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Here are more history questions for you:

51. **The Battle of Hastings in 1066 resulted in the conquest of England by which Norman leader?**

- A) William the Conqueror

- B) Richard the Lionheart

- C) Henry II

- D) Harold Godwinson

- **Answer: A) William the Conqueror**

52. **Who was the first emperor of the unified Germany following the Franco-Prussian War?**

- A) Wilhelm I

- B) Otto von Bismarck

- C) Frederick III

- D) Wilhelm II

- **Answer: A) Wilhelm I**

53. **What was the main purpose of the Crusades that occurred during the Middle Ages?**

- A) To spread Christianity

- B) To conquer new territories for European monarchs

- C) To control trade routes to the East

- D) To convert Muslims to Christianity

- **Answer: A) To spread Christianity**

54. **Who was the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?**

- A) Amelia Earhart

- B) Bessie Coleman

- C) Harriet Quimby

- D) Jacqueline Cochran

- **Answer: A) Amelia Earhart**

55. **Which event is often considered the beginning of the Protestant Reformation in Europe?**
- A) The Council of Trent

- B) The Diet of Worms

- C) The Peace of Augsburg

- D) The Ninety-Five Theses

- **Answer: D) The Ninety-Five Theses**

56. **The War of 1812 between the United States and Great Britain was primarily fought over what

- A) British impressment of American sailors

- B) American annexation of British territories

- C) British support for Native American tribes

- D) American refusal to pay British debts

- **Answer: A) British impressment of American sailors**

57. **Who was the author of "The Wealth of Nations," a foundational work in modern economics?

- A) Karl Marx

- B) John Maynard Keynes

- C) Adam Smith

- D) David Ricardo

- **Answer: C) Adam Smith**

58. **Which city served as the capital of the Byzantine Empire before its fall to the Ottoman Turks in

- A) Rome

- B) Athens

- C) Constantinople

- D) Alexandria

- **Answer: C) Constantinople**

59. **What was the name of the ship that carried the Pilgrims to Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620?
- A) Mayflower

- B) Santa Maria

- C) Nina

- D) Pinta

- **Answer: A) Mayflower**

60. **Who was the last Tsar of Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution?**

- A) Nicholas II

- B) Alexander II

- C) Ivan IV

- D) Peter the Great

- **Answer: A) Nicholas II**

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