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Stochastic Optimization Method for Coordinated Actuated Signal Systems

Article in Journal of Transportation Engineering · July 2012

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000384

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Stochastic Optimization for Coordinated Actuated
Traffic Signal Systems
Ilsoo Yun, Ph.D.1; and Byungkyu (Brian) Park, Ph.D., M.ASCE2

Abstract: Existing state-of-the-practice traffic signal timing-optimization programs rely on macroscopic and deterministic models to
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represent traffic flow, including coordinated actuated traffic signal systems. One distinct shortcoming of such an approach is its inability
to account for the stochastic nature of traffic, such as the variability in traffic demand, driver behavior, vehicular interarrival times, vehicle
mix, and so forth. In addition, the existing traffic signal timing-optimization programs for coordinated actuated traffic signal systems still
focus on four basic traffic signal timing parameters (i.e., cycle length, green times or force-off points, offsets, and phase sequences). Studies
have shown that actuated signal settings such as minimum green time, vehicle extension, and recall mode are also important parameters in
traffic signal operations. This study presents the development of a stochastic-optimization method for coordinated actuated traffic signal
systems. The proposed method accounts for stochastic variability by using a well-calibrated microscopic simulation model, CORSIM, instead
of a macroscopic and deterministic model, and it simultaneously optimizes actuated signal settings and the four traffic signal timing param-
eters by adopting a genetic algorithm with special decoding schemes. The proposed method was applied to a real-world arterial network in
Charlottesville, Virginia. The performance of the proposed method was compared with that of an existing traffic signal timing-optimization
program, Synchro, using a well-calibrated microscopic simulation model, VISSIM. The results indicated that the proposed method outper-
forms the existing timing plan and the Synchro-optimized traffic signal timing for the tested arterial network. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)TE
.1943-5436.0000384. © 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Optimization; Traffic signals; Simulation; Calibration; Algorithms; Stochastic models.
Author keywords: Stochastic optimization; Traffic signal control; Microscopic traffic simulation; Calibration; Genetic algorithm.

Introduction determine the optimal signal timing by minimizing, e.g., vehicular

delays, stops, and progression opportunities under a given traffic
Because of continuous industrialization and urbanization, today’s volume and geometry (Little and Kelson 1980; Husch and Albeck
society faces chronic traffic congestion that appears to become 2004; Hale 2005; Texas Transportation Institute 2002). Most of
worse as time progresses. In addition, it is generally understood these programs are based on macroscopic evaluation and analytical
that adding additional capacity for the current transportation infra- optimization methods. As macroscopic and analytical programs are
structure in the form of new construction is almost impractical. As a computationally fast and have simple input requirements, they have
result, there is a strong belief that more efficient operations of been widely used for traffic signal control systems in the United
existing urban transportation systems could alleviate delays. One States. However, it is difficult to predict the performance of traffic
of the best ways to increase efficiency is to develop and implement signal systems on real-world networks because of lack of capability
better traffic signal timing plans to improve mobility at signalized of adequately modeling the stochastic nature of traffic, including
urban transportation networks. day-to-day or cycle-to-cycle variations in traffic demands and driv-
The development of a superior traffic signal timing plan depends ers’ responses. The macroscopic evaluation used in those programs
on two components: an evaluation method used in the assessment may not account for the stochastic nature of traffic or evaluate
of signal timing plans and an optimization method used in the uncertainty in network performance while developing optimal
search for an optimal solution. Therefore, research efforts in the signal timing plans (Park et al. 2000). Park et al. (2000) found that
area of traffic signal timing optimization have focused primarily the reliability of signal timing optimizations that are based on
on the development of better evaluation and optimization methods. macroscopic evaluation was not satisfactory for the test network
In the past few decades, many researchers in the United States have on the basis of a CORSIM evaluation. They found that good
developed various signal timing-optimization programs that can correlations existed between the performance of TRANSYT-7F
and CORSIM under light traffic. However, the correlations signifi-
1 cantly decreased under congested traffic.
Assistant Professor, Division of Environmental, Civil and Transporta-
tion Engineering, Ajou Univ., Suwon, Kyunggi-do 443-749, South Korea To overcome such limitations, recent studies (Park et al. 2001;
(corresponding author). E-mail: Park and Schneeberger 2003; Hale 2005; Stevanovic et al. 2007)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, have used microscopic simulation models coupled with heuristic
Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4742. E-mail: bpark@virginia optimization methods to directly account for stochastic variability
during the traffic signal timing optimization, and their results were
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 2, 2011; approved on
December 12, 2011; published online on June 15, 2012. Discussion period
generally very promising. However, these stochastic-optimization
open until December 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted for approaches focused on four traditional traffic signal timing param-
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Transportation En- eters (i.e., cycle length, green times, offsets, and phase sequences),
gineering, Vol. 138, No. 7, July 1, 2012. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-947X/2012/ especially for coordinated actuated signal systems. However, there
7-819–829/$25.00. are actuated signal control settings, including minimum green time,


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

vehicle extension time, and recall mode. Such actuated signal con- optimizations using the GA have been successful. These include
trol settings were found to play an important role in the efficient optimizing phase sequences (Hadi and Wallace 1993); signal opti-
operation of an actuated signal control (Park and Yun 2006). In mization for a two-phase system (Foy et al. 1992); real-time signal
addition, the state of the practice in the use of vehicle extension optimization (Memon and Bullen 1996); dynamic traffic control
time and other actuated signal settings (e.g., minimum green time) and queue management for oversaturated arterials (Abu-Lebdeh
indicates that various guidelines exist, but are often inconsistent and Benekohal 1997); and simultaneous optimization of cycle
(Gordon et al. 1996; Pline 1999). It is apparent that the develop- length, green split, offset, and phase sequence for oversaturation
ment of an engineering study tool that can optimize these settings is intersections (Park et al. 1999). Even though these studies did
overdue. not directly consider the stochastic nature of traffic, they demon-
When a microscopic simulation model is used for stochastic strated the potential of the GA optimization in alleviating traffic
optimization, one of the key issues is the quality of the microscopic signal timing problems.
simulation models used in the optimization and evaluation. It is Park et al. (2001) conducted one of first studies applying a
stochastic-optimization method on the basis of a microscopic traffic
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generally understood that a well-calibrated and validated simula-

tion model can adequately represent real-world conditions. simulation model for traffic signal timing. They developed a sto-
Researchers (Rilett and Kim 2001; Park et al. 2006) have developed chastic signal optimization method using a GA interfaced with
systematic procedures for the calibration of microscopic simulation CORSIM to optimize cycle length, green times, and offsets simul-
models, and it was demonstrated through several case studies that taneously for a pretimed traffic signal system. Later, Park and
microscopic simulation models can be adequately calibrated for Schneeberger (2003) expanded this method to a coordinated actu-
field conditions. ated traffic signal control system to optimize offsets. In addition,
In this study, a stochastic traffic signal optimization method that TRANSYT-7F introduced a GA-based optimizer coupled with
can simultaneously optimize diverse traffic signal control settings the microscopic traffic simulation program CORSIM (Hale
for coordinated actuated signal control, including actuated signal 2005). However, these stochastic-optimization approaches still
settings and the four traditional traffic signal timing parameters focused only on the four parameters (i.e., cycle length, green time,
within a well-calibrated microscopic simulation environment, offset, and phase sequence). While Stevanovic et al. (2008)
was proposed. The proposed stochastic-optimization method optimized transit signal priority settings in a VISSIM simulation
consists of a well-calibrated microscopic traffic simulation model, program, none of the studies have attempted to optimize traffic con-
CORSIM, and a heuristic optimization method, a genetic algorithm troller settings (e.g., coordinated actuated signal settings and detec-
(GA). Any microscopic simulation models can be used in the tor recall settings). Park and Yun (2006) have compared the
proposed framework. The traffic signal control settings optimized optimization performance between major signal timing parameters
by the stochastic method are compared with those optimized by a (i.e., cycle length, green split, offset, and phase sequence), and
macroscopic signal timing-optimization model, Synchro, using a actuated signal control settings (i.e., minimum green, vehicle ex-
well-calibrated microscopic simulation model, VISSIM. tension, and recall) in a toy network with different volume scenar-
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next ios for the first time. They found that actuated signal control
section presents a literature review, followed by the methodology settings could further improve the operations of coordinated
regarding the development of the proposed stochastic-optimization actuated signal control systems even though the optimization per-
method. As a case study, this paper describes the process of formance of actuated signal control settings was not significant as
network building and calibration for the CORSIM and VISSIM that of major signal timing parameters. However, they did not
models, followed by the implementation results of the proposed use any real-world network in the study, and those major signal
stochastic-optimization method. Finally, conclusions and future re- timing parameters and actuated settings were not simultaneously
search are provided. optimized.

Literature Review Methodology

Stochastic optimization has been applied extensively in transporta- This section describes a stochastic-optimization problem formu-
tion applications. Most stochastic-optimization approaches have lation for traffic signal control settings, and then presents the meth-
dealt with transportation network assignments. Transportation odology used in the development of a stochastic-optimization
and location selection problems were formulated in a stochastic- method.
optimization problem by LeBlanc (1977) and Franca and Luna
Problem Formulation
(1982). The former formulated a stochastic problem that
determines plant locations and shipment by minimizing expected A formulation of the stochastic-optimization problem is presented
holding and storage costs, and solved it using a heuristic algorithm, for traffic signal control settings of a coordinated actuated traffic
whereas the latter formulated it as a mixed-integer nonlinear signal system, including cycle length, green times, offsets, phase
program and solved it using the generalized Benders decomposi- sequences, minimum green time, vehicle extension time, and recall
tion method. Since Daganzo and Sheffi (1977) first formulated a mode. As shown in Eq. (1), a system delay (i.e., queue time or con-
stochastic user equilibrium model, many studies have been trol delay), dðs; rÞ, associated with a set of coordinated actuated
conducted. Details can be found in Sheffi (1985). However, there traffic signal control settings, s, and a set of random seeds, r,
have been relatively few research efforts in traffic signal timing can be determined by running a microscopic simulation program.
optimization using a relative stochastic-optimization approach. The objective function, an expected system delay on the basis of the
The GA has been widely applied in the area of transportation selection of traffic signal control settings and random number
engineering, including network design (Xiong and Schneider seeds, and its constraints are shown as follows:
1992, 1995), transit scheduling (Chakroborty et al. 1995), shortest
path finding (Soehodho 1998), and bilevel programming for Find s ¼ fC; θi ; ρi ; gij ; mgij ; extij ; rcij g min E½dðs; rÞ ð1Þ
network flow (Yin 2000). A few of the studies on traffic signal s


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

subject to and rcij = recall code; 1, 2, and 3 stand for no recall, minimum
min C ≤ C ≤ max C ð2Þ recall, and maximum recall, respectively.

4 Development of Stochastic-Optimization Method
min C ≥ ðmgij þ CTij Þ ð3Þ
Because of the stochastic nature associated with the objective
function, which can be obtained reliably by implementing a well-
8 calibrated microscopic simulation model, conventional optimiza-
min C ≥ ðmgij þ CTij Þ ð4Þ tion methods on the basis of a gradient were not considered. Thus,
j¼5 a GA was adopted on the basis of a study conducted by Park and
Yun (2006) in which three commonly used optimization methods,
4 X
4 X
8 X
including simulated annealing, a GA, and a commercial optimiza-
gij þ CTij þ gij þ CTij ¼ 2C ð5Þ tion program OptQuest Engine, were compared extensively in traf-
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j¼1 j¼1 j¼5 j¼5

fic signal timing optimization, and the GA was found to be the best.
The proposed stochastic-optimization method consists of three
2 X
ðgij þ CTij Þ  ðgij þ CTij Þ ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; …; I ð6Þ components: a GA optimizer, a well-calibrated microscopic
j¼1 j¼5 simulation model, and an optimization-simulation interface. The
optimized signal timings should be evaluated using another micro-
4 X
8 scopic simulation model (i.e., surrogate to field implementation),
ðgij þ CTij Þ  ðgij þ CTij Þ ¼ 0; i ¼ 1; …; I ð7Þ which is a different model that was used in the optimization.
j¼3 j¼7
Optimization and evaluation could be repeated according to the
quality of the optimized signal timings. Fig. 1 shows the conceptual
gij ≥ mgij ; i ¼ 1; …; I and j ¼ 1; …; J ð8Þ
framework for the proposed method. As illustrated in Fig. 1, the
proposed stochastic-optimization method works as follows:
0 ≤ θi < C i ¼ 1; …; I ð9Þ
• A GA optimizer produces a population of traffic signal control
settings according to its solution generation rule.
0 ≤ ρi ≤ Ψi and integer K; i ¼ 1; …; I ð10Þ
• An optimization-simulation interface generates input data for
the microscopic simulation model for each set of traffic signal
min mgij ≤ mgij ≤ max mgij ;
ð11Þ control settings transferred from the GA optimizer.
i ¼ 1; …; I and j ¼ 1; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8 • The microscopic simulation model conducts random-seeded
multiple simulation runs.
min extij ≤ extij ≤ max extij ; • Performance measures from the output of the microscopic
ð12Þ simulation runs are fed back to the GA optimizer through
i ¼ 1; …; I and j ¼ 1; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8 the optimization-simulation interface.
• A GA optimizer evaluates the performance measures in an
0 ≤ rcij ≤ 3 and integer K; attempt to minimize system delays, and then generates a new
i ¼ 1; …; I and j ¼ 1; 3; 4; 5; 7; 8 population of traffic signal control settings.
• The optimization process continues until previously specified
where i = intersection identification number; I = total number stopping criteria are met.
of intersections; j = National Electrical Manufacturers Association • Then, the optimized signal timings may be evaluated using
(NEMA) phase movement number; J = total number of another independent microscopic simulation model in the eva-
NEMA phase movements, J ¼ 8; dðs; rÞ = observed system delay luation process.
associated with a set of signal control settings, s, and a set of ran-
dom number seeds, r; E½dðs; rÞ = expectation of system delay as-
sociated with a set of signal settings, s, and a set of random number
seeds, r; s = traffic signal control settings, fC; θi ; ρi ; gij ; mgij ;
extij ; rcij g; C = cycle length in seconds; min C = minimum cycle
length in seconds; max C = maximum cycle length in seconds;
gij = green time for NEMA phase movement j at intersection i,
in seconds; CTij = clearance time (yellow plus all red) for NEMA
phase movement j at intersection i, in seconds; θi = offset between
master intersection and intersection i, in seconds, if an intersection i
is a master intersection, θi ¼ 0; mgij = minimum green time for
NEMA phase movement j at intersection i, in seconds;
ρi = phase-sequence code at intersection i; Ψi = possible phase-
sequence code at intersection i; min mgij = minimum value of
minimum green time for NEMA phase movement j at intersection
i, in seconds; max mgij = maximum value of minimum green time
for NEMA phase movement j at intersection i, in seconds; extij =
vehicle extension for NEMA phase movement j at intersection i, in
tenths of a second; min extij = minimum value of vehicle extension
for NEMA phase movement j at intersection i, in tenths of a second;
Fig. 1. Conceptual framework for the proposed stochastic-
max extij = maximum value of vehicle extension green time for
optimization method
NEMA phase movement j at intersection i, in tenths of a second;


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

Table 1. Optimization Variables by Groups The minimum green times for noncoordinated actuated phases
Name Characteristics Variables included (i.e., phases 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 on the basis of the NEMA phase-
numbering scheme) are produced by the following equation using
Four signal Always required by controllers user-specified minimum and maximum values of minimum green
timing Four major signal control settings Cycle length times. Minimum green times for the coordinated phases are not
parameters affecting the operational capacity Green time required:
of signal systems
Common optimization variable Offset
mgj ¼ min mgj þ inf½ðmax mgj  min mgj Þ × f mgj  ð15Þ
in macroscopic signal timing- Phase sequence
where f mgj = fraction value, 0 ≤ f mgj ≤ 1 and j = 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8.
optimization models such as
The offsets for the intersections in coordination are calculated
Synchro and TRANSYT-7F
by the following equation:
Actuated Always required by actuated Minimum green
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signal controllers θi ¼ inf½ðC  1Þ × f offseti  ð16Þ

settings Actuated phase-specific settings Recall
where f offseti = fraction value, 0 ≤ f offseti ≤ 1.
Affect the operational efficiency of Vehicle extension
On the basis of the generated cycle length and minimum green
signal systems times for noncoordinated phases, green times (gj ) for an eight-
phase intersection can be generated using additional five fractional
values. The first fraction divides the cycle length into phase times
• If the performance of optimized signal timings is not acceptable, (gmain and gcross ) for the main street and cross street, and the second
return to the beginning of the optimization process. through the fifth fraction values determine the actual green times
The selection of microscopic simulation models for the optimi- (gj ) of the eight phases. Overlap of phase is allowable on both main
zation process and evaluation process could be subject to change and cross streets, and, again, phase numbers follow the standard
depending on the user’s choice. NEMA phase-numbering scheme as shown in Fig. 2. If no overlap
The traffic signal control settings (i.e., optimization variables) phase is allowed on both streets, only three fractional values are
for a coordinated actuated traffic signal control system are divided required.
into two groups on the basis of the characteristics of those settings, The following equation provides an example calculation of the
as shown in Table 1 (Husch and Albeck 2004; Gordon et al. 1996; green times (g1 and g2 ) for phases 1 and 2:
CORSIM Version 5.0). Among them, four signal timing parameters  X
for a coordinated actuated signal control system include cycle gmain ¼ C CTm  mgm × f 1
length, green times, offsets, and phase sequences. Actuated signal m m
settings include minimum green times, vehicle extensions, and re-  X
call modes. The proposed stochastic-optimization method actually gcross ¼ C CTk  mgm × ð1  f 1 Þ
optimizes not only the four signal timing parameters, but also the m m
actuated signal settings simultaneously.   ð17Þ
During the stochastic optimization, some of the traffic signal g2 ¼ mg2 þ gmain  CTn  mgn × f 2
control settings to be optimized, such as green times, have to meet n n
specific constraints, such as minimum green time, barriers, and  X
equality constraints between cycle length and the sum of total g1 ¼ mg1 þ gmain  CTn  mgn × ð1  f 2 Þ
splits. In addition, the values of some settings are dependent on n n
those of other settings, such as offsets. However, a generic GA op-
timization method produces a group of values that are generated where gmain = main-street phase time in seconds; gcross = cross-
randomly or according to its solution generation rules on the basis street phase time in seconds, f 1 = fraction value, 0 ≤ f 1 ≤ 1;
of lower and upper limits. Therefore, the set of solutions converted f 2 = fraction value, 0 ≤ f 2 ≤ 1; m = phase number identification
from these values may violate the previously discussed constraints. number, m ∈ M; M = NEMA phase numbers in ring A (phases
Thus, it is practical to adopt an efficient decoding scheme instead of 1, 2, 3, and 4) or ring B (phases 5, 6, 7, and 8); n = phase number
implementing a repair algorithm so that traffic signal control set- identification number, n ∈ N; and N = phase numbers in ring A and
tings reside within a feasible region during optimization. This study the left side of the barrier.
adopted a fraction-based decoding scheme, which was originally The green times for other phases are calculated by applying
developed by Park et al. (1999) to generate a cycle length, offsets, Eq. (17). The fraction-based decoding scheme guarantees the traffic
and green times for the pretimed signal control. In the fraction- signal control settings from the GA optimizer satisfy the constraints
based decoding scheme, fractional values are utilized to generate of Eqs. (2)–(13).
the values of such traffic signal control settings instead of produc- The remaining signal control settings to be optimized do not
ing them independently. The settings that are independent can be have dependencies or strict constraints. Thus, a generic decoding
generated separately on the basis of the lower and upper limits of scheme can determine the value for the subject setting by using a
the scheme. The following example presents the decoding scheme uniform random number taking into account the lower and upper
applied to this study. The cycle length is generated from the follow- limits such that the value of each setting can reside within the fea-
ing equation for a given set of minimum and maximum cycle sible region during optimization. For example, a vehicle extension
lengths: time for the noncoordinated actuated phase is calculated using
Z Eq. (18). Again, coordinated phases do not require extension times.
C ¼ min C þ ½ðmax C  min CÞ × f C  ð14Þ extj ¼ min extj þ ðmax extj  min extj Þ × f extj ð18Þ

where f C = fraction value, 0 ≤ f C ≤ 1. where f extj = fraction value, 0 ≤ f extj ≤ 1 and j = 1,3,4,5,7, and 8.


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

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Fig. 2. A fraction-based decoding scheme

The vehicle extension time can be defined with narrower inter- simulation run time compared with other microscopic simulation
vals such as decimal seconds with any reasonable minimum and models, including VISSIM and PARAMICS (Park and Yun 2003).
maximum values. The selection of these values and intervals In addition, because the proposed method uses CORSIM during
should be determined by the control logics used in the microscopic optimization, the evaluation should be conducted with an indepen-
simulation models and/or the user’s decision. For coordinated ac- dent evaluator that could be considered as a surrogate to field
tuated signal control, force-off points and permissive periods can implementation. VISSIM was selected as an independent evaluator
be used instead of green times or splits in real-world controllers for the signal control settings optimized by the proposed stochastic-
and microscopic simulation models, including CORSIM and VIS- optimization method and that of the state-of-the-practice signal
SIM. The force-off points and permissive periods are determined timing-optimization program, Synchro. VISSIM can also ad-
from the green times calculated from Eq. (18). In this paper, the equately model various traffic signal control systems using external
force-off point of each phase is the end of its split duration or the programs, such as the vehicle actuated programming (VAP), the
end of the maximum green time in which the phase is allowed to NEMA emulator, or the ring barrier controller (RBC) emulator.
remain green (CORSIM Version 5.0). For example, CORSIM as- Both CORSIM and VISSIM simulation models were well cali-
sumes that the force-off points of coordinated phases 2 and 6 are brated using the field traffic data. This is because the traffic patterns
set to zero in which the local controller time is zero (this is com- represented in the microscopic simulation models are likely to be
monly known as the yield point or local zero). Thus, force-off critical in assessing the quality of both optimization and evaluation.
points should be calculated for every noncoordinated actuated In addition, the same effort was carried out to calibrate Synchro.
phase. For example, the force-off point for phase 3 is at the Even though Synchro is a macroscopic and deterministic model,
end of phase 3’s green time, counted from the local zero. The local it requires a series of input data and calibration. The process of data
zero is the local reference point from which all other coordination- collection and calibration efforts is presented in the following
related settings for this particular controller are measured, and is in sections.
turn dependent on the type of controllers and its operational strat-
egy (CORSIM Version 5.0). Permissive periods provide specific Site Selection and Data Collection
intervals when the controller can respond to demand calls for a An arterial network consisting of four signalized intersections on
certain phase. The first permissive period starts at the end of Emmet Street, which is Route 29 in Charlottesville, Virginia in the
the coordinated phase(s) green (i.e., the yield point or local zero). United States, was selected as a test site because of the convenience
This is the point at which the permissive window opens to respond of data collection and its familiarity to the authors. The test site is
to calls for service. In the example shown in Fig. 2, the end of located at Emmet Street between Hydraulic Road and Barracks
permissive period 1 is mathematically determined by subtracting Road. Along Emmet Street, there are several business establish-
the minimum green time of phase 3 and the intergreen time of ments and retail stores, such as Wachovia Bank, Best Buy, and
phase 2 (yellow plus red clearance time) from the force-off point Holiday Inn. Emmet Street intersects with Route 250, which serves
of phase 3. as major access roads to other areas, including Washington, DC and
the Richmond area. The test site includes four signalized intersec-
tions. Among them, two intersections are signalized interchanges,
Case Study which operate as overlaps of the other intersections.
Data-collection efforts were designed to provide inputs for
The proposed stochastic-optimization method is demonstrated Synchro, CORSIM, and VISSIM, and to performance measures
through a real-world network. The performances are compared for the calibration of these programs. While signal timings and link
with those of the state-of-the practice signal timing-optimization geometry attributes were obtained from the City of Charlottesville
program, Synchro. and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), other data,
including traffic counts, travel times, and travel speed, were
Selection of Microscopic Simulation Models: CORSIM collected directly from the test site on a weekday from 2:45 to
and VISSIM 4:15 p.m.
CORSIM was selected in this study as a microscopic simulation
Synchro, CORSIM, and VISSIM Network Building
model for optimization because of its long history of development
and support from the Federal Highway Administration (FHwA), its As noted, the CORSIM network was prepared for the stochastic
ability to model common U.S. traffic signal controllers, and its fast optimization, whereas the VISSIM network was used for the


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

development of an independent evaluator to assess the signal con- As a measure of effectiveness (MOE) for calibration, the follow-
trol settings optimized by the stochastic-optimization method and ing two travel times were selected: (1) average travel time from
the Synchro, and for the base-case condition (i.e., the existing Hydraulic Road to Barracks Road (section 1) and (2) average travel
timing plan). time from Hydraulic Road to the Route 250 ramp (section 2). The
The Synchro network for the test site was originally developed observed travel times in sections 1 and 2 are 150 and 116 s, respec-
by the VDOT. The VDOT drew the network using a Google’s tively. These travel times were measured through a license plate-
satellite image to reduce any errors in the network building. The matching technique. Section 2 was selected to represent a special
network was updated using traffic counts and link travel speeds congestion on the rightmost lane that serves as an entrance link to
measured from the field study. In addition, required inputs for the Route 250 ramp.
the Synchro network were estimated to reflect the observed field Upon the successful completion of the discussed procedure for
traffic conditions. The CORSIM network for the test site was the CORSIM and VISSIM simulation models, comparisons be-
prepared in the traffic software integrated system (TSIS) by con- tween default and calibrated parameters were made. To allow
verting the Synchro network to a CORSIM network using the
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for the variability in microscopic simulation models, 100

feature “Transfer for CORSIM Analysis” in Synchro. As the trans- random-seeded simulation runs were conducted, and distributions
fer feature was not perfect, some adjustments were made to estab- of travel times from uncalibrated (i.e., default) and calibrated
lish an accurate network. A VISSIM network that was originally CORSIM and VISSIM models were plotted in Fig. 4. As shown
developed by the VDOT was used in this study. The VISSIM in Fig. 4, both travel times from calibrated models adequately
network was drawn using the same Google’s satellite image. Fig. 3 replicate field-measured travel times, whereas the default models
presents the CORSIM and VISSIM networks. do not. However, the systematic procedure for calibration was
designed to match the average value of a selected MOE generated
Calibration of CORSIM and VISSIM Models
from simulation to the average MOE observed from the field so that
As noted previously, the use of well-calibrated microscopic simu- the two distributions show similar average values, while the shape
lation models is critical in both the development of a traffic signal and dispersion of the two distributions may be different. If addi-
timing plan and evaluations. This section describes the calibration tional field measurements (e.g., 25 or 100 observations to generate
of the microscopic simulation models used in this study. histogram) are available, the shape and distributions can be
CORSIM and VISSIM include numerous calibration parameters matched as well.
that can be fine-tuned by users to replicate observed field traffic
conditions (CORSIM Version 5.0; VISSIM 4.10). For CORSIM, Implementation of the Stochastic-Optimization Method
14 calibration parameters, including driver behavior and link
description-related parameters, were calibrated to match the field The stochastic-optimization method was implemented to develop
traffic conditions after careful reviews of the CORSIM manual traffic signal timing plans for two internal signalized intersections,
(CORSIM Version 5.0). For VISSIM, 15 calibration parameters re- and the timings of the outside two intersections were maintained to
garding car-following, lane-changing behavior, and speed distribu- consider the boundary effect. The two internal intersections were
tions were selected in a similar manner (VISSIM 4.10). being operated under a coordinated actuated traffic signal system.
The microscopic simulation model calibration and validation Each intersection was operated using 30-ft-long stop-bar detectors
procedure previously proposed by Park et al. (2006) was applied without detector delay and carryover times. In the case study, the
in this study for both the CORSIM and VISSIM models. The cal- cycle length was not optimized because the two intersections out of
ibration and validation procedure is briefly provided as follows. four intersections belong to a coordinated signal system. In addi-
Readers who want access to the entire procedure should refer to tion, the phase sequences were not optimized to prevent any poten-
Park et al. (2006). tial confusion to drivers. Therefore, a total of 38 traffic signal
• Simulation model setup control settings were selected to be optimized, and they are given
• Initial evaluation of a microscopic simulation model with as follows:
default calibration parameters • Offsets for the two intersections at Angus Road and
• Feasibility test using 200 samples generated by statistical Morton Road,
experimental design • Green times of six phases for each of the two intersections,
• Parameter calibration using a GA-based optimization with 10 • Minimum green times of four noncoordinated actuated phases
populations and 20 generations for each of the two intersections,
• Evaluation of the parameter set • Vehicle extension times of four noncoordinated actuated phases
• Validation and visualization for each of the two intersections, and

Fig. 3. Microscopic simulation networks: (a) real-world CORSIM network; (b) real-world VISSIM network


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

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Fig. 4. Calibration result of CORSIM and VISSIM networks: (a) histogram of travel times of section 1; (b) histogram of travel times of section 2

• Recall modes of four noncoordinated actuated phases for each • Uniform crossover with 0.5 probability and simple mutation
of the two intersections. with 0.03 probability, and
The GA-based optimizer and the optimization-simulation inter- • Stop at a predefined maximum number of generations.
face in the proposed stochastic-optimization method were devel- The objective function used in the proposed stochastic optimi-
oped using the MATLAB program. In the GA-based optimizer, zation is system delay, as shown in Eq. (1). Given that CORSIM
the following settings were used: provides delay measures of those vehicles that already left the
• 40 populations and 25 generations, subject link, the control delay from CORSIM does not account
• Normal geometric selection with elitist method, for vehicles remaining on the links. As such, the total queue time,


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

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Fig. 5. Convergence of three trials using the stochastic-optimization method

which considers both discharged and remaining vehicles, was used Given that microscopic simulation models at times show quite a
as an objective-function value. During the optimization of traffic significant variability in their performance measures, it is crucial to
signal control settings, certain sets of parameter settings could account for such variability during optimization. To accommodate
result in extreme congestion. When this happens, total queue time this variability, multiple objectives (i.e., a combination of total
can adequately reflect the effect of the congestion. queue time and its variability) or expectation values obtained from

Table 2. Comparison of Optimized Signal Control Settings

Intersections Angus Road and Emmet Street Morton Road and Emmet Street
Optimizers Synchro Trial 1 Synchro Trial 1
Cycle lengths (s) 107 107 107 107
Offsets (s) 99 95 39 48
Phase 1 NB left 12 12 15 13
Phase 2 SB through 54 65 65 70
Phase 3 Overlap phase 15 14 13 11
Green splits (s)
Phase 4 WB and EB through 26 16 14 13
Phase 5 SB left 12 14 15 11
Phase 6 NB through 54 63 65 72
Phase 1 NB left 10 6 7 7
Phase 3 Overlap phase 7 6 10 5
Minimum initials (s)
Phase 4 WB and EB through 7 11 7 7
Phase 5 SB left 10 8 7 6
Phase 1 NB left 3 4 3 2.5
Phase 3 Overlap phase 3 3 3 3
Vehicle extensions (s)
Phase 4 WB and EB through 3 4 3 3
Phase 5 SB left 3 2.5 3 2.5
Phase 1 NB left None None None None
Phase 3 Overlap phase None Minimum recall None None
Recall modes
Phase 4 WB and EB through None None None None
Phase 5 SB left None None None None
Note: Synchro optimized only offsets and green splits. The minimum initials, vehicle extensions, and recall modes under the column of Synchro are the signal
control settings used at the test site. In addition, the phase for NB left turn is the overlap phase at Angus Road, whereas the phase for SB left turn is the overlap
phase at Norton Road. NB = northbound; SB = southbound; WB = westbound; EB = eastbound.


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

multiple runs could be used. During the initial experiments, it was a well-calibrated VISSIM model, which acted as an independent
observed that variability increases as the total queue time increases. evaluator. Table 3 summarizes the performances of the signal con-
This indicates that the minimization of total queue time itself can trol settings optimized using the stochastic-optimization method,
intrinsically handle variability during optimization. This study used the signal control settings operated in the field during data collec-
a median value of total queue times obtained from five random- tion (i.e., base case), and the signal control settings found by the
seeded CORSIM runs as an objective-function value. The median signal timing-optimization program Synchro. As Synchro is unable
value was selected over the average to reduce the effect of outliers to optimize the actuated signal settings, actuated signal settings
often observed in the total queue time distributions. implemented in the field were used for Synchro.
There were three implementations of the proposed stochastic- Table 3 presents the average and standard-deviation values of
optimization method, and they are referred to as trials 1 through selected MOEs on the basis of the network-wide performance-
3. This is intended to verify whether the stochastic-optimization measure outputs and travel-time outputs obtained from 50
method can produce consistently acceptable solutions because random-seeded VISSIM simulation runs.
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GA tends to give a family of solutions instead of one best solution In Table 3, Synchro shows a 12.3% reduction in average
in complex optimization problems like traffic signal timing optimi- delay time over the base case, whereas the proposed stochastic-
zation. The convergence properties of all three trials are presented optimization method produces approximately 28.5% lower ave-
graphically in Fig. 5, which illustrates the best value of the total rage delay time than the base case. In the comparison between
queue time in vehicle-minutes in every generation. The average Synchro and the stochastic-optimization method, the stochastic-
computation time for each trial was approximately 2 h. The optimization method shows 18.4% lower average delay time than
computational time was measured on a personal computer with Synchro. Fig. 6 illustrates distributions of average delay times of
a Xeon CPU (3.60 GHz) and 1 GB of random-access memory the five cases obtained from the same 50 random-seeded VISSIM
(RAM), which is not an up-to-date high-performance computer.
simulation runs. As shown in the figure, the traffic signal control
Much faster computational time can be expected when the recent
settings from the stochastic-optimization method are able to reduce
high-performance computer with multiple CPUs is used in the
the variance of delay and the degree of delay.
stochastic-optimization. For example, when the stochastic-
In addition, the traffic signal control settings optimized by the
optimization method was executed in a dual-processor computer
stochastic-optimization method showed a significant reduction in
with two Xeon CPUs (3.60 GHz) and 1 GB of RAM, a 19%
the travel times of sections 1 and 2. Table 3 and Fig. 6 show that
reduction of computation time was achieved.
all three trials from the stochastic-optimization method consistently
and significantly outperform Synchro for all MOEs considered.
Evaluation of Traffic Signal Control Settings These results indicate that the stochastic-optimization method
shows its outstanding capability in optimization, as it can account
Table 2 shows the optimized traffic signal control parameters ob- for the stochastic nature of traffic using a well-calibrated micro-
tained by Synchro and the stochastic-optimization method in trial 1. scopic simulation model. It is apparent from Table 3 that the sto-
As shown in Table 2, green splits including transition interval chastic optimization successfully optimized the traffic signal
showed up to 7-s differences between them. In addition, offsets control settings, including the four basic traffic signal timing
showed 4 and 9 s difference. The cycle length was fixed as 107 s. parameters and the actuated signal settings for a coordinated actu-
The performance of signal control settings optimized by the ated signal control system. In addition, the stochastic-optimization
stochastic-optimization method is evaluated in this section using method consistently produced an acceptable solution.

Table 3. Optimization Result: Network-wide Performance Measures

Average (standard deviation)
Stochastic-optimization method
MOE Base case Synchro Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
4,292.22 4,330.34 4,394.38 4,372.16 4,382.44
Number of vehicle (vehicles)a
(46.96) (52.94) (49.19) (46.48) (55.53)
412.77 378.18 330.88 334.39 331.76
Total travel time (h)
(30.86) (21.31) (9.78) (10.08) (11.25)
288.23 252.44 203.22 207.39 204.45
Total delay time (h)
(31.88) (22.11) (10.27) (10.58) (12.03)
201.53 176.69 142.74 146.14 143.79
Average delay time (s per vehicle)
(22.63) (16.28) (7.81) (8.31) (9.40)
4.36 4.03 3.40 3.50 3.42
Average number of stop (stops per vehicle)
(0.60) (0.37) (0.26) (0.30) (0.32)
146.69 137.84 121.76 115.66 115.04
Average travel time of section 1 (s per vehicle)
(6.67) (4.50) (2.65) (3.10) (3.37)
Average travel time of section 2 (s per vehicle) 120.28 105.39 86.08 100.03 92.46
(11.28) (26.24) (16.39) (18.87) (18.73)
Number of vehicle indicates the number of vehicles that have left the network.


J. Transp. Eng. 2012.138:819-829.

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Fig. 6. Histogram of average delay times simulated by VISSIM

Conclusions and Recommendations Acknowledgments

In this study, the writers developed a stochastic-optimization This research was made possible through funding from the Center
method that combines a heuristic optimizer, GA, and a well- of Transportation Studies at the University of Virginia. The writers
calibrated microscopic simulation model, CORSIM. The main thank the staff members at the City of Charlottesville and the
feature of the proposed stochastic-optimization method was its abil- Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) for their support
ity to optimize traffic signal timings within a realistic microscopic during data collection and network coding during the case study.
This work was also supported by a National Research Foundation
simulation environment by taking into account the stochastic vari-
of Korean grant funded by the Korean government [Ministry
ability commonly present in a transportation system. In addition,
of Education, Science and Technology (MEST)] (NRF-2010-
the proposed stochastic-optimization method was able to optimize
simultaneously the four basic traffic signal timing parameters and
the actuated signal settings. On the basis of the case-study results,
the following conclusions were made: References
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