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Adult ADHD

24 Psychiatry 2006 [ A U G U S T ]
Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis,
and Medication Management
Dr. Gentile is Assistant Professor; Dr. Atiq is Clinical Chief Resident; and
Dr. Gillig is Professor—All from the Department of Psychiatry, Wright
State University, Dayton, Ohio.

ttention deficit hyperactivity disorder

A (ADHD) persists into adulthood in

approximately 10 to 60 percent of
individuals diagnosed in childhood. Expression
of symptoms changes in the adult assessed
for the disorder. The symptoms of adult ADHD
resemble the symptoms of childhood ADHD,
but symptom intensity, especially hyperactivity,
may decrease over time. A childhood history
of ADHD is requisite for a diagnosis of adult
ADHD, although full DSM-IV criteria for the
childhood disorder need not be met as long as
there exists impairment in multiple settings
(i.e., academic, relationship, and
occupational). There is a high probability of
co-morbid disorders, as well as the likelihood
that the adult with ADHD has developed
coping mechanisms to compensate for his or
her impairment. Pharmacologic treatments
and multiple types of psychotherapy are
available for adults with ADHD.

ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: Julie P. Gentile, MD, One Elizabeth Place,

First Floor, Dayton, OH 45408
Phone: (937) 223-8840; Fax (937) 223-0758; E-mail:

Key Words: ADHD, adults, pharmacotherapy

[AUGUST] Psychiatry 2006 25


presentations of ADHD.3 Adults result in impaired occupational

• Difficulty getting started on tasks who present in primary care functioning and interpersonal and
• Variable attention to details settings often have chaotic life- legal difficulties. ADHD in adults is
• Difficulties with self-organization
styles, associated psychiatric associated with higher separation
and with prioritization
• Poor persistence in tasks that
comorbidities,5 may appear to be and divorce rates and more
require sustained mental effort disorganized, and may rely on frequent job changes.3,9
• Impulsivity and low frustration drugs and alcohol to “get by.”2 Pharmacological treatment is the
tolerance (to varying degrees) There are no specific criteria for mainstay of therapy for adult
• Hyperactivity (less salient symptom ADHD in the DSM-IV-TR that are ADHD.
in adults) exclusively applicable to adults. ADHD is thought to be caused
• Chaotic life-styles Adults commonly complain of by a complex combination of
• Associated psychiatric impairment in work and at home environmental, genetic, and
comorbidities (in some patients)
and in relationships with other biological factors,2 and the precise
• Disorganization
• Substance abuse (in some
people due to impulsiveness, etiology in a given patient may be
patients) hyperactivity, and difficulty paying unknown and may differ among
attention. They often have an individuals. There are well-defined
associated psychiatric disorder, prenatal and perinatal risk factors
such as depression, anxiety, for ADHD. These include exposure
WHAT IS ADULT ADHD? bipolar disorder, substance abuse, to cigarettes and alcohol in utero,
Attention deficit hyperactivity or a learning disability.2 low birth weight, and brain injuries
disorder (ADHD) historically was ADHD is not an acquired occurring in utero.12 Family, twin,
considered to be a disease of disorder of adult life. To qualify for adoption, and gene segregation
childhood, affecting 4 to 12 ADHD as an adult, one must have analysis studies suggest that
percent of school age children.1,2 It had it as a child, although some of genetics play a major role in
is now thought to persist into adult the symptoms of ADHD can occur ADHD.2,13–17 Approximately half of
life in 10 to 60 percent of cases3,4 in adults due to brain injuries or parents who have been diagnosed
and is present in about 4.5 percent other organic causes. Symptoms with ADHD themselves will have a
of adults.5 are present consistently since child with this disorder.
Signs and symptoms of ADHD in childhood, and do not occur The most widely accepted gene
adulthood2 include difficulty episodically. association is with the D4
getting started on tasks, variable Impairments in function are dopamine receptor gene (DRD4
attention to details, difficulties global not selective. The impact of 7).18,19 Norepinephrine and
with self-organization and with ADHD is generally noticeable in all epinephrine also influence the
prioritization, and poor persistence spheres of life, to a greater or amount of available dopamine at
in tasks that require sustained lesser degree. Although adult this receptor site, and this is


diagnosed with ADHD themselves will have a child
with this disorder.

mental effort.6–9 Impulsivity and ADHD is a relatively common purportedly why medications
low frustration tolerance may be disorder, only one third to one half affecting norepinephrine or
present to varying degrees. of adults who believe they have epinephrine also can influence the
Hyperactivity tends to be a less ADHD actually meet formal DSM- dopamine system and thereby
salient symptom in adults IV-TR criteria.11 Untreated or improve the symptoms of a person
compared to childhood under-treated adult ADHD may with ADHD.

26 Psychiatry 2006 [ A U G U S T ]
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS AND antisocial behavior, such
SIGNS OF ADULT ADHD? WHAT as lying, cheating,
IS THE DIFFERENTIAL stealing, and a pervasive that may have
DIAGNOSIS? pattern of disregard for
Adult ADHD patients complain and violation of the rights overlapping symptoms
of difficulty with concentration, of others. They also have
attention, and short-term frequent arrests and more with adult ADHD include
memory.20 The most common serious legal issues.2
psychiatric conditions that may Although there also are mood disorders, anxiety
have overlapping symptoms with similarities in symptoms
adult ADHD include mood of borderline personality disorders, substance
disorders, anxiety disorders,
substance use disorders, antisocial
disorder and ADHD,
which include impulsivity,
use disorders, antisocial
personality disorder, borderline affective lability, and personality disorder,
personality disorder, angry outbursts, the
developmental disabilities or impulsivity and anger in borderline personality
mental retardation, and certain ADHD is usually
medical conditions.2 thoughtless and brief, disorder, developmental
As outlined elsewhere,2 while symptoms in the
individuals with major depressive borderline patient are disabilities or mental
disorder may show signs of
inattention and become easily
more goal-directed and
ongoing. Unlike patients
retardation, and certain
upset; however, they have also with borderline medical conditions.
experienced at least two weeks of personality disorder,
depressed mood or loss of interest patients with ADHD do
or pleasure in most activities and not have intensely
they complain of fatigue, loss of conflicted relationships,
energy (rather than hyperactivity), suicidal preoccupation, self- PERFORMANCE TESTING AND
and an appetite disturbance.2 mutilation, identity disturbances, PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING
Adults with bipolar disorder or feelings of abandonment.2 Usually, the diagnosis of adult
have clear episodic mood An adult with developmental ADHD can be made from the
impairments, including periods of disabilities or mental retardation history of childhood and adult
elation, severe anger and may present with some of the symptoms. However, one DSM-IV-
irritability, grandiosity, decreased symptoms seen in ADHD patients, based rating scale for adults that
need for sleep (and not feeling but rarely will have presented for may help the clinician affirm the
tired), hypersexuality, and racing initial consultation during diagnosis is the clinician-rated
thoughts.2,21 They may have adulthood, and psychological Conner’s Adult ADHD Rating
psychotic symptoms, such as testing will reveal significant Scale.30 There also are self-report
delusions. neurocognitive deficits.2,22 behavior rating scales that may be
Patients with anxiety disorders2 Medical conditions that may at helpful. These include the
may show hyperactive behavior, first appear to be adult ADHD Copeland Symptom Checklist for
such as fidgeting and inattentive include hyperthyroidism, seizure Adult ADHD, a three-point severity
behaviors, but these behaviors are disorder, lead toxicity, hearing rating scale for a broad range of
accompanied by persistent fear deficits, hepatic disease, sleep cognitive, emotional, and social
and worries and somatic symptoms apnea, drug interactions, and head symptoms filled out by the
of anxiety. In substance abuse injury.2,23–25 Adult ADHD often patient;31 the Wender Utah Rating
disorders, symptoms are directly presents with psychiatric Scale, a retrospective five-point
related to intoxication with comorbidities, including affective severity rating scale of childhood
substances and associated disorders, anxiety disorders, ADHD symptoms filled out by the
withdrawal if physiologic substance abuse disorders, patient;32 the Brown Adult ADHD
dependence is present.2 learning disabilities, and borderline Scale, a four-point frequency rating
Patients with antisocial and antisocial personality scale for cognitive symptoms
personality disorder differ from disorders.2,26–29 associated with difficulty initiating
ADHD by exhibiting persistent and maintaining optimal arousal

[AUGUST] Psychiatry 2006 27

REMAIN A FIRST-LINE lower the seizure
threshold. If there are
medications that inhibit
norepinephrine reuptake are the
TREATMENT for adult focal neurological
findings on physical
most widely used treatments for
adult ADHD.26–29,35,38
ADHD, and they improve examination or if there is Psychostimulants remain a first-
a history of traumatic line treatment for adult ADHD, and
both behavioral and brain injury, further they improve both behavioral and
neurological workup and cognitive aspects of the disorder in
cognitive aspects of the radioimaging studies the majority of patients.34,39
would be indicated, but Unfortunately, they are Schedule II
disorder in the majority of otherwise they are not drugs and have an addiction and
patients. Unfortunately necessary.2 A referral can
be made to a
abuse potential, and a number of
adult ADHD patients have a co-
they are Schedule II neuropsychologist if occurring substance use disorder.38
there are concerns over Also, there may be a risk of
drugs and have an learning disabilities or if cardiovascular side effects with
it is difficult to determine stimulants. These medications have
addiction and abuse if the disorder had a been associated with increases in
childhood onset.34,35 heart rate and blood pressure,
potential, and a number Neuropsychological which potentially could result in an
of adult ADHD patients testing may include tests
of vigilance by
increased risk of heart attack,
stroke, and sudden death.39
have co-occurring continuous performance A non-stimulant drug that has
testing (CPT) because demonstrated some efficacy in the
substance use disorder. vigilance has been found treatment of adult ADHD is
to be abnormal in adults atomoxetine, which has an effect
with ADHD.34,35 Also, on norepinephrine systems
there is evidence that alone.40,41 Atomoxetine is the first
persons with adult ADHD non-stimulant drug approved by
level completed by the patient;33 have abnormalities in perceptual- the FDA for the treatment of
and the Pilot Adult ADHD Self- motor speed, working memory, ADHD in children and adolescents,
Report Scale (ASRS), which is a verbal learning, semantic and the efficacy, safety, and
frequency-based scale that clustering, and response inhibition. tolerability have been well-
matches the 18 items in the DSM- A neuropsychologist also may look established.41,42 Since this
IV, has adult-specific language, and for a learning disability by testing medication has a low potential for
includes situational “context” for in several sensory modalities (e.g., abuse, it recently has been used
describing symptoms.5 visual vs. auditory presentation of with good results in adults. Other
stimuli) to determine if the person medications include those tricyclic
ASSESSING FOR has a deficit in one modality but antidepressants that are known to
PHARMACOLOGICAL not the other. have an effect on norepinephrine
INTERVENTION and serotonin systems, and
There are no laboratory studies AVAILABLE PHARMACOLOGICAL bupropion (which affects
currently available to diagnose TREATMENTS norepinephrine and dopamine
adult ADHD. However, the The purpose of medications systems).43–46 These drugs, although
psychiatrist should monitor liver used in the treatment of adult sometimes used in the
function studies and a CBC ADHD is to obtain enhanced management of adult ADHD
(complete blood count) both prior attention, better academic symptoms, are not yet approved by
to initiation of treatment with performance, and facilitated the FDA for this purpose.
medication and serially thereafter. working memory.34 Medications also
Hyperthyroidism should be ruled can reduce psychomotor activity, CONCLUSION
out. decrease aggression, and decrease ADHD is now understood to be a
Seizure history would be a disruptive behavior. Residual disorder that persists into
relative contraindication to the use symptoms may persist at a lower adulthood in some persons and has
of stimulants because they can level, however.2 Stimulants and global effects on their daily lives,

28 Psychiatry 2006 [ A U G U S T ]
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OTHER MEDICATIONS [used to treat adult ADHD]

include those tricyclic antidepressants that are
known to have an effect on norepinephrine and
serotonin systems, and bupropion (which affects
norepinephrine and dopamine systems). These
drugs...are not yet approved by the FDA for this

38. Higgins E. A comparative analysis of
antidepressants and stimulants for the
treatment of adults with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder. J Fam Pract
39. ADHD News. FDA Panel Suggests Adding
Black Box Warning To ADHD Medications
About Risk Of Sudden Death, Heart
Problems. Available at:
Access date: February 16, 2006.
40. Michelson D, Adler L, Spencer T, et al.
Atomoxetine in adults with ADHD: Two
randomized, placebo-controlled studies.
Biol Psychiatry 2003;53(2):112–20.
41. Kratochvil CJ, Heilenstein JH, Dittman R,
et al. Atomoxetine and methylphenidate
treatment in children with ADHD: A
prospective, randomized open label trial. J
Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
42. Heil SH, Holmes HW, Bichel WK, et al.

30 Psychiatry 2006 [AUGUST]

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