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‘Original idea and lyrics by David Rakowski and friends. Additional lyrics by Dave Swenson. THe Music THEORY Song tut Ot ex? Fuad? tae ow ¢ eo o@ — — + se + + Boe at imevinihg Fe, Wc meediveet! — chandee Wik stlaprcisien, Hew ts aa Ae Rye ee ee a ee ee —s == Ma jor sec-onds be -ing sung by a choir, Chro- ma-tic al-ter-a- tions of the scale, Di~a- tonic Ou ew Punt? Goad Ww fet ee scale, de- scend -ing scale to min -or third Ma-jor 6th i V-7 of IV il 87 ew AT Ow GT bat = as nS 5 a3 Mo- jor sec-onds with their ears o- pen wide, will hear a pret =ty tri= tone to- night. There's mi~nor Fas? ps s— aes = = —— sev - enths in the bridge Sate be tecumctanee Ga and ev’ -ry a Ae 7 Oe at aS ith tgon iy Binds oie Yb oun ee = mo- tif used to build this sim - ple phrase Ma- jor 6th five walks down to one. A. ae wt tht ete — + + aida — $ — though this. phrase rises to a high lead -ing tone, Orop a per- fect fifth, Meet the ey” et OWT et emg? wad? : i z ze Flint = stones, Sing per - fect fourth two one.

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