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Stratu Cod
paramete Development Sector Parameter Name Description of code Data Source
m e
r no
A.1 Name of the district Name:
A.2 Name of the Development Block Name:
Is this the Gram Panchayat Village Yes
A.3 Name of the Gram Panchayat village Name:
A.4 Name of the Village Name:
Please mention under which Parliament Constituency the
1 Basic Paramers Name: Census/Panchayat Office
village is situated
Please mention under which Assembly Constituency the village
2 Name:
is situated
3 Total Population of village Number:
4 Male Number:
5 Female Number:
6 Total Household in the village Number:

7 PS Total no of elected representatives in the GP Number

No of elected representatives in the GP oriented under
8 PS Number
Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan

No of elected representatives in the GP undergone refresher

9 PS Number
training under Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan in FY 2021-22

Whether the list of Beneficiaries of all Schemes displayed in

10 PI GP? (observe and record) 1
No 2
Good Governance (to List of Beneficiaries of all Schemes is approved in the Gram
11 Yes
be asked at GP level) - PI Sabha? (Check the MoM and record) 1 GP Office/Sarpanch/Panchayat
GP Infrastructure & No 2 Secretary/eGramSwaraj
services Whether the list of works displayed in the information board
12 within hamlet, which undertaken by the hamlet? (observe and Yes
PI record) 1
No 2
13 PS Number of Standing Committees constituted by the GP Number
Numbers of Standing Committee Meeting Conducted in 2021-
14 PS Number
22 (Check the register and record)
Whether the Panchayat has prepared a disaster risk reduction
15 PS plan (Check the register and record) 1
No 2
Whether GP is facilitating the issuance of Birth Certificate and
16 PS Death Certificate 1
No 2
Whether GP is facilitating the issuance of Income Certificate. Yes 1
17 PS
No 2
Whether GP is facilitating the issuance of Caste Certificate. Yes 1
18 PS
No 2
Whether GP is facilitating the issuance of Building Plan
19 PS Approvals. 1
No 2
Whether GP is facilitating on-line payment of Property taxes Yes 1
20 PS
No 2
Whether GP is facilitating on-line payment of various User fees Yes
21 PS 1
No 2
Availability of One Stop Center in the GP Yes 1
22 PI
No 2
If not available in the GP; the distance from GP <1km 1
1-2km 2
23 PI 2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Whether Self Help Group having representation in Standing
24 PS Committee 1
No 2
Percentage of Women Participation in Gram sabha (take
25 PS Percentage
average of last 2 gram sabhas)
25a PS No of femal Participation in Gram sabha ( 2 gram sabhas) Number

25b PS No of maleParticipation in Gram sabha ( last 2 gram sabhas) Number

26 PS Number of Mahila Sabha conducted in 2021-22 Number

Has the Panchayat banned single use plastic? Yes 1
27 No 2
Bio-Diversity Management Committee is functional in the GP
PS Yes 1
28 No 2
Is the People Bio-diversity Register is updated? (Please check
PS register and record) Yes 1
29 No 2
Availability of Panchayat Bhawan (observe and record) Yes 1
30 PI
No 2
Availability of Public Information Board in GP Bhawan or
Not Available
prominent place (observe and record) 1
31 PI Available and updated
Available but not updated
Whether Gram Panchayat Building has separate & functional
PI toilet facilities for women (observe and record) Yes 1
32 No 2
Does the GP have a community hall? (Observe and record) Yes 1
33 No 2
Whether GP has a Community Hall with access to (i) Electricity
PI (ii) separate Toilet For Female (iii) Water Supply (observe
34 and record)
i) Electricity Yes 1
34a No 2
ii) Toilets for female Yes 1
34b No 2
iii) Water supply Yes 1
34c No 2
PS Number of SC/ST Elected Representatives in Gram Panchayat
35 Number
PS Number of Elected Women Representatives in Gram Panchayat
36 Number
Whether Panchayat has set up any support mechanism for
PS elderly, homeless and destitute Yes 1
37 No 2
Number of households in the village receiving benefits under
38 VS Number:
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Samman Nidhi (PMKISAN)
Availability of government seed centers within the revenue
39 VI boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village, the Agri. Extension Officer/ Village
Agriculture and Land <1km
distance to the nearest Government Seed Centre 1 Administrative Officer/Kisan
Development, fuel
1-2km 2 Mitra/CRP/Panchayat
and fodder VI
2-5 km 3 Secretary/Patwari
5-10 km 4
40 >10km 5
Whether this village is a part of the Watershed Development
41 VS Project 1
No 2
Availability of Community Rain Water Harvesting
System/Pond/Dam/Check Dam etc. within the revenue Yes
42 VI boundary of the village 1
No 2

Does the village has any Farmers Collective under the Govt. Farmers Produce Organization
scheme (FPOs)

43 VS
Primary Agriculture Cooperative
Society (PACS)
Both 3
None 4
Availability of warehouse for Food Grain Storage inside the
44 VI revenue boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2

If not available within the revenue boundary of the village, the

distance to the nearest warehouse for Food Grain Storage;
VI 1-2km 2
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
45 >10km 5
Availability of Primary Processing Facilities within the revenue
46 VI boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
Does the village have access to Custom Hiring Centre (Agri-
47 VI equipments) within its revenue boundary 1
No 2
Availability of soil testing centres within the revenue boundary
48 VI of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village, the
distance to the nearest Soil Testing Centre 1
1-2km 2
49 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of fertilizer shop in the revenue boundary of the
50 VI village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village, the
distance to the nearest Fertilizer Shop 1
1-2km 2
51 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of Common pastures within the revenue boundary
52 VI of the village as per revenue records 1 Revenue / Forest Deptt.
No 2
Total number of farmers from this village registered under
53 VS Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY) - Cumulative Number
numbers as on the date of survey
Total number of farmers from this village received benefit
54 VS Number
under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Pension Yojana (PMKPY)

No of households in the village received benefits under PMFBY

55 VS Number
(Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana) in the FY 2021-22

No of households in the village practicing organic farming

56 VP Number
No. of households in the village received soil health card during Agri. Officer/ Village Administrative
57 VS Number Officer/Kisan Mitra/CRP/Panchayat
the last financial year (2021-22)
Main Source of irrigation of the village (Canal-1; Surface
water-2; Ground water -3; Other-4) 1
Surface water 2
58 VI
Ground water (tube
Other 4
59 VP Number of households using drip/sprinkler irrigation Number:
Total area covered under irrigation (drip, sprinkler), In Hectars
60 VS
in Acres

Does the village have Livestock Extension services Livestock Extension Officer
Livestock Extension Officer, Pashu
61 Animal Husbandry VS
PashuSakhi/PashuMitra/GopalMitr Sakhi, Pashu Mitra, Gopal Mitra
a or equivalent
Not available 3
Availability of Milk Collection Centre /Milk routes / Chilling
Centres within the revenue boundary of the village (observe Yes
62 VI and record) 1
No 2
Availability of any Project supporting Poultry Development
63 VS within the revenue boundary of the village 1
No 2
Availability of any Project supporting Goatery development
64 VS within the revenue boundary of the village 1
No 2
Availability of any Project supporting Piggery Development
65 VS within the revenue boundary of the village 1
No 2
Availability of Veterinary Clinic or Hospital within the revenue
66 VI boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available in the village, the distance to the nearest
Veterinary Clinic or Hospital 1
1-2km 2
67 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Are there any households practicing Pisciculture ( InLand
Fishery/Coastal Fishery/Any Other) within the revenue Yes
68 VP boundary of the village 1
No 2
Are there any Community Ponds used for fisheries within the
69 VI revenue boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
Are there any Extension facilities for Aquaculture within the Fisheries Deptt/ Gram Panchayat
Fisheries Yes
70 VS revenue boundary of the village 1 Office/ Panchayat Secretary
No 2
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village, the
distance to the nearest Extension facilities 1
1-2km 2
71 VS
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
72 VI Number of households in village with kutcha wall/roof Number:
No of Households in the village who have got a PMAY/State Number (Completed)
Rural Housing Office/Secretary/Saepanch/Gram
73 VS specific housing scheme House - Cumulative data as on the date Pradhan
of survey
Number (Sanctioned)

No of Households who are in the Permanent Wait List of

74 VS PMAY/State specific housing schemes - Cumulative data as on Number
the date of survey
75 Presence of any system of chlorinization of piped water supply
VS in the village 1
No 2
76 Currently is there a system of water sample testing using Field
VS Test Kit in the village 1
No 2
77 Number of rainwater harvesting structures within the revenue
VI boundary of the village (Please observe any one of the water Number
harvesting structures & record)
78 Is Village Water & Sanitation Committee (VWSC) constitued in
VS the village 1
No 2

What is the most predominant type of drainage facility within

Closed drainage
the revenue boundary of the village (observe and record)

Open pucca drainage covered with

slabs Panchayat
Water &
79 VI 2 Secretary/VWSC/AO/AAO/Revenu
e officer/Circle officer/Pipe water
scheme operator
Open pucca drainage uncovered
Open kuchha drainage
No drainage 5
Is there a defined community waste disposal system in place
80 VS for this village (disposal/collection) 1
No 2
Is the village Open Defecation Free (ODF) (record after seeing
81 VP the ODF certificate) 1
No 2
Number of households in the village having piped water
82 VI Number
Number of community toilets constructed within the revenue
83 VI Number
boundary of the village
Number of community toilets in the village having a toilet
84 designed for Divyang (Disabled) (Observe and record) Number
Whether Solid waste collected regularly in the village Yes 1
85 No 2
Whether Solid waste segregated in the village Yes 1
86 No 2
Whether Solid waste recycled in the village Yes 1
87 No 2
Number of households in the village not having sanitary
88 VI Number
Whether the village is connected to All weather road (observe
89 VI and record) 1
No 2
If not connected, the distance to the nearest all weather road <1km
1-2km 2
90 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Whether village has internal pucca roads (cc/ brick road)
Fully covered
(observe and record) 1
91 VI
Partially covered
Not covered 3
Availability of Public Transport to and from the village Bus 1
Van 2
92 VS
Roads & Auto 3 Panchayat Office /Local
communication None 4 community/observation
If not available in the village, the distance to the nearest Public
Transport facility; 1
1-2km 2
93 VS
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of Railway Station within the revenue boundary of
94 VI the village(observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available in the village, the distance to the nearest
Railway Station 1
1-2km 2
95 VI 2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
10-20 km 5
>20 km 6
Availability of electricity for domestic use in the village 1-4 hrs 1
4-8 hrs 2
96 VS 8-12 hrs 3
>12 hrs 4
No electricity 5
Number of Households from the village availing the benefits
97 VS under Saubhagya Scheme - cumulative data as on date of Number
Availability of Electricity Supply for non-farm economic
98 VS activities in the village 1
No 2
Number of households in the village using Solar Energy for
99 VS Number
electrification of the house
Number of households in the village using Wind Energy for
100 VS Number Lineman Electricity
Conventional & Non- electrification of the house
Dept/Panchayat Office/
conventional Energy Number of Households from the village availing benefits of Secretary/Village Pradhan
101 VS Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) - cumulative data as on Number
date of survey
Total no of households using clean energy (LPG/Bio gas) in this
102 VP Number
Is there Community bio gas or a system of recycle of waste
within the revenue boundary of the village (observe and Yes
103 VI record) 1
No 2
Number of Streetlights powered by solar energy within the
104 revenue boundary of the village (Observe and record) Number
Number of Pump sets powered by solar energy within the
105 revenue boundary of the village (Observe and Record) Number
Numbers of street light installed within the revenue boundary
106 of the village Number

Is there a Common Service Centre (CSC) within the revenue

Co-located with Panchayat Bhawan
boundary of the village (observe and record)
107 VI 1

Financial and Separately located MPDO, Panchayat

Communication Office/Panchayat Secretary/Local
Infrastructure No CSC 3 community/Gram Pradhan
Availability of banks within the revenue boundary of the village Yes
108 VI 1
No 2
If bank is not available in the village, the distance to the
109 VI <1km
nearest bank; 1
1-2km 2
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of Business Correspondent servicing this village? Yes
110 VS 1
No 2
Availability of ATM within the revenue boundary of the village Yes
111 VI 1
No 2
If not available in the village; the distance to the nearest ATM <1km
1-2km 2
112 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5

Number of households having Jan-Dhan bank account in the

113 VS Number Nearest Bank/Panchayat Secretary

Availability of Post office/Sub-Post office within the revenue

114 VI boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available in the village; the distance to the nearest Post MPDO, Panchayat
Office 1 Office/Panchayat Secretary/Local
1-2km 2 community/Gram Pradhan
115 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of telephone services in the village Landline 1
Mobile 2
116 VS
Both 3 VAO / TRAI/Panchayat
None 4 Secretary/Website
Availability of Internet/Broadband Facility in the village Yes 1
117 VS
No 2
Availability of different markets within the revenue boundary
of the village 1

118 VI Regular market SHGs/ Panchayat

Markets and fairs Weekly hat Office/Discussion with community
None 4
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village; the
119 VI <1km
distance to the nearest market 1
1-2km 2
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of a Fair Price Shop (ration shop under PDS) within
120 VI the revenue boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available in the village; the distance to the nearest Fair
Price Shop (ration shop under PDS) 1
1-2km 2
121 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
Public distribution Panchayat Secretary/Civil Supplies
system >10km 5 Deptt. / PDS shop
Number of Households from the village having Antyodaya
122 VS
Antyodaya cards Number
PHH (Priority Households) cards Number
Total number of eligible households under National Food
123 VS Number
Security Act (NFSA) in FY 2021-22
Total no of households in the village received food grains from
124 VS Number
Fair Price Shops in FY 2021-22
Availability of Public Library within the revenue boundary of
125 VI the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available in the village, the distance to the nearest Public
Libraries Library 1 Panchayat Secretary/Observation
1-2km 2
126 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of recreational centre/Sports Playground etc.
within the revenue boundary of the village (observe and Indoor
record) 1
127 VI
Outdoor 2
Both 3
Recreation & Sports Panchayat Secretary
None 4

Whether the village has children park with required facilities

VI within its revenue boundary (observe and record)
Yes 1
128 No 2
No. of schools with Primary Sections within the revenue
129 VI Number
boundary of the village (observe and record)
130 Number of Students in the primary Section/s as on last school
VI Number
working day

No.of Schools with Primary Sections with functional Electricity

131 VI Number of Primary schools
(observe and record)

No. of schools with Primary Sections with functional Toilet

a. Boys Toilet (observe and record) Number of Primary schools

b. Girls Toilet (observe and record) Number of Primary schools

132 VI

c. Both (observe and record) Number of Primary schools

d. None (observe and record) Number of Primary schools

School Teacher / HM / Principal /
Parents Teacher Association /
l Education No of Schools with Primary Sections with Computer Lab
133 VI Number of Primary schools Sarpanch/ Panchayat Secretary
(observe and record)

No of Schools with Primary Sections with Play Ground

134 VI Number of Primary schools
(observe and record)

No of Schools with Primary Sections with Drinking Water

135 VI Number of Primary schools
facility (observe and record)

If not available within the village revenue boundary, the

distance to the nearest school with Primary Section 1
1-2km 2
136 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
137 Number of children (6-14 years) in the village currently
VI Number
enrolled in school
138 No.of Children (6 - 14 years) in the village currently not
VI Number
attending school
139 Number of children (6-14 years) in the village who dropped out
VI Number
of school in the 2021-22 academic year
140 Number of children with disabilities in the village enrolled
VI Number
currently in school/special school

No. of SC/ST/OBC/Minority households from the village whose

141 VI Number
children are getting scholarship currently - as on date of survey
Panchayat office /VO
VS Number of Bal Sabha Conducted in the village in FY 2021-22 Number

No. of School/s with Middle Section within the revenue

143 VI Number
boundary of the village (observe and record)
If not available within the village revenue boundary, the
distance to the nearest School with Middle School Section 1
1-2km 2
144 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of Schools/s with High School section within the
145 VI revenue boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
146 If not available within the revenue boundary of the village; the
distance to the nearest School with High School Section 1
1-2km 2
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5 School Teacher / HM / Principal /
Availability of Higher/Senior Secondary School within the Parents Teacher Association /
Yes Sarpanch
147 VI revenue boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village; the
distance to the nearest Higher/Senior Secondary School 1
1-2km 2
148 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Availability of Degree College within the revenue boundary of
149 VI the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village; the
distance to the nearest Degree College 1
1-2km 2
150 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
10-20 km 5
>20 km 6

Number of students from this village who became

151 VS Number Sarpanch / BDO/BEO/HM School
Graduates/Post Graduates during the last academic year

Availability of Vocational Training

Centre/Polytechnic/ITI/RSETI /DDU-GKY within the revenue Yes
152 VI boundary of the village (Observe and record) 1
No 2
If not available within the revenue boundary of the village; the
distance to the nearest Vocational Training <1km
Centre/Polytechnic/ITI/RSETI /DDU-GKY 1 CRP / SHGs/Panchayat Office
1-2km /Observation
153 VI 2
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Number of trainees from the village trained under any Skill
154 VS Number
Development Program in 2021-22
Availability of Sub-centre/ PHC/CHC within the revenue
155 VI
boundary of the village
Sub Centre Yes 1
155a VI
No 2
PHC Yes 1
155b VI
No 2
CHC Yes 1
155c VI
No 2
If not available within the village revenue boundary, the
distance to the nearest CHC/PHC/Sub centre
156 VI If coded 2 Ask the distance for all the 3 facilities separately. If any
Health, Nuitrition, of the facility or facilities not available Ask the distance for the ASHA/ANM/ICDS
Mother & Child facility or facilities not available Supervisor/Health
development &
Sub Centre <1km 1 Supervisor/AWW
Family Welfare
1-2km 2
156a VI 2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
PHC <1km 1
1-2km 2
156b VI 2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
CHC <1km 1
156c VI
1-2km 2
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
157 Availability of Jan Aushadhi Kendra within the revenue
VI boundary of the village (observe and record) 1
No 2
Distance to the nearest hospital empaneled under PMJAY/State
specific Health Insurance Schemes 1
1-2km 2
158 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
Number of Anganwadi/s available within the revenue
159 VI Number
boundary of the village (observe and record)
160 VI Number
If not available in the village, the distance to the nearest
Aanganwadi Centre 1
1-2km 2
161 VI
2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
162 Total no of children in the age group of 0-3 years in the Village
VS Number
as on today
Total no of children aged 0-3 years currently registered in
Aanganwadi/s located within the revenue boundary of this
163 VS Number
village (In case of more than one AWC add the numbers from
each of the AWC)
Total no of children in the age group of 3-6 years in the Village
164 VS Number
as on today
Total no of children aged 3-6 years currently registered in
Aanganwadi/s located within the revenue boundary of this
165 VS Number
village (In case of more than one AWC add the numbers from
each of the AWC)
No. of children aged 0-6 years in the village immunized
166 VS 0-3 yrs Number
3-6 yrs Number
No of children in this village categorized as Non- Stunted as per
167 VS Number
ICDS record as on today
168 VS Total number of Pregnant women currently in the village Number
169 VS No. of Anaemic Adolescent Girls currently in the village Number
170 VS Number of chidren (6-14 years) who are found to be anemic Number

No. of Low Birth Weight (LBW) children born during the last
171 VS Number
financial year (2021-22)
172 VS No of Male Children (0-6 Years) in the village Number
173 VS No of Female Children (0-6 Years) in the village Number

174 VS Number of missing children in the 2021-2022 Number VLCPC/Block PMU of CPU/VCPC

Number of missing women in reference year (18 years and

175 VS Number Women Self Help Group
above not having contact in past 6 months from their home)

Panchayat Office (from population

176 VS Number of Households with more than 2 Children Number

177 VS No. of Anaemic Pregnant Women currently in the village Number

No. of pregnant women receiving services under ICDS currently
178 VS Number
in the village
179 VS Total number of lactating mothers currently in the village Number
No of lactating mothers receiving services under ICDS currently
180 VS in the village (In case of more than one AWC add the numbers Number
from each of the AWC)
Total number of women in the village delivered babies in last
181 VS Number
financial year (2021-22)
Total number of institutional deliveries in the Village during
182 VS Number
the last financial year (2021-22)
Total number of eligible beneficiaries in under Pradhan Mantri
183 VS Number
Matru Vandana Yojana in this village in FY 2021-22
Number of beneficiaries receiving brnefits under Pradhan
184 VS Number
Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana in this village in FY 2021=22
Total number of newly born children in the village in FY 2021-
185 VS Number
Total number of children from the village who are currently in AWW/ASHA/ANM/ICDS
186 VS Number
ICDS Common Application Software Supervisor/Health Supervisor
Number of young anaemic children (0-59 months) from the
187 VS Number
village in ICDS Common Application Software
Number of Maternal Death in the village in reference year (2021-
188 VS Number
Number of Child death (0-5 years) in the village in reference year
189 VS Number
Number of children aged under 5 Year in the village wasted in
190 VS Number
reference year (2021-22)
Number of Tuberclosis cases in the village in reference year (2021-
191 VS Number
Whether village has institutional arrangements for Mentally
VI Challenged persons Yes 1
192 No 2
If not available in the village, the distance to the home / clinic
for mentally challenged person 1 Gram Paanchayat Office/Panchayat
1-2km 2 Secretary/eGramSwaraj
VI 2-5 km 3
5-10 km 4
>10km 5
No. of physically challenged persons receiving any disability
194 VS Number
benefit under Govt. scheme in the village
Number of individuals in this village currently receiving
195 Welfare of the VS pensions under National Social Assistance Programme Panchayat Office/Panchayat
weaker sections (NSAP)/Under State Schemes (Old Age/Disability/Widow) Secretary
195a VS a. Old age Number
195b VS b. Disability Number
195c VS c. Widow Number
Number of persons currently are Job Card Holders in village
196 VS Number
Number of Persons in the village provided employment under
197 VS Number
MGNREGA in 2021=22
Total approved Labour Budget for the current financial year
198 VS In Rs Panchayat Secretary/CRP/GRS
(FY 2022-23)
Total expenditure approved under NRM in the Labour Budget
199 VS In Rs
for the current financial year (FY 2022-23)
No. of SHGs under NRLM currently within the revenue
200 Poverty Alleviation VS Number
boundary of the village
No. of SHGs under NABARD/PMKSY or any other state scheme
201 VS Number
currently within the revenue boundary of the village
Number of households mobilized into SHGs within the revenue
202 VS Number
boundary of the village
CRP/VO/Panchayat Secretary
Number of SHGs in the village those which are federated into /respective CLF office
203 VS Number
Village Organisations (VOs)
Number of households in the village mobilized into Producer
204 VS Number
Groups (PGs)
205 VS No of SHGs from this village which accessed bank loans Number
Number of SHG members engaged in income generation
206 VS Number
activities in the village
Number of Joint Trainings and Meetings held (SHG-PRI
207 VS Number
Convergence) in 2021-22
No. of households within the revenue boundary of the village
208 VS Number
engaged in Bee keeping
No. of Households within the revenue boundary of the village
209 VS Number
Khadi, village and engaged in Sericulture.
CRP/VO/Panchayat Secretary
cottage industries No. of Households within the revenue boundary of the village
210 VS Number
engaged in Handloom.
No. of Households within the revenue boundary of the village
211 VS Number
engaged in Handicrafts.
Availability of Community Forest within the revenue boundary
212 VI of the village (Observe & Record) 1
No 2
Availability of Non Timber Forest Produce(NTFP) for AAO/Panchayat Office/Van
213 Social Forestry VS commercial extraction 1 Samiti members –Van
No 2 Rakshak/BDO/RFO
If yes then, No. of households in the village where more than
214 VS 50% of their annual income come from collection and sales of Number
Non Timber Forest Produce(NTFP)
Are there small scale/cottage industries within the revenue
215 Small scale VI boundary of the village? 1
industries No 2
216 VI If yes, Number of Households engaged in such units Number

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