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Anatomy and Physiology

1. Anderson, J. E. (1978). Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, Baltimore: The Williams & Wilkins.
2. Bhatnagar, S.M., Kothari, Mehta & Natarajan, M. (2000). Essentials of Human
Embryology, Bangalore: Orient Longman.
3. Bijlani, R. L. (1997). Understanding Medical Physiology: A Textbook for Medical
Students, New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.
4. Dutta, A. K. (1995). Essentials of Human Embryology. Calcutta: Current Books
5. Ganong, W. F. (2003). Review of Medical Physiology. Boston: McGraw Hill.
6. Guyton, A. C. & Hall, J. E. (2001). Text Book of Medical Physiology. Philadelphia:
W.B. Saunders Company.
7. Mahapatra, A. B. S. (1998). Essentials of Medical Physiology. Calcutta: Current Book
8. Marieb, E. N. (1998). Human Anatomy and Physiology. California: Edison- Wesley
9. Moore, KL & Persaud, T. V.N. (2003). The Developing Human. Philadelphia: WB
10. Sadler, TW (2000). Langman's Medical Embryology, Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
and Wilkins
11. Singh, I (2005), Human Embryology, Delhi: Macmillan India Ltd
12. Singh, I. (2005) Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.
13. Vander, A. J., Sherman, J. H. and Luciano, D. S. (1990) Human Physiology. New York:
McGraw Hill
14. Waugh, A. and Grant, A. (2003). Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health
and Illness. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.


1. Devlin, T. M. (2002). Textbook of Biochemistry. New York: Wiley-Liss.

2. Murray, R. K. Granner, D. K. Mayes, P. A. and Podwell, V.K. (1996). Harper's
Biochemistry. London: Prentice Hall.
3. Sathyanarayan, U. (2002). Biochemistry. Kolkata: Books and Allied


1. Cella, J. Hand Watson, J. (1989) Nurses' Manual of Laboratory Tests. Philadelphia: FA

Davis Company
2. Chatterjee, K. D. (1997) Parasitology. Calcutta Chatterjee Medical Publishers
3. Govan, A. D. T, Macfarlane, P. S. & Callander, R. (1991). Pathology Illustrated
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingston.
4. Kumar, V. Cotran, R. S. and Robbins, S.L. (1997) Basic Pathology. USA: WB
1. Ananthanarayan, R. and Jayaram Paniker, C.K. (1994). Textbook of Microbiology.
Hyderabad: Orient Longman Ltd.
2. Dubey, R. C. and Maheshwari D.K. (1999). A Textbook of Microbiology. New. Delhi: S.
Chand and Company Ltd.
3. Panjarathinam, R. (2004). Microbiology for Nurses. Kolkata: New Central Book Agency

1. Alfaro-LeFevre, R., Bicharz, M. E., Flynn, N. M. & Boyer, M. (1991). Drug Handbook:
A nursing Process approach. California. Addison-Wesley
2. Lawrence, D. R. Bendre, H. P. N. & Brown, M.J. (1999). Clinical Pharmacology.
Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone
3. Trounce, J. and Gould, D. (2000). Clinical Pharmacology for Nurses. Edinburgh
Churchill Livingston
4. Seth S. D. (1998). Textbook of Pharmacology. New Delhi: Churchill Livingstone

Medical Surgical Nursing

1. Basavanthapa B.T. (2003). Medical Surgical Nursing. New Delhi: Jaypee brothers.
2. Grubb, N.R Newby, D.E. (2000). Churchill's Pocketbook of Cardiology London:
3. Hills, L.D., Lange, RA., Winniford, M.D. & Page R.L. (2003). Manual of Clinical
Problems in Cardiology . (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Co,
4. Suzanne, C. S. and Brenda, G. (2004). Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical
Surgical Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
1. Arulkumaran, S.,Sivanesaratnarn V. & Chatterjee A. (Ed.) (2005). Essentials of
Gynaccoiogy. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers,
2. Basavanthapa B.T. (2003). Medical Surgical Nursing. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.
3. Dawn, C.S. (2003). Text Book of Gynaecology, Contraception and Demography. 4th cd.)
Kolkata: Dawn Books.
4. Dingra, PL (1998). Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat. (3rd ed.). New Delhi: Elsevier.
5. Dutta, D.C. (2003). Text Book of Gynecology including Contraception. (4th ed.).
Calcutta: New Central Book.
6. Suzanne, C. S. and Brenda, G. (2004). Brunner and Siddarth's Textbook of Medical
Surgical Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
7. Thresyamma, C. P. (2005). Operating Room Technique and Anaesthesia for Gcneral
Nursing Course. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers.

Geriatric Nursing
1. George Jule B., Nursing Theories: A Base for Practice- Prentice-Hall Inc. 1980.
2. Gloria Wold, 2012 basic Geriatric nursing, st. Louis, Mo: Elseoier/mosby
3. Handbook of Gerontology Nursing
4. Gerontological Nursing—Charlotte Elipoulous.
5. Gerontological Nursing—Sue E. Meiner.
6. Theris A. Touhy, PatriciaHess , Kathleen, F Jett, Ann Schmidt Luggen 200? Toward
healthy Aging : Human needs and Nursing response 7" edition .Mosby.
7. Chalise HN. Sajto. T. Kai J. 2010, Social support and its Correlation A CrOss cultural
study of Nepalese older adult. International Journal of Aging and Human Development,
71 (2) 115-137 10.Chalise HN, 2006.
8. Demographic Situation of Population aging in Nepal, Kathmandu University Medical
Journal 4 (3) : 354-362
9. Measuring Health : A guideline to rating scales and questionnaire By Ian Mc Dowell and
Claire Newell.
10. Hazzards Gerontological Medicine and Gerontology by Jeffery B. Halter. Joseph G.
Ouslander, , Mary E Tinetti Stephanie Studenski, Kevin P. High sanjay Asthana.
11. Nursing for wellness in order adults by Carol A.Miller.
12. Nursing Management of the elderly, IOM.

Fundamentals of Nursing
1. Atkinson, L. & Murray, M. (1980),Understanding the Nursing Process, New York:
MacMillan Pub.Co.
2. Biddle, H. and Sitler, D., (1963) The Mathematics of Drugs and Solutions, Philadelphia:
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3. Bolander, V., Sorensen, K. C., & Luckmann, J. (1994). Sorensen and Luckmann's basic
nursing: A psychophysiologic approach. Saunders.
4. Flitter, H. (2004) An Introduction to Physics in Nursing, Saint Louis: The C.V. Moshy
5. HMG (2005) Infection Prevention: Reference Manual for Clinical Service: Ministry of
Health and population NHTC
6. Jaypee B.T. (1997) Principles and Practice of Nursing. Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publisher's (P) New Del
7. Jaypee B.T. (2004) Fundamentals of Nursing Jaypee Brothers Medical.
8. Kozier, B., Erb, G., Berman, A., & Snyder, S. J. (2004). Fundamentals of nursing
concepts and procedures. Reading, MA.
9. Perry P.A., Potter A.G. Stockert P.A & Hall A.N.(2013) Potter and Perry’s Fundamentals
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10. Gordon, M. (2014). Manual of nursing diagnosis. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
11. Berman A. J. & Snyder S. (2014). Kozier and Erb’s Fundamental of Nursing. Concept,
process and practice. 9th ed. Pearson Delhi
12. Lillis T. & Lynn L.(2012). Fundamental Of Nursing The art and science of nursing care.
7th ed. Wolters Kluwer
Community Health Nursing
1. Basvanthhapa BT. Community Health Nursing. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Jyapee Brothers
Medical Publishers; 2009.
2. Ceccycorreia. Comprehensive Community Health Nursing.1st edition. New Delhi: Jyapee
Brothers Medical Publishers;2011.
3. Current National Health Policy. Ministry of Health and Population.1999.
4. Dixit H. The quest for health. Kathmandu: Education enterprise; 1999.
5. DoHS. Annual Report. Kathmandu:Ministry of Health & Population;latest publication.
6. Ghimire B. A textbook of Community Health Nursing. Kathmandu:Heritage Publishers
& Distrubtors P.Ltd.
7. I Clement. Manual of Community Health Nursing.1st edition. New Delhi: Jyapee Brothers
Medical Publishers; 2012.
8. Kaphle M. Textbook of Epidemiology and Community Diagnosis for Health Science.
Kathmandu:Vidhyarthi Prakasha;2010.
9. McKezie J.F, Pinger R.R & Kotecki. An introduction to community health. 5th edition.
USA:Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
10. Park, K. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. 24th edition. Jabalpur,
India:Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers;2017.
11. Pravakar G.N. Textbook of Community Health for Nurses.1s edition.Peeple;2004.
12. Rao K. An Introduction to Community Health Nursing. Chhenai: B.I.Publishers.
13. Singh I. Textbook of Educational Sciences. Kathmandu:Hisi Printing Press;2006.
14. Clement I. Manual of Community Health Nursing.1st edition. New Delhi: Jyapee Brothers
Medical Publishers; 2012.
15. Basvanthhapa B.T. Community Health Nursing. 2nd edition. New Delhi: Jyapee Brothers
Medical Publishers; 2009.
16. Dixit H. The quest for health. Kathmandu: Education enterprise; 1999.
17. Current National Health Policy. Ministry of Health and Population.1999.
18. Park, K. Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine. 24th edition. Jabalpur,
India:Banarsidas Bhanot Publishers;2017.
19. McKezie J.F, Pinger R.R & Kotecki. An introduction to community health. 5th edition.
USA:Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
20. Rao K. An Introduction to Community Health Nursing. Chhenai: B.I.Publishers.
21. Ghimire B. A textbook of Community Health Nursing. Kathmandu:Heritage Publishers
& Distrubtors P.Ltd.
22. Ceccycorreia. Comprehensive Community Health Nursing.1st edition. New Delhi: Jyapee
Brothers Medical Publishers;2011.
23. Pravakar G.N. Textbook of Community Health for Nurses.1st edition.Peeple;2004.
24. DoHS. Annual Report. Kathmandu:Ministry of Health & Population;latest publication.
25. Singh I. Textbook of Educational Sciences. Kathmandu:Hisi Printing Press;2006.
26. Shrestha D. Reproductive Health: PHC Perspective.2006.
27. H.L.M.C. Community Nursing.6th edition. Kathmandu: Health Press P. Ltd.
28. Saunders E.B. and Tindal B. Promoting Health:The Primary Health Care Approach.
Latest ed. Australia:Harcourt Brace and Company.
29. Allender, Judith. Community Health Nursing Concepts and Practice. 5th edition.
30. Clement I. Basic Concepts of Community Health Nursing.2nd edition. New Delhi:Jyapee
Brothers Medical Publishers P. ltd;2009.
31. Gulani K.K. Community HealthNursing: Principles and Practice.2nd edition. New
Delhi:Jyapee Brothers Medical Publishers P.Ltd;2012.
32. Kamalam S. Essentials in Community Health Nursing Practice.2nd edition. New
Delhi:Jyapee Brothers Medical Publishers P. Ltd;2011.
33. Rao S. Community Health Nursing. Latest edition. India:AITBS Publishers;2014.
34. Stanhope M, Lancaster J. Community Health Nursing Promoting Health of Aggregates,
Families and Individuals. 4th edition.MOSBY;2001.
35. Ahuja N. A short textbook of Psychiatry.17th edition.NewDelhi:Jyapee Brothers Medical
36. Singh I. Leading and Managing in Health. Latest edition. Kathmandu:Hissi Printing
37. Patan Hospital. Disaster Management Protocol.

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

1. Park k. Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social medicine. 23rd ed. M/s Banarsidas
Bhanot; 2015
2. Srilakshmi B. Nutrition Science. 4thed.New Age International; 2014
3. Joshi SA. Nutrition and Dietetics. 3rded. Mc graw Hill. New Delhi; 2010
4. Rodey S. Food Science and Nutrition. 1st ed. Oxford University: New Delhi; 2010
5. Alpers DH, Stenson WF, Tayler BE, Bier DM. Manual of nutritional therapeutics.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins’ USA; 2008.
6. Annual report, Department of Health Service, Ministry of Nepal, (current)
7. Department of food technology and quality control, Ministry of Agriculture
Development, GoN, Food Composition Table for Nepal; 2012
8. FAO. Milk and Diary Product in Human Nutrition. 2013.
9. Bharati, Meheta RK. Nutrition and dietary management. Kathmandu: Medhabi
Publication; 2014
10. Sapkota S. Comprehensive Textbook of Food & Nutrition. Kathmandu: Samiksha; 2074

Nursing Concept

1. Blatter, B. (1981). Holistic Nursing, London: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

2. Bond, M.E.G. (1986). Stress and Self-awareness: A Guide to Nurses, London: William
Heinemann Medical Books.
3. Chill, P.L., Jacob, M.K. &Huether, S. E. (1987). Theory and Nursing: A
Systematic Approach. Toronto: C, V. Mosby.
4. Flynn, P.A.R. (1980). Holistic Health: the Art and Science of Care. Maryland:
Prentice-Hall Publishing Co.
5. George, J. B. (1990). Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing
Practice. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange.
6. Mindell, E. L. & Cottlieb, B. (2000). Alternative Cures. USA: Saint Martins"
7. Steele, S. M. & Maraviglia (1980). Creativity in Nursing, New Jersey: Charli B.
Black INC
8. Tomey, A. M. & Alligood, M. R. (1998). Nursing Theorists and Their Work.
Saint Louis: Mosby Co.

Psychiatric Nursing
1. Neeraja KP. Essentials of mental health and psychiatric nursing. 1st ed. Bengaluru: Jaypee
Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2011.
2. Ahuja N. A short textbook of psychiatry. 6th ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd; 2006.
3. Fortinash KM, Holoday Worret PA. Psychiatric mental health nursing. 4th ed. St. Louis,
MO: Mosby Elsevier; 2008.
4. Sadock BJ, Sadock VA. Kaplan & Sadock's comprehensive textbook of psychiatry. 7th
ed., Vols. I, II. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2000.
5. Townsend MC. Psychiatric mental health nursing: concepts of care in evidence-based
practice. 7th ed. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2012.
6. Schultz JM, Videbeck SD. Manual of psychiatric nursing care plans. 4th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: JB Lippincott Company; 1994.
7. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). American
Psychiatric Association; 2013.
8. Bhatia MS. Essentials of psychiatry. 6th ed. New Delhi: CBS Publications and
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9. Sreevani R. A guide to mental health and psychiatric nursing. 4th ed. New Delhi: Jaypee
Brothers; 2018.
10. World Health Organization (WHO). The ICD-10: classification of mental and
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11. Sharma C, Sharma P. Essentials of psychiatric mental health nursing. 3rd ed. Kathmandu:
Kanchan Printing Press; 2019.
12. Subedi DP. Mental health and psychiatric nursing. 4th ed. Kathmandu: Malaku
Publication House; 2018.
Social and Behavioural Science
1. Gartoulla RP. An introduction to medical sociology/anthropology.
2. Indreni TK. Textbook of sociology for nurses. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2005.
3. Jacob A. psychology for graduate nurses. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2004.
4. Majumdar DN, Madan TN. An introduction to social anthropology. Bombay: Asia
Publication House;
5. Mangal SK. Advanced educational psychology. Prentice Hall of India; 2002.
6. Morgan K, Weisz S. Introduction to psychology. Tata McGraw-Hill
7. Bhushan V, Sachdeva DR. An introduction to sociology. Allahbad Kitab Mahal Ltd
8. Sharma S. Behavioral science. Kathmandu: Health Learning Material Centre; 1996.
9. Baron & Byrne. Social psychology. Prentice Hall of India.
10. Gartoulla RP. Ethnomedicine and other alternative medication practices: a study in
medical anthropology in Nepal. 1992.
11. McGhee A. Psychology as applied to nursingLondon: Churchill Livingstone; 1973.
12. Tackett & Kaufert J. Medical sociology. Cambridge University Press.
13. Hurlock developmental psychology.
14. Pathak S, Shrestha S. A textbook of behavioral science. ed. Kathmandu: Vidhyarthi
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15. Ganesh P. Textbook of sociology. Emmess Medical Publishers; 2013.
16. Parajuly I.
17. Sreevani R. Psychology for nurses. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical
Publishers (P) Ltd; 2013.

Child Health Nursing

1. Adhikari , T. (2015). Essentials of Pediatric Nursing. (2nded.). VidharthiPustakBhadar,
2. Alexander M. M. and Brown, M. S. (1979). Pediatric Diagnosis for pediatric History
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6. Ghai, 0.P., Gupta, P. and Paul, V. K. (2013).Essential Pediatrics. New Delhi: CBS
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14. Wong, D. L. and Hockenberry, M. L. (2003).Nursing Care of Infants and Children, St.
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Leadership and Management

1. Basnet, S. (2002). Nursing Management. Kathmandu, Maharajgunj Nursing Campus.
2. Baspanthapa, B. T. (2004). Nursing Administration. New Delhi: Jaypee Company.
3. Chhatarjee, S. (1992). An Introduction to Management. Calcutta: World Press Pvt. Ltd.
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18. WHO. (1992). On being Incharge: A Guide to Manage PHC (2" ed.). Geneva.

Educational Science
1. Abbat, F. & McMahon, R. (1998).Teaching Health Care Workers: A Practical Guide.
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4. Basavanthappa, B.T. (2003). Nursing Education. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers
5. Bloom, B. (1956). Taxonomy of Education Handbook 1: Cognitive Domain. New York:
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6. Chaube, S.P. &Chaube, A. (1999). Foundation of Education. New Delhi.
7. Ebel, R. (1979). Essentials of Education Measurement. 3rs Ed. London: Prentice Hall
International. Inc.
8. Guilbert, J.J. (2000) Educational Handbook for Health Personnel. Geneva: World Health
9. Sharma Chiranjivi and Nirmala Educational psychology MR College Kathmandu .
10. Sharma Chiranjivi and Nirmala Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of education
M R C Kathmandu.

1. Sharma SK. Nursing research and statistics. Noida, UP: Elsevier, 2012.
2. Kothari CR, Garg G. Research Methodology: Methods and techniques.3rd ed. New Delhi,

ND: New Age International (P) Ltd, 2016.

3. Polit DF, Beck CT. Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing

practice. 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2012.

4. Rao S, PSS, Richard J. An introduction to biostatistics: a manual for students in health

sciences. 4rd ed. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall, 2006.
5. Burns N, Grove, SK. Understanding nursing research: Building an evidence-based

practice 5th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2011.

Health Economics Applied to Nursing

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