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Cyberpunk 2077

Here’s where your presentation begins

Primary Research
01 Sanskriti

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes
2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?
3) Have you ever played the game?
4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching
the trailer?
5) Did it fulfill your expectations after you played the
6) Do you think the trailer mislead the audience by setting
the expectation bar too high?
7) What could have been improved?
02 Ninad

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes
2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?
= Yes
3) Have you ever played the game?
= Yes
4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching
the trailer?
= Impressed by the trailer
5) Did it fulfill your expectations after you played the
= Graphics were impressive but the game was full of bugs
and glitches.
6) Do you think the trailer mislead the audience by setting
the expectation bar too high?
= Yes too some extent
7) What could have been improved?
= Could have taken some more time in developing the game
before releasing it.
03 Akash

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes
2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?
= Yes
3) Have you ever played the game?
= Yes
4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching
the trailer?
= Some thing new, graphics is amazing, Keanu Reeves
hyped it.
5) Did it fulfill your expectations after you played the
= Love the graphics but the storyline is not so amazing.
6) Do you think the trailer mislead the audience by setting
the expectation bar too high?
= somewhat yes.
7) What could have been improved?
04 Gurmeet

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes
2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?
= Yes but seen late.
3) Have you ever played the game?
= Yes
4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching
the trailer?
= This game will surpass GTA 5, COD
5) Did it fulfill your expectations after you played the
= no, game control isn’t too good.
6) Do you think the trailer mislead the audience by setting.
the expectation bar too high?
= Yes
7) What could have been improved?
= They should fix bugs and glitches.
05 Deric

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes
2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?
= No
3) Have you ever played the game?
= NO, only watched
4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching
the trailer?
= Bad experience due to game mechanics, bugs and too
many updates
5) Did it fulfill your expectations after you played the
= Yes, Graphically
6) Do you think the trailer mislead the audience by setting
the expectation bar too high?
= Yes
7) What could have been improved?
= Could improve the game mechanics.
06 Krishna

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes
2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?
= Yes
3) Have you ever played the game?
= No
4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching
the trailer?
= Graphics is too high, this game will not run on basic laptop
5) Did it fulfill your expectations after you played the
= N/A
6) Do you think the trailer mislead the audience by setting
the expectation bar too high?
= N/A
7) What could have been improved?
= N/A
07 Anirban

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes
2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?
= Yes
3) Have you ever played the game?
= Yes
4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching
the trailer?
= hyped up due to an actor, John wick as a character.
5) Did it fulfill your expectations after you played the
= kind off
6) Do you think the trailer mislead the audience by setting
the expectation bar too high?
= Yes
7) What could have been improved?
= could fix bugs, and glitches.
08 Toash

1)Have you heard of the term "cyberpunk" game before?

= Yes

2) Have you watch the trailer of the game?


3) Have you ever played the game?

=Yes I have completed the game.

4) What impression did you set in your mind after watching

the trailer?
=I was very excited to play and experience a cyberpunk
themed open world game. I closely followed everything
they did after they released the trailer
Thank You!
Group Members- Aboli Dodal, Aditi Taday, Krishna Das, Rishiraj Roy, Divyanshu, Tanay

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