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Data types in MATLAB

Numeric classes

Logical class

Strings and characters

A=1 double

A=´1` char- "r" / "5" / "?" String

Data types
A defined kind of data

Determines possible values (e.g. natural numbers)

Includes certain operators (+- * / …)

Defines how data is stored

Primitive data type

A language’s own data types

Custom data types (we can ignore those for now)

Which (primitive) data types are there?



Logical (Boolean)


Sparse (matrix)



628i binary code olaraq yazmaq

123/2 = 61 Rest 1
61/2 = 30 Rest 1
30/2 = 15 Rest 0
15/2 = 7 Rest 1
7/2 = 3 Rest 1
3/2 = 1 Rest 1
1/2 = 0 Rest 1
1 bit = 1 piece of information

Binary: zero or one

1 byte = 8 bits

1 kilobyte = 1000 byte

1 megabyte = 1000 kilobyte = 1 000 000 byte

Yuxaridaki 1 byte infodu

8 bit Integer (Matlab: ‘Int8’; Java: ‘byte’)

1st position for sign (+/-) –> signed Integer

“1” as a sign means “-”

Range: -27 to 27-1 (-128 to 127)

‒ 8 bit Integer (Matlab: “Int8”; Java: “byte”)

‒ 1st position for sign (+/-) –> signed Integer

‒ Range: -27 to 27-1 (-128 to 127)

‒ 32 bit integer (Matlab: “Int32”; Java “Int”)

‒ Range -231 to 231 -1 (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)

‒ default integer in many languages

‒ 64 bit integer (Matlab: “Int64”)

Range -263 to 263 -1 (-1019 to +1019)

1 (= true) or 0 (= false)

Shortcuts like ctrl + c to copy work in Matlab (Windows)

F5 -> run a script

F9 -> run a marked part of code

ctrl + enter -> run a segment

ctrl + c -> abort function/output

crtl + r -> comment out parts of code

ctrl + t -> Uncomment

ctr + i -> Add Auto Intendation

Clc; clear; clear all;

Mes x=5 yazandan sonra ; qoysaq v=x+y deyende xin bes oldugu command windowda gorunmeyecek
Faiz isaresi yazib sonra o sey haqqinda comment bildirmek olur xatirlatici kimi 2 faiz qoysan qara
xettle olacaq deye lap ayrilacaq

Mes xe 4 value vermisen onda en sonda en asagida yazilan value most important

Kvadrat moterize birden cox value vermek ucundu iceride reqemler arasina vergul ya bosluq

For da ist etmek olar for t=1:9

T=1:1:9 bir bir artan 9a kimi reqemler ortada 4 olsa 4 4 artacaq

Matrix yaradiriq zz=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]

Matrixi bele yaradib sonra setir sutunu bele yoxlamaq olar eger (1, :) yazsam elece 1ci setiri gosterecek

Length z nin icindeki reqemlerin sayini gosterir

Plot dedi qarsina bu cixdi x 0dan baslayir 0.5 artir 10a kimi gedir x y beraberdiler qrafiki

Sag duymeye basib create new data type yazaraq bunu itirmeden yeni noqte gostermek olur … grid on yazib
kvadratli elemek olar
Axisde xin istediyimiz yerinden istediyimiz yerine gosterir ve ad qoymusuq

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