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ARK Town

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Vietnam real estate market is considered as one of the top cut throat one with to much
competitors joining. Obviously, it can not be denied that this industry bring the huge profits
for enterprises and investers as well as reflect the economic development of a country, which
cause the fierce competition of market. Among the series of estate big man, Ecopark Group
with the Hanoi Ecopark Township project has been showing its ability to hold the position of
big three (Vietnamnet, 2021) by not only the quality of product but also the unique integrated
marketing, concretely confession with 99,999 flowers of Ecopark.
General overview of the Vietnam real estate, it can be mentioned some redoutable opponents
of Ecopark including Vinhomes, Nova, Nam Long, etc; however, owing to the green
orientation, the direct competitors at the Northern currently are The Ky - Celand, Hai Phat,
Sunshine. These are all potential brands and have a large market share in the real estate
market. So, what make Hanoi Ecopark Township difference with other? It will be explain in this
Stage of development of Ecopark

Hanoi Ecopark Township is the first eco real estate Stage 1: Palm Spring
of Ecopark Group (2003) to achieve two mission of
this invested enterprise: serving the residents and
building friendly environment and reinforce the Stage 2: Aqua Bay
core value: outstanding, success together and
sustainability. Ecopark was designed by the top Stage 3: Park River
architectures following the philosophy 5Es (Eco,
Emotion, Entertainment - Education, Economic and
Stage 4: Education Hub
Elite). Ecopark with 500ha in area is located about
13-14 km southeast of Hanoi. It provides the diverse
range of options including apartment, villa and Stage 5: The Island
shop house and services and utilities such as
education system, supermarket, medical facilities, Stage 6: Ecopark CBD
entertainment, park, transportation, etc. All services
at the Ecopark project are guaranteed to meet
international standards, absorb each response of Stage 7: Dragon Island
the people to satisfy even the most demanding
Stage 8: Gold EPGD Center

Stage 9: 18 Hole Golf Course

HaNoi Ecopark
Compared with other real estate project of invested enterprises, it can be seen that Ecopark
have built and developed project through putting customer as the center, which analyse by
4Cs model (customer value, cost, convenience, communication). First and foremost, in the
context of increasingly developing economy, with higher living standard, Ecopark clearly
understood that customers are requiring not only a modern and eco-friendly accommodation
to avoid climate change, but also a good environment for them and their family to
comprehensive improve and grow. That’s why, at the first step, Ecopark investors planed to
build an ecological urban area with full service and perfect utilities. In addition, it is also
constantly improved to meet the variety of other people's needs. Customers of Ecopark have
been targeted people with self-esteem needs and they tend to choose product giving them
sense of accomplishment which can be found at Ecopark Township. Regarding cost, for the
slogan “high quality, affordable price”, obviously, the value of Ecopark real esteem far
outweigh the cost customer have to pay. Convenience is the factor that was proved throughout
the report which related to product, services and utilities. Finally, communication is one of the
top factors that project have promoted such as Ecoparker community and marketing activities
connecting Ecopark with customers.
The communication of Ecopark with
customer has been reinforcing more by
integrated marketing campaign of this
real estate brand. Confession with 99,999
flowers of Ecopark, which is considered as
one of the top successful marketing
campaign in Vietnam pushed reputation
of Ecopark to a new level in the Vietnam
real estate market.

This OOH (out-of-home) campaign

was released on the occasion of
Valentine in Hanoi (14/02/2022). No
need for a famous celebrity as
speakspoker or media, Roadshow
99999 Hoa has successfully conducted
with the roadmap around Hanoi City
and gived more than 500,000 flowers
to people here, which has received the
enthusiastic response of both citizen
and newspapers. Do not mention the
success of this OOH campaign, let
analyze each element of the
campaign to see the impression of
Firstly, its objective is communication (according to DMC objective) which is to create
communication, interest, attitude, brand image and purchase intention. Despite the
challenge to translate into sale, it draw Vietnameses’ attention and enhance the rate of
Conveying a right-brain message about love to all people who may never receive any
Valentine gifts is really causing this campaign to reach the right object and customer heart.
Affective message strategy, emotional appeal and executional framework - fantasy and
romantic are all keyword to describe this roadshow of Ecopark.
Another unique point of this campaign is how Ecopark Marketers takes advantage of The
Support. Instead of spending a big budget to run advertising promoting the campaign, the
marketers selected the Indirect Marketing method with the assist of Shared Media (PESO
model) such as Facebook, Instargam, Electronic Magazine, Network Newspapers to reach
easily and quickly customers.
Although after the campaign, Ecopark
did not provide data on sales, showing
the breakthrough in sales; however, it
was still considered an impressive and
successful campaign in some aspects, at
least approaching the objective.
Roadshow has communicated for the
brand reputation, thereby creating a
relate to the good added value in the
brand's service. Besides, it also
successfully activates the word of
mouth and viral marketing effects.
Perhaps, at that moment, you are not
Ecopark's target customers, but in the
future is not sure and of course, a
brand with good images mentioned in
customers’ memory continuously will
improve the ability to increase sales
(Carry-over effect). Finally, another
upside that Ecopark has achieved after
this OOH Campaign is the increasing
brand affection towards long-term
sustainability. In the past, Ecopark has
also done a similar OOH Campaign in
2021 - the lamppole blooms, and
clearly, it must be successful so that this
brand decides to apply again.

The use of emotions for a real estate

marketing campaign and the way Ecopark
conveys the brand message to the audience in
a meaningful and unique way are the factors
that make this roadshow attract customers
including me. Knowing the terminal value of
targeted customers which are a comfortable
life, a sense of accomplishment, wisdom and
their attitude which is affective - cognitive -
conative in turn will be a stepping stone to
help this brand go further in the future.

Word count: 1019 words


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