(10: 12, 21, 28.1, 28.2, 57, 61, 67, 76, 86.1, 91), the humnoumenos much vaunted (1: 36)
moist (3: 2, 15, 76), wet (1: 59); krustalloeides humnos hymn (2: 72, 79), hymning (1: 54)
hugron vitreous humour (1: 57); ôioeides hupagein to approach (1: 22), to bring (1: 40), to bring
hugron aqueous humour (1: 57) under (3: 2, 15, 41.2), to class under (1: 48), to
hugrotês dampness (2: 20, 98), fluidity (2: 12, 52), get (someone to do something) (1: 42), to lead
humidity (1: 97.2), liquidity (1: 52), moist (1: (2: 56, 84), to place under (3: 2, 10.2, 16), to put
44), moist affection (1: 38), moistness (9: 25, under (1: 48), to reduce to (1: 15), to subsume
28.2, 52, 54, 55, 57, 68, 75, 83), moisture (20: 2, (6: 9, 39, 41.1, 51, 64, 65), to subsume under (2:
12, 21, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 42, 44, 52, 19, 40)
57, 59, 60, 78, 79, 91, 97.1, 97.2), wetness (6: 16, hupagesthai to be subject (1: 51), to come under (1:
19, 25, 32, 47, 85) 40)
rhanis hugrotêtos drop of liquid (1: 97.2) hupagoreuein to refer to (1: 84)
huios son (9: 6.1, 27, 51, 54, 58, 59, 68, 80, 97.2) hupainittesthai to hint at (1: 34/35.1)
hulaios material (2: 11, 11) hupakouein to be obedient (1: 52), to correspond (1:
hulakê barking (2: 23, 35.2) 65), to pay heed (1: 25), to respond (1: 54), to
hulaktein to bark (2: 35.2, 58) understand (2: 34/35.1, 73)
ho hulaktôn one who barks (1: 72) hupaleiphein to anoint (1: 57), to paint under (1: 38)
hulaktikos able to bark (1: 58), capable of barking (1: hupallagê change (3: 12, 52, 79), interchange (1: 30/31),
58) interchanging (1: 40), transformation (1: 66)
hulê basic stuff (1: 11), material (12: 21, 22, 23, 28.1, hupallassein / hupallattein to alter slightly (1: 51), to
43.2, 44, 61, 67, 73, 76, 97.1, 97.2), material change (3: 12, 64, 65), to interchange (3: 40,
content (1: 65), material instance (1: 9), 41.2, 64), to shift (1: 40), to switch (1: 27)
materiality (1: 35.2), matter (84: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, hupallassesthai / hupallattesthai to be exchanged
9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, (1: 79), to change (1: 52), to interchange (1: 54)
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32, 33, hupallêlos one under the other (1: 40), subaltern (4: 7,
34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 9, 23, 74), subalternate (1: 73), subordinate (9: 2,
48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 7, 13, 15, 27, 41.1, 48, 51, 93), subordinate one to
66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, another (1: 57), subordinated (1: 61),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

subordinated one to another (1: 56), subsumed 98), to first begin (1: 69), to happen (1: 58), to
under each other (1: 92.1) happen to (2: 22, 27), to have (1: 68), to have
hupantan to address (1: 3), to answer (2: 79, 88), to being (1: 22), to have existence (1: 58), to hold
conflict with (1: 44), to confront (2: 18.2, 42), to (12: 9, 23, 29.1, 39, 42, 54, 55, 64, 65, 73, 83, 93),
deal with (4: 18.2, 44, 78, 83), to discuss (1: 78), to hold of (7: 9, 18.2, 27, 30/31, 40, 42, 87), to
to encounter (1: 83), to ensue (1: 99), to give an hold of as a property (1: 89), to inhere (1: 20), to
answer (1: 57), to go to meet (1: 57), to meet (5: inhere in (1: 15), to last (1: 59), to obtain (5: 17,
17, 18.2, 57, 83, 85), to meet with (1: 19), to 22, 39, 73, 87), to occur (7: 22, 27, 28.2, 44, 59,
object (3: 6.1, 6.2, 79), to object to (1: 78), to 63, 87), to pertain (5: 3, 19, 43.2, 60, 69), to
oppose (1: 85), to reply (2: 18.2, 99), to reply to pre-exist (1: 92.1), to provide (1: 28.2), to really
(1: 85), to respond (2: 18.2, 99), to respond to exist (1: 34/35.1), to remain (1: 58), to reside in
(1: 83), to say in response (1: 88), to strike (1: (1: 28.2), to subsist (3: 60, 63, 76), to subsist as
79) (1: 68)
hupantan pros to confront (1: 55), to contest (1: huparkhesthai to initiate (1: 61), to make a
54), to respond to (1: 55); hupantan pros ti to beginning (1: 58); huparkhei there is (1: 76);
attack (1: 18.2), to oppose (1: 18.2); hupantan huparkhôn actual (1: 9), real (1: 63),
thuras to use doors (1: 18.2) unqualified (2: 30/31, 65); huparkhontôs
hupantêsis response (1: 83) unqualifiedly (1: 30/31); to huparxai existence
hupantros cavernous (1: 88) (1: 76); to huparkhon attribute (7: 15, 18.2, 22,
hupar waking vision (1: 86.2) 42, 61, 73, 99), characteristic (1: 94), constituent
huparkhê beginning (1: 56) (2: 27, 44), fact (1: 64), property (9: 3, 16, 17, 19,
huparkhein ‘accept’ (1: 44), to accompany (1: 98), to 25, 28.2, 50, 75, 94), reality (1: 44), thing that
accrue (1: 55), to appertain (2: 27, 69), to apply belongs (2: 10.2, 61), what pertains to (1: 70); ta
(3: 12, 27, 76), to apply to (5: 12, 14, 92.1, 92.2, huparkhonta character (1: 18.2), data (1: 87);
94), to arise (1: 61), to attach (2: 55, 83), to auto eph’ heautou huparkhon independent (1:
attach to (2: 52, 54), to be (37: 2, 7, 15, 18.2, 19, 92.2); hama huparkhein coexistence (1: 42);
21, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 44, hêmin huparkhei (+ infin.) we can (1: 50); hôs
45/46, 48, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 68, 69, 73, 76, huparkhon as a reality (1: 44); huparkhein
79, 80, 83, 86.1, 88, 92.1, 92.2, 98), to be a einai to happen to be (1: 28.2); huparkhein
characteristic (1: 99), to be a characteristic of (1: kath’ hauto to be an essential attribute (1: 61);
7), to be a feature (1: 27), to be a property (2: 21, huparkhein kath’ hauto (+ dat.) to be an
60), to be a property in (1: 17), to be a property essential property of (1: 10.2), to belong
of (5: 3, 4, 17, 50, 94), to be an attribute (1: 99), essentially (1: 16); huparkhon kath’ hauto
to be an attribute of (6: 11, 42, 54, 61, 67, 87), to self-subsistent (1: 27); ta ousiôdôs
be appropriate (1: 85), to be associated with (1: huparkhonta essential attributes (1: 61); to
59), to be characterised by (1: 61), to be anankaion huparkhon necessary prerequisite
characteristic of (1: 69), to be due (1: 69), to be (1: 94); to huparkhon kat’ ousian essential
in (1: 27), to be in existence (1: 58), to be attribute (1: 61); to kath’ hauto huparkhon
inherent (1: 24), to be made of (1: 68), to be essential attribute (1: 67), essential property (1:
possessed as a property (1: 12), to be predicated 10.2); to oikeiôs huparkhon special property
(2: 2, 73), to be present (20: 12, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, (1: 16); toiouto huparkhein to apply (1: 68), to
27, 38, 39, 42, 44, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 69, 80, be derived (1: 68), to go like this (1: 68);
92.1, 94), to be present in (6: 28.2, 40, 61, 67, 87, huparkhein paraplêsia to resemble (1: 86.1); x
99), to be proper to (1: 94), to be real (1: 87), to huparkhei tôi y y has the attribute of x (1: 42),
be related to (1: 99), to be situated (1: 80), to be y has the property of x (1: 67), y has x (1: 3)
the case (7: 16, 19, 27, 50, 59, 68, 93), to be there huparktikos belonging (1: 23), substantive (1: 34/35.1)
(2: 76, 87), to be true of (1: 27), to belong (40: 2, huparktikon rhêma verb of being (1: 35.2)
3, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26, 32, huparxis a holding of (1: 40), being (6: 7, 11, 14, 44, 72,
34/35.1, 38, 39, 41.1, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 92.1), being present in (1: 40), being there (1:
60, 63, 69, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 92.1, 93, 40), belonging (1: 7), belonging to (1: 40),
98), to belong to (23: 1, 4, 6.2, 11, 14, 15, 22, 25, coming into existence (1: 58), existence (45: 1, 2,
27, 28.2, 40, 41.2, 42, 50, 61, 67, 68, 75, 85, 87, 89, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 27, 29.1, 32,
92.2, 94), to come about to (1: 27), to come from 35.2, 36, 39, 42, 43.1, 45/46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 58,
(1: 44), to consist (2: 59, 80), to constitute (1: 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 74, 76, 77, 80, 87, 95,
20), to exhibit (1: 22), to exist (45: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), existential grounding (1: 87),
7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, holding (3: 30/31, 64, 65), inherence (1: 91),
32, 35.2, 39, 43.2, 44, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, mode of being (1: 100), nature (1: 58), obtaining
63, 64, 68, 69, 75, 76, 78, 80, 83, 87, 89, 94, 97.2, (1: 87), presence (1: 61), real existence (4: 12, 21,


22, 38), real existent (1: 58), reality (9: 1, 17, 32, huperaplousthai to exceed in simplicity (1: 70)
33, 63, 65, 83, 88, 95), reality-state (1: 72), state huperapologeisthai to put forward a defence (1: 60)
(1: 18.2), subsistence (6: 17, 20, 34/35.1, 35.2, 60, huperartan to raise (1: 22)
93), subsistent entity (1: 20), substance (1: 39), huperattikizein to get too sophisticated (1: 92.2)
underlying reality (1: 39), validity (1: 44), way huperbainein to be too much (1: 84), to exceed (2: 67,
of existence (1: 94) 88), to go beyond (4: 55, 67, 77, 85), to overstep
en huparxei existent (1: 94), existing (1: 63), real (1: 60), to pass beyond (1: 80), to pass over (1:
(2: 63, 76); en huparxei einai to exist (1: 80); en 58), to skip (1: 77), to skip over (1: 3), to
huparxei on existent (1: 44); huparxis transgress (1: 88)
alêtheias true reality (1: 95); ousiôdês huparxis huperballein to be an excess (1: 44), to be excessive (9:
reality (1: 88) 12, 21, 28.1, 28.2, 40, 41.2, 54, 69, 88), to be
hupatos longest (1: 17) greater (1: 42), to be in excess (2: 25, 28.2), to be
hê hupatê lowest (note of a musical scale) (2: 27, 59), redundant (1: 40), to depart (from the ecliptic)
the highest string (2: 38, 70), top string (1: 57) (1: 55), to exceed (26: 3, 4, 7, 9, 18.2, 20, 24, 40,
hupeidesthai to be basically aware (1: 25) 42, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 48, 51, 52, 53, 57, 69, 75, 79, 83,
hupeikein to be less than (1: 98), to give way (2: 1, 24), to 85, 88, 91, 95, 98), to extend beyond (1: 95), to
give way to (1: 98), to recede (1: 94), to withdraw outlast (1: 86.1), to overcome (2: 24, 54), to
(1: 78), to yield (6: 1, 18.2, 21, 57, 83, 88) overflow (1: 91), to overwhelm (1: 22), to
hupeiktikos yielding (1: 98) prevail (1: 95), to surpass (3: 21, 38, 54)
to hupeiktikon yielding nature (1: 18.2) huperballôn exceptional (1: 24), excessive (2: 4,
hupeinai to hold (1: 85), to subsist (1: 39), to support 24); to huperballon excess (1: 4)
(1: 27), to underlie (1: 42) huperbasis skipping (1: 77)
hupekhein to be subject to (1: 51), to maintain (1: 16) huperbatos as a hyperbaton (1: 20), reversed (1: 93)
hupekkauma fiery region (1: 94), fiery sphere (1: 20), huperbatôs in a transposed order (1: 60), in a
fire (1: 36), fire-sphere (3: 1, 47, 53), heat (1: 36), transposed way (1: 17), in inverted order (1:
heavenly fire (4: 21, 52, 54, 68), inflammable 93); to huperbaton hyperbaton (1: 84), words
substance (1: 60), tinder (3: 57, 88, 95) out of order (1: 34/35.1)
hupekrein to flow away (1: 32), to run out (1: 18.2) huperbibazein to take as hyperbaton (1: 57), to
hupenantios contrary (6: 23, 29.1, 75, 78, 83, 86.1), transpose (3: 14, 17, 61), to transpose upwards
inconsistent (1: 48), opposite (3: 12, 44, 52), (1: 93)
reverse (1: 52), subcontrary (3: 9, 35.2, 85), huperblêma excess (1: 3)
subordinate contrary (1: 21) huperbolê enormousness (1: 88), excess (38: 1, 4, 5, 6.1,
hupenantiôs as subcontraries (1: 35.2) 7, 12, 19, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 40,
hupenantiôsis contradiction (1: 67) 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 47, 48, 51, 52, 56, 57,
hupenantiousthai to resist (1: 21) 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, 73, 83, 86.2, 88, 91, 95),
hupênemios wind egg (1: 86.1) extremity (1: 85), greater quantity (1: 85),
hupepimorios correlative of the fractionally greater hyperbole (2: 39, 72), supremacy (1: 41.1)
(epimorion) (1: 15) huperedrazein to place above (1: 84)
huper above (1: 17), beyond (1: 16), for the sake of (1: hupereidein to support (1: 55)
4), on behalf of (1: 93), that transcends (1: 93) hupereideos that transcends forms (1: 22)
huper to on higher than being (1: 16) huperekhein to be bigger (1: 22), to be greater (3: 15,
huperairein to be over-loud (1: 28.2), to be prior to (1: 28.2, 88), to be greater than (1: 55), to be in
55), to exceed (2: 18.2, 55), to go further (1: 56), excess (2: 60, 88), to be preeminent (1: 2), to be
to overshoot (1: 7), to transcend (1: 54) superior (5: 22, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 54), to be superior
huperairesthai to be superior (1: 28.2) to (1: 83), to be supreme (1: 22), to exceed (22:
huperallesthai to jump over (1: 95), to leap over (2: 11, 2, 3, 9, 15, 18.2, 19, 21, 28.2, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 48, 51,
95) 64, 65, 67, 70, 75, 78, 79, 88, 92.1), to excel (1:
huperanabainein to surpass (1: 80), to transcend (3: 39), to predominate (2: 24, 38), to prevail (1:
59, 68, 97.2) 60), to surpass (2: 4, 98), to transcend (2: 22, 76)
huperanekhein to be above (1: 98), to be beyond (2: 42, huperekhesthai to be inferior (1: 40); huperekhôn
54), to be superior to (1: 83), to have a place transcendent (2: 22, 100); huperekhontôs in an
above (1: 98), to rise above (2: 11, 67), to eminent way (1: 100); to huperekhon
transcend (1: 45/46) superiority (2: 22, 97.2), what exceeds (2: 2, 15);
to huperanekhein superior standing (1: 28.1) to huperekhomenon what is exceeded (2: 15);
huperanistasthai to be above (1: 88), to be far above (1: huperekhein tôi megethei to outsize (1: 68)
88), to come first (1: 88), to rank immediately huperekkheisthai to spill over (1: 55)
above (1: 88), to rise above (1: 88) huperekpiptein to exceed (2: 9, 88), to extend beyond
huperanô above (1: 55), high above (1: 92.1) (1: 95), to fall beyond (1: 88), to fall out beyond

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(1: 98), to reach beyond (1: 88), to transcend (1: huperpetesthai to leap over (1: 29.1)
59) huperpherein to excel (1: 55)
huperekplêssein to astonish (1: 68) huperphuês above nature (2: 42, 70), beyond nature (1:
huperênemos above the wind (1: 88) 28.1), enormous (1: 54), extraordinary (2: 23,
huperêphania arrogance (2: 43.1, 97.2) 28.1), hypernatural (1: 83), immense (1: 36),
hupêresia apparatus (1: 91), benefaction (1: 43.1), supernatural (3: 22, 70, 99), transcendent (1: 99)
service (4: 21, 56, 57, 83), task (1: 91) huperphuôs exceedingly (1: 70), preternaturally (1:
hupêretein to do a service (1: 69), to minister to (1: 57), 20)
to serve (7: 12, 18.2, 22, 25, 52, 56, 69), to huperpiptein to exceed (1: 9), to fall outside (1: 44), to
subserve (1: 91) go too far (1: 17)
hupêreteisthai to obey (1: 25), to serve (1: 25) hupersarkôsis excess of flesh (1: 86.1)
hupêretês servant (2: 61, 86.2) huperselênos superlunary (1: 34/35.1)
hupêretikos serving (1: 52), subservient (1: 91) hupersunekhês supercontinuous (1: 27)
hupereu very well said (1: 74) huperteinein to exceed (1: 23), to extend further (1:
huperexaptein to kindle above measure (1: 95) 93), to have a greater extension of terms (1:
huperidruein : huperidruesthai to be seated above (1: 30/31)
84) huperteros above (2: 58, 59), above and beyond (1: 58),
huperkaiein to overcook (1: 57) higher (3: 22, 36, 59), superior (4: 1, 48, 83, 100)
huperkeisthai to be above (1: 88), to lie above (3: 54, ta hupertera higher things (2: 61, 67); to
55, 83), to lie over (1: 79) huperteron superiority (1: 97.2)
huperkhein to overflow (1: 18.2), to pour over (1: 18.2) huperthesis superlative degree (1: 95)
exô huperkheisthai to stick out (1: 18.2) huperthetikos superlative (2: 69, 79)
huperkhesthai to descend (1: 85), to move down (2: 55, hupertithenai to communicate (1: 20), to defer (1: 42),
83), to move under (1: 55) to postpone (1: 63), to set out above (1: 7)
huperkhronos above time (1: 100), supertemporal (1: hupertithesthai to defer (3: 56, 57, 60), to pass over
59) (1: 21), to postpone (4: 21, 28.2, 64, 79), to refer
huperkhusis pouring over (1: 18.2) (1: 76), to set aside (1: 78), to take further (1:
huperkosmios above the cosmos (1: 34/35.1), above 17)
the world (1: 20), hypercosmic (1: 23), hupertrekhein to be superior to (1: 83), to overtake (1:
supercosmic (1: 72), supramundane (1: 58), 83), to spill over (1: 44)
transcending the universe (1: 11) huperzein to boil over (1: 61)
ta huperkosmia the things above (1: 67) hupexairein to make an exception for (1: 67)
huperlampros exceedingly bright (1: 28.1), overbright hupexaireisthai to be excluded (1: 68), to make an
(1: 34/35.1), super-shining (1: 57) exception (1: 16)
hupernêkhein to swim above (1: 54) hupexerkhesthai to pass through (1: 88), to withdraw
hupernephês above the clouds (2: 57, 88) (1: 83)
huperôia palate (3: 23, 35.2, 57) hupexienai to give way (1: 98)
huperokhê being more (1: 41.2), excess (25: 2, 3, 15, 16, hupexistanai to clear off (1: 76), to give way (1: 98), to
18.2, 20, 38, 39, 41.2, 43.1, 43.3, 44, 48, 60, 68, 69, make room for (1: 84), to withdraw (1: 80), to
75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 88, 89, 92.1, 98), increment (1: yield (1: 76)
79), maximum (1: 66), peak (1: 69), periphrasis hupexistasthai to get out from under (1: 6.1), to
(1: 72), predominance (1: 38), prevalence (1: 60), gradually withdraw (1: 58), to yield (1: 18.2), to
superiority (18: 22, 25, 39, 40, 41.1, 43.1, 43.2, 44, be displaced (1: 50)
45/46, 54, 55, 68, 69, 70, 79, 83, 85, 99), surplus hupezôkôs girdling (1: 54)
(1: 92.1), transcendence (3: 29.1, 76, 100) huphainein to compose (1: 7), to construct (1: 97.2), to
huperokhikos hierarchical (1: 43.2) weave (1: 91)
huperon pestle (1: 57) huphainesthai to be woven (1: 65)
huperonkousthai to become very large (1: 55) huphairein to take away (4: 6.1, 65, 84, 98)
huperopsia contempt (1: 97.2) huphaireisthai to be taken away (1: 79)
huperoptikos holding in contempt (1: 61) huphairesis reduction (1: 67), subtraction (1: 54)
huperoran to disdain (1: 54) huphantês weaver (2: 88, 91)
huperôthein to push beyond (1: 55) huphantikos for weaving (1: 91)
huperouranios supercelestial (2: 14, 72), hê huphantikê weaving (2: 34/35.1, 79)
supramundane (1: 11) huphaptein to apply (1: 57)
huperousios above being (1: 74), above substance (2: huphasma skein (1: 20)
70, 74), hypersubstantial (1: 55), super-being (1: huphêgeisthai to describe (1: 88), to give (1: 68), to
100), superessential (1: 72), super-real (1: guide (1: 68), to indicate (1: 54), to introduce (1:
34/35.1) 23), to propose (1: 64), to put forward (1: 64)


huphêgêmenos described (1: 88) 83, 85, 85, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 94, 97.2, 98), to exist
huphêgêmatikos expository (1: 74) independently (2: 7, 61), to exist on one’s own
huphêgêsis instruction (1: 23), outline (1: 23), teaching (1: 61), to have existence (3: 10.2, 58, 59), to
(2: 22, 29.1) have existence of one’s own (1: 61), to have one’s
huphêgetês teacher (1: 68) existence (1: 55), to have subsistence (2: 63, 76),
huphêgêtikos expository (1: 70) to hold (1: 55), to lie below (1: 79), to lie in wait
huphêmiolios : to huphêmiolon the correlative of the (1: 38), to lie on the bottom (1: 79), to occur (3:
half again as much (1: 15) 27, 32, 80), to really exist (1: 25), to remain in
huphesis abasement (3: 41.1, 99, 100), debasement (1: existence (1: 80), to resist (1: 75), to settle (3: 47,
100), declension (3: 22, 55, 84), decline (2: 11, 53, 88), to settle under (1: 99), to sink below (2:
22), decrease (2: 7, 27), deficiency (2: 60, 70), 79, 83), to sink to the bottom (3: 78, 79, 83), to
degradation (1: 29.1), descent (2: 5, 45/46), submit to (1: 54), to subsist (34: 2, 6.1, 10.2, 11,
descent of level (1: 42), inferior position (1: 18.2, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28.1, 32, 39, 41.1, 45/46,
28.1), lessening (1: 48), level of descent (1: 51, 52, 56, 57, 60, 63, 68, 72, 75, 76, 77, 80, 85, 87,
45/46), slackening (2: 41.2, 48), subordination 88, 89, 92.1, 93, 94), to support (2: 17, 55), to
(2: 1, 20) sustain (1: 75), to undergo (2: 19, 42), to
huphexistasthai to give way (2: 57, 55) withstand (1: 57); hupestanai to be constituted
huphienai to be deficient (1: 70), to decline (1: 11), to (1: 41.1); huphistamenos subsistent (1:
descend (1: 84), to fall short (1: 70), to place 34/35.1); huphestêkôs existent (1: 94),
under (1: 51), to underlie (1: 23) subsistent (2: 32, 93); huphestôs existent (1: 23),
huphiesthai to be inferior (4: 28.1, 88, 58, 59); existing (1: 85), fixed (1: 78), subsistent (1: 32);
hupheimenos being at a lower level of descent to huphestanai existence (1: 97.2); to
(1: 45/46), deficient (1: 70), flexible (1: 56), huphistamenon obstruction (1: 99); to
inferior (2: 22, 39), low-level (1: 45/46), of low huphestêkos subsistent entity (1: 76);
degree (1: 45/46), pale (1: 57); hupheimenôs by huphistanai kath’ hauto to be self-subsistent
descent (1: 22), gently (1: 98), in an inferior way (1: 44); huphistasthai dia to owe one’s
(1: 100), in inferior measure (1: 59), to a lesser substantial existence to (1: 26); huphistasthai
degree (1: 22); to hupheimenon declension (1: ek to consist of (2: 3, 72); huphistasthai en to
22), lower thing (1: 22) consist in (1: 39); huphistasthai tên phthoran
huphistanai to assume (1: 55), to be real (1: 14), to perish (1: 42)
bring into existence (2: 58, 80), to cause huphistanein to constitute (1: 85), to decline (1: 100),
existence (2: 42, 86.1), to cause to exist (2: 58, to settle out (1: 21), to sink down (2: 78, 79), to
68), to constitute (1: 22), to construct (1: 22), to subside (1: 88)
create (2: 23, 41.1), to display (1: 22), to huphizein to be below (1: 22), to be inferior (1: 22), to
establish (1: 79), to get existence (1: 92.2), to be subordinated (1: 22), to decline (1: 22), to lie
give existence (2: 41.2, 83), to give existence to at the bottom (1: 84), to sink down (1: 22)
(2: 48, 99), to give subsistence (1: 22), to give huphizêsis settling (1: 18.2)
substance (1: 22), to hold of (1: 27), to institute huphoran : hupidomenos glancing (1: 28.1)
(1: 72), to make (1: 54), to produce (1: 78), to set hupienai to pass beneath (1: 52)
up (1: 39), to stand at (1: 27), to support (1: 39), hupiskhneisthai to profess (1: 21)
to suppose (1: 78) hupnos dream (2: 23, 59), sleep (19: 4, 12, 16, 19, 22, 25,
huphistasthai to arise (1: 85), to be (7: 18.2, 27, 34/35.1, 38, 42, 56, 59, 67, 68, 75, 86.1, 88, 91, 99,
28.2, 44, 55, 59, 80), to be a substrate (1: 14), to 100), sleeping (1: 12)
be composed (1: 80), to be composed of (1: 36), hupnoi periods of sleep (1: 86.1); en hupnôi asleep
to be constituted (3: 42, 55, 79), to be created (1: (1: 28.2)
14), to be existent (1: 44), to be in existence (1: hupnôtikos sleepy (1: 12)
58), to be made (1: 85), to be made existent (1: hupnôttein to sleep (1: 25)
94), to be present (3: 20, 61, 68), to be real (1: hupnoun to sleep (1: 67)
17), to be subsistent (3: 27, 60, 80), to be there hupobainein : hupobebêkenaito be below (1: 92.2), to
(2: 20, 87), to come into being (2: 36, 97.2), to be inferior (2: 25, 86.1), to decline (1: 22), to
come into existence (5: 51, 59, 80, 88, 99), to descend (4: 11, 22, 28.1, 41.2)
come to be (1: 27), to come to exist (2: 68, 76), hupobebêkôs in descent (1: 22)
to come to have independent existence (1: 92.1), hupoballein to cast down (1: 51), to cast underneath
to come to subsist (1: 94), to consist (2: 58, 80), (1: 51), to make (something) a substrate (1: 2),
to consist of (1: 61), to derive existence (1: 59), to overcome (1: 55), to present as one’s own
to exist (44: 1, 4, 5, 6.2, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18.2, progeny (1: 83), to prompt (1: 80), to propose
21, 22, 27, 28.2, 36, 38, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, (1: 7), to put (1: 10.2), to put into (1: 80), to
48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 68, 73, 76, 77, 80, reach under (1: 58), to subject (1: 61), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

subsume (2: 27, 44), to suggest (1: 42), to sketch of (1: 35.2), to indicate (2: 22, 64), to
suppose (1: 18.2), to treat as posterior (1: 39) outline (2: 36, 44), to show in a table (1: 35.2), to
hupoballesthai to appropriate (1: 51), to be in the sketch (3: 29.1, 44, 64), to sketch out (1: 35.2)
foundations (1: 73), to be relevant (1: 17), to be hupographikos descriptional (1: 13), descriptive (1:
supplied as a support (1: 25), to underlie (2: 79, 41.1), sketchy (1: 22)
93); hupobeblêmenos foundational (1: 73) hupographikôs by way of description (1: 56);
hupobasis declension (1: 22), decline (1: 29.1), descent hupographikos logos sketch (1: 20)
(3: 11, 22, 28.1), downward journey (1: 56) hupoikouria inherence (1: 6.2)
hupobathra base (1: 76), basis (1: 91), foundation (1: hupokaiein to boil (1: 88)
41.1) hupokataskeuê gradual preparation (1: 48)
hupobibazesthai to descend (1: 42) hupokatienai to go down (1: 60)
hupobrukhios beneath the surface (1: 98), under water hupokatiôn further on (1: 60)
(1: 57) hupokatô below (1: 60), beneath (1: 55), lower (2: 55,
hupodeês inferior (1: 48) 93), underneath (1: 55)
hupodeigma example (13: 17, 22, 28.2, 32, 48, 51, 58, hupokatôthen at the bottom (1: 98)
67, 79, 80, 84, 93, 95), illustration (5: 22, 28.2, hupokeisthai to act as substrate (1: 41.2), to assume (3:
35.2, 73, 88), imaginary supposition (1: 57), 7, 68, 95), to be a subject (10: 2, 4, 7, 35.2, 40, 52,
model (2: 32, 57), parallel (1: 58) 64, 65, 78, 79), to be a substrate (10: 2, 12, 22, 25,
hupodeiknunai to demonstrate (1: 75), to explain (1: 44, 45/46, 60, 85, 88, 92.2), to be a substrate for
79), to indicate (9: 14, 18.2, 22, 27, 51, 78, 79, 84, (1: 76), to be a substratum (7: 54, 69, 78, 79, 83,
99), to point out (1: 18.2), to represent (1: 23), to 88, 92.2), to be an assumption (1: 60), to be an
show (2: 1, 68), to suggest (2: 18.2, 79) hypothesis (1: 83), to be an object (1: 25), to be
hupodein : hupodedesthai to have shoes on (1: 7) an underlying subject (1: 89), to be an
hupodekhesthai to accept (1: 83), to act as a recipient underlying thing (1: 57), to be assumed (13: 2,
(1: 80), to receive (15: 2, 17, 22, 25, 27, 38, 42, 50, 54, 55, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 78, 83, 93, 99), to be
45/46, 59, 80, 83, 85, 92.1, 93, 97.1) below (1: 55), to be ex hypothesi (2: 58, 99), to be
hupodektikos capable of receiving (1: 39), receptive (1: hypothesized (6: 3, 9, 19, 30/31, 35.2, 54), to be
18.2) laid down (1: 17), to be posited (3: 42, 73, 93), to
to hupodektikon receptacle (1: 92.2) be prescribed (1: 3), to be present (2: 22, 44), to
hupodêma sandal (1: 83) be required (1: 73), to be subject (1: 21), to be
hupodiairein to subdivide (4: 56, 57, 61, 70) subject for (1: 9), to be subject to (5: 34/35.1, 40,
hupodiairesis subdivision (3: 11, 39, 40) 80, 86.1, 97.2), to be subordinated to (1: 59), to
hupodiastolê slight pause (1: 73) be supposed (9: 9, 21, 27, 38, 40, 63, 67, 75, 98),
hupodokhê inheritance (1: 22), receiving (4: 57, 68, 76, to be the hypothesis (1: 63), to be the subject (1:
86.1), receptacle (18: 11, 14, 22, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 73), to be the subject of (1: 34/35.1), to be the
41.1, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 54, 68, 70, 80, 83, 91, suggestion (1: 63), to be under (1: 80), to be
92.1), reception (11: 20, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 41.2, 48, under discussion (1: 58), to be underlying (2:
59, 67, 76, 80, 100), ‘receptive’ (1: 74), 12, 19), to correspond (1: 91), to function as
receptivity (1: 39), recipient (1: 80) subject (2: 10.2, 16), to have a position (1: 93),
pros hupodokhên to receive (2: 22, 28.2); pros tên to lay down as a premiss (1: 60), to lie below (2:
hupodokhên to accept (1: 22) 54, 79), to lie beneath (1: 59), to lie under (2: 79,
hupodromê passing in front (1: 93), passing 83), to posit (1: 60), to serve as a subject (1: 93),
underneath in its course (1: 73) to serve as a substrate (1: 88), to serve as a
hupodromos passage under (1: 55) substratum (1: 88), to serve as subject (1: 93), to
hupoduein to creep in (1: 7), to insinuate (1: 88), to subsist (1: 44), to suppose (2: 17, 60), to undergo
masquerade (1: 7) (1: 59), to underlie (50: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 12, 13, 14,
hupoduesthai to assume the appearance of (1: 51), to 15, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 23, 27, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40,
impersonate (1: 16), to play a part (1: 16), to put 41.1, 41.2, 42, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 64, 68,
(something) on (1: 16), to put on the character 69, 70, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89, 91, 92.1, 92.2,
(of something) (1: 100), to put on (1: 97.1) 93, 95, 98)
hupographê description (13: 7, 10.2, 13, 23, 39, 41.1, 51, hupokeisthô let (something) be (something) (1:
56, 61, 63, 65, 76, 93), general description (1: 88), let it be assumed (1: 50); hupokeimenos
48), outline (2: 27, 44), sketch (6: 22, 25, 27, 35.2, existing (1: 56), lower (1: 59), subject (2: 17, 73),
40, 65), written sketch (1: 35.2) subject to (1: 97.2), subjected (1: 23), that is
hoi di’ hupographês logoi descriptive accounts (1: employed (1: 22), that is under (1: 58), that
10.2) underlies (1: 9), underlying (24: 2, 14, 15, 17, 22,
hupographein to characterise (1: 13), to depict (1: 95), 25, 28.1, 28.2, 33, 40, 56, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 73, 75,
to describe (6: 13, 39, 51, 59, 64, 65), to give a 76, 86.1, 89, 91, 94, 95); hupokeimenôi in


substrate (1: 25); ho hupokeimenos subject (2: hupokrinomenos in the role of (1: 68)
17, 35.2); to hupokeimenon assumption (1: 53), hupokrisis acting (1: 34/35.1)
base (in grafting) (1: 86.1), burden (1: 18.2), hupokritês actor (2: 45/46, 58)
content (1: 77), corresponding object (1: 91), hupokruptein to hide (1: 44)
entity (2: 25, 75), material (1: 22), matter (2: 32, hupolambanein to accept (3: 54, 58, 83), to assume (14:
59), object (7: 25, 28.1, 28.2, 70, 72, 74, 88), 2, 48, 54, 58, 59, 61, 68, 78, 80, 83, 86.2, 89, 91,
object related to (something) (1: 61), subject 93), to be convinced (1: 93), to be of an opinion
(46: 3, 5, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, (1: 88), to believe (3: 25, 45/46, 75), to claim (1:
22, 25, 26, 27, 30/31, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 41.1, 28.2), to conceive (3: 22, 41.2, 54), to conceive of
41.2, 42, 48, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, (3: 17, 61, 94), to consider (1: 61), to form
69, 73, 75, 77, 85, 86.1, 87, 88, 93, 94, 100), beliefs (1: 61), to hold (2: 22, 61), to hold a view
subject matter (8: 9, 27, 44, 47, 61, 63, 74, 95), (1: 10.2), to regard (1: 27), to suppose (32: 2, 4,
substrate (45: 1, 2, 6.2, 10.1, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18.2, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 21, 22, 28.1, 34/35.1, 38, 42, 44,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 41.2, 42, 44, 51, 52, 57, 58, 59, 61, 65, 67, 69, 73, 76, 79, 83, 85,
47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75, 86.1, 89, 91, 94, 98), to surmise (1: 94), to take
76, 80, 85, 87, 88, 92.1, 94, 95, 98, 100), (2: 76, 91), to take to be (1: 94), to think (7: 21,
substratum (11: 20, 28.1, 32, 33, 43.3, 58, 68, 69, 22, 42, 44, 54, 58, 79), to think of (1: 80), to
92.1, 92.2, 59), that which underlies (1: 88), the think of as (1: 59), to understand (3: 56, 73, 79)
given (1: 27), underlying body (1: 60), hupolêpteon one should assume (1: 58), one
underlying element (1: 76), underlying position should regard (1: 58); to hupeilêmmenon
(1: 16), underlying subject (5: 17, 39, 76, 89, 91), reputation (1: 98); allôs hupolambanein to
underlying subject matter (1: 93), underlying hold different views (1: 10.2); diêmartêmenôs
substrate (2: 67, 76), underlying thing (5: 19, 33, hupolambanein to hold erroneous views (1:
57, 85, 88), what is underlying (1: 92.1), what 10.2); ouk hupolambanei unsupposes (1: 16)
underlies (8: 17, 19, 48, 68, 70, 74, 76, 95); tôi hupoleipein to be insufficient (1: 78), to be lacking (1:
hupokeimenôi in fact (1: 22); kata 89), to be remaining (1: 21), to be retarded (1:
hupokeimenon in subject (1: 56); kata to 21), to come to an end (1: 44), to exhaust (1:
hupokeimenon as regards the subject (1: 16); 44), to fail (2: 60, 87), to fall behind (2: 54, 88),
arkhai hupokeimenai assumed principles (1: to give out (2: 78, 87), to leave (4: 21, 44, 59, 89),
89); hê hupokeimenê hupothesis the present to leave behind (4: 21, 24, 68, 89), to leave out
subject (1: 95); hupokeimenai dunameis lower (1: 68), to leave over (1: 68), to remain (3: 60, 64,
capacities (1: 25); hupokeimenê ousia substrate 65)
(1: 27); hupokeimenê phusis subject nature (1: hupoleipesthai to be left (1: 59), to be left behind
16); hupokeimenon genos subject genus (1: (3: 54, 55, 95), to be left over (6: 40, 42, 59, 78,
16); hupokeimenos horos subject term (1: 40); 79, 95), to be left vacant (1: 11), to be remaining
hupokeitai hêmin our position is (1: 59); to (2: 3, 19), to fall behind (1: 95), to lag behind (1:
hupokeimenon epistêton object of scientific 95), to remain (5: 24, 58, 59, 78, 79), to undergo
knowledge (1: 90); to hupokeimenon genos retrogradation (1: 95), to vacate (1: 11); hoi
class of things forming the subject of an art (1: hupoleipthentes survivors (1: 88)
40); tôi hupokeimenôi in subject (1: 34/35.1) hupoleipsis retardation (1: 55)
hupokenos somewhat empty (1: 6.1) hupolêpsis apprehension (3: 27, 28.1, 93), assumption
hupokhôrein to concede one’s place to (1: 76), to give (7: 1, 50, 55, 68, 79, 88, 98), belief (4: 25, 36,
way (1: 57), to give way to (1: 76), to go to (1: 45/46, 58), conception (4: 54, 59, 79, 83),
85), to make way for (1: 76), to move backwards conjecture (1: 7), idea (2: 58, 59), judgement (2:
(1: 52), to move below (1: 88), to move into (1: 2, 91), notion (5: 23, 58, 59, 80, 87), opinion (2:
85), to recede (1: 94), to retreat before (1: 52), to 74, 88), presupposition (1: 94), proposal (1: 85),
sink (1: 88), to withdraw (2: 55, 91) supposal (2: 34/35.1, 35.2), supposition (11: 2, 4,
hupokhôrêsis evacuation (1: 24), faeces (1: 24), 16, 32, 40, 43.3, 69, 74, 94, 98, 100), understand
yielding of place (1: 18.2) (1: 73), understanding (2: 36, 58), view (1: 80)
hupokhuma cataract (1: 57), suffused humours (1: 67) hupolêpsin ekhein to suppose (1: 4); koinê
hupokhusis cataract (2: 56, 86.1) hupolêpsis common sense (1: 14), common
hupokleptein to cheat (1: 60) understanding (1: 14)
hupoklinein to turn aside (1: 95) hupolêptikos of supposition (1: 16)
hupokorizesthai to use an affectionate diminutive (1: hupolêptos judged (1: 65)
86.2) to hupolêpton object of belief (1: 45/46)
hupokrinein : hupokrinesthai to act the part of (1: hupologizesthai to account for (1: 43.3), to take into
29.1), to feign (1: 58), to play a part (1: 58), to account (1: 61)
play a role (1: 35.2), to profess (1: 52) hupoloxoun to turn obliquely (1: 95)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

hupomenein to abide (2: 19, 76), to await (1: 50), to be think (5: 76, 80, 85, 88, 94), to understand (1:
permanent (4: 7, 18.2, 44, 60), to be subject to 76)
(2: 39, 59), to be subjected to (1: 88), to continue to huponoein the notion (1: 94)
(2: 27, 44), to dare (2: 86.1, 89), to endure (18: huponoia assumption (2: 88, 95), belief (1: 48),
16, 19, 20, 22, 41.2, 43.2, 57, 59, 67, 76, 78, 79, 83, conception (3: 22, 92.2, 94), conjecture (3: 19,
88, 89, 92.1, 92.2, 98), to experience (1: 57), to 47, 86.2), consideration (1: 3), deeper
face up to (1: 92.1), to hold one’s ground (1: understanding (1: 79), doubt (1: 18.2), grounds
92.1), to incur (1: 59), to keep (1: 42), to last (2: for suspecting (1: 28.2), guesswork (1: 84),
7, 88), to outlast (1: 16), to persist (12: 17, 25, 27, hidden meaning (1: 51), idea (2: 44, 98), idea
38, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, 52, 60, 89, 91), to remain (14: (basic thought) (1: 89), implication (1: 25),
2, 4, 12, 21, 22, 27, 28.2, 32, 52, 58, 75, 76, 91, impression (1: 88), innuendo (1: 69), meaning
92.1), to remain behind (2: 21, 38), to stand up (2: 39, 68), notion (4: 5, 58, 59, 88), objection (1:
to (1: 85), to stay behind (1: 50), to stay the 88), opinion (1: 88), suggestion (2: 88, 94),
same (1: 85), to submit (1: 99), to submit to (4: supposition (5: 39, 44, 54, 57, 95), surmise (1:
11, 40, 79, 92.2), to suffer (1: 59), to survive (1: 94), suspicion (2: 28.2, 35.2), thought (1: 86.1),
76), to sustain (2: 56, 92.1), to tolerate (1: 40), to understanding (1: 44)
undergo (18: 6.2, 11, 16, 25, 42, 44, 57, 58, 59, 60, paidikê huponoia naive assumption (1: 95)
61, 75, 76, 78, 83, 88, 94, 98) huponostein to lag behind (1: 88), to wane (1: 86.1)
hupomimnêskein to bring to mind (1: 19), to call hupopherein to bring against (1: 79), to bring down (1:
attention (1: 22), to call to mind (1: 22), to 83), to carry down (3: 22, 28.1, 83), to introduce
comment (2: 80, 99), to mention (6: 3, 10.2, 19, (1: 54), to suggest (1: 79)
55, 78, 83), to note (1: 17), to point out (1: 80), hupopheresthai to slide into (1: 25)
to recall (14: 3, 16, 18.2, 22, 25, 42, 44, 54, 60, 78, hupophora decline (1: 92.2)
79, 83, 88, 94), to record (2: 28.1, 98), to remind hupopiptein to be connected with (1: 98), to be subject
(22: 3, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 28.1, 38, 40, 42, to (3: 3, 59, 64), to be subjected to (1: 40), to be
44, 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 83, 85, 88, 94, 99), to suited to (1: 48), to be the subject of (1: 59), to
suggest (3: 19, 28.1, 99) become an object of (1: 41.1), to befall (1: 6.1),
hoi hupomnêsantes commentators (1: 34/35.1) to come in view (1: 91), to come to one’s
hupomnêma comment (3: 1, 6.2, 42), commentary (12: attention (1: 95), to come under (1: 3), to fall
12, 19, 21, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 44, 67, 84, 88, under (11: 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 44, 48, 56, 57,
99), record (1: 85), reminder (1: 40) 91, 95, 98), to present oneself (1: 95), to produce
hupomnêmata commentary (3: 58, 59, 68); an impression (1: 88)
exêgêtika hupomnêmata comments (1: 59) hupopeptôkenai to be subject to (1: 68)
hupomnêmatikos explanatory (2: 58, 59) hupopodismos backward motion (1: 55), retrograde
ta hupomnêmatika commentaries (1: 7); motion (1: 88), retrogression (1: 83)
hupomnêmatika suntagmata commentary (1: hupopodizein to move backward (1: 55)
59) hupopoiein to give for adoption (1: 43.2)
hupomnêmatismos comment (1: 44), the office of a hupopous footed (2: 7, 68), having feet (2: 41.2, 64)
commentator (1: 11) hupopsia impression (1: 54), suspicion (1: 19)
hupomnêmatistês commentator (3: 14, 59, 63) paraskhein hupopsian to make (someone) suspect
hupomnêmatizein to comment on (1: 61) (1: 23)
hupomnêmatizesthai to comment on (1: 44), to hupopsukhros rather absurd (1: 94), somewhat absurd
commentate (1: 68), to interpret (1: 68), to write (1: 94)
a commentary on (1: 38); hupomnêmatizôn in hupopteuein to conjecture (1: 20), to suppose (2: 23,
his commentary (1: 34/35.1) 29.1), to suspect (8: 4, 19, 27, 35.2, 60, 68, 86.1,
hupomnêsis instruction (1: 39), mention (2: 5, 69), 86.2)
observation (1: 48), recapitulation (1: 25), hupopteuesthai to be apprehensive (1: 4)
recollection (1: 78), reminder (3: 3, 16, 68), hupoptos suspect (1: 54), under suspicion (2: 19, 84)
review (1: 59), suggestion (1: 41.1) hupoptôtos that falls under (1: 52)
hupomonê a submitting to (1: 40), endurance (2: 37, huporrhein to flow (1: 27)
69), outfacing (1: 40), persistence (1: 69) huposelênos sublunary (2: 34/35.1, 78), under the
huponoein to assume (2: 25, 80), to believe (1: 20), to moon (1: 55)
conceive (3: 28.1, 68, 98), to conjecture (2: 17, huposkaptein to dig (1: 20)
39), to envisage (1: 63), to get the idea (1: 44), to huposmos guided by smell (3: 38, 57, 91)
guess (1: 75), to infer (2: 25, 50), to interpret (1: huposmukhein to smoulder (1: 87)
50), to suppose (16: 42, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, hupospan to move away (1: 55), to pull away from
67, 68, 73, 80, 83, 93, 94, 98), to surmise (2: 87, under (1: 67), to remove (1: 79), to take away
94), to suspect (7: 23, 35.2, 44, 48, 56, 57, 61), to from under (1: 83)


hupostasis actual existence (2: 2, 15), being (3: 41.2, 67, huposulan to steal away (1: 97.2)
72), bringing into being (1: 92.1), constitution huposullogistikos subsyllogistical (1: 9)
(1: 41.1), creation (2: 58, 59), emergence (1: 80), huposunthetos quasi-compound (1: 51)
excrement (1: 21), existence (42: 1, 3, 4, 10.2, 12, huposurein to drag along (1: 95)
13, 14, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29.1, 36, hupotassein / hupotattein to append (1: 79), to
41.1, 44, 47, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, arrange (1: 40), to arrange under (1: 48), to
67, 68, 70, 74, 77, 80, 83, 87, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 95), classify under (2: 3, 40), to count under (1: 7), to
form of existence (1: 45/46), foundation (1: make subservient (1: 86.2), to order (1: 40), to
18.2), hypostasis (4: 28.1, 85, 97.2, 100), place after (1: 39), to place under (1: 65), to put
independent existence (1: 7), institution (1: 72), next in order (1: 48), to range under (1: 39), to
mode of existence (1: 100), nature (2: 28.1, 74), subordinate (5: 9, 41.2, 45/46, 52, 67), to
object (1: 44), occurrence (1: 44), origination (1: subordinate to (1: 40), to subsume (2: 84, 99)
59), production (2: 68, 72), real being (1: 7), real hupotassesthai to submit (1: 91), to be ranged
effect (1: 95), real entity (1: 95), real existence under (1: 16); hupotetagmenos subordinated
(6: 4, 12, 21, 25, 38, 52), realisation (1: 92.2), (1: 22)
reality (16: 2, 5, 10.2, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 39, 41.2, hupoteinein to subtend (4: 20, 56, 73, 88)
78, 79, 87, 92.1, 92.2, 98), self-subsistence (1: 66), hupoteinousa hypotenuse (2: 2, 20)
state (1: 28.1), subsistence (13: 9, 12, 22, 32, hupothesis argument (1: 69), assumption (13: 25, 29.1,
34/35.1, 39, 42, 45/46, 51, 72, 89, 93, 99), 50, 60, 63, 67, 68, 69, 80, 85, 88, 89, 95), basic
subsistent reality (1: 39), subsistent thing (1: assumption (1: 99), conditional statement (1:
94), substance (6: 5, 18.2, 22, 26, 57, 97.1), 22), hypothesis (64: 1, 3, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.2, 14,
substantial being (2: 2, 26), substantial existence 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29.1, 30/31,
(1: 48), substantiality (1: 50), substrate (1: 85) 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.3, 44,
en hupostasei in reality (1: 63), real (1: 76); en 45/46, 48, 50, 51, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65,
hupostasei einai to be substance (1: 18.2), to 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
exist (4: 18.2, 27, 80, 94); kat’ idian hupostasis a 86.2, 88, 90, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100), hypothetical
reality proper to onself (1: 10.2); kath’ assumption (1: 63), plot (1: 43.3), posit (1: 18.2),
hupostasin in respect of real existence (1: 25); positing (1: 63), position (2: 80, 93), postulate (1:
pros hupostasin in order to exist (1: 51); auta 17), premise (2: 60, 68), presupposition (1: 51),
kath’ hauta hupostasis totally independent proposal (1: 27), proposition (2: 20, 48), starting
reality (1: 16) point (1: 97.2), subject matter (1: 88), suggestion
hupostatês author (1: 42), generator (1: 70), institutor (2: 63, 98), support (1: 28.2), supposition (17: 12,
(1: 72), one who gives subsistence (1: 45/46), 21, 27, 35.2, 38, 41.2, 44, 53, 57, 66, 67, 68, 75, 87,
supporter (1: 6.2) 89, 99, 100), theory (3: 11, 22, 98), thesis (1: 76),
hupostathmê foundation (1: 23), residual sediment (1: what has been assumed (1: 60)
92.2), sediment (2: 68, 88) hupothesei hypothetically (1: 95); hupotheseis
hupostatikos able to sink (1: 79), capable of bringing account (1: 95), theory (1: 95); en hupothesei
into existence (2: 19, 68), constitutive (1: 22), ex hypothesi (1: 61), hypothetical (1: 61),
constitutive of (1: 42), essential (1: 48), hypothetically (3: 59, 61, 68), on an hypothesis
generative (1: 70), giving existence (1: 83), (1: 97.2); en têi hupothesei hypothesised (1:
giving subsistence (1: 45/46), subsistence-giving 59); ex hupotheseôs conditionally (2: 12, 21), ex
(1: 34/35.1), that constitutes (2: 22, 100), that hypothesi (2: 18.2, 60), from an hypothesis (2:
gives (something) its level of reality (1: 22), that 64, 65), hypothetical (3: 17, 40, 66),
supports (1: 100) hypothetically (8: 17, 22, 27, 28.2, 35.2, 66, 73,
hupostatos : to hupostaton substantial reality (1: 39) 77), on a hypothetical basis (1: 16),
hupostellein to constrain (1: 55), to draw back (1: 57), conditionally (1: 89), hypothetically (1: 59);
to leave out (1: 95) kath’ hupothesin conditionally (1: 89),
hupostigmê comma (2: 55, 93) hypothetical (2: 59, 60), hypothetically (3: 59,
hupostizein to insert a comma (2: 54, 93), to punctuate 68, 77); pros hupothesin hypothetically (1: 59);
(2: 23, 63), to punctuate with a comma (1: 95), he hupokeimenê hupothesis the present
to put a comma (1: 100) subject (1: 95); hôs en hupothesei
hupostorennusthai to be spread beneath (1: 17) hypothetically (1: 59); lambanein hupotheseis
hupostrephein to return (1: 27), to revert (1: 60) to make assumptions (1: 77); mekhri monês
hupostrônnunai to spread under (1: 56) hupotheseôs hypothetically (1: 68)
hupostrônnusthai to be a substrate (1: 28.2), to be hupothetikos conditional (1: 48), hypothetical (29: 3, 9,
a support (1: 22), to be basic to (1: 28.2), to 17, 19, 20, 23, 27, 35.2, 36, 40, 42, 45/46, 54, 55,
form a mattress (1: 34/35.1), to stand beneath 60, 64, 65, 69, 73, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87, 89, 93, 94,
(1: 22), to underlie (2: 22, 28.2) 98)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

hupothetikôs by hypothetical reasoning (1: 57, 95), to pass underneath (1: 88), to run
34/35.1), hypothetically (3: 18.2, 27, 36), in a beneath (1: 88), to run under (1: 95), to stretch
hypothetical syllogism (1: 99); to hupothetikon over (1: 95)
hypothetical argument (1: 18.2), proposition (1: hupotrophê growth (1: 99)
36); hupothetikos sullogismos hypothetical hupotupôsis outline (2: 34/35.1, 40)
syllogism (3: 33, 34/35.1, 57) hupotupôtikôs sketchy (1: 41.1)
hupotithenai to adopt (1: 60), to advance (2: 58, 59), to hupotupousthai to receive an outline (1: 28.1)
assume (9: 18.2, 58, 59, 60, 63, 67, 68, 88, 99), to hupouranios subcelestial (1: 72)
claim (1: 61), to consider an hypothesis (1: 76), hupourgein to contribute to (1: 78), to serve (3: 22, 57,
to establish (1: 58), to form an hypothesis (1: 69)
18.2), to give an assumption (1: 60), to grant (1: hupourgia service (2: 43.1, 69)
88), to hold (1: 59), to hold a view (1: 60), to hupozugios beast of burden (1: 93)
hypothesize (21: 3, 6.1, 9, 18.2, 30/31, 42, 54, 55, hupsêlos high (7: 6.1, 21, 54, 55, 56, 88, 95), high in the
58, 59, 64, 65, 73, 77, 78, 79, 83, 90, 92.1, 93, 99), sky (1: 42)
to make (something) a substrate (1: 2), to make hupsos elevation (2: 83, 95), height (6: 55, 56, 57, 67, 88,
an assumption (2: 68, 88), to make an 95), what is above (1: 54)
hypothesis (1: 83), to make subject for (1: 9), to eis hupsos high up (1: 88); eis to hupsos upward
place under (1: 51), to posit (17: 18.2, 22, 23, 25, (1: 88); en hupsei high above (1: 95)
41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 60, 61, 63, 67, 76, 89, 90, 92.1, hupsothen above (1: 54)
93), to position (1: 76), to postulate (3: 17, 41.2, hupsousthai to rise (1: 88)
67), to presuppose (1: 27), to propose (4: 20, 51, huptiazesthai to diverge (1: 88)
76, 99), to put forward (3: 22, 58, 59), to put huptios flat (1: 19), on one’s back (1: 54), passive (1: 39),
under (1: 55), to say (1: 61), to set out (1: 58), to ‘so as to diverge’ (1: 88), upside down (1: 88)
start from an assumption (1: 92.1), to ex huptias back to front (1: 70)
subordinate (1: 16), to subsume (1: 41.2), to hustatos final (1: 75), last (2: 70, 75), subsequent (1:
suggest (4: 22, 60, 63, 76), to suppose (19: 9, 10.2)
18.2, 22, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 34/35.1, 44, 45/46, 58, hustera uterus (1: 86.1), womb (1: 21)
59, 61, 66, 67, 68, 76, 77, 89, 99) husterein to be posterior (1: 39), to lag behind (1: 55)
hupotithesthai to assume (10: 2, 10.2, 11, 14, 25, husterizein to be later (2: 28.2, 95), to fall more slowly
41.1, 50, 69, 80, 85), to be established (1: 94), to (2: 78, 79)
be subordinated (1: 16), to be supposed (1: 16), husterogenês a posteriori (1: 74), coming after (2: 70,
to believe in (1: 80), to hold (1: 80), to 74), generated later (1: 85), later born (3: 41.1,
hypothesize (7: 14, 19, 39, 40, 50, 80, 98), to lay 70, 74), later in origin (1: 7), of secondary origin
down (2: 40, 80), to lay down an hypothesis (1: (1: 58), posterior (1: 44), secondary (1: 48), that
98), to make a supposition (2: 21, 52), to place comes into being later (1: 61)
(1: 28.2), to posit (2: 39, 89), to postulate (3: 80, to husterogenes subgenus (1: 85)
85, 98), to presuppose (1: 80), to propose (1: 14), husteros after (3: 14, 39, 42), last (1: 42), later (13: 11,
to provide (1: 80), to suggest (2: 85, 98), to 12, 14, 18.2, 20, 54, 55, 73, 78, 79, 83, 93, 99),
suppose (13: 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 16, 21, 28.2, 38, 40, 75, posterior (32: 7, 10.2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 20,
85, 89, 98); hupothemenos on the hypothesis 26, 32, 35.2, 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 48, 54, 55, 61, 63, 73,
(1: 27), supposing (1: 53); to hupothemenon 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 87, 92.1, 93, 98, 99), secondary
the hypothesis (1: 42); to hupotethen (2: 12, 67), subordinate (1: 44)
hypothesis (1: 9); hupotithesthai to husteron afterwards (1: 42), below (1: 42), last (1:
zêtoumenon to beg the question (1: 14) 93), later (10: 10.2, 16, 19, 21, 25, 42, 50, 76, 87,
hupotopazein to surmise (1: 88) 99), next (1: 42), posterior (1: 25), subsequently
hupotopein to surmise (1: 78), to suspect (2: 6.2, 95) (1: 16); to husteron posteriority (1: 42),
hupotrekhein to be moving under (1: 55), to move subsequently (1: 21), the after (1: 50); proteron
under (1: 95), to pass beneath in its course (1: kai husteron earlier and later (1: 67); prôton
73), to pass in front of (1: 58), to pass under (2: kai husteron prior and posterior (2: 10.2, 16)


iama cure (2: 30/31, 56), healing (1: 61) idikos in the specific sense (1: 17), individual (2: 3, 76),
iasthai to be cured (1: 19), to heal (1: 30/31), to remedy of a special character (1: 48), of one’s own (1:
(1: 52), to treat (1: 2), medical treatment (1: 30/31), particular (2: 56, 76), peculiar (3: 35.2,
30/31) 63, 95), proper (2: 51, 90), special (2: 30/31, 95),
iatreuein to doctor (1: 17), to give medical treatment specific (5: 35.2, 61, 68, 73, 88), unique (1: 75)
(1: 30/31), to heal (1: 27), to practice medicine idikôs individually (1: 27), just (1: 54), properly (1:
(3: 25, 58, 76), to treat (2: 30/31, 58) 28.1), specifically (1: 61); idikôteros more
iatreuesthai to be cured (1: 30/31), to be treated specific (1: 60); idikôteron more properly (1:
(medically) (1: 4); to iatreuesthai to receive 90), more specifically (1: 88); idikôtatos most
medical treatment (1: 30/31); ho iatreuomenos characteristic (1: 63)
patient (1: 58) idiographos idiographic (1: 23)
iatreusis curing (1: 44), healing (1: 58), medicine (1: idiôma character (1: 41.2), characteristic (3: 36, 41.1,
26) 70), characteristic particularity (1: 51), feature
iatrikos in medicine (1: 90), medical (11: 7, 10.2, 16, 40, (1: 41.1), particular character (1: 48), particular
30/31, 61, 79, 90, 91, 93, 99), medicinal (1: 97.1), feature (1: 41.2), peculiarity (3: 28.1, 30/31, 70),
of healing (1: 97.2), of medicine (1: 40) property (4: 28.1, 41.1, 72, 100), quality (1:
iatrikôs in a medical manner (1: 16); ho iatrikos 30/31), specific feature (1: 39), uniqueness (1:
medical man (1: 16); hê iatrikê art of medicine 50)
(4: 13, 17, 78, 79), medical science (1: 16), kata to idiôma aisthêtikon in the way distinctive
medical techniques (1: 26), medicine (13: 2, 4, 7, of sense (1: 30/31), in the way peculiar to sense
10.2, 22, 25, 27, 40, 52, 60, 61, 73, 90), science of (1: 30/31)
medicine (1: 15); iatrikê tekhnê art of medicine idiopoieisthai to appropriate (1: 43.3)
(1: 29.1), art of the doctors (1: 97.1), healing art idiopragein to attend to one’s own business (1: 30/31)
(1: 97.1)16) idios characteristic (6: 2, 16, 21, 68, 76, 86.1),
iatros doctor (21: 15, 17, 25, 26, 30/31, 38, 30/31, 52, 56, characteristic of (1: 67), distinct (1: 55),
57, 58, 60, 61, 73, 76, 80, 86.1, 90, 97.1, 97.2, 99), distinctive (7: 2, 7, 16, 19, 43.2, 64, 92.1),
healer (1: 67), physician (9: 7, 15, 16, 23, 24, 27, exclusive (1: 63), exclusive to (1: 91), in a special
29.1, 44, 78) sense (1: 90), individual (15: 3, 12, 17, 22, 43.2,
hoi iatroi medical writers (1: 20) 43.3, 30/31, 48, 51, 63, 64, 69, 76, 86.1, 92.2), of
iatrosophistes medical teacher (1: 97.2) one’s own (2: 20, 27), one’s own (10: 16, 32, 36,
idea appearance (1: 85), character (1: 32), external 30/31, 63, 65, 78, 79, 83, 98), own (16: 3, 19, 21,
appearance (1: 89), external structure (1: 89), 22, 24, 28.1, 44, 52, 57, 60, 61, 67, 68, 73, 76, 86.1),
form (27: 1, 22, 25, 28.2, 32, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 43.3, own particular (1: 76), own proper (1: 57),
44, 48, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 78, particular (7: 4, 18.2, 26, 27, 41.2, 54, 63),
80, 83, 86.1, 97.2), idea (9: 1, 2, 22, 32, 44, 63, 83, peculiar (22: 2, 4, 7, 14, 21, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38,
89, 97.1), Idea (Platonic) (3: 10.2, 16, 20, 90, 93), 41.1, 44, 30/31, 52, 54, 55, 61, 63, 67, 85, 86.1, 87),
ideal form (1: 69), kind (3: 58, 80, 83), pattern personal (2: 3, 4), private (6: 11, 14, 28.1, 43.2, 56,
(1: 17), Platonic Form (4: 17, 61, 74, 85), 69), proper (37: 5, 7, 10.2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22,
Platonic Idea (1: 13), style (1: 23), type (2: 7, 51), 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 36, 41.1, 44, 30/31, 52, 55,
variety (1: 80) 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 83,
hai ideai the Ideas (1: 15); idea logou form of 86.1, 90, 93, 94), proprietary (1: 25), respective
speech (2: 35.2, 57); logographikê idea written (1: 68), separate (2: 85, 92.1), special (12: 22, 25,
style (1: 23) 27, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 44, 50, 52, 56, 57, 85), specific
idiazein to be distinctive (2: 7, 70), to be peculiar (1: (13: 20, 22, 28.2, 30/31, 54, 64, 65, 69, 75, 78, 79,
30/31), to be peculiar to (1: 56), to be special (2: 92.2, 100), that holds uniquely (1: 90), unique (7:
39, 95), to define (1: 25), to distinguish (1: 57), 25, 50, 54, 55, 73, 75, 89), within (1: 28.2)
to individuate (3: 48, 67, 76) idiâi among themselves (1: 86.1), apart (1: 17), as
idiazein (+ gen.) to be particular to (1: 48); idiazôn individual things (1: 92.2), by itself (4: 2, 16, 74,
peculiar (1: 95), special (2: 33, 95) 93), in a particular way (1: 52), in an exclusive

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

way (1: 10.2), in individual cases (1: 25), in one’s idios logos distinctive formula (1: 16), own
own right (1: 2), in particular (3: 25, 61, 74), in definition (1: 6.1); idiôs poion individual
specific cases (1: 25), independently (1: 93), quality (1: 36), individualizing quality (1: 51),
individually (13: 19, 21, 22, 28.2, 38, 52, 61, 64, the peculiarly qualified (1: 74); idiôs poios
65, 67, 68, 85, 94), on its own (6: 12, 36, 40, 52, peculiarly qualified (1: 30/31)
56, 57), on one’s own (1: 30/31), peculiarly (1: idiotês character (2: 29.1, 44), characteristic (4: 28.2, 36,
74), private (1: 56), privately (1: 56), proper to 58, 63), characteristic feature (1: 90),
particular senses (1: 56), separately (12: 17, 22, characteristic power (1: 86.1), characteristic
28.2, 35.2, 38, 39, 42, 52, 73, 90, 93, 94), severally property (1: 51), common man (1: 97.2),
(1: 27), specifically (5: 16, 20, 22, 67, 74), taken distinctive character (1: 63), distinctive property
individually (1: 91), themselves (1: 16), uniquely (4: 16, 70, 74, 94), distinguishing character (1:
(1: 89); idiôs alone (1: 36), as peculiar to (1: 57), 86.1), feature (2: 22, 68), identity (1: 72),
especially (1: 22), exclusively (1: 28.2), for it idiosyncrasy (1: 22), individual (1: 86.2),
alone (1: 90), in a special sense (1: 24), in a individuality (2: 22, 44), individuating quality
special way (1: 28.1), in the particular sense (2: (1: 1), nature (1: 59), own nature (1: 36),
56, 99), in the proper sense (1: 51), individually particular character (2: 23, 41.2), particular
(3: 65, 76, 93), just (1: 30/31), particularly (1: 4), characteristic (1: 26), particular feature (2: 48,
properly (3: 28.2, 30/31, 86.1), separately (1: 54), particular property (2: 23, 43.3), particular
35.2), special (1: 22), specifically (6: 3, 22, 36, 38, variety (1: 44), particularity (4: 23, 32, 30/31,
42, 93); ho idios specialist (1: 63); to idion a 92.2), peculiar character (1: 57), peculiar feature
thing proper to something (1: 14), character (1: (1: 17), peculiar nature (2: 59, 61), peculiar
44), characteristic (2: 36, 73), distinctive quality (1: 17), peculiarity (10: 23, 35.2, 41.1, 56,
character (1: 22), distinctive feature (1: 64), 57, 61, 67, 85, 86.2, 98), proper character (2: 23,
distinctive property (2: 40, 94), distinguishing 28.2), proper characteristic (1: 13), proper
characteristic (1: 41.1), distinguishing mark (2: quality (1: 29.1), property (7: 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2,
7, 39), exclusive feature of (1: 91), individual (1: 41.1, 68, 100), special character (4: 22, 54, 55,
11), own property (1: 36), particular property 100), special feature (3: 22, 39, 85), special
(1: 41.1), peculiar characteristic (1: 63), peculiar nature (4: 18.2, 28.1, 36, 44), special property (1:
feature (1: 30/31), peculiarity (6: 7, 24, 35.2, 56, 95), speciality (1: 54), specific attribute (1: 20),
57, 63), proper attribute (1: 60), proper specific character (2: 28.2, 83), specific feature
characteristic (2: 9, 99), proper object (1: 36), (2: 79, 83), specificity (1: 79), uniqueness (1: 55)
property (12: 2, 15, 22, 27, 40, 42, 47, 52, 60, 73, kat’ idiotêta specific (1: 22)
77, 93), property of (1: 99), proprium (9: 5, 7, 13, idiôtês amateur (1: 69), layman (3: 6.2, 16, 69),
41.1, 51, 64, 65, 83, 92.2), special character (1: layperson (2: 19, 42), ordinary person (1:
22), special characteristic (1: 60), special 30/31), private person (1: 69), simple person (1:
property (1: 17), special sensible (1: 36), specific 30/31), special nature (1: 42), uneducated
characteristic (1: 64), specific feature (2: 22, 83), amateur (1: 84)
specific property (1: 38), unique feature (1: 89), idiôtikos amateurish (2: 78, 84), ignorant (1: 88),
unique property (1: 11); kat’ idia as individual ordinary (1: 30/31), trivial (1: 61)
things (1: 92.2); kat’ idian (taken) by itself (1: idiôtikôs in an amateurish way (1: 79), inexpert (1:
16), by itself (2: 2, 52), in a peculiar way (1: 16), 29.1)
in one’s own right (1: 2), individually (6: 17, 21, idiôtismos ordinary behaviour (1: 30/31)
38, 52, 64, 86.1), on one’s own (1: 52), separately idiotropein to individualise (1: 39)
(1: 52); kat’ idian hupostasis a reality proper to idiotropia individual type (1: 19)
onself (1: 10.2); kath’ hauto idion proper idiotropos of a particular kind (1: 39), of a special sort
attribute (1: 61), particular name (1: 51); idia (1: 44), peculiar (2: 39, 88)
hormê own impulse (1: 100); idia hupostasis a idiotropôs distinctively (1: 48), in a distinctive way
reality of one’s own (1: 10.2); idia phusis one’s (1: 22), in a special way (1: 22), in a way proper
own nature (1: 6.1); idiâi sumbainon with to each (1: 22), in one’s own way (1: 28.2), in
separate existence (1: 58); idioi logoi private proper fashion (1: 22), specifically (1: 22), suited
discussions (1: 25); idion aisthêton proper to each (1: 22)
sense-object (2: 44, 57), proper sensible (1: 16), idiousthai to make private (1: 51)
what is perceptible exclusively by one sense (1: ienai to go (7: 19, 21, 60, 79, 83, 86.1, 86.2), to move (2:
91); idion kata sumbebêkos consequential 44, 78), to proceed (5: 19, 60, 73, 78, 83), to
property (1: 22); idion onoma distinctive name travel (2: 19, 21)
(1: 16), name (1: 40), particular name (1: 51); to ienai progression (1: 27); ienai epi to go on to
idion sêmeion distinctive sign (1: 16); idiôs (1: 21); ienai ep’ apeiron to go to infinity (1:
antikeisthai to oppose uniquely (1: 30/31); 42); to eis apeiron ienai infinite regress (1: 73)


ikhnêlatein to trace (1: 61) iskhuein to be able (1: 83), to be capable of (1: 44), to
ikhneutikos tracking (1: 86.2) be strong (4: 12, 20, 54, 85), to have influence (1:
ikhnos trace (13: 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 43.1, 48, 51, 60, 61, 4), to have the strength (2: 19, 83), to hold good
67, 68, 72, 86.1), vestige (1: 91) (1: 19)
ikhôr serum (1: 24) iskhurizesthai to assert (1: 88), to rely on (1: 25)
ikhôroeidês that resembles serum (1: 24) iskhuros intense (1: 25), powerful (2: 18.2, 25), strong
ikhthus fish (13: 18.2, 25, 28.2, 30/31, 38, 52, 54, 56, 57, (18: 12, 16, 18.2, 19, 24, 25, 28.1, 38, 42, 52, 54,
67, 77, 83, 98), Pisces (the constellation) (1: 95) 55, 57, 60, 68, 83, 86.1, 91), substantial (1: 98),
hoi ikhthues Pisces (the constellation) (1: 95); violent (1: 68)
kephalai ikhthuôn fish-heads (1: 57) iskhus force (4: 2, 20, 52, 68), influence (1: 52), physical
ikmas moisture (4: 6.2, 21, 86.1, 88) strength (1: 67), power (2: 52, 69),
ikterian to have jaundice (1: 7), to suffer from jaundice predominance (1: 16), strength (9: 12, 19, 42, 54,
(2: 56, 57) 69, 79, 84, 85, 89)
ikterikos concerning jaundice (1: 7) isobarês equally heavy (2: 55, 79)
ikteros jaundice (1: 16) isodromein to keep pace with (1: 68), to move at the
ilingian to be dizzied (1: 68) same speed (1: 95)
illesthai to be wound (2: 55, 79) isodromos concurrent (1: 95), equal in speed (1: 59),
iluôdês muddy (1: 57) isodromic (1: 55), that keeps pace with (1: 68)
ilus mud (1: 30/31) isodunamein to be equal in powers (1: 95), to be
iluspasthai to wriggle (1: 25) equivalent (6: 57, 58, 59, 73, 85, 92.1), to be
inarion fibre (1: 95), string (1: 57) equivalent of (5: 48, 9, 30/31, 35.2, 93), to equate
indalma image (3: 70, 74, 88), manifestation (1: 61), (1: 39), to have equal force (1: 23), to have the
resemblance (1: 25) same force (1: 23), to mean the same thing (1:
ion violet (1: 88) 84)
ios rust (1: 38) isodunamos equivalent (1: 65), having an equal power
iousthai to rust (1: 21) (1: 84), with the same meaning (1: 98)
iris rainbow (6: 2, 11, 86.2, 88, 90, 95) isodunasthai to be equivalent (1: 99)
is fibre (1: 24), rib (of a leaf) (1: 25) isogônios equiangular (4: 68, 73, 78, 79)
isakhôs equivalent (1: 85) isokhronios contemporaneous (1: 3), of the same age
isakis an equal number of times (1: 73) (1: 84), of the same time length (1: 60), taking
isakis ison symmetry (1: 44); isakis isos equal the same amount of time (2: 54, 55), taking the
times equal (1: 2) same time as (1: 60)
isarithmos as many as (1: 93), equal in number (7: 2, isokhronos equal in time to (1: 60), of equal duration
10.2, 21, 79, 84, 92.2, 97.1), numerically equal (1: (1: 59), within the same time (1: 95)
3) isomegethês equal in size (1: 84), having the same size
isarithmôs at the same rate (1: 93), equal in (1: 55), of equal size (1: 18.2), the same amount
number (1: 43.2) as (1: 60)
isaxios of equal value (1: 70) isometros of the same size (1: 18.2)
isazein to be at equality (1: 75), to be equal (7: 20, 35.2, isonkos / isoonkos equal in bulk (1: 79), of equal bulk
38, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 60), to be equal to (1: 83), to (1: 94), of equal mass (1: 94), of equal size (1:
equal (1: 3), to equalize (2: 43.2, 43.3) 94), of equal volume (2: 3, 94), with equal
isazesthai to be equal (1: 38) volume (1: 98)
isêmeria equinox (3: 21, 54, 55) isopalês equal (1: 85)
isêmerinos equator (2: 55, 74), equinoctial (2: 3, 95), isoperimetros isoperimetric (2: 54, 90), of equal
equinox (1: 67) perimeter (1: 68), with equal circumference (2:
dusmai hai isêmerinai equinoctial sunset (1: 95), 61, 67)
the west (1: 95); ho isêmerinos celestial equator isopleuros equilateral (9: 3, 38, 44, 56, 68, 73, 78, 79, 90)
(2: 58, 78), equator (2: 54, 84); isêmerinos isorrhopia even balance (1: 55)
kuklos celestial equator (1: 59), equator (3: 54, isorrhopos equally balanced (1: 75), equipoised (2:
88, 95) 18.2, 72), evenly balanced (2: 54, 55), having
iskhas dried fig (1: 57) equal impulsion (2: 78, 79), in equilibrium (1:
iskhein to have (2: 51, 83), to hold (1: 38), to possess (3: 97.1), with equal force (1: 98)
28.1, 38, 86.1), to receive (1: 99), to retain (1: 60) isos co-extensive (1: 64), equal (45: 2, 3, 4, 6.1, 7, 9, 10.2,
iskhiadikos suffering from sciatica (1: 78) 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 25, 30/31, 40,
iskhion hip (1: 78), thigh (1: 95) 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61,
iskhnainesthai to thin (1: 55) 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 74, 78, 79, 85, 90, 92.1, 93, 94,
iskhnansis emaciation (1: 60) 98), equivalent (16: 2, 4, 9, 10.2, 12, 16, 21, 42,
iskhnotês thinness (1: 52) 52, 56, 64, 65, 79, 85, 86.1, 90), even (1: 85),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

perpendicular (1: 73), right (1: 67), same (2: 56, 92.1, 98), with equal force (1: 95), with equal
18.2, 42) strength (1: 95)
ison equally (2: 25, 42); en isôi equivalent (1: 60), isostoikhos comparable (1: 26), co-ordinate (2: 39, 83),
co-extensive (1: 30/31), equal in extension (1: on the same level (1: 41)
12); en isêi khorâi of an equivalent status (1: isostrophê equiversion (1: 7)
89); ep’ isês equally (2: 29.1, 30/31), equally isostrophos corresponding (1: 40)
balanced (1: 30/31), half the time (1: 26), having isotakheia equal speed (1: 3)
the same extension (1: 40), to the same degree isotakhês at a constant speed (1: 75), at an equal speed
(1: 16); ex isou equally (1: 28.1), evenly (2: 73, (1: 75), at the same speed (1: 18.2), equal in
90), indiscriminately (1: 16); kat’ ison speed (3: 3, 19, 59), having equal speed (1: 42),
evenhandedly (1: 25); isakis ison symmetry (1: having the same speed (2: 54, 55), moving
44); isakis isos equal times equal (1: 2); ison equally quickly (1: 79), moving with equal
aphestanai to be equidistant from (1: 42); ison speed (1: 84), of equal speed (1: 3), of equal
dunasthai to be equivaIent (4: 10.2, 12, 16, 40), velocity (1: 87), of uniform speed (1: 3)
to be equivalent to (3: 9, 64, 65); isos einai to be isotakhôs at a uniform speed (1: 3), at an equal
equivalent to (1: 30/31); ison kai tauton speed (1: 50), at equal speed (3: 12, 70, 88), at
sêmainein to mean the same thing as (1: equal speeds (1: 18.2), at the same rate (1: 98), at
30/31); ison sêmainein to be equivalent (1: the same speed (4: 18.2, 54, 64, 95), of the same
30/31); to ison equality (7: 2, 4, 15, 16, 19, 40, speed (1: 3), with equal speed (2: 19, 42)
60), the equal (1: 2), the same share (1: 67), what isotês equality (25: 2, 3, 4, 7, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 27,
is equal (1: 67); isos kai autos equivalent to and 40, 41.2, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 47, 60, 69, 74, 78, 83,
the same as (1: 30/31); isos kat’ arithmon equal 93, 98)
in number (1: 40) kata analogian isotês proportional (1: 40)
isôs arguably (9: 10.2, 16, 19, 28.1, 55, 78, 79, 90, 94), isotheos godlike (1: 7)
may (1: 73), perhaps (9: 20, 25, 25, 54, 64, 65, 73, isotimia equality of claim (1: 16)
83, 86.1) isotimos of equal rank (1: 74)
isoskelês isosceles (13: 16, 44, 60, 64, 65, 73, 75, 77, 78, isotimôs with an equal claim (1: 16), with equal
79, 80, 90, 93) validity (1: 99)
isoskhêmôn with equal shapes (1: 98) isoun to equalise (1: 48), to make equal (1: 52)
isosthenein to be equivalent (1: 23), to be of equal isousthai to be made equal (2: 50, 79)
strength (1: 92.1), to be of the same number (1: ithunein to control (1: 85), to guide (1: 83)
30/31) ithuphorikos rectilinear (1: 88)
isosthenês equal in strength (2: 43.3, 44), equally ithutenês straight (1: 84)
strong (1: 83), equipollent (4: 39, 41.2, 48, 76), of itus rim (1: 55)
equal power (1: 41.2), of equal strength (4: 44, ixos birdlime (1: 24)


kainos recent (1: 78) hê kakê evil (1: 97.2); to kakon bad (1: 25), badness
kainotomein to give a new meaning to (1: 98), to (1: 22), evil (6: 2, 4, 15, 25, 97.1, 97.2), evil thing
innovate (1: 7), to introduce a new classification (1: 2), the ugly (1: 97.1); kakôs (to do
(1: 34/35.1) something) poorly (1: 68), badly (5: 4, 6.1, 19,
kainotomêtheis new-fangled (1: 88) 52, 60), in an evil manner (1: 86.2), incorrectly
kairios timely (1: 45/46) (3: 20, 25, 93), wrongly (1: 18.2); kheirôn
kairos appropriate time (3: 21, 25, 79), duration (1: inferior (2: 19, 25), worse (3: 4, 19, 83);
86.1), juncture (1: 40), moment (4: 16, 40, 86.1, eklambanein kakôs to misunderstand (1: 93);
95), occasion (5: 43.3, 44, 48, 52, 69), opportune kakôs khrêsthai to confuse (1: 90); kakôs legei
(1: 74), opportunity (3: 2, 65, 74), period (1: it is wrong to say (1: 68); kakôs legein to make
86.1), right moment (2: 69, 86.1), season (2: 2, an incorrect claim (1: 25)
95), the opportune moment (3: 45/46, 48, 74), kakôsis misery (1: 43.3)
the proper time (1: 7), time (6: 43.3, 52, 60, 86.1, kakoskholos frivolous (1: 83), idle (1: 1), lazy (1: 1),
95, 98) mischievous (1: 83)
en kairôi appropriately (1: 25); kata kairon at the kakoskholôs frivolously (1: 54)
right time (1: 23), when the occasion arises (1: kakotekhnia malpractice (2: 52, 80)
74) kakôtikos corrupting (1: 43.3), hurtful (1: 7)
kakhektein to be unfit (1: 40) kakotropia badness of character (1: 84), malignancy (1:
kakhektês physically unfit (1: 12), unfit (1: 40) 1)
kakhexia lack of fitness (1: 40), lack of physical fitness kakoun to become bad (1: 45/46)
(1: 12), unfitness (1: 40), weakness (1: 97.1) kakourgein to be malicious (2: 69, 83), to do evil (1:
kakia badness (5: 22, 27, 28.2, 44, 45/46), being wicked 69), to engage in evil-doing (1: 52)
(1: 4), defect (3: 4, 7, 59), evil (9: 5, 10.2, 28.1, kakourgein en tois logois to argue unfairly (2: 58,
43.1, 68, 69, 80, 97.1, 97.2), fault (1: 77), vice (29: 59)
4, 5, 7, 15, 19, 25, 26, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 43.1, kakourgia fraud (1: 43.2), illegitimacy (1: 89), malice
43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 48, 52, 58, 59, 60, 67, 69, 75, 83, (1: 84), viciousness (1: 43.3), villainous way (1:
86.2, 88, 92.1, 97.1, 100), vicious state (1: 52), 58)
viciousness (1: 65), wickedness (2: 4, 52) kakourgos malicious (2: 69, 84), mischievous (2: 1, 80),
kakizein to censure (1: 34/35.1), to fault (1: 7) villainous (1: 68)
kakodaimôn ill-starred (1: 43.3), unhappy (3: 45/46, kakozôia evil life (1: 29.1)
52, 69), wretched (1: 45/46) kakunein to corrupt (1: 3), to perform evil acts (1: 59)
kakodaimonein to be ill-starred (1: 43.3), to be kakunesthai to be made bad (1: 28.2), to be made
wretched (1: 45/46) vicious (1: 45/46), to become bad (1: 45/46), to
kakodaimonia unhappiness (4: 40, 45/46, 52, 69) become corrupted (1: 19), to become evil (1:
kakographos ill written (1: 34/35.1) 59), to become vicious (1: 45/46)
kakomorphos poorly shaped (1: 68) kalamê stalk (1: 86.1), stubble (1: 95)
kakopatheia persistence in troubles (1: 52) kalamos measuring rod (1: 34/35.1)
kakophônos cacophonous (1: 68), harsh-voiced (1: 57), kalathoeidês basket-shaped (1: 55), of the shape of a
with a bad voice (1: 34/35.1) basket (1: 88)
kakopoiein to do evil (1: 59) kalein to apply terms (1: 76), to call (29: 4, 10.2, 12, 16,
kakopoios maleficent (3: 35.2, 76, 86.2), productive of 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 51, 54, 55, 60, 75,
evil (1: 89) 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99),
kakopragein to fare ill (1: 69) to describe (1: 93), to designate (1: 76), to give a
kakopragia bad-doing (1: 17) name to (1: 98), to name (4: 51, 76, 93, 94), to
kakos bad (14: 4, 7, 19, 22, 25, 34/35.1, 45/46, 52, 59, 64, put it (1: 76), to refer (1: 60), to refer to (3: 76,
69, 83, 91, 100), base (1: 52), evil (18: 4, 5, 12, 15, 92.1, 93), to refer to as (2: 86.1, 99), to say (1:
34/35.1, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 51, 52, 59, 61, 68, 69, 80, 76), to term (1: 60), to use terms (1: 76)
86.2, 97.1, 97.2), harmful (1: 32), incorrect (1: kaleisthai to be called (1: 64); kaloumenos
83), poor (1: 86.1), vicious (1: 7), wicked (1: 4) so-called (7: 18.2, 19, 21, 25, 75, 76, 93); kalein

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

apo to call after (1: 94), to label (1: 94); kalein kampsis bend (2: 6.1, 87), bending (4: 15, 61, 83, 100),
onomati to identify by name (1: 76) flexing (1: 15)
kalkhos bronze (1: 75), coin (1: 75) kamptein to bend (3: 57, 67, 98), to bend down (1: 44),
kalliergein to work up (1: 17) to turn back (1: 75)
kalligraphos copyist (1: 7) kamptesthai to be bent (1: 15)
kallonê beauty (1: 97.2) kamptêr turning point (1: 42)
kallôpismos dandifying (1: 73) kamptos bendable (1: 24), flexible (1: 24)
kallôpistês dandy (2: 65, 73) to kampton capacity to be bent (1: 24)
kallôpizein to embellish (1: 7) kampulos bent (1: 73), curved (8: 2, 7, 25, 34/35.1, 61,
kallôpizesthai to dandify (1: 73) 67, 76, 93)
kallos beauty (18: 2, 4, 19, 22, 23, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 52, 54, mê kampulon non-bent (1: 73); to kampulon what
67, 69, 76, 84, 86.1, 86.2, 97.1, 97.2) is bent (1: 67)
kalôdion cord (1: 88) kampulotês curvature (1: 7), curviness (1: 76)
kalokagathia nobility (1: 69), noble character (1: 69) kankhasmos guffawing (1: 23)
kalos beautiful (17: 2, 17, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 51, 60, 64, kanôn canon (1: 35.2), criterion (3: 18.2, 45/46, 94),
65, 74, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 93, 97.2), correct (1: 83), general rule (1: 26), guideline (1: 93), principle
elegant (1: 76), fine (13: 12, 17, 21, 22, 25, 38, (1: 44), rod (1: 61), rule (17: 7, 19, 23, 26,
43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 60, 61, 74, 97.1), good (8: 34/35.1, 35.2, 45/46, 48, 56, 58, 61, 67, 73, 83, 85,
45/46, 60, 61, 64, 65, 78, 79, 83), handsome (1: 87, 90), ruler (3: 10.2, 41.2, 51), standard (7: 7,
69), noble (11: 4, 10.2, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 16, 43.2, 43.3, 69, 72, 73), straight-edge (2: 59,
64, 65, 69, 97.1), right (1: 83), well (1: 45/46) 83), yardstick (1: 48)
kalôs aptly (1: 60), correctly (7: 20, 25, 45/46, 55, 65, euthus kanôn straight-edge (1: 22)
78, 79), finely (2: 4, 17), in a fine way (1: 52), in a kanonikos : hê kanonikê musical theory (1: 26)
good manner (1: 86.2), in a wonderful way (1: to kanonikon system of rules (1: 85)
55), nicely (1: 19), nobly (1: 4), rightly (7: 4, 17, kanonizein to judge by a standard (1: 45/46), to make a
19, 20, 45/46, 60, 86.2), well (15: 4, 10.2, 12, 17, general rule (1: 26), to prescribe for (1: 3)
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 52, 55, 60, 65, 76, 78, 79), kantharos beetle (1: 7)
well-chosen (1: 76); ou / mê kalôs badly (1: kapnizein to smoke (1: 95)
18.2), in an unsatisfactory way (1: 76); kalliôn kapnodês smoky (6: 24, 38, 56, 57, 88, 95)
better (2: 4, 19); kallistos excellent (1: 61); to kapnos fume (1: 12), fumes (1: 24), smoke (6: 24, 38, 52,
kalon beauty (1: 15), nobility (1: 4), the 61, 95, 98)
beautiful (3: 2, 18.2, 97.1), what is fine (1: 25); kardia heart (26: 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1,
kalôs eirêken he was right to say (1: 17); kalôs 35.2, 38, 51, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 65, 67, 80, 83, 85,
ekhein to be right (1: 21); kalôs enistanai to 86.1, 91, 99, 100)
have a good objection (1: 57); kalôs legein to karêbarein to be made drowsy (1: 38)
make a correct claim (1: 25); kalôs poiein to karkinos Cancer (the constellation) (2: 67, 95), crab (4:
perform effectively (1: 75); kalôs prattein to do 7, 57, 85, 90)
well (1: 97.1); kalôs prostithenai to do well to karos coma (1: 86.1), state of sleep (1: 67)
add (1: 10.2) karoun to be in a coma (1: 86.1)
kálôs rope (2: 34/35.1, 54) karphê straw (1: 59)
artêmenos kálôs tightrope (1: 34/35.1) karphos chaff (1: 98), chip (1: 55), sliver of wood (1:
kalumma covering (1: 57) 56), small bit of wood (1: 86.1), wood chips (1:
kaluptein to cover (1: 57) 86.1)
kamarôma hollow vault (1: 11) karpos crop (1: 95), fruit (13: 7, 16, 21, 23, 24, 38, 56, 60,
kamatos sickness (1: 25) 61, 85, 86.1, 91, 95), fruiting shoot (1: 86.1),
poieisthai kamaton to direct labours (1: 34/35.1) grain (1: 80)
kamêlos camel (3: 34/35.1, 35.2, 97.2) karterein to steel oneself (1: 57)
kamnein to be a patient (1: 25), to be affiicted (2: 25, karteria toughness (1: 69)
60), to be damaged (1: 28.2), to be diseased (1: karterikos enduring (1: 52)
44), to be exhausted (1: 67), to be ill (2: 61, 99), karteros powerful (1: 93), strong (2: 54, 55),
to be sick (4: 16, 20, 25, 57), to be wearied (1: 4), troublesome (1: 68)
to be worn out (1: 56), to get weaker (1: 83), to karua nut (1: 86.1)
grow tired (1: 25), to grow weary (2: 38, 42), to karukeuma savoury sauce (1: 34/35.1)
labour (1: 54), to wear out (1: 83) karuon nut (1: 7)
kekmêkenai to be tired (1: 90); to kamnein illness kassiteros tin (2: 24, 38)
(1: 28.2) kastorion castor (1: 88)
kampê arc (1: 86.1), bend (1: 57) kata according to (2: 11, 14), in accordance with (1: 17),
kámpê caterpillar (1: 76) with respect to (2: 11, 14)


auta kath’ hauta hupostasis totally independent katadekhesthai to accept (3: 6.2, 59, 80), to admit (2:
reality (1: 16); kath’ hauta in themselves (1: 54, 99), to receive (5: 17, 42, 48, 60, 80), to take
92.1), on their own (1: 92.1); kath’ hauto alone in (1: 80), to take on (2: 79, 80)
(1: 80), by itself (1: 59), in itself (3: 20, 59, 92.1), katadektikos receptive (1: 48)
per se (2: 26, 92.1), separate (1: 59); kath’ hauto katadêlos clear (1: 52), manifest (1: 7)
huparkhein to be an essential attribute (1: 61), katadikazein to condemn (1: 97.2)
to be an essential property of (+ dat.) (1: 10.2), katadokhê receiving (1: 84), reception (4: 28.2, 41.1, 48,
to belong essentially (1: 16); kath’ hauto 80)
huparkhon self-subsistent (1: 27); kath’ hauto katadrepein to strip (1: 86.1)
huphistanai to be self-subsistent (1: 44); kath’ katadromê attack (1: 34/35.1)
hauto sumbebêkos essential accident (2: 10.2, kataduein to be hidden in (1: 17), to descend (2: 17,
61); kath’ hekaston for each (1: 17), in the case 61), to dive (1: 79), to dive down (1: 57), to sink
of each (1: 17), individual (4: 26, 30/31, 35.2, (3: 57, 79, 97.1)
63), particular (7: 4, 12, 17, 28.2, 65, 69, 78), with kataduesthai to dive deep (1: 25)
each (1: 17); kathekaston particular (1: 91); to katadusis burrowing (1: 34/35.1), dive (1: 57), sunset
kathekaston particular (1: 42); ta kath’ (1: 28.2), underground habitation (2: 34/35.1,
hekaston particulars (1: 68), individual (6: 19, 56)
41.1, 64, 75, 77, 93), individuals (1: 70), katagein to drag down (1: 61), to draw down (1: 55)
particular (11: 2, 10.1, 10.2, 13, 15, 16, 28.1, 39, katagesthai to descend (1: 90)
41.1, 44, 74), the particular instance (1: 2); ta katagelastikos laughable (1: 98)
kath’ hekasta / ta kathekasta individuals (3: 25, katagelastos ridiculous (6: 20, 29.1, 67, 86.1, 93, 95)
51, 52), particular cases (1: 44), particular things katageômetrein to geometrize (1: 42)
(1: 32), particulars (4: 44, 73, 92.1, 92.2); kath’ katagêraskein to grow old (1: 87)
hekasta each (1: 23), individual (2: 21, 52), katagignesthai / kataginesthai to be about (1: 17), to
particular (3: 21, 23, 52), particulars (1: 38), be concerned with (7: 2, 10.2, 16, 17, 40, 73, 90),
singular (1: 23); to kath’ hauto huparkhon to be engaged in (1: 44), to be occupied with (3:
essential attribute (1: 67), essential property (1: 34/35.1, 40, 56), to busy oneself with (1: 17), to
10.2); kath’ hekasta tekhnitês subject-specific concern (2: 17, 93), to concern oneself (1: 10.2),
expert (1: 61); kath’ hupokeimenou of a to concern oneself with (1: 17), to move around
substrate (1: 51); pathos kath’ auto per se (1: 40), to occupy oneself (1: 40), to occupy
property (1: 63) oneself with (1: 57)
katabainein to descend (4: 19, 44, 83, 97.1), to go down katagignôskein / kataginôskein to censure (2: 54, 55),
(1: 20), to set (1: 90), to sink (1: 83) to condemn (2: 28.2, 52), to disapprove (1: 95),
kataballein to cast down (1: 60), to devote (1: 23), to to discover (1: 7), to observe (1: 21), to
establish (2: 27, 40), to knock down (1: 4), to lay recognize (1: 7)
(1: 86.1), to lay down (2: 17, 40), to overcome kataginôskein azôïan to deny life (1: 22)
(1: 34/35.1), to overthrow (1: 98), to overturn katagôgion lodging (1: 34/35.1)
(1: 99), to plant (1: 80), to release (1: 86.1), to set katagôgos analytic (1: 61), debasing (1: 59), on the
down (1: 23), to set forth (1: 51), to set up (1: downward path (1: 34/35.1)
40), to sow (4: 58, 80, 91, 97.2), to write down katagraphê diagram (6: 9, 40, 55, 65, 79, 89), drawing
(1: 51) (1: 44), map (1: 95)
kataballesthai to be laid down (1: 75) katagraphein to catalogue (1: 35.2), to construct (1:
katabasis descent (5: 7, 15, 23, 34/35.1, 44), downward 44), to draw (5: 58, 59, 65, 79, 90), to inscribe (2:
journey (1: 20), falling (1: 44), going down (1: 20, 34/35.1)
34/35.1), moving down (1: 84), way down (2: katagraphos : dia katagraphôn through letters (1: 98)
16, 44) kataitiasthai to blame (1: 97.2)
kataboan to inveigh against (1: 55) katakaiein to burn completely (1: 68)
katabolê casting down (1: 60), depositing (1: 52), katakamptein to be concave (1: 24), to bend around (1:
sowing (2: 59, 86.1), the time of sowing (1: 86.1) 22)
katabussoun to bury deep within (1: 52) katakermatizein to chop up (1: 57), to cleave (1: 2), to
katabuthizesthai to sink down (1: 55) cut up into pieces (1: 97.1), to divide in bits (1:
katadapanan to consume (1: 20), to dry up (1: 95), to 57), to divide up (1: 98), to scatter (1: 85), to
exhaust (1: 94), to expend (1: 98), to reduce (1: split up (1: 50)
98) katakermatizesthai to break into little pieces (1: 28.2)
katadeês defective (1: 56), deficient (4: 6.1, 10.2, 23, 79), katakhônnunai to bury (1: 19)
inferior (1: 48), lacking (1: 51) katakhôrizein to separate (1: 39)
katadeesteros inferior (1: 92.1), worse (2: 54, 55) katakhrasthai / katakhrêsthai to apply (1: 51), to
katadeiknunai to demonstrate (1: 44) employ (1: 93), to make use of (1: 28.2), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

misapply (2: 25, 92.2), to misuse (1: 84), to say 44), to leave off at (1: 93), to stop (4: 57, 76, 85,
improperly (1: 94), to speak loosely (1: 34/35.1), 86.2), to terminate (1: 48)
to use (1: 91), to use a word in an extended kataleipein to admit (2: 2, 16), to include (1: 2), to leave
sense (1: 13), to use in a non-proper sense (1: (21: 2, 7, 10.2, 12, 17, 21, 28.1, 38, 42, 44, 52, 54,
94), to use in an extended sense (1: 51), to use 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 73, 79, 98), to leave (in
loosely (3: 34/35.1, 35.2, 57), to use wrongly (1: thought) (1: 16), to leave behind (5: 4, 12, 41.2,
35.2) 52, 91), to leave over (1: 3), to neglect (1: 18.2),
katakhrêsis misuse (1: 22) to not dispute (1: 86.1), to omit (2: 12, 21), to
katakhrêstikos incorrect (1: 27) remain (3: 6.2, 64, 65)
katakhrêstikôs by a loose use (1: 27), by a misuse kataleipesthai to be left (2: 16, 68), to come down
of language (2: 41, 48), by a non-proper usage (1: 59), to remain (2: 58, 78); to
(1: 94), by an improper use (1: 94), improperly kataleipomenon remainder (3: 10.2, 16, 90); ta
(1: 72), in an extended usage (1: 51), in an kataleipomena remainder (1: 73); askepton
improper sense (1: 99), incorrectly (1: 33), kataleipein to omit to consider (1: 12)
loosely (1: 34/35.1), wrongly (1: 98) katalêpsis apprehension (9: 1, 16, 22, 55, 67, 86.1, 90, 93,
katakhriein to paint (1: 95) 99), attainment (1: 14), awareness (1: 22),
katakhusis pouring (1: 27) cognition (1: 7), comprehension (3: 23, 51, 70),
kataklusmos deluge (1: 88) grasp (3: 22, 25, 56), grasping (1: 14), knowledge
katakluzein to wash away (1: 88) (1: 23), reception (1: 22), recognition (1: 7),
katakolouthein to follow (7: 11, 27, 41.2, 42, 44, 55, 85) securing (1: 91), taking possession (1: 14),
katakompseuesthai to reason subtly (1: 97.2) understanding (4: 14, 22, 23, 94)
katakorês intense (1: 57) katalêptikos cataleptic (1: 45/46), secure (1: 91)
katakosmein to adorn (1: 61), to embellish (1: 61) katalêptikos (+ gen.) that studies (1: 22);
katakratein to dominate (1: 100), to master (2: 25, 54), katalêptikôs definitely (1: 40); tên katalepsin
to prevail (1: 60) poiein to grasp (1: 67); katalêptikê dunamis
katakrinein to judge (1: 84) capacity to grasp (1: 25)
katakruptein to overlay (1: 34/35.1) katalêptos attainable (1: 36), apprehensible (3: 16, 28.1,
kataktos that which can be broken (1: 24) 55), capable of being apprehended (1: 84)
kataktupeisthai to hear banging (1: 54) katalêxis ending (1: 51)
katalambanein to apprehend (8: 2, 6.2, 16, 20, 38, 54, katalimpanein to leave (2: 57, 78), to leave behind (1:
55, 83), to attain a secure grasp (1: 91), to be 6.1), to remain (1: 7)
settled (1: 68), to catch (1: 57), to catch up with katalimpanesthai to be left (1: 35.2), to remain (1:
(1: 18.2), to come across (a person) (1: 89), to 35.2)
comprehend (3: 42, 48, 52), to dismiss (1: 75), to katallattesthai to exchange (1: 43.1)
find (1: 80), to gain (2: 80, 99), to grasp (4: 25, katallêlos appropriate (1: 18.2), congruent (1: 92.2),
34/35.1, 45/46, 79), to happen to (1: 86.1), to congruous (2: 9, 30/31), consistent (4: 2, 10.2,
include (1: 44), to infect (1: 86.1), to obtain (1: 16, 18.2), corresponding (1: 2), grammatical (1:
94), to occupy (9: 20, 42, 44, 54, 67, 78, 89, 94, 44), smooth (said of a text) (1: 55)
98), to overcome (2: 42, 99), to overtake (3: 3, katallêlôs in corresponding respects (1: 19);
50, 75), to reach (2: 60, 83), to regain (2: 57, 94), katallêloteros more consistent (1: 10.2); to
to seize (2: 17, 98), to take (1: 98), to take over katallêlon logical order (1: 10.2); to katallêlon
(1: 57), to take up (2: 18.2, 94), to understand (2: tês lexeôs logical word order (1: 16)
18.2, 90) katalogadên in prose (1: 78)
katalambanesthai to be contained (1: 25), to be katalogos full list (of) 1, 68), list (1: 76)
grasped (1: 28.2); katêlêphthênai to occupy (1: kataluein to dissolve (1: 97.1), to put down (1: 97.2)
68) katalusis fall (1: 97.1)
katalampein to illuminate (8: 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 55, 56, 58, katamanteuein to divine (1: 86.2), to deduce (1: 48), to
68, 97.2), to irradiate (1: 22), to light (2: 28.2, discover (1: 52), to gather (1: 16), to grasp
57), to light up (3: 57, 58, 59), to shine on (1: clearly (1: 6.2), to learn (3: 42, 52, 75), to see (1:
73), to shine upon (1: 57) 84), to understand (2: 11, 44)
katalampesthai to be illuminated (1: 97.1) katamarainein to weaken (1: 24)
katalampsis illumination (1: 28.1) katamathêmatikeuein to mathematicise (1: 34/35.1)
kataleainesthai to be soothed (1: 28.2) katamelês neglectful of (1: 19)
katalegein to list (2: 10.2, 57), to mention (1: 93), to katamenein to remain (1: 60)
reckon (1: 4) katamênion katamenia (1: 79), menses (2: 76, 80),
katalêgein to be exhausted (1: 44), to cease (1: 85), to menstrual fluid (1: 26)
come to an end (1: 78), to end (1: 84), to end in katamênia menses (3: 47, 68, 86.1), menstrual
(2: 73, 93), to end up (3: 3, 42, 73), to finish (1: blood (1: 61), menstrual fluid (1: 92.2)


katametrein to measure (6: 7, 15, 44, 67, 83, 85), to kataphatikos affirmative (21: 2, 9, 17, 19, 23, 27, 30/31,
measure exactly (1: 41.2), to measure off (1: 3), 35.2, 39, 40, 42, 51, 54, 64, 65, 73, 78, 87, 90, 91,
to measure out (7: 14, 42, 50, 53, 59, 75, 87) 93), assertive (1: 76), assertory (1: 67), positive
katamignunai to mix in (1: 21) (2: 27, 48)
katanaliskein to annihilate (1: 20), to consume (1: 52), kataphatikôs affirmatively (2: 23, 35.2), positively
to exhaust (1: 42), to expend (1: 75), to use up (3: 7, 23, 34/35.1); kataphatikôs legesthai to
(1: 54) have an affirmative name (1: 27)
katanankazein to compel (1: 12), to force (1: 86.2), to katapherein to bring down (1: 17), to carry down (1:
necessitate (2: 52, 86.2), to place under necessity 98), to carry downwards (1: 52), to discharge (1:
(1: 3) 80), to lower (1: 68)
katênankasmenôs necessarily (1: 52) katapheresthai to be carried away (1: 16), to be
katanemein to allocate (1: 48) carried down (1: 21), to descend (1: 12), to
katanoein to comprehend (1: 51), to consider (1: 58), discharge (1: 86.1), to fall (4: 18.2, 55, 89, 99), to
to grasp (1: 51), to look closely at (1: 58), to note fall back (1: 59), to have recourse (1: 2), to have
(1: 4), to notice (1: 4), to observe (4: 17, 48, 52, recourse to (2: 17, 75), to move down (1: 83), to
68), to scrutinise (1: 39), to understand (2: 59, move downward (2: 75, 94), to move
90) downwards (2: 1, 89), to sink (2: 21, 54), to
katanoôn aware (1: 59) travel downwards (1: 18.2); to katenekhthen
katanoêsis attending to (1: 34/35.1), comprehension (1: the object faced (1: 28.2)
51), consideration (1: 19), grasp (1: 74), katapheugein to flee (1: 52), to have recourse to (1: 60)
observation (1: 3), recognising (1: 78), scrutiny kataphilein to cuddle (1: 40), to kiss (1: 4)
(1: 39), thinking (1: 86.2), understanding (4: 14, kataphlegein to burn out (1: 95), to burn up (1: 88), to
23, 26, 79) consume (1: 68), to consume by flame (1: 95)
katanôtizesthai to ignore (2: 19, 79) kataphlegesthai to consume (of fire) (1: 88)
katantan to arrive (3: 3, 42, 73), to arrive at (4: 17, 20, kataphora attack (1: 68), descent (1: 12), downwards
93, 98), to come to (1: 93), to come upon (1: 93), motion (1: 52), fall (2: 55, 99)
to descend (2: 58, 59), to meet (1: 44), to reach kataphorikos : kataphorikôs violently (1: 51)
(4: 27, 44, 93, 99), to reach down (1: 58) kataphôros obvious (1: 59)
katantan eis to end up at (1: 60); katantan ek to kataphôtizein to illuminate (1: 57), to light up (1: 57)
result from (1: 60) kataphronein to be contemptuous of (1: 34/35.1), to
katantês downhill (1: 19), downward (1: 20), inclined deprecate (1: 61), to despise (4: 18.2, 67, 84, 85),
(1: 59) to disdain (4: 19, 51, 54, 55), to disregard (1: 48),
katantikru opposite (1: 52) to scorn (1: 99), to think little of (2: 4, 65)
katantrikrus directly facing (1: 57) kataphronêsis contempt (1: 97.2), disdain (1: 83),
katapauein to bring to an end (1: 35.2) disparagement (1: 6.2)
kataphainesthai to appear (2: 48, 86.1), to be made katapinein to swallow whole (1: 97.1)
manifest (1: 79) katapiptein to fall (1: 19)
kataphanai to affirm (3: 16, 23, 90), to assert (3: 35.2, kataplêttein to astound (1: 83), to strike into perplexity
59, 76), to make an affirmation (1: 91), to say (1: 83)
something positively (1: 76) kataplêttesthai to be disturbed (1: 28.2)
to kataphathen what has been affirmed (1: 23); kataplêxis dumbfounding (1: 84)
kataphanai henikôs to use the singular katapsêphizesthai to condemn (4: 23, 55, 84, 98), to
(1: 59) reject (2: 23, 61)
kataphanês clear (1: 55), manifest (1: 64) katapseudesthai to attribute falsely (1: 11), to give a
kataphasis affirmation (35: 2, 3, 7, 9, 10.2, 13, 15, 16, 20, false account of (1: 68), to mimic falsely (1: 11)
23, 25, 27, 30/31, 39, 41.2, 42, 48, 51, 54, 58, 59, katapsukhein to chill (2: 56, 95), to cool (5: 20, 38, 57,
61, 64, 65, 66, 73, 74, 75, 83, 85, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 67, 95), to cool down (2: 84, 91)
100), affirmative (1: 58), affirmative conclusion katapsukheisthai to be cold (1: 88), to become cold
(1: 90), affirmative proposition (1: 30/31), (1: 95)
assertion (8: 5, 12, 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 57, 63, 100), katapsuxis chill (1: 22), chilling (2: 24, 48), cooling (2:
confirmation (1: 61), positive (1: 58), positive 28.2, 57), cooling down (1: 91)
statement (1: 100) kataptustos worthy to be spit upon (1: 84)
kataphasei by a positive name (1: 27), by an katapukazein to cover thoroughly (1: 86.1)
affirmative term (1: 27), positively (1: 27); ek katapuknoun to fill in (1: 90), to thicken down (1: 93)
kataphaseôs positively (1: 34/35.1) katapuknousthai to be pressed together (1: 79)
kataphaskein to affirm (11: 2, 7, 9, 16, 23, 30/31, 58, 73, katarattein to rain down (1: 99)
90, 93, 73), to purport to assert (1: 76) katarithmein to count (2: 41.2, 51), to enumerate (5: 2,
kataphaskesthai to be affirmed (1: 64) 38, 41.2, 73, 93), to list (5: 17, 27, 48, 61, 88), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

number (1: 52), to reckon (1: 22), to sum up 52, 86.2), construction (7: 17, 44, 54, 65, 78, 91,
(1: 61) 94), constructive argument (1: 16), constructive
katarithmeisthai to count (2: 55, 100), to overview (1: 94), defence (1: 85), demonstration
enumerate (1: 100) (3: 20, 29.1, 59), development of an argument
katarithmêsis enumeration (4: 13, 56, 90, 91) (1: 93), establishing (4: 17, 40, 56, 64),
katarkhê forecast (1: 58) establishing argument (2: 34/35.1, 35.2),
katarkhein to be dominant (1: 22), to bring about (1: establishment (7: 10.2, 16, 21, 34/35.1, 51, 56,
22), to control (1: 22), to initiate (1: 22) 59), fitting (1: 61), framing (1: 59), layout (1:
katarkhesthai to propound (1: 88) 57), ‘is established’ (1: 52), outline of an
katarrhathumein to lose through carelessness (1: 7) argument (1: 60), piece of reasoning (1: 57),
katarrhizousthai to be firmly rooted (1: 86.1), to be positive argument (1: 85), predispostion (1: 48),
rooted (1: 25) proof (9: 1, 5, 23, 60, 61, 67, 70, 73, 74), structure
katarrhous efflux (1: 24) (2: 18.2, 91), supply (1: 25), support (2: 23, 77),
katasbennunai to extinguish (2: 20, 38) supporting argument (1: 42), what prepares (1:
katasbennusthai to quench (1: 28.2) 77)
katasbesis quenching (1: 28.2) eis kataskeuên in order to establish (1: 73), to
kataskellein to harden (1: 88) establish (1: 57), with a view to establishing (1:
kataskeuasma apparatus (1: 18.2), building (1: 86.1) 59); eis kataskeuên (+ gen.) in support of (1:
kataskeuastikos calculated to establish (1: 59), 30/31); meta kataskeuês in a well-argued way
establishing (5: 54, 64, 65, 83, 94), for (1: 94); houtôs ekhei kataskeuês be so
establishing (1: 40), in favour of (1: 18.2), in constructed (1: 24); pros kataskeuên to
support of (1: 18.2), positive (1: 26), probative establish (1: 29.1), in order to establish (1: 90);
(1: 23), proving (1: 23), serving to establish (1: pros tên kataskeuên in order to establish (1:
40), such as to establish (2: 40, 94), such as to 23), to establish (2: 10.2, 16); poieisthai
prove (1: 59), that establishes (3: 16, 73, 93) kataskeuên to establish (1: 21)
kataskeuastikôs positively (1: 65); kataskeuastikos kataskeusma artifact (1: 83)
einai (+ gen.) to establish (1: 42) kataspan to disperse (1: 98), to drag down (1: 83), to
kataskeuazein to argue (6: 55, 58, 59, 80, 85, 98), to pull (1: 98), to pull down (1: 67), to scatter (1:
argue (for) (1: 54), to argue constructively (1: 98)
12), to argue for (3: 38, 55, 63), to argue in kataspasthai to be dragged down (1: 79)
support (1: 63), to build (1: 86.1), to confirm (2: kataspeiran to scatter (1: 97.1)
18.2, 44), to constitute (1: 25), to construct (10: kataspeirein to sow (3: 12, 86.1, 97.1)
17, 41.2, 44, 52, 57, 78, 83, 90, 91, 92.1), to katassein to break (1: 24)
construct an argument (5: 43.1, 60, 69, 94, 98), katastasis circumstance (1: 48), condition (11: 4, 22, 39,
to delineate clearly (1: 94), to demonstrate (1: 42, 45/46, 54, 55, 69, 78, 83, 99), constitution (1:
20), to develop an argument (1: 93), to dispose 44), institution (1: 85), settling down (1: 19),
(2: 43.1, 69), to establish (45: 2, 3, 9, 10.2, 16, 17, situation (2: 48, 85), state (1: 61), state of affairs
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 41.2, (1: 58), transformation (1: 97.2)
42, 47, 48, 50, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 68, 73, katastazein to drip down (1: 99)
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, katastêma condition (4: 28.2, 38, 45/46, 92.2),
99), to fabricate (2: 68, 80), to fit out (1: 25), to demeanour (1: 45/46), notion (1: 95), state (1:
give a justification (1: 76), to lay the foundations 50)
for (1: 17), to maintain (1: 67), to make (1: 91), katastêmatikos stable (1: 45/46)
to make a point (1: 58), to offer an explanation katasterismos location of stars relatively to one
(1: 79), to prepare (2: 36, 77), to produce a another (1: 34/35.1)
positive argument (1: 98), to prove (7: 7, 58, 60, katasterizein to make into constellations (1: 34/35.1)
61, 63, 67, 87), to represent (2: 58, 59), to set out katastêrizein to settle (1: 95)
(2: 60, 94), to set up (3: 25, 76, 88), to state (1: katastokhazein to aim (1: 98)
85), to support (4: 18.2, 63, 85, 94), to tackle (1: katastolê control (1: 2)
48) katastrephein to turn upside down (1: 18.2)
kataskeuazesthai to construct (1: 25); to katastrophê ending (1: 52)
kataskeuazein proof (1: 73); kataskeuazein hôs katataktos co-ordinated (1: 74)
prophanôn to elaborate (1: 7) katatassein / katatattein to arrange (1: 39), to
kataskeuê argument (7: 18.2, 23, 59, 60, 73, 83, 90), assimilate (1: 86.1), to classify (1: 17), to deal
argument that establishes (1: 57), arrangement with (1: 39), to place (1: 51), to range (1: 51), to
(1: 52), being assembled (1: 86.1), building (1: set forth (1: 3), to set in order (1: 5)
86.1), conclusion (1: 68), condition (1: 77), katatattesthai to be instantiated (1: 14), to be
confirmation (1: 29.1), constitution (4: 25, 39, numbered (1: 14), to be ordered (1: 14);


katatakhtheis co-ordinated (1: 41.1); katêgoreuein to predicate (1: 5)

katatetagmenos allocated (1: 28.1), co-ordinate katêgoria accusation (4: 13, 15, 17, 68), category (40: 1,
(1: 74), co-ordinated (2: 41.1, 51) 3, 5, 6.1, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27,
katataxis arrangement (1: 48), assignment (1: 27), 32, 33, 39, 41.1, 44, 48, 52, 56, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69,
coordination (2: 41.1, 51), training (1: 86.2) 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 99),
katateinein to contend (1: 86.2), to devote (1: 17), to criticism (1: 67), denunciation (1: 58), predicate
draw out (2: 86.1, 93), to stretch out (2: 28.1, 83) (6: 13, 16, 22, 26, 77, 93), predication (23: 5, 7, 9,
katateinesthai to be extended (1: 22), to be 13, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 35.2, 39, 40, 41.1, 44, 48, 51,
stretched throughout (1: 22); katateinein polun 64, 65, 74, 76, 80, 93, 100), term (1: 26)
logon devote a long discussion (1: 60) khronikê katêgoria category of time (1: 48)
katatemnein to carve up (1: 42), to cut up (3: 59, 94, katêgorikos affirmative (6: 30/31, 64, 65, 77, 90, 93), by
98), to divide into (1: 67), to split up (1: 6.2) the categories (1: 85), categorical (13: 3, 13,
katathrauein to break into pieces (1: 84), to break up 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 44, 64, 65, 70, 73, 83, 93, 94),
(1: 79) categorical syllogism (1: 40), general (1: 90),
katathrauesthai to be disrupted (1: 28.2) predicative (3: 5, 9, 23), such as to predicate (1:
katatithenai to give (1: 85) 40)
katatrekhein to attack (1: 7) katêgorikôs categorically (5: 14, 42, 54, 73, 78),
katatribein to wear away (1: 99), to wear down (1: 21) categorically (i.e. using a categorical syllogism)
katatropê change (1: 92.2) (1: 55); to katêgorikon the quality of being
kataugazein to illuminate (1: 95) categorical (1: 40); katêgorikôs skhêmatizein
kataxêrainein to dry out (1: 57), to dry out completely to transform into a categorical syllogism (1: 94)
(2: 56, 57), to dry up (1: 95) katêgoros indicative (1: 86.1), prosecutor (1: 84)
kataxêros totally dry (1: 28.2), very dry (1: 95) katekhein to confine (1: 28.1), to constrain (1: 12), to
kataxioun to judge worthy (1: 55) contain (2: 48, 54), to hold (5: 28.2, 34/35.1, 52,
katazên to spend one’s life (2: 4, 52) 54, 79), to hold down (2: 19, 89), to hold in (1:
katazêtein to look into (1: 54) 91), to hold together (1: 86.1), to involve (1: 52),
katêgorein to accuse (5: 13, 43.3, 58, 59, 69), to affirm (1: to occupy (24: 3, 6.1, 11, 12, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 25,
27), to apply (1: 52), to apply a term (1: 21), to 28.2, 32, 38, 41.2, 42, 50, 52, 54, 55, 60, 75, 78, 79,
ascribe (1: 85), to attribute (2: 91, 100), to call (1: 94, 98), to possess (1: 12), to remain in (1: 54),
12), to categorise (2: 44, 61), to characterise (1: to restrain (3: 57, 75, 89), to retain (4: 12, 21, 25,
91), to claim (1: 86.1), to condemn (1: 51), to 100), to seize (1: 7), to stay (1: 18.2)
criticise (2: 61, 67), to designate (1: 61), to indicate katekhesthai to occupy (1: 84); katekhein topon to
(1: 86.1), to make a predicatory statement (1: 48), maintain one’s place (1: 18.2); katekhousa taxis
to place in a category (1: 85), to predicate (54: 2, 3, restraining order (1: 89)
4, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, katêkoos obedient (1: 86.1)
27, 28.2, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, katepeigein to be urgent (2: 34/35.1, 55), to force (1:
42, 43.3, 44, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 67, 69, 73, 29.1)
75, 76, 77, 80, 86.1, 87, 89, 90, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, katergasia digestion (3: 24, 38, 91)
100), to predicate of (3: 58, 59, 85), to say (1: 40), katergazesthai to be wrought (1: 24), to digest (2: 86.1,
to say of (1: 59), to use of (2: 58, 59) 91), to overpower (1: 38), to work upon (1: 56)
katêgoreisthai to be predicated (8: 2, 10.2, 22, 25, katerkhesthai to descend (2: 73, 86.1), to fall (1: 86.2)
50, 73, 76, 79), to be predicated of (2: 73, 99), to kateuthunein to guide (1: 48), to straighten out (1: 19)
belong to the category of (1: 61); kateuthunesthai to be straightened out (1: 10.2)
katêgoroumenos predicate (1: 73); kathairein to purify (7: 21, 45/46, 54, 57, 61, 95, 97.1),
katêgorêteon one should predicate (1: 65); to to reduce (2: 3, 89)
katêgoroumenon predicate (17: 2, 7, 9, 13, 15, kathairesthai to be made pure (1: 79)
16, 22, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 63, 72, 73, 77, 83, kathairesis reduction (3: 3, 20, 89), subtraction (1: 20)
93), that which is predicated (1: 7), what is kathapax altogether (1: 56), at all (1: 56), completely (1:
predicated (1: 76); katêgorein kata to predicate 57), once and for all (1: 76), once for all (1: 60),
(1: 89); katêgoreisthai en têi ousiâi to be without qualification (1: 20)
predicated in the (category of) substance (1: katholou kai kathapax in every and any way (1:
10.2); katêgoreisthai en tôi ti esti to be 92.2)
predicated essentially (1: 2); koinôs kathaptein to strike (1: 59), to touch (1: 84)
katêgoreisthai to be predicated in common (1: kathaptesthai to assail (1: 25)
2) kathareuein to be free from (1: 52), to be pure (2: 3,
katêgorêma category (2: 20, 44), charge (1: 59), 28.1), to keep pure (1: 4), to make pure (1:
predicate (5: 13, 23, 39, 48, 51), predication (6: 5, 45/46)
30/31, 35.2, 41.2, 48, 75) katharmos purgative (2: 56, 61)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

katharos clear (6: 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 67, 95), pristine (1: kathistanai to be (1: 80), to become (1: 51), to bring
63), pure (28: 2, 4, 11, 12, 21, 22, 25, 28.2, order to (1: 22), to construct (1: 93), to construe
34/35.1, 38, 45/46, 48, 54, 56, 60, 61, 67, 68, 76, (2: 28.2, 56), to establish (2: 28.2, 38), to make
79, 80, 83, 85, 91, 93, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 100), refined (1: 76), to put (1: 55), to render (1: 39), to set (1:
(2: 48, 83), sound (1: 57) 55), to set up (1: 17), to stand (1: 83), to support
katharôs in a pure way (1: 57), in purity (1: 97.1), (1: 23)
piously (1: 97.1), pure (1: 22), purely (3: 19, 22, kathistasthai to be (2: 25, 59), to be stable (1: 25),
28.1); katharôteros purer (1: 68); katharôtatos to become (1: 59), to result (1: 85), to settle (1:
as pure as possible (1: 68), extremely pure (1: 52), to settle down (1: 19); kathestêkenai to be
68), purest (1: 68); aithria kathara clear sky (1: constituted (1: 39); kathestêkôs existing (1: 42);
57) katastateon how we should construct (1: 93)
katharotês purification (1: 42), purity (7: 28.1, 44, kathizesthai to be seated (1: 54)
45/46, 48, 54, 68, 84) katho insofar as (1: 19), qua (1: 18.2)
katharsis cleaning up (1: 84), purgation (1: 61), kathodos descent (1: 56), downward journey (1: 86.2),
purging (2: 43.3, 89), purification (4: 45/46, 59, downward motion (1: 55), downward path (1:
61, 97.1) 97.1), way downwards (1: 93)
kathartikos cathartic (1: 45/46), purgative (1: 61), katholikos complete (1: 85), general (21: 2, 3, 7, 15, 17,
purifying (2: 29.1, 61) 19, 22, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 61, 69, 70, 73, 83, 88, 90,
kathedra professional throne (1: 27), seat (2: 29.1, 80), 92.1, 94, 99), in universal terms (1: 89),
sitting (1: 7) universal (30: 2, 7, 9, 13, 15, 23, 27, 30/31,
kathêgemôn leader (2: 22, 27), master (4: 19, 44, 54, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 63, 64, 65,
92.1), teacher (1: 42) 73, 78, 83, 85, 87, 92.2, 93, 95, 97.2, 100)
katheimarthai to be fated (1: 52) katholikôs generally (1: 22), universally (3: 13, 72,
katheirgein to enclose (1: 38) 95); katholikôteron in a more universal sense
katheirgnunai to keep contained (1: 79) (1: 10.2), more general (1: 76), more generally
katheirxis confinement (1: 86.1) (1: 99), more generic (1: 76), more inclusive (1:
kathêkein to be appropriate (1: 45/46), to come down 76), more universally (2: 65, 34/35.1);
(1: 28.1), to reach (2: 38, 84) katholikôteros more general (1: 20), more
to kathêkon appropriate action (1: 45/46), duty (1: universal (3: 20, 24, 64); katholikôtatos most
99); ta kathêkonta On Duties and Proprieties generic (1: 76)
(Stoic work) (1: 40) katholou absolutely (1: 1), altogether (1: 80), always (3:
kathektikos capable of retaining (1: 25), retentive (1: 64, 65, 79), as a whole (2: 78, 94), at a general
99), that holds (1: 67) level (1: 92.1), at all (1: 67), completely (1: 85),
kathelkein to depress (1: 99), to drag down (2: 83, 99), entirely (1: 68), from a general perspective (1:
to draw down (1: 83), to launch (2: 75, 99) 99), general (11: 1, 5, 22, 28.2, 39, 61, 63, 65, 90,
kathelkuein to launch (1: 86.1) 92.1, 99), generally (19: 4, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 28.2,
kathêsthai to be seated (2: 16, 44), to sit (3: 7, 51, 61), to 42, 53, 58, 65, 68, 73, 78, 85, 90, 91, 92.1, 99),
sit down (1: 93) generally speaking (1: 61), generic (1: 76), in a
kathetos perpendicular (7: 10.2, 55, 61, 73, 79, 88, 95), general manner (1: 99), in a general sense (1:
vertical (1: 95) 100), in a general way (1: 56), in a universal way
kata katheton perpendicularly (1: 93), (1: 16), in general (28: 2, 3, 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 20,
perpendicularly below (1: 73), vertically 21, 22, 24, 38, 42, 44, 52, 56, 61, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74,
towards (1: 95); kata tên autên katheton 76, 90, 91, 92.2, 93, 99), in general terms (1: 16),
eutheian directly below (1: 55); hê kathetos in its entirety (1: 80), in the general sense (1: 4),
plumb-line (1: 73); hupo tên autên katheton in universal terms (2: 10.2, 25), mainly (1: 24),
eutheian directly below (1: 55) on the whole (1: 61), speaking generally (1: 80),
katheudein to be asleep (6: 19, 25, 28.2, 60, 61, 67), to totally (2: 58, 75), universal (48: 5, 7, 9, 11, 12,
sleep (6: 28.1, 34/35.1, 42, 56, 86.1, 99) 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 30/31,
katheudôn asleep (1: 42); en tôi katheudein in 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55,
sleep (1: 34/35.1) 56, 58, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 80, 83,
kathexis possessive condition (1: 39) 85, 87, 90, 91, 92.2, 93), universally (24: 1, 10.1,
kathezesthai to sit (3: 7, 52, 85) 16, 19, 22, 27, 38, 40, 44, 50, 58, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73,
kathidruein to settle (1: 25) 76, 78, 79, 80, 89, 90, 93, 99), universally
kathidrusthai to be seated (1: 68), to have one’s seat speaking (1: 93)
(1: 91) mê katholou non-universal (1: 73), non-universally
kathienai to dip (1: 98), to emit (1: 86.1), to employ (1: (1: 90); to katholou a universal (1: 89), general
86.1), to let down (1: 98), to lower (2: 55, 79), to kind (1: 61), universal (12: 2, 5, 9, 10.2, 15, 19,
occupy (1: 86.1) 25, 28.2, 32, 35.2, 90, 92.1), universally (1: 35.2);


tôi katholou by being universal (1: 16); ta katorthôsis amendment (1: 48), confirmation (1: 67),
katholou universals (4: 42, 68, 75, 76); ta right action (1: 48), success (1: 69)
malista katholou things that are most universal katorthôtikos ensuring of correctness (1: 69), right (1:
(1: 10.2); en tôi katholou universally (2: 58, 68); 69)
ho katholou logos general definition (1: 75); katorthoun to act correctly (1: 69), to be correct (5: 20,
katholou kai kathapax in every and any way 23, 61, 69, 78), to be right (1: 4), to be successful
(1: 92.2); katholou legein to speak universally (3: 29.1, 55, 69), to behave correctly (1: 97.1), to
(1: 25) correct (1: 69), to do rightly (1: 19), to go right
kathomilein to be used in everyday speech (1: 38), to (1: 78), to improve (1: 67), to perform a right
speak of in ordinary speech (1: 56) action (1: 45/46), to set straight (1: 84), to
kathômilêmenos accepted (1: 44) succeed (3: 7, 17, 29.1), to successfully achieve
kathoran to grasp (1: 75), to look at (1: 80), to observe (1: 89)
(1: 86.1), to perceive (1: 86.1), to see (2: 80, 86.2) katôrthômenos successful (1: 79), well formed (1:
kathormizesthai to be anchored (1: 28.2) 60)
kathôs seeing that (1: 84) katorussein to bury (1: 26)
kathoson qua (1: 18.2) katôthen below (2: 17, 60), beneath (1: 55), from below
katienai to come down (2: 28.1, 97.1), to descend (1: (9: 42, 52, 54, 65, 78, 79, 83, 92.1, 93), from the
97.1), to go down (1: 84) base (1: 86.1)
katiskhuein to overcome (1: 24), to overpower (3: 19, katôthen anô from the bottom up (1: 86.1);
21, 38) katôthen anô strephein to turn upside-down
katô below (10: 4, 6.2, 11, 18.2, 20, 54, 60, 79, 83, 93), (1: 86.1)
beneath (2: 42, 55), down (10: 1, 6.1, 42, 54, 55, kattiteros tin (2: 52, 57)
78, 79, 83, 86.1, 99), downward (4: 29.1, 42, 54, kaulos stem (1: 91)
55), downwards (9: 18.2, 21, 42, 52, 60, 91, 93, kauma burning heat (1: 67), heat (6: 38, 56, 59, 61, 80,
98, 99), lower (8: 24, 54, 55, 60, 79, 83, 91, 99), 98)
underneath (1: 55) kaumatôdês smoky (1: 95)
ta katô bottom (1: 18.2), things that are down (1: kausis burn (1: 60), burning (1: 78), heat (1: 61)
42), the bottom (1: 42), the lower place (1: 53); kaustikos able to burn (1: 79), burning (2: 52, 83),
katôterô lower (2: 52, 83); katôtatô furthest capable of burning (1: 1), caustic (2: 20, 68),
down (1: 83), lowest (1: 83); epi to katô having the power to burn (1: 24), that kindles
downward (1: 83), downwards (1: 18.2); hê epi (1: 28.2)
to katô phora being carried downwards (1: to kaustikon thing that burns (1: 56)
28.1); brithein katô to sink down (1: 88) kaustos combustible (1: 24), that can be burned (2: 21,
katoikhesthai : hoi katoikhomenoi the departed (1: 28.2)
93) to kauston thing that is burnt (1: 56)
katoikisis housing (1: 25) keadas cave (1: 44)
katoikizein to house (2: 25, 34/35.1) kêdesthai to care for (1: 43.1)
katokhê constraint (1: 12), domination (1: 22), grasp keisthai to apply (1: 30/31), to be a premiss (1: 83), to
(1: 22), holding (1: 28.2) be a subject (1: 64), to be accepted (1: 4), to be
katokhos possessed (2: 23, 59) agreed (1: 99), to be arranged (1: 7), to be
katonomazein : katonomazesthai to have a name (1: assigned (of a name) (1: 89), to be assumed (9:
34/35.1) 2, 21, 25, 30/31, 50, 64, 65, 78, 85), to be
katônomasmenon ekhein to have a name for (1: considered (2: 64, 65), to be established (7: 4, 12,
57) 13, 14, 52, 86.1, 86.2), to be found (2: 7, 19), to
katôpherês downward (1: 67), downward-moving (1: be imposed on (1: 40), to be in a state (1: 25), to
6.1) be laid down (7: 4, 9, 12, 21, 38, 40, 57), to be
katôphoros downward (1: 18.2), downward-moving (2: located (2: 4, 91), to be placed (10: 4, 10.2, 12,
56, 88), having a tendency to carry (something) 16, 30/31, 38, 64, 65, 75, 79), to be placed upon
downwards (1: 98), having a tendency to go (1: 40), to be posited (11: 3, 10.2, 16, 19, 40, 42,
downwards (1: 98), moving downwards (1: 52, 64, 65, 73, 75), to be positioned (3: 41.2, 52,
18.2) 89), to be positioned (the category) (1: 39), to
katopin afterwards (1: 7), behind (1: 98) be positioned in (1: 67), to be present (2: 64,
katoptrikos : ho katoptrikos catoptrician (1: 90) 93), to be proposed (2: 64, 65), to be set (1: 4), to
hê katoptrikê catoptrics (1: 90) be situated (4: 12, 14, 52, 93), to be supposed (5:
katoptron mirror (16: 15, 21, 23, 27, 28.1, 34/35.1, 38, 3, 9, 12, 40, 73), to be under consideration (1:
52, 54, 57, 67, 86.1, 88, 90, 91, 95) 30/31), to be used (1: 16), to exist (1: 79), to
katorthôma right action (2: 34/35.1, 45/46), way of have a position (1: 93), to have a posture (1: 11),
being correct (1: 25) ‘to lay down’ (1: 30/31), to lie (12: 13, 17, 18.2,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

19, 28.1, 54, 73, 79, 83, 85, 89, 90), to lie in (1: kenôsis emptying (2: 84, 97.2)
14), to play a role (1: 30/31), to remain (1: 99), kenotês void (1: 18.2)
to reside (1: 39) kenoun to deplete (1: 86.1), to empty (2: 67, 83), to
keitai the text has (1: 90); keimenos granted (1: 91) empty out (1: 97.1)
(1: 91), laid down (1: 16), related (1: 73); keisthô kenousthai to be emptied (1: 14)
suppose (1: 73); to keisthai being-in-a-position kentauros centaur (1: 77)
(the category) (1: 39), position (2: 13, 27, 51), kentein to prick (1: 28.2), to stab (2: 28.2, 57)
posture (1: 27), posture (the category) (1: 92.1); kentrikos : kentrikôs in a pointlike way (1: 34/35.1)
hê keimenê assumed premiss (1: 30/31); to kentrobarikos : ta kentrobarika problems of centres
keimenon assumed premiss (1: 30/31), of gravity (1: 55), treatises on centres of gravity
assumption (2: 34/35.1, 50), object (1: 22), posit (1: 55)
(1: 19), supposition (4: 3, 9, 40, 69), the thing we kentron central point (2: 54, 55), centre 34: 4, 6.1, 11,
began with (1: 40), the thing we set down (1: 14, 17, 20, 21, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 40, 42, 44, 47, 48,
40), the thing we set out with (1: 40), thing 53, 56, 57, 59, 64, 67, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1,
posited (1: 40), what has been posited (1: 99); ta 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95), centre of a circle (1: 1),
keimena materials (1: 99); keisthai en to centre point (1: 11), point (1: 29.1)
depend on (2: 21, 50); keisthai kata to be hê ek tou kentrou radius (1: 42); diapiptein tou
predicated of (1: 89); keitai prôtos to come first kentrou to miss the centre (1: 88)
(1: 99); diagônia keimenos positioned kephalaiôdês : kephalaiôdôs at the start (1: 7), in
diagonally (1: 52); ek parallêlou keisthai to be summary fashion (2: 7, 42)
parallel (1: 73); ep’ hois keimenois on the basis to kephalaiôdes definiendum (1: 51), general
of which (1: 42); to exô keimenon external character (1: 48), summary state (1: 51);
object (1: 28.1) kephalaiôdês perilêpsis summary (1: 56)
kelês boat (1: 35.2) kephalaios main (1: 91), main point (1: 7)
keleuein to command (1: 52), to order (2: 52, 84), to to kephalaion broad outline (1: 26), chapter (8: 1,
recommend (1: 99) 23, 26, 43.2, 45/46, 59, 80, 83), chapter heading
keleuthos path (2: 85, 98), way (1: 85) (2: 21, 51), chief point (1: 21), heading (2: 23,
keluphos pod (1: 86.1) 40), main chapter (1: 27), main part (1: 65),
kenembatein to be of the unreal (1: 44), to be vacuous main point (4: 19, 42, 51, 65), point (1: 34/35.1),
(1: 14), to step on emptiness (1: 44) proof (2: 58, 59), section (7: 23, 34/35.1, 35.2, 58,
keneos void (1: 85) 59, 79, 80), sum and substance (2: 10.2, 16),
kenkhramis fig seed (1: 80), kernel (1: 61), seed (2: 56, summary (1: 25), topic (3: 22, 54, 55); en
80) kephalaiôi legein to summarize (1: 25); en
kenkhris kenkhris (1: 44) kephalaiois in summary form (1: 51);
kenkhros grain of millet (2: 59, 80), millet seed (8: 7, kephalaion legein to sum up (1: 86.1)
13, 19, 38, 55, 57, 78, 87) kephalaioun to offer a summary (1: 86.1)
kenodoxia empty-headedness (1: 83) kephalaiousthai to be characterized in general
kenodoxos empty-headed (1: 83), vainglorious (1: 1) terms (1: 25)
kenologein to speak emptily (1: 89), to speak vacuously kephalê head (24: 4, 7, 12, 13, 15, 22, 24, 25, 38, 44, 52,
(1: 25), to use empty words (1: 2) 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 67, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 91, 98)
kenologia empty talk (1: 58) kephalai ikhthuôn fish-heads (1: 57);
kenôma empty space (1: 18.2), void (1: 18.2) sunantistrophos têi kephalê head down (1: 88)
kenos devoid (1: 93), empty (28: 11, 14, 16, 18.2, 21, 22, kephalôtos having a head (1: 13), headed (2: 7, 13),
28.1, 29.1, 32, 38, 40, 41.2, 50, 52, 57, 61, 67, 68, with a head (2: 12, 93)
76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 91, 92.1, 94, 98), empty of kerameios / kerameous clay (1: 50), clay pot (1: 50),
meaning (1: 50), for nothing (1: 52), groundless earthenware (1: 50), made of clay (1: 50
(1: 91), in vain (1: 52), ineffectual (1: 38), keramikos ceramic (1: 56)
meaningless (1: 2), vacuous (1: 99), vacuum (1: keramion jug (1: 91)
32), void (4: 21, 73, 94, 95) keramos clay (1: 56), clay jar (1: 54), earthenware (1:
kenôs devoid (1: 61), emptily (2: 3, 22), in vain (1: 21), jug (1: 7), pot (1: 6.1), pottery (2: 24, 52),
61); to kenon empty space (3: 1, 3, 91), gap (1: roof tile (1: 19), tile (1: 80), vessel (1: 67)
34/35.1), the void (10: 2, 15, 16, 20, 50, 52, 63, keramoun to roof with tiles (1: 19)
73, 75, 89), vacuum (1: 1), void (32: 14, 18.2, 21, kerannunai to blend (3: 38, 52, 91), to compound (1:
27, 28.2, 32, 33, 38, 40, 42, 44, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 56), to mix (8: 20, 22, 28.2, 45/46, 61, 67, 84,
54, 55, 57, 61, 64, 66, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 90, 95, 86.1)
98, 99); ta kena void spaces (1: 50); to prôton kerannusthai to be blended (1: 25), to be mixed (3:
kenon the first sort of void (1: 18.2); onoma 10.2, 25, 27), to mix (1: 85); kratheis mixed (1:
kenon empty word (1: 11), vox nihili (1: 11) 17); kekramenos having a particular mixture


(1: 61); to krathênai mixture (1: 67); ta khalkotupos blacksmith (1: 54)
krathenta mixed constituents (1: 86.1) khalkous brazen (1: 19), bronze (3: 59, 73, 80), made of
keras horn (6: 21, 24, 28.2, 52, 57, 93) bronze (1: 25)
keratinos of horn (1: 93) khamaileôn chameleon (3: 6.2, 91, 99)
keration carat (1: 93) khaos chaos (4: 2, 14, 78, 95), gap (1: 11)
keratoeidês cornea (2: 56, 57), horn-like (1: 28.2) khara joy (2: 43.3, 68)
hê keratoeidês horn angle (1: 90), horn-shaped kharaktêr character (14: 7, 18.2, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27,
angle (1: 55); keratoeidês khitôn cornea (1: 84), 35.2, 39, 41.2, 45/46, 51, 86.2), characteristic (6:
corneal membrane (1: 57) 39, 41.1, 48, 72, 84, 99), distinguishing mark (1:
keraunitês fulgurite (1: 90) 28.1), form (1: 7), mystical character (1: 97.1),
keraunos lightning (1: 88), thunder (1: 99), thunderbolt style (1: 7)
(1: 21) kharaktêrismos way of characterising (1: 39)
keraunôn phora fall of thunderbolts (1: 97.1) kharaktêristikos characterising (2: 22, 28.2),
kerdainein to make a profit (1: 43.1), to profit (2: 43.2, characteristic (11: 2, 22, 27, 48, 56, 61, 63, 76, 79,
43.3) 80, 97.2), characteristic of (1: 59), distinctive (1:
kerdos profit (3: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3) 87), peculiar (1: 63), that characterizes (2: 28.2,
kêrinos wax (2: 22, 55), waxen (1: 19) 100), that gives character (1: 22), that is a way of
kêrion comb (1: 56) characterising (1: 39)
kerkisis parting the warp (1: 19) to kharaktêristikon characterisation (1: 22)
kermatizein to slice up (1: 97.1) kharaktêrizein to bring something about (1: 22), to
kêros wax (22: 6.1, 7, 12, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2, characterize (35: 7, 17, 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26,
34/35.1, 44, 52, 56, 57, 60, 61, 67, 68, 79, 80, 91), 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 44,
waxen (1: 67) 45/46, 48, 52, 54, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 73, 79,
sphairikos kêros ball of wax (1: 56) 83, 85, 94, 95, 100), to derive (1: 7), to form (1:
kêrugma proclamation (1: 97.1) 23), to give characteristics (1: 28.1), to imprint
kêrukion trumpet shell (1: 59) (1: 23)
kêruttein to proclaim (4: 4, 21, 59, 97.1) kharaktêrizesthai to be characteristic (1: 28.2), to
kêrux trumpet shell (1: 56) be characterized (4: 27, 63, 76, 78), to be
kêtos Cetus (the constellation) (1: 95), seal (1: 98) conspicuous (1: 67), to have character (1: 22), to
khairein to be glad (1: 67), to be joyful (1: 99), to have one’s character (1: 27)
delight (in) (1: 2), to delight in (1: 69), to enjoy kharax vine-prop (1: 86.1)
(4: 4, 43.2, 43.3, 69), to have enjoyment (1: 69), kharieis clever (1: 45/46), elegant (3: 45/46, 54, 55),
to rejoice (5: 43.3, 52, 67, 69, 84), to rejoice in (1: gracious (1: 69), pleasing (1: 45/46), subtle (1:
43.2), to say goodbye (1: 85) 52)
to khairein rejoicing (1: 22) kharientôs appealingly (1: 18.2), elegantly (1: 78),
khalan to loosen (1: 57), to relax (1: 85), to slacken (4: neatly (1: 98)
52, 86.1, 98, 100) kharis charm (2: 43.1, 69), compensation (1: 43.3),
khalasmos loosening (1: 28.1), relaxation (1: 22) elegance (1: 55), favour (2: 16, 43.2), grace (3:
khalaza hail (2: 61, 95), hailstorm (1: 61) 45/46, 86.2, 97.2), gratitude (3: 43.2, 43.3, 69),
khalazein to loose (1: 22), to loosen (1: 28.1), to relax thanks (1: 23)
(2: 6.1, 22), to slacken (1: 22) kharin directed towards (1: 4), for reason (1: 21),
to kekhalasmenon looseness (1: 28.1) for the sake of (6: 4, 12, 19, 21, 52, 60), for the
khalepos difficult (8: 2, 10.2, 25, 52, 61, 79, 86.2, 99) sake of something (1: 10.2); hou kharin
khalepôs severely (1: 86.1), with difficulty (1: 25); purpose (1: 19), the reason why (1: 16); to tinos
to khalepon difficulty (1: 10.1) kharin that for the sake of which (1: 10.2), with
khalepotês difficulty (5: 10.1, 22, 25, 44, 94), irascibility a view to (1: 4); to hou kharis that for the sake
(1: 69) of which (1: 10.2); to tinos kharis for the sake
khalinopoiêtikê bridle-making (1: 7) of something (1: 10.2)
khalinos bridle (1: 7) kharistiôn an instrument for weighing (1: 19)
khalkeios kettle (1: 24) kharizesthai to bestow on (1: 56), to bestow upon (1:
khalkeus smith (2: 85, 91) 59), to do a favour (2: 43.2, 43.3), to favour (1:
khalkeutikos for smithing (1: 91) 43.2), to grace (1: 45/46), to grant (1: 68), to
ho khalkeutikos metal worker (1: 80); hê gratify (1: 43.2), to impart (1: 68), to welcome
khalkeutikê art of bronze-working (1: 52) (1: 68)
khalkos brazen (1: 44), bronze (26: 6.1, 15, 19, 20, 21, kharônios : kharônioi osmai mephitic vapours (1: 57)
25, 27, 28.2, 38, 44, 51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 61, 67, 73, kharônia pneumata mephitic vapours (1: 34/35.1)
75, 79, 80, 83, 91, 92.1, 93, 98), coin (1: 75), khartês papyrus (3: 51, 80, 95)
copper (3: 24, 52, 79), copper coin (1: 21) khartion sheet of papyrus (1: 34/35.1)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

khaskein : kekhênôs open (1: 54), wide-mouthed (1: khlôros green (2: 24, 86.1)
55) khoiros swine (1: 23)
khasma area (1: 86.1), chasm (1: 95) khôlainein to limp (1: 15)
khaunos empty (1: 7) kholê bile (3: 25, 86.1, 91)
khaunotês conceit (1: 69) khôleuein to be lame (1: 18.2), to become defective
kheilos brim (1: 57), lip (3: 23, 35.2, 57) (1: 59)
kheimerinos in winter (1: 98), winter (6: 21, 52, 54, 55, khôlos defective (1: 59), lame (3: 15, 19, 58)
88, 95) khôlotês lameness (1: 58)
kheimerinoi kukloi southern tropics (1: 95); khondrôdês cartilaginous (1: 57)
kheimerinos tropikos winter tropic (1: 88) khondros cartilage (1: 57)
kheimôn storm (1: 59), winter (15: 2, 4, 12, 21, 34/35.1, khônê funnel (1: 57)
52, 54, 60, 61, 67, 68, 83, 93, 95, 98) khôneia smelting furnace (1: 67)
khein to diffuse (2: 52, 58), to disperse (1: 61), to khôneuein to melt down (1: 80), to smelt (1: 88)
liquefy (2: 52, 79), to pour (3: 38, 60, 93), to khôra area (1: 75), domain (1: 39), field (1: 44), land (1:
rarefy (1: 79) 10.2), location (2: 14, 76), opportunity (1: 58),
kheisthai to be diffused (1: 57), to be made liquid place (25: 10.2, 12, 14, 18.2, 21, 22, 29.1, 35.2, 38,
(1: 54), to be rarefied (1: 78), to flow (1: 38), to 40, 42, 52, 60, 61, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 85,
be saturated (1: 86.1), to run away (1: 52), to 86.1, 90, 99), position (3: 16, 52, 89), receptacle
spread (1: 57), to spread out (1: 78); (1: 11), region (3: 4, 79, 83), role (3: 2, 64, 65),
kekhumenos molten (1: 19); kheisthai epi to room (12: 18.2, 20, 29.1, 40, 52, 58, 59, 63, 78, 83,
be spread over (1: 12) 94, 98), space (23: 1, 6.1, 11, 14, 18.2, 21, 22, 25,
kheir arm (2: 4, 83), hand (30: 7, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 44, 50, 54, 55, 57, 59, 67, 68, 78, 79, 83, 89, 92.2,
24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 94, 98), standing (1: 28.1), status (1: 52),
59, 61, 67, 68, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 93, 98, 99) territory (1: 23)
kheiragôgein to direct (1: 86.1), to guide (1: 84) en isêi khorâi einai to be of an equivalent status (1:
kheiragôgia clarification (1: 44) 89); khôran ekhein to apply to (1: 58), to be
kheirokmêtos artificial (1: 21) operative (1: 23), to be possible (2: 59, 60), to be
kheirôn inferior (9: 9, 10.2, 16, 20, 28.1, 60, 67, 79, 93), relevant (2: 73, 90), to have application (1: 58),
weaker (3: 17, 30/31, 54), worse (5: 16, 28.1, to have the status of (1: 25), to hold ground (1:
29.1, 54, 79) 93), to stand (1: 56); khôran ekhei there is
kheironôs worse (1: 29.1); to kheiron inferiority room for (1: 90); ouk ekhei khôran it is not
(1: 60) relevant (1: 90); epekhein khôran to occupy a
kheironomia gesture (1: 59) place (1: 40)
kheiroun to render (1: 23) khordê string (9: 28.2, 57, 61, 67, 76, 86.1, 91, 93, 99)
khelidôn nightingale (1: 23), swallow (1: 57) khordopoios maker of strings (1: 86.1)
khelônê tortoise (3: 27, 75, 91) khorêgein to arrange (1: 70), to bestow (1: 42), to bring
khelônion tortoise-shell (2: 38, 52) along (1: 34/35.1), to dispense (1: 60), to furnish
khêmê clam (1: 56) (5: 54, 58, 59, 83, 86.1), to provide (4: 42, 70, 91,
khêreuein to be bereft of (1: 35.2) 95), to supply (7: 6.2, 25, 38, 56, 58, 61, 86.1)
khersaios land (1: 52), terrestrial (4: 7, 51, 90, 93), that khorêgia furnishing (1: 57), means (1: 44), resources
lives on land (1: 61) (2: 76, 91), supplies (1: 38), supply (5: 21, 44, 52,
to khersaion land animal (3: 57, 61, 86.1), land 86.1, 95)
creature (1: 68) khorêgos bestower (1: 42), orchestrator (1: 86.1),
khiastos criss-cross (1: 13) provider (3: 70, 91, 97.2), supplier (2: 6.2, 25)
khilioi thousand (3: 16, 21, 99) khoreia choir (1: 97.1), dance (2: 11, 26)
khimaira chimera (1: 13) khôrein can (1: 59), to accommodate (2: 39, 98), to
khioeidôs crossing (1: 67), crosswise (2: 59, 67), (so as) advance (1: 79), to come (2: 25, 98), to concede
to form a cross (1: 59) (1: 68), to contain (2: 59, 78), to extend (1: 92.1),
khiôn snow (17: 2, 15, 19, 21, 25, 34/35.1, 52, 54, 58, 61, to extend through (1: 11), to find room for (1:
64, 65, 68, 80, 84, 85, 95) 92.2), to flow (1: 83), to go (4: 25, 50, 79, 98), to
khitôn case (1: 38), coat (2: 20, 67), coating (1: 28.2), go through (1: 52), to have room for (3: 57, 85,
covering (1: 34/35.1), membrane (4: 56, 57, 67, 98), to hold (2: 59, 80), to leave room for (2: 55,
91), outer layer (1: 38), shirt (1: 25), tunic (1: 5) 98), to move (9: 6.1, 54, 55, 57, 79, 80, 83, 94, 98),
keratoeidês khitôn cornea of the eye (1: 1) to move into (1: 11), to move on (1: 28.2), to
khitônion tunic (1: 25) move through (2: 18.2, 98), to occupy (1: 18.2),
khlamus cloak (1: 65) to pass (8: 12, 32, 38, 52, 55, 80, 91, 98), to pass
khliaros lukewarm (2: 7, 84), tepid (3: 56, 61, 95) into (2: 18.2, 98), to pass through (7: 18.2, 28.2,
khlôra foliage (1: 91) 52, 54, 55, 80, 98), to penetrate (3: 11, 67, 100),


to permeate (3: 18.2, 27, 80), to pervade (2: 18.2, separated (1: 22), separately (4: 19, 22, 28.1,
20), to proceed (2: 58, 86.2), to progress (4: 54, 28.2); to khôriston separation (1: 22); khôrista
55, 58, 93), to provide room (1: 94), to reach (1: eidê separate forms (1: 100)
61), to run (1: 11), to separate (1: 86.1), to khôrizein to be distinct (1: 27), to distinguish (7: 2, 5, 9,
spread (4: 11, 14, 18.2, 83), to travel through (1: 39, 61, 70, 91), to divorce (2: 22, 58), to isolate
18.2), to withdraw (1: 52) (1: 76), to remove (5: 21, 38, 76, 80, 93), to
khôreisthai to be contained (1: 18.2), to be given separate (61: 2, 3, 4, 6.2, 9, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17,
room (1: 98); ou khôrei there is no place for (1: 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
54); khorein dia to pervade (1: 41.1), to 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 44,
interpenetrate (1: 94), to pass through (1: 6.1), 45/46, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 65, 67,
to permeate (3: 11, 14, 59), to pervade (2: 11, 68, 69, 70, 73, 76, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94,
94); khôrêthenai en to be contained in (1: 94); 98, 100), to separate off (4: 12, 44, 52, 59), to set
hola di’ holôn khôrein to go as wholes through apart (2: 28.1, 40)
wholes (1: 75); khôrein dia bathous penetrate khôrizesthai to be distinguished (1: 99), to be lost
(1: 19); khôrein hola di holôn penetrate (1: 79), to be separate (1: 19), to be separated (8:
through and through (1: 63) 10.2, 11, 14, 75, 78, 79, 86.1, 99); kekhôristhai to
khôrêma receptacle (2: 11, 18.2), space (1: 11) be separate (2: 10.2, 17); khôrizomenos
khôrêsis passing (2: 6.1, 12), pervasion (1: 11) separable (1: 53); kekhôrismenos already
khôrêtikos able to contain (2: 11, 59), accommodating separated (1: 36), discontinuous (1: 15), distinct
(1: 14), holding (1: 14), passable (1: 6.1), (1: 91), in isolation (1: 52), remote (1: 87),
providing room (1: 94), receptive (5: 11, 14, separate (8: 10.1, 42, 58, 59, 85, 91, 97.2, 99),
18.2, 70, 84) separated (5: 2, 6.2, 10.1, 15, 19);
to khôrêtikon capacity (1: 22) kekhôrismenôs separately (1: 94); khôristeon
khoreuein to dance (1: 11) one should distinguish (1: 65)
khoreuein peri to dance around (1: 11) khoros choir (1: 2), chorus (2: 54, 97.2), company (1:
khorion chorion (1: 86.1), membrane (1: 86.1) 28.1)
khôrion area (5: 20, 27, 44, 54, 56), bit of ground (1: khortos food (1: 34/35.1), grass (1: 57), hay (1: 67),
17), locality (1: 17), passage (10: 44, 57, 61, 68, straw (1: 20)
73, 80, 83, 90, 93, 98), passage (of text) (1: 54), khous a measure (1: 54), pint (1: 54), pitcher (1: 20)
piece of land (1: 4), place (1: 44), space (2: 73, khrainesthai to be stained (1: 86.2)
76) khran to lend (1: 43.1)
khôris apart (6: 28.1, 48, 54, 55, 76, 85), apart from (10: khreia advantage (2: 17, 44), aid (1: 27), benefit (1: 48),
4, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 25, 40, 68, 93, 98), away (1: business (2: 43.1, 69), contribution (1: 76),
99), except (1: 68), in isolation (1: 76), in function (5: 3, 23, 25, 66, 98), is needed (1: 28.2),
separation (1: 89), independent of (1: 20), job (1: 23), necessary thing (1: 10.2), necessity
separable from (1: 93), separate (5: 24, 27, 40, (2: 27, 38), need (27: 2, 10.2, 11, 17, 18.2, 22, 25,
85, 98), separately (9: 4, 25, 50, 68, 75, 76, 89, 93, 27, 28.1, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 51, 52,
99), without (12: 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 20, 24, 40, 60, 68, 55, 60, 64, 69, 76, 79, 83, 86.1, 89), purpose (4:
76, 93, 99) 11, 17, 44, 93), role (1: 93), service (1: 39), usage
to khôris separateness (1: 27) (2: 5, 19), use (16: 4, 5, 11, 18.2, 39, 40, 45/46, 48,
khôrismos separateness (1: 3), separation (18: 2, 10.2, 52, 54, 55, 56, 69, 79, 83, 98), usefulness (7: 2, 19,
14, 15, 16, 18.2, 21, 22, 28.1, 36, 45/46, 56, 57, 68, 43.1, 64, 66, 69, 85), utility (3: 25, 43.2, 69), want
85, 91, 92.2, 98) (1: 69), what is needed (1: 7), what is valuable
khôristikos separated (1: 45/46), separating (1: 39), (1: 92.2)
separative (2: 9, 19) khreia (+ gen.) there needs to be (1: 76); en têi
khôristos apart from (1: 80), independent of (1: 80), khreiâi in practice: (1: 40); ekpiptein tês
separable (31: 2, 3, 4, 6.1, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, khreias to lose its use (1: 40); tis khreia what is
26, 28.1, 32, 34/35.1, 39, 41.2, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, the point? (1: 79)
56, 61, 67, 69, 74, 80, 89, 91, 94, 100), separate khreiôdês necessary (1: 51), needful (1: 40), satisfying
(41: 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18.2, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, needs (1: 2)
28.1, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, khrêizein to crave (2: 26, 76), to need (1: 28.1)
50, 52, 56, 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 70, 74, 76, 78, 85, khrêma commodity (1: 69), entity (1: 80), good (1: 93),
91, 92.2, 93, 94, 98, 100), separated (7: 2, 9, 22, phenomenon (1: 17), possession (1: 45/46),
45/46, 67, 76, 98), that can be separated (2: 21, property (1: 80), thing (4: 16, 69, 78, 85)
52), transcendent (1: 70) khrêmata money (6: 4, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 61, 69),
mê khôristos unseparated (1: 18.2); khoristôs possessions (1: 17)
separately (1: 28.2), as a separate thing (1: 28.1), khrêmatismos profit (1: 99), making money (1: 16),
on a separate level (1: 28.1), separably (1: 17), money-making (1: 69)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

khrêmatizein to do commodities (1: 69), to engage in khrêstos fine (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), wholesome (1: 57)
business (1: 69) ho khrêstos good fellow (1: 83)
khremestikos hinnible (1: 63), neighing (3: 23, 27, 93), khrêzein to make use of (1: 93), to require (3: 52, 80,
prone to neigh (1: 65), whinnying (1: 35.2) 86.1)
khremetistikos able to whinny (1: 90) khriein to colour (1: 61), to smear (2: 21, 57)
khremptesthai to clear one’s throat (1: 57) khristianismos Christianity (1: 97.2)
khrênai must (3: 4, 21, 60), ought to (2: 4, 60), should khristianos Christian (1: 97.2)
(3: 4, 16, 60), to be necessary (1: 4) khroa / khroia colour (9: 34/35.1, 36, 38, 40, 48, 51, 52,
khrê it is necessary (2: 19, 25), must (1: 19), must be 54, 85), colouring (1: 13)
(1: 25), one must (1: 19); khrên it is important khrôizein to colour (8: 19, 28.1, 51, 80, 83, 91, 92.1, 98),
(1: 73); khrênai it is necessary (1: 19); khreôn to touch (1: 86.1)
necessary (1: 85); ouk ekhrên one should not khrôma colour (50: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10.2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18.2,
(1: 19) 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2,
khreos debt (1: 43.2), need (1: 85) 36, 38, 40, 44, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 65, 67,
khreôstein to be in debt (1: 43.1) 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94,
khrêsimeuein to be useful (4: 56, 76, 90, 93) 95, 98), colouration (1: 58), complexion (1: 19)
khrêsimos pertinent (1: 48), practically effective (1: khrômatismos colouring (1: 34/35.1)
40), serviceable (2: 54, 55), to be used for (1: 40), khrômatizein to colour (10: 24, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38,
useful (30: 2, 3, 4, 7, 10.2, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 52, 56, 91, 95, 98), to give colour (1: 28.2)
28.1, 28.2, 38, 40, 45/46, 52, 56, 64, 65, 69, 79, 80, khronikos having a chronological sense (1: 85), in time
84, 85, 86.1, 90, 91, 92.1, 93) (7: 14, 20, 22, 29.1, 52, 58, 80), related to time (1:
to khrêsimon use (1: 68), usefulness (3: 4, 10.2, 16), 83), temporal (14: 14, 20, 22, 29.1, 35.2, 39, 42,
utility (1: 22) 44, 54, 56, 58, 59, 68, 87), time (2: 58, 59), with
khrêsis act (1: 80), application (1: 45/46), behaviour (1: regard to time (1: 85)
80), common usage (1: 94), deed (1: 80), khronikôs in time (1: 58), temporally (4: 28.1, 58,
example (1: 60), expediency (1: 48), intercourse 59, 73); khronikê emphasis reference to time
(1: 80), need (1: 2), ordinary parlance (1: 64), (1: 58); khronikê katêgoria category of time (1:
ordinary use (1: 44), passage (3: 58, 59, 68), 48)
practical dealings (1: 39), practice (3: 2, 16, 48), khronios for a long time (1: 84), temporal (1: 56)
purpose (1: 22), quotation (1: 76), sense (1: 59), khroniôteros more gradual (1: 20), taking more
treatment (2: 26, 45/46), usage (19: 17, 20, 23, time (1: 98); khroniôtera taking longer time (1:
27, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 40, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 60, 72, 60)
76, 80, 93, 94), use (16: 12, 13, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 38, khronizein to make temporal (1: 11)
39, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 56, 59, 69, 86.1), khronizesthai to be timed (1: 14), to become
usefulness (3: 43.2, 43.3, 69), using (2: 19, 23), temporal (1: 14), to persist (1: 48);
way of speaking (1: 78) khronizomenos temporal (1: 11)
sunêthês khrêsis usage of customary speech (1: 56) khrônnunai to be coloured (1: 7), to colour (8: 12, 21,
khrêsmos oracle (2: 29.1, 52) 28.1, 28.2, 38, 52, 57, 98), to stain (1: 56), to tinge
khrêstêrion oracle (1: 58) (1: 91)
khrêsthai to apply to (1: 40), to be made up of (1: 42), khrônnusthai to become coloured (1: 57);
to deal with (2: 12, 93), to deploy (1: 16), to kekhrôsthai to be coloured (1: 90);
employ (15: 2, 20, 22, 25, 41.2, 42, 52, 69, 73, 76, kekhrôsmenos coloured (1: 28.2)
86.1, 90, 91, 93, 99), to engage in (1: 69), to khronos period (2: 39, 99), period of time (2: 60, 91),
exercise (1: 86.1), to feel (1: 69), to give (1: 73), temporal phase (1: 20), tense (4: 7, 34/35.1, 35.2,
to invite (1: 76), to involve (1: 91), to make use 59), time (71: 1, 2, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12,
of (14: 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 21, 22, 27, 42, 52, 69, 73, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28.1,
90, 93, 99), to need (1: 76), to perform (1: 99), to 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 44,
practise (3: 16, 20, 69), to put to use (1: 17), to 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 66, 67,
treat (4: 27, 42, 69, 90), to use (41: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2,
12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 89, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100),
40, 41.2, 42, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 64, 65, 69, 73, 75, time interval (2: 42, 60), time period (2: 50, 75)
76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 90, 91, 92.1, 98, 99), khronôi temporally (1: 27); tou khronou temporal
to utilise (1: 99) (1: 27); tôi khronôi temporally (1: 22); apo
khrêsteon one should use (2: 16, 65), use (should) khronou chronological (1: 27); dia pantos tou
(1: 45/46); kakôs khrêsthai to confuse (1: 90); khronou perennially (1: 86.2); en khronôi in
hôs homologoumenôs khrômenos taking for time (1: 38), over time (1: 80), temporal (1: 27),
granted (1: 42) temporally (1: 42); enestôs khronos present (1:
khrêstikos involving use (1: 52), making use of (1: 52) 23), present tense (1: 35.2), present time (1:


35.2), the present (1: 35.2), the present time (1: 78, 79), to cause motion (12: 17, 18.2, 22, 27, 42,
7); ho gegonos khronos past time (1: 75); ho 54, 55, 60, 78, 79, 83, 99), to cause movement
mellôn khronos future time (1: 35.2), the (10: 12, 25, 36, 50, 52, 58, 60, 61, 67, 100), to
future (2: 7, 23); ho nun khronos the present cause to move (3: 59, 60, 67), to change (19: 7,
(1: 7); huper khronon supratemporal (1: 11); 11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 44, 52, 56,
hupo khronon temporal (1: 58); kata khronon 57, 59, 78, 79, 85, 94), to disturb (1: 59), to excite
chronological (1: 27), temporally (3: 22, 23, 27); (1: 22), to exercise movement (2: 67, 100), to
kata ton khronon temporal (1: 77); paratasis give rise to (1: 59), to guide motion (1: 22), to
khronou expanse of time (1: 57), temporal impart motion (5: 2, 19, 42, 60, 88), to impart
duration (1: 22); parelêluthôs khronos the past movement (3: 58, 59, 67), to influence (1: 21), to
(1: 23); parelthôn khronos past tense (1: 35.2); initiate (3: 59, 77, 93), to initiate change (3: 22,
poiein khronon to spend time (1: 3); stigmê 27, 44), to initiate motion (2: 22, 28.2), to
khronou instant of time (1: 97.2); tês zôês initiate movement (1: 100), to make change (3:
khronos lifetime (1: 60); to pote khronos 22, 27, 28.2), to make something move (1: 42),
sometime (1: 14); tôi makrôi khronôi in the to motivate (1: 100), to move (56: 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2,
long run (1: 80) 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25,
khrôsis colouring (2: 34/35.1, 52) 27, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46,
khrusoeidês golden (2: 91, 95) 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 73, 75, 77,
khrusographia writing in letters of gold (1: 95) 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 90, 91, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100),
khrusos gold (14: 2, 6.1, 18.2, 21, 24, 28.2, 52, 53, 68, 78, to originate change (1: 22), to perform motion
79, 80, 91, 98) (1: 60), to produce change (2: 89, 91), to
khthamalos : ta khthamalôtata lowest places (1: 55) produce motion (1: 42), to produce movement
khthesinos yesterday (1: 23) (2: 28.1, 100), to prompt (1: 52), to provoke (1:
khthôn earth (1: 85) 50), to put in motion (1: 86.1), to quicken (1:
khthonios earthy (2: 22, 100), terrestrial (1: 61) 22), to raise (4: 18.2, 58, 80, 99), to set in motion
khudên in droves (1: 84) (13: 3, 16, 19, 28.1, 28.2, 52, 61, 67, 88, 91, 94, 99,
khulopoiein to chylify (1: 80) 100), to set in movement (1: 59), to start (1:
khulos juice (1: 38) 35.2), to start moving (1: 59), to stimulate (5:
khuma aggregate (1: 41.2), mass (1: 84), material (2: 57, 28.2, 36, 59, 61, 67), to stir (2: 58, 98), to stir up
58) (2: 36, 61), to undermine (1: 89)
khumôdês flavourous (1: 28.2), of flavour (1: 28.2) kineisthai to be changed (10: 11, 14, 22, 27, 56, 65,
khumos flavour (24: 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 75, 78, 79, 89), to be exercised (1: 67), to be in
28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 41.2, 44, 56, 57, 67, 74, change (1: 27), to be in motion (11: 16, 22, 23,
75, 83, 91, 92.1), fluid (1: 25), humour (8: 7, 17, 28.2, 42, 52, 67, 80, 88, 93, 99), to be in
56, 57, 61, 67, 80, 91), juice (3: 24, 44, 57), taste movement (5: 12, 58, 59, 67, 100), to be inspired
(7: 2, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 40, 80, 90) (1: 2), to be led (1: 2), to be motivated (1: 2), to
khumôsis flavouring (1: 34/35.1) be moved (18: 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18.2, 19, 22,
khumoun to flavour (1: 57) 25, 42, 50, 55, 65, 67, 75, 78, 79, 99), to be
khusis diffusion (1: 14), exiting (1: 91), expansion (1: subject to change (1: 22), to be subject to
48), flow (1: 84), spreading (2: 57, 78) movement (1: 67), to carry out a motion (1: 99),
khutos fluid (1: 38), fusible (1: 17), pourable (1: 93), to change (13: 11, 17, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1,
quick (1: 24), that can be melted (1: 76) 44, 50, 78, 79, 85, 89), to exhibit change (1: 94),
khutra earthen jar (1: 57) to exhibit movement (2: 58, 59), to go (1: 98), to
kibdêlos counterfeit (1: 21), debased (1: 23), fraudulent have motion (2: 22, 42), to keep moving (1: 59),
(1: 23) to move 30: 2, 3, 11, 17, 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27,
kinduneuein to be a risk (2: 57, 86.2), to be in danger 28.2, 42, 50, 55, 57, 58, 59, 64, 65, 67, 75, 78, 79,
(1: 84), to dare (1: 54), to put onself in danger 80, 86.2, 88, 89, 91, 93, 99), to move over (1: 75),
(1: 80), to risk (2: 6.1, 52), to be at risk (1: 86.19) to possess movement (1: 67), to shift (1: 2), to
kindunos danger (4: 6.1, 43.2, 61, 80) suffer change (1: 22), to suffer motion (1: 22), to
kinein to act (1: 28.2), to activate (1: 28.2), to affect (1: tend (1: 2), to travel (1: 44), to undergo (1: 85),
52), to alter (2: 4, 85), to arouse (2: 59, 61), to be to undergo change (5: 22, 27, 56, 75, 89), to
a cause of change (1: 27), to be a mover (1: 12), undergo motion (3: 22, 42, 99), to undergo
to be a moving cause (1: 60), to be a source of movement (2: 59, 67); kekinêsthai to have
change (1: 22), to be an originator of change (1: changed (1: 75), to have completed a change (1:
22), to be originative of motion (1: 22), to bring 75), to have completed a motion (1: 75), to have
(1: 17), to bring about change (1: 27), to bring moved (1: 75); kineitai movement comes about
about motion (1: 22), to bring up (1: 80), to (1: 28.1), there is motion (1: 18.2); kinôn
cause (2: 38, 59), to cause change (5: 22, 27, 52, moving (1: 34/35.1); kinoumenos changing (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

11), in motion (3: 15, 16, 63), moved (1: 76), aporian to raise a puzzle (1: 88), to raise an
moving (2: 11, 76); kinêtheis motivated (1: 76); aporia (1: 10.2); kinein heauton to move oneself
to kinein causing motion (1: 61), causing (1: 67); kinein phrontida to motivate (1: 68);
movement (1: 61), change (1: 22), motion (2: 22, aïdiôs kineisthai to be in eternal motion (1: 22);
61), movement (4: 4, 60, 61, 67), moving (1: 61), anankaiôs kinêthentes moved by necessity (1:
the act of causing movement (1: 67), the 10.2); kata kuklon kineisthai kinêsin to exhibit
capacity to cause movement (1: 61); to rotation (1: 94); kineisthai noêtikôs intelligible
kineisthai change (1: 27), motion (1: 18.2), motion (1: 86.1); kineisthai topikôs to change
movement (3: 2, 61, 67), movement (the place (2: 18.2, 67); kinêsin kineisthai to move
category) (1: 25), moving (1: 3); ho kinôn agent (2: 54, 55), to move a motion (1: 54), to perform
of movement (1: 67), mover (1: 42); to kinoun the motion (1: 99); kinôn heauton causing
activator (1: 22), cause of change (1: 20), cause oneself to move (1: 67), self-moving (1: 61),
of motion (2: 20, 28.2), cause of movement (3: subject to change (1: 63); kinoumenos ex
50, 58, 100), changer (4: 22, 27, 44, 89), initiator heautou that has one’s own source of motion (1:
of change (1: 27), motion-causing element (1: 86.2); kinoumenos kinêsin engaged in motion
42), mover (5: 19, 22, 58, 60, 99), moving agent (1: 76); kinoun aition moving cause (1: 66);
(1: 67), moving principle (1: 100), origin of kuklôi kineisthai to have rotary movement (1:
change (1: 22), origin of motion (1: 22), 59), to move in a circle (1: 59), to roll (1: 59), to
originator of change (1: 22), producer of change rotate (1: 59); to kuklôi kineisthai rotation (1:
(1: 75), source of change (1: 22), source of 22); phoran kineisthai to be moved spatially (1:
motion (1: 22), source of movement (2: 61, 67), 67); prôtôs kinein to be the primary mover (1:
that which causes movement (2: 61, 67), that 42), to cause motion primarily (1: 42); to heauto
which exercises movement (1: 67), that which kinoun something that moves itself (1: 42); to
moves (2: 61, 67), the element that causes kineisthai aisthêtikôs motion of sensation (1:
motion (1: 42), the element that imparts motion 86.1); to prosekhôs kinoun the proximate
(1: 42), the mover (1: 42), the thing that causes mover (1: 19); to prôton kinoun the first mover
motion (1: 42), the thing that imparts motion (3: 19, 42, 99), the prime mover (1: 99); to
(1: 42), thing that moves (2: 16, 42), what brings prôton kinêsan the first mover (4: 15, 19, 42,
(something) about (1: 22), what causes motion 99); to prôtôs kinoun the first mover (3: 42, 61,
(2: 42, 99), what initiates change (1: 22), what 100), the primary agent of movement (1: 67),
moves (2: 42, 100), what originates change (1: the primary mover (1: 42), what first moves (1:
22), what originates motion (1: 22), what 100), what causes motion primarily (1: 99), what
produces change (1: 89); to kinêsan motion- first moves (1: 100); to prôtôs kinêsan the first
causing element (1: 42), the element that causes mover (1: 42), the primary mover (1: 42)
motion (1: 42), the element that imparts motion kinêma bit of motion (1: 83), change (1: 63), completed
(1: 42), the mover (1: 42), the thing that causes change (1: 75), elementary change (1: 11),
motion (1: 42), the thing that imparts motion impulse (1: 11), motion (8: 5, 22, 28.1, 36, 39,
(1: 42), thing that moves (1: 42), what causes 43.3, 45/46, 57), move (1: 3), movement (8: 14,
motion (1: 42), what moves (1: 42); to 15, 19, 61, 67, 69, 86.1, 97.2), stirring (1: 97.2)
kinoumenon motion (1: 20), moved body (1: kinêmata stage-by-stage arrivals (1: 87)
100), moved entity (1: 99), moved object (1: kinêsis alteration (1: 85), being mobile (1: 85), being
100), moved part (1: 99), moving part (1: 42), moved (1: 52), capacity to cause movement (1:
moving thing (2: 42, 53), object that is moved 61), change (38: 1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 18.2, 20, 21,
(1: 67), that which is moved (1: 99), that which 22, 26, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 41.2, 44, 50, 52, 53,
undergoes movement (1: 67), the moved (2: 42, 56, 57, 59, 63, 64, 65, 69, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 89, 91,
99), the subject of change (1: 20), thing that is 92.2, 94, 98, 100), kind of motion (1: 42),
moved (2: 16, 42), what is changed (1: 89), what motion (62: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 14,
is in a state of motion (1: 61), what is in motion 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
(1: 86.1), what is moved (4: 42, 67, 73, 100), 36, 40, 41.1, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 47, 52, 53,
what is subject to movement (1: 67), what 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75,
moves (1: 42); ta kinoumena moving parts (1: 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97.2,
67); to kekinêmenon moving part (1: 42), 98, 99), movement (45: 1, 2, 4, 12, 15, 17, 21, 22,
moving thing (1: 42), the moved (1: 42), thing 23, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42,
that has been moved (1: 42), what has been 48, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 77,
moved (1: 42), what has moved (1: 42), what has 80, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 95, 97.1, 98, 99, 100),
undergone motion (1: 42); endothen kineisthai moving (2: 24, 28.2), process (4: 11, 22, 28.2, 38),
self-movement (1: 22), moving agent (1: 67); ho state of movement (1: 39), stimulation (1: 28.2),
prôtos kinêsas progenitor (1: 15); kinein stimulus (2: 28.2, 36), stirring (1: 57)


anisotakhês kinêsis unequal speeds of movement 100), originating change (1: 22), originative of
(1: 98); hê huph’ heautou kinêsis self-motion motion (1: 22), producing movement (1: 61),
(1: 86.1); kata kuklon kineisthai kinêsin to productive of change (1: 94), productive of
exhibit rotation (1: 94); kinêsin ekhein to motion (1: 99), responsible for moving (1: 59),
undergo change (1: 75), to undergo motion (1: source of movement (1: 59), stirring (1: 45/46),
75); kinêsin ginesthai to be moved (1: 52); such as to arouse (1: 59), such as to change (1:
kinêsin poieisthai to continue one’s movement 57), such as to give rise to (1: 59), such as to
(1: 94), to move (1: 94); kinêsis en topôi local move (1: 59), such as to stimulate (1: 59), that
motion (1: 67); kinêsis ep’ eutheias rectilinear activates (2: 22, 28.2), that causes (1: 28.2), that
motion (1: 11); kinêsis haplê simple motion (1: causes (something) to move (1: 22), that
57); kinêsis hê kuklôi circular motion (1: 11); causes motion (2: 42, 99), that causes
kinêsis kata megethos change of size (1: 11); movement (2: 61, 100), that changes (1:
kinêsis kata pathos change of state (1: 11); 34/35.1), that has the capacity to move (1: 61),
kinêsis kata periphoran circular motion (1: that has the property of setting in motion (1:
11); kinêsis kata phoran change of place (1: 59), that has to do with movement (1: 61), that
14), local motion (1: 11), locomotion (1: 14); initiates motion (1: 28.2), that initiates
kinêsis kata phusin natural motion (2: 47, 66); movement (1: 100), that is a cause of change (1:
kinêsis kata topon change in respect of place 14), that is a source of change (1: 22), that
(1: 57), change of place (1: 11), local motion (2: moves (5: 22, 28.1, 59, 99, 100), that sets in
14, 47), local movement (1: 67), locomotion (5: motion (1: 28.2), that stimulates (1: 28.2), that
54, 61, 67, 94, 99), movement in the local sense stirs (1: 45/46)
(1: 61); kinêsis para phusin unnatural motion kinêtikôs as activating (1: 22); to kinêtikon
(1: 47); kinêsis phusikê natural motion (2: 47, capacity for movement (1: 25), capacity to cause
66); kinoumenos kinêsin engaged in motion movement (1: 67), changer (1: 22), efficient
(1: 76); kuklôi kinêsis circular motion (1: 94), cause (1: 28.2), kinetic aspect (2: 61, 67),
process of rotation (1: 94); metabatikê kinêsis locomotion (1: 61), motion-imparting element
change of place (1: 94), translocation (1: 70); (1: 42), motive power (1: 22), movement (1: 61),
metabatikôs kineisthai to change place (2: 54, mover (3: 42, 45/46, 99), origination of change
55); poreutikê kinêsis forward motion (1: 55), (1: 22), origination of motion (1: 22), originator
change in movement (1: 34/35.1); topikê of motion (1: 22), power of motion (1: 36),
kinêsis change of place (2: 83, 89), local motion power to cause change (1: 22), principle of
(1: 47), locomotion (3: 22, 79, 99), motion (1: movement (1: 100), source of change (2: 20, 44),
83), motion in place (1: 20), spatial movement source of motion (2: 20, 60), what causes
(1: 57) motion (1: 99), what changes (2: 44, 56), what is
kinêtikos able to affect (1: 52), able to cause change (1: capable of causing motion (1: 99), what is
89), able to cause movement (2: 36, 58), able to productive of movement (1: 99), what is the
change (1: 38), able to move (1: 10.2), able to mover (1: 99), what originates change (1: 22);
produce change (1: 91), able to set in motion kinêtikê aitia cause of change (1: 22); kinêtikê
(1: 52), able to stimulate (1: 59), activating (1: arkhê principle of change (1: 22); kinêtikê
28.2), apt to move (1: 61), arousing (1: 28.2), dunamis capacity for movement (1: 25),
capable of causing motion (1: 99), capable of capacity to produce motion (1: 75), power to
causing movement (1: 61), capable of moving move (1: 100); kinêtikê energeia motor activity
(4: 19, 59, 99, 100), capable of producing (1: 59); kinêtikon aition cause of motion (1:
change (1: 75), causing change (2: 21, 79), 22); kinêtikos einai to change (1: 22), to initiate
causing motion (2: 6.2, 79), causing movement change (1: 22), to initiate motion (1: 22);
(2: 12, 38), changing (1: 17), easily moved (1: kinêtikos energeias einai to initiate activity (1:
61), easily set in motion (1: 61), efficient (1: 33), 22); metabatikôs kinêtikos capable of spatial
having a capacity for causing movement (1: 25), movement (1: 91)
having a capacity for movement (1: 25), having kinêtos capable of being changed (1: 75), capable of
the capacity to cause movement (1: 61), being moved (3: 40, 75, 99), capable of change
imparting motion (1: 2), imparting movement (2: 27, 94), changeable (7: 11, 14, 20, 27, 50, 75,
(1: 15), initiating (1: 22), initiator of change (1: 89), changing (4: 11, 22, 79, 83), in motion (1:
44), kinetic (7: 16, 22, 54, 55, 67, 78, 98), liable 22), mobile (2: 74, 94), movable (8: 3, 11, 14, 20,
to change (1: 17), locomotive (1: 23), 39, 54, 75, 99), moved (2: 25, 39), moving (4: 11,
motion-imparting (1: 42), motive (4: 5, 42, 72, 39, 78, 83), object of motion (1: 22), subject to
99), movable (1: 28.1), move easily (1: 61), change (2: 35.2, 79), subject to motion (2: 42,
moving (11: 2, 10.2, 11, 17, 22, 24, 36, 39, 45/46, 99), subject to movement (1: 79), that can be
59, 99), of change (1: 22), of movement (2: 80, moved (2: 12, 99)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

kinêtos kata phoran capable of locomotion (1: 94), klonein to shake (1: 57)
that which changes by locomotion (1: 14); klonos shaking (1: 57)
kinêtos kata topon that which changes place klopê theft (2: 4, 97.1)
(1: 14); to kinêton that which is moved (1: 99) kludôn rough water (1: 68)
kiôn column (1: 51), pillar (3: 54, 55, 67) kluein to hear (1: 19)
kirnan to mix (5: 52, 60, 61, 67, 76) knasthai to scratch (1: 12)
kirnasthai to be blended (1: 25); to kirnamenon knax knax (a meaningless vocal sound) (1: 23)
mixture (1: 86.1) knêmê shin (1: 15)
kisêrôdês : kisêrôdês lithos pumice stone (1: 61) knissa smelly steam (1: 24)
kissa pica (1: 86.1) knôdalon beast (1: 80)
kithara cithara / kithara(2: 91, 93), lyre (1: 4) kôdôn bell (2: 38, 57)
kitharistikê lyre-playing (1: 4) kôdônion little bell (1: 57)
kitharizein to play the cithara (1: 54), to play the lyre koilainein to erode (1: 75), to hollow out (2: 75, 99)
(1: 4) koilia belly (2: 24, 52), cavity (2: 67, 86.1), gut (1: 21),
to kitharizein lyre-playing (1: 4) stomach (1: 38)
kitharôidos cithara-player (1: 43.2), kithara player (1: 93) koilôma cavity (3: 56, 57, 95), hollow (3: 57, 60, 67),
kitta jay (1: 57) hollow place (1: 88)
klados branch (3: 56, 61, 95), cutting (1: 22), cutting koilos concave (15: 1, 11, 14, 22, 26, 34/35.1, 47, 52, 54,
(from a plant) (1: 56), shoot (2: 22, 80) 55, 57, 66, 83, 94, 95), convex (1: 51), hollow (14:
klan to bend (1: 34/35.1), to break (2: 34/35.1, 83), to 6.1, 11, 21, 25, 28.2, 50, 54, 55, 57, 83, 91, 94, 95,
reflect (1: 88), to slant (1: 57) 97.2)
klasthai to be bent (1: 25), to be broken (2: 54, 55), ta koila the hollows (extension within a vessel) (1:
to be deflected (1: 75); keklasthai to be 50)
deflected (1: 93); keklasmenos bent (2: 27, koilotês concavity (5: 14, 22, 26, 52, 57), curvedness (1:
28.2), crooked (1: 2), interrupted (1: 27); to 85), hollow (4: 14, 54, 55, 91), hollowness (4: 25,
keklasthai being inflected (1: 90) 28.2, 57, 95)
klasis bending (2: 28.1, 52), break (1: 54), deflection (1: koimasthai to be asleep (4: 21, 52, 91, 99), to sleep (4:
86.1), reflection (1: 88) 12, 38, 52, 85)
klausma crying (1: 86.1) koinologeisthai to communicate (1: 40)
klauthmurizesthai to raise a wail (1: 56) koinologia discussion (1: 16)
klazein to bend (1: 52) koinônein to agree (1: 44), to associate (2: 22, 45/46), to
kleinos best known (1: 17), famous (2: 23, 85), be associated (1: 93), to be associated with (1:
renowned (1: 83) 14), to be in agreement (1: 85), to be united (1:
klêma cutting (1: 61) 60), to communicate (3: 22, 28.2, 100), to consist
klêmatis vine-branch (1: 95) of (1: 22), to have a part (1: 97.1), to have a
klepsudra clepsydra (4: 6.1, 50, 55, 98), water-taker (1: share (1: 38), to have a share in (5: 12, 22, 52, 85,
18.2) 91), to have a share of (1: 91), to have
kleptein to cheat (1: 59), to steal (1: 6.1) communion (1: 97.1), to have community (2:
kleptesthai to escape notice (1: 94) 27, 55), to have in common (14: 2, 5, 7, 15, 17,
kleptês thief (1: 65) 34/35.1, 36, 51, 52, 56, 57, 68, 76, 93), to have in
klêronomein to inherit (2: 17, 25) common with (3: 22, 45/46, 67), to join with (1:
klêros lot (2: 86.2, 97.1), lottery (1: 80), share (1: 61) 26), to own jointly (1: 68), to partake of (2: 59,
klêroun to allot (1: 67), to assign (2: 20, 83) 69), to participate (2: 40, 92.2), to possess a
klêrousthai to allot (1: 86.2), to draw (1: 80), to portion (1: 52), to share (20: 9, 10.2, 12, 16, 21,
have allotted (1: 93), to obtain by lot (1: 86.2) 23, 27, 28.1, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 51, 59, 68, 69,
klêsis address (1: 23), naming (1: 72) 87, 94, 100), to share in (7: 25, 52, 58, 60, 68, 83,
klêtikos vocative (2: 23, 35.2) 100), to share with (2: 7, 14)
klêtor summoner (1: 72) koinônêtikos communal (1: 69)
klimatarkhês ruler of a region (1: 72) koinônia affinity (3: 14, 22, 47), agreement (1: 48),
klimax ladder (2: 34/35.1, 60), staircase (2: 7, 59) associated (1: 22), association (10: 22, 25, 38,
klinê bed (11: 7, 10.2, 19, 22, 25, 26, 52, 60, 76, 80, 93), 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 58, 60, 97.1), being in
couch (1: 26) common (1: 36), combination (2: 36, 45/46),
klinein to incline (1: 18.2), to turn sideways (1: 61), to common character (2: 79, 100), common
veer (1: 22) feature (1: 87), common property (1: 57),
keklisthai to be lying down (1: 51) commonality (10: 7, 16, 36, 43.2, 43.3, 51, 69, 84,
klisis bending (1: 86.1), case ending (1: 23), declension 94, 100), commonness (1: 5), communication
(1: 23), lying (1: 51) (1: 69), communion (2: 78, 79), community (15:
klisin epidexasthai to be declined (1: 23) 2, 4, 10.2, 15, 20, 22, 34/35.1, 43.1, 44, 48, 52, 67,


69, 91, 94), companionship (1: 97.1), having in 35.2, 63, 76, 91), that holds more widely (1: 90),
common (1: 36), having things in common (1: wider (1: 4); koinoteron in a broader sense (3:
14), joint ownership (1: 68), kinship (3: 18.2, 22, 21, 28.1, 91), in a loose way (1: 29.1), in a more
76), participating (1: 97.1), participation (3: 20, general sense (1: 17), interchangeably (1: 16), less
36, 41.2), partnership (3: 43.1, 69, 97.1), point of precisely (1: 16), more common (1: 76), rather
communion (1: 55), share (1: 9), sharing (2: 21, loosely (1: 16), more generally (1: 76), more in
57), something in common (3: 20, 93, 100), the everyday speech (1: 92.1), more inclusively (1:
common features of (1: 92.2), thing in common 76); koinotatos maximally general (1: 76), most
(2: 34/35.1, 57), union (1: 22), what (things) common (1: 76), most general (1: 76), most
have in common (2: 28.2, 100), what is common universal (1: 76), most widely shared (1: 76); to
to (1: 92.2), what is in common (1: 17) koinon common character (1: 28.2), common
koinônikos communal (4: 43.1, 45/46, 52, 69), factor (1: 10.2), common good (1: 97.1),
communicative (1: 28.2), community-spirited common item (1: 13), common object (1: 36),
(1: 40), for communication (1: 28.2), inclined to common predicate (2: 2, 16), common sensible
live in community (1: 4), sociable (2: 7, 17), (1: 36), common term (1: 10.2), common thing
social (1: 57) (1: 2), commonality (1: 92.2), commonwealth (2:
koinônos fellow (1: 69), partner (5: 23, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 43.1, 69), community (1: 69), compound (1:
69) 28.2), general rubric (1: 19), what is in common
koinopoiein to assimilate (1: 78), to generalise (3: 19, (1: 91); ta koina common elements (2: 22, 89),
42, 79), to make common cause with (1: 2) common sensibles (1: 16); koinêi generally (1:
koinos collective (1: 43.2), combined (1: 91), common 28.2), in common (2: 10.2, 25), in general (1: 21);
(79: 2, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, apo koinou from before (1: 73); kata koinou
17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, taken in common (1: 76); koinê aisthêsis
28.2, 29.1, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 40, common sense (3: 34/35.1, 57, 100); koinê doxa
41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 48, 51, common opinion: (1: 40), common use (1: 18.2);
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, koinê ennoia common conception (3: 14, 18.2,
69, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 89, 90, 74), common insight (1: 67), common intuition
91, 92.1, 93, 94, 97.1, 98, 99, 100), commonly (1: 76), common notion (2: 63, 74), common
shared (1: 25), commonplace (1: 2), composite opinion (1: 6.1), common sense (1: 76); koinê
(1: 22), everyday (1: 58), general (38: 3, 4, 9, 12, hupolêpsis common sense (1: 14), common
16, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, understanding (1: 14); koinê khrêsis common
40, 42, 44, 45/46, 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, parlance (1: 41.1), common usage (1: 33); koinê
73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 89, 90, 91, 93, 99), generally prolêpsis common conception (1: 2); koinê
held (1: 59), generic (1: 23), in a common sense sunêtheia common usage (1: 34/35.1); koinê
(1: 94), in common (7: 13, 19, 58, 59, 60, 73, 76), tomê intersection (1: 44); koinê phora general
in general (1: 52), in the general sense (1: 92.1), opinion (1: 37), in general terms (1: 56); koinêi
mutual (1: 91), ordinary (3: 27, 55, 73), popular jointly (1: 17); koinon aisthêton common
(1: 2), public (2: 43.2, 67), shared (6: 9, 28.2, 40, sense-object (2: 34/35.1, 57); koinon axiôma
58, 76, 92.1), shared in (1: 92.1), sharing in (1: common assumption (1: 63), common axiom (1:
21), single (1: 22), that holds in common (1: 73), 76); koinon ekhein to have in common (1: 16);
the same (2: 58, 59), universal (9: 12, 22, 25, koinon onoma common term (1: 67), proper
41.1, 44, 54, 60, 69, 92.1), wide (1: 23) name (1: 35.2), proper term (1: 91); koinôs
koinôs as a group (1: 91), by the common name (1: katêgoreisthai to be predicated in common (1:
73), collectively (1: 67), common (2: 28.2, 61), 2); koinos logos general account (1: 91),
commonly (6: 10.2, 16, 20, 60, 61, 76), general characterisation (1: 91); koinoi logoi
communally (1: 67), general (2: 22, 28.2), common definitions (1: 25), widespread
generally (14: 4, 10.2, 19, 22, 27, 42, 52, 56, 57, 61, discussions (1: 25)
67, 73, 76, 85), in a common manner (1: 93), in a koinôsis association (2: 43.1, 69)
common way (1: 56), in a general sense (3: 19, koinotês being common to everything (1: 92.2),
25, 60), in a general way (1: 16), in a wide sense common characteristic (1: 70), common feature
(1: 98), in common (13: 10.2, 16, 17, 19, 27, 29.1, (7: 19, 48, 58, 83, 85, 92.1, 99), common item (1:
56, 58, 73, 76, 91, 92.1, 93), in every case (1: 99), 41.1), common nature (1: 77), common thing
in general (9: 3, 4, 10.2, 16, 27, 38, 85, 93, 99), in (1: 78), commonality (9: 13, 41.1, 51, 53, 70, 83,
the widest sense (1: 27), jointly (4: 61, 67, 86.1, 90, 92.1, 92.2), commonness (2: 5, 85),
93), loosely (1: 27), together (1: 35.2), universally generality (1: 44), sharing (1: 43.2), what is
(1: 73), with common features (1: 58), with common (1: 44)
common scope (1: 20), with general application koinoun to impart (1: 86.1), to make common (1: 51),
(1: 92.1); koinoteros more general (6: 12, 24, to share (1: 3)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

koinousthai to join (1: 2) kommi gum (1: 24)

koiranos ruler (1: 97.2) kômôidein to mock (1: 85), to perform comedy (1: 4)
kokhlias cockle (2: 56, 57) kômôidia comedy (2: 79, 90), comic poetry (1: 23)
kokhlioeidês spiral (1: 59) kômôidopoios comic poet (1: 23)
kokkos grain (1: 80) kompazein to boast (1: 84), to make a boast (1: 19)
kolakeia flattery (1: 72) kompseia subtlety (1: 25)
kolasis chastisement (1: 61), punishment (4: 4, 21, 65, kompseuesthai to play cleverly on words (1: 25)
97.1) kompsos clever (2: 54, 55), elaborate (1: 78), ingenious
kolastêrion place of punishment (1: 86.2) (1: 25)
kolax flatterer (1: 69) kompsôs cleverly (1: 68)
kolazein to chasten (1: 57), to chastise (2: 61, 69), to konia lye (2: 21, 24)
inhibit (1: 60), to punish (3: 4, 52, 69), to kônikos conical (2: 55, 85)
restrain (1: 95), to suppress (1: 60), to temper (1: koniortos cloud of dust (1: 98), dust (2: 52, 79),
61) dust-cloud (1: 38)
kolazesthai to be kept in check (1: 68), to punish konis dirt (1: 55), dust (1: 56)
(1: 68); kekolasmenôs restrained (1: 33) konisis getting down in the dirt (1: 55)
koleopteros sheath-winged (1: 7) konkhulê mussel (1: 57)
kollan to glue (1: 52) konkhulion little mussel (1: 57), mollusc (1: 56)
kollasthai to be glued (1: 79); ta kekollêmena kônoeidês cone-shaped (1: 55), conic (3: 67, 88, 95),
things glued (1: 23) conic in shape (1: 67), of conic shape (1: 95)
kollê glue (5: 23, 24, 27, 79, 88) kônôpion little insect (2: 56, 57)
kollêsis adhesion (1: 33), gluing (1: 24) kônôps gnat (2: 24, 76), mosquito (3: 6.2, 56, 57)
kolobos clipped (1: 57), mutilated (3: 15, 61, 68) kônos cone (11: 28.2, 38, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 85, 86.1, 88,
koloboun to curtail (1: 97.1) 95)
koloios jackdaw (2: 1, 84) kôpê oar (4: 34/35.1, 57, 86.1, 95)
kôlon clause (1: 57), limb (1: 83) kôpêlatein to row (1: 95)
kolônos hill (1: 12) kôphasthai to be made deaf (1: 25)
kolouros truncated (1: 55) kôphos deaf (7: 23, 25, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 85, 90)
kolpos gulf (1: 95), hollow (1: 79), womb (1: 70) kôphotês deafness (1: 13)
kôluein to be against (1: 27), to be obstructive (1: 86.1), koprizein to manure (1: 61)
to block (1: 44), to check (1: 98), to hinder (9: 2, koprôdês : koprôdês gê manure (1: 60)
6.1, 11, 22, 28.2, 45/46, 52, 69, 99), to impede (2: kopros crap (1: 83), dung (3: 21, 56, 83)
28.2, 56), to inhibit (1: 28.2), to keep off (1: 38), korax crow (3: 1, 83, 93), raven (1: 15)
to obstruct (1: 86.1), to prevent (41: 1, 2, 4, 6.1, korê eye’s interior (1: 91), eyeball (1: 25), eye-jelly (2:
6.2, 10.2, 12, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 52), girl (1: 67), jelly of eye (1: 52), pupil (of
28.2, 38, 44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69, eye) (9: 21, 22, 34/35.1, 38, 52, 56, 57, 86.1, 95)
75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99), to korennunai to fill (1: 83), to satiate (1: 38)
stand in the way of (1: 59), to stop (1: 98) korennusthai to be satiated (1: 79)
to kôluon hindrance (1: 99), obstacle (1: 59); ean korônê crow (1: 56), gull (1: 84)
mê ti kôluêi if there is no impediment (1: 28.2); korônis curved line (1: 51)
ou kôluetai there is no impediment (1: 85) korônida epitithenai to add a nice finishing touch
kôluma defence (1: 86.1), hindrance (1: 48) (1: 67)
kolumbêthra pool (1: 84), swimming pool (1: 98) koros satiety (1: 52)
kôlutikos preventing (1: 24), protecting against (1: 61), koron ekhein to be sated (1: 86.1)
that prevents (2: 10.2, 52) korubantian to enjoy Corybantic madness (1: 97.1)
kôlutikos einai to prevent (1: 18.2) koruphaios doyen (1: 59), foremost (1: 58), leading (1:
kôlutos hindered (1: 45/46) 86.2)
koman to be long haired (1: 34/35.1) koruphê apex (6: 38, 57, 73, 79, 88, 90), peak (2: 68, 88),
komê tail (of a comet) (1: 95) points (1: 76), summit (1: 6.1), top (3: 88, 94,
komêtês comet (5: 1, 54, 83, 88, 95) 95), vertex (6: 52, 54, 55, 68, 78, 79), zenith (4:
kômêtês hairy man (1: 21) 54, 55, 57, 84)
komidê collecting (1: 17) kata koruphen opposite (1: 79); to kata koruphên
komidêi altogether (1: 55) zenith (2: 58, 59); to kata koruphên sêmeion
kômikos : ho kômikos comic poet (2: 38, 67) zenith (1: 1); to kata koruphên tês sphairês
ta kômika comedies (1: 90) pole of the sphere (1: 78)
komizein to bring (1: 28.1), to collect (1: 17), to koruphoun : koruphoumenos summed up (1: 11)
provide (1: 92.1), to take (1: 55) koruphoun tên thalassan to cause the sea to crest
komizesthai to recoup (a debt) (1: 89) (1: 88)


koskinon sieve (1: 52) kouphoteros less substantial (1: 99); to kouphon
kosmein to adorn (3: 34/35.1, 51, 97.1), to arrange (2: light thing (1: 18.2), lightness (1: 4)
76, 95), to arrange well (1: 80), to bestow order kouphotês light affection (1: 38), lightness (26: 2, 15,
(1: 88), to bring order (1: 88), to comport (1: 16, 18.2, 20, 27, 28.2, 38, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53,
43.3), to discipline (1: 7), to embellish (1: 67), to 57, 60, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 91, 95, 98, 99)
establish cosmic order (1: 68), to get properly in kouros boy (1: 67)
order (1: 67), to give fair order to (1: 56), to give kradainesthai to tremble (1: 54), to vibrate (1: 57)
order to (1: 80), to make orderly (1: 69), to kradasmos trembling (1: 54)
order (9: 43.3, 48, 56, 59, 68, 76, 80, 95, 97.1), to kradiê heart (1: 61)
organise (1: 70), to put in order (1: 43.3), to put krama blend (4: 25, 48, 52, 91), mixed wine (1: 16),
into good order (1: 76), to set in order (1: 6.1), mixture (3: 20, 34/35.1, 67)
to structure (1: 70) kranion skull (1: 78)
kosmeisthai to be given a cosmic order (1: 78), to krantôr lord (1: 70)
be ordererd (1: 92.2), to become orderly (1: krasis blend (5: 25, 67, 80, 91, 95), blending (14: 2, 12,
45/46); to kosmeisthai arranging (1: 92.2) 21, 22, 38, 52, 59, 67, 75, 78, 79, 80, 86.1, 88),
kosmêma ordering (1: 48) composition (1: 27), constitution (1: 13), crasis
kosmêtikos organising (1: 26) (1: 35.2), fusion (1: 27), mingling (2: 32, 33),
kosmikos cosmic (10: 6.1, 6.2, 17, 44, 67, 78, 84, 86.2, mixing (1: 58), mixture (22: 13, 16, 17, 20, 22,
94, 98), of the cosmos (1: 54), of the universe (1: 32, 33, 34/35.1, 45/46, 48, 56, 57, 61, 67, 68, 70,
98), of the world (1: 42), world (adj.) (1: 58) 76, 80, 84, 85, 88, 97.2), temperament (6: 25, 39,
kosmikôs on a cosmic view (1: 34/35.1) 59, 63, 97.1, 99), temperature (1: 88)
kosmios honourable (1: 43.3) kratein to be correct (1: 23), to be dominant (1: 39), to
kosmopoiein to create the cosmos (2: 68, 70), to engage be in control (1: 43.2), to be influential (1: 86.1),
in cosmogony (1: 42), to make the cosmos (1: to be predominant (1: 27), to be victorious (1:
78), to produce the cosmos (1: 80) 44), to contest (1: 44), to control (9: 21, 25, 27,
kosmopoiia cosmogony (1: 26), creation of the cosmos 39, 43.2, 45/46, 61, 85, 97.1), to dominate (8: 19,
(3: 45/46, 70, 80), making good order (1: 56), 39, 54, 55, 78, 83, 86.1, 100), to govern (2: 11,
making of the cosmos (2: 44, 78), the 39), to have power (1: 75), to keep hold of (1:
production of the cosmos (1: 68), world- 34/35.1), to master (7: 11, 24, 34/35.1, 45/46, 60,
creation (1: 27), world-ordering (1: 17) 83, 86.1), to overcome (6: 12, 21, 24, 38, 44, 60),
kosmopoios creator (1: 6.2), world-maker (1: 42) to overpower (1: 83), to overwhelm (2: 58, 59),
kosmos adornment (3: 61, 69, 92.2), arrangement (1: to prevail (5: 21, 52, 54, 78, 88), to retain (1:
85), beauty (1: 85), cosmos 30: 6.1, 17, 18.2, 22, 86.1), to rule (4: 61, 78, 83, 99)
25, 26, 34/35.1, 40, 41.2, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 61, krateisthai to be controlled (2: 11, 97.1), to be
65, 68, 72, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 88, 89, 90, 92.2, 94, controlled by (1: 70), to be dominated (1: 97.1),
95, 97.2), good order (1: 97.1), heaven (1: 12), to be dominated by (1: 70), to be governed (1:
kosmos (1: 73), order (1: 5), orderly arrangement 11), to be subordinate to (1: 11)
(1: 60), ornament (1: 39), the arrangement of kratêr crater (1: 20), cup (1: 88)
the universe (1: 60), the world (1: 74), universal krateros strong (1: 85)
order (1: 60), universe (25: 2, 10.1, 12, 13, 14, kratêsis control (1: 39), retaining (1: 86.1), retention (1:
18.2, 20, 25, 26, 27, 38, 40, 44, 51, 57, 60, 61, 66, 86.1)
67, 69, 74, 85, 91, 97.1, 98), world (32: 1, 2, 3, 4, kratêtikos controlling (2: 11, 70), dominant (1: 70)
6.2, 10.2, 15, 21, 32, 39, 40, 42, 43.3, 47, 52, 53, 58, kratisteuein to be superior (1: 70), to prevail (1: 70)
59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 75, 76, 78, 85, 86.2, 88, 95, kratistos best (1: 4), strongest (1: 34/35.1)
97.1, 99), world order (4: 5, 48, 85, 89) kratos power (1: 100)
ho hupo selênên kosmos the sublunary world (1: kratunein to give force to (1: 52), to hold (1: 23), to
88); ho katô kosmos the sublunary world (1: prevail (1: 75), to strengthen (4: 19, 23, 27, 29.1),
88); mikros kosmos microcosm (1: 75) to support (1: 7)
kosmourgos creator (1: 70), who fashions the cosmos kratunesthai to be strengthened (1: 29.1), to be
(1: 70), world-creating (1: 59) strong (1: 29.1)
kotulê measure (1: 52) krauros friable (1: 57)
kotuliaios one measure (1: 52) kreittôn above (1: 80), better (8: 29.1, 54, 55, 58,
kouphistikos giving lightness (1: 79) 59, 60, 68, 83), greater (1: 55), mightier (2: 42,
kouphizein to lighten (2: 48, 57), to make light (1: 68), more powerful (1: 18.2), on a higher level
18.2), to make lighter (1: 79) (1: 28.1), stronger (9: 6.1, 17, 34/35.1, 42, 54,
kouphos light (35: 1, 4, 6.1, 7, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 55, 59, 73, 79), superior (17: 11, 17, 19, 20,
38, 42, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 68, 75, 76, 28.1, 42, 44, 45/46, 52, 58, 59, 60, 67, 70, 80, 92.1,
78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 91, 95, 98, 99) 93)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

kreittonôs better (1: 29.1), in a manner better (1: kritês judge (8: 22, 25, 42, 45/46, 61, 72, 85, 97.1),
29.1), in a superior mode (1: 70), on a higher partisan (of a theory) (1: 25), supporter (1: 22)
level (1: 28.1), superior (1: 28.1); to kreitton krithê barley (1: 52), barleycorn (1: 38)
superiority (2: 28.1, 60), the better (1: 28.1), the kritikos able to distinguish (1: 59), able to have
superior (1: 28.1) cognition (1: 91), able to judge (2: 38, 52), apt to
kremannunai to hang up (1: 57) discriminate (1: 40), aware (1: 28.1), capable of
kremasthai to be suspended (1: 20); kremamenos discernment (1: 100), capable of judging (1: 16),
suspended (1: 94) capable of judgement (1: 100), concerned with
krêmnos cliff (1: 16), precipice (2: 34/35.1, 56) discernment (1: 52), critical (4: 22, 36, 40, 100),
krênê spring (1: 38) discerning (3: 22, 52, 56), discriminating (3: 22,
krêphagos carnivore (1: 13) 36, 45/46), discriminative (1: 100),
krêpis foundation-stone (1: 52) discriminatory (1: 25), for cognition (1: 91),
krêsphugeton refuge (1: 52) having a capacity for discernment (1: 25),
krikoeidês of annular shape (1: 95) having a capacity for discrimination (1: 25),
krikos hoop (1: 20) having awareness (1: 28.1), judging (4: 21, 36,
krikôtos circular (1: 44) 52, 67), of discernment (1: 22), of discrimination
krinein to be aware (1: 28.1), to become conscious (of) (1: 100), of judgement (3: 28.2, 40, 100),
(1: 28.1), to bring to trial (1: 7), to cognise (1: scholarly (1: 48), such as to discern (1: 57), that
28.1), to decide (4: 3, 15, 52, 85), to derive discriminates (1: 22), that has judgement (1:
critical judgement (1: 67), to determine (1: 54), 28.2), that is a faculty of judgement (1: 40), that
to discern (5: 25, 34/35.1, 56, 57, 100), to judges (3: 16, 28.2, 90), that recognises (1: 28.2),
discriminate (8: 15, 22, 25, 36, 40, 67, 87, 100), to that serves to judge (1: 40)
distinguish (6: 22, 24, 25, 59, 80, 89), to esteem kritikôs as judgement (1: 22), in a conscious way
(1: 4), to have cognition of (1: 91), to judge (28: (1: 28.1), in a discerning way (1: 34/35.1), in
4, 7, 10.2, 11, 16, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, 36, 38, judgement (1: 28.2), in the sense of being a
40, 45/46, 52, 59, 60, 61, 67, 69, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, judge (1: 84), with judgement (1: 28.2); kritikos
90, 100), to make a distinction (1: 80), to make a einai to be the judge of something (1: 40), to
judgement (1: 36), to recognise (1: 22) discern (1: 57), to judge (1: 21); to kritikon
krinesthai to be chosen (1: 91), to determine activity of judgement (1: 28.2), capacity of
(1: 68), to judge (1: 68); kriteon one must discriminating (1: 100), capacity of judgement
judge (1: 57); to krinein judgement (1: 28.2), (1: 100), judgement (1: 28.2), the part for
judging (2: 21, 61); to krinon the cognitive cognition (1: 91); kritikê phusis discriminative
element (1: 28.1), the judging factor (1: 67); nature (1: 100)
ameinon krinein to make better judgements krokê woof (1: 79)
(1: 10.2) krokodeilos crocodile (2: 57, 84)
krios Aries (the constellation) (5: 59, 61, 67, 88, 95), krokos saffron (2: 28.2, 57)
Ram (the constellation) (3: 80, 95, 98) kromuon onion (1: 88)
krisimos critical (3: 27, 75, 90) Kronios : Kronia sphaira sphere of Kronos (the
krisis act of cognition (1: 91), adjudication (1: 40), planet) (1: 6.1), Saturn (the planet) (1: 57)
assessment (1: 40), awareness (1: 28.1), krotaphos temple (1: 38)
cognition (1: 91), critical judgement (1: 100), krotos clapping (1: 57), snapping of the fingers (1: 59)
decision (5: 2, 3, 52, 80, 85), discernment (6: 25, krotoun to clap (1: 57), to knock (1: 57), to pluck (1:
34/35.1, 56, 57, 95, 100), discrimination (5: 25, 57), to strike (4: 28.2, 57, 86.1, 99)
28.2, 36, 69, 100), distinct principle (1: 39), krouesthai to knock (1: 2)
distinguishing (1: 59), estimate (1: 40), krounos spring (1: 52)
examination (1: 7), judge (1: 12), judgement kruphios hidden (3: 22, 28.1, 70), secret (1: 86.2)
(24: 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 36, kruphiôs in a hidden mode (1: 70); kruphiôteros
38, 45/46, 48, 52, 61, 67, 69, 79, 85, 88, 90, 97.1, less accessible (1: 36)
100), judging (4: 21, 36, 40, 52), power of krupsis concealment (1: 64), setting (of a star) (1: 95)
discrimination (1: 36), recognition (1: 44) hê tou hêliou krupsis sunset (1: 95)
krisis (+ gen.) the distinguishing of (1: 39) kruptein to conceal (1: 76), to hide (5: 54, 57, 76, 86.2,
kritêrion criterion (9: 18.2, 19, 24, 38, 40, 45/46, 51, 61, 98)
99), discriminatory power (1: 15), faculty of kekrummenos hidden (1: 67)
judgement (1: 74), judge (1: 57), means of krustalloeidês of crystalline form (1: 34/35.1)
discernment (1: 25), means of distinguishing (1: to krustalloeides lens (2: 56, 57); krustalloeides
59), means of judging (1: 26), means of hugron vitreous humour (1: 57)
judgement (1: 25), standard (1: 83), standard of krustallos ice (11: 12, 20, 24, 52, 56, 57, 61, 67, 83, 88,
judgement (1: 70), test (1: 58) 95)


ktasthai to acquire (4: 4, 45/46, 52, 60), to obtain (3: 12, kukan to throw into confusion (1: 97.2)
22, 52), to own (1: 86.2) kuklikos circular (10: 3, 22, 42, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 83,
kektasthai to possess (2: 3, 86.1); to kektêsthai 95), in a circle (1: 34/35.1), moving in a circle
owning (1: 39) (1: 78), spherical (1: 67)
ktêma possession (5: 4, 39, 43.1, 43.2, 45/46) kuklikôs circularly (1: 3), in a circle (2: 59, 60)
ktêsis acquisition (2: 4, 52), material possession (1: 39), kuklismos circularity (1: 42)
ownership (1: 39), possession (3: 7, 45/46, 52) kuklizein to revolve (1: 95)
parekhein tên ktêsin to put in possession (1: 40) kuklizesthai to spin (1: 54)
ktêsthai to gain (1: 39) kuklographein to describe a circle (1: 53)
ktêtikos involving acquisition (1: 52) kuklophoreisthai to be carried around in a circle (2:
ktêtôr owner (1: 39) 67, 68), to be in circular motion (1: 95), to be
ktisis creation (1: 97.2) moved in a circle (2: 54, 83), to have circular
ktisma created thing (1: 97.2) motion (1: 88), to move in a circle (5: 54, 59, 83,
ktizein to create (1: 97.2) 88, 95), to revolve (1: 42), to rotate (1: 59), to
ktupos clap (1: 34/35.1), din (1: 95) travel in a circle (1: 59)
kuamos bean (1: 80) kuklophoroumenos moving in a circle (1: 11); to
kuanos blue-green (1: 57) kuklophoreisthai rotation (1: 22)
kuanous blue (1: 38), blue-green (1: 57), dark blue (1: kuklophorêtikos having the property of circular
95) motion (2: 10.2, 16), in circular motion (3: 18.2,
kuathiaios contained in a ladle (1: 80), cupful (1: 98), 41.2, 42), moving in a circle (8: 6.2, 12, 21, 54,
ladleful (1: 80) 59, 78, 79, 83), of circular motion (1: 42),
kuathiaion hudor a cup of water (1: 18.2), an revolving (4: 3, 14, 47, 66), rotating (1: 14), that
ounce of water (1: 88) is in circular motion (1: 42), that moves in a
kuathion ladleful (1: 59) circle (4: 55, 68, 92.2, 99), that undergoes
kuathos (liquid) measure (1: 52), cup (2: 78, 84), cupful circular motion (1: 42), whose motion is
(1: 98), ladle (2: 55, 57), ladleful (1: 80), measure circular (1: 33), with a circular orbit (1: 44)
(1: 54), pint (1: 54), wine ladle (1: 59) kuklophorêtikos einai to move in a circle (1: 68)
kubernan to direct (1: 85), to govern (6: 12, 21, 34/35.1, kuklophoria circular locomotion (1: 19), circular
44, 88, 100), to rule (1: 60), to steer (4: 85, 86.1, motion (12: 1, 11, 14, 27, 39, 42, 50, 54, 75, 78,
86.2, 89) 95, 99), circular movement (5: 25, 59, 60, 67, 88),
ho kubernôn steersman (1: 68); to kubernan circular travel (1: 27), cyclic motion (1: 14),
administration (1: 88) motion in a circle (2: 12, 83), revolution (3: 3,
kubernêsis steering (1: 86.1) 14, 53), rotation (3: 17, 22, 59)
kubernêtês (ship’s) captain (1: 86.1), boatman (1: 22), kuklophorikos having the property of circular motion
helmsman (3: 26, 59, 80), navigator (1: 52), pilot (1: 16), in circular motion (1: 88), moving in a
(3: 22, 25, 91), steersman (7: 17, 22, 27, 56, 57, circle (2: 60, 88), revolving (2: 53, 88), that
61, 68) moves in a circle (1: 10.1)
kubernêtikos for piloting (1: 91), of a helmsman (1: kuklophorikos einai to move in a circle (1: 17)
26), of piloting (1: 91) kuklos circle (50: 1, 4, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 18.2,
hê kubernetikê art of navigation (2: 4, 52), 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 50,
navigation (1: 38) 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 64, 67, 68, 73, 75, 77,
kubikos cubic (2: 67, 80), cubical (3: 68, 78, 79) 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97.2, 98,
kubistan to tumble (1: 54) 99, 100), circumference (1: 75), cycle (4: 21, 50,
kubos cube (17: 3, 6.1, 10.2, 15, 18.2, 34/35.1, 38, 59, 61, 60, 99), orbit (1: 90), revolution (1: 94), the
67, 68, 73, 79, 80, 83, 88, 98), cubic number (2: heavenly circle (1: 95)
15, 67) kukloi solstice (1: 95); kuklôi circular (13: 28.2, 47,
kuboi dice (1: 6.1) 53, 54, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 73, 75, 93), circularly
kudimos glorious (1: 19) (3: 42, 68, 73), in a circle (9: 42, 50, 53, 57, 59, 68,
kuein to be pregnant (1: 86.1), to conceive (2: 56, 93), 83, 88, 93); kuklon circular (1: 67), over a circle
to gestate (1: 23) (1: 42); en kuklôi circular (2: 18.2, 54); kata
to kuoumenon fetus (1: 86.1); to kuêthen offspring kuklon circular (2: 59, 67), cyclic (1: 11),
after birth (1: 86.1) cyclically (1: 99), in a circle (1: 57);
kuêma child that is conceived (1: 80), conception (1: ekperierkhesthai kuklon to traverse a circle (1:
80), foetus (2: 80, 94), offspring (1: 80) 68); galaxias kuklos Milky Way (1: 59);
kuêsis birth (1: 86.1), gestation (2: 56, 60), period of isêmerinos kuklos celestial equator (1: 59),
gestation (1: 86.1) equator (3: 54, 88, 95); loxos kuklos ecliptic
kuiskein to conceive (1: 56), to gestate (1: 60) circle (1: 6.2), the ecliptic (1: 42); ho megistos
kuiskesthai to be put into the womb (1: 86.1) kuklos great circle (on a sphere) (1: 42); hoi

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

tropikoi kukloi the tropics (1: 95); kata kuklon kuriologia prose (1: 59)
kineisthai kinêsin to exhibit rotation (1: 94); kurios accurate (1: 26), authoritative (15: 9, 16, 19, 38,
kheimerinoi kukloi southern tropics (1: 95); hê 40, 43.2, 43.3, 47, 48, 54, 55, 59, 78, 83, 91),
apo tou kuklou grammê radius of the circle (1: authorized (1: 43.2), basic (1: 73), chief (1: 90),
42); kinêsis hê kuklôi circular motion (1: 11); controlling (1: 25), decisive (1: 69), dominant
kuklôi deixis circular proof (1: 73); kuklôi (1: 22), empowered (1: 43.3), essential (1: 22),
kineisthai to rotate (1: 94); kuklôi kinêsis everyday (1: 59), genuine (1: 47), important (9:
circular motion (1: 94), process of rotation (1: 4, 18.2, 19, 23, 28.1, 35.2, 45/46, 54, 79), in a
94); kuklôi pheresthai to be carried round in a strict sense (1: 48), in charge (1: 29.1), in
circle (1: 50), to be in circular motion (1: 75); command of (2: 22, 99), in control (6: 4, 21, 52,
kuklôi phora revolution (1: 94); kuklon 57, 67, 86.2), in control of (3: 45/46, 52, 56),
pheresthai to undergo locomotion over a circle leading (1: 86.2), lord (1: 20), master of (2: 29.1,
(1: 42); loxos kuklos inclined circle (1: 60); 52), powerful (1: 4), primary (1: 15), principal
megistos kuklos great circle (2: 55, 95), greatest (15: 1, 5, 12, 15, 21, 26, 38, 40, 64, 65, 73, 87, 90,
circle (1: 75); mesêmbrinos kuklos meridian 91, 94), proper (12: 1, 5, 10.2, 13, 18.2, 20, 21, 23,
(1: 54); perikeimenos kuklôi that surrounds (1: 24, 28.1, 40, 61), pure (1: 40), responsible (1:
24); therinoi kukloi northern tropics (1: 95); to 28.1), responsible for (1: 28.2), sovereign (2: 2,
kuklôi kineisthai rotation (1: 22); to kuklôi 80), strict (7: 9, 17, 26, 40, 41.2, 83, 87), superior
pheresthai circular movement (1: 67), rotation (1: 22), supreme (2: 2, 43.3), that controls (1:
(1: 22); zôidiakos kuklos ecliptic (1: 73), zodiac 28.2), that has authority (1: 69), that has control
(1: 59) (1: 69), that has control over (1: 25), that has
kukloterês circular (2: 60, 88), curved (5: 34/35.1, 18.2, power (1: 4), valid (1: 59)
54, 55, 90), roundish (1: 55) kuriôs absolutely (1: 14), authoritative (1: 92.2),
kukloun to recirculate (1: 78) basic (1: 27), basically (1: 27), central (1: 27),
kuknos swan (6: 19, 57, 65, 80, 85, 86.2) centrally (2: 22, 27), correctly (1: 98), directly (1:
kukoun to confuse (1: 6.1) 47), dominantly (1: 22), especially (1: 58),
kuliein to roll (1: 59) genuine (1: 22), genuinely (4: 47, 53, 56, 57), in a
kuliesthai to roll (1: 54) genuine way (1: 57), in a proper sense (1: 28.2),
kulindrikos cylindrical (5: 55, 57, 83, 85, 98) in a proper way (1: 52), in a strict sense (7: 3, 25,
kulindroeidês cylinder-shaped (1: 55), cylindrical (1: 50, 60, 75, 89, 92.2), in an absolute sense (1:
88) 92.1), in its genuine sense (1: 98), in its primary
kulindros cylinder (6: 54, 55, 57, 85, 88, 98) sense (1: 28.1), in its proper sense (1: 98), in the
kulisis rolling (5: 27, 44, 54, 59, 79) basic sense (1: 14), in the full sense (1: 27), in the
kulix kylix (1: 50) fullest sense (1: 22), in the fundamental sense (2:
kuma tidal wave (1: 95), wave (3: 25, 55, 57) 91, 94), in the literal sense (1: 61), in the precise
kumainein to bulge (1: 18.2), to swell (3: 55, 78, 98) sense (1: 15), in the primary sense (5: 2, 15, 18.2,
kumbalon cymbal (1: 57) 74, 92.1), in the proper sense (21: 2, 4, 10.1, 10.2,
kunidia little dogs (1: 68) 15, 16, 21, 24, 28.1, 41.1, 51, 52, 59, 61, 67, 68, 69,
kunosoura Ursa Minor (the constellation) (2: 88, 95) 70, 74, 94, 99), in the strict sense (28: 4, 7, 12, 17,
kunosouris the Bear Cynosura (the constellation) (1: 19, 27, 30/31, 32, 40, 41.1, 42, 47, 54, 55, 58, 64,
95) 65, 67, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 90, 92.1, 93, 98, 99), in
kuon Canis (the constellation) (1: 88), dog (22: 2, 4, 7, the strictest sense (1: 61), in the true sense (1:
12, 15, 16, 19, 23, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 52, 54, 56, 57, 59), literally (1: 18.2), par excellence (1: 54),
58, 61, 68, 80, 86.1, 86.2, 93), Dog (the primarily (3: 7, 14, 89), principally (2: 7, 28.2),
constellation Canis Maior) (1: 95), Dog Star proper (1: 27), properly (19: 4, 7, 14, 20, 27, 28.1,
(Sirius) (2: 68, 95) 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 52, 53, 56, 59, 68, 69, 70, 74,
thêreutikos kuôn hunting dog (1: 86.2) 92.1, 99), properly so called (2: 2, 28.1), properly
kuophorein to conceive (1: 93) speaking (8: 16, 29.1, 35.2, 61, 74, 80, 94, 99),
kuophoreisthai to be in the womb (1: 35.2) strict (1: 27), strictly (16: 7, 14, 17, 27, 28.1, 38,
kuparittos cypress (1: 61) 40, 42, 44, 45/46, 52, 69, 85, 89, 90, 98), strictly
kuphotês lightness (1: 59) speaking (8: 40, 42, 54, 66, 73, 80, 86.1, 99), true
kuptein : kuptein epi gên have one’s head to the (2: 18.2, 22), truly (1: 41.1); kuriôteros in a
ground (1: 56) stricter sense (1: 10.2), more authoritative (2: 16,
kurein to reach to (1: 85) 42), more basic (1: 42), more crucial (1: 14),
kuria control (1: 34/35.1) more important (2: 7, 14), more truly (1: 22), of
kurieuein to control (2: 22, 43.2) superior standing (1: 16); kuriôteron better (1:
kuriôdês dominant (1: 70) 56), more properly (1: 91), more strictly (1: 17),
kuriolektein to speak accurately (1: 34/35.1) more precise (1: 99); kuriôtatos foremost (1:


99), fundamental (1: 50), highest (1: 91), in the kuriotês proper usage (1: 51)
most proper sense (1: 10.2), in the strictest sense kuros confirmation (2: 21, 48), control (1: 100),
(1: 10.2), most basic (2: 14, 42), most proper (1: domination (1: 48), most important role (1:
20), of the highest importance (1: 10.2), 35.2), supreme control (1: 97.1), supreme power
principally (1: 73), supreme (1: 10.2); kuriôtaton (1: 34/35.1), validity (1: 48), weight (1: 23)
chiefly (1: 59), in the strictest sense (1: 17); kuria kuroun to confirm (2: 52, 86.2), to judge (1: 95)
lexis proper use of expression (1: 13); kurion kurtos bent (1: 18.2), concave (15: 6.1, 11, 26, 34/35.1,
onoma proper name (2: 35.2, 51); kurios einai 41.2, 47, 51, 52, 55, 57, 59, 66, 73, 83, 88), convex
to control (1: 22), to have control (1: 52), to be (1: 94), curved (3: 18.2, 41.2, 98)
the central case (1: 22); kuriôs antikeisthai to kurtotês convexity (1: 52), curvature (1: 18.2), curve (1:
be the opposite in the strict sense (1: 30/31); 98)
kuriôs legesthai to be spoken of in the strict kurtoun : kurtousthai to be made convex (1: 79)
sense (2: 50, 50); ou kuriôs in a non-proper way kustis bladder (2: 21, 86.1)
(1: 94); to kurion proper name (1: 51) kutos hollow (1: 86.1)


labros violent (2: 88, 95) 67), to suppose (7: 2, 4, 21, 69, 76, 80, 85), to take
laburinthôdês labyrinthine (1: 34/35.1) (48: 3, 9, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28.2,
laburinthos labyrinth (2: 20, 44) 30/31, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59,
laimos throat (1: 86.1) 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83,
laios left (1: 54) 85, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99), to take as
lakhanon cabbage (1: 90), herb (1: 54), vegetable (3: 23, (1: 38), to take as agreed (2: 12, 38), to take as
91, 93) established (1: 38), to take for granted (2: 58,
lalein to babble (1: 2), to talk (1: 17) 59), to take hold of (1: 52), to take in (2: 12, 38),
lambanein to accept (7: 20, 25, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68), to to take into account (1: 4), to take on (7: 21, 50,
achieve (1: 80), to acquire (13: 12, 19, 20, 25, 50, 52, 75, 76, 80, 89), to take over (1: 68), to take to
58, 69, 75, 76, 80, 89, 90, 91), to add (1: 30/31), to mean (1: 89), to take up (3: 59, 76, 93), to think
admit (1: 68), to admit of (1: 67), to adopt (7: 3, of (1: 80), to treat (1: 85), to undergo (1: 38), to
25, 40, 61, 67, 76, 85), to apprehend (7: 12, 20, understand (9: 4, 25, 50, 57, 59, 61, 89, 90, 92.1),
21, 40, 52, 59, 68), to assert (1: 30/31), to assume to undertake (1: 61), to use (6: 16, 30/31, 40, 42,
(35: 2, 3, 9, 10.2, 16, 17, 19, 21, 30/31, 38, 40, 42, 76, 90)
44, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 68, 73, 77, 78, lambanesthai to be captured (1: 50), to be covered
79, 80, 83, 85, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 99), to attain (2: (1: 42), to be given (2: 40, 44), to be granted (1:
44, 88), to begin (1: 59), to borrow (1: 80), to 40), to be occupied (1: 42), to be taken (2: 16,
capture (1: 89), to carry on (1: 16), to choose (2: 18.2), to obtain (1: 86.1), to take hold of (1:
73, 76), to collect (1: 21), to complete (1: 59), to 86.1); eilêphthô let (something) be taken as
comprise (1: 90), to conceive (3: 59, 60, 91), to established (1: 16), let it be assumed (1: 16);
conclude (1: 21), to consider (6: 30/31, 44, 52, labôn basing oneself on (1: 61), making an
59, 76, 91), to deal with (2: 76, 93), to derive (7: assumption (1: 42), on the assumption that (1:
4, 44, 58, 59, 60, 68, 99), to draw (2: 59, 73), to 42); eilêmmenos based on (1: 42), presumed (1:
draw a conclusion (1: 59), to draw from (1: 68), 20); lêpteos to be taken (1: 64); lêpteon it
to draw on (2: 68, 80), to employ (2: 90, 93), to would be necessary to assume (1: 92.1), one
enclose (1: 88), to find (3: 12, 52, 80), to form an should take (2: 64, 65); lambanein ek to draw
image (1: 40), to gain (4: 44, 58, 61, 69), to (1: 80), to draw (a consequence) from (1: 3), to
gather (1: 18.2), to get (18: 4, 10.2, 17, 20, 21, draw from (1: 76); to labein assumption (1: 68);
30/31, 40, 42, 52, 55, 60, 61, 68, 76, 80, 90, 91, 98), to lambanomenon assumption (2: 16, 91); to
to grasp (18: 10.2, 17, 19, 20, 25, 28.2, 40, 41.2, lêphthen given (1: 93); to eilêmmenon
52, 60, 61, 64, 73, 89, 90, 93, 94, 99), to have (6: assumption (1: 25); anapalin lambanein to
59, 61, 67, 68, 80, 88), to hypothesize (1: 99), to assume the converse (1: 42); arkhên lambanein
identify (4: 75, 80, 89, 99), to include (3: 21, 59, to begin (1: 75); ek tês enargeias lambanein to
73), to infer (2: 12, 21), to infer a conclusion (1: assume as clearly true (1: 78); lambanein
12), to inherit (1: 86.1), to interpret (2: 12, 25), ennoian to take note (1: 87); lambanein hexin
to interpret as (1: 4), to learn (1: 61), to make (2: to come into possession (1: 58); lambanein
59, 90), to make a choice (1: 76), to make an hupotheseis to make assumptions (1: 68);
assumption (2: 59, 61), to make use of (1: 59), to lambanein pisteis ek to draw one’s beliefs from
mean (1: 67), to note (1: 21), to observe (1: 4), to (1: 86.1); lambanein telos to come to the end
obtain (7: 30/31, 40, 61, 64, 73, 90, 93), to obtain (1: 59); opsei lambanein to see (1: 27);
the result (1: 73), to occupy (1: 55), to posit (2: paratasin lambanein to extend (1: 86.1);
18.2, 60), to postulate (2: 2, 86.2), to prove phantasian lambanein to imagine (1: 21);
through what has been obtained (1: 40), to peiran lambanein to test (1: 16); hugies
reach (2: 21, 42), to reach a conclusion (2: 10.2, lambanein to assume rightly (1: 10.2); to en
59), to receive (18: 18.2, 21, 25, 40, 52, 55, 58, 59, arkhêi lambanein to assume the question (1:
60, 61, 68, 69, 73, 80, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 99), to refer 16), to assume what (was to be proved) in the
to (1: 99), to regard (1: 4), to select (1: 59), to beginning (1: 19), to beg the question (4: 16, 19,
settle (1: 18.2), to stand for (1: 90), to state (1: 40, 78); to deontôs lambanomenon necessary


assumption (1: 16); kata to siôpômenon labein mention (3: 21, 60, 73), to name (1: 76), to name
to take implicitly (1: 67) after (1: 94), to predicate (1: 73), to pronounce
lampas flash (1: 56), lamp (2: 20, 95), light (1: 34/35.1), (1: 94), to put (1: 60), to put forward (1: 21), to
torch (3: 23, 27, 79) refer (1: 92.1), to refer to (2: 60, 93), to say (29:
lampêdôn brilliance (1: 97.2) 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22,
lampein to be luminous (2: 25, 28.2), to emit light (1: 34/35.1, 38, 40, 50, 60, 73, 75, 76, 85, 86.1, 88, 89,
52), to flash (2: 25, 38), to light (1: 52), to shine 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95), to set out (1: 18.2), to speak
(2: 25, 28.2) (14: 10.2, 12, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 40, 60, 73, 76, 91,
lampros bright (12: 12, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 52, 54, 92.1, 93, 94), to speak of (7: 4, 16, 17, 19, 34/35.1,
55, 57, 83, 85, 95), brilliant (1: 25), luminous (1: 60, 73), to speak of as (1: 19), to specify (1: 94),
28.2), shining (4: 28.1, 28.2, 57, 95), shiny (1: to state (16: 5, 12, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 40, 60, 73, 75,
25), that shines (1: 28.1) 89, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95), to tell (3: 50, 73, 94), to
lamprôs evidently (1: 44); ho lampros famous use (1: 92.1), to utter (2: 16, 21)
person (1: 34/35.1); to lampron brightness (1: legesthai to be called (1: 15), to be in question (1:
95), luminosity (1: 93), shining (1: 57) 92.1), to be said (1: 15), to be said to be (1: 15),
lamprotês brightness (6: 27, 28.1, 38, 54, 57, 84), to be said to occur (1: 93), to be spoken of (1:
luminosity (1: 28.2), luminousness (1: 28.2), 94), to be the name used for (1: 94), to mean (1:
phosphorescence (1: 28.2) 15); legôn according to which (1: 60), that (1:
lamprunein to illuminate (1: 28.1) 60); legomenos called (1: 17), legendary (1: 95),
lamptêr lantern (2: 38, 93) mentioned (1: 95), named (1: 17), so called (3:
lampuris glow-worm (1: 52) 52, 93, 95); eirêmenos abovementioned (1:
lankhanein to be allotted (3: 60, 86.2, 99), to be suited 18.2), previously mentioned (1: 73), stated (1:
(1: 27), to receive (1: 83), to receive a lot (1: 73); legô I mean (1: 60), i.e. (2: 60, 76), id est (1:
86.2), to share in (1: 60) 95), namely (2: 73, 76), that is (1: 76), that is to
lanthanein to be deceptive (1: 22), to be unaware (2: 2, say (1: 76), to the effect that (1: 76), viz. 60, 1,
78), to be unobserved (1: 99), to ignore (1: 61), 76), let us explain (1: 95); legô dê that is (1: 73);
to do something unawares (1: 43.3), to do legômen let us discuss (1: 95); legein epi to
unobtrusively (1: 78), to elude (1: 89), to escape predicate (1: 86.1); legein epi (+ gen.) to apply
(2: 12, 99), to escape detection (1: 38), to escape (a term) (1: 25); legein kata to criticise (1: 21);
notice (10: 19, 21, 25, 43.1, 43.2, 61, 67, 69, 83, legein peri to discuss (1: 89), to talk about (1:
89), to escape the notice of (2: 54, 55), to evade 19); legein pros to rebut (1: 89), to refute (1:
(1: 25), to fail to realise (1: 52), to go unnoticed 89), to respond to (1: 89); legesthai kata to be
(4: 25, 43.1, 43.2, 69), to not be observed (1: 4), said of (2: 7, 89); legetai kata (+ gen.) it covers
to not notice (1: 78), to not realise (1: 52) (1: 73); legein ti to have a point (1: 21); to
lathôn advertently (1: 27); mê lanthanein to take legomenon argument (1: 60), claim (2: 60, 73),
note of (1: 93) expression (1: 16), meaning (3: 10.2, 16, 73),
laoxoos quarryman (1: 80) presupposition (1: 3), statement (2: 3, 16), what
larunx larynx (1: 57) is said (1: 95), word (1: 16); akatallêlôs
lax with the foot (1: 23) legesthai to be bad syntax (1: 22); dikhôs
laxeutikê stone cutting (1: 93) legein to use in two senses (1: 25); dikhôs
leainê lioness (1: 80) legesthai to be spoken of in two senses (1: 75),
lebês cauldron (2: 20, 95) to be used in two senses (1: 25); dunatai
legein to affirm (1: 18.2), to apply (a term) (2: 4, 21), to legesthai the meaning may be (1: 10.2);
argue (4: 34/35.1, 40, 60, 89), to ask (2: 73, 92.1), eidikôteron legomenos in a more specific sense
to assert (3: 17, 73, 93), to call (14: 4, 7, 10.2, 16, (1: 73); en kephalaiôi legein to summarize (1:
17, 18.2, 20, 21, 41.1, 60, 73, 76, 86.1, 93), to 25); enantia legein to contradict (2: 78, 79), to
claim (8: 19, 40, 50, 60, 73, 76, 89, 94), to declare speak against (1: 21); haplôs legein to use in a
(1: 73), to describe (4: 17, 18.2, 38, 94), to single sense (1: 25), to use in an unqualified
discuss (5: 21, 22, 60, 73, 94), to espouse (1: 16), sense (1: 25); haplôs legesthai to be used in a
to establish (1: 60), to express (2: 21, 40), to single sense (1: 25), to be used in an unqualified
formulate (1: 94), to give (1: 73), to give (a sense (1: 25); hêmin eirêtai I have given (1: 73);
reason) (1: 21), to give (an explanation) (1: 21), hoion eipein for example (1: 73); kakôs legei it
to have a meaning (1: 73), to have as one’s is wrong to say (1: 68); kakôs legein to make an
position (1: 21), to hold (an opinion) (1: 76), to incorrect claim (1: 25); kalôs eirêken he was
hold forth (1: 40), to maintain (1: 94), to make a right to say (1: 17); kalôs legein to make a
claim about (1: 40), to make a statement (1: 12), correct claim (1: 25); kat’ amphoterôn
to mean (17: 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, legesthai to be ambiguous (1: 19); kataphatikôs
34/35.1, 38, 40, 57, 60, 73, 76, 85, 92.1), to legesthai to have an affirmative name (1: 27);

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

katholou legein to speak universally (1: 25); remains (1: 25); to leipomenon the only
kephalaion legein to sum up (1: 86.1); kuriôs alternative (1: 89), the residue (1: 89)
legesthai to be spoken of in the strict sense (2: leipsanon trace left behind (1: 34/35.1)
50, 50); mê hugiôs legesthai to be unsound (1: lêistes robber (1: 52)
10.2); monakhôs legesthai to be said in one lêisteuein to be a thief (1: 86.2), to engage in robbery
way (1: 89), uniquely (1: 76); ou legein to unsay (1: 52), to rob (1: 52)
(1: 16); ouk orthôs legein to be incorrect (1: lêistrikos piratical (1: 23)
19); paralogôs legein to blunder in saying (1: lekanê pot (2: 95, 98)
88); pleonakhôs legesthai to be said in several lektikos lexical (1: 51), linguistic (4: 23, 27, 39, 72), of
ways (1: 2), to be spoken of in many senses (1: expression (1: 48), of speech (1: 41.2), speaking
75); pleonakhôs legomenos expressed in (1: 23), speech-related (1: 70), verbal (2: 23,
various ways (1: 15); pollakhôs legesthai to be 41.1)
ambiguous (1: 14), to be equivocal (1: 14), to be lektos : to lekton sayable (2: 39, 51)
said in many senses (2: 3, 48), to be said in ta lekta things that are spoken (1: 23)
many ways (8: 2, 4, 12, 14, 16, 40, 66, 89), to be lêmê rheum (2: 24, 56)
said in several ways (1: 63), to be spoken of in lêmma assumption (13: 9, 20, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 41.2,
many senses (1: 75), to be spoken of in many 44, 57, 64, 65, 70, 87, 88), gain (1: 52), lemma (6:
ways (2: 17, 20), to be spoken of in several ways 1, 42, 44, 78, 83, 85), premise (11: 25, 44, 45/46,
(1: 54), to have a number of meanings (1: 76), to 55, 59, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 92.1), presupposition
have many meanings (1: 27), to have many (1: 44), proposition (1: 47), statement (2: 1, 70)
senses (3: 14, 27, 64), to have several senses (1: lêmmation assumption (1: 29.1), example (1: 98),
4); pollakhôs legomenos equivocally named (1: minor assumption (1: 93), premise (1: 97.2),
22), expressed in various ways (1: 15), having small assumption (1: 7), small preliminary
several senses (2: 54, 55), said in many ways (1: assumption (1: 35.2)
51), spoken of in many ways (1: 85), that has leôn Leo (the constellation) (1: 95), lion (2: 34/35.1,
several senses (1: 85), used in many ways (1: 86.2)
85); pollakhôs legomenon term with many lepis fish-scale (1: 57), scale (of a fish) (2: 25, 83)
senses (1: 25); pollakhôs legomena words used lepos rind (1: 56), skin (1: 57)
in multiple ways (1: 39); posakhôs legetai how lêpsis acceptation (1: 16), acquiring (1: 91), acquisition
many meanings it has (1: 73); pros hen (2: 19, 91), apprehension (3: 57, 67, 75),
legesthai to be said in relation to one assumption (4: 9, 11, 42, 83), establishing (1:
thing (1: 4); sumphôna legein to express 61), gain (1: 27), gaining (1: 27), grasp (1: 10.2),
agreement (1: 68); sunelonti eipein to sum up grasping (2: 52, 61), obtaining (2: 40, 56),
(1: 25); ta enantia legein to contradict (1: 42); possession (1: 41.2), receiving (2: 4, 91),
to haplôs legomenon the simple expression reception (1: 21), selection (1: 58), taking (6: 12,
(1: 16) 56, 64, 65, 83, 87), taking in (1: 12), way of
lêgein to be an apodosis (1: 64), to cease (4: 56, 75, 83, taking (1: 54)
87), to conclude (1: 42), to end (2: 22, 67), to lêptikos able to apprehend (2: 38, 52), assimilative (1:
end up (1: 73), to finish (1: 57), to finish up (1: 19), capable of receiving (1: 91)
17), to leave off (2: 19, 75), to leave off at (1: 93), lêptikos einai to apprehend (1: 52)
to stop (2: 17, 67), to terminate (1: 22) leptomereia delicacy of particles (1: 61), delicacy of
to lêgon consequent (9: 3, 25, 30/31, 41.2, 42, 55, 79, parts (1: 61), fine structure (2: 60, 94), fine
83, 89) texture (1: 95), fineness (1: 88), having fine parts
leia wood shavings (1: 86.1) (2: 79, 84), state of being rarefied (1: 25)
leios smooth (12: 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 52, 54, 56, 57, 64, 67, leptomerês consisting of delicate particles (2: 61, 67),
91, 92.1), soft (1: 54) consisting of fine particles (2: 61, 67), consisting
leiotês being smooth (1: 28.2), smoothness (9: 25, 28.2, of small particles (1: 61), fine (5: 22, 54, 61, 88,
38, 41.2, 52, 57, 78, 83, 91) 98), fine-grained (3: 6.1, 22, 56), finely divided
leipein to be absent (1: 90), to be lacking (4: 10.2, 16, (1: 88), fine-structured (1: 88), fine-textured (2:
21, 40), to be left (2: 52, 68), to be left out (2: 54, 57, 95), having fine parts (3: 78, 79, 83), having
55), to be missing (3: 21, 68, 91), to be omitted small parts (1: 17), light (1: 18.2), of fine parts
(1: 40), to lack (1: 78), to leave (5: 21, 22, 40, 52, (1: 22), of rare parts (1: 44), rare (3: 12, 52, 68),
60), to leave out (2: 64, 65), to remain (9: 52, 60, rarefied (1: 25), subtle (2: 2, 22), that has subtle
64, 65, 68, 73, 79, 90, 99) parts (1: 7), with light parts (1: 18.2), with thin
leipesthai to be deficient (2: 25, 75), to be left (5: 12, parts (1: 98), with very fine parts (1: 98)
18.2, 75, 83, 89), to fall short (1: 57), to follow (1: leptomerôs in small pieces (1: 98); leptomeresteros
93), to lack (2: 51, 93), to remain (12: 6.2, 12, 16, made of finer particles (1: 63)
20, 28.2, 38, 42, 54, 67, 78, 83, 93); leipetai it leptopoiein to make fine-textured (1: 95)


leptos delicate (2: 24, 56), fine (16: 3, 6.1, 21, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38, 44, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
38, 52, 54, 57, 61, 78, 79, 83, 85, 95, 98), 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 90, 91,
fine-structured (1: 95), fine-textured (2: 85, 95), 92.1, 93, 95, 98, 99)
insignificant (1: 58), light (3: 18.2, 61, 75), rare to leukon paleness (1: 93), the white (1: 19), white
(2: 12, 52), slender (1: 61), slight (2: 88, 95), (3: 2, 15, 19), white thing (2: 22, 28.2), whiteness
subtle (3: 2, 61, 88), tenuous (1: 50), thin (4: (7: 2, 21, 27, 28.2, 65, 67, 76)
18.2, 57, 86.1, 88); leptôs delicately (1: 27); leukotês being white (1: 44), brightness (1: 55), light
leptoteros finer (1: 24), less dense (2: 25, 52), colour (1: 83), the colour white (1: 22),
thinner (1: 24); leptotatos rarest (1: 68); to whiteness (29: 6.1, 7, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25,
lepton fineness (1: 52) 27, 28.2, 44, 51, 52, 57, 60, 63, 65, 67, 75, 79, 80,
lêptos able to be taken (1: 3), acceptable (1: 40), 83, 85, 90, 92.1, 93, 98)
identifiable (1: 75), such as to be taken (1: 40), leukoun : leukousthai to be whitened (2: 63, 85)
that can be apprehended (1: 52) lexeidion word (1: 29.1)
leptotês delicacy (1: 28.2), fine nature (1: 38), fineness lexis actual wording (1: 67), actual words (2: 36, 94),
(6: 21, 54, 78, 79, 84, 98), rarity (1: 68), thinness argument (1: 38), choice of words (1: 40),
(1: 18.2) detailed commentary (3: 34/35.1, 35.2, 56),
leptunein to liquefy (1: 57), to make fine (1: 79), to diction (3: 15, 41.2, 43.3), discussion (1: 18.2),
make finer (1: 6.1), to make less dense (1: 52), to expression (13: 9, 13, 16, 22, 23, 35.2, 39, 41.1,
make rarer (1: 12), to rarefy (2: 52, 54), to thin 48, 51, 58, 65, 89), form of words (2: 16, 48),
(4: 56, 83, 88, 95) formulation (1: 65), instance of saying (1: 40),
leptunesthai to be attenuated (1: 50), to become language (5: 44, 48, 58, 59, 87), lecture (1: 94),
fine (1: 99), to become lighter (1: 61), to become lemma (1: 28.2), linguistic usage (1: 76),
thin (1: 24), to become thinner (2: 18.2, 98) ordinary use (1: 44), passage (23: 3, 4, 12, 14,
leptuntikos : leptuntikos einai to rarefy (1: 52) 18.2, 19, 21, 27, 32, 38, 42, 44, 52, 57, 58, 59, 64,
lepuron husk (1: 86.1), shell (1: 86.1) 66, 68, 73, 80, 83, 90), phrase (8: 10.2, 16, 44, 57,
lêrein to babble (1: 83), to be foolish (1: 86.1), to utter 59, 78, 90, 99), phrasing (1: 57), point (1: 27),
nonsense (1: 83) quotation (1: 6.1), reading (2: 26, 44), section (1:
lêrêma absurdity (1: 84) 16), sentence (6: 1, 5, 16, 18.2, 33, 67), speech (5:
lêros babble (1: 61), incoherence (1: 97.2), joke (1: 89), 5, 7, 23, 25, 69), statement (7: 3, 12, 15, 16, 58, 59,
nonsense (1: 86.1) 68), style (5: 17, 23, 25, 26, 45/46), term (1: 77),
lêthargos lethargy (1: 52) text (46: 2, 7, 10.2, 14, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 23,
lêthê forgetfulness (10: 7, 34/35.1, 43.1, 43.2, 51, 59, 60, 25, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 41.1,
72, 86.2, 97.1), forgetting (5: 23, 27, 34/35.1, 38, 43.3, 44, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 76,
73), loss of memory (2: 25, 59), oblivion (2: 43.3, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.2, 87, 88, 93, 95, 98, 99),
88) usage (1: 63), utterance (1: 57), uttered
lêthê mesolabein to forget (1: 73) language (1: 35.2), verbal act (1: 25), verbal
leukainein to cause to become white (1: 67), to cause expression (2: 35.2, 40), vocabulary (1: 48),
whiteness (1: 67), to make light (1: 83), to make vocal sound (1: 23), what he says (1: 30/31),
white (1: 83), to make whiter (1: 21), to turn what is said (2: 30/31, 55), word (12: 3, 7, 23,
white (1: 67), to whiten (3: 20, 56, 80) 34/35.1, 41.1, 41.2, 43.3, 55, 58, 80, 85, 92.1),
leukainesthai to be made white (2: 25, 27), to be word-form (1: 23), wording (13: 15, 16, 17, 19,
whitened (2: 22, 27), to become paler (1: 19), to 40, 43.3, 48, 58, 67, 69, 85, 87, 94), words (18: 14,
become white (6: 27, 28.2, 54, 58, 59, 75), to 15, 22, 30/31, 44, 48, 54, 55, 59, 64, 65, 72, 74, 78,
lighten (1: 24), to turn grey (1: 76), to turn 83, 94, 95, 98)
white (4: 18.2, 19, 58, 76), to whiten (1: 28.2); epi lexeôs explicitly (3: 58, 59, 76), in his own words
leleukasmenos white (1: 61); to leleukasmenon (1: 68), in these words (1: 68), precisely (1: 68),
white object (1: 22) to quote his exact words (2: 58, 59), to quote
leukansis becoming light (1: 83), becoming white (3: verbatim (1: 59), verbatim (1: 68), word for
27, 58, 75), growing white (3: 27, 59, 99), turning word (1: 58); têi lexei verbally (1: 16); kata
white (3: 19, 58, 67), whitening (5: 17, 20, 27, 58, lexin in own words (1: 85), verbatim (1: 85),
63) word for word (1: 58); kata lexin legei tauta
leukê white leprosy (1: 56) these are his exact words (1: 86.1); kata tên
leukheimonein to be dressed in white (1: 95) lexin verbally (2: 16, 65); kuria lexis proper use
leukographein to paint in white (1: 95) of expression (1: 13); lexeis wording (1: 17),
leukographia painting in white (1: 95) words (1: 68); propheresthai lexin to give voice
leukos bright (4: 18.2, 65, 91, 95), light (5: 57, 76, 78, 79, to a word (1: 25); prophora tôn lexeôn uttered
83), pale (3: 52, 76, 93), white (49: 2, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, speech (1: 35.2); skhêma tês lexeôs form of the
10.2, 12, 13, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, expression (1: 40); têi lexei monon in name

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

only (1: 65); to katallêlon tês lexeôs logical of reason (4: 4, 22, 28.1, 59), pertaining to
word order (1: 16) rational disciplines (1: 19), rational (71: 2, 3, 4,
lêxis assigned province (1: 39), designated share (1: 5, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20,
61), destiny (1: 22), fortune (1: 86.2) 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31,
lian excessively (1: 84) 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 43.2, 43.3,
libanôtos frankincense (2: 24, 38) 44, 45/46, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64,
lignuôdês dirty (1: 28.2), smoky (1: 57) 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 80, 84, 85, 86.1,
lignus flame (1: 98), smoke (1: 57), sooty (1: 24), thick 86.2, 87, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97.1, 99, 100), reasoning
smoke (1: 95) (2: 28.1, 36), verbal (6: 10.2, 16, 22, 29.1, 44, 58)
limên harbour (1: 21) logikôs formally (1: 93), from a logical point ofview
limnaios stagnant (1: 88) (1: 40), in a logical manner (1: 56), in a logical
limnazein to be stagnant (3: 79, 83, 95), to become way (2: 56, 74), logically (2: 20, 40), on a verbal
stagnant (1: 95), to settle on (1: 54), to stagnate level (1: 10.2), rationally (3: 22, 36, 86.1),
(2: 88, 95) verbally (1: 22); logikôteros a bit logical (1:
limnazôn stagnant (1: 88) 34/35.1); logikôterôs from a more logical point
limnê harbour (1: 23), marshes (1: 57), pool (1: 24) ofview (1: 70); hê logikê logic (3: 7, 9, 51); to
linon flax (1: 20), linen (1: 80), net (1: 98), sail-cloth (1: logikon rational character (1: 100), rational
23), thread (2: 59, 80) entity (1: 28.2), rational faculty (1: 58),
liparos oily (3: 24, 25, 57), savoury (1: 91), viscous (1: rationality (2: 80, 97.1), the rational (2: 2, 15),
25) what is logical (1: 40); ta logika logic (1: 10.1);
liparotês oil (1: 38) logikê anelixis rational unfolding (1: 100);
litê prayer (1: 68) logikê boulêsis rational will (1: 100); logikê
litharion stonelet (1: 76) diastasis rational extension (1: 100); logikê
lithinos made of stone (1: 83), of stone (1: 98), dunamis capacity for reasoning (1: 25); logikê
sculpted (1: 25), stone (2: 18.2, 56) noêsis rational thought (1: 100); logikê
lithobolein to throw strones (1: 51) pragmateia course in logic (1: 23), field of logic
lithôdês stony (1: 84) (1: 23), logic (1: 35.2), study of logic (1: 23),
lithos block (1: 76), brick (2: 61, 67), crystal (1: 57), system of logic (1: 88); logikê theôria rational
magnet (3: 21, 42, 73), mineral (1: 80), precious consideration (1: 100); logikôs ekhein to be
stone (1: 52), rock (1: 57), stone (36: 6.1, 10.2, verbal (1: 10.2); theôrêtikôi logôi in theory (1:
15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28.1, 52, 56, 57, 58, 80)
59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, logikotês rationality (3: 10.2, 41.1, 85)
86.1, 90, 91, 93, 95, 98, 99); ou lithos not-stone logion oracle (4: 11, 54, 72, 97.1), saying (1: 34/35.1),
(1: 90); hê lithos hê magnêtis kaloumenê the scripture (3: 58, 59, 97.1), of eloquence (1: 23)
stone called magnet (1: 40); Hêrakleia lithos logismos argument (2: 80, 100), calculation (3: 17, 51,
Heraclean stone (magnet) (1: 19), magnet (1: 2); 86.1), human reason (1: 86.2), rational
kisêrôdês lithos pumice stone (1: 61); magnêtis calculation (1: 25), rational thought (1: 86.1),
lithos magnet (1: 59), magnetic stone (2: 86.1, rationality (1: 69), reason (7: 17, 43.2, 48, 72, 74,
93); Magnêtis lithos the stone from Magnesia 80, 86.1), reasoning (23: 2, 12, 15, 22, 25, 26,
(1: 67); sardios lithos carnelian (1: 57); sidêritis 34/35.1, 36, 39, 48, 52, 55, 56, 67, 68, 69, 76, 84,
lithos iron-stone (1: 18.2) 85, 92.2, 93, 97.2, 100), reasoning process (1: 2)
lithousthai to be turned to stone (1: 75) logistikos able to reason (1: 91), calculating (2: 4, 40),
litos simple (1: 45/46) capable of reasoning (1: 91), for reasoning (1:
litotês frugality (1: 37), simplicity (2: 37, 45/46) 91), rational (5: 14, 43.1, 48, 69, 100), reasonable
litra pound (1: 20) (1: 43.3), reasoning (5: 40, 43.2, 52, 69, 86.1)
litriaios of a pound (1: 98) to logistikon being capable of reasoning (1: 100),
litraion baros a pound weight (1: 20) capacity for rational calculation (1: 25), capacity
lôbê damage (1: 67), harm (1: 97.2) of reasoning (1: 100), faculty of reasoning (1:
logikos associated with reasoning (1: 89), capable of 67), that which reasons (1: 34/35.1), the rational
speech (2: 4, 58), conceptual (1: 22), dialectical part (1: 14)
(4: 30/31, 42, 77, 80), discursive (1: 22), logizesthai to calculate (2: 95, 100), to conclude (2:
embedded in speech and argument (1: 40), 86.1, 79), to count (1: 39), to rationally calculate
endowed with speech and reason (1: 40), formal (1: 25), to reason (8: 28.1, 39, 43.2, 43.3, 54, 67,
(1: 93), general (1: 77), having a capacity for 91, 100), to reason about (1: 17), to reckon (3:
reasoning (1: 25), in the form of an argument 42, 55, 79), to reckon in (1: 17), to reckon with
(1: 16), intellectual (1: 100), logical (20: 10.1, 17, (1: 39), to reflect (1: 86.1), to take account of (1:
19, 20, 22, 23, 29.1, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 58, 58), to take into account (4: 42, 79, 84, 86.1), to
59, 70, 72, 73, 75, 93, 99, 100), of logic (2: 59, 73), think (1: 79)


to logizesthai reasoning (1: 67) of thought (1: 16), logic (1: 59), logical status (1:
logoeidês rational (1: 100), rational in form (1: 69), logos (6: 23, 28.1, 28.2, 45/46, 76, 93), matter
34/35.1); to logoeides rationality (1: 89), (1: 58), meaning (1: 77), mention (1: 27), name
similarity to rationality (1: 100) (1: 28.2), narrative (1: 97.2), nature (1: 68),
logographikos rhetorical (1: 86.2) notion (4: 15, 41.1, 43.1, 69), opinion (1: 17),
logographikê idea written style (1: 23) order (1: 22), part of a book (1: 60), passage (1:
logographos prose-writer (1: 59) 76), pattern (1: 94), phrase (5: 23, 40, 65, 77, 91),
logomakhia disputatious claims (1: 97.1) place (1: 73), plan (3: 2, 22, 59), position (2: 18.2,
logopoiein to compose (1: 7), to write (1: 88) 86.1), power of reason (1: 97.1), principle (12:
logopoiia composition (1: 7) 11, 20, 22, 34/35.1, 39, 41.1, 58, 68, 80, 83, 97.1,
logos abstract argument (1: 86.1), account (75: 1, 2, 4, 97.2), problem (1: 27), process of reasoning
7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, argumentatively (1: 25), proof (1: 68), proper
20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, account (1: 17), proper principle (1: 17),
34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 41.1, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, proportion (22: 13, 15, 16, 18.2, 21, 25, 34/35.1,
51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 35.2, 36, 38, 48, 53, 57, 60, 61, 67, 69, 76, 88, 90,
67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 91, 95), proportionality (1: 34/35.1),
86.1, 86.2, 88, 90, 91, 94, 95, 97.1, 98, 99, 100), proportionate amount (1: 56), proposition (6: 1,
analysis (1: 76), argument (77: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 5, 7, 43.3, 73, 83), question (4: 17, 57, 58, 99),
6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, ratio (42: 1, 2, 3, 5, 10.2, 13, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20,
20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31, 32, 22, 24, 25, 28.1, 36, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.3, 50, 52,
34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 40, 41.1, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 53, 56, 59, 63, 64, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80,
44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 83, 86.1, 89, 90, 98), rational account (3: 17, 60,
60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 67), rational capacity (1: 45/46), rational
77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.2, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, concept (1: 22), rational formula (2: 76, 99),
93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), assertion (1: rational principle (9: 17, 22, 25, 26, 32, 36, 39, 52,
1), basis (1: 59), book (16: 17, 21, 34/35.1, 56, 57, 60), rational statement (1: 100), rationale (3: 25,
58, 59, 61, 67, 68, 76, 80, 86.1, 88, 95, 98), case (1: 43.2, 76), rationality (2: 22, 97.1), reason (57: 2,
68), chapter (4: 58, 59, 68, 80), characterisation 4, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23,
(1: 91), claim (2: 75, 76), class (1: 69), concept 25, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39,
(6: 27, 28.2, 32, 63, 77, 90), consideration (1: 58), 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61,
continuous speech (1: 40), conversation (1: 69), 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 85, 86.1, 88, 90,
definition (45: 1, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 100), reasoned
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30/31, 32, 36, 41.1, 42, 43.2, 44, procedure (1: 97.1), reasoning (25: 2, 3, 4, 7,
48, 50, 51, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76, 10.2, 14, 15, 22, 23, 36, 39, 43.2, 52, 56, 59, 60, 61,
77, 78, 89, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99), definitory 69, 75, 76, 78, 80, 90, 94, 98), reason-principle (7:
formula (1: 2), degree (1: 69), description (6: 17, 11, 36, 70, 72, 74, 97.1, 100), recipe (1: 17),
41.1, 48, 69, 76, 87), discourse (9: 7, 23, 56, 59, reckoning (2: 59, 60), relation (21: 7, 12, 16, 17,
61, 69, 73, 90, 99), discursive expression (1: 22), 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 32, 35.2, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 67,
discursive treatment of a topic (1: 25), 73, 76, 77, 90, 95), relationship (5: 2, 16, 34/35.1,
discussing (1: 18.2), discussion (54: 2, 4, 7, 10.1, 56, 77), relative position (1: 93), remark (1:
10.2, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 97.2), reply (1: 21), respect (1: 22), role (8: 19,
28.2, 30/31, 32, 36, 41.1, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 54, 55, 28.2, 29.1, 52, 76, 77, 79, 83), rumour (1: 59),
56, 57, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, saying (2: 27, 69), section (2: 58, 98), sense (2:
78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 98, 99), 17, 39), sentence (15: 7, 11, 13, 15, 19, 23, 25,
doctrine (5: 77, 78, 79, 83, 85), enquiry (1: 98), 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 57, 63, 77, 85),
essence (1: 91), examination (1: 22), explanation specification (2: 63, 76), speech (25: 4, 5, 13, 15,
(8: 4, 7, 15, 38, 52, 59, 80, 94), exposition (1: 25), 16, 22, 23, 29.1, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 41.2,
expression (3: 48, 65, 77), feature (1: 68), form 43.3, 45/46, 52, 70, 73, 74, 78, 83, 97.2, 99, 100),
(3: 22, 57, 67), form principle (1: 86.1), formal statement (25: 7, 15, 16, 17, 22, 27, 34/35.1, 35.2,
account (1: 67), formal character (1: 6.2), formal 41.1, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79,
principle (2: 61, 67), formative principle (1: 80, 83, 85, 90), status (3: 10.2, 80, 93), story (4:
41.1), formula (22: 2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 28.2, 85, 98, 99), study (2: 7, 11), talk (2: 2, 16),
20, 22, 32, 33, 47, 51, 60, 61, 66, 67, 72, 77, 90, talking about (1: 34/35.1), term (1: 1), text (5:
95), formulation (1: 99), function (3: 27, 28.2, 22, 58, 76, 77, 78), the rational (1: 97.1), theorem
63), gospel (1: 59), ground (1: 60), idea (2: 43.2, (1: 61), theoretical account (1: 94), theory (10: 2,
69), interpretation (1: 59), issue (3: 39, 80, 86.2), 25, 61, 63, 67, 78, 79, 83, 85, 94), thesis (1: 68),
language (2: 7, 91), law (2: 54, 59), lecture (5: 7, thing said (2: 54, 55), thought (3: 7, 18.2, 98),
10.1, 44, 58, 61), line of argument (1: 10.2), line topic of discussion (1: 76), tradition (1: 59),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

treatise (6: 18.2, 58, 60, 68, 83, 86.2), treatment (1: 10.2); ho logos hêkei the argument applies
(2: 50, 67), utterance (5: 2, 9, 35.2, 40, 57), verbal (1: 60); ho nun aporêtheis logos the puzzle
(consisting in words) (1: 12), verbal account (1: under consideration (1: 59); ho parôn logos the
61), verbal expression (1: 67), view (3: 60, 68, present argument (1: 25), the present discussion
78), what is said (3: 67, 76, 83), word (26: 1, 5, 7, (1: 25), the present work (1: 25); hoi di’
11, 12, 19, 20, 22, 38, 39, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, hupographês logoi descriptive accounts (1:
45/46, 59, 61, 67, 68, 69, 85, 93, 97.1, 97.2, 98), 10.2); horistikos logos definitional specification
words (3: 65, 79, 83), work (6: 25, 58, 59, 76, 80, (1: 63), definitory formula (1: 10.2);
97.1), writing (2: 7, 98) hupographikos logos sketch (1: 20); idea logou
logôi / tôi logôi conceptually (4: 22, 27, 28.2, 76), in form of speech (1: 35.2); idioi logoi private
account (2: 28.2, 34/35.1), in definition (3: 25, discussions (1: 25); idios logos distinctive
50, 89), in thought (2: 59, 68), in the account (1: formula (1: 16), own definition (1: 6.1);
20), in words (1: 56), logically (2: 22, 67), kakourgein en tois logois argue unfairly (2: 58,
notionally (2: 20, 59), rationally (1: 28.2), 59); katateinein polun logon devote a long
theoretically (1: 95), verbally (3: 20, 28.2, 67); discussion (1: 60); koinos logos general account
ana logon analogous (2: 3, 42), corresponding (1: 91), general characterisation (1: 91); koinoi
(1: 3); ana ton auton logon in the same logoi common definitions (1: 25), widespread
proportion (1: 68); en logôi (+ dat.) in discussions (1: 25); logôi eipein in a word (1:
proportion to (1: 88); kata logon according to 34/35.1); logon apodidonai to give an account
reason (2: 20, 68), conceptually (1: 27), in a ratio (1: 88), to offer an account of (1: 40), to supply a
(1: 89), in accordance with a formal definition rationale (1: 75), to yield (1: 40); logon didonai
(1: 50), in accordance with a ratio (1: 75), in to give an account (1: 89); logon ekhei relatively
accordance with reason (2: 4, 89), in account (1: (1: 27); logon ekhein to be in a ratio (1: 50), to
34/35.1), in an orderly way (1: 10.2), in be proportioned (1: 21), to have a rationale (1:
definition (2: 25, 89), in proportion (4: 42, 52, 50), to have the status of (1: 2), to maintain a
54, 55), in the regular way (1: 57), rational (3: ratio (1: 75), to make sense (4: 19, 42, 50, 89), to
21, 55, 59), rationally (3: 2, 4, 18.2), reasonable be reasonable (5: 12, 18.2, 57, 60, 61); logon
(5: 21, 52, 54, 55, 56); kata logous according to epekhein to have the relation of (1: 54), to have
reasons (1: 99); kata ton auton logon in the the role of (1: 2), to stand for (1: 60); logon
same manner (1: 68); kata ton logon at the gumnazein to elaborate an argument (1: 94);
verbal level (1: 16), conceptually (1: 76), logon metabibazein to transfer (1: 28.2); logon
logically (1: 21), notional (1: 59), proportionally poiein to discuss (1: 22), to include something
(1: 42), rational (1: 22), rationally (2: 22, 56); in discussion (1: 22), to make mention (1: 22),
kata deuteron logon in the second place (1: to say (1: 22), to take account of (1: 22); logon
57); kata oikeion logon in its own right (1: 21); poieisthai to argue (2: 40, 58), to carry on
meta logou with reason (1: 68); para logon discussions (1: 16), to deal with (1: 88), to
irrationally (1: 18.2); pros logon by reference to develop an argument (1: 93), to discuss (5: 10.2,
(1: 68), in correspondence with (1: 68), 27, 58, 59, 73), to formulate an argument (1: 75),
proportionately (1: 56), relevant (1: 75); agôgê to produce a discussion (1: 10.2), to provide a
tou logou line of proof (1: 42); anankaios ho definition (1: 89), to provide an account (1: 89),
logos autôi he must speak (1: 10.2); to provide a discussion (1: 89), to speak (1: 40),
arithmêtikoi logoi arithmetical discourses (1: to speak about (1: 21), to take account (1: 10.2),
34/35.1); diplasiôn logos ratio of two (1: 67); to state an argument (1: 12), to write (1: 59);
ekhein tina logon to make sense (1: 93); ekhôn logon poieisthai peri to devote one’s argument
logon pros related to (1: 28.2); ektrepein ton to (1: 40), to devote one’s speech to (1: 40);
logon to digress (1: 42); endiathetos logos logous poieisthai to argue (1: 68), to discuss (1:
inner language (1: 7); epekhein logon tinos 16), to give an account (1: 68); logou
pros ti be related as something to something (1: epikheirêsis dialectical attempt (1: 21); logou
60); epikheirêmatikos logos argument proper kharin for argument’s sake (1: 50); logou
to such a proof (1: 70); epitritos logos the ratio kreittones countless (1: 68); mekhri logou as
four to three (1: 2); gumnastikos logos far as talk (1: 16), merely verbal (1: 59);
argumentative exercise (1: 74); hê tou logou mêkunein ton logon to give a lengthy account
akolouthia the logic of the argument (1: 68); ho (1: 68), to speak at length (1: 68); meros logou
autos logos epi the same applies to (1: 58); ho part of speech (1: 35.2); oikeioi logoi special
hêmiolios logos the ratio three to two (1: 2); ho discussions (1: 25); oikeios logos own account
diplasios logos the duple ratio (1: 86.1); ho (1: 91), own definition (1: 91); orthos logos
katholou logos general definition (1: 75); ho correct reasoning (1: 61), right reason (1:
logos ephestêke the discusison has turned to 45/46), right reasoning (1: 4); peri hou ho logos


speaking about (1: 22); phusikos logos natural 56), to release (6: 38, 45/46, 55, 58, 97.1, 97.2), to
reason-principle (1: 100); proïontos tou logou remove (1: 44), to resolve (20: 3, 4, 12, 17, 21, 27,
in the course of argument (1: 60); prophorikos 38, 44, 45/46, 52, 54, 57, 60, 63, 65, 76, 78, 79,
logos spoken language (1: 7); prosagein ton 92.1, 99), to resolve a problem (1: 41.2), to solve
logon to direct a discussion (1: 16); (26: 3, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 27, 28.2, 32, 40, 42,
sumperainesthai logon to draw the conclusion 43.1, 44, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 73, 75, 76, 89, 94,
of an argument (1: 19); sumplêrotikos logos 98, 99), to unbind (1: 59), to undo (4: 42, 57, 58,
determining account (1: 18.2); sunagôgê tou 59), to untie (1: 10.2)
logou development of an argument (2: 78, 79) luesthai to be destroyed (1: 57), to be dissolved (2:
loidorein to insult (1: 45/46), to reproach (1: 86.2) 25, 66), to grow lax (1: 86.2); lelutai to be not
loidoria abuse (1: 44), insult (2: 10.2, 45/46) set (1: 86.1); luomenos subject to dissolution
loimôdês pestilential (3: 34/35.1, 38, 79) (1: 97.2); luein luran to untune a lyre (1: 59);
loimos scourge (1: 35.2) skhedon luein to all but solve (1: 10.2)
loipos corresponding (1: 16), else (2: 58, 59), final (2: lukhniaios of a lamp (3: 20, 56, 80), of a lantern (1:
54, 78), further (1: 16), last (2: 42, 55), left (2: 42, 28.1)
58), like (1: 59), next (5: 54, 55, 78, 79, 83), other lukhniaion phôs lamplight (3: 88, 90, 92)
(6: 25, 58, 60, 73, 79, 83), remaining (18: 10.2, 16, lukhnos lamp (7: 12, 38, 52, 56, 57, 95, 97.2)
19, 20, 25, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 73, 75, 78, lukhnoukhos lamp-holder (1: 38)
79, 83), rest (2: 58, 59), that remains (1: 24), the lukophôs twilight (1: 57)
rest of (1: 12) lukophôton in twilight (1: 57)
loipon after that (1: 60), finally (4: 16, 17, 25, 26), lumainesthai to be injurious (1: 56), to be voided (1:
further (1: 68), in the future (1: 19), in the 93), to damage (1: 57), to defile (1: 61), to do
remaining time (1: 86.1), it remains (1: 19), next damage to (2: 7, 67), to harm (3: 25, 52, 99), to
(4: 19, 25, 42, 73), now (2: 12, 68), remaining (1: hurt (1: 57)
68), the rest (1: 68), then (3: 42, 68, 73), to lumainomenon that which causes decay (1: 67)
thereafter (2: 17, 21); ou loipon no longer (2: lumantikos capable of harming (1: 25), harmful (1:
58, 59); hoi loipoi the rest (2: 52, 75); to loipon 16)
eventually (2: 58, 59), finally (1: 58), for the rest lupê dislike (1: 28.2), distress (5: 4, 12, 22, 34/35.1, 67),
(1: 58), in what follows (1: 58), next (1: 59), now pain (9: 19, 25, 38, 43.2, 45/46, 61, 69, 86.1, 100),
(1: 59), remainder (1: 20), result (1: 21), sorrow (1: 45/46)
subsequently (1: 59), the other (1: 73), the lupein to be painful (1: 43.3), to cause distress (1: 4), to
remainder (1: 68), the rest (2: 19, 20), thereafter cause grief (1: 43.3), to cause pain (7: 19, 25, 61,
(2: 58, 59); ta loipa remainder (1: 20), rest (2: 69, 86.1, 86.2, 99), to displease (1: 57), to give
17, 73), the rest (5: 20, 24, 42, 60, 73); kai ta distress (1: 4), to harm (1: 25), to pain (1: 69), to
loipa and so on (1: 59), and the rest (1: 59), et produce distress (1: 4)
cetera (1: 25), the rest (1: 73); tounteuthen lupeisthai to be distressed (2: 4, 45/46), to be in
loipon from here on (1: 59) pain (1: 45/46), to be pained (3: 19, 43.3, 52), to
lokhos ambush (1: 97.1), regiment (1: 5) be upset (1: 91), to experience distress (1: 56), to
lôpion cape (1: 20), mantle (1: 16) experience pain (2: 45/46, 100), to feel distress
louein : louesthai to bathe (1: 93), to wash (2: 25, 57) (1: 28.2), to feel pain (3: 69, 91, 100), to grieve
loutron bath (1: 34/35.1) (2: 43.3, 99), to suffer (1: 43.2), to suffer pain (3:
loxos ambiguous (1: 86.2), ecliptic (1: 59), inclined (1: 25, 61, 67); to lupeisthai distress (1: 22); to
60), oblique (5: 54, 55, 78, 83, 95), transverse (1: lupoun ailing (1: 67)
95) lupêros causing distress (1: 4), displeasing (1: 57),
loxôs obliquely (1: 95); loxos kuklos ecliptic circle distressing (3: 22, 34/35.1, 56), painful (7: 19, 25,
(1: 6.2), the ecliptic (1: 42) 38, 45/46, 69, 91, 100), unpleasant (3: 28.2,
loxôsis oblique movement (1: 59) 34/35.1, 100)
loxotês obliqueness (1: 55) lupêrôs in painful condition (1: 52); to lupêron
loxoun to incline (1: 95), to slant (1: 95), to turn aside pain (1: 45/46), unpleasantness (1: 28.2)
(1: 95) lura lyre (6: 25, 28.2, 52, 59, 76, 91)
luein to answer (3: 18.2, 27, 54), to break (1: 27), to epikhaunein luran to tune up a lyre (1: 17); luein
break up (6: 28.2, 38, 79, 80, 97.1, 97.2), to luran to untune a lyre (1: 59)
destroy (3: 28.2, 59, 97.2), to dispose of (1: 80), lusis answer (1: 54), decomposition (1: 6.2),
to dissolve (15: 18.2, 21, 24, 28.1, 43.1, 43.2, 54, disintegration (1: 80), dissolution (9: 6.2, 24, 58,
58, 59, 67, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 97.1), to do away with 59, 68, 83, 95, 97.1, 97.2), dissolving (1: 24),
(1: 99), to escape (1: 18.2), to give a solution (1: freeing (1: 97.1), rebuttal (1: 44), refutation (7: 1,
99), to loosen (1: 86.1), to rebut (1: 44), to refute 42, 58, 59, 68, 80, 85), release (2: 86.1, 97.1),
(8: 18.2, 19, 40, 42, 44, 58, 59, 85), to relax (1: resolution (6: 17, 21, 38, 54, 78, 79), solution (41:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

2, 3, 4, 7, 10.2, 12, 16, 18.2, 20, 25, 27, 28.2, ti lusitelei what advantage is there? 98, 0)
34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.1, 42, 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 54, lusitelês of use (1: 85), profitable (2: 35.2, 43.2)
55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 67, 69, 73, 75, 85, 87, 88, 89, 93, lutikos capable of dissolving (1: 24), in refutation of
94, 95, 98, 99), unbinding (1: 59), undoing (1: 42) (1: 3)
eis tên lusin to resolve (1: 21); lusin apologizesthai lutos able to be undone (1: 42), dissoluble
to produce a solution (1: 54); porisma eis lusin (2: 47, 83), dissolved (1: 24), refutable
means to a solution (1: 60) (2: 61, 73), soluble (2: 21, 24), that can be
lusitelein to benefit (1: 55), to help (1: 59), to suit best dissolved (1: 21)
(1: 59) lutta frenzy (1: 84), madness (1: 1)


mageirikos of a caterer (1: 56) makrobios living a long time (1: 84)
hê mageirikê cooking (1: 34/35.1); mageirikon makrobiôtatos most long-lived (1: 68)
onoma cooking-term (1: 34/35.1) makrologein to discuss at length (1: 84)
magnêtis magnet (2: 20, 73) makrologia long-windedness (1: 51), prolixity (1: 23)
hê lithos hê magnêtis kaloumenê the stone called makros a long way (1: 54), elongated (1: 79), far (1: 52),
magnet (1: 40); magnêtis lithos magnet (1: 59), great (1: 86.1), lengthy (1: 83), long (10: 2, 6.1,
magnetic stone (2: 86.1, 93); Magnêtis lithos 15, 21, 41.2, 57, 75, 78, 79, 83), prolonged (1: 25),
the stone from Magnesia (1: 67) tall (1: 54)
maia midwife (1: 86.1) makran a long way away (1: 52); makrôi by far (1:
mainesthai to be mad (1: 52) 25); makrôs at length (1: 25); makran
ho mainomenos maniac (1: 34/35.1) apoplanasthai to be far afield (1: 29.1); tôi
makar blessed (1: 78) makrôi khronôi in the long run (1: 80)
makaria nonsense (1: 99) makroskelês long-legged (1: 54)
makarios blessed (6: 22, 52, 54, 69, 83, 97.2), blissful (2: mala : apo tou mallon a fortiori (1: 23)
67, 69), divine (1: 22), flourishing (2: 43.2, 43.3), mallon better (1: 64), especially (1: 42), more (7: 7,
happy (1: 43.2), successful (1: 43.1), wonderful 16, 19, 42, 64, 65, 94), more than (1: 60), on the
(1: 85) basis of an a fortiori argument (1: 19), primarily
makariotês blessedness (3: 22, 54, 83), state of (1: 24), rather (7: 16, 19, 24, 42, 60, 64, 65), to a
blissfulness (1: 67) greater degree (1: 19); mallon de in fact (1: 75),
makaristos to be deemed blessed (1: 69) rather (1: 75), specifically (1: 75); malista
makarizein to deem blessed (1: 69), to deem fortunate especially (3: 17, 83, 94), first and foremost (1:
(1: 69) 94), however much (1: 94), in particular (2: 17,
makaros blessed (1: 19) 94), in the first place (1: 57), in the highest
makhaira knife (3: 7, 16, 79), long knife (1: 93), sword degree (2: 12, 16), mainly (1: 17), most (2: 6, 83),
(1: 67) most of all (2: 16, 83), mostly (1: 60), primarily
makhairion knife (2: 57, 98) (1: 94), very much (1: 94); to mallon a fortiori
makhê battle (3: 60, 61, 97.1), clash (1: 68), conflict (15: (1: 20); ek tou mallon a fortiori (3: 33, 35.2, 42),
9, 16, 23, 25, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 58, 67, 68, 80, 83, on the basis of an a fortiori argument (1: 19);
91, 97.1, 97.2), contradiction (1: 67), mallon deiknunai to show more conclusively
incompatibility (1: 64), warring (1: 26) (1: 16); mallon kai hêtton more and less (1: 48);
makhesthai to argue (1: 86.1), to battle (2: 61, 80), to ou mallon no more (1: 60); ouden mallon no
battle against (1: 68), to battle with (1: 67), to be more (1: 21); oute pollôi mallon much less (1:
at odds with (2: 21, 68), to be contrary to (1: 42); pollôi mallon much more (1: 94); ta hôs
29.1), to be in conflict (4: 59, 67, 75, 80), to be in eni malista as much as possible (1: 86.1); hoti
conflict with (6: 25, 68, 78, 79, 89, 99), to be malista outright (1: 16), really and truly (1: 16);
inconsistent (3: 52, 65, 68), to be opposed (2: 58, ta malista in the highest degree (1: 86.1); ta
59), to combat (1: 94), to conflict (9: 9, 16, 23, malista onta beings in the highest degree (1:
35.2, 40, 41.2, 59, 80, 83), to conflict with (1: 16)
30/31), to contend with (1: 68), to contest (1: malakia softness (2: 4, 69)
25), to contradict (3: 59, 68, 94), to dispute (1: malakizesthai to become soft (1: 86.2)
86.1), to do battle (1: 93), to fight (7: 7, 28.2, malakophthalmos soft-eyed (1: 57)
34/35.1, 35.2, 79, 80, 83), to militate (1: 60), to malakos feeble (1: 79), mild (2: 7, 95), soft (20: 21, 24,
oppose (1: 7), to put oneself in conflict with (1: 25, 38, 42, 52, 56, 57, 61, 67, 69, 75, 76, 78, 79, 88,
89), to resist (1: 79) 92.1, 95, 98, 99), weak (1: 25)
makhesthai (+ dat.) to contradict (1: 2); to malakosarkos soft-fleshed (1: 57)
makhomenon contradiction (1: 59), malakostrakon with a soft shell (1: 57)
contradictory (1: 7), opposite (1: 59) malakotês smoothness (1: 83), softness (9: 6.1, 24, 25,
makhêtikos conflicting (1: 83) 34/35.1, 52, 79, 80, 91, 98)
makroapodotos taking a long time to reaching its malaktos capable of being softened (1: 24), softened (1:
main clause (1: 34/35.1) 24), that can be softened (3: 21, 24, 52)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

malassein / malattein to soften (2: 21, 24) maransis exhaustion (1: 99)
mallos flock of wool (1: 95) marmarugês seeing sparks (1: 34/35.1)
malthakos weak (1: 19) marturein to bear witness (17: 2, 4, 11, 12, 27, 38, 44,
malthakôs weakly (1: 3) 48, 52, 54, 55, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 98, 99), to bear
mandragoras mandrake root (1: 97.1), magical witness to (1: 40), to cite as evidence (1: 83), to
expedient (1: 80), sorcery (1: 80) confirm (1: 93), to corroborate (1: 83), to credit
manikos inclined to get beside oneself (1: 61), mad (1: 6.2) (1: 2), to evidence (1: 44), to give witness (2: 54,
maniôdês mad (1: 84) 55), to provide evidence (2: 25, 52), to support
manos diffuse (1: 92.1), diluted (1: 28.2), loose (1: 61), (1: 98), to testify (1: 98), to witness (1: 85)
open-textured (2: 57, 88), porous (1: 7), rare martureisthai to call on as a witness (1: 51), to call
(15: 18.2, 21, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 60, 76, 78, 79, 85, to witness (2: 17, 57), to cite in support (1:
92.1, 95, 98), rarefied (1: 95) 92.1), to employ as evidence (1: 52), to give
manôteron more spread out (1: 76); to manon evidence (1: 22), to hear witness (1: 22), to
rarity (1: 52), the rare (1: 2), width (1: 61) witness (1: 22)
manôsis loosening (1: 88), rarefaction (20: 1, 2, 14, 16, marturia confirmation (2: 11, 83), evidence (6: 3, 17,
18.2, 42, 50, 60, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 84, 85, 88, 92.1, 21, 53, 68, 83), piece of evidence (1: 47),
94, 95, 98) supporting passage (1: 68), testimony (8: 2, 23,
manotês loose (1: 95), loose texture (1: 12), open 26, 38, 42, 61, 68, 94), witness (5: 20, 23, 54, 55,
texture (1: 57), rarefaction (1: 92.1), rareness (2: 72)
78, 79), rarity (7: 10.2, 12, 18.2, 38, 50, 76, 85), marturion evidence (5: 21, 38, 42, 52, 91), proof (1: 69),
thin texture (1: 95) witness (3: 18.2, 54, 55)
manoun to loosen (1: 88), to make rarer (1: 83), to poiein marturion to call to witness (1: 18.2)
make thinner (1: 98), to rarefy (6: 51, 60, 80, 88, martus witness (9: 20, 25, 26, 42, 51, 75, 83, 86.1, 98)
95, 98), to thin (1: 80), to widen (1: 61) masêsis chewing (1: 34/35.1)
manousthai to be rarefied (6: 18.2, 19, 42, 50, 55, maskhalê armpit (1: 34/35.1)
78), to become rarefied (1: 68), to become rarer mastix scourge (1: 97.1), whip (6: 28.2, 34/35.1, 57, 78,
(1: 18.2); manoumenos rarefied (1: 76), thinned 91, 99)
(1: 76) mastoeidês : mastoeidês apophusis mastoid process
manteia divination (1: 45/46), oracle (2: 29.1, 54), (1: 57)
prophecy (2: 45/46, 52), prophetic power (1: 78) mastos breast (1: 34/35.1)
manteion oracle (1: 45/46), shrine (1: 58) mataiologia useless verbiage (1: 51)
manteuesthai to divine (1: 34/35.1), to prophesy (1: mataioponia vain toil (1: 29.1)
29.1), to seek prophecies (1: 52), to use mataioponos futile (1: 97.2)
divination (1: 45/46) mataios empty (2: 57, 79), foolish (1: 2), pointless (4:
to manteuomenon oracle (1: 54) 20, 57, 83, 86.2), redundant (1: 98), to no
manteuma result of divination (1: 45/46) purpose (1: 11), useless (1: 98), vain (2: 29.1, 98)
manteus seer (1: 72) ho mataios a fool (1: 16); to mataion lack of
manthanein to appreciate (1: 91), to ascertain (1: 68), purpose (1: 86.2)
to be taught (1: 18.2), to conclude (1: 94), to matên arbitrary (1: 63), at random (2: 17, 97.1), for no
discover (1: 76), to find (1: 59), to gather (2: 59, reason (2: 28.1, 79), fruitless (1: 17), fruitlessly
94), to hear (1: 88), to infer (1: 94), to learn (43: (1: 17), in an empty way (1: 79), in vain (10: 3,
2, 4, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 19, 32, 52, 60, 61, 67, 76, 85, 91), ineffectual (1:
28.1, 28.2, 38, 42, 44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 65, 85), irrelevant (1: 85), pointless (6: 18.2, 44, 54,
67, 68, 73, 75, 77, 79, 83, 85, 86.2, 89, 90, 91, 93, 76, 83, 89), pointlessly (3: 20, 25, 54),
94, 97.1, 98, 99), to listen (1: 58), to study (1: 15), purposeless (1: 97.1), serving no purpose (1:
to understand (4: 10.2, 17, 68, 91) 67), superfluously (1: 91), to no purpose (5: 25,
to manthanein act of learning (1: 10.1), learning 26, 34/35.1, 35.2, 56), useless (1: 85), vain (1:
(2: 22, 90); ho manthanôn learner (2: 10.1, 90), 29.1), vainly (1: 29.1), without purpose (2: 61,
student (1: 90) 89)
mantikos divinatory (1: 45/46) to matên pointlessness (1: 89)
mantikôs prophetically (1: 68); hê mantikê art of mathêma branch of learning (1: 13), discipline (1: 69),
prophecy (2: 52, 72), prophecy (3: 38, 52, 86.2) doctrine (1: 51), education (1: 90), knowledge
mantis augurer (1: 54), diviner (1: 45/46), prophet (2: (1: 69), learning (3: 4, 37, 99), lesson (2: 69,
52, 97.1) 97.1), mathematical argument (1: 17),
marainein to weaken (1: 52) mathematical entity (1: 16), mathematical
marainesthai to be impaired (1: 67), to be object (1: 74), mathematical science (2: 17, 58),
weakened (1: 21), to go out (1: 80), to waste mathematical study (1: 72), mathematical thing
away (3: 61, 78, 84), to wither (2: 67, 86.1) (1: 83), object of learning (2: 13, 61), science (3:


59, 70, 74), study (1: 90), subject (2: 85, 90), megaloprepês munificent (1: 69)
teaching (1: 7) to megaloprepes majesty (1: 51)
dia tôn mathêmatôn in mathematical form (1: 22); megalopsukhia grandeur (1: 69), greatness of soul (1:
hoi apo tôn mathêmatôn mathematicians (1: 69), greatness of spirit (1: 4), pride (1: 77)
55), the mathematically trained (1: 76); kata to megalopsukhos grand (1: 69), proud (1: 77)
mathêma mathematically (1: 90); ta megalorrhêmôn magniloquent (1: 84)
mathêmata mathematical objects (1: 61), megalothumos high-tempered (1: 69)
mathematical sciences (1: 80), mathematicals megas big (5: 18.2, 40, 60, 86.1, 94), great (16: 10.2, 14,
(1: 20), mathematics (20: 2, 10.1, 16, 20, 22, 25, 18.2, 19, 20, 25, 40, 54, 55, 57, 78, 79, 83, 86.1,
27, 34/35.1, 40, 55, 61, 67, 69, 78, 79, 88, 89, 90, 92.1, 94), important (1: 40), large (13: 7, 12, 16,
93, 99), objects of mathematics (1: 34/35.1), 20, 25, 54, 55, 78, 79, 80, 85, 86.1, 94), loud (1:
sciences (1: 67); sphairika mathêmata spherics 25), profound (1: 94)
(1: 54) mega a great deal (1: 86.1); to mega largeness (1:
mathêmatikos in accordance with the rules of 12), the great (1: 2); mega lian aitêma too much
mathematics (1: 70), mathematical (36: 1, 2, 7, to ask (1: 57); ho megas eniautos the Big Year
10.2, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18.2, 22, 24, 25, 33, 34/35.1, (1: 60); meizôn bigger (2: 42, 80), greater (16:
38, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 44, 48, 50, 63, 67, 68, 70, 73, 78, 12, 16, 19, 20, 21, 40, 42, 64, 65, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80,
79, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91, 94, 98, 100), scientific (1: 83, 86.1), larger (8: 19, 20, 42, 76, 79, 80, 85, 90),
67) longer (2: 42, 90), major (16: 4, 9, 19, 23, 30/31,
mathêmatikôs mathematically (1: 22); ho 40, 51, 54, 64, 65, 67, 73, 77, 83, 90, 93), major
mathêmatikos mathematician (20: 2, 16, 17, 25, premise (4: 19, 67, 34/35.1, 94), more (2: 42, 80),
26, 38, 41.2, 44, 51, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 75, 78, 79, relatively large (1: 76); ho meizôn major term
89, 95, 99); hê mathêmatikê mathematics (4: (1: 90); hê meizôn major premise (1: 90); to
16, 25, 61, 90); to mathêmatikon mathematical meizon major term (1: 90); epi to meizon in
form (1: 61), mathematical object (1: 61), object the direction of increased size (1: 76); megistos
of mathematics (1: 56), the mathematical (1: greatest (3: 10.2, 19, 20), largest (2: 6.1, 85); to
89); ta mathêmatika mathematical objects (7: megiston maximum (1: 60); megistos kuklos
2, 15, 33, 44, 74, 89, 100), mathematicals (2: 10.2, great circle (2: 55, 95), greatest circle (1: 75)
20), mathematics (3: 44, 61, 69), objects of megethikos in magnitude (1: 22), of magnitude (1: 22)
mathematics (1: 10.1), learning process (1: 44); megethos amount (4: 42, 60, 80, 99), being great (1:
mathêmatikê duas mathematical dyad (1: 2); 28.2), body (1: 94), bulk (1: 80), dimension (1:
mathêmatikê epistêmê mathematical science 80), extended entity (1: 67), extended
(2: 63, 100); mathêmatikon sôma geometrical magnitude (1: 67), extension (3: 67, 91, 94),
solid (1: 7), mathematical body (1: 57) extent (1: 59), grandeur (1: 10.1), greatness (4:
mathêsis act of learning (3: 38, 67, 97.1), instruction (2: 28.2, 57, 79, 97.2), height (2: 27, 80), largeness
25, 48), learning (24: 2, 4, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, (9: 12, 42, 68, 76, 78, 79, 80, 91, 98), magnitude
27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 44, 56, 58, 60, 65, 69, 73, (63: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16,
77, 84, 89, 99), learning process (1: 16), process 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 39,
of learning (1: 61), study (1: 44), understanding 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
(1: 48) 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 73, 74, 75, 76,
mathêtês apprentice (1: 67), learner (1: 20), pupil (8: 2, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 92.2, 93, 94, 99, 100),
11, 34/35.1, 56, 58, 59, 67, 80), student (3: 51, 68, object (2: 59, 94), plane (1: 59), quantity (5: 28.1,
73), subject that is being taught (1: 67) 76, 79, 80, 98), size (31: 2, 6.1, 10.1, 11, 12, 15,
mathêteuein to be a student (1: 59) 18.2, 22, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 39, 44, 47, 52,
mathêtikos capable of learning (1: 2) 54, 55, 59, 61, 63, 67, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89,
mathêtos learnable (1: 69) 98), something extended (1: 91), thing
mazos breast (2: 34/35.1, 95) possessed of size (1: 32), volume (1: 94)
mêdamêi : mêdamêi mêdamôs never (1: 60), not in kata megethos by magnitude (1: 89); huperekhein
any sense whatsoever (1: 92.2) tôi megethei to outsize (1: 68); kinêsis kata
mêdeis : to mêden nothing (1: 18.2) megethos change of size (1: 11)
medimnos bushel (1: 75), medimnus (1: 19) megethunein to give magnitude (1: 34/35.1)
megalaukhia arrogance (1: 99) meignunai / mignunai to combine (2: 42, 59), to
megaleiotês greatness (1: 84) co-mingle (1: 91), to commingle (1: 20), to
megalomerês having large parts (4: 42, 78, 79, 98) intermingle (1: 22), to make (something) a
megalonoia greatness of intellect (1: 51) mixture (1: 22), to mate (1: 58), to mingle (1:
megalophronein to think grandly (1: 69) 22), to mix (23: 4, 12, 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27,
megalophuia loftiness of genius (1: 34/35.1) 28.1, 28.2, 32, 38, 39, 52, 55, 59, 60, 61, 67, 79,
megaloprepeia magnificence (3: 4, 40, 69) 83, 85, 99)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

mignusthai to blend (1: 17), to be mixed (5: 2, 10.2, mêkunein to draw things out (1: 83), to expound at
16, 75, 78), to have intercourse (2: 54, 86.1), to length (1: 60), to go on at length (1: 83), to go to
mix (3: 54, 85, 91); to mignunai mixture (2: 4, excessive length (in speaking) (1: 51), to
28.2); to memikthai state of mixture (1: 67); to lengthen (1: 99), to make too long (1: 34/35.1),
mignumenon ingredient (1: 22); to neikos to prolong (1: 19), to set out at length (1: 84)
mignumenon the admixture of Strife (1: 10.2) mêkunthenta lengthy exposition (1: 60); mêkunein
meiôn lesser (1: 85), smaller (1: 85) ton logon to give a lengthy account (1: 68), to
meionexia being overborne (1: 83), having less than speak at length (1: 68)
one’s share (1: 83) melainein to blacken (5: 6.1, 27, 52, 56, 98), to make
meiôsis being diminished (1: 95), decrease (12: 3, 19, dark (1: 83)
26, 32, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 67, 85, 94, 99), decrease in melainesthai to be black (1: 58), to be turned black
size (1: 98), diminishing (2: 83, 94), diminution (1: 25), to become black (2: 27, 75), to become
(23: 1, 4, 6.1, 7, 12, 16, 18.2, 22, 27, 32, 38, 39, 44, darker (1: 19), to turn black (3: 19, 27, 67); ho
47, 51, 53, 56, 57, 59, 63, 75, 83, 95), loss (1: 88), melainôn that which makes other things black
reduction in size (1: 76), shrinkage (1: 76), grow (1: 67)
smaller (1: 22), too little (1: 34/35.1), waning (1: melaneimonein to be clad in black (1: 95)
2), wear (1: 99), wearing away (1: 99) melania blackness (10: 7, 13, 21, 44, 52, 56, 63, 75, 80, 84)
meiôtos subject to diminution (1: 84) melankholia depression (1: 34/35.1), melancholy (2:
meioun to cause decrease (1: 19), to decrease (3: 90, 94, 52, 67)
99), to detract from (1: 58), to diminish (13: 6.2, melankholikos having a tendency to melancholic
12, 20, 34/35.1, 52, 54, 55, 56, 83, 85, 94, 95, 99), affections (1: 61), high-strung (1: 69),
to make smaller (2: 85, 98), to reduce (1: 21) melancholic (1: 22)
meiousthai to be decreased (1: 19), to be melanotês blackness (1: 60), dark colour (1: 84)
diminished (1: 75), to be reduced (1: 76), to be melansis becoming black (3: 27, 44, 83), blackening (3:
reduced in size (1: 76), to be worn away (1: 99), 17, 20, 63), blackness (1: 20), growing black (1:
to become smaller (2: 42, 85), to contract (1: 27), turning black (2: 19, 67)
78), to decrease (5: 18.2, 19, 25, 67, 85), to melas black (41: 2, 4, 5, 6.1, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25,
diminish (5: 12, 16, 18.2, 27, 38), to get smaller 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 44, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57,
(3: 67, 76, 99), to shrink (3: 7, 76, 91); 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 91,
meioumenos diminishing (1: 11) 92.1, 93, 95, 98), dark (8: 34/35.1, 55, 57, 64, 76,
meirakiôdês stylistically immature (1: 86.2) 78, 79, 83)
meirakion adolescent (1: 60), youth (1: 56) to melan blackness (1: 12)
meiresthai : heimarmenos allotted (2: 68, 72), fated (5: mêlê spatula (1: 57)
12, 27, 45/46, 52, 75) melein to be a matter of concern (1: 55)
hê heimarmenê fate (8: 12, 29.1, 34/35.1, 40, 45/46, meletan to be accustomed (1: 86.1), to train (1: 48)
52, 58, 86.2) meletê exercise (1: 37), practice (1: 97.1), rehearsal (1:
meis / mên month (10: 7, 11, 20, 27, 55, 61, 73, 86.1, 48), training (1: 48)
86.2, 88) meli honey (15: 6.1, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1,
mêkhanasthai to construct (1: 84), to contrive (5: 17, 56, 57, 61, 67, 76, 91, 99)
38, 56, 68, 99), to devise (1: 34/35.1), to engineer melikraton diluted honey (1: 52), honey posset (1: 57),
(1: 86.1), to fabricate (1: 50), to fashion (2: 25, honey water (2: 16, 91), hydromel (1: 25)
89), to produce (1: 6.2) melissa / melitta bee (8: 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 56, 61, 64, 76,
memêkhanêmenos skilfully devised (1: 72) 84)
mêkhanê contrivance (1: 6.2), device (2: 89, 98), melizein : melizomenê phônê song (1: 28.2)
machine (1: 68), mechanism (1: 61) mellein to be (about) to (1: 16), to be about (to do
mêkhanêma arrangement (1: 84), contrivance (1: 68), something) (1: 25), to be about to (3: 14, 58, 59),
machine (1: 68), system (1: 44) to be about to be (1: 16), to be going to (9: 4, 12,
mêkhanikos ingenious (1: 98), mechanical (3: 16, 51, 88) 21, 25, 58, 59, 76, 83, 86.1), to be going to be (2:
ho mêkhanikos engineer (2: 56, 74), mechanic (1: 16, 60), to be intending (1: 25), to be to (1: 17),
90), one who does mechanics (1: 55); hê to be yet to (1: 58), to come (1: 14), to intend (1:
mêkhanikê mechanics (4: 16, 61, 78, 90); hê 17), will be (1: 60), would (3: 58, 59, 76)
mêkhanikê tekhnê mechanics (1: 88) mellei is to (1: 76), it has yet to be (1: 11); mellôn
mêkos distance (1: 54), length (39: 1, 2, 3, 6.1, 10.2, 11, coming (2: 11, 14), future (2: 29.1, 58), in the
14, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, future (1: 58), intending (1: 60), planning (1:
34/35.1, 41.2, 42, 54, 55, 57, 61, 64, 65, 67, 75, 60), with the intention of (2: 59, 35.2); to
78, 79, 83, 86.1, 89, 90, 94, 95, 98, 100), line (2: mellein the future (16: 14, 3, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16, 25,
2, 15) 27, 29.1, 42, 50, 58, 59, 75, 86.1), what is going to
kata mêkos lengthwise (1: 61) be (1: 29.1); to mellon eti what is still to be (1:


86.1); ta mellonta future happenings (1: 58), mênuein to communicate (1: 91), to declare (1: 68), to
future things (1: 58), the future (1: 38), things in indicate (2: 16, 61), to mark (1: 9), to mean (1:
the future (1: 16), things that will be (1: 58); ei 9), to refer to (1: 55), to reveal (3: 27, 38, 86.1)
mellei if it is to be (1: 11); ei mellei tis (+ mênusis communication (1: 91), indication (2: 4, 52),
infin.) if one is to (1: 10.2); ei melloien esesthai information (1: 52), revelation (1: 12)
if there are to be (1: 10.2); ho mellôn khronos mênutikos able to communicate (1: 91), able to reveal
future time (1: 35.2), the future (3: 7, 23, 35.2); (1: 38), indicative (2: 12, 21), marking (1: 9),
mellôn legein in preparation for his argument that indicates (3: 10.2, 16, 21), that transmits (1:
(2: 10.2, 16); ta mellonta deiknusthai matters 12), transmitting (1: 12)
that are to be proven (1: 10.2) mênutikos (+ gen.) to indicate (1: 27)
melôidia melody (1: 97.1) merikeuein to particularize (1: 77)
enarmonios melôidia enharmonic scale (1: 13) merikos as a part or species (1: 94), complex (1: 11),
mêlon apple (6: 7, 25, 52, 57, 80, 91), fruit (1: 34/35.1) component (1: 68), concerned with particulars
melopoios lyric poet (1: 84) (1: 17), divided (1: 72), having parts (1: 11), in
melos limb (6: 7, 21, 25, 54, 67, 86.1), melody (5: 17, division (1: 48), in some special area (1: 90),
28.2, 38, 57, 91), song (3: 57, 91, 93), tune (3: 52, individual (6: 7, 28.1, 61, 67, 70, 80), made
61, 67) particular (1: 28.1), of the part (1: 22), partial
memphesthai to blame (3: 21, 45/46, 51), to censure (5: (11: 18.2, 22, 45/46, 48, 55, 65, 70, 74, 83, 88,
54, 56, 63, 79, 83), to complain (2: 79, 83), to 92.1), particular (43: 3, 6.2, 7, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22,
criticise (3: 18.2, 60, 67), to find fault (2: 2, 83), 23, 27, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 42, 43.3, 44,
to object (1: 83), to reject (1: 54), to reproach (2: 45/46, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 73,
25, 60), to say in censure (1: 56) 76, 77, 79, 80, 83, 88, 90, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 99, 100),
mempsis criticism (1: 60) part-like (1: 42), small-scale (1: 57), specific (4:
menein to abide (2: 20, 52), to be at rest (3: 18.2, 22, 17, 22, 90, 94), that partitions (1: 56)
94), to be entrapped (1: 28.2), to be left (1: 80), merikôs as divided in parts (1: 74), in particular
to be permanent (2: 27, 42), to be permanently ways (1: 72), in particulars (1: 22); merikôteros
(1: 42), to be stable (5: 22, 25, 28.1, 75, 89), to be less widely distributed (1: 57), more particular
static (1: 18.2), to be stationary (3: 18.2, 52, 80), (2: 76, 100), more specific (1: 73); merikôtatos
to be unchanging (1: 22), to endure (5: 54, 78, most particular (1: 76); to merikon individual
79, 80, 83), to hold one’s ground (1: 92.1), to last (1: 58), particular (2: 58, 80), part (1: 61);
(2: 76, 80), to linger (1: 80), to perdure (2: 10.2, particular thing (1: 80), particularity (1: 22), the
16), to persist (8: 4, 27, 42, 52, 60, 67, 80, 91), to particular (1: 19); ta merika particulars (1:
remain (43: 4, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 100), parts (1: 22); ta merikôtera particulars (1:
22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 42, 44, 50, 51, 52, 100); hôs merikos specifically (1: 90); merikê
55, 58, 59, 60, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2, protasis particular premise (1: 22)
89, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100), to remain (still merimnêtês one who is full of anxiety (1: 86.1)
or fixed) (1: 54), to remain at rest (4: 22, 47, 53, meris part (2: 54, 55)
55), to remain fixed (5: 30/31, 42, 54, 55, 79), to merismos : merismôi by being divided (2: 36, 83),
remain stationary (2: 19, 50), to remain still (3: being partitionable (1: 3), composite thing (1:
34/35.1, 54, 100), to resist (1: 4), to rest (7: 14, 11), divisibility (1: 92.2), division (14: 11, 14, 22,
18.2, 22, 79, 83, 94, 99), to retain (1: 27), to stand 23, 25, 26, 28.1, 36, 39, 45/46, 48, 55, 83, 100),
still (1: 100), to stand up to (1: 80), to stay (7: fragmentation (1: 22), partition (5: 22, 36, 51,
18.2, 60, 67, 87, 91, 93, 94), to stay in place (1: 80, 100), separation (1: 22)
6.1), to stay the same (2: 28.1, 98), to survive (2: tôi merismôi by being distributed (1: 99); eis
52, 76), to wait (1: 94), to withstand (1: 4) merismon into parts (1: 11), into the divided
menôn permanent (1: 28.1); meinas left behind (1: (1: 22)
76), staying there (1: 76); to menein persistence meristos capable of being broken into parts (1: 2),
(1: 60); menôn en heautôi self-contained (1: divided (15: 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 41.1, 41.2,
22), static (1: 94) 45/46, 61, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 83), divided in parts
mêningophulax membrane-protector (1: 61) (1: 68), divided into parts (3: 25, 38, 67), divided
meninx meninges (1: 86.1), cerebral membrane (1: 61), off (1: 28.1), divided up (1: 28.1), divisible (17:
ear-drum (2: 25, 57), membrane (1: 38), 7, 11, 15, 22, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 36, 39, 48, 54, 59,
tympanum (1: 28.2) 67, 70, 99, 100), divisible into parts (9: 10.2, 21,
mênis wrath (1: 29.1) 34/35.1, 39, 42, 75, 78, 87, 91), fragmented (1:
mêniskos crescent-shaped (1: 61), lune (3: 63, 89, 95), 22), having parts (3: 48, 56, 83), in individual
lunule (1: 90) parts (1: 61), in parts (1: 34/35.1), partial (1:
mênoeidês crescent (1: 73), crescent-shaped (3: 55, 61, 28.1), partible (1: 80), particular (1: 28.1),
88) partitionable (1: 3), piecemeal (1: 22),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

segmented (1: 6.2), subject to division (1: 36), 4, 9, 12, 21, 30/31, 39, 64, 65, 90), particular case
that has parts (3: 22, 27, 29.1), with parts (2: 22, (1: 61); to en merei particular (1: 19), the fact
57) that (they) alternate (1: 99), what takes turns (1:
meristôs as divided up (1: 28.1), different (1: 22), in 75); epi merous individually (1: 99), partial (1:
a divided manner (1: 28.2), in a divided mode 93), partially (2: 90, 93), particular (7: 9, 30/31,
(1: 70), in part (2: 22, 39), in parts (1: 34/35.1), 52, 64, 65, 73, 90), particularly (1: 23); kata
involving division (1: 36), part by part (1: meros a bit at a time (1: 58), bit by bit (3: 14, 58,
34/35.1), separately (1: 39); to meriston 76), each (1: 60), gradual (1: 20), in a particular
dividedness (1: 68), separation (1: 22), what field (1: 90), in detail (1: 90), in part (1: 75), in
consists of parts (1: 67); ta merista divided parts (1: 20), individual (3: 28.1, 59, 61),
beings (1: 100), divided things (1: 100), divisible individually (2: 67, 89), little by little (1: 58), one
beings (1: 100), divisible things (1: 100); point at a time (1: 93), part by part (2: 20, 67),
meristos einai to consist of parts (1: 67) partial (3: 27, 32, 59), partially (1: 75), particular
merizein to apportion (1: 56), to disperse (1: 58), to (16: 9, 21, 28.1, 30/31, 58, 64, 65, 73, 76, 76, 80,
divide (14: 28.1, 43.2, 44, 48, 54, 55, 58, 61, 67, 86.2, 93, 99), serially (1: 91), separately (1: 2),
68, 80, 83, 86.1, 99), to divide into parts (5: severally (1: 76), singular (1: 23); to kata meros
34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 83, 89), to divide off (1: 28.1), detail (1: 90), individual (1: 75), individual case
to divide up (3: 22, 28.1, 80), to part (1: 98), to (1: 94), individual part (1: 92.1), particular (7:
particularize (1: 51), to partition (7: 3, 19, 39, 42, 19, 29.1, 41.1, 63, 73, 78, 90), particular case (1:
43.3, 47, 80), to partition out (1: 57), to separate 17), particular thing (3: 17, 28.2, 89); kata
(1: 44), to share (1: 45/46), to split up (1: 67) meros epistêmai specialised sciences (1: 16);
merizesthai to be apportioned (1: 11), to be kata meros tekhnitês subject-specific expert (1:
divided (2: 22, 28.2), to be divided (into parts) 61); para meros alternately (1: 99), at
(1: 25), to be divided into parts (1: 75), to be alternating times (1: 30/31), by turn (1: 2), by
fragmented (2: 22, 28.2), to be partitioned (1: turns (4: 3, 59, 80, 99), in alternation (1: 99), in
20), to be separated (1: 22), to be shared out (1: part (1: 27), in stages (1: 80), in turn (15: 4, 12,
22), to have parts (2: 22, 44), to segment (1: 6.2), 21, 27, 28.1, 50, 52, 54, 55, 60, 64, 75, 80, 85, 99),
to split up (1: 6.2); memerismenos divided (2: part by part (1: 16), successively (1: 41.1); para
23, 72), in parts (1: 94); memerismenôs meros einai to alternate (1: 99); pros meros by
dividedly (1: 70), in a divided state (1: 25); to parts (1: 2); meros logou part of speech (1:
merizein division (1: 28.1); to merizomenon 35.2); meros tês antiphaseôs member of a
portion (1: 44) contradictory pair (1: 64), one of a
merops articulate-speaking (1: 48), human being (1: contradictory pair (1: 40), one of two
51), man (1: 72) contradictory premisses (1: 40), part of a
meros amount (1: 99), aspect (1: 99), body part (1: 94), contradiction (1: 16), part of the contradiction
class (1: 93), constituent (1: 59), direction (2: 73, (1: 40)
90), factor (1: 16), feature (1: 59), limb (1: 21), mêros thigh (2: 15, 78)
member (2: 60, 65), part (77: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 9, mesêmbria meridian (2: 54, 55), midday (1: 75), noon
10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, (2: 57, 84), south (1: 55)
24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 35.2, 38, 39, mesêmbriazein to be at noon (1: 83), to be at our
40, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, meridian (1: 54)
55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, mesêmbrinos meridian (1: 74), southern (1: 54)
75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2, 89, 90, 91, 93, ho mesêmbrinos meridian (1: 78); mesêmbrinos
94, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), particle (1: 2), kuklos meridian (1: 54)
particular (1: 7), point (1: 40), portion (5: 18.2, mesiteuein to be between (1: 59), to lie between (2: 54,
59, 79, 80, 99), quarter (2: 57, 80), region (1: 21), 59), to lie in between (1: 78)
side (4: 27, 73, 90, 93) mesolabein to admit something in between (1: 67), to
ana meros by turns (2: 39, 76), for distinct aspects intercept (1: 95), to put in the middle (1: 42)
(1: 76), in turn (4: 38, 64, 73, 76), in turns (1: mesolabeisthai to be separated (1: 18.2), to take
76), piecemeal (1: 17), separately (1: 59), hold of (1: 54); lêthê mesolabein to forget (1:
severally (2: 57, 76), successively (1: 50); apo 73)
merous part by part (1: 89); ek merous partial mesonuktion middle of the night (1: 57), midnight (1:
(1: 28.2); ek tôn kata meros from individual 95)
points (1: 92.1); en merei alternately (1: 99), by mesos average (1: 69), between (2: 11, 22), central (2:
turns (1: 99), in individual cases (1: 25), in part 55, 79), in between (4: 14, 42, 52, 98), in the
(1: 73), in particular cases (1: 25), in turn (2: 91, middle (1: 91), in the middle position (1: 61), in
99), individual (2: 99, 99), individually (1: 90), the midst (1: 91), intermediary (4: 54, 61, 75,
partial (1: 16), partially (1: 41.1), particular (9: 99), intermediate (27: 3, 4, 7, 10.2, 11, 14, 17, 19,


22, 28.1, 35.2, 39, 42, 44, 54, 55, 60, 61, 67, 68, 78, mesouranein to be at the zenith (1: 88), to be in
79, 83, 92.2, 93, 99, 100), intervening (1: 91), mid-heaven (2: 54, 88), to be in mid-sky (1:
mean (12: 7, 10.2, 22, 24, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 51, 52, 34/35.1), to be in zenith (1: 95), to reach
54, 69, 79), middle (31: 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 16, 18.2, 19, mid-heaven (1: 54)
22, 23, 28.1, 39, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 51, 54, 55, 57, 60, mesouranêma centre of the heavens (1: 61), mid-
61, 64, 67, 69, 73, 75, 86.1, 86.2, 90, 93, 99), heaven (2: 20, 41.1), zenith (2: 88, 95)
middle of (1: 11), middling (2: 57, 69), midriff messothen from the centre (1: 85), from the midpoint
(1: 86.1), moderate (1: 4), moderately (1: 4), the (1: 20)
mean (1: 86.2) mestôma fullness (1: 11), volume (1: 11)
mesê middle term (1: 93); mesôs in an mestos filled (3: 78, 91, 98), full (2: 18.2, 52)
intermediate way (1: 69), in between (1: 22), in metabainein to arrive (1: 95), to be transferred (1:
the middle (1: 69), mediately (1: 39), middling 28.2), to change (5: 39, 43.1, 59, 73, 79), to
(1: 57), middlingly (1: 69); hê mesê mean (1: change place (7: 6.1, 11, 25, 52, 54, 75, 89), to
56), middle (note of a musical scale) (1: 59), the change position (2: 14, 39), to change subject (1:
middle note (1: 86.1); ho mesos middle term (7: 54), to cross (2: 73, 93), to exchange place (1:
51, 64, 65, 67, 73, 77, 90); to meson centre (13: 1, 14), to go (2: 78, 98), to go on to (1: 22), to make
2, 7, 11, 15, 52, 54, 55, 67, 78, 79, 83, 94), in the a transition (4: 25, 58, 87, 99), to migrate (3: 52,
middle (1: 99), intermediary (4: 19, 42, 66, 100), 80, 97.1), to move (4: 42, 55, 67, 68), to move on
intermediate (4: 1, 10.1, 56, 57), intermediate (6: 14, 22, 59, 85, 90, 93), to move over (1: 44), to
term (1: 13), mean (4: 20, 28.2, 68, 69), mean pass (8: 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 83, 88, 95), to pass on
state (1: 38), median status (1: 24), medium (6: to (1: 19), to pass to (3: 3, 19, 41.1), to proceed
19, 20, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38), middle (11: 1, 15, 20, (3: 48, 54, 61), to progress (1: 54), to shift (2:
38, 42, 47, 53, 66, 68, 83, 94), middle part (1: 99), 10.2, 59), to switch (4: 3, 25, 59, 86.1), to switch
middle portion (1: 22), middle term (5: 17, 65, over (1: 99), to switch to (1: 80), to take up
73, 90, 93), midpoint (1: 99), that occupies a residence in (1: 80), to transfer (3: 17, 27, 51), to
middle position (1: 67), the mean (1: 4); ta transform (2: 22, 83), to transmigrate (1: 97.1),
mesa intermediaries (1: 100), middle term (1: to turn (5: 55, 64, 78, 79, 99), to turn to (2: 20,
15); ana meson in between (1: 42), in the 44)
middle (1: 28.1), in the middle of (1: 19); apo metabainein epi (+ acc.) to turn to (1: 54)
tou mesou intermediate (1: 28.1); dia mesês metaballein to alter (5: 14, 17, 20, 41.2, 58), to be
from the centre (1: 83); dia mesôn via (1: 42); altered (1: 76), to be subject to change (1: 88), to
dia mesou by means of (4: 23, 68, 78, 99), for be transformed (3: 27, 75, 89), to become
now (1: 99), mediate (1: 17), mediately (1: 99), different (2: 27, 28.2), to bring about
middle (term) (1: 61), parenthesis (1: 38), transformation (1: 27), to cause change (2: 19,
parenthetical (1: 10.2), parenthetically (3: 16, 23, 42), to change (61: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2,
60), through the mediation of (1: 99); eis to 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28.1,
meson inside (1: 64), through the medium of 28.2, 29.1, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
(1: 99); en mesôi at the mid-point (1: 75), in 43.3, 44, 45/46, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66,
between (3: 10.2, 19, 99), in parentheses (1: 60), 67, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.2, 88, 92.1, 93, 94,
in the middle (1: 68), inside (1: 64); epi tou 95, 97.1, 98, 99, 100), to convert (1: 58), to
mesou in the middle (1: 68), to the centre (1: exchange (1: 14), to leave a place (1: 94), to
83); kata to meson in the middle (1: 68); mesos make a change (1: 42), to make a transition (1:
tou barous centre of gravity (1: 55); hê mesê 21), to move (3: 44, 59, 94), to subject to
analogon mean proportional (2: 56, 73); hê movement (1: 67), to subject to substantial
mesê (khordê) middle string (of a lyre) (1: 15); change (1: 67), to suffer transformation (1: 44),
mesos kata to baros centre of gravity (1: 55) to switch (2: 59, 99), to switch over (1: 99), to
mesotês balance (1: 91), intermediacy (1: 28.1), transfer (2: 94, 98), to transform (13: 14, 17,
intermediary (4: 48, 51, 59, 100), intermediary 18.2, 22, 50, 51, 60, 80, 86.1, 88, 91, 95, 97.1), to
status (1: 22), intermediate (4: 11, 45/46, 48, 68), transpose (1: 27), to turn (2: 39, 99), to turn into
intermediate position (3: 22, 28.1, 60), (3: 22, 27, 76), to undergo a process of change
intermediate status (1: 100), mean (20: 4, 11, 22, (1: 42), to undergo change (4: 42, 58, 60, 67), to
23, 24, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 39, 43.1, 43.3, 56, 57, 64, vary (1: 28.2)
69, 73, 75, 83, 88, 100), mean place (1: 22), mean metaballein eis to become (1: 18.2), to bring to (1:
position (1: 22), mean state (4: 28.2, 38, 57, 100), 58), to change into (1: 94), to make (1: 42), to
mean status (1: 100), mean term (1: 99), transform into (1: 27); metaballesthai to be
medium (2: 20, 28.2), middle (3: 1, 83, 88), changed (2: 19, 42), to be in transformation (1:
middle position (1: 28.1), middle term (1: 54), 22), to be transformed (1: 44), to change (3: 42,
moderation (1: 86.2), mediated (1: 39) 80, 94), to change place (1: 94), to move (1: 80),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to switch (1: 80); metaballesthai eis to undergo 50, 52, 60, 75, 80, 86.1, 89, 91, 95, 97.2, 99),
change (1: 42); metabeblêkenai to have been transition (2: 21, 52)
transformed (1: 75), to have completed kata alloiôsin metabolê qualitative alteration (1:
transformation (1: 75); to metaballein to have 67), turning (1: 28.2); metabolên ekhein to
undergone transformation (1: 75); metaballein undergo change (1: 75); poieisthai metabolên
ek topou to turn into (1: 80); metaballomenos to be transformed (1: 27)
variable (1: 22); metaballein kata topon to metabolikos changeable (1: 84), changing (1: 11), of
exchange one place for another (1: 94) transformation (1: 27), subject to change (1: 42)
metabasis change (5: 28.2, 58, 78, 79, 99), change in metabouleuesthai to change one’s will (1: 97.2)
position (2: 54, 91), change of place (3: 11, 54, metadidonai to assign (1: 59), to bestow (1: 41.1), to
55), change of position (1: 14), changing (1: 68), communicate (2: 41.1, 54), to endow with (1:
changing position (1: 67), exchange (1: 39), 80), to exchange (2: 6.2, 83), to give a share (3:
inference (1: 2), motion (1: 95), moving about 25, 79, 99), to impart (3: 57, 95, 99), to impart a
(1: 44), passage (7: 3, 19, 56, 57, 61, 87, 95), share (1: 99), to let share in (2: 61, 67), to pass
passage from one thing to another (1: 56), (1: 88), to pass on (2: 88, 95), to provide a share
process (1: 48), relocation (1: 95), shift (1: 40), (1: 28.2), to share (1: 11), to spread over (1: 95),
transformation (1: 83), transition (11: 22, 24, 25, to transmit (2: 38, 83)
39, 40, 51, 52, 58, 83, 91, 99), transitional stage metadiôkein to investigate (1: 41.1), to pursue (5: 2, 52,
(1: 87) 56, 91, 100)
metabasis kata topon transmission (1: 86.1) metadiôxis pursuit (1: 100)
metabatikos changing (2: 11, 83), changing place (2: metadosis bestowal of benefits (1: 39), exchange (1:
54, 55), discursive (2: 68, 70), involving change 83), imparting (1: 48), transfer (2: 28.2, 42),
of place (1: 42), locomotive (1: 56), spatial (1: transmission (1: 83)
44), that changes (1: 67), that moves on (1: 22), metadotikos imparting (1: 28.2), that transmits (1:
that which changes place (1: 42), transitional (2: 28.2)
39, 44) metadoxazein to change one’s mind (1: 93)
metabatikôs from place to place (1: 42), in passing metagein to bring with (1: 6.1), to carry over (1: 3), to
about (1: 3), spatially (1: 91), transitionally (1: lead (1: 27), to lead across (1: 34/35.1), to
99); to metabatikon transition (1: 44); reverse (1: 27), to shift (1: 27), to transfer (8: 27,
metabatikê kinêsis change of place (1: 94), 28.2, 39, 51, 54, 55, 56, 88)
translocation (2: 17, 70); metabatikôs kata metagenesteros coming later (1: 57)
topon locally (1: 86.1); metabatikôs kineisthai hoi metagenesteroi later people (1: 55)
to change place (2: 54, 55); metabatikôs metaginôskein to regret (1: 4), to repent (1: 52)
kinêtikos capable of spatial movement (1: 91) metagraphein to alter (1: 54), to change a text (1: 84),
metabibazein to cause to change direction (1: 40), to to emend (2: 51, 54), to transcribe (1: 59)
convey (1: 28.2), to hand on (1: 28.2), to pass (1: metaikhmios no man’s land (1: 57)
40), to transfer (1: 28.2) to metaikhmion disputed territory (1: 76),
metabibazein logon to turn a discussion (1: 54) mid-way (1: 95), mid-way point (1: 95)
metablêtikos able to bring about change (1: 24), able to metakeisthai to be shifted (1: 19)
trigger (1: 91), being transformed (1: 44), metakheirêsis approach (1: 18.2)
changeable (1: 60), involving change (1: 83), metakheirizesthai to deal with (1: 2), to handle (1: 3),
subject to change (2: 38, 60), capable of to pursue (an argument) (1: 92.2), to put one’s
fluctuating (1: 2) hand to (1: 56), to treat (1: 88)
metablêtos changeable (3: 28.1, 59, 80), subject to metakhôrein to make room for (1: 98), to move (1: 88),
change (1: 80), that is transformed (1: 27) to move on to (1: 88), to pass (1: 95), to pass
metabolê alteration (6: 11, 17, 20, 28.1, 41.2, 68), being over (1: 99), to take over (1: 18.2)
changed (1: 67), case of change (1: 76), change metakhôrêsis exchange of locations (1: 42), relocation
(71: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, (1: 75)
15, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, metakinein to change (2: 86.1, 97.1), to change around
30/31, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.3, (1: 97.1), to change position (1: 94), to move to
44, 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, (1: 98), to relocate (1: 95)
61, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 91, metakineisthai to change direction (1: 52), to
92.1, 92.2, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), remove (1: 94)
changing (2: 52, 92.1), conversion (1: 21), kind metakomizein to move (1: 52)
of change (1: 42), modulation (1: 72), motion metakosmein : metakosmeisthai to change shape (1:
(1: 76), movement (1: 80), mutation (1: 56), 85), to be disarranged (1: 85), to be rearranged
qualitative alteration (1: 67), switch (1: 34/35.1), (1: 85)
transformation (18: 14, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 44, 47, metakuliesthai to roll over (2: 54, 67)


metalambanein to acquire a portion of (1: 52), to metalleuesthai to mine (1: 17); to

acquire a share in (1: 52), to adopt (as an metalleuomenon metal (1: 24)
alternative) (1: 25), to alter (1: 42), to assume metalleutos : to metalleuton metal (2: 24, 91)
instead (1: 9), to be with a share in (1: 99), to metallikos mineral (1: 88)
change (6: 9, 30/31, 55, 56, 83, 85), to change the ta metallika minerals (1: 88)
meaning of (1: 59), to convert (1: 44), to metalloioun to transform (1: 88)
exchange (2: 27, 85), to have a share (2: 12, 88), metallon metal (6: 17, 57, 61, 67, 79, 93), mineral (3: 56,
to have a share of (1: 91), to interpret (1: 58), to 59, 80), source (1: 17)
inter-substitute (1: 75), to make a substitution metalla mines (1: 88)
(1: 4), to occupy (1: 94), to partake (6: 41.1, 41.2, metameleia change of mind (1: 97.2), regret (3: 4, 43.2,
48, 76, 97.1, 99), to partake of (1: 14), to 69), repentance (1: 45/46)
participate (5: 2, 14, 39, 89, 94), to play the metamelein it is a regret (1: 23), to repent (1: 45/46)
participating role (1: 94), to reassume (1: 9), to metamelesthai to regret (2: 69, 84)
receive (3: 27, 28.1, 59), to receive a share (1: metamelêtikos disposed to regret (1: 69)
78), to receive a share in (1: 61), to receive a metamorphôsis reincarnation (1: 37)
share of (1: 39), to receive in exchange (1: 39), metamphiennunai to reclothe (1: 80)
to rephrase (1: 48), to replace (1: 67), to replace metampiskhesthai to change (1: 97.1), to endow (1:
by (1: 40), to share (1: 44), to share in (4: 25, 55, 97.2), to put on (2: 97.1, 97.2)
75, 80), to substitute (12: 3, 4, 19, 42, 44, 48, 50, metanoein to change one’s mind (1: 97.1), to repent (2:
53, 59, 65, 73, 89), to subsume (1: 27), to take (2: 52, 69)
55, 78), to take from (1: 54), to take in exchange metanoia change of heart (1: 69), regret (1: 4)
(1: 56), to take instead (2: 12, 30/31), to take on metapeithein to persuade (someone) to change (one’s)
(2: 54, 83), to take part in (1: 61), to take up a view (1: 16), to persuade (someone) to change
question (1: 16), to take up in turn (1: 3), to take from an opinion (1: 16), to persuade to change
up one after another (1: 16), to transform (6: 9, one’s mind (1: 34/35.1)
30/31, 64, 65, 78, 90), to translate (1: 51), to turn metapherein to alter (1: 59), to apply (2: 17, 93), to
(1: 30/31), to use to mean (1: 59) cause change of place (1: 44), to change (1: 55),
metalambanein eis to change to (1: 59), to take as to derive (1: 7), to extend (1: 91), to infer (1:
equivalent to (1: 59), transform into (1: 40); 10.2), to move (2: 52, 94), to paraphrase (1: 25),
metalambanesthai to be substituted for (1: 40), to refer to metaphorically (1: 51), to replace (1:
to be taken (1: 10.2), to share in (1: 28.2), to use 59), to shift (2: 16, 40), to transfer (25: 13, 14, 15,
for (1: 59), to transpose (1: 29.1); metalêpteon 16, 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 35.2, 38, 40, 44,
one should substitute (1: 65); to 48, 50, 52, 67, 69, 78, 83, 88, 89, 91), to transform
metalambanein participation (1: 60); to (1: 55), to translate (1: 91), to transport (2: 22,
metalambanomenon transformation (1: 65); 94)
metalambanein eis to replace by (1: 40) metapheresthai to be borrowed (1: 2), to be
metalankhanein to acquire a share (1: 54), to partake transported (1: 50), to change position (1: 42),
(2: 28.2, 95), to share in (1: 28.2) to use metaphorically (1: 25)
metalattein to exchange (1: 32) metaphora carrying over (1: 54), metaphor (12: 2, 7, 9,
metalêpsis alternation (1: 3), change of expression (1: 13, 24, 25, 33, 39, 51, 58, 77, 98), metaphorical
56), exchange (1: 44), inter-substitution (1: 75), expression (1: 78), metaphorical language (1:
partaking (2: 28.1, 48), participating (1: 44), 48), movement (1: 4), transfer (3: 14, 38, 91),
participation (8: 14, 15, 28.2, 41.1, 60, 70, 83, transference (2: 28.2, 57), transferred sense (1:
100), receiving (1: 39), reception (3: 26, 42, 83), 15), translation (1: 20), way of moving (1: 4)
substitution (6: 19, 23, 40, 48, 59, 73), kata metaphoran by extension (1: 91), by
substitution for (1: 40), taking on (1: 76), transference (1: 41.1), in a transferred sense (1:
transfer (1: 3), transformation (4: 9, 30/31, 64, 27), in an extended sense (6: 91, 27, 28.2,
65), version (1: 44) 34/35.1, 51, 67)
metalêpsis ek change from (1: 40); metalêpsis eis metaphorein to speak metaphorically (1: 69)
change into (1: 40) metaphorêtos moveable (1: 14), portable (1: 94),
metalêptikos participant (1: 94), participating in (1: transportable (2: 14, 50)
36) metaphorikos metaphorical (3: 13, 14, 58)
to metalêptikon that which partakes (1: 14) metaphorikôs metaphorically (5: 14, 24, 50, 86.1,
metallagê accompanying change (1: 16) 99), by transference (1: 27)
metallassein / metallattein to change (1: 97.1), to metapiptein to alter (1: 93), to be in flux (1: 27), to be
exchange (1: 14), to undergo a change (1: 3) transferred (1: 79), to be transformed (1: 75), to
metalleuein to construct (1: 17), to get by mining (1: change (10: 9, 12, 18.2, 25, 30/31, 52, 58, 79, 80,
38) 85), to change over (1: 23), to change round (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

41.2), to change truth value (1: 42), to migrate substitute (1: 51), to transfer (3: 19, 79, 90), to
(1: 3), to reverse (1: 27), to revert (1: 68), to shift transpose (1: 27)
(2: 16, 55), to switch to (1: 48), to vary (1: 27) metatithesthai to be transferred (1: 97.1), to
metaplasis reconfiguration (1: 79), reshaping (1: 92.2) change one’s mind (1: 97.1), to change position
metaplasmos reshaping (1: 79) (1: 50), to transpose (1: 93); topikôs
metaplattein to change (1: 23), to mould (1: 97.2), to metatithenai to transmigrate (1: 97.1)
remodel (2: 48, 80), to reshape (1: 79), to metatrepesthai to turn aside from (1: 34/35.1)
transform (1: 92.2) metaxu between (25: 3, 10.2, 11, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21,
metapoiein to change into (1: 97.1), to lay claim to (1: 28.1, 52, 53, 54, 55, 60, 64, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83,
61), to make a change (1: 97.2), to make over (1: 86.1, 91, 93, 99), in between (15: 3, 19, 25, 28.1,
95), to remodel (1: 97.2) 53, 57, 60, 67, 75, 76, 85, 91, 93, 94, 99), in the
metapoieisthai to lay claim to (1: 35.2), to middle (5: 20, 28.1, 53, 99, 75), intermediate (23:
transform (1: 97.2) 2, 4, 12, 16, 18.2, 20, 21, 24, 32, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57,
metaptôsis change (1: 30/31), change in truth value (1: 60, 64, 66, 76, 83, 85, 91, 93, 99), intermediate
42), shift (1: 55) between (4: 4, 67, 78, 79), intervening (7: 21, 25,
metaptôtos liable to change (1: 48) 52, 53, 54, 86.1, 91), intervening space (1: 53),
metarrhein to flow this way and that (1: 21), to move meanwhile (1: 3), the thing between (1: 28.1),
back and forth (1: 68) within (1: 52)
metarrhusis flowing this way and that (1: 21) to metaxu between (1: 27), gap (1: 28.1), in
metarrhuthmizein to reshape (1: 79), to change (1: 23), between (1: 27), intermediary (1: 25),
to restructure (1: 89) intermediate (8: 10.1, 16, 22, 27, 28.2, 44, 78, 79),
metarrhuthmizesthai to transpose (1: 17) intermediate between (1: 16), intermediate
metaskeuazein to convert into (1: 97.1), to transform stage (1: 10.1), interval (2: 21, 53), interval
(2: 80, 97.2) between (1: 53), intervening (1: 27), medium (8:
metaskhêmatisis change of shape (2: 76, 92.2), 18.2, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 54, 57, 91), middle
reshaping (2: 19, 79), restructuring (1: 89) (1: 18.2), something in between (1: 92.1), that
metaskhêmatismos change in grammatical form (1: which is intermediate (1: 92.1), the in-between
13), reshaping (2: 23, 79), transformation (2: 51, (1: 92.1), the intermediary (1: 20), the
97.2) intermediate (2: 63, 92.1), the space between (1:
metaskhêmatizein to alter the shape (1: 89), to change 28.1); ta metaxu intermediates (3: 2, 10.2, 15),
(2: 7, 86.2), to change grammatical form (1: 13), preceding the final (1: 21); metaxu tês
to change shape (3: 38, 76, 92.2), to give shape antiphaseôs intermediate between
to (1: 92.2), to reschematize (1: 65), to re-shape contradictories (1: 16); metaxu tou teleutaiou
(1: 52) within (1: 53); ti tês antiphaseôs metaxu
metaskhematizesthai to be transformed (2: 78, something intermediate between
97.1), to change one’s form (1: 80), to change contradictaries (1: 16)
shape (1: 84), to receive a new figure (1: 48), to metaxulogia digression (1: 34/35.1), parenthesis (2: 57,
transform (1: 97.2) 67), what has been said in between (1: 34/35.1)
metaskhesis participation (2: 2, 48) meteinai to have a part in (1: 86.1), to have a share (2:
metastasis capacity for change (1: 98), change (3: 48, 55, 27, 38), to partake (1: 86.2)
84), changing place (1: 91), exchange (1: 18.2), metekhein to consist of (1: 25), to contain (1: 22), to
exchange of places (1: 42), replacement (1: 94), exemplify (1: 22), to have (1: 79), to have a part
repositioning (2: 28.2, 75), shift (2: 80, 91), in (1: 40), to have a part of (1: 40), to have a
shifting (1: 14), shifting nature (1: 97.1), share (3: 28.2, 44, 47), to have a share in (6: 52,
transformation (1: 99), transition (3: 22, 28.2, 44) 59, 61, 67, 91, 99), to have a share of (3: 52, 76,
metastrephein to change (1: 6.1) 85), to have part in (1: 85), to include (1: 22), to
metasuntithenai : metasuntithemenos combined partake (18: 3, 16, 17, 19, 22, 27, 28.1, 39, 41.1,
together (1: 79) 44, 47, 58, 59, 60, 76, 85, 86.1, 88), to partake in
metataxis arrangement (1: 32) (2: 61, 67), to partake of (12: 1, 6.2, 7, 11, 19, 20,
metathesis amendment (1: 86.2), change (2: 35.2, 80), 38, 40, 48, 70, 92.1, 99), to participate (25: 2, 9,
change of position (2: 15, 80), changing (2: 23, 10.1, 13, 15, 18.2, 21, 22, 26, 28.1, 32, 36, 39, 41.1,
72), permutation (1: 9), position (1: 32), reversal 41.2, 44, 47, 51, 53, 58, 63, 66, 76, 86.2, 99), to
(1: 58), substitution (2: 23, 59), transposition (8: participate in (13: 7, 11, 40, 42, 58, 61, 67, 70, 72,
12, 16, 35.2, 39, 65, 85, 89, 92.1) 73, 80, 83, 87), to possess (1: 44), to possess part
metatithenai to alter (1: 59), to change (3: 21, 59, 97.1), (1: 12), to receive (1: 58), to share (7: 10.2, 18.2,
to displace (1: 54), to interchange (1: 30/31), to 27, 28.1, 28.2, 44, 58), to share in (16: 2, 4, 22, 25,
move (1: 80), to move around (1: 86.1), to put 52, 58, 59, 61, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 89, 90), to
(1: 80), to rearrange (1: 25), to reverse (1: 48), to take part in (1: 61)


metekhomenos participated (1: 36); to methepein to follow (1: 57)

metekhomenon what is shared (1: 23); methexis partaking (2: 44, 85), participation (28: 2, 7,
aisthêseôs metekhôn sentient (1: 59) 10.2, 11, 14, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 39, 41.1,
metempiptein to come to occupy (successively) (1: 94), 41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 66, 70, 79,
to enter into (1: 94), to replace each other (1: 83, 92.2, 100), relationship (1: 44), share (1:
94) 86.1), sharing (1: 56)
metempsukhôsis metempsychosis (2: 37, 91) methienai to set free (1: 19)
metensômatôsis reincarnation (1: 97.2) methistanai to cause to depart from (1: 59), to cause to
meteôrizein to cause to rise up (1: 61), to lift (1: 97.1), move (1: 59), to change (3: 51, 67, 79), to change
to raise (3: 20, 83, 97.1), to raise to a height (1: position (3: 54, 55, 83), to convert (2: 52, 91), to
95), to raise up (1: 55), to raise up high (2: 54, depart (1: 17), to exchange (1: 98), to exchange
55), to throw up (1: 61) place (1: 11), to give way (1: 98), to go over (1:
meteôrologia treatise on the heavens (1: 85) 17), to make to pass (1: 56), to move aside (1:
meteôrologikos of meteorology (1: 88) 11), to occupy different places (1: 22), to pass (1:
hê meteôrologikê meteorology (1: 24); 80), to pass over into (1: 80), to remove (1: 68),
meteôrologikê pragmateia the work on to shift (1: 68), to shift position (1: 44), to
meteorology (1: 88); to meteôrologikon meros transform (1: 44), to transmute (1: 22), to
tes phusikes methodou meteorology (1: 88) transpose (1: 27), to turn (1: 27)
meteôrologos observer of the heavens (1: 72) methistasthai to alter (1: 14), to be displaced (1:
meteôros aloft (3: 6.1, 63, 88), from some height (1: 57), to be removed (2: 21, 52), to be
29.1), high (3: 54, 55, 84), high above (1: 95), repositioned (1: 50), to cease from (1: 91), to
high up in the sky (1: 61), in the atmosphere (1: change (7: 2, 14, 39, 58, 59, 80, 99), to change
63), in the higher region of the atmosphere (1: around (1: 85), to change place (3: 25, 28.2, 91),
61), in the higher regions (1: 88), in the higher to change places (1: 94), to change position (7:
sphere (1: 88), in the sky (1: 54), in the upper 25, 48, 50, 52, 58, 80, 94), to change place (1: 25),
regions (1: 88), meteorological (1: 88), mid-air to change position (1: 25), to exchange (1: 14),
(1: 20), up in the sky (1: 95) to move (4: 14, 58, 61, 80), to move away from
to meteôron the sky (1: 95), things in the sky (1: (1: 94), to pass (1: 58), to reposition (1: 50), to
95); ta meteôra atmospherical phenomena (1: shift (2: 14, 91), to take on (1: 59), to turn from
76), meteorology (1: 88), the sky (1: 95), things (1: 44), to undergo transformation (1: 75);
in the air (1: 95), things in the sky (1: 95); en methistasthai eis to vary (1: 14)
meteôrôi aloft (1: 20) methistanein to displace (1: 88)
meteôroskopos meteoroscope (1: 55) methodeuein to conduct (1: 48), to construct (1: 92.1)
mêtêr mother (5: 15, 56, 60, 86.1, 93) methodos approach (1: 99), discipline (2: 63, 78),
meterkhesthai to go away (1: 52), to go on (1: 2), to go inquiry (2: 26, 69), investigation (3: 69, 80, 90),
on to (1: 17), to make a transition (2: 25, 75), to method (34: 1, 2, 3, 6.2, 7, 9, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 40,
move (1: 10.2), to move from (1: 59), to move 42, 44, 51, 55, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73,
on from (1: 44), to move on to (1: 93), to move 74, 76, 77, 80, 88, 94, 95, 99), methodical inquiry
to (1: 59), to pass (1: 60), to pass on (1: 90), to (1: 69), methodology (1: 58), mode (1: 58),
proceed (1: 19), to pursue (5: 2, 25, 51, 84, 93), procedure (4: 35.2, 75, 89, 90), research (1: 88),
to shift (1: 3) rule (1: 59), science (1: 73), scientific discipline
to turn to (1: 99) (1: 10.1), systematic procedure (1: 60),
metharmozein / metharmottein to adapt (1: 67), to technique (2: 58, 59)
adapt accordingly (1: 61), to amend (1: 20), to hê diairetikê methodos method of division (1: 40);
apply (1: 29.1), to change (2: 86.2, 97.2), to sullogistikê methodos syllogistic procedure (1:
retune (1: 17) 40)
methê drunkenness (5: 4, 19, 34/35.1, 67, 90), strong methorios buffer (1: 23)
drink (1: 97.1) methorion border area (2: 25, 75), borderline (1:
en methais drunk (1: 28.2) 56), boundary (1: 12), boundary zone (1: 12)
methektikos participant (1: 94), receptive (1: 60), methuein to be drunk (7: 4, 19, 25, 28.2, 61, 84, 91)
taking part in (1: 67), that partakes (1: 60) methuparkhein to exist after (1: 54), to exist afterwards
to methektikon that which participates (1: 14) (1: 42)
methektos applied (1: 14), capable of being methuskein to intoxicate (1: 24)
participated in (1: 2), participable (1: 48), methuskesthai to get drunk (1: 90)
participated (2: 14, 36), that is partaken of (1: 7) metienai to go on (1: 21), to go onto (1: 88), to go over
methêmerinos day (1: 38), daylight (1: 28.2), of day (1: to (1: 98), to investigate (1: 83), to move on (2:
38) 93, 99), to move over (1: 60), to pass on (2: 88,
methêmerinon (phôs) of mid-day (1: 52) 90), to pass over (1: 99), to practise (1: 98), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

proceed (3: 10.2, 16, 40), to pursue (4: 4, 16, 83, factor (1: 2), length (1: 86.1), limit (1: 80),
86.2), to set out (to do something) (1: 42), to limited (1: 97.1), measure (46: 1, 3, 4, 6.1, 10.2,
turn (2: 83, 99), to turn to (2: 55, 78) 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 41.1, 41.2, 42,
metiteon to skip straight to (1: 59); metienai epi to 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59,
pursue (1: 40), to turn to (1: 79) 60, 67, 69, 70, 73, 75, 78, 83, 85, 86.2, 90, 92.2, 94,
mêtis shrewdness (1: 34/35.1), skill (1: 85) 97.1, 97.2, 100), measurement (2: 55, 60),
metoikizein to emigrate (1: 97.1) measuring (1: 60), meter (3: 23, 35.2, 57),
metokhê participation (8: 2, 5, 13, 22, 39, 44, 48, 84), moderation (1: 4), portion (1: 94), proportion
participle (3: 23, 35.2, 51) (1: 72), size (2: 28.1, 59), standard (3: 22, 28.2,
metokhos partaking (1: 86.1), sharing in (2: 25, 78), 73), unit of measurement (1: 2), volume (1: 94)
that involves (1: 86.1) metrôi limited (1: 97.1); kata metra proportionally
metonomasia change of name (1: 21) (1: 28.2)
metônumos metonymous (1: 72) miainein to pollute (1: 25)
metopôrinos autumn (1: 21) migma mixture (16: 2, 20, 22, 24, 38, 41.1, 42, 44, 52, 55,
metopôron autumn (4: 21, 54, 61, 95), fall (1: 88) 60, 75, 78, 85, 89, 99), product of a mixture (1:
metousia participation (7: 2, 10.2, 23, 39, 41.2, 48, 100), 16)
presence (1: 22), shared presence (1: 48), to pan migma universal mixture (1: 44)
sharing in (1: 52) mikromereia state of consisting of fine particles
metousios sub-real (1: 34/35.1) (1: 61)
mêtra uterus (1: 61), womb (4: 56, 80, 86.1, 97.2) mikromerês consisting of small parts (1: 61), having
metrein to instil measure (1: 45/46), to measure (32: 2, small parts (2: 78, 79), with very small parts (1:
3, 6.1, 7, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 25, 27, 42, 43.2, 98)
43.3, 45/46, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 69, 70, mikroprepeia niggardliness (1: 69)
73, 75, 83, 88, 90, 91), to moderate (2: 4, 19) mikroprepês niggardly (1: 69)
metreisthai to moderate (1: 19), to be measured (2: mikropsukhia diffidence (1: 69)
45/46, 64), to be moderated (1: 25); mikropsukhos diffident (1: 69)
metroumenos measurable (1: 27); mikros little (4: 20, 54, 55, 86.1), minor (1: 86.1), slight
memetrêmenos measured (1: 45/46), moderate (1: 25), small (18: 7, 10.2, 12, 14, 16, 18.2, 20, 21,
(1: 43.3) 25, 38, 52, 55, 57, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83)
metrêsis measurement (2: 3, 41.2) to mikron for a short time (1: 86.1), smallness (1:
metrêtikos capable of measuring (1: 61), for measuring 12); kata mikron little by little (1: 38); para
(1: 11), measuring (3: 11, 14, 83), that measures mikron gradual (1: 21); ou para mikron not
(1: 42), that serves as a measure (1: 73) insignificant (1: 25); pros mikron gradually (1:
metrêtikos (einai) the measure of (1: 58), to 21); mikrôi prosthen a little before (1: 86.1);
measure (1: 18.2); pêkhus metrêtikos mikros kosmos microcosm (1: 75)
yard-measure (1: 11) mikrotês being small (1: 28.2), littleness (1: 57),
metrêtos measurable (2: 14, 41.2), thing that is shortness (1: 14), smallness (9: 12, 14, 38, 42, 52,
measured (1: 42) 55, 75, 78, 79), softness (1: 91)
to metrêton measured (1: 41.2) miktos blended (1: 17), combined (1: 42), composed (1:
metriazein to be moderate (1: 88), to do something out 24), composite (2: 1, 54), compound (1: 24),
of modesty (1: 88), to moderate (1: 45/46) compounded (2: 1, 93), mixable (1: 38), mixed
metrikos metric (1: 41.2) (22: 4, 12, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38,
mêtrikos maternal (1: 70), mother’s (1: 86.1) 39, 47, 52, 53, 61, 64, 67, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85), that
metriopatheia moderate emotional state (1: 45/46) can be mixed (1: 91), combination (1: 67)
metriopathein to have moderate feeling (1: 45/46) to mikton with a combination (1: 42), mixture (1:
metriophrosunê moderation (1: 45/46) 24); miktê (kinêsis) ‘a combination’ (1: 11)
metrios appropriate (1: 67), measured (1: 69), mimeisthai to copy (1: 22), to imitate (30: 2, 4, 11, 15,
moderate (8: 42, 43.2, 45/46, 51, 67, 69, 88, 97.1), 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28.2, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57,
reasonable (1: 83) 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 76, 83, 88, 89, 91), to
metriôs adequately (1: 80), feebly (1: 27), in a mimic (1: 76), to play (as an actor) (1: 86.1), to
limited way (1: 25), reasonably (1: 79), portray (1: 69), to represent (2: 69, 89)
sufficiently (1: 68); metriôteros more moderate mimêma copy (1: 70), imitation (7: 16, 20, 61, 68, 70,
(1: 16); to metrion due measure (1: 57), 72, 80), mimicry (1: 57), representation (2: 15,
proportion (1: 69) 56)
metriotês measuredness (1: 78), moderation (1: 45/46) mimêsis imitating (1: 34/35.1), imitation (8: 2, 21, 56,
metron bound (1: 22), bounds (1: 20), bulk (1: 94), 57, 68, 72, 83, 97.2), likeness (1: 22)
degree (3: 22, 28.2, 57), dimension (1: 50), due mimêtês imitator (1: 72)
measure (1: 19), due size (1: 99), extent (1: 67), mimêtikos : mimêtikôtatos very imitative (1: 72)


mimnêskein to call to mind (1: 44), to make mention moikhos adulterer (3: 65, 80, 97.1)
(1: 86.2), to make mention of (1: 17), to moira apportionment (1: 25), condition (1: 54), degree
mention (9: 4, 17, 42, 51, 57, 64, 65, 73, 90), to (5: 27, 54, 55, 68, 86.2), destined (1: 52), destiny
recall (5: 22, 25, 44, 75, 83), to record (1: 97.1), (1: 52), dispensation (1: 69), fate (5: 54, 72, 83, 85,
to refer (1: 44), to remind (1: 86.2) 86.2), lot (2: 67, 68), part (5: 54, 61, 67, 86.1, 97.2),
mimnêskesthai to attend to (1: 10.2), to bring up piece (1: 97.2), portion (7: 1, 39, 55, 67, 83, 85,
(2: 80, 86.1), to make mention of (1: 80), to 97.2), section (1: 3), share (5: 12, 67, 69, 85, 98)
mention (7: 10.2, 16, 20, 25, 80, 93, 94), to recall moiraios of the Fates (1: 86.2)
(1: 54), to remember (3: 19, 25, 75); moirêtos fatal (1: 23)
memnêsthai to refer to (1: 99), to remember (2: moiriaios of one degree (1: 55)
22, 97.1); memnêmenos endowed with mokhleia dislodgement (1: 61), lever (1: 67), leverage
memory (1: 2); to mimnêskein remembering (2: 42, 67), levering (1: 78)
(1: 23) mokhlos crowbar (1: 34/35.1), lever (4: 28.2, 42, 75, 99)
misanthrôpos misanthropic (1: 23) mokhthêria depravity (2: 15, 37), faultiness (1: 75),
misautia self-hate (1: 43.3) villainousness (1: 57), wickedness (4: 4, 43.2,
misein to hate (8: 4, 22, 25, 43.2, 52, 86.2, 91, 99) 43.3, 69)
misêtos hateful (1: 4) mokhthêros bad (4: 4, 19, 52, 61), defective (1: 65),
miskhos stalk (1: 86.1) depraved (1: 15), in bad condition (1: 52),
misthos fee (1: 43.2), reward (1: 52), wage (1: 43.2) invalid (1: 48), unhealthy (1: 61), vicious (3: 16,
mixis admixture (7: 12, 18.2, 21, 24, 27, 41.2, 52), 35.2, 56), wicked (5: 4, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69)
combination (1: 42), coming together (1: 32), molibdis lead ball (1: 54), leaden weight (1: 98)
intercourse (2: 37, 80), involvement (1: 22), molis barely (1: 20), faintly (1: 11), scarcely (2: 11, 28.2)
mingling (1: 7), mixing (8: 21, 22, 32, 33, 37, 52, môlôps weal (3: 28.2, 60, 99), welt (1: 99)
60, 80), mixture (33: 1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 16, 18.2, 21, 22, môlu moly (1: 51)
24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 38, 39, 44, 52, 55, 61, molubdos / molibdos lead (9: 6.1, 18.2, 21, 24, 52, 57,
64, 65, 67, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 91, 97.2), sex 79, 88, 98)
(2: 61, 80), sexual act (1: 80), sexual intercourse molunein to simmer (1: 24)
(1: 80) molunsis / molusis simmering (2: 21, 24)
tekhnêtê mixis artisan’s mixture (1: 60) monadikos abstract (made up of ideal units) (1: 14),
mna hundred drachmas (1: 21), mina (2: 21, 93) individual (1: 93), monadic (5: 22, 44, 50, 51,
mnaïaios weighing a mina (1: 79) 74), singular (1: 23), unique (2: 7, 73), unitary
mneia memory (1: 43.2), mention (1: 17) (4: 10.2, 41.2, 44, 48)
mnêmê memorial (1: 43.3), memory (22: 2, 7, 16, 19, monadikôs singularly (1: 23), unit-like (1: 25)
22, 25, 27, 28.2, 36, 38, 40, 42, 48, 52, 60, 67, 73, monakhos to have a single sense (1: 59)
77, 86.1, 91, 97.1, 100), mention (4: 28.2, 56, 72, monakhôs in a single way (1: 61), in one manner
78), recollection (2: 43.2, 43.3), record (3: 54, 83, only (1: 10.2), in one sense (3: 10.2, 48, 85), in
85), reference (2: 54, 85), remembering (2: 27, one way (4: 17, 70, 78, 85), in one way only (1:
86.1) 55), one-sidedly (1: 16), only in one way (2: 64,
mnêmên poieisthai to call to mind (1: 27), to 65), singly (1: 70); monakhôs legesthai to be
mention (2: 42, 90) said in one way (1: 89), uniquely (1: 76)
mnêmoneuein to allude to (2: 48, 99), to call attention monakhou in one place (1: 20)
(1: 54), to call to mind (1: 55), to cite (1: 10.2), monarkhia monarchy (3: 43.2, 97.1, 97.2)
to hint at (1: 48), to make reference (1: 44), to monas individual (1: 11), monad (27: 1, 7, 11, 13, 18.2,
mention (19: 2, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 24, 35.2, 38, 40, 20, 22, 41.2, 44, 45/46, 51, 54, 55, 61, 63, 67, 70,
41.1, 42, 48, 51, 52, 55, 78, 83, 85, 99), to recall 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 92.1, 97.1, 97.2, 98),
(4: 27, 40, 42, 44), to recollect (1: 27), to record number (1: 22), one (5: 27, 78, 79, 87, 93), single
(1: 85), to refer (2: 54, 55), to refer to (2: 2, 85), instance (1: 20), unit (30: 2, 3, 10.2, 11, 14, 15,
to remark (2: 21, 40), to remember (5: 2, 25, 52, 19, 21, 22, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.3, 44,
67, 91), to review (1: 48), to think of (1: 83), to 50, 56, 58, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 87, 89, 90, 93, 98),
treat of (1: 2) unitary thing (1: 78)
mnêmoneutikos that involves memory (1: 22) pasa pollê monas every additional unit (1: 10.2)
to mnêmoneutikon faculty of memory (1: 67) monê changelessness (1: 27), constancy (1: 61),
mnêmonikos having a good memory (1: 61), permanence (3: 20, 21, 100), persistence (1: 99),
mnemonic (1: 34/35.1), using a mnemonic quiescence (1: 22), remaining (5: 27, 38, 54, 55,
system (1: 34/35.1) 100), remaining fixed (2: 54, 55), rest (13: 18.2,
mogis with difficulty (1: 79) 22, 27, 44, 47, 53, 54, 55, 60, 78, 79, 83, 95),
moikheia adultery (3: 4, 80, 97.1) resting (2: 54, 55), stability (3: 50, 75, 89), state
moikheuein to commit adultery (1: 4) of rest (2: 38, 67)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

monimos enduring (2: 22, 79), immobile (1: 34/35.1), 20, 67); kata moria by individual parts (1: 67),
lasting (1: 83), permanent (3: 7, 70, 100), in respect of parts (1: 67), negative particle (1:
persistent (1: 26), persisting (1: 42), remaining 35.2), part by part (1: 67); arnêtikon morion
(1: 22), stable (11: 4, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 44, 48, 54, negative particle (1: 35.2); hêgemon morion
55, 83, 92.2), stationary (2: 25, 86.1), steady (1: hegemonic part (1: 55); morion diareseôs limb
79), unchanging (1: 22) of a classification (1: 76); morion enantiôseôs
monimôs firmly (1: 22), unchangingly (1: 22), member of a contradictory pair (1: 64); morion
unvarying (1: 22); to monimon persistence (1: tês antiphaseôs limb of a contrariety (1: 76),
42), stability (1: 22), steadfastness (1: 97.2) member of a contradiction (1: 16), one of a
monimotês remaining (1: 100), stability (1: 22) contradictory pair (1: 40), part of the
monobiblon monograph (1: 73) contradiction (1: 40); to heteron morion the
monoeidês (of) a single substance (1: 94), having one other side (1: 10.2)
form (1: 61), having one species (1: 39), of a morios mortal (1: 23)
single kind (2: 4, 83), of one kind (1: 28.1), one mormoluttein to raise bogies (1: 97.1)
in form (1: 26), one in kind (1: 2), simple (2: 39, moros fair share (1: 86.2)
70), single in form (2: 47, 48), uniform (7: 7, 20, morphê contour (1: 91), figure (4: 17, 19, 75, 76), form
28.1, 39, 51, 83, 97.2), unique in form (1: 41.2) (18: 7, 14, 15, 24, 27, 32, 39, 41.1, 44, 48, 60, 63,
monoeidôs in its uniform aspect (1: 51), uniformly 69, 70, 76, 79, 94, 97.1), outer appearance (1: 94),
(1: 28.1); kata to monoeides unitary (1: 11) outline (1: 17), physical shape (1: 89), shape (35:
monogenês one of a kind (1: 68), the only member of 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28.1, 32, 34/35.1,
its kind (1: 68), unique (4: 54, 58, 85, 97.2) 35.2, 39, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, 52, 56, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66,
monoguios consisting of a single limb (1: 78) 70, 76, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 89, 94, 97.1, 100),
monolêmmatos single-assumption (1: 9), with a single structure (2: 25, 50)
assumption (1: 40) morphesthai to be endowed with form (1: 86.2)
monomakhein to engage in single combat (2: 35.2, 40) morphôma shape (1: 48), shaping (1: 70)
monopôlos who drives (horses) alone (1: 95) morphôtikos constitutive (1: 41.1), formative (1: 48),
monoptôtos indeclinable (1: 13) having shape (1: 28.1), imparting shape (1: 36),
ta monoptôta indeclinable nouns (1: 13), literal-minded (1: 70), of shape (1: 36), pictorial
indeclinables (1: 51) (1: 22)
monos alone (5: 15, 16, 83, 85, 92.1), isolated (1: 4), just morphôtikôs by way of shape (1: 34/35.1), in a way
(2: 76, 92.1), on one’s own (1: 92.1), only (10: 7, involving shape (1: 36), in the mode of shape (1:
15, 16, 19, 20, 76, 78, 79, 83, 92.1), pre-eminently 70), shape-giving (1: 51)
(1: 14) morphoun to form (1: 80), to give a figure (1: 17), to
monon just (1: 92.1), only (3: 16, 20, 51), unique (1: give shape (4: 28.1, 41.2, 54, 100), to give shape
41.2); monôs exclusively (2: 16, 51), only (6: 14, to (1: 70), to impose structure (1: 25), to shape
17, 19, 20, 60, 92.1), simply (1: 14), the only way (3: 48, 68, 95)
(1: 16); monôs kai telôs uniquely (1: 86.1) morphousthai to be shaped (2: 36, 76), to be given
monôsis uniqueness (1: 41.2) shape (1: 78), to have a shape (1: 44), to receive
monotês uniqueness (1: 15) shape (1: 84), to shape (1: 97.2)
monotropos one-dimensional (1: 86.2) morukhos imprecise (1: 2), obscure (1: 2)
monoun to isolate (1: 38) mounogenês unique (1: 85), with a single origin (1: 85)
monozux : monozux hippos solitary steed (1: 35.2) mousa sense of style (1: 86.2)
morion arm of a classification (1: 63), bit (1: 76), bodily mouseios : ta mouseia haunts of the Muses (1: 97.1),
part (3: 61, 67, 99), fraction (1: 73), limb (1: 51), tune (1: 86.2)
limb of a classification (1: 63), member (3: 16, mousikos cultured (6: 26, 60, 64, 65, 79, 93), educated
65, 73), member of a contradiction (1: 90), part (3: 48, 75, 89), musical (24: 7, 10.2, 12, 13, 15, 16,
(61: 1, 2, 4, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 27, 28.2, 40, 51, 52, 57, 63, 64, 67, 74, 76, 83, 85,
19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 33, 86.1, 89, 90, 92.2, 93), of a musical nature (1:
39, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 63, 97.1), of music (3: 10.2, 40, 93), the musical (1:
64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 15)
89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100), particle (8: 7, 23, mousikôs for music (1: 40); ho mousikos expert in
28.1, 39, 53, 65, 66, 90), piece (5: 47, 55, 68, 76, music (1: 89), musical person (1: 76), musician
79), portion (19: 3, 10.2, 14, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, (10: 16, 23, 27, 28.2, 52, 56, 59, 61, 76, 90, 97?; hê
22, 68, 69, 74, 78, 79, 80, 83, 90, 94, 99), section mousikê art of music (2: 13, 52), culture (2: 64,
(1: 17), sector (1: 76), small part (1: 99), subpart 65), music (17: 7, 10.2, 16, 19, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 40,
(1: 9), the other side (1: 10.2) 48, 51, 52, 67, 73, 76, 90, 93, 97.1), musical
kata morion according to a part (1: 99), according education (1: 76), musical theory (1: 90),
to some part (1: 99), in part (1: 75), partially (2: musicality (1: 76), music (1: 64); to mousikon a


topic in music (1: 90); ta mousika musical murmex ant (8: 95, 20, 25, 34/35.1, 56, 57, 59, 87)
theory (1: 90); tekhnê mousikê music (1: 51) muron perfume (1: 38)
muein to close one’s eyes (1: 29.1), to close shut (1: 91), mus mouse (1: 23), muscle (3: 34/35.1, 57, 91)
to have one’s eyes shut (1: 57), to shut (1: 24), to mustagôgos initiate (1: 97.1), interpreter (2: 97.1, 97.2),
shut the eyes (1: 38), to shut one’s eyes (1: 57) mystagogue (1: 97.1)
muôn with eyes shut (1: 56); muein ophthalmous mustêrion mystery (1: 72)
have one’s eyes shut (1: 34/35.1) mustês initiate (1: 72)
muelos marrow (3: 24, 32, 60) mustikos mystical (1: 72)
muêsis initiation (1: 72) mutheuein to say in a myth (1: 95)
muia fly (3: 25, 57, 86.1), winged insect (3: 34/35.1, 56, mutheuesthai to be mythical (1: 84);
57) mutheuomenos fabulous (1: 80)
mukasthai to bellow (1: 86.2) muthikos mythical (7: 22, 51, 54, 55, 79, 85, 88)
ho mukômenos one who moos (1: 72) muthikôs in mythic form (1: 10.2), mythically (1:
mukês snuffed wick (1: 57) 22)
mukêthmos lowing (1: 23), roaring (1: 88) muthôdês fabulous (1: 95), mythical (1: 67)
mukonos mush (1: 84) muthôdôs like a fairy-tale (1: 52); to muthôdes an
muktêr nostril (3: 25, 34/35.1, 57) element of fairy tale (1: 95)
mulê millstone (in a handmill) (1: 19) muthologein to relate a myth (1: 97.1), to tell mythical
muloeidês millstone-like (1: 60) stories (1: 67), to tell stories (2: 4, 86.2), to tell
mulos millstone (1: 19), mole (1: 86.1) tall stories (1: 97.2), to turn out stories (1: 97.1)
muôpizein to stimulate (2: 38, 52) muthologia fable (1: 97.1), fictional nature of an
murepsikê scent-making (1: 34/35.1) account (1: 97.1), mythological account (1: 95),
muriakis numerous (1: 61), ten thousand times (3: 7, story-telling (1: 86.2)
23, 42) muthoplastein to make up a fable (1: 97.2)
murias myriad (1: 67), ten thousand (2: 20, 83) muthoplastês myth-maker (1: 72)
murioplasiôn tenthousandfold (1: 20) muthos account (1: 85), fable (2: 97.1, 97.2), fiction (1:
murioplasios ten thousand times as much (1: 83) 80), myth (14: 2, 10.2, 22, 51, 54, 55, 61, 67, 72,
murios countless (3: 20, 80, 93), multitude (1: 83), 78, 79, 80, 86.2, 95)
numerous (1: 67), ten thousand (5: 6.1, 20, 80, dia muthôn by way of myths (1: 10.2); poiêtikos
83, 98), thousands (1: 86.1), very many (1: 86.1) muthos poetic myth (1: 67), story (3: 56, 68,
murioi myriad (1: 16) 86.1); tou muthou plasis story-line (1: 86.2)
muriostos ten-thousandth (1: 19) muxa mucous discharge (1: 57)


naiein to dwell (1: 51) nemesan to take offence (1: 84)

nama fluid (1: 10.2) nemesis indignation (1: 69)
nanos dwarf (1: 41.2) nênemia absence of wind (1: 61), calm (1: 25), calm
naos temple (3: 25, 38, 83) weather (1: 95), stillness of wind (1: 40),
naphthas naphtha (1: 86.1) tranquillity (1: 25), windless day (1: 57)
narkan to be numbed (1: 54) neodreptos newly pounded (1: 57)
narkê sting ray (1: 54), torpedo-fish (1: 88) neogenês new-born (3: 27, 30/31, 84)
narthêx stick (1: 86.1) neognos new-born (2: 38, 56)
nastos close-pressed (1: 95), full (1: 6.1), solid (1: 84) neôlkein to haul (a ship) (1: 19), to haul ship up on
nastotês density (1: 22), firmness (1: 94), solidity (4: 2, land (1: 21)
78, 79, 94), substance (1: 94) neôlkia beaching (of a ship) (1: 75), hauling a ship (1:
nattein : plêrês kai nenagmenos chock-full (1: 86.1) 99), hauling of a ship (1: 99)
nauagious steersman (1: 68) neôlkos ship-hauler (2: 19, 99)
naumakhia seafight (2: 30/31, 35.2) neos modern (1: 44), new (2: 51, 83), recent (1: 19),
naupêgein : to naupêgein shipmaking (1: 68) young (5: 4, 19, 25, 57, 83)
naupêgos shipbuilder (3: 61, 84, 86.1), shipmaker (1: neôteros later (1: 55), younger (1: 51); hoi neôteroi
68), shipwright (3: 58, 59, 80) more recent thinkers (4: 64, 65, 78, 79)
naus boat (5: 22, 23, 27, 54, 93), ship (18: 4, 17, 19, 22, neôs temple (1: 91)
23, 25, 27, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, 78, 80, 83, 86.1, 91, neotelês pristine (1: 97.1)
99) neôteropoiein to come up with a newfangled proposal
nautês sailor (2: 90, 98) (1: 97.1)
nautia nausea (1: 86.1), to be nauseated (1: 25), to be neotês youth (2: 38, 91)
nauseous (1: 86.1) neottia nest (1: 23)
nautikos nautical (1: 90) nêphein to be sober (4: 19, 25, 84, 91)
neanieuesthai to act childishly (1: 83), to boast (1: 99), nephelê cloud (2: 54, 85)
to brag childishly (1: 83), to rashly devise (1: 89) nephos cloud (16: 2, 21, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 38, 54, 55,
nearos fresh (1: 54), young (1: 84) 57, 58, 60, 79, 85, 88, 95), mist (1: 85)
neatos shortest (1: 17) nephros kidney (1: 27)
hê neatê bottom string (of a lyre) (1: 57) nêpiazein to be an infant (1: 86.1)
neazein to be renewed (1: 83) nêpios infant (2: 25, 86.1)
neikos strife (20: 10.2, 16, 20, 22, 26, 30/31, 44, 55, 60, nêpiotês infancy (1: 86.1)
61, 66, 67, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 85, 89, 92.1) nêstis liquid (1: 67)
to neikos mignumenon the admixture of Strife (1: nêtê bottom string (on a lyre) (1: 70), high note (1: 19),
10.2) highest (sound) (1: 27), highest (note of a
Neilôios : Neilôion hibôrion pods of the Nile (a kind musical scale) (1: 59), the highest note (1: 38)
of lotus) (1: 54) neuein to be directed (1: 48), to be inclined (1: 88), to
nêkhesthai to swim (6: 18.2, 57, 59, 67, 83, 98) be inflected (1: 90), to bend (2: 67, 93), to
to nêkhesthai swimming (1: 68) converge (1: 88), to decline (1: 22), to face (1:
nekros dead (7: 11, 19, 23, 25, 35.2, 56, 61), lifeless (1: 26) 55), to hint (1: 88), to incline (6: 4, 20, 22, 41.2,
ho nekros a dead person (1: 24), corpse (8: 15, 19, 55, 56), to incline towards (1: 95), to tend (3: 2,
24, 27, 45/46, 56, 61, 67); to nekron lifeless body 25, 89), to turn (1: 73)
(1: 25); nekron sôma lifeless body (1: 61) neneukenai to face (1: 3), to naturally tend towards
nekroun to deaden (2: 19, 45/46), to make dead (1: 88) (1: 17), to stretch (1: 68); to neuein tendency (1:
nekrôsthai to be turned into a corpse (1: 25); 22); exô neuein stick out (1: 95)
nenekrômenos lifeless (applied to earth) (1: 54) neura bowstring (1: 98), string (of a bow) (1: 98), string
nektar nectar (2: 10.2, 74) (of a lyre) (1: 57)
nemein to attribute (2: 41.2, 69), to bestow (2: 69, 86.2), neuron channel (1: 59), nerve (6: 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 67),
to dispense (1: 68), to distribute (2: 55, 69), to sinew (19: 2, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.2, 30/31,
give (1: 52), to grant (1: 69), to graze (1: 21) 38, 44, 59, 60, 67, 78, 80, 84, 86.1, 91), vein (1:
nemesthai to feed on (1: 38) 44)


neuron optikon optic nerve (1: 57); neuron understands (1: 91); to nooumenon meaning
osphrantikon olfactory nerve (1: 57) (1: 67), object of thinking (1: 67), object of
neurospastein to manipulate like a puppet (1: 86.2) thought (5: 2, 10.1, 15, 28.1, 68), thing known
neurospastikos pulling puppet-strings (1: 52) (1: 10.1), thing that is thought (1: 28.1), thought
neurostrophos tuner of strings (1: 86.1) (2: 28.1, 58), what is thought (1: 75), what is
neusis (< neuein) inclination (4: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 36), understood (1: 91), what thinks (1: 27)
tendency (2: 22, 48) noêma concept (4: 5, 7, 91, 97.1), conceptual content (1:
neusis (< neein) swimming (1: 99) 86.2), first thoughts (1: 100), idea (2: 67, 91),
nêxis swimming (1: 27) insight (1: 91), intellection (2: 68, 72), meaning
nikan to defeat (2: 6.1, 25), to exceed (1: 28.2), to (1: 23), notion (1: 51), object of intellection (1:
overcome (3: 20, 28.2, 95), to triumph over (1: 94), object of thought (1: 2), thinking (1: 85),
25), to win (1: 21) thought (27: 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 22, 23,
nikasthai to be overcome (1: 100) 25, 30/31, 35.2, 39, 43.3, 52, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67,
nikê victory (2: 52, 72) 68, 70, 85, 99, 100)
nitrôdês alkaline (1: 88), carbonated (1: 57) prôton noêma primary thought (1: 61)
to nitrôdês alkali content (1: 88) noeros intellective (14: 11, 14, 22, 26, 28.1, 36, 42, 44,
nitron nitre (1: 57), nitron (1: 24), soda (1: 21), sodium 51, 63, 68, 70, 74, 100), intellectual (20: 22, 23,
carbonate (1: 38) 29.1, 30/31, 39, 43.3, 54, 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 70, 72,
nôdos toothless (2: 7, 27) 74, 78, 83, 85, 93, 97.2), intelligent (2: 23, 67),
nôdotês toothlessness (1: 13) intelligible (3: 26, 30/31, 61), mental (1: 85),
noein to apprehend (2: 58, 59), to apprehend by noetic (1: 41.1), of the mind (1: 58), rational (1:
intellect (1: 40), to assume (1: 80), to cognise (1: 25), thinking (1: 85)
5), to comprehend by the mind (1: 40), to noerôs in an intellective sense (1: 28.1), in an
conceive (17: 7, 14, 18.2, 20, 22, 27, 28.1, 41.1, intellective way (2: 36, 100), intellectively (1:
41.2, 44, 50, 55, 68, 80, 83, 90, 99), to conceive of 22), intellectually (2: 30/31, 42), on an
(3: 58, 60, 93), to consider (6: 27, 39, 68, 69, 98, intellectual level (1: 70), on the intellectual
100), to do (something) in thought (1: 42), to plane (1: 59); to noeron intelligent aspect (1:
exercise intellect (2: 21, 30/31), to formulate (1: 67), thinker (1: 85), what is intelligible (1: 67);
50), to grasp (1: 41.1), to grasp something dunamis noera intellective power (1: 51);
intelligible (1: 28.1), to grasp with intellection noerai phuseis intellectual natures (1: 97.2)
(1: 93), to have an object of thought (1: 22), to noêsis act of intellection (1: 67), act of thinking (3:
have as an object (of intellect) (1: 12), to have in 10.1, 25, 67), act of understanding (1: 91),
mind (2: 17, 22), to indicate (1: 58), to intelligise apprehension (1: 68), concept (1: 58),
(1: 12), to intend (1: 58), to intuit (1: 22), to conception (5: 20, 39, 50, 68, 90),
know (6: 17, 28.1, 58, 59, 61, 83), to mean (2: 59, conceptualisation (1: 20), form of thinking (1:
68), to notice (1: 42), to observe (3: 4, 39, 80), to 100), intellect (4: 21, 44, 61, 85), intellection (11:
perceive (1: 68), to recognise (1: 79), to refer to 5, 21, 22, 28.2, 36, 51, 61, 72, 74, 86.2, 93),
(1: 58), to regard (1: 68), to take (1: 25), to take intelligence (3: 30/31, 63, 85), knowing (1: 23),
note (1: 87), to think (47: 2, 3, 5, 6.2, 10.1, 10.2, knowledge (1: 41.1), mode of thinking (1: 100),
13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, notion (1: 97.1), thinking (15: 3, 19, 22, 25, 27,
35.2, 36, 39, 40, 41.2, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 51, 52, 54, 30/31, 36, 43.2, 52, 61, 67, 74, 89, 91, 100),
56, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 75, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 91, thought (20: 2, 14, 15, 22, 36, 39, 42, 43.3, 44, 48,
94, 99, 100), to think about (1: 59), to think of 56, 58, 59, 67, 68, 70, 83, 85, 91, 100),
(12: 10.2, 12, 16, 18.2, 28.1, 38, 39, 50, 59, 75, 93, understanding (6: 29.1, 67, 68, 83, 85, 92.2)
98), to understand (20: 6.2, 17, 22, 26, 28.1, 28.2, kata tên noêsin cognitive (1: 22); logikê noêsis
42, 43.3, 44, 58, 60, 67, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 91, rational thought (1: 100); noêsin ekhein to
93), to work out (1: 98) understand (1: 68); praktikai noêseis acts of
noeisthai to be an object of intellect (1: 12), to be practical thinking (1: 67); theôrêtikai noêseis
conceived of (1: 10.2), to be had in mind (1: theoretical thoughts (1: 67); to en noêsei the
35.2); noêteon one must consider (1: 68), one conceived (1: 44)
must think (1: 36); to noein intellect (1: 44), noêtikos able to think (2: 52, 75), able to understand (1:
intellection (2: 22, 44), intuitive thinking (1: 61), 91), capable of thinking (1: 100), capable of
thinking (6: 16, 52, 61, 67, 85, 97.1), thought (2: thought (1: 22), having a capacity for thought (1:
21, 52), understanding (1: 91); to noeisthai the 25), having intellect (1: 36), intellective (6: 22,
act of thinking (1: 67), to be thought of (1: 21); 28.1, 28.2, 36, 39, 100), intellective power (1: 100),
ho noôn thinker (1: 10.1); to nooun cognitive intellectual (5: 4, 19, 21, 36, 67), intelligent (1: 52),
power (1: 15), that which thinks (1: 100), of intellection (1: 52), of thinking (1: 52), that
thinker (1: 28.1), thinking (1: 67), what thinks (1: 56), thinking (1: 52), thought (1: 61)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to noêtikon intellectual part (1: 22), the capacity legislation (1: 97.1), prescription (1: 17), rule (2:
for thought (1: 25), the mental sphere (1: 58); ta 84, 97.1), what is customary (1: 30/31)
noêtika intellectual powers (1: 67); noêtikê nomôi by convention (1: 30/31)
psukhê soul that is capable of thinking (1: 100); nomós tune (1: 54)
noêtikôs kineisthai intelligible motion (1: 86.1) nomothesia code of law (1: 52), legislation (1: 45/46)
noêtos accomplished by the intellect (1: 42), nomothetein to decree (1: 84), to lay down the law (1:
apprehended by intellect (1: 59), conceived (1: 40), to legislate (3: 23, 40, 52), to make laws (1:
44), conceptual (1: 18.2), intellective (1: 99), 52), to set down as law (1: 97.2)
intelligible (60: 2, 5, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 15, nomothetês lawgiver (5: 4, 10.1, 72, 97.1, 97.2),
18.2, 20, 22, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 36, 37, 38, 39, legislator (2: 45/46, 97.1)
41.1, 41.2, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 61, nomothetikos legislative (1: 72)
63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, nomotithenai to lay down a rule (1: 93)
85, 86.1, 88, 89, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 99, nônumos nameless (1: 72)
100), knowable (1: 69), mental (1: 85), noetic (1: nosansis sickening (1: 61)
23), that can be understood (1: 91), thinkable nosazesthai to be diseased (1: 27), to be ill (1: 27), to be
(2: 61, 85), thought (1: 28.1), thought of (1: 39), sick (1: 27), to become sick (1: 27), to sicken (1:
understandable (1: 91) 27)
noêtôs intellectually (1: 61), on an intelligible level nosein to be diseased (2: 4, 56), to be ill (7: 7, 27, 52, 60,
(1: 70); to noêton an intelligible (1: 36), 79, 85, 91), to be sick (9: 16, 17, 19, 20, 30/31, 40,
intelligible being (1: 100), intelligible entity (1: 65, 97.1, 99), to become diseased (1: 27), to
58), intelligible object (3: 36, 67, 100), suffer (1: 97.1), to suffer from (1: 2)
intelligible world (1: 44), object of intellect (5: ho nosôn ill person (1: 78)
21, 28.1, 30/31, 44, 56), object of knowledge (1: nosêma disease (1: 97.1), illness (2: 7, 28.2)
100), object of mind (1: 16), object of thinking nosêmatôdês diseased (1: 4)
(1: 100), object of thought (6: 25, 28.1, 36, 58, 67, noseros sick (1: 40), susceptible to illness (1: 79)
100), the intelligible (3: 58, 59, 67), the noetic nosôdês diseased (1: 17), ill (1: 7), morbid (1: 15),
world (1: 97.1), thought (1: 85), thought object sickly (1: 15), unhealthful (1: 65), unhealthy (1:
(1: 100); ta noêta intelligible objects (2: 61, 67), 7)
intelligible things (1: 97.1), intelligibles (2: 97.2, nosopoein to cause sickness (1: 40)
100), objects of intellect (1: 61), objects of nosos disease (15: 2, 4, 12, 15, 22, 25, 27, 30/31, 38, 52,
thinking (1: 67), objects of thought (1: 61); to 56, 57, 61, 67, 97.1), illness (10: 2, 7, 15, 27, 60,
noêtôs in the realm of intellect (1: 28.1); noêtê 78, 79, 86.1, 91, 97.1), sickness (8: 19, 25, 27, 54,
ousia the intelligible mode of being (1: 67) 65, 93, 97.1, 99)
nôman to handle (1: 51) en nosois diseased (1: 28.2)
nomê allocation (1: 38), distribution (1: 4) nôthês dullard (1: 7), dull-witted (1: 61)
nomikos law-based (2: 43.1, 69) notheuein to be spurious (1: 61), to debase (1: 30/31),
nomimos lawful (2: 40, 69), specified by law (1: 43.1) to declare spurious (2: 61, 79), to regard as
to nomimon legality (1: 52); agraphon nomimon spurious (1: 61), to reject (1: 51), to treat as
unwritten law (1: 52) spurious (1: 98)
nomimotês lawfulness (1: 43.3) nothos bastard (5: 12, 20, 25, 76, 93), counterfeit (1: 23),
nomisma coin (5: 23, 43.1, 43.3, 54, 69), currency (1: not genuine (1: 23), spurious (2: 7, 51)
43.2), money (1: 43.3) nôtiaios back (1: 61)
nomizein to acknowledge (1: 54), to be of the opinion notios from the south wind (1: 21), south (6: 6.1, 54, 55,
(1: 99), to believe (14: 3, 17, 19, 25, 28.1, 43.1, 61, 67, 95), southern (3: 54, 90, 95), southward
43.2, 54, 60, 61, 67, 83, 86.1, 98), to claim (1: 94), (1: 55)
to conceive (1: 55), to consider (6: 25, 51, 54, 78, notiôteros more southerly (1: 90); notia southerly
98, 99), to deem (1: 6.2), to envisage (1: 25), to winds (1: 38); ta notia the south (1: 59)
feel (1: 67), to hold a view (1: 67), to maintain nôton back (of a thing) (1: 54)
(1: 89), to practise the law (1: 97.2), to regard (1: notos south (1: 95), south wind (1: 21)
89), to suppose (3: 79, 90, 98), to think (20: 6.2, noumênia the first day of the month (1: 27)
18.2, 20, 21, 26, 28.1, 48, 54, 61, 67, 73, 78, 79, 83, nous (common) sense (2: 58, 59), attention (1: 54),
85, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 99), to understand (1: 54) brain (1: 59), idea (1: 73), intellect (52: 1, 2, 4, 5,
nomizesthai to be supposed (1: 94), to be thought 10.1, 11, 12, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28.1,
to be (1: 94); doxan nomizein to entertain an 28.2, 30/31, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 45/46, 48, 50, 51,
opinion (1: 20) 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 75, 76,
nómos convention (5: 23, 26, 39, 44, 72), custom (3: 17, 77, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 93, 94, 97.1, 99, 100),
45/46, 97.1), law (15: 4, 10.1, 30/31, 40, 43.1, intellection (1: 86.1), intelligence (11: 11, 13, 14,
43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 69, 72, 86.2, 97.1, 97.2, 100), 22, 23, 29.1, 42, 44, 73, 89, 90), intention (1: 58),


intuition (1: 15), meaning (4: 30/31, 67, 87, 94), nuktomakhia battle at night time (1: 97.2)
mind (35: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10.2, 11, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, nuktôr at night (4: 25, 38, 52, 57)
30/31, 35.2, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 50, 52, 58, 59, numphikos nymphic (1: 72)
61, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 85, 90, 92.2, 97.1, 99), nun already (1: 58), as it is (1: 16), at any moment (1:
nous (1: 90), perceptive intuition (1: 2), point (1: 58), at present (1: 59), at the present time (1:
21), reason (2: 10.1, 44), sense (7: 2, 16, 17, 69, 58), at this point (1: 59), currently (1: 59), here
76, 80, 94), sense (of a text) (1: 10.2), thinker (1: (4: 3, 19, 58, 99), in the present case (1: 16), in
85), thought (1: 59), understanding (4: 7, 58, 91, the present context (1: 59), instant (1: 42), just
94), wit (1: 59) (2: 59, 99), now (14: 3, 7, 10.2, 11, 14, 16, 19,
tôi nôi by reasoning (1: 50); huper noun 29.1, 30/31, 58, 59, 91, 93, 99), on this occasion
inconceivable (1: 58); kata noun as one is (1: 59), present (6: 19, 39, 58, 59, 93, 99),
minded (1: 52), in accordance with reason (1: presently (1: 59)
97.1), intellectual (1: 22), intellectually (1: 22); to nun instant (3: 39, 44, 58), moment (2: 58, 99),
dunamis tou nou intellectual faculty (1: 61); the here and now (1: 58), the instant of time (1:
noun ekhein to be reasonable (1: 6.1), to have 25), the now (7: 1, 3, 11, 14, 25, 50, 75), the
sense (1: 68); noun ekhôn having intellect (1: present (4: 7, 15, 28.1, 42), the present instant (2:
40), intelligent (1: 40); nous kath’ hexin 10.2, 39), the present moment (1: 14), the
dispositional intellect (1: 30/31); pathêtikos present time (1: 58); nun de actually (1: 59), as
nous passive intellect (1: 30/31); praktikos it is (1: 59), at present (1: 59), in fact (1: 59),
nous practical intellect (1: 30/31); ton noun instead (1: 58); hoi nun present day thinkers (1:
prosekhein to keep in mind (1: 68), to pay 10.2); en tôi nun instantaneous (1: 39); ho nun
attention (2: 42, 54); theôrêtikos nous khronos the present (1: 7); kata to nun
contemplative intellect (1: 30/31); thurathen instantaneous (1: 39); to en platei nun the now
nous mind from outside (1: 97.1) extended (over time) (1: 25)
nouthetein: noutheteisthai to be admonished (1: 25) nuttein to pierce (1: 52), to stimulate (1: 25)
nukhthêmeron day (1: 7), day-and-night (1: 60), full nuttesthai to point to (1: 55)
day (day and night) (1: 75) nux night (15: 11, 12, 16, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 38, 52, 58,
nukterinos night (1: 84), nocturnal (1: 30/31) 59, 60, 72, 88, 95)
nukteris bat (5: 7, 35.2, 57, 58, 93) nuxis spur (1: 19)


ôdinein to be in labour with (1: 3), to be in the throes 100), proper to (1: 11), proper to one (1: 91),
of childbirth (1: 86.1) properly belonging to (1: 40), proprietary (4:
ôdinesthai to be pregnant (1: 22) 43.1, 69, 75, 89), related (7: 14, 22, 37, 43.1, 43.2,
ôdis labour (1: 86.1), travail (1: 97.1) 43.3, 69), relative (1: 52), relevant (7: 14, 22,
ex ôdinôn proodos delivery (1: 86.1) 43.1, 43.3, 69, 75, 86.2), respective (3: 58, 68, 99),
odontôtos teethed (1: 67) special (2: 44, 85), specific (6: 14, 22, 27, 28.2, 69,
odous tooth (6: 23, 34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 57, 86.1) 100), suited (2: 22, 28.2), that belongs as its own
odunan : odunasthai to feel pain (1: 85) (1: 34/35.1), typical (1: 2)
odunê pain (1: 4) oikeiôs akin to (1: 27), appropriately (10: 22, 28.1,
ôgugios primeval (1: 38) 36, 40, 41.2, 42, 59, 67, 70, 91), as belonging (1:
oiax rudder (1: 91 85), exactly (1: 22), in a way appropriate (1: 42),
oiêsis thinking (1: 23), thought (1: 69) in an appropriate way (1: 28.2), in its proper
oiesthai to believe (10: 2, 18.2, 25, 50, 60, 73, 75, 86.2, sense (1: 28.1), in own way (1: 22), in the
92.1, 99), to imagine (1: 2), to opine (1: 38), to appropriate way (1: 92.1), peculiarly (1: 40),
suppose (1: 90), to think (25: 2, 4, 10.2, 16, 18.2, properly (3: 41.1, 47, 86.1); oikeioteros more
19, 20, 21, 25, 28.1, 38, 43.2, 48, 50, 60, 73, 75, 78, apposite (1: 14), more proper (2: 14, 99), more
79, 83, 86.1, 90, 92.1, 93, 99) relevant (1: 14); oikeiotatos most nearly related
ouk oietai unthinks (1: 16) (1: 14), most proper (1: 16), of immediate
oikein to have one’s abode (1: 57), to live (3: 54, 55, 80) concern (1: 14); oikeios (einai) (+ gen.) to
hê oikoumenê inhabited world (1: 25) concern (someone) (1: 18.2); hoi oikeioi one’s
oikeios akin (7: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 41.2, 52, 57), akin to kin (1: 68), relatives (1: 25); to oikeion affinity
(1: 27), appropriate (51: 2, 4, 9, 10.2, 15, 16, 17, (1: 52), appropriation (1: 52), one’s own
19, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 36, 37, 38, characteristic (1: 36); holotês oikeia whole to
40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, which it belongs (1: 35.2); kata oikeion logon
58, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, in its own right (1: 21); kata tên oikeian ousian
86.1, 86.2, 89, 90, 93, 94, 99), assimilable (1: 25), in their own essence (1: 28.1); oikeios logos
at home with (2: 22, 40), belonging properly (1: own account (1: 91), own definition (1: 91);
56), belonging properly to (1: 34/35.1), oikeioi logoi special discussions (1: 25);
belonging to (3: 25, 27, 85), central (1: 27), oikeion eidos own form (1: 33), proper form (1:
characteristic (6: 2, 14, 43.1, 43.3, 61, 69), 33); oikeios topos proper place (1: 6.1); oikeiôs
characteristic of (2: 41.1, 91), compatible (1: 25), antikeisthai to be the proper opposite (1:
connected with (1: 28.1), corresponding (2: 16, 30/31); oikeiôs ekhein to have affinity (1: 52),
36), germane (3: 19, 20, 57), having affinity (1: to have an affinity (1: 22); to oikeiôs
4), his (1: 80), inherent (2: 25, 50), innate (1: huparkhon special property (1: 16)
18.2), its (1: 58), its own (7: 24, 25, 34/35.1, 35.2, oikeiôsis affinity (2: 38, 52), appropriation (2: 37, 38),
57, 75, 92.1), kindred (1: 22), normal (1: 22), of association (1: 68), attraction (1: 69), affinity (7:
its own (1: 42), of one’s own (2: 20, 91), of one’s 4, 22, 27, 28.2, 38, 44, 48), appropriate relation (1:
own concern (1: 68), of the household (1: 69), 65), appropriate relationship (1: 26),
one’s own (14: 36, 42, 45/46, 54, 55, 56, 59, 64, appropriateness (4: 28.1, 45/46, 61, 70), close
65, 69, 78, 79, 83, 85), one’s own family matters relation (1: 83), community (1: 28.2), conformity
(1: 68), one’s own proper (1: 42), own (31: 2, 3, (1: 91), habits (1: 10.1), kinship (3: 22, 28.2, 39),
9, 12, 17, 18.2, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 41.2, personal attitude (1: 10.1), propriety (1: 72),
43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 50, 52, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 80, relatedness (1: 37), relationship (6: 2, 14, 23, 43.1,
86.1, 89, 93, 98, 99, 100), own proper (2: 19, 21), 43.2, 69), specific relationship (1: 65)
particular (1: 29.1), peculiar (5: 15, 36, 40, 41.1, oikeiotês : oikeiotêta ekhein to be assimilated (1: 68)
61), pertinent (1: 99), private (1: 58), proper (53: oikeioun to appropriate (4: 23, 45/46, 68, 70), to
2, 3, 4, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, assimilate (1: 32), to endear (1: 4), to make akin
22, 24, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 36, 38, 41.1, 42, 43.2, (1: 38), to make one’s own (1: 45/46)
44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, oikeiousthai to adapt oneself (1: 69), to appropriate
69, 72, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 90, 92.2, 93, 94, 98, 99, (2: 52, 95), to be assimilated (1: 75), to become


familiar (1: 86.1), to give an affinity for (1: 52), oinôdês winey (1: 24)
to have an affinity for (1: 52), to make one’s own oinomeli honeyed wine (2: 34/35.1, 91), honey-wine
(1: 80) (1: 70), mead (2: 76, 99), mixture of honey and
oikêma house (1: 84), room (2: 27, 52) wine (1: 52), oenomel (1: 61)
oikêmation room (1: 57) oinos wine (14: 6.1, 15, 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 52, 56, 76, 80, 91,
oikêsis abode (1: 57), house (1: 43.2), location (2: 54, 93, 98, 99)
55), region (1: 90) ôioeidês : to ôioeides hugron aqueous humour
oikêsin ekhein to dwell (1: 58) (1: 57)
oikêtêrion dwelling-place (1: 97.2) ôion egg (4: 25, 34/35.1, 57, 86.1)
oiketês servant (2: 21, 45/46), slave (1: 51) oiônistikê augury (1: 72)
oikhesthai to be done away with (1: 75), to be oiônos bird (1: 67)
eliminated (1: 50), to be gone (3: 7, 27, 86.1), to oisophagos oesophagus (1: 57)
be lost (1: 58), to collapse (1: 58), to depart (1: oistikos bearer of (1: 36), productive (4: 26, 48, 54, 99),
84), to disappear (2: 29.1, 61), to go by the board that conveys (1: 100)
(1: 59), to perish (1: 59), to vanish (1: 79) oistrôdês raging (1: 86.1)
oikia building (2: 58, 68), home (1: 80), house (28: 2, 4, ôkeanos ocean (1: 20)
11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 43.2, 51, 52, 58, okheia the act of fertilization (1: 86.1), the process of
59, 60, 65, 68, 76, 77, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 91, 93, 98), impregnation (1: 86.1)
household (1: 43.2) okhein to carry (5: 18.2, 19, 75, 91, 98), to support (2:
oikidion room (1: 52) 52, 55)
oikiskos room (1: 86.1) okheisthai to ride (2: 17, 84); to okhoun carrier (1:
oikodomein to build (10: 4, 20, 21, 25, 28.2, 56, 58, 59, 19), vehicle (1: 34/35.1)
60, 68), to build a house (1: 54), to build up (1: okhêma vehicle (13: 3, 11, 22, 25, 36, 54, 57, 61, 67, 70,
52), to do construction work (1: 76) 84, 86.2, 95)
oikodomeisthai to be built (1: 65) okhêsis carrying (1: 19), movement in a vehicle (1:
oikodomêma house-building (1: 60), structure (1: 80) 34/35.1)
oikodomêsis building (3: 20, 56, 58), building a house okhetos conduit (1: 25)
(1: 79), construction (1: 99) okheuein to copulate (1: 86.1)
oikodomêtos buildable (2: 20, 58), capable of being okhlein : okhleisthai to be disturbed (1: 28.2)
built (1: 99) okhlêros troublesome (1: 54)
to oikodomêton thing built (1: 56) okhlêsis obstruction (1: 59), worry (1: 68)
oikodomia building (2: 58, 59), edifice (1: 97.2), okhlos annoyance (1: 23), audience (1: 61), burden (1:
house-building (1: 6.1) 67), confusion (1: 75), disturbance (1: 45/46)
oikodomikos building (2: 56, 67), capable of building okhloun to cause discomfort (1: 67)
(1: 99), having the capacity to build (1: 58), of ôkhrian to blanch (1: 25), to pale (1: 7)
building (1: 97.2), of housebuilding (2: 10.2, 60), ôkhriasis paleness (1: 61), pallor (2: 7, 90), yellowing
pertaining to architecture (1: 51), skilled in (1: 56)
building (1: 58) ôkhros pale (4: 7, 13, 61, 90), pale yellow (2: 2, 21),
ho oikodomikos builder (1: 97.2); hê oikodomikê yellow (3: 7, 56, 57)
art of (house-) building (1: 4), building (2: 2, 4), to ôkhron pallor (1: 61)
house-building (2: 54, 10.2, 25, 79) ôkhrotês blanching (1: 91), paleness (1: 13)
oikodomos architect (3: 51, 61, 97.2), builder (11: 4, 20, oknein to hesitate (3: 27, 52, 55), to shrink back (1: 21),
21, 28.2, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 80, 97.2), construction to shrink from (3: 4, 83, 86.1)
worker (1: 76), house builder (1: 76) oknos timid hesitation (1: 97.1)
oikonomein to govern (1: 45/46) oktaedron octahedron (5: 34/35.1, 61, 68, 79, 84)
oikonomia arrangement (1: 59), direction (1: 86.1), oktagônon figure with eight angles (1: 61), octagonal
management (1: 91), regulation (1: 91), figure (1: 61)
structure (2: 68, 76) oktasphairon system of eight spheres (1: 54)
oikonomikos economic (1: 4), economical (1: 7) oktôkaidekaplasion eighteen times (1: 93)
oikonomos household manager (1: 97.1) ôkumoros perishable (1: 2)
oikophulax watchdog (1: 86.2) olbios blessed (1: 51)
oikos building (1: 52), dwelling (1: 58), house (11: 19, olethros being destroyed (1: 85), destruction (1: 85)
28.2, 52, 55, 58, 61, 67, 76, 79, 80, 85), room (1: oligarkheisthai to live in an oligarchy (1: 43.3)
52) oligarkhia oligarchy (3: 34/35.1, 43.1, 43.2)
oikothen from within (4: 17, 34/35.1, 56, 98), from oligokhronios lasting a short time (2: 48, 78), short (1:
within oneself (2: 73, 90), from within ourselves 27), short-lasting (1: 56), short-lived (3: 26, 29.1,
(1: 73), innately (1: 97.1), on one’s own (1: 7) 88)
oiktos compassion (1: 97.2) oligokinêtos inflexible (1: 86.2)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

oligôrein to disregard (1: 79), to ignore (1: 55), to make quantity (1: 18.2), size (3: 39, 80, 92.2), space (1:
a slight (1: 91), to make little of (1: 69), to 59), volume (10: 3, 7, 18.2, 19, 25, 40, 50, 80, 89,
neglect (3: 10.2, 52, 97.2) 98), weight (2: 23, 64)
oligôria neglect (1: 97.2), slight (1: 69) onkoun to increase (1: 18.2); onkousthai to acquire
oligos few (8: 7, 21, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83, 85), lesser (1: 21), volume (1: 94), to grow in volume (1: 27), to
little (4: 10.2, 11, 16, 54), minor (1: 21), short (1: increase in bulk (1: 55), to swell up (1: 93), to
11), short time (1: 54), slight (1: 55), small (1: turn into a mass (1: 94); ônkhômenos having
21), small in amount (2: 78, 79) volume (1: 11); onkôtheis distended (1: 94)
oligoi few (1: 16); oligon a little (2: 20, 21); ep’ onoma epithet (2: 3, 75), expression (1: 22), name (62:
oligon for a short time (2: 4, 78); hôs ep’ elatton 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
lesser (1: 29.1); kat’ oligon gradual (1: 99), 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 39,
gradually (2: 18.2, 99), little by little (3: 79, 86.1, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 50, 52, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63,
99); met’ oligon a little further on (1: 10.2), in a 65, 67, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
little while (1: 54), shortly (2: 18.2, 54), shortly 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), noun
hereafter (1: 79), soon (1: 18.2); met’ oliga a (11: 7, 11, 13, 15, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 51, 63, 85),
little later (1: 78), shortly hereafter (1: 79); term (25: 2, 3, 7, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 25, 34/35.1,
oligon husteron shortly hereafter (1: 79); 42, 48, 60, 63, 69, 73, 76, 77, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 99,
oligon pro shortly before (1: 79); pro oligou a 100), terminology (1: 58), title (1: 77),
little earlier (3: 10.2, 16, 78), a little while ago (2: vocabulary (1: 56), way of speaking (1: 48),
64, 65), a short while ago (1: 10.2), shortly word (43: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18.2,
before (1: 79); pros oligon for a short time (1: 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 35.2, 38, 40, 44, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63,
79), for a short while (1: 86.1); to kat’ oligon 64, 69, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.2, 89, 90,
gradualness (1: 99) 92.1, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 100)
oligosullabôteros of fewer syllables (1: 72) onomata linguistic expression (1: 76), vocabulary
oligotês fewness (4: 2, 34/35.1, 78, 79), lesser number (1: 27); onomati by name (1: 76), nominal (1:
(1: 16), small quantity (1: 12) 76), nominally (1: 63); ta onomata terminology
olisthainein to slip away (1: 97.1), to slip down (1: 88) (1: 99), vocabulary (1: 97.2); tôn onomatôn
olisthos the fall (of Man) (1: 68), unstable (1: 68) verbal (1: 27); di’ onomatos linguistic (1: 63);
eis ton olisthon by reducing friction (1: 86.1) kat’ onoma verbal (1: 44); peri onomatos
ollunai : ollusthai to be destroyed (1: 85) verbal (1: 27); idion onoma distinctive name
olooitrokhos round boulder (1: 95) (1: 16), name (1: 40), particular name (1: 51);
ombros rain (6: 59, 61, 67, 80, 85, 93), rainstorm (1: 4) kalein onomati to identify by name (1: 76);
omma eye (16: 4, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, koinon onoma common term (1: 67), proper
61, 67, 83, 90, 91) name (1: 35.2), proper term (1: 91); kurion
omnuein to swear (1: 2) onoma proper name (2: 35.2, 51); mageirikon
ômos shoulder (4: 34/35.1, 54, 67, 99) onoma cooking-term (1: 34/35.1); mekhri
ômós raw (1: 24) onomatos as far as words (1: 16); onoma kenon
ômotês rawness (2: 21, 24) empty word (1: 11), vox nihili (1: 11); onoma
omotikos swearing (a kind of sentence) (1: 23) kurion proper name (1: 51); onomati dêloun
omphalos navel (3: 55, 85, 86.1), umbilical cord (1: 86.1) to indicate by naming (1: 25); sunetheia ton
onar dream (3: 25, 34/35.1, 86.2) onomaton linguistic usage (1: 99)
oneidismos reproach (1: 45/46) onomasia appellation (1: 56), being named (1: 78),
oneidizein to reproach (2: 45/46, 86.2) labeling (1: 73), meaning (1: 39), name (2: 52,
oneiratikos in dreams (1: 86.1) 61), nomenclature (4: 35.2, 51, 57, 72), phrase
oneirôgmos wet dream (1: 91) (1: 58), word (1: 73)
oneiropolein to dream (3: 2, 16, 44), to dream up (1: onomastikos compound nominal phrase (1: 40),
25) name-like (1: 13), such as to name (1: 40)
oneiros dream (3: 34/35.1, 35.2, 52) onomastos famous (1: 83), nameable (1: 72), pertaining
oneirôttein to dream (2: 34/35.1, 60), to dream up (1: to a name (1: 51)
97.2), to emit semen in sleep (1: 61) onomatôdês nominal (1: 77)
ôneisthai to buy (3: 21, 29.1, 93) onomatopoiein to coin a term (1: 97.1), to coin words
onêistos useful (1: 85) (4: 7, 13, 40, 48), to create (1: 40), to make up
onkos body (1: 86.1), bulk (19: 1, 11, 12, 14, 18.2, 20, 22, names (2: 7, 51), to make up terms (1: 48)
24, 38, 40, 48, 52, 54, 55, 78, 79, 80, 85, 92.2), onomatothesia nomenclature (1: 72)
distention (1: 80), expanse (1: 80), extent (1: 59), onomatothetein to assign names (1: 93), to invent
lump (1: 54), mass (25: 1, 6.2, 11, 18.2, 20, 28.2, names (1: 7)
40, 41.2, 44, 48, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 67, 75, 78, 79, onomatothetês name-giver (3: 23, 35.2, 72), namer (1:
83, 86.1, 88, 92.1, 94, 97.2), particle (1: 80), 51), person who chooses the nomenclature (1: 27)


onomatourgein : to onomatourgein the activity of ophrus frown (1: 34/35.1)

naming (1: 72) sunagôgê tôn ophruôn knitting of one’s brows (1:
onomatourgia naming (1: 72) 28.1)
onomatourgos name-giver (1: 72) ophthalmia inflammation of the eye (1: 75),
onomazein to call (16: 2, 10.2, 16, 18.2, 25, 27, 38, 44, ophthalmia (2: 27, 90)
56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 79, 83, 99), to call by name (2: ophthalmos eye (26: 4, 13, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.1,
41.2, 91), to describe (2: 22, 80), to describe as 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 67, 75,
(1: 59), to designate (1: 76), to give names (1: 78, 83, 86.1, 90, 91)
76), to have a name for (1: 20), to identify (1: muein ophthalmous have one’s eyes shut (1:
42), to label (2: 80, 94), to mention (1: 83), to 34/35.1)
name (36: 2, 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, opisô backward (1: 54), backwards (2: 52, 91)
24, 25, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 38, 42, 44, 50, 51, 57, 65, opisthe back (1: 42)
69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93, 94, opisthen back (5: 11, 42, 54, 76, 83), backward (1: 83),
99), ‘to put it (i.e., to express it) (1: 76), to refer before (1: 20), behind (3: 7, 20, 42), from behind
to (1: 93), to refer to as (1: 80), to term (1: 69), (1: 98)
to use the term (1: 99), use the name (1: 61) opisthios back (2: 54, 83)
onomazesthai to be named (1: 27), to get a name to opisthion hind part (1: 56)
(2: 27, 57), to get one’s name (1: 80), to have a opobalsamon balsamic juice (1: 57)
name (1: 85), to receive a name (2: 10.2, 16); opôra late summer (1: 95)
ônomasthai to have a name (1: 28.2); to opos fig-juice (1: 24), juice (1: 57)
ônomasmenon name (1: 27); mê ops vocal sound (1: 23), voice (1: 57)
ônomasmenos not named (1: 76); mê ôps countenance (1: 23)
onomasthai to lack names (1: 76); opse late (1: 86.1)
onomazesthai ekhein receive a name (1: 73) opsimathês learning late (1: 83)
onos ass (4: 20, 56, 77, 97.2), donkey (3: 58, 67, 84) opsis act of seeing (3: 4, 57, 59), act of vision (1: 67),
onthos dung (1: 88) appearance (1: 92.2), eye (5: 38, 55, 58, 88, 91),
onux fingernail (1: 86.1), nail (4: 19, 34/35.1, 61, 91), eyesight (2: 40, 88), iris (1: 44), organ of sight (1:
toenail (1: 86.1) 75), ray (1: 90), ray of vision (1: 93), seeing (2:
opazein to accompany (1: 85) 52, 58), sight (37: 4, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21,
opê aperture (1: 86.1), cavity (1: 86.1), hole (4: 18.2, 55, 22, 24, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 33, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 40, 44,
79, 98), mouth (1: 6.1), opening (2: 52, 57) 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 66, 67, 68, 73, 77, 85,
opheilein ought (3: 10.2, 54, 55), should (2: 73, 92.1), to 91, 93, 95), sight ray (1: 88), sight-act (1: 57),
be in debt (1: 43.2), to be necessary (1: 83), to be sight-organ (2: 56, 57), sight-stream (2: 57, 95),
obligated (2: 78, 79), to be obliged (2: 12, 19), to view (2: 19, 51), vision (9: 48, 54, 55, 59, 61, 67,
be required (1: 79), to be to the point (1: 16), to 83, 88, 95), visual image (1: 59), visual
have to (2: 21, 92.1), to need (1: 93), to owe (4: phenomenon (1: 17), visual ray (2: 88, 90),
43.1, 43.2, 69, 92.1) visual rays (1: 33), what sees (1: 98)
to opheilon what needs (to be done) (1: 93); estô pros opsin before our eyes (1: 44); hai tês opseôs
opheilon einai let it be required (1: 93) aktines sight streams (1: 95); kat’ energeian
opheilêma debt (1: 43.2) opsis sight as an activity (1: 91); opsei
ôpheleia advantage (1: 43.3), aid (2: 43.1, 69), benefit lambanein to see (1: 27); opsei paristasthai to
(4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), dividend (1: 43.3), present visually (1: 95); opseôn aktis visual ray
quality of being beneficial (1: 40) (1: 88); opseôn apatê optical illusion (1: 88);
ôphelein to be beneficial to (1: 40), to benefit (9: 17, 21, planê tês opseôs optical illusion (1: 88), visual
25, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 69), to help (3: 25, illusion (1: 95)
52, 69) opson cooked dish (1: 56), dish (food) (1: 55), food (1:
ôphelêsis benefit (1: 85) 24)
ôphelêtikos helpful (1: 69) opsophagos overeating (1: 48)
ôphelia benefit (3: 16, 21, 45/46), usefulness (1: 26) opsopoiia cooking (1: 25)
ôphelimos beneficial (11: 2, 4, 17, 25, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, opsopoios cook (1: 24)
45/46, 52, 64, 69), expedient (1: 100), of benefit optan to roast (2: 21, 24)
(1: 69), profitable (1: 48), required (1: 65), useful optêsis roasting (2: 21, 24)
(1: 48) optikos of sight (1: 28.2), of vision (1: 67), optic (4: 23,
ôphelimôs in a beneficial way (1: 40) 34/35.1, 61, 67), optical (2: 10.2, 22), visual (5:
ophelos benefit (4: 43.1, 43.2, 52, 69), contribution (1: 19, 28.1, 54, 83, 100)
79), use (2: 64, 84) ho optikos optician (3: 73, 90, 95), student of optics
ophis serpent (1: 38), snake (2: 34/35.1, 56) (1: 17); hê optikê optics (7: 10.2, 26, 38, 40, 73,
ophlêma debt (3: 43.1, 43.3, 69) 90, 93); to optikon optical theorem (1: 90),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

sense of sight (1: 28.2), sight (1: 28.2); ta optika instrumentality (1: 22), of the organism (1: 22),
optics (2: 57, 88); neuron optikon optic nerve organic (15: 12, 21, 22, 34/35.1, 44, 47, 52, 54, 60,
(1: 57); optikê aisthêsis sense that sees (1: 56); 67, 76, 78, 83, 85, 91), organised (2: 56, 57),
optikê dunamis power to see (2: 56, 57); physical (1: 58), possessing organs (1: 61),
optikon aisthêtêrion sense-organ of sight (1: relying on instruments (1: 48), that is an organ
57); optikon neuron optic nerve (1: 57); (1: 52), that serves as an instrument (1: 100),
optikon pneuma optic pneuma (2: 56, 57) using instruments (1: 55), with organs (1: 26)
optos roasted (1: 24) organikôs as a kind of instrument (1: 61), in an
oregesthai to be the object of appetite (1: 21), to desire instrumental way (1: 100), with organs (1: 25);
(16: 22, 25, 39, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 60, 67, to organikon being an instrument (1: 22),
69, 79, 84, 86.1, 91, 100), to have an appetite (1: instrument (1: 68), organ (1: 20); organikon
4), to have appetition (1: 52), to have appetition aition instrumental cause (1: 34/35.1)
for (2: 34/35.1, 56), to long for (1: 61), to reach organon implement (1: 39), instrument (44: 4, 7, 9, 15,
out (1: 34/35.1), to reach out for (2: 56, 98), to 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28.2, 30/31,
seek (2: 22, 57), to set onself to act (1: 22), to 34/35.1, 35.2, 39, 40, 42, 43.1, 45/46, 51, 52, 54,
strive (1: 22), to yearn (1: 100), to yearn for (2: 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 68, 69, 72, 73, 78, 79,
54, 55) 86.1, 87, 88, 94, 97.2, 100), instrumental bodily
to oregesthai desiring (1: 100) part (1: 100), instrumental part (1: 67), medium
orektikos able to desire (1: 91), able to enable desiring (1: 94), musical instrument (1: 38), organ (26:
(1: 91), aiming at (1: 22), appetitive (8: 4, 22, 23, 19, 22, 23, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 44, 48,
34/35.1, 36, 52, 56, 61), capable of desire (1: 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 72, 86.1, 91,
45/46), capable of desiring (1: 100), concerned 99, 100), organism (1: 22), sense-organ (1: 28.2),
with appetite (1: 61), desiderative (5: 19, 26, 69, tool (21: 10.2, 22, 23, 24, 29.1, 40, 43.2, 44, 45/46,
84, 100), desiring (1: 69), desirous (2: 22, 86.1), 47, 58, 64, 67, 69, 79, 83, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94)
for desire (1: 25), having a capacity for desire (1: aisthêtêrion organon sense organ (1: 100);
25), of appetition (1: 80), of desire (2: 22, 28.1), aisthêtikon organon instrumentality of sense
orectic (1: 22), that is an object of desire (1: 74) (1: 34/35.1); empneuston organon wind
to orektikon capacity for desire (1: 25), capacity of instrument (1: 23); phônêtikon organon organ
desire (1: 100), desiderative aspect (1: 100), of speech (1: 57), vocal organ (1: 91)
desiderative part (1: 100), desiderative power (1: organopoiein to attribute organic existence to (1: 70)
100), desiderative principle (1: 100), power of organopoiia production of organs (1: 86.1)
desire (1: 100), principle of desire (1: 100), that orgê anger (8: 4, 22, 25, 61, 67, 69, 91, 97.1), feeling of
which is appetitive (1: 34/35.1), the appetitive anger (1: 3), rage (1: 91), strong passion (1: 48),
part (1: 34/35.1), the part for desiring (1: 91), temperament (1: 7)
what is capable of desire (1: 100) orgilos irascible (2: 67, 69), prone to anger (1: 61)
orektos desirable (4: 68, 69, 91, 100), desired (2: 17, 22) orgilôs in regard to anger (1: 22)
to orekton desirable object (1: 100), object of orgilotês irascibility (1: 69)
appetite (3: 2, 4, 21), object of appetition (3: 12, orgizein : orgizesthai to be angry (8: 4, 22, 27, 56, 61,
34/35.1, 52), object of desire (14: 11, 20, 22, 25, 67, 69, 91), to get angry (1: 25), to grow angry
39, 45/46, 52, 58, 59, 61, 67, 98, 99, 100), object (2: 52, 97.1)
of striving (1: 94), what is desirable (1: 100), to orgizesthai anger (1: 22)
what is desired (1: 19), what is sought after (1: orguia outstretched arms (measure) (1: 75)
98), what is wished for (1: 92.2) orkheisthai to dance (2: 11, 23)
orexis aim (1: 22), appetite (8: 4, 23, 26, 52, 61, 67, 99, orkhêsis dance (1: 11), dancing (4: 23, 35.2, 48, 72)
100), appetition (9: 4, 12, 21, 22, 34/35.1, 36, 38, orkhêstês dancer (3: 11, 23, 91)
52, 56), conation (1: 22), desire (26: 2, 3, 10.1, 17, orkhêstikos for dancing (1: 91)
19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28.2, 39, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, hê orkhêstike art of dancing (1: 91)
54, 55, 59, 61, 67, 68, 69, 75, 86.1, 91, 100), orneon bird (4: 2, 15, 27, 86.1)
seeking (1: 22) ornis bird (3: 2, 7, 25)
orexis antilupêseôs appetition to making to suffer ornunai to drive (1: 85)
in return (1: 56) orophê ceiling (2: 57, 88), roof (3: 51, 67, 98)
organ to be excited (1: 91), to excite (1: 22) orophos roof (1: 84)
organikos as an organism (1: 22), bodily (1: 4), by orophousthai to be covered with a roof (1: 75)
means of instruments (1: 52), connected with a oros mount (1: 80), mountain (9: 6.1, 13, 20, 54, 55, 56,
sense-organ (1: 28.1), having organs (3: 25, 38, 83, 88, 95)
52), instrumental (17: 7, 17, 22, 26, 34/35.1, 40, selênaia orê Moon Mountains (1: 6.1)
51, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63, 86.1, 92.2, 98, 100), orouein to strive (1: 79)
logical (1: 73), of an organ (1: 61), of orrhôdês whey (1: 24)


orrhos whey (2: 21, 24) 28.1), having a capacity for smell (1: 25), of
orthios erect (1: 56), in a straight line (1: 79), upright smell (1: 28.2), that smells (1: 57)
(1: 67) to osphrantikon organ of smell (1: 28.2), sense of
orthia right angle (1: 61) smell (1: 28.2); osphrantikê dunamis power to
orthodoxastikos : orthodoxastikôs in conformity with smell (2: 35.2, 57); osphrantikon aisthêtêrion
correct opinion (1: 51) sense-organ of smell (1: 57); osphrantikon
orthogônios rectangular (2: 73, 90), right (1: 2), right neuron olfactory nerve (1: 57); osphrantikos
angled (2: 20, 56) poros channel of smell (1: 57)
orthogônion trigônon right triangle (2: 78, 79); to osphrantos odorous (1: 28.2), of smell (1: 28.2),
orthogônion rectangle (2: 56, 73) smellable (4: 38, 41.2, 67, 91)
orthoperipatêtikos that walks upright (1: 94), walking to osphranton object of smell (7: 4, 25, 28.1, 28.2,
erect (1: 90), walking upright (1: 93) 34/35.1, 56, 57), odour (1: 28.2), sensation of
orthoperipatêtikos einai to walk erect (1: 90) smell (1: 28.1), smell-object (1: 57), that can be
orthos active (1: 39), correct (10: 17, 19, 36, 43.2, 45/46, smelt (1: 57), thing smelt (1: 28.2), what smells
51, 59, 65, 72, 83), just (1: 61), nominative (1: (1: 28.2)
65), perpendicular (1: 55), right (22: 2, 3, 4, 10.2, osphrêsis (sense of) smell (2: 40, 52), act of smelling (1:
12, 21, 43.2, 45/46, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 65, 69, 73, 4), organ of smell (3: 19, 25, 36), sense of smell
77, 78, 79, 83, 90, 100), straight (2: 28.2, 36), (5: 4, 16, 21, 28.2, 36), smell (14: 19, 22, 25, 28.1,
upright (3: 19, 55, 77) 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 41.2, 56, 57, 61, 66, 67, 91),
orthôs correctly (9: 16, 17, 36, 54, 55, 59, 72, 73, 78), smell (sense of) (1: 54), smelling (3: 28.1, 28.2,
properly (1: 86.2), rightly (3: 36, 60, 85), with 38)
truth (1: 36); orthotata quite correctly (1: 86.1); osphrêtikos for smelling (1: 91)
pros orthas at right angles (3: 55, 90, 94), osphrêtos object of smell (1: 4), smellable (2: 38, 91),
perpendicular (1: 55), perpendicularly (1: 94); that can be smelled (1: 21)
hê orthê nominative case (2: 7, 65), right angle osteon bone (6: 6.2, 28.2, 57, 83, 86.1, 91)
(8: 16, 52, 56, 59, 73, 75, 90, 93); orthê ptôsis ostôdês bony (1: 86.1)
nominative case (1: 13); orthê sphaira celestial ostoun bone (18: 2, 6.1, 12, 19, 24, 27, 38, 52, 56, 59, 60,
equator (1: 90); orthôs ekhei it is legitimate (1: 61, 67, 68, 78, 79, 80, 85)
60); orthôs ekhein to be correct (1: 19); orthos ostrakodermos hard-shelled (1: 38)
logos correct reasoning (1: 61), right reason (1: to ostrakodermon animal with a shell (1: 34/35.1),
45/46), right reasoning (1: 4); ouk orthôs legein with a hard shell (1: 57)
to be incorrect (1: 19) ostrakon pot (1: 6.1), shell (4: 56, 57, 58, 59)
orthotês correctness (2: 72, 88), rightness (2: 4, 100) ostreïnos shell-like (1: 34/35.1)
ôruesthai to howl (1: 57) ostreôdês like oysters (1: 91), oyster-like (2: 3, 97.1)
orugma excavation (1: 20) ostreon oyster (1: 91), shellfish (1: 56)
oruktos quarried (1: 24) ôthein to drive (1: 20), to press (2: 18.2, 28.2), to propel
orussein / oruttein to dig (3: 21, 34/35.1, 52), to quarry (1: 99), to push (20: 18.2, 19, 25, 27, 28.2,
(1: 88) 34/35.1, 39, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 67, 75, 78, 83,
ôsis pressure (2: 24, 28.2), push (1: 34/35.1), pushing (8: 91, 95, 98), to push away (1: 94), to thrust (1: 98)
19, 34/35.1, 39, 57, 59, 67, 75, 78), pushing ôthêsis pushing (2: 34/35.1, 57), thrust (1: 98)
forward (1: 25), thrust (3: 57, 59, 98) ôthismos pushing (1: 54)
osmasthai to have (the sense of) smell (1: 28.2), to othonê cloth (1: 25), linen (1: 38)
have the sense of smell (1: 4), to perceive oudamêi : oudamêi oudamôs in no way whatever (1:
smell (1: 91), to scent (1: 57), to smell (4: 4, 25, 16)
28.2, 57) oudamothen in no direction (1: 84)
osmê odour (10: 4, 12, 16, 24, 28.2, 34/35.1, 52, 56, 57, oudamou nowhere (1: 19)
91), organ of smell (1: 25), sense of smell (1: 57), ouden : ouden pros irrelevant to (1: 93)
smell (10: 4, 21, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38, 52, 57, 84) to ouden nothing (1: 18.2), nought (1: 18.2)
kharônioi osmai mephitic vapours (1: 57) oudeteros neuter (1: 23), neutral (1: 39)
osmôdês odorous (1: 91), smelling (1: 28.2), that can be oudeterôs in the neuter (1: 34/35.1)
smelled (1: 36) ouketi non-temporal (1: 25)
osphrainesthai to exercise the sense of smell (1: 38), to oulê scar (1: 57)
smell (7: 25, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 38, 54, 57) oulos whole (1: 85)
to osphrainesthai smelling (1: 28.1); mê oura tail (1: 78)
osphrainomenos without a sense of smell (1: ouraion tail (wind) (1: 78)
28.2) ouranios celestial (14: 6.2, 14, 22, 28.2, 51, 61, 67, 68, 70,
osphrantikos able to smell (2: 36, 38), capable of 73, 80, 86.2, 88, 100), heavenly (36: 2, 3, 7, 11, 13,
smelling (2: 28.1, 91), connected with smell (1: 14, 18.2, 22, 25, 28.1, 33, 42, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 70, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 92.2, 93, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66,
94, 95, 97.1, 98, 99), in heaven (1: 6.2), in the 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
heaven(s) (3: 22, 57, 85), of the heaven(s) (3: 22, 86.1, 87, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2,
42, 80), of the heavenly bodies (1: 36) 98, 99, 100), substance (the category) (2: 40, 89),
hoi ouranioi heavenly beings (1: 42); to ouranion substantial being (1: 80), substantial existence
celestial being (1: 67), celestial body (2: 61, 67), (2: 27, 80), substantial nature (1: 2),
celestial object (1: 22), heavenly being (1: 22), substantiality (1: 70), substrate (1: 27), the
heavenly body (7: 26, 34/35.1, 36, 52, 57, 61, 67), category substance (1: 89), thing (1: 7), true
heavenly object (1: 22), the heavens (1: 20); ta being (1: 61), what is (1: 22)
ourania astronomical things (1: 76), celestial ousiai kinds of substances (1: 16); ousiâi in
bodies (1: 100), celestial things (1: 76), heavenly substance (1: 56); en têi ousiâi in the category
bodies (13: 12, 13, 20, 33, 42, 44, 47, 53, 56, 60, of substance (1: 16), substantial (1: 67),
75, 76, 88), heavenly things (2: 17, 47), heavens substantially (1: 67); kat’ ousian by its nature (1:
(1: 17), the heavens (1: 14), things celestial (1: 67), essential (5: 11, 22, 90, 93, 100), essentially
17), things in the heavens (3: 20, 42, 80); (7: 14, 20, 28.1, 61, 67, 70, 93), in essence (3: 11,
ouranion sôma heavenly body (1: 47); ourania 14, 20), in its nature (1: 11), in its very being (1:
sômata celestial bodies (1: 67) 28.1), in reality (1: 28.1), in respect of substance
ouranomêkês as tall as the sky (1: 34/35.1) (3: 61, 67, 76), in substance (1: 67), in the very
ouranopolitês citizen of heaven (1: 34/35.1) essence (1: 74), in virtue of the essence (2: 61,
ouranos heaven (41: 1, 2, 6.1, 6.2, 10.2, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 67), substantial (7: 11, 22, 28.2, 67, 76, 83, 93),
28.2, 38, 42, 44, 47, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 66, 67, 68, substantially (2: 68, 89), with regard to
72, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 87, 88, 90, 93, substance (2: 16, 74), with respect to substance
94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98), heavens (12: 2, 18.2, 22, (1: 89); kata tên oikeian ousian in their own
26, 32, 41.1, 57, 68, 78, 79, 83, 94), sky (4: 23, 52, essence (1: 28.1); kata tên ousian in
85, 99), the cosmos (1: 50), the heaven / the dependence on substance (1: 16); kata tês
heavens (15: 11, 14, 20, 25, 41.2, 50, 56, 58, 59, ousias essential (1: 93); atomos ousia individual
61, 67, 74, 75, 89, 99), the universe (2: 14, 18.2), substance (2: 10.2, 16); gnôristikê ousia form of
universe (5: 44, 50, 63, 68, 76), Uranus (1: 72), cognition (1: 22); hupokeimenê ousia substrate
world (3: 26, 89, 94) (1: 27); katêgoreisthai en têi ousiâi to be
ouranoi the heavens (1: 35.2); en ouranôi celestial predicated in the (category of) substance (1:
(1: 27), heavenly (1: 22); eskhatos ouranos 10.2); mallon ousia more substantial (1: 76);
outermost heaven (1: 53) noêtê ousia the intelligible mode of being (1:
ouriodromein to run with a fair wind (1: 19) 67); ousiôn phusis grade of substances (1: 10.2);
ourios tail-wind (1: 78) proüparkhousai ousiai substances already in
ouron urine (3: 21, 24, 56) existence (1: 10.2); psukhikê ousia essence of
ous ear (8: 15, 23, 28.1, 28.2, 52, 57, 90, 91), handle (1: the soul (1: 100), soul’s being (1: 100), soul’s
15) substance (1: 100); sumplêroun tên ousian to
ousia being (36: 2, 6.1, 7, 12, 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, give the full substance (1: 35.2); têi ousiâi
28.1, 28.2, 32, 37, 38, 39, 42, 45/46, 50, 52, 58, 59, essentially (2: 61, 67); to hôs ousia hen one as a
60, 61, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 76, 80, 97.1, 97.2, 100), substance (1: 16); to huparkhon kat’ ousian
body (2: 80, 98), character (1: 22), entity (2: 22, essential attribute (1: 61)
28.1), essence (53: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10.2, 11, 13, 14, 15, ousiodês as a substance (1: 67), essential (28: 2, 7, 11,
16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 29.1, 37, 39, 40, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 41.1,
41.1, 41.2, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 50, 52, 53, 43.3, 51, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 70, 72, 77, 93, 100),
58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 87, in conformity with its essence (1: 29.1), in
90, 91, 93, 94, 97.1, 100), essential (1: 67), something’s substance (1: 28.2), in substance (3:
existence (7: 10.2, 22, 27, 28.1, 39, 42, 59), 22, 34/35.1, 97.2), in terms of substance (1: 22),
existent (2: 22, 27), faculty (1: 22), form (2: 22, inherent in something’s essence (1: 22),
32), kind (1: 67), kind of thing (1: 22), matter (1: inherent in substance (1: 28.2), of substance (1:
25), mode of being (2: 61, 67), nature (6: 11, 22, 52), of substantial form (1: 41.2), of the essence
80, 85, 94, 97.2), object (1: 27), physical mass (1: (3: 10.2, 58, 59), really existent (1: 70),
25), primary being (1: 22), property (4: 17, 43.2, substance-like (1: 41.1), substantial (31: 13, 15,
43.3, 69), real being (1: 21), reality (7: 2, 15, 22, 17, 19, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 36, 39, 41.1, 44,
27, 63, 76, 87), resources (1: 69), status (1: 22), 48, 54, 56, 57, 70, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 85, 88, 92.1,
stuff (1: 98), substance (84: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 9, 92.2, 94, 95, 97.1), substantiating (1: 54),
10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 23, substantive (1: 68), that gives essence (1: 28.2)
24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, ousiôdes essentially (1: 28.1); ousiôdôs as part of
36, 38, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 51, the essence (1: 58), essentially (7: 7, 28.1, 28.2,


70, 72, 77, 93), in a substantial way (1: 57), in its ousiousthai en to have one’s essence in (1: 58);
substance (1: 28.1), substantially (5: 28.2, 36, 76, ousiômenos: ‘its being consists in’ (1: 28.2),
92.1, 97.1); to ousiôdes essence (1: 22); einai made into a substance (1: 33)
ousiodês to be a substance (1: 22); ousiôdês oxôdês sharp (1: 57), sharp-smelling (1: 38), tart (1: 56)
huparxis reality (1: 88); ousiôdes pathos real oxos vinegar (4: 19, 21, 24, 57)
condition (1: 95); ta ousiôdôs huparkhonta oxubaphon harmonica (1: 57)
essential attributes (1: 61) oxuderkês sharp-sighted (1: 56)
ousiopoios substance-creating (1: 39) oxugônios acute-angled (1: 90), having sharp angles (2:
ousiôsis being (3: 58, 59, 68), bringing into being (2: 58, 61, 79), sharp-angled (2: 56, 57)
97.2), coming into existence (1: 44), creation of oxukinêtos of swift velocity (1: 87), swift-moving (1:
substance (1: 58), substantiation (1: 56), 57)
substantification (2: 1, 80) oxunein to give an oxytone accent (1: 44)
ousioun to give being (2: 22, 27), to give being to (1: oxurhunkhos oxyrhynchic (1: 56), pointed (1: 73)
58), to give substance (1: 83), to give substantial oxus acidic (1: 91), acute (4: 16, 57, 88, 90), bright (1:
existence (1: 22), to invest with being (2: 41.2, 59), fast (1: 61), high (9: 2, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 56,
48), to invest with essence (1: 19), to 57, 84, 93), high-pitched (3: 25, 54, 91),
substantialise (1: 17), to substantiate (1: 100) impulsive (1: 69), keen (1: 67), piercing (1: 57),
ousiousthai to be brought into actuality (1: 28.1), to pointed (1: 98), quick (1: 85), sharp (9: 4, 7, 19,
be constituted (1: 41.1), to be endowed with 25, 28.2, 38, 52, 57, 79), sharp-witted (1: 61),
substance (1: 39), to be essentially (1: 22), to be swift (2: 17, 57), treble (1: 61)
given being (1: 22), to be given existence (1: 22), oxeôs briskly (1: 98), fast (1: 98), sharply (1: 57); hê
to be given substance (2: 79, 92.2), to be given oxeia acute accent (1: 23), acute angle (1: 90); to
substantial existence (2: 22, 28.1), to be made oxu sharpness (2: 4, 19)
existent (1: 22), to be made substantial (1: 22), to oxutês acidity (1: 91), acuteness (1: 84), being high (1:
be realised (2: 22, 36), to be substantial (1: 76), to 28.2), high pitch (2: 25, 54), impulsiveness (1:
be substantiated (2: 51, 85), to become substance 69), instantaneous nature (1: 94), sharpness (4:
(1: 22), to become substantial (1: 36), to come 25, 79, 80, 98)
into being (1: 44), to get being (1: 22), to have an oxutonein : oxutonoumenos with a final acute accent
essence (1: 41.1), to have being (4: 22, 27, 28.2, (1: 23)
36), to have essence (1: 22), to have existence (2: oxutonos accented on the final syllable (1: 41.2)
27, 36), to have one’s essence (2: 45/46, 59), to ozein to be odorous (1: 28.2), to possess odour (1: 52),
have one’s essence in (1: 67), to have substance to reek (1: 57)
(1: 36), to have substantial existence (1: 28.1); ozousthai to sprout (1: 86.1)


pagios firm (1: 48), stable (1: 48) pakhunsis thickening (3: 21, 24, 57)
pagos frost (3: 38, 52, 95), frosty weather (1: 95) pakhuntikos making denser (1: 52)
paidagôgein to educate (1: 4), to school (1: 59) pakhus coarse (2: 2, 85), compact (1: 50), crass (1: 3),
paidagôgia training (1: 2) crude (1: 5), dense (10: 12, 18.2, 21, 25, 52, 54,
paidagôgos tutor (1: 4) 59, 80, 95, 98), fat (1: 61), solid (3: 59, 61, 67),
paideia cultivation (1: 86.1), doctrine (1: 97.1), thick (9: 21, 24, 57, 67, 78, 79, 84, 88, 95)
education (6: 15, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 97.1, 100) pakhuteron more roughly (1: 27); to pakhu
paideuein to educate (2: 43.1, 83), to teach (1: 80) thickness (1: 52)
paideuesthai to be educated (1: 72), to cultivate (1: pakhutês denseness (1: 12), density (4: 21, 38, 91, 95),
86.1) thickness (10: 24, 25, 28.2, 41.2, 57, 78, 79, 83,
paideusis education (1: 43.1), education process (1: 19) 95, 98)
paidia amusement (1: 4), game (1: 69), jest (1: 84), palai ancient (1: 20), earlier (1: 54), long ago (2: 14, 83)
playfulness (1: 69) hoi palai philosophountes the philosophers of old
paidikos of a child (1: 95) (1: 97.1); palai kai propalai long long ago (1: 54)
paidikê huponoia naive assumption (1: 95) palaiein to wrestle (4: 4, 52, 55, 91)
paidion baby (2: 34/35.1, 35.2), child (7: 4, 23, 27, 52, palaios ancient (13: 2, 7, 10.2, 14, 17, 20, 44, 45/46, 51,
56, 58, 86.1), little child (1: 19) 83, 86.1, 86.2, 98), earlier (2: 55, 79), early (1:
hê ton paidiôn hêlikia childhood (1: 86.1) 94), of the past (1: 35.2), old (5: 11, 14, 44, 83,
paidoktonos child-murderer (1: 80) 94), time-honoured (1: 94)
paidopoiein to have children (1: 80) ho palaios earlier philosopher (1: 44); hoi palaioi
paidopoiia procreation of children (1: 80), producing earlier thinkers (1: 94), early thinkers (1: 89),
children (1: 86.1) people in the past (2: 35.2, 57), the ancients (6:
paidotrophia child-rearing (1: 80) 10.2, 14, 23, 51, 60, 61), the men of old (1: 11);
paidourgos reproductive (1: 59) palaioteros older (1: 17); ho palaiôteros man
paignion toy (1: 2) of the past (1: 56); hoi palaioteroi ancient
pais boy (3: 2, 15, 86.1), child (12: 4, 19, 21, 27, 34/35.1, thinkers (1: 76), earlier thinkers (2: 63, 76), even
52, 60, 61, 67, 79, 80, 84), female offspring (1: 80) earlier thinkers (1: 11), precursors (1: 67),
paides Hellênôn Hellenes (2: 58, 59) predecessors (1: 63), the ancients (1: 60)
paizein to jest (1: 84), to joke (1: 69), to play (1: 69) palaiousthai to age (1: 24)
pakhnê frost (1: 79), rime (1: 95) palaisma fall (in wrestling) (1: 99)
pakhos density (1: 38), thickness (1: 85) palaistês palm’s length (measure) (1: 75), wrestler (2:
pakhudermos thick-skinned (1: 57) 13, 91)
pakhulôs roughly (1: 27) palaistikos capable of wrestling (1: 13), for wrestling
pakhumereia having thick parts (1: 79), thick texture (1: 91)
(1: 57) hê palaistikê art of wrestling (2: 4, 13)
pakhumerês broadly speaking (1: 61), coarse (1: 2), palaistrikos in wrestling (1: 55)
coarse-grained (2: 34/35.1, 57), coarse-textured palê wrestling (1: 20)
(1: 85), dense (8: 12, 18.2, 22, 28.2, 44, 52, 54, palillogein to repeat oneself (1: 99)
68), of dense parts (1: 44), rough (i.e. palin: palin kai palin accretive (1: 39), again and again
approximate) (1: 55), that has gross parts (1: (1: 11), recurring (1: 11)
22), thick-textured (1: 57), with coarse parts (1: to palin kai palin continual recurrence (1: 11),
98), with dense parts (1: 18.2), with thick parts endless repetition (1: 11)
(2: 78, 79) palindromein to proceed backwards in thought (1: 90),
pakhumeresteros denser (1: 60); pakhumerôs to relapse (1: 60), to retrograde (1: 95), to return
roughly (1: 28.2) (1: 88), to return back again (1: 91), to run back
pakhunein to condense (3: 12, 28.2, 95), to solidify (2: (3: 60, 95, 98), to run back again (1: 57), to run
57, 61), to thicken (6: 21, 24, 56, 57, 84, 88) in the opposite direction (1: 95), to turn round
pakhunesthai to be compacted (1: 50), to become (1: 67)
dense (2: 18.2, 38), to become denser (1: 52); palingenesia rebirth (1: 60), recurrence (1: 27),
pakhunomenos thick (1: 28.2) regeneration (1: 26), reproduction (1: 60)


palintropos turning back on oneself (1: 85) pantelôs absolutely (3: 17, 58, 80), altogether (2: 61,
palirrhoia backwater (1: 95) 80), at worst (1: 68), certainly (1: 35.2), complete
pallein to beat (1: 67), to sway (1: 86.1) (1: 85), completely (15: 10.2, 21, 28.1, 58, 59, 60,
palmos palpitation (2: 61, 86.1), vibration (1: 86.1) 61, 68, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 92.1, 98), entirely (6:
pampan completely (1: 83), entirely (2: 83, 93) 28.1, 59, 83, 85, 98, 99), perfectly (1: 40), quite
pamplêthês very long (1: 99) (1: 40), totally (1: 19), utterly (2: 20, 80), wholly
pampolou very (1: 83) (1: 18.2); ou pantelôs not absolutely (1: 17), not
panagathos absolutely good (1: 74) at all (1: 17); to panteles completeness (1: 61);
panapeuthês unconvincing (1: 85) to pantelôs mê on total not-being (1: 75); to
panaristos entirely best (1: 70) pantelôs on that which wholly is (1: 18.2); eis
pandekhês omnirecipient (1: 92.2) to panteles forever (1: 68)
pandokeion inn (1: 20) pantodapos all kinds (1: 86.1), manifold (1: 54), motley
pankakos utterly bad (1: 45/46) (1: 51), of all sorts (1: 78), various (1: 23)
pankalos extremely beautiful (1: 79) pantodapa of all sorts (1: 86.2); pantodapôs in all
pankhronios totitemporal (1: 11) kinds of ways (1: 28.1)
panourgein to be wicked (1: 69) pantodunamos all-powerful (1: 56), omnipotent (1:
panourgia fakery (1: 69), knavery (1: 83), malevolence 61)
(1: 74) pantoios of all kinds (1: 85), of every sort (1: 78)
panourgos scoundrelly (1: 69), wicked (1: 69) pantokalôs at all well (1: 68)
panselênos at full moon (1: 55), full (moon) (1: 73), pantôs absolutely (10: 19, 28.1, 58, 59, 60, 68, 74, 78, 79,
full moon (6: 27, 61, 73, 77, 88, 90) 80), altogether (3: 3, 18.2, 80), always (15: 11,
panspermia mixture of all seeds (1: 22), panspermia 18.2, 25, 40, 57, 60, 64, 65, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 90,
(1: 32), seed-aggregate (1: 38), seed-medley (1: 92.1), assuredly (1: 19), at all (2: 10.2, 12), at all
61), seminal mixture (1: 20), universal seed (1: events (4: 12, 28.1, 75, 93), at any rate (1: 93), at
76), universal seed-bed (1: 44) least (1: 42), broadly (1: 92.1), by all means (2:
pansudiêi in all their numbers (1: 35.2) 68, 93), certainly (14: 12, 17, 18.2, 34/35.1, 42,
pantakhêi at all points (1: 79), everywhere (2: 11, 18.2), 58, 59, 60, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 92.1), completely (2:
in every direction (1: 11), throughout (1: 18.2) 60, 80), definitely (3: 34/35.1, 35.2, 80), entirely
pantakhose in every direction (1: 55) (5: 28.1, 68, 80, 90, 93), have to (1: 90), in all
pantakhothen complete (1: 86.1), completely (1: 86.1), cases (4: 60, 86.1, 87, 90), in all respects (1: 16),
everywhere (2: 54, 83), from all sides (2: 18.2, in all ways (1: 68), in any case (3: 64, 65, 92.1),
98), from every direction (1: 55), from in every case (10: 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28.1, 47, 58,
everywhere (2: 55, 79), in every direction (2: 54, 59, 80), in every instance (3: 80, 92.1, 93), in
83), on all sides (1: 18.2) every sense (1: 93), indeed (1: 93), inevitably (1:
pantakhou always (6: 19, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83), everywhere 11), invariably (9: 3, 11, 19, 40, 68, 76, 80, 86.1,
(11: 11, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83, 98), 92.1), it must be (1: 58), must (1: 90), necessarily
from every angle (1: 98), in all directions (1: (4: 11, 56, 90, 93), no doubt (1: 93), quite (1: 58),
18.2), in every case (1: 78), in every direction (1: strictly (1: 3), surely (3: 68, 80, 93), totally (1:
98), in every place (1: 20), invariable (1: 11), 80), ubiquitously (1: 20), universally (2: 76, 87),
universally (1: 18.2) unrestrictedly (1: 87), without qualification (1:
pantapasi(n) altogether (1: 21), at all (1: 10.2), 21)
completely (2: 4, 83), entirely (1: 83), utterly (1: pantôs (+ infin.) to have to (1: 90); ou /mê pantôs
16), whatsoever (1: 10.2) not at all (1: 17, 93), not entirely (1: 17), not in
pantêi altogether (2: 11, 12), entirely (7: 17, 28.1, 51, 54, all cases (1: 34/35.1), not in every case (1: 17)
78, 79, 90), everywhere (1: 79), in any way (2: pantose in every direction (1: 55), always (2: 55, 95)
10.2, 83), in every direction (2: 54, 55), in every pantotês entirety (2: 55, 92.1)
place (5: 12, 20), in every respect (5: 10.2, 16, 21, pantothen from every direction (1: 85), from every
78, 79), in every way (6: 11, 12, 20, 21, 28.1, 83), place (1: 55)
on all sides (1: 86.1), on every side (1: 20), panu completely (1: 83), much (1: 35.2), thoroughly (1:
throughout (1: 86.1), totally (2: 11, 60), utterly 93), very (1: 93), very much (1: 83)
(1: 28.1), wholly (1: 51) papuros papyrus (3: 56, 68, 95)
panteleia complete perfection (1: 55) para: par’ autois in their hands (1: 4)
panteleios absolutely complete (1: 84), completely par’ hautôn by our own efforts (1: 4)
perfect (2: 3, 34/35.1) parabainein to contravene (1: 52), to deviate (1: 69), to
to panteleion perfection (1: 58) go against (1: 52), to transgress (1: 97.1)
pantelês absolute (1: 58), complete (9: 12, 28.1, 39, 54, paraballein to apply (1: 23), to cast aside (1: 78), to
55, 61, 68, 98, 99), entirely perfect (1: 70), compare (16: 18.2, 19, 25, 28.1, 38, 41.2, 42, 48,
perfect (2: 55, 58) 54, 55, 57, 60, 61, 67, 78, 79), to correlate (1: 19),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to expose (1: 86.1), to lay together (1: 79), to 11, 17, 18.2, 22, 44, 54, 57, 60, 64, 83), to hand
match (2: 41.2, 48), to place (1: 28.2), to put down as tradition (1: 86.2), to hand over (1: 58),
oneself at risk (1: 86.1), to relate to (1: 67), to set to introduce (1: 99), to lay down (1: 22), to offer
alongside (1: 19) (4: 19, 20, 22, 40), to present (14: 40, 41.2, 42, 48,
paraballesthai to be in comparison (1: 60); 54, 55, 59, 64, 65, 73, 83, 86.2, 90, 99), to present
parablêteon one should rely on the parallel (1: with (1: 93), to propound (1: 11), to provide (3:
64) 18.2, 64, 93), to put forward (1: 35.2), to recount
parabasis contravention (1: 52), deviation (2: 4, 69), (1: 22), to report (1: 85), to set out (5: 22, 28.2,
transgression (1: 4) 44, 78, 79), to state (1: 22), to teach (5: 54, 59, 63,
parabatikos transgressive (1: 69) 73, 93), to transmit (8: 17, 25, 40, 44, 51, 78, 83,
parablepein to take a side look at (1: 95) 99), to treat (1: 85)
parabolê analogy (1: 67), collocation (1: 60), paradidosthai to be received (1: 60), to be
comparing (1: 40), comparison (10: 7, 19, 28.1, traditionally explained (1: 86.1), to explain (1:
38, 40, 44, 60, 78, 79, 100), conjunction 2); paradidonai hêmin to hand us (something)
(astronomical) (1: 55), correlation (1: 19), (1: 59)
parallelism (2: 64, 65), relationship (1: 28.1) paradokhê receiving (1: 28.1), reception (1: 48),
parabolos deviant (1: 22), extraordinary (1: 25), transmission (1: 22)
hazardous (2: 34/35.1, 55) paradosis account (1: 41.1), doctrine passed down (1:
paradeigma diagram (1: 7), example (62: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), explaining (1: 2), explanation (1: 48),
10.2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, instruction (1: 39), offering (1: 40), presentation
28.2, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 42, (4: 40, 48, 65, 90), presenting (1: 40), teaching
43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, (1: 84), tradition (2: 22, 72), transmission (1:
64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 90, 51), what has been handed down (1: 28.1)
92.1, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), exemplar (4: paradoxologein to speak paradoxically (1: 3)
7, 53, 65, 66), illustration (6: 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, paradoxologia paradox (1: 42)
44, 76), model (18: 2, 15, 23, 26, 32, 34/35.1, 42, paradoxos contrary to expectation (1: 2), incredible (2:
51, 56, 57, 59, 61, 69, 70, 72, 89, 99, 100), original 86.2, 91), marvellous (1: 67), paradoxical (12: 3,
(2: 7, 35.2), paradigm (14: 9, 11, 14, 17, 22, 39, 11, 16, 23, 35.2, 38, 40, 43.3, 75, 79, 85, 93),
54, 68, 70, 72, 83, 86.2, 89, 90), pattern (5: 10.2, paradoxically (1: 86.1), surprising (2: 57, 94),
11, 22, 58, 59), proof (1: 97.1), representative (1: unbelievable (1: 86.1), unusual (1: 88)
57), simile (1: 28.1) to paradoxon paradox (2: 3, 11)
paradeigmatikos exemplary (1: 67), paradigmatic (12: paradromê aberration (1: 27)
9, 11, 14, 17, 26, 44, 48, 51, 59, 63, 70, 76) paragein to adduce (4: 58, 78, 79, 99), to attribute (1: 68),
paradeigmatikôs as a model (1: 70), as paradigms to avoid (1: 54), to bring (4: 58, 59, 80, 99), to
(1: 68), by way of paradigm (1: 85), in a bring about (3: 17, 29.1, 41.2), to bring forth (1:
paradigmatic way (2: 54, 55), paradigmatically 68), to bring in (4: 3, 78, 79, 83), to bring into
(1: 70) being (2: 58, 80), to bring into existence (3: 58, 59,
paradeiknunai to compare (1: 18.2), to exemplify (1: 83), to create (3: 25, 42, 54), to derive (5: 17, 20, 22,
48), to exhibit (1: 99), to indicate (1: 79), to offer 29.1, 48), to emit (1: 20), to generate (1: 45/46), to
as an example (1: 48), to point out (3: 19, 42, guide (1: 85), to introduce (9: 18.2, 41.2, 42, 48, 54,
78), to prove (1: 55), to represent (2: 51, 78), to 55, 68, 83, 99), to invoke (1: 59), to lead aside (1:
show (2: 19, 44) 85), to lead astray (1: 40), to mislead (3: 27, 40,
paradeiknusthai to give an example (1: 93), to 57), to offer (2: 59, 79), to produce (9: 34/35.1,
point out (1: 2) 45/46, 51, 60, 70, 83, 86.1, 92.1, 99)
paradeixis argument (1: 44), demonstration (1: 51) paragesthai to be derived (1: 23), to be dragged in
paradekhesthai to accept (10: 2, 6.1, 12, 16, 44, 50, 55, (1: 2), to shift (1: 48); paragomenos created (1:
57, 80, 83), to acquire (1: 58), to admit (6: 21, 25, 68); paragousa aitia creative cause (1: 99)
48, 75, 86.2, 91), to allow (1: 20), to condone (1: paragignesthai / paraginesthai to accrue (3: 39, 79,
50), to receive (5: 28.1, 42, 48, 51, 52) 83), to arrive (8: 3, 20, 41.2, 48, 51, 52, 78, 80), to
paradekteon acceptable (1: 18.2) arrive on the scene (1: 80), to be acquired (1:
paradêloun to conjecture (1: 25), to present (1: 23) 27), to be added (1: 27), to be found (1: 22), to
paradiazeuktikos alternative (1: 44) be present (3: 2, 25, 59), to become present (2:
paradidonai to account for (1: 41.1), to allow (1: 86.1), 52, 57), to come (1: 80), to come into (1: 22), to
to assert (1: 55), to attribute (1: 51), to be come into existence (1: 80), to come to (4: 2,
traditional (1: 22), to convey (2: 39, 55), to 28.2, 86.1, 93), to come to be (2: 28.2, 59), to
explain (1: 41.2), to expound (2: 26, 41.2), to come to be present (5: 19, 39, 42, 52, 73), to
give (3: 19, 48, 73), to give an account (1: 22), to come up to (1: 57), to move (1: 55), to
give an account of (1: 44), to hand down (10: supervene (1: 83)


paragogê being brought (1: 80), deception (1: 40), surrounds (1: 58), related matters (1: 16), things
fallacy (1: 10.2), inflection (1: 35.2), surrounding (1: 61)
introduction (1: 68), misleading claim (1: 86.1), parakeleuesthai to call for (1: 79), to recommend (3:
mistake (1: 44), production (2: 58, 59), pushing 28.1, 51, 55), to urge (1: 48)
aside (1: 38) parakeleusis commanding (1: 23)
paragôgos : to paragôgon derivative (1: 51) parakharattein to debase (1: 84)
paragraphê marginal note (1: 44), transcription (1: 51) parakhôrein to be displaced (1: 55), to cede (1: 84), to
paragraphein to add (1: 85), to append (1: 19), to depart (1: 55), to give place to (1: 56), to give
change the words (of a text) (1: 54), to comment way to (1: 94), to stand aside (1: 85)
on (1: 42), to insert (1: 22), to make a charge (1: parakhôrêsis abandonment (1: 68), departure (1: 55)
78), to make a note (1: 27), to offer comments parakhrêma immediately (2: 68, 86.1), just now (1: 68),
(1: 42), to quote (3: 79, 83, 92.2), to record (1: on the spot (1: 68)
48), to set out (1: 44) parakhrêsthai to misuse (1: 88)
paragraphesthai to note (1: 40); exô paragraphein parakhrôsis chromatic range (1: 48), corruption (1:
to add in the margin (1: 41.1) 11), faint image (1: 26), slight alteration (1: 84),
paragumnoun to disclose (1: 55), to expose (1: 99), to tincture (1: 19)
lay bare (2: 44, 51) parakinein to displace (1: 57), to deviate (1: 48), to
parainein to advise (2: 4, 65), to espouse (1: 84) turn aside (1: 61)
parainesis exhortation (1: 51) paraklisis turning away (1: 86.2)
parainetikos hortatory (1: 51) parakmastikos past the prime (1: 42)
paraiôreisthai to be suspended (1: 79) parakmazein to decay (1: 60), to decline (1: 83), to pass
parairein : paraireisthai tên sunaisthêsin to lose the mark of the prime (1: 95)
awareness (1: 87) parakmê decay (1: 60), decline (2: 34/35.1, 83),
paraisthanesthai to be deranged (1: 61), to ill perceive minimum (1: 54)
(1: 61) parakoê misunderstanding (3: 27, 83, 85)
paraiteisthai to ask (2: 86.1, 99), to ask to be allowed parakolouthein to accompany (14: 4, 12, 22, 25, 27, 32,
(1: 83), to avoid (2: 23, 85), to beg to differ (1: 38, 41.1, 44, 56, 61, 87, 95, 98), to apply to (3: 21,
44), to decline (5: 10.2, 16, 23, 27, 30/31), to 48, 61), to attend (1: 56), to attend on (1: 4), to
deny (1: 83), to deprecate (1: 55), to dismiss (3: attend to (1: 40), to attend upon (2: 17, 57), to
2, 85, 86.2), to excuse (2: 2, 23), to excuse be a concomitant (3: 7, 39, 41.2), to be a
oneself from (1: 44), to hesitate (1: 44), to ignore concomitant of (1: 13), to be a consequence (1:
(1: 86.1), to prevent (1: 55), to refrain from (2: 58), to be a consequence of (1: 87), to be a
78, 83), to refuse (2: 48, 86.1), to reject (5: 2, 23, feature that follows (1: 17), to be consequent (1:
30/31, 48, 51), to repudiate (2: 44, 48) 27), to be co-present (1: 27), to be incidental to
paraition contributory cause (1: 34/35.1) (1: 20), to become as a consequence (1: 58), to
parakalein to attract (1: 4), to call in (1: 52), to call come to be as a by-product (1: 97.2), to
upon (1: 84), to invite (1: 21) comprehend (1: 70), to examine in detail (1: 91),
parakatathêkê pledge (1: 34/35.1) to follow (16: 6.2, 14, 18.2, 23, 40, 45/46, 51, 56,
parakatêgorêma parapredicate (1: 23), partial predicate 59, 60, 61, 65, 67, 88, 94, 97.2), to follow after (1:
(1: 35.2) 95), to follow along (2: 78, 97.2), to follow
elatton ê parakatêgorêma lesser partial predication closely (1: 19), to follow from (1: 95), to follow
(1: 35.2) on (1: 17), to follow upon (2: 34/35.1, 95), to
parakatienai : parakatiôn further down (1: 34/35.1), parallel (1: 14), to pay attention to (2: 42, 45/46),
lower down (1: 35.2) to track (1: 14), to understand (4: 54, 70, 83, 99)
parakeisthai to be added (1: 54), to be adjacent (8: 3, to parakolouthon accompaniment (1: 22), attribute
21, 41.2, 52, 57, 59, 60, 86.1), to be associated (1: (1: 41.1); ta parakolouthonta adjuncts (2: 63,
75), to be in the proximity of (1: 58), to be 76), attributes (2: 39, 61), properties (1: 92.2)
juxtaposed (2: 24, 79), to be near (1: 90), to be parakolouthêma attendant (1: 57), by-product (3: 22,
nearby (1: 59), to be neighbouring (1: 12), to be 93, 97.2), concomitant (4: 7, 13, 20, 48),
placed alongside (1: 52), to be put together (1: derivative consequence (1: 89)
91), to be set out (1: 85), to lie alongside (3: 54, parakolouthêsis conscious accompaniment (1: 39)
79, 87), to lie beside (1: 98), to lie near (2: 16, dianoêtikê parakolouthêsis mental tracking (1: 14)
56), to lie next to each other (1: 67), to lie ready parakomizein to bring up (1: 52)
for (1: 34/35.1), to lie side by side (1: 87), to lie parakopê derangement (1: 52)
together (1: 83) parakoptein to be deranged (1: 52), to be insane (1: 91)
parakeimenos adjacent (2: 20, 28.2), closely related parakouein to fail to understand (1: 83), to make
(1: 16), derivative (1: 51), side by side (1: 39); ta mistakes in hearing (1: 90), to misinterpret (1:
parakeimena adjacent material (1: 22), one’s 83), to misunderstand (3: 25, 68, 86.1)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

parakousma ambiguity (1: 48), mistaken notion (1: 7) (3: 48, 91, 95), to differ (1: 51), to diverge (2: 11,
parakron next to extreme (1: 57) 16), to exceed (2: 41.2, 95), to go beyond (2: 55,
parakrouein to deceive (1: 68), to mislead (1: 68) 95), to miss the mark (1: 99), to move beyond
parakrouesthai to be misled (1: 16), to be turned (1: 95), to pass (1: 58), to pass by (1: 95), to pass
aside (1: 16), to do violence to (1: 10.2), to through (1: 88), to set apart (1: 95), to slip away
knock off balance (1: 40), to mislead (2: 7, 40), (1: 95), to surpass (2: 40, 95), to traverse (1: 95),
to trip up (1: 16) to vary (1: 48)
parakrousma fallacy (1: 41.2) parallattesthai to be of an altogether different
paraktikos productive (1: 68), productive of (1: 58) character (1: 86.1), to differ (1: 52), to vary (1:
paralambanein to accept (4: 44, 48, 74, 83), to add (3: 22); parallattôn varying (1: 22); parêllagmenôs
22, 44, 61), to adduce (1: 20), to admit (2: 25, correspondingly (1: 27)
99), to adopt (4: 52, 61, 67, 76), to also take in paralassein / parallattein to change (3: 51, 54, 55), to
(1: 56), to apply (1: 27), to assume (2: 76, 90), to vary (2: 48, 83)
bring in (1: 16), to bring together (1: 48), to call parallax complementarily (1: 9), so as not to meet (1:
in (1: 21), to cover (1: 61), to employ (9: 12, 19, 24)
40, 42, 59, 73, 76, 90, 93), to enlist (as a partner) parallaxis alteration (1: 11), cross-wise change (1: 99),
(1: 25), to focus on (1: 92.1), to include (14: 2, deviation (4: 39, 83, 92.2, 95), difference (1: 83),
22, 26, 27, 28.2, 44, 57, 61, 67, 74, 76, 85, 92.1, divergence (1: 11), parallax (2: 1, 54), variation
93), to incorporate (1: 76), to introduce (6: 9, 16, (3: 19, 22, 48)
18.2, 48, 52, 75), to involve (1: 22), to receive (4: parallêlogrammos parallelogrammic (1: 88)
20, 68, 73, 86.2), to recognize (1: 7), to refer to to parallêlogrammon parallelogram (5: 20, 44, 55,
(1: 61), to select (1: 17), to take (14: 3, 54, 55, 58, 83, 93)
59, 61, 67, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85), to take as parallêlos interchangeable (1: 38), parallel (10: 3, 24,
equivalent (1: 44), to take by way of illustration 54, 55, 65, 79, 83, 86.2, 88, 90)
(1: 67), to take in (1: 57), to take in addition (1: ek parallêlou by parallel reasoning (1: 93),
17), to take into account (2: 17, 61), to take over indifferently (1: 16), is a pleonasm (1: 93),
(3: 57, 59, 80), to take over (from a source) (1: juxtaposed (1: 94), pleonastically (5: 28.2, 60, 61,
25), to take together (1: 18.2), to take up (2: 51, 93, 94), redundantly (1: 3), side by side (1: 98),
85), to understand (2: 55, 74), to use (9: 40, 54, the same way (1: 24); ek parallêlou keisthai to
55, 58, 59, 61, 80, 83, 93), to use as an additional be parallel (1: 73)
assumption (1: 80) paralogismos fallacious argument (2: 58, 90), fallacious
paralambanesthai to be included (1: 10.2) inference (1: 40), fallacy (12: 1, 3, 6.1, 19, 40, 44,
paraleipein to fail to mention (1: 78), to leave (2: 10.2, 58, 65, 68, 75, 84, 93), false inference (1: 80),
18.2), to leave aside (3: 27, 42, 60), to leave out false reasoning (1: 70), faulty argument (1: 11),
(12: 2, 3, 19, 21, 54, 61, 64, 65, 77, 78, 84, 99), to illegitimate inference (1: 73), paralogism (5: 14,
leave unresolved (1: 10.2), to neglect (3: 2, 17, 23, 35.2, 54, 87), piece of sophistry (1: 59),
51), to omit (11: 18.2, 27, 40, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, pseudo-argument (1: 97.2), wrong conclusion
60, 67, 73, 99), to pass over (3: 41.2, 48, 78), to (1: 15)
skip over (1: 42) tropos paralogismôn way in which paralogisms
to paraleleimmenon remaining part (1: 61) arise (1: 35.2)
paraleipsis omission (1: 93) paralogistikos fallacious (1: 70)
kata paraleipsin as deliberately omitted (1: 73) paralogistikôs fallaciously (1: 70)
paraleiptikos : paraleiptikon skhêma paralipsis (1: paralogizesthai to argue badly (1: 45/46), to argue
78) fallaciously (2: 75, 80), to baffle (1: 23), to be
paralêpsis being incorporated (1: 23), false assumption fraudulent (1: 84), to commit a fallacy (2: 21,
(1: 65), reception (1: 39) 87), to create fallacious arguments (1: 58), to get
paralimpanein to disregard (1: 89), to leave aside (3: someone confused (1: 17), to give a fallacious
17, 57, 99), to leave out (2: 79, 98), to omit (1: argument (1: 57), to infer fallaciously (1: 90), to
94) miscalculate (1: 45/46), to mislead (5: 48, 59, 65,
parallagê alteration (2: 23, 30/31), change of position 68, 99), to mislead by means of a fallacious
(1: 58), continuum (1: 85), difference (2: 54, 55), argument (1: 59), to reach a false conclusion (1:
disparity (1: 91), divergence (1: 39), diversity (1: 15), to reason fallaciously (3: 69, 89, 90), to
91), lack of fit (1: 44), variation (3: 19, 41.2, 48) reason falsely (2: 3, 38), to reason illegitimately
ekhein parallagên to illustrate (1: 44) (1: 73), to reason incorrectly (1: 78), to trap in a
parallassein / parallattein to alter (1: 44), to be fallacy (1: 40)
different (1: 55), to be otherwise (1: 99), to be paralogos absurd (2: 11, 21), against all reason (1: 2),
out of one’s mind (1: 59), to change (2: 54, 55), beyond expectation (1: 17), beyond reason (2:
to crisscross (1: 79), to cross (1: 95), to deviate 38, 89), contrary to reason (3: 43.2, 67, 97.1),


fallacious (1: 84), illogical (1: 25), irrational (2: paraphrôn mindless (1: 6.2)
21, 67), outside calculation (1: 26), paradoxical paraphronein to be deranged in judgement (1:
(3: 52, 55, 75), unreasonable (2: 43.3, 57) 34/35.1), to be out of one’s mind (1: 16)
to paralogon paralogism (1: 22); paralogôs legein paraphrosunê delirium (1: 91), derangement (1:
to blunder in saying (1: 88) 34/35.1), mental derangement (1: 67)
paraluein to release (1: 52), to remove (1: 21) paraphtheirein to debase (1: 84), to undermine (1:
paralupein to trouble (1: 42) 34/35.1)
paralusis loosening (1: 92.2) paraphthora destructive change (1: 36)
parameibein to change (1: 57), to exchange places (1: paraphuas offshoot (5: 2, 7, 13, 48, 51)
95) paraphuein : paraphuesthai to arise as a by-product
paramelein to be negligent (1: 4), to neglect (1: 4) (1: 45/46), to be a natural offshoot (1: 39), to be
paramenein to endure (1: 43.2), to endure (temporally) an appendage (1: 48)
(1: 25), to keep (1: 42), to remain (1: 97.1), to parapephukenai to be cognate (1: 28.1), to develop
remain along with (1: 54) naturally beside (1: 28.1); to paraphuomenon
parameson next to the middle (1: 57) offshoot (1: 27)
parametrein to measure out (1: 87) paraphulattein to ensure (1: 86.2), to guard against (1:
paramignunai to admix (1: 39), to mix along (1: 57), to 23), to maintain (1: 51), to observe (2: 23, 55), to
mix with (1: 38) pay attention (1: 65)
paramonos lingering (1: 91) paraphulattesthai to watch out for (1: 35.2);
paramuthein : paramutheisthai to abate (1: 38), to paraphulakteon one should pay attention (1:
assuage (1: 44), to charm away (1: 56), to 65)
encourage (1: 51), to excuse (1: 4), to exhort (1: parapiptein to drop in (1: 56), to stray away from (1:
42), to explain (1: 44), to express (1: 84), to 86.1)
make an exhortation (1: 55), to palliate (1: 88), paraplanasthai to wander astray (1: 34/35.1)
to persuade (1: 85), to produce comfortable paraplein to sail along (1: 54)
conviction (1: 10.2) paraplekein : paraplekesthai to be woven in (1: 84)
to reassure (1: 34/35.1), to soften (1: 26) paraplêrôma complement (3: 7, 39, 44), something
paramuthia consolation (1: 43.2), encouragement (1: complementary (1: 20)
51), exhortation (1: 54), explanation (7: 22, 26, paraplêromatikos completive (1: 36)
34/35.1, 42, 73, 90, 91), plausibility (1: 74), proof paraplêsia propinquity (1: 57)
(1: 69), reassurance (1: 34/35.1), reservation (1: huparkhein paraplêsia to resemble (1: 86.1)
69) paraplêsios akin (1: 57), comparable (1: 25), equivalent
meta paramuthias in a convincing way (1: 94) (1: 17), just like (1: 21), like (2: 25, 68), much the
paranatellein to rise alongside (1: 55), to rise next to same (1: 55), nearly the same (1: 86.1), quite
(1: 95) similar (1: 55), related (1: 17), resembling (1:
paranêtê next-to-the-highest note (1: 19) 86.1), similar (5: 18.2, 21, 25, 83, 85), that
parangellein to invoke (1: 3), to urge (1: 84) resembles (1: 86.1), very similar (1: 61)
parangelma precept (1: 40) paraplêsiôs in a similar way (1: 51), in something
parangelmata êthika ethical precepts (1: 67) like the way that (1: 86.1), in the same way (1:
paranoia madness (2: 6.2, 99), misconception (1: 6.2) 64), resembling (1: 86.1), similarly (1: 17);
parapan altogether (1: 11), at all whatsoever (1: 10.2) paraplêsiôs ekhein to come close (1: 54)
to parapan at all (1: 16) parapodizein to be a hindrance (1: 28.1), to hamper (1:
parapempein to deliver (1: 91), to dismiss (1: 10.2), to 22), to hinder (1: 28.1), to impede (4: 22, 28.2,
lead on (1: 4), to reject (1: 21), to send (1: 86.1), 29.1, 56), to interfere (1: 28.1), to prevent (1:
to send along (1: 57), to send on (1: 56), to 28.2), to undermine (1: 83)
transfer (1: 54), to transmit (2: 25, 77) parapoduesthai to get ready for (1: 84)
parapempesthai to dismiss (1: 78), to move parapolauein to partake (1: 28.2)
through (1: 28.2) parapompê delivery (1: 91)
parapetasma curtain (1: 7), veil (2: 22, 51) paraptein to touch upon (1: 85)
paraphainein to appear beside (1: 85) pararrhiptein to interject (1: 99), to throw out (1: 78)
parapherein to bring forward (1: 83), to bring out (1: parartan to append (1: 95)
18.2), to carry aside (1: 55), to move in the parasaleuein to undermine (1: 6.1)
opposite direction (1: 83), to remove (1: 52) parasêmainesthai to note (1: 40)
parapheresthai to be led astray (1: 25), to be parasêmon indication (1: 86.1)
presented (1: 38), to be turned away (1: 38), to paraskeuazein to arrange (1: 91), to cause (1: 54), to
depart (1: 57) construct (1: 83), to contrive (1: 99), to enable
paraphrasis paraphrase (3: 1, 18.2, 83) (1: 91), to equip (1: 69), to facilitate (1: 91), to
paraphrazein to paraphrase (5: 19, 27, 34/35.1, 51, 54) fashion (1: 69), to make fit (1: 22), to make

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

ready (1: 56), to prepare (8: 17, 19, 38, 51, 52, 68, paratetagmenos diachronic (1: 11), in sequence (1:
69, 83), to prime (1: 91), to produce (2: 38, 69), 11)
to provide (1: 4), to render (1: 17) parataxis line of battle (1: 17), ordering (1: 55)
paraskeuazesthai to adopt a contrivance (1: 4), to parateinein to continue (1: 6.2), to extend (2: 6.2, 28.1),
be framed (1: 28.2), to develop (1: 28.2), to to prolong (1: 57), to stretch out (1: 28.1)
prepare (1: 22) parateinesthai to be coextensive with (1: 25), to be
paraskeuê arrangement (1: 69), condition that makes stretched out alongside (1: 19), to extend (2:
something ready (1: 79), endowment (1: 52), 28.2, 42)
equipment (1: 69), predisposition (1: 48), parateleutos penultimate (1: 93)
preparation (5: 19, 40, 51, 54, 69), preparatory paratêrein to observe (1: 95), to watch closely (1: 51)
state (1: 25), preparedness (1: 44), procuring (1: paratêrêsis observation (2: 88, 90)
40), production (1: 69), provision (2: 2, 40), parathein to occupy (1: 58)
readiness (2: 12, 52), siege engine (1: 84) parathesis adjacence (1: 57), adjustment (1: 57), being
pros tên paraskeuên to produce (1: 22) near (1: 56), citation (1: 16), citing instances (1:
paraskhêmatismos change in form (1: 51), derivative 19), combination (1: 91), comparison (4: 22, 40,
(1: 23), slight change in the form of an 60, 100), confrontation (1: 100), contrast (3: 22,
expression (1: 48) 26, 100), inclusion (1: 27), juxtaposing (2: 40,
kata paraskhêmatismon by altering the form (1: 48), juxtaposition (26: 12, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.2,
23) 32, 33, 34/35.1, 39, 40, 41.2, 52, 54, 60, 61, 63, 67,
paraskhêmatizein to decline (1: 51) 76, 78, 79, 85, 87, 91, 100), parallel (1: 56),
pareskhêmatismenos derivative (1: 5) reference (1: 2), setting down (2: 9, 30/31),
paraspeirein to diffuse (2: 12, 52), to distribute (1: 91), setting down beside (1: 40), setting down next
to intersperse (2: 18.2, 98), to introduce (1: 4), to (1: 40), setting out (2: 55, 83), storing (1:
to scatter (1: 18.2), to spread out (1: 60) 86.1)
paraspeiresthai to be disseminated (1: 50); parathrauein to knock out of position (1: 36)
paresparmenos interspersed (1: 78) paratithenai to add (3: 18.2, 44, 76), to adduce (2: 56,
parastasis establishing (1: 61), production (1: 23), 99), to advance (1: 80), to cite (5: 6.2, 19, 26,
showing (1: 84) 92.1, 99), to contrast (1: 90), to exhibit (1: 23), to
eis parastasin in order to show (1: 23) furnish (1: 17), to give (1: 23), to incude (1: 44),
parastatikos explanatory (1: 13), indicative (2: 28.2, to insert (1: 44), to introduce (1: 78), to
41.2) juxtapose (6: 20, 32, 38, 40, 51, 60), to place (1:
parastrephein to turn aside (1: 57) 90), to place near (1: 57), to present (2: 48, 86.1),
parasumbama paroccurrence (1: 23), partial incidental to present for consideration (1: 41.2), to provide
(1: 35.2) (1: 90), to put forward (1: 18.2), to put with (1:
elatton ê parasumbama lesser partial incidental (1: 57), to quote (3: 44, 51, 80), to set alongside (2:
35.2) 79, 99), to set down (3: 9, 30/31, 60), to set down
parasunaktikos consequential (1: 27) beside (1: 40), to set down next to (1: 40), to set
parasunaptikos causal (3: 36, 54, 83), causal out (6: 18.2, 44, 56, 78, 79, 83), to supply (1: 60)
(conjunction) (1: 55) paratithesthai to add (2: 2, 6.1), to adduce (1: 2), to
parasunaptikos sundesmos causal connective (1: allege (1: 54), to append (1: 98), to be adjacent
78) (1: 25), to be juxtaposed (1: 25), to bring in (1:
parasurein to sweep aside (1: 52) 2), to cite (9: 2, 3, 10.2, 16, 19, 21, 42, 58, 59), to
paratasis continuance (6: 6.2, 11, 47, 48, 59, 87), explain (2: 54, 64), to lay out (2: 64, 65), to
continuation (1: 39), duration (4: 11, 14, 22, 83), mention (3: 10.2, 21, 85), to present (1: 16), to
endurance (1: 11), extended period (1: 68), quote (2: 25, 58), to say (1: 10.2), to set down (1:
extendedness (1: 83), extension (12: 14, 27, 42, 65), to set out (2: 54, 55)
44, 48, 53, 54, 56, 58, 66, 68, 99), lapse (1: 80), paratrekhein to exceed (1: 68), to omit (1: 26), to pass
period (1: 58), stretch (1: 87), temporal (1: 87), to pass by (2: 27, 85), to pass over (3: 19,
extension (1: 66) 54, 84), to run past (1: 87), to run through (1:
en paratasei extended (1: 27); kata paratasin in 95)
extended form (1: 22); paratasin dekhesthai to paratrepein to turn off (1: 28.1)
extend (1: 86.1); paratasin ekhein to be paratrepesthai to be turned aside (1: 16), to change
extended (1: 44); paratasin lambanein to character (1: 28.2)
extend (1: 86.1); paratasis khronou expanse of paratribein to rub (2: 83, 88), to rub together (2: 57,
time (1: 57), temporal duration (1: 22) 99)
paratattein to adjoin (1: 11), to order in a sequence (1: paratribesthai to be chafed (1: 54)
11), to place side by side (1: 11) paratripsis chafing (1: 54), friction (4: 57, 88, 95, 98),
rubbing (1: 84), rubbing together (2: 57, 86.1)


paratropê change of character (1: 28.2), deviation (2: 18.2); parekhein tên ktêsin to put in possession
48, 92.2), perversion (1: 39) (1: 40)
parautika immediately (1: 86.1) parekpurôsis flame kindled at the side (1: 95)
parauxanein to increase (1: 44), to make greater (1: 44) parekpurousthai to catch fire at the side (1: 95)
parauxein : parauxesthai to become large (1: 42), to parekteinein to be coextensive (1: 77), to extend (1:
increase (1: 6.2) 48), to extend equally (1: 52), to extend
parauxêsis increase (1: 44) throughout (1: 52), to reach (1: 77)
paraxein to adhere to (1: 54), to follow (1: 79), to follow parekteinesthai to extend over (1: 55), to extend
closely (1: 3), to graze (1: 88), to pick up on (1: together (1: 14)
54) parektikos able to cause (2: 39, 68), conferring (1: 2),
parean : pareiateos to be omitted (1: 64) productive (1: 48), providing (1: 2), supplying
pareikazein to describe by analogy (1: 38), to liken (1: (1: 2)
34/35.1) parektrepesthai to turn (1: 55)
pareikein to yield (1: 98) parektribesthai to be chafed (1: 54)
pareinai to appear (1: 28.2), to be in (1: 28.2), to be parektropê deviation (3: 17, 59, 80), turning away (1:
next to (1: 99), to be present (28: 4, 12, 16, 18.2, 92.2)
19, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 44, 48, 51, 54, 58, 59, 60, parêlion mock sun (1: 95)
64, 68, 75, 83, 85, 86.1, 91, 92.1, 93, 98, 99), to parelkein to add (1: 90), to be off the mark (1: 54), to be
currently exist (1: 59) redundant (5: 7, 9, 19, 40, 90), to be superfluous
mê pareinai to be absent (1: 28.2); parôn present (1: 80), to contain a redundant element (1: 40),
(2: 59, 60); to pareinai presence (1: 12); en tôi to distort (2: 35.2, 70), to mislead (1: 3)
paronti right now (1: 93); ho parôn logos the parelkôn redundant (1: 25); ta parelkonta extra
present argument (1: 25), the present discussion things (1: 23)
(1: 25), the present work (1: 25) paremballein to bring in (1: 84), to insert (6: 3, 7, 17,
pareisagein to introduce (1: 55), to obtrude (1: 28.2) 60, 79, 93), to interject (1: 19), to interpose (1:
pareisduein to get into (1: 28.2) 27), to throw in (1: 99)
pareisdusis admitting in (1: 70), entrance (2: 6.1, 84), paremballesthai to be inserted (1: 78)
entry (1: 98), intervention (1: 18.2), weaving in paremphainein to intimate (1: 39), to manifest in
(1: 18.2) addition (1: 91)
pareiskuklein to bring in (1: 17), to digress (1: 84), to paremphainesthai to appear alongside (1: 34/35.1),
introduce surreptitiously (1: 70), to wheel in (1: to appear incidentally (1: 52), to be involved in
98) (1: 94), to be manifest alongside (1: 25), to
pareispherein to introduce (1: 7) coexist (1: 25), to imply (1: 94)
pareistrekhein to run out beside (1: 34/35.1) paremphasis exhibition (1: 44), intimation (1: 39),
parekbainein to deviate (2: 69, 78), to digress (4: 20, 59, misrepresentation (1: 65)
80, 94), to get away from (1: 59), to speak by parempiptein to be inserted (1: 19), to come in (1: 22),
way of a digression (1: 94), to transgress (1: 69) to come in between (1: 61), to creep among (1:
parekbasis deviation (3: 43.1, 69, 78), digression (5: 14, 98), to fall along in (1: 57), to fall between (1:
20, 55, 57, 88), excursus (1: 34/35.1) 48), to find one’s way (1: 58), to get in (1: 22), to
kata parekbasin by way of departure from (1: 70) insert (2: 22, 90), to insert oneself (1: 48), to
parekduesthai to sneak out (1: 84) insinuate itself (1: 70), to intervene (2: 28.2, 64)
parêkein to omit (3: 18.2, 44, 85), to pass over (1: 99), parempiptôn intervening (1: 79)
to set aside (1: 44) paremplekein to contain (1: 90)
parêkôn past (1: 3) paremplekesthai to be interwoven (1: 79)
parekhein to assist (1: 42), to cause (2: 42, 52), to paremplokê entanglement (1: 98), interlacing (1: 50),
confer (2: 2, 44), to contain (1: 18.2), to excite interweaving (2: 78, 79), weaving in (1: 18.2)
(1: 18.2), to furnish (3: 64, 83, 99), to give (3: 12, parempodizein to be an impediment (1: 61), to hinder
18.2, 98), to give rise to (1: 99), to grant (1: (1: 67), to impede (4: 11, 22, 28.2, 61)
86.1), to make (5: 21, 44, 52, 55, 64), to permit paremptôsis intervention (1: 78)
(1: 44), to present (2: 10.2, 86.1), to produce (5: parendeiknunai to indicate (1: 27)
48, 54, 65, 78, 92.1), to provide (14: 12, 21, 40, parenkeisthai to be inserted (1: 75)
42, 44, 52, 54, 55, 68, 75, 83, 86.2, 98, 99), to parenkheirein to tamper (1: 59)
render (1: 40), to serve (1: 44), to supply (4: 44, parenklinein to alter slightly (1: 51), to derive (1: 41.2)
78, 83, 86.1) parenklisis derivation (1: 72)
parekhesthai to furnish (2: 10.2, 19), to present (1: parentithenai to insert (2: 90, 93)
10.2), to provide (6: 2, 11, 28.1, 28.2, 51, 79); parepeigein to press ahead (1: 69)
parekhein aporian to present a puzzle (1: 99); parepesthai to accompany (2: 58, 84), to be
parekhein khreian to fulfil a useful purpose (1: concomitant (2: 2, 58), to be consequent upon

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(1: 41.2), to follow (2: 17, 34/35.1), to follow 52), to stand by (1: 80), to stand next to (1: 52),
upon (1: 35.2), to go along (1: 7) to support (3: 10.2, 12, 16); opsei paristasthai
to parepomenon consequence (1: 68); para tou to present visually (1: 95)
parepomenou concomitantly (1: 58) parodeuein to pass through (1: 34/35.1), to proceed (1:
parergos incidental (1: 45/46), of marginal importance 55)
(1: 34/35.1), superficial (1: 51), with less parodos approach (1: 48), entrance (1: 95), entry (1:
dedication (1: 86.1) 18.2), introduction (1: 68), passage (6: 38, 55, 57,
parergôs as a side issue (1: 44), by the way (1: 60, 98, 99), passage in (1: 57), passageway (1:
34/35.1), casually (1: 88), incidentally (1: 44), off 55), passing (1: 91)
the point (1: 42), superficially (1: 54); mê ek parodou casually (1: 79)
parergôs attentively (1: 42); to parergon paroikhesthai : parôikhomenos past (1: 35.2)
by-product (1: 89), subordinate function (1: 38) parôikhêkôs past (1: 29.1); to parôikhêmonon the
parerkhesthai to arrive (1: 2), to arrive on the scene (1: past (2: 35.2, 75)
59), to come into existence (1: 83), to go by (1: paroimia adage (1: 18.2), maxim (1: 72), proverb (7:
11), to go past (1: 83), to overtake (1: 11), to 18.2, 20, 43.2, 44, 54, 85, 89), proverbial
pass (1: 85), to pass away (1: 87), to pass by (5: expression (1: 95), saying (2: 83, 88)
3, 17, 19, 38, 75), to pass over (3: 54, 75, 79), to paroinein to insult (1: 99)
reach (1: 11) paroistran to goad on (1: 56)
parelthôn past (of time) (1: 25); to parelthon the parolou completely (1: 86.1)
past (4: 11, 50, 75, 89); parelêluthôs past (5: 7, paromoios very like (1: 34/35.1)
14, 29.1, 58, 83), past (of time) (1: 25); to paronomazein to call by almost the same name (1: 48),
parelêluthos the past (1: 3); parelthôn khronos to derive a name (1: 72), to form paronymously
past tense (1: 35.2); parelêluthôs khronos the (1: 51), to name after (2: 40, 94), to name
past (7: 23, 14, 20, 27, 42, 44, 75) paronymously (1: 48)
paresis paralysis (1: 22), slackening (1: 92.2) ta paronomazomena ek things taking their
paretos someone with palsy (1: 34/35.1) appellation from (1: 56)
pareuresis false claim (1: 86.1) paronumazein to name derivatively (1: 85)
parexêgeisthai to misinterpret (4: 48, 54, 59, 80) parônumia paronymy (1: 41.1)
parexêgêsis misinterpretation (1: 68) parônumiazein to refer to paronymously (1: 19), to use
parexeinai to fail to mention (1: 54) paronymously (1: 75)
parexerkhesthai to proceed (1: 48), to sidestep (1: 85) parônumos derivative (3: 20, 39, 40), derived (1: 40),
parexetasis comparison (2: 1, 83) named after (1: 40), paronymous (3: 13, 44, 48)
parienai to avoid (1: 59), to brush aside (1: 92.1), to parônumôs by a term derived from (1: 57), called
come in (1: 52), to disregard (1: 86.1), to fail (to derivatively (1: 85), paronymously (5: 13, 17, 19,
do) (1: 54), to leave out (2: 54, 83), to neglect (2: 41.1, 51); to parônumon derived term (1: 27),
3, 99), to omit (10: 3, 19, 42, 51, 54, 60, 64, 65, 83, paronym (3: 7, 13, 51)
94), to pass into (1: 42), to pass over (9: 7, 17, 23, parorama mistake (2: 55, 84), oversight (1: 18.2)
41.2, 54, 55, 78, 79, 93), to permit (1: 93), to paroran to disregard (1: 83), to fail to see (1: 75), to make
refrain (1: 99), to refuse (1: 86.1), to reject (1: mistakes in seeing (1: 90), to neglect (1: 25), to
86.1), to say nothing about (1: 48) overlook (3: 25, 34/35.1, 90), to pass over (1: 4)
parisôsthai to be made equal (1: 55) parorasthai to be overlooked (1: 10.2)
parisoun to equate (1: 48), to make equal (1: 52) parormêtikos exhortative (1: 75)
paristanai to adduce (1: 39), to assist (1: 40), to be parôthein to repel (1: 86.1)
present (1: 51), to bring out (1: 22), to call on (1: parousia arrival (1: 76), presence (33: 3, 4, 12, 15, 17,
84), to confirm (3: 16, 28.2, 78), to convey (1: 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 39, 43.2, 43.3, 44,
58), to defend (2: 19, 40), to describe (2: 54, 55), 48, 52, 56, 57, 60, 61, 67, 75, 76, 83, 86.1, 89, 91,
to establish (4: 21, 27, 48, 77), to exhibit (3: 3, 22, 92.2, 99, 100)
39), to explain (1: 16), to help (1: 40), to indicate paroxunein to sharpen (1: 97.1)
(1: 48), to inform (1: 7), to make (1: 58), to paroxunesthai to be irritated (1: 25); to
make a point (1: 78), to make clear (1: 18.2), to paroxunesthai excitement (1: 61); ta
point out (1: 86.1), to portray (1: 48), to present paroxunonta exciting factors (1: 61)
(8: 2, 7, 22, 40, 50, 58, 59, 94), to produce (3: 48, parrhêsia frankness (2: 43.2, 43.3), outspoken way (1: 74)
59, 86.1), to provide (1: 59), to rejoin (1: 18.2), parrhêsiastikos speaking frankly (1: 7)
to represent (1: 40), to set before (1: 56), to parthenos virgin (2: 2, 60), Virgo (the constellation) (1:
show (2: 59, 68), to support (6: 18.2, 29.1, 40, 68, 95)
85, 94) paruphistanai to come to be alongside (1: 97.2), to
paristasthai to be present (1: 58), to defend (1: 59), exist in conjunction with (1: 91), to subsist
to engage with (1: 50), to stand alongside (1: derivatively (1: 45/46)


paruphistasthai to arise as a byproduct (1: 70), to 28.1), to be subject to (2: 59, 78), to be the
be a by-product (2: 44, 54), to be by object of action (1: 88), to be the subject of (1:
concomitance (1: 22), to be dependent on (1: 17), to befall (1: 80), to experience (4: 4, 17, 61,
17), to be parasitic upon (1: 22), to exist (1: 91), to feel (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69), to find oneself in
41.1), to exist alongside (1: 25), to exist (a condition) (1: 59), to happen to (3: 80, 88,
parasitically (1: 29.1), to exist upon (1: 100), to 93), to have (something) done to one (1: 58), to
have subsidiary existence (1: 41.1), to occur (1: have (something) happen to (3: 21, 61, 67), to
22), to parasitize (1: 100), to subsist as an have (something) happen to one (1: 52), to have
appendage (1: 39), to subsist together with (2: a relation to (1: 17), to have affective qualities
26, 41.2); paruphestêkenai to be derivative (1: 42), to have an affection (1: 27), to receive an
from (1: 78) effect (1: 28.1), to suffer (20: 1, 4, 6.2, 16, 19, 22,
parupostasis appendant subsistence (1: 39), by- 23, 27, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 45/46, 51, 59, 61, 68, 69, 80,
product (2: 42, 54), coordination (1: 92.2), 86.2, 97.1), to take on (1: 28.2), to undergo (28:
parasitic existence (1: 29.1) 3, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28.2, 39, 41.2,
pas all (16: 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 20, 21, 60, 68, 70, 76, 85, 42, 43.2, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 91,
93, 94, 99), always (1: 99), any (1: 93), each (1: 92.1, 93), to undergo a change (1: 67), to
21), entire (3: 21, 68, 99), every (12: 11, 12, 17, 20, undergo an affection (3: 19, 36, 86.1), to
21, 23, 60, 68, 85, 93, 94, 99), everyone (1: 12), undergo an effect (1: 28.1), to undergo change
everything (4: 12, 21, 60, 85), total (3: 11, 14, 93), (2: 22, 92.1), undergoing (the category) (1: 39)
totality (1: 21), whole (7: 4, 11, 13, 14, 21, 60, 93) peponthenai to be subject to (1: 17), to have a
panta all things (1: 18.2); to pan all there is (1: 32), character (1: 65), to have as an attribute (1: 42),
everything (2: 14, 85), the all (5: 11, 20, 50, 89, to passively undergo (1: 39); paskhôn affected
98), the totality (1: 14), the universe (43: 1, 2, (1: 27); peponthôs taking on a property (1: 2);
6.1, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 22, 25, 34/35.1, to paskhein affection (the category) (1: 13),
35.2, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 44, 45/46, 47, 53, 58, 59, being acted on (1: 15), being affected (the
60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 80, 86.1, category) (1: 25), passion (2: 27, 93), passivity
86.2, 92.1, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 99), the universe as a (the category) (1: 48), the passive role (1: 76), to
whole (1: 97.1), the whole (6: 11, 12, 18.2, 38, be acted on (1: 18.2), what is acted on (the
45/46, 97.1), the whole heavens (2: 50, 56), the category) (1: 75); ho paskhôn patient (1: 67); to
whole universe (1: 89), the world (1: 97.1), paskhon affected subject (1: 20), affection (1:
totality (3: 44, 47, 66); ta panta the totality of 28.2), passive principle (1: 59), patient (3: 24,
things (1: 75); dia pantos all the time (1: 60), 34/35.1, 58), subject (1: 24), that which is
always (2: 25, 60); dia pasôn through all (1: 67); affected (1: 99), the passive component (1: 99),
epi pantos all-embracing (1: 17), in every case thing being affected (1: 16), what is affected (2:
(1: 16); kata pantos in every case (2: 16, 73), 89, 100); khrê pathein it is necessary for an
universally (1: 21); hê dia pasôn octave (1: 2); effect to occur (1: 28.1); paskhein hupo to be
hê pasa phusis the whole of nature (1: 25); hê affected by (1: 87); poiein-paskhein the relation
tou pantos psukhê World-Soul (1: 68); ou pan of acting and being acted on (1: 15); touto
haplôs not absolutely every (1: 17); pan to on peponthenai to have this feature (1: 16)
everything that exists (1: 25); panta en pasi passalophi from a peg (1: 51)
everything in everything (1: 85); to dia pasôn passalos / pattalos peg (2: 44, 51)
octave (1: 15); to hupo selênên pan sublunary patêr father (24: 1, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 27,
universe (1: 11); to pan migma universal 35.2, 42, 51, 54, 58, 59, 60, 68, 70, 80, 86.1, 86.2,
mixture (1: 44) 97.1), parent (1: 86.1)
paskhein to apply to (1: 52), to be a patient (1: 39), to pathainein : pathainesthai to be affected (2: 22, 36), to
be acted on (19: 2, 4, 6.1, 14, 15, 25, 27, 28.2, 36, be impassioned (1: 37), to behave passionately
41.2, 44, 45/46, 48, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 99), to be (1: 39), to suffer emotion (1: 45/46)
acted upon (9: 28.1, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 88, 92.1, pathainomenos affective (1: 28.2)
92.2), to be affected (52: 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, pathê affection (1: 36), effect (1: 28.1)
15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, pathêma affect (1: 28.1), affection (16: 14, 22, 23, 24, 25,
34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 42, 44, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 28.2, 35.2, 38, 42, 48, 61, 67, 74, 75, 78, 86.1),
59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 76, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 88, 89, affliction (1: 97.2), change (1: 14), condition (1:
90, 91, 92.1, 97.2, 99, 100), to be conditioned (1: 11), disease (1: 97.1), effect (1: 28.1), experience
88), to be done (2: 43.1, 69), to be experienced (1: 97.1), passion (4: 22, 23, 37, 97.1), passive
(1: 17), to be in a predicament (1: 68), to be in a effect (1: 28.1), passive thing (1: 28.1), process
state (1: 22), to be injured (1: 57), to be (1: 88), suffering (3: 86.2, 97.1, 97.2), thing
modified (1: 91), to be passive (8: 21, 22, 28.1, that something undergoes (1: 28.1), undergoing
44, 61, 86.1, 92.1, 99), to be passively affected (1: (1: 39)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

pathêmata phenomena (1: 2) 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 61, 69), experience (6:
pathêsis affection (2: 20, 44), being affected (2: 21, 89), 14, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 52, 86.1), feature (3: 18.2, 52,
case of being affected (1: 76), passion (1: 44), 100), feeling (2: 4, 43.1), happening (1: 80),
suffering (1: 44), undergoing (1: 43.3) incident (2: 68, 69), malady (1: 97.1),
pathêtikos able to be affected (1: 38), acted upon (1: modification (5: 2, 10.2, 40, 72, 91), passion (10:
54), affected (21: 56, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 13, 14, 16, 19, 2, 23, 37, 59, 67, 69, 72, 86.2, 97.1, 100), passive
22, 27, 28.2, 32, 39, 40, 42, 44, 48, 75, 78, 79, (1: 22), passive effect (1: 28.1), passive mode (1:
92.2), capable of becoming affected (1: 28.2), 88), passivity (2: 27, 44), pathology (1: 97.1),
capable of being acted on (1: 6.1), capable of process (1: 88), property (9: 1, 5, 25, 58, 61, 63,
being acted upon (1: 70), capable of being 85, 92.2, 94), quality (2: 1, 5), sensory impulse
affected (2: 70, 89), capable of change (1: 94), (1: 97.1), state (2: 3, 91), suffering (5: 15, 28.1,
causing an affection (1: 36), emotional (6: 40, 39, 68, 97.1), thing undergone (1: 28.1),
43.1, 43.2, 45/46, 52, 69), emotive (2: 59, 69), undergoing (1: 43.2), what applies (1: 52)
involving affection (2: 12, 38), involving being aneu pathous without being affected (1: 22); en
affected (1: 83), passible (3: 20, 22, 76), pathei being affected (1: 28.1); epi pathei being
passionate (1: 40), passive (27: 2, 6.2, 12, 15, 21, acted on (1: 28.2); kata pathos affectively (1:
22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 42, 44, 48, 54, 61, 28.2), in an affective manner (1: 28.2), in
67, 76, 79, 83, 86.1, 88, 92.1, 99, 100), qualitative passivity (1: 11); kata ta pathê qualitative (1:
(1: 67), receptive (1: 10.2), related to an affection 79); kinêsis kata pathos change of state (1: 11);
(1: 36), subject to (1: 19), subject to affection (1: ousiôdês pathos real condition (1: 95); pathos
28.2), subject to being affected (2: 19, 52), such empoiein to affect (1: 28.2), to have an effect (1:
as to be affected (3: 40, 52, 57), susceptible (1: 28.1); pathos kath’ auto per se property (1: 63);
40), susceptible to change (1: 18.2), that can be spasmôdês pathos a kind of spasm (1: 51); ta
acted upon (1: 94), that can be affected (1: 52), en pathei things that are affected (1: 25); to epi
that is acted upon (1: 76) têi diametrôi pathos opposition (1: 44)
pathêtikôs affectively (1: 28.2), as being affected (1: patrikos paternal (3: 11, 27, 70)
28.2), by being modified (1: 91), in a passive patrikê glôtta paternal tongue (1: 61)
way (2: 28.1, 99), in the passive (voice) (1: 14), patrios ancestral (2: 59, 80), patrimonial (1: 54)
passive (1: 22), passively (3: 22, 28.1, 99), patris country (2: 43.2, 51), countryman (1: 54), native
producing a passive effect (1: 28.1); to land (1: 80)
pathêtikon affection (2: 22, 44), receptive patrônumikos patronymic (1: 51)
principle (1: 10.2), that which can be affected (1: pauein to abandon (1: 88), to check (1: 85), to end (2:
99), the passive (voice) (1: 14); ta pathêtika 78, 85), to make cease (1: 42), to make
affective attributes (1: 10.2); pathêtikê aisthêsis something cease (1: 83), to make to cease (1:
passive perception (1: 100); pathêtikê poiotês 75), to put an end to (1: 2), to stop (5: 17, 42, 85,
affective quality (3: 7, 39, 76); pathêtikos nous 86.2, 99), to terminate (1: 2)
passive intellect (1: 34/35.1); pathêtikôs ekhein pauesthai to cease (21: 1, 2, 4, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, 27,
disposed to be affected (1: 86.1) 38, 42, 52, 54, 58, 59, 75, 78, 79, 83, 91, 99), to
pathêtos affected (2: 22, 54), affective (1: 39), capable of cease from (1: 27), to recover from (1: 27), to
being affected (1: 21), changeable (1: 11), liable stop (10: 3, 4, 10.2, 16, 17, 20, 42, 58, 78, 93)
to affection (1: 27), passive (2: 28.2, 100), subject paula cessation (4: 54, 59, 75, 84), end (1: 99), pause (1:
to affection (2: 83, 88), subject to being affected 6.2), rest (1: 42)
(1: 52), subject to change (1: 10.2), subject to paulan ekhein to cease (1: 65), to rest (1: 88)
suffering (1: 83), that can be affected (2: 42, 99), pêdalion rudder (6: 7, 13, 17, 23, 48, 51), tiller (1: 56)
that is affected (1: 57) pedaliôtos with a rudder (1: 93), ruddered (2: 7, 13)
pathos affect (6: 20, 28.1, 51, 91, 99, 100), affection (58: pedan to bind (1: 85)
4, 6.1, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, pêdan to leap (1: 85)
26, 27, 28.2, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, pedê fetter (1: 85)
41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, pêdêsis palpitation (1: 91)
61, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 88, 89, pedias plain (3: 54, 57, 88)
90, 91, 92.2, 94, 95, 97.2, 99, 100), affective pedion plain (1: 86.2)
quality (1: 75), affliction (2: 59, 69), attribute pêgaios fontal (1: 72), from springs (1: 21), from the
(13: 5, 10.2, 14, 16, 17, 28.1, 61, 67, 74, 77, 87, 93, primal source (1: 11)
98), being acted on (2: 36, 44), being affected (5: pêgazein to source (1: 36)
21, 36, 44, 52, 98), bodily emotion (1: 45/46), pêgê font (1: 97.2), fount (4: 59, 70, 72, 97.1), fountain
change (1: 59), condition (5: 17, 18.2, 86.1, 88, (2: 45/46, 57), fountain-head (1: 26), source (7:
95), effect (9: 28.1, 58, 59, 60, 76, 85, 88, 91, 95), 11, 20, 54, 61, 91, 97.2, 99), spring (8: 19, 21,
effect produced (1: 28.1), emotion (8: 34/35.1, 29.1, 34/35.1, 51, 58, 72, 88), well-springs (1: 24)


pêgnunai to freeze (5: 3, 12, 38, 85, 95), to press (1: 57), pelazein to approach (2: 25, 27), to be adjacent (2: 3,
to set (1: 99), to solidify (4: 21, 24, 67, 95), to 19), to be in the vicinity (1: 25), to draw near (2:
thicken (1: 80) 54, 55), to get near (1: 85)
pêgnusthai to be compacted (1: 50), to be fixed (1: pelein to be (1: 85)
86.1), to freeze (2: 52, 75), to solidify (1: 75); pelekus axe (2: 52, 56)
pepêgôs compacted (1: 54), fixed (1: 54) pêlikos magnitude (1: 41.2), of such a size (1: 85),
pêi in a qualified way (1: 16), in a way (1: 27) quantified (1: 39), so large (1: 85), so much (1:
peina hunger (1: 56) 41.2)
peinan to be hungry (1: 12), to starve (1: 20) to pêlikon magnitude (1: 51), quantum (1: 39)
peira experience (8: 23, 29.1, 37, 64, 86.1, 95, 97.1, 97.2), pelôris mussel (1: 34/35.1)
experimentation (1: 2), test (1: 16), testing (1: pêlos clay (6: 21, 24, 57, 60, 78, 86.1), mortar (1: 44),
40), trial (3: 19, 40, 97.1), trying (1: 40) mud (3: 24, 52, 57)
peiran lambanein to test (1: 16) pempein to discharge (1: 54), to send (2: 54, 86.1), to
peiran : peirasthai to attempt (6: 2, 6.2, 16, 28.2, send away (1: 84)
67, 90), to experiment (1: 79), to make trial penês poor (3: 21, 34/35.1, 43.2)
of (1: 52), to test (1: 40), to try (20: 4, 10.2, 18.2, ho penês poor man (1: 93)
19, 21, 25, 27, 28.2, 40, 51, 52, 54, 55, 64, 65, 78, penia poverty (3: 4, 43.1, 97.1)
79, 83, 85, 86.1); peirateon one should try (1: pentagônon pentagon (6: 7, 51, 56, 68, 78, 79)
65) pentapêkhus five cubits (1: 76)
peiras limit (1: 85) pentetalantos five-talent (1: 19)
peirastikos for testing of (1: 40), for trial of (1: 40), pepainesthai to be ripened (1: 24), to become ripe (1:
such as to test (1: 40), such as to try (1: 40), 86.1), to ripen (2: 21, 24)
tentative (1: 16), testing (1: 74) pepanos ripe (1: 86.1)
peisis affection (7: 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 36, 39, 48), pepansis ripening (2: 21, 24)
being acted on (2: 36, 83), being acted upon peperasmenakis a finite number of times (1: 93)
(1: 78), being affected (1: 83), effect (2: 28.1, peperi pepper (3: 20, 57, 88)
92.1), impression (1: 28.2), passive effect pepoithêsis belief (1: 92.1)
(1: 28.1), process of being affected (1: 27), pepôn ripe (2: 21, 24)
undergoing (2: 47, 56), undergoing an peponthêsis affection (1: 41.2), passivity (1: 39)
affection (1: 36) pepsis concoction (6: 21, 24, 38, 52, 60, 95), cooking (1:
peitharkhein to abide by (1: 80) 91), digestion (6: 25, 34/35.1, 38, 52, 56, 99),
peithein to convince (3: 4, 18.2, 68), to persuade (17: 4, ripening (2: 24, 38)
6.1, 10.2, 16, 17, 21, 34/35.1, 44, 51, 68, 72, 73, 76, peptein to concoct (1: 21)
84, 85, 86.1, 91) peptesthai to be concocted (1: 2)
peithesthai to be convinced (1: 25), to believe (2: pera beyond (2: 60, 84)
73, 76), to comply with (1: 12), to listen to (1: perainein to achieve (2: 26, 89), to bound (3: 11, 14,
55), to obey (3: 4, 52, 91), to yield to (1: 98); 55), to conclude (4: 9, 30/31, 40, 89), to delimit
peisteon one must believe (1: 68) (1: 3), to end (1: 85), to find a limit (1: 89), to
peithô conviction (1: 25), persuasion (6: 20, 22, 23, finish (1: 86.1), to infer (2: 64, 65), to limit (18:
34/35.1, 72, 85) 2, 4, 6.1, 11, 20, 21, 38, 42, 44, 51, 60, 80, 85, 87,
autarkês eis peithô sufficient to convince (1: 68) 91, 92.1, 94, 98), to mark off (1: 11), to reach a
pêkhuaios a cubit in size (1: 61), cubit-length (1: 67), conclusion (2: 54, 65), to reach a limit (1: 85), to
cubit-long (1: 84), having a magnitude of one traverse (1: 44)
cubit (1: 61), one cubit (3: 7, 67, 76), one cubit perainesthai for there to be a terminal point (1:
long (1: 6.1) 22), to be definite (2: 7, 98), to be finite (8: 27,
to pêkhuaion a cubit (1: 20); pêkhuaion diastêma 50, 58, 59, 60, 83, 93, 99), to be inferred (1: 64),
the distance of a cubit (1: 98) to be limited (6: 22, 27, 50, 59, 83, 89), to end (1:
pêkhus cubit (4: 6.1, 52, 61, 93), finger-tips to elbows 18.2), to have a terminal point (1: 22), to
(measure) (1: 75), foot (measure) (1: 65), forearm proceed (2: 73, 90), to reach (1: 90), to reach a
(1: 54), measuring stick (1: 83), yard (1: 11) conclusion (2: 64, 83); peperanthai to be finite
pêkhus metrêtikos yard-measure (1: 11) (2: 67, 78), to be limited (1: 75); perainomenos
pêktikos causing solidification (1: 21) limited (1: 20); peperasmenos defined (1: 67),
pêktos solidifiable (1: 24), solidified (1: 21), that can be definite (1: 67), determinate (1: 18.2), finite (29:
solidified (1: 24) 3, 6.2, 10.1, 14, 19, 22, 23, 27, 32, 42, 47, 53, 54,
pelagos sea (3: 52, 54, 84) 55, 58, 59, 63, 66, 67, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 85, 90,
pelas : ho pelas neighbour (1: 29.1) 92.1, 93, 99), finite in number (1: 76), finitely
hoi pelas those around (1: 23) many (3: 76, 78, 79), limited (27: 2, 4, 10.1, 10.2,
pelasis approach (1: 39), proximity (1: 25) 11, 15, 16, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 44, 47, 48, 53,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

66, 67, 68, 76, 85, 89, 91, 93, 94, 97.1), multiplied periballein to entangle in (1: 83), to put around (2: 83,
by a finite number (1: 93); to peperasmenon 86.1), to surround (1: 98), to wrap around (1:
limit (1: 2), the limited (1: 2) 59)
peraioun : peraiousthai to be bounded (1: 93) peribolê laying round (1: 19)
peraiterôs beyond (2: 57, 93) hê exôthen peribolê exterior shell (1: 86.1)
perantikos conclusive (1: 65) peribolos circuit wall (1: 19)
peras boundary (12: 12, 22, 26, 27, 38, 48, 63, 67, 73, 91, peridexios expert (1: 58)
94, 100), edge (4: 28.1, 79, 85, 86.1), end (22: 11, peridinein to revolve (2: 18.2, 83), to spin round (1: 3),
18.2, 19, 27, 29.1, 34/35.1, 42, 44, 52, 53, 57, 58, to whirl around (1: 85)
59, 67, 73, 78, 79, 80, 85, 87, 90, 95), endpoint (3: peridineisthai to be spun around (1: 54)
34/35.1, 90, 91), extreme (1: 44), extremity (3: peridinêsis circular rotation (1: 97.2), revolution (2: 73,
25, 27, 57), finish (1: 95), limit (65: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 85), rotation (1: 59), vortical motion (1: 17)
6.1, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18.2, 20, 21, peridrattesthai to grasp fully (1: 58)
22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, periêgêtikos guiding (1: 51)
44, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, perieinai to be better than (1: 98), to be excessive (1:
69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90)
91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100), outer limit (1: perieirgein to enfold (1: 39), to hold in (1: 20)
50), surface (2: 28.1, 59), termination (1: 25), periekhein to bind (1: 27), to bracket (1: 59), to
terminus (5: 15, 20, 21, 50, 61) circumscribe (1: 59), to comprehend (4: 28.2,
perata limiting contours (1: 94); pros peras finite 42, 70, 93), to comprise (2: 41.1, 76), to contain
(1: 22); eskhaton peras inner limit (1: 94) (36: 6.1, 11, 14, 15, 18.2, 20, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
peratoeidês : to peratoeides affinity to limit (1: 100) 30/31, 39, 40, 41.2, 44, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60,
peratôtikos limiting (1: 20), providing a limit (1: 44) 64, 65, 68, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 87, 90, 91, 94,
to peratôtikon limiting capacity (1: 94) 95), to contain within (1: 52), to delimit (1: 88),
peratoun to be a boundary (1: 90), to bound (3: 70, 87, to embrace (11: 20, 26, 38, 57, 58, 59, 60, 83, 85,
91), to bring to an end (1: 27), to delimit (3: 92.1, 95), to enclose (11: 2, 53, 56, 59, 63, 73, 75,
41.2, 50, 94), to impose limit (1: 70), to limit (10: 88, 89, 90, 91), to encompass (14: 19, 27, 40, 44,
3, 17, 44, 50, 59, 67, 78, 83, 87, 94), to set limits 53, 59, 61, 63, 67, 68, 76, 88, 93, 94), to envelop
on (1: 89), to terminate (2: 42, 61) (1: 28.2), to include (19: 7, 9, 12, 15, 16, 21, 27,
peratousthai to be limited (4: 6.1, 20, 27, 75) 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 48, 59, 73, 80, 89, 90, 91, 92.2), to
perazein to bound (1: 87) limit (1: 94), to provide (1: 2), to shroud (1: 59),
peri (revolving) around (1: 94), concerning (1: 94), to surround (27: 3, 6.1, 12, 18.2, 21, 22, 25, 27,
surrounding (1: 94) 28.2, 38, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, 52, 55, 60, 61, 68, 79, 83,
hoi peri associates (1: 52), followers (2: 52, 94), the 85, 86.1, 88, 94, 95, 98)
circle of (1: 19) periekhesthai to be contained (1: 94), to be
periagein to achieve a revolution (1: 75), to bring back enclosed (2: 15, 86.1), to be included (4: 10.2,
(1: 29.1), to bring round (3: 25, 51, 60), to carry 15, 25, 50); periekhôn inclusive (1: 17);
around (4: 11, 54, 55, 83), to cause (1: 54), to periekhomenos contained (1: 92.1); to
cause to rotate (1: 85), to come around (1: 93), periekhon atmosphere (2: 17, 95), container (6:
to lead around (3: 16, 78, 90), to reverse (1: 80), 11, 14, 27, 44, 50, 88), encompassing body (1:
to transform (1: 90), to turn (2: 17, 58), to turn 88), environment (10: 22, 25, 38, 42, 56, 59, 60,
around (1: 90), to whirl (1: 17) 75, 86.1, 99), surrounding atmosphere (1: 17),
periagesthai to be led around (1: 86.2), to be surrounding space (1: 88), surrounding
misled (1: 27), to circle back (1: 68), to come substance (1: 88), surrounding world (1: 25),
round (1: 68), to get reduced (1: 68), to get surroundings (4: 19, 21, 24, 94), that which
turned around (1: 68), to have curvature (1: 27), contains (1: 14); ta periekhonta surroundings
to revolve (1: 59) (1: 30/31); to periekhomenon that which is
periagês : to periages curvature (1: 27) contained (1: 14); eskhatos tôn periekhontôn
periagôgê carrying around (1: 55), circuit (2: 67, 83), ultimate container (1: 94)
conversion (1: 70), curling (1: 57), revolution (2: periektikos able to contain (1: 11), bounding (1: 22),
55, 83), rotation (1: 1) capable of containing (1: 87), comprehending (2:
periairein to strip off (1: 7) 6.2, 100), comprehensive (3: 17, 42, 70),
periaireisthai to be taken off on the outside containing (12: 6.2, 11, 14, 36, 39, 41.2, 44, 54, 55,
(1: 79) 78, 79, 83), embracing (4: 56, 57, 64, 83),
periaptein to attach (1: 68), to bring against (1: 59), to encompassing (3: 41.1, 76, 93), including (1: 36),
hang around (1: 3) inclusive (5: 11, 39, 48, 76, 98), surrounding (2:
periarthroun articulate (1: 69) 32, 41.2), that embraces (1: 70), that encompasses
periathrein to look round at (1: 98) (2: 63, 76), that is a container (1: 28.1)


periektikôs by embracing (1: 22); periektikôteros perikarpion body surrounding a seed (1: 21),
more all-encompassing (1: 76), more pericarpia (1: 24), pod (2: 38, 56)
comprehensive (1: 92.1); to periektikon perikeisthai to be positioned around (1: 51), to lie
containment (1: 14) around / to lie round (2: 86.1, 95), to place on
perielixis circumvolution (1: 86.1), rolling around (1: (1: 39), to surround (6: 21, 38, 57, 86.1, 91, 95)
54) perikhein to spread around (1: 83)
perielkein to lead astray (1: 52), to tear apart (1: 48) perikheisthai to be spread around (1: 55), to coat
periergazesthai to have concern with (1: 61), to have (a surface) (1: 25), to envelop (1: 25), to spread
particular concern with (1: 61) (1: 57), to submerge (1: 86.1), to surround (1:
periergeia superfluity (1: 55) 57); to perikekhumenon that which surrounds
periergia overelaboration (1: 7), punctiliousness (1: 51) (1: 18.2)
periergos otiose (1: 76), superfluous (1: 52), perikhôrein to rotate (1: 85)
unnecessary (1: 23) perikhôrêsis rotation (2: 85, 92.1)
perierkhesthai to come around (1: 93), to cycle (1: 99), perikhoreuein to process around (1: 79)
to revolve (1: 99) perikhusis diffusion (1: 86.1), submersion (1: 86.1)
perigeios around the earth (2: 73, 88), at perigee (1: periklan to break (1: 83)
83), close to earth (2: 83, 95), close to the earth perikleiein to confine (1: 20), to limit (1: 7)
(2: 88, 95), earthly (1: 59), near the earth (2: 42, perikopê section (1: 68)
95), perigee (1: 55), surrounding the earth (1: perikosmios encosmic (1: 70), of this world (1: 28.1),
95) within the cosmos (1: 70)
perigeioteros closer to earth (1: 55), more in perikratein to command (1: 39), to exercise control
perigee (1: 1), near perigee (1: 57); perigeios over (1: 39), to master (1: 58), to overcome (1:
gignesthai to reach perigee (3: 1, 54, 83) 24)
perigignesthai / periginesthai to be brought about (2: perikratêsis exercise of control (1: 39)
12, 51), to come about (1: 4), to result (1: 4) perikrouein to attack (1: 18.2), to sound out (2: 83, 99)
perigegonotôs for good measure (1: 3) perilambanein to capture (1: 40), to circumscribe (1:
perigraphê boundary (4: 18.2, 39, 48, 94), 80), to class (1: 91), to comprehend (11: 16, 19,
circumscription (4: 40, 44, 70, 78), compass (of 25, 28.2, 40, 41.2, 48, 60, 70, 89, 91), to comprise
a topic) (1: 40), contours (1: 94), delineation (1: (1: 28.2, 41?, to conceive of (1: 85), to contain
21), description (1: 41.1), individuality (1: 54), (4: 11, 55, 79, 83), to embrace (7: 39, 41.1, 44, 56,
limit (1: 97.2), outline (3: 48, 52, 56) 57, 68, 70), to encapsulate (1: 76), to enclose (2:
en perigraphêi tini kai horôi in a circumscribed 11, 38), to encompass (15: 9, 11, 17, 28.1, 28.2,
determination (1: 22) 30/31, 40, 55, 59, 61, 64, 65, 67, 76, 97.1), to
perigraphein to circumscribe (17: 11, 20, 22, 27, 28.1, include (17: 12, 18.2, 21, 22, 25, 27, 38, 40, 41?
28.2, 39, 40, 41.2, 52, 72, 78, 85, 88, 90, 92.2, 94), 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 51, 52, 78, 79, 83, 98), to
to comprise (1: 3), to conclude (1: 68), to subsume (2: 20, 61), to surround (1: 91), to take
confine within a compass (1: 28.1), to delimit account of (1: 61), to understand (1: 90)
(2: 11, 93), to describe (1: 61), to draw (1: 83), to perilambanesthai to enclose (1: 25); hôs tupôi
draw a figure (1: 40), to draw an outline of (1: perilabein in outline (1: 40)
67), to enclose (1: 94), to give an outline shape perileipein to leave (1: 94), to remain (1: 54)
(1: 48), to outline (2: 6.1, 40), to place a limit on perileipesthai to be left (1: 75), to be left over (1:
(1: 58) 93), to remain (3: 42, 78, 83), to survive (1: 99)
perigraphesthai to be circumscribed (1: 50), to perilêpsis circumscription (1: 72), comprehending (1:
have an outline (1: 56) 91), comprehension (8: 2, 10.2, 22, 42, 51, 70, 91,
perigraptos limited (1: 97.2) 100), conception (1: 85), embracing (1: 56),
periienai to go around (1: 84), to make a revolution (2: ‘encompass’ (1: 9), encompassment (1: 28.1),
54, 55), to move around (1: 58), to traverse (1: 54) grasping (1: 70)
periistanai to come back around (1: 23), to surround kephalaiôdês perilêpsis summary (1: 56)
(1: 59) perilêptikos comprehending (1: 28.1), comprehensive
periistasthai to rebel (1: 39), to surround (2: 52, (1: 51), comprehensive of (1: 70), inclusive (1:
68); ta periestôta circumstances (1: 52) 39), that encompasses (1: 28.2), that includes (1:
perikaluptein to conceal (1: 6.1), to cover (2: 54, 67), to 28.2)
encompass (1: 67), to envelop (2: 11, 84), to pull perilêptikôs comprehensively (1: 2); perilêptikos
round (1: 67) einai to include (1: 27)
perikardios around the heart (2: 28.2, 57), in the region perilêptos comprehended (1: 68), comprehensible (2:
of the heart (2: 61, 67), in the vicinity of the 16, 48), encompassed (1: 22), grasped (2: 61,
heart (1: 56) 86.1), to be grasped (1: 61)
to perikardion pericardium (1: 91) perimakhêtos highly prized (1: 97.2)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

perimenein to await (1: 25), to be stable around (1: 75), circumference (20: 1, 3, 11, 20, 21, 38, 42, 44, 47,
to put up with (1: 68), to wait (1: 16) 53, 54, 55, 57, 64, 73, 75, 83, 90, 91, 95), curve (1:
perimetros : hê perimetros circumference (3: 57, 61, 19), curved line (1: 27), peripheral thing (1: 7),
94), perimeter (9: 1, 6.1, 20, 55, 73, 83, 88, 90, 93) periphery (6: 6.1, 11, 18.2, 34/35.1, 95, 98),
perinoia subtlety (1: 99) surface (2: 48, 59)
perinostein to wander about (1: 84) peripherein to carry around / round (2: 83, 98), to
periodos circle (1: 18.2), circuit (6: 17, 50, 55, 59, 67, move around (1: 52)
68), cycle (10: 11, 21, 44, 52, 54, 59, 60, 85, 86.2, peripheresthai to be carried around / round (5: 12,
92.1), period (4: 23, 51, 60, 85), period of time 50, 53, 54, 55), to be made to revolve (1: 55), to
(1: 11), periodic change (1: 11), periodic cycle revolve (1: 54), to rotate (3: 3, 42, 59), to swirl
(1: 97.1), recurrence (1: 11), revolution (5: 19, round (1: 18.2)
39, 59, 60, 83) peripherês circular (9: 12, 27, 42, 61, 73, 75, 78, 83, 90),
ek periodôn in a roundabout way (1: 59) curved (7: 10.2, 19, 22, 27, 28.2, 55, 83), curved
periokhê comprehension (1: 70), container (1: 11), line (1: 19), revolving (1: 85), round (4: 54, 55,
containment (2: 11, 39), content (2: 44, 64), 59, 76), rounded (1: 56)
embracing (1: 42), envelopment (1: 11), hê peripherês periphery (1: 54); to peripheres
incorporation (1: 41.2), outline (1: 40) curve (1: 57)
periolisthanein to slip round (1: 52) peripherogrammos circular (1: 78), curvilinear (2:
periolkê distraction (2: 23, 61), place of observation (1: 10.2, 54)
21), vantage-point (1: 74) periphobos fearful (1: 86.2)
perioran to neglect (1: 29.1), to overlook (1: 98) periphora circle (1: 88), circuit (1: 67), circular motion
periorismos boundary (1: 44), limitation (1: 97.2) (4: 6.1, 28.2, 61, 75), circular movement (2: 59,
perioristikos : to perioristikon defining capacity (1: 94) 67), circumference (1: 66), cyclic motion (1: 14),
periorizein to bound (1: 60), to circumscribe (1: 16), to orbit (2: 2, 53), revolution (15: 1, 11, 14, 21, 22,
define (3: 21, 76, 94), to determine at both ends 50, 54, 55, 58, 68, 83, 86.2, 88, 94, 95), rotation
(1: 87), to embrace by definition (1: 60), to (8: 3, 12, 14, 17, 19, 22, 42, 95)
include (1: 7), to mark off (1: 57), to offer kinêsis kata periphoran circular motion (1: 11)
definitions (1: 76) periphragma barrier (1: 28.2), protection (1: 25)
periorizesthai to be given boundaries (1: 56) periphrasis periphrasis (1: 57)
periousia abundance (1: 97.2), advantage (1: 43.3), periphrattein to enclose (1: 28.2)
affluence (1: 4), store (1: 2), superabundance (3: periphuein : periphuesthai to grow around / round (2:
18.2, 70, 74), superfluity (2: 83, 97.1), superiority 8, 57)
(1: 28.1), surplus (2: 16, 43.3) peripephukenai to be naturally joined around (1:
ek periousias a fortiori (2: 70, 85), as an additional 28.2)
result (1: 93), excessively (1: 90), for good peripiptein to be entwined with (1: 54), to collapse (1:
measure (1: 3), for the sake of completion (1: 75), to come to the attention of (1: 21), to
93), into the bargain (1: 70), more than confront (1: 50), to encounter (6: 21, 25, 38,
sufficiently (1: 16), superfluously (2: 27, 44), 45/46, 86.1, 91), to fall (3: 16, 20, 48), to fall foul
with resources to spare (1: 35.2) of (1: 59), to fall in (1: 9), to fall into (9: 18.2, 27,
peripalaiesthai to wrestle around (1: 42) 42, 51, 60, 76, 84, 85, 98), to fall victim to (1: 68),
peripalassesthai to be hurled about (1: 42) to incur (1: 91), to run into (1: 78), to stumble
peripatein to discourse (1: 48), to go for a walk (1: 16), on (1: 89), to turn out (1: 52)
to take a walk (2: 77, 91), to walk (8: 2, 4, 16, 51, peripiptesthai to be entrapped (1: 18.2);
55, 65, 77, 85), to walk about (1: 12) peripiptein eis antiphasin to fall into
peripatêsis : peripatêsis dia skelôn using legs to walk contradiction (1: 68)
(1: 86.1) periplakein to enclose (1: 18.2)
peripatêtikos of walking (2: 4, 52) periplanasthai to go astray (1: 19)
peripêgnusthai to congeal around (1: 56) periplassein / periplattein to mould round (1: 52)
peripeteia denouement (1: 34/35.1), Peripatetic (1: 1) periplassesthai to be moulded round (1: 25)
peripezion foothills (1: 17) peripoiein to achieve (1: 52), to acquire (1: 52), to
periphainesthai to be visible outside (1: 55) bring about (1: 12), to effect (1: 10.2), to
periphanês : periphanôs conspicuously (1: 28.1) preserve (3: 39, 54, 84)
periphantazesthai to have an inkling of (1: 76), to have peripoieisthai to achieve (1: 25)
imaginative ideas (1: 98), to have in an peripoiêsis acquisition (1: 52)
imaginative way (1: 56), to imagine (1: 74) peripoiêtikos productive of (1: 4)
periphereia arc (4: 47, 54, 83, 90), arc of a circle (1: 42), peripolein to go around (1: 97.2), to patrol (1: 34/35.1),
circle (1: 90), circular (2: 27, 73), circular arc (1: to revolve (1: 42), to roam around (1: 12), to
83), circular line (1: 73), circularity (1: 78), traverse (1: 42)


periptôsis windfall (1: 26) perithesis arrangement (1: 7), being placed around (1:
periptuein to loathe (1: 84) 39), enclosure (1: 44), placing around (3: 39, 44,
periptussein to enfold (1: 25) 54), putting around (1: 44), surrounding (1: 44)
periptussesthai to embrace (1: 36) perithetos placed around (1: 39)
periptuxis embracing (1: 36) perithrauein to beat around (1: 95), to beat off (1: 95)
perirrhein to flow (1: 88), to flow around (2: 54, 84) peritithenai to add (1: 20), to add around (1: 44), to
periskeleia difficulty (1: 100) apply (1: 52), to attach around (1: 57), to foist
periskelês harsh (1: 7) upon (1: 59), to place around (2: 44, 54), to
perispan to divert (1: 84) postulate (1: 85), to put around / round (3: 7, 44,
perisphingein to contract (1: 84) 73), to saddle with (1: 80), to set about (1: 44),
perispoudastos : to perispoudaston most important to transfer (1: 54)
object of concern (1: 22) peritrepein to bring round (1: 60), to overturn (1: 55),
perissartios even-odd (1: 39), odd times even (1: 84), to reverse (1: 99), to turn around / round (3: 16,
odd-even (1: 51) 18.2, 60), to turn in the opposite direction (1:
perisseuein / peritteuein to be excessive (1: 57), to be 44)
in excess (1: 40), to be left over (1: 42), to be peritrepesthai to be upset (1: 16); peritrepei hê
superfluous (1: 87), to do double duty (1: 57), to aporia the problem rebounds (1: 18.2)
exceed (2: 48, 94), to extend beyond (1: 50), to peritropê reversal (1: 99)
have not been included (1: 40), to leave a perittôma waste product (1: 97.2)
surplus (1: 75), to left over (1: 40), to remain (1: perittômatikon residue (1: 76)
40) perittopoios making odd (1: 70)
perissôma / perittôma end product (1: 91), excreta (1: peritunkhanein to chance upon (2: 54, 55)
24), excretion (2: 38, 42), residue (4: 21, 24, 25, perix around (1: 6.1), extreme (1: 44), outer (1: 80),
57), secretion (1: 56), superfluity (1: 28.2) peripheral (1: 83), surrounding (5: 7, 23, 52, 55,
perissos / perittos clever (1: 54), excessive (4: 7, 18.2, 83)
32, 54), extraordinary (1: 78), magnificent (1: to perix circumference (3: 41.2, 42, 52), perimeter
91), more than sufficent (1: 54), odd (30: 2, 4, 7, (2: 54, 55), periphery (4: 60, 78, 79, 85),
10.2, 12, 16, 20, 22, 23, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 44, 48, surround (1: 18.2), surrounding (1: 54), that
51, 57, 61, 64, 65, 67, 70, 73, 76, 77, 83, 89, 90, which surrounds (1: 56), the outside (1: 98),
92.1, 93), otiose (3: 3, 19, 76), out of the what surrounds (2: 11, 18.2); ta perix
ordinary (1: 2), pointless (1: 76), profound (1: neighbouring (1: 94), the immediately
2), redundant (2: 40, 98), refined (1: 2), surrounding things (1: 94); ho perix topos the
superfluous (14: 17, 35.2, 42, 44, 48, 51, 65, 67, periphery (1: 59)
77, 83, 86.1, 89, 90, 97.1), surplus (1: 75), surplus pêrôma defective (1: 22), deformed (2: 34/35.1, 56),
to requirements (1: 76), uneven (1: 7), deformity (1: 25), maimed (1: 91)
unnecessary (1: 86.2), useless (1: 98) pêros blind (1: 23), deformed (1: 34/35.1), maimed (1:
perittôs superfluously (2: 27, 73); hoi perittoi those 52)
who excel (1: 2), superfluity (1: 34/35.1); to pêrôsis disability (1: 39), disabling (2: 39, 92.2)
peritton oddness (1: 16); ek perissou pêroun to corrupt (1: 4), to disable (1: 4), to
superfluous (1: 16); mê perittos non-odd (1: incapacitate (1: 52), to maim (1: 91)
73) pêrousthai to be defective (2: 22, 25);
perissôsis / perittôsis residue (1: 21) pepêrômenos maimed (1: 28.1)
perissotês / perittotês superfluity (1: 51) perusi last year (2: 11, 51)
peristasis annoyance (1: 2), circumstance (7: 4, 12, 14, perusinos last year’s (1: 23)
21, 39, 52, 91), difficult circumstance (1: 52) pêsis affection (1: 58)
peristatikos hazardous (1: 57) pessein / pettein to concoct (5: 12, 21, 24, 86.1, 95), to
peristera dove (2: 57, 86.1), pigeon (2: 38, 56) cook (1: 91), to digest (5: 34/35.1, 38, 56, 57, 67),
peristrephein to rotate (1: 78), to turn (1: 42), to whirl to make solid (1: 86.1), to ripen (1: 38), to
around (1: 98) solidify (1: 24)
peristrephesthai to revolve (1: 84), to rotate (2: 54, pessesthai / pettesthai to be concocted (1: 75), to
55) ripen (2: 38, 57)
peristrophê revolution (3: 53, 86.2, 97.2), rotation (2: petalôdês like a leaf (1: 98)
54, 55), spin (1: 42) petesthai to soar (1: 86.1)
kata peristrophên as we go round (1: 44) petra rock (3: 19, 56, 99)
peritasis being stretched around (1: 28.2) petteuein to play dice (1: 6.1)
periteinein to spread around (1: 95), to stretch around pêxis coagulation (1: 88), curdling (1: 99), freezing (5:
(2: 28.2, 57), to stretch over (1: 91) 3, 38, 85, 95, 99), solidification (1: 21),
periteinesthai to extend around (1: 21) solidifying (1: 86.1), solidity (2: 24, 91)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

pezeuein to go on foot (1: 93) face value (1: 67), in accordance with the
pezos footed (8: 27, 34/35.1, 51, 52, 57, 68, 85, 91), superficial meaning (1: 67), on the face of it (1:
having feet (1: 15), land (creature) (1: 12), land 67), superficially (1: 44); para ta phainomena
animal (1: 99), living on land (1: 40), terrestrial from observation (1: 44); pephuke phainesthai
(6: 7, 13, 40, 64, 65, 90), walking (2: 2, 54), with it naturally appears (1: 52); to phainomenon
feet (1: 52) agathon apparent good (1: 10.2)
pezon zôion land animal (1: 16); to pezon animal phaios grey (14: 2, 7, 15, 19, 20, 38, 56, 57, 61, 75, 76, 79,
with feet (1: 28.2), footed animal (1: 57), 83, 95)
pedestrian thing (1: 27) phakê lentil soup (1: 38)
phaidrunein to brighten (1: 7), to make (something) phakellos bunch (1: 23)
beam (1: 7) phakoeidês lens-shaped (1: 13), lentil-shaped (2: 54, 55)
phainein to appear (1: 86.2), to be visible (1: 93), to phalakros bald (7: 7, 15, 20, 21, 27, 35.2, 93)
bring to light (1: 38), to make evident (1: 64), to phalakrotês baldness (1: 75)
show (1: 60) phalanx column (1: 17)
phainesthai to appear (42: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, phanai to affirm (3: 18.2, 76, 94), to ask (1: 19), to assert
15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 40, 44, (6: 16, 17, 19, 21, 73, 94), to call (6: 4, 17, 18.2,
45/46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 59, 60, 64, 65, 68, 69, 75, 73, 85, 93), to claim (4: 60, 73, 76, 94), to declare
76, 79, 80, 83, 89, 90, 91, 94, 95, 99), to be (1: 40), (2: 73, 76), to describe (1: 60), to express (1: 85),
to be apparent (7: 4, 19, 20, 52, 76, 79, 99), to be to hold (1: 60), to mean (5: 17, 20, 60, 73, 93), to
clear (3: 12, 54, 55), to be clearly (5: 38, 52, 68, mention (2: 73, 76), to quote (1: 60), to respond
80, 85), to be evident (2: 7, 68), to be imagined (1: 93), to say (15: 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 50,
(1: 69), to be manifest (4: 50, 75, 86.1, 99), to be 60, 73, 76, 85, 92.1, 93, 94), to speak (4: 21, 60,
manifestly (1: 80), to be observed (3: 54, 55, 83), 73, 93), to state (3: 60, 73, 92.1), to talk about
to be obvious (8: 2, 7, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 93), to (1: 93)
be obviously (1: 80), to be openly (1: 80), to be phêmi I mean (1: 76), I would say (1: 76), is my
seen (11: 18.2, 20, 21, 25, 44, 59, 76, 79, 80, 95, view (1: 76), my answer is (1: 76), my claim is
99), to be shown (2: 52, 59), to be thought (1: (1: 76), my reply is (1: 76), my view is (1: 76),
79), to be visible (4: 44, 52, 58, 59), to become namely (1: 73), viz. (1: 76); phamen our own
apparent (1: 21), to come to light (1: 38), to view is (1: 17); ou phanai to deny (3: 12, 18.2,
emerge (2: 50, 80), to look like (1: 40), to seem 21); dunamei phanai to say the equivalent (1:
(17: 2, 4, 14, 18.2, 21, 25, 28.1, 52, 58, 59, 60, 68, 35.2); hoion phêsi for example (1: 73); hôs
69, 80, 93, 95, 99), to turn out (1: 99), to turn out sunelonti phanai in brief (1: 23), in sum (1:
to be (1: 80); phainesthai (+ pple.) apparently 23); houtôs phanai to mean when saying that
(1: 60), clearly (3: 17, 58, 59), evident (3: 60, 68, (1: 93); phanai pros ti to counter (1: 60), to
99), manifestly (1: 99), obviously (3: 60, 68, 99), reply to (1: 60)
to be plainly (1: 19), to be shown to be (1: 19); phaneros apparent (7: 21, 52, 61, 69, 76, 91, 93), clear
phainetai it is clear (1: 90); phainôn apparent (11: 4, 18.2, 21, 25, 40, 58, 59, 61, 91, 93, 94),
(1: 23); phainomenos apparent (10: 2, 14, 16, evident (21: 3, 10.2, 12, 16, 19, 30/31, 38, 40, 42,
17, 22, 44, 61, 67, 69, 95), appearing (1: 14), 54, 55, 56, 64, 65, 69, 73, 78, 79, 83, 90, 93),
evident (1: 90), observable (2: 7, 44), perceived manifest (2: 20, 57), obvious (9: 2, 6.2, 25, 26, 40,
(1: 2), perceptible (1: 2), seeming (1: 69), 51, 75, 91, 94), perspicuous (1: 10.1), visible (3:
seemingly (1: 23), seen (1: 68), shining (1: 95), 22, 54, 59)
superficial (1: 61), visible (2: 22, 68); to phanerôs clearly (4: 4, 25, 59, 68), evidently (1: 16),
phainesthai appearance (2: 16, 19); to explicitly (1: 60), obviously (2: 17, 25), openly
phainomenon apparent meaning (1: 78), (1: 68), plainly (1: 91)
appearance (8: 3, 16, 22, 28.1, 61, 68, 85, 95), phanerôsis manifestation (1: 56), revealing (1: 58)
outward appearance (3: 61, 94, 97.1), phaneroun to clarify (1: 99), to make clear (1: 27), to
phenomenon (3: 1, 20, 95), received opinion (1: make manifest (1: 34/35.1), to make plain (1:
20), that which appears (1: 16), the apparent (1: 34/35.1)
67), the apparent meaning (1: 67), the phanos apparent (2: 22, 93), bright (2: 57, 85), clear (1:
superficial version (1: 44), what appears at face 72)
value (1: 67), what is apparent (1: 61), what is phantasia apparition (1: 95), appearance (24: 4, 14, 15,
represented (1: 91); ta phainomena 16, 19, 21, 23, 32, 35.2, 38, 43.1, 43.3, 52, 54, 55,
appearances (1: 93), evidence (3: 56, 60, 95), 57, 61, 69, 70, 74, 88, 89, 91, 95), fantasy (1: 97.1),
observations (1: 25), observed facts (1: 16), fiction (1: 11), how things appear (1: 4), idea (1:
phenomena (7: 2, 22, 54, 55, 78, 79, 90); kata 14), image (11: 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 36, 40, 70, 73, 74,
phainomenon from observation (1: 44); kata to 90, 95), imagination (41: 2, 3, 6.2, 13, 14, 15, 20,
phainomenon at a superficial level (1: 44), at 22, 23, 25, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 41.2,


42, 44, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 70, 72, object of the imagination (1: 100), thing
74, 77, 83, 88, 90, 95, 98, 99, 100), imaginative imagined (1: 14), what can be imagined (1: 61)
faculty (1: 36), imagining (5: 2, 23, 34/35.1, 36, phantazein : phantazesthai to appear (3: 22, 55, 68), to
83), impression (15: 4, 10.1, 12, 21, 23, 37, 38, 40, be imagined (3: 36, 50, 72), to be manifest (1:
45/46, 51, 52, 63, 65, 69, 95), impression on the 27), to be the object of an impression (1: 45/46),
imagination (1: 33), mental appearance (1: 13), to engage in representation (1: 86.1), to
mental image (1: 63), notion (1: 40), picture (1: experience appearances (1: 16), to fancy (1: 14),
22), power of representation (1: 86.2), to form images (1: 75), to have a representation
presentation (1: 23), representation (6: 7, 23, (1: 86.1), to imagine (24: 6.2, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25,
86.1, 91, 95, 99), semblance (1: 88) 26, 27, 28.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 42, 44, 50, 54, 57, 61,
apostellein phantasian to convey an impression (1: 69, 84, 89, 94, 95, 98, 100), to picture (1: 95), to
65); phantasian ekhein to imagine (1: 57); present (1: 91), to produce an image (1: 36), to
phantasian lambanein to imagine (1: 21) represent (1: 86.1)
phantasiôdês like an image (1: 36) to phantazesthai imagination (1: 22)
phantasioun : phantasiousthai to envision an phantikos expressive (1: 23)
appearance (1: 16), to form images (1: 52), to phaos light (1: 34/35.1)
have representation (1: 86.1), to imagine (2: phaostasia bringing to a halt of light (1: 61)
34/35.1, 52), to represent (1: 91) pharangôdês hollow (1: 54)
to phantasiousthai imagining (1: 61) pharmakôdês : to pharmakôdes medicine (1: 57)
phantasis gesture (1: 86.1), representation (1: 86.1) pharmakon cure (1: 97.1), drug (6: 16, 24, 34/35.1, 51,
phantasma appearance (3: 16, 21, 67), image (9: 2, 14, 80, 91), medicine (4: 2, 15, 56, 97.1), potion (1:
15, 25, 28.1, 36, 52, 61, 95), imaginary image (1: 80), remedy (2: 59, 97.1)
13), imagination (1: 100), imagined object (1: pharos mantle (1: 51)
100), imagining (1: 34/35.1), impression (1: 21), pharunx pharynx (2: 28.2, 57), throat (1: 52), windpipe
object of imagination (1: 70), phantasm (2: (2: 25, 28.1)
34/35.1, 56), phantom (1: 97.1), picture (1: 92.2), phasganon blade (1: 16), sword (1: 51)
representation (3: 74, 86.1, 91) phasis appearance (1: 95), assertion (3: 30/31, 65, 100),
phantasmata objects in imagination (1: 100) expression (2: 16, 23), phase (3: 55, 84, 95),
phantastikos able to represent (1: 91), by the phrase (1: 39), positive expression (1: 16),
imagination (1: 28.1), capable of imagining (1: saying (2: 35.2, 100)
28.1), connected with the imagination (1: 28.1), phaskein to assert (1: 16), to claim (1: 94), to say (2:
for imagination (1: 25), having the capacity for 86.1, 93)
imagination (1: 25), imaginative (5: 19, 22, 36, phasma appearance (3: 1, 61, 83), phantom (1: 97.1),
67, 100), imagining (1: 56), linked to the portent (1: 54), strange phenomenon (1: 95),
imagination (1: 100), of imagination (4: 22, 28.1, vision (1: 97.1)
36, 72), responsible for representation (1: 86.1), phatizein to express (1: 85)
that imagines (1: 36) phatnê manger (1: 56)
phantastikôs as imagination (1: 22), on the level of phatos sayable (1: 85)
imagination (1: 70), with imagination (1: 28.1); phaulos bad (7: 7, 15, 43.3, 48, 52, 60, 69), base (6: 4,
to phantastikon capacity for imagination (1: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 52, 69), defective (1: 15),
25), capacity of imagination (1: 100), degenerate (1: 25), evil (2: 15, 35.2), feeble (1:
imagination (3: 33, 57, 61), imaginative faculty 57), inferior (1: 92.1), insignificant (1: 25), poor
(1: 36), power of imagination (1: 100), power of (2: 52, 57), slight (1: 43.2), trifling (1: 69),
representation (1: 86.1), that which imagines (3: uneducated (1: 90), wicked (1: 19)
34/35.1, 56, 57), the imaginative (1: 74), the phaulôs defectively (1: 90), inappropriately (1: 25),
imaginative part (1: 87), the part for poorly (2: 4, 57); phauloteros inferior (1: 25)
representing (1: 91); phantastikê zôê life of phaulotês base form (1: 43.2), baseness (3: 4, 43.3, 69)
imagination (1: 100); phantastikos tupos pheidô consideration (1: 54), paying attention (1: 79)
imprint in the imagination (1: 100) phellos cork (2: 95, 98)
phantastos able to be imagined (1: 36), connected with phêmê reputation (1: 97.1), tradition (1: 23), utterance
imagination (1: 28.1), imaged (1: 70), imagined (2: 4, 72)
(1: 36), in the imagination (1: 70), representable phenakizein to cheat (2: 89, 95), to dupe (1: 50)
(1: 91) phengitês moonstone (1: 57)
phantastôs impressionistic (1: 70), on the level of phengos sheen (1: 95)
imagination (1: 70); to phantaston apparent pherein to adduce (3: 25, 51, 59), to apply (7: 16, 17, 20,
object (1: 16), imagined object (1: 100), 25, 52, 59, 76), to be current (1: 51), to bear (8: 4,
imagined thing (1: 100), object in imagination 10.2, 11, 17, 25, 60, 86.1, 86.2), to become (1:
(1: 100), object of imagination (3: 28.1, 36, 70), 86.1), to bring (5: 17, 20, 42, 76, 94), to bring out

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(1: 76), to bring to bear (1: 89), to bring up (a to kuklôi pheresthai circular movement (1:
problem) (1: 60), to carry (12: 4, 25, 42, 52, 55, 67), rotation (1: 22)
59, 60, 75, 78, 91, 94, 99), to carry along (2: 19, pheugein to avoid (8: 4, 18.2, 25, 45/46, 52, 58, 91, 100),
52), to carry around (1: 17), to carry on (1: 16), to escape (3: 52, 79, 85), to evade (1: 86.2), to
to cast (1: 67), to cause locomotion (2: 19, 25), flee (5: 25, 79, 86.2, 89, 91), to shun (1: 56)
to convey (1: 21), to deliver (2: 86.1, 86.2), to pheukteos to be avoided (1: 4); pheukteon one
deploy (1: 76), to derive (1: 21), to drive (1: 91), must flee (1: 86.2); to pheukteon thing to be
to endure (1: 4), to exist in (1: 85), to go (1: shunned (1: 45/46)
86.2), to import (2: 25, 89), to lead (1: 60), to pheuktos avoided (1: 22), to be avoided (6: 4, 40, 52, 64,
lead to (a goal) (1: 89), to move (3: 60, 67, 91), to 78, 91), to be shunned (1: 45/46)
offer (1: 2), to produce locomotion (1: 75), to to pheukton matter of avoidance (1: 4), object of
shift (1: 91), to supply (1: 86.1), to take (1: 76), avoidance (2: 16, 40)
to tend to (1: 61), to transmit (1: 42), to phialê bowl (2: 24, 54)
transport (1: 99), to use (2: 58, 59) philalêthês attached to truth (1: 72), lover of truth (1:
pheresthai to be applied (1: 56), to be borne (2: 16, 3), truth-loving (1: 69)
19), to be borne along (1: 11), to be carried (12: philanthrôpia benevolence (1: 97.1), humanity (1:
1, 21, 28.2, 47, 50, 53, 54, 55, 75, 94, 98, 99), to be 97.1), love of man (1: 97.2), love of mankind (1:
carried along (2: 18.2, 19), to be carried away (1: 97.1)
18.2), to be carried out (1: 86.2), to be found (1: philanthrôpos evincing humankindness (1: 40),
18.2), to be found (in MS) (1: 16), to be in humane (1: 43.2), kind (1: 7), kindly (1: 85),
circulation (2: 59, 99), to be in local motion (1: loving kindness (1: 40)
27), to be in locomotion (2: 12, 75), to be in philapekhthêmôn loving controversy (1: 70)
motion (2: 50, 75), to be moved (2: 42, 99), to be philautia love of self (1: 52), self-love (3: 37, 43.2, 43.3)
of an opinion (1: 59), to be referred to (1: 17), to philautos self-loving (2: 43.2, 43.3)
be related to (1: 98), to be reported (1: 56), to be philêdês pleasure-lover (1: 43.2)
superior (1: 2), to be transmitted (1: 19), to be philêdonia fondness for pleasure (1: 38)
transported (3: 22, 75, 99), to bear (1: 3), to philêdonos pleasure-loving (1: 43.2)
bring (1: 3), to come (1: 21), to come around to to philêdonon love of pleasure (1: 34/35.1)
(1: 23), to fall (1: 99), to go (1: 22), to have an philein to be accustomed (1: 52), to like (1: 23), to love
opinion (1: 59), to head (1: 58), to hurtle (1: 21), (10: 4, 22, 25, 40, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 86.2, 91),
to move (19: 1, 2, 18.2, 22, 25, 28.2, 42, 47, 53, 54, to treat as a friend (1: 40)
55, 59, 66, 78, 79, 83, 89, 94, 99), to move philêteos that should be loved (1: 52); to philein
(locally) (1: 14), to move locally (2: 3, 19), to loving (2: 43.1, 69)
proceed (1: 3), to tend (1: 92.1), to travel (9: 12, philenklêmôn contentious (1: 70), one who likes to
18.2, 21, 22, 27, 28.2, 38, 52, 59), to undergo find faults (1: 34/35.1)
locomotion (1: 42); pheromenos applied to (1: philêsis affection (1: 43.3), feeling of love (3: 43.1, 43.2,
35.2), directed (1: 42), moving (1: 14), notorious 69)
(1: 35.2); to pheresthai travel (1: 27); to pheron philêtos befriended (1: 40), beloved (1: 40), lovable (4:
what is causing locomotion (1: 42); to 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69)
pheromenon that undergoes locomotion (1: to philêton object of love (1: 52)
42), what is undergoing locomotion (1: 42); philia love (1: 20), friendliness (1: 69), friendship (12:
pherein kata to apply (1: 89); pherein pros to 2, 10.2, 16, 25, 34/35.1, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46,
lead to (1: 4); pheresthai aei to go on forever (1: 69, 93), love (22: 22, 25, 26, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3,
20); pheresthai epi to be led to (1: 89), to go to 44, 52, 55, 60, 61, 67, 69, 74, 75, 78, 79, 84, 85, 89,
(1: 20); phere say (2: 20, 59), supposing (1: 92.1)
86.1); phere eipein say (1: 58), to take an philikos characteristic of loving (1: 69), for friends (1:
instance (1: 59); kata phusin pheresthai to be 45/46), friendly (1: 84), loving (4: 43.1, 43.2,
carried naturally (1: 50); kata topon pheresthai 43.3, 69), of friends (1: 43.3), of friendship (1:
to be engaged in locomotion (1: 75); katô 45/46)
pheresthai to sink down (1: 79); kuklôi philodoxein to love honour (1: 45/46)
pheresthai to be carried round in a circle (1: philodoxia love of honour (1: 45/46)
50), to be in circular motion (1: 75); kuklon philodoxos : to philodoxon love of honour (1: 45/46)
pheresthai to undergo locomotion over a circle philoinos wine loving (1: 48)
(1: 42); pherein aporias to raise puzzles (1: 94); ho philoinos lover of wine (1: 52)
pherein dianoian to bring to bear on (1: 40); philokalos admirable (1: 27), elegant (1: 79)
pistin pherein to confirm (1: 10.2); sumphônôs philokalôs in a graceful way (1: 55); ho philokalos
pheresthai to go along with (1: 76); ta pros hen lover of beauty (1: 86.1), lover of what is noble
pheromena names related to one thing (1: 51); (1: 52)


philokhôrein to be fond of a place (1: 11) 45/46, 51, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 68, 72, 73, 78,
philokhrêmatein to seek after money (1: 97.1) 83, 88, 89, 90, 97.1, 97.2, 99, 100)
philokhrêmatos money-loving (1: 43.3) kata philosophian philosophical (1: 68); êthikê
ho philokhrêmatos lover of money (1: 52); to philosophia moral philosophy (1: 22); kata
philokhrêmaton love of wealth (1: 34/35.1) philosophian zêtêseis philosophical inquiries
philokindunos loving danger (1: 52) (2: 10.2, 16); philosophia ontôn ontology (1:
philokolax lover of flatterers (1: 43.2) 58); phusikê philosophia natural philosophy
philologein to do philology (1: 44) (1: 2)
philologos attached to language (1: 72), scholarly (1: philosophos of philosophy (1: 40), philosophical (13:
19) 22, 23, 40, 48, 54, 55, 59, 79, 83, 86.2, 92.1, 93, 93)
philomathês attached to learning (1: 72), eager to learn philosophôs in philosophical fashion (1: 19),
(1: 83), intellectually curious (1: 41.2), loving philosophically (1: 28.1); ho philosophos
learning (2: 54, 83) expert in philosophy (1: 90), lover of wisdom
ho philomathês lover of learning (1: 51), one who (1: 2), philosopher (53: 1, 2, 5, 6.1, 7, 10.2, 11, 13,
loves learning (1: 23) 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1,
philomathia love of learning (1: 69) 35.2, 38, 40, 42, 43.1, 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55,
philomêtôr mother-loving (1: 43.2) 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
philomuthos lover of myths (1: 2) 86.1, 86.2, 89, 90, 97.1, 97.2, 99); dialektikos
philoneikein to argue (1: 41.2), to be contentious (2: philosophos philosopher-dialectician (1: 35.2);
52, 83), to be eager to (1: 99), to dispute (2: 41.2, anêr philosophos true philosopher (1: 21);
89), to have ambition (1: 61), to persist prôtos philosophos first philosopher (1: 61), he
obstinately (1: 51), to strive contentiously (1: who practises first philosophy (1: 74),
54), to strive for victory (1: 83) metaphysician (1: 63)
philoneikia contentiousness (2: 58, 83), desire for philotekhnein to devise (1: 39)
victory (1: 83), hostility (1: 1) philotês amity (1: 43.2), love (4: 43.3, 55, 78, 85)
philoneikos contentious (4: 58, 59, 83, 97.1), victory- philotheamôn lover of contemplation (1: 51), one who
loving (1: 83) loves to know (1: 74), spectator (1: 22)
philonikein to dispute captiously (1: 25) philotimein : philotimeisthai to be ambitious (1: 75),
philophilos loving of friends (1: 43.2) to be credited (1: 34/35.1), to be emulous (1:
philoplatônes Plato enthusiasts (1: 68) 40), to pride oneself on (1: 99), to quibble (1:
philoponêros evil-loving (1: 43.3) 40), to stand on tribute (1: 40), to vie (1: 51)
philoponos painstaking (1: 4), scholarly (1: 26) philotimia ambition (2: 4, 86.1), love of honour (3:
philoponôs with great care (1: 85) 43.1, 43.2, 69), pride (1: 84)
philopsis food loving (1: 48) philotimos ambitious (2: 25, 69), honour-loving (1: 69),
philos beloved (1: 78), dear (9: 23, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 54, loving glory (1: 54)
55, 69, 78, 98), friendly (2: 43.1, 69), loving (1: ho philotimos lover of honour (2: 43.2, 69)
43.2) philotoioutos such-and-such-loving (1: 69)
ho philos friend (9: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 52, philtron charm (1: 2)
54, 69, 93) phlauros bad (1: 68)
philosômatos body-loving (1: 34/35.1) phlebion vein (2: 38, 57)
philosophein to be a philosopher (3: 22, 45/46, 84), to phlebotomia bleeding (1: 56)
do philosophy (2: 25, 55), to philosophize (13: 2, phlebotomon blood-letting (1: 34/35.1), lancet (1:
10.1, 11, 22, 27, 35.2, 43.2, 51, 73, 78, 93, 99, 100), 35.2)
to pursue an argument (1: 97.2), to pursue phlegein to burn up (1: 68)
philosophy (1: 40), to speak in a philosophical phlegma phlegm (3: 24, 28.2, 34/35.1)
manner (1: 97.2), to state as a philosophical phlegmainein to get inflamed (1: 95), to inflame (1: 57)
principle (1: 59), to study (1: 97.1), to study phlegmonê abscess (1: 80)
philosophy (1: 97.1), to theorize (1: 89) phlênaphos babble (1: 83), nonsense (1: 83)
to philosophein philosophy (1: 2); hoi phleps blood vessel (3: 67, 80, 91), sinew (1: 44), vein
philosophêsantes philosophers (1: 72); hoi (9: 21, 25, 38, 56, 60, 78, 84, 85, 86.1), vein-tissue
palai philosophountes the philosophers of old (1: 80)
(1: 97.1); ta enantia philosophein to propose phlogistos inflammable (1: 24)
opposite philosophical positions (1: 97.1) phlogousthai to come to be flaming (1: 24)
philosophêma philosophical consideration (1: 51), phloiôdês like bark (1: 52)
subject of philosophical discussion (1: 55) phloios bark (4: 24, 38, 52, 56)
philosophêmata philosophical results (1: 28.1) phlox fire (1: 20), flame (14: 1, 20, 21, 24, 38, 52, 61, 68,
philosophia philosophy (40: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 15, 78, 79, 80, 83, 95, 97.1), purifying flame (1: 97.1)
16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 28.2, 29.1, 40, 42, 43.2, 44, phluarein to speak nonsense (1: 83)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

phluaria nonsense (3: 57, 83, 86.2) (8: 1, 11, 14, 15, 18.2, 27, 28.2, 60), local
phluaros garrulous (1: 34/35.1) movement (1: 67), locomotion (18: 3, 12, 14, 19,
phobein to rout (1: 34/35.1) 20, 22, 27, 32, 38, 40, 42, 50, 59, 60, 67, 75, 94,
phobeisthai to be afraid (7: 4, 22, 60, 61, 67, 69, 91), 99), motion (27: 2, 3, 6.1, 12, 14, 17, 18.2, 22,
to be fearful (1: 99), to be frightened (2: 28.2, 28.2, 39, 41.2, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 67, 75, 79, 83,
61), to fear (4: 4, 25, 61, 69) 89, 91, 95, 97.2, 98, 99), movement (10: 22, 26,
phoberos fearful (1: 61), fearsome (1: 57), frightening 37, 47, 52, 53, 57, 67, 68, 98), moving (1: 86.2),
(4: 25, 28.2, 52, 69) path (1: 27), place (1: 44), production (1: 97.1),
phobos fear (13: 4, 21, 22, 25, 44, 52, 54, 61, 67, 68, 69, revolution (1: 86.2), spatial motion (1: 44),
86.2, 91) speed (1: 98), translation (1: 99), transport (1:
phoinikios crimson (1: 95) 28.2), transportation (1: 99), travel (5: 18.2, 22,
phoinikous crimson (1: 95), red (2: 38, 52) 27, 28.2, 44), trend (2: 86.1, 98)
phoinix palm (1: 95), phoenix (2: 13, 51), purple (1: 79) enkuklios phora heavenly rotation (1: 95); hê epi
phoitan to be extended (1: 56), to frequent (1: 17), to to katô phora being carried downwards (1:
pass through (1: 21), to pervade (3: 25, 34/35.1, 28.1); keraunôn phora fall of thunderbolts (1:
57), to rove (2: 34/35.1, 56), to travel (1: 57) 97.1); kinêsis kata phoran change of place (1:
phôleia hibernation (1: 86.1) 14), local motion (1: 11), locomotion (1: 14);
phôleos lair (1: 57), shelter (1: 57) kinêtos kata phoran capable of locomotion (1:
phôleuein to hibernate (1: 86.1) 94), that which changes by locomotion (1: 14);
phônê articulated sound (1: 36), expression (9: 7, 14, koinê phora general opinion (1: 37); kuklôi
16, 44, 63, 65, 76, 77, 89), language (1: 37), phora revolution (1: 94); phora ataktos
phoneme (1: 63), phonetic act (1: 25), phrase (1: disordered impulse (1: 97.1); phora epi to anô
39), sound (23: 2, 7, 10.2, 14, 15, 20, 27, 28.1, upwards lift (1: 98); phoran kineisthai to be
34/35.1, 35.2, 41.2, 44, 48, 51, 54, 57, 65, 67, 74, moved spatially (1: 67)
77, 83, 85, 98), sound of the voice (1: 28.1), phôran to detect (2: 85, 91), to see (1: 23)
speech (7: 7, 10.2, 15, 16, 37, 72, 74), spoken phôrasthai to be detected (1: 50)
sound (2: 34/35.1, 35.2), spoken word (3: 5, 56, phorein : pephorêmenos set in motion (1: 14)
57), statement (1: 68), term (5: 20, 63, 76, 77, phorêtos bearable (1: 45/46), mobile (1: 20), moveable
93), tone (1: 7), utterance (3: 25, 38, 63), verbal (1: 89), spatially movable (1: 20)
expression (2: 73, 90), vocal expression (1: 41.2), to phorêton what can be transported (1: 99)
vocal sound (4: 13, 16, 23, 40), voice (21: 4, 7, 19, phoros contributing to (1: 52)
23, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 44, phortikos awkward (1: 34/35.1), coarse (1: 23), crude
51, 52, 56, 57, 67, 86.1, 91), word (16: 7, 9, 13, 15, (1: 10.2), mundane (1: 89), shoddy (1: 63),
39, 40, 44, 51, 56, 57, 61, 74, 90, 93, 94, 98) tactless (1: 25), vulgar (3: 4, 61, 69)
phônai dialect (1: 76); phônêi verbally (1: 30/31); phortikôs crudely (1: 25)
meta phônês spoken (1: 7); apheinai phônas to phortion burden (3: 34/35.1, 54, 55), cargo (1: 4), load
voice opinions (1: 68); haplê phônê simple (1: 19)
spoken sound (1: 35.2); homônumos phônê phôs daylight (1: 38), lamplight (1: 90), light (40: 1, 2,
homonymous term (1: 61); melizomenê phônê 10.1, 11, 12, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2,
song (1: 28.2) 29.1, 34/35.1, 38, 43.3, 44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57,
phônêen vowel (2: 57, 99) 58, 59, 61, 68, 77, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2, 90, 91, 93, 95,
phônein to have a voice (1: 91), to have voice (1: 28.2), 97.1, 97.2, 100)
to make a sound (1: 25), to sing (1: 57), to speak astrôios phôs starlight (1: 28.2); hêliakon phôs
(2: 28.2, 57), to vocalize (1: 23) sunlight (2: 28.2, 29.1); hêmerinon phôs
phônêma sound (1: 5) daylight (1: 28.2); lukhniaion phôs lamplight (3:
phônêtikos of speech (3: 23, 52, 57), of vocal sound (1: 88, 90, 92); phôs ekhein to be illuminated (1: 52)
23), phonetic (1: 23), sounding (1: 17), that has phôstêr luminary (3: 54, 55, 57), source of illumination
vocal sound (1: 23), vocal (4: 23, 40, 44, 91), (1: 90)
voiced (1: 28.2), voice-producing (1: 57) phôteinos bright (2: 58, 83), full of light (1: 95),
phônêtikê dunamis power to make spoken sounds illuminated (2: 55, 85), light-giving (1: 28.1),
(1: 35.2); phônêtikon organon organ of speech shining (1: 83)
(1: 57), vocal organ (1: 91) phôtisma phase (1: 90)
phoneuein to kill (1: 17) phôtismos illumination (5: 54, 55, 57, 61, 85), light (1:
phoneus murderer (1: 35.2) 11), pattern of phases (1: 73), phase (3: 73, 90,
phonos killing (1: 17) 92.2), phase (of the moon) (1: 93), phase of the
phora (celestial) sphere (1: 67), being carried (2: 21, moon (1: 54)
95), carrying (1: 21), drift (1: 58), impulse (1: ta peri tôn phôtismôn the properties of its phases
97.1), kind of locomotion (1: 42), local motion (1: 73)


phôtistikos illuminating (2: 29.1, 57), illuminative (1: 34/35.1), practical wisdom (4: 2, 36, 45/46, 52),
58), of illuminating (1: 58), source of light (1: prudence (7: 7, 13, 40, 43.3, 69, 93, 97.1),
28.2), that illuminates (1: 28.2) thinking (3: 25, 34/35.1, 83), thought (4: 44, 61,
to phôtistikon illuminative power (1: 22), source of 85, 91), understanding (1: 19), wisdom (10: 4,
illumination (1: 58), that which lights (2: 56, 57) 17, 22, 36, 37, 38, 48, 54, 72, 83)
phôtizein to be a source of illumination (1: 52), to be a phronimos having practical wisdom (1: 52), intelligent
source of light (2: 52, 95), to bear light (1: 68), to (8: 2, 19, 25, 28.2, 38, 57, 64, 69), of practical
direct light onto (1: 57), to give illumination (1: intelligence (1: 69), prudent (3: 4, 13, 69),
52), to give light (5: 25, 28.1, 52, 83, 97.2), to sagacious (1: 69), sensible (2: 43.1, 69), wise (4:
illuminate (21: 12, 20, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 13, 15, 45/46, 72), with practical wisdom (1: 52)
52, 54, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 68, 73, 83, 90, 91, 93, phronimôs wisely (1: 52); ho phronimos person of
95), to illumine (1: 19), to illustrate (1: 93), to intelligence (2: 16, 74)
light (2: 56, 57), to light up (3: 25, 28.1, 59), to phrontis care (1: 56), intelligence (1: 57), lucubration
make light (1: 52), to shine (1: 93) (1: 23), reflection (2: 21, 25), speculation (1: 51),
phôtizesthai to be illuminated (1: 55); to phôtizon thought (1: 35.2), worry (1: 60)
source of illumination (3: 28.2, 58, 59), source kinein phrontida to motivate (1: 68); tithesthai
of light (1: 28.2) phrontida to pay heed (1: 80)
phôtoeidês having the form of light (1: 38), in the form phrontistêrion school (1: 97.2)
of light (1: 28.2), like light (2: 28.1, 52), luminous phrontizein to attend to (1: 89), to be careful (1: 61), to
(3: 28.1, 58, 91), luminous in form (1: 57) be concerned about (2: 43.2, 89), to care about
to phôtoeides luminousness (1: 28.2) (1: 68), to consider (2: 35.2, 56), to pay attention
phôton light-particle (1: 57) to (1: 17), to ponder (1: 2), to provide for (1:
phôtourgos that produces light (1: 28.1) 54), to reflect on (1: 25), to think about (1: 93),
phragma protection (1: 57) to worry about (1: 35.2)
phrasis expression (1: 7), locution (1: 35.2), pephrontismenôs carefully (1: 22)
phraseology (1: 51), phrasing (2: 35.2, 56), phroudos gone away (1: 85), vanished (1: 83)
utterance (1: 35.2) phroura custody (1: 97.1), guard-post (1: 97.1),
phrassein / phrattein to block up (1: 86.1), to close in protection (1: 74)
(1: 52), to shut off (1: 57), to stop (1: 98) phrourêtikos fit for guarding (1: 70), protective (1: 70),
phrazein to be a sign of (1: 40), to declare (1: 85), to tell watchful (1: 55)
(1: 85) phrouros warden (1: 86.2)
phrear well (6: 16, 21, 34/35.1, 52, 57, 95) phrugana kindling wood (1: 54)
phrên midriff (1: 86.1), mind (1: 34/35.1) phruganôdês undershrub (1: 95)
phrenitis inflammation of the brain (1: 16) phruktos torchlight (1: 34/35.1)
phrikê shudder (1: 91) phthanein to anticipate (2: 7, 12), to arrive (1: 93), to
phrikôdês horrible (1: 86.2) arrive at (1: 57), to arrive first (1: 17), to be
phriktos frightful (1: 86.2) already (2: 21, 60), to be before (1: 60), to be
phrittein to shudder (1: 91), to stand on end (of hair) earlier (1: 60), to be first (1: 20), to be in the first
(1: 25) place (1: 60), to be previously (1: 16), to do
phrix tremor (1: 57) something already (1: 60), to do something
phroimiazein to preface (1: 10.2) before (1: 60), to do something earlier (1: 60), to
phroimiazesthai to conduct a preliminary do something in the first place (1: 60), to exist
discussion (1: 25); ta pephroimiasmena already (1: 21), to extend to (1: 51), to forestall
prefatory remarks (1: 10.2) (1: 20), to get ahead of (1: 16), to go before (1:
phronein to be in a state of mind (1: 4), to be 99), to precede (3: 60, 84, 86.2), to reach (2: 92.1,
intelligent (1: 25), to be prudent (1: 68), to be 93), to stretch out before (1: 57)
right-thinking (1: 45/46), to exercise judgement phthanein (+ pple.) to have (done something)
(1: 34/35.1), to have intelligence (1: 16), to judge already (1: 12), to have (done something) earlier
(2: 34/35.1, 56), to regard (1: 91), to think (13: 4, on (1: 16), to have already (done something) (1:
21, 25, 28.2, 36, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 56, 61, 69, 85, 93), to have already done something (1: 88);
91), to think prudently (1: 69), to understand (6: phthênai eirêkenai to have mentioned earlier
19, 36, 43.3, 58, 59, 69) (1: 16), to have said earlier (1: 16)
phronein dikha to contrast (1: 57) phthartikos able to cause to cease to be (1: 89), able to
phronêma attention (1: 67), thought (1: 97.2) destroy (2: 4, 80), capable of destroying (1: 38),
phronêsis cleverness (1: 83), good sense (1: 40), insight damaging (1: 4), destructive (19: 4, 7, 12, 15,
(1: 40), intelligence (12: 16, 25, 28.2, 36, 37, 44, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 39, 42, 44, 56, 57, 59, 64, 68, 76,
57, 61, 67, 68, 69, 74), intelligising (1: 36), 80, 85, 91), involving destruction (1: 36), that
knowledge (1: 36), practical judgement (1: destroys (2: 12, 28.2)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to phthartikon destructive agent (1: 24) phthonos envy (5: 4, 58, 59, 69, 97.1), jealousy (3: 2,
phthartos able to cease to be (1: 75), able to die (1: 25), 97.1, 97.2)
capable of ceasing to be (1: 89), corruptible (3: phthonôi out of begrudgery (1: 97.1)
23, 72, 100), destroyed (2: 54, 66), destructible phthora ceasing to be (8: 21, 27, 32, 42, 44, 50, 75, 89),
(11: 6.1, 34/35.1, 36, 44, 47, 53, 54, 66, 68, 70, 76), corruptibility (1: 97.1), corruption (5: 37, 40,
perishable (37: 1, 2, 6.2, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 43.2, 63, 99), damage (1: 99), death (2: 52, 80),
21, 22, 25, 26, 28.2, 29.1, 36, 42, 52, 58, 59, 60, 61, decay (7: 22, 28.2, 59, 61, 63, 67, 76), destruction
65, 67, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, (40: 1, 2, 6.2, 7, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26,
97.2, 99), perishing (5: 22, 44, 78, 79, 83), subject 27, 28.2, 38, 39, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 59,
to decay (1: 76), subject to passing away (4: 12, 60, 61, 66, 68, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 85, 91, 97.1, 97.2,
21, 60, 61), subject to perishing (3: 42, 73, 94), 99), end (1: 42), killing (1: 37), passing away
that can perish (1: 12), that passes away (3: 52, (19: 12, 14, 17, 18.2, 21, 29.1, 34/35.1, 40, 41.2,
56, 57), that perishes (3: 17, 22, 28.2) 48, 52, 56, 57, 61, 67, 76, 85, 92.1, 98), passing
to phtharton perishability (1: 42), thing that can out of being (1: 26), passing out of existence (2:
cease to be (1: 35.2) 58, 59), perishing (26: 3, 10.1, 10.2, 14, 15, 16, 19,
phtheirein to cause destruction (1: 67), to cause to 22, 32, 38, 42, 60, 61, 67, 78, 79, 80, 83, 87, 91,
perish (1: 61), to damage (1: 28.2), to destroy 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 99), plague (1: 37)
(32: 4, 11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2, huphistasthai tên phthoran perish (1: 42); ta en
34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 44, 50, 52, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61, 64, phthorâi things that pass away (1: 35.2)
67, 75, 76, 78, 80, 83, 85, 91), to kill (1: 80), to phthoreion abortifacient (1: 80)
pass away (1: 48) phthorion abortifacient (1: 29.1)
phtheiresthai to be corrupted (1: 15), to be phthoropoios destructive (2: 59, 88), of destruction (1:
damaged (1: 22), to be destroyed (16: 2, 7, 17, 59), productive of destruction (1: 54), that
22, 25, 27, 34/35.1, 50, 65, 66, 68, 76, 78, 85, 92.1, causes destruction (1: 80)
97.1), to be killed (1: 48), to cease (1: 59), to phuein to be (1: 52), to be by nature (5: 2, 10.2, 15, 24,
cease being (1: 99), to cease to be (10: 16, 21, 22, 52), to be endowed by nature (1: 52), to be in
27, 42, 44, 50, 73, 75, 89), to cease to exist (3: 58, nature (1: 52), to be natural (2: 17, 52), to be
80, 85), to decay (1: 76), to die (2: 25, 80), to naturally disposed (1: 80), to be naturally
disintegrate (1: 76), to pass away (12: 6.2, 7, 12, equipped (1: 80), to be of a nature (3: 17, 73,
21, 22, 34/35.1, 60, 61, 67, 76, 85, 92.1), to perish 80), to be of a nature to (1: 52), to grow (9: 7, 15,
(36: 2, 3, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 16, 21, 60, 61, 80, 85, 86.1), to grow naturally (1:
25, 27, 42, 44, 52, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65, 67, 68, 76, 78, 21), to have a nature (1: 73), to originate (1: 80),
79, 80, 83, 87, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 97.2, 99); to take (of plants) (1: 27)
phtheirôn destructive (1: 76); to phtheiresthai phuesthai to be (1: 4), to be born (1: 4), to be by
process of destruction (1: 86.1); to nature (1: 41.2), to be endowed by nature (1: 4),
phtheiromenon what passes away (1: 67) to be formed by nature (1: 4), to grow (5: 15, 17,
phthengesthai to express (1: 29.1), to make a sound (1: 56, 89, 94), to naturally do (1: 4); pephukenai to
16), to sound (1: 83), to sound off (1: 83), to be (a thing’s) nature (1: 99), to be by nature (10:
speak (2: 57, 68), to use language (1: 86.2), to 12, 21, 27, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 65, 69, 91, 98), to be by
utter sounds (1: 86.1), to voice (1: 19) nature such (1: 56), to be by nature such as to
phthinein to be in decay (1: 42), to cause diminution (1: 57), to be capable of (1: 27), to be constituted
(1: 19), to decay (5: 22, 58, 59, 83, 86.1), to (4: 64, 69, 78, 79), to be constituted by nature (1:
decline (1: 25), to decrease (4: 16, 42, 60, 75), to 69), to be inclined by nature (1: 69), to be
diminish (3: 19, 32, 83), to perish (2: 68, 85), to natural (1: 18.2), to be naturally (4: 19, 21, 22,
wane (1: 55), to waste away (2: 59, 80) 75), to be naturally able (1: 98), to be naturally
phthinopôron autumn (1: 54) adapted (1: 25), to be naturally constituted (5:
phthisis corruption (1: 20), decay (6: 18.2, 22, 44, 56, 19, 69, 78, 79, 83), to be naturally disposed (2:
58, 83), decline (2: 25, 90), decrease (5: 42, 50, 75, 86.1), to be naturally fitted (1: 25), to be
67, 75, 94), decreasing (1: 40), detritus (1: 99), naturally inclined (2: 43.1, 69), to be naturally
diminishing (2: 83, 99), diminution (8: 1, 3, 11, related to (1: 28.2), to be naturally the case (1:
27, 40, 59, 60, 99), waning (1: 67), waste (1: 59), 89), to be of a nature (7: 27, 43.2, 43.3, 78, 83,
wasting away (1: 38) 86.1, 90), to be of a nature to (5: 16, 22, 42, 57,
phthonein to be jealous (1: 2), to envy (1: 69) 99), to be of such a nature (2: 3, 16), to be of
phthoneros envious (1: 69), malevolent (1: 35.2) such a nature as to (2: 54, 55), to be one’s nature
phthongos (musical) sound (1: 25), musical note (1: (2: 61, 99), to be so constituted (1: 3), to be so
86.1), note (3: 2, 11, 38), pitched sound (1: 57), constituted as to (2: 54, 55), to be such by nature
sound (6: 11, 19, 38, 61, 93, 99), sound-source (1: 76), to be suited (1: 27), to be suited by
(1: 56), tone (1: 61), voice (2: 7, 72) nature (1: 98), to do by nature (1: 21), to have a


natural capacity to (1: 67), to have a natural against (1: 25), to protect oneself (1: 91), to take
suitability for (1: 67), to have a nature (1: 22), to precautions (1: 4)
have a nature for (1: 67), to have such a nature phulax guard (1: 86.2)
(1: 99), to pertain by nature (1: 69), to tend to phullon leaf (5: 24, 25, 38, 56, 86.1)
(1: 99), to tend to do something (1: 99); phulon tribe (1: 85)
pephukenai (+ infin.) naturally (2: 43.3, 98), to phuma tumour (1: 24)
be in something’s nature to (1: 76), to be in phurmos disorder (1: 97.2)
themselves such as to (1: 76), to be inclined (1: phusan to blow (2: 57, 86.1), to blow up (3: 38, 55, 98),
76), to be its nature to be (1: 98), to be naturally to inflate (3: 6.1, 52, 55), to whistle (1: 57)
capable of (1: 76), to be naturally fitted to (1: phusasthai to be inflated (2: 79, 84); pephusêmenos
76), to be naturally such as to (1: 98), to be such blown up (1: 18.2), inflated (1: 57)
as to (1: 76), to naturally (1: 76); pephukôs by phusansis naturing (1: 17)
nature (1: 7), capable by nature (1: 18.2), having phusikos about nature (1: 27), based on nature (1: 61),
a natural capacity to (1: 28.2), naturally (1: 7), by nature (2: 43.1, 69), concerned with nature
naturally able to (1: 61), naturally capable (1: (1: 69), concerned with the study of nature (1:
94), naturally existent (1: 94), suitable (1: 18.2), 61), concerning nature (2: 79, 85), constituted
suited to (1: 18.2), that has the nature to (1: by nature (1: 42), having to do with natural
28.2), that is of a nature to (2: 18.2, 28.2); philosophy (1: 73), having to do with nature (2:
pephukos (+ infin.) by nature (1: 93), naturally 19, 42), in accordance with nature (2: 42, 61), in
(1: 93); pephuke can be (1: 27), it is natural (1: natural philosophy (1: 90), in nature (1: 99), in
60), it is naturally (1: 27), naturally (1: 27); the field of nature (1: 34/35.1), natural (82: 2, 4,
pephuke (+ infin.) it is natural (1: 98), its 6.1, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19,
nature is to (1: 22), naturally (2: 18.2, 86.1); to 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32,
pephukenai being (1: 23); to phuomenon plant 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42,
(2: 22, 25); pephukenai pros to have a natural 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 47, 48, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56,
tendency to (1: 42); hôs pephuken as is natural 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76,
(1: 28.1); pephuke phainesthai it naturally 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1,
appears (1: 52); pephukos einai to be by nature 92.2, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100), naturalistic (1: 43.2),
(1: 67); pephukos holon a natural whole (1: naturally (1: 68), of natural philosophy (1: 90),
86.1); pephukôs politeuesthai to be made for of nature (5: 27, 42, 61, 85, 99), of physical
society (1: 23) science (1: 40), of physics (2: 40, 93), of the
phugê aversion (1: 69), avoidance (6: 4, 25, 38, 40, 69, study of nature (1: 92.2), on nature (1: 23), on
100), avoiding (1: 91), escape (1: 97.1), exile (1: physics (1: 88), pertaining to natural philosophy
45/46), flight (3: 25, 45/46, 97.1) (1: 50), physical (28: 6.1, 11, 12, 13, 22, 27, 32,
phukion sea-weed (1: 61) 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43.2, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 66,
phulakê guard (1: 57), guardian (1: 97.1), guarding (1: 67, 68, 76, 80, 87, 88, 92.1, 93, 99), proper to
38), guarding against (1: 4), guardpost (1: 55), nature (1: 70), scientific (3: 32, 40, 58)
preservation (1: 32) phusikôs according to the laws of nature (1: 99),
phulaktêrion shield (1: 57) based on natural considerations (1: 78), by
phulaktikos capable of preserving (1: 25), preservative nature (3: 32, 43.1, 56), from the point of view
(2: 38, 56), preserving (1: 52), protective (1: 16), of natural science (1: 44), from the point of
that preserves (1: 52) view of nature (1: 4), from the point of view of
phulassein / phulattein to assure (1: 2), to avoid (3: 22, the study of nature (1: 92.2), in a natural
27, 83), to bear in mind (1: 54), to conserve (1: manner (1: 86.1), in a natural way (1: 17), in a
20), to defend (3: 16, 27, 52), to guard (2: 4, 55), physical manner (1: 99), in a way appropriate to
to guard against (2: 65, 75), to hold fixed (1: the study of nature (1: 78), in accordance with
30/31), to insure (1: 2), to keep (17: 4, 6.1, 18.2, nature (1: 22), naturally (17: 2, 17, 19, 20, 22, 24,
19, 21, 35.2, 41.2, 42, 52, 54, 55, 65, 78, 79, 85, 91, 27, 42, 44, 52, 58, 68, 78, 80, 89, 95, 99), on the
93), to look after (1: 76), to maintain (8: 2, 19, level of nature (1: 70), physically (1: 34/35.1),
54, 55, 75, 83, 91, 99), to pay attention (1: 2), to with reference to natural philosophy (1: 25); ho
preserve (24: 4, 6.1, 7, 9, 12, 17, 18.2, 21, 24, 25, phusikos natural philosopher (28: 2, 10.2, 15,
28.2, 30/31, 38, 41.2, 42, 52, 57, 67, 78, 79, 83, 93, 16, 17, 21, 25, 27, 38, 42, 50, 54, 55, 59, 61, 63, 67,
94, 99), to protect (3: 16, 75, 89), to retain (9: 2, 73, 74, 75, 76, 85, 86.1, 87, 90, 92.1, 98, 99),
10.2, 16, 18.2, 24, 27, 54, 55, 76), to safeguard (4: natural scientist (14: 11, 18.2, 22, 26, 27, 37, 44,
75, 89, 94, 98), to save (1: 94), to stick to (an 47, 53, 66, 69, 89, 93, 99), philosopher of nature
idea) (1: 94) (1: 40), physical philosopher (1: 36), physicist
phulassesthai / phulattesthai to avoid (1: 4), to (6: 19, 20, 63, 76, 92.1, 99), student of nature (6:
guard against (5: 4, 16, 25, 42, 52), to protect 56, 57, 61, 78, 79, 94); hê phusikê natural

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

philosophy (6: 10.2, 15, 16, 17, 73, 90), natural write about (something) as a natural scientist
science (2: 89, 90), physics (5: 17, 61, 85, 93, 99), (1: 59)
study of nature (2: 78, 79); to phusikon fact of phusiologia doctrine of nature (2: 19, 78), inquiry into
physics (1: 93), natural object (1: 27), natural natural causes and phenomena (1: 7), natural
thing (2: 27, 85), what is natural (1: 89); ta history (1: 22), natural philosophy (2: 29.1, 85),
phusika facts in natural philosophy (1: 90), natural science (3: 22, 27, 89), philosophy of
natural cases (1: 76), natural entities (1: 76), nature (1: 93), physical theory (1: 63), physics
natural kinds (1: 61), natural objects (3: 61, 76, (1: 61), physiology (1: 23), study of nature (4:
89), natural phenomena (1: 22), natural 17, 44, 73, 84), investigation of natural causes (1:
philosophy (1: 68), natural things (7: 2, 10.1, 95)
10.2, 16, 44, 61, 76), nature (2: 44, 88), physical phusiologikos belonging to the study of nature (1:
objects (1: 94), physical things (2: 51, 76), 35.2), natural (1: 7), pertaining to the study of
physics (4: 42, 51, 93, 99), subject matter of nature (1: 51)
physics (1: 20), the natural world (1: 94), works to phusioiogikon physics (1: 88)
of nature (1: 10.2), works on nature (1: 95); hê phusiologos natural philosopher (8: 6.1, 25, 29.1, 42,
meta ta phusika metaphysics (1: 22); hê 53, 75, 78, 85), natural scientist (6: 10.2, 22, 26,
phusikê philosophia natural philosophy (1: 2); 38, 44, 89), naturalist (1: 44), philosopher of
ho phusikôtatos foremost natural philosopher nature (1: 74), physical theorist (1: 20), physicist
(1: 68); kata to phusikon scientifically (1: 28.1); (4: 34/35.1, 55, 63, 69), student of nature (2: 17,
kinêsis phusikê natural motion (2: 47, 66); 61)
phusikos logos natural reason-principle (1: phusis a nature (entity or substance) (1: 89), being (1:
100); meta ta phusika metaphysical (1: 22); 18.2), birth (1: 32), entity (3: 25, 78, 92.2), kind
phusika eidê natural forms (1: 100); phusikai (1: 21), kind of thing (1: 90), natural (1: 22),
arkhai principles of physics (1: 63); phusikê natural capacity (3: 15, 42, 61), natural entity (1:
arkhê natural principle (1: 66); phusikê 61), natural growth (1: 69), natural life (1: 25),
epistêmê physical science (1: 40), physics (1: natural order (2: 70, 74), natural power (1: 32),
40); phusikê theôria natural philosophy (1: 90); natural process (1: 88), natural state (2: 40, 69),
phusikê thermotês natural heat (1: 67); natural stuff (1: 32), naturally existing thing (1:
phusikon pragma natural object (1: 76), 52), nature (92: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11,
natural thing (1: 76), physical object (1: 76), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
physical thing (1: 63); phusikos anêr man of 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2,
physics (1: 63), student of nature (1: 96); ta 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3,
phusika pragmata subject matter of physics (1: 44, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63,
20); ta phusika zêtêmata inquiries to do with 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78,
the study of nature (1: 95); thermotês phusikê 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2,
natural heat (1: 67); to poioun phusikôs natural 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), nature of
agent (1: 88); phusikôteron more appropriate things (1: 97.1), reality (1: 92.2), sort (2: 21, 99),
to the study of nature (1: 60), more in structure (1: 80), substance (1: 88), the nature of
accordance with the study of nature (1: 60), something (1: 89), type of thing (1: 25)
more like a natural scientist (1: 42), more phusei by nature (22: 2, 4, 16, 17, 21, 22, 27, 35.2, 40,
physical (1: 24) 60, 67, 75, 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 89, 91, 94, 95, 97.2, 99),
phusiognômôn physiognomist (1: 67) due to nature 1: 35.2), in nature (2: 75, 99), in the
phusiognômonikos : hê phusiognômonikê course of nature (1: 32), natural (10: 4, 21, 27,
physiognomy (1: 72) 35.2, 76, 78, 79, 91, 95, 98), naturally (16: 18.2, 20,
phusiokhos nature-bearing (1: 72) 22, 27, 28.2, 35.2, 43.2, 53, 59, 61, 67, 75, 76, 80,
phusiologein to do natural science (1: 34/35.1), to do 92.1, 95), really (1: 32); ta phusei things coming
physics (1: 63), to give a natural account (1: 67), to be by nature (1: 15), things that are
to give a physical account (1: 67), to give a constituted by nature (1: 89), things that exist by
physical theory (1: 68), to give a scientific nature (1: 89); têi phusei by nature (5: 42, 50, 61,
account (1: 22), to investigate natural causes (1: 94, 95), in nature (2: 42, 73), naturally (1: 50); dia
95), to provide a physical theory (1: 25), to say phusin due to nature (1: 89); ek phuseôs natural
in one’s account of nature (1: 67), to speak as a (1: 67); en phusei in nature (1: 2); epi tinos
student of nature (1: 17), to speak like the phuseôs of some nature (1: 16); huper phusin
natural philosophers (1: 97.2), to study nature hypernatural (1: 83), supernatural (1: 95),
(1: 78) supernaturally (1: 59); huper tên phusin
ho phusiologôn naturalist (1: 18.2), student of hypernatural (1: 78); hupo phuseôs by nature
nature (1: 67); phusiologein peri to produce (2: 67, 75); kata phusin in accordance with
theories of the nature of (something) (1: 59), to nature (1: 19), according to nature (5: 2, 17, 40,


67, 99), as belonging to a thing’s nature (1: 40), vegetative (14: 18.2, 22, 25, 26, 28.2, 34/35.1, 52,
by nature (7: 22, 28.2, 42, 67, 88, 93, 94), in a 56, 57, 61, 67, 86.1, 91, 100)
natural manner (1: 93), in accordance with a phutikôs in a vegetable manner (1: 86.1); to
thing’s nature (1: 67), in accordance with nature phutikon vegetative power (1: 100)
(10: 4, 17, 19, 28.1, 42, 60, 67, 89, 91, 95), in phuton plant (39: 2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22,
nature (1: 42), in respect of nature (1: 42), in 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 42, 51, 52, 56, 57,
virtue of nature (1: 67), natural (33: 2, 4, 12, 17, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1,
18.2, 19, 21, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 42, 52, 54, 55, 60, 89, 91, 97.2, 100)
61, 67, 68, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, piestos compressible (1: 24)
97.1, 98, 99), naturally (21: 18.2, 19, 22, 28.2, 40, piezein to crush (1: 99)
42, 52, 54, 55, 59, 67, 68, 75, 78, 79, 86.1, 91, 93, piezesthai to be able to be compressed (1: 24), to be
95, 98, 99), naturalness (1: 80); kata tên phusin compressed (1: 55)
according to nature (1: 26), natural (1: 86.1); to pikria bitterness (1: 57)
kata phusin natural condition (1: 19); para pikros bitter (12: 12, 15, 16, 21, 25, 28.1, 38, 56, 57, 58,
phusin abnormal (1: 88), against its nature (1: 68, 85), sharp (1: 28.2), sour (3: 56, 57, 92.1),
99), against nature (2: 16, 97.1), contra-naturally spicy (1: 91)
(1: 75), contrary to nature (15: 2, 4, 6.1, 18.2, 27, pikrotês bitterness (7: 19, 21, 52, 57, 60, 80, 83),
42, 60, 67, 73, 80, 89, 91, 94, 95, 99), in an sourness (1: 56)
unnatural manner (1: 93), not in natural state (1: pilein / piloun to compress (5: 18.2, 54, 57, 95, 98), to
28.2), unnatural (16: 4, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 42, 54, press (2: 57, 98), to squeeze (1: 98)
55, 67, 78, 79, 80, 83, 93, 98, 99), unnatural state pileisthai / pilousthai to be compressed (2: 50, 78)
(1: 67), unnaturally (7: 27, 42, 54, 55, 78, 79, 93); pilêsis compression (11: 18.2, 20, 21, 50, 54, 68, 78, 88,
ta para phusin things not found in nature (1: 94, 95, 98), pressing (1: 57), pressure (2: 57, 98)
10.2), natural things (1: 89); pros tên phusin in pilêtikos compressing (1: 78)
relation to nature (1: 73), relative to nature (1: pilêtos squashable (1: 24)
89), to the natural (1: 22); ta phusei gignomena pimelê fat (1: 38)
a natural reality (1: 50), things that come to be pimplanai to fill (1: 84)
by nature (2: 2, 89); ta phusei onta natural pinagôgê whirling (1: 17)
things (1: 89), things existing by nature (1: 15), pinakis slate (1: 91)
things that are constituted by nature (1: 89), pinax tablet (1: 23), writing-tablet (1: 86.2)
things that exist by nature (2: 2, 89); anômalos pinein to drink (3: 12, 21, 86.2)
phusis non-uniformity (1: 42); hê holê phusis piôn fat (1: 24), fatty (1: 24)
the whole of nature (1: 25); hê pasa phusis the ta piona fatty bodies (1: 24)
whole of nature (1: 25); heirmos phuseôs law of piptein to be subject to (1: 52), to fall (15: 2, 7, 9, 10.2,
nature (1: 27); ho peri phuseôs natural scientist 11, 22, 23, 29.1, 51, 52, 54, 55, 83, 86.2, 91), to lie
(1: 16); hupokeimenê phusis subject nature (1: (inside or outside) (1: 90), to occur (1: 52)
16); kata phusin ekhein to be in a natural state piptein eis to fall under (1: 19); piptein ektos to fall
(1: 16); kata phusin pheresthai to be carried outside (1: 30/31); piptein exô to fall outside (1:
naturally (1: 50); kata phusin summetria 93); piptein hupo (+ acc.) to fall under (1:
natural proportions (1: 80); kinêsis kata phusin 41.1); piptein hupo deixin to be able to be
natural motion (2: 47, 66); kinêsis para phusin exhibited (1: 10.2), to be exhibited (1: 10.2);
unnatural motion (1: 47); kritikê phusis piptein hupo ekthesin kai deixin to be subject
discriminative nature (1: 100); noerai phuseis to exhibition and proof (1: 10.2)
intellectual natures (1: 97.2); ousiôn phusis pissa / pitta pitch (5: 23, 24, 40, 64, 93)
grade of substances (1: 10.2); phusei sunestôs pisteuein to accept (1: 55), to be committed (1: 25), to be
constituted by nature (1: 15), naturally confident (4: 43.1, 43.3, 83, 99), to be convinced
constituted (1: 47); phuseôs naturally (1: 42); (4: 2, 42, 73, 91), to be convinced of (1: 90), to be
phusin ekhein to be by nature capable (1: 42), to rationally convinced (1: 34/35.1), to believe (17:
have a natural capacity (1: 75), to have a nature 16, 21, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 52, 58, 59, 68, 83, 85,
(1: 17); phusis tis natural being (1: 61); poiêtikê 86.1, 88, 93, 98), to believe in (3: 16, 17, 52), to
phusis production (1: 60); sômatos phusis confirm (6: 18.2, 22, 27, 44, 75, 99), to credit (1:
bodily nature (1: 67); têi hautou phusei by its 40), to credit to (1: 40), to entrust (1: 52), to
own nature (1: 40); proteros têi phusei prior by establish (1: 22), to find credible (1: 25), to give
nature (1: 77) credence (1: 40), to have confidence (1: 2), to hold
phuteuein to beget (1: 86.1), to plant (1: 52) (1: 91), to justify (2: 9, 22), to place confidence in
phuteuesthai to be planted (1: 25) (1: 42), to prove (1: 61), to provide evidence (1:
phutikos for vegetation (1: 91), of plants (3: 22, 61, 22), to rely on (1: 85), to support (1: 27), to trust
100), of vegetation (1: 22), plant-like (1: 52), (9: 3, 38, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 54, 83, 95)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

pisteuesthai to believe (1: 86.2); pepisteusthai to 90, 99), to derive (1: 34/35.1), to establish (2: 21,
be a matter of conviction (1: 42); pisteuomenos 68), to give credence (1: 78), to give credibility
convincing (1: 73); pisteuteon one must believe to (1: 93), to have warrant (1: 99), to justify (1:
(1: 68) 9), to make credible (3: 40, 65, 79), to make
pisteutikos that creates conviction (1: 73) plausible (1: 54), to obtain assurance (1:
pisteutikôs on the basis of belief (1: 74) 34/35.1), to offer evidence (1: 88), to offer
pistis argument (2: 95, 99), assurance (3: 17, 57, 68), evidence for (1: 65), to prove (6: 14, 39, 58, 59,
belief (10: 18.2, 22, 40, 52, 54, 78, 85, 86.1, 97.1, 67, 95), to support (1: 87); pistousthai ek to
98), believability (1: 54), certitude (2: 2, 10.2), derive conviction from (1: 93)
claim (1: 98), commitment (1: 25), confidence pithanologein to use plausible arguments (1: 38)
(2: 83, 85), confirmation (18: 3, 20, 27, 42, 43.3, pithanologeisthai to use probable reasoning (1: 95)
44, 47, 56, 57, 64, 66, 69, 73, 75, 78, 83, 92.2, 99), pithanos convincing (2: 48, 93), persuasive (12: 14,
conviction (10: 4, 16, 21, 36, 47, 53, 73, 90, 91, 18.2, 20, 23, 40, 44, 54, 57, 78, 86.2, 93, 98),
100), credence (3: 40, 48, 92.1), credibility (9: 23, plausible (28: 6.1, 7, 9, 10.2, 16, 17, 18.2, 22, 25,
30/31, 40, 48, 64, 65, 93, 97.1, 98), evidence (9: 4, 27, 38, 42, 51, 52, 54, 55, 61, 67, 68, 72, 73, 75, 78,
22, 24, 44, 59, 60, 65, 68, 92.1), faith (1: 97.2), 86.1, 90, 94, 95, 98)
ground (1: 44), ground for belief (1: 40), pithanôs in a persuasive way (1: 79), persuasively
grounding of belief (1: 40), justification (3: 9, (1: 85), plausibly (1: 25); pithanôteros more
30/31, 55), kind of proof (1: 73), persuasion (1: persuasive (1: 16), more plausible (1: 60); to
61), persuasive evidence (1: 95), plausible pithanon persuasiveness (2: 14, 23), plausibility
conviction (1: 61), proof (12: 23, 25, 38, 39, 42, (1: 44), speciousness (1: 59); kata to pithanon
61, 67, 73, 74, 86.2, 95, 99), rational conviction on the level of plausibility (1: 10.2)
(1: 34/35.1), support (1: 4), support of a claim pithanotês convincing point (1: 86.2), persuasion (1:
(1: 33), trust (1: 43.2), trustworthiness (1: 74), 21), persuasive power (1: 98), persuasiveness (3:
warrant (1: 99) 20, 57, 93), plausibility (4: 3, 21, 58, 91),
eis pistin to be convinced (1: 90), to be convincing plausible character (1: 2)
(1: 90); eis pistin (+ gen.) to confirm (1: 68); pithanotêta ekhein to be plausible (1: 25)
pros pistin to establish (1: 28.2); pros tas pithêkos monkey (1: 97.2)
pisteis to establish (1: 21); lambanein pisteis ek pithias jar-shaped (1: 95), jar (3: 6.1, 18.2, 98)
to draw one’s beliefs from (1: 86.1); pistin pladaros insipid (1: 57)
pherein to confirm (1: 10.2); poiein pistin to plagios crosswise (1: 95), horizontal (1: 56), lateral (1:
obtain confirmation (1: 27); poieisthai tên 84), oblique (3: 35.2, 55, 67), sideways (4: 19, 61,
pistin convince (1: 21); proeilêmmenê pistis 67, 88), to the side (1: 55)
presumption and belief (1: 40) to plagion wall (1: 94); ta plagia sides (2: 54, 98);
pistos believable (3: 54, 78, 85), convincing (1: 73), eis to plagion sideways (1: 95), slantwise (1:
credible (5: 40, 42, 65, 68, 86.1), justified (1: 9), 90); eis ta plagia lateral (1: 42), sideways (1:
plausible (1: 43.3), reliable (1: 16), to be taken 28.2), to the side (1: 55); ek plagiou sideways (1:
on trust (1: 99), to be trusted (1: 99), 95), sideways on (1: 52); ek plagiôn sideways (2:
trustworthy (3: 69, 78, 85), warranted (1: 99), 57, 95), to the side (1: 57), to the side of (1: 64);
worthy of conviction (1: 93) ek tôn plagiôn from the sides (1: 88); epi to
to piston belief (1: 55), confirmation (1: 73), plagion to the side (1: 19); epi ta plagia at the
conviction (2: 73, 90), credibility (1: 93), object sides (1: 58), horizontal (1: 68), horizontally (2:
of belief (1: 92.2), trustworthiness (1: 84), 68, 80), lateral (1: 42), oblique (1: 88), sideways
warrant (1: 99); piston ekhei there is conviction (5: 20, 57, 59, 95, 98), to the side (1: 79); kata ta
(1: 90); pistos einai ek derive credibility from plagia horizontally (1: 68); plagios topos side
(1: 93) (1: 99)
pistôsis confirmation (2: 10.2, 48) planan : planasthai to be at a loss (1: 86.1), to be
eis pistôsin to confirm (1: 10.2) erratic (1: 98), to be in error (1: 92.1), to be
pistoun to base (1: 17), to confirm (10: 2, 3, 20, 38, 52, misled (1: 95), to be mistaken (1: 99), to err (1:
69, 73, 75, 85, 99), to guarantee (1: 85), to obtain 56), to get confused (1: 93), to go astray (1:
confirmation (1: 73), to persuade (1: 17) 34/35.1), to go in error (1: 57), to make a
pistousthai to appeal to (1: 21), to argue (1: 95), to mistake (1: 86.1), to wander (13: 12, 34/35.1,
back up (1: 76), to be confirmed (2: 51, 76), to 35.2, 42, 54, 55, 56, 60, 67, 78, 83, 86.1, 88)
be convinced (1: 93), to be evidenced (1: 93), to planômenos planetary (2: 42, 80), wandering (1:
be given warrant (1: 99), to be persuaded (1: 68); peplanêmenos confused (1: 91); ho planôn
58), to be supported by evidence (1: 60), to be planet (1: 83); ho planômenos planet (6: 1, 2,
true to (1: 68), to confirm (18: 10.2, 16, 19, 59, 67, 90, 95), wandering (sc. star or sphere) (1:
30/31, 42, 48, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 76, 78, 79, 84, 87, 68), wandering star (1: 95); hê planômenê


planetary movement (1: 1), planetary sphere (2: platos breadth to breadth (1: 10.2), horizontal
1, 59), wandering sphere (1: 67); to (1: 7); to en platei nun the now extended (over
planômenon planet (7: 1, 11, 14, 22, 42, 59, 95), time) (1: 25)
planetary area (1: 11), planetary sphere (2: 11, platukoriasis mydriasis (1: 57)
14), wandering star (1: 95); ta planômena platukos extended (1: 78)
planets (1: 88), wandering stars (1: 88) platunein to fill out (1: 34/35.1), to spread out (1: 52),
planê deviation (1: 17), error (12: 19, 20, 56, 57, 63, 73, to spread widthwise (1: 88)
76, 80, 86.1, 90, 91, 98), going astray (3: 2, platuônukhos flatnailed (1: 93), having flat nails (1: 40)
34/35.1, 35.2), illusion (1: 95), wandering (4: 14, platus brackish (1: 21), broad (2: 14, 86.2), dilated (1:
54, 55, 73) 57), flat (4: 55, 57, 79, 98), general (1: 54), loose
planê tês opseôs optical illusion (1: 88) (1: 84), wide (1: 98)
planêtês planet (8: 2, 22, 54, 55, 59, 60, 90, 95), platuteron at greater length (1: 14), in greater detail
wandering star (1: 95) (1: 93), in more detail (1: 93)
planktos drifting (1: 85) plazesthai to wander (1: 78)
plasis formation (1: 86.1), forming (1: 86.1), moulding plêgê beating (1: 44), being bitten (1: 52), blow (11: 22,
(3: 24, 48, 67), shape (1: 86.1) 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 57, 60, 61, 86.1, 99, 100),
tou muthou plasis story-line (1: 86.2) excitation (1: 22), impact (9: 5, 23, 24, 27, 39, 40,
plasma creature (1: 97.2), fabrication (1: 54), fashioned 41.2, 54, 91), injury (1: 38), striking (2: 28.1, 38),
creature (1: 97.2), fiction (8: 2, 12, 55, 78, 86.1, stroke (3: 28.2, 86.1, 100)
86.2, 95, 99), figure (1: 86.1), formation (1: 86.1), plegma strand (1: 34/35.1)
invention (1: 98), style (1: 85), work of fiction plein to make a voyage (1: 4), to sail (3: 19, 29.1, 54)
(1: 54) to plein voyaging (1: 4); ho pleôn voyager (1: 4)
plasmatia artificial creation (1: 36), fabrication (1: 79) pleiôn full (1: 85)
plasmatôdês arbitrary (1: 86.1), artificial (1: 78), plekein to combine (1: 89), to construct (1: 34/35.1), to
contrived (2: 10.2, 16), factitious (1: 20), fanciful manufacture (1: 86.1)
(1: 98), fantastic (1: 99), far-fetched (1: 70), plêktikos causing injury (1: 36), complicated (1: 98),
fiction (1: 86.2), fictional (3: 55, 70, 99), involving impact (1: 54), overwhelming (1: 36),
fictitious (3: 6.1, 38, 86.1), inventive (1: 98), pungent (1: 57), seizing attention (1: 36),
mere fiction (1: 80) startling (1: 38), striking (3: 28.2, 39, 52), violent
plasmatodôs in a fanciful way (1: 56) (1: 56)
plassein / plattein to contrive (1: 44), to fabricate (3: plêktikôs strikingly (2: 28.1, 67); plêktikôterôs
25, 54, 79), to form (2: 86.1, 86.2), to imagine (4: more strikingly (1: 28.2)
20, 22, 67, 80), to invent (2: 6.1, 25), to make up plêmmeleia error (2: 72, 97.2), sin (1: 97.2), wrong (1:
(2: 6.1, 54), to mould (5: 25, 44, 55, 61, 79), to 60)
shape (1: 86.1), to use one’s imagination (1: 67) plêmmelein to transgress (1: 72)
plastês moulder (1: 44) plêmmelês discordant (3: 68, 78, 94), irregular (2: 66,
plastikos : energeia plastikê activity of formation (1: 99), unruly (1: 44), unsatisfactory (1: 55)
86.1) plêmmelôs in a discordant manner (1: 80)
hê plastikê sculpture (art of) (1: 4) pleonakhôs in many ways (4: 11, 16, 51, 91), in more
plastinx disk of a balance (1: 84) than one way (1: 93), in several ways (4: 3, 17,
plastos plastic (1: 24) 21, 48)
plastourgêma sculpture (1: 60) pleonakhôs legesthai to be said in several ways (1:
platanistos plane (tree) (1: 7) 2), to have many senses (1: 27)
platanos plane (tree) (1: 7) pleonakis many times (1: 84), more than once (1: 65),
platikos broad (1: 87), in a broad sense (1: 87) several times (1: 93)
platônikos true to Plato (1: 74) pleonasmos becoming more (1: 56), excess (3: 48, 86.1,
platônikoteron on the more Platonic view (1: 28.1); 91), pleonasm (1: 72), something redundant (1:
ho platônikos Platonist (1: 86.2) 48), superfluity (1: 51)
platos area (1: 53), breadth (22: 2, 3, 6.1, 10.2, 11, 14, 15, pleonazein to abound (1: 56), to be a result of surplus
16, 20, 21, 22, 54, 55, 57, 60, 73, 78, 79, 84, 86.1, (1: 61), to be dominant (1: 38), to be excessive
90, 95), broad range (1: 60), extension (1: 5), (1: 38), to be greater (1: 19), to be in excess (3:
flatness (1: 55), latitude (3: 21, 41.2, 48), plane 60, 61, 91), to be larger (1: 94), to be more (1:
(3: 2, 58, 70), plane of reality (1: 70), range (2: 95), to be redundant (1: 51), to be superfluous
33, 92.1), realm (1: 70), surface (1: 28.2), width (2: 51, 95), to be too large (1: 94), to become
(7: 11, 22, 32, 34/35.1, 61, 67, 94) more (1: 56), to become preponderant (1: 99),
en platei broadly (2: 14, 22), extended (1: 23), in a to exceed (2: 78, 79), to expand (1: 95), to go
broad sense (1: 3), in the broad sense (1: 14), in beyond (1: 83), to multiply (2: 85, 91), to
the colloquial sense (1: 14), widely (1: 22); kata outnumber (1: 93), to overcrowd (1: 95), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

overshoot (1: 3), to predominate (4: 12, 52, 85, draw near (1: 95), to get near (2: 54, 55), to
86.1), to prevail (1: 88), preponderant (1: 99) neighbour (1: 18.2), to resemble (1: 23), to stand
pleonazôn abundance of (1: 34/35.1) adjacent (1: 95), to stand close (1: 95), to stand
pleonektein to be elevated (1: 86.1), to exceed (1: 61), near (1: 95)
to excel (2: 2, 9), to gain the upper hand (1: 21), plêsios adjacent (1: 18.2), near (4: 54, 55, 79, 83)
to gain preponderance (1: 21), to outdo (1: 38), plêsiôn nearby (1: 86.1); plêsion near (2: 42, 57),
to overbear (1: 84), to run to excess (1: 56), to nearby (1: 42); hoi plêsion neighbours (1: 4); to
score over (1: 28.2), to seek to share (1: 10.2), to plêsion proximity (1: 86.1)
surpass (4: 25, 57, 79, 91), to take advantage (2: plêsiotês being close to (1: 95)
45/46, 52) plêsmonê satiety (1: 69)
kata ta pleonektounta with the preponderance (1: plêssein / plêttein to deliver a blow (1: 19), to hit (2:
21); pleonektounta têi prosthêkêi with benefit 28.2, 91), to impact (1: 41.2), to make an impact
of the addition (1: 10.2) (2: 54, 91), to overwhelm (1: 11), to reverberate
pleonektêma advantage (2: 45/46, 48), pretension (1: (1: 44), to strike (7: 28.1, 28.2, 38, 39, 57, 78, 84)
44), soundness (1: 48) plêthein to be complete (1: 95)
pleonektês greedy (1: 43.2) plêthos a number (1: 63), abundance (4: 12, 21, 38, 91),
pleonexia advantage (1: 45/46), excess (2: 17, 29.1), aggregate (1: 20), amount (5: 20, 41.2, 42, 48,
greed (2: 43.1, 97.1), greediness (1: 97.1), having 79), crowd (2: 18.2, 98), great extent (1: 38),
more than one’s share (1: 83), larger share (1: great number (of) (1: 73), greater number (1:
43.2), overbearingness (1: 83), striving for more 16), manifold (3: 11, 22, 27), many (1: 44), mass
than one’s due (1: 40) (2: 27, 54), multiplicity (11: 2, 10.2, 18.2, 20, 27,
pleonexia ginesthai to prevail (1: 21) 44, 54, 64, 70, 74, 100), multitude (11: 19,
plêrês complete (3: 11, 55, 73), filled (2: 18.2, 52), filled 34/35.1, 39, 51, 54, 55, 74, 79, 93, 97.1, 100),
up (1: 54), filled with (2: 88, 94), full (23: 2, 11, number (13: 2, 21, 38, 42, 44, 53, 55, 64, 78, 79,
15, 16, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 28.1, 44, 50, 52, 58, 78, 79, 83, 85, 91), numerical plurality (1: 89), plurality
80, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 92.1, 98), full of (1: 94), (25: 2, 5, 10.2, 11, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 28.2, 39, 47,
whole (1: 73) 56, 61, 63, 67, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 85, 90, 94, 100),
to plêres contents (1: 18.2), plenum (3: 32, 33, 99), quantity (9: 25, 44, 55, 61, 75, 79, 83, 85, 89), the
the full (1: 2); plêres apodidonai to supplement many (1: 74)
(1: 27); plêrês kai nenagmenos chock-full (1: plêthei in multitude (1: 3), in number (1: 76);
86.1) apeiron plêthos infinite multitude (1: 100);
plêrôma aggregate (1: 23), complement (1: 22), aperiêgêtos tôi plêthei innumerable (1: 85)
constitutive element (1: 20), contents (1: 70), plêthuein to increase (1: 48), to multiply (2: 51, 70)
contribution to the perfection (of a thing) (1: plêthuesthai to increase (1: 48)
54), fullness (2: 61, 67), manifold (1: 11), plêthunein to multiply (1: 70), to pluralise (1: 45/46)
plenitude (2: 58, 93), something that contributes plêthunesthai to be multiplied (2: 27, 68);
to filling out (1: 83), sum-total (1: 70) plêthusmenos multiple (1: 68);
plêrôsis being filled (2: 18.2, 57), completion (1: 100), peplêthusmenos multiplied (1: 29.1), plural (1:
filling (2: 6.1, 98), filling up (2: 21, 56), 56)
fulfilment (1: 39) plêthuntikos plural (2: 35.2, 51), plurality (1: 45/46)
plêrôtikos such as to fill (1: 70) plêthuntikôs in the plural (2: 41.2, 73), using the
plêroun to complete (4: 7, 21, 88, 93), to fill (18: 6.1, plural (1: 59)
18.2, 20, 21, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 52, 54, 55, 59, 79, 83, plêthusmos pluralization (1: 51)
88, 91, 94, 97.1, 98), to fill up (1: 94), to fulfil (3: pleumôn lung (1: 72), lungs (1: 91)
60, 91, 98), to satiate (1: 38), to satisfy (1: 7), to pleura side (27: 2, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 34/35.1, 44,
use up (1: 44) 52, 56, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 77, 78, 79, 83, 90, 91,
plêrousthai to be filled (1: 86.2); peplêromenos 93, 94, 95)
full (1: 18.2) pleustikos sailing (1: 5)
plêsiasis proximity (1: 83) plêxis impact (1: 57)
plêsiasmos approach (1: 95), assembly (1: 92.1), plinthinos made of clay (1: 84)
nearness (1: 84) plinthos brick (4: 60, 61, 85, 91), brickstone (1: 95)
plêsiasmos tôn topôn neighbouring place (1: 55) ploion boat (6: 6.1, 7, 22, 75, 80, 98), ship (10: 20, 21, 22,
plêsiazein to approach (4: 42, 83, 95, 99), to 35.2, 54, 56, 59, 61, 67, 68)
approximate (1: 22), to be in contact (1: 99), to plokê complication (1: 35.2), construction (2: 34/35.1,
be near (4: 54, 55, 79, 95), to be near to (1: 83), 35.2)
to be next to (1: 83), to bring near (1: 68), to plôtêr boatman (1: 22), master of a boat (1: 28.2), sailor
come close (1: 100), to come near (2: 78, 79), to (6: 22, 25, 27, 56, 61, 67)
draw adjacent (1: 95), to draw close (1: 95), to plousios rich (1: 93), wealthy (1: 21)


ploutein to be wealthy (2: 14, 64) (1: 93), to beget (1: 27), to bring about (9: 12,
ploutos wealth (8: 4, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 52, 64, 67, 97.1) 28.2, 39, 44, 52, 59, 60, 76, 88), to build (1: 59), to
plunein to wash (2: 21, 61) carry out (3: 58, 59, 99), to cast (a shadow) (1:
pluntikos able to wash (1: 91) 73), to cause (12: 11, 25, 27, 28.2, 38, 42, 59, 67,
plusis washing (1: 38) 88, 90, 95, 99), to cause to be (1: 67), to commit
pnein to blow (4: 38, 52, 78, 95) (1: 4), to compose (1: 90), to conduct (2: 44, 73),
pneuma air (8: 6.1, 18.2, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 40, 59, 88), air to constitute (3: 11, 58, 94), to construct (8: 17,
current (1: 88), air-stream (1: 22), blast (1: 28.1), 18.2, 27, 59, 73, 76, 90, 99), to create (16: 4, 11,
blast of air (2: 54, 55), breath (18: 7, 12, 18.2, 21, 17, 21, 22, 27, 39, 42, 52, 58, 63, 67, 76, 92.1, 95,
22, 28.1, 28.2, 37, 38, 44, 45/46, 52, 57, 68, 86.1, 99), to develop (1: 93), to direct (1: 58), to do
91, 95, 98), breathing (2: 7, 35.2), current of air (40: 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28.1, 38,
(1: 95), gust (1: 88), pneuma (14: 19, 22, 24, 39, 42, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 67, 68, 69, 73,
34/35.1, 36, 52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 67, 79, 80, 86.1), 76, 80, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99),
spirit (11: 17, 22, 28.1, 45/46, 48, 68, 70, 72, 97.1, to do to (1: 57), to draw (1: 76), to effect (2: 60,
97.2, 100), vapour (2: 80, 98), wind (12: 1, 4, 24, 76), to engage in (1: 59), to execute (1: 68), to
25, 38, 51, 59, 68, 79, 84, 88, 95), windstorm (1: exercise (1: 67), to exert activity (1: 99), to
88) explain (1: 52), to fashion (2: 39, 76), to form (4:
pneumata pneuma-streams (1: 57); akoustikon 76, 88, 90, 95), to formulate (1: 99), to have an
pneuma acoustic pneuma (1: 57); kharônia effect (1: 4), to locate (1: 58), to make (54: 2, 3, 4,
pneumata mephitic vapours (1: 34/35.1); 5, 10.2, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28.1,
optikon pneuma optic pneuma (1: 56); 28.2, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57,
pneuma apolambanesthai flatulence (1: 86.1); 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 73, 75, 76, 80, 83, 85, 86.1,
pneuma hagion Holy Spirit (1: 97.2); pneuma 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 98, 99),
theion Divine Spirit (1: 97.2) to make up (1: 76), to offer (1: 76), to paint (1:
pneumatikos airy (1: 24), pneumatic (3: 34/35.1, 61, 38), to perform (4: 4, 52, 59, 60), to perform (an
67), spirituous (1: 48), vaporous (1: 3) activity) (1: 16), to posit (2: 44, 67), to postulate
pneumatôdês airy (1: 24), breath-like (2: 95, 98), (1: 38), to practice (2: 60, 67), to produce (46: 2,
breathy (1: 85), foamy (1: 85), like breath (1: 98), 3, 4, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 28.1,
of pneuma (1: 86.1), wind-like (1: 17), windy (1: 28.2, 38, 40, 42, 44, 50, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
95) 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76, 80, 83, 86.1, 89,
pneumatousthai to be vaporised (1: 78) 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 95, 99), to produce an effect (1:
pneumôn lung (10: 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 35.2, 38, 40, 52, 57, 89), to put (1: 80), to recast (1: 59), to render (2:
90), lungs (1: 80) 92.1, 93), to represent (1: 50), to reveal (1: 28.2),
pnigein to choke (1: 86.1), to stop (1: 95) to state (1: 18.2), to treat (1: 44), to turn into (1:
pnigôdês choking (1: 57) 59), to undergo (2: 58, 68), to undertake (1: 80),
poa herb (1: 80) to write (1: 93)
podarkês help-foot (1: 3) poieisthai to assign as (1: 42), to base (1: 42), to
podiaios a foot across (3: 28.1, 34/35.1, 67), a foot long carry on (1: 16), to carry out (1: 16), to cause (1:
(5: 68, 75, 84, 90, 91), a foot wide (1: 55), 16), to conduct (1: 16), to construct (2: 17, 42),
foot-length (1: 38) to engineer (1: 17), to establish (1: 39), to
podôkês swift of foot (1: 3), swift-footed (1: 75) establish for oneself (1: 39), to make (2: 39, 89),
poêphagos herbivore (1: 13), herbivorous (1: 51) to make up (1: 16), to perform (1: 19), to
pôgônias ‘bearded’ star (1: 95) produce (3: 3, 39, 89), to provide (1: 17), to
poi the place toward which (1: 10.2), whither (1: 51) render (1: 39), to use as (1: 42), to work out (1:
pothen poi from something to something (1: 10.2); 16); poiôn active (2: 28.2, 99), creative (1: 76),
to pothen poi the ‘from somewhere to efficient (2: 22, 44), productive (1: 100);
somewhere’ (1: 67), the ‘from where to what’ (1 poiêteos that should be done (1: 52), to be done
61) (1: 4); poiêteon one should do (1: 65), one
poiein to accomplish (1: 86.1), to achieve (2: 58, 80), to should make (1: 65); to poiein acting (the
act (37: 4, 5, 6.1, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 24, category) (3: 25, 39, 75), action (3: 22, 27, 93),
25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 38, 39, 42, 48, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, action (as a category) (1: 13), activity (1: 48),
60, 61, 67, 69, 76, 80, 83, 85, 91, 94, 95, 97.1, 99), active component (1: 99), active role (1: 76); ho
to act on (2: 67, 92.1), to act to bring about (1: poiôn agent (3: 2, 17, 20), maker (1: 59),
39), to act upon (3: 32, 88, 95), to affect (6: 27, producer (1: 58), producing agent (1: 17); to
28.2, 56, 57, 68, 69), to base (2: 58, 73), to be poioun agent (11: 7, 20, 24, 27, 28.2, 32, 34/35.1,
active (5: 28.1, 44, 61, 85, 99), to be an agent (1: 44, 56, 58, 76), creative agency (1: 92.1), creator
39), to be an efficient cause (1: 4), to be efficient (1: 44), efficient cause (1: 22), maker (2: 42, 59),
(1: 12), to be productive (2: 4, 85), to be up to producer (3: 58, 80, 99), productive agency (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

80), the productive (1: 28.2), thing acting (1: have one’s inquiry revolve around (1: 40);
16), what acts (2: 75, 76), what produces an poieisthai theôrian to examine (1: 88);
effect (1: 89), what works as an efficient cause poieisthai tomên to divide up (1: 59), to
(1: 42); to poioun aition efficient cause (1: 54); sub-divide (1: 89); poieisthai zêtêsin to
to poioun phusikôs natural agent (1: 88); conduct an inquiry (2: 10.2, 12)
elenkhon poiein to disprove (1: 88), to refute poiêma acting (1: 39), action (2: 20, 48), fact (1: 48),
(1: 88); poiein aporôteron to exacerbate (1: handiwork (1: 97.1), poem (1: 90), product (4:
18.2), to make more intractable (1: 18.2); poiein 15, 44, 89, 97.2), production (1: 39), thing made
diaphoran to draw a distinction (1: 89); poiein (1: 97.1), thing produced (1: 52), work (2: 58,
kalôs to perform effectively (1: 75); poiein 97.1)
katalêpsin to grasp (1: 67); poiein khronon to poiêsis act (1: 83), act of production (1: 28.1), acting on
spend time (1: 3); poiein logon to discuss (1: (1: 36), action (9: 21, 27, 28.2, 33, 39, 41.2, 44, 48,
22), to include something in discussion (1: 22), 58), activity (1: 28.2), affecting (1: 28.2), agency
to make mention (1: 22), to say (1: 22), to take (4: 20, 27, 28.2, 44), causation (1: 28.2),
account of (1: 22); poiein marturion to call to constructing (1: 59), creating (1: 58), creation
witness (1: 18.2); poiein pistin to obtain (5: 5, 22, 39, 44, 97.2), doing (1: 86.2),
confirmation (1: 27); poiein saphesteron to interaction (1: 28.2), making (5: 2, 15, 44, 59,
clarify (1: 94); poiein skian to cast a shadow (1: 97.2), performance (1: 48), poetry (3: 72, 85, 95),
90); poiein tên antapodosin provide the producer (1: 69), production (5: 23, 26, 42, 69,
counterpart (1: 94); poiein tên didaskalian to 83), productive activity (1: 2), (process of)
teach (1: 67); poiein theôrian to study (1: 93); producing an effect (1: 89), work (1: 83)
poiein to par’ autas to make every effort (1: poiêseis cases of doing (1: 76)
21); poiein-paskhein the relation of acting and poiêtês creator (2: 58, 92.1), maker (8: 6.2, 21, 42, 54, 59,
being acted on (1: 15); poieisthai anaphoran to 68, 97.1, 97.2), poet (21: 2, 13, 20, 22, 35.2, 51,
refer (1: 52), to relate (1: 21); poieisthai 52, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 72, 80, 86.2, 88,
antilêpsin to apprehend (1: 24); poieisthai 90, 97.2), producer (3: 17, 52, 58)
aparithmêsin to enumerate (1: 74); poieisthai poiêtikos ‘to produce’ (1: 52), able to act (2: 38, 89),
apodosin to give an explanation (1: 12); able to cause (1: 38), able to make (1: 91), able
poieisthai arkhên to begin (1: 19), to start (1: to produce (2: 38, 91), active (17: 2, 6.1, 12, 15,
89), to write at the beginning (1: 93); poieisthai 21, 24, 32, 38, 39, 48, 54, 61, 67, 76, 92.1, 94, 99),
diairesin to draw a distinction (1: 16); affective (1: 56), capable of acting (1: 36),
poieisthai epikheirêsin to base an argument (1: capable of producing (2: 58, 75), causative (1:
10.2); poieisthai ergon to make it one’s business 36), causing (1: 28.2), causing to happen (1: 36),
(1: 21); poieisthai kamaton to direct labours (1: creating (1: 12), creative (4: 21, 44, 61, 70),
34/35.1); poieisthai kataskeuên to establish (1: efficient (30: 4, 7, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28.2,
21); poieisthai kinêsin to continue one’s 32, 33, 42, 44, 59, 60, 68, 73, 74, 76, 77, 80, 83, 88,
movement (1: 94), to move (1: 94); poieisthai 92.1, 92.2, 93, 98, 99, 100), motive (1: 33), poetic
logon to argue (2: 40, 58), to deal with (1: 88), (9: 23, 35.2, 38, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 80), poetical (1:
to develop an argument (1: 93), to discuss (5: 51), producing (8: 4, 21, 22, 36, 40, 60, 64, 65),
10.2, 27, 58, 59, 73), to formulate an argument producing effects (1: 61), producing motion (1:
(1: 75), to produce a discussion (1: 10.2), to 83), productive (36: 2, 4, 10.2, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20,
provide a definition (1: 89), to provide a 23, 25, 26, 28.2, 32, 36, 39, 42, 48, 52, 54, 56, 58,
discussion (1: 89), to provide an account (1: 89), 61, 67, 69, 70, 74, 76, 79, 80, 85, 89, 91, 92.1, 94,
to speak (1: 40), to speak about (1: 21), to take 95, 99), productive of (1: 40), that acts upon (1:
account (1: 10.2), to state an argument (1: 12), 76), that affects (1: 56), that brings (1: 28.2), that
to write (1: 59); poieisthai logon peri to devote brings about (2: 12, 34/35.1), that can produce
one’s argument to (1: 40), to devote one’s speech (1: 67), that is effectively a cause (1: 92.1)
to (1: 40); poieisthai logous to argue (1: 68), to poiêtikôs as creativity (1: 22), as the efficient cause
give an account (1: 68); poieisthai metabolên (1: 100), by way of producing (1: 36), creatively
to be transformed (1: 27); poieisthai mnêmên (1: 28.2), in the manner of an efficient cause (1:
remembering (1: 86.1), to call to mind (1: 27), 19); ho poiêtikos poet (1: 61); hê poiêtikê
to mention (2: 42, 90), to refresh one’s memory literary composition (1: 35.2), poetics (1: 23); to
(1: 68); poieisthai prokheirisin to grasp (1: 67); poiêtikon active power (1: 24), agent (5: 12, 15,
poieisthai spoudên to be concerned (1: 4), to 24, 28.2, 44), creator (1: 28.2), efficient (cause)
take seriously (1: 4); poieisthai sunthesin to (1: 19), efficient cause (1: 24), the making (n.)
put together (1: 73); poieisthai tên pistin (1: 97.2), what acts (1: 28.2), what is productive
convince (1: 21); poieisthai tên pragmateian (1: 99), what is productive of action (1: 99),
peri to centre on (1: 40), to focus on (1: 40), to what makes (1: 57), what produces (1: 99);


poiêtikai tekhnai productive arts (1: 89); (1: 14), qualitative (6: 11, 14, 22, 27, 28.2, 67),
poiêtikê aitia efficient cause (3: 57, 67, 95), qualitatively (2: 44, 67); kata to poion
productive cause (3: 66, 89, 95); poiêtikê qualitative (2: 18.2, 58); diôrismenon poion
exousia poetic licence (1: 22); poiêtikê phusis definite quality (1: 61); idiôs poios individually
production (1: 60); poiêtikê tekhnê art (1: 40); qualified (1: 93); idiôs poion individual quality
poiêtikon aition efficient cause (8: 22, 34/35.1, (1: 36), individualizing quality (1: 51), the
35.2, 57, 63, 67, 76, 95), productive cause (5: 47, peculiarly qualified (1: 74); poion ti of what
53, 66, 87, 95); poiêtikôs ekhein to be making sort (1: 13); poion ti esti what kind of thing it is
(1: 68); poiêtikos muthos poetic myth (1: 67), (1: 80)
story (3: 56, 68, 86.1) poiôsis qualification (1: 41.1)
poiêtos : ta poiêta matters of production (1: 69) poiotês being of a sort (1: 7), qualification (2: 21, 90),
poikilia complications (1: 28.1), diversity (1: 68), quality (80: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2,
intricacy (1: 7), subtlety (1: 59), variegation (4: 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26,
55, 56, 70, 78), variety (2: 23, 48) 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38,
poikillein to embroider (1: 28.1), to vary (1: 23) 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 44, 45/46, 47, 50, 51, 52,
poikillesthai to be varied (1: 93), to vary (1: 35.2) 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69,
poikilos complex (2: 12, 91), diverse (3: 7, 60, 67), 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 92.1,
elegant (1: 48), manifold (1: 88), motley (1: 95), 92.2, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), quality
subtle (1: 59), varied (2: 59, 67), variegated (6: (the category) (1: 39)
51, 54, 55, 56, 78, 83), various (2: 61, 95), kata poiotêta qualitative (4: 27, 28.2, 44, 92.1),
variously composed (1: 48) qualitatively (2: 3, 28.2); enantiôsis tês
poikilôs at random (1: 76), in intricate ways (1: 76), poiotêtos opposed qualities (1: 21); pathêtikê
manifold (1: 61) poiotês affective quality (3: 7, 39, 76)
poimên shepherd (1: 21) poiôtikos qualifying (1: 41.1), tending to qualify (1: 39)
poimnion flock of sheep (1: 67) poioun to confer a quality on (1: 70), to endow with
poiôdês qualitative (1: 48) qualities (1: 80), to give a quality to (1: 57), to
poiôma qualification (1: 48) make qualitative (1: 34/35.1), to qualify (5: 12,
poîos of what kind? (3: 16, 20, 67) 52, 56, 57, 80)
poîon what kind? (1: 11); kata poîon poiousthai to have a quality (1: 80); pepoiôsthai to
sêmainomenon in what sense? (1: 67); poîa be qualified (1: 68), to have qualities (1: 98);
anankê what necessity is there (1: 94) pepoiômenos possessing qualities (1: 94),
poios a certain kind (1: 93) , a certain kind of (1: 40), a qualified (1: 70)
particular (kind of) (1: 40), in a certain way (1: polemein to be at odds with (1: 68), to be at war (1: 7),
21), of a certain description (1: 40), of a certain to be at war with (1: 68), to wage war (1: 93)
kind (1: 69), of a certain nature (1: 61), of a polemios hostile (1: 68)
certain sort (3: 12, 21, 86.2), of such quality (1: hoi polemioi enemy (1: 4), the enemy (1: 52)
99), of this quality (1: 99), qualified (8: 5, 7, 12, polemos battle (1: 80), strife (1: 80), war (4: 38, 67, 68,
13, 39, 75, 85, 92.2), qualified thus (1: 40), 93)
qualitative (2: 2, 23), sort (1: 7), such (1: 69), poleuein to turn (1: 55)
such a sort (1: 69), such and such (1: 32), what polion hulwort (1: 38)
(1: 60), what kind (1: 60), what kind of (2: 40, polis city (10: 19, 20, 21, 27, 43.1, 43.2, 45/46, 51, 80,
61), what sort of (1: 7), what sort of thing (1: 85), community (1: 80), state (1: 100)
93), which kind of (1: 93) politeia city (1: 45/46), community (1: 80), constitution
poion the category of quality (1: 40), what kind (1: (3: 34/35.1, 69, 97.2), government (3: 43.1, 43.2,
18.2); to poion character (1: 91), qualification 69), political (written) works (1: 61), republic
(1: 41.1), qualification (the category) (1: 13), (1: 97.2), state (3: 45/46, 69, 74)
qualified thing (1: 19), qualitatively (1: 11), politês citizen (7: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 51, 69, 80),
quality (40: 2, 7, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, fellow-citizen (3: 2, 52, 78)
25, 27, 30/31, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, politeuein to act politically (1: 55), to be a citizen (1:
57, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 45/46), to be part of household (1: 45/46), to
85, 90, 92.1, 93, 99), quality (the category) (10: 3, dwell (1: 45/46)
5, 6.1, 16, 20, 23, 25, 39, 56, 75), sort (1: 27), the politeuesthai to govern (1: 3), to govern oneself (1:
category of quality (2: 19, 40), the qualified (the 4), to live as a citizen (1: 56); pephukôs
category) (1: 51), what is of this quality (1: 99), politeuesthai to be made for society (1: 23)
in kind (1: 76); en tôi poion einai qualitatively politikos civic (9: 19, 40, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 54, 58, 69, 80),
(1: 51); epi tou poiou in the qualitative sense engaged in politics (1: 69), inclined to live in a
(1: 61); kata poion in kind (1: 76), in quality (1: city-state (1: 4), involved in the affairs of the
21), in respect of quality (2: 61, 67), of quality city (1: 97.2), of civil conduct (1: 40), political

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(11: 4, 7, 29.1, 40, 43.1, 45/46, 51, 52, 69, 72, many-powered (2: 22, 34/35.1), multi-capacitied
86.2), social (1: 69) (1: 25), powerful (1: 74), that has many faculties
politikôs politically (1: 78); ho politikos citizen (1: (1: 67), that has many powers (1: 100), that is of
43.3), man of politics (1: 56), statesman (2: 58, many powers (1: 100), with a plurality of
74); hê politikê politics (1: 64) faculties (1: 48)
pollakhêi in many ways (2: 19, 85) polueidês many-formed (1: 27), multifarious (1: 39),
pollakhôs having many senses (1: 17), having several multiform (3: 44, 48, 51), multiple (1: 54), of all
senses (1: 25), in a number of ways (2: 40, 76), kinds (1: 55), varied (1: 22)
in manifold ways (1: 76), in many senses (2: 20, polueidôs in a manifold way (1: 92.1), in many
76), in many ways (4: 10.2, 21, 40, 78), in several ways (5: 27, 42, 78, 79, 83), variously (1: 3); to
ways (1: 79), manifold (1: 70), with many polueides great variety of species (1: 32)
meanings (1: 85) polugônios having many angles (1: 61), many-angled
pollakhôs legesthai to be ambiguous (1: 14), to be (1: 98), polygonal (1: 38)
equivocal (1: 14), to be said in many senses (2: polugôniôteros having more sides (1: 90), with
3, 48), to be said in many ways (7: 2, 4, 12, 14, 16, more angles (2: 61, 68); to polugônion polygon
40, 66), to be said in several ways (1: 63), to be (1: 90)
spoken of in many ways (2: 17, 20), to be spoken polugônos polygonal (1: 76)
of in several ways (1: 54), to have a number of to polugônon polygon (5: 51, 56, 61, 70, 79), shape
meanings (1: 76), to have many meanings (1: with many angles (1: 61)
27), to have many senses (3: 14, 27, 64), to have polukenos containing much void (1: 21), that contains
several senses (1: 4); pollakhôs legomenos many voids (1: 18.2)
equivocally named (1: 22), having several senses polukhôrêtos containing much space (1: 67), having a
(2: 54, 55), said in many ways (1: 51), spoken of large surface (1: 61), spacious (2: 54, 61)
in many ways (1: 85), that has several senses (1: polukhôrêtoteros containing greater area (1: 90),
85), used in many ways (1: 85); to pollakhôs having greater volume (1: 76);
legomenon term with many senses (1: 25) polukhôrêtotatos containing the greatest area
pollakhou all over the place (1: 76), frequently (4: 14, (1: 90)
78, 79, 83), in many cases (1: 19), in many places polukhous widely embracing (1: 27), widespread (1:
(4: 14, 19, 60, 76), in several passages (1: 54) 48)
pollakis frequently (7: 60, 64, 65, 76, 78, 79, 83), in most polukhronios lasting a long time (1: 84), long-lasting
cases (1: 60), in multiple ways (1: 93), many (5: 11, 12, 56, 88, 95), long-lived (1: 26),
times (4: 76, 79, 83, 93), often (7: 20, 21, 60, 76, protracted (1: 27)
78, 79, 93), on many occasions (1: 16), polukhronos lasting a long time (1: 48)
repeatedly (2: 20, 60) polukinêtos flexible (1: 86.2)
pollaplasiasis multiplication (1: 70) polumathês polymath (1: 97.1)
pollaplasiasmos multiplication (2: 70, 84) polumereia having a many-part nature (1: 67)
pollaplasiazein to multiply (10: 3, 20, 22, 35.2, 51, 55, polumerês consisting of many parts (1: 67), having
56, 61, 73, 83), to reproduce (1: 86.1) many parts (1: 51), having multiple parts (1:
pollaplasiazesthai to be multiplied (1: 64) 25), multifaceted (1: 48), multipartite (2:
pollaplasios / pollaplasiôn many multiples (1: 76), 34/35.1, 57)
many times (2: 19, 20), many times as great (2: polumêtis very shrewd (1: 34/35.1)
54, 55), many times as large (1: 55), many times polumigês heterogeneous (1: 61), multifarious (1: 57)
greater (1: 58), multiple (3: 60, 78, 90), polumorphos multiform (1: 34/35.1)
multiplied (1: 75), several times as much (1: 79) polunoia concentration (1: 23)
pollaplous many times (1: 70) polunous highly intelligent (1: 86.2)
pollostêmorios fractionally smaller (1: 75) poluônumia having many names (1: 16), plurality of
to pollostêmorion fraction (1: 19) names (1: 21), polyonymy (1: 72), the existence
pollostos lower (1: 70) of many names for the same thing (1: 35.2)
pollostôs much more remote (1: 70), so many times poluônumos having many names (1: 35.2), having
removed (1: 70); ei tukhoi polloston just a more than one name (1: 15), having several
small part (1: 70); ekhein pollostên taxin apo names (1: 76), with many names (2: 16, 85),
that is so many times removed from (1: 70) polyonymous (1: 13)
pôlodamnês horse-breaker (1: 34/35.1) to poluônumon polyonym (3: 7, 13, 51)
polos axis (1: 54), pole (16: 6.1, 11, 17, 27, 42, 54, 55, 59, poluousios manifold in substance (1: 100)
60, 67, 75, 85, 87, 88, 90, 98) poluphilia having many friends (2: 43.2, 43.3)
poluaratos much desired (1: 74) poluphilos many-friended (2: 43.2, 43.3)
poludunamos consisting of many faculties (1: 61), ho poluphilos a friend to many (1: 43.3)
having many different faculties (1: 61), poluphônos vocal (1: 57)


polupidakos with many springs (1: 51) cases (1: 30/31), wider (1: 12); epi pleon
poluplasiasmos pluralization (1: 87) ginesthai to be intensified (1: 4); hen kai
poluplasiazein to multiply (2: 35.2, 88), to multiply pleona one and many (1: 85); pleon
many times over (1: 58) aphistasthai to be further away (1: 52); pleon
poluplasiôn multiple (1: 90) ekhein to be more than (1: 52), to extend
poluplasios many times (1: 12) further (1: 93), to outdo (1: 64); to pleon ekhein
poluplêtheia multitude (1: 97.1) advantage (1: 52); pleon poiein to produce
polupous : polupous en têi rhini nasal polyps (1: good (1: 40), to succeed (1: 40); pleistos greatest
34/35.1) (2: 12, 21), most (1: 21); pleistoi most (1: 16),
polupragmonein to bother about (1: 35.2), to busy very many (1: 93); pleista for the most part (1:
oneself (1: 35.2), to busy oneself about (1: 69), 16); epi pleiston for the most part (1: 21), most
to busy oneself with (1: 23), to concern onself often (1: 26); epi to pleiston usually (2: 30/31,
with (1: 2), to examine in detail (1: 48), to fuss 64); hôs epi to pleiston for the most part (3:
with (1: 19), to inquire into (1: 23), to make a 29.1, 52, 73), in most cases (1: 93)
great fuss (1: 79), to make much of (1: 35.2), to polusêmos polysemantic (1: 72), with many meanings
meddle (1: 23), to occupy oneself with (1: 51) (1: 39)
polus a great amount (1: 21), a great deal (1: 21), poluskhedês complex (1: 7)
considerable (1: 76), far (1: 88), great (1: 76), poluskhidês complex (1: 90)
huge (1: 76), long (time) (1: 88), many (8: 7, 12, polustikhos lengthy (2: 29.1, 35.2), of many pages (1:
16, 19, 21, 64, 83, 88), much (7: 10.2, 16, 19, 21, 84)
76, 83, 85) polutelês expensive (1: 57)
polloi a number of (1: 76), majority (1: 17), many poluthrulêtos famous (1: 6.1), frequently mentioned
(1: 76), more than one (1: 76), plural (2: 63, 76), (1: 76), much bandied-about (1: 29.1), much
plurality (1: 63), several (2: 63, 76), the majority debated (1: 67), much discussed (1: 44)
(1: 76); hoi polloi majority (1: 17), most people polutimêtos august (1: 26), highly valued (1: 85), most
(1: 93), the masses (1: 93), the multitude (1: 16); honoured (3: 78, 55, 84)
ta polla multiplicity (2: 16, 74), the many (1: polutrophia excess of nourishment (1: 60)
15); dia pollôn at length (1: 76); epi polu polutropos diversified (1: 91), multiform (1: 85)
excessively (1: 76), for the most part (1: 52); epi poluxeinos many-guested (2: 43.2, 43.3)
to polu for the most part (3: 15, 30/31, 64), poma drink (1: 19)
usually (1: 26); apeiroi kai pollai indefinitely pôma lid (1: 24)
many (1: 10.2); hen kai polla one and many (1: pompê procession (1: 54)
85); hen ti epi pollôn one thing over many pompholugizein to bubble (1: 44)
things (1: 10.2); pasa pollê monas every pompholux bubble (3: 57, 95, 98)
additional unit (1: 10.2); pollôi mallon a ponein to exert oneself (1: 69), to labour (1: 52), to
fortiori (1: 87), much more (1: 94); pollôi pleon make an effort (1: 4), to suffer (1: 69)
a fortiori (1: 93); pollôi pleon a fortiori (1: 93); ponêria evil (1: 68), wickedness (1: 43.3)
pollôi proteron a fortiori (1: 87); to hen epi ponêros baser (1: 80), evil (5: 43.1, 43.3, 58, 59, 69),
pollôn the one-over-many (1: 2); to polu weak (4: 17, 55, 68, 86.2)
muchness (1: 19); pleiôn / pleôn further (1: 93), ponos discomfort (1: 69), effort (1: 51), exertion (1: 69),
greater (2: 12, 21), in greater quantity (1: 12), hard exertion (1: 69), hurt (1: 69), labour (3: 51,
longer (time) (1: 12), more (6: 12, 17, 21, 40, 85, 52, 64), pain (1: 4), toil (1: 97.1)
93), more numerous (1: 10.2), more than one (2: poôdês greenish (1: 91)
10.2, 40), plurality (1: 21), preponderating (1: pôpote ever (1: 84)
88), preponderance (1: 21), several (1: 21), poreia being en route (1: 89), journey (2: 86.2, 97.1),
wholly (1: 79); pleiones a number of (1: 93), movement (1: 34/35.1), passage (2: 20, 97.1),
further (1: 17), more (2: 17, 85), more numerous path (1: 88), process (1: 89), progression (2: 55,
(1: 16), more than one (2: 17, 93), multiple (1: 88), progressive movement (1: 100), walking (1:
93), several (6: 12, 16, 17, 85, 88, 93), various (1: 10.2)
17); pleiona a plurality (1: 20); dia pleionôn at diastatikê poreia dimensional course (1: 100)
some length (1: 12); epi pleon at greater length poreuesthai to be en route (1: 89), to have locomotion
(4: 9, 30/31, 40, 64), covering a wider field (1: (1: 100), to have progressive motion (1: 100), to
26), extending more widely (1: 56), further (1: move forward (1: 54), to pass through (1: 38), to
21), having a larger extension (1: 40), having a proceed (1: 99), to travel (1: 75)
wider extension (1: 40), more extensive (1: 16), poreutikos able to move locally (1: 36), capable of
more extensively (2: 10.2, 40), more often (1: walking (1: 91), having a capacity for forward
26), more widely (1: 73), of wider extension (2: movement (1: 25), having forward movement
9, 30/31), of wider extent (1: 93), true in more (1: 100), having locomotion (1: 36), having the

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

capacity of locomotion (1: 100), having the of this quantity (1: 99), quantified (3: 5, 39, 51),
capacity of progressive movement (1: 100), quantitative (1: 23), quantity (1: 21), so many (1:
progressive (1: 100), that moves (1: 34/35.1), 85), so much (1: 85)
what is capable of progressive movement (1: posoi how many (1: 76); to poson quantitative
100) aspect (1: 4), quantitatively (1: 11), quantity (36:
poreutikê kinêsis forward motion (1: 55), change 2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 22, 25, 27, 32, 35.2,
in movement (1: 34/35.1); poreutikon organon 38, 42, 43.3, 44, 59, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 73, 76, 78,
organ for movement (1: 34/35.1); poreutikon 79, 80, 83, 85, 90, 92.2, 93, 99, 100), quantity (the
zôon animal that moves (1: 34/35.1) category) (19: 4, 5, 6.1, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 23, 25,
porisma consequence (1: 54), corollary (12: 3, 7, 17, 19, 39, 48, 56, 57, 61, 64, 75, 92.1, 94), size (3: 83, 91,
22, 23, 27, 34/35.1, 35.2, 48, 73, 90), 92.2), what is of some quantity (1: 99), what is of
supplementary argument (1: 34/35.1) this quantity (1: 99); tôi posôi in number (1: 76);
porisma eis lusin means to a solution (1: 60) eis posa into quantities (1: 10.2); epi poson to
poristikos providing (1: 2) what degree (1: 69); kata poson as quantum (1:
porizein to furnish (2: 3, 84), to invent (1: 90), to 22), in quantity (1: 22), in respect of quantity (2:
provide (6: 18.2, 27, 51, 54, 55, 86.2), to supply 3, 67), of quantity (1: 14), quantitative (7: 11, 14,
(1: 42) 22, 27, 28.2, 32, 67), quantitatively (1: 67); kata to
porizesthai to procure (2: 2, 25) poson in number (1: 76), in respect of quantity
pornê prostitute (1: 34/35.1) (1: 10.2), quantitatively (1: 61); mekhri posou
porneuein to go to a prostitute (1: 34/35.1) up to what point (1: 93); diôrismenon poson
pornoboskia living off immoral learnings (1: 4) defined quantity (1: 67), discrete quantity (1: 61);
poropoiein to equip with a channel (1: 57) posoi tines such and such in number (1: 10.2);
poropoieisthai to be made of pores (1: 57), to poson ti of some quantity (1: 19); poson
become a channel (1: 18.2) sunekhes continuous quantity (1: 57)
poros channel (5: 14, 18.2, 25, 28.2, 57), duct (1: 18.2), posotês quantity (30: 1, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19,
passage (6: 32, 33, 38, 52, 91, 95), pore (15: 6.1, 21, 22, 27, 28.1, 38, 42, 44, 48, 51, 52, 65, 67, 69,
14, 18.2, 21, 24, 28.1, 28.2, 52, 54, 57, 78, 79, 86.1, 76, 80, 83, 85, 92.1, 92.2, 99), quantity (the
88, 98), through-way (1: 32) category) (1: 39), size (1: 92.2), the category of
osphrantikos poros channel of smell (1: 57) quantity (1: 40)
pôros stalactite (1: 24) kata posotêta quantitative (1: 44), quantitatively (1: 3)
porphura purple-fish (2: 56, 59) posoun to give quantity (1: 98), to make quantitative
porphureos purple (1: 95) (1: 34/35.1), to quantify (3: 3, 80, 94), to turn
porphuroeidês purplish (1: 91) into quantities (1: 94)
porrô / prosô afar off (1: 52), far (4: 21, 52, 54, 55), far posousthai to be quantified (1: 76), to be
away (6: 38, 52, 54, 55, 83, 91), farther away (1: quantitative (1: 56); peposôsthai to be
60), distant (1: 52), forward (1: 54), forwards (2: determined quantitatively (1: 78);
6.1, 91), further away (1: 21), remote (2: 17, 60) peposômenos quantified (1: 39), subject to
porrôterô further (1: 52), further away (1: 52); quantity (1: 32)
porrôteron farther (2: 42, 60), further from (1: potamios : potamios hippos hippopotamus (1: 57)
99), more distant (1: 99), remoter (1: 17), very potamos river (9: 6.1, 7, 19, 21, 23, 78, 86.1, 86.2, 98)
distant (1: 60); porrôtatos furthest (1: 52); to potapos of what sort (1: 57)
prosô extremity (1: 85) pote a time (1: 80), at a certain moment (1: 99), at a
porrôthen afar off (1: 52), distant (1: 52), far away (1: moment (1: 59), at a particular time (1: 58), at
38), from a distance (1: 83), from a long way off one time (1: 80), at some point (in time) (1: 80),
(1: 52), from far away (3: 52, 54, 55) at some time (6: 7, 58, 59, 68, 80, 85), at times (1:
pôs ekhein to be a certain way (1: 39), to be disposed 58), eventually (1: 59), ever (3: 59, 80, 93), once
in a certain way (1: 91), to be in a certain state (1: 59), sometime (2: 14, 87), sometimes (3: 58,
(2: 12, 52) 59, 93), time (1: 93), when (4: 7, 48, 51, 80)
pôs ekhôn disposed (1: 5), relatively disposed (1: ho pote ên substrate (1: 14), substratum (1: 14); ho
51) pote on substrate (1: 14), substratum (1: 14); to
posakhôs in how many ways (4: 20, 51, 85, 93), the pote time (2: 27, 67), when (the category) (3: 13,
number of ways in which (1: 93) 27, 39); to pote on what sometimes exists (1:
posakhôs legetai how many meanings it has (1: 73) 22); to pote khronos sometime (1: 14)
posôdês quantitative (1: 48) potêrion cup (4: 54, 55, 57, 98), drinking cup (1: 57)
posos a certain number (2: 12, 21), having a size (1: pothein to desire (3: 43.1, 51, 69)
92.2), how many (4: 7, 10.2, 19, 20), how much pothen from somewhere (1: 55), from where (1: 54),
(5: 7, 10.2, 13, 16, 93), of a certain size (1: 12), of from which (1: 10.2), how (1: 28.1), source (1:
such a quantity (1: 85), of such quantity (1: 99), 86.1), starting point (1: 32)


pothen hê arkhê source (1: 24); pothen poi from object (1: 61), present subject (1: 61), present
something to something (1: 10.2), whence and thing (1: 61)
whither (1: 54); to pothen poi the ‘from pragmateia area of study (1: 17), book (1: 27), business
somewhere to somewhere’ (1: 67), the ‘from (1: 27), course (1: 23), discipline (1: 22),
where to what’ 1: 61) discussion (2: 27, 61), effort (1: 39), enterprise
potimos drinkable (1: 57), pleasant (to drink) (1: 38), (1: 93), inquiry (6: 2, 13, 21, 38, 40, 47),
sweet (1: 84) investigation (3: 14, 22, 44), issue (2: 20, 39),
potos drinkable (1: 28.2), potable (1: 65) study (6: 9, 22, 40, 78, 79, 99), subject (5: 10.1,
to poton drink (5: 38, 56, 57, 61, 99) 18.2, 20, 63, 85), subject matter (2: 14, 22),
pou in a certain place (1: 12), place (the category) (1: subject of inquiry (1: 40), subject of study (1:
92.1), place where (the category) (1: 56), 30/31), system (1: 88), systematic treatment (2:
somewhere (1: 7), the caregory of place (1: 22), 75, 89), tale (1: 29.1), treatise (49: 1, 2, 3, 6.1, 6.2,
where (4: 7, 19, 48, 51) 7, 10.1, 10.2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 26, 34/35.1,
to pou place (2: 27, 67), where (1: 27), where (the 35.2, 36, 39, 40, 42, 47, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59,
category) (4: 6.1, 13, 39, 75); kata to pou spatial 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85,
(1: 67) 86.2, 87, 90, 91, 93, 99), treatment (4: 2, 40, 65,
pous base (2: 54, 55), foot (20: 7, 19, 20, 21, 34/35.1, 51, 73), undertaking (1: 65), way of treating (a
54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 78, 79, 80, 83, 91, 93, 98) subject) (1: 25), work (13: 11, 14, 20, 22, 27, 44,
en posin immediate (1: 4), in hand (1: 4); para 58, 60, 67, 76, 85, 88, 93, 98, 99), (written) work
podas immediately afterward (1: 83), in close (1: 94)
proximity (1: 83), irrelevant (1: 59) êthikê pragmateia ethics (3: 15, 35.2, 93); hê topikê
pragma a thing to do (1: 75), action (4: 34/35.1, 39, pragmateia the Topics (1: 51); logikê
45/46, 69), activity (1: 75), actual fact (1: 97.2), pragmateia course in logic (1: 23), field of logic
actual object (1: 89), actual thing (1: 48), affair (1: 23), logic (1: 35.2), study of logic (1: 23),
(2: 43.2, 45/46), bearer (of smell or taste) (1: system of logic (1: 88); meteôrologikê
28.2), business (1: 80), concern (1: 55), context pragmateia the work on meteorology (1: 88);
(1: 75), difficulty (1: 80), entity (1: 25), event (1: poieisthai tên pragmateian peri to centre on
39), fact (19: 16, 22, 28.2, 34/35.1, 40, 43.2, 44, (1: 40), to focus on (1: 40), to have one’s inquiry
55, 58, 59, 61, 68, 75, 76, 77, 80, 83, 89, 93), issue revolve around (1: 40); theologikê pragmateia
(2: 55, 83), item (1: 76), matter (4: 42, 44, 76, 90), theology (1: 2)
matter in hand (1: 21), nature (1: 97.2), object pragmateiôdês addressed to the matter in hand (1: 17),
(22: 10.1, 10.2, 13, 16, 17, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 39, based on facts (1: 94), based on the facts (1: 59),
44, 50, 61, 64, 74, 75, 76, 89, 91, 94, 100), physical businesslike (1: 35.2), cogent (1: 42),
object (2: 25, 89), practical affair (1: 39), product complicated (1: 18.2), concrete (1: 93), factual
(1: 22), real thing (2: 21, 92.2), reality (7: 5, 48, (2: 22, 76), germane (1: 59), important (2: 22,
51, 72, 74, 75, 88), reference (of a name) (1: 25), 70), main (1: 59), matter of fact (1: 22), practical
situation (3: 27, 75, 89), something (2: 17, 67), (1: 22), serious (3: 3, 68, 70), substantial (1: 51),
state of affairs (3: 27, 39, 89), subject (7: 25, 50, substantive (1: 23), to the point (1: 80),
69, 76, 90, 91, 94), subject matter (6: 20, 22, 25, troublesome (1: 29.1), weighty (1: 18.2)
27, 60, 89), task (1: 16), the given (1: 22), thing pragmateuesthai to be concerned (1: 22), to busy
(57: 2, 4, 5, 7, 10.1, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, oneself (1: 35.2), to busy oneself about (1: 17),
21, 22, 23, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, to concern oneself with (5: 2, 10.2, 26, 38, 41.2),
40, 42, 44, 45/46, 51, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, to deal with (3: 25, 40, 84), to engage in (1: 51),
67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, to give a systematic treatment (1: 86.2), to
86.2, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 100), trouble (1: 59), investigate (1: 44), to study (4: 9, 22, 40, 44), to
undertaking (1: 59) systematically treat (1: 75), to take trouble (1:
pragmati real (1: 63), really (1: 63); pragmata 29.1), to treat of (2: 10.2, 16), to write a treatise
affairs (1: 58), object (1: 63), reality (2: 70, 100), (1: 3)
realities (1: 41.2), subject (1: 58), subject matter pragmateuesthai peri to concern oneself with (1:
(1: 58), the subject (1: 93), things as they really 55); pragmateuomenos pros dealing with (1:
are (1: 100); tois pragmasin in reality (1: 68); 79); to pragmateuesthai enterprise (1: 22),
hê enargeia tôn pragmatôn the plain facts (1: discussion (1: 61)
67); ouden pragma no point (1: 17); peri pragmatikos concrete (1: 53), practical (2: 7, 48),
pragmatos substantial (1: 27); phusikon predicated of objects (1: 20), real (3: 48, 63, 76),
pragma natural object (1: 76), natural thing (1: substantial (1: 39), substantive (1: 79), that
76), physical object (1: 76), physical thing (1: objects have (1: 20)
63); ta phusika pragmata subject matter of pragmatikôs really (1: 7), that arises from the facts
physics (1: 20); prokeimenon pragma present (1: 42)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

pragmatoeidês complicated (1: 78), systematic (1: 48) should be done (1: 52), to be achieved by action
praktikos able to act (1: 52), able to do (1: 52), active (1: (1: 10.2), to be done (3: 16, 52, 69); to prattein
26), capable of acting (1: 67), capable of doing action (1: 100); ho prattôn agent (2: 4, 67); to
(1: 52), capable of doing actions (1: 4), capable prattomenon deed (1: 4); kalôs prattein to do
of performing (1: 69), concerned with action (2: well (1: 97.1); prattôn ti in practical matters (1:
52, 91), dealing with action (1: 36), doing 22); to eu prattein to fare well (1: 97.1), to
actions (1: 4), effective (1: 69), enactive (1: 69), flourish (1: 97.1)
engaging in action (2: 54, 55), fit for action (1: praxis act (3: 17, 43.3, 80), action (34: 2, 4, 5, 7, 10.1,
40), for action (2: 40, 91), involving action (1: 10.2, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 38, 39, 43.1,
55), performing (1: 52), performing actions (1: 43.2, 43.3, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 67, 68, 69, 74, 80, 89,
4), practical (23: 2, 4, 7, 10.2, 22, 23, 25, 28.2, 91, 93, 97.1, 100), activity (1: 1), conduct (1: 52),
29.1, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 51, 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69, 73, deed (2: 4, 39), doing (2: 4, 52), lecture (1: 35.2),
88, 99, 100), productive (1: 69), productive of practical activity (1: 78), practice (4: 22, 51, 69,
action (1: 52), such as to act (1: 40) 88), rational activity (1: 26), work (1: 26)
ho praktikos a doer (1: 69); to praktikon matter of premnon stem (1: 56), trunk (1: 38)
action (1: 12), the part for action (1: 91); hai prênês lying on one’s front (1: 54)
praktikai tôn epistêmôn sciences of action (1: prepein to be conspicuous (1: 69), to be fitting (1: 69),
10.2); hôs praktika as a course of action (1: 40), to be suitable (2: 69, 93), to belong (1: 84), to fit
as possible actions (1: 40); praktikai noêseis (1: 85)
acts of practical thinking (1: 67); praktikai prepôn becoming (1: 68), fitting (1: 54), suitable (1:
theôriai practical thoughts (1: 67); praktikê 79), suited (1: 17)
dianoia practical discursive thought (1: 100); prepôdês appropriate (1: 61), fit (1: 23)
praktikê epistêmê practical knowledge (1: 100); presbeia dignity (1: 70), seniority (1: 70)
praktikê theôria practical thought (1: 67); presbeion : ta presbeia prize of seniority (1: 70)
praktikôs in practical matters (1: 100), presbeuein to champion (1: 70), to have great
practically (2: 36, 78); praktikos (einai tinos) to reverence (1: 91), to maintain (1: 70), to preside
effect something (1: 56); praktikos einai to over (1: 70)
perform (1: 52); praktikos nous practical presbus ancient (1: 51), early (1: 84), important
intellect (1: 34/35.1) (1: 38)
praktos able to be done (1: 4), done (1: 17), in regard to presbuteros elder (1: 7); hoi presbuteroi elders (1:
action (1: 69), of action (2: 38, 40), practicable 52); to presbuteron order (1: 48), more
(1: 69), practical (1: 22), requiring action (1: 2), important (1: 48), prior (1: 41.2), senior (1: 70);
that can be done (2: 4, 91), that is done (1: 52), presbutatos oldest (1: 79)
to be done (4: 2, 40, 52, 69) presbutês old man (1: 56)
hoi praktoi men of action (1: 10.1); to prakton act priein to saw (1: 4)
(1: 89), object of action (1: 100), practicable priôn saw (4: 4, 24, 60, 79)
action (1: 69), practical matter (1: 100), practical prisis sawing (1: 58)
object (1: 100), practical thing (1: 100), product pristês sawyer (1: 58)
of manufacture (1: 70), thing that can be done prizein to saw (1: 60)
(1: 34/35.1), thing that is done (3: 93, 34/35.1, pro before (1: 17), prior to (1: 17)
100), what is to be done (1: 100); ta prakta proagein to adduce (1: 14), to advance (5: 25, 34/35.1,
actions (1: 10.1), matters of action (2: 16, 69), 52, 56, 86.1), to be ahead (1: 3), to bring (2: 42,
things to be done (1: 10.1); to prakton agathon 59), to bring along (1: 40), to bring forth (2:
practical good (1: 100) 28.2, 34/35.1), to bring forward (4: 28.1, 42, 51,
praos gentle (1: 86.2), mild (1: 69) 83), to bring to (1: 99), to carry forward (2: 17,
praotês gentleness (1: 97.1), mildness (3: 4, 22, 69) 75), to carry on (1: 20), to carry out (3: 54, 55,
prasinos green (1: 38), leek-green (1: 95) 83), to continue (2: 27, 60), to develop (4: 2, 21,
prasios yellow-green (1: 57) 29.1, 76), to direct (1: 58), to draw (1: 59), to
prason leek (1: 57) extend (2: 18.2, 29.1), to get far (1: 85), to
prassein / prattein to achieve (1: 17), to act (6: 4, 15, include (1: 22), to increase (1: 86.1), to induce
21, 39, 52, 91), to act practically (1: 39), to be (1: 17), to induce to choose (1: 86.2), to
practical (1: 22), to do (11: 2, 4, 10.1, 16, 19, 21, introduce (2: 17, 83), to lead (1: 22), to lead first
39, 52, 69, 72, 91), to enact (1: 4), to engage in (1: 3), to lead to (1: 99), to precede (1: 68), to
action (1: 55), to make (1: 2), to perform (2: 2, prefer (1: 52), to present (5: 14, 19, 68, 83, 99), to
15), to perform an action (5: 4, 52, 55, 69, 89), to proceed (5: 22, 23, 29.1, 60, 98), to produce (2:
practice (1: 100) 28.2, 48), to prolong (1: 97.1), to propose (1: 85),
prassesthai to be done (1: 16); prakteos practicable to put forward (2: 55, 93), to set out (1: 35.2), to
(1: 69), that ought to be done (1: 91), that start (1: 35.2), to write (1: 23)


proagesthai to proceed (2: 48, 78); proêgmenos demonstrate previously (3: 42, 73, 90), to
preferred (1: 52); proêgmenôs preferentially (1: previously demonstrate (1: 83)
98); to proagein progression (1: 27); proagein proapodeiknusthai to be demonstrated already (2:
eis adunaton to lead to impossibility (1: 35.2) 54, 55)
proagôgê advancement (1: 25), bringing forward (1: proapodidonai to give previously (1: 7)
20), preferring (1: 52) proapodizein to move forward (1: 55)
proagôgos that brings on (1: 23) proapokeisthai : proapokeimenos laid up in advance
ho proagôgos pimp (1: 97.1), procurer (1: 33) (1: 56)
proagoreuein to declare (1: 91) proapoleipein to abandon in advance (1: 75)
proairein : proaireisthai to choose (16: 4, 16, 25, proapollunai : proapollusthai to die prematurely (1:
34/35.1, 40, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 52, 69, 72, 80, 84, 60)
86.1, 89, 99), to decide (2: 23, 43.2), to make a proapologizesthai to make a first defence (1: 54)
choice (2: 25, 52), to prefer (1: 25) proapophainein : proapophainesthai to forecast (1:
proairetheis already chosen (1: 86.2) 88)
proairesis choice (27: 2, 4, 7, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 29.1, proaporein to begin by facing an aporia (2: 10.2, 16), to
32, 34/35.1, 39, 42, 48, 52, 59, 60, 67, 69, 83, 86.1, raise a preliminary question (1: 88), to raise
89, 91, 92.2, 97.1, 100), choosing (1: 86.1), preliminary difficulties (1: 38), to raise
decision (3: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3), deliberate choice problems prior (to discussion) (1: 61), to work
(3: 61, 86.2, 97.2), deliberation (1: 99), free through a problem first (1: 48)
choice (1: 72), human choice (1: 97.1), intention to proêporêmenon aporia already discussed (1:
(1: 74), position (1: 21), preference (2: 40, 75), 10.2), point of aporia raised earlier (1: 16),
purpose (2: 70, 74), rational choice (1: 17), sect preliminary discussion (1: 94), previous point
(1: 21), wish (1: 80) of aporia (1: 10.2); dia tôn proêporêmenôn in
proaireseis principles (1: 15); ek proaireseôs freely the preceding treatment of the aporia (1: 10.2)
(1: 68) proaugasma flash (1: 34/35.1)
proairetikos capable of choosing (1: 52), choice-based proaxioun to maintain previously (1: 84), to prefer (1:
(1: 69), choice-dependent (1: 17), deliberate (2: 78)
15, 44), disposed to choose (1: 69), intentional proaxiousthai to assume as an axiom beforehand
(2: 15, 18.2), involved in choice (1: 92.2), (1: 92.2), to presume (1: 14), to presuppose (1:
prohairetic (1: 45/46), that chooses (1: 4), that 14); to proaxiôthen presupposition (1: 27)
makes choices (1: 36), voluntary (1: 88) probainein to advance (2: 4, 7), to go forward (1: 93),
proairetikôs by choice (1: 59); to proairetikon to go on (2: 17, 73), to move forward (1: 84), to
matter of choice (1: 52) proceed (3: 17, 67, 88), to progress (3: 86.1, 98,
proairetos chooseable (1: 69), chosen (1: 17) 99), to promote (1: 7)
proairetôs of one’s own accord (1: 61); to hodôi probainein to go through (1: 25)
proaireton object of choice (1: 4) proballein to activate (1: 100), to advance (2: 20, 36), to
proaisthanesthai to become aware beforehand (1: 88), bring forth (2: 97.1, 97.2), to bring forward (1:
to perceive in advance (1: 38), to perceive 36), to cite (1: 45/46), to develop (1: 86.1), to
previously (1: 36) engage in (1: 58), to form (1: 18.2), to initiate (1:
proaitios anterior cause (1: 29.1) 58), to intend (1: 45/46), to introduce (3: 39, 44,
proaktikos introducing (1: 56), that advances (1: 56), 68), to lay down (1: 20), to make available (1:
that introduces (1: 56) 80), to manifest (1: 45/46), to offer as a problem
proaktikê dunamis capacity for generation (1: 20) (1: 40), to place as a covering in front (1: 39), to
proanabainein to go further up (1: 16) place in front of (1: 25), to present (1: 25), to
proanabebêkôs further up the line (1: 16) produce (1: 97.1), to project (9: 28.1, 28.2, 36,
proanaginôskein to read before (1: 99) 39, 44, 45/46, 51, 61, 67), to promote (1: 73), to
proanairein to anticipate and refute (1: 68), to refute propose (3: 64, 73, 83), to propound (1: 44), to
beforehand (1: 99) put before (1: 57), to put forth (2: 34/35.1, 56),
proanalogizesthai to calculate in advance (1: 54) to put forward (8: 17, 19, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 40, 73,
proanastellein to open up (2: 78, 79), to prevent (1: 85) 83), to put one’s guard up (1: 39), to raise (2:
proanatellein to rise before (2: 55, 90) 18.2, 40), to set down (1: 10.2), to set out (1:
proanegeirein to arouse beforehand (1: 70) 18.2), to throw forward (1: 57), to throw out
proapantan to go out to meet (1: 57) (1: 40)
proapantêsis going out in advance to meet (1: 57) proballesthai to be cited (1: 27), to be made a
proaphairein to subtract previously (1: 42) problem (1: 79), to be put forward (2: 78, 79), to
proaphônein to announce previously (1: 84) bring forward (1: 99), to carry on (1: 22), to
proapodeiknunai to demonstrate before (1: 60), to frame (1: 22), to instance (1: 99), to modify (1:
demonstrate in advance (3: 3, 75, 85), to 22), to present (1: 63), to profess (1: 44), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

project (4: 22, 42, 55, 90), to propose (5: 22, 42, obvious (10: 3, 40, 42, 61, 63, 67, 73, 76, 86.1, 90),
54, 55, 99), to propound (1: 99), to put forward obvious at the start (1: 17), obvious in advance
(4: 42, 54, 55, 99), to set out (2: 35.2, 92.1); (1: 19), patently obvious (1: 20), perfectly clear
proballôn pre-existing (1: 25); probeblêmenos (1: 16), plain (1: 61), pre-eminently clear (1: 93),
on one’s guard (1: 48) prima facie (1: 30/31), prima facie clear (2: 78,
probaton sheep (1: 21) 79), quite clear (1: 4), quite evident (1: 76), quite
probibazein to go on to prove (1: 10.2) obvious (1: 19), self-evident (1: 63), very clear
probibazesthai to go forward (1: 48) (2: 61, 98), very obvious (1: 98)
probiotê pre-existence (1: 97.1), previous existence (1: prodêlôs clearly (1: 52), obviously (2: 19, 94)
86.1), previous life (1: 86.2) prodêloun : prodêlousthai to be indicated in advance
probioun to have a previous existence (1: 97.1), to live (1: 25)
before (3: 86.2, 97.1, 97.2), to live in a previous prodiaballein to predispose against (1: 91)
life (1: 97.1) prodiairein : prodiaireisthai to distinguish in advance
problêma argument (2: 80, 100), defence (1: 57), issue (1: 75)
(2: 54, 55), object of enquiry (1: 26), preliminary prodiakrinein : prodiakekrimenos previously
(1: 92.1), problem (42: 2, 3, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18.2, 19, separated (1: 79)
20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.2, 29.1, 35.2, 40, 42, 44, prodiaphtheirein to corrupt previously (1: 54)
48, 54, 55, 56, 59, 61, 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, prodiapsêlaphêma preliminary fingering (1: 93)
83, 88, 90, 93, 94, 98, 99, 100), proposal (1: 42), prodiarthrôsis preliminary articulation (1: 51)
proposition (2: 34/35.1, 57), question (9: 14, 26, prodiarthroun to articulate (something) to start (1:
27, 44, 48, 59, 63, 88, 99), subject matter (1: 26), 79), to give a preliminary analysis (1: 28.1)
thesis (3: 34/35.1, 45/46, 93), topic (2: 42, 45/46), prodiastellein : prodiastellesthai to draw preliminary
what is proposed (1: 83), what is put forward (1: distinctions (1: 56)
79) prodiatassein / prodiatattein to arrange first (1: 39)
problêtikos capable of projecting (1: 100), projecting prodiatithenai : prodiatithesthai to be predisposed (1:
(1: 36), projective (3: 22, 28.1, 28.2) 44)
to problêtikon projection (1: 100) prodidaskein to explain beforehand (1: 41.2), to
probolê attention (1: 36), being on one’s guard (1: 48), explain previously (1: 78), to give a preliminary
bringing into action (1: 36), development (1: explanation (1: 95), to teach beforehand (1: 51)
86.1), emanation (2: 11, 22), presentation (of prodiomologeisthai to agree beforehand (1: 65)
images to oneself) (1: 25), production (1: 58), prodiorismos previous distinction (1: 100)
projection (7: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 39, 52, 100), prodiorizein to explain before (1: 60)
putting forth (2: 17, 56), putting forward (2: 36, prodiorizesthai to begin by specifying (1: 93), to
54) determine first (1: 28.2), to distinguish in
kata probolên in connection with projection (1: advance (1: 3), to specify in advance (1: 42)
28.1), outwardly (1: 22) prodotês traitor (2: 40, 52)
proboleus he who brings forth (1: 97.2), projector (1: prodoxazein to opine first (1: 16), to opine in advance
72) (1: 16)
probouleuesthai to deliberate beforehand (1: 4), to prodromos preliminary (1: 17)
make prior deliberation (1: 26) ho prodromos forerunner (1: 25), precursor (1: 68)
probouleusis prior deliberation (1: 34/35.1) produnein to set before (1: 55)
probrekhein to first soak (1: 57) proedria privilege (1: 97.2)
prodeiknunai to demonstrate first (1: 88), to prove proêgeisthai be a predecessor (1: 27), to be conducive
before (1: 19), to prove first (1: 40), to prove in (1: 52), to be pre-eminent (1: 14), to be
advance (1: 3), to prove previously (2: 3, 78), to prerequisite to (1: 26), to be primary (4: 40,
show (1: 40), to show before (1: 85), to show in 45/46, 54, 83), to be prior (5: 3, 18.2, 20, 42, 83),
advance (1: 57), to show previously (1: 99) to be prior to (6: 17, 26, 40, 41.2, 48, 54), to
prodeiknusthai to be presented already (1: 16), to bring out (1: 40), to come first (8: 22, 28.2, 36,
be previously proved (1: 79), to be shown 40, 44, 56, 76, 98), to exist prior to (1: 17), to
previously (1: 16), to prove first (1: 84); have primacy (1: 75), to hold precedence (1:
prodedeigmenos that has been proved already 11), to initiate (1: 28.1), to introduce (1: 7), to
(1: 54) lead (2: 27, 91), to lead the way (1: 40), to occur
prodêlos abundantly clear (1: 57), already obvious (1: first (1: 91), to precede (29: 3, 7, 10.2, 11, 14, 16,
17), clear (4: 21, 30/31, 41.2, 60), clear 22, 23, 27, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 40, 45/46,
beforehand (1: 7), clear enough (1: 67), clearly 51, 52, 54, 56, 60, 73, 76, 79, 83, 86.1, 88, 93, 99),
(1: 60), clearly evident (1: 2), evident (4: 40, to take precedence (2: 28.1, 57)
41.2, 67, 94), immediately clear (1: 83), manifest proêgoumenos antecedent (1: 15), central (1: 28.2),
(5: 18.2, 54, 55, 60, 88), noticeable (1: 76), direct (1: 18.2), first and foremost (1: 65),


foremost (1: 16), fundamental (1: 64), proenergein to act in advance (1: 26)
important (1: 69), in the primary sense (1: proentunkhanein to encounter first (1: 25)
92.2), main (1: 22), major factor (1: 28.1), par proepangellein to announce beforehand (1: 94)
excellence (1: 20), preceding (2: 11, 25), proeperkhesthai to confront (1: 10.2)
predominant (1: 36), pre-eminent (2: 14, 79), proepideiknunai to demonstrate previously (1: 75)
pre-established (1: 25), primary (14: 4, 9, 18.2, proepiluein to solve before (1: 88)
21, 23, 36, 39, 52, 64, 65, 69, 85, 92.2, 99), prime proepinoein to conceive of as (1: 59), to envision
(1: 4), principal (1: 51), principally chosen (1: already (1: 80), to preconceive (1: 60), to think
86.2), prior (3: 18.2, 42, 73), prominent (1: 27), (1: 7), to think of first (1: 80), to understand
specific (1: 45/46); proêgoumenôs antecedently before (1: 23)
(1: 3), as a first priority (1: 59), as the preferred proepinoeisthai to be conceptually prior (1: 52), to
object (1: 94), by preference (1: 94), central (1: be thought of before (1: 2); proepinooumenos
22), chiefly (3: 23, 24, 42), directly (3: 25, 42, known beforehand (1: 15); proepinoeisthai
50), especially (6: 22, 23, 24, 27, 28.2, 74), first prôton to be conceptually prior (1: 12)
and foremost (2: 10.2, 16), in a primary sense proepistasthai to know in advance (1: 16)
(1: 52), in a primary way (4: 52, 75, 89, 92.2), in proepsein to preboil (1: 24)
its own right (1: 47), in its proper state (1: 22), proerein to speak before (1: 19)
of set purpose (1: 15), particularly (1: 44), per se proeirêkenai to have called (previously) (1: 65), to have
(1: 45/46), predominantly (3: 22, 36, 89), described (previously) (1: 65), to have described
pre-eminently (7: 11, 14, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 47), previously (1: 64), to have discussed
primarily (20: 4, 18.2, 21, 22, 23, 28.1, 28.2, (previously) (1: 65), to have discussed
29.1, 30/31, 36, 38, 40, 51, 52, 53, 70, 86.1, 88, previously (1: 64), to have mentioned
91, 99), primary (1: 22), principally (7: 15, 22, (previously) (1: 65), to have mentioned
23, 41.1, 48, 86.2, 99), special (1: 23), previously (1: 64), to have said (previously) (1:
straightforwardly (1: 17), taking the initiative 65), to have said previously (1: 64), to have
(1: 28.1), truly (1: 22); to proêgoumenon spoken (previously) (1: 65), to have spoken
antecedent (2: 36, 65), antecedent proposition already (1: 16), to have spoken previously (1:
(1: 36), principal kind of thing (1: 42); mê 64), to have stated (previously) (1: 65);
proêgoumenôs not yet (1: 99); proêgoumenôs proeirêmenos aforementioned (1: 19), aforesaid
horaton primary visible thing (1: 28.1) (1: 88), already mentioned (2: 10.2, 16), earlier
proêgêsis precedence (1: 54), retrogression (1: 55) (1: 99), foregoing (1: 99), just described (1: 19),
proêgêtês conductor (1: 86.1) just stated (1: 19), previously mentioned (1: 21),
proeidenai to foresee (1: 97.1), to have prior knowledge said already (1: 83), said previously (1: 83),
(2: 2, 73), to know beforehand (1: 40) stated previously (1: 19); proeirêsthai to be
proeipein to ask first (1: 10.2), to have asserted (1: 64), mentioned (1: 10.2), to be said earlier (1: 16);
to have said (1: 65), to predict (1: 16), to prorrhêteon should be said first (1: 84); to
proclaim (1: 42), to say (2: 10.2, 16), to say proeirêmenon preceding statement (1: 19),
earlier (2: 16, 57), to say previously (1: 99) what has already been said (1: 10.2), what
proeisêgeisthai to anticipate and introduce (1: 68) precedes (1: 10.2); ta proeirêmena previous
proeisienai to enter in beforehand (1: 52) statements (1: 10.2), the preceding (1: 10.2),
proêkein to advance (1: 68), to proceed (1: 75) these remarks (1: 10.2), things already
proekhein to be ahead (1: 75), to be pre-eminent (1: mentioned (1: 16)
97.2), to have a lead (1: 3), to project (1: 85) proêremein to be at rest first (1: 42)
proekhôn projecting (2: 54, 55); to proukhon proerkesthai to advance (6: 2, 3, 58, 88, 89, 99), to arise
pre-eminence (1: 97.2) (1: 88), to be in procession (1: 22), to come (1:
proekkathairein to remove first (1: 2) 99), to come down to (1: 99), to come forth (2: 2,
proekkeisthai to be set out (1: 84), to mention above (1: 85), to come out (1: 85), to come outwards (1:
68), to expound beforehand (1: 68), to expound 28.1), to continue (2: 2, 60), to do something
previously (1: 17), to give before (1: 85), to put later on (1: 88), to go away (1: 89), to go forth (2:
forward (1: 44), to quote as a preliminary (1: 59), 58, 86.1), to go forward (1: 93), to go on (8: 10.2,
to set out (1: 84), to set out before (1: 60), to set 12, 16, 59, 79, 86.1, 93, 99), to go out (2: 89, 93),
out first (1: 55), to set out in advance (1: 90) to go through (1: 30/31), to move forward (1:
proektithenai : proektithesthai to quote above 10.2), to originate (1: 61), to persevere in (1: 4),
(1: 59) to proceed (25: 2, 3, 11, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 28.1, 42,
proemphasis first manifestation (1: 44), foreshadowing 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 73, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 89,
(1: 48) 90, 99), to progress (2: 20, 25), to set out (1: 17)
proempiptein to enter before (1: 52), to enter first (1: proelthôn afterwards (1: 59), further on (2: 19, 42),
52) later (1: 59); to proerkhesthai emerging (1: 22),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

procession (1: 22); proelthein kata tên hêlikian 99), to protrude (1: 57), ‘to work (i.e., to
to reach the right age (1: 86.1) succeed)’ (1: 29.1)
proesis emission (1: 86.1) proïôn below (2: 58, 59), further down (1: 90), in
proethizein to previously habituate (1: 52) due course (1: 58), in the sequel (1: 59), later (2:
proeuporein to come up with a stock of suggestions (1: 17, 59), later on (1: 73), outgoing (1: 100),
94) outwards (1: 22), proceeding (2: 56, 100); to
to proêuporêmenon preliminary discussion with proïenai procession (2: 22, 27), progression (1:
solutions (1: 94) 27); proïenai apo to come from (2: 22, 28.2);
proexallesthai to leap forward from (1: 25) proïenai eis apeiron to go on to infinity (1:
progastôr potbellied (3: 16, 34/35.1, 56) 10.2); proïontos tou logou in the course of
progenês of early descent (1: 67), primitive (1: 22) argument (1: 60)
progenesis coming to be before (1: 27) proïenai (<hienai) to abandon (1: 45/46), to emit (1:
progeuesthai to taste first (1: 57), to taste previously (1: 93), to send forth (2: 28.2, 86.1)
28.2) proïesthai to emit (1: 91), to project (an idea) (1:
progignesthai / proginesthai to come previously into 89), to propose (1: 75)
being (1: 3), to come previously to be (1: 3), to proimion introduction (1: 27)
come to be in advance (1: 17), to precede (1: 91) proïskhein to adhere to (1: 83), to allege (1: 83), to cite
progenomenos prior (1: 42) (1: 6.2), to hold before (1: 6.2)
progignôskein / proginôskein to foreknow (3: 52, 58, proïskhesthai to hold up as support (1: 42)
91), to foresee (1: 97.1), to have foreknowledge proïstanai to be pre-eminent (1: 11), to be prior (1: 11),
(1: 97.1), to have previous knowledge (1: 73), to to put forward (1: 42), to represent (1: 23)
have prior knowledge of (1: 34/35.1), to know proïstasthai to be a leader (1: 21), to be a
before (1: 23), to know beforehand (2: 2, 100), proponent of (1: 50), to champion (2: 21, 25), to
to know from before (1: 35.2), to know in cite (an authority) (1: 25), to defend (2: 4, 29.1),
advance (3: 35.2, 84, 93), to know previously (1: to place oneself (1: 40), to propound (1: 94), to
90), to recognize first (1: 27) put forward (1: 16), to set out (1: 54), to stand at
proginôskesthai to be known already (1: 16), to be the head of (1: 40), to stand before (1: 40), to
known previously (1: 73), to be previously stand so as to protect (1: 40); ho proïstamenos
known (1: 73); proginôskomenos previously champion (1: 40), proponent (1: 40)
known (1: 73); proegnôsmenos previously proïstorein to carry out a preliminary examination (1: 95)
known (1: 73) prokalumma curtain (1: 7), fore-covering (1: 57), front
prognôsis foreknowledge (4: 21, 58, 59, 68), prior covering (1: 25), veil (2: 7, 97.1)
knowledge (1: 73) prokataballein to cast down before (1: 60), to establish
prognôstikos prescient (1: 58) (1: 21), to lay down beforehand (3: 12, 38, 52),
progonikos ancestral (1: 51) to previously give (1: 74), to propose (1: 74), to
progonos ancestor (2: 68, 93) put something forward earlier (1: 55), to set
ek progonôn agathôn from a good family (1: 86.2) before (1: 21)
programma heading (1: 34/35.1) prokataballesthai to be laid down previously (1:
prographein to write before (2: 21, 99), to write first (1: 10.2); prokatabeblêmenos rooted (1: 48)
51) prokatabolê pre-establishment (1: 29.1)
progumnazein to exercise before (1: 74), to train (1: prokatalambanein to occupy beforehand (1: 28.1), to
91), to train in advance (1: 19) occupy in advance (1: 80), to occupy previously
prôiên recently (1: 21) (1: 32), to pre-invest (1: 80)
proïenai (<ienai) to advance (7: 52, 58, 75, 86.1, 88, 89, prokatalegein to sum up already (1: 61)
98), to advance before the eyes (stare in the prokatalêpsis advance reservation (1: 51)
face) (1: 75), to advance outward (1: 28.1), to prokatarkhein to be the first cause (1: 28.1), to be the
arise (2: 44, 88), to be in procession (1: 22), to starting point (1: 48), to begin beforehand (1:
continue (2: 21, 60), to do something later on 28.1), to found (1: 7), to originate (1: 39)
(1: 88), to extend (1: 4), to follow (1: 60), to go prokatarktikos : prokatarktikon aition immediate
(1: 16), to go away (1: 89), to go by (of time) (1: cause (1: 73)
86.1), to go forth (1: 90), to go forward (4: 10.2, prokatartuein to give preliminary training (1: 51)
17, 55, 75), to go on (12: 4, 14, 16, 18.2, 21, 27, prokataskeuazein to make a supporting argument (1:
28.1, 44, 52, 59, 60, 99), to go out (4: 28.1, 51, 58, 16), to prove in advance (1: 42), to provide in
89), to go through (1: 30/31), to move forwards advance (1: 56)
(1: 6.1), to proceed (36: 4, 10.2, 11, 14, 16, 17, 19, prokataspeirein to sow the seeds (1: 97.1)
21, 22, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 38, 40, 44, 51, 52, 58, prokatastasis preparation (1: 10.2)
59, 60, 64, 65, 70, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 83, 88, 89, 90, eis prokatastasin putting on the right footing (1:
93, 98, 99), to progress (7: 25, 52, 54, 55, 75, 91, 10.2)


prokatatithenai to establish first (1: 2) being posed (1: 59), the question under
prokatekhein to occupy in advance (1: 57) discussion (1: 59), the subject in hand (1: 48),
prokatekhesthai to be occupied previously (1: 84) the task (1: 76), the task set (1: 93), the thing at
prokatêkhêsis preliminary ethical instruction (1: 51) hand (1: 42), the thing in question (1: 10.2), the
prokathêsthai to be seated at a banquet (1: 54) thing under consideration (1: 27), the thing
prokeisthai to be a goal (1: 4), to be a project (2: 76, with which we started (1: 40), thesis (1: 44),
98), to be a purpose (2: 57, 60), to be a task (1: thing put forward (1: 40), thing said before (1:
60), to be assumed (2: 60, 85), to be at hand (2: 56), topic (1: 27), what has been proposed (1:
54, 86.1), to be at issue (1: 40), to be available (2: 93), what is before us (1: 93), what it is proposed
25, 88), to be before (2: 3, 57), to be before one to prove (2: 64, 65); ta prokeimena present
(1: 40), to be before us (1: 54), to be concerned discussion (1: 90), project (1: 63), the context (1:
with (1: 93), to be engaged in (1: 76), to be 99), the present text (1: 99); prokeitai his
envisaged (1: 18.2), to be implicit in (1: 17), to present purpose is (1: 90), his task is (1: 42), the
be in question (4: 4, 9, 12, 40), to be one’s present task is (1: 63), the project is (1: 18.2);
present intention (1: 68), to be one’s present task prokeisthai skopein to be faced with an
(1: 68), to be one’s purpose (1: 56), to be open examination (1: 18.2); prokeimenon pragma
(1: 55), to be present (4: 54, 58, 78, 79), to be present object (1: 61), present subject (1: 61),
projected (21: 18.2, 3, 4, 16, 17, 19, 25, 28.2, 57, present thing (1: 61)
59, 64, 65, 73, 75, 78, 79, 83, 89, 90, 98, 99), to be prokêruttein to decree (1: 91)
put forward (2: 40, 93), to be set before (1: 4), to prokharattein to outline (1: 34/35.1)
be set forth (1: 55), to be someone’s task (1: 17), prokhein to pour forth (2: 38, 52)
to be sought (1: 64), to be the aim (1: 35.2), to prokekhumenos previously diffused (1: 79)
be the present task (1: 76), to be under prokheirisis having to hand (1: 34/35.1), mobilisation
consideration (3: 17, 64, 65), to exist in front of (1: 58), setting forth (1: 56)
(1: 98), to lie before (1: 17), to posit (1: 60), to kata prokheirêsin operative (1: 56), ready at hand
present (1: 55), to propose (4: 2, 19, 51, 60), to (1: 72); prokheirisin poieisthai to grasp (1: 67)
propose to oneself (1: 10.2), to set out (2: 2, 60) prokheiristikos such as to bring forth (1: 57)
prokeimenos aforementioned (1: 68), at hand (1: prokheirizein to bring forward (1: 27), to choose (1:
93), available (1: 25), before us (4: 19, 22, 40, 63), 23), to confront (1: 18.2), to deal with (2: 23,
current (1: 76), in question (3: 68, 90, 93), now 41.2), to examine (1: 27), to exhibit (1: 18.2), to
before us (1: 68), original (1: 67), preceding (1: form (1: 23), to handle (1: 20), to introduce (1:
42), present (13: 16, 19, 20, 25, 42, 58, 61, 63, 67, 27), to take in hand (1: 41.1), to undertake (2:
68, 73, 88, 93), projected (1: 22), proposed (5: 18.2, 23)
10.2, 16, 25, 28.2, 90), proposed conclusion (1: prokheirizesthai to apply (1: 90), to bring out (1:
30/31), successive (1: 58), under consideration 34/35.1), to choose (4: 64, 65, 78, 92.2), to
(1: 30/31), under discussion (1: 76); to consider (2: 24, 52), to deal with (2: 25, 29.1), to
prokeimenon immediate topic (1: 25), intended deal with first (1: 17), to discuss (3: 78, 79, 99),
target (1: 56), issue (2: 22, 40), matter at hand to examine (8: 4, 40, 54, 55, 63, 76, 92.2, 99), to
(1: 44), objective (1: 21), present subject (2: 61, externalise (1: 58), to grasp (1: 67), to make
88), problem (1: 88), project (1: 27), project in available (1: 25), to make ready (1: 19), to
view (1: 57), projected end (1: 89), proposition mobilise (1: 58), to muster (1: 40), to pick to
(3: 16, 48, 98), purpose (4: 40, 56, 60, 68), examine (1: 16), to present (1: 58), to put to
question at stake (1: 94), subject (2: 58, 67), work (1: 60), to select (3: 12, 38, 51), to set forth
subject matter (2: 44, 94), the case before us (1: (2: 56, 57), to take in turn (1: 59), to take up (2:
76), the claim in question (2: 73, 90), the 19, 42), to test (1: 76), to try (1: 35.2), to
conclusion proposed (1: 16), the immediate task undertake (1: 76), to use (1: 6); prokheirizesthai
(1: 76), the issue before (someone) (1: 27), the têi dianoiâi to have in mind (1: 67)
matter before us (1: 59), the matter in hand (2: prokheiros accessible (4: 23, 25, 54, 56), at hand (1:
58, 59), the point at issue (2: 9, 34/35.1), the 40), available (1: 25), close to hand (1: 51), easy
point proposed (1: 19), the present case (2: 73, (9: 2, 4, 20, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83, 85), handy (1: 23),
90), the present discussion (1: 90), the present in evidence (1: 48), obvious (5: 42, 48, 55, 75,
enquiry (1: 67), the present instance (1: 58), the 99), offhand (1: 88), ordinary (1: 2), readily
present issue (1: 27), the present point (2: 42, accessible (1: 19), readily available (1: 40), ready
73), the present purpose (1: 42), the present (2: 52, 83), ready at hand (2: 64, 88), ready to
term (1: 27), the present topic (3: 42, 73, 99), the hand (1: 19), relevant (1: 25)
proposed conclusion (1: 64), the proposed prokheiron readily (1: 52); prokheirôs at once (1:
subject (1: 50), the proposition put forward (1: 18.2), in an offhand way (1: 64), readily (2: 23,
63), the purpose proposed (1: 90), the question 86.1); ta prokheira commonplaces (1: 25)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

prokhôrein to advance (3: 11, 84, 85), to be appropriate initially (1: 40), to take on in advance (1: 70), to
(1: 56), to be possible (1: 78), to go forward (1: take to start (1: 79), to take up beforehand (1:
56), to go through (1: 30/31), to proceed (5: 51), to understand in advance (1: 25), to
10.2, 19, 35.2, 78, 85), to proceed forwards (1: undertake (1: 51)
52), to suit (1: 56), to work for (1: 56) prolambanesthai to anticipate (1: 28.2), to be first
prokhôrêsis progress (1: 10.2) (1: 28.2), to discuss in advance (1: 28.2), to
prokhôrizesthai to be already separated (1: 56) gather first (1: 28.2), to preconceive (1: 28.2);
prokinein to change first (1: 91) proeilêphthai to have been used already (1:
prokineisthai to change earlier (1: 75) 18.2); prolambanôn advanced (1: 21);
proklêtikos that calls forth (1: 72) prolabôn before (1: 60), foregoing (3: 34/35.1,
prokluzein to wash out first (1: 79) 56, 57), preceding (2: 29.1, 60), previous (2: 16,
prokoilos potbellied (1: 35.2) 60), previously (1: 60); proeilêmmenos
prokopê advance (2: 22, 44), advancement (1: 60), preconceived (1: 94); proeilêptai it is presumed
proficiency (1: 48), progress (5: 23, 44, 45/46, 48, (1: 40), there is a presumption (1: 40); to
100) prolabon the immediately preceding (1: 42); ta
prokoptein to advance (5: 17, 48, 83, 85, 99), to be on prolabonta presuppositions (1: 50), the
the way to virtue (1: 4), to get more (1: 98), to foregoing (1: 29.1); to prolêphthen the
increase (1: 98), to make progress (1: 45/46), to assumption (1: 42); to proeilêmmenon
move closer (1: 83), to proceed (1: 20), to assumption in advance (1: 3), prior assumption
progress (3: 22, 48, 67) (1: 73); en tois prolabousin in what precedes
prokrinein to discriminate before (1: 40), to (1: 60); proeilêmmenê pistis presumption and
distinguish first (1: 40), to esteem more highly belief (1: 40); prolêphthen axiôma
(1: 48), to express a preference (1: 2), to prefer presupposition (1: 27)
(6: 4, 40, 52, 59, 91, 99) prolampein to light up (1: 28.1)
to prokrithen decision (1: 21) prolegein state before (1: 12), state beforehand (1: 12),
prokupsis delivery (1: 86.1), emergence (1: 86.1) to foretell (1: 52), to mention already (1: 21), to
prokuptein to emerge (1: 86.1), to sprout (1: 86.1) mention before (2: 12, 21), to predict (1: 88), to
prolambanein to accept first (1: 61), to acquire (1: 85), proclaim (1: 91), to say already (1: 21), to say
to acquire already (1: 52), to adopt (1: 76), to before (2: 12, 21), to say beforehand (1: 12), to
aim at (1: 85), to anticipate (5: 7, 50, 67, 75, 90), say initially (1: 84), to say previously (2: 78, 79),
to apprehend first (1: 2), to assume (4: 20, 41.2, to speak before (1: 12), to speak beforehand (1:
42, 68), to assume at the start (1: 55), to assume 12), to state beforehand (1: 75), to state
beforehand (2: 94, 99), to assume first (3: 44, 54, preliminaries (1: 88)
55), to assume in advance (11: 3, 16, 19, 30/31, prolegomenos preliminary (1: 10.2)
54, 73, 78, 83, 85, 90, 94), to assume previously proleipein to abandon (1: 86.2)
(2: 54, 55), to assume to start (1: 79), to be a prolêpsis preconception (1: 19), anticipation (1: 11),
prerequisite (1: 7), to begin by assuming (1: 93), conception (6: 2, 4, 21, 52, 78, 83), notion (1:
to come before (1: 86.2), to conceive (1: 52), to 40), preconception (11: 4, 5, 10.2, 13, 14, 28.2,
establish in advance (1: 61), to first get a clear 39, 45/46, 51, 54, 83), pre-encompassing (1:
conception of (1: 94), to get a start (1: 75), to get 41.1), preliminary notion (1: 51), presumption
hold of in advance (1: 25), to give in the (1: 40), presupposition (2: 14, 44), prior
preceding (1: 23), to go before (1: 17), to grasp grasping (1: 61), prior perception (1: 28.2),
before (1: 40), to grasp in advance (1: 45/46), to understanding (1: 27)
lay down (1: 20), to make a preliminary koinê prolêpsis common conception (1: 2)
assumption (1: 80), to make a preliminary point prolêptikos comprehensive in advance (1: 70)
(1: 88), to make a presupposition (1: 94), to note prologizesthai to take into account (1: 99), to take into
first (1: 27), to occupy first (1: 12), to overtake account also (2: 78, 79)
(1: 79), to precede (6: 3, 7, 19, 25, 54, 85), to prolupein to cause pain previously (1: 61)
preconceive (1: 29.1), to pre-contain (1: 78), to promanteuesthai to foresee (1: 84)
predetermine (1: 22), to presuppose (5: 22, 27, promanthanein to learn in advance (1: 52), to learn
41.1, 44, 48), to receive (1: 85), to receive previously (1: 73)
beforehand (2: 28.1, 86.1), to receive in advance promasasthai to chew in advance (1: 56)
(1: 83), to set out (1: 98), to start (2: 18.2, 78), to promeletan to consider in advance (1: 45/46)
state beforehand (1: 88), to suppose (1: 52), to promênuein to announce beforehand (1: 88), to
tacitly assume (1: 92.2), to take (2: 22, 92.1), to declare beforehand (1: 52)
take (a point) first (1: 40), to take already (1: prometapiptein to change truth value before (1: 42)
57), to take as agreed beforehand (1: 38), to take promêtheia caring (1: 74)
first (1: 17), to take for granted (1: 22), to take prometron prior measure (1: 70)


pronoein to care for (1: 74), to exercise forethought (2: proôthein to push forward (5: 18.2, 25, 38, 50, 55), to
21, 45/46), to exercise providence (3: 12, 21, 58), push in front (2: 18.2, 52), to push out (1: 18.2)
to foreknow (1: 68), to foresee (1: 54), to have proôthismos pushing forward (1: 55)
foresight (1: 48), to provide (1: 68), to provide propaideia propaideutic (1: 2)
for (1: 58), to take care (1: 78), to think out in proparalambanein to bring in prior (1: 27)
advance (1: 16) proparaskeuazein to prepare (1: 48), to prepare in
pronoeisthai to be the object of providence (2: 21, advance (1: 56)
29.1), to give one’s first thought to (1: 34/35.1), mê proparaskeusmenos without preparation (1:
to take thought in advance (1: 34/35.1); to 40)
pronooumenon the object of providence (1: proparaskeuê advance preparation (1: 70)
29.1); to pronoêthen object of forethought (1: proparoxutonêteon must be taken to be a
52) proparoxytone (1: 93)
pronoêtikos directed to providing (1: 88), exercising propaskhein to be affected first (1: 91), to be previously
providence (1: 70), provident (1: 58), affected (1: 28.2)
providential (6: 29.1, 58, 70, 72, 74, 84), that has to propathein previous affection (1: 28.2), to be
its concern with (1: 74) affected first (1: 28.2)
pronoia foreknowledge (3: 68, 72, 90), foresight (4: 2, propêdan to jump ahead (1: 34/35.1), to spring forth
26, 48, 84), forethought (4: 17, 21, 45/46, 89), (1: 25)
intention (2: 17, 54), planning (1: 80), propempein to send before (1: 52), to send forth (1:
providence (24: 7, 12, 17, 21, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 52)
52, 54, 58, 59, 61, 63, 67, 69, 70, 78, 86.1, 86.2, 89, properispasteon one must put the circumflex on the
93, 95, 97.1, 97.2), taking thought in advance (1: penultimate (1: 93)
34/35.1) propeteia impetuosity (1: 69), rashness (2: 1, 83)
proodeuesthai to proceed (1: 16) propetês hasty (1: 86.1), impetuous (1: 69), projecting
proodikôs by procession (1: 97.2) (1: 95), rash (1: 83)
proodopoiein to pave the way (1: 99) propetôs rashly (1: 54)
proodopoieisthai to proceed forward (1: 75) prophainein to reveal (1: 41.2)
proodos advance (5: 38, 56, 86.1, 93, 98), distance prophainesthai to come to light (1: 51), to emerge
travelled forth (1: 52), forward movement (2: (1: 84)
10.2, 16), forward progress (1: 75), going forth prophanês clear (3: 7, 88, 98), evident (8: 27, 42, 48, 73,
(1: 86.1), going out (in public) (1: 89), journey 76, 78, 83, 90), manifest (3: 3, 19, 22), obvious (5:
(1: 17), outing (1: 29.1), procedure (1: 67), 57, 67, 76, 88, 93), patent (1: 16), plain to see (1:
proceeding (2: 40, 74), process (4: 44, 57, 60, 67), 94), quite plain (1: 17), transparent (1: 67)
procession (18: 1, 11, 14, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 41.2, prophanôs clearly (2: 60, 76), evidently (1: 76),
42, 55, 70, 72, 76, 78, 83, 92.2, 100), progress (7: manifestly (1: 57), obviously (2: 17, 85), open (1:
16, 25, 40, 42, 44, 60, 88), progression (18: 10.1, 85), openly (1: 98), plainly (1: 76)
12, 21, 23, 27, 28.2, 41.2, 42, 48, 50, 52, 54, 60, 67, prophantazesthai to have first in the imagination (1:
73, 89, 91, 99), route (1: 22) 100), to imagine beforehand (2: 34/35.1, 100)
dutikê proodos setting (1: 54); en tôi proodôi as prophasis causal trigger (1: 61), cause (1: 97.1), excuse
something goes on (1: 88), as something (1: 44)
proceeds (1: 88); proodos ex ôdinôn delivery propherein to adduce (2: 28.1, 99), to bring forth (1:
(1: 86.1) 51), to bring forward (3: 68, 73, 90), to bring out
prooikonomein to pre-arrange (1: 68) (1: 57), to claim (1: 60), to confront (1: 18.2), to
prooimion beginning (1: 72), introduction (7: 2, 7, 22, deliver (1: 86.1), to employ (1: 80), to express (2:
35.2, 56, 57, 95), introductory chapter (1: 93), 48, 90), to present (2: 23, 94), to produce (2: 85,
preface (2: 23, 88), proemium (2: 20, 78), 92.1), to produce as evidence (1: 90), to project
prologue (3: 51, 54, 84) (1: 58), to pronounce (1: 41.2), to propose (1:
prooimios preceding (1: 86.2) 83), to put forward (2: 17, 83), to quote (1: 48),
proomologein to acknowledge beforehand (1: 87), to to state (1: 60), to utter (4: 7, 29.1, 41.2, 51)
agree in advance (1: 84), to already concede (1: propheresthai to introduce (1: 2), to produce (1: 2), to
68), to concede beforehand (1: 68) put forward (1: 40), to utter (1: 16); propheresthai
proômologêmenos previously granted (1: 73); to lexin to give voice to a word (1: 25)
proômolêgoumenon earlier concession (1: 68) prophêtês prophet (2: 84, 86.2)
prooran to foresee (1: 52) prophêteuein to act as a prophet (1: 84)
proorasis prevision (1: 26) prophêtis prophetess (1: 29.1)
proorasthai to foresee (1: 16) prophora expression (2: 34/35.1, 40), manner of
proorizein to predetermine (1: 26) expression (1: 40), pronunciation (2: 23, 38),
proôsis forward thrust (1: 55) proposal (1: 18.2), utterance (2: 17, 23)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

en têi prophorâi said out loud (1: 90); kata prosagoreuein to call (10: 22, 25, 28.2, 48, 51, 57, 75, 85,
prophoran expressed (1: 34/35.1); prophora 88, 99), to designate (3: 17, 19, 76), to give a
tôn lexeôn uttered speech (1: 35.2) name (2: 20, 22), to give an appellation to (1:
prophorikos expressed (1: 23), external (2: 51, 90), in 56), to label (1: 86.1), to name (2: 22, 41.1), to
spoken words (1: 56), spoken (1: 7), uttered (1: refer (1: 76), to refer to (1: 22), to term (1: 22)
35.2) mê prosapagoreuein to deny (1: 18.2)
prophorikôs verbally (1: 97.2); prophorikos logos prosagoreutikos addressing (1: 23)
spoken language (2: 7, 57) prosâidein to be consistent (1: 42)
prophtheiresthai to perish already (1: 84) prosairein : prosairesthai to choose to take over (1:
prophulattesthai to be on one’s guard against (1: 38) 79)
propodismos direct motion (of planets) (1: 88), prosallêlos in relation (1: 45/46), in relation to each
forward motion (1: 55), procession (1: 83), other (1: 74)
progression (2: 27, 83) prosallêla mutually (1: 20)
propodizein to advance (2: 11, 99), to make way (1: 11) prosanagraphein to also write down (1: 55)
propôma aperitif (1: 56) prosanankazein to constrain (1: 84), to force (1: 97.1),
proptôsis ejection (1: 52) to necessitate in addition (1: 3)
prôra bow (1: 91) prosanaphainein : prosanaphainesthai to be revealed
prorrhêsis prediction (1: 29.1), prophecy (2: 29.1, 72) (1: 27)
pros (+ gen.) by (1: 60); pros (+ dat.) with (1: 60); pros prosanaplêroun to fill out (1: 55)
(+ acc.) against (2: 21, 60), directed at (1: 17), prosanatupoun to mould further (1: 91)
for the sake of (1: 60), in relation to (3: 21, 60, prosangelia message (1: 91)
88), in respect of (1: 60), in response to (1: 60), prosangellein to report (1: 25)
related (1: 21), relative (1: 21), relative to (1: 60), prosaphênizein to clarify beforehand (1: 51)
to (1: 60), towards (1: 60), with reference to (1: prosapodeiknunai to also show (1: 92.1), to
60), with respect to (2: 17, 60) demonstrate in addition (2: 3, 54), to prove (1:
hôs pros ti relationally (1: 28.2); pros allêla 44), to prove precisely (1: 27)
corresponding (1: 12), that correspond (1: 12); prosaporein to add a difficulty (1: 95), to be further
pros hêmas subjective (1: 44); pros hen puzzled (1: 17), to introduce difficulties (1: 55),
legesthai to be said in relation to one thing (1: to raise a difficulty against (1: 52), to raise a
4); pros ti correlative (2: 3, 63), for the sake of further aporia (1: 10.2), to raise a further
(1: 60), in relation to (2: 12, 60), relation (6: 5, difficulty (1: 38), to raise an additional problem
39, 42, 69, 76, 93), relation (the category) (1: 27), (1: 75), to raise an additional puzzle (1: 51), to
relational (1: 44), relative (18: 1, 7, 12, 15, 17, 19, raise other aporiae (1: 10.2), to raise puzzles in
33, 43.1, 48, 63, 68, 69, 70, 73, 76, 91, 93, 99), connection with (1: 40), to raise puzzles relating
relative (the category) (3: 25, 41.2, 61), relatives to (1: 40)
(1: 10.2), with reference to (1: 60); to pros ti axion prosaporeisthai a further aporia deserves to
category of relation (1: 22), related term (1: 44), be faced (1: 10.2)
relation (3: 20, 44, 67), relational entity (1: 42), prosaptein to add (2: 22, 59), to allot (1: 88), to apply
relative (5: 2, 6.2, 16, 27, 56), relative (the (2: 17, 44), to ascribe (2: 58, 59), to attach (3: 78,
category) (4: 13, 19, 39, 89), relative term (1: 44), 89, 99), to bring against (1: 59), to construe (1:
relativity (1: 19), thing related (1: 44), what is 99), to impute (1: 58), to link (1: 59)
relative (the category) (1: 75); ta pros ti prosaptesthai to be attached to (1: 50)
category of relatives (1: 32), relata (1: 44), prosarassein to dash against (1: 57)
related things (1: 20), relational things (1: 61), prosarmottein / prosarmozein to apply (1: 92.2), to
relative terms (1: 59), relatives (10: 1, 25, 51, 58, associate (1: 92.2), to attach (2: 17, 68), to fit (2:
59, 80, 87, 88, 94, 97.2), things that are relative 17, 29.1)
(1: 94); to pros ti antikeimenon in a reciprocal prosartan to fasten together (1: 79)
relationship (1: 22); ta pros allêla correlatives prosartasthai to be attached (1: 86.1)
(1: 22) prosauxanein to extend (1: 83), to grow (1: 83), to
prosagein to add (2: 16, 18.2), to apply (5: 2, 25, 51, 75, increase (1: 83)
99), to approach (1: 42), to base on (1: 18.2), to prosauxanesthai to increase (1: 42)
bring close (1: 60), to bring in (3: 16, 83, 85), to prosauxein to increase (1: 55)
bring in a further point (1: 10.2), to bring in prosauxêsis additional increase (1: 42), further increase
against (1: 78), to bring to (1: 57), to bring to (1: 84), increase (1: 1)
bear (1: 16), to bring towards (1: 28.1), to prosballein to apply (1: 23), to apply oneself to (1: 52),
convey (1: 25), to draw toward (1: 19), to to approach (1: 34/35.1), to attack (1: 59), to
introduce (3: 25, 75, 83) attain (1: 88), to attend (2: 22, 28.2), to attend to
prosagein ton logon to direct a discussion (1: 16) (1: 93), to be in contact with (1: 67), to cast (1:


88), to come into contact with (1: 61), to dash prosdokan to expect (3: 21, 52, 83)
through (1: 61), to encounter (1: 41.1), to fall prosdokia expectation (1: 43.2)
upon (1: 59), to fix on (1: 22), to grasp (1: 61), to prosdoxazein to add an opinion (1: 25)
impact (1: 52), to impinge (1: 38), to intuit (2: prosêgoria appellation (7: 13, 35.2, 48, 51, 56, 60, 95),
34/35.1, 56), to make direct contact with (1: 58), appellative (1: 23), designation (2: 26, 86.1),
to notice (1: 73), to run into (1: 88), to strike (5: name (4: 25, 52, 88, 92.1), name-label (1: 94),
19, 56, 57, 90, 98), to strike upon (1: 57) nomenclature (1: 72), theory (1: 32)
prosbibazein to confirm (1: 38), to reduce (1: 25) prosêgorikos : to prosêgorikon appellative (1: 39)
prosblepein to look at (1: 90) prosêgoros in agreement (1: 84), named after (1: 75)
prosboêthein to come to the aid of (1: 2) proseikazein to assimilate (1: 68), to compare (1: 55)
prosbolê application (3: 20, 28.1, 52), apprehension (1: proseikazesthai to be made to resemble (1: 97.1),
61), attempt (1: 34/35.1), encounter (1: 23), to become like (1: 97.1)
impact (4: 28.2, 38, 52, 88), impulse (1: 57), proseinai to accrue (1: 83), to be added (3: 12, 19, 83),
intuition (2: 34/35.1, 56), striking (1: 57) to be adjacent (1: 86.1), to be also (1: 99), to be
prosdein to bind to (1: 54) an attribute (2: 42, 51), to be joined to (1: 16), to
prosdeisthai to also have need of (1: 99), to have be present (3: 44, 51, 86.1), to be proper to (1:
need of (2: 18.2, 22), to need (4: 38, 48, 52, 75), 88), to belong (1: 42), to belong to (2: 50, 54), to
to need in addition (6: 2, 28.1, 41.2, 52, 84, 98), come (1: 88), to exist in (1: 44), to hold (1: 42),
to need more (1: 28.1), to require additionally to reach (1: 44)
(1: 86.2), to require in addition (1: 54) ta prosonta additional features (1: 16); to mê
prosdekhesthai to admit (2: 3, 52) proson feature it does not have (1: 88)
prosdêloun to co-indicate (1: 51) proseiserkhesthai to enter (1: 18.2)
prosdialegesthai to be engaged in dialogue (1: 93), to proseisienai : to proseisienai addition (1: 18.2)
be the interlocutor (1: 93), to converse with (1: prosekballein to extend (2: 44, 54), to produce (2: 73,
73) 90)
ho prosdialegomenos interlocutor (5: 40, 42, 64, prosêkein should (2: 19, 90), to apply (2: 54, 85), to
73, 90), respondent (1: 16) attach to (1: 83), to be akin (1: 54), to be an
prosdiarthroun to further articulate (1: 57) attribute of (1: 42), to be appropriate (17: 11, 19,
prosdiastellein to make an additional distinction (1: 52) 22, 43.1, 43.2, 51, 52, 60, 61, 68, 69, 78, 79, 85,
prosdiorismos additional condition (1: 30/31), 86.1, 86.2, 88), to be appropriate to (3: 28.1, 83,
additional determination (2: 35.2, 80), 99), to be characteristic of (1: 44), to be fitting
additional distinction (1: 70), additional (3: 4, 16, 76), to be near to (1: 17), to be needed
specification (1: 19), condition (1: 68), (1: 22), to be proper (3: 86.1, 86.2, 88), to be
determination (2: 23, 93), finer distinction (1: related (1: 43.2), to be relevant to (1: 85), to be
41.2), further condition (1: 34/35.1), further suitable (5: 22, 44, 54, 55, 68), to be suited (1:
differentiation (2: 34/35.1, 35.2), further 11), to befit (2: 19, 68), to belong (2: 41.1, 85), to
distinction (1: 34/35.1), further qualification (1: belong to (4: 22, 73, 79, 90), to concern (1: 42),
92.1), qualification (3: 59, 68, 77), quantifier (1: to fit (1: 22), to fit for (1: 22), to pertain to (1:
5), specification (3: 73, 74, 90), further 90)
specification (1: 17) prosêkei it belongs (1: 25), it is appropriate (1: 25),
prosdiorizein to add an account of (1: 22), to it is fitting (1: 25), it is proper (1: 25); prosêkôn
determine in addition (1: 35.2), to further appropriate (4: 42, 48, 76, 88), befitting (1: 42),
specify (1: 60), to point out also (1: 28.2), to related (2: 43.1, 69), suited for (1: 17); prosêkon
provide additional determinations (1: 40), to readily (1: 88); prosêkontôs appropriately (3:
provide additional distinctions (1: 40), to 88, 91, 93), suitably (2: 10.2, 16); ta prosêkonta
provide additional specifications (1: 40), to attributes (1: 942)
specify (1: 73), to specify further (2: 16, 30/31) prosekhein to attach oneself to (1: 83), to attend (2:
prosdiorizesthai to define further (1: 59), to 45/46, 54), to attend to (2: 4, 25), to be careful
determine (1: 93), to distinguish (1: 58), to draw (1: 45/46), to devote (1: 86.2), to link (1: 60), to
a further distinction (1: 57), to further note (1: 23), to notice (1: 44), to pay attention
differentiate (1: 56), to make additional (3: 51, 75, 79), to pay attention to (1: 14), to treat
qualifications (1: 16), to make a further (1: 54)
differentiation (1: 56), to make specifications (1: prosekhesthai to align oneself with (1: 50), to be
67), to rule out (1: 80), to specify (1: 58); proximate to (1: 25), to cling to (1: 86.1);
prosdiôrismenos determined (1: 23); dis prosekteon one should pay attention (1: 84);
prosdiôrismenos twice further differentiated prosekhein ton noun to pay attention (2: 42, 54)
(1: 35.2); prosdiôrismenê protasis proposition prosekhês adjacent (6: 14, 28.1, 42, 88, 93, 99),
with further differentiation (1: 35.2) adjoining (2: 11, 61), akin (1: 5), appropriate (2:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

23, 38), close (5: 22, 23, 41.1, 56, 74), close at prosengizein to approach (2: 6.1, 60), to be close (1:
hand (1: 11), close to (1: 85), closely related (1: 60), to come close (1: 100), to draw near (2: 60,
14), closest (2: 10.2, 28.2), connected (2: 7, 61), 78)
contiguous (4: 28.1, 36, 45/46, 88), direct (2: 79, prosennoein to conceive in addition (1: 51), to think
83), elementary (1: 76), following (1: 23), further (1: 79), to think of in addition (1: 83), to
immediate (19: 5, 6.2, 7, 14, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28.2, understand in addition (1: 83)
44, 47, 48, 64, 65, 70, 74, 83, 94, 99), immediately proseoikenai to be like (1: 19), to be similar (1: 28.1),
concerned with (1: 92.1), immediately to resemble (2: 28.1, 41.2)
connected (2: 64, 65), immediately preceding prosepiballein to pile on (1: 75)
(1: 99), marching with (1: 34/35.1), near (2: 42, prosepikheirein to add a further argument (1: 10.2)
55), near at hand (1: 34/35.1), nearby (1: 28.1), prosepilambanein to overtake (1: 54), to take on (1:
nearest (2: 18.2, 57), neighbouring (2: 20, 39), 32)
next (1: 42), next to (4: 36, 42, 88, 99), prosepilegein to state in addition (1: 75)
preceding (2: 90, 99), proximate (49: 2, 10.1, prosepinoein to further think of (1: 17)
10.2, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28.2, 32, prosepiteinein to make even more extreme
33, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, (1: 16)
52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 67, 73, 74, 76, 79, 88, proserkhesthai to approach (2: 17, 60), to be added (2:
89, 90, 91, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 95, 99, 100), 18.2, 75), to come about (1: 60), to impose
proximately (1: 99), relevant (3: 17, 44, 79), oneself on (1: 88), to join (1: 99), to proceed (1:
subsequent (1: 92.1), suitable (1: 64), what 86.1)
comes next above (1: 17) proseti moreover (1: 60)
mê prosekhês non-proximate (1: 90); prosekhôs proseuporein to supply (something) further (1:
adjacently (1: 93), as a next step (1: 99), closely 34/35.1), to supply an additional (something)
(1: 56), contiguously (1: 36), direct (2: 54, 92.2), (1: 34/35.1)
directly (13: 11, 16, 24, 35.2, 54, 66, 75, 76, 78, 79, proseuriskein to find (1: 73)
88, 92.2, 99), directly preceding (1: 55), prosexeuporein to add something (1: 99)
immediate (2: 27, 28.1), immediately (16: 14, 22, prosexeuriskein to devise in addition (1: 84), to invent
27, 28.2, 32, 36, 44, 47, 51, 57, 70, 76, 88, 90, 94, newly (1: 2)
99), immediately before (1: 3), immediately prosgeumatizein to first taste (1: 57)
following (1: 42), immediately preceding prosgignesthai / prosginesthai ‘that there is accretion’
(2: 42, 99), in detail (1: 91), in the first place (1: 18.2), to accrue (5: 19, 25, 39, 75, 91), to
(2: 17, 47), just (6: 44, 60, 73, 79, 90, 99), just accrue to (1: 83), to also come into being (1:
now (1: 76), next (3: 27, 42, 44), next in order 10.2), to be added (9: 12, 18.2, 21, 38, 52, 75, 85,
(1: 42), preceding (1: 54), properly (1: 99), 91, 98), to be added to (1: 25), to be adventitious
proximate (1: 93), proximately (15: 17, 19, to (1: 57), to be applied to (1: 91), to be attached
34/35.1, 42, 50, 56, 57, 73, 75, 76, 79, 90, 91, 92.1, to (2: 54, 55), to be combined with (1: 21), to
99), recently (2: 51, 60); to prosekhes closeness enter in (1: 78), to happen (1: 78)
(1: 22), preceding point (1: 73), proximity (1: prosgignomenos concomitant (1: 44);
22), what has just been said (1: 57), what prosgignesthai tini to acquire an additional
immediately follows (1: 44); prosekhôs einai to attribute (1: 42)
be proximate (1: 76); to prosekhôs kinoun the prosgraphein to add in writing (1: 56), to append (in
proximate mover (1: 19); prosekhesteros closer writing) (1: 19), to insert (1: 10.2)
(1: 10.2), more immediate (1: 92.1), more prosiesthai (<hienai) to accept (2: 19, 83, 94), to
proximate (1: 76); prosekhestatos directly address (1: 86.2), to admit (3, 25, 55), to be
proximate (1: 76), most proximate (1: 76), attached to (1: 83)
primary (1: 76) prosienai (<ienai) to accede (1: 21), to accede to (1:
prosektikos attentive (3: 34/35.1, 43.3, 83), to the point 32), to agree (1: 23), to approach (8: 12, 18.2, 21,
(1: 56) 28.2, 55, 60, 91, 93), to be present (1: 60),
prosektikôtata extremely to the point (1: 67); to to bring to (1: 86.1), to come in (1: 99), to
prosektikon attentive part (1: 45/46) come towards (1: 88), to encounter (1: 54), to
proseleusis approach (1: 60) enter (1: 99), to go forward (1: 21), to make for
proselkein to force to fit (1: 55) (1: 56)
prosêmainein to foretell (1: 58) prosiôn new (1: 93); to prosienai approaching (1:
prosempherês resembling (1: 86.2) 60)
prosendeiknusthai to add (1: 27) prosistanai to be present (1: 22)
prosênês kind (1: 43.1), mild (2: 16, 28.2), soothing (1: prosistorein to relate further (1: 16)
38) prosizanein to adhere (1: 57), to settle on (1: 60)
prosênôs gently (1: 23), mildly (1: 68) prosizein to attach onself to (1: 52)


proskaiein to set on fire (1: 91) proskunein to kneel down to (1: 79), to prostrate (1:
proskekausthai to be burnt (1: 24) 97.1), to say hello to (1: 34/35.1)
proskairos short lived (1: 48), temporary (2: 22, 48), proskunêtos worshipped (1: 54)
transient (1: 84), transitory (1: 54) proslambanein to acquire (6: 18.2, 22, 27, 52, 88, 91),
proskataskeuazein to establish also (1: 99), to establish to acquire in addition (2: 12, 52), to add (10:
in addition (2: 92.1, 99), to present an additional 18.2, 25, 58, 60, 64, 65, 85, 90, 91, 99), to add as
argument (1: 16), to prove (1: 42) a premiss (1: 30/31), to add by apposition (1:
prokataskeuazesthai to be established by an 93), to adopt (1: 99), to assume (1: 64), to
additional argument (1: 16) assume additionally (2: 40, 60), to assume in
proskatêgorein to co-predicate (2: 9, 30/31), to addition (8: 3, 19, 42, 55, 64, 65, 83, 93), to
predicate additionally (1: 35.2) co-assume (2: 9, 89), to come to occupy (1: 54),
proskatêgoreisthai to be co-predicated (1: 65), to to further assume (1: 92.1), to gain (1: 18.2), to
be predicated with reference to (1: 16); gain in addition (2: 3, 52), to get (1: 68), to
proskatêgoroumenos predicated in addition (1: grasp in addition (1: 51), to incur (1: 10.2), to
35.2); to proskatêgoroumenon predicate (1: 23) note in addition (1: 21), to obtain in addition
proskathêsthai to be situated (1: 52) (1: 40), to qualify (1: 18.2), to receive (1: 80), to
proskeisthai to be added (20: 2, 3, 4, 16, 19, 21, 30/31, receive as a supplement (1: 86.1), to receive in
42, 44, 51, 54, 55, 64, 65, 73, 78, 79, 83, 93, 99), to addition (1: 99), to supply (1: 90), to take
be applied to (1: 42), to be attached (2: 30/31, additional (things) (1: 93), to take in addition
54), to be included (1: 28.2), to be joined (1: 44), (5: 2, 21, 64, 65, 98), to take in conjunction (1:
to be present (1: 51), to be proposed (1: 10.2), to 2), to take on (2: 27, 94), to take on also (1: 78),
belong to (1: 22) to take on in addition (3: 75, 83, 91), to take
proskeimenos supplying (1: 67); to proskeimenon over (1: 18.2), to take something in addition (1:
addition (1: 27), qualification (1: 91), the 93)
addition (1: 10.2) proslambanesthai to be a further assumption (1:
proskhêma façade (1: 68), pretext (1: 68) 27); proslêpteon one should add (1: 64); ho
en proskhêmati appearing (1: 68) proslambanomenos the lowest note in a scale
proskhôrein to approach (2: 18.2, 42), to come close (1: (1: 86.1)
86.1), to join (1: 98), to join with (1: 86.1) proslampein to illuminate (1: 52)
proskhrêsthai to bring (something) in to use (it) (1: proslegein to call (1: 79)
34/35.1), to invoke (1: 54), to make further use proslêpsis acquisition (2: 19, 76), additional
of (1: 10.2), to make use of (6: 2, 10.2, 27, 42, 90, assumption (10: 40, 44, 57, 60, 64, 65, 78, 79, 83,
91), to make use of in addition (1: 2), to refer to 85), additional premise (5: 3, 18.2, 42, 47, 98),
also (1: 61), to use (10: 6.1, 10.2, 16, 51, 52, 54, assumption (2: 41.2, 98), co-assumption (1: 9),
55, 65, 83, 91), to use additionally (1: 60), to use further assumption (1: 14), grasp (1: 22), minor
also (3: 65, 78, 79), to use as an additional step premise (9: 16, 23, 34/35.1, 42, 53, 70, 72, 73, 74)
(1: 60), to use for (1: 7), to use in addition (5: 17, kata proslêpsin prosleptic (2: 64, 65), prosleptically
40, 52, 56, 64) (1: 30/31)
proskhrêsteon one ought to use (1: 64) proslogizein to reason also (1: 27)
prosklisis bending (1: 34/35.1), bias (1: 40), inclination proslogizesthai to add calculations (1: 17), to argue
(2: 40, 52), partiality (1: 40) for (1: 44), to calculate in addition (1: 17), to
prosklusis splash (1: 38) consider in addition (1: 93), to factor in (1: 84),
proskollan to glue to (1: 57) to reckon in addition (2: 3, 19), to take into
proskorês satiating (1: 38) account (1: 55)
proskrinein to add (3: 22, 38, 52), to assimilate (7: 22, prosmarturein to bear additional witness (1: 68), to
24, 38, 61, 67, 84, 98), to attach (1: 98), to confirm (1: 68)
combine (1: 85), to filtre in (1: 56), to prosmignusthai to be mixed with (1: 18.2)
incorporate (1: 91), to pass in (1: 56) prosneanieuesthai to be youthfully brash (1: 75)
proskrinesthai to be absorbed (1: 99), to be prosnemein to assign (4: 42, 68, 75, 88)
assimilated (1: 32), to be assimilated (in prosnoein to add a thought (1: 25)
nutrition) (1: 25), to be joined with (1: 42); to prosodos approach (4: 4, 21, 52, 60)
proskrinomenon accretion (1: 18.2) prosoikeioun to appropriate (2: 16, 52), to associate (1:
proskrisis accretion (4: 18.2, 19, 32, 52), assimilation 68), to associate with (1: 70), to fit (1: 52)
(5: 16, 25, 32, 38, 94), passing in (1: 56) prosokhê attention (1: 45/46)
proskrouein to bang (1: 28.2), to knock against (1: 57), prosomilein to come close to (1: 34/35.1), to encounter
to strike on (1: 28.2) (1: 17)
prosktasthai to acquire (1: 60), to possess in addition prosomoioun to assimilate to (1: 70)
(1: 83) prosonomazesthai to have a further name (1: 35.2)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

prosôpon character (4: 7, 72, 76, 97.1), face (6: 12, 15, to fall upon (4: 28.1, 56, 88, 98), to happen (1:
24, 54, 67, 78), person (8: 7, 17, 20, 23, 25, 35.2, 60), to have an impact (1: 32), to hit up against
69, 98), personality (3: 7, 17, 51), pretence (1: (1: 25), to impinge (6: 21, 22, 23, 38, 42, 52), to
76) impinge on (1: 91), to make an impact (1: 25), to
prosôthein to push forward (1: 75) meet (1: 59), to present oneself (2: 48, 55), to run
prospaizein to joke (1: 75) into (1: 88), to strike (3: 51, 52, 55), to strike on
prosparalambanein to include (1: 48), to take in (1: 98), to strike upon (1: 52)
addition (1: 64), to take into account also (1: 79) prospipton incident (1: 88), what befalls (1: 40); ta
prospaskhein to feel emotion for (2: 43.1, 69) prospiptonta circumstances (1: 40)
prospatheia attraction (1: 37), passionate attachment prosplekein to attach to (1: 7), to weave (1: 98)
(1: 59), sympathy (1: 86.1) prospoiein to suppose (1: 44)
prospelasis conveyance (1: 28.2) prospoieisthai to claim (2: 6.1, 40), to lay claim to
prospelastikos : to prospelastikon adhesive character (2: 17, 25), to pretend (3: 16, 40, 75), to take into
(1: 28.2) account (1: 41.2)
prospelazein to approach (2: 28, 57), to associate (1: prospsauein to come into contact with (1: 57)
28.2), to be adjacent (1: 28.2), to be present to prosptaiein to collide (1: 28.2), to err (1: 52), to hit
(1: 28.2), to bring close (2: 28.2, 57), to come upon (1: 28.2), to press (1: 28.2), to strike (1:
close (1: 56), to come close up to (1: 57), to 28.2), to strike upon (1: 57)
come into contact (1: 28.2), to come to (1: 57) prosptôsis collision (1: 28.2), falling on (1: 28.2),
prospelazesthai to approach (1: 20) striking (1: 28.2)
prospherein to administer (1: 56), to apply (1: 21), to prosrhêgnunai to break against (1: 28.1), to dash
assimilate (1: 38), to bring (1: 79), to bring to against (2: 17, 57)
(1: 57), to offer (2: 79, 99), to supply (1: 75) prosrhêma appellation (2: 20, 35.2), designation (1: 23),
prospheresthai to be moved towards (1: 75), to be label (1: 17), term (1: 87), terminology (1: 76),
taken in (1: 59), to consume (1: 57), to eat (1: verbal adjunct (1: 35.2), word (2: 58, 59)
37), to ingest (1: 91), to offer (1: 37) prosrhêsis adjunct (2: 9, 30/31), honorific title (1: 72)
prosphiloneikein to be obstinate (1: 6.1), to contend prosrhêxis dashing against (1: 57)
against (1: 51), to insist (1: 58), to persist (1: 58) prosrhiptein to make a casual remark (1: 95)
prosphiloponein to work hard (1: 95) prossêmainein to additionally signify (1: 29.1), to
prosphluarein to add nonsense (1: 84) co-signify (1: 51), to further signify (1: 65), to
prosphoitan to go to study with (1: 90) signify (1: 64), to signify in addition (2: 23,
prosphônein to address (1: 51) 35.2)
prosphora application (1: 10.2), taking in (1: 86.1) prostagma command (2: 97.1, 97.2), ordinance (1: 97.1)
prosphoros apt (1: 34/35.1), befitting (1: 86.2), fitting prostaktikos imperative (2: 23, 35.2)
(1: 68), that contributes (1: 22), to the point (1: prostasia leading role (1: 54)
34/35.1) prostassein / prostattein to bid (1: 69), to command
prosphorôs accordingly (1: 42), in a way that suits (3: 52, 69, 91), to give an order (1: 40), to
(1: 95), in an appropriate way (1: 55), properly instruct (1: 51), to order (1: 68)
(1: 41.1) prostassesthai to receive an order (1: 40); to
prosphuein to adhere (2: 15, 32), to attach (1: 83) prostattomenon prescribed duty (1: 97.1)
prosphuesthai to be naturally appended to (1: 91), prostatês champion (2: 60, 61), guard (1: 86.2),
to grow into (1: 18.2), to grow onto (1: 57); proponent (1: 40)
prospephukenai to be naturally attached to (1: prostaxis command (2: 23, 69), order (2: 52, 100)
28.2); prospephukôs clinging (1: 42) prosthaphairesis addition and subtraction (1: 84)
prosphuês appropriate (1: 93), fit (1: 23), fitted (1: 17), prosthe front (1: 42), previously (1: 42)
germane (1: 61), natural (3: 56, 60, 67), naturally prosthêkê accumulation (1: 86.1), addendum (1: 18.2),
attached (1: 28.2), naturally connected (1: 27), addition (38: 3, 4, 9, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 21,
naturally fitting (2: 73, 90), quite natural (1: 67), 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 48, 51, 52,
relevant (1: 85), suitable (5: 18.2, 27, 61, 84, 94) 54, 55, 56, 60, 64, 65, 67, 68, 78, 83, 85, 89, 91, 93,
prosphuôs appositely (1: 18.2), cleverly (1: 67), in a 95, 99), addition of a modal operator (1: 30/31),
naturally fitting way (1: 42) additional specification (1: 73), attribution (1:
prosphusis organic fusion (1: 27) 27), being added (1: 60), being added to (1: 4),
prospiptein to accrue (1: 39), to assail (1: 59), to be gain (1: 39), increase (1: 18.2), increment (1:
added (1: 22), to be assigned (1: 40), to be drawn 22), qualification (1: 22), supplemental
(1: 60), to befall (2: 40, 52), to collide with (1: condition (1: 77), supplementation (1: 91)
91), to encounter (2: 25, 54), to extend (1: 73), to aneu prosthêkês without qualification (1: 60);
fall into (1: 22), to fall on (6: 17, 18.2, 28.2, 54, pleonektounta têi prosthêkêi with benefit of
57, 90), to fall onto (1: 88), to fall under (1: 28.2), the addition (1: 10.2)


prosthen before (1: 12), earlier (2: 42, 65), forward (2: prosupographein to sketch in addition (1: 16)
10.2, 16), front (2: 54, 83), preceding (1: 83), prosupomimnêiskein to point out as well (1: 42)
previously (1: 83) prosupotithenai to assume in addition (1: 83)
hoi prosthen previous thinkers (1: 10.2); ta protasis asking of a contradiction (1: 40), assertion (1:
prosthen earlier remarks (1: 16), the foregoing 68), enunciation (2: 55, 79), posing (1: 36),
(1: 83), what has preceded (1: 83); eis to predicative statement (1: 5), premise (63: 1, 2, 3,
prosthen forward (3: 42, 54, 55); hê prosthen 4, 5, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22,
aporia the preceding aporia (1: 10.2) 23, 25, 26, 27, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 40, 42, 44,
prostheôrein to investigate also (1: 78) 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64,
prosthermainein to heat additionally (1: 88) 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 80, 83, 85, 87,
prosthesis addition (27: 2, 3, 4, 9, 10.1, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 89, 90, 91, 92.2, 93, 94, 99, 100), proposition (29:
23, 29.1, 32, 35.2, 44, 54, 55, 56, 64, 77, 78, 83, 89, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18.2, 21, 23, 26, 27, 30/31,
90, 92.2, 93, 99), appendage (1: 76), attribution 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 44, 51, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 73, 75,
(1: 27), increase (2: 69, 99), qualifier (1: 69) 79, 83, 90, 97.2, 100), statement (1: 39)
prosthios front (1: 83) elassôn / elattôn protasis minor premiss (2: 14,
prostithenai to add (52: 2, 6.2, 9, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 58); meizôn protasis major premise (1: 14);
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 38, merikê protasis particular premise (1: 22);
40, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, prosdiôrismenê protasis proposition with
65, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.2, 88, 89, further differentiation (1: 35.2)
90, 91, 92.1, 93, 98, 99), to add to (1: 94), to protassein / protattein to arrange (1: 40), to arrange
annexe (1: 9), to apply (3: 17, 25, 85), to attach before (1: 39), to class as prior (1: 41.1), to order
(1: 18.2), to attribute to (1: 42), to effect an (1: 40), to place (1: 35.2), to place before (3:
addition (1: 80), to give (1: 28.2), to give in 35.2, 39, 88), to place first in position (1: 65), to
addition (1: 42), to increase (1: 22), to introduce place foremost (1: 39), to prefix (1: 9), to put at
(3: 54, 55, 59), to make an additional point (1: the head (1: 48), to put before (1: 40), to put first
93), to mention (1: 10.2), to propose (3: 10.2, 22, (1: 41.2), to put in front (1: 40), to put in front
44), to put (1: 28.2), to put in (1: 22), to set forth of (1: 40), to put in order before (1: 48), to range
(1: 20), to set out (1: 22), to speak of (1: 28.2), to before (1: 51), to set above (1: 11), to set prior to
specify (1: 93), to supply (2: 2, 42) (1: 11), to treat as prior (1: 39)
prostithesthai to attribute (1: 69), to be added (1: protassesthai to be prefixed (1: 16), to be prior in
50), to be mentioned (1: 10.2), to be proposed the order (1: 60); protetagmenos introductory
(1: 10.2), to propose (1: 10.2), to supplement (1: (1: 42)
91), to support (1: 18.2); prostheteon one proteinein to hold out (1: 73), to offer (1: 28.1), to
should add (1: 65); kalôs prostithenai to do present (2: 74, 86.2), to propose (5: 17, 23, 35.2,
well to add (1: 10.2) 51, 73), to propound (2: 9, 40), to put forward
prostragôidein to add in tragic style (1: 3) (4: 55, 64, 65, 83), to set out (1: 28.2)
prostribein to rub against (1: 97.1) protekhnologein : ta protetekhnologêmena technical
prostribesthai to inflict upon (1: 58) preliminaries (1: 40)
prostunkhanein to meet with (1: 42) proteraios preceding (2: 34/35.1, 35.2)
prosullogismos preliminary deduction (1: 73), protereuein to be prior (1: 39), to come before (3:
prodeduction (1: 93), prosyllogism (1: 64) 34/35.1, 35.2, 100), to come first (1: 100), to
prosullogizesthai to make prosyllogisms (1: 64) precede (2: 99, 100), to take the lead (1: 34/35.1)
prosulos connected with matter (1: 57) proteros before (3: 39, 42, 60), earlier (9: 11, 14, 17, 42,
prosupakouein to fill out in thought (1: 16), to 60, 73, 75, 85, 99), first (7: 5, 14, 17, 42, 60, 90,
implicitly understand (1: 67), to supply (4: 7, 99), former (6: 5, 17, 18.2, 20, 73, 90), preceding
28.2, 42, 64), to supply (words in a text) (1: 65), (2: 14, 79), previous (11: 18.2, 20, 42, 64, 65, 73,
to supply in thought (4: 51, 60, 73, 93), to supply 78, 79, 83, 85, 99), prior (31: 7, 10.2, 11, 13, 14,
words (1: 54), to tacitly add something to (1: 16, 17, 20, 26, 28.1, 32, 35.2, 39, 41.1, 42, 44, 51,
87), to understand (7: 17, 23, 28.2, 38, 76, 92.1, 63, 64, 65, 73, 77, 78, 79, 83, 87, 88, 92.1, 93, 99,
93), to understand also (1: 79), to understand as 100)
added (2: 56, 57), to understand in addition (3: proterôs prior (1: 17); proteron above (2: 14, 42), at
17, 35.2, 76) an earlier time (1: 75), before (6: 42, 73, 76, 87,
prosupakousteon one must also understand (1: 88, 93), earlier (9: 10.2, 12, 14, 16, 19, 25, 50, 75,
36), one should supply (1: 65) 76), earlier on (1: 18.2), first (9: 10.2, 12, 18.2,
prosuparkhein to further belong to (1: 17) 19, 22, 76, 88, 90, 93), former (2: 76, 87),
prosuphainein to weave on (1: 56), to weave to (1: 61), formerly (3: 14, 42, 76), previously (9: 10.2, 14,
to weave together (1: 83) 16, 17, 42, 73, 76, 90, 99), primary (1: 12), prior
prosuphainesthai to be posterior (1: 22) (6: 12, 23, 25, 61, 74, 76), rather (1: 17), sooner

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

(1: 17); to proteron before (1: 14), priority (1: proposition (1: 55); protithemenos proposed
42), the before (1: 50), what is prior (2: 25, 56); (1: 14); to protithemenon subject matter (1: 14)
hoi proteroi precursors (1: 61), predecessors (1: prôtopathês first affected (1: 28.2)
42); hoi proteron earlier thinkers (2: 10.2, 25); prôtopeiros novice (1: 51)
pollôi proteron a fortiori (1: 87); Protera prôtos basic (1: 91), before (1: 21), earlier (1: 60), first
Analutika Prior Analytics (1: 90); to proteron (46: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10.1, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20,
dunamei what is in potentiality in the first way 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28.1, 29.1, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 42,
(1: 56); proteron kai husteron earlier and later 56, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 85,
(1: 67), one thing before the other (1: 67), prior 88, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 99), initial (3: 16, 21, 76),
and posterior (1: 16); proteros têi phusei prior original (1: 17), primarily (1: 93), primary (37:
by nature (1: 61) 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 32,
prôteuein to be prior (1: 78) 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 50, 56, 60, 64, 67, 73, 76, 77, 78,
protheôria initial exposition (1: 57) 79, 83, 85, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 99, 100), prime (7: 12,
prothermainein to heat first (1: 21), to pre-heat 17, 32, 60, 73, 76, 94), prior (8: 2, 3, 25, 40, 42, 60,
(1: 95) 83, 90)
prothermainesthai to be heated first (1: 24), to be prôton before (1: 60), beforehand (1: 75), first (5:
heated previously (1: 24) 10.2, 16, 20, 60, 75), firstly (1: 76), primarily (1:
prothêsaurizein to store up in advance a treasury (1: 10.2), prior (1: 56), to begin by (1: 93); prôtôs
34/35.1) first (4: 19, 20, 73, 99), for the first time (2: 19,
prothesis aim (2: 5, 91), connective (1: 34/35.1), goal 73), in a primary meaning (1: 25), in a primary
(1: 17), intention (2: 16, 74), plan (1: 27), prefix sense (2: 25, 50), in a primary way (1: 16), in the
(1: 51), preposition (4: 23, 48, 67, 73), first instance (1: 99), in the first place (1: 90), in
prepositional phrase (1: 54), programme (1: the primary sense (2: 40, 94), initially (1: 91),
28.2), purpose (13: 2, 4, 5, 9, 13, 23, 38, 39, 40, pre-eminently (2: 38, 91), primarily (18: 3, 14,
42, 48, 69, 75), subject (of a work) (1: 13), thesis 17, 19, 20, 27, 28.1, 38, 47, 51, 61, 67, 70, 73, 90,
(1: 6.2), undertaking (1: 41.2) 93, 94, 99), primary (3: 27, 28.1, 60), prime (1:
prothesmia appointed time (1: 97.1) 99), primitively (1: 93); prôtistos absolutely
prothesmia tou biou fixed length of life (1: 60) first (1: 73), absolutely primary (1: 73), first (1:
prothumeisthai to be eager (1: 43.2), to be zealos (1: 93), first and foremost (1: 67), most primary (2:
55), to desire (2: 78, 79), to exert oneself (1: 79), 20, 76), primary (2: 76, 93), prime (1: 92.1),
to strive (1: 51) very first (4: 17, 19, 76, 92.1); en prôtois
prothumêteon one must proceed eagerly (1: 68) initially (1: 12); to prôton at first (1: 19),
prothumia desire (3: 1, 84, 97.2), eager desire (1: 86.1), priority (1: 23), the antecedent (1: 10.2), the
eagerness (1: 1), impulse (1: 86.2), passion (1: first (1: 60), what is first (1: 56); ho prôtos
72), zeal (1: 54) kinêsas progenitor (1: 15); prôtê hulê prime
prothumos eager (1: 43.2), zealous (1: 51) matter (1: 21); prôton aisthêtikon primary
protiman to prefer (3: 48, 51, 54), to value above (1: capacity for sense perception (1: 25), primary
56), to value more highly (1: 48) perceptive part (1: 38); prôton aition primary
protimêsis honouring (1: 39) cause (1: 61); prôton diaporein to begin by
protimos : protimôteros of greater importance working through aporiae (1: 10.2); to prôton
(1: 2) dunamei what is in potentiality in the first way
protithenai to add (1: 35.2), to assign (1: 78), to display (1: 56); prôton kai husteron prior and
(1: 69), to have the intention (1: 27), to intend posterior (2: 10.2, 16); prôton noêma primary
(1: 17), to present (1: 94), to project (1: 18.2), to thought (1: 61); prôton proepinoeisthai to be
propose (16: 14, 18.2, 19, 27, 38, 41.2, 56, 73, conceptually prior (1: 12); prôtôs aisthêtikê
75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 90, 93), to propound (1: primary capacity for sense perception (1: 25);
9), to put before (2: 19, 35.2), to put forward (8: prôtos philosophos first philosopher (1: 61), he
9, 17, 19, 35.2, 40, 57, 79, 93), to put in front (1: who practises first philosophy (1: 74),
40), to set out (6: 18.2, 35.2, 54, 55, 60, 83), to metaphysician (1: 63); prôtôs kinein to be the
undertake (1: 20) pimary mover (1: 42), to cause motion
protithesthai to add (1: 51), to be available (1: 25), primarily (1: 42); teôs to proton as to the first
to be presented (2: 10.2, 16), to pose (a (1: 34/35.1); to kinoun prôtôs the primary
question) (1: 59), to prefer (1: 69), to propose mover (1: 42); to prôtên einai primacy (1: 42);
(15: 3, 9, 10.2, 16, 21, 25, 42, 51, 54, 55, 64, 65, 69, to prôton kenon the first sort of void (1: 18.2);
88, 89), to put before (1: 42), to put first (1: 12), to prôton kinêsan the first mover (4: 15, 19, 42,
to put forward (1: 65), to set oneself a task (1: 99); to prôton kinoun the first mover (3: 19, 42,
92.1), to set oneself the task of (1: 59), to set out 99), the prime mover (1: 99); to prôtôs
(1: 88), to set out to (1: 59), to undertake (1: 59), enuparkhon primary ingredient (1: 92.2); to


prôtôs kinêsan the first mover (1: 42), the (1: 32); proüphestôs existing antecedently (1:
primary mover (1: 42); to prôtôs kinoun the 11)
first mover (3: 42, 61, 100), the primary agent of proüpoballein to lay a foundation (1: 40), to submit (1:
movement (1: 67), the primary mover (1: 42), 40), to suggest in advance (1: 40)
what first moves (1: 100), what causes motion proüpoballesthai to pre-establish as a basis (1: 25),
primarily (1: 99); to prôtôs on primary reality to underlie (1: 74)
(1: 22) proüpographê preliminary outline (1: 11)
prôtotupos prototypical (1: 45/46) proüpokataskeuê foretaste (1: 48)
prôtotupôs primarily (1: 35.2); to prôtotupon proüpokeisthai to be already in existence (1: 80), to be
original (3: 19, 28.1, 56), primordial form (1: laid down in advance (1: 84), to be laid down
100), prototype (2: 20, 51) previously (1: 17), to be pre-established (1: 73),
prôtourgos originally creative (1: 14), primally efficacious to be present before (1: 56), to exist as a
(1: 70), primary (3: 39, 48, 92.2), primeval (1: 99), foundation (1: 12), to precede (1: 23), to
primordial (1: 45/46), prior (1: 48) pre-exist (3: 44, 48, 76), to pre-underlie (1: 76),
to prôtourgon primary active principle (1: 74); hê to propound (1: 88), to serve as a foundation (1:
prôtourgos aitia primary productive cause (1: 39), to underlie previously (1: 32)
74) proüpokeimenos pre-established (1: 73),
protrekhein to be a forerunner (1: 25) presupposed (1: 73); to proüpokeimenon
protrepein to encourage (1: 61), to exhort (3: 10.1, 29.1, presupposition (1: 73)
52), to urge (1: 10.1) proüpolambanein to assume in advance (1: 73)
protropê encouragement (1: 61), exhortation (1: 16) proüpomnêmatizein : ho proüpomnêmatisamenos
proümnein to remind (1: 44) previous commentator (1: 68), earlier
proüpantan to advance (1: 95) commentator (1: 59)
proüparkhein to already exist (2: 12, 98), to already proüpotithenai to establish over (1: 39), to give
subsist (1: 93), to be a predecessor (1: 27), to be priority to (1: 78), to hypothesise in the
a prior condition (1: 26), to be already present antecedent (1: 78), to lay down in advance (1:
(1: 80), to be before (1: 18.2), to be present (1: 83), to posit previously (1: 51), to previously
40), to be present already (1: 12), to be present assume (1: 60), to propose (1: 18.2), to
before (1: 38), to be present first (1: 28.1), to be undertake (1: 68)
present in advance (1: 56), to be present proüpotithesthai to presuppose (1: 42), to suppose
previously (2: 28.2, 57), to be prior (3: 27, 78, to be prior (1: 28.1)
94), to be prior in time (1: 100), to be prior to prouptos plain (1: 90)
(1: 41.2), to be there before (1: 91), to come prourgou : prourgou pantos above all (1: 51)
before (1: 99), to exist already (2: 68, 79), to proxenein to recommend (1: 4)
exist before (8: 2, 15, 21, 44, 54, 67, 83, 92.2), to prumna stern (1: 72)
exist beforehand (4: 12, 40, 52, 68), to exist first ek prumnês from the stern (1: 29.1)
(1: 97.1), to exist in a prior way (1: 54), to exist psaltês player of strings (1: 86.1)
in actuality before coming to be (1: 92.2), to psammos sand (1: 57)
exist previously (2: 27, 78), to exist prior to (2: psathuros friable (1: 25), loose-textured (1: 57), stiff (1:
41.1, 94), to have prior existence (1: 39), to 24), uncohesive (1: 38)
occur previously (1: 32), to precede (8: 21, 27, psauein to touch (1: 52)
44, 73, 83, 92.2, 98, 99), to precede in existence psegein to blame (3: 21, 45/46, 52), to censure (1: 60)
(1: 68), to pre-exist (34: 1, 2, 7, 10.2, 11, 16, 17, psêgma shavings (2: 78, 79)
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 39, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 50, 51, psekas drizzle (1: 20), drop (1: 95), raindrop (1: 95)
56, 58, 59, 60, 73, 75, 80, 83, 89, 92.1, 92.2, 94, psektos blamed (1: 45/46), blameworthy (2: 29.1, 69),
97.1, 99), to previously exist (1: 60), to subsist in to be censured (1: 60)
advance (1: 70) psêlaphan to feel (1: 34/35.1), to grope (1: 56), to probe
proproüparkhôn pre-existent (1: 99), previously (1: 91)
existing (2: 64, 65); proüparkhousai ousiai psellizein to lisp (1: 2)
substances already in existence (1: 10.2) psêphis pebble (4: 12, 18.2, 54, 57)
proüpeinai to pre-exist (1: 25) psêphisma decree (2: 23, 86.2), motion (1: 35.2)
proüphistanai to be pre-existent (1: 22), to be psêphos vote (1: 51)
previously (1: 27) pseudarion fallacy (1: 90)
proüphistasthai to be already in existence (1: pseudein to be false (1: 7), to deceive (1: 22), to delude
59), to exist before (1: 61), to exist prior to (1: (1: 95), to speak falsely (2: 7, 23)
91), to have prior existence (1: 58), to pre-exist pseudesthai to be false (8: 7, 16, 29.1, 35.2, 36, 85,
(1: 39); proüpostênai to have come to subsist 93, 99), to be in error (3: 4, 10.2, 16), to be
before (1: 94); proüphestanai to pre-exist wrong (1: 67), to deceive (1: 15), to defraud (1:

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

52), to express a falsehood (1: 40), to express psophêtikos able to emit a sound (1: 91), able to sound
false statements (1: 5), to lie (3: 15, 16, 85), to (1: 38), audible (1: 28.2), capable of making a
make a false claim (1: 25), to possess falsehood sound (1: 24), having a capacity to produce
(1: 91), to run into falsehood (2: 34/35.1, 35.2), sound (1: 25), making a sound (1: 54), sounding
to say something false (1: 35.2), to speak a (1: 98), such as to make a sound (1: 57), that
falsehood (2: 61, 74), to speak falsely (6: 35.2, causes sound (1: 28.2), that sounds (2: 28.2, 57)
40, 60, 69, 79, 89), to tell a lie (1: 41.2); psophêtikê dunamis power to make sound (1: 57)
pseudomenos false (2: 23, 72); epseusmenôs psophos noise (6: 22, 23, 24, 52, 67, 95), sound (25: 2,
falsely (1: 99); to pseudesthai falsehood (1: 5) 16, 18.2, 19, 23, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36,
pseudês erroneous (1: 16), fallacious (2: 30/31, 69), 38, 40, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 75, 83, 91, 93, 95,
false (48: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 98), voiced consonant (1: 15)
25, 27, 28.1, 29.1, 30/31, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 40, 42, psôrian to itch (1: 12)
44, 52, 54, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 73, 75, psukhagôgia guidance (1: 51)
76, 79, 83, 85, 90, 91, 93, 95, 97.2, 98, 99), in error psukhaios psychic (1: 11)
(1: 16), untrue (1: 40) psukhê mental abilities (1: 17), mind (4: 7, 50, 58, 59),
pseudôs falsely (3: 25, 29.1, 36); to pseudes soul (84: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
falsehood (4: 10.2, 28.2, 42, 73) 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1,
pseudodoxein to be of the wrong opinion (1: 51), to 28.2, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 42,
hold false beliefs (1: 27) 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53,
pseudodoxia false belief (1: 79), false beliefs (1: 74), 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 69, 72,
false opinion (5: 21, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36) 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 87,
pseudographein to offer a false construction (1: 40) 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 99, 100)
pseudographêma false (geometrical) construction (1: hê tou pantos psukhê World-Soul (1: 68);
89), false construction (1: 40) noêtikê psukhê soul that is capable of thinking
pseudologia false doctrine (1: 97.1), falsity of (1: 100)
argument (1: 21) psukhein to cause cold (1: 61), to chill (2: 28.2, 59), to
pseudônumos : pseudônumôs falsely called (1: 93), cool (21: 12, 20, 21, 24, 28.2, 38, 40, 42, 44, 54,
pseudonymously (1: 17) 57, 58, 59, 65, 67, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 99), to make
pseudopoiein : pseudopoieisthai to be falsified (1: 16) cold (1: 83), to make colder (1: 79)
pseudos error (1: 16), fallacy (1: 69), falsehood (25: 4, 5, psukhesthai to be chilled (2: 25, 75), to be cooled
7, 12, 16, 21, 22, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 40, 51, (1: 19), to become cold (3: 27, 28.1, 61), to
61, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 90, 91, 93, 99, 100), falsity become cool (1: 44), to cool down (1: 76), to get
(13: 3, 6.1, 7, 15, 23, 25, 29.1, 73, 75, 85, 89, 98, cold (1: 76), to suffer from chill (1: 56)
100), fiction (1: 86.2), mistake (1: 65), something psukhikos animating (1: 69), being the domain of soul
false (1: 3), the false (3: 66, 90, 97.2), what is false (1: 92.2), belonging to soul (1: 52), belonging to
(2: 10.1, 35.2), what is untrue (1: 40) the soul (2: 25, 45/46), by the soul (1: 28.2),
pseustês liar (1: 69) connected with the soul (1: 28.1), due to soul (1:
psileisthai to become weaponless (1: 44) 83), due to the soul (1: 42), having a soul (1: 85),
psilos abstract (1: 64), abstracted (1: 72), alone (1: 59), in souls (1: 45/46), in the soul (2: 45/46, 100),
bare (7: 7, 40, 41.2, 51, 61, 64, 85), just (1: 79), involving soul (2: 54, 83), mental (2: 23, 85), of
mere (2: 25, 40), stripped (1: 41.2), unadorned soul (1: 12), of the soul (19: 3, 4, 22, 26, 28.1,
(1: 58), without any commentary (1: 59) 28.2, 36, 38, 39, 45/46, 52, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69,
psilôs baldly (1: 23); en psilêi epinoiâi in bare 80, 100), psychic (16: 11, 19, 22, 23, 28.2, 41.1,
thought (1: 7); kata psilên epinoian merely in 44, 48, 51, 56, 59, 67, 68, 86.1, 94, 99), psychical
concept (1: 60) (5: 34/35.1, 56, 57, 85, 88), psychological (2: 13,
psimmuthion / psimuthion carbonate of lead (1: 7), 57), soul (1: 91), spiritual (1: 72)
lead paint (1: 76), white lead (7: 19, 57, 59, 67, psukhikôs in one’s soul (1: 45/46); to psukhikon
80, 85, 93) psychic element (1: 67); psukhikê ousia essence
psithurismos whisper (1: 56), whispering (1: 57) of the soul (1: 100), soul’s being (1: 100), soul’s
psittakos parrot (2: 34/35.1, 57) substance (1: 100)
psogos blame (4: 4, 21, 45/46, 69), censure (1: 60) psukhogonia account of the generation of the soul (1:
psophein to bang (1: 57), to emit a sound (1: 91), to 67), account of the origin of the soul (1: 67),
have a sound (1: 28.2), to make a noise (2: 23, generation of the soul (1: 59), psychogony (1:
28.1), to make a sound (6: 19, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 54, 68)
75), to produce a sound (1: 25), to sound (3: psukhomanteia oracle of the dead (1: 97.1)
28.2, 36, 57) psukhos cold (5: 21, 24, 28.2, 38, 88)
psophêsis sound production (1: 25), sounding (2: psukhôsis being given a soul (1: 54), cooling (1: 58),
34/35.1, 36) ensoulment (2: 22, 86.1), source of life (1: 54)


psukhoun to animate (5: 3, 22, 58, 59, 80), to ensoul (2: pugolampis fire-fly (1: 83), glow-worm (4: 28.2, 38, 52,
67, 86.1) 57)
psukhousthai to be ensouled (1: 11), to be given a pukazein to cover (1: 86.1)
soul (1: 55); epsukhômenos having soul (1: 78) puknos close (1: 95), compact (3: 50, 61, 92.1), dense
psukhreuesthai to illustrate bad taste (1: 86.2) (18: 6.1, 7, 18.2, 28.1, 38, 52, 53, 54, 57, 76, 78, 79,
psukhros cold (42: 5, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 84, 85, 88, 92.1, 95, 98), thick (2: 56, 95),
27, 28.1, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 42, 47, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, vehement (1: 57)
58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 90, puknoteros too dense (1: 24); to puknon density
91, 92.1, 93, 95, 98, 99), cool (1: 20), feeble (1: (2: 52, 61), the dense (1: 2)
80) puknôsis compacting (1: 50), compression (1: 92.1),
to psukhron cold (6: 2, 16, 28.2, 52, 61, 76), condensation (17: 1, 2, 14, 16, 18.2, 42, 60, 61, 75,
coldness (1: 12) 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 92.1, 94), condensing (1: 76),
psukhrotês cold (12: 2, 12, 15, 24, 28.2, 38, 40, 42, 52, densification (1: 98), density (3: 18.2, 54, 98),
60, 85, 99), cold affection (1: 38), coldness (22: 7, process of condensation (1: 61), tightening (1:
12, 16, 19, 21, 24, 25, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 60, 88)
75, 78, 79, 83, 91, 95, 99) puknotês close packing (1: 95), close spacing (1: 95),
psuktos cool (1: 34/35.1) compactness (1: 50), condensation (1: 92.1),
psulla flea (2: 25, 56) dense texture (1: 95), denseness (3: 54, 78, 79),
psuxis becoming cold (1: 83), being cooled (1: 61), chill density (15: 6.1, 10.2, 18.2, 21, 24, 38, 41.2, 42,
(1: 34/35.1), cold (9: 24, 53, 57, 59, 60, 78, 79, 83, 51, 52, 57, 76, 85, 88, 95), sagacity (1: 23), state of
86.1), coldness (10: 1, 7, 47, 54, 56, 60, 68, 80, 83, density (1: 75)
95), cooling (8: 19, 20, 21, 57, 61, 75, 91, 95), puknoun to cause to contract (1: 59), to compress (4: 54,
cooling effect (1: 61), freezing (1: 98) 76, 98, 99), to condense (9: 42, 60, 76, 80, 83, 85,
ptairein : ho ptairôn one who sneezes (1: 72) 88, 95, 98), to densify (1: 99), to make dense (1:
ptaisma blunder (1: 7), error (1: 44), fault (1: 85), 21), to make denser (1: 83), to press together (1:
mistake (1: 78) 76), to thicken (3: 80, 93, 95), to tighten (1: 88)
ptaisma graphikon scribal error (1: 55) puknousthai to be compacted (1: 50), to be
ptênos aerial (1: 7), flying (3: 52, 54, 64), having wings compressed (1: 18.2), to be condensed (4: 18.2,
(3: 15, 64, 65), winged (11: 10.2, 13, 25, 27, 19, 78, 79), to be densified (1: 18.2), to be made
34/35.1, 51, 52, 84, 85, 90, 91) compact (1: 61), to be made dense (1: 75), to be
to ptênon bird (5: 27, 57, 58, 61, 86.1), winged made denser (1: 79), to become dense (3: 14, 57,
creature (3: 24, 57, 68), winged thing (1: 76) 68), to become denser (3: 18.2, 85, 98), to
pteron wing (3: 6.1, 7, 83) become more compact (1: 61), to contract (1:
pterorrhuein to shed one’s wings (1: 86.1) 24), to grow more dense (1: 18.2)
pterorrhuêsis loss of feathers (1: 70), moulting (1: 70) puktês boxer (2: 7, 13)
pterôtos winged (4: 2, 13, 48, 93) puktikos capable of boxing (2: 13, 19)
to pterôton winged creature (1: 7) ho puktikos boxer (2: 7, 48); hê puktikê boxing (1:
pterux wing (4: 19, 57, 64, 91) 7), skill in boxing (1: 48), the art of boxing (1: 13)
ptêsis flight (2: 27, 84), flying (3: 19, 22, 99) puktikotês boxerhood (1: 48)
ptoeisthai to be agitated (1: 34/35.1) puktos trained boxer (1: 48)
ptôsis case (16: 5, 9, 13, 15, 23, 34/35.1, 35.2, 41.1, 48, pulê portal (1: 86.1)
51, 56, 64, 65, 72, 80, 93), case ending (1: 13), pumatos final (1: 85), last (1: 85)
case form (1: 40), condensation (1: 14), fall (7: punthanesthai to ask (1: 52), to ask about (1: 85), to
23, 54, 55, 56, 60, 86.2, 88), falling (1: 39), inquire (1: 54), to inquire about (1: 40), to
grammatical form (1: 7), inflected word (1: 39), inquire after (1: 40)
inflection (3: 7, 35.2, 39), mode (1: 14), puon pus (1: 24)
modification (1: 41.2) pur burning light (1: 35.2), fire (57: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.1, 7, 10.1,
aitiatikê ptôsis accusative case (1: 9); dotikê ptôsis 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28.1,
dative (3: 48, 61, 65), dative case (2: 13, 80); 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 40, 41.1, 42, 44, 47, 52,
eutheia ptôsis nominative case (3: 13, 56, 61); 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 75, 78,
genikê ptôsis genitive case (2: 13, 48); orthê 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99)
ptôsis nominative case (1: 13) puraktoun to fire (1: 68), to heat red-hot (1: 19)
ptôtikos inflected (1: 39), with an oblique case- puraktousthai to be heated (1: 24)
inflection (1: 35.2) puramis candle (1: 19), pyramid (9: 15, 34/35.1, 60, 61,
ptôx hare (1: 57) 68, 78, 79, 84, 85)
ptusis spitting (1: 19) puramoeidês pyramidal (2: 20, 61), pyramidish (1: 78),
ptussein : eptugmenos folded (1: 78) pyramid-shaped (2: 61, 68)
pugmê boxing (1: 20) pureisthai to be heated (1: 44)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

purên (fruit) stone (2: 56, 57), olive stone (2: 18.2, 98), purôdês fiery (9: 12, 28.2, 38, 57, 60, 67, 68, 80, 95)
pip (1: 95), pyren (1: 98), stone (1: 18.2) to purôdes the fiery quality (1: 57)
puretainein to be in a fever (1: 40) puros grain of wheat (1: 86.1), wheat (2: 52, 86.1),
puretos fever (5: 7, 56, 67, 78, 84), fever-case wheat-grain (1: 38)
(1: 56) purôsis a burning (1: 24), conflagration (1: 95), fire (1:
purettein to be feverish (1: 75), to be in a fever (1: 40), 95), ignition (1: 86.1)
to have a fever (1: 40), to have fever (1: 7), to puroun to burn (2: 21, 24), to enflame (1: 79), to heat
suffer from fever (1: 56) (1: 79), to turn into fire (1: 88)
purimakhos pyrimachus (1: 24) puroumenos heated (1: 21)
purios / pureios / purinos fiery (16: 19, 22, 28.1, purpolêsis conflagration (1: 67)
28.2, 54, 56, 57, 61, 65, 67, 68, 80, 83, purrhos bright red (1: 2), red (2: 7, 57)
88, 95, 97.1), flaming (1: 75), of fire (2: pusma inquiry (1: 90)
60, 80) pusmatikos informative (1: 40), questioning (1: 23)
to pureion / to purion burning mirror (1: 88), puthagorizein to pythagorise (1: 70)
fieriness (1: 51), fire-stick (2: 7, 70); ta pureia puthmên base (3: 6.1, 57, 79), bottom (1: 88), depth (2:
kindling materials (1: 57) 54, 55)
purkaia bonfire (1: 20), log (1: 88) putia rennet (1: 24)


rhabdos rod (8: 19, 25, 27, 28.2, 34/35.1, 44, 56, 57), 98), section (1: 27), speech (1: 68), statement (3:
staff (1: 44), stick (2: 52, 99) 25, 44, 57), text (2: 23, 83), things said (1: 83),
rhagas fissure (1: 99) word (1: 44)
rhagdaios violent (1: 95) rhêtor orator (7: 23, 35.2, 40, 72, 73, 89, 93), public
rhagoeidês iris (1: 57) speaker (1: 78), rhetor (1: 23), rhetorician (2:
rhâidios easy (22: 2, 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 18.2, 21, 25, 38, 52, 35.2, 51)
54, 55, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 75, 78, 79, 83, 94), rhêtorikos disposed to oratory (1: 40), rhetorical (3:
simple (1: 94) 51, 57, 73), with oratorical aspirations (1: 15)
rhâidiôs casually (3: 2, 25, 60); rhâidion easily (1: rhêtorikôs rhetorically (1: 93); ho rhêtorikos
60); to rhâidion readiness (1: 52) rhetorician (2: 35.2, 97.2); hê rhêtorikê rhetoric
rhâistônê effortlessness (1: 48), comfort (1: 2), ease (2: (5: 23, 40, 72, 73, 90); ta rhêtorika rhetoric (1:
25, 29.1), freedom (1: 54), relief (1: 79) 35.2); tekhnê rhêtorikê rhetoric (1: 51)
rhâithumia idleness (1: 48), laziness (1: 97.1) rhêtos rational (2: 2, 60), that can be stated (1: 95)
rhâithumos careless (1: 34/35.1), frivolous (1: 51) rhêtôs explicitly (1: 86.1), in his own words (1: 25);
rhakos cloth (1: 57), rag (1: 34/35.1) to rhêton detailed commentary (1: 57),
rhanis drop (5: 20, 34/35.1, 54, 57, 99) expression (1: 16), paragraph (1: 17), passage (7:
rhanis hugrotêtos drop of liquid (1: 97.2) 18.2, 22, 34/35.1, 35.2, 73, 90, 92.1), remark (2: 7,
rhaphanis radish (1: 51) 17), saying (2: 27, 76), sentence (1: 44),
rhapizein to hit (1: 57), to strike (1: 25) something said (1: 83), statement (8: 3, 19, 22,
rhapsôidein to declaim (1: 99) 42, 44, 60, 61, 76), text (6: 22, 23, 56, 57, 92.1,
rhêgnunai to break (2: 57, 98), to break apart (1: 99), to 93), what is said (2: 22, 83), word (3: 20, 22, 83);
burst (2: 6.1, 52), to crack open (1: 99), to split ta rhêta what is said (1: 67), words (3: 68, 78,
apart (1: 99) 98); epi rhêtois on rational terms (1: 97.1)
rhêgnusthai to be broken (2: 25, 50), to be torn rheuma discharge (1: 24), flow (2: 52, 98), flowing (1:
asunder (1: 55), to break (1: 55), to burst (1: 78) 38), stream (3: 19, 38, 86.1)
rhein to be in flux (7: 2, 16, 27, 41.2, 42, 75, 78), to flow rheusis out-flowing (1: 97.2)
(18: 11, 14, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 36, 38, 44, 51, rheustos flowing (1: 83), fluid (2: 44, 70), in flux (2: 56,
52, 57, 78, 83, 86.1, 91), to flow away (1: 12), to 72), subject to change (1: 61)
move (1: 61), to run (2: 14, 22) to rheuston flowing (1: 29.1), flux (1: 29.1),
rhueis fleeting (1: 67) mutability (1: 59)
rhêma expression (1: 25), phrase (1: 97.2), saying (1: rhêxis breaking (1: 54), splitting (1: 99)
11), statement (3: 22, 44, 60), verb (15: 1, 7, 9, 11, rhipis fan (1: 57)
13, 23, 29.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 41.2, 51, 63, 65, 85), rhipizein to fan (2: 21, 28.2)
verbal formulation (1: 67), word (12: 1, 21, 22, rhipsis hurling (1: 95), throw (2: 42, 99), throwing (7:
36, 40, 42, 54, 55, 78, 79, 83, 99) 18.2, 19, 39, 42, 50, 75, 95)
huparktikon rhêma verb of being (1: 35.2) rhiptein to project (2: 54, 55), to release (1: 75), to
rhembesthai to be wool-gathering (1: 34/35.1) throw (10: 18.2, 19, 28.2, 39, 42, 52, 83, 95, 98,
rhepein to be inclined (1: 95), to be on a trajectory (1: 99)
50), to have a tendency to (1: 61), to have an rhiptesthai to be thrown (1: 50); ho rhiptôn
impulsion (2: 79, 83), to have an inclination (1: thrower (1: 42); to rhipsan thrower (1: 19); to
95), to head towards (1: 95), to incline (9: 22, rhiptoun thing that throws (1: 42), what throws
34/35.1, 39, 45/46, 54, 55, 70, 79, 95) (1: 42); to rhiptomenon projectile (1: 18.2),
hopêi an rhepsêi in the direction of its impulse (1: thrown object (1: 75); to rhiptoumenon
18.2) projectile (1: 54), thing that is thrown (1: 42),
rhephanis radish (1: 20) thrown object (1: 42), what is thrown (1: 42); to
rhêseidion passage (2: 61, 67), short passage (1: 92.2), rhiphthen thrown object (1: 75)
short saying (1: 60), gobbet (1: 34/35.1) rhiptikos : ho rhiptikos thrower (1: 99)
rhêsis manner of speaking (1: 23), manner of speech rhiptos thrown (1: 99)
(1: 60), passage (9: 1, 3, 18.2, 19, 23, 42, 68, 79, rhis nose (11: 15, 22, 25, 34/35.1, 38, 56, 57, 73, 85, 86.1,
83), phrase (1: 68), quotation (1: 85), remark (1: 91)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

rhines nostrils (1: 86.1), nose (1: 93) bareia rhopê downward tendency (1: 67);
rhiza root (11: 20, 25, 38, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 85, 86.1, 91) emphutos rhopê momentum (1: 95)
rhizoun : rhizousthai to take root (1: 86.1), to be rhophêma gruel (1: 57)
rooted (2: 34/35.1, 56) rhophêsis drinking (1: 24)
rhizousthai katô to put roots downwards (1: 25) rhuesthai to defend (1: 80)
rhoê flow (2: 11, 14), flux (7: 7, 11, 14, 25, 39, 42, 78) rhuiskesthai to be in flux (1: 87), to flow (3: 14, 61, 87)
rhoizos rush (1: 54), rushing (1: 54), whistle (1: 57) rhuiskomenos in flux (1: 61)
rhomboeidês rhomboidal (1: 54) rhumê force (2: 6.1, 61), forward rush (1: 50), impulse
rhônnunai to strengthen (2: 20, 60) (1: 18.2), impulsion (1: 18.2), power (1: 98),
rhônnusthai to be healthy (1: 52), to be strong (1: 56), pressure (1: 75), rush (1: 6.1)
to stand firm (1: 34/35.1); errhômenos in good rhupos dirt (1: 57)
order (2: 17, 93), powerful (2: 54, 55), valid (2: 73, rhuptikos able to cleanse (2: 38, 91)
90), vigorous (1: 28.2); errhômenesteros stronger rhusis flow (7: 7, 14, 22, 24, 73, 85, 90), flowing (1: 87),
(1: 90); mê errhôsthai to be invalid (1: 90) flux (9: 2, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 16, 23, 27, 29.1, 58),
rhoos current (1: 54) movement (1: 67), passage (1: 87), state of flux
rhopê deviation (1: 26), directional tendency (1: 25), (1: 61)
downswing (of a scale) (1: 75), downward rhusmos rhythm (1: 2), shape (1: 61)
inclination (1: 48), downward momentum (1: rhuthmikos rhythmic (1: 41.2)
95), downward thrust (1: 41.2), force (2: 53, 98), rhuthmizein to bring into order (1: 86.1), to give
impulse (7: 6.1, 11, 18.2, 40, 52, 58, 98), order to (1: 57), to give shape (1: 48), to regulate
impulsion (4: 75, 78, 79, 83), inclination (21: 1, (2: 56, 97.1)
11, 12, 17, 19, 22, 28.2, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45/46, 48, rhuthmizesthai to be ordered (1: 4), to be trained
53, 54, 55, 67, 68, 70, 86.2, 89), influence (1: 22), (1: 100)
internal inclination (2: 2, 15), momentum (1: rhuthmos arrangement (1: 89), organisation (1: 17),
40), momentum downwards (1: 1), natural rhythm (6: 23, 35.2, 41.2, 57, 90, 91)
inclination (1: 10.2), tendency (13: 17, 18.2, 20, rhutidoun to shrivel (2: 7, 51)
22, 27, 28.1, 29.1, 42, 44, 52, 60, 91, 94), tilt (1: rhutidousthai to become wrinkled (1: 57)
99), trajectory (1: 50), weight (4: 7, 20, 51, 54) rhutos fluid (1: 57)


sagênê net (1: 88) sathros invalid (1: 99), rotten (1: 6.2), unsound (5: 2,
sagêneutês net-fisherman (1: 88) 29.1, 42, 83, 99)
sainein to fawn (1: 57), to grin (1: 57) sathrotês feebleness (1: 85), unsoundness (1: 84)
saleuein to infringe (1: 44), to overflow (1: 98), to sbennunai to extinguish (2: 20, 61), to quench (2: 21,
render unstable (1: 75), to rock (1: 99), to set in 67)
motion (1: 99), to shake (5: 27, 41.2, 83, 94, 99), sbennumenos extinguished (1: 78)
to undermine (1: 83), to upset (1: 57) sbesis extinction (1: 99)
saleuesthai to be shaken (1: 29.1), to be sebas reverence (1: 54)
undermined (1: 54) sebasmios respected (1: 23)
salpinx trumpet (4: 18.2, 23, 67, 91) sebein to revere (1: 52), to reverence (1: 52), to worship
sanis panel (1: 57), plank (2: 23, 35.2), planking (1: 59, (1: 70)
timber (1: 93) sebesthai to be awestruck (1: 51), to be reverenced
saphêneia clarification (8: 3, 11, 23, 35.2, 41.2, 48, 64, (1: 55), to reverence (1: 84)
83), clarity (11: 5, 23, 25, 40, 51, 56, 64, 65, 89, 93, seiein to shake (1: 57)
94), clear knowledge (1: 7), clear meaning (1: seiesthai to quake (1: 77), to vibrate (1: 28.2)
11), clearness (1: 7), distinctness (1: 40), seira chain (3: 7, 51, 97.2), chord (1: 67), line (1: 61),
elucidation (1: 48), explication (1: 23) series (3: 51, 72, 90)
pros saphêneian to clarify (1: 94) kata seiran in serial fashion (1: 51)
saphênizein to clarify (12: 19, 22, 27, 28.2, 35/35.1, 35.2, seismos earthquake (8: 25, 29.1, 54, 55, 61, 88, 95, 97.1)
48, 51, 55, 78, 79, 93), to clear up (1: 42), to selênaios lunar (1: 86.2), moonlike (1: 28.2)
elucidate (1: 83), to explain (3: 22, 28.2, 88), to selênaia orê Moon Mountains (1: 6.1)
expound (1: 42), to interpret (1: 6.2), to make selênê moon (40: 1, 2, 6.2, 10.2, 12, 18.2, 23, 25, 26, 29.1,
clear (7: 5, 22, 28.2, 35.2, 83, 90, 98), to make 35/35.1, 40, 42, 44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
plain (1: 28.2) 61, 64, 67, 68, 70, 73, 77, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88,
saphês apparent (1: 90), clear (28: 5, 6.1, 7, 16, 18.2, 19, 90, 93, 95, 97.2, 99)
20, 25, 40, 42, 44, 51, 54, 55, 56, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73, dikhotomos selênê half moon (2: 56, 88); ho hupo
76, 78, 79, 83, 90, 91, 93, 94), distinct (1: 40), selênên kosmos the sublunary world (1: 88);
distinctly clear (1: 40), evident (2: 61, 76), hupo selênên below the moon (1: 95), sublunar
obvious (3: 18.2, 25, 42), perspicuous (1: 91), (1: 99), sublunary (12: 11, 12, 26, 42, 44, 53, 54,
plain (1: 76) 78, 79, 83, 88, 95); ta hupo selênên sublunaries
saphôs clearly (11: 4, 16, 18.2, 25, 42, 44, 54, 55, 73, (1: 6.2); to hupo selênên pan sublunary
86.1, 99), plainly (1: 44); saphesteros clearer (2: universe (1: 11)
20, 63), more obvious (1: 20); to saphes clarity selêniakos lunar (11: 20, 42, 54, 55, 68, 72, 73, 83, 86.2,
(2: 51, 76); saphesteron deiknunai to clarify 88, 95), of the moon (4: 58, 88, 94, 95), proper to
further (1: 76); saphesteron poiein to clarify (1: the moon (1: 70), the moon’s (1: 58)
94); saphôs gignôskein to have a clear selêniakê sphaira lunar sphere (1: 6.1), sphere of
understanding (1: 86.1) the moon (1: 57)
saphia clarity (1: 93) selidion block (1: 35.2)
saprotês rottenness (2: 21, 24) selis a papyrus column (1: 84), block (1: 35.2), page (1:
sardios : sardios lithos carnelian (1: 57) 84)
sarkion bit of flesh (1: 76), blastocyst (2: 63, 76), flesh sêma sign (2: 85, 92.1), tomb (1: 97.1)
portion (1: 76), flesh-bits (1: 76), fleshlet (1: 76), enkuklia sêmata revolving bodies (1: 88)
little bit of flesh (1: 85), piece of flesh (2: 57, 60) sêmainein to apply (1: 7), to ascribe (1: 22), to
sarkôdês fleshy (1: 60) communicate (1: 25), to designate (3: 18.2, 76,
sarkophagos carnivorous (1: 51) 100), to exemplify (1: 27), to express (1: 94), to
sarkopteros flesh-winged (1: 48) give the sense (1: 41.2), to have a meaning (1:
sarx flesh (30: 2, 6.1, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28.1, 63), to have a reference (1: 76), to have a sense
28.2, 35/35.1, 36, 37, 44, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, (2: 22, 85), to have meaning (1: 61), to identify
76, 78, 80, 83, 85, 91, 92.1), meat (1: 37), skin (1: (2: 63, 76), to indicate (25: 4, 7, 21, 22, 27, 28.2,
86.1), tissue (1: 59) 43.1, 43.3, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69, 76, 79, 83,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

86.1, 92.1, 93, 95, 98, 99), to inform (1: 22), to 35/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 50, 51,
intend (1: 59), to mean (45: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68,
14, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28.2, 30/31, 40, 42, 44, 69, 70, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93,
51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 73, 76, 77, 79, 94, 95, 98), position (1: 32), sign (44: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9,
80, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 98, 99), to 10.1, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.2,
note (2: 67, 98), to notice (1: 28.2), to point out 30/31, 35/35.1, 38, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 50,
(1: 67), to refer (3: 30/31, 44, 76), to refer to (6: 52, 54, 55, 56, 59, 61, 65, 69, 72, 73, 75, 78, 85, 88,
7, 22, 27, 58, 59, 61), to show (2: 18.2, 27), to 90, 95), spot (1: 95), track (1: 98)
signal (1: 86.1), to signify (59: 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, eis to auto sêmeion apokathistasthai to complete a
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, revolution (1: 68); idion sêmeion distinctive
30/31, 35/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, sign (1: 16); to kata koruphên sêmeion zenith
43.3, 44, 48, 50, 51, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, (1: 1); kata sêmeion at a point (1: 10.2)
67, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 85, 86.2, 87, 89, 90, sêmeiôsis diagnosis (1: 40)
91, 92.1, 93, 94, 99), to take as a sign (1: 27) sêmeioun to infer (1: 9), to interpret (1: 86.2), to
sêmainesthai to be signified (1: 16); mention (1: 18.2), to note (6: 40, 44, 54, 56, 73,
sêmainomenos being signified (1: 14), denoted 93), to notice (1: 87), to point out (1: 93), to
(1: 27), referred to (1: 14), signified (2: 23, 72); remark (1: 40), to take note (1: 76)
to sêmainein signification (1: 16); to sêmeiousthai to infer (1: 26), to note (3: 17,
semainomenon expression (1: 77), meaning 35/35.1, 52); sêmeiôteos to be signalled (1: 83);
(19: 2, 3, 7, 18.2, 23, 27, 35.2, 41.1, 56, 59, 60, 61, sêmeiôteon it must be pointed out (1: 93), it
63, 67, 69, 73, 76, 77, 86.2, 90), sense (17: 17, 22, should be noted (1: 30), it should be pointed
27, 44, 52, 58, 59, 63, 67, 76, 78, 80, 83, 86.1, 91, out (1: 65), one should note (1: 10.2)
94), significance (2: 14, 27), signification (7: 13, sêmerinos today (1: 23)
14, 17, 25, 42, 44, 75), thing signified (4: 16, 17, sêmeron today (3: 54, 55, 84)
35.2, 63), what is signified (3: 7, 18.2, 27); ison semnos august (1: 54), exalted (1: 22), grand (1: 27),
kai tauton sêmainein to mean the same thing profound (1: 61), proud (1: 69), respected (1: 4),
as (1: 30); ison sêmainein to be equivalent in solemn (2: 23, 85), stately (1: 23), worthy (1: 74)
meaning (1: 10.2); kata poion sêmainomenon semnotês dignity (2: 44, 69), lofty diction (1: 20)
in what sense (1: 67); kath’ ho sêmainomenon semnunein to be proud (1: 86.1), to glorify (1: 84), to
in this sense (1: 67); mê sêmainein to speak in a lofty manner (1: 20)
not-signify (1: 16); ti sêmainei what it signifies semnunesthai to pride oneself (1: 69), to take pride
(1: 73) in (1: 69)
sêmantikos capable of communicating (1: 25), having sêpedôn decay (1: 26), putrefaction (1: 84)
meaning (1: 35.2), indicative (5: 22, 54, 55, 56, sêpein ‘putrifaction’ (1: 60)
60), indicative of (1: 61), meaning (1: 7), sêpesthai to be rotten (1: 57), to decay (1: 21), to
referring to (1: 78), semantic (3: 23, 41.1, 51), putrefy (2: 24, 84), to rot (3: 24, 56, 91)
semantical (1: 7), signalling (1: 28.2), significant sêpia cuttle-fish (1: 38)
(11: 5, 13, 16, 20, 23, 35.2, 38, 39, 41.2, 57, 72), sêpsis decay (2: 21, 70), infection (1: 35/35.1),
significative (1: 39), significatory (2: 28.2, 35.2), putrefaction (5: 24, 56, 83, 86.1, 97.2), rot (1: 38),
signifying (6: 7, 22, 40, 41.1, 65, 73), that can rotting (1: 70)
signify (1: 28.2), that has a meaning (1: 2), that sidêreos made of iron (1: 61)
indicates (2: 28.2, 100), that is significant (1: 9), sidêrion iron thing (1: 18.2), piece of iron (1: 18.2),
that signifies (7: 9, 16, 22, 28.2, 40, 57, 90) iron (1: 86.1)
sêmantikos einai to involve a reference to (1: 58), sidêritis iron-like (1: 21)
to mean (2: 22, 58), to point to (1: 58), to refer sidêritis lithos iron-stone (1: 18.2)
to (1: 76), to signify (6: 17, 22, 35.2, 40, 57, 76) sidêros blade (1: 91), iron (19: 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24,
sêmasia expression (1: 58), meaning (14: 18.2, 23, 25, 28.2, 38, 52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 68, 79, 84, 88, 98)
35/35.1, 35.2, 39, 43.2, 55, 57, 59, 60, 73, 84, 88, sigan to be silent (2: 12, 35/35.1), to not mention (1:
90), reference (1: 58), sense (1: 27), significance 86.1)
(3: 17, 27, 63), signification (9: 5, 23, 41.1, 41.2, sigêtheisa aporia unspoken difficulty (1: 35/35.1)
48, 51, 57, 58, 72), way of signifying (1: 35/35.1) sigê silence (2: 25, 57)
hê sêmasia autou what it means (1: 73) sikua cupping glass (2: 21, 79)
sêmeion device (on a ring) (1: 28.2), evidence (3: 85, simos snub (5: 17, 22, 26, 73, 93), snubnosed (6: 16,
91, 93), evidentiary sign (1: 89), indication (15: 35/35.1, 40, 56, 57, 85)
2, 10.1, 14, 16, 28.2, 30/31, 40, 57, 65, 73, 79, 85, to simon snubness (1: 25)
91, 95, 99), indicator (1: 73), instant (1: 58), simotês snubness (6: 17, 25, 40, 63, 73, 93),
mark (3: 25, 79, 98), point (60: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10.2, 11, snubnosedness (3: 26, 35/35.1, 57)
14, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, sinêpi mustard (1: 88), mustard seed (1: 78)


siôpan to silence (2: 60, 20) 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 51, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64,
kata to siôpômenon labein to take implicitly 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.2,
(1: 67) 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 99), figure of a syllogism (1:
siôpê silence (2: 28.1, 97.1) 54), form (13: 1, 10.2, 14, 22, 30/31, 39, 43.2, 44,
sition / sitia food (6: 4, 24, 56, 57, 61, 86.1) 55, 73, 88, 90, 94), form of argument (1: 35.2),
sitos corn (1: 56) geometric shape (1: 87), geometrical figure (1:
skalênos scalene (4: 60, 73, 78, 79) 61), gesture (1: 23), mathematical figure (1: 61),
skaleuein to poke in (1: 67) outline (1: 94), shape (56: 2, 4, 6.1, 10.1, 10.2, 12,
skaptein to dig (2: 52, 84), to dig a trench (1: 85) 13, 14, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28.1,
skaros parrot-wrasse (1: 57) 28.2, 32, 35/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 41.2, 44, 52, 53, 54,
skazein to be defective (1: 7) 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 67, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83,
skedannunai to scatter (3: 18.2, 52, 98) 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98),
skedasmos dispersion (2: 20, 79) structure (2: 76, 89)
skedastos dissoluble (1: 61), prone to scatter (1: 84), skhêma epipolaion surface figure (1: 51); skhêma
such as to be scattered (1: 57), that tends to tês lexeôs form of the expression (1: 40);
scatter (1: 56) paraleiptikon skhêma paralipsis (1: 78); to
skelos end (of a compass) (1: 90), leg (6: 4, 15, 59, 68, para to skhêma formally (1: 90)
85, 91), limb (2: 35/35.1, 35.2) skhêmatikos diagrammatic (1: 44)
dia skelôn on foot (1: 59); peripatêsis dia skelôn skhêmatisis shaping (2: 19, 75)
using legs to walk (1: 86.1) skhêmatismos arrangement (1: 14), configuration (10:
skemma argument (1: 74), inquiry (3: 51, 54, 79), 11, 26, 44, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 66, 83), entire
investigation (2: 50, 94), problem (2: 48, 99), configuration (1: 86.2), form (1: 23), formation
study (1: 72), subject (1: 68) (1: 35.2), schematization (1: 65), shaping (1: 13),
skênê tent (1: 61) word formation (1: 72)
skênôma tabernacle (1: 84) skhêmatizein to arrange (1: 88), to assign a figure (1:
skeparnon adze (3: 4, 35/35.1, 57), axe (1: 61) 79), to assign figures (1: 78), to configure (1: 83),
skepasma clothing (1: 91), shelter (3: 56, 61, 67) to determine the shape (of something) (1: 28.2),
skepazein to cover (1: 56), to protect (1: 35/35.1) to draw (1: 44), to fashion (2: 17, 26), to form (3:
skepê covering (1: 35/35.1), shelter (4: 4, 10.2, 51, 56) 40, 97.1, 97.2), to formulate (1: 89), to frame (1:
skepein to hide (1: 67), to protect (2: 38, 61) 40), to give figure to (1: 48), to give shape (4:
skepsis analysis (1: 60), consideration (3: 21, 42, 56), 28.1, 61, 67, 83), to give shape to (2: 26, 92.1), to
examination (1: 16), inquiry (12: 22, 27, 39, 43.1, impose a shape (1: 75), to impose a structure (1:
44, 67, 69, 73, 75, 77, 78, 93), investigation (10: 89), to make into a shape (1: 25), to position (1:
22, 23, 25, 45/46, 60, 64, 67, 89, 94, 99), question 88), to re-shape (1: 88), to schematize (1: 65), to
(1: 41.2), science (1: 41.2) shape (15: 12, 17, 18.2, 20, 28.2, 38, 40, 52, 56, 57,
skeptesthai to consider (2: 20, 25), to examine (2: 18.2, 67, 76, 80, 91, 93), to structure (1: 76), to
86.1), to investigate (4: 25, 45/46, 75, 89), to transform (1: 94)
think (1: 93), to think about (1: 93) skhêmatizesthai to be assigned a figure (1: 79), to
skepteon must be considered (1: 60), one must be given a shape (2: 78, 79), to be shaped (4: 19,
consider (1: 19), one should investigate (1: 64), 54, 78, 79), to conform (1: 24), to have a shape
to be considered (1: 60), to be sought (1: 93), we (1: 85), to have shape (1: 35/35.1), to take one’s
must look at (1: 17), we should inquire (1: 54), shape (1: 24), to take the form of (1: 97.1);
we should investigate (1: 78) eskhêmatismenos given a specific form (1:
skeuarion : skeuaria household possessions (1: 17) 97.2), that exhibits form (1: 94), that possesses
skeuastos artificial (2: 17, 38) form (1: 94); katêgorikôs skhêmatizein to
skeuazein to prepare (1: 67) transform into a categorical syllogism (1: 94)
skeuoreisthai to draw (1: 86.2) skhêmatographein to use diagrams (1: 44)
skeuôrêma fraud (1: 58) skhêmatographia star map (1: 54)
skeuos artifact (1: 20), furniture (1: 51), household skhesis aspect (2: 9, 87), being disposed (towards
object (1: 17), utensil (2: 7, 57), vessel (1: 50) something) (1: 33), condition (1: 39),
skeustikos preparative (1: 56) connection (1: 22), content (1: 87), interrelation
skhedon almost (2: 20, 40), effectively (1: 40), I suppose (1: 22), meaning (1: 87), pattern (1: 59),
(1: 21), in a rough way (1: 64), practically (7: perspective (1: 94), position (3: 14, 67, 68),
10.2, 16, 40, 54, 55, 64, 83) possession (1: 39), relation (66: 1, 2, 5, 6.1, 6.2, 7,
skhedon luein to all but solve (1: 10.2) 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27,
skhêma appearance (1: 65), configuration (2: 39, 86.2), 28.1, 32, 35/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2,
figure (54: 2, 3, 7, 9, 10.2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 42, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58,
20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 30/31, 32, 33, 35/35.1, 35.2, 39, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 78, 80, 83,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

86.2, 89, 90, 91, 92.2, 94, 95, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), skiatraphein to lead one’s life indoors (1: 57)
relationship (17: 10.1, 19, 27, 28.1, 32, 35/35.1, skiazein to cover by shadow (1: 88), to shadow (1: 88),
35.2, 42, 44, 48, 57, 61, 67, 69, 80, 98, 99), relative to throw into shadow (1: 58)
disposition (2: 12, 39), relative position (2: 44, skiazesthai to be in shadow (2: 57, 95), to be dark
95), respect (1: 14), role (1: 17), situation (1: 93), (1: 93), to be overshadowed (1: 95);
state (6: 1, 5, 17, 27, 32, 52), stationary condition eskiasmenos shady (1: 57)
(1: 94), status (1: 93), way of being related (1: skidnanai to scatter (1: 52)
35/35.1) skidnasthai to be dispersed (1: 25), to be shredded
skhesei in a way that is relative (1: 94), in how (1: 57)
things are related (1: 35/35.1), relative (1: 94); skieros covered in shadow (1: 55), dark (1: 54)
en skhesei relational (1: 14), relative to (1: 94); skindapsos skindapsos (nonsense word) (2: 23, 35.2),
kata skhesin relational (3: 18.2, 44, 54), thingummybob (1: 70)
relatively (2: 7, 14); kata skhesin pros hêmas skioeidês shadowy (1: 61)
relative to us (1: 14); anadekhesthai skhesin to skioeidôs like shadows (1: 92.2)
come to stand in a relation with (1: 59) skirros tumour (1: 57)
skhetikos relational (5: 7, 22, 27, 48, 54), relatively skirtan to jump (1: 86.1)
dispositional (1: 39) sklêrophthalmos hard-eyed (3: 38, 57, 91)
skhetikôs relatively (1: 3) to sklêrophthalmon creature with hard eyes (1:
skhetliazein to complain (1: 23) 28.2)
skhisis bisection (1: 22), splitting (2: 24, 88) sklêros hard (18: 11, 19, 21, 24, 25, 38, 42, 52, 56, 57, 58,
skhistos capable of being split (1: 24), fissile (1: 24), 75, 78, 88, 92.1, 93, 98, 99), harsh (3: 44, 55, 78),
twofold (1: 61) rebarbative (1: 11)
hodos skhistê cross-roads (1: 61) sklêrosarkos hard-fleshed (1: 57)
skhizein to carve up (1: 67), to cut (1: 67), to divide (2: sklerotês hardness (1: 79), hard affection (1: 38),
67, 91), to sever (1: 95), to split (4: 11, 22, 52, 67) hardness (7: 6.1, 24, 25, 52, 83, 91, 98)
skhizesthai to be split (1: 98), to unfold (1: 86.1); to sklêrunein to harden (1: 24)
skhizesthai splitting (1: 24) skôlêx grub (3: 35/35.1, 56, 57), maggot (1: 76), worm
skhizopteros feather-winged (1: 48) (6: 2, 24, 25, 84, 86.1, 91)
to skhizopteron creature with feathered wings skolios tortuous (2: 20, 57)
(1: 7) skoliôs out of order (1: 35/35.1)
skhoinos rope (2: 19, 67), rope of twisted rushes (1: 57) skoliotês crookedness (1: 6.1), tortuosity (1: 20)
skholaios : skholaiteron more slowly (1: 57) skopein to ask (1: 59), to attend to (1: 14), to consider
skholastikos advocate (1: 97.2) (10: 7, 14, 19, 25, 59, 69, 73, 75, 90, 99), to
skholazein to be free from (1: 61), to be interested in examine (9: 14, 16, 18.2, 22, 44, 51, 58, 60, 99), to
(1: 20), to have leisure (1: 2) face (1: 86.1), to focus (1: 94), to inquire (4: 17,
skholê comment (1: 44), concern (1: 97.1), discussion 20, 45/46, 89), to inquire into (1: 77), to
(2: 42, 74), doctrines (1: 88), freedom (1: 61), investigate (11: 18.2, 54, 59, 78, 79, 84, 85, 86.1,
lecture (5: 6.2, 25, 43.3, 74, 87), leisure (5: 2, 21, 92.1, 94, 99), to look (1: 85), to look at (7: 17, 44,
43.2, 43.3, 83), school (1: 51), special study (1: 58, 59, 69, 98, 99), to look for (1: 77), to look
25), study (2: 20, 74) into (1: 93), to look to (1: 69), to observe (2: 44,
skholai notes (1: 98); skholêi in vain (1: 17); ou 58), to reflect (1: 69), to see (3: 22, 60, 93), to
skholê hêmin we don’t have time (1: 90) seek (1: 77), to view (1: 22)
skholikos : skholikon sungramma commentary skopeisthai to examine (2: 2, 16); to skopeisthai
(1: 88) consideration (1: 44); epaktikôs skopein to run
skholika sungrammata school commentary (1: 88) through the examples (1: 94)
skholion discussion (1: 12) skopimos aimed at (2: 56, 93), purposeful (1: 17),
skia shade (3: 20, 35/35.1, 61), shadow (18: 7, 22, 28.2, relevant (1: 27), suitable (1: 61)
35/35.1, 52, 55, 57, 58, 68, 70, 72, 73, 88, 90, 93, skopos aim (27: 1, 3, 5, 6.1, 7, 9, 14, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27,
95, 97.1, 97.2) 28.2, 32, 35/35.1, 35.2, 39, 40, 43.1, 45/46, 53, 56,
skian poiein to cast a shadow (1: 90) 60, 61, 77, 93), concern (1: 22), direction (1: 54),
skiagraphein to sketch out (1: 68) end in view (1: 26), function (1: 91), goal (21: 2,
skiagraphia shadow-painting (1: 28.1), sketch (2: 4, 10, 10.2, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 51, 52, 58, 59,
35/35.1, 68) 60, 83, 90, 95, 98, 99), intention (5: 6.2, 58, 59,
skiamakhein to engage in shadowboxing (1: 70) 92.1, 100), object (1: 87), objective (2: 59, 94),
skiamakhia jousting with shadows (1: 84) point (1: 83), project (2: 35.2, 67), purport (1:
skiasis dark (1: 11) 67), purpose (12: 1, 5, 6.2, 54, 55, 67, 72, 78, 79,
skiasma shade (1: 95), shadow (1: 88), shadow- 83, 88, 100), scope (1: 22), subject (3: 47, 59, 66),
reflection (1: 92.2) subject-matter (of a work) (1: 13), target (3:


10.1, 39, 89), thing aimed at (1: 56), what is sôlên pipe (1: 86.1)
being sought (1: 77) sôma bodily element (1: 76), body (86: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.1,
ho skopos teinei one’s eye is on (1: 93); pros ton 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19,
skopon what matters (1: 35.2) 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 33,
skôptein to joke (1: 69), to joke with (1: 69), to ridicule 35/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
(1: 38) 43.3, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
skôptikos jesting (1: 79) 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78,
skôria dross (1: 24), slag (2: 38, 79) 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93,
skorodon garlic (3: 51, 57, 88) 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), corporeal (3: 21,
skorpios Scorpio (the constellation) (1: 95) 61, 67), corporeal entity (1: 59), corporeal object
skorpismos scattering (1: 28.2) (1: 59), corporeal thing (2: 58, 59), element (1:
skorpistikos dissipative (1: 99) 67), solid (4: 15, 76, 87, 98), something
skorpizein to scatter (1: 28.2) corporeal (1: 27), substance (1: 98), the
skoteinos dark (3: 28.2, 52, 57), darkened (1: 52), corporeal (1: 99)
obscure (1: 2) meta sômatôn bodily (1: 58); aitherion sôma body
skotizein to darken (1: 83), to make dark (1: 57) made of aether (1: 89); en sômati genomenos
skotizesthai to be in darkness (2: 28.2, 57), to embodied (1: 76); hapla sômata simple bodies
darken (1: 28.2); eskotismenos dim (1: 28.1) (2: 12, 56), uncompounded bodies (1: 25);
skotôdês dark (1: 38) mathêmatikon sôma geometrical solid (1: 7),
skotodinian to be dizzy (1: 57), to whirl about in mathematical body (1: 57); ouranion sôma
darkness (1: 72) heavenly body (1: 47); pempton sôma aether
skotopoios darkness-producing (1: 28.1), that makes (1: 6.2); sômatos phusis bodily nature (1: 67);
darkness (1: 28.1) ta hapla tôn sômatôn simple bodies (1: 89); ta
skotos dark (7: 22, 28.2, 35/35.1, 52, 57, 61, 91), ourania sômata celestial bodies (1: 67); ta tôn
darkness (18: 1, 2, 12, 20, 21, 25, 28.1, 28.2, stoikheiôn sômata elemental bodies (1: 99);
35/35.1, 38, 44, 52, 58, 59, 68, 83, 86.1, 91) tôn sômatôn bodily (1: 4); topikon sôma place-
skotos ekhein to be dark (1: 52) body (1: 94)
skotôsis clouding of judgement (1: 52) sômaskein (to engage in) physical exercise (1: 86.1), to
skulakion puppy (4: 7, 23, 58, 84) exercise one’s body (1: 86.1)
skutalê eel (1: 57) sômatikos bodily (31: 4, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 22, 24, 26, 28.1,
skuteus cobbler (1: 52), shoemaker (1: 35.2) 28.2, 35/35.1, 38, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48,
skutotomos cobbler (1: 61), shoemaker (1: 51) 52, 56, 59, 60, 69, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 92.2, 98, 99,
smênê comb (1: 35/35.1) 100), body-like (1: 94), corporeal (37: 2, 3, 7, 11,
smênos hive (1: 35/35.1) 12, 13, 16, 19, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 36,
smikrologeisthai to pick on details (1: 89) 41.2, 42, 47, 48, 51, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67,
smikromerês having small parts (1: 79) 68, 78, 80, 85, 86.1, 92.1, 99, 100), embodied (1:
smikros small (5: 25, 61, 78, 79, 85) 44), in the body (1: 22), of body (5: 18.2, 21, 22,
kata smikron minimally (1: 25) 35/35.1, 44), of the body (2: 4, 61), of the nature
smikrotês small extent (1: 57), smallness (14: 6.1, 18.2, of a body (1: 10.2), physical (1: 80)
22, 25, 28.2, 44, 52, 55, 57, 68, 78, 79, 85, 98) sômatikôs in a bodily manner (1: 22), in a bodily
smilê chisel (1: 59) way (3: 19, 56, 57), in a corporeal way (1: 19), in
smilion scalpel (1: 51) the manner of a body (1: 52), physically (1: 25);
smurna myrrh (1: 24) sômatikon diastêma body extension (1: 6.1);
sôizein to account for (1: 2), to ensure survival (1: 25), to sômation bit (1: 76), corpuscle (1: 22), little body (2: 22,
hang on to (1: 76), to keep (1: 2), to maintain (3: 86.1), minute body (1: 22)
4, 16, 25), to meet (a condition) (1: 80), to nurture sômatôdês corporeal (3: 22, 25, 39), of bodily form
(1: 2), to preserve (40: 2, 4, 6.1, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19, (1: 38)
20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 38, 40, 43.1, sômatoeidês bodily (4: 14, 22, 28.1, 44), bodily in form
43.3, 44, 45/46, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 68, 73, 76, (1: 68), body-like (4: 36, 67, 74, 92.1), corporeal
78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 89, 91, 94), to retain (5: 4, 22, (10: 28.1, 28.2, 39, 54, 59, 61, 68, 70, 97.1, 100),
28.2, 76, 91), to save (5: 11, 45/46, 52, 94, 98) corporeal in form (2: 57, 66), of a bodily form
sôizesthai to be preserved (3: 4, 27, 76), to be sound (1: 48), of bodily form (1: 22), of bodily kind (2:
(1: 80), to continue (1: 27), to persist (1: 91), to 22, 60), of corporeal form (2: 35.2, 57)
remain (2: 28.2, 76), to remain alive (1: 80), to to sômatoeides corporeal aspect (1: 67), corporeal
remain intact (1: 59), to retain (1: 27), to still element (1: 66), corporeal nature (1: 67),
exist (1: 73), to survive (8: 4, 25, 32, 43.2, 58, 76, corporeal part (1: 67), the bodily (1: 14)
80, 91); to sôizein preservation (1: 4); to sômatotês bodiliness (1: 6.1), corporeal mass (1: 87),
sôizesthai preservation (4: 2, 59, 67, 73) corporeality (1: 48)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

sômatoun to corporealise (1: 80), to make corporeal sôreuein to heap together (1: 76)
(1: 80) to sôreuomenon that which is piled up (1: 33)
sômatousthai to be corporealized (1: 68), to become sôritês heap (1: 1), sorites (2: 21, 99), the sorites
body (1: 59), to become corporeal (1: 80) argument (1: 75)
sômatourgos responsible for the production of body sôros heap (6: 21, 25, 52, 56, 76, 89), pile (4: 27, 28.2, 38,
(1: 86.1) 91)
sophia understanding (1: 4), wisdom (22: 1, 2, 10.1, sôstikos able to preserve (1: 91), preservative (5: 38, 56,
10.2, 16, 27, 35/35.1, 43.3, 48, 51, 61, 65, 66, 67, 57, 59, 80), preserving (3: 21, 76, 88), sustaining
69, 72, 74, 84, 90, 93, 97.1, 97.2) (1: 91), that preserves (6: 21, 22, 52, 61, 80, 88)
sophiai types of wisdom (1: 10.2) sôstikos einai to preserve (1: 4), to sustain (2: 58,
sophisma paradox (1: 3), sophism (6: 16, 21, 41.1, 65, 68); sôstikôs energein to act to preserve (1: 52)
68, 75) sôtêr saviour (2: 45/46, 97.2)
sophismos sophistry (1: 3) sôteria preserving (1: 91), remaining safe (1: 80), to
sophistês sophist (24: 2, 7, 9, 10.2, 16, 19, 22, 35/35.1, preserve (1: 91), being saved (1: 52),
40, 51, 55, 58, 61, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 75, 85, 90, maintenance (1: 59), preservation (15: 4, 21, 22,
97.1, 98, 99) 26, 28.2, 37, 38, 43.1, 43.3, 45/46, 56, 67, 69, 80,
sophistikos sophistic (6: 2, 23, 27, 40, 73, 89), 91), preservation of life (1: 22), safety (2: 45/46,
sophistical (13: 7, 9, 16, 43.3, 51, 55, 58, 59, 68, 69), salvation (7: 2, 43.3, 45/46, 59, 65, 74, 97.1),
73, 80, 86.2, 90) saving (1: 74), security (1: 37), survival (4: 25,
sophistikôs in a sophistic way (1: 27), like a sophist 43.2, 59, 67), ‘to preserve’ (1: 91)
(1: 97.2), sophistically (3: 3, 58, 97.2), with epi sôtêriâi in the interest of preserving (1: 58)
sophistic intent (1: 58); hê sophistikê sophistic sôtêrion preservation (1: 11)
(1: 16) span to draw (3: 21, 38, 79), to draw in (2: 21, 86.1), to
sophizein to be a sophistry (1: 85), to come up with a draw up (1: 79)
clever interpretation (1: 97.1), to deal spanios ephemeral (1: 20), infrequent (1: 21), rare (4:
sophistically with something (1: 97.1), to 29.1, 54, 60, 86.1)
deceive (1: 74), to indulge in fraud (1: 97.1) spaniôs seldom (1: 60)
sophizesthai to be just clever (1: 92.1), to be spanis scarcity (1: 85)
sophistic (1: 89), to play a trick (1: 57), to spartos cord (1: 55)
quibble (1: 3); to sesophismenon sophistical spasmôdês spasmodic (1: 51)
nature (1: 59) spasmôdes pathos a kind of spasm (1: 51)
sophos clever (2: 17, 85), expert (1: 40), ‘in his wisdom’ spathêsis tamping the woof (1: 19)
(1: 58), ingenious (2: 58, 59), knowledgeable (1: speirein to sow (1: 59), to sow seed (1: 91)
40), learned (2: 58, 59), well-informed (1: 40), speklon glass (1: 98), mica (1: 38)
wise (17: 10.2, 16, 40, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 52, 58, 68, spêlaion cave (5: 24, 35/35.1, 61, 95, 97.1)
69, 72, 80, 83, 86.2, 90, 97.1, 97.2) sperma egg (1: 76), generative product (1: 56), male
ho sophos expert (1: 80), man of wisdom (1: 58), sperm (1: 89), seed (38: 1, 2, 5, 7, 15, 16, 21, 22,
philosopher (3: 58, 59, 80), sage (1: 17), wise 23, 24, 26, 27, 38, 42, 44, 52, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61, 63,
man (3: 2, 16, 61), wise person (1: 61); to 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 89, 91, 93, 94,
sophon cleverness (1: 58), sophistry (1: 58) 95, 97.1, 97.2), semen (4: 35/35.1, 47, 56, 76),
sôphrôn moderate (1: 43.2), of sound mind (1: 40), sperm (7: 7, 20, 22, 68, 76, 80, 97.2)
sane (1: 40), sound (in mind) (1: 40), temperate spermainein to beget (1: 86.1), to produce seed (1: 54)
(5: 4, 40, 43.1, 43.3, 69) spermatikos seed (1: 91), seminal (4: 35/35.1, 58, 70,
sôphronôs temperately (1: 52); ho sôphrôn 86.1), spermatic (1: 51)
temperate person (1: 100) spermatikôs spermatically (1: 78)
sôphronein to be of sound mind (1: 84), to be spermatopoieisthai to turn (something) into seed (1:
temperate (1: 97.1), to live a moral life (1: 97.1), 86.1)
to think prudently (1: 6.2) spermophagos granivore (1: 13), seed-eating (1: 51)
to sôphronein temperance (1: 52) speudein to aspire (1: 88), to be eager (1: 4), to hasten
sôphronikos naturally temperate (1: 48), temperate (3: (3: 28.1, 51, 68), to have an urge to (1: 27), to
4, 52, 69) hurry (1: 69), to rush (1: 28.2), to seek (2: 27,
sôphrosunê mental balance (1: 40), moderation (5: 44), to speed (1: 44), to strive (8: 17, 54, 55, 60,
43.1, 43.2, 72, 93, 97.1), prudence (1: 44), sanity 69, 84, 89, 99), to tend (1: 27)
(1: 40), self-control (1: 40), soundness of mind speustikos hurried (1: 69)
(1: 40), temperance (8: 4, 13, 19, 35.2, 37, 52, 65, sphagê killing (1: 60)
97.1), temperateness (1: 69), wisdom (1: 29.1) sphaira ball (10: 18.2, 27, 28.2, 42, 57, 61, 67, 91, 99,
sôreia accumulation (1: 76), heap (1: 51), heaping (1: 100), heavenly sphere (1: 25), sphere (49: 1, 2,
5), heaping up (1: 76), summation (1: 41.2) 6.1, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 25, 29.1,


35/35.1, 35.2, 40, 42, 44, 47, 48, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, sphodrotês intensity (2: 20, 69), severity (1: 28.2),
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, strength (1: 91), vehemence (2: 19, 40), violence
85, 86.2, 88, 93, 94, 95, 98, 100), what is spherical (2: 28.1, 28.2)
(1: 61) meta sphrodrotêtos without loss of force (1: 57)
aplanês sphaira fixed sphere (1: 47), sphere of the sphragis device (1: 28.2), seal (4: 25, 28.1, 28.2, 57),
fixed stars (1: 53); Kronia sphaira sphere of signet ring (1: 91)
Kronos (the planet) (1: 6.1); orthê sphaira sphugmikos of the pulse (1: 90)
celestial equator (1: 90); to kata koruphên tês sphugmos pulse (2: 40, 56)
sphairês pole of the sphere (1: 78); selêniakê sphuzein to pulsate (1: 75)
sphaira lunar sphere (1: 6.1), sphere of the spinthêr spark (6: 44, 51, 53, 54, 90, 95)
moon (1: 57) spithamê hand-span (measure) (1: 75), span (1: 99)
sphairikos of the sphere (1: 22), spherical (27: 7, 11, 20, splankhnon inner organs (1: 91), inner part (1: 86.1),
21, 22, 25, 40, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 67, 68, 73, 76, internal organs (1: 24)
78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 93, 94, 97.2, 98) ta splankhna viscera (1: 15)
sphairikôs spherically (1: 3); hê sphairikê splên spleen (3: 7, 15, 27)
geometry of spheres (1: 26); to sphairikon spongos sponge (5: 35/35.1, 56, 57, 95, 98)
spherical part (1: 67); ta sphairika spherics (1: spora conception (1: 86.2), sowing (1: 86.1)
93); sphairika mathêmata spherics (1: 54); sporadên scatteredly (1: 84)
sphairikos kêros ball of wax (1: 56) sporas scattered (1: 95)
sphairios spherical (1: 67) spoudaios accomplished (1: 91), admirable (1: 13),
to sphairion little sphere (1: 22) excellent (2: 19, 64), excellent (1: 69), good (8: 4,
sphairoeidês having a spherical shape (1: 93), like a 7, 15, 35/35.1, 48, 52, 67, 69), moral (1: 37),
sphere (1: 98), of the form of a sphere (1: 40), morally good (1: 86.1), serious (3: 4, 15, 61),
shaped like a sphere (1: 2), sphere-shaped (2: 68, sound (1: 35/35.1), upright (1: 56), virtuous (2:
76), spherical (18: 22, 25, 26, 32, 40, 54, 55, 59, 15, 51), worthy (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69)
61, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 88, 90), spherical ho spoudaios sage (1: 99), the good man (1: 4),
in shape (1: 95) virtuous person (1: 100)
sphairoeidôs spherically (1: 22); to sphairoeides spoudastês partisan (1: 54)
sphericity (2: 90, 93) spoudastos to be striven for (1: 69)
sphairopoiein to describe the sphere (1: 55) spoudazein to aim (1: 90), to aim at (1: 6.2), to be
sphairopoiïa description of the sphere (1: 55) anxious (1: 26), to be eager (3: 2, 4, 86.1), to be
sphairos heavenly sphere (1: 22), sphere (4: 10.2, 60, 67, eager for (1: 69), to be earnest (1: 43.2), to be
85) enthusiastic (1: 2), to be serious about (1: 51), to
sphairôsis production of a sphere (1: 55) concern oneself with (1: 55), to hasten (1: 17),
sphairoun to form into a sphere (1: 83) to make an effort (1: 69), to pursue (1: 6.2), to
sphairousthai to be made spherical (1: 54), to become pursue eagerly (1: 4), to strive (4: 43.2, 54, 55,
spherical (2: 54, 95), to form a sphere (1: 55) 83), to strive after (1: 69), to strive for (1: 25), to
sphallein to make fall down (1: 84) strive seriously (1: 54), to take seriously (2: 4,
sphallesthai to be mistaken (1: 51), to be at fault (2: 43.2), to take trouble (1: 57), to try hard (2: 27,
17, 89), to be deceived (1: 22), to be tripped up 83)
(1: 16), to go wrong (1: 85) spoudê admiration (1: 13), concern (3: 22, 23, 51),
sphalma error (1: 7), fault (1: 89) eagerness (4: 15, 52, 69, 86.1), earnestness (1:
spheklon glass (1: 57) 10.2), effort (3: 27, 43.2, 86.2), enthusiasm (1:
sphendonê ring without a seal (1: 20), seal (1: 20), bezel 38), rush (1: 97.1), serious effort (1: 69),
(1: 44) seriousness (4: 4, 43.2, 51, 69), something
spheterizesthai to make one’s own (1: 35/35.1) serious (1: 83), something worthy of attention
sphêx wasp (3: 56, 76, 84) (1: 83), striving (1: 55), zeal (1: 69)
sphingein to concentrate (1: 29.1), to hold together (1: meta spoudês seriously (1: 10.2); axios spoudês
41.2) worth taking seriously (1: 4); poieisthai
sphinx Sphinx (1: 51) spoudên to be concerned (1: 4)
sphodra exceedingly (1: 10.2), extremely (1: 55), quite stadiaios a stade (1: 6.1), a stade in length (1: 50), a
(1: 16), strongly (2: 21, 57), very (1: 84) stade long (3: 6.1, 75, 98), furlong (1: 14), of a
sphodros forceful (1: 57), intense (5: 20, 40, 57, 83, 91), stade (2: 6.1, 19), of one stadium (1: 18.2),
powerful (1: 56), strong (2: 57, 91), vehement (2: standing (1: 24)
19, 40), violent (1: 7), vivid (1: 91) to stadiaion stade (1: 6.1)
sphodrôs forcefully (2: 28.1, 57), strongly (1: 28.1), stadion (athletic) track (1: 14), furlong (1: 14), mile (2:
vehemently (1: 40), with extreme speed (1: 55); 14, 44), stade (7: 6.1, 14, 19, 50, 54, 55, 75),
to sphodron strength (1: 28.2) stadium (2: 18.2, 75)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

stagôn drop of water (1: 21) stenostomos having a narrow mouth (2: 55, 79)
stakhus corn (1: 59), ear of corn (1: 60) stenotês narrowing (1: 91)
stalagmos dripping (1: 99), drop (3: 52, 75, 99) stenoun to make narrow (1: 57), to narrow (2: 52, 88)
stasiazein to be at odds (1: 80), to be factious (1: 80), to stephanoun to crown (1: 35/35.1), to crown (as) victor
conflict (1: 84), to revolt (1: 100) (1: 97.1)
stasimos stable (1: 78), static (1: 85), stationary (1: 85) stephesthai to receive a crown (1: 35.2)
stasimôs steadfastly (1: 28.1); to stasimon stability sterein to deny (1: 93), to deprive (17: 12, 19, 22, 28.1,
(1: 68), stopping point (1: 22) 28.2, 38, 39, 45/46, 52, 54, 56, 67, 68, 69, 94, 98, 94)
stasis absence of change (1: 22), being at rest (1: 21), stereisthai to be bereft of (1: 80), to be deprived (9:
being stationary (5: 14, 27, 35/35.1, 56, 67), 7, 10.2, 11, 15, 20, 25, 27, 50, 60), to be deprived
cessation (1: 26), changelessness (1: 14), coming of (7: 17, 40, 44, 58, 59, 88, 98), to be devoid of
to rest (1: 99), conflict (1: 97.2), constancy (1: (4: 58, 59, 80, 98), to be excluded from (1: 59), to
44), disaffection (1: 80), halt (5: 3, 19, 22, 27, 42), be exempt from (1: 83), to be in a state of
halting (1: 87), immobility (1: 99), location (1: privation (1: 89), to be without (1: 59), to have
42), permanence (1: 39), position (1: 55), rest not (1: 18.2), to lack (6: 15, 18.2, 56, 83, 86.1, 98),
(21: 6.1, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18.2, 21, 23, 25, 38, 39, to lose (1: 91), to suffer privation (2: 10.2, 12), to
41.2, 44, 51, 52, 53, 59, 83, 85, 88, 98), rest period undergo privation (1: 16), to be deprived (1: 3);
(1: 54), stability (8: 17, 20, 27, 42, 44, 58, 61, sterêtheis deprived (1: 78); esterêmenos bereft
92.2), stage (1: 14), standing (1: 7), standing still of (1: 16), deprived (2: 18.2, 79)
(3: 17, 54, 99), standstill (2: 61, 67), state (2: 14, steremnios solid (2: 54, 88), thick (1: 18.2)
28.2), state of rest (2: 17, 39), state of stability (1: stereôma firmament (2: 11, 84)
89), static condition (2: 25, 68), stationariness stereometria stereometry (5: 10.2, 16, 73, 90, 93)
(3: 2, 27, 72), stationary condition (1: 50), stereos cubic (1: 88), firm (1: 88), hard (1: 28.2), solid
stationary state (3: 14, 42, 56), staying the same (39: 6.1, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26,
(1: 85), staying unchanged (1: 56), stop (3: 3, 27, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32, 35/35.1, 38, 41.2, 44, 52,
75), stopping (4: 42, 83, 85, 98), stopping-point 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 68, 73, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1,
(1: 75), strife (1: 43.2) 88, 90, 91, 95, 98), three-dimensional (2: 54, 55)
en stasei static (1: 44), stationary (1: 22) to stereon solid (5: 2, 11, 15, 61, 93), solid thing (1:
stateusis scorching (1: 21), searing (1: 24) 28.2), solidity (1: 28.1); ta sterea stereometry (1:
statheros stable (1: 70) 67); astrolabos stereos armillary sphere (1: 54);
stathmasthai to be measured (1: 29.1) stereôteros more solid (1: 68)
stathmê line (1: 88), measure (1: 54), plumb-line (2: 51, stereotês hardness (1: 28.2), solidity (4: 21, 52, 57, 91)
59) sterêsis absence (2: 4, 91), being deprived (1: 24),
kata stathmên in a straight line (1: 55) deprivation (3: 22, 23, 50), lack (8: 7, 24, 40, 56,
stathmistikos weighing (1: 19) 57, 59, 83, 91), privation (66: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10.1,
stathmon weight (1: 79) 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23,
statikos : statikos einai (+ gen.) to bring (something) 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 35/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39,
to a standstill (1: 42) 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59,
to statikon what brings to rest (1: 15) 60, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 80, 83,
steatinos shiny (1: 95) 87, 88, 89, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 98, 99, 100), state of
stegein to harbour (1: 42), to hold (1: 52), to hold onto privation (1: 39)
(1: 84), to house (1: 57), to keep (1: 95), to keep en sterêsei deprived (2: 12, 18.2); en sterêsei einai
in (1: 12), to preserve (1: 17), to resist (1: 86.1), to be deprived (1: 18.2)
to retain (1: 91), to sustain (2: 6.2, 87) sterêtikos of privation (1: 21), privative (18: 9, 10.2, 15,
stêlê pillar (1: 55) 16, 20, 30/31, 32, 35.2, 39, 44, 64, 65, 67, 73, 83,
stenagmos groaning (1: 23) 90, 93, 100)
stenazein : ho stenazôn one who sighs (1: 72) sterêtikôs by privation (1: 74), in a privative sense
stenokhôrein to constrict (2: 57, 74), to cramp (1: 52), (1: 41.2), in a privative way (1: 100), in the
to limit (1: 86.2), to press (1: 84) language of privatives (1: 73)
stenokhôreisthai to be confined (1: 55), to be stergein to cherish (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), to like (1:
constricted (1: 75) 43.3), to love (1: 99)
stenokhôria confinement (1: 55), lack of room (2: 78, stêrigmos standing still (1: 55), station (1: 55),
97.1), lack of space (1: 44), small volume (1: stationary condition (1: 88), support (1: 44)
28.2) steriskein to currently deprive (1: 39)
stenôpos narrow place (1: 52) steriskesthai to be deprived (1: 25)
stenos narrow (7: 15, 24, 52, 55, 57, 88, 98) stêrizein to be fixed (1: 89), to fix (1: 28.2), to set firm
eis stenon sunagein to make narrow (1: 52); ta (1: 11), to stand still (2: 54, 55), to support (1:
stena straits (1: 21) 79), to sustain (1: 20)


sternon chest (1: 84) stoikhos line-up (1: 23)

sterros firm (1: 57), solid (2: 83, 98) stoikhoun : to stoikhoun sequence (1: 35.2)
sterrotês solidity (2: 1, 83) stokhasmos conjecture (2: 86.1, 94), guesswork
stêthos breast (2: 25, 61), heart (1: 85) (1: 68)
sthenos might (1: 86.2) stokhastikos aiming at (1: 4), conjectural (4: 9, 30/31,
stigmê dot (1: 20), point (32: 2, 3, 10.2, 12, 15, 18.2, 21, 40, 64), requiring calculation (1: 26), stochastic
22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 35/35.1, 40, 41.2, 44, 50, 51, 55, (2: 21, 40)
61, 67, 75, 77, 78, 79, 85, 86.2, 87, 89, 93, 94, 98) stokhazein : stokhazesthai to aim (3: 26, 52, 91), to
stigmê khronou instant of time (1: 97.2); topikê aim at (5: 48, 52, 56, 57, 85), to aim for (1: 48), to
stigmê place-point (1: 94) guess (1: 86.2), to guess at (1: 51), to make a
stikhos line (1: 35/35.1), line (of writing) (1: 84), line of conjecture (1: 57), to make out (that) (1: 17), to
poetry (1: 90), verse (1: 90) pursue (1: 17), to spot (1: 93), to surmise (1:
stilbêdôn glitter (1: 38), twinkling (1: 54) 35/35.1), to target (1: 89)
stilbein to glitter (2: 28.2, 38), to shine (3: 28.1, 88, 91), stoma mouth (13: 6.1, 18.2, 25, 28.2, 35/35.1, 52, 56, 57,
to twinkle (3: 54, 55, 90) 59, 79, 86.1, 95, 98)
mê stilbôn non-twinkling (1: 90); to mê stilbein stomakhos oesophagus (1: 91), stomach (1: 56)
non-twinkling (1: 90); ho Stilbôn Mercury (the stomion mouth (4: 6.1, 28.2, 55, 86.2)
planet) (2: 88, 88), the Shining star (1: 88) stomôma steel (1: 24)
stilbos glittering (1: 38) storgê love (1: 67)
stilboun to burnish (1: 57) stratêgein to be a general (1: 21)
stilpnos bright (1: 54), polished (1: 57), shining (1: 88) stratêgos commander (2: 61, 97.2), general (2: 84, 91)
stilpnotês glittering (1: 90) stratia army (1: 51)
stix line (1: 51) stratiôtes soldier (4: 97.2, 35.2, 61, 86.2)
stizein to punctuate (2: 44, 63) stratiôtikos of a soldier (1: 86.2)
stoibazein to heap up (1: 23) stratia army (3: 54, 84, 91), camp (1: 93)
stoibêdon in a haphazard manner (1: 51) stratos army (1: 61)
stoikheiôdês as an element (1: 44), basic (1: 5), by the strebloun to squeeze (1: 18.2), to twist (1: 98)
elements (1: 22), constitutive (1: 22), elemental strephein to concern (1: 23), to revert (1: 28.1), to
(13: 5, 20, 26, 48, 54, 76, 78, 79, 85, 88, 92.1, 92.2, revolve (2: 7, 86.1), to turn (7: 22, 28.1, 51, 83,
95), elementary (4: 13, 51, 61, 92.1), in 86.1, 86.2, 98)
components (1: 22), like an element (1: 44), of strephesthai to be involved (1: 16), to be turned (2:
an element (1: 84) 54, 55), to deal with (1: 90), to turn (2: 54, 55),
stoikheiôdeis arkhai elementary foundations (1: to twist and turn (1: 19); katôthen anô
92.1) strephein to turn upside-down (1: 86.1)
stoikheiokratôr ruler of the elements (1: 84) strôma blanket (1: 78)
stoikheion book (1: 59), component (1: 59), element strombos top (2: 18.2, 19)
(75: 1, 2, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, strongulos circular (1: 27), round (2: 35/35.1, 95),
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, rounded (1: 18.2), round-shaped (1: 95),
35/35.1, 35.2, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, spherical (2: 10.2, 79)
50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, strophalinx eddy (1: 55)
66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, strophê a return to one’s starting point (1: 7), attention
89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99), (1: 28.2), dodginess (1: 68), reflection (1: 100),
elemental particle (1: 12), letter (29: 3, 5, 7, 10.2, revolution (2: 55, 86.2), rotation (1: 44), turning
11, 15, 17, 18.2, 20, 21, 23, 26, 32, 35/35.1, 38, 39, (2: 28.1, 36), turning motion (1: 86.1)
42, 51, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 72, 73, 79, 93), struphnos astringent (1: 57), sour (3: 15, 38, 91)
letter of the alphabet (1: 92.2), numeral (3: 44, struphnotês sourness (1: 60)
92.2, 94) stulos pillar (1: 51)
hôs stoikheion elemental (1: 21); ta tôn stoikheiôn stupeion tow (1: 95)
sômata elemental bodies (1: 99); tôn sturax resin (1: 56), storax (1: 57)
stoikheiôn holotêtes elemental masses (1: 59) subôtês swineherd (1: 21)
stoikheiôsis elementary discussion (1: 13), teaching (1: sukê fig (1: 27), fig tree (4: 59, 80, 84, 99)
51) sukhnos : to sukhnon a quantity (1: 85)
stoikheiôtês geometry teacher (1: 54) sukon fig (1: 56)
stoikheiôtos composed of elements (3: 11, 78, 92.1), sukophantein to bring false accusations (1: 80), to
containing elements (1: 11), produced from criticize (1: 68), to defame (1: 7), to
elements (1: 92.1) misrepresent (2: 59, 68), to quibble (2: 25, 89)
to stoikheiôton what (something) is an element of sukophantês bribed witness (1: 84)
(1: 92.2) sulan to derive (1: 7)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

sullabê component (1: 58), idea (1: 58), syllable (20: 7, sullogistikê dunamis dialectical method (1: 40);
10.2, 11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 25, 28.2, 35/35.1, 35.2, sullogistikê methodos syllogistic procedure (1:
41.2, 51, 57, 59, 72, 79, 80, 94) 40)
sullambanein to associate (1: 25), to assume (1: 61), to sullogizesthai to argue (14: 18.2, 22, 44, 45/46, 47, 54,
bind up with (1: 22), to combine (2: 4, 44), to 55, 56, 58, 59, 78, 80, 83, 92.1), to argue
comprehend (2: 22, 39), to comprise (1: 88), to syllogistically (3: 4, 19, 67), to argue to (1: 85), to
conflate (1: 39), to conjoin (3: 22, 25, 44), to arrive at a conclusion (1: 88), to be deduced (1:
enclose (1: 88), to gather together (2: 28.1, 83), 77), to be syllogistically deduced (1: 77), to
to give a synopsis (1: 91), to include (7: 21, 22, calculate (1: 41.2), to come to a conclusion (1:
27, 40, 48, 83, 88), to join together (1: 22), to 22), to conclude (7: 23, 26, 47, 59, 61, 67, 80), to
receive together (1: 28.1), to take together (3: conclude by syllogism (1: 51), to conclude
21, 40, 51), to be bound up with (1: 40) syllogistically (1: 17), to construct syllogisms (1:
sullambanesthai to be seized (1: 86.1), to be 94), to deduce (16: 28.1, 30/31, 42, 59, 64, 65, 68,
subsumed under (1: 11), to be taken together 73, 75, 76, 77, 89, 90, 93, 95, 98), to deduce
(2: 10.2, 60) syllogistically (3: 40, 64, 65), to draw a
sullankhanein join (by lot) with (1: 25) conclusion (1: 59), to draw an inference (2: 22,
sullêbdên to summarise (1: 68) 56), to draw conclusions (3: 17, 61, 67), to form
sullegein to assemble (2: 25, 76), to bring together (1: a syllogism (1: 94), to give a syllogism (2: 79,
91), to gather (1: 84) 83), to give a syllogism for (1: 57), to have an
sullêpsis aggregation (1: 23), collection (1: 22), argument (1: 27), to infer (19: 35/35.1, 47, 54,
collocation (1: 11), combination (1: 44), 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 78, 80, 83, 88,
conception (2: 43.3, 86.1), conjunction (2: 41.1, 89, 100), to infer syllogistically (2: 64, 65), to
48), period (1: 27), reception (1: 67), seizing (1: make a deduction (1: 73), to make a syllogism
86.2) (2: 54, 79), to make an argument (1: 27), to
sullogê aggregation (1: 7), collection (1: 7), elementary make an inference (2: 68, 88), to make
teaching (1: 51) deductions (1: 90), to make inferences (1: 26),
sullogismos argument (17: 1, 14, 15, 22, 23, 44, 45/46, to perform syllogistic reasoning (1: 23), to
47, 53, 58, 59, 68, 76, 80, 83, 91, 92.1), calculation produce a syllogism (5: 54, 55, 64, 65, 78), to
(1: 1), deduction (6: 42, 73, 75, 77, 90, 93), prove (2: 2, 59), to reach a conclusion (2: 22, 68),
deductive argument (1: 68), deductive to reason (8: 16, 20, 22, 27, 28.2, 68, 85, 99), to
reasoning (2: 25, 92.1), inference (4: 35/35.1, 68, reason syllogistically (1: 69), to reckon (1: 26),
76, 89), inferential reasoning (1: 25), logical to syllogistically deduce (2: 19, 77), to syllogize
argument (3: 17, 58, 98), reasoning (3: 63, 85, (8: 3, 9, 17, 35/35.1, 40, 56, 85, 92.2), to use
92.1), syllogism (55: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, reasoning (1: 27), to work out (2: 41.2, 48)
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29.1, 30/31, 33, sullogizomenos doing a deduction (1: 90), in its
35/35.1, 35.2, 40, 41.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 53, deductions (1: 90); sullogizesthai ta akoloutha
54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 72, 76, 77, to draw conclusions (1: 68)
78, 83, 85, 87, 89, 92.1, 93, 94, 97.2, 99, 100), sulluein : sulluesthai to dissolve simultaneously (1: 84)
syllogistic argument (2: 14, 17), syllogistic sullupeisthai to grieve together with (1: 43.3)
deduction (2: 40, 77), syllogistic inference (1: sumbainein to accidentally happen (1: 76), to agree
40), syllogistic proof (1: 61), syllogistic with (1: 80), to apply (1: 27), to apply (to) (1:
reasoning (1: 100), syllogizing (1: 40) 80), to apply to (3: 4, 38, 58), to arise (7: 11, 17,
diphoroumenos sullogismos duplicating syllogism 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 58), to attach (2: 12, 52), to
(1: 40); hupothetikos sullogismos hypothetical attach (to something) as an accident (2: 12, 38),
syllogism (3: 33, 35/35.1, 57); sullogistikôs in a to attach as an accident (1: 52), to attach to (1:
way suitable for deduction (1: 90), syllogistical 92.2), to be a consequence (5: 25, 50, 67, 75, 98),
(1: 26), syllogistically (5: 14, 30/31, 35/35.1, 35.2, to be a feature of (1: 17), to be a logical
40); hê sullogistikê power of syllogising (1: 16); consequence (1: 89), to be a property (2: 21, 59),
tekmêriôdês sullogismos sign-deduction (1: to be accidental (1: 48), to be agreed (1: 2), to be
77) an accident (8: 10.2, 12, 16, 21, 39, 80, 92.2, 93),
sullogistikos conclusive (1: 10.2), deductive (3: 73, 90, to be an accident of (1: 13), to be an accidental
92.1), dialectical (1: 97.2), implying (2: 64, 65), (property) (1: 40), to be an accidental attribute
in accordance with syllogistic reasoning (1: 67), of (2: 52, 73), to be an attribute (1: 61), to be an
logical (1: 14), of logic (1: 11), of syllogism (1: attribute of (2: 52, 90), to be attached to (1:
16), of syllogizing (1: 40), producing syllogisms 92.2), to be eventually (1: 88), to be incidental
(2: 64, 65), such as to syllogize (1: 40), syllogistic (3: 27, 28.2, 73), to be incidental to (2: 25, 75), to
(14: 2, 9, 11, 16, 17, 23, 30/31, 35.2, 36, 40, 64, 65, be incidentally (1: 27), to be something as a
77, 85) matter of fact (1: 88), to be the case (4: 58, 80,


88, 98), to be the result (1: 99), to befall (2: 57, accident (39: 2, 4, 5, 7, 12, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 28.1,
59), to belong (1: 73), to belong by accident (1: 28.2, 30/31, 39, 41.1, 42, 43.1, 45/46, 51, 52, 54,
15), to belong per accidens (1: 21), to belong to 58, 59, 64, 65, 69, 70, 73, 76, 78, 80, 85, 87, 90,
(2: 61, 90), to chance to be (1: 27), to coincide 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 100), accidental attribute (1:
(1: 28.1), to come about (12: 4, 11, 18.2, 28.2, 38, 22), accidental feature (1: 100), accidental
40, 44, 57, 59, 80, 85, 99), to come with (1: 88), to property (4: 67, 87, 94, 100), attribute (19: 1, 2,
do something as a matter of fact (1: 88), to 11, 14, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2, 43.1, 43.2, 44, 58, 63, 69,
emerge (1: 59), to follow (22: 7, 20, 28.1, 40, 42, 73, 76, 85, 90, 92.2), characteristic (2: 11, 23),
54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73, 78, 79, 83, 90, 91, contingent attribute (1: 14), extrinsic
93, 94, 98), to follow from (1: 13), to go on (1: characteristic (1: 91), feature (1: 54), incidental
18.2), to happen (41: 2, 4, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, (2: 35.2, 56), incidental attribute (1: 27),
18.2, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 39, 42, 48, 50, incidental feature (3: 19, 25, 89), property (3: 17,
52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61, 65, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 83, 85, 28.2, 85), result (1: 17), what is accidental (1:
86.2, 89, 90, 91, 93, 98, 99), to happen 94); hôs sumbebêkos accidentally (1: 22); kata
accidentally (2: 40, 90), to happen so (1: 86.1), sumbebêkos accident (1: 77), accidental (16:
to happen that (1: 3), to happen to (3: 4, 13, 27), 10.2, 16, 21, 24, 28.2, 35/35.1, 39, 52, 67, 73, 77,
to happen to be a feature of (1: 17), to have 79, 87, 90, 92.2, 99), accidentally (24: 6.1, 9, 12,
accidentally (1: 92.2), to have an attribute (1: 16, 22, 30/31, 38, 52, 58, 59, 61, 64, 67, 73, 77, 78,
61), to hold (2: 27, 73), to hold of (2: 22, 42), to 79, 80, 88, 90, 92.1, 93, 98, 99), as an accidental
hold true of (1: 17), to involve (2: 59, 80), to (1: 40), as an attribute (1: 92.2), as contingent
obtain (1: 39), to occur (17: 6.1, 6.2, 20, 22, 25, (1: 22), attributive (1: 44), attributively (1: 27),
27, 28.1, 51, 55, 58, 65, 73, 83, 88, 90, 98, 99), to by accident (3: 28.1, 40, 99), contingently (3: 11,
result (32: 3, 10.2, 12, 16, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 14, 22), extrinsically (1: 91), in an accidental
28.2, 30/31, 38, 39, 44, 50, 52, 54, 55, 64, 65, 75, sense (1: 92.2), in an accidental way (1: 16), in
78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 89, 93, 94, 98, 99), to result in an incidental manner (1: 99), in an indirect
(1: 44), to take place (2: 80, 88), to turn out (19: sense (1: 55), in respect of an attribute (1: 76),
2, 4, 10.2, 16, 17, 25, 50, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 64, 73, incidental (10: 19, 22, 27, 28.2, 35/35.1, 42, 44,
75, 76, 78, 80, 89), to turn out to be the case 57, 69, 99), incidentally (22: 3, 19, 22, 25, 27,
(1: 76) 28.1, 28.2, 35/35.1, 42, 43.1, 43.2, 50, 52, 69, 75,
sumbainei it so happens that (1: 76), the result is 76, 77, 80, 87, 89, 94, 99), indirect (1: 54),
(3: 22, 27, 99); sumbainei (+ dat.) (someone) indirectly (3: 22, 54, 79), per accidens (14: 2,
comes to have (1: 27); sumbebekenai to be an 10.1, 17, 21, 26, 33, 41.2, 48, 52, 63, 70, 74, 76,
accident (1: 41.1), to accidentally accompany (1: 85), with respect to an attribute (1: 92.2); to
67), to attach (1: 78), to attach to (1: 55), to be a kata sumbebêkos incidental object (1: 28.2),
characteristic of (1: 91), to be a coincidence (1: what is by accident (1: 99); to kata sumbebêkos
44), to be accidental (2: 63, 76), to be an on per accidens being (1: 52); kata sumbebêkos
accident (1: 64), to be an accident of (2: 16, 76), aisthêtos that is extrinsically perceptible (1: 91);
to be an accidental attribute (1: 42), to be an kath’ hauto sumbebêkos essential accident (2:
accidental property (1: 94), to be an attribute (1: 10.2, 61); genesis sumbainein to be generated
67), to be attributed to (1: 61), to be (1: 22); hôste sumbainein the result is that (1:
contingently (1: 14), to be incidental (1: 87), to 76); idiâi sumbainon with separate existence
be incidental to (3: 50, 57, 89), to belong (3: 54, (1: 58); sumbebêkota eidê accidental forms (1:
64, 65), to follow (1: 76), to happen (1: 76), to 100)
happen accidentally (1: 44), to happen to be (1: sumballein to be relevant (1: 59), to be useful (1: 7), to
14); sumbebêkos accident (2: 10.2, 13), coincide (2: 50, 57), to collect (1: 86.1), to
accidental (11: 4, 7, 32, 40, 67, 68, 80, 83, 87, 90, collide (2: 38, 52), to come into conflict (1: 79),
97.1), incidental (2: 19, 50), incidental property to compare (3: 19, 54, 69), to encounter (1: 69),
(1: 50), non-essential (1: 86.2), per accidens (1: to include (2: 7, 75), to intersect (1: 54), to join
85); sumbebêkôs accidentally (1: 51); (1: 7), to meet (1: 83)
sumbebêkotôs accidentally (1: 70); to sumballesthai tto be comparable (1: 60), to be
sumbainon accident (1: 93), accompanying engaged (1: 76), to collaborate (1: 76), to
feature (1: 17), attribute (1: 90), conclusion (2: contribute (24: 2, 4, 12, 17, 18.2, 20, 22, 23, 25,
25, 42), consequence (7: 11, 25, 50, 75, 76, 89, 35/35.1, 38, 48, 52, 60, 61, 67, 73, 76, 83, 86.1, 90,
92.2), consequential attribute (1: 22), event (1: 93, 94, 98), to help (2: 35/35.1, 56);
45/46), fact (1: 86.1), occurrence (1: 88), sumballomenos relevant (1: 94)
phenomenon (1: 2), result (4: 17, 25, 27, 73), sumbama accident (1: 39), concurrence (1: 48),
what happens (1: 45/46), what holds true of (1: incidental predication (1: 35.2), occurrence
17); to sumban result (1: 17); to sumbebêkos (1: 23)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

sumbasis accident (1: 48) summetalambanein to take a share (1: 28.2)

sumbebaioun : sumbebaiousthai to confirm (1: summetapherein to alter together (1: 98), to carry
35/35.1) along with (2: 52, 91), to move along with (1:
sumbiôsis life in common (2: 43.1, 69) 6.1), to take (something) with (1: 98), to
sumbioun to live in common (1: 43.1) transport along with (1: 52)
sumblêtos combinable (1: 70), comparable (5: 19, 40, summetapheresthai to move along with (1: 94), to
60, 75, 78), compared (1: 60), standing in some move together (1: 86.1), to travel together with
ratio (1: 54) (1: 38)
sumbolê comparability (1: 60), comparison (1: 60), summetapiptein to change together with (1: 9)
engagement (1: 17), intersection (1: 54), point summetaskhêmatizein to change configuration with
of junction (1: 44) (1: 9), to take on a different form (1: 23)
sumbolikos symbolic (4: 67, 68, 72, 76) summethistanai to change as well (1: 59)
sumbolikôs as a token (1: 13), figuratively (1: 85), in summethistasthai to change places together (1:
a symbolic mode (1: 70), in a symbolic way (2: 14), to move along (1: 94), to shift with (1: 14)
61, 98), in symbolic form (1: 67), in symbolic summetrein to measure out (1: 97.1)
language (1: 61), in symbolical language (1: 67), summetria adjustment (1: 88), balance (9: 17, 39, 44,
speaking symbolically (1: 67), symbolical (1: 67), 47, 48, 68, 83, 88, 91), coincidence (1: 11),
symbolically (9: 20, 22, 51, 54, 55, 67, 68, 78, 93); commensurability (6: 16, 26, 35/35.1, 48, 55, 93),
ton sumbolikon tropon symbolically (1: 68) commensurateness (3: 21, 45/46, 91), due
sumbolon counterpart (1: 33), earnest (1: 35.2), omen measure (1: 4), due proportion (3: 12, 19, 38),
(1: 54), sign (2: 67, 100), symbol (8: 20, 22, 23, equilibrium (1: 69), moderation (2: 61, 67),
38, 51, 67, 72, 98), tally (1: 94), ‘that proportion (13: 15, 22, 24, 25, 28.1, 40, 48, 52,
corresponds’ (1: 52), token (1: 79) 56, 57, 73, 88, 95), proportionality (2: 28.1, 57),
sumboulê counsel (1: 52) proportioning (1: 21), regularity (1: 59), right
sumbouleuein to advise (1: 52), to offer advice (1: 99), proportion (2: 61, 67), symmetry (7: 11, 17, 28.2,
to recommend (1: 1) 33, 45/46, 53, 78)
sumbouleuesthai to give advice (1: 52); to en summetriâi proportionate (1: 28.1); kata
sumbouleuein advising (1: 52) summetrian proportionate (1: 28.1); kata
sumboulia advice (1: 52) phusin summetria natural proportions (1: 80)
sumboulos adviser (2: 21, 52), counsellor (1: 25) summetrios in due proportion (1: 42)
summakhein to be in alliance (1: 97.1), to fight summetros agreeing with (1: 85), appropriate (2: 28.1,
alongside with (1: 97.1) 57), balanced (4: 39, 69, 83, 95), commensurable
summarainesthai to wane along with (1: 67) (17: 2, 12, 15, 17, 35/35.1, 38, 50, 53, 54, 55, 64,
summarturein to also give support (1: 84), to confirm 65, 66, 73, 78, 90, 93), commensurate (10: 16, 21,
(1: 48) 22, 28.2, 29.1, 45/46, 51, 61, 75, 95), congruent
summeignunai to mix (2: 85, 97.1) (1: 28.1), correct (2: 28.1, 59), duly proportioned
summeioun : summeiousthai to diminish (1: 98), to (1: 19), fit (1: 26), in due measure (1: 4), in due
shrink along with (1: 76) proportion (1: 42), in proportion (1: 75), in the
summenein to endure (1: 52), to endure together (1: right measure (1: 95), moderate (1: 38), of a
84), to hold together (1: 24), to keep together (2: suitable length (1: 28.1), of the right size (1:
60, 94), to persist (1: 91), to remain (1: 91), to 28.1), on a level with (1: 22), parallel (1: 18.2),
remain together (1: 79) proportional (1: 35/35.1), proportionate (8: 4,
summerizein to divide (1: 28.1), to divide along with 32, 38, 40, 52, 57, 67, 95), suitable (1: 28.2),
(1: 57), to parcel out among (1: 58), to partition suitably proportioned (1: 25), suited (2: 22, 27),
along with (1: 80) symmetric (1: 83), symmetrical (1: 45/46), that
summerizesthai to be divided (1: 68), to be shared has the same extent (1: 22)
out in portions (1: 11), to share (1: 97.2) summetrôs appropriately (1: 56), at a correct
summetabainein to proceed with (1: 41.2), to travel distance (1: 28.1), congruently (1: 28.1),
along with (1: 94) equivalent (1: 22), in correspondence (1: 22), in
summetaballein to alter together with (1: 9), to alter correspondence with (1: 28.2), in proportion (1:
with (1: 48), to be jointly transformed (1: 75), to 22), in proportionate amount (1: 95),
cause to change accordingly (1: 61), to change moderately (1: 61), proportionally (4: 22,
(2: 61, 67), to change along with (3: 59, 93, 99), 35/35.1, 35.2, 88); summetroteron with better
to change as well (1: 80), to change in correlation (1: 28.2); to summetron appropriate
conjunction with (1: 38), to change together balance (1: 91), balance (1: 69),
with (3: 42, 60, 100), to change with (2: 48, 52) commensurability (3: 16, 25, 50), due measure
summetaballesthai to undergo changes together (2: 4, 12), due proportion (1: 4), due
with (1: 28.2) proportionality (1: 19), moderation (1: 24); ou


summetros non-commensurable (1: 90); sumpaskhein to be affected along with (2: 52, 67), to be
summetrôs ekhein to be duly proportioned (1: affected together (1: 28.2), to experience (1: 2),
19), to be in the right proportion (1: 67), to be to experience the same things (1: 86.1), to have
proportionate (1: 40) an affinity (1: 17), to share (1: 28.2), to
summigês commingled (1: 39), mixed (1: 28.1), mixed sympathise (2: 28.2, 45/46)
with (2: 28.2, 57) sumpathainein : sumpathainesthai to join in emotion
summignunai to mingle (1: 18.2), to mix (2: 39, 52), to (1: 45/46)
mix together (1: 51), to mix up (1: 27), to mix sumpatheia corresponding affection (1: 68),
with (1: 18.2) interaction (2: 18.2, 76), responsiveness (1: 91),
summignusthai to be blended (1: 48), to be mixed sympathetic affection (1: 61), sympathetic
(1: 48), to be mixed with (1: 44), to intermingle reaction (1: 67), sympathetic relationship (1:
with (1: 22) 61), sympathy (6: 11, 43.3, 45/46, 67, 70, 83)
summiktos blended together (1: 17), combined (1: 42), sumpathês based on sympathetic affection (1: 67),
compound (1: 6.2), miscellaneous (2: 90, 93), deeply felt (1: 54), in accord (1: 3), in sympathy
mixed (3: 39, 48, 58), mixed with (1: 57) (2: 70, 86.1), responsive (1: 91), standing in a
to summikton combination (1: 86.1) sympathetic relation (1: 67), sympathetic (3: 3,
summixis commixture (1: 39), mixture (3: 28.1, 48, 85) 45/46, 86.1), uniform (1: 48)
summuein to be shut (1: 86.1) to sumpathes sympathy (1: 86.1)
summustês someone who is initiated with someone sumpauein to stop with (1: 57)
else (1: 93) sumpauesthai to cease (1: 91), to cease in
sumpagês compact (1: 28.2) conjunction (1: 38), to stop when something
sumparadêloun to reveal at the same time (1: 48) else does (1: 42)
sumparalambanein to call to aid (1: 61), to enlist as a sumpêgnunai to be compounded (1: 99), to construct
partner (1: 25), to include in the account (1: 38), (1: 85)
to introduce together with (1: 9), to take sumpêgnusthai to be joined together (1: 79), to
additionally into account (1: 17), to take along coagulate (1: 85)
with (2: 3, 19) sumpeithein : sumpeithein heauton to be persuaded
sumparatassein to share in confusion (1: 97.1) (1: 54)
sumparateinein to coexist with (1: 25), to coextend (1: sumpempein to send with (1: 86.2)
3), to coextend alongside (1: 3), to extend (2: 44, sumpenthein to suffer together with (1: 43.3)
68), to extend to (1: 48) sumperainein to accomplish (3: 39, 51, 68), to achieve
sumparateinesthai to be coextensive with (2: 42, (2: 75, 80), to argue through (1: 99), to argue to a
58), to be stretched out alongside (1: 19), to be conclusion (1: 15), to bring to a conclusion (2:
temporally coextensive with (1: 25), to 57, 95), to close together (1: 22), to co-limit (1:
comprehend (1: 42), to continuate (1: 87), to 3), to come to an end (1: 80), to complete (3: 48,
exist alongside (1: 59), to extend along with (1: 68, 85), to conclude (16: 9, 17, 18.2, 22, 27, 28.2,
83), to stretch along with (1: 87) 32, 39, 53, 54, 60, 67, 73, 89, 95, 99), to deal with
sumparathein to go hand in hand with (1: 58), to keep (1: 99), to deduce (1: 23), to delimit (2: 3, 39), to
pace with (1: 58), to move along with (1: 84), to derive (1: 76), to draw a conclusion (5: 22, 44, 58,
parallel (1: 29.1), to run alongside (1: 11), to run 60, 61), to draw to a conclusion (1: 44), to extend
parallel (1: 61) (1: 95), to finish (1: 95), to finish up (2: 54, 55),
to sumparatheon fellow traveller (1: 35/35.1) to go round (1: 44), to infer (5: 44, 63, 64, 73, 90),
sumparatheôrein : sumparatheôreisthai to be to make an inference (1: 90), to put together (1:
contemplated alongside (1: 25) 27), to reach a conclusion (1: 90), to round off
sumparatithenai : sumparatithesthai to be correlated (1: 17), to sum up (5: 22, 23, 26, 27, 44)
(1: 14), to be extended together (1: 14) sumperainesthai to be concluded (1: 25), to be
sumparêkein to accompany (1: 39) inferred (1: 63), to be logically conclusive (1:
sumparekteinein : sumparekteinesthai to extend 60), to bring to a conclusion (1: 87), to complete
along with (2: 23, 70), to be coextended (2: 14, (2: 78, 79), to conclude (12: 3, 14, 19, 40, 42, 69,
50), to be coextensive with (1: 75), to extend 78, 79, 83, 93, 94, 100), to draw a conclusion (6:
along with (1: 87), to spread alongside (1: 14) 14, 16, 42, 69, 93, 100), to draw together (1: 32),
sumparerkhesthai to pass by together (1: 44) to follow (2: 60, 63), to infer (1: 83), to offer as a
sumparistanai to present impartially (1: 39) conclusion (1: 94), to sum up (1: 76);
sumparomartein to accompany (2: 88, 98) sumperainomenos in conclusion (1: 99); ou
sumparousia co-presence (2: 44, 88) sumperainei the conclusion is not valid (1: 44);
sumpas all together (1: 11), the whole of (1: 11), total hôde sumpeperanthô let this be our conclusion
(1: 11), whole (1: 60) (1: 22); sumperainesthai logon to draw the
sumpanta all (1: 85) conclusion of an argument (1: 19)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

sumperasma conclusion (59: 2, 3, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, sumpêxis condensation (1: 58), formation (1: 80),
18.2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29.1, 30/31, frame (1: 60), hardening together (1: 56)
35/35.1, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, 51, 53, sumpêxin ekhein to be framed (1: 59)
54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 72, sumphanai to agree (1: 2)
73, 76, 77, 78, 80, 83, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 98, sumphanês apparent (1: 55), evident (1: 25)
99, 100), consequence (1: 42), end (2: 23, 97.2) sumphantazesthai to have representations together
eklambanein sumperasma to draw a conclusion (1: with (1: 86.1)
64); epagein sumperasma to draw a conclusion sumphasis conjunction (1: 95)
(1: 60); epeklambanein sumperasma to further sumpherein to be advantageous (7: 4, 16, 43.1, 43.2,
draw a conclusion (1: 64); sunagein 43.3, 69, 80), to be beneficial (2: 2, 69), to be best
sumperasma to draw a conclusion (2: 27, 93), to for (1: 58), to be fitting (1: 4), to carry along
lead to a conclusion (1: 93) together (1: 28.1), to carry along with (1: 42), to
sumperasmatikos conclusional (1: 69), indicating a help (1: 59)
conclusion (1: 36), providing a conclusion (1: sumpheresthai to agree (1: 99), to be carried along
36), terminal (1: 14) with (1: 84), to be carried in the same direction
sumperatoun to end together (1: 35/35.1), to terminate (1: 55), to be carried together (1: 55), to
together (1: 35/35.1) cohere (1: 35/35.1), to coincide (1: 17), to fall
sumperatousthai to be limited (1: 6.1) prey to (1: 80), to meet (1: 48), to move in the
sumperiagein to carry about with (1: 95), to carry same direction (1: 55), to move together (1: 55);
along (in a circular motion) (1: 88), to carry sumpherôn advantageous (5: 16, 52, 64, 65, 68),
along around something (1: 95), to carry expedient (1: 40); to sumpheron advantage (3:
around (4: 28.1, 55, 58, 83), to carry around 43.2, 43.3, 68), expediency (1: 25)
with (2: 54, 59), to carry round (1: 17), to carry sumphilosophein to be in philosophical agreement (1:
round with (1: 67), to drive around (1: 67), to 48), to philosophize together (2: 43.2, 43.3)
revolve together (1: 88), to rotate around with sumphoitan to converge (1: 25)
(1: 25) sumphônein to accord (1: 90), to act in concert (1: 25),
sumperiagesthai to be led around with (1: 68), to to agree (13: 42, 43.1, 48, 52, 57, 59, 67, 79, 83,
revolve with (1: 86.1) 88, 92.1, 95, 99), to agree with (1: 91), to be
sumperiagôgê carrying around (1: 55), revolution with consistent (1: 25), to be in accord with (1: 59),
(1: 95) to be in agreement (1: 51), to be in harmony (2:
sumperidinein : sumperidineisthai to be whirled 19, 92.1), to chime in with (1: 35/35.1), to come
around (1: 68) to the same thing (1: 92.1), to correspond to (1:
sumperiekhein to comprise together (1: 17), to 100), to form a harmony (1: 86.1), to harmonise
embrace (1: 80), to encompass (1: 59) (4: 54, 55, 79, 83), to harmonize with (1: 68)
sumperilambanein to also include (1: 56), to sumphônia accord (2: 51, 68), agreement (9: 12, 42,
comprehend (2: 7, 18.2), to contain (1: 55), to 43.1, 43.3, 44, 57, 67, 91, 92.1), concord (7: 10.2,
cover (1: 95), to embrace (1: 17), to embrace 25, 28.1, 28.2, 70, 93, 97.2), concordance (1: 72),
together (1: 17), to enclose (1: 88), to encompass consensus (1: 75), consistency (3: 22, 48, 52),
(2: 28.2, 39), to encompass together with (1: 9), consonance (4: 22, 35/35.1, 57, 67), harmony (5:
to include (6: 7, 35/35.1, 59, 88, 94, 98), to 2, 54, 72, 84, 86.1), musical concord (1: 38),
include along with (1: 35.2), to include together self-consistency (1: 74)
with (1: 51) eis sumphônian agein to bring in tune (1: 68)
sumperilambanesthai to be included in (1: 25), to sumphônos concord (1: 28.2), concordant (4: 28.2, 38,
group together (1: 86.1); to sumperilambanein 75, 90), consistent (6: 25, 59, 68, 73, 76, 99),
inclusion (1: 24) consonant (4: 17, 23, 61, 67), harmonious (4:
sumperipatein to walk with (1: 51) 6.1, 25, 54, 86.1), harmonised (1: 22), in accord
sumperipherein to carry along (2: 88, 98), to carry (2: 59, 76), in accord with (1: 25), in accordance
around (1: 83), to carry around with (3: 54, 55, (2: 67, 95), in agreement (9: 1, 2, 43.3, 58, 59, 60,
95) 67, 83, 86.2), in agreement with (1: 95), in
sumperipheresthai to complete a revolution with harmony (4: 19, 52, 83, 86.1), in keeping (1: 76),
(1: 50) tuned (1: 86.1), with unanimity (1: 22)
sumperiphora being carried round together with (1: sumphônôs consistent (1: 68), consistently (1: 42),
88) consonantly (1: 17), in accordance with (4: 61,
sumperipolein to journey round (1: 97.1), to revolve 88, 95, 99), in agreement with (1: 20), in
with (1: 84), to travel around with (1: 58) concert (1: 76), in conformity with (1: 59), in
sumperithein to revolve with (1: 68) harmony (1: 2), in keeping with (1: 20), without
sumpêssein to make solid (1: 86.1) exception (1: 58); sumphônos einai to
sumpetesthai to fly along with (1: 97.1) harmonize with (1: 27); sumphôna legein to


express agreement (1: 68); sumphônôs its nature (1: 22), grown together (1: 100), in a
pheresthai to go along with (1: 76); fused manner (1: 22), internally (1: 22),
sumphônoteron dokei it seems to harmonise naturally conjoined (1: 28.2), with a shared
(1: 18.2) nature (1: 14); sumphuês ginesthai to be fused
sumphora calamity (1: 69), event (1: 86.1), misfortune with (1: 28.2), to become fused with (1: 28.2);
(4: 43.2, 52, 86.1, 97.1) sumphuês ekhein to be naturally (1: 28.2); kata
sumphorein to assemble (1: 60), to bring together (1: ti heautôi sumphues through what is
23), to bundle together (1: 48), to construct (1: (something’s) nature (1: 28.2)
23), to put together (1: 23) sumphuia kinship (1: 61), natural junction (1: 35/35.1)
sumpephorêmenos at random (1: 51) sumphulos of the same origin (1: 61)
sumphhorêsis conglomerate (1: 41.1), juxtaposition sumphurein to confound (1: 99), to confuse (2: 41.2,
(1: 23) 48), to contaminate (1: 28.2), to jumble together
sumphtheirein to cause to perish together with (1: 61), (1: 54), to mix together (1: 51), to sully (1: 28.2)
to destroy along with (2: 6.1, 57), to destroy sumphuresthai to be blended together (1: 84), to
together (1: 52) be confounded with (1: 25); sumpephurmenos
sumphtheiresthai to be destroyed along with (1: mixed together (1: 51)
35.2), to be destroyed together (1: 86.1), to pass sumphursis mingling (1: 54)
away along with (1: 21), to perish along with (5: sumphusan : sumphusômenos fused together (1: 78)
10.2, 12, 16, 84, 91), to perish together (2: 59, sumphusis blending (1: 84), fellowship in nature (1:
93), to perish together with (2: 17, 67), to perish 48), fusion (5: 22, 27, 33, 38, 75), growing
with (1: 22) together (1: 100), joining (1: 37), natural merger
sumphthengesthai to agree with (1: 79), to say together (1: 86.1), organic fusion (1: 27), organic union
(1: 23) (1: 27)
sumphthinein to decay with (1: 22) kata sumphusin by virtue of having the same
sumphuein to be organically fused (1: 27), to become nature (1: 36)
fused (1: 27), to coalesce (1: 98), to form a sumphutos as part of its nature (1: 57), cognate (3: 12,
natural unity (1: 86.1), to fuse (2: 38, 79), to fuse 52, 94), congenital (1: 91), connate (4: 24, 40, 48,
with (1: 22), to grow together (1: 51), to join (1: 52), connatural (2: 51, 99), in one’s nature (1:
23), to make to grow together (1: 35/35.1), to 21), inherent (1: 54), innate (9: 2, 25, 40, 41.2, 59,
merge (1: 23), to unite (1: 24) 67, 68, 75, 89), linked (1: 11), natural (1: 11),
sumphuesthai to be fused with (1: 75), to be naturally cognate (1: 25), naturally inhering (1:
naturally fused together (1: 50), to be naturally 39), naturally united (1: 11), that naturally
united (1: 39), to become naturalised (1: 39), to accompanies (1: 24)
become of one nature with (1: 51), to coalesce to sumphuton natural attribute (1: 39)
(2: 14, 52), to form a natural unity (1: 86.1), to sumpilein to compress (6: 38, 54, 55, 80, 88, 98), to
fuse (1: 94), to grow in union with (1: 15), to press together (1: 79)
grow out around (1: 57), to grow together (2: sumpileisthai to be compacted (1: 99), to be
28.1, 83), to grow within (1: 28.1), to naturally compressed (1: 18.2), to be pressed together (1:
unite (1: 39); sumphunai to be inherent in (1: 78); sumpepilêmenos pressed together (1: 78)
88); sumpephukenai to be inherent (1: 28.2), to sumpilêtikos which tends to compress (1: 19)
be united by nature (1: 48); sumpephukôs sumpiptein to agree (1: 36), to be together (1: 79), to
assimilated (1: 41.2), attached (1: 83), coincide (3: 52, 57, 89), to coincide with (1: 9),
engendered along with (1: 80), fused (1: 94), to collapse (4: 6.1, 18.2, 28.2, 59), to collide with
natural (1: 90), naturally allied with (1: 83), (1: 98), to come to pass (1: 17), to converge (1:
naturally joined (1: 11) 88), to exhibit (1: 28.2), to fall (1: 98), to fall out
sumphuês attached to (1: 36), cognate (2: 28.1, 100), (1: 54), to intersect (1: 90), to meet (1: 73), to
congenital (3: 23, 91, 100), conjoined (1: 99), meet together (1: 79), to occur (2: 28.1, 51)
connate (2: 48, 72), connatural (1: 28.1), fused sumplassein / sumplattein : sumplattesthai to be
with (1: 38), growing out around (1: 57), inborn pressed together (1: 55)
(2: 57, 84), inherent (1: 54), innate (2: 17, 41.2), sumplekein to bind (1: 28.2), to combine (17: 7, 15, 16,
intrinsic (1: 14), native (1: 69), natural (1: 11), 22, 23, 25, 35.2, 39, 51, 61, 64, 65, 73, 87, 89, 90,
naturally cognate with (1: 25), naturally conjoined 93), to combine to form (1: 73), to compound
(1: 28.2), naturally fused (1: 28.2), naturally united (2: 17, 23), to connect (3: 61, 94, 100), to
(1: 39), organically fused (1: 27), part of the nature construct (3: 23, 61, 67), to embrace (1: 45/46),
of (1: 35.2), related to (1: 36), that grows within (1: to enmesh (1: 22), to implicate (1: 95), to
28.1), that is bound up with (1: 22) intertwine (8: 23, 54, 61, 68, 88, 93, 95, 100), to
sumphuôs as a part of itself (1: 22), as part of interweave (7: 20, 35/35.1, 48, 57, 67, 91, 100), to
(something’s) natural development (1: 22), by interweave with (1: 56), to involve (2: 22, 28.2),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

to join (2: 45/46, 93), to join to (1: 23), to knit to go to make up (1: 35/35.1), to infer (1: 20), to
together (1: 22), to link together (1: 16), to link join in completing (1: 10.2), to make up (4: 7,
with (1: 22), to plait together (1: 94), to put 22, 23, 80)
together (1: 67), to twine (1: 67), to weave sumplêrousthai to be complete (1: 23), to be
together (3: 20, 35.2, 67) completed (1: 36), to be determinate (1: 18.2),
sumplekesthai to be combined together (1: 60), to to be filled up (1: 10.2), to become whole (1:
be complex (1: 35.2), to be entwined (1: 76), to 44); to sumplêroun component (1: 76); to
be interwoven (1: 70), to be joined to (1: 97.1), sumplêrousthai completion (1: 58);
to be linked (1: 16), to be woven together (1: sumplêroun tên ousian to give the full
78), to entwine (1: 76); sumplekomenai substance (1: 35.2)
embracing each other (1: 76); sumplekomenos sumplêthunein to multiply (1: 68), to multiply along
combined (1: 7), compound (1: 7); with (1: 28.1)
sumpeplegmenos combined (1: 26), complex sumplêttein to clap together (1: 57)
(2: 17, 35.2), compound (3: 17, 51, 93), sumplokê adjoining together (1: 11), being interwoven
compounded (1: 17), enmeshed (1: 22); to (1: 100), combination (26: 5, 7, 13, 23, 24, 25, 27,
sumplekomenon complex (1: 22); ta 30/31, 38, 39, 41.2, 45/46, 48, 51, 52, 57, 60, 64,
sumplekomena interwoven objects (1: 67) 65, 67, 73, 84, 85, 87, 90, 93), composition (1: 1),
sumplektikos conjunctive (1: 35.2), connective (2: compounding (1: 17), concatenation (1: 66),
45/46, 51), copulative (1: 23) conjunction (4: 9, 40, 64, 65), connection (1: 22),
sumplektikos sundesmos coordinating construction (1: 23), formal validity (1: 30),
conjunction (1: 13) implication (1: 6.1), intertwining (1: 100),
sumpleonazein to magnify along with (1: 84) interweaving (5: 22, 23, 35/35.1, 52, 100),
sumplêrôsis completeness (1: 52), completion (5: 17, interwovenness (1: 100), involvement (3: 22, 37,
23, 39, 41.2, 89), composition (2: 20, 22), 44), joining (2: 23, 88), joining together (1: 98),
fulfilment (1: 23), interconnection (1: 22) nexus (1: 22), way of combining (1: 54),
sumplêrôtikos as a completion (1: 97.2), bringing weaving together (1: 78)
completion (1: 41.2), bringing to completion (1: sumpnein to conspire with (1: 86.1)
48), bringing to fulfilment (1: 36), sumpnoia agreement (1: 67), concord (3: 58, 59, 97.2),
complementary (2: 13, 67), complete (1: 52), joint breath (2: 44, 67), pneumatic union (1:
completing (4: 7, 12, 23, 52), completive (3: 28.1, 86.1), proportion (1: 97.2), union (2: 68, 97.1)
41.1, 85), component (2: 20, 80), constituent (1: sumpodizein to entangle (1: 68), to tangle (1: 98)
80), constituting (1: 58), constitutive (8: 7, 20, 39, sumpoikillesthai to vary (1: 68)
41.1, 58, 59, 73, 80), constructive (1: 44), essential sumpoliteuein to be part of the same society (1: 23)
(1: 56), filling out (2: 17, 84), forming an sumposiazein to enjoy a banquet (1: 97.1)
essential part of (1: 93), such as to bring to sumposion symposium (1: 97.2)
fulfilment (1: 40), that completely determines (1: sumprattein to cooperate (3: 4, 29.1, 99)
94), that completes (1: 51), that constitutes (1: sumproballein to propose along with (1: 99)
58), that could contribute (1: 80), that makes up sumproerkhesthai to proceed along with (1: 93), to
the complete nature (of something) (1: 94), that proceed together (1: 11), to proceed together
together make up (1: 76); to sumplêrôtikon with (1: 84)
complement (1: 13); sumplêrôtikos einai to be sumproïenai to progress along with (1: 56)
a completion (1: 44), to complete (1: 68), to sumpropherein to add (1: 27)
contribute to (1: 27), to fill completely (1: 68), to sumprospiptein to occur simultaneously (1: 48)
fill out (1: 68); sumplêrôtikos logos sumpsêphos in agreement (1: 26)
determining account (1: 18.2) sumpseudesthai to be false together (4: 7, 23, 35.2, 65),
sumplêroun to be a component of (1: 58), to be to be simultaneously false (1: 23), to both be
completive (1: 28.1), to bring to completion (2: false (1: 16)
26, 41.2), to complement (1: 39), to complete sumptôma accident (5: 7, 12, 17, 39, 97.1), accidental
(27: 7, 14, 19, 21, 22, 27, 38, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 44, 48, attribute (1: 2), accompaniment (1: 21), adjunct
51, 52, 58, 60, 61, 73, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 88, 89, 90, (1: 25), attribute (2: 73, 93), coincidence (1: 70),
99), to complete the composition of (1: 17), to concomitant (1: 89), concomitant attribute (1:
compose (3: 14, 20, 22), to compound (1: 22), to 61), event (1: 29.1), mischance (1: 17),
comprise (3: 22, 23, 76), to consist of (1: 22), to misfortune (1: 97.1), property (1: 48), side-effect
constitute (6: 5, 7, 39, 42, 44, 58), to contribute (1: 35/35.1), thing that happens (1: 27), what
(1: 27), to contribute to the whole (1: 14), to fill happens to (1: 40)
(2: 79, 88), to fill completely (1: 68), to fill out (6: ek sumptômatos accidental (1: 17)
54, 55, 68, 79, 83, 92.2), to fill up (2: 11, 98), to sumptôsis coherence (1: 11), collapse (1: 18.2), falling
form an essential part of (1: 93), to fulfil (1: 52), in together (1: 88)


sumptussein to compress (1: 22), to enfold in oneself brings together (1: 67); to sunagomenon
(1: 22), to fold up (1: 51) conclusion (2: 22, 42), consequence (1: 14),
suneptugmenos conjoined (1: 22) what follows (1: 90); to sunêgmenon
sunagein to add (1: 85), to adduce (1: 18.2), to argue (1: conclusion (1: 99); sunagein eis to bring (1:
58), to arrive at conclusions (1: 53), to assemble 10.2); sunagein eis stenon to make narrow (1:
(4: 2, 77, 98, 99), to attach (1: 35/35.1), to bring 52); sunagein sumperasma to draw a
(1: 55), to bring about (2: 18.2, 27), to bring conclusion (2: 27, 93), to lead to a conclusion (1:
together (20: 2, 17, 19, 22, 23, 28.1, 40, 51, 57, 58, 93)
67, 69, 79, 85, 86.1, 90, 95, 97.1, 99, 100), to carry sunagelazesthai to gather in herds (1: 52)
out (1: 54), to collect (7: 10.2, 14, 18.2, 27, 39, sunagôgê addition (1: 22), being grouped together (1:
45/46, 93), to collect and arrange (1: 90), to 36), bringing together (1: 36), collection (4: 22,
collect together (4: 17, 35/35.1, 83, 92.1), to 36, 54, 100), combining (2: 48, 83), compression
combine (1: 95), to come to a conclusion (1: 67), (1: 22), conclusion (3: 10.1, 19, 45/46),
to compress (2: 25, 28.2), to concentrate (2: 22, construction (1: 54), contraction (2: 18.2, 98),
24), to conclude (31: 2, 14, 18.2, 23, 27, 28.2, deduction (1: 9), drawing to a conclusion (1:
35/35.1, 35.2, 42, 45/46, 51, 53, 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, 14), formulation (of an argument) (1: 14),
73, 76, 80, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 98, fusing (1: 17), inference (12: 3, 6.2, 19, 30/31, 42,
99), to conduct (1: 42), to congregate (1: 75), to 43.3, 54, 64, 65, 79, 83, 99), reassembly (1: 22),
connect (2: 22, 73), to contract (1: 98), to structure (1: 99), summary (1: 26), synthesis (1:
co-ordinate (1: 80), to correlate (1: 38), to 72), unification (2: 11, 22), uniting (1: 7)
deduce (9: 7, 9, 27, 40, 56, 57, 63, 85, 87), to sunagôgê tôn ophruôn knitting of one’s brows (1:
derive (4: 35/35.1, 35.2, 85, 88), to develop (an 28.1); sunagôgê tou logou development of an
argument) (2: 78, 79), to draw (2: 14, 55), to argument (2: 78, 79)
draw (a conclusion) (1: 54), to draw a sunagôgos associative (1: 45/46), bringing together (2:
conclusion (14: 12, 18.2, 26, 29.1, 35/35.1, 42, 58, 36, 70), that brings together (1: 19), that
67, 73, 75, 76, 90, 93, 95), to draw to a connects (1: 93), unifying (1: 11), uniting (3: 11,
conclusion (1: 14), to draw together (6: 7, 12, 14, 39, 70)
38, 78, 86.1), to encompass (1: 28.2), to exhibit to sunagôgon collection (1: 27)
(1: 18.2), to follow (2: 68, 88), to formulate (2: sunagônizesthai to contend on behalf of (1: 75), to join
19, 99), to gather (3: 24, 76, 100), to gather forces in combatting (1: 51), to plead for (1: 57)
together (2: 11, 76), to group (1: 25), to group sunagoreuein to support (1: 98)
together (1: 25), to imply (9: 7, 30/31, 54, 64, 65, sunâidein to accord with (1: 23), to agree with (1: 23),
68, 73, 90, 98), to induce (1: 93), to infer (29: 1, to be consonant with (1: 19), to be in agreement
3, 6.2, 17, 19, 20, 26, 39, 41.1, 42, 54, 55, 59, 63, (2: 79, 83), to be in harmony (2: 21, 52), to be in
64, 65, 68, 69, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 90, 92.2, 93, keeping with (1: 26), to concur (1: 99), to fit (1:
95, 99), to infer a conclusion (1: 90), to 64), to harmonize (3: 54, 55, 83), to sing along
interconnect (1: 7), to join (2: 28.2, 91), to lead with (1: 57), to square with (1: 93)
to (2: 39, 93), to lead to a conclusion (1: 29.1), to sunâidesthai to concur (1: 51)
lead together (1: 68), to make an inference (2: sunaïdios co-eternal (1: 97.2), co-everlasting (3: 58, 59,
19, 78), to organise (1: 11), to produce (2: 23, 68)
98), to prove (4: 2, 23, 68, 80), to pull together sunairein to bring together (5: 6.2, 22, 28.1, 54, 55), to
(1: 10.2), to put together (1: 22), to reach a compose (1: 78), to comprehend (1: 22), to
conclusion (2: 27, 80), to reconcile (1: 57), to compress (1: 76), to concentrate (2: 11, 51), to
reduce (2: 18.2, 39), to run (1: 92.1), to sum up conjoin (1: 22), to connect (1: 22), to contain (1:
(1: 23), to unify (1: 11), to unite (4: 11, 39, 52, 85), to contract (4: 25, 39, 51, 83), to destroy (1:
68), to work out the consequences (1: 58), to 7), to draw together (4: 11, 22, 76, 79), to
yield (a conclusion) (1: 3), to yield a conclusion embrace (1: 6.2), to gather (1: 22), to gather
(1: 30) together (1: 28.1), to give a summary account
sunagesthai the inference comes out (1: 76), to be a (1: 23), to include (2: 22, 42), to involve (1: 44),
conclusion (1: 28.2), to be couched (1: 27), to be to join (1: 28.1), to join together (1: 85), to link
drawn together (1: 55), to be established (1: 55), (1: 22), to merge (1: 22), to put succinctly (1:
to be inferred (3: 30/31, 54, 55), to conclude (1: 19), to restrict (1: 83), to set aside (1: 41.2), to
99), to contract (1: 52), to correspond (1: 61), to store up (1: 11), to sum up (1: 57), to take hold
follow (11: 18.2, 30/31, 35/35.1, 35.2, 54, 55, 64, of (1: 86.1), to take together (4: 40, 76, 90, 99), to
65, 67, 73, 90), to follow from (1: 99), to gather unify (2: 11, 44), to unite (2: 27, 78)
(1: 76), to result (1: 57); sunagomenos arrived sunairesthai to assist in (1: 52), to give assistance
at (1: 61), collected together (1: 76), following (1: 4), to help (1: 40), to support (1: 78);
(1: 14), unified (1: 11); to sunagon that which sunelôn in summary (1: 17); sunelonti

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

concisely (1: 16), in short (1: 3); sunêirêmenos sunalêtheuein to be both true (3: 16, 80, 92.1), to be
complex (1: 44), contracted (1: 51); true along with (1: 35.2), to be true also (1: 99),
sunêirêmenôs briefly (1: 28.1), concisely (1: to be true at once (1: 80), to be true at the same
99), succinctly (1: 19); hôs sunelonti eipein to time (6: 58, 59, 66, 80, 85, 99), to be true in both
put it briefly (1: 3); hôs sunelonti phanai in parts (1: 74), to be true simultaneously (3: 23,
brief (1: 23), in sum (1: 23) 90, 93), to be true together (5: 23, 35.2, 48, 65,
sunairesis bringing together (1: 54), complexity (4: 44, 84), to be true together with (3: 3, 9, 30)
11, 22, 51), conjoining (1: 28.2), connection (1: sunalêtheuesthai to also be true (1: 16), to be both
22), contraction (1: 79), gathering (1: 28.1), true (1: 16), to be true together (1: 65);
gathering together (1: 28.1), grouping (1: 11), sunalêtheuein tên antiphasin for
synthesis (1: 28.1), wholeness (1: 11) contradictories both to be true (1: 16);
sunairetikos bringing together (1: 55) sunalêtheuesthai tên antiphasin for
sunaisthanesthai to be aware (8: 28.1, 36, 45/46, 61, 76, contradictories both to be true (1: 16)
78, 83, 88), to be aware of (2: 28.2, 87), to be sunalgein to suffer with (1: 43.3)
conjointly aware (1: 91), to be conscious (2: sunallagma contract (2: 4, 43.2)
28.1, 35/35.1), to be conscious of (1: 56), to be sunalloiôsis mutual qualitative change (1: 79)
self-aware (1: 21), to have consciousness of (1: sunalloioun to alter along with (1: 28.1), to alter
26), to observe (1: 98), to perceive (3: 28.1, 83, together (3: 39, 52, 78), to change one another
100), to perceive alongside (1: 36), to perceive at qualitatively (1: 79)
the same time (2: 36, 57), to perceive in sunaloiphê elision (1: 35.2), running words together (1:
conjunction with (1: 38), to perceive 72)
simultaneously (1: 25), to perceive with the sunamaurousthai to weaken with (1: 61)
senses (1: 26), to see (1: 58), to understand (1: sunamphoteros / sunamphoteroi both (1: 68), both
83) together (4: 22, 24, 57, 70), complex (1: 10.2),
sunaisthêsis accompanying awareness (1: 91), composed of both (1: 56), composite (2: 15, 91),
accompanying perception (1: 36), apperception compound (3: 12, 21, 52), compounded (1: 21),
(1: 99), awareness (11: 22, 28.2, 36, 45/46, 52, 59, concrete (1: 4), from both (1: 23), two (1: 24),
78, 83, 87, 88, 100), consciousness (9: 16, 22, two together (2: 35/35.1, 57)
28.2, 35/35.1, 36, 56, 57, 67, 86.1), co-perception to sunamphoteron both in combination (1: 22),
(3: 43.3, 60, 98), joint perception (1: 38), mutual combination (6: 17, 22, 28.1, 40, 52, 94),
awareness (1: 15), perception (1: 83), self- combination of both (1: 56), complex entity (1:
awareness (2: 21, 33), self-consciousness (1: 39), 10.2), composite (8: 13, 26, 41.1, 61, 67, 86.1,
simultaneous perception (1: 36), state of 86.2, 91), composite thing (1: 28.2), compound
consciousness (1: 61), understanding (1: 83) (8: 12, 21, 22, 26, 41.2, 48, 89, 94), conjunction
paraireisthai tên sunaisthêsin to lose awareness (1: 16), conjunction of the two (1: 85), sum (1:
(1: 87) 19), the composite (2: 68, 92.2), the composite
sunaitios being a co-cause (1: 39), being a contributory of form and matter (1: 13), the pair (1: 92.2),
cause (1: 88), co-cause (1: 95), contributory totality (1: 4), two together (1: 85), what is
cause (1: 4), co-operant cause (1: 95), (made up of) both together (1: 94), what is two
co-responsible (1: 69), partner (1: 97.1) things at once (1: 40)
to sunaition accessory cause (1: 70), auxiliary cause sunamphoteroun to compound (1: 41.2)
(2: 63, 76), concomitant cause (3: 28.2, 92.2, sunanaginôskein to connect with (1: 7)
97.2), contributing cause (1: 15), contributory sunanagnôsis reading (1: 23)
cause (7: 17, 22, 25, 38, 56, 57, 80), cooperating sunanairein to abolish together (1: 14), to also disprove
cause (1: 18.2), joint cause (1: 26) (1: 18.2), to also do away with (1: 30), to also
sunakmazein to flourish along with (1: 67), to flourish eliminate (1: 99), to annihilate together (1: 14),
at the same time (1: 2), to gain strength with (1: to cancel (1: 39), to carry a rejection (of a
61) proposition) along with (another) (1: 25), to
sunakolouthein to accompany (2: 27, 41.2), to be co-destroy (1: 76), to co-eliminate (1: 3), to
consequent upon (1: 51), to be derived from (1: demolish (1: 98), to demolish at the same time
79), to be linked to (1: 97.1), to come along with (1: 99), to deny simultaneously (1: 59), to
(1: 97.1), to follow (1: 42), to follow along with destroy (a sunanairei b if b is destroyed when a
(2: 35.2, 89), to follow upon (1: 86.1) is) (1: 54), to destroy along with (1: 56), to
sunaktikos deductive (1: 9), implying (2: 64, 65), that destroy as well (1: 80), to destroy together (3:
can imply (1: 90), that implies (1: 73), yielding a 14, 58, 67), to do away with (2: 14, 98), to do
conclusion (3: 30/31, 64, 65) away with along with (1: 12), to do away with
sunaleiphesthai to be interconnected (1: 27), to also (1: 78), to do away with as well (1: 10.2), to
coalesce (1: 3) do away with when one is done away with (1:


65), to eliminate (1: 61), to eliminate along with sunapartizein to be commensurate (2: 41.2, 48), to
(3: 42, 58, 80), to eliminate also (1: 59), to co-complete exactly (1: 3), to fit (into a place)
eliminate jointly (1: 50), to eliminate mutually (1: 89), to match (1: 48)
(1: 70), to eliminate together (2: 61, 80), to sunapartizein eis to converge on (1: 89)
eliminate together with (1: 93), to obliterate (1: sunapelenkhein to refute along with (2: 59, 80), to
39), to reciprocate (1: 27), to reject together refute as well (1: 84)
with (1: 9), to remove (2: 4, 94), to remove along sunaperkhesthai to depart along with (1: 91), to depart
with (2: 4, 35.2), to remove along with oneself with (1: 54), to leave along with (1: 91)
(1: 41.1), to remove together (1: 48), to remove sunaphairein to subtract (1: 55)
together with (1: 41.2), to take away along with sunaphaireisthai to conjointly remove (1: 75)
(1: 87), to unite (1: 27) sunaphê attachment (1: 22), conjunction (2: 28.1, 28.2),
sunanaireisthai to be destroyed along with (1: 2), connection (4: 22, 36, 48, 94), contact (3: 22, 27,
to be destroyed together (1: 68), to be lost (1: 100), context (1: 79), fusion (1: 22), link (1:
27), to be lost together with (1: 27), to be made 28.2), linkage (1: 22)
impossible together with (1: 94), to be negated sunapheia connection (1: 61)
along with (1: 16), to be removed (1: 68), to be sunaphês contiguous (1: 86.1)
simultaneously eliminated (1: 73), to disappear sunaphistasthai to withdraw with (1: 68)
(1: 94), to disappear along with (1: 94); sunapienai to depart along with (1: 58)
sunanairei the destruction of one thing sunapodeiknunai to demonstrate (1: 14), to
destroys something else (1: 7); ‘x sunanairei y’ demonstrate also (2: 56, 79), to demonstrate as
eliminating x eliminates y (1: 42) well (1: 42), to demonstrate at the same time (1:
sunanakerannunai : sunanakerannusthai to be 88), to demonstrate in conjunction (1: 38), to
interlinked (1: 48), to be mixed together (1: 84) demonstrate simultaneously (2: 3, 73), to
sunanakinein : sunanakineisthai to be stirred up demonstrate together (2: 42, 84), to prove at the
together with (1: 84) same time (1: 54), to show along with (1: 99), to
sunanakirnanai to mix in (1: 57) show also (1: 99), to show as well (1: 98), to
sunanakirnasthai to be blended together (1: 2) show concurrently (1: 92.1)
sunanakrasis mixture (1: 97.2) sunapodeiknusthai to be also proved (1: 55)
sunanalambanein to include with (1: 76), to take up sunapokatastasis keeping pace together (1: 84),
together (1: 17) simultaneous restoration (2: 54, 55)
sunanaliskein to consume (1: 24) sunapokathistasthai to be restored simultaneously (2:
sunanankazein to bind (1: 86.2) 54, 55), to come back around together (1: 3), to
sunanaphainein : sunanaphainesthai to appear return to the same point together (1: 88)
together with (1: 42), to appear with (1: 28.2), to sunapokrinein : sunapokrinesthai to be separated off
be revealed (1: 88), to be revealed along with (1: with (1: 24)
35.2), to become also manifest (1: 88), to become sunapolambanein to acquire together (1: 99), to catch
clear at the same time (1: 51), to become evident (1: 88), to collect (1: 88), to enclose (1: 88), to
along with (1: 7), to become evident also (1: 7), enclose with (1: 95), to hold along with (1: 95),
to come light with (1: 48), to emerge to include (1: 88), to receive along with (1: 95)
simultaneously (1: 76); sunanaphainomenos sunapolauein to be involved with (1: 25)
appearing alongside (1: 23) sunapoleipein to give out too (1: 22)
sunanapherein to associate (1: 27), to bring in (1: 36), sunapollusthai to perish along with (2: 57, 59)
to bring up with (1: 36), to bring with (1: 42), to sunapophainein to declare at the same time (1: 59)
carry along with (1: 91), to carry upwards with sunapophthengesthai to repeat an apophthegm (1: 59)
(1: 88), to carry upwards with oneself (1: 18.2), sunapospan : sunapospasthai to be separated along
to help send up (1: 57), to refer to (1: 36) with (1: 79)
sunanapheresthai to be carried up with (1: 21) sunapotelein to realise simultaneously (1: 48)
sunanaphurein : sunanaphuresthai to be sunapôtheisthai to be carried away (1: 18.2)
contaminated with (1: 11), to be mixed up sunapsis conjunction (1: 26)
(1: 36) sunaptein to add (2: 11, 14), to add on (1: 17), to add to
sunanarkhos also without beginning (1: 97.2) (1: 20), to attach (6: 3, 30/31, 35.2, 56, 99, 100),
sunanarrhiptein to carry upward (with oneself) (1: 88) to be conjoined (1: 14), to be connected (1: 64),
sunanatellein to rise together (2: 55, 90), to rise to be connected with (1: 10.2), to be in contact
together with (3: 54, 83, 88) (3: 14, 52, 87), to be joined (1: 14), to bring
sunantan to meet (1: 84) together (1: 99), to coincide (1: 91), to combine
sunantilambanesthai to perceive together with (1: 25) (1: 48), to conflate (1: 91), to conjoin (3: 6.1, 39,
sunantistrophos : sunantistrophos têi kephalê head 75), to connect (14: 10.2, 28.1, 28.2, 54, 55, 59,
down (1: 88) 64, 67, 70, 73, 80, 83, 87, 90), to fit (1: 28.1), to

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

join (17: 7, 11, 14, 19, 23, 28.1, 35.2, 39, 42, 44, (1: 80), to fit (3: 22, 28.1, 67), to fit together (4:
48, 59, 60, 79, 80, 83, 99), to join on (1: 35/35.1), 51, 67, 68, 97.1), to frame (1: 59), to harmonize
to join to (1: 68), to join together (5: 28.1, 38, (2: 22, 84), to harmonize with (2: 54, 55), to join
41.2, 42, 51), to link (4: 9, 10.2, 25, 48), to link (1: 23), to lump together (1: 86.1), to match (1:
up (1: 70), to link up with (1: 16), to mate (1: 26), to put together (1: 59), to tune to the same
80), to meet (2: 7, 14), to place in contact (2: 54, scale (1: 86.1)
55), to put together (1: 60), to tie on to (1: 14), sunarmozesthai to adjust itself (1: 28.2), to be
to touch (4: 14, 27, 67, 79) attuned (1: 25), to be put together (1: 79);
sunaptesthai to attach itself to (1: 22), to be sunarmostheis in conjunction (1: 28.1)
attached (1: 22), to be bonded (1: 22), to be sunarpazein to seduce (1: 6.1)
cohesive (1: 24), to be conjoined to (1: 99), to be sunarsis assistance (1: 79)
connected (4: 16, 22, 65, 78), to be connected sunartan to attach (2: 22, 48), to conjoin (1: 28.2), to
with (1: 7), to be fused with (1: 22), to be in join together (2: 78, 86.1), to link (2: 22, 23), to
contact (1: 88), to be in contact with (2: 22, 59), link with (1: 83)
to be joined (1: 78), to be joined together (1: sunartasthai to be co-dependent (1: 50), to be
22), to be linked to (1: 99), to be together (1: connected (1: 39), to be dependent on (1: 39), to
18.2), to border on (1: 41.2); sunêmmenos be joined together (1: 51); sunêrtêmenos
attached (1: 94), being connected (1: 67), dependent (1: 99); to sunêrtêmenon conjoint
conditional (1: 61), connected to (1: 14), fitted partner (1: 25)
together (1: 67), hypothetical (1: 18.2), in sunartêsis attachment (1: 22), being joined together (1:
conditional form (1: 14); sunêmmenôs in a 86.1), fitting together (1: 42), linkage (1: 51)
connected way (1: 76); to sunapton that which sunaskêsis training (1: 48)
connects (1: 67); to sunêmmenon a fitting sunasthenein to be inadequate too (1: 58)
together (1: 14), antecedent (1: 76), composite sunathroisis gathering (1: 7)
premiss (1: 94), conditional premiss (1: 1), sunathroizein to bring together (1: 35/35.1), to collect
conclusion (3: 14, 27, 70), conditional (20: 4, 9, (2: 12, 22), to combine (1: 90), to gather
14, 21, 23, 25, 30/31, 40, 42, 45/46, 47, 53, 55, 64, together (1: 77)
65, 73, 78, 79, 83, 85), conditional premise (4: 3, sunathroizesthai to be amassed (1: 25)
42, 57, 35/35.1), conditional proposition (2: 16, sunauxanein to contribute to an increase (1: 10.2), to
44), connection (1: 90), consequence (2: 18.2, expand along with (1: 84), to grow along with
98), consequent (2: 14, 18.2), hypothetical (2: (1: 94), to increase (2: 21, 52), to increase
18.2, 85), hypothetical argument (1: 18.2), together with (1: 93), to increase with (1: 88)
hypothetical premiss (2: 18.2, 41.2), sunauxanesthai to increase with (1: 22)
hypothetical proposition (1: 33), inference (1: sunauxein to encourage (1: 4), to enlarge (1: 91)
94), premiss (1: 92.1), reasoning (1: 76), sundapanan to co-exhaust (1: 3)
syllogism (1: 72) sundein to bind (4: 11, 23, 59, 68), to bind to (2: 58, 59),
sunaptikos conditional (1: 23), hypothetical (4: 35.2, to bind together (4: 41.2, 59, 68, 73), to bind
36, 59, 78) with (1: 56), to conjoin (1: 23), to join together
sunaristan to breakfast together with (1: 40) (1: 11), to tie together (1: 88)
sunarithmein to add (1: 68), to count (2: 44, 55), to sundeisthai to be bound to (1: 97.1), to be bound
count along with (3: 3, 57, 95), to count together with (1: 97.1), to be tied to (1: 97.1);
alongside (1: 48), to count as (1: 88), to count as sundedemenos bound together (1: 55),
belonging to (1: 27), to count in (1: 95), to connected (1: 23), unified (1: 41.1); to
include (2: 27, 42) sundethen what is bound together (1: 97.1)
sunarithmeisthai to be reckoned (1: 24) sundesis binding (1: 84), binding together (1: 59),
sunarkhein : sunarkhesthai to begin together with conjuction (1: 48), nexus (1: 55)
(1: 68) sundeseôs heneka to hold together (1: 23)
sunarmogê adjustment (1: 100), correspondence (1: sundesma something bound together (1: 68)
100), fitting together (1: 27), putting together sundesmos bond (6: 25, 43.2, 59, 67, 68, 86.2),
(1: 79) conjunction (18: 2, 13, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 22, 23, 27,
sunarmosis yoking together (1: 27) 36, 51, 57, 59, 87, 93, 95, 98, 100), conjunctive
sunarmostia harmony (1: 86.1) particle (1: 100), connecting (1: 61), connection
sunarmostikos capable of joining (1: 28.1) (1: 22), connective (6: 27, 28.2, 35/35.1, 35.2, 78,
sunarmottein / sunarmozein to adapt (1: 28.1), to 100), link (2: 59, 74), node (1: 54), particle (1: 36)
attach to (1: 22), to be coincident with (1: 11), to diazeuktikos sundesmos disjunctive connective (1:
be compatible (1: 44), to be compatible with (1: 95); parasunaptikos sundesmos causal
11), to be in a state of harmony (1: 86.1), to connective (1: 78); sumplêktikos sundesmos
come to be in harmony (1: 86.1), to construct coordinating conjunction (1: 13)


sundetikos binding together (2: 48, 68) sunduazesthai to be coupled (1: 50), to be coupled
sundiagôgê spending time together (1: 43.3) with (2: 51, 70), to be paired (1: 21), to be
sundiairein to apportion with (1: 83), to assign (1: 27), twinned (1: 89), to combine (1: 32)
to co-divide (1: 3), to differentiate sundunein to set together with (2: 83, 88), to set with
correspondingly (1: 4), to differentiate in a (1: 54)
corresponding way (1: 4), to distinguish sunduo pairing (1: 91), two-by-two (1: 51)
together with (1: 83), to divide (1: 68), to divide sunedreuein to accompany (2: 54, 83), to sit with (1: 2)
along with (2: 56, 80), to divide as well (1: 19), to sunedreuon ingredient (1: 27)
to divide in conjunction with (1: 38), to divide sunêgorein to advocate (3: 48, 57, 80), to declare (1:
jointly (1: 75), to divide together (1: 14), to 68), to make a case (1: 80), to plead (1: 35.2), to
divide together with (2: 51, 70), to divide up (1: plead as an advocate (1: 35/35.1), to plead for
54), to divide up together with (1: 40), to parcel (1: 35/35.1), to present a case (1: 55), to provide
out along with (1: 58) support (1: 83), to support (2: 79, 80)
sundiaireisthai to be distinguished from (1: 14) ho sunêgoroumenos client (1: 68)
sundiaphorein to disperse together (1: 51) sunêgoria a case for (a view) (1: 80), advocacy (1: 59),
sundiaphtheirein to destroy as well (1: 80) agreement (1: 44), defence (1: 19), plea (1:
sundiaphtheiresthai to cease to be along with (1: 35/35.1), support (2: 84, 85), what is said in
75) defence (1: 80), what is said in support (1: 80)
sundiaplassein / sundiaplattein to mould along with sunêgoros providing support (1: 84)
(1: 56) ho sunêgoros advocate (1: 68), defender (1: 52)
sundiaplekein to interweave (1: 54) suneidenai to attest (1: 57), to be able to (1: 51), to be
sundiaplokê interweaving (1: 54) aware of (1: 90), to be conscious (2: 4, 52), to be
sundiarthroun to articulate carefully (1: 2) conscious of (3: 7, 55, 69), to recognise (1: 63)
sundiatithenai to bring into a certain condition suneidenai heautôi to be conscious (1: 35/35.1)
as well (1: 61), to bring into a similar condition suneidopoieisthai to receive the same form (1: 28.2)
(1: 67), to bring into harmony (1: 61), to suneinai to accompany (2: 4, 86.1), to associate with (1:
dispose along with (1: 57), to sympathetically 69), to be also (1: 58), to be associated with (1:
affect (1: 28.1) 19), to be compresent with (1: 91), to be
sundiatithesthai to be affected by (1: 36), to be conjoined with (1: 99), to be co-present (1: 99),
similarly disposed (1: 22) to be integral with (1: 69), to be joined (1: 83),
sundiatupoun to compress (1: 61) to be joined to (1: 86.2), to be joined together
sundidaskein to teach together (1: 51) with (1: 42), to be joined with (1: 88), to be
sundiêmereuein to spend the day together (1: 69) present with (2: 27, 44), to be simultaneous (1:
sundiistanai to be articulated alongside (1: 39), to 76), to be together (2: 39, 44), to be with (3: 52,
divide up along with (1: 58) 54, 86.1), to coexist (2: 28.1, 39), to coexist with
sundiistasthai to be coextended (1: 14), to be (3: 58, 59, 87), to come together (1: 76), to
coextensive (1: 3), to be divided along with (2: couple (1: 69), to exist along with (1: 12), to
57, 80), to be extended (1: 68), to be extended exist together (1: 83), to take part (1: 16)
along with (2: 57, 80), to become divided (1: 68) ou suneinai to depart (1: 18.2); sunôn associated
sundioikizein : sundioikizesthai to be separately (1: 4)
housed in alignment with (1: 25) suneirein to be continuous (1: 60), to be related to (1:
sundokein to agree (1: 67), to be accepted (1: 55), to be 23), to collect (1: 23), to connect (1: 32), to
agreed (1: 58) connect together (1: 60), to direct (1: 10.2), to
sundoxazein to have opinions together with (1: 86.1) join to (1: 23)
sundromê coincidence (1: 84), coming together (2: 57, suneisagein to bring (1: 84), to bring along together (1:
80), concourse (1: 51), concurrence (7: 22, 26, 48), to bring along with (1: 12), to bring in
48, 60, 63, 76, 89), configuration (1: 61), together (1: 7), to bring together (1: 23), to bring
conjunction (1: 23) together with (1: 56), to do something to further
sundromos coincident (2: 23, 99), concomitant (1: (1: 17), to entail (1: 39), to give (1: 28.1), to imply
100), concording (1: 100), concurrent (5: 22, also (1: 59), to imply one another (1: 80), to infer
35/35.1, 56, 95, 100), in accordance with (1: 36), (1: 73), to introduce (3: 85, 90, 98), to introduce
in cooperation with (1: 70), keeping pace with along with (1: 87), to introduce also (1: 54)
(1: 95), partner (1: 25) suneisagesthai to be connected (1: 27), to be
sunduasmos combination (1: 20), coupling (2: 24, 56), introduced (1: 27)
mating (1: 4), pairing (1: 52) suneiserkhesthai to be included (1: 85), to come in to
sunduazein to combine (1: 20), to couple (2: 23, 69), to join (1: 48), to enter along with (1: 29.1)
couple with (2: 61, 80), to pair with (1: 80), to suneisienai to come in together (1: 94), to enter in with
take as a pair (1: 83) (1: 70), to go in together (1: 94)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

suneispherein to bring in as well (1: 79), to bring in 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98,
with (1: 56), to bring into the common stock (1: 99, 100), uninterrupted (1: 95), without a break
61), to carry along with (1: 41.2), to contribute (1: 80)
(4: 12, 28.1, 65, 76), to entail (1: 7), to introduce sunekhôs continually (4: 2, 40, 52, 58), continuously
along with (1: 70) (18: 4, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 27, 28.1, 42, 52, 60, 61, 67,
sunekdokhê synecdoche (1: 33) 75, 88, 89, 95, 98, 99); to sunekhes continuity (7:
kata sunekdokhên if you take the particular as 27, 42, 52, 58, 60, 67, 95), continuum (11: 12, 20,
standing for the whole (1: 90) 28.2, 38, 42, 63, 75, 76, 85, 93, 100), implication
sunekdromê analogy (1: 26) (2: 64, 65), the continuous (1: 20), what is
sunêkein to go along with (1: 86.1) continuous (1: 75); to sunekhôs continuity (1:
sunekheia being continuous (1: 56), continuity (50: 3, 42); kata to sunekhes consecutively (1: 60),
6.1, 6.2, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, continuously (3: 58, 59, 60), without intermission
27, 28.1, 28.2, 32, 33, 35/35.1, 36, 38, 39, 41.2, 42, (1: 99), remaining in continuity (1: 28.1); poson
44, 51, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, sunekhes continuous quantity (1: 57); ta
83, 85, 87, 88, 91, 92.2, 95, 97.1, 98, 99, 100), sunekhê apeira infinite continua (1: 10.1)
continuous whole (1: 67), continuousness (2: 54, sunekhizein to connect (1: 39), to make continuous (5:
64), continuum (2: 61, 93), implication (1: 65), 14, 19, 22, 42, 79), to produce continuity (1: 14),
integrity (1: 59), place in a series (1: 88), to render continuous (1: 77)
sequence (1: 88), sequence of argument (1: 87), sunekhizesthai to be continuous (1: 18.2), to be in
source of continuity (1: 87) continuity (1: 3), to become continuous (1: 27)
sunekheiâi continuously (1: 28.2); kata sunekkrinein to get rid of (1: 24), to separate out (1:
sunekheian as continuous (1: 57), by continuity 21)
(1: 57), continually (2: 58, 68), continuous (2: sunekphainein to make clear also (1: 18.2)
22, 99), continuously (8: 22, 28.2, 57, 59, 60, 88, sunekphainesthai to appear together (1: 84)
90, 93), in a continuous fashion (1: 17), in a sunekpuroun : sunekpurousthai to be set on fire along
continuous manner (1: 93), in a continuous way with (1: 54)
(1: 60), smoothly (1: 59), step by step (1: 88), sunektasis common extension (1: 54)
through the continuum (1: 93), unbroken (1: sunekteinein to coextend (1: 3), to extend together (1:
58), without a break (1: 59); kata tên 41.2)
sunekheian as continuous (1: 18.2) kata sunekteinesthai to be extended together (1: 54), to
sunekheian haptesthai to be in direct contact be extended together with (1: 22), to extend
(1: 88); hê tosêde sunekheia a certain quantity alongside (1: 87); sunekteinomenos stretched
of continuity (1: 44); out with (1: 11)
sunekhein to be continuous (1: 77), to bind together sunekthrôskein to leap out (1: 86.1)
(1: 54), to cohere (1: 48), to comprise (1: 21), to sunektikos binding (1: 83), capable of holding together
confine (1: 39), to conserve (1: 39), to constrain (1: 25), cohesive (1: 88), comprising the
(1: 39), to contain (5: 39, 54, 88, 95, 97.1), to continuity (1: 39), containing (2: 26, 39),
hold (1: 88), to hold together (22: 10.2, 17, 18.2, essential (1: 43.3), holding together (6: 6.2, 11,
22, 24, 25, 38, 42, 48, 50, 52, 59, 61, 67, 68, 83, 88, 17, 55, 56, 83), preservative of (1: 22), preserving
91, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 100), to keep (2: 68, 80), to (2: 22, 80), responsible for preservation (1: 80),
keep together (1: 94), to maintain (4: 2, 22, 58, sustaining (1: 22), that holds together (3: 19, 27,
88), to make continuous (2: 14, 87), to preserve 61), that maintains (1: 42), that sustains (1: 22)
(4: 22, 39, 48, 80), to render continuous (2: 39, sunektikôs with understanding (1: 28.2)
77), to sustain (2: 22, 83), to unite (1: 97.1) sunektrekhein to go along with (1: 54), to move along
sunekhesthai to be continuous (1: 75), to be with (1: 84)
enclosed (1: 76), to be held together (1: 29.1), to sunelaunein to force (1: 68), to hammer together (1:
hold together (1: 85); to sunekhesthai 68), to push along (1: 95)
persistence (1: 22); to sunekhon continuity (2: sunelenkhein to refute also (1: 95)
22, 27); to en hautôi sunekhein to maintain suneleusis coming together (1: 55)
internal coherence (1: 27) sunelkein to draw (1: 95), to draw out with (1: 6.1), to
sunekhês adjacent (3: 21, 93, 95), connected to (1: 67), draw up (1: 95), to draw with (1: 79), to pull (2:
constant (2: 61, 99), contiguous (1: 88), 79, 95), to pull along with (1: 95)
continual (2: 10.1, 23), continually (1: 68), sunelkesthai to be pulled along (1: 18.2)
continuous (74: 1, 3, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, sunemphainein to co-imply (1: 76), to co-manifest (1:
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 39), to exhibit (1: 27), to imply (1: 39), to
26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 32, 33, 35/35.1, 35.2, 36, indicate also (1: 84), to indicate simultaneously
38, 39, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 44, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, (1: 54), to make clear (1: 23), to manifest along
56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 68, 75, 76, 77, 78, with (1: 39)


sunemphainesthai to appear together (1: 17) sunergeia co-operation (1: 39)

sunemphasis reference (1: 44) sunergein to act together (1: 35/35.1), to act together
sunemptôsis coincidence (1: 57), falling together (1: with (1: 78), to aid in (1: 28.2), to assist (1: 58),
88), meeting in the same place (1: 88) to be a co-agent (1: 22), to be a cooperating
sunendidonai to contribute (1: 86.1) factor (1: 26), to be a partner (1: 22), to be active
sunendosis contribution (1: 86.1) along with (1: 28.1), to be co-active (1: 22), to
sunenergein to act together (1: 56) be contributory (1: 28.2), to collaborate (1: 76),
sunengismos approach (1: 3) to contribute (7: 18.2, 21, 52, 79, 86.1, 91, 99), to
sunengizein to come near (1: 56) contribute to (1: 40), to contribute towards (1:
sunengus close (1: 7), close together (1: 7), nearly (1: 40), to cooperate (4: 28.1, 28.2, 39, 83), to help
20), next (1: 35.2), proximate (1: 60), very close (2: 24, 83), to play a role (1: 54), to work in
(1: 10.2) cooperation with (1: 38)
sunenklinein : sunenklinomenos enclitic (1: 23) sunergia assistance (1: 61), cooperation (1: 48)
sunenoun to unify (2: 48, 94), to unite (1: 68) sunergos co-active (1: 22), collaborator (1: 100),
sunênômenos united with (1: 55) contributing (1: 52), contributing to (1: 40),
sunentasis tension (1: 52) contributing towards (1: 40), helpful (1: 69),
sunenteinein to tension (1: 52), to tension along with working in co-operation (1: 38), working
(1: 52) together (1: 84)
sunepagein to lead along (1: 88) ho sunergos collaborator (1: 69); to sunergon aid
sunepesthai to accompany (1: 97.1), to attend (1: 59), (2: 22, 24), contributing factor (1: 28.2),
to be a sequel (1: 2), to be consistent with (1: cooperation (1: 22), co-worker (2: 23, 59), help
93), to be the consequent (1: 48), to follow (3: (1: 69), servant (1: 61); sunergos einai pros to
42, 79, 97.1), to follow along (3: 35.2, 97.1, 97.2), contribute to (1: 52); sunergos ginesthai to
to go along (1: 97.1), to yield to (1: 79) assist (1: 52)
sunephaptesthai to join in (1: 84) sunerithos accomplice (1: 17), co-worker (1: 2)
sunephelkein to drag (1: 95), to draw along (1: 20), to sunerkhesthai to be an ingredient (1: 60), to be
pull (1: 95), to pull along (1: 95), to pull along brought to conjunction (1: 95), to be gathered
after (1: 19), to pull along with (1: 67) (1: 95), to be in conjunction (1: 95), to coalesce
sunephelkesthai to be carried along with (1: 88), to (1: 59), to come together (15: 10.2, 12, 17, 28.1,
be pulled along with (1: 88), to co-imply (1: 89), 54, 55, 59, 60, 76, 78, 79, 85, 92.1, 95, 99), to
to implicate (1: 25), to import together with contract (1: 95), to have intercourse (1: 60), to
oneself (1: 89) meet (1: 88)
sunepilambanein to take part in (1: 19) sunesis conscience (1: 35/35.1), insight (1: 22),
sunepinoein to apprehend along with (1: 87), to intelligence (1: 69), understanding (9: 2, 25,
conceive as well (1: 42), to co-understand (1: 28.1, 38, 40, 52, 55, 86.1, 100)
43.3), to imply (1: 58), to introduce the idea of dianoêtikê sunesis understanding by thought (1:
(1: 58), to think about at the same time (1: 61), 28.1)
to think jointly of (1: 75), to think of (1: 76), to suneteroiousthai to be altered along with (1: 50)
think of as well (1: 17), to think of in sunêtheia acquaintance (3: 43.1, 43.3, 69), being
connection with (1: 58), to think of together (1: accustomed (1: 21), colloquial expression (1:
17), to understand (2: 73, 90) 88), colloquial speech (1: 57), common custom
sunepipherein to adduce (1: 61), to bring with (1: 40), (1: 28.2), common speech (3: 41.2, 48, 94),
to carry along with (1: 41.2), to imply (2: 39, 48) common usage (6: 9, 25, 44, 72, 73, 88),
sunepipheresthai to be inclusive (1: 27), to be convention (2: 27, 40), custom (7: 14, 30/31, 40,
introduced together (1: 27) 56, 83, 87, 93), customary speaking (1: 56),
sunepispan to drag along with (1: 67), to draw in along customary use (1: 42), everyday language (1:
with (1: 61), to draw with (1: 55) 94), everyday speech (1: 88), experience (1: 14),
sunepistrephein to make (something) turn in the same familiarity (1: 4), general usage (1: 17), habit (5:
direction (1: 55), to make (something) turn 14, 17, 41.2, 88, 95), habitual use (2: 22, 38),
with (1: 55), to turn (1: 55) habituation (3: 52, 54, 97.1), idiom (1: 28.2),
sunepistrephesthai to be turned in the same ordinary language (2: 13, 41.1), ordinary usage
direction (1: 55), to be turned with (1: 55), to (2: 13, 50), ordinary use (1: 83), practice (1: 39),
turn (1: 55) standard usage (1: 89), usage (6: 7, 20, 35.2, 39,
sunepitelein to bring to perfection (1: 24) 51, 95), use (2: 22, 44), usual habit (1: 89), usual
sunepôthein to add pressure (1: 18.2), to push along terminology (1: 48)
(1: 78) en sunêtheiâi commonly (1: 27); kata tên
sunepourizein to produce a fair wind for (1: 78) sunêtheian according to common usage (1: 85),
sunergazesthai to work together with (1: 26) according to custom (1: 85), commonly (1: 85);

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

sunêtheia koinê common usage (1: 35/35.1); 74), relative (1: 43.3), similar (1: 98), with
sunêtheia tôn onomatôn linguistic usage affinity (1: 56), with affinity to (1: 48)
(1: 99) ho sungenês kinsman (1: 43.1); hoi sungeneis kin
sunêthês accustomed (1: 2), characteristic (1: 44), (1: 68); to sungenes related substance (1: 28.2);
common (3: 22, 40, 54), conventional (1: 40), sungenôs ekhein to be akin (1: 28.2)
customary (8: 22, 40, 44, 51, 65, 83, 86.2, 87), sungenikos kindred (1: 43.1)
familiar (1: 69), habitual (4: 17, 54, 55, 99), sungignesthai / sunginesthai to be acquainted with (1:
idiomatic (1: 39), in common use (1: 9), like in 51), to combine (1: 85), to come together (1:
character (3: 43.1, 43.3, 69), normal (2: 4, 61), 85), to consort with (1: 22), to have intercourse
ordinary (2: 61, 83), usual (7: 23, 27, 39, 40, 52, (1: 80)
60, 95) sungignoskein / sunginôskein to acknowledge (1: 78),
sunêthôs as is his wont (1: 93), customarily (2: to agree (1: 28.1), to allow (1: 68), to forgive (1:
30/31, 40), following common usage (1: 88), in 45/46), to generally agree upon (1: 93), to
accordance with habit (1: 95), in the customary pardon (1: 4), to recognise (3: 18.2, 67, 68)
way (1: 57), usually (1: 40); ho sunêthês sunginôskesthai to accept (1: 83), to excuse (1: 83);
associate (1: 2), companion (1: 43.2); to sunegnôsmenos known (1: 23), well-known (1:
sunêthes colloquial usage (1: 57), habituation 70)
(1: 56); kata to sunêthes according to common sungnômê forgiveness (1: 45/46), it is excusable (1: 68),
usage (1: 51); sunêthês khrêsis usage of pardon (2: 4, 69)
customary speech (1: 56) sungnômên ekhein to forgive (1: 51)
sunethismos being accustomed (1: 61), habituation (3: sungnômonein to pardon (1: 69)
19, 51, 56) sungnômonikos forgiving (1: 69)
sunethizein to accustom (2: 19, 40), to habituate (1: sungramma book (4: 23, 44, 52, 85), composition (2:
40), to make accustomed (1: 61) 51, 89), discussion (a section of a work) (1: 89),
sunethizesthai to be accustomed (1: 100), to be treatise (5: 55, 65, 78, 79, 85), work (4: 28.2, 73,
habituated (2: 2, 100), to become accustomed 84, 88), writing (9: 2, 7, 22, 23, 51, 67, 85, 90, 95),
(2: 22, 54); to sunethizesthai accustomisation written work (2: 22, 35.2)
(1: 22) skholikon sungramma commentary (1: 88);
sunetos having understanding (1: 55), intelligible (1: 65) skholika sungrammata school commentary
suneuporein to help find a way (1: 86.1) (1: 88)
sunexatmizein to dissipate (1: 24), to evaporate along sungraphê book (1: 84), composition (1: 89), treatise
with (1: 21) (1: 85)
sunexerkhesthai to be a common exit (1: 35/35.1) sungraphein to compose (2: 25, 89), to write (1: 65), to
sunexetazein to examine together (1: 19) write down (1: 84)
sunexienai to go out together with (1: 94), to leave sungrapheus prose writer (1: 64)
along with (1: 88) sungumnasia education (1: 48), training (1: 48)
sunexisazein to be equally present (1: 48) sunienai (< ienai) to come together (4: 60, 78, 79, 98),
sunexisoun to be equally present (1: 48), to equalize (1: to gather (1: 88), to unite (1: 88)
41.2) sunienai (< hienai) to be contracted (1: 24), to observe
sunexistanai to be conjoined (1: 18.2) (1: 59), to realize (1: 25), to understand (15: 6.2,
sunexomoioun to assimilate to oneself (1: 70), to make 16, 25, 28.2, 38, 40, 42, 51, 73, 79, 83, 86.1, 86.1,
completely like (1: 57) 90, 97.2)
sunexorman to sally forth along with (1: 69) sunistanai to bring into existence (1: 54), to cause to
sungeneia affinity (4: 19, 25, 27, 28.2), genus (1: 90), stand together (1: 40), to collect (1: 95), to
kinship (20: 14, 17, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 39, 41.2, 48, combine (1: 78), to combine to produce (1: 26),
51, 54, 55, 60, 68, 84, 86.1, 86.2, 93, 97.1, 97.2, to compose (10: 6.2, 21, 22, 24, 27, 48, 61, 78, 79,
98), likeness (1: 79), relationship (2: 97.2, 98) 83), to compound (1: 22), to condense (2: 38,
apâidein sungeneias to lack affinity (1: 19) 95), to confirm (3: 10.2, 16, 44), to conjoin (1:
sungenês akin (21: 3, 10.2, 11, 14, 16, 21, 22, 28.2, 37, 39, 22), to consist (1: 59), to constitute (13: 4, 7, 12,
41.2, 48, 51, 55, 67, 68, 79, 83, 86.1, 93, 99), akin 21, 22, 25, 27, 40, 44, 51, 77, 83, 86.1), to
to (2: 42, 99), allied (1: 22), belonging to the construct (11: 4, 9, 19, 53, 54, 55, 59, 78, 79, 86.1,
same genus (1: 90), close to (1: 48), cognate (2: 89), to erect (1: 68), to establish (11: 2, 4, 12, 19,
67, 98), congenial (1: 56), generically cognate (1: 21, 38, 42, 52, 59, 95, 99), to establish upon a
92.1), homogeneous with (1: 87), in the same foundation (1: 40), to exist (1: 7), to fabricate
genus (1: 73), kin (3: 3, 37, 39), kindred (1: 50), (1: 80), to form (4: 17, 52, 77, 91), to found (1:
like (1: 79), of a similar kind (1: 91), of the same 40), to frame (2: 58, 59), to give consistency (1:
kind (8: 22, 25, 42, 75, 78, 79, 83, 98), of the 38), to give existence (1: 83), to hold together (1:
same sort (1: 67), of the sort (1: 27), related (1: 61), to join together (1: 22), to make up (1:


86.1), to organise (1: 24), to produce (1: 79), to sunkatabioun to live with (1: 55)
provide with (1: 40), to pull together (1: 10.2), sunkataduesthai to set at the same time as (1: 95), to
to put together (5: 6.2, 17, 52, 59, 78), to set (1: set simultaneously with (1: 95)
12), to support (4: 3, 27, 44, 99), to sustain (2: 2, sunkatapherein to bring down together (1: 88), to
94), to take shape (1: 95) carry down along with (1: 95)
sunistasthai to agglomerate (1: 88), to arise (3: 43.2, sunkatapheresthai to be carried down with (1: 21)
95, 98), to be (2: 58, 59), to be based on (1: 73), sunkatarithmein to reckon in (1: 21)
to be coherent (1: 76), to be compacted (1: 24), sunkatarithmeisthai to count along with (1:
to be composed (6: 58, 59, 60, 76, 93, 95), to be 35/35.1)
composed from (1: 54), to be composed of (3: sunkataskeuazein to establish together with (2: 64, 65);
28.2, 42, 54), to be composed out of (1: 56), to sunkataskeuazesthai to be established together
be composite (1: 28.2), to be condensed (1: 24), with (1: 84)
to be congealed (1: 24), to be constituted (13: 2, sunkataspan to distort (1: 61)
10.2, 24, 25, 28.1, 57, 61, 68, 69, 76, 80, 85, 98), to sunkatatassein / sunkatatattein to classify along with
be constructed (4: 3, 58, 59, 75), to be fabricated (1: 87), to subsume (1: 60)
(1: 59), to be formed (4: 32, 69, 80, 95), to be sunkatatetagmenos coextensive (1: 90), immanent
formed from (1: 88), to be found together (1: (1: 63)
73), to be framed (1: 59), to be in existence (1: sunkatateinein : sunkatateinesthai to tend downwards
59), to be involved with (1: 50), to be joined with (1: 22)
together (1: 60), to be made of (2: 80, 88), to be sunkatathesis a coming down on one side of a
made up of (1: 41.2), to be produced (1: 95), to contradiction (1: 40), a coming down on one
be put together (2: 59, 76), to coalesce (1: 52), to side of a question (1: 40), agreement (2: 23, 40),
collect (1: 28.2), to come about (2: 88, 95), to assent (12: 16, 21, 22, 23, 25, 35/35.1, 36, 40,
come into existence (2: 39, 59), to come into 45/46, 52, 54, 99), consensus (1: 40),
existence together (1: 39), to come to exist (1: endorsement (1: 91), endorsing (1: 91)
19), to come together (2: 85, 95), to compose (2: sunkatathetikos for endorsing (1: 91)
30/31, 68), to condense (2: 21, 88), to consist (5: sunkatatithenai : sunkatatithesthai to agree (1: 90), to
43.2, 43.3, 57, 59, 88), to consist in (3: 2, 86.1, agree with (2: 38, 59), to assent (7: 16, 21, 22, 25,
99), to consist of (9: 7, 16, 22, 25, 40, 51, 60, 61, 35/35.1, 45/46, 52), to come down on one side
67), to constitute (1: 90), to construct (2: 73, 90), of a question (1: 40), to consent (1: 86.2), to
to derive from (1: 59), to endure (1: 76), to endorse (1: 91), to give assent (1: 36), to settle
establish (1: 56), to exist (8: 7, 10.2, 19, 59, 61, down together (1: 86.1), to subscribe to (1: 59)
80, 88, 98), to form (5: 27, 28.2, 43.2, 88, 95), to sunkeisthai to be a combination (1: 76), to be a
gather (2: 56, 57), to have formation (1: 95), to compound (1: 7), to be adjacent (1: 41.2), to be
occur (2: 92.1, 95), to originate (1: 88), to agreed on (1: 52), to be closed together (1: 30),
produce oneself (1: 88), to reconstruct (1: 25), to be combination of (1: 52), to be combined (6:
to result from (1: 88), to structure (1: 24), to 4, 15, 25, 67, 76, 79), to be combined from (1:
subsist (1: 60), to take shape (1: 20); sunestôs 75), to be composed (25: 2, 4, 10.2, 11, 12, 16, 17,
constituted (3: 2, 15, 99), made up of (1: 99); 19, 21, 24, 32, 51, 52, 59, 65, 68, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83,
sunestêkenai to be implemented (1: 87); ho 90, 91, 93, 94), to be composite (2: 52, 65), to be
sunistas creator (1: 42); sunistasthai ek to be compounded (9: 9, 11, 24, 40, 54, 55, 59, 79, 91),
compounded from (1: 50); phusei sunestôs to be conflated (1: 25), to be conjoined (2: 16,
constituted by nature (1: 15), naturally 79), to be constructed (1: 59), to be disturbed
constituted (1: 47) (1: 10.2), to be formed (1: 85), to be put together
sunizanein to close up (1: 18.2), to collapse (1: 80), to (8: 6.2, 12, 21, 30/31, 52, 67, 76, 83), to be
congregate (1: 18.2), to contract (1: 18.2), to fall undifferentiated (1: 89), to combine (1: 28.1), to
(1: 98), to shrink (1: 98) consist (2: 59, 80), to consist of (1: 61)
sunizêsis collapsing (1: 98), congregation (1: 18.2), sunkeimenos combined (2: 2, 15), composed (1: 2),
shrinkage (1: 98), synizesis (1: 72) composite (1: 17), compounded (1: 15),
sunkaiein to burn thoroughly (1: 21) congruent (1: 15), constituted (1: 2); to
sunkakopathein to suffer together (1: 43.3) sunkeimenon combination (1: 80), composite
sunkamptein to bend (1: 86.1) (1: 91), compound (2: 15, 42); ta sunkeimena
sunkamptesthai to be bent (1: 79) constituent parts (1: 22); sunkeisthai ek to be
sunkatabainein to accommodate (1: 45/46), to combined from (1: 89), to be composed of (11:
conform (1: 44) 3, 21, 22, 41.2, 42, 44, 73, 75, 89, 98, 99), to be
sunkataballein to sow along with (1: 86.1) made of (1: 76), to be made out of (1: 85), to be
sunkatabasis accommodation (1: 45/46) made up of (1: 99), to consist in (1: 99), to
sunkatabatikos accommodating (1: 45/46) consist of (5: 27, 44, 58, 67, 93); sunkeimenos

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

ek composed out of (1: 76), made up of (1: 76); 67), to change along with (1: 35/35.1), to change
ex hôn sunkeitai components (1: 42); ta ex hôn jointly (1: 91), to move along with (4: 68, 95, 98,
sunkeitai components (2: 59, 80) 100), to move together (3: 61, 67, 100), to move
sunkephalaiôsis a bringing together (1: 2) together with (2: 28.1, 95), to move with (2: 27,
sunkephalaioun to bring under one heading (1: 40), to 52), to stimulate jointly (1: 28.1)
summarise (2: 25, 38) sunkineisthai to be accompanied by a movement
sunkephalaiousthai to sum up (3: 23, 24, 26), to (1: 61), to be changed together with (1: 44), to
summarise (2: 2, 38) be excited together (4: 22, 54, 55, 67), to move
sunkerannunai to blend (1: 67), to blend together (1: along with (6: 19, 42, 54, 55, 83, 88), to move
25), to combine (1: 7), to fuse (1: 67), to mix together with (1: 50)
(1: 23) sunkirnasthai to be mixed up (1: 28.2)
sunkerannusthai to mingle with (1: 78) sunkleiein to close (1: 57), to shut in (1: 52)
sunkhein to blur (1: 38), to compromise (1: 48), to sunklêrês receiving lots at the same time (1: 86.2)
conflate (1: 25), to confound (1: 41.2), to sunklêrousthai to be the lot of (1: 59)
confound together (1: 17), to confuse (8: sunklôthein to blend (1: 20), to spin (1: 17), to weave
35/35.1, 48, 51, 52, 57, 61, 68, 83), to flow together (1: 44)
together (1: 54), to fuse (2: 35/35.1, 86.1), to sunklôthesthai to get interwoven (1: 60)
mingle in (1: 98), to run together (2: 55, 83) sunkollan to bond together (1: 80), to stick together (1:
sunkheisthai to be conflated (2: 25, 50), to be 67)
confused (1: 56), to flow together (1: 27), to get sunkopê syncope (1: 72)
confused (1: 86.1); sunkekhumenos concrete sunkoptein : sunkoptesthai to be chopped up (1: 79)
(1: 20), confused (2: 35/35.1, 56), indiscriminate sunkoruphoun to make culminate (1: 92.1)
(2: 63, 76); sunkekhumenôs in a conflated way sunkrama compound (1: 68)
(1: 25), in a confused way (1: 56), sunkrasis combination (1: 54), comparison (1: 84),
indiscriminately (1: 48); to sunkekhumenon composition (2: 44, 68), conjunction (1: 44),
compound (1: 10.2), confusion (1: 67) mingling (1: 60), mixture (4: 23, 48, 60, 67),
sunkhôneuein to dissolve (1: 79) mixture together (1: 57)
sunkhôneuomenos melted down (1: 78) sunkratein to hold together (1: 97.2)
sunkhôrein to accept (9: 4, 22, 27, 44, 58, 59, 78, 79, 83), sunkrima aggregate (1: 5), aggregation (1: 89),
to acknowledge (1: 27), to admit (10: 18.2, 19, amalgam (1: 17), blend (1: 78), combination (2:
22, 23, 27, 44, 58, 90, 93, 94), to agree (30: 6.1, 20, 68), composition (2: 1, 84), compound (7:
6.2, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 25, 39, 42, 48, 51, 52, 99), mixture (2: 67, 85)
41.2, 48, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 64, 65, 68, 76, 83, 85, sunkrinein to aggregate (5: 2, 19, 24, 32, 54), to arrange
86.1, 89, 93, 98), to agree to (1: 4), to allow (9: (1: 11), to blend (2: 78, 79), to bring together (2:
18.2, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 45/46, 52, 58, 88), to assent 17, 60), to cause to combine (1: 42), to combine
(3: 64, 65, 76), to assent to (1: 73), to be in (14: 2, 10.2, 12, 21, 24, 25, 42, 48, 52, 59, 60, 83,
agreement (1: 76), to come together (1: 85), to 95, 99), to compact (2: 35/35.1, 56), to compare
concede (25: 2, 4, 6.2, 7, 9, 18.2, 20, 22, 25, 27, 40, (12: 7, 17, 19, 35/35.1, 40, 41.2, 64, 79, 80, 83, 93,
52, 58, 59, 67, 68, 75, 76, 83, 86.1, 86.2, 89, 93, 94, 98), to compound (1: 39), to compress (2: 19,
99), to endorse (1: 86.1), to go along with (1: 57), to condense (2: 88, 95), to conjoin (1: 22),
76), to grant (10: 2, 12, 21, 42, 68, 73, 83, 90, 93, to conjoin with (1: 18.2), to contract (1: 95), to
94), to leave room (1: 59), to not object (1: 25), discriminate (1: 100), to force together (1: 57),
to permit (4: 2, 18.2, 42, 45/46), to reach to judge (1: 11), to judge in relation (1: 52), to
agreement (1: 85) judge together (1: 19), to make a comparative
sunkhôreisthai to be agreed (1: 10.2); judgment (1: 19), to make to contract (1: 57), to
sunkhôrêteon one must concede (1: 86.1) mix together (2: 22, 85), to move along with (1:
sunkhôrêsis agreement (1: 84), concession (1: 7), 99), to unite (2: 11, 60)
permission (1: 45/46) sunkrinesthai to be aggregated (2: 75, 89), to be
sunkhrêsis use (1: 52) gathered (1: 76), to be mixed with (1: 99), to
sunkhrêsthai to employ (1: 42), to exploit (1: 10.2), to coalesce (1: 52), to collect (1: 76), to combine (1:
make joint use (1: 3), to make use of (4: 10.2, 16, 76), to undergo compression (1: 52), to undergo
19, 42), to use (2: 44, 84), to use along with contraction (2: 61, 67); sunkriteon one should
(1: 56) compare (1: 64)
sunkhusis chaos (1: 37), confusion (7: 6.1, 28.2, sunkrisis aggregating (1: 19), aggregation (8: 2, 32, 33,
35/35.1, 37, 51, 59, 85), fusion (2: 67, 86.1), 54, 60, 75, 80, 89), association (1: 44), blending
muddle (1: 44) (2: 78, 79), collection (2: 23, 76), combination
sunkinein to also move (1: 67), to be in movement (11: 2, 12, 38, 39, 42, 48, 52, 76, 85, 92.1, 99),
with (1: 68), to cause to move along with (2: 54, combining (2: 60, 92.2), comparison (17: 7, 19,


24, 39, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 54, 55, 60, 64, 76, 79, 84, 95, sunoikia community (1: 43.2)
97.2, 98), composition (2: 44, 76), compounding sunokhê being held together (1: 83), binding power (2:
(1: 92.1), compressing (1: 19), compression (1: 54, 55), coherence (4: 41.1, 67, 68, 74), cohesion
48), condensation (1: 95), confluence (2: 25, 50), (1: 48), collection (1: 14), containment (1: 39),
contraction (1: 56), formation (1: 95), gathering continuation (1: 26), continuity (1: 83), embrace
(1: 88), mixing (1: 67), mixture (3: 10.2, 61, 85), (1: 14), fusion (1: 44), holding together (1: 56),
putting together (1: 66), uniting (1: 60) maintenance (1: 100), preservation (1: 22),
kata sunkrisin comparatively (1: 27) unifying principle (1: 70), union (1: 70)
sunkritikos absorbent (1: 76), aggregative (1: 19), sunokheus connector (1: 72)
blending (2: 78, 79), capable of aggregating (1: sunokhikos binding (2: 54, 55), sustaining (1: 74), that
24), combinatory (1: 92.1), comparative (2: 51, holds together (1: 42)
84), compressing (2: 40, 48), contracting (2: 40, sunolos composite (1: 10.2), entire (1: 78), whole (1:
67), involving comparison (1: 40), of 52)
comparison (1: 40), putting together (1: 98), to sunolon absolute (1: 92.1), as a whole (1: 61),
such as to draw together (1: 95), unitive (1: 16) composite whole (1: 75), compound (1: 25),
sunkritikôs in a comparative sense (1: 88), in terms whole (1: 22)
of comparison (1: 88); to sunkritikon sunomartein to follow along with (1: 86.1)
compressiveness (1: 92.1) sunomologein to agree (1: 51)
sunkritos comparable (1: 69) sunonomazesthai to be named conjointly (1: 51)
sunkrotein : sunkroteisthai to be driven together (1: sunônumein to be synonymous (2: 43.1, 69)
79) sunônumia synonymy (2: 19, 41.1), univocity (1: 16)
sunkrouein to bring into collision (1: 19), to bring into sunônumos being the same in name in the same sense
conflict (1: 84) (1: 26), denoted by the same name (1: 3), having
sunkrousis collision (1: 60), knocking together (1: the same name (1: 58), in the same sense (1: 22),
86.1) of the same name and nature (1: 10.1), of the
sunkrousmos colliding together (1: 54) same nature (1: 10.1), same in name and
sunkuiskesthai to be conceived together (1: 86.1) definition (1: 32), signified by a common name
sunkukan to mush together (1: 84) (1: 44), synonymous (14: 2, 13, 19, 20, 39, 41.1,
sunkuklein to assist the revolution of (1: 59), to carry 48, 63, 69, 70, 85, 87, 90, 99), undifferentiated (1:
around with (1: 59) 35.2), unequivocal (1: 12), univocal (4: 16, 22,
sunkuklizein to circulate with (1: 88) 48, 70), univocally named (1: 44)
sunneuein to be inclined to (1: 67), to converge (5: 55, sunônumon synonymously (1: 19); sunômumôs in
68, 79, 83, 88), to incline inwards towards (1: 70) the same way (1: 35.2), in the strict sense (1:
sunneneukenai to converge (1: 68); sunneuein eis 35.2), without differentiation (1: 35.2), as
heauton to turn towards oneself (1: 61); another name for something (1: 40), by the
sunneuein pros heauton to turn towards same name (1: 58), exactly the same (1: 22), in a
oneself (1: 61) single sense (1: 4), synonymously (10: 4, 13, 19,
sunneusis concentration (1: 44), convergence (3: 22, 40, 41.1, 51, 59, 68, 70, 86.1), univocally (5: 15,
41.2, 84), inclination (3: 28.1, 36, 100) 16, 22, 44, 74); to sunônumon synonym (5: 7,
sunnoein to be aware of (1: 59), to concentrate (1: 83), 13, 33, 51, 75), synonymy (1: 99), univocality (1:
to co-think (1: 43.3), to notice (1: 44), to realise 22)
(1: 14), to reflect upon (1: 55), to understand (3: sunophruousthai to frown (1: 84)
14, 44, 83) sunopsis general view (1: 56), summary (2: 25, 54),
sunnomos mate (1: 57) synopsis (1: 27)
sunodeuein to accompany (2: 52, 91), to agree (1: 25), sunopsizein to make a synopsis (1: 27)
to be in conjunction (2: 25, 54), to go together sunopsismenôs in a synoptic way (1: 100)
(1: 54), to travel along with (1: 23), to travel sunoptikos synoptic (1: 36)
with (1: 44) sunoran to be aware (1: 20), to catch in a
sunodos assembling (1: 60), association (1: 57), comprehensive view (1: 40), to comprehend (4:
combination (2: 48, 94), coming together (6: 2, 18.2, 29.1, 90, 98), to detect (1: 16), to grasp (1:
17, 21, 42, 91, 95), concourse (2: 20, 60), 59), to have a comprehensive view (1: 40), to
concurrence (2: 76, 94), conjunction (8: 48, 55, note (1: 59), to notice (1: 90), to realize (3: 48,
57, 61, 73, 88, 93, 95), convergence (2: 10.2, 16), 60, 80), to recognize (2: 2, 65), to see (10: 42, 52,
gathering (2: 60, 61), introduction (1: 18.2), 58, 59, 68, 79, 80, 83, 85, 93), to see at a glance
union (2: 2, 88) (1: 17), to spot (1: 91), to understand (4: 23, 60,
sunôidos in accord (1: 60), in harmony (1: 52) 83, 98)
sunoikein to live with (1: 80) sunorizein to bring together (1: 79)
sunoikeioun to associate (1: 69) sunorman to contribute an impulse (1: 86.1)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

sunôsis compression (1: 95), pushing together (1: 19) suntetagmenôs in a coordinated way (1: 54);
sunôthein to assimilate (1: 85), to compress (2: 18.2, suntakteon should be joined (1: 17);
95), to compress forcibly (1: 55), to drag along suntetagmenê aitia coordinate cause (1: 88)
(1: 95), to force together (1: 95), to push (2: 18.2, suntaxis arrangement (1: 98), assignment (1: 39),
84), to push along with (1: 57), to push together association (1: 59), class (1: 39), collection (1:
(2: 18.2, 19), to push with (1: 28.2) 16), combination (2: 39, 65), composition (1:
sunousia association (1: 23), class (1: 40), company (3: 51), connection (1: 9), construction (3: 23, 56,
43.1, 43.2, 69), conference (1: 44), conversation 93), construction (grammatical) (2: 40, 57),
(5: 16, 61, 67, 68, 90), copulation (1: 86.1), coordination (5: 22, 45/46, 55, 70, 74),
dialogue (1: 97.2), discourse (1: 90), discussion disposition (1: 11), linking (1: 48), order (3: 55,
(2: 14, 97.2), intercourse (1: 17), lecture (1: 14), 74, 93), ordering (5: 28.2, 41.1, 68, 70, 84),
meeting (1: 40), union (1: 86.1) organization (3: 7, 27, 41.2), sequence
agraphoi sunousiai unwritten lectures (1: 94), (1: 17), sequential arrangement (1: 41.2),
unwritten teachings (1: 94) structure (1: 60), subordinate clause (1: 87),
sunousiastikos prone to sexual intercourse (1: 61) summary (1: 90), syntax (5: 33, 51, 61, 67,
to sunousiastikon desire for sexual intercourse 94), system (2: 41.1, 55), systematic treatise
(1: 61) (1: 25)
sunousiazein to lie with (1: 35/35.1) dia tên suntaxin through being co-ordinated (1:
sunousioun to combine essentially (1: 7), to join 22); peri tên suntaxin in syntax (1: 94),
essentially with (1: 90), to join substantially syntactic (1: 94), syntactically (1: 94); to
(1: 68) akolouthon tês suntaxeôs flow of the
sunousiousthai to be essentially connected with (1: construction (1: 57)
92.2), to be essentially joined with (1: 28.1), to suntêgma a liquefied humour (1: 24)
be made substantial together with (1: 78), to be sunteinein to be conducive (1: 52), to bear on (1: 40),
substantially conjoined (1: 67), to be united to contribute (2: 52, 73), to direct (2: 48, 52), to
with (1: 67), to join with one’s own substance (1: focus the attention to (1: 22), to lead up to (1:
61), to share the same essence (1: 67); 18.2), to pertain (1: 2), to strain (1: 57), to
sunousiômenos as part of its essence (1: 22), stretch (1: 7)
combined (1: 67), essentially joined with (1: 11), sunteinein eis to have a bearing on (1: 10.2);
in combination (1: 67), permanently resident in sunteinein pros to bear on (1: 93), to bear
(1: 76), together with its being (1: 22) towards (1: 10.2), to have a bearing on (1: 16);
suntagma : suntagmata composition (1: 25); anankaiôs sunteinein to have a necessary
hupomnêmatika suntagmata commentary bearing (1: 10.2)
(1: 59) suntêkesthai to be liquefied (1: 25)
suntagmatikos syntagmatic (1: 51), systematic (1: 7) suntêktikos solvent (1: 57)
suntaktikos coordinate (1: 48) sunteleia adding (1: 91), completed action (1: 59),
suntarattein to throw into confusion (1: 97.1) completion (1: 84), contribution (8: 2, 4, 12, 21,
suntassein / suntattein to add to (1: 22), to arrange (2: 39, 40, 41.1, 91), what contributes (1: 4)
41.2, 97.1), to arrange together (1: 39), to assign suntelein to accomplish (1: 56), to be relevant (1: 88),
the same rank (1: 83), to attach (1: 85), to bring to be relevant to (1: 95), to bear on (1: 16), to
to order (1: 97.1), to class with (2: 22, 40), to complete (4: 55, 64, 83, 93), to contribute (41: 2,
classify (3: 25, 38, 40), to combine (4: 55, 64, 65, 4, 6.1, 7, 9, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28.1,
83), to combine with (1: 92.1), to compose (1: 28.2, 32, 35/35.1, 38, 39, 40, 41.1, 42, 44, 51, 52,
23), to connect (1: 9), to construct with (1: 35.2), 57, 61, 64, 65, 67, 73, 76, 78, 83, 88, 89, 90, 91,
to construe (2: 56, 99), to coordinate (7: 11, 48, 92.1, 99), to contribute to (5: 25, 58, 59, 85, 94),
54, 60, 70, 74, 88), to coordinate with (1: 30), to to contribute to the perfection of (1: 67), to
direct (1: 39), to draw up (1: 51), to give position cooperate (1: 61), to co-produce (1: 24),
(1: 11), to include (2: 19, 27), to join (1: 78), to to form (1: 88), to further (1: 17), to have an
join together (1: 22), to make the subject of effect on (1: 94), to help (2: 6.2, 68), to help
harmonious arrangement (1: 97.1), to order (3: complete (1: 68), to make a contribution
28.2, 97.1, 99), to order together (2: 16, 40), to (3: 28.1, 52, 91)
place in the same class (1: 39), to put (1: 98), to sunteleisthai to be completed (1: 86.1); suntelein
put together (1: 65), to put with others (1: 35.2), eis to conduce to (1: 20); ginesthai suntelôn to
to range togther (1: 51), to rank (1: 42), to rank contribute (1: 52)
among (1: 48), to rank with (1: 21), to regulate (1: sunteleioun to contribute (1: 19), to perfect (1: 28.1)
22), to set alongside (1: 41.2), to take with (1: 90) suntelikos perfect (1: 39)
suntattesthai to be joined (1: 79); suntetagmenos suntemakhizesthsi to be sliced along with (1: 75)
composed (1: 16), connected (3: 61, 41.1, 65); suntetrainein to connect by passages (1: 91)


sunthêkê agreement (5: 26, 35.2, 52, 57, 65), common 76, 79, 80, 83, 89, 99), to compose (18: 12, 17,
agreement (1: 16), contract (2: 37, 43.2), 18.2, 20, 21, 30/31, 45/46, 59, 64, 68, 76, 77, 78,
convention (2: 23, 26), putting together (1: 57) 79, 85, 88, 89, 93), to compound (8: 9, 20, 22, 40,
sunthêma sign (1: 72), symbol (1: 97.2), token (1: 97.2) 55, 77, 78, 88), to conjoin (1: 30), to connect (1:
sunthêma anaplattesthai to form a composite 22), to consent (1: 43.2), to construct (4: 59, 78,
representation (1: 35/35.1) 80, 88), to join (1: 22), to make up (1: 85), to
suntheôrein to consider together (1: 39), to observe place together (1: 51), to place with (1: 27), to
together (1: 48), to observe together with (1: posit (1: 65), to posit as well (1: 86.1), to posit
51), to study at the same time as (1: 27) together with (1: 64), to put together (17: 6.2,
sunthesis addition (1: 41.2), arrangement (1: 45/46), 12, 15, 21, 22, 27, 35/35.1, 38, 40, 44, 52, 59, 73,
assembling (1: 76), assembly (2: 27, 63), being 76, 80, 85, 94), to reassemble (1: 27), to
closed together (1: 30), being composed (1: 88), synthesise (1: 54)
closing together (1: 30), combination (25: 4, 7, suntithesthai to accept (1: 91), to agree (1: 54), to
10.2, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 25, 39, 44, 61, 64, 65, agree with (1: 35/35.1), to assent (1: 61), to be
67, 75, 76, 80, 83, 89, 93, 94, 99, 100), combining combined (2: 10.2, 16), to be composed (2: 75,
(4: 19, 68, 79, 80), complexity (1: 97.1), 97.1), to be composed of (1: 67), to come to a
composite (3: 35.2, 64, 65), composition (32: 3, resolution (1: 91), to compose (1: 98), to concur
6.2, 10.2, 12, 18.2, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, (1: 67), to make an agreement (1: 52); suntheis
35/35.1, 35.2, 39, 42, 48, 51, 52, 57, 59, 68, 76, 77, in combination (1: 76); suntithenti taking
78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 88, 91, 97.2), compound (3: 48, together (1: 16); to suntithenai composition (1:
79, 91), compounding (5: 9, 23, 24, 78, 91), 27); to suntithen component (1: 94); to
constitution (1: 67), construction (1: 22), fitting suntithemenon component (1: 76); to
together (1: 22), joining together (1: 22), suntethen what is bound together (1: 97.1)
junction (1: 32), juxtaposition (2: 21, 52), suntitrainein : suntitrainesthai to interconnect with
putting things together (1: 92.2), putting (1: 24)
together (10: 12, 21, 32, 33, 35.2, 38, 40, 44, 57, suntomia brevity (3: 35.2, 84, 94), conciseness (3: 16,
85), synthesis (8: 10.2, 22, 28.1, 59, 72, 83, 87, 90) 20, 94), concision (1: 51), economy 1: 57),
ekhein sunthesin to be composed of (2: 12, 52); short-cut (1: 44), succinctness (1: 56)
poieisthai sunthesin to put together (1: 73) suntomos brief (6: 42, 54, 55, 60, 68, 83), concise (5: 7,
sunthetikos synthetic (1: 65) 16, 19, 20, 51), economical (1: 57), in brief (1:
sunthetos combined (1: 15), complex (4: 15, 32, 44, 76), 35/35.1)
composed (10: 6, 10.2, 17, 22, 52, 59, 68, 75, 80), suntomôs briefly (6: 42, 67, 78, 79, 88, 94), concisely
composite (57: 1, 2, 5, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 11, 15, 17, 20, (6: 19, 23, 27, 67, 94, 99), in a concise manner (1:
21, 22, 27, 28.2, 32, 35/35.1, 35.2, 36, 39, 40, 41.1, 68), in a summary fashion (1: 93), in concise
41.2, 42, 44, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, form (1: 16), in summary (1: 91), succinctly (3:
61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 27, 57, 79), summarily (1: 17); en suntomôi in
86.2, 87, 88, 92.1, 92.2, 93, 94, 97.1, 97.2, 100), brief form (1: 17); suntomon tês apangelias
compound (23: 6.2, 7, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28.1, brevity (1: 23)
41.2, 44, 47, 48, 52, 53, 69, 72, 80, 85, 89, 91, 92.1, suntonos forceful (1: 35.2), intense (2: 14, 38), zealous
94, 97.1), compounded (3: 12, 25, 80) (1: 51)
sunthetôs in composition (1: 22); to suntheton suntonôs intently (1: 14); suntonôteros more eager
combination (1: 2), component (1: 59), (1: 20); suntonos antilêpsis continuous
composite (3: 2, 41.1, 76), composite item (1: application (1: 14)
76), composite thing (1: 100), compound (6: 25, suntopôsis coplacement (1: 11)
26, 36, 42, 75, 76), product of composition suntrekhein to accompany (3: 25, 61, 67), to agree (1:
(1: 10.2) 70), to be at the same time (1: 18.2), to coincide
sunthlibein to compress (4: 18.2, 21, 88, 95), to (9: 17, 25, 36, 51, 56, 73, 75, 86.2, 99), to come to
compress together (1: 54), to press together (1: coincide (1: 40), to come together (2: 70, 83), to
79), to squeeze (1: 18.2), to squeeze together (1: concur (6: 26, 27, 35.2, 60, 90, 91), to contribute
68) (1: 28.2), to converge (1: 22), to go along with
sunthlibesthai to be compressed (1: 24), to be (1: 23), to go together (1: 28.2), to occur (1: 99),
squeezed (1: 50) to run alongside (1: 67), to run in harness with
suntiktein to produce (1: 7) (1: 22), to run parallel (1: 22), to run together
suntithenai to add (3: 55, 61, 85), to add together (3: (4: 3, 27, 40, 57), to work together (1: 83)
42, 51, 78), to agree (2: 64, 65), to agree to (1: ou suntrekhein to clash (1: 78); eis tauto
83), to agree with (1: 86.2), to assemble (2: 68, suntrekhein to coincide (2: 58, 73), to come to
80), to bring together (1: 54), to combine (21: 2, the same thing (1: 59)
4, 15, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25, 40, 54, 59, 61, 64, 65, 75, suntrepesthai to be transformed along with (1: 25)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

suntribesthai to be ground together (2: 54, 55) suskhêmatismos agreement in formation (1: 35.2),
suntrophia being familiar with (1: 21), familiarity (2: entire configuration (1: 86.2), pattern (1: 23)
21, 54) suskhêmatizein : suskhêmatizesthai to be conformed
suntrophos congenital (1: 68), familiar (2: 21, 54), of (1: 24), to be shaped (1: 79), to be shaped along
the same kin (1: 61) with (1: 57), to become shaped along with (1:
suntukhia coincidence (2: 41.1, 60), conjunction (1: 56), to conform in shape (1: 95), to shape
51), conversation (1: 17), misfortune (1: 97.1) oneself to (1: 59)
ek suntukhias incidentally (1: 60) suskholazein to study together with (1: 55)
suntunkhanein to converse (1: 17), to encounter (1: suskiazein to darken (1: 68), to make obscure (1: 68),
80), to happen (1: 60), to meet up (1: 80) to obscure (1: 83)
suntupoun to give shape (1: 54), to mould (1: 61) suskios shady (1: 52)
sunupagein to draw along with (2: 41.2, 48) suspeiran : suspeirasthai to concentrate (1: 51)
sunupakouein to supply in thought (1: 73), to susphinxis being held together (1: 84)
understand along with (1: 35/35.1), to sussêmainein to co-signify (1: 51), to signify along
understand with (1: 35.2) with (1: 35.2), to signify together (1: 23)
sunuparkhein to also belong (1: 59), to also exist (2: 58, sussêmantikos co-significant (1: 41.2)
59), to be associated (1: 22), to be coexistent susskhêmatizesthai to be transformed in order to
with (2: 58, 59), to be concomitant (1: 27), to be accord (1: 51)
co-present (1: 22), to be inherent (2: 41.2, 48), to sustasiôtês member of the same sect (1: 84)
be present in (1: 44), to be present together (5: sustasis aggregation (1: 95), association (1: 98),
12, 22, 27, 38, 52), to be together (1: 91), to composite (2: 25, 98), composition (17: 1, 2, 11,
belong together (1: 16), to both belong (1: 16), 18.2, 21, 22, 24, 32, 41.2, 43.3, 48, 52, 53, 66, 68,
to both hold (1: 93), to coexist (20: 15, 19, 25, 97.2, 98), condensation (3: 21, 38, 95),
27, 28.2, 39, 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 58, 59, 64, 65, 68, 79, condensing (2: 21, 24), condition (1: 51),
80, 89, 92.2, 99), to coexist together (1: 92.1), to confirmation (3: 16, 25, 70), consistency (4: 18.2,
coexist with (3: 58, 59, 87), to coincide (1: 55), 24, 38, 91), constituted nature (1: 74),
to co-pertain (1: 51), to exist along with (3: 12, constituting (1: 19), constitution (16: 4, 12, 22,
21, 57), to exist together (5: 4, 6.2, 54, 59, 83), to 25, 38, 39, 44, 52, 56, 57, 68, 74, 83, 89, 95, 100),
extend as far as (1: 48), to go together (1: 54), to constructing (1: 27), construction (6: 9, 30/31,
hold at the same time (2: 9, 40), to hold together 54, 59, 78, 79), establishing (2: 21, 65),
(2: 40, 85), to subsist together (1: 92.1), to obtain establishment (1: 4), existence (2: 7, 97.2), fabric
at the same time (1: 66) (3: 59, 80, 99), figure (1: 18.2), formation (12: 1,
to sunuparkhon accompaniment (1: 28.2) 15, 24, 38, 59, 68, 69, 86.1, 88, 91, 95, 99),
sunuparktikos mutual (1: 39) foundation (1: 40), framing (1: 59), gathering
sunuparxis coexistence (2: 39, 48) (1: 57), justification (1: 15), made up of (1: 99),
sunuphainein to weave together (1: 22) make-up (1: 26), onset (1: 80), process (1: 86.1),
sunuphistanai to exhibit also (1: 22), to share a providing with a foundation (1: 40), pulp (1:
hypostasis with (1: 85), to subsist along with (1: 24), reconstruction (1: 25), seat (1: 57), setting
50), to subsist together with (1: 70) (1: 12), solid object (1: 33), state (1: 98), state of
sunuphistasthai to be constituted together (1: 83), affairs (1: 17), structure (9: 11, 17, 42, 54, 55, 64,
to be in addition (1: 63), to coexist (9: 7, 26, 39, 69, 83, 95), substance (2: 61, 95), support (1: 70),
41.2, 48, 58, 59, 60, 80), to coexist with (1: 85), to union (1: 98)
come into existence together (2: 28.2, 68), to eis sustasin to constitute (1: 57); ekhein sustasin
come into existence with (1: 48), to exist ek to be constituted from (1: 4); ekhein tên
alongside (1: 41.2), to exist together (2: 58, 83), sustasin to be constituted (1: 59), to be
to inhere (1: 63), to subsist with (1: 87) constructed (1: 59); pros tên sustasin to
sunupostasis consubstantiality (1: 26), the fact that constitute (1: 23)
(things) subsist together (1: 99) sustatikos being a component (1: 54), bringing
surein to crawl (1: 59), to drag (1: 86.2) together (1: 36), component (1: 63), constituting
suresthai to drag (1: 35/35.1) (1: 14), constitutive (11: 7, 22, 27, 28.2, 41.1, 51,
surigmos whistling (1: 23) 57, 61, 70, 77, 83), holding together (1: 14),
surinx pipe (3: 23, 67, 98) substantial (1: 35.2), that constitutes (1: 22)
surphetos pile (1: 99) sustatos composite (1: 68)
surrhaptein to stitch (1: 97.1) sustellein to close (1: 57), to compress (3: 12, 51, 52), to
surrhein to collect (1: 57), to flow (1: 54), to flow condense (2: 21, 40), to contract (13: 18.2, 25,
together (2: 79, 88) 28.2, 50, 56, 60, 61, 67, 80, 85, 91, 97.1, 98), to
surrheusan hudôr confluence of water (1: 60) curtail (1: 97.1), to decrease (1: 18.2), to reduce
surrhoia conflux (1: 44) (1: 54)


sustellesthai to be contracted (3: 55, 78, 79), to sustolê closing (1: 57), compression (1: 12),
close up (1: 35/35.1), to contract (5: 12, 24, 32, condensation (1: 40), contracting (1: 91),
52, 54), to gather (1: 18.2), to pack into (1: 59), contraction (12: 4, 12, 23, 41.2, 48, 50, 57, 61,
to shorten (1: 97.1) 67, 80, 86.1, 91), ‘contracts’ (1: 12), decrease (1:
sustêma / sustama collection (1: 21), composite whole 18.2), drawing together (1: 2), systole (1: 59)
(1: 42), system (4: 6.2, 27, 39, 67), what collects sustrateuesthai to fight alongside (1: 51)
(1: 21) sustrephein to collect together (1: 17), to compact (1:
sustoikhein to be in the same column (1: 54) 51), to condense (1: 51), to make terse (1: 7)
sustoikhia a coordinated pair (1: 60), column (11: 2, sustrephesthai to be rolled up (1: 55), to curl (1:
16, 20, 38, 44, 48, 54, 74, 76, 90, 92.1), coordinate 55), to curl up (1: 54), to get serious (1: 84);
series (1: 39), coordinated parallel columns of sunestrammenos concentrated (1: 51),
opposites (1: 89), coordinated series (1: 92.1), condensed (1: 51), involved (1: 23)
coordination (1: 79), level (1: 28.1), list (3: 22, sustrophê condensation (1: 38), rotation (1: 55),
77, 92.1), parallel columns (1: 76), series (1: 93), turning inwards (1: 28.1)
table (1: 76), table of correlates (1: 76) suzên to live together (4: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 69), to live
sustoikhos at the same level (1: 22), belonging to the with (2: 43.3, 86.1)
same series (1: 61), component (1: 22), suzeugnunai to be yoked together (2: 48, 50), to
composed of the same elements (1: 44), combine (1: 9), to conjoin (1: 39), to conjoin
conforming (1: 36), conjoined (1: 28.2), with (1: 56), to connect (1: 67), to couple (2: 12,
coordinate (7: 28.1, 54, 70, 78, 79, 83, 100), 52)
correlated (1: 76), correlative (1: 17), suzeugnusthai to be closely linked (1: 48), to be
correspondent (4: 38, 23, 28.2, 61), in the same correlative (1: 39), to be coupled with (1: 88), to
column (1: 70), in the same series (1: 93), listed couple (1: 69), to link (1: 91), to yoke together
with (1: 22), member of the same set (1: 40), of with (1: 35/35.1)
the same level (1: 88), on a level with (1: 27), on suzeuxis connection (2: 39, 100), linkage (2: 35/35.1,
the same level (2: 19, 29.1), ranged along with 51), pairing (1: 48), yoking together (1: 27)
(2: 35/35.1, 56) suzugia class (1: 23), combination (7: 9, 27, 30/31, 64,
sustoikhôs coordinately (1: 28.1), correspondingly 65, 85, 90), conjunction (2: 39, 93), coupling (1:
(1: 42), in a coordinate way (1: 100), in a way in 51), group (1: 23), pair (5: 7, 38, 40, 54, 60), pair
line with (1: 56), in an appropriate way (1: 28.1); of items (1: 92.2), pairing (3: 25, 48, 52), yoke
hê sustoikhos classification (1: 22); ta (1: 20)
sustoikha coordinated lists (1: 75); en tois suzugos conjoined (1: 51), conjoint (1: 39), equal in
sustoikhois in the same class (1: 22); extension (1: 13), partner (1: 25), ranked with
sustoikhos gnôsis coordinate cognition (1: 74), yoked together with (1: 86.1)
(1: 100) suzugos einai to correspond with (1: 13)


tagênisis frying (1: 24) 12, 17, 21, 38, 40, 43.2, 54, 55, 56, 60, 65, 67, 68,
tagênizesthai to be fried (1: 24) 80, 90, 91, 94, 97.1), to orient (1: 43.2), to place
tagênos fried (1: 24) (3: 45/46, 64, 65), to position (1: 86.2), to
takha perhaps (3: 29.1, 60, 83) prescribe (1: 60), to put in order (2: 41.2, 89), to
takhos fastness (1: 57), quickness (1: 88), rapidity (2: put order into something (1: 90), to range (4:
38, 57), speed (15: 3, 18.2, 27, 28.2, 52, 54, 55, 67, 10.2, 16, 35.2, 51), to rank (7: 2, 9, 27, 41.1, 69,
75, 78, 84, 88, 91, 95, 98) 86.1, 94), to set out (1: 12), to subordinate
takhukinêtos fast-moving (1: 95), of swift velocity (1: 69)
(1: 87) tattesthai to be aligned with (1: 25), to be assigned
takhus fast (14: 1, 11, 18.2, 19, 27, 28.2, 54, 55, 75, 79, (1: 25), to be given order (1: 78), to be located
83, 88, 95, 98), fast-moving (1: 25), high-speed (in a genus) (1: 25), to reduce to order (1: 70);
(1: 25), quick (10: 11, 47, 53, 54, 55, 75, 83, 91, tetakhthai to be ordered (1: 97.1); tetagmenos
95, 98), rapid (1: 20), short-lived (1: 95), swift determinate (1: 65), fixed (1: 2), ordered (1: 51),
(4: 12, 28.2, 52, 95) orderly (1: 27), ranking (1: 90), regular (1: 87),
takhu quickly (3: 75, 78, 95), soon (1: 95); takheôs well-ordered (1: 97.1); tetagmenôs in an
fast (1: 27), quickly (2: 19, 95), swiftly (1: 52); ordered way (2: 21, 22), in order (1: 39), in
thatton quicker (1: 60); to takhu fastness orderly sequence (1: 2); to tetagmenon ordered
(1: 19) state (1: 68), what is ordered (1: 68);
takhutês quickness (1: 27), speed (10: 3, 25, 27, 28.2, 53, tetagmenon kat’ euthuôrian aligned (1: 91)
54, 57, 84, 91, 95) tauros Taurus (the constellation) (2: 34/35.1, 95), the
taktikos ordering (1: 11), ordinal (1: 14) Bull (the constellation) (1: 95)
talantiaios weighing a talent (1: 79) tautizein to employ as being the same (1: 77)
talanton talent (2: 19, 99) tautologein to repeat (1: 61), to repeat oneself (1: 17),
tamieion storehouse (1: 25) to say the same thing (1: 67)
tamieuesthai to be stored up (1: 25) tautologia repetition (1: 61)
tapeinos low (1: 84), shallow (2: 2, 15) tautomaton automatism (1: 22)
tapeinotês humility (1: 69) tautônumon tautonym (1: 51)
taphos grave (1: 93), tomb (3: 34/35.1, 56, 61) tautotês an identical state (1: 75), constancy (1: 45/46),
tarakhê confounding (1: 97.1), confusion (2: 67, 97.1), identity (12: 2, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28.1, 41.2, 44, 51,
consternation (1: 55), disturbance (4: 19, 22, 68, 72, 80), same condition (1: 3), sameness (21:
28.1, 45/46), turmoil (1: 97.2) 15, 19, 20, 25, 40, 41.1, 41.2, 43.1, 43.2, 45/46, 48,
tarakhôdês perturbing (1: 69) 59, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 83, 89, 100), self-identity
tarassein / tarattein to agitate (1: 34/35.1), to cause (1: 44), similarity (1: 22), stable identity (1: 39)
consternation (1: 55), to confuse (1: 69), to taxiarkhos commander (1: 97.2)
disturb (8: 16, 19, 22, 45/46, 57, 75, 84, 85), to taxis arrangement (17: 1, 2, 5, 10.1, 12, 14, 15, 26, 32,
perturb (1: 69), to worry (1: 85) 35.2, 52, 59, 64, 65, 67, 85), hierarchical position
tarattesthai to be disturbed (1: 25) (2: 61, 67), location (1: 7), order (63: 1, 2, 3, 5,
tarikheuein : tetarikheumenos mummified (1: 97.1) 6.1, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21,
tarikhopoiein to pickle (1: 40) 23, 25, 27, 30/31, 33, 35.2, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 43.3,
tarikhos dried fruit and nuts (1: 57) 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 64, 65,
tasis force (1: 42), stretching (2: 28.1, 55), tensility (1: 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 75, 78, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88,
24), tension (4: 48, 52, 57, 67) 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 99, 100), order of
tassein / tattein to apply (3: 39, 60, 86.1), to arrange (6: argument (1: 41.1), order of things (1: 97.1),
39, 41.2, 55, 86.2, 93, 97.1), to array (1: 91), to ordered pattern (1: 52), ordered place (1: 97.1),
assign (9: 10.2, 11, 16, 19, 22, 28.2, 45/46, 54, 55), ordered sequence (1: 21), ordering (11: 4, 7, 12,
to class (4: 40, 43.2, 44, 69), to classify (3: 22, 21, 30/31, 38, 52, 57, 59, 66, 89), orderly
41.2, 69), to coordinate (1: 11), to count (1: 55), arrangement (1: 61), orderly layout (1: 93),
to draw up (1: 21), to establish (2: 39, 43.2), to ordinance (1: 80), place (4: 23, 39, 57, 58),
fix (1: 45/46), to fix on (1: 7), to give the place of position (19: 2, 3, 22, 23, 25, 35.2, 41.1, 43.3,
(1: 93), to include (2: 22, 27), to order (20: 9, 11, 45/46, 52, 56, 65, 67, 80, 83, 85, 88, 97.2, 98),


positioning (1: 26), prescription (1: 86.2), art (1: 77), crafted (1: 22), fabricated (1: 72),
proper place (2: 15, 16), rank (7: 9, 17, 61, 79, 83, from artistry (1: 56), involving art (1: 77),
86.2, 100), rank order (1: 61), ranking (1: 89), man-made (3: 58, 59, 80), manufactured (2: 22,
relative position (1: 88), role (3: 2, 44, 57), 70)
scheme of things (1: 20), sequence (2: 65, 91), tekhnêton artifact (8: 2, 10.2, 15, 17, 22, 56, 76, 89),
setting out (1: 26), station (2: 17, 45/46), status artificial object (1: 70), manufactured object (1:
(4: 41.2, 44, 45/46, 48), way of being ordered (1: 70), product (1: 44), product of an art (1: 2),
35.2) product of art (3: 20, 26, 89), product of craft (2:
kata taxin according to one’s ordering (1: 97.1), in 52, 93), product of skill (1: 39), thing in the field
an orderly manner (1: 97.1); akolouthôs kata of skill (1: 34/35.1), work of craft (1: 23); ergon
tên taxin in logical order (1: 10.2); ekhein tekhnêton artifact (1: 15); tekhnêtê mixis
pollostên taxin apo that is so many times artisan’s mixture (1: 60)
removed from (1: 70); epekhein taxin tinos tekhnikos artificial (7: 35.2, 44, 45/46, 54, 58, 91, 92.1),
pros ti be related as something to something (1: artistic (2: 17, 23), belonging to the art (1: 93),
60); katekhousa taxis restraining order (1: 89); craft (1: 24), due to art (1: 92.2), from a craft (1:
tithenai eis taxin to put in order (1: 97.1) 44), in a professional manner (1: 17), in
tegos roof (1: 84) accordance with art (1: 21), involving art (1: 89),
teinein to aim (1: 54), to aim at (2: 57, 67), to bear on involving skill (1: 39), manufactured (1: 44), of
(1: 16), to claim (1: 18.2), to direct (1: 54), to art (1: 69), of the type involved in skill (1: 52),
extend (3: 3, 22, 99), to have a tendency (1: pertaining to crafts (1: 19), produced by art (1:
28.2), to have an aim (1: 22), to have to do with 12), produced by craft (1: 52), product of art (1:
(1: 99), to point (1: 2), to point to (1: 23), to set 21), product of craft (1: 52), relating to craft (1:
(1: 22), to stretch (2: 55, 67), to tend (2: 18.2, 52), relevant to a professional approach (1: 17),
22), to tighten (1: 57), to turn towards (1: 44) scientific (1: 48), skilful (1: 61), skilled (2: 39,
teinesthai to be extended (1: 25), to be taut (1: 25); 59), systematic (1: 95), technical (5: 23, 45/46,
teinein pros to bear on (1: 93); ho skopos 51, 78, 80), trained (1: 59)
teinei one’s eye is on (1: 93) tekhnikôs according to the rules of the art (1: 40),
têkein to consume (1: 86.1), to dissolve (1: 57), to melt artificially (1: 44), as the art demands (1: 73), by
(3: 21, 88, 95), to waste (1: 34/35.1) a craft (1: 44), in a sklful way (1: 54), in a
têkesthai to melt (2: 24, 54) technical manner (1: 29.1), skilfully (1: 93); ta
tekhnê art (48: 2, 4, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 21, tekhnika products of art (1: 10.2)
23, 24, 25, 26, 29.1, 30/31, 38, 40, 43.3, 45/46, 48, tekhnitês architect (1: 97.2), artisan (11: 2, 10.2, 15, 16,
51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 64, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 20, 21, 23, 56, 72, 80, 91), artist (3: 17, 54, 80),
79, 80, 85, 88, 89, 90, 91, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), craftsman (15: 4, 17, 25, 44, 45/46, 52, 60, 61, 67,
artistry (1: 56), craft (18: 13, 19, 22, 25, 35.2, 36, 68, 69, 76, 84, 93, 97.2), expert (2: 61, 74), expert
40, 43.1, 44, 45/46, 52, 69, 70, 76, 79, 93, 98, 99), in an art (1: 2), man of skill (1: 34/35.1), man of
discipline (1: 40), expertise (3: 61, 68, 97.2), skills (1: 56), practitioner of a discipline (1: 61),
method (1: 7), science (1: 61), skill (20: 4, 25, practitioner of an art (1: 40), scientist (1: 61),
28.2, 32, 34/35.1, 39, 40, 44, 45/46, 52, 56, 60, 67, skilled operator (1: 80), skilled workman (1: 39),
70, 72, 74, 86.1, 86.2, 97.1, 97.2), technical specialist (2: 22, 74), technician (2: 29.1, 76)
knowledge (1: 100), technique (2: 10.1, 97.1) kata meros tekhnitês subject-specific expert (1:
teknêi by art (1: 17), with art (1: 17); apo tekhnês 61); kath’ hekasta tekhnitês subject-specific
artificial (1: 17), by art (1: 17), from art (1: 17); expert (1: 61)
kata tekhnên artificial (1: 23); banausos tekhnê tekhniteuein to manufacture (1: 86.1)
manual skill (1: 57); hê anatomikê tekhnê tekhnologein to give a systematic treatment (1: 95), to
anatomy (1: 51); hê grammatikê tekhnê art of speak technically (1: 27), to systematically
grammar (1: 23); hê iatrikê tekhnê art of discuss (1: 3), to treat systematically (1: 95)
medicine (1: 29.1); art of the doctors (1: 97.1), tekhnologia art (1: 35.2), systematic discussion (1: 19),
medicine (1: 51); hê mêkhanikê tekhnê systematic treatment (1: 39), technical
mechanics (1: 88); hê mousikê tekhnê music treatment (1: 23), treatment (1: 48)
(1: 51); hê poiêtikê tekhnê art (1: 40); hai tekhnoun to train (1: 17)
poiêtikai tekhnai productive arts (1: 89); hê tekhnousthai to be instrumental (1: 22)
rhêtorikê tekhnê rhetoric (1: 51); to kata tekmairesthai to base a judgment (1: 78), to confirm
tekhnên ginomenon artifact (1: 91), what is (1: 27), to conjecture (1: 95), to give as evidence
produced by art (1: 91) (1: 83), to infer (4: 61, 67, 83, 95), to judge (3: 3,
tekhnêsis artisanship (1: 75) 19, 22), to obtain evidence (1: 93), to offer as
tekhnêtos artificial (9: 17, 23, 26, 39, 56, 76, 80, 83, 95), evidence (1: 22), to see evidence of (1: 22), to
artificially produced (1: 92.2), artistic (1: 23), by take as evidence (1: 88), to treat something as a

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

guide to something (1: 28.2), to use as evidence teleiôs completely (7: 17, 19, 22, 56, 60, 68, 89), in a
(2: 55, 88) perfect manner (1: 60), in a perfect way (1:
tekmêriôdês evidential (1: 63), from a sign (2: 73, 90), 28.2), perfectly (5: 4, 28.1, 28.2, 36, 69);
from signs (1: 90), inferential (1: 61), inferring teleôteros more complete (3: 16, 51, 76);
from effects (1: 42) teleiôteron in a more complete form (1: 19); ho
tekmêriôdôs evidentially (1: 63); tekmêriôdês teleios adult (1: 19); to teleion completeness (3:
apodeixis sign-demonstration (1: 77); 22, 27, 40), completion (3: 60, 86.1, 88),
tekmêriôdês deixis proof from signs (1: 93); perfection (9: 19, 28.2, 40, 58, 76, 80, 86.1, 88,
tekmêriôdês sullogismos sign-deduction 97.1), realisation (1: 13), the final touch (1:
(1: 77) 86.1); to teleiôs einai completeness (1: 22),
tekmêrion confirmation (1: 18.2), criterion (1: 14), perfection (1: 22)
evidence (19: 27, 38, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 48, 51, 54, teleiôsis (process of) perfection (1: 25), being
55, 59, 67, 69, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 88, 98), example accomplished (1: 28.2), being completed (1: 36),
(1: 44), ground for the truth of something (1: being perfect (1: 56), being perfected (1: 36),
14), indication (10: 14, 27, 53, 56, 57, 59, 61, 69, completeness (1: 21), completion (12: 4, 14, 20,
74, 83), piece of evidence (1: 16), probative sign 21, 22, 30/31, 38, 48, 60, 75, 79, 86.1), completion
(1: 95), proof (5: 1, 25, 41.1, 58, 88), sign (10: 14, of a syllogism (1: 64), development (1: 91),
27, 42, 43.1, 67, 69, 73, 78, 83, 95), testimony (2: fulfilment (4: 48, 58, 61, 69), perfecting (4: 19,
76, 99), token (1: 20) 28.1, 57, 58), perfection (16: 9, 21, 24, 28.1, 36,
teknon child (2: 15, 86.1) 39, 45/46, 51, 56, 59, 61, 70, 80, 88, 93, 100),
teknopoiia production of offspring (1: 4) process of perfecting (1: 28.1), process towards
tektainesthai to contrive (1: 86.1), to fashion (1: 17) perfection (1: 28.1)
tektôn carpenter (14: 4, 34/35.1, 40, 45/46, 51, 52, 56, teleiotês completed state (1: 10.1), completeness (15:
57, 60, 61, 68, 86.1, 88, 97.2) 11, 15, 20, 27, 40, 42, 48, 54, 64, 67, 70, 79, 83, 88,
tektonikos for carpentry (1: 40), of a carpenter (1: 4), 99), completion (10: 10.1, 15, 20, 22, 23, 26, 40,
of carpentry (3: 52, 80, 97.2), pertaining to 44, 54, 75, 86? 89), culmination (1: 91), maturity
building (1: 51), that can be used for carpentry (1: 2), outcome (1: 48), perfect state (1: 28.2),
(1: 40) perfection (38: 2, 4, 6.1, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12, 15,
ho tektonikos architect (1: 97.1), carpenter (1: 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 36, 39,
97.2); hê tektonikê architecture (1: 67), art of 45/46, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 61, 67, 69, 70, 72, 76, 80,
carpentry (1: 4), carpentry (3: 2, 17, 93) 83, 92.2, 93, 99, 100), state of completion (1: 42)
têktos meltable (2: 6.1, 24), melted (1: 24), that can be einai en teleiotêti to be perfect (1: 22)
melted (3: 15, 21, 91) teleiôtikos able to perfect (1: 36), bringing completion
têlaugôs from afar (1: 34/35.1) (1: 84), capable of perfecting (1: 70), completing
telein to assign (1: 7), to be ranked (3: 35.2, 67, 83), to (2: 14, 54), perfect (1: 16), perfecting (5: 14, 17,
end up (2: 51, 76), to fall (2: 23, 56), to offer rites 28.2, 32, 36), perfective (9: 7, 28.2, 34/35.1, 39,
(1: 97.1), to perfect (2: 61, 67) 56, 57, 58, 59, 70), such as to perfect (1: 57), that
teleisthai to be initiated (1: 86.2), to be perfected is a perfection of something (1: 28.2), that
(1: 25); hoi teloumenoi initiates (1: 97.1); telein perfects (1: 23), very last (1: 93), what perfects
hupo ti belong to something (1: 88) (1: 76)
teleiopoiein to fill perfectly (1: 28.2) to teleiôtikon being perfected (1: 61), perfection (1:
teleios (see also teleos) (biologically) developed (1: 97.2), that which fulfils (1: 58); aition
25), accomplished (2: 17, 90), adult (1: 76), teleiôtikon perfective cause (1: 34/35.1)
advanced (2: 22, 91), complete (57: 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, teleioun to accomplish (1: 58), to bring to
10.1, 10.2, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, completeness (1: 70), to bring to completion (2:
28.1, 30/31, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 40, 42, 43.1, 22, 54), to bring to maturity (1: 58), to bring to
43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, perfection (5: 25, 28.1, 67, 70, 88), to carry to
60, 61, 64, 67, 68, 69, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, completion (1: 40), to complete (15: 3, 20, 21,
89, 92.2, 99, 100), completed (1: 28.1), developed 22, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 36, 39, 52, 64, 68, 69, 89,
(1: 69), final (2: 69, 80), fulfilled (1: 69), full (2: 90), to develop (1: 91), to fill up (1: 28.1), to
3, 80), full-term (1: 76), fully developed (1: 91), make (1: 68), to make complete (2: 22, 28.1), to
fully trained (1: 22), highly developed (1: 91), in make perfect (2: 28.1, 93), to perfect (21: 9, 19,
its entirety (1: 58), last (1: 95), mature (1: 91), 21, 24, 25, 27, 28.1, 34/35.1, 36, 39, 45/46, 51, 52,
perfect (44: 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10.2, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 54, 57, 58, 69, 80, 86.1, 99, 100), to realise (1: 13)
19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, teleiousthai to mature (1: 91); teleiôthênai to have
36, 39, 41.2, 44, 45/46, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, come to completion (1: 79), to have reached an
60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 74, 80, 88, 97.1, 97.2, 100), end (1: 79), to be brought to completion (1: 75),
perfected (1: 58), realised (1: 13) to be complete (1: 22), to be completed (1: 10.1),


to be fully developed (1: 52), to be perfected (1: têlikoutos of any given size (1: 83), so many (1: 83)
2), to reach completion (1: 42), to reach telmation swamp (1: 84)
maturity (1: 99) telmatôdês muddy (1: 98)
teleos complete (2: 39, 42), perfect (3: 4, 39, 86.2), telos aim (1: 100), completion (4: 11, 27, 40, 100),
perfection (1: 4) conclusion (2: 22, 99), culmination (2: 73, 99),
teleon wholly (1: 42); teleôs completely (8: 14, 22, end (65: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.2, 7, 9, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 12,
27, 28.1, 54, 55, 60, 85), entirely (1: 42), finally 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27,
(1: 14), wholly (1: 42) 28.1, 28.2, 29.1, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 38, 39, 40, 42,
telesiourgein : to telesiourgêthen the finished product 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 45/46, 47, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55,
(1: 86.1) 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77,
telesiourgia completion (1: 11), perfection (1: 54) 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.2, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92.1, 93, 94,
telesiourgos perfecting (1: 39), perfective (4: 70, 72, 74, 95, 97.2, 99, 100), end-state (1: 17), eventually
83), source of perfection (1: 11), that brings to (1: 80), final cause (1: 88), final state (1: 56),
completion (1: 11) finally (5: 21, 22, 42, 76, 88), finishing point (1:
telesiourgôs in a perfective way (1: 54) 54), fulfilment (2: 40, 100), goal (20: 13, 22, 23,
telesphorein to bring to full term (1: 56), to bring to 26, 27, 39, 40, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 51, 64, 69, 74, 75,
perfection (1: 76), to come to term (1: 80), to 77, 80, 98, 99, 100), limit (2: 66, 90), maturity (1:
reach full term (1: 56) 99), object (1: 98), perfection (1: 5), purpose (4:
telestêrion act of initiation (1: 86.2) 28.2, 61, 67, 85), result (1: 79), terminal point (1:
telestês initiate (1: 72) 22)
telestikos : hê telestikê art of consecration (1: 72) dia telous completely (1: 95), throughout (2: 58,
teletarkhikos teletarchic (1: 72) 59); en telei perfect (1: 22), perfected (1: 28.2);
teletê initiation (1: 72), mystery rite (1: 97.1), rite (1: epi telei finally (1: 27); hôs telos aition final
97.1) cause (1: 10.2); kata to telos aitia final cause (1:
telethein to be complete (1: 85) 10.2); lambanein telos to come to the end (1:
teleutaios at the very end (1: 10.2), final (15: 3, 15, 19, 59); pros to telos horan to have a view to the
20, 21, 44, 51, 52, 64, 70, 76, 83, 85, 86.2, 98), end (1: 10.2); telos ekhôn limited (1: 88); telos
highest (1: 91), last (17: 3, 4, 10.2, 16, 25, 27, 40, epitithenai to complete (1: 21)
42, 44, 55, 60, 75, 78, 79, 86.1, 91, 99), last- temnein to carve (1: 91), to cut (24: 6.1, 6.2, 19, 20, 25,
mentioned (1: 16), terminal (1: 93), ultimate (2: 42, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 67, 73, 75, 78,
15, 41.1) 79, 84, 90, 91, 93), to cut into (1: 98), to cut into
teleutaiôs last (1: 99); to teleutaion ending (1: 3), segments (1: 50), to cut off (1: 58), to cut
endpoint (1: 42); metaxu tou teleutaiou through (1: 67), to cut up (3: 35.2, 40, 51), to
within (1: 53); pro tou teleuatiou penultimate dissect (1: 52), to divide (7: 6.1, 35.2, 38, 58, 61,
(1: 42) 85, 99), to intersect (2: 40, 52), to mark off (1:
teleutan to bring to an end (1: 89), to come to an end 41.2), to subdivide (1: 89)
(2: 60, 75), to conclude (1: 17), to culminate (1: temnesthai to be cut (2: 10.2, 16); dikha temnein
25), to die (3: 60, 97.1, 97.2), to end (6: 3, 11, 27, to bisect (1: 73); dikhêi temnein to bisect (1:
44, 60, 67), to end one’s life (1: 97.1), to end up 73)
(1: 83), to finish (1: 11), to have an end (1: 85), tengesthai to be drenched (1: 24)
to make complete (1: 44), to stop (1: 42), to tênikauta in that case (1: 60), then (1: 60)
terminate (6: 11, 17, 44, 57, 91, 93), to terminate tenktos capable of being drenched (1: 24)
(in a state) (1: 91) tenôn sinew (1: 57), tendon (1: 57)
teleutan ton bion to end one’s life (1: 97.2) teôs already (1: 34/35.1), at the moment (1: 35.2), for a
teleutê consummation (1: 39), death (2: 15, 97.1), end start (1: 92.2), for a time (1: 17), for now (1: 93),
(15: 3, 6.2, 17, 27, 41.2, 42, 44, 50, 75, 83, 85, 89, for the moment (1: 34/35.1), here (1: 60), now
97.1, 97.2, 100), extremity (1: 54), point of (1: 60), prior to that (1: 60), so far (1: 29.1), thus
termination (1: 25), terminal point (1: 20), far (1: 29.1), to start with (1: 17), up to that
termination (3: 54, 55, 75) point (1: 10.2)
telikos complete (1: 83), final (33: 3, 4, 10.2, 17, 18.2, 20, tephra ash (3: 18.2, 21, 90), ashes (6: 24, 38, 56, 78, 88,
22, 24, 26, 27, 33, 40, 42, 43.3, 44, 52, 56, 59, 60, 98)
61, 63, 68, 70, 74, 76, 77, 83, 85, 92.2, 93, 94, 98, tephrôdês ash-like (1: 38)
100), purposive (1: 39) teras deformity (1: 97.1), monster (2: 17, 29.1),
telikôtatos most final (1: 17); to telikon final cause monstrosity (4: 52, 61, 86.1, 89), portent (1: 26)
(2: 7, 19), the end (1: 52); telikê aitia final cause teratôdês : teratôdesteros more monstrous (1: 29.1)
(1: 67); telikon aition final cause (8: 2, 10.1, teratologia absurdity (1: 72), catalogue of wonders (1:
34/35.1, 47, 53, 56, 57, 94), perfecting cause (1: 14) 97.1), inventory of monstrosities (1: 89),
têlikosde of any given size (1: 83), so many (1: 83) nonsense (1: 74)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

terêdôn bowel worm (1: 24), grub (1: 2) koruphoun tên thalassan to cause the sea to crest
têrein to bear witness to (1: 92.2), to ensure (1: 2), to (1: 88)
heed (1: 38), to keep (6: 9, 30/31, 38, 57, 60, 91), thalassios / thalattios marine (1: 80), of the sea (1: 54),
to keep fixed (1: 30/31), to maintain (2: 10.2, pertaining to the sea (1: 51), sea (2: 52, 93)
25), to observe (6: 7, 40, 52, 54, 55, 99), to to thalassion / to thalattion sea creature (2: 91, 57);
preserve (9: 18.2, 21, 25, 28.2, 30/31, 40, 48, 52, thalassion hudôr sea-water (1: 57)
91), to watch (1: 38) thallos shoot (1: 95)
têrêsis observation (4: 2, 54, 55, 84), preservation (2: 52, thalpein to warm (1: 38)
91) thamnos bush (1: 67)
têrêtikos able to preserve (1: 91), preserving (1: 4), that thanatos death (17: 4, 15, 25, 40, 45/46, 52, 58, 59, 60,
preserves (1: 4) 61, 68, 80, 86.2, 91, 93, 97.1, 97.2)
teretisma nonsense (1: 90) tethêpenai to be dazed (1: 85)
teretismata noodling (1: 93) tharraleos bold (1: 40), confident (1: 69), rash (1: 69)
terpein to give enjoyment (1: 4), to produce pleasure tharros / tharsos boldness (2: 4, 52), confidence (2: 22,
(1: 25) 69), feeling of confidence (1: 69), recklessness
tessares / tettares : dia tessarôn fourth (1: 67) (1: 61)
tetartêmorion fourth part (1: 57) tharrein / tharsein to be bold (2: 4, 99), to be confident
têtes this year (1: 11) (3: 21, 69, 79), to be courageous (1: 61), to feel
tetradikos fourfold (1: 7), proper to four (1: 70), confident (1: 69)
tetradic (2: 61, 70) to tharrein boldness (1: 4), rejoicing (1: 22)
tetradikôs in a tetradic mode (1: 70) thauma marvel (2: 91, 97.1), wonder (1: 97.1)
tetraeidês of four ingredients (1: 60) thaumasios admirable (2: 51, 61), amazing (1: 52),
tetragônikos square (2: 54, 55) astonishing (1: 75), marvellous (3: 22, 34/35.1,
tetragônikôs in a square schema (1: 51) 54), remarkable (2: 52, 83), wondrous (1: 97.1)
tetragônismos quadrature (2: 54, 90), squaring (8: 7, thaumasiôs in a remarkable way (1: 27); ho
10.2, 13, 19, 48, 56, 90, 95) thaumasios fine fellow (2: 58, 59)
tetragônizein to square (5: 54, 55, 56, 80, 90) thaumastikos prone to marvel (1: 69)
tetragônos having four angles (1: 61), quartile (1: 90), thaumastos admirable (1: 2), amazing (4: 3, 55, 57, 83),
rectangular (2: 27, 80), square (7: 15, 20, 44, 64, astonishing (2: 2, 25), extraordinary (2: 17, 59),
67, 68, 73) fascinating (1: 25), marvellous (3: 17, 58, 69),
to tetragônon quadrangle (2: 61, 95), quadrilateral odd (3: 25, 50, 89), puzzling (1: 89), remarkable
(1: 73), quartile (1: 90), rectangle (1: 84), square (7: 1, 17, 18.2, 22, 75, 83, 89), strange (1: 69),
(15: 2, 7, 10.2, 15, 20, 42, 51, 54, 56, 59, 64, 73, 78, surprising (17: 1, 20, 28.2, 41.2, 50, 51, 54, 55, 58,
79, 90); tetragônos arithmos square number 69, 78, 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 90), wonderful (4: 2,
(1: 2) 54, 55, 85)
tetrainein to bore through (1: 57), to perforate (1: 20), thaumastôs admirably (1: 19), in a remarkable way
to pierce (1: 98) (1: 99)
tetrakhêi into four (1: 51) thaumatapoios creator of marvels (1: 2), juggler (1: 55)
tetrakhôs in four ways (2: 20, 40) thaumatourgein to create illusions (1: 88)
tetraktus tetraktus (2: 89, 20) thaumatourgia sorcery (1: 89)
tetrapêkhus four cubit (1: 38), four cubits (1: 76) thaumazein to admire (3: 2, 23, 40), to be amazed (2:
tetraplasiazein to multiply by four (1: 35.2) 58, 83), to be amazed at (1: 25), to be at a loss (1:
tetraplasios fourfold (1: 98), quadruple (1: 2) 59), to be impressed (2: 83, 86.2), to be puzzled
tetrapleuros having four sides (1: 61) (2: 25, 89), to be surprised (12: 17, 27, 40, 54, 55,
to tetrapleuron four-sided figure (1: 93), 60, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 89, 91, 92.1), to be surprised at
quadrilateral (3: 56, 73, 90) (1: 50), to find surprising (1: 75), to marvel (2:
tetraplous fourfold (1: 79) 17, 69), to revere (1: 69), to think odd (1: 50), to
tetrapous four-footed (1: 51), having four feet (1: 61) wonder (9: 2, 16, 17, 21, 22, 27, 40, 54, 83)
to tetrapoun quadruped (1: 38) axion thaumasai to be a matter for amazement (1:
tetras tetrad (5: 7, 22, 25, 61, 67) 59), worthy of wonder (1: 16)
tetrasullabos tetrasyllabic (1: 23) thea contemplation (2: 94, 100), look (1: 34/35.1),
to tetrasullabon four-syllable word (1: 51) seeing (1: 34/35.1), sight (2: 22, 86.1), spectacle
tettinx cicada (1: 57) (2: 29.1, 45/46), view (1: 22), viewing (1: 28.1),
teuxis achieving (1: 86.2) vision (1: 45/46)
têxis melting (3: 21, 24, 88) theama seeing (1: 52), sight (1: 45/46), spectacle (1:
thalassa / thalatta sea (20: 4, 6.1, 18.2, 20, 21, 23, 97.1), vision (2: 11, 45/46)
24, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 65, 78, 83, 85, 86.1, theasthai to behold (1: 93), to consider (1: 25), to
91, 99) contemplate (4: 18.2, 51, 67, 99), to notice (1:


45/46), to observe (4: 55, 73, 83, 85), to ta tetheologêmena statements about god (1: 68)
recognize (1: 42), to regard (1: 27), to see (9: 11, theologia account of the gods (1: 68), divine discourse
22, 27, 28.2, 45/46, 52, 54, 78, 83), to take into (1: 95), divinity (1: 97.2), theology (7: 7, 11, 20,
consideration (1: 99), to view (2: 25, 78) 42, 61, 72, 93)
theatês eye-witness (1: 97.1), one who beholds (1: theologikos divine (1: 85), on theology (1: 93),
97.1), spectator (1: 45/46) theological (8: 7, 10.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 48, 51, 61,
theatos revealed (1: 22) 88)
theatrikos visual (1: 45/46) theologikôteros higher in divine science (1: 74); hê
theatron theatre (5: 4, 27, 28.1, 45/46, 86.1) theologikê theological science (1: 10.2),
thein / theein to run (3: 54, 83, 88) theology (1: 16); to theologikon theology (1:
theiôdês : to theiôdes sulphur content (1: 88) 88); theologikê pragmateia theology (1: 2)
theion brimstone (2: 38, 57) theologos mythographer (1: 21), mythologist (2: 2,
theios divine (55: 2, 3, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 10.2), prophet (1: 58), religious thinker (1: 59),
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28.1, 29.1, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, theologian (12: 11, 17, 42, 44, 56, 59, 66, 72, 74,
42, 45/46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 64, 78, 86.1, 97.2), theorist of god (1: 68)
66, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 86.2, theophilos pious (1: 97.1)
87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 97.1, 99), god-like (1: 25), holy theophilôs in a god-loving way (1: 54)
(1: 59) theophorêtos divinely inspired (1: 59)
to theion divinity (3: 22, 23, 68), god (1: 97.1), the theopoios divinising (1: 10.2)
divine (4: 2, 25, 35.2, 67); ta theia divine beings theôrein to adduce (1: 60), to assume (1: 60), to be able
(2: 67, 97.1), divine objects (1: 67), divine to see (1: 35.2), to be conscious (1: 28.1), to
realities (1: 16), things that are divine (1: 67); conceive of (3: 58, 60, 80), to consider (31: 4,
kata theion by divine favour (1: 97.1); pneuma 10.2, 16, 19, 21, 22, 36, 39, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 48, 51,
theion Divine Spirit (1: 97.2) 60, 67, 68, 69, 74, 77, 80, 83, 85, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93,
theiotês divinity (1: 25) 94, 95, 99, 100), to contemplate (25: 2, 7, 12, 17,
thelein to be willing (2: 16, 21), to be wont to (1: 94), to 19, 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 43.2, 54,
like (1: 17), to mean (1: 17), to need (1: 93), to 56, 58, 67, 69, 73, 75, 88, 97.2, 99, 100), to discern
tend to (1: 94), to want (6: 1, 17, 52, 64, 65, 93), (1: 20), to discuss (1: 22), to display (1: 22), to
to will (1: 1), to wish (7: 2, 17, 20, 21, 22, 45/46, engage in active study (1: 75), to engage in
69) study (1: 91), to exercise (knowledge) (1: 28.2),
thelei naturally (1: 73); thelôn with the desire to (1: to find (2: 61, 90), to focus on (1: 87), to hold (1:
17); to thelein will (1: 67) 60), to inquire into (3: 25, 38, 50), to interpret
thêleios female (1: 86.2) (2: 26, 41.2), to investigate (7: 15, 25, 50, 78, 79,
thelêma wish (1: 43.3) 90, 94), to know (1: 74), to look at (6: 22,
thelêsis wish (1: 45/46) 34/35.1, 36, 79, 95, 98), to look to (1: 43.3), to
thelgesthai to be bewitched (1: 51) maintain (1: 60), to make a study of (1: 28.2), to
thêlukos feminine (4: 23, 38, 51, 76) mean (1: 26), to observe (33: 17, 19, 20, 22, 25,
thêlukôs in the feminine (1: 57) 27, 39, 43.2, 43.3, 44, 48, 51, 52, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67,
thêlunoein to become effeminate (1: 97.1) 68, 69, 73, 77, 78, 80, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 87, 88, 90,
thêlus female (12: 6.1, 17, 20, 23, 27, 40, 52, 61, 65, 76, 92.1, 95, 99), to perceive (3: 41.1, 61, 67), to posit
86.1, 93), feminine (1: 51) (1: 60), to reason (1: 89), to reflect (2: 58, 69), to
to thêlu female (2: 2, 15) regard (3: 17, 22, 27), to see (17: 11, 22, 27, 28.1,
thema thema (1: 64) 28.2, 44, 48, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 67, 77, 79, 83, 87),
themelion foundation (3: 51, 85, 98) to see as (1: 98), to speculate (1: 3), to study (15:
themelios foundation (7: 2, 15, 34/35.1, 59, 60, 67, 86.1) 17, 20, 22, 28.2, 40, 44, 54, 55, 61, 77, 79, 85, 88,
themelioun to establish (1: 84) 89, 93), to survey (1: 35.2), to take (1: 60), to
themis lawful (2: 22, 85), right (1: 43.3) theorize (4: 9, 39, 40, 51), to think (1: 85), to
themitos proper (1: 58) think of (4: 6.1, 7, 59, 80), to understand (1: 60),
thêmôn heap (1: 95) to view (8: 22, 27, 41.2, 44, 56, 61, 67, 89), to
theoeidês godlike (2: 45/46) watch (1: 27), to witness (1: 94)
theogonia theogony (1: 84) theôreisthai to be an object of consideration (1:
theoklêtos god-given (1: 72) 16), to be considered (1: 75), to be manifest (1:
theologein to discourse about gods (1: 95), to engage 7), to be manifested (1: 88), to be observed (3: 7,
in theological speculation (1: 80), to engage in 25, 75), to be seen (2: 18.2, 57), to be seen to be
theology (1: 76), to make a god (1: 97.2), to (1: 94), to be visible (1: 86.1); theôroumenos
make into god (1: 97.2), to speak as a theologian that can be seen (1: 34/35.1), viewed (1: 11); to
(1: 17), to talk about divine things (1: 78), to theôrein contemplation (4: 22, 28.2, 52, 68),
theorize about god (1: 68) exercise of scientific knowledge (1: 22),

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

theoretical knowledge (1: 100); ho theôrôn exposition (1: 35.2), doctrine (2: 78, 100),
thinker (1: 44); to theôroumenon what is examination (2: 22, 94), exposition (1: 80),
studied (1: 91) inquiry (7: 15, 25, 38, 44, 50, 76, 89), insight (1:
theôrêma conclusion (1: 17), consideration (4: 2, 10.2, 22), interpretation (1: 26), investigation (8: 10.1,
68, 69), diagram (1: 14), doctrine (1: 45/46), 15, 25, 27, 36, 78, 84, 94), knowledge (3: 2, 36,
enquiry (1: 98), insight (1: 22), investigation (2: 74), observation (2: 42, 52), perception (1: 22),
7, 39), matter known (1: 74), object of recognition (1: 2), reflection (1: 58), science (3:
contemplation (3: 38, 48, 69), object of study (2: 18.2, 41.2, 80), seeing about (1: 35.2), speculation
50, 89), object of theoretical study (1: 61), (7: 2, 3, 10.1, 19, 51, 69, 100), speculative thought
observation (2: 7, 23), problem (1: 48), proposal (1: 4), study (22: 20, 22, 28.2, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 47,
(1: 98), question (1: 68), rule (1: 69), speculation 54, 55, 60, 61, 63, 73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 91, 93, 95,
(2: 34/35.1, 35.2), speculative thought (1: 100), studying (1: 40), subject (1: 63), theoretical
34/35.1), study (2: 29.1, 88), subject (2: 48, 98), contemplation (1: 100), theoretical inquiry (2: 2,
subject for speculation (1: 19), theorem (35: 3, 10.1), theoretical insight (1: 40), theoretical
6.1, 9, 10.2, 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 23, 25, 27, 39, 40, introduction (1: 94), theoretical knowledge (1:
42, 44, 45/46, 51, 54, 55, 56, 60, 64, 67, 69, 73, 78, 10.1), theoretical observation (1: 72), theoretical
79, 80, 84, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95), theory (4: 58, 59, study (2: 61, 67), theoretical treatment (1: 40),
63, 99), thesis (1: 97.2), thought (1: 43.2), topic theoretical understanding (1: 94), theorising (3:
(3: 73, 77, 93) 17, 22), theory (17: 9, 19, 20, 22, 23, 39, 40, 55, 59,
theôrêma zêtein to make a speculative enquiry (1: 68, 73, 74, 86.2, 88, 93, 94, 99, 100), thinking (2:
35.2) 36, 43.2), thought (1: 67), understanding (1:
theôrêtikos able to consider (1: 10.2), able to study (1: 43.3), view (1: 22), vision (1: 22), way of
91), capable of contemplating (1: 100), capable considering a subject (1: 89), way of studying a
of inquiring (1: 50), concerned with observation subject (1: 89), way of viewing (1: 89
(1: 52), conscious of (1: 28.1), contemplating eis theôrian emballein to embark on a subject (1:
(12: 21, 22, 25, 28.1, 34/35.1, 37, 41.1, 43.3, 52, 88); hê peri tôn ontôn theôria ontology (1: 51);
64, 67, 69), contemplative (1: 56), intellective (1: logikê theôria rational consideration (1: 100);
41.2), of contemplation (2: 22, 61), of thought phusikê theôria natural philosophy (1: 90);
(1: 43.2), pertaining to inquiry (1: 38), praktikê theôria practical thought (1: 67);
pertaining to study (1: 91), speculative (2: 28.1, theôria axiologos theoretical interest (1: 42);
48), that considers (2: 10.2, 16), that theôrian poieisthai to examine (1: 88), to
contemplates (1: 22), that looks to (1: 72), that investigate (1: 88), to study (1: 93)
studies (1: 22), theoretical (24: 2, 4, 7, 9, 16, 21, theôris pleasure boat (1: 35.2)
22, 28.2, 29.1, 39, 40, 45/46, 51, 54, 64, 69, 73, 74, theos deity (1: 11), divinity (1: 11), god (64: 1, 2, 4, 5,
79, 88, 89, 91, 99, 100) 6.1, 6.2, 7, 10.2, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23,
theôrêtikôteros more contemplative (1: 74); 25, 26, 27, 29.1, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 40, 42, 43.2, 44,
theôrêtikôs contemplatively (1: 34/35.1), in 45/46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61,
theory (1: 100), theoretically (1: 78); ho 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
theôrêtikos scientist (1: 22), theoretical student 86.1, 86.2, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93, 97.1, 97.2, 99),
(1: 61); hê theôrêtikê theoretical science (1: 40); goddess (1: 27)
to theôrêtikon object of contemplation (1: theosebeia piety (1: 6.2), religious zeal (1: 42)
10.2), that which contemplates (1: 56), the part theosebein to honour god (1: 84), to revere god (1:
capable of study (1: 91); theôrêtikai noêseis 45/46)
theoretical thoughts (1: 67); theôrêtikê theosebês god-fearing (1: 1), pious (2: 45/46, 48),
dunamis power to contemplate (1: 56); religious (1: 1), reverential (1: 84)
theôrêtikôi logôi in theory (1: 80); theôrêtikos theosophos wise about the gods (1: 37)
nous contemplative Intellect (1: 34/35.1) theotês divinity (3: 42, 72, 97.2)
theôrêtos observable (1: 42), that can be studied (1: theothen from the divine (1: 23)
91), theoretical (2: 22, 85) theoun : theoumenos deified (1: 97.2)
to theôrêton object of contemplation (2: 10.2, 16), theourgia theurgy (1: 72)
object of study (1: 91), object of theoretical theourgikos : energôn theourgikôs by theurgic
study (1: 40), thing we contemplate (1: 34/35.1), activity (1: 72)
thing contemplated (1: 56) theourgos theurgist (2: 11, 72)
theôria awareness (1: 22), consideration (8: 10.2, 16, 22, thêra hunt (1: 80), search (1: 40)
36, 52, 69, 75, 100), contemplation (15: 4, 22, 25, thêrama prey (1: 25)
28.1, 28.2, 36, 43.3, 48, 56, 61, 67, 69, 97.1, 97.2, thêran to carry out a search (1: 40), to hunt (3: 4, 25,
100), contemplative faculty (1: 58), 57), to hunt down (1: 23), to hunt for (1: 51), to
contemplative wisdom (1: 69), continuous search for (1: 40)


therapeia medical treatment (1: 69), obsequiousness 83, 85, 88, 91, 95, 98, 99), heating (3: 44, 67, 91),
(1: 69), remedy (1: 12), service (1: 17), tendance hot affection (1: 38), hotness (5: 4, 16, 19, 54,
(1: 93), therapy (1: 97.1) 75), warmth (5: 18.2, 20, 27, 28.2, 99)
therapeuein to cure (1: 17), to nurse (1: 40), to remedy emphutos thermotês natural heat (3: 25, 61, 67);
(1: 12), to tend to (1: 93), to treat (2: 69, 91) thermotês phusikê natural heat (1: 67)
therapeuesthai to be treated (1: 4) theros summer (13: 2, 4, 12, 21, 34/35.1, 54, 57, 60, 67,
thêratês searcher (1: 84) 83, 88, 95, 98)
thêreuein to hunt down (1: 95), to track down (1: 25), thêsaurizein to store up (1: 25)
to try to capture (1: 34/35.1) thêsauros store-house (1: 25), treasure (3: 15, 21, 52)
thêreutikos : thêreutikos kuôn hunting dog (1: 86.2) thesis affirmation (1: 59), application (1: 7),
therinos summer (5: 21, 52, 55, 88, 95) arrangement (5: 22, 54, 65, 77, 91), assertion (1:
therinoi kukloi northern tropics (1: 95); therinai 51), assumption (1: 6.1), being placed (2: 18.2,
tropai summer solstice (1: 95); therinos 28.2), claim (1: 76), coinage (1: 7), convention
tropikos summer tropic (1: 88), tropic of (4: 17, 23, 27, 77), how (something) is set out (1:
Cancer (1: 58) 56), imposition (4: 13, 23, 48, 51), laying down
thêriôdês bestial (1: 4), brutal (1: 80) (2: 21, 35.2), order (1: 93), order of terms (1:
thêrion animal (1: 67), beast (4: 23, 25, 37, 97.1), wild 22), pattern (1: 27), place (4: 1, 5, 39, 68), placing
animal (5: 37, 52, 61, 67, 80), wild beast (1: 28.2) (1: 91), posit (5: 9, 50, 75, 77, 89), positing (12: 2,
thêriotês bestiality (1: 40), brutality (1: 40) 10.2, 16, 30/31, 40, 50, 64, 65, 73, 90, 93, 98),
therizein to harvest (1: 59), to reap (3: 29.1, 35.2, 59) position (56: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10.2, 11, 12, 14, 15,
thermainein to cause heat (2: 61, 99), to cause to 17, 18.2, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, 32, 33, 38, 39, 40,
become hot (1: 61), to give heat (1: 52), to heat 41.2, 42, 44, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 64,
(27: 2, 12, 21, 24, 27, 28.1, 38, 40, 42, 52, 54, 57, 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90,
58, 59, 61, 65, 67, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 88, 91, 95, 98, 91, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 99), positioning (2: 17, 80),
99), to warm (8: 20, 28.1, 28.2, 40, 56, 57, 83, 99), postulate (1: 18.2), posture (1: 57), proposition
to warm up (1: 76) (1: 88), putting down (1: 57), stipulation (1: 52),
thermainesthai to be heated (6: 16, 19, 25, 27, 28.2, suggestion (1: 85), thesis (15: 2, 16, 18.2, 23,
68), to be warm (1: 57), to become hot (2: 27, 35.2, 40, 54, 64, 68, 69, 73, 74, 79, 83, 90), thing
28.2), to become warm (1: 28.1), to get hot (3: laid down (1: 35.2), view (1: 44)
27, 76, 80), to get warm (1: 76), to grow hot (3: thesei by convention (4: 20, 27, 40, 87), by
18.2, 27, 28.2); to thermainesthai heating (1: 61) imposition (1: 40), by institution (1: 40),
thermansis becoming hot (2: 27, 58), being heated (1: conventional (2: 27, 44), relative (1: 94), relatively
83), growing hot (1: 27), heating (4: 17, 19, 26, (1: 94); thesin ekhein to be placed (1: 88)
79), warming (2: 20, 57) thesmos law (1: 86.1), ordinance (1: 86.2)
thermantikos able to heat (1: 79), capable of heating thespesios extraordinary (1: 3)
(1: 2), heating (2: 58, 79), of heating (1: 58), thetikos entailing (1: 39), such as to lay down (1: 21)
productive of warmth (1: 22), such as to heat thetikôs positively (1: 23); to thetikon obligation
(1: 57) (1: 23); thetika epirrhêmata postulatory
thermantikê dunamis power to heat (1: 56); inflections of the verb (1: 35.2)
thermantikê energeia warmth (1: 22) thetos capable of having a position (1: 13), positionable
thermantos able to be heated (1: 27), warm (1: 34/35.1) (1: 48), with position (2: 35.2, 93)
thermasia heat (6: 7, 57, 79, 84, 88, 95), heating (1: 75), thinganein to come into contact (1: 52), to contact (2:
temperature (1: 95), warmth (1: 56) 22, 28.2), to have contact with (1: 25), to make
thermê heat (5: 24, 27, 84, 86.1, 88), warmth (1: 57) contact (1: 56), to make contact with (1: 67), to
thermos hot (44: 2, 4, 5, 12, 15, 16, 18.2, 19, 21, 22, 23, touch (6: 20, 25, 28.1, 57, 67, 68)
24, 25, 27, 28.1, 34/35.1, 38, 40, 42, 47, 51, 52, 54, thixis contact (8: 22, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 56, 57, 67, 86.1),
55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 85, touch (1: 56), touching (2: 33, 57)
88, 90, 91, 92.1, 95, 98, 99), warm (9: 18.2, 20, 22, thixei by touch (1: 20)
27, 28.2, 61, 67, 83, 99) thlan to crush (1: 52)
to thermon heat (18: 2, 12, 18.2, 21, 22, 27, 28.2, thlasthai to be impressed (1: 24)
34/35.1, 42, 52, 60, 61, 68, 80, 85, 88, 91, 95), the thlastos impressible (1: 24)
hot (4: 15, 61, 88, 95), warmth (3: 22, 28.2, 52); thlibein to compress (1: 55), to crush (1: 52), to press
emphuton thermon innate heat (1: 63), innate (1: 57), to squeeze (1: 98)
hot (2: 56, 57), natural heat (1: 25); thermon thlibesthai to be compressed (1: 38), to be
entos internal heat (1: 57) squeezed (1: 24)
thermotês heat (43: 1, 2, 5, 6.1, 7, 11, 12, 15, 21, 24, 25, thlipsis affliction (1: 4), compression (1: 38), pressure
27, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 42, 44, 47, 48, 51, (2: 28.2, 98), rubbing (1: 57)
52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 67, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, thnêiskein to die (3: 21, 25, 45/46)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

ta tethnêkota still-born deliveries (1: 86.1); ta thronos chair (2: 7, 60), throne (2: 23, 86.2)
tethneôta the dead (1: 22) thruallis plantain (1: 68), wick (2: 86.1, 95)
thnêtoeidês mortal (1: 22) thrulein to chatter (1: 84)
thnêtos mortal (38: 2, 7, 10.2, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, thruloumenos infamous (1: 23); to thruloumenon
22, 23, 25, 28.1, 35.2, 41.1, 41.2, 42, 45/46, 51, 52, stock objection (1: 16)
56, 58, 59, 61, 64, 67, 68, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, thrupsis dispersal (4: 25, 28.2, 38, 57), dispersion (1:
93, 95, 97.1, 97.2) 91), disruption (1: 28.2)
hoi thnêtoi mortal beings (1: 36); to thnêton thruptein to disperse (3: 28.2, 57, 91)
mortality (3: 21, 22, 97.1) thruptesthai to be broken into pieces (1: 79), to be
thoinê banquet (1: 83) dispersed (1: 25); to thruptesthai disruption (1:
tholôdês turbid (3: 54, 79, 84) 28.2)
tholoun to make turbid (1: 54), to muddy (1: 34/35.1) thuein to sacrifice (1: 88)
tetholômenos turbid (1: 54) thugatêr daughter (1: 86.2)
thôrax chest (3: 12, 24, 27), thorax (1: 57), trunk (1: 91) thuiskê censer (1: 7)
thoros male semen (1: 97.2) thumiama incense (5: 7, 17, 51, 57, 95)
thorubein to agitate (1: 35.2), to disturb (1: 75), to thumian to burn (2: 38, 57), to fumigate (2: 88, 95)
throw into confusion (1: 97.2), to unsettle to thumiômenon fumigation (2: 88, 95)
(1: 23) thumiasis fumes (1: 24), the process of fuming (1: 24)
thorubeisthai to be alarmed (1: 55), to be disturbed thumiasthai to fume (1: 24)
(1: 85) thumiatos fumable (1: 24)
thorubôdês : thorubôdôs excitedly (1: 23) thumikos for showing spirit (1: 25), high-tempered (1:
thrasudeilos coward-rash (1: 69) 69), inclined to anger (1: 61), relating to desire
thrasunein to embolden (1: 69) (1: 84), spirited (2: 34/35.1, 56)
thrasus bold (1: 52), rash (1: 69), reckless (1: 61) to thumikon spirited faculty (1: 67), spirited part
thrasutês boldness (1: 4), rashness (2: 7, 83) (1: 67)
thrattein to disturb (1: 11) thumoeidês high-spirited (1: 80), high-tempered (1: 69),
thrauein to beat (1: 95) spirited (8: 34/35.1, 56, 57, 61, 67, 80, 86.1, 100)
thrauesthai to be shattered (1: 24) thumoeidôs spiritedly (1: 22); to thumoeides
thrausis fragility (1: 24) product of our spirited part (1: 45/46)
thrausma fragment (1: 95) thumon thyme (1: 57)
thraustos that which can be shattered (1: 24) thumos anger (11: 4, 17, 22, 23, 34/35.1, 39, 45/46, 56,
threpsis nourishing (1: 86.1), nourishing process (1: 61, 67, 77), assertiveness (1: 37), emotion (1: 19),
38), nourishment (4: 22, 32, 56, 86.1), nutrition passion (2: 4, 91), spirit (7: 22, 25, 34/35.1,
(1: 22) 45/46, 56, 61, 67), spirited part (2: 61, 80),
threptikos capable of being nourished (1: 91), spiritedness (2: 38, 97.1), temper (2: 43.3, 69),
concerned with nutrition (2: 61, 67), concerning the spirited (1: 100), thumos (1: 77)
nourishment (1: 7), for nutrition (1: 25), having thumoun : thumousthai to be angry (4: 22, 45/46, 56,
a capacity for nutrition (1: 25), nourishing (1: 77), to be in a temper (1: 69), to become angry
56), nutritive (17: 12, 15, 21, 22, 24, 34/35.1, 38, (1: 52), to become spirited (1: 34/35.1), to show
52, 54, 61, 67, 69, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 100), of spirit (1: 25)
nourishment (3: 22, 52, 80), of nutrition (1: 22), to thumousthai being angry (1: 61)
responsible for nourishment (1: 86.1), that thura door (10: 18.2, 23, 34/35.1, 57, 58, 61, 67, 68, 80,
nourishes (1: 22), vegetative (2: 22, 100) 95)
threptikôs as applied to nourishment (1: 28.2), by para thuras beside the point (1: 83), irrelevantly (1:
nutrition (1: 22), in terms of nutrition (1: 86.1); 99); hupantan thuras to use doors (1: 18.2);
hê threptikê faculty of nutrition (1: 61); to para thuras apantan to be beside the point (1:
threptikon capacity for nutrition (1: 25), that 18.2), to miss the point (1: 18.2)
which nourishes (2: 34/35.1, 56), the part for thurathen from outside (4: 34/35.1, 38, 67, 91), from
nourishing oneself (1: 91); threptikê dunamis without (3: 25, 52, 86.1), outside (1: 52)
nourishing power (1: 56), power of receiving thurathen nous mind from outside (1: 97.1)
nourishment (1: 32), power to nourish (1: 56); thuris window (4: 22, 57, 61, 86.1)
threptikos einai to nurture (1: 22) thuroeidês thyroid (1: 57)
thrêskeia worship (1: 84) thurokopeisthai to have a door knocked (1: 25)
thrinkos coping (1: 19), coping stone (2: 40, 72) thurôma window (1: 61)
thripsis friction (1: 28.2) thusia sacrifice (1: 88)
thrix hair (12: 15, 19, 20, 24, 27, 34/35.1, 55, 61, 83, 85, tiktein to assemble (1: 68), to bring forth offspring (1:
86.1, 91) 86.1), to give birth (5: 7, 55, 61, 67, 90), to
trikhes hair (1: 12) produce (1: 61), to produce offspring (1: 80)


tiktesthai to be born (2: 27, 79); to tiktomenon 40, 42, 44, 51, 52, 54, 55, 68, 78, 79, 86.1, 90, 93,
offspring (1: 86.1) 99), to pose (2: 3, 42), to posit (35: 3, 9, 14, 17,
timan to admire (1: 83), to assess (1: 43.3), to honour 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 30/31, 40, 41.2, 42, 44, 50,
(8: 43.1, 43.3, 44, 52, 69, 83, 86.2, 93), to respect 55, 59, 64, 65, 66, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 85,
(1: 52), to reward with honours (1: 69), to value 86.2, 89, 90, 92.1, 93, 99), to position (1: 25), to
(1: 44) postulate (6: 18.2, 28.1, 38, 59, 68, 99), to present
timê esteem (1: 84), fee (1: 43.2), honour (9: 4, 21, 43.1, (5: 10.2, 69, 73, 93, 94), to produce (1: 18.2), to
43.2, 43.3, 52, 54, 65, 99), office (2: 43.1, 69), propose (3: 22, 58, 92.1), to provide (1: 76), to
price (1: 43.2), value (1: 43.3) put (10: 9, 17, 19, 40, 42, 59, 85, 90, 94, 99), to
timêma valuation (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69) put down (1: 3), to put forward (1: 14), to refer
timêtos evaluable (1: 69), honoured (1: 69) (1: 68), to say (1: 54), to set (2: 3, 18.2), to set
timios estimable (3: 2, 22, 56), honourable (9: 2, 4, 21, down (4: 40, 76, 78, 79), to set in (1: 54), to set
52, 54, 55, 64, 69, 83), important (1: 77), of out (7: 18.2, 20, 54, 55, 76, 85, 99), to set up (2:
dignity (1: 10.2), of high value (1: 61), of value 86.2, 98), to state (2: 59, 99), to subscribe to (1:
(1: 10.2), precious (3: 22, 67, 69), superior (1: 59), to suggest (2: 85, 98), to suppose (10: 4, 14,
34/35.1), valuable (6: 25, 28.2, 61, 69, 83, 93) 22, 28.1, 52, 68, 83, 85, 86.1, 94), to take (2: 22,
timiôteros superior (2: 35.2, 91) 44), to take (to be the case) (1: 25), to think of
timiotês honour (1: 43.2), value (2: 25, 84) (1: 98), to treat (2: 18.2, 44)
timokrateisthai to be timocratic (1: 43.3) tithesthai to apply (1: 69), to assume (1: 69), to be
timokratês timocrat (1: 43.1) established (1: 10.2), to be posited (1: 16), to be
timokratia timocracy (3: 43.1, 43.2, 69) positioned (1: 50), to establish (1: 86.2), to hold
timokratikos timocratic (1: 43.1) (1: 2), to lay down (2: 21, 35.2), to locate (2: 4,
timôreisthai to take revenge (1: 91) 21), to make (1: 3), to place (2: 4, 21), to posit (8:
timôrêtikos vengeful (1: 69) 2, 10.2, 16, 25, 50, 67, 69, 89), to postulate (2: 12,
timôria punishment (1: 97.1), retribution (1: 84), 21), to set up (1: 69), to suppose (2: 21, 40);
revenge (1: 69) theteon one should posit (2: 64, 65); to tithenai
tis : pros ti relative (1: 54) inclusion (1: 92.1); pou thêsomen what are we
ti the something (1: 51); ti esti what it is (1: 73); ti going to do with (1: 68); tithenai eis to classify
pote precisely what (1: 73), what precisely (1: with (1: 89); tithenai eis taxin to put in order
73); to dia ti on account of what (1: 17), the (1: 97.1); tithenai en to classify with (1: 89);
question ‘Why?’ (1: 2), the reason why (2: 17, tithesthai en to be inserted (1: 50); tithesthai
61); to ti the ‘what’ (it is) (1: 74), what phrontida to pay heed (1: 80)
something is (definition) (1: 25); to ti esti tithênê nurse (5: 14, 68, 76, 94, 97.2)
essence (144); tode ti particular (1: 73) titrôskein to wound (2: 57, 65)
tisis punishment (2: 97.1, 97.2) tmêma arc (2: 54, 98), branch (2: 33, 60), case (1: 42),
titanos lime (2: 18.2, 24) cut (1: 87), division (5: 34/35.1, 35.2, 68, 80, 87),
tithaseias taming (1: 86.1) option (1: 76), part (4: 23, 54, 61, 79), piece (2:
tithaseuein to domesticate (1: 34/35.1), to tame (1: 80, 97.2), section (5: 44, 51, 76, 95, 99), segment
86.1) (18: 3, 17, 20, 27, 33, 42, 44, 56, 58, 63, 64, 73, 76,
tithasos : tithasôs ekhein to be made tame (1: 86.1) 78, 79, 83, 87, 93), subdivision (1: 41.2)
tithenai to add (1: 59), to adduce (1: 59), to affirm (3: tmêtikos able to cut (1: 79), cutting (2: 68, 79),
14, 18.2, 40), to agree (1: 68), to answer in the dissecting (1: 52), incisive (1: 48), piercing (1:
affirmative (1: 40), to apply (2: 68, 73), to 24), that cuts (1: 68), that dissects (1: 52)
arrange (1: 98), to assent to (1: 40), to assert (2: tmêtikôtatos sharpest (1: 78); tmêtikê dunamis
52, 59), to assign (4: 19, 20, 30/31, 54), to assume power to cut (1: 56)
(4: 18.2, 68, 85, 99), to believe (1: 98), to class (2: tmêtos able to be divided (1: 12), cuttable (1: 42), fissile
44, 69), to classify (1: 30/31), to consider (1: 59), (1: 85), that can be cut (1: 24)
to construct (1: 54), to count (1: 22), to deal toikhos wall (11: 16, 34/35.1, 51, 52, 55, 65, 67, 78, 79,
with (2: 28.1, 80), to deposit (1: 25), to describe 91, 98)
(1: 59), to determine (1: 83), to dispose (1: 97.1), toinun accordingly (1: 60), hence (1: 60), in fact (1: 60),
to establish (4: 18.2, 23, 54, 86.1), to form (1: 3), now (1: 60), so (1: 60), therefore (1: 60), well
to give (4: 73, 76, 90, 93), to hold (3: 58, 59, 99), (1: 60)
to impose (1: 51), to include (4: 10.2, 58, 80, 99), toios so and so (1: 93), such (1: 93), this kind of (1: 93)
to introduce (1: 58), to lay (1: 17), to lay down toiôs this way (1: 93); toios ê toios in one way or
(3: 18.2, 52, 99), to lay out (1: 17), to locate (1: another (2: 23, 93)
25), to make (4: 18.2, 52, 59, 92.1), to make the toiosde of a kind (1: 10.2), of such-and-such a kind (1:
subject (1: 59), to offer (2: 20, 76), to opt for (2: 41.2), such (2: 10.2, 17), such-and-such (1: 60),
68, 80), to place (21: 9, 14, 16, 18.2, 25, 30/31, 38, this type of (1: 60)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

toionde a ‘such’ (1: 91), a particular sort (1: 3), topikon diastêma place-extension (1: 6.1);
quality (1: 44); toiôsde as follows (1: 60), in a topikon sôma place-body (1: 94); topikôs
certain way (1: 60); to toionde being such and kineisthai to change place (2: 18.2, 67)
such (1: 22), kind (1: 22); to toiade einai ‘its topismos positioning (1: 11)
qualities’ (1: 22); toiosde kai toiosde this way topizesthai to be located (1: 11), to become localised
and that way (1: 23) (1: 14), to get a place (1: 14)
toioutos in this form (1: 60), like (1: 93), like this (1: topos area (1: 93), area of discussion (1: 25),
60), of such a kind (2: 41.2, 48), of such kind (1: commonplace (1: 4), commonplace argument
60), of that sort (1: 93), similar (1: 60), such (3: (1: 10.2), environment (1: 61), location (4: 43.1,
16, 60, 93), the following (1: 16), the like (1: 16), 43.2, 61, 91), nest (1: 77), part (1: 22), passage
this sort of (1: 17), to the effect that (1: 93) (4: 3, 54, 59, 68), place (64: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6.1, 7, 10.2,
ho toioutos the like (1: 93); aparallaktôs toiouton 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25,
of precisely the same sort (1: 68) 27, 32, 33, 34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 39, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.3,
toioutotês suchness (1: 48) 44, 45/46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58,
toioutotropôs in the following way (1: 34/35.1) 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,
toketos process of giving birth (1: 86.1) 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99,
tokos birth (1: 97.1) 100), position (4: 54, 55, 59, 80), region (15: 52,
tolma audacity (1: 51), daring (1: 2) 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 73, 76, 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 88, 91,
tolman to dare (5: 6.2, 78, 79, 85, 86.1), to hazard (1: 95), room (2: 55, 63), shape (11: 59, 28.1, 67, 78,
55) 79, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 94, 95), sphere (1: 59), spot
tolmêma adventure (1: 84), arrogant exploit (1: 1) (2: 98, 100), topic (7: 39, 40, 45/46, 52, 59, 68,
tolmêros daring (1: 69), rash (1: 84) 76), topos (1: 99)
tolmêtias temerarious (1: 34/35.1) topôi in a spatial manner (1: 86.1), spatially (4: 3,
tolmêtikos daring (1: 69) 22, 25, 86.1); en topôi in a local sense (1: 28.2);
tomê castration (1: 72), cut (8: 3, 6.2, 42, 44, 60, 76, 86.1, kata topon by locomotion (1: 22), in respect of
98), cutting (11: 3, 20, 24, 34/35.1, 35.2, 44, 51, place (2: 60, 67), local (6: 22, 58, 59, 67, 76, 99),
55, 79, 85, 97.2), dividing genera into species (1: locally (4: 3, 59, 68, 99), spatial (2: 54, 86.1),
40), division (21: 6.1, 12, 20, 21, 38, 41.1, 44, 48, spatially (1: 28.1); kata topon pheresthai to be
51, 58, 63, 67, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 85, 88, 92.1, 94), engaged in locomotion (1: 75); akinêtos kata
intersection (2: 40, 79), process of cutting (2: 20, topon incapable of locomotion (1: 100),
42), section (4: 20, 22, 44, 73), sectioning (1: 54), incapable of movement (1: 100); ameibein
segment (1: 11), subdivision (1: 89) topous to take over each other’s places (1: 18.2);
koinê tomê intersection (1: 44); tomên poieisthai ameibein tous topous to travel from place to
to divide up (1: 59), to sub-divide (1: 89) place (1: 88); epilambanein topon to take up
tonikos tensioned (1: 52) place (3: 54, 55, 78); ho perix topos the
tonos accent (2: 7, 35.2), tension (3: 38, 52, 98), tuning periphery (1: 59); katekhein topon to maintain
(1: 57) one’s place (1: 18.2); kinêsis en topôi local
sun tonois intense (1: 14) motion (1: 67); kinêsis kata topon change in
topazein to guess (1: 11) respect of place (1: 57), change of place (1: 11),
topikos in place (3: 17, 42, 44), in respect of place (2: local motion (2: 14, 47), local movement (1: 67),
25, 100), in respect to place (1: 14), local (10: 3, locomotion (5: 54, 61, 67, 94, 99), movement in
11, 14, 41.2, 47, 54, 59, 68, 95, 99), of locomotion the local sense (1: 61); kinêtos kata topon that
(1: 100), of place (6: 22, 27, 28.2, 44, 79, 99), of which changes place (1: 14); metaballein ek
space (1: 98), providing a place (1: 14), spatial topou to turn into (1: 80); metaballein kata
(7: 18.2, 22, 28.2, 39, 54, 83, 86.1), topical (2: 51, topon to exchange one place for another (1:
98) 94); metabasis kata topon transmission (1:
topikôs from place to place (1: 59), in a local sense 86.1); metabatikôs kata topon locally (1: 86.1),
(1: 28.2), in a spatial sense (2: 59, 67), in place proper place (1: 6.1); plagios topos side (1: 99);
(2: 22, 52), locally (2: 14, 59), of change of place plêsiasmos tôn topôn neighbouring place
(1: 22), of place (2: 18.2, 22), spatial (2: 22, 52), (1: 55)
spatially (1: 22); hê topikê pragmateia the tosautakhôs in this number of ways (1: 51)
Topics (1: 51); topikê diastasis spatial distance tososde quantity (1: 44)
(1: 100); topikê kinêsis change of place (2: 83, to tosonde being so much (1: 22), magnitude (1: 27),
89), local motion (1: 47), locomotion (3: 22, 79, quantity (1: 44); tosonde (particular) amount (1:
99), motion (1: 83), motion in place (1: 20), 3), this much (1: 3); hê tosêde sunekheia a
spatial movement (1: 57); topikê pragmateia certain quantity of continuity (1: 44)
preamble to the Topics (1: 39), treatise on Topics toxeuein to shoot (2: 21, 98)
(1: 40); topikê stigmê place-point (1: 94); toxeuma arrow (1: 54)


toxon bow (1: 57) to trigônon triangle (35: 1, 2, 7, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 19,
toxotes Sagittarius (the constellation) (1: 95), archer (1: 20, 22, 29.1, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 44, 51, 52, 56, 57,
57) 59, 61, 64, 65, 68, 73, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 90, 93,
tragelaphos goat-stag (10: 7, 23, 34/35.1, 35.2, 60, 65, 94, 22); orthogônion trigônon right triangle
73, 93, 97.2, 98) (2: 78, 79)
tragêmatizein to eat sweetmeats (1: 4) trigônotês triangularity (1: 48)
tragikos in a tragedy (1: 34/35.1), tragic (1: 86.2) trikhêi : trikhêi diastatos extended in three
tragôdein : tetragôidêmenos dramatized (1: 75) dimensions (2: 63, 76), extended three ways (1:
tragôidiopoios tragic poet (1: 86.2) 98), in three directions (1: 98), three-
tragôidia tragedy (1: 2) dimensional (13: 6.1, 6.2, 7, 13, 48, 59, 60, 76, 78,
tragôidos tragic actor (2: 34/35.1, 57) 80, 83, 88, 92.2), three-dimensional extension
tragos goat (1: 34/35.1) (1: 76), with three extensions (1: 98)
trakhêlos neck (2: 38, 91), throat (1: 56) trikhêi diestanai to be three dimensional (1: 80);
trakhus rough (7: 20, 25, 38, 56, 57, 84, 92.1) trikhêi diestôs extended in three dimensions
hê trakheia windpipe (1: 57); artêria trakheia (1: 12), having three dimensions (1: 40), in three
windpipe (2: 35.2, 57) dimensions (1: 10.2); to trikhêi diastaton
trakhutês being rough (1: 28.2), roughness (9: 25, 28.2, extension in three dimensions (1: 32)
34/35.1, 38, 41.2, 52, 54, 83, 91) trikhôs in three ways (2: 64, 65)
tranês bright (1: 57), clear (2: 27, 86.2), limpid (1: 56), trikotulaios three measures (1: 52)
manifest (1: 17) trimereia three parts (1: 35.2)
tranos clear (1: 23) trimerês tripartite (1: 51)
tranôs distinctly (1: 91) triodos trivium (1: 84)
trapeza table (2: 51, 86.2) tripêkhus three cubits (3: 7, 61, 76), three cubits long
trauma wound (2: 2, 57) (2: 67, 92.1), three cubits tall (1: 93), three-cubit
trekhein to run (8: 4, 21, 25, 27, 54, 65, 75, 84) (1: 84)
trêma aperture (1: 57), hole (1: 57), perforation (1: 6.1) triplasiazein to triple (2: 42, 58)
tremein to fear (1: 34/35.1), to shake (1: 54) triplasiephebdomos three and a seventh times (1: 57)
trepein to affect (1: 27), to change (3: 36, 39, 54), to triplasios three times as (1: 60), threefold (1: 67), treble
modify (2: 28.2, 52), to transform (1: 28.2), to (1: 21), triple (4: 2, 48, 60, 78)
turn (7: 4, 18.2, 54, 55, 61, 78, 83) triploê triplicity (1: 35.2)
trepesthai to be transformed (1: 25), to change (2: tripous stool (1: 22), tripod (29: 20, 51)
60, 67), to turn (6: 38, 52, 60, 79, 86.1, 98); holôn tripsis rubbing (2: 38, 54)
di’ holôn trepomenôn being fully trisullabos trisyllabic (1: 23)
interpenetrated (1: 38) tritos tertiary (1: 16), third (7: 2, 6.1, 12, 64, 65, 86.1,
trephein to feed (7: 18.2, 22, 51, 52, 61, 75, 94), to grow 86.2)
(1: 21), to nourish (22: 12, 18.2, 22, 24, 25, 26, tritôs in the third degree (1: 12)
34/35.1, 38, 42, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, trittos threefold (1: 17), triple (1: 17)
91, 94, 99, 100), to nurture (2: 22, 97.1), to raise trôgalia dried fruit and nuts (1: 57)
(1: 42), to rear (2: 22, 80) trokhalon wheel (1: 88)
trephesthai to be educated (1: 15), to be fed (1: 61), trokhan to run (1: 98)
to be nourished (6: 2, 10.2, 15, 16, 25, 61), to trokhilion wheel (1: 23)
feed (1: 12), to nourish (1: 4), to nurture oneself trokhos wheel (5: 42, 54, 59, 67, 84)
(1: 97.2), to take nourishment (2: 4, 59); to tromos shake (1: 91), shaking (1: 54)
trephein nourishing (1: 52), nutrition (2: 22, tropaion trophy (1: 84)
52); to thremmenon newborn baby (1: 80), tropê alteration (1: 48), arrangement (1: 33), change (9:
offspring (1: 80) 6.2, 7, 22, 28.1, 36, 39, 59, 60, 80), derangement
treptos changeable (1: 5), liable to be changed (1: 25), difference (1: 27), equinox (1: 27),
(1: 97.2) modification (4: 22, 28.2, 52, 75), position (1:
trêsis perforation (1: 57) 61), season (1: 60), solstice (4: 2, 27, 52, 97.2),
trias the number three (1: 10.2), three (2: 27, 97.2), transformation (6: 25, 28.2, 42, 47, 57, 83), turn
threesome (1: 21), triad (8: 18.2, 22, 41.2, 61, 67, (2: 60, 98), turning (5: 2, 4, 58, 88, 92.2),
77, 97.2, 98), trinity (2: 97.1, 97.2) variation (2: 22, 91)
triaulos triple pipe (1: 98) tropai solstice (2: 21, 95)
tribê experience (1: 52) tropein : tropeisthai to undergo a conversion (1:
tribein to rub (2: 52, 54) 34/35.1)
triêrês trireme (1: 16) trophê eating (1: 61), food (15: 6.1, 18.2, 19, 22, 37, 52,
trigônizein to be triangular (1: 95) 56, 57, 59, 61, 75, 80, 86.1, 95, 99), nourishment
trigônos triangle (2: 12, 32) (27: 2, 4, 10.2, 12, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 27, 28.2, 32,

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

34/35.1, 38, 52, 56, 59, 60, 78, 79, 83, 86.1, 91, 95, chance event (1: 40), condition (1: 43.2), fortune
97.1, 98, 99), nurture (2: 19, 97.1), nutriment (3: (8: 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 51, 54, 69, 77, 97.1), luck (8:
25, 42, 50), nutrition (4: 19, 22, 24, 61), physical 21, 26, 42, 52, 66, 69, 77, 89), misfortune (1: 69)
sustenance (1: 97.1), rearing (2: 80, 97.1), apo tukhês as an outcome of luck (1: 89), by chance
relation (1: 37) (3: 2, 15, 51), by luck (1: 89); to apo tukhês the
tropheia nursling’s dues (1: 34/35.1) outcome of luck (1: 89); ta kata tukhên chance
trophimos nourishing (4: 22, 38, 86.1, 91) things (1: 17)
trophos nurse (2: 68, 80) tukhêros due to luck (1: 52), lucky (1: 77)
tropikos figurative (1: 13), tropic (6: 9, 58, 64, 67, 88, 95) tumpanoeidês drum-shaped (1: 55)
tropikôs figuratively (1: 51); kheimerinos tropikos tumpanon disc (1: 55), drum (1: 25)
winter tropic (1: 88); hoi tropikoi kukloi the tunkhanein to achieve (6: 4, 21, 52, 55, 79, 86.2), to
tropics (1: 95) acquire (3: 25, 45/46, 54), to arrive at (2: 4, 98),
tropis keel (2: 20, 23) to attain (8: 10.2, 16, 17, 45/46, 54, 55, 83, 86.2),
tropos approach (1: 86.1), behaviour (1: 80), character (7: to be (5: 2, 45/46, 54, 55, 83), to be a fact
3, 22, 38, 43.2, 69, 76, 80), extent (1: 88), fashion (1: 93), to be as a matter of fact (1: 28.1), to be
(1: 24), fate (1: 67), form (7: 3, 10.2, 40, 59, 64, 85, by chance (2: 27, 54), to be given (1: 93), to be in
98), kind (7: 22, 55, 79, 85, 92.2, 98, 99), manner fact (2: 28.1, 60), to chance (4: 4, 17, 38, 60), to
(32: 10.2, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 32, 39, chance to be (1: 2), to chance to happen (1: 25),
40, 42, 54, 55, 58, 59, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 73, 77, 80, to encounter (1: 51), to gain (2: 12, 54), to get (2:
86.1, 86.2, 88, 90, 93, 99), method (9: 22, 25, 28.1, 69, 73), to happen (16: 10.2, 17, 19, 21, 26, 27, 54,
54, 58, 59, 61, 64, 94), modality (4: 30/31, 35.2, 64, 55, 60, 73, 75, 79, 86.1, 86.2, 89, 99), to happen
65), mode (32: 2, 9, 10.2, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28.2, 32, 36, along (1: 69), to happen to (1: 7), to happen to
40, 41.1, 44, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 76, be (7: 2, 4, 40, 45/46, 69, 83, 93), to happen upon
77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 86.1, 92.2, 99), mood (3: 40, 51, (1: 89), to hit upon (3: 19, 51, 78), to light upon
85), presentation (1: 22), procedure (5: 2, 22, 25, (2: 25, 75), to meet (3: 51, 78, 98), to obtain (4:
73, 75), quality of character (1: 43.2), route (1: 20), 21, 52, 86.2, 94), to obtain successfully (1: 86.1),
season (14: 54, 20, 25, 39, 41.2, 50, 58, 59, 60, 75, to reach (2: 4, 79), to receive (4: 4, 19, 51, 78), to
85, 89, 98, 99), solstice (2: 54, 55), sort (1: 27), share (1: 28.2), to turn out (1: 60)
spirit (1: 68), syllogistic mode (2: 42, 68), the way tukhon actually (1: 25), chance (1: 73), for example
things work (1: 94), trope (1: 51), turn (1: 94), (1: 21), indeed (1: 25), it happens that (1: 93), it
turning (1: 55), type (13: 2, 10.2, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, might be (1: 76), just any (1: 17), perchance (1:
40, 42, 72, 76, 89, 99), type of case (1: 73), usage 76), perhaps (2: 17, 93); tukhôn a matter of
(2: 26, 59), variety (1: 39), way (50: 2, 3, 12, 18.2, chance (1: 10.2), any (2: 25, 75), any chance
19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.2, 38, 39, 40, 42, (thing) (1: 38), arbitrary (1: 67), chance (3: 54,
43.2, 44, 50, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 55, 67), just any (1: 4), occurring by chance (1:
72, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 89, 90, 85), ordinary (1: 67), random (6: 6.1, 25, 55, 67,
92.2, 93, 94, 98, 99) 73, 75), trifling (1: 57); ho tukhôn chance
apo tropou irrelevant (1: 89); kata tropon person (2: 16, 45/46), just any (1: 23), ordinary
customary (1: 80); meta tropou modal (2: 23, person (1: 45/46); hoi tukhontes anybody (1:
35.2); epagôgikos tropos method of sampling 51); to tukhon a chance thing (1: 79), a random
of cases (1: 94); kath’ heteron tropon otherwise thing (1: 75), any (1: 76), any (thing) (1: 27), any
(1: 93); panti tropôi to the utmost (1: 68); tôi chance (thing) (1: 27), any chance thing (2: 19,
autôi tropôi (by means of) the same move (1: 23), any whatever (1: 76), anything at random
80); ton sumbolikon tropon symbolically (1: (1: 92.1), anything whatever (2: 27, 72), chance
68); ton tropon touton as follows (1: 90); thing (3: 2, 16, 92.1), each and every (1: 99), just
touton ton tropon this is how (1: 90); tropon any (3: 20, 40, 76), just anything (3: 76, 79, 92.1),
tina in a way (1: 76); tropos paralogismôn way just trivially (1: 76), matter of chance (1: 16), no
in which paralogisms arise (1: 35.2) matter what (1: 76), ordinary thing (1: 16),
trugê sludge (1: 84) random (1: 76), something random (1: 89), that
trugôdes thick (1: 68), sludgy (1: 84), thick (1: 86.1) which is random (1: 92.1), chance thing (1:
trupanon fire-drill (1: 78) 10.2); ei etukhe if it so happens (1: 19); ei
truphan to be licentious (1: 69), to have a passion for tukhoi for example (6: 7, 21, 54, 73, 79, 93),
(1: 34/35.1) perchance (3: 19, 60, 76), perhaps (1: 55), say (2:
truphê luxury (1: 97.1) 76, 99); ei tukhoi polloston just a small part (1:
trux dregs (1: 88) 70); ei tukhon say (parenthetical) (1: 17); ho
tukhaios chance (1: 72), contingent (1: 51) tukhôn anêr anybody (1: 51); hoper etukhe
tukhê chance (22: 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 17, 19, 23, 29.1, 40, what chances to befall (1: 17); hopôs an tukhêi
45/46, 51, 54, 60, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 86.2, 93, 97.1), as it may chance to befall (1: 17); hopôs etukhe


as befalls (1: 17); hopoter’ an etukhen however tupôi in outline (1: 40); hôs tupôi perilabein in
it chances (1: 29.1); hôs etukhe a matter of outline (1: 40); phantastikos tupos imprint in
chance (1: 54), as chance befalls (1: 17), at the imagination (1: 100)
random (2: 19, 73), by chance (2: 7, 54), tupôsis impression (3: 28.1, 86.1, 91), imprint (1: 41.2),
haphazard (1: 45/46), in a random way (1: 78), stamping (1: 52)
in any condition (1: 76), just anyhow (1: 76) tupôtikos subject to impressions (1: 36)
tuphlos blind (13: 7, 10.2, 15, 16, 20, 25, 26, 27, 38, 40, tupôtikôs by way of imprint (1: 34/35.1), that
68, 83, 85) causes impressions (1: 36)
tuphlotês blindness (9: 7, 13, 15, 16, 20, 27, 57, 58, 67) tupoun to depict (1: 84), to form (1: 11), to impress (1:
tuphlôttein to become blind (1: 7), to have poor sight 36), to imprint (2: 34/35.1, 45/46), to make an
(1: 25) impression (2: 36, 91), to mould (2: 11, 28.2), to
tuphloun : tuphlousthai to be deprived of sight (1: 25) stamp (1: 52)
tupôma impression (1: 86.1), outline (1: 48) tupousthai to receive an imprint (1: 57), to receive
tupos form (3: 28.1, 51, 72), formulation (1: 26), imprints (1: 34/35.1)
impression (13: 2, 16, 23, 36, 43.1, 61, 67, 77, 84, tupsis beating (1: 28.2)
86.1, 90, 97.2, 100), imprint (8: 11, 23, 25, tuptein to beat (2: 28.2, 80), to strike (3: 28.2, 57, 91)
34/35.1, 35.2, 56, 91, 100), mark (2: 68, 99), turanneisthai to live in a tyranny (1: 43.3)
model (1: 45/46), mould (3: 2, 11, 28.2), outline turannis kingly power (1: 97.1), tyranny (5: 43.1, 43.2,
(6: 22, 28.1, 28.2, 41.2, 51, 52), script (2: 56, 73), 86.2, 97.1, 97.2)
shape (2: 54, 58), stamp (1: 72), stamping (1: en turannidi possessed of tyrannical power (1:
52), trace (1: 23), type (1: 23), vague indication 97.1)
(1: 68), way of shaping (1: 35.2) turannos tyrant (6: 43.1, 43.2, 52, 67, 86.2, 97.1)
tupôi in a rough sketch (1: 61), in outline (4: 11, 25, turos curd (1: 24)
40, 91); en tupois in outline form (1: 51); hôs turousthai to curdle (1: 24)


xainein : xainomenos carded (1: 76) hê xêra dry area (1: 93); to xêron dryness (2: 12,
exammenos carded (1: 78) 52), the dry (2: 15, 95)
xanthos auburn (1: 2), gold-coloured (2: 6.1, 25), yellow xêrotês dry affection (1: 38), dryness (31: 2, 4, 5,
(10: 12, 28.2, 34/35.1, 38, 56, 57, 75, 79, 88, 95) 12, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.2, 38, 47,
xeein to dress (1: 80), to make smooth (1: 68) 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 68, 75, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85,
xenia entertainment (1: 59), hospitality (2: 43.2, 43.3) 88, 91, 98)
xenikos hospitality-based (1: 69), strange (1: 2) xesis carving (1: 35.2), dressing (1: 80)
xenizein to dismiss (1: 79), to seem foreign (1: 51), to xestês pint (2: 7, 20)
violate accepted Greek usage (1: 13) xestiaios a litre of (1: 80), ounce (1: 88), pint (1: 60)
xenos alien (1: 68), extraneous (1: 58), foreign (1: 83), xiphos sword (4: 34/35.1, 35.2, 51, 93)
novel (1: 83), strange (1: 58), unfamiliar (1: 25), xoanon statue (1: 67)
unusual (1: 59) xulinos wooden (12: 19, 24, 25, 52, 56, 67, 75, 76, 80, 83,
ho xenos guest (1: 43.3) 93, 98)
xêrainein to cause dryness (1: 61), to dry (8: 21, 57, 59, xulôdês : to xulôdes woody body (1: 24)
67, 78, 83, 88, 99), to dry out (1: 24), to have a xulon log (8: 17, 19, 21, 27, 52, 58, 76, 80), piece of
drying effect (1: 67) timber (1: 80), piece of wood (6: 52, 57, 76, 80,
xêrainesthai to be dried (3: 19, 21, 25), to become 86.1, 91), plank (2: 63, 76), stick (2: 76, 93),
dry (1: 21) timber (8: 17, 21, 22, 23, 58, 59, 61, 76), wood
xêrantikos : xêrantikê dunamis power to dry (1: 56) (28: 1, 5, 7, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 51,
xêrion drying powder (1: 60) 52, 56, 57, 59, 61, 67, 68, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 86.1,
xêros dry (31: 1, 2, 5, 12, 15, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28.2, 92.1, 98)
34/35.1, 38, 47, 52, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 80, xusis writing (1: 23)
83, 85, 86.1, 88, 91, 95, 98) xusma mote (4: 22, 25, 57, 61)


zein to boil (4: 24, 25, 56, 61), to ferment (1: 21), to 22, 27, 28.1, 30/31, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43.1, 43.2,
seethe (1: 24) 43.3, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67,
to zein boiling (1: 61); to zeon effervescence (1: 22) 69, 73, 77, 78, 79, 83, 90, 92.1, 93, 94, 95, 97.1,
zêlos emulation (2: 55, 69) 99), to seek for (1: 18.2), to seek out (2: 58, 59),
zêlôtês admirer (1: 69) to study (2: 61, 72), to want (1: 93), to want to
zêlôtos worthy of emulation (1: 38) know (1: 18.2), to wonder (1: 99)
zêlotupia resentment (1: 69) zêteisthai to be an object of inquiry (2: 10.2, 16), to
zêloun to emulate (2: 27, 69), to strive after (1: 51) be under investigation (2: 58, 59); zêteitai there
zêmia damage (1: 97.2), penalty (1: 4) is an inquiry (1: 12); zêtêteon one must inquire
zêmioun to punish (1: 4) (1: 36), one must search (2: 68, 86.1), one must
zêmiousthai to suffer penalties (1: 4) seek (1: 36), one should ask (2: 58, 59), one
zên to be alive (16: 21, 22, 24, 25, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 52, should inquire (1: 64), one should seek (2: 64,
56, 61, 68, 75, 80, 86.1, 91, 93), to be animate (1: 65); zêtoumenos sought (1: 73), under
22), to have a life (1: 86.1), to have life (3: 22, 58, examination (1: 22); to zêtein inquiry (2: 44,
59), to live (34: 4, 12, 15, 16, 22, 25, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 67), question (1: 61); ho zêtôn inquirer (1: 52);
34/35.1, 36, 43.1, 43.2, 43.3, 45/46, 51, 52, 56, 59, to zêtoumenon inquiry (3: 10.2, 12, 52), object
61, 64, 65, 67, 75, 84, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 91, 97.1, 99, of inquiry (3: 10.2, 16, 99), position under
100), to spend one’s life (1: 52) scrutiny (1: 80), problem (2: 18.2, 22), question
to zên life (7: 4, 15, 22, 52, 61, 67, 86.1), living (3: 4, (1: 80), something inquired into (1: 99), sought
52, 61); ho zôn living thing (1: 86.1); to zôn (1: 90), subject of inquiry (1: 95), the issue being
living thing (2: 25, 91); duskherantikôs zên to investigated (1: 99), the sought (2: 73, 90), thing
live a life of frustration (1: 45/46); eu zên to sought (1: 90), thing that is sought (1: 90), what
have a good life (1: 4), to live well (1: 4); zôn is sought (1: 90), what one is seeking (1: 29.1);
aisthêtikôs in the life of sensation (1: 28.2) aitêsis tou zêtoumenou begging of the
zesis boiling (5: 25, 56, 61, 88, 95), effervescence (2: 21, question (1: 73); axion zêtein that deserves
22), seething (1: 67) inquiry (1: 10.2), worthy of inquiry (1: 10.2);
zêtein to ask (23: 17, 18.2, 21, 22, 26, 28.1, 39, 40, 41.2, hupotithesthai to zêtoumenon to beg the
48, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 78, 79, 80, 83, 92.1, 98, question (1: 14); theôrêma zêtein to make a
99), to ask questions (1: 4), to consider (2: 22, speculative inquiry (1: 35.2)
58), to deal with (1: 22), to debate (1: 43.3), to zêtêma dispute (1: 39), inquiry (9: 22, 25, 27, 39, 43.3,
demand (1: 599), to discover (1: 92.1), to 51, 52, 54, 95), object of inquiry (2: 34/35.1, 89),
examine (7: 27, 48, 59, 60, 61, 67, 86.1), to find object of investigation (1: 77), proposal (1: 27),
out (2: 60, 61), to hold an inquiry (1: 4), to question (3: 40, 54, 61)
inquire (53: 2, 3, 4, 10.2, 12, 16, 17, 18.2, 19, 20, ta phusika zêtêmata inquiries to do with the study
21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31, 34/35.1, 35.2, of nature (1: 95)
36, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.1, 43.3, 44, 48, 52, 54, 55, 56, zêtesis asking (1: 48), debate (1: 58), examination (1:
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 86.1), examining (1: 86.1), inquiry (39: 2, 10.2,
80, 83, 89, 94, 95, 98, 99), to inquire about (1: 12, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 30/31,
19), to inquire after (1: 16), to inquire into (2: 34/35.1, 35.2, 36, 40, 43.1, 44, 48, 50, 54, 55, 56,
50, 85), to investigate (36: 2, 3, 9, 11, 18.2, 19, 22, 58, 60, 64, 68, 69, 72, 75, 80, 85, 89, 93, 95, 97.2,
27, 28.2, 30/31, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43.2, 43.3, 50, 99), investigating (1: 73), investigation (19: 2, 3,
53, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 66, 68, 69, 73, 77, 83, 85, 90, 27, 29.1, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43.3, 59, 67, 73, 77, 83,
91, 93, 94, 99), to look for (14: 18.2, 22, 27, 39, 86.1, 92.1, 94, 99), problem (1: 86.1), problem
42, 52, 54, 57, 61, 67, 80, 89, 95, 99), to look into under investigation (1: 42), process of searching
(1: 28.1), to look to (1: 57), to make an inquiry (1: 67), question (11: 23, 27, 28.1, 41.2, 54, 58,
(1: 94), to pursue (1: 17), to query (2: 60, 91), to 59, 61, 67, 90, 99), questioning (1: 99), research
question (3: 61, 67, 99), to raise a question (2: (1: 7), search (7: 2, 22, 40, 43.2, 61, 65, 98),
61, 67), to require (1: 94), to research (1: 40), to searching (1: 21), seeking (4: 9, 52, 67, 99),
search (7: 28.2, 36, 40, 55, 61, 67, 99), to search studying (1: 28.1), what is being investigated
for (1: 59), to seek (45: 2, 4, 9, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, (1: 36)

A Vocabulary of the Ancient Commentators on Aristotle

kata philosophian zêtêseis philosophical inquiries (6: 12, 17, 52, 58, 59, 80), living being (13: 27,
(2: 10.2, 16); poieisthai zêtêsin to conduct an 28.1, 28.2, 36, 40, 44, 61, 67, 70, 97.1, 97.2, 99,
inquiry (2: 10.2, 12) 100), living creature (12: 4, 6.1, 12, 17, 21, 28.1,
zêtêtikos havig a spirit of inquiry (1: 48), inquisitive (1: 52, 58, 59, 80, 97.1, 99), living thing (13: 11, 22,
88), inquiring after (1: 4), investigative (1: 40), 27, 28.1, 28.2, 42, 54, 68, 75, 78, 83, 86.2, 99),
making inquiry (1: 84), such as to inquire (1: 4) organism (2: 11, 67), picture (1: 44), sculpture
zeugnunai : zeugnusthai to be yoked (1: 75) (1: 39)
Zeus Jupiter (the planet) (1: 57) ta zôa animality (1: 22); ou / mê zôion not-animal
zôê activity (1: 36), faculty (1: 36), form of life (1: 100), (1: 90); pezon zôion land animal (1: 16);
level of soul (1: 36), life (45: 1, 7, 11, 12, 15, 17, poreutikon zôion animal that moves (1:
19, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 36, 38, 41.1, 34/35.1); to anthrôpeion zôion human being
43.1, 44, 45/46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, (1: 28.2)
61, 67, 70, 75, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 86.2, 88, 90, 91, zôiophuton zoophyte (3: 54, 56, 75)
95, 97.1, 100), life-form (1: 86.2), living (1: 86.1), zôiopoiein to cause life (1: 67), to cause to live (2: 61,
living (thing) (1: 22), mode of life (1: 67), power 67), to keep alive (1: 61), to reproduce (1: 61)
(2: 22, 36), soul (2: 36, 56), type of life (1: 100) to zôiopoiein reproduction (1: 61)
tês zôês vital (1: 28.1); kata tên zôên in a vital zôiopoiia creation of animal life (1: 86.1)
manner (1: 22); zôê doxastikê life of belief (1: zôiopoios that gives life (1: 22)
22); zôê phantastikê life of imagination (1: zôiotês : eis zôiotên in order to become alive
100); tês zôês khronos lifetime (1: 60); to zôês v(1: 86.1)
poiêtikon reproduction (1: 61) zôioun to animate (1: 22), to endow with life (1:
zôgraphia art of painting (1: 13), painting (1: 34/35.1) 34/35.1), to give life (6: 22, 28.2, 36, 55, 67, 80),
zôgraphikos : zôgraphihê tekhnê art of painting to quicken (1: 80), to vivify (1: 22)
(1: 23) zôiousthai to live as an animal (1: 86.1)
zôgraphos artist (1: 95), painter (1: 25), painter of zônê belt (4: 95, 60, 88, 95)
animals (1: 72) hê diakekaumenê zônê torrid zone (1: 95); zônê
zôgrion cage (1: 86.1) tou Ôriônos Orion’s Belt (1: 95)
zôidiakos of the zodiac (2: 67, 86.2), zodiac (1: 86.2), zôogonos life-giving (1: 34/35.1)
zodiacal (1: 3) zôophuton zoophyte (3: 25, 34/35.1, 42)
ho zôdiakos ecliptic (1: 42), the zodiac (7: 1, 3, 11, zôophutos zoophyte (1: 67)
12, 54, 55, 67), zodiac (2: 74, 84), zodiac circle zôopoiein to endow with life (2: 59, 80), to give life (to)
(1: 95); hê hupo tôn zôidiakôn zônê torrid (1: 59), to make alive (1: 56)
zone (1: 95); zôidiakos kuklos ecliptic (1: 73), zôopoieisthai to bring to life (1: 22)
the zodiac (4: 54, 55, 59, 70), zodiac (2: 59, 95), zôopoiia creation of life (1: 22)
zodiac circle (1: 95) zôopoios life creating (1: 11), vitalizing (1: 68)
zôidion sign of the zodiac (8: 54, 55, 57, 67, 68, 83, 86.2, hê zôopoion psukhê the soul that makes
95), zodiac sign (1: 1), zodiacal sign (2: 68, 88) (something)an animal (1: 86.1)
ta zôidia the signs of the zodiac (1: 98); hekaston zôos living (2: 6.1, 83)
zôidion each thing in the zodiac (1: 11); kuklos zôôsis quickening (1: 80)
tôn zôidiôn zodiac circle (1: 95) zopheros dark (2: 52, 85), darkened (1: 52), gloomy (1:
zôigonos generating life (1: 84) 92.1)
zôïkos animal (2: 84, 86.1), living (1: 86.1) zophos darkness (1: 56), dusk (1: 67)
zôiôdês animal-like (1: 51) zophoun to darken (1: 52)
zôiogonein to bring to life (2: 57, 86.1), to generate zôpurein to kindle (1: 24)
alive (1: 86.1), to generate living things (1: 55), zôpuros spark (1: 79)
to reproduce (1: 95) zôtikos appropriate for life (1: 36), associated with life
zôiogonia being brought to life (1: 86.1), generation of (1: 99), being alive (1: 36), characteristic of life
an animal (1: 86.1) (1: 28.2), concerned with life (1: 61), connected
zôiogonikos life-producing (1: 88) with life (2: 28.1, 36), having life (1: 36),
zôiogonos life-giving (1: 70) involving life (1: 99), life-giving (3: 40, 70, 86.1),
zôion animal (69: 1, 2, 6.2, 7, 10.1, 10.2, 11, 13, 16, 17, life-sustaining (1: 23), living (4: 28.1, 28.2, 36,
18.2, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28.1, 28.2, 100), of life (2: 74, 80), of the soul (1: 36),
34/35.1, 35.2, 38, 40, 41.2, 42, 43.2, 44, 45/46, 47, proper to life (1: 28.2), soul-like (1: 36), vital
48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, (18: 11, 22, 28.1, 28.2, 34/35.1, 45/46, 48, 57, 59,
65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 86.1, 88, 61, 67, 68, 70, 80, 83, 88, 91, 100)
89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 97.1, 97.2, 98, 99, 100), animal zôtikôs as a function of life (1: 28.1), as a vital
(living thing) (1: 15), animate being (1: 2), function (1: 28.1), by way of life (1: 17), in a
animate thing (1: 79), beast (2: 27, 80), creature living way (1: 22), in a vital fashion (1: 56), in a


vital manner (1: 28.2), in a vital way (3: 54, 55, zôtikon idiôma peculiarity of what is living (1:
57), vitally (1: 28.2); to zôtikon animation (1: 34/35.1)
45/46), sign of life (1: 99), vital aspect (1: 67), zugon balance (2: 79, 99), Libra (the constellation) (2:
vitality (1: 22); sumphuês zôtikos vitally united 59, 67), yoke (1: 67)
(1: 28.2); zôtikê dunamis life force (1: 67); zuga balance-beam (1: 75), scales (1: 75)


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