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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research

Vol.13; Issue: 10; October 2023

Original Research Article ISSN: 2249-9571

A Study to Observe the Clinical and Angiographic

Profile of Diabetic and Nondiabetic Acute Coronary
Syndrome (ACS) Patients Admitted in the
Department of Cardiology of a Tertiary Care
Hospital in Kolkata
Supratip Kundu1, Bappaditya Kumar2, Somnath Mukhopadhay3
Department of Cardiology, AMRI Hospital, Dhakuria, Kolkata, India
Department of Cardiology, AMRI Hospital, Salt Lake, Kolkata, India

Corresponding Author: Bappaditya Kumar



Background: A large body of literature documents that diabetes is an independent risk factor for
cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in both men and women. Diabetic female seem to lose their inherent
protections against developing CVD. CVDs are listed as the cause of death in 65% of persons with
diabetes. Not only coronary artery diseases (CAD), diabetes acts as an independent risk factor for
several other forms of CVD. Moreover, patients with diabetes have worse prognosis compared to their
nondiabetic counterpart.
Aims & Objectives:
The aim of this study was-
To observe clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute coronary syndrome
(ACS) patients
To observe the difference between baseline characteristics, clinical profile and angiographic profile of
these patients
Study Area: Department of Cardiology, Tertiary Care Hospital in Kolkata
Study Population: Patient diagnosed as a case of acute coronarysyndrome and admitted to cardiology
ward of the Hospital.
SAMPLE SIZE: 637 consecutive patients, admitted to department of cardiology were selected for this
Results: About one third patients in our study were diabetic. Compared to non-diabetic, these diabetic
patients were older. Women patients were more in case of diabetic.STEMI and UA as presentation was
more common amongst diabetic female. Prognosis of female ACS were also bad compared to their
male counterpart. Hypertension, Dyslipidemia in the form hypertriglyceridemia, renal insufficiencywas
significantly more common among diabetics whereas smoking and family history of premature CAD
were more common in nondiabetic patients. Atypical manifestation was more common among
diabetic population which might be the reason of delayed presentation among diabetic patients. Less
number of diabetic patients presented within the time period of thrombolysis. Compared to
nondiabetic, diabetic patients had higher in hospital mortality, cardiogenic shockor heart failure. Higher
in-hospital mortality could be predicted by higher admission hyperglycemia. Double and triple vessel
disease were more common among diabetic patients. higher the HBA1c value, more was the chance of
triple vessel involvement. Left main involvement was more common in diabetic population, however
chronic total occlusion rates were same.

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 8

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

Keywords: ACS, CVD, Diabetes

INTRODUCTION studies have been conducted. Most of these

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are leading studies demonstrated that diabetes predicts a
cause of death globally. In 2012, there was worse outcome after an episode of unstable
an estimated 17.5 million death from CVDs coronary artery disease and others reported
which represented around one third of all no difference. Information relating the
global deaths. Amongst these 7.4 million are prognostic value of diabetes in patients with
due to coronary artery diseases (CAD). all clinical presentation of acute coronary
Majority of these death takes place low- and syndrome (ACS) is limited, while studies
middle- income countries. Death below age investigating the impact of diabetes in
70 due to non-communicable diseases severity of acute coronary syndrome are
(NCD) [around 82%] occur mainly in low- lacking. Furthermore, most previous studies
and middle-income countries and CVDs are have evaluated diabetic population as one
the major culprit. (Cause 37% of death). group, although it has been shown that the
Most of these CVD s can be prevented by short- and long-term prognosis of diabetics
Risk factor modification using population with AMI is related to the antidiabetic
wide strategies. At the same time, early treatment.
detection and management is needed for
secondary prevention of these patients who Aims & Objectives
are at high risk due to presence of multiple The aim of this study was to observe clinical
risk factors and angiographic profile of diabetic and
A large body of literature documents that nondiabetic acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
diabetes is an independent risk factor for patients
CVD in both men and women. Diabetic
female seems to lose their inherent Specific Objectives
protections against developing CVD. CVDs • To observe the difference between
are listed as the cause of death in baseline characters of these patients.
≈65% of persons with diabetes. Not only • To observe the difference between
CADs, diabetes acts as an independent risk clinical profile (in hospital course) of
factor for several other forms of CVD. these patients.
Moreover, patients with diabetes have worse • To observe the difference between
prognosis compared to their nondiabetic angiographic profile of these patients.
Several previous studies have shown that MATERIALS & METHODS
diabetics have higher mortality and Study Area: Department of Cardiology,
morbidity rates compared to nondiabetics Tertiary Care Hospital in Kolkata
after an acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
These differences cannot be attributed to a Study Population: Patient diagnosed as a
larger infarct size, since studies carried out case of acute coronary syndrome and
in the past, have demonstrated that diabetes admitted to cardiology ward of the Hospital.
do not cause increased myocardial damage.
Moreover, studies conducted previously, Sample Size:
revealed that diabetes remains a major risk 637 consecutive patients, admitted to
factor for poor short and long-term outcome department of cardiology were selected for
even after thrombolytic therapy. this study. Amongst these 200 patients were
Regarding the prognosis of diabetic & 437 were nondiabetic. Written
diabetics with unstable angina or non-Q- consent was taken from each patient and
wave myocardial infarction (MI), only few

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 9

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

their relatives and studied according to factors to know the complications occurred
proforma. during in hospital stays

Sample design: RESULT

Inclusion Criteria: 637 consecutive ACS patients who were
All newly diagnosed ACS patients were admitted to our hospital from cardiology
selected for this study. ACS includes OPD & emergency are selected for this
STEMI, NSTEMI, UA study. Amongst which 200 patients were
diabetic and 437 patients were nondiabetic.
Exclusion Criteria So, 31.39% of ACS patients were diabetic.
1. Patient who did not give consent for
angiography, angioplasty or Age distribution
thrombolysis Mean age of distribution amongst diabetic
2. Patient presented with chest pain within patients were 64.8 ± 8.4 yrs. Mean age of
1 year of coronary angioplastyor CABG distribution amongst non-diabetic patients
3. Low risk unstable angina (TIMI score were 55.8 ± 7.2 yrs Pvalue .0001
less than 2) Youngest patient in diabetic group was 39
years and oldest patient was 81 yrs
Study Design: Youngest patient in non-diabetic group was
Institution based observational comparative 34 years and oldest patient was 85yrs
RISK FACTOR distribution amongst
1. Parameters to be studied diabetic & nondiabeticACS groups
2. FBS, PPBS Amongst 200 diabetic ACS Patients 124
3. Urea, creatinine (62%) had associated hypertension, 150
4. HBA1c patients (75%) had increased triglyceride, 80
5. Fasting lipid profile patients (40%) had increased LDL C, 96
6. ECG/ Echocardiogram patients (48%) had decreased HDL C , 26
7. CPK/ CPK MB patients (13%) had renal insufficiency, 48
8. c Troponin patients(24%) had smoking history , 12
9. TMT patients(6%) have family history of
10. CAG premature CAD, 90 patients(45%) have
history of prior CAD or peripheral arterial
Study Tools: disease. 4 patients (2%) had no additional
A structured validated proforma was used to risk factor other than diabetes and 9 patients
collect data from these patients Following (4.5%) had all the risk factors (diabetes,
details are collected from each patient hypertension, dyslipidemia and smoking).
Baseline data including age and sex Detail Amongst 437 nondiabetic patients 210
clinical examination patients (48%) patients were hypertensive,
Lab investigations 240 patients (55%) had increased LDLc, 131
ECG & echocardiogram patients (30%) had increased triglycerides,
TMT if neededCAG 201 (46%) had decreased HDL c, 13
Each enrolled candidates were meticulously patients (3%) had renal insufficiency, 197
examined and relevant clinical history were patients (45%) had smoking history, 79
taken patients (18%) had family history of
Relevant clinical History & physical premature CAD, 144 patients (33%) had
examination Clinical history was needed to prior history of CAD or peripheral arterial
establish the diagnosis to determine risk disease. 35 patients (8%) have no riskfactors,

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 10

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

Risk factor distribution among diabetic & nondiabetic









HT LDL TG HDL Smokin FH rena prior
N c c g l CAD
DM non

Pattern of ACS among diabetic and have UA. Among STEMI population 36.7%
nondiabeticpopulation patients were female. Among NSTEMI it is
Pattern of ACS among diabetic and 30.76% and amongst UA it is 39.5%. Total
nondiabetic population were shown below 69% (34.5%) patients were female among
200 diabetic ACS
Diabetic(n=200) Nondiabetic(n=437)
Male Female Male female
STEMI 50 29 138 44 In nondiabetic subgroup, 41.5% patients
(25%) (14.5%) (31.5%) (10%) have STEMI, 33.5% patients have
NSTEMI 54 24 109 36
( 27%) ( 12%) 25 8.5 NSTEMI, 25% patients UA, Amongst
UA 27 16 78 32 STEMI 24% patients were female, amongst
(13.5%) ( 8%) 17.5% 7.5%
NSTEMI it is 25.37%, amongst UA it is
30%. Total 437 patients were female
In diabetic subgroup 39.5% patients have
amongst 437 nondiabetic ACS
STEMI, 39% have NSTEMI, 21.5% patients

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 11

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

Pattern of ACS amongst diabetic and nondiabetic patients


DM Non-DM Column1

Type of STEMI
Amongst 261 STEMI patients 157 patients were of AWMI. 98 IWMI, 4 Patients true
Posterior wall MI, 2 patients were of LBBB

Presenting symptom amongst diabetic Amongst non-diabetic population 362

and nondiabeticACS population patients (82.84%) presented with anginal
Amongst diabetic population 140 patients pain, 40 patients presented with chest pain
(70%) presented with angina chest pain, 20 and dyspnoea (9.15%) 13 patients (3%)
patients (10%) presented with chest pain presented with atypical chest pain, 13
and dyspnoea, 16 patients (8%) presented patients (3%) presented with dyspnoea, 9
with atypical chest pain, 20 patients (10%) patients (2%) presented with sweating and
presented with dyspnoea, 4 patients (2%) loss of consciousness
presented with sweating and loss of

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 12

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

symptom in diabetic and nondiabetic ACS











Angina chest pain/ SOB Atyp. pain SOB sweating/ LOC

DM nonDM

Time of presentation of STEMI Thrombolysis

Amongst diabetic patients 79 patients were Amongst these ACS patients, 39 diabetic (out
having STEMI. Amongst nondiabetic of 79 patients) and 100 nondiabetic patients
patients 182 patients were having STEMI. (out of 182 patients) were presented within
Mean time of presentation in diabetic group 12 hrs, 1 patient from diabetic group and 2
16.76± 4.23 hrs Amongst nondiabetic group patients from nondiabetic group were not
it is 12.58± 4.78 hrs thrombolysed due to previous hemorrhagic
P value is 0.0001 stroke. 4 patients from diabetic group and 9
So, time of presentation in diabetic STEMI patients from nondiabetic group were
were significantly delayed. thrombolysed in spite of delayed
presentation due to persistent chest pain and
Time of Presentation dynamic ST-T changes.
% of patients
DM Non-DM So, 149 patients out of 261 patents (57%)
< 6 hrs 19 21.97 were thrombolysed Out of 149 patients, 30
6-12 hrs 30.35 32.96
12-24 hrs 35.45 30.25
patients received thrombolysis with Tenec
> 24 hrs 15.2 14.25 teplase 119 patients received thrombolysis
with streptokinase 3 patients from TNK
Among diabetic patients 15, 24, 28, 12 group and 9 patients from STK group
patients presented within < 6 hrs, 6-12 hrs, suffered majorbleed.
12-24 hrs, > 24 hrs respectively. Among Most of these major bleeds are intracerebral
non-diabetic patients 40,60,56, 26, patients haemorrhages except 1 patient who received
presented within < 6 hrs, 6-12 hrs, 12-24 STK developed groin hematoma and died.
hrs, > 24 hrs respectively.

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 13

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

In hospital mortality 5 patients from unstable angina died, 4 from

25 patients from STEMI died, 10 from cardiogenic shock, 1 due to tachyarrythmia
bleeding, 4 due to bradyarrhythmia, 2 from Other presentation was at presentation heart
SCD, 8 due to cardiogenic shock. failure, cardiogenic shock, bradyarrythmia,
12 patients from NSTEMI died, 9 from tachyarrythmia & SCD
cardiogenic shock, 2 tachyarrythmia, 1 from

Cause of mortality in diabetic and nondiabetic population





Mortality shock brady tachy SCD


Mortality due to Acute Coronary syndrome

Bleeding 3 7
Cardiogenic shock 10 11
tachyarrythmia 3 1
Bradyarrythmia 2 2
Sudden cardiac arrest 2 1
Total 20 22

Total ACS patients were divided into two groups Group 1 : Admission blood sugar less than
140 mg/dl Group 2: admission blood sugar more than 140 mg/dl

Other presentation
DM Non-DM ODDS ratio ConfidenceInterval
At presentationheart faliure 40(20%) 53( 1.18 1.15- 2.88(p value 0.009)
Cardiogenicshock 30 35 2.02 1.2-3.4(p value 0.007)
Tachyarrythmia 4 10 0.87 0.27-2.81(p value 0.8179)
Bradyarrythmia 1.16 0.68-1.98(p value 0.58)
Inf. MI
Sinusbradycardia 13 29
High grade AVblock 8 14
Ant. MI

High grade AVblock 2 1

SCD 2 1 4.4 0.39- 48.85( p
value 0.22)

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 14

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

Coronary angiography was done in 179 DM patients 276 patients revealed SVD, 76
patients and 414 non-DM patients Amongst DVD, 62 TVD
diabetic patients 42 patients revealed SVD, Diabetic patients were divided according to
54 DVD, 84 TVD Amongst nondiabetic their HBA1c level, proportion of SVD,
DVD, TVD were shown on chart

Chart Title








DM non DM Column1


< 7% 16 6 2 24
7-8.5% 11 18 13 42
>8.5% 15 30 69 114

Comparing three groups (divided on basis of In nondiabetic 302 out of 414 patients
HBA1c level) with ANOVA showed that underwent PTCA (72.94%)
higher HBA1c is associated with more
TVD( P=.0001 x2= 42.02df=4) LMCA involvement
Amongst diabetic patients 12 patients
CORONARY ANGIOGRAPHY (6.7%) had LMCA involvement. Amongst
Pattern of vessel involvement nondiabetic patients 9 patients (2.17%) had
Angiography was done in 179 diabetic LMCA involvement.
patients & 414 nondiabetic patients. Total
614 vessels were involved in nondiabetic Chronic Total Occlusion
patients 10 patients had CTO (5.5%) amongst
402 vessels were involved in diabetic diabetic patients. 20 patients had CTO
patients amongst nondiabetic patients
In 41% of cases LAD was involved (440 out
of 1016) In 34% of cases RCA was involved DISCUSSION
(338 out of 1016) In our study about one third (31%) patient
In 25% of cases LCX was involved. 248 out was diabetic. In Kerala ACS REGISTRY1
of 1016) PTCA was done to 80 out of 179 about 37.6% patient is diabetic. In CREATE
diabetic patients (44.69%) registry 30.4% patients were diabetic.2 In

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 15

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

interheart study diabetes was significantly history were less prevalent. These risk
associated with risk of myocardial factors were more common in nondiabetic
infarction.3 young AMI. In our study hypertension is
Amongst diabetic patients’ majority were of more common as risk factor in diabetic
60-70 years age group. Whereas amongst (62% vs 48%). Hypertriglyceridemia is also
nondiabetic population majority were from common amongst diabetic (75% vs 40%).
50-60 years age group. Mean age in diabetic LDLc was less among diabetic group. (45%
population was 64.8±8.4 years which was vs 24%) HDL level was comparable (48%
significantly higher than mean age (55.8±7.2 vs 46%). This is due to presence of
years) in non-DM patients. Mean age in all atherogenic small dense LDL. Family
ACS patient is 58.62 (SD 8.5) So compared history was less common among diabetics
to nondiabetic, diabetic ACS were older. (18% vs 6%) and smoking was more
Mean age in STEMI patients is less than UA/ common amongst nondiabetic (45% vs
NSTEMI patients irrespective of their 24%). Gender bias may be a predisposing
diabetes status. In Kerala ACS REGISTRY factor for this type of risk distribution.
there is no intergroup difference but in Hypertriglyceridemia is due to problem in
CREATE ACS registry there is significant carbohydrate metabolism. Obesity and
intergroup difference between STEMI& UA/ insulin resistance are causative factors for
NSTEMI.1,2 Other clinical trials also type 2 DM. prior history of coronary artery
showed the same clinical difference. disease or coexistence of peripheral arterial
Another important thing was around 2.5 % disease was seen in our study as well as
patient in this ACS group was below 40years previous study, due to same atherosclerotic
of age. Around 9% patient was below 45 involvement of vasculature of different parts
years. Majority of these patients had smoking of body. Renal insufficiency as measured by
as risk factor not diabetes. Study by Lamm creatinine clearance was more common in
et al showed incidence of 4% young AMI, diabeticpatients (13% vs 3%) due to diabetic
whereas CASS registry showed an nephropathy.
incidence of 5%. Smoking was the prevalent STEMI was the commonest manifestation in
risk factor amongst these patients and both diabetic and nondiabetic subsets,
outcome was satisfactory when treated accounting for 39% and 41 % cases
timely. Unlike diabetic population often respectively. This finding is at par with
these group of patients demonstrate single KERALA ACS registry where 37% patients
vessel disease or nonobstructive coronary were of STEMI but unlike CREATE
artery disease. In our study also these ACS registry where 60% patients were of STEMI.
patients with smoking as their risk factor In DEMAT registry, 54% patients were of
were younger, they mostly had single vessel STEMI. Compared to nondiabetic,
disease and good outcome when percentage of NSTEMI was more in
thrombolysed timely or subjected to PTCA. diabetic. Aging of the US population with
34.5% patients in diabetic group were increasing no of diabetes and chronic kidney
female compared to 25.62% patients in disease increased number of NSTEMI in this
nondiabetic group. Diabetic female was population. Diabetes increased the chance of
more likely to have unstable angina or triple vessel disease and hence NSTEMI. Out
STEMI, instead of NSTEMI. In hospital of 261 AMI patients 79 were diabetic and
mortality was higher in diabetic female. 182 were nondiabetic. 60% patients had
A meta-analysis of 11 pooled TIMI trial anterior wall MI, 37.5% had IWMI, 4
showed that diabetic patients with ACS had patients had true posterior wall MI,
greater prevalence of hypertension, posterior wallMI were suspected in the basis
dyslipidemia and increased abdominal of prominent r wave in V1 and ST
obesity.4 However smoking and family depression in V1. It was confirmed by

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 16

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

presence of ST elevation in V7, V8, V9. diabetes was consistently higher than for
New onset LBBB was present in 2 patients patients without diabetes across key
and diagnosis of AMI was confirmed by subgroups in the UA/NSTEMI and STEMI
Sgarbosa criteria. So anterior wall MI is the cohorts. Patients older than 75 years, with
commonest presentation of STEMI like Killip classes 2-4, decreased creatinine
other studies done by Wander et al and clearance, and increased TIMI risk index had
Manjunath et al. according to their study the highest absolute mortality at 30 days
anterior wall involvement was about 2/3 rd regardless of whether they had STEMI or
cases UA/NSTEMI. There was no significant
Study done by Pitsavas et al showed that interaction between diabetes status and type
overall, in-hospital mortality rate was of ACS at 30 days. There was also no
significantly higher in diabetics compared to significant difference in 30-day mortality
nondiabetics with an un-adjusted OR = 2.9 between patients with diabetes taking
(95% CI: 1.74–4.83, however this in- insulin and those not taking insulin before
hospital mortality rate was mainly significant ACS among both STEMI (7.8% vs 8.7%, P
for diabetic patients with STEMI. Diabetes = .26) and UA/NSTEMI (2.4% vs 1.8%, P =
mellitus is associated with a bad prognosis .31) cohorts. After multivariable modelling,
in patients with ACS. However, after the independent risk conferred by diabetes
adjustment of all the confounding variables at 30 days among patientswith UA/NSTEMI
like age, sex, smoking habits, body mass was higher (OR, 1.78; 95% confidence
index, history of coronary heart disease, interval [CI], 1.24- 2.56) than among
CPK-MB as well as the blood pressure patients with STEMI (OR, 1.40; 95% CI,
levels at the admission and the 1.24-1.57). Results were similar with the
administration or not of thrombolytic inclusion of body mass index, Killip class,
therapy (only when the analysis was known prior hyperlipidaemia, or a term for
performed in patients suffering from the individual trial interventions in the
STEMI). The overall likelihood of dying model. In Our study in hospital mortality
was almost 2.5 times higher in diabetics was significantly was significantly higher in
compared to nondiabetics while among diabetic patients. And mortality amongst
patients with STEMI, the odds of dying was STEMI patients was much higher than
almost six times higher in diabetics NSTEMI or UA. 25 patients from STEMI
compared to nondiabetics. Moreover, when died, 10 from bleeding, 4 due to
subdivided according to the antidiabetic bradyarrythmia, 2 from SCD, 8 due to
treatment, though all subgroups of diabetic cardiogenic shock. 12 patients from
patients had higher in-hospital mortality NSTEMI died, 9 from cardiogenic shock, 2
compared to nondiabetic, diabetics treated tachyarrhythmia, 1 from SCD 5 patients
with insulin continued to have a higher risk from unstable angina died, 4 from
of dying compared to nondiabetics (OR = cardiogenic shock, 1 due to
5.6, 95% CI: 1.6–19.2 The more prolonged tachyarrhythmia. So, a good number of
prehospital delay, the increased age and the patients died from STEMI during
female sex of patients with diabetes may thrombolysis due to bleeding complication.
account for the lesser use of thrombolytic Hence inappropriate thrombolysis must be
agents in these patients. avoided and contraindications should be
Data from 11 pooled TIMI trial showed that kept in mind. Same result was shown in
mortality was significantly higher among Kerala ACS registry. In our study around 15
patients with diabetes than among patients % of patients got thrombolysis with
without diabetes at 30 days following either tenecteplase which is higher than CREATE
UA/NSTEMI or STEMI. The unadjusted registry. (3.8%) Intracranial haemorrhage
30-day mortality risk for patients with with tenecteplase was higher than

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 17

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

streptokinase. However, bleeding rates were heavier, and more often female. (24, 25).
comparable amongst diabetic and Nationwide French study showed that
nondiabetic. Cardiogenic shock and admission hyperglycaemia was also
ventricular tachycardia as cause of death independent of other risk factors like
were significantly common amongst hypertension and dyslipidaemia (25).
diabetic ACS patients. Admission hyperglycaemia was
LV dysfunction was more common in significantly more common in patients with
STEMI than NSTEMI/ UA, Though LV STEMI compared to those with
function did not differ much between NSTEMI/UA in non-diabetic but not in
diabetic and nondiabetic STEMI patients diabetic group, this could be due to more
but this difference is significant in stimulation of sympathetic nervous system
NSTEMI/ UA. Significantly a greater & raised production of the catecholamines in
number of diabetic patients presented with patient with more severe disease in non-
heart failure, cardiogenic shock was diabetic patients, while in diabetics many
significantly common amongst diabetic. patients with milder disease might have
However, bradyarrythmia and hyperglycaemia due to already poorly
tachyarrythmia, SCD rates were same. controlled diabetes. As per different studies
Reports from GRACE REGISTRY showed severity of ACS and
that regardless of the type of ACS, patients size of infarct is related to degree of
with diabetes were significantly more likely hyperglycaemia. (13,14) The outcome of
to develop heart failure during the acute diabetic patients sustaining an ACS is poor,
hospitalization.5 While the statistical compared with that of non-diabetic patients,
significance of the associations observed mainly because chronic metabolic
differed according to the type of ACS, derangement and its microvascular disease
patients with diabetes were also more likely in diabetic patients, and diabetic patients
to experience cardiogenic shock and/or were significantly more liable for heart
renal failure, and to die during the acute failure & recurrent ischemic attack,
hospitalization. Irrespective of prehospital Mortality was significantly higher in case of
delay (<2 hours, 2-5.9 hours, or ≥6 hours), diabetic ACS population. (3, 11, 27) several
diabetic patients were at increased risk for potential explanations exist for this finding,
each of the adverse outcomes examined some hyperglycaemic patients without
compared with patients without diabetes. known diabetes likely have diabetes that
Diabetic cardiomyopathy or autonomic was not treated before hospitalization; these
failure may be responsible for this increased patients may, therefore, represent a higher-
incidence of heart failure. risk patients. Furthermore, the patients
According to different reported studies, without known diabetes are much less likely
around 20-50% of patients presented with to be treated with insulin than those with
admission hyperglycaemia. (3, 20, 21, 22) diabetes, and finally, it is also possible that a
This wide range could be due to higher degree of stress (or severity of
contribution of undiagnosed diabetes in illness) is required to produce a similar
hyperglycaemia in non-diabetic patients, degree of hyperglycaemia in patients
Oswald et al shows that one fifth of patient without known diabetes than in those with
with presumed stress hyperglycaemia have diabetes. (11) These findings highlight an
undiagnosed diabetes. (23) Admission important potential opportunity to improve
hyperglycaemia was not related to age, care and outcomes for hyperglycaemic ACS
gender or BMI in both diabetic & non- patients without known diabetes. There are
diabetic patient in majority of studies, several studies which showed that
however in many other studies individuals hyperglycaemia on admission was
with higher admission glucose were older, associated with increased incidence of

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 18

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

arrhythmias (28,29), Admission presentation characteristics. In our study

hyperglycaemia was better prognostic also delayed presentation of diabetes was
marker than 2nd day FPG The admission responsible for lower rate of thrombolysis
blood glucose is better reflection of the When coronary angiography was done,
degree of stress and thus the severity of more patients with diabetes have double or
ACS as the patient receives multiple drugs triple vessel disease in our study compared
after admission including insulin that may to nondiabetic population. When divided
alter the blood glucose, secondly, glucose according to level of HbA1c, patients with
levels generally decrease during the first 24 value more than 8.5% had higher chance of
hours of hospitalization, which likely getting triple vessel disease as compared to
represents the amelioration of the acute patients with HBA1c less than 7%.
stress response.(24) our study also showed Framingham heart study showed that
higher in hospital mortality in patients with multivessel disease was more common in
admission hyperglycaemia and this is diabetic patients with diabetes duration more
consistent with other reports. than 10 years.7 Study by Engoren et al
Delayed presentation is also responsible for showed that patients with higher value of
adverse outcome in diabetic patients. HBA1c required CABG as their treatment
Delayed presentation is mainly due to options. Complex coronary lesions were
atypical symptoms among diabetics. In our also more common among diabetic
study 80% compared to 92 % in nondiabetic population. Left main coronary artery
presented with typical angina or angina with involvement, chronic total occlusion and
dyspnea, rest were with atypical presentation diffuse lesions are more common in
in the form of dyspnoea only or sweating or diabetics. However, in our study we found
loss of consciousness. Diabetic autonomic that left main involvement was significantly
neuropathy may be responsible for this. common among diabetic but chronic total
Survey from national registry of myocardial occlusion were almost same.
infarction 2 points toward four important
causes of myocardial infarction without CONCLUSION
chest pain. These are elderly patients, prior About one third patients in our study were
heart failure, women, and diabetes mellitus. diabetic. Compared to non-diabetic, these
Presentation to the hospital was delayed by diabetic patients were older. Women patients
more than 2 hours for these MI patients were more in case of diabetic. STEMI and
without chest pain in comparison with delay UA as presentation more common amongst
times for patients with chest pain. diabetic female. Prognosis of female ACS
Furthermore, after arriving at the hospital, were also bad compared to their male
patients without chest pain were less likely counterpart. Hypertension, Dyslipidemia in
to be recognized as having an MI, and were the form hypertriglyceridemia, renal
less likely to receive therapy known to insufficiency was significantly more
improve survival, such as thrombolysis or common among diabetics whereas smoking
primary angioplasty (among eligible and family history of premature CAD were
candidates), aspirin, β-blocker therapy, or more common in nondiabetic patients.
heparin. Also, MI patients without chest Atypical manifestation was more common
pain were significantly less likely to receive among diabetic population, this might be the
a timely ECG or reperfusion strategies. reason of delayed presentation among
Patients who experienced MI without chest diabetic patients. Less no of diabetic
pain had more than a 2-fold increased risk patients presented with in the time period of
of in-hospital death than MI patients who thrombolysis. Compared to nondiabetic,
presented with chest pain, even after diabetic patients had higher in hospital
adjusting for differences in clinical mortality, cardiogenic shock or heart failure.

International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 19

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023
Supratip Kundu A study to observe the clinical and angiographic profile of diabetic and nondiabetic acute
coronary syndrome (ACS) patients admitted in the department of cardiology of a Tertiary Care Hospital in

Higher in hospital mortality cold be INTERHEART Study Investigators. Effect

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Declaration by Authors patient-data meta-analysis comparing
Ethical Approval: Approved clinical outcome in patients with ST-
Acknowledgement: None elevation myocardial infarction treated with
Source of Funding: None percutaneous coronary intervention with or
Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no without prior thrombectomy. ATTEMPT
conflict of interest. study: a pooled Analysis of Trials on
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International Journal of Health Sciences and Research ( 20

Volume 13; Issue: 10; October 2023

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