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1/29/24, 12:31 PM


Software Testing

Types of Softwares
1) System software : OS,Servers,Device drivers, utility softwares
2) Programing software : Compilers, interpretters, deguggers
3) Application software : web Applications, mobile applications,Desktop application

Software Testing:
Testing application features in verifying & validating the the behaviour of the application with
expected results. Were testing the software is part of the development.

Project - Software developved for specific customer is called as project

ex : amazon,flipkart

Product - Software develped for multiple customers is called as product

ex : msoffice, whatsapps

During Testing the feature when tester noticed the issue is considered as defect/Bug

During the development phase when dev noticed therissue is called Error

Miss communicatioin / No communication

coding errors/ programing errors
change request
lack of skilled resources


SDLC - software development life cycle (Requirment analysis,Design, development, Testing,

1) Waterfall Model
2) spiral Model
3) Prototype Model
4) V-Model (verification & Validation)
5) Agile Model

STLC - software Testing Life cycle

DFLC - Defect Life cycle 1/1

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