Specific GCA Questions Prep

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Google – Behavioral question

Example) Tell me about difficult situation

 Challenging situation with colleague?

Do you want this to be a project I worked on? Or to be Difficult Situation with internal or external
like agency and vendors?

Stakeholder or someone higherup

 State the situation

 Tasks of mine

 Actions which I would take (4-5) – collect historical data (happened before?) (find contact
point) (clarify with current situation) (meet up for action plans) (execute all action plans)
(plan for future)

 Results which I expect (Money 2m, and time save) (create better process for future)
(maintain relationship) (process improvement) yielded promotion for me 2 week plan of

Learning and applications

GCA questions

-Pretend you’re CEO of this company, what are the greatest threats and the greatest opportunities
we face?

> which industry does my company lay in? platform-based service provider / non profit org /
fatory based product org

> does my company currently facing challenges by specific external factors like today’s covid
situation, wars time situation like Ukraine and Russia

> shrot term perspectives or long term perspective?

- Video service provider, non affected any external factor just market competition going on,
project both short term and long term threats and opportunities.

> as video market industry competition is getting intense, our differentiation factor is being
threatened by fastly growing short form based companies like Tiktok.

Short Threat – Tiktok and Instagram reels, our service shorts. Short opp – consumer trends are
evolving constantly. 5 years ago people loved long take videos like movie, they spent times
consuming long take videos but as evolve, 20mins movies they literally snacking the vidoes.
Things change as we never imagined before so since our business not just focusing on video
service provide, from music, search, advertisements profits can turn out to be fuel for tomorrow

– Long threat – governmental regulation and legislations on our monetization strategy.

Long term Opportunity –

Differentiated value proposition – price, service, customer experience, business vision and mission
that help society.

Success matrix here – revenue/profit growth, put customer at priority – satisfaction level, internal
staffs – important stakeholder for a company, employee satisfaction,

Most difficult problem – how did you solve – what did I learn?

Discovering unsought needs of customers, Develop campaign components of synergy generated.

#1 Creative in not only content but creative in media solution that can essentially grow the power
of content is just more than important. I experienced that magic

#2 Digits data proves it – organic view rates, CPV

Tell me a time where I analysed a problem and developed solution but my analysis was wrong

Talk me though how you would develop a business plan from scratch, or set strategy in a start-up
environment? What would your marketing strategy be? How would you set milestones? How
would you reach your goal using matrics?

 Regulation and legislation

 Financial support funding system

 Build up new relationships, finding blue ocean within red ocean,

 With limited budget, would take marketing channel that can maximise reach rates – viral
video that can spread to the globe. Target gen z who takes more viral power, twitter too
that can instantly be spread with less efforts on creating a content (text based)

 Success matrics : BEP, ROI, engagement rate – how many hashtags and talk valued our
business is. People love talking, their chat topics represents whats trending now

About to launch new product, what would you take into account to ensure the launch is success?

-timeline/budget constraints/user satisfaction/any flaws in midst of launching it (internal conflict,

utilize every resources)/ how consices was my predictions point expectation – 300m prelaunch
downloads, people engagement, BEP point, profitability

-external factors, market situation – expected competition, clear business objectives and vision
amongst colloeagues, employees even to out society

-bringing positive impact on society : devliering happiness informations

-ease of use

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