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Nuclear Facilities

Emergency Planning
J. C. Courtney
Louisiana State University

I. Potential Emergencies
II. On-Site Response
III. Off-Site Response
IV. Planning

GLOSSARY of the body as well as internally deposited radionu-

clides contribute to the dose to the whole body.
Contamination Radioactive or other potentially haz- Dose commitment Estimate of the radiation dose to the
ardous materials in places where they are undesired. whole body and to specific organs from radionuclides
Any process that is directed toward cleaning up or that are deposited in the body. These estimates are based
removal of these materials is called decontamination. on the amount and type of radionuclides inhaled or
Core That part of a reactor that contains the nuclear fuel ingested and their behavior within the human body.
and most of the radioactivity. Safety systems are de- The unit of dose commitment is the rem in any organ
signed to reduce the probability of radioactive materi- of interest.
als escaping from the core into the environment. Emergency response facility Designated area, usually
Criticality Condition under which energy is produced on the nuclear facility site, where emergency managers
by self-sustaining nuclear fission reactions. Acciden- and their advisory staffs gather. This area should be
tal criticality outside of the shielding and containment protected from any threat that might arise from any
provided by a reactor could produce a burst of nu- abnormal conditions in the facility.
clear radiation and subsequent dispersal of radioactive Fissile materials Heavy elements, such as plutonium or
materials. uranium, enriched in the isotope 235 or 233 that can
Curie A measure of the radioactivity of a material. One readily support a self-sustaining fission chain reaction.
Curie (Ci) is defined as 37,000,000,000 disintegrations Ingestion pathway exposure zone Area defined by a
per second of any radionuclide. given distance from the facility within which resources
Dose Amount of energy from nuclear radiation absorbed must be allocated to measure radioactivity in samples
per unit mass of any material. Radiation sources outside of water and food. If levels that would lead to ingestion


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