Code of Conduct

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Doc NO: SIL / COC 01

Safeflex International Limited

Code of Conduct

Child Labor

SIL does not employ workers under the age of 18. Care is taken for the workers above the age of 18 when
they perform work that is likely to jeopardize their health and safety.

Forced Labor

SIL does not participate in human trafficking; use forced, involuntary, or slave labor; or purchase materials or
services from companies using forced, involuntary, or slave labor. We are able to certify that materials included
in our products comply with the slavery and human trafficking laws of the country or countries in which we do
business. Worker can quit the job at any given point of time at his own free will.

Hiring and Employment Practices

SIL s hiring practices include verification of workers’ legal right to work and ensure that all mandatory
documents are available. SIL supports diversity and equal opportunity in our workplace. Discrimination is
strictly prohibited based on race, color, gender, nationality, age, disability, union membership, maternity,
sexual orientation, or marital status.


SIL treats all workers with respect and dignity. We do not subject workers to corporal punishment, physical,
sexual, psychological, or verbal harassment or abuse. We also do not use monetary fines to discipline

In addition, SIL provides an environment that allows employees to raise concerns without fear of retaliation.
SIL has a system that allows employees to anonymously report their concerns.

Compensation and Working Hours

SIL complies with applicable wage labor laws and regulations governing employee compensation and working
hours. SIL conducts operations in ways that limit overtime to a level that ensures a humane and productive
work environment.If a worker chooses to work overtime, worker is paid as per legal minimum wages.

Health and Safety

SIL provides workers with a safe and healthy work environment. We have taken proactive measures that
support accident prevention and minimize health risk exposure.


SIL conducts its operations in a way that minimizes the impact on natural resources and protects the
environment, customers, and employees.

Gifts and Gratuities

SIL does not believe in offering gifts to its customer’s employees. This includes gifts of nominal value.

Improper Payments
Bribes, kickbacks, and similar payments are strictly prohibited.
Employees, suppliers, and agents acting on behalf of SIL are strictly prohibited from accepting such
considerations under any circumstances.

Confidential Information

Proper management of confidential information is critical to the success of SIL. Protection of all customer
information, electronic data, and intellectual property with appropriate safeguards is ensured.

Any transfer of confidential information must be executed in a way that secures and protects the intellectual
property rights of SIL customers. SIL does not use the Customer’s trademark, images, or other materials to
which they owns the copyright, unless explicitly authorized.
Management System

SIL maintains a management system that ensures compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and SIL
policies; conform to this Code of Conduct; and identify and reduce operational risks related to this code. The
system also promote continuous improvement and compliance with changing laws and regulations.


SIL enforces this Code of Conduct by communicating its principles to their supervisors, employees, and where
applicable suppliers.

Violations of the Code of Conduct can be reported confidentially any of the following ways:
By direct telephonic contact to the HR Head as first hand report.
By Email to the HR Head with a copy to the President of the Company.
By an unnamed letter addressing to the President to preserve anonymity.
By mentioning the concern on the website under the head ‘Contact us.’
All contact details available on website

Money Laundering and Anti Trust

SIL does not promote or engage in any kind of money laundering and commit to conduct its business in legal,
fair, and accounted way.

SIL ensure respect of appropriate IPR and ensure that business is conducted without violating any antitrust

Free, prior and informed consent, (FPIC) and no land grabbing

SIL will not engage in any land purchase amounting to land grabbing without free, prior and informed consent.

Jitesh Agrawal
President SafeFlex International Limited

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