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doc A doc B doc C

Year, author, / name 2020, Margaret Atwood excerpt 1927, Edward Hopper painting « 2020, Clare Thorp, BBC article,
from “Dearly” automat » “how boredom can spark

Description Poem, lexical field of emptiness, Colors, perspective, objects, This article brings scientific facts
anaphora of “vacancy” characters= the colors complete about how boredom can make us
the scene to show that for more creative giving us examples
boredom there is always a place like JK Rowling.
to find creativity/imagination

The idea behind the work and the Emptiness is not what is truly Human isolation and solitude, Emptiness, boredom is a sign of
short interpretation behind it !!!!! depicted by people and melancholy but it also is a way to creativity or at least it leads to it
definition, there is more to it, it is show the calmness and most of the time. There was
not truly empty. Emptiness is not satisfaction that silence can inactivity but then it changed =
as empty as we think. The lead:it can be something greater boredom is needed sometimes to
document is on the intricate than just loneliness and a silent create creativity and imagination.
interconnections of life and the void (shown by the perspective=
universe (talks about science non ending void and line leading we should embrace boredom and
and physics). By talking about to something greater than us). stop trying to constantly occupy
science it shows that emptiness There are cold colors which ourselves.
is not truly empty and that there indicates coldness and
is more in it. «it is filled with the sadness=as seen in the void that
echos of our existence. we are surrounds her. But in that void
the universe and the universe fills there is contemplation and what
us= in absence there is maybe a possible spark of
presence. creativity as shown with the
flowers and primary colors on the
table. When there is emptiness
there is also a story to back it.
(Importance on telling a story)

Style // figures of speech Title and anaphora, a lot of Always finding a sense of void, Example with J.K Rowling to
repetition and comparisons, and loneliness in his paintings. show that if she wasn’t bored it
giving importance to little objects The same color palette is wouldn’t have led her to writing
“brown leather key holder” —> present. the masterpiece that is Harry
HOW not a physical emptiness but a Potter
spiritual one

Ressemblances same theme : emptiness Doc A + C: “with no emptiness

there would be no life” (doc a) =
With no boredom there would be
no creativity and no place for
literary excellence like J.K
Rowling and other work
Published the same year in 2020
during lockdown making a link
between them

Différences (it's a poem) (it's a painting) (it's an article)

they tackle the subject in a
different way however always
ending up with the conclusion
that emptiness=life/creativity
effects on the reader hard to understand Hopper's depiction of the solitary offers readers a fresh
but still interesting figure in the automat invites perspective on boredom,
breaking the fourth wall dragging viewers to contemplate the suggesting that it can be a
us in her story emptiness of urban spaces and catalyst for creativity and
perhaps inviting us to find the longing for connection. This innovation rather than solely a
meaning where it's not obvious sense of vacancy parallels the negative experience. By
Urges the reader to engage with vacancy discussed in Document presenting research findings and
the untold stories and unexplored A, where emptiness becomes a examples, the document
narratives that reside within canvas for storytelling and encourages readers to
vacant spaces and empty rooms. self-expression. Moreover, reevaluate their perceptions of
It suggests that within the void of Hopper's portrayal of the woman boredom and recognize its
emptiness, there exists the in contemplation aligns with the potential as a source of
opportunity to construct discussion in Document C on inspiration. It validates
narratives, develop characters, how boredom can spark daydreaming and
and unravel mysteries. creativity. mind-wandering as valuable
components of the creative
process and empowers readers
to embrace moments of inactivity
as opportunities for personal
growth and exploration.= have a
more mindful approach to


1. To What extent can boredom lead us to reConnect with ourselves ?

2. How can the documents illustrate the possible effects of inactivity ?

I. A + B: Human experience in solitude and boredom

II. A + C: Emptiness and boredom signs of potential



axe 1
salma→ comment la thématique du doc A est en lien avec Doc B
oscar→ les aspects plus technique du doc B similaire au doc A (figures de style)

axe 2
ambrine→comment la thématique du doc C est aussi similaire au doc A et les différences entre doc B et C
lyna→ développer un peu plus sur le doc A avec “effects on the reader”+ mettre en lien avec doc C

In the vast expanse of human experience, the interplay between self-expression and the construction of identity forms the
very fabric of our existence. It is a dance between emptiness and creation, boredom and inspiration, where the canvas of
life awaits meaning and purpose. Through the lens of literature and art, the intricate tapestry of self-expression and
construction, we will ask ourselves To What extent can boredom lead us to reConnect with ourselves ? or how can the
documents illustrate the possible effects of inactivity ?

The poem by Margaret Atwood “if there were no emptiness”, an excerpt of her book dearly, seemed crypted at first, however when
we digged deeper we understood the overall meaning of it. The key idea that we got out of it, is that emptiness and life are
intertwined, we see it in the first verse with an antithesis. And by the second verse the author breaks the fourth wall, addressing
herself directly to us, almost like to grab us and invite us to take a closer look. Even though we can find the lexical field of furniture
in the 4th stanza with “couch”, “cushions'', “bed”, “radio” and “ashtray” or the scientific composition in the first stanza with “electron”,
“particles”, “plasma”; she still talks about emptiness. We then realized that this contrast leads us to understand that the lack of
human presence and spirit is absent. A room full of things is still silent and vacant without life, and these things go hand in hand.
Perhaps she is trying to shed light on how emptiness holds more meaning than we think. In the last stanza she links the word
“emptiness” with “unheard story” to maybe emphasize the deep link between them.“If there were no emptiness, there would be no
life” is literally true of the universe, but figuratively true of psychic states. We know the positive by the negative. We know fullness
by emptiness. We know day by night, and vice versa.


- In the poem, when Margaret Atwood starts to talk about “vacancy” in the stanzas 2, 3 and 4, she gives multiple details to all kinds of objects
that we can see daily (ex : “the brown leather key”, “flowery couch and wilted cushions”, “swaybacked bed smelling of bleach and mildew”,
“stuttering radio”, etc…), which could mean that she can see some kind of history and quite an admiration for those objects, so she describes
some kind of past, reminiscing of when she felt emotions for those objects, but then coming back to the present at the fifth stanza, she comes
back to her feeling of emptiness, since she sees everything from a different point of view. And so, this makes us realize that her feelings of
emptiness can relate to solitude, and that emptiness is filled with the echos of our existence. And so we are the universe and the universe fills
us= in absence there is presence.

- By the way, we can also find a link between the doc a and c, because the poem of M.A “with no emptiness there would be no life” (doc a)
shows us that with no boredom there would be no creativity and no place for literary excellence, just like the BBC article entitled “how boredom
can spark creativity”
Another detail is that they were both published the same year in 2020 during lockdown, which makes a link between them and their point of

Document C is a BBC article from Clare Thorp named “how boredom can spark creativity” and published in 2020 during the
lockdown. This article is presenting from scientific facts that boredom can lead to a strong form of creativity. The principal idea of
this document is to show emptiness and boredom as a sign of creativity, questioning the utility of the multiple occupations that
separate ourselves from a potential source of creativity. The article is illustrating his idea first with a 2013 study where british
psychologist Sandi Mann tested a capacity of work between two different groups having boring tasks and another not. The second
example is an extract from “Out of My skull: The Psychology of Boredom” saying that when you are searching for something else, it
is at this moment that you can discover something new. The third example is JK Rowling that achieves to develop the story of Harry
Potter with just her mind. We can relate this document to document A from their idea of life in emptiness and idea of creativity in
boredom. They were also published the same year during the coronavirus pandemic pushing the majority of a population in his


➤While each document approaches the theme of self-expression and construction from a different angle, they are
interconnected by their exploration of the human experience and the mechanisms through which individuals navigate
their identities and creative impulses.

➤“If there were no emptiness, there would be no life” is literally true of the universe, but figuratively true of psychic states.
We know the positive by the negative. We know fullness by emptiness. We know day by night, and vice versa.

What does it make the reader feel ? (effects on reader)

"Let there be plot" can be interpreted as a call to action, urging the reader to engage with the untold stories and
unexplored narratives that reside within vacant spaces and empty rooms. It suggests that within the void of emptiness,
there exists the opportunity to construct narratives, develop characters, and unravel mysteries.


➤Document A, Margaret Atwood's "If there were no emptiness," introduces the concept of vacancy as a catalyst for
self-expression. Atwood's reflection on emptiness as a fertile ground for narrative mirrors the idea that from nothingness
emerges the potential for creation, echoing the notion that self-expression often arises from the depths of introspection
and exploration. Therefore it is to be quickie linked with document C because “with no emptiness there would be no life”
(doc a) = With no boredom there would be no creativity and no place for literary excellence like J.K Rowling and other
work excellences


➤In Edward Hopper's painting, "The Automat," depicted in Document B, we witness the solitary figure immersed in
contemplation. Hopper's portrayal captures the essence of urban isolation, inviting viewers to reflect on the individual's
search for meaning and connection in a world filled with noise and distraction.

➤The painting serves as a visual representation of the human quest for self-expression amidst the complexities of
modern life. But it also is a way to show the calmness and satisfaction that silence can lead:it can be something
greater than just loneliness and a silent void (shown by the perspective= non ending void and line leading to something
greater than us). There are cold colors which indicate coldness and sadness=as seen in the void that surrounds her. But
in that void there is contemplation and what maybe a possible spark of creativity (shown by the colors = primary)
What does it make the reader feel ? (effects on reader)
➤Much like Margaret Atwood's reflection on emptiness as a source of narrative potential, Hopper's depiction of the
solitary figure in the automat invites viewers to contemplate the emptiness of urban spaces and the longing for
connection. This sense of vacancy parallels the vacancy discussed in Document A, where emptiness becomes a canvas
for storytelling and self-expression. Moreover, Hopper's portrayal of the woman in contemplation aligns with the
discussion in Document C on how boredom can spark creativity.


➤Document C further explores the relationship between boredom and creativity, shedding light on how moments of
boredom can spark innovation and self-discovery. The research discussed in the document highlights the idea that
boredom serves as a way to show = exploration, prompting individuals to seek out new avenues of expression and
fulfillment. (ex jk rowling).


Together, these documents illustrate how inactivity, far from being merely unproductive, can stimulate deep reflection,
artistic expression, and intellectual discovery.

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